November 2015

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November 2015 The Empty Closet ImageOut... Page 10 LOCAL, STATE, NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL NEWS, INTERVIEWS, OPINION, ENTERTAINMENT, COLUMNISTS, EVENT CALENDARS, COMICS, & HEALTH RESOURCES FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK AT EMPTY CLOSET NEWS • FOLLOW US AT WWW.TWITTER.COM/EMPTYCLOSETNEWS PHOTO: GARNETTA ELY NUMBER 495 A PUBLICATION OF THE GAY ALLIANCE NOVEMBER 2015 Gay Alliance forms Q Under 40 Network A new program at the Gay Alliance hopes to bring together LGBTQ identified individuals between the ages of 18-40. The network, currently calling itself “Q Under 40,” or simply Q<40, is focused on bridging the gap between the youth programming and the older adult program- ming at the Gay Alliance. Q<40 has just started to meet, but the planning network has already created a long list of ideas for events and programs to New Gay Alliance assist young queer individuals Center set to open including: social mixers, game next month nights, job and career fairs, a speaker series featuring queer Harry Bronson introduces his bill in the Assembly. The remodeling of the individuals in the community, Gay Alliance’s new LGBTQ lectures, creating and distribut- Resource Center at 100 Col- ing a queer friendly guide to Harry Bronson’s bill protecting lege Ave. is expected to finish up businesses and organizations, liv- domestic violence victims, trans this month, with a grand open- ability and environmental con- ing party set for sometime in cerns, and working with Gay people becomes law on Sept. 22 December. The annual meeting Alliance programs and events on Nov. 18 will provide a sneak to provide youthful input to By Susan Jordan for signing it into law today.” preview of the space. increase the appeal of commu- Assemblymember Harry B. In 2009, the Supreme Court The office is located down nity events such as Roc Pride to Bronson (D-Rochester/Chili/ of Westchester County ruled the block from the Auditori- the under 40 crowd. Henrietta)’s legislation to protect that the civil rights law autho- um Center, where the Gay Alli- The Q<40 network will be the personal safety and privacy rizes the waiver of publication ance has been located since open to all people between the of victims of domestic violence of a name change order if such 2004. The Resource Center will ages of 18-40 who are looking to as well as transgender individu- publication would jeopardize the include the Gay Alliance Library make it easier for LGBTQ people meet other queer people in a safe, als (Chapter 241 of 2015) was safety of the individual seeking and Archive, the David Bohnett and allies to have access to the welcoming and accessible space. signed into law by Governor the name change. Unfortunate- Computer Center, a large meet- Resource Center. This network will allow LGBTQ Cuomo on Sept. 22. ly, some courts require an actual ing space and an art gallery 100 College Ave. is the sec- identified individuals to voice “Acts of domestic violence showing of past violence to meet where exhibits will be shown ond building on the right after their opinions and concerns with and discrimination have no the “personal safety waiver” stan- each month. the intersection of College and queer issues in the Greater Roch- place in our society,” said Bron- dard. Bringing state statute into The Gay Alliance Youth Goodman in the Neighborhood ester community and brainstorm son. “We must protect victims accordance with the need for Group will have an exciting new of the Arts. It is across Goodman ideas to create lasting change of domestic violence and trans- full personal safety is an impor- space and the location of the St. from Village Gate. that will enhance their lives and gender individuals who may be tant step toward ensuring these office on the first floor, open- See the December-January the entire Rochester community. at risk of such deplorable acts. waiver protections are available ing on the street, will improve Empty Closet and the web site at As a part of the Gay Alli- The protections afforded in this to individuals who need them, the visibility of the Alliance and for updates. ance family of programs Q<40 bill are vital to ensuring the per- noted Bronson. will continue the organization’s sonal safety of many of our fel- “I know that we can agree mission to be champions for low New Yorkers.” that acts of domestic violence LGBTQ life and culture. Q<40 The bill authored by Assem- and discrimination have no will help to grow and improve blymember Bronson would limit place in our society,” said Bron- Two observances LGBTQ services and programs or waive the information that is son, the author of the legislation. will mark in Rochester through direct required to be published when “We must protect victims of involvement, idea sharing and individuals choose to legally domestic violence and transgen- Transgender Day of program support. change their names in order to der individuals who may be at Remembrance, on “There are a number of