February 6, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E117 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

PERSONAL EXPLANATION Today, California’s Ninth Congressional Dis- nic in Clarence. With the help of a local farm- trict joins with the communities of Los Ange- er, Wesley Williams, the company raised HON. TOM FEENEY les, CA, Chicago, IL, and all the places where enough money to construct Williams Hall. OF FLORIDA Earl William’s love touched the lives of those The year 1922 marked a milestone for the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who knew him, to salute and honor a great Clarence Center Volunteer Fire Company. In Wednesday, February 6, 2008 human being. We extend our deepest condo- February of this year the company was able to lences to Earl’s family. Thank you for sharing purchase its first fire truck. The acquisition of Mr. FEENEY. Madam Speaker, I regret that his great spirit with so many. May his soul rest this truck was important to the protection that on January 29, 2008, due to the Florida pri- in peace. the fire company offered the people in Clar- mary I was unable to be in Washington for f ence. Additionally, the first annual Labor Day votes. picnic was held in 1922. This is a time-hon- f RECOGNIZING MELISSA BOOSMAN ored event in the town of Clarence; not only FOR ACHIEVING THE GOLD AWARD HONORING EARL WILLIAMS is it a way for the fire company to raise funds for improvements to the equipment used to HON. BARBARA LEE HON. SAM GRAVES serve the people of Clarence, but it is an OF MISSOURI event that families throughout the town look OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES forward to every year. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Since its beginnings the Clarence Volunteer Wednesday, February 6, 2008 Wednesday, February 6, 2008 Fire Company has become an indispensable Ms. LEE. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I proudly part of the town. The company remains com- honor the brilliant life of Mr. Earl Williams. Earl pause to recognize Melissa Boosman, a very mitted to providing fire, rescue, and EMS serv- was a caring friend, family member, and lead- special young woman who has exemplified the ices to the citizens that reside within the dis- er in the community. He will be greatly finest qualities of citizenship and leadership by trict boundaries. They’ve continued to meet missed, but the positive impact he has left will taking an active part in the Girl Scouts of the needs of the rapidly growing population of remain in the hearts of all who had the honor America, Troop 1262, and by earning the most Clarence Center. As we reach the 100th anni- of knowing him. prestigious Gold Award. versary of this fire company the volunteers It is with a deep sense of sadness that I rise Less than 1 percent of all Girl Scouts in the continue to dedicate themselves to serve and today to deliver condolences to the family and earn this prestigious award, the assist the members of their community. friends of a great man, a brilliant human being highest award in Girl Scouting. It symbolizes Thus Madam Speaker, in recognition of its and a true servant of God. However, it is also outstanding accomplishments in the areas of 100th anniversary of tremendous service in with a deep sense of gratitude to Earl’s family leadership, community service, career plan- the town of Clarence, I ask this Honorable and friends for sharing this loyal, patriotic, and ning and personal development. Body join me in honoring the Clarence Center compassionate man with us that I rise to cele- Melissa has been very active with her troop, Volunteer Fire Company. brate his life and honor his legacy. participating in many Scout activities. Over the f As a person committed to those who are many years Melissa has been involved with most vulnerable and most in need in our Scouting, she has not only earned numerous HONORING DR. RICHARD world, Earl was committed to creating safe ha- merit badges, but the respect of her family, WITKOWSKI, SUPERINTENDENT vens for individuals who needed the love and peers, and community. OF THE GARDEN CITY PUBLIC kindness of their neighbors to see them Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join SCHOOLS through difficult times. He worked tirelessly as me in commending Melissa Boosman for her an administrator and part owner of Garden accomplishments with the Girl Scouts of HON. THADDEUS G. McCOTTER Plaza Convalescent Home in Los Angeles, America and for her efforts put forth in achiev- OF MICHIGAN CA. Earl was also the founder of Liberty Child ing the highest distinction in Girl Scouting, the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Gold Award. Care Center in Chicago. Wednesday, February 6, 2008 His wide reach—involved in communities as f different as Chicago and Los Angeles—and Mr. MCCOTTER. Madam Speaker, today I his limitless compassion drove his intentions TRIBUTE TO CLARENCE CENTER rise to honor and acknowledge Dr. Richard to service humankind, and to do the Lord’s VOLUNTEER FIRE CO. Witkowski, Superintendent of the Garden City work on this earth. Public Schools, upon his retirement from a Earl was a true patriot, serving his country HON. THOMAS M. REYNOLDS distinguished 41-year career in education. as an outstanding and dedicated member of OF NEW YORK For just over four decades, Superintendent the . He and his family IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Witkowski has served the citizens of Wayne were proud of his service, and our country County. Richard began his 39-year tenure with Wednesday, February 6, 2008 owes him a debt of gratitude for his commit- the Garden City Public Schools in 1969 after ment to his country. Mr. REYNOLDS. Madam Speaker, it is with 2 years with the Gibraltar schools. Throughout As a devoted family man, Earl always dem- great pride that I rise today to commemorate his distinguished career with the Garden City onstrated his unwavering and unconditional the 100th anniversary of the Clarence Center Public Schools, Richard served as both an ed- love, loyalty, and devotion to each and every Volunteer Fire Company of Clarence, New ucator and administrator. Mr. Witkowski began member of his family. He was a true role York. For a century the members of the Clar- as a mathematics and science teacher at Gar- model to those whose lives he touched in so ence Hose Company have been volunteering den City East High School in 1969 before many ways. to protect their neighbors. moving across town and becoming Assistant Today, I join with Earl’s family and friends in The Clarence Center Volunteer Fire Com- Principal at Garden City West High School in bidding him farewell. I salute Earl Williams for pany became the first fire company in the 1971. Mr. Witkowski discovered an innate tal- a life well lived. Let us keep his legacy alive town of Clarence in 1908. The company ent for administration, being promoted to di- by recommitting our lives to his work and to began as a stock company and was able to rector in the central office in 1974, business his values to make this a better world. May his purchase a hand drawn hose cart and chem- manager for the district in 1985, associate su- beautiful spirit continue to live and guide our ical fire extinguishers. Land for a fire hall was perintendent, and superintendent in 2001. lives, helping us to be true to our family, our donated to the fire company by a local busi- Superintendent Witkowski will be best re- friends, our community, our country, and most nessman, and fundraising for the construction membered for his dedication, both to his job importantly, to our God. began in July 1908 with the first firemen’s pic- and community. Shortly after his promotion to

