Quarterly Newsletter of the Sky Island Alliance Vol. 6 Issue 1 Spring 2003 SpringView from 2003 Heart of Rocks, Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona Sky Island Alliance 1 Many Thanks to Our Contributors! G. Donald Bain, director of the Geography Computing Fa- cility at U.C. Berkeley Geology Dept.; Randall Herrin, San Di- Sky Island ego Zoo; Neil Mangum, Chiricahua National Monu- Front Cover ment Supervisor; Steve Alliance Marlatt, SIA board member Photo illustration by G. Bodner. and highschool/junior high sci- Protecting View from Heart of Rocks, Chiricahua Mountains, looking over the Sulphur Springs ence teacher in Bowie, AZ; Ben Our Mountain Islands Valley towards Cochise Stronghold in the Dragoon Mountains. Heart of Rocks lies Onachila, artist and gallery & Desert Seas within the Chiricahua National Monument profiled on page 7. The limestone mine described on page 4 would be visible from here, looking towards the north end of the owner, Bisbee, AZ; Penny Pederson, SIA tracking volun- 520/624-7080 • fax 520/791-7709 Dragoons. If you were to turn around, you’d see Cochise Head, center of this issue’s featured wilderness proposal. Walk south, and a tough hike would take you to visit teer; Kathy Pitts, flora and
[email protected] Ben Onachila’s South Fork Cave Creek (page 13) in this same range. A longer walk fauna columnist; Nancy Seever, www.skyislandalliance.org from there across the Sulphur Springs and San Pedro valleys would take you to Ben’s tireless SIA volunteer for all oc- P.O. Box 41165 Carr Canyon in the Huachucas. You’d have to walk North for several days to see the casions; father and son team Tucson, AZ 85717 Taylors’ bighorn sheep in the Mineral Mountains (page 10); you’d be hungry enough Tom and Tomas Taylor, native Office: by then to sample the entire menu at Los Hermanos.