simi- avoid acts of violence or discrim- risk of such deplorable acts. The Friday, Nov. 20 lar groups in Rochester,” said ination, or to conform to their protections afforded in this bill Scott Fearing, Executive Direc- gender identity or gender expres- are vital to ensuring the person- By Susan Jordan tor of the Gay Alliance, “We sion. Specifically, the bill would al safety of many of our fellow The first of two observances feel that LGBTQ young people make this waiver available to New Yorkers. I thank Governor of Remembrance Day on Nov. need to have the same opportu- individuals attempting to avoid Cuomo for signing this impor- 20 will be held at Open Arms nities. We believe that the Q<40 potential or actual domestic vio- tant civil rights protection and MCC, 707 E. Main St. The network is an opportunity to lence, stalking, hate crimes or the many advocates across the Community Vigil will continue provide networking, community sexual assault. state who helped make it pos- all day, from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 leadership development, profes- “We applaud Assembly- sible.” p.m. At 6:30 there will be a sional development, and social member Harry Bronson for his Roughly 450,000 incidents Community Remembrance. activities.“ leadership in making it easier of domestic violence are reported Hosts are Open Arms, the A similar group at Gilda’s for transgender New Yorkers to (Bronson continues page 3) Gay Alliance, the Trans Alliance be the most violent year against Club of Rochester calls itself the legally change their names, yet of Greater Rochester (TAGR), the Trans* Community world- another example where Assem- ■ Q<40 Genesee Valley Gender Variants, wide.” ( continues page 3) bly Member Bronson has deliv- and Third Presbyterian Church. ered for LGBT New Yorkers,” Third Presbyterian’s More said Nathan M. Schaefer, Exec- Inside Light group will hold a candle- utive Director of the Empire Editorials ...................................... 2 lighting ceremony from 5:30 to State Pride Agenda. “Previously, Interview: Milo Primeaux ............. 7 trans New Yorkers were required Making the Scene ......................... 10 6:15 in the chapel, at 4 Meigs St. Opinion: Bisexuality ....................15 and East Ave. RISE... page 10 to publish their intent to change their names in a local newspa- Health: Trans conference ............16 Trans activist Shauna LGBTQ Living: Katie Haney ......17 O’Toole commented, “To use a per—forcing them to publicly Shoulders To Stand On ...........21 phrase, ‘It was the best of times. announce their transition and Columnists ...............................22 It was the worst of times...’ putting them at risk of potential Community ...............................25 “This year, 2015, has been an discrimination, harassment or Entertainment: Stu Maddux ...........27 violence and placing them under Gay Alliance: Survey results .....30 exceptional year for the Trans- Calendar ....................................34 gender Community. With all the additional financial strain. This bill removes these onerous bur- Classifieds .................................34 forward strides we have made Comics ............................... 34, 35 as a Community, this year has dens and we thank Senator Diane Savino for championing The Gay Alliance is publisher been the most violent on record of The Empty Closet, New York within the United States. Evi- this bill to passage in the Senate State’s oldest LGBTQ newspaper. dence suggests that this might SZYMANSKI GERRY PHOTO: and Governor Andrew Cuomo 2 THE EMPTY CLOSET • THE GAY ALLIANCE • NUMBER 495 • NOVEMBER 2015 Gay Alliance Board of Trustees David Zona, President W. Bruce Gorman, Secretary Jason Barnecut-Kearns, Paul Birkby, Kim Braithwaite, Emily Jones, Jeff Lambert, Perspectives Jennifer Matthews, Shira May, Colleen Raimond, William Schaefer THANK YOU The Empty Closet Editor Gay Alliance Executive Director THE GAY ALLIANCE SUSAN JORDAN SCOTT FEARING APPRECIATES THE CONTINUING PARTNERSHIP women, get OUT and vote. OF BUSINESSES pers something to someone, who WITHIN OUR COMMUNITY Transgender, gender non- in turn whispers it to someone conforming and intersex peo- WHO SUPPORT else and by the time the com- OUR MISSION AND VISION. ple and their allies also have ment travels around the circle urgent reason to go to the polls the “truth” is very different. GOLD this month. It’s a disgrace that It is a sad fact that rumor Bachelor Forum conservatives have blocked mills thrive within the LGBTQ City of Rochester GENDA from a vote on the communities. It seems we to love NYS Senate floor for eight years to talk about each other and we SWS Charitable Foundation, Inc now. The deadly consequences are quick to believe the worst. Trillium Health of transphobic bias are all too Communications within each of evident when you consider the our communities can be tough, SILVER next November event – the Day but the fractions between our Constellation Brands of Remembrance on Nov.
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