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:30 Feb 07, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06FE8.001 E06FEPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC77 with REMARKS E118 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 6, 2008 superintendent, Richard was tested with sev- with the Village, he has affected countless the issues of access to oral healthcare by eral crises, including the September 11, 2001 lives and left an indelible impression on Lom- itself, it is a great opportunity to raise aware- terrorist attacks and a bacterial meningitis out- bard and its residents. ness of the importance of oral health and pro- break at the high school, which resulted in a Madam Speaker and Distinguished Col- vide care to our most important and vulnerable first-ever schoolwide inoculation of the stu- leagues, Bill Lichter is a remarkable man who resource—our children. dents. He also oversaw the rebuilding of the has dedicated his life to serving the people of f district’s five elementary schools, assisting Lombard. Please join me in honoring this un- school staff in directing students to buses, sung hero for his extraordinary career and NICHOLAS ROYCE, FIFTY YEARS which would take students to their temporary wishing him every happiness in the well de- AND STILL FIGHTING THE GOOD classrooms. Witkowski remains active in the served respite of his retirement. FIGHT community as a member of the Garden City f Rotary and the Garden City Chamber of Com- HON. HOWARD L. BERMAN merce. Richard has served as president of PERSONAL EXPLANATION OF CALIFORNIA both organizations and currently serves as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES treasurer of the Rotary. Superintendent HON. KIRSTEN E. GILLIBRAND Wednesday, February 6, 2008 Witkowski will also continue his commitment to OF NEW YORK education and connection with students IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. BERMAN, Madam Speaker, the name Nicholas Royce deserves to be added to the through the class he teaches at Madonna Uni- Wednesday, February 6, 2008 versity in Livonia. list of dedicated Americans who exemplify the Madam Speaker, for 41 years Super- Mrs. GILLIBRAND. Madam Speaker, I spirit of achievement. He has earned this rec- intendent Richard Witkowski has faithfully missed one vote on Tuesday, January 29, ognition for his long and outstanding career as served Michigan citizens of all ages. As he en- 2008. Had I been present, I would have voted a performer, and his devotion to many enter- ters the next phase of his life, he leaves be- in the following way: Final passage of New tainment industry humanitarian causes, typi- hind a legacy of dedication, integrity, and ex- England National Scenic Trail Designation Act, fying the altruism that is so much a part of the cellence. Today, I ask my colleagues to join H.R. 1528 (Rollcall No. 28): I would have American character. me in congratulating Superintendent Richard voted ‘‘yea.’’ Of special significance is the fact that Witkowski upon his retirement and recognizing f through his life, he has been in the forefront his years of loyal service to our community’s with the independent efforts and advocacy for TRIBUTE TO NATIONAL CHIL- and country’s future. civil, constitutional, human and spiritual rights. DREN’S DENTAL HEALTH MONTH He was born in Bethlehem, to f Theodore and Anastasia Vlangas, both natives HONORING MR. WILLIAM T. HON. MICHAEL K. SIMPSON of Sparta, Greece. At the age of 6 years old LICHTER OF IDAHO his family moved to Baltimore, Maryland IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES where he became aware that this faith and ori- gin were different from most Americans. Chal- HON. PETER J. ROSKAM Wednesday, February 6, 2008 OF ILLINOIS lenged by ethnic and religious obstacles, he Mr. SIMPSON. Madam Speaker, I rise today IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES became motivated to learn every truth he to pay tribute to National Children’s Dental could about his faith and his origin. Wednesday, February 6, 2008 Health Month. Each February, the American With the encouragement of his sister Stella, Mr. ROSKAM. Madam Speaker, I rise today Dental Association sponsors National Chil- he made his show business debut at the Lord to honor William Lichter for his 29 years of de- dren’s Dental Health Month to raise aware- Baltimore Hotel and followed that with a suc- voted service to the Village of Lombard, Illi- ness about the importance of oral health. As cessful tour of the east coast during school nois. a part of their awareness efforts, dentists and vacation, and all at the age of 14, and with his In early life, Bill served as Assistant City dental hygienists from across the country and parents’ blessing. Manager for Mentor, Ohio and Administrative in my home State of Idaho join together and After high school he entered the Armed Assistant in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He volunteer their time to provide free care to Forces and entertained WWII vets in the Army earned a bachelor’s degree from the Univer- children. base hospitals in the United States and Japan. sity of Vermont. He then earned a Master’s As a dentist, I understand the need for chil- Because of his ethnic look he became known degree in Political Administration from Amer- dren to receive proper dental care. This in- as the Greek Fred Astaire in G.I. clothing. ican University and is also currently a Ph.D. cludes going to the dentist regularly for check- The Armed Forces had limited religious candidate at Northern Illinois University. ups and treatment when problems arise. Oral choices; Protestant, Catholic and Jewish. Bill Lichter began his service to the Village health is critical to a person’s overall health Where’s a poor Greek Orthodox kid to go for of Lombard on January 7, 1985, when he be- and means more than healthy teeth. Research religious salvation? Thanks to Nicholas and came its ninth Village Manager. Since that continues to show that many diseases and his late friend Senator Leverett Saltonstall, day, he has served with vision and fortitude conditions show themselves in the mouth. For representing 500,000 Orthodox Catholics who for over 22 years. people who don’t have access to dental care, fought and died for the constitution, a bill Through the years, Bill has been an insight- oral disease is almost 100 percent inevitable— reached Congress in 1955 to create such a ful observer, keen in his understanding of the and almost 100 percent preventable. place in the military. Today servicemen wear long-term challenges facing the Village. This is particularly heartbreaking when it af- tags designating Eastern Orthodoxy and have Throughout his career, he has tackled these fects our children. Children with poor oral Orthodox chaplains. Thirty-three States quickly challenges with deft skill, deep understanding, health can have problems eating, sleeping recognized Eastern Orthodoxy as a major and strong personal integrity. properly, paying attention in school and even faith. While Lombard has gone through change smiling, because they suffer constant pain. After he left the service, the American Le- after change over the years, one thing has re- Unfortunately, many of us don’t realize the ex- gion’s Pennsylvanian district honored Royce mained the same. Bill Lichter has kept a tent and severity of untreated dental disease for his continued efforts as an entertainer to steady hand to the wheel, advising the Village in children. bring joy to veterans in hospitals. Board and working tirelessly for the benefit of In my State of Idaho, over 35 percent of After his visit to Turkey in 1965, Royce his community. children lack dental insurance. More than 25 waged a tireless campaign to return St. So- Bill has had many accomplishments over percent of elementary school-aged children in phia Cathedral in Istanbul to an open house of the years, though they are too numerous to Idaho suffer from untreated tooth decay. If the worship instead of a museum. It was con- list exhaustively. Chief among them, however, problems go untreated, a child will often end verted to a mosque in 1453 and Royce are his success in improving the Village’s up in a hospital emergency or operating room, changed history with that campaign. Thanks to long-term financial forecasting and manage- which costs far more than a trip to the dentist. Royce, ‘‘the Orthodox Christian cry for help’’ ment and his rewarding efforts to promote Hundreds of dentists and oral healthcare has been taken to the United Nations human local economic development. providers in Idaho and across the country do- rights office in Geneva, European parliament, Bill Lichter has been an advocate for the nate their time and energy to help this cause, European Union, and to every religious and people of Lombard since his very first days in and I graciously thank them. While National world leader and to every President since the office more than two decades ago. In his time Children’s Dental Health Month will not solve Carter administration.