Nanotechnology Newsletter Newsletter issue 051 23 February 2017 Welcome to our nanotechnology newsletter. This newsletter aims to cover most recent relevant nanotechnology news and developments in industry, innovation, standards and regulation. To ensure that you receive Nanotechnology Newsletters, please add
[email protected] to your address book or list of safe senders. If someone forwarded this newsletter to you and you would like to sign up then follow this link. Nanotechnology News About BREC Solutions The theme of the month of February was clearly energy and BREC Solutions is an energy storage. A number of great news came from PV and independent consulting firm with Quantum dot industries. Graphene topped the news with a niche specialisation great articles on battery technology development in nanotechnology and recent industrial success. Some interesting news from innovation, standards, market EU REACH regulation changes and expected Cosmetics regulator report. Industrial news were evaluation and regulation. Dr Koltsov is the Chairman of the ISO from Nantero, Quantum Materials Asia Co., TC229, Convener of ISO TC281/WG2, Ltd, Haydale, Versarien, PV NanoCell, Skeleton member of the Strategy Board of Technologies, HE3DA and CheapTubes Inc. directors of NanoReg2 and on Stakeholder Panel on nanoDefine. Carbon Nanotube Memory Company's BREC Solutions services: Ship May Finally Come In Nanotechnology Consulting in regulation and standards Technology Scouting GTG and QMA Report 150 Million RMB Market Evaluation Nanomaterials Sales Investment by China Government Guidance Fund and Siting of Production Intelligence Nanomaterials Facilities in Beijing Characterisation Haydale Graphene reveals new Nanotechnology technologies tie-up targeting China Investment Draft REACH Guidance Documents on For more information please refer to Nanomaterials Move to CARACAL for our brochure or just contact us to find out more about our services.