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:30 Feb 07, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06FE8.005 E06FEPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC77 with REMARKS February 6, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E119 Vlangas became Royce at his agent’s re- Dr. Hilliard launched his professional career RECOGNIZING NICHOLAS B. quest and with his parents’ blessing, thus fol- at the University of Denver, teaching at the HANSER FOR ACHIEVING THE lowing the show business practice of the time. College of Education and in Philosophy RANK OF EAGLE SCOUT He changed his name, but never forgot who colloquium of the Centennial Scholars Honor he was. Even at the height of his career in the Program. After moving with his family to Cali- HON. SAM GRAVES late 40s and 50s the Nicholas Royce dancers fornia, Dr. Hilliard dedicated 18 years of his OF MISSOURI stood for all good things and wowed ’em with life to San Francisco State University. During IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Nat King Cole’s ‘‘Calypso Blues’’, and a mod- this time, he served as Department Chair for ern dance number based on ‘‘Harlem Noc- Wednesday, February 6, 2008 turn’’. They performed in all the top supper two years, Dean of Education for eight years Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I proudly clubs, niterys and TV shows; Ed Sullivan, Mil- while also working as a consultant for the pause to recognize Nicholas B. Hanser, a very ton Berle, Kate Smith, etc. Peace Corps. Dr. Hilliard’s influence and special young man who has exemplified the From his new home in California, starting in reach was truly global. As he mentored and finest qualities of citizenship and leadership by 1957, Nicholas Royce has exercised his rights taught students in the United States, he also taking an active part in the Boy Scouts of as a layman of the Orthodox faith. He made constant visits to Africa, serving as the America and in earning the most prestigious launched a vigorous letter writing campaign to Superintendent of Schools in Monrovia, Liberia award of Eagle Scout. mass media, Government officials, private and for two years. Nicholas has been very active with his public agencies, industry and individuals, and troop, participating in many scout activities. he has succeeded in broadening the public’s Dr. Hilliard was a founding member of the Over the many years Nicholas has been in- understanding and recognition of the Orthodox association for the study of Classical African volved with scouting, he has not only earned faith. Because ‘‘exclusion of Orthodoxy is a Civilization, serving as its first Vice President. numerous merit badges, but also the respect form of discrimination and prejudice’’, Nicholas He was co-developer of a popular educational of his family, peers, and community. has made these efforts, so Orthodoxy would television series Free Your Mind, Return to the Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join be an integral part of American life along with Source: African Origins and produced many me in commending Nicholas B. Hanser for his other major faiths. videotapes and educational materials on Afri- accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of Retired since 1994, Royce now resides in can-American History through his production America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- Valley Village, California. Retirement has company, Weset Education Productions. Dr. ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. given him more time to fight for AIDS victims, Hilliard was so groundbreaking and forward- f the homeless, and abused women and chil- thinking in his approach to education that sev- dren. He broke the stereotype by joining the TRIBUTE TO EGGERTSVILLE HOSE eral of his methods have become national Hollywood Women’s Press Club, Women in COMPANY Film, and American Women in Radio and TV. models in the field. In 1996, the University of Minnesota’s Immi- Dr. Hilliard was a purposeful man with an HON. THOMAS M. REYNOLDS gration history Research Center was pleased unquenchable passion for education and the OF NEW YORK to announce the addition of ‘‘the Nicholas preservation of his culture’s history and tradi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Royce papers’’ to their archival library. tions. Without reservation, Dr. Asa Hilliard sig- Wednesday, February 6, 2008 Never one to rest on his laurels, he con- nificantly changed the world with his dedica- Mr. REYNOLDS. Madam Speaker, it is with tinues to accept new challenges. tion to the preservation, study, and spiritual f great pride that I rise today to commemorate understanding of Africa, African Americans, the 100th anniversary of the Eggertsville Hose PERSONAL EXPLANATION and Africans in Diaspora throughout the world. Company of Amherst, New York. For a cen- One of my long standing desires was to tury the members of the Eggertsville Hose HON. TOM FEENEY travel to Egypt with Dr. Hilliard on one of his have been volunteering to protect their neigh- OF FLORIDA study tours. Each time I saw him I mentioned bors. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES this and we both were very excited about the The Eggertsville Hose began in 1906 in a Wednesday, February 6, 2008 prospect. Due to my hectic schedule, this corner meat packing store after a series of household fires could not be extinguished. The never happened. As God will have it, I was in Mr. FEENEY. Madam Speaker, I regret that two home blazes were unable to be controlled on January 28, 2008, due to travel complica- Ghana, West Africa, at the Cape Coast Slave by the bucket brigade, the fire fighting team at tions, I was unable to vote on H.R. 4140 and Castle when I learned from Reverend Jere- the time. Residents of Eggertsville then band- S. 2110. Had I been present, I would have miah Wright through Congressman Jesse ed together to form an organization that would voted ‘‘yea.’’ Jackson, Jr. that Asa had passed the day be- provide better fire protection to the community. f fore in Egypt. Like many, I was devastated This fire company was incorporated in May HONORING DR. ASA G. HILLIARD and saddened, yet thankful to his family and 1908. The Eggertsville Hose was the first fire III to God for his amazing life. I reflected upon company in the town of Amherst outside of the his death in Egypt in a prayerful manner, and Village of Williamsville. Fighting to protect the HON. BARBARA LEE took pause to commemorate this great soul. members of their community is the main pri- ority of this 100 percent volunteer fire district. OF CALIFORNIA His loving wife, Mrs. Patsy Jo Hilliard, has No matter what it takes these volunteers rise IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES quoted Asa as repeatedly saying, ‘‘It is not to the call of duty. Wednesday, February 6, 2008 enough for us to be bright and competent. We The Eggertsville Hose is an indispensable Ms. LEE. Madam Speaker, I rise today to must also have purpose and direction. It is not part of the Amherst Community, the members honor the extraordinary life of Dr. Asa G. Hill- enough for us to ‘make it’ on our own—to of the Hose have dedicated countless hours of iard III (Baffour Amankwatia II). A devoted fa- save ourselves. As Abena says in Armah’s service to assist their neighbors. As the popu- ther, husband, mentor, and world-renowned novel, Two Thousand Seasons, ‘There is no lation in the district grows the Eggertsville humanitarian who worked tirelessly and in- self to save without the rest of us.’’’ In this Hose advances along with the rising need for spired us all, Dr. Hilliard will be sorely missed way, Dr. Hilliard touched and influenced the their service. In 1995 the fire station was by us all. Asa passed away on August 13, lives of all who were privileged to come into moved to the center of the district which al- 2007. contact with him. lows the Hose to respond to emergencies in An accomplished academic and devoted all areas in a shortened period of time. The On behalf of California’s 9th Congressional professor, Dr. Hilliard affected the lives of new station location along with new equipment thousands of students. He was not only a District, we salute and honor a great human and technology makes it possible for the vol- mentor in his community, but a hero in the Af- being, our beloved Asa G. Hilliard III. We ex- unteer fire fighters to be increasingly effective rican Diaspora Movement. Dr. Hilliard began tend my deepest condolences to Asa’s family, in their firefighting capabilities. his academic career in Denver, where he and our deepest gratitude to them for sharing The citizens of Eggertsville know that they earned a B.A. in Education Psychology, an this great spirit with us. May his soul rest in will be protected by the brave firefighters of M.A. in counseling, and a Ed.D in Education peace, and may we continue to benefit from the Eggertsville Hose whenever disasters Psychology at the University of Denver. the positive impact he left on the world. occur or fires flare up. Madam Speaker, in

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:30 Feb 07, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06FE8.010 E06FEPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC77 with REMARKS E120 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 6, 2008 recognition of its 100th anniversary of tremen- RECOVERY REBATES AND ECO- $250,000, for purchases of new equipment of dous service in the town of Amherst, I ask this NOMIC STIMULUS FOR THE up to $800,000 (from $500,000). It also pro- honorable body join me in honoring the Eg- AMERICAN PEOPLE ACT OF 2008 vides immediate tax relief for all businesses to gertsville Hose Company. invest in new plants and equipment by speed- SPEECH OF ing up depreciation provisions, so that firms f HON. AL GREEN can write off an additional 50 percent for in- HONORING MS. BETTYE BANKS OF vestments purchased in 2008. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES While more needs to be done, I am con- HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON Tuesday, January 29, 2008 fident that this bipartisan economic stimulus package will help many American families in OF TEXAS Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Madam Speaker, the weeks and months ahead. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today, Congress passed a $146 billion, bipar- tisan economic stimulus bill that will quickly Wednesday, February 6, 2008 f send hundreds of dollars to poor and middle- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. class working families while offering busi- IN HONOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF Madam Speaker, I rise today to mark the re- nesses one-time incentives to invest in new DELAWARE DEPARTMENT OF tirement and celebrate the career of a true equipment. Although there is much more to do PUBLIC SAFETY community leader, Ms. Bettye Banks. This if we are to meet the needs of American fami- year will mark 30 years of her outstanding lies, including extending unemployment bene- service with Consumer Credit Counseling of fits and food stamps, I believe that this stim- HON. MICHAEL N. CASTLE Greater Dallas, with whom she has dedicated ulus is an important first step in our effort to OF DELAWARE her professional career to providing financial help hardworking Americans. education to citizens of North Texas. This broad-based stimulus package will pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. Banks began her career as a secretary vide tax relief of up to $600 per individual and Wednesday, February 6, 2008 with Consumer Credit Counseling of Dallas in $1,200 per married couple, plus an additional 1978. Her work ethic, diligence, and intellect $300 per child. Recovery rebate checks could Mr. CASTLE. Madam Speaker, it is with allowed her to easily move up through the be sent as early as mid-May, getting money to great pleasure that I rise today to pay tribute ranks, serving as office manager and coun- Americans who will spend it immediately to re- to the University of Delaware Department of selor, among other positions. invigorate the economy. In Texas alone, ap- Public Safety for being recognized by the In 1990, Ms. Banks singlehandedly created proximately 8.6 million families will receive re- Commission of Accreditation for Law Enforce- the education program, aimed at teaching fi- bates averaging over $900. Nationwide, over ment Agencies, an independent organization nancial wellness and literacy. Today, Ms. 111 million families would receive these rebate created by the International Association of Banks is the senior vice-president for Con- checks, including 35 million with earnings too Chiefs of Police, the National Organization of sumer Counseling of Dallas and responsible low to pay income taxes. More than 19 million Black Law Enforcement Executives, the Na- for overseeing the financial wellness initiatives of these are families with children and 13 mil- tional Sheriffs’ Association and the Police Ex- of the Education Department. With her vision lion are struggling seniors. Nearly $50 billion ecutive Research Forum. The importance of and leadership, the department has also of the rebate will go to middle-income Ameri- public safety officers within our community, grown to include 41 individual presentations cans and those aspiring to it. Economists esti- and in particular within the University of Dela- on money and credit related topics. Ms. Banks mate that each dollar of broad tax cuts leads ware, cannot be underscored enough. I am has truly been an asset to the department and to $1.26 in economic growth. proud to represent a State that is home to has left a lasting impression on its growth and The economic stimulus bill also helps ad- such selfless and dedicated officers as those impact in the community. dress the crisis we are facing in our home at the University of Delaware Department of In a true testament to her spirit, while work- mortgage market by permitting more bor- Public Safety. ing full time at CCCS Dallas, she completed rowers facing defaults to refinance through the The University of Delaware is now a mem- her bachelor’s degree in applied business Federal Housing Administration (FHA). For ber of an elite group of public safety agencies practice. She has also earned professional 2008, the bill increases the FHA loan limits up in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and certification as a Consumer Credit Counselor, to $729,750 from $362,790 to expand afford- Barbados that have received this prestigious, Certified Financial Counseling Executive and able mortgage loan opportunities for families international award. The men and women of Housing Counselor. at risk of foreclosure. In addition, the bill also the Department have shown great dedication Among her many accomplishments, Ms. enhances credit availability in the mortgage and commitment to providing quality service Banks has authored a series of consumer-fi- market by including a 1-year increase in the and protection to all students, faculty, and staff nance workbooks and taught over 3,000 semi- conforming loan limits for single family homes at the University of Delaware campus. nars and workshops. Her reputation as an ex- from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from pert in the fields has generated contributions $417,000 up to $729,750 for 2008. These in- Employing only a total of forty-two officers in multiple publications, including Today’s Dal- creases in loan limits will benefit areas where on its Wilmington and Lewes campuses with las Woman and Dallas Family. She has ap- housing costs are higher than the national av- approximately twenty security offices, the De- peared on CBS, NBC and ABC and is sought erage. partment of Public Safety has no easy task as out as a conference speaker on the topics of Mortgage rates on loans that currently ex- the University of Delaware has a large enroll- financial wellness. ceed these loan limits are much more expen- ment with students living on and off campus in Additionally, Ms. Banks is an active commu- sive than for smaller loans. These higher rates the town of Newark. Despite this challenging nity leader, serving on the boards of the have hurt demand for housing in high-cost task, the department has provided and con- Greater Dallas Rotary Club, the Dallas Legal areas. The provisions in the stimulus will lower tinues to provide the highest quality protection Roundtable, and Friends of Consumer Free- borrowing costs for many Americans, including and service to the University of Delaware dom, among others. She has been a member middle-class families in high-cost cities to community. of numerous local organizations including the those who may be facing foreclosure. More The citizens of Delaware deserve to know North Texas Affordable Housing Coalition, importantly, this will allow more homeowners that the University of Delaware Department of Family Financial Advisory Council and the Dal- to refinance their existing mortgages, thereby Public Safety, has taken extraordinary steps to las Downtown Rotary. increasing the effectiveness of the interest demonstrate their professionalism and pride in There is no doubt that Ms. Banks has gen- freeze for some subprime borrowers brokered delivering quality public service to the Univer- erated a monumental legacy at CCCS Dallas. by the Treasury in December. This is because sity of Delaware community. I am tremen- Through her drive and fortitude, she has un- more borrowers will be able to take advantage dously proud of the Department of Public doubtedly elevated the organization, and her of the freeze to refinance into new FHA loans. Safety and would like to commend and thank leadership will be missed. At this milestone in Finally, this bill will promote small business the men and women of the Department for the her life, I would like to take the time to com- investment in equipment, which will spur job sacrifices and commitment that they make on mend her for her commitment to the commu- creation here at home. The bipartisan plan a daily basis. The bravery and hard work of all nity and education. I extend my best wishes doubles the amount small businesses can im- those involved with this outstanding organiza- for her retirement and thank her for her invalu- mediately write off their taxes for capital in- tion is responsible for making Delaware a able friendship. vestments made in 2008 from $125,000 to safer place to live.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:30 Feb 07, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06FE8.014 E06FEPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC77 with REMARKS February 6, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E121 THANKING MS. ELAINE COMER On this day, I too would like to express my provides the facilities and meals for the event FOR HER SERVICE TO THE HOUSE support and deepest thanks to our at a considerably reduced cost, and addition- Guardmembers, and their families. Many of ally lends support to the participants through- HON. ROBERT A. BRADY these brave men and women are preparing to out the weekend. The Blue Star Moms con- OF PENNSYLVANIA leave their homes, their loved ones, and their tribute an incredible effort to make the Gold IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lives stateside in order to defend our Nation. Star event successful, including personally Wednesday, February 6, 2008 Their commitment to duty and steadfast deter- reaching out to all the Gold Star families in the mination is an example to Hoosiers, and all state, and underwriting expenses for families Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Madam Americans alike. They all deserve our most who might not otherwise be able to make the Speaker, on the occasion of her retirement in heartfelt thanks and admiration. Our Hoosier trip. January 2008, we rise to thank Ms. Elaine Guardmembers and their families will be in my Madam Speaker and colleagues, at this Comer for 32 years of outstanding service to prayers. time it is appropriate that we thank the Blue the U.S. House of Representatives. f Star Moms and the Marines’ Memorial Asso- Elaine began her career at the House as a ciation for the hard work and dedication they Programmer Analyst at House Information Re- HONORING THE BLUE STAR MOTH- have shown to sponsor the Gold Star parents sources (HIR) and has held and mastered ERS OF AMERICA CHAPTER #101 event. Their efforts have provided an impor- many positions, each with increasing responsi- AND THE MARINES’ MEMORIAL tant forum for these families to come together bility as she continually served this great insti- ASSOCIATION and the event is greatly appreciated by the tution as a valuable employee of HIR within families who have participated. the Office of the Chief Administrator. HON. MIKE THOMPSON In the mid-1970s, when the House first f OF CALIFORNIA began using minicomputers, Elaine designed, TRIBUTE TO JACK FITZGERALD IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES developed, and implemented the first House- AND FITZGERALD AUTO MALLS developed Member Office Support System, as Wednesday, February 6, 2008 well as mission-critical legislative systems. Mr. THOMPSON of California. Madam HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN Elaine was selected to represent the House in Speaker, together with Representatives MIL- OF MARYLAND a cross-government team with the Senate and LER, STARK, TAUSCHER and MCNERNEY, I rise IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the White House that resulted in the House- today to honor and thank the California East wide implementation of an integrated Local Bay Chapter of Blue Star Mothers of America Wednesday, February 6, 2008 Area Network (LAN) to support House commit- and the Marines’ Memorial Association. With Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Madam Speaker, I rise tees. These accomplishments led to her in- the support of the Marines’ Memorial Associa- today to recognize a longtime advocate for strumental involvement in an HIR-wide PC tion and Major General Michael Myatt (Ret.), child passenger safety, my constituent Jack LAN implementation automating project man- the Blue Star Moms are hosting their third Fitzgerald, President of Fitzgerald Auto Malls. agement and time accounting. event for Gold Star parents who have lost a As you may know, motor vehicle crashes Elaine’s management abilities were show- child in service to our country. are the leading cause of death for children cased as she oversaw project support to 30 The East Bay Blue Star Moms was founded ages 2 to 14 and the leading cause of injury- mission-critical House applications, provided when Patty Martin, Peggy Conklin and Nancy related death for children under age 2. We key coordination in the modernization of the Ecker reached out to each other for support know that when installed and used correctly, Data Center, was appointed the HIR rep- after the September 11th attacks. Each had a child safety seats and safety belts can prevent resentative to the CAO Business Process Im- son in the Army, and in November, 2001, they injury and save lives. In fact, young children provement Team, and led the Process and established a support group for military moth- restrained in child safety seats have an 80 Procedures project that supports the House ers in the East Bay area. Membership has percent lower risk of fatal injury than those Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery Pro- since grown to over 150 mothers, and they who are unrestrained. gram. Elaine’s contributions to the House cul- are affiliated with the national Blue Star Moth- In order to ensure that child safety seats are minated in her expert management of the ers of America. The East Bay chapter spon- properly used and installed, car seat check-up Configuration Management and Quality Assur- sors a variety of activities in addition to the events, like those sponsored by Safe Kids ance programs for the CAO. Gold Star event, including providing care Worldwide, are essential. At these events, On behalf of the entire House community, packages for troops stationed overseas, and child passenger safety technicians teach fami- we extend congratulations to Elaine for her Operation Post Card, connecting local commu- lies how to safely transport their children and many years of dedication and outstanding nity groups with soldiers abroad through letter help make sure everyone in a vehicle is buck- contributions to the U.S. House of Represent- writing campaigns. The moms have also taken led up correctly on every ride. On average, atives. We wish Elaine many wonderful years their good works to veterans in our community technicians spend about 30 minutes with each in fulfilling her retirement dreams. through regular visits to the VA hospitals at child. These events, most of which are open f Livermore, Palo Alto and Martinez. to the public, are conducted by Safe Kids coa- HONORING NATIONAL GUARD DAY The Marines’ Memorial Association in San litions in central locations such as automobile CELEBRATIONS AT THE INDIANA Francisco was founded in 1946 as a living me- dealerships, hospitals, community centers and STATEHOUSE morial to all the Marines who had lost their shopping centers. lives in the Pacific during World War II. Since Since 1996, Safe Kids Worldwide has then, its mission has expanded to include all partnered with General Motors to help change HON. BARON P. HILL branches of the United States Armed Serv- the way parents and caregivers learn about OF INDIANA ices, including members of National Guard child passenger safety. More than 13 million IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and reserves, and the U.S. Merchant Marine. people have been reached by the Safe Kids Wednesday, February 6, 2008 The Memorial is currently led by Major Gen- Buckle Up Program and, to date, there have Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, today, the Indi- eral Michael Myatt, USMC (Ret.). General been more than 44,000 events that bring ana National Guard is hosting a National Myatt has overseen the development of the much needed car seat inspection services and Guard Day at the Indiana Statehouse. This Memorial as a facility that both honors fallen education to families across the country. event will highlight our Hoosier citizen soldiers’ servicemembers and actively promotes the in- Safe Kids is well on its way to checking one capabilities, and provide an update as to their terests and needs of men and women cur- million child safety seats. Part of this success status as they prepare to deploy to Iraq. The rently in service. can be attributed to Jack Fitzgerald of Fitz- event will also show strong support for the The third Gold Star Parent gathering will gerald Auto Malls. In February 1999, Jack families of our Hoosier Guardmembers. bring together hundreds of parents from all teamed up with Safe Kids Montgomery County I applaud Maj. Gen. Umbarger’s work with over California for a 2-day event to honor the in my home state of Maryland to hold a car the Indiana National Guard. He has been an families of the fallen and allow them to cele- seat check-up event. At that event, Stephen unwavering champion of the Indiana National brate the lives of their children and mourn Guarino, who was then 5 years old, was Guard. His efforts today are to show support their loss. This event allows the families to moved into a booster seat for a better fit just for Guardmembers and their families, as well come together in private and share their expe- one day before the family vehicle was hit by as to help elected leaders and citizens better riences with others who are experiencing the a truck. Mrs. Guarino and the police officers understand the role of the National Guard. same loss. The Marines’ Memorial Association on the scene credit the saving of Stephen’s

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:30 Feb 07, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06FE8.018 E06FEPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC77 with REMARKS E122 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 6, 2008 life in that crash to the services received at the town was so called because animals in- RECOVERY REBATES AND ECO- the check-up event. cluding deer, the male of which the English NOMIC STIMULUS FOR THE Since that incident, Fitzgerald Auto Malls forebears called a ‘‘Hart’’ had a regular cross- AMERICAN PEOPLE ACT OF 2008 has hosted hundreds of check-up events. ing or ‘‘Ford’’ at the location of Hartford on the Working with Safe Kids Montgomery County, banks of Rough Creek. SPEECH OF local government agencies, and police and fire The town of Hartford was formally estab- HON. TOM UDALL departments, Fitzgerald Auto Malls has in- lished as ‘‘400 acres of land heretofore des- OF NEW MEXICO spected more than 35,000 child safety seats. ignated and laid out for a town, in the county IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The dealership hosts monthly car seat inspec- of Ohio, on Rough creek, on the land of the Tuesday, January 29, 2008 tions free of charge for anyone in the commu- late Gabriel Madison, inclusive of the out and nity. If the monthly events are not compatible in lots by an Act of the Legislature of the Mr. UDALL of New Mexico. Madam Speak- with a family’s schedule, that family is encour- Commonwealth of , enacted Feb- er, a lot of brilliant economists have spent a aged to call the dealership to schedule a pri- ruary 3, 1808.’’ lot of time over the last few weeks telling the vate appointment. This service is only possible Madam Speaker, Hartford has a rich history American people what we already know: our because Jack Fitzgerald has personally paid from its pioneer founding to the battle of broth- economy needs help. The debate goes on for his employees to become nationally cer- er against brother during the Civil War. Some over whether today’s economic conditions will tified car seat technicians. In fact, more than of Hartford’s famous past residents include become an official recession, but most people 80 Fitzgerald Auto Mall employees have been Virgil Earp, brother of Wyatt Earp of the OK aren’t interested in official definitions. We want trained to check a child’s car seat for misuse. Corral acclaim, and impressionist painter help now. Fortunately, members of the New Direction I am honored to commend Jack Fitzgerald Charles Courtney Curran, whose works hang Congress, meeting on a bipartisan basis, have and the entire Fitzgerald Auto Malls family for in the Smithsonian Museum of Modem Art. developed an economic stimulus package that their outstanding contributions to and involve- Hartford, Kentucky, is a progressive commu- will get America moving again. ment in our community. I applaud them for nity welcoming those from near and far to visit There’s a lot to like about the proposed being a role model for all public/private part- or make their home in this inviting community. stimulus package. nerships and for their steadfast commitment Opportunities from tourism to high tech indus- The package provides support immediately. and determination to keeping kids safe on our try attract visitors and new residents in this American families will receive help by June, in Nation’s roads. I ask my colleagues to join me community located in the heart of western time to stop America’s economic slide before in honoring Jack Fitzgerald, a remarkable ad- Kentucky. we find ourselves mired in recession. This vocate for America’s children. Madam Speaker, it is with great pride that I timely action is the result of a feeling in Con- f bring to the attention of this House the histor- gress that getting things done for the Amer- ical significance and sense of community that ican people is more important than scoring po- PERSONAL EXPLANATION the citizens of Hartford, Kentucky, have as litical points. they celebrate the 200th anniversary of a The package will put money in the hands of HON. JOHN R. CARTER great American city. working families who need it most. By helping OF TEXAS f families too poor to pay income tax, this pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES posal shows both compassion and common HONORING CMW & ASSOCIATES Wednesday, February 6, 2008 sense. We know that poor families are more likely to spend their rebate checks imme- Mr. CARTER. Madam Speaker, on January HON. JOHN SHIMKUS diately, and that means more money flowing 29, 2008, I was unable to be present for the OF ILLINOIS into our economy more rapidly. final rollcall votes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES And, finally, the package will not purchase If present, I would have voted accordingly Wednesday, February 6, 2008 short term growth at the expense of long term on the following rollcall votes: prosperity. This legislation does what must be Roll No. 27—‘‘aye.’’ Mr. SHIMKUS. Madam Speaker, I rise today done, but, more importantly, it does no more Roll No. 28—‘‘nay.’’ to bring attention to the contribution of a small than is necessary. It contains no giveaways to f business in my district to granting foreign any interest group, no pork barrel spending workers their certifications necessary to work and no rushed changes in our tax code. The HONORING HARTFORD, KENTUCKY in this country. CMW & Associates, a female bill provides targeted, temporary stimulus. As owned and 8(a) company located in Spring- a result, it will secure our present without bur- HON. field, Illinois, has assisted the Department of dening our future with debt. OF KENTUCKY Labor in Chicago in assuring that per Sec- But the package that we pass today is not IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES retary Chao’s directive, there is no longer a perfect. labor certification backlog. We have helped millions of families, but too Wednesday, February 6, 2008 Recently, Secretary Chao commended her many seniors still need our support. We have Mr. WHITFIELD. Madam Speaker, I rise in staff at the Office of Foreign Worker Certifi- provided relief to millions of workers, but those recognition of the city of Hartford, Kentucky, cation. ‘‘Behind every application is a person who have seen their jobs disappear still face located in the First Congressional District of or group of people, waiting to come to our an uncertain future they did nothing to earn Kentucky. On February 3, 2008, Hartford will country and work in jobs for which no qualified and can do little to change. We have provided celebrate its bicentennial birthday. This com- U.S. worker can be found. The Permanent temporary relief to millions of taxpayers, but munity in western Kentucky is among the old- Labor Certification program is really proud we must renew the clean energy tax credits est towns in the Commonwealth of Kentucky about people—their hopes and their dreams of that give us hope for a stronger national econ- and the third largest city in western Kentucky. greater opportunities, and reunification with omy and a more sustainable world. It probably has one of the most unique yet their families.’’ Secretary Chao presented a Our work is not over. welcoming slogans, ‘‘Home of 2,000 Happy certificate of recognition to Bill Carlson, Ad- We should celebrate today’s accomplish- People and a Few Soreheads.’’ ministrator of the Office of Foreign Labor Cer- ment, but we must recognize that it is a first Hartford was settled before 1790 in an area tification for his leadership role. step, not a final one. Let’s take the bipartisan that was often a scene of bloody strife be- I want to recognize the Department of Labor spirit that has been kindled in the House and tween American Indians and 18th century pio- for its exemplary work in expediting the proc- use it to do the work that remains to be done. neers. There is evidence that a settlement essing of granting foreign workers their certifi- f was made at the present site of Hartford in cations necessary to work in this country, both HONORING JOAN MANN 1782 and this was the first fortified settlement on a permanent and temporary basis. And I in the lower Green River Valley of western want to thank Charlene Turczyn, CEO of Kentucky. CMW & Associates for her role in making sure HON. DEVIN NUNES OF CALIFORNIA The source of the town’s name is uncertain. America is able to obtain the skilled workforce IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES There is one tradition that a man named Hart necessary to make U.S. employers successful. ran a ferry there, hence the name Hart’s Ford, As is often the case, small businesses play an Wednesday, February 6, 2008 which later became Hartford. Another tradition integral role in the success of our govern- Mr. NUNES. Madam Speaker, I rise today found in reminiscences of early times is that ment’s ability to achieve its goals. to pay tribute to the life of a wonderful woman

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:30 Feb 07, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06FE8.021 E06FEPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC77 with REMARKS February 6, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E123 and friend. Joan was a devoted wife to Earl HONORING THE LIFE OF MR. J. ing the guitar; he was an avid photographer Mann of 49 years and mother to two daugh- RUSSELL COFFEY, A PUBLIC and restored antiques. Amidst his varied inter- ters, Paula and Laura. For 29 years, she SERVANT AND WORLD WAR I ests and passion to explore them, his family worked for the Woodlake Elementary School VETERAN remained the most important part of his life. as a teacher’s aide and was active in the Par- Carl DiPietro was a good and decent man ent-Teachers Association. She served on the HON. ROBERT E. LATTA and will always be remembered for his friendly Tulare County Grand Jury, was active in her OF OHIO demeanor, his terrific sense of humor and his church and served as the local representative IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES care free spirit. His strength, courage, strong of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. She loved religious faith accompanied by a will to survive to write poetry, sometimes about events or Wednesday, February 6, 2008 kept him going through the difficult times. people in her life. The following poem is one Mr. LATTA. Madam Speaker, Mr. J. Russell When someone you love passes on, pain re- of her family’s favorites. Coffey passed away on December 20, 2007, mains for those left behind. May Carl’s wife I’VE SAILED UPON LIFE’S SEAS at the age of 109, and Mr. Coffey was 1 of 3 Elaine, his daughters Linda, Judy, and Donna, surviving veterans of World War I. Mr. Coffey his sons Carl and David, grandchildren, ex- I’ve walked upon the shores of life A-kicking up the sands was a student at Ohio State University when tended family and friends continue to live out I’ve met each eye that chanced my way the United States joined the war in 1917 and Carl’s memory with love, purpose and fulfill- And shook each friendly hand. Mr. Coffey enlisted in the Army at the age of ment in their own lives. I’ve sailed upon the seas 20 and was honorably discharged on Decem- Madam Speaker, I am thankful that you To cross to other places ber 12, 1918, a month after the signing of the have allowed me the opportunity to honor the I’ve met each smile with smiles to spare armistice. life of Carl DiPietro and remember the many And cherished those dear faces. Mr. Coffey played baseball and was a track contributions he made throughout the Western The song I’ve sung along the way sprinter while in college and received both a New York community. I ask my colleagues to ’Tis joyous and carefree bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree from join me in honoring the life and memory of It tells of life, of wondrous times Ohio State University, as well as a doctorate Carl DiPietro here today. And speaks of days to be. degree in education from New York University. f And when my days on earth are through Mr. Coffey continued his interest in sports and God grant me one last thought teaching by officiating high school sports for HONORING THE LIFE AND I’d love to do it all again many years while he taught junior high and ACHIEVEMENTS OF MR. WILLIAM Remembering what life’s taught. high school students in Phelps, Kentucky, at C. BLACK Joan Mann’s life demonstrated her love of the former Glenwood Junior High School in her family, her community and her country. Findlay and at the former Findlay College. Mr. HON. JOE SESTAK Mrs. Joan Mann of Woodlake, California, Coffey served as an instructor at Bowling OF PENNSYLVANIA passed away January 24th. She will be greatly Green State University from 1948 through IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES missed. 1969, primarily teaching physical education Wednesday, February 6, 2008 but also teaching archery, psychology, swim- f ming, and driver’s education. Mr. Coffey was Mr. SESTAK. Madam Speaker, I rise to the director of the university’s graduate studies honor the memory of a great American, Mr. IN HONOR OF DARRELL L. FANT, in health and physical education from 1952 to William C. Black, a loving husband, father and DIRECTOR, HIGHLAND PARK DE- 1968. Mr. Coffey was an active member of the grandfather, successful entrepreneur, gen- PARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Bowling Green Rotary Club for more than 50 erous philanthropist, and courageous veteran. years, and he was named the ‘‘oldest living Mr. Black epitomized all that is good about our HON. PETE SESSIONS Rotarian in the world’’ by the club in 2004, and nation and indeed the world. On February 9th in later years, Mr. Coffey credited physical ac- 2008, an exceptional group of family and OF TEXAS tivity and a healthy diet for his longevity. friends with gather to remember and thank a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The House of Representatives honors the man who dedicated his skills, energy, and love life of Mr. J. Russell Coffey for his dedication to others. In the course of a remarkable life Wednesday, February 6, 2008 to public service as a veteran, teacher, and that began in Bayonne, NJ on June 7th 1930 Mr. SESSIONS. Madam Speaker, it is with member of the community. and continued for sixty-six years thereafter, Mr. Black’s work ethic, intelligence, leadership, great pleasure that I rise today to recognize f Darrell L. Fant, Director of the Highland Park and basic decency made him a pillar of his CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF CARL Department of Public Safety (HPDPS). community and a source of hope for multiple A. DIPIETRO generations of patients and their families at After thirty-two years of dedicated service, Jersey Shore Medical Center. Darrell will be retiring from HPDPS on Feb- HON. BRIAN HIGGINS Following graduation from Fordham Univer- ruary 29, 2008. The Town of Highland Park sity in 1952, Mr. Black immediately went to the has been privileged to have such a devoted OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES defense of our nation in the United States Ma- public servant working on their behalf to en- rine Corps. His seven years of service as an sure Highland Park stays a safe and family Wednesday, February 6, 2008 aviator in the USMC included duty in Korea friendly area in the heart of Dallas. He has Mr. HIGGINS. Madam Speaker, I rise today and Japan, and a meteoric rise to the rank of served in various roles such as Public Safety to honor the life and work of an outstanding Lieutenant Colonel. From the Marine Corps, Officer, Lieutenant, Assistant Shift Com- Western New Yorker. On November 19, 2007 Mr. Black carried with him a fighting spirit and mander, and Captain before taking on the a beloved husband and loving father entered sense of purpose that helped him to become leadership role of Director. His colleagues af- into rest. Carl DiPietro lived a very full life President of the New Jersey Zinc Company, fectionately refer to him as ‘‘Chief’’ as he has filled with love of family and friends. Carl our nation’s pioneer zinc producer and origi- earned their respect and demonstrated exem- leaves behind a long lasting legacy that nator of all zinc alloys that revolutionized the plary performance. In addition, he has re- stretches from his days in the Navy to the modern die-casting industry. ceived numerous commendations, thank you dedication and loyalty he demonstrated each However, it was after retiring from New Jer- letters, and awards such as the 1984 Fire- and everyday with his family, at his business sey Zinc that Mr. Black’s life reached its ze- house magazine Heroism and Community or throughout the community. nith. From his tireless work to improve the fa- Service Award. Mr. DiPietro was a proud business owner of cilities of the Jersey Shore Medical Center, the I know his vision and leadership will be Sparkle Cleaners, a dry cleaning business lo- ‘‘Mary V. Black Pavilion’’ was christened and greatly missed and difficult to replace. The cated in Amherst, NY. It was said that Mr. thousands of trauma patients owe their health legacy he leaves speaks loudly of the impact DiPietro treated patrons and employees alike and lives to that state-of-the-art facility. This he has had on Highland Park. as family. A hardworking man, Carl was skilled month at the 2008 Jersey Shore Sweetheart Madam Speaker, I ask my esteemed col- in his craft and was characterized by his chil- Cancer Ball, Mr. Black and his family will be leagues to join me in expressing our heartfelt dren as an ‘‘All American Dad’’ whose love recognized for their work to cure that dev- gratitude for his hard work and dedicated serv- knew no end. A man who cultivated his many astating illness. I will never forget the moment ice. interests, Carl loved music and enjoyed play- my four year old daughter was diagnosed with

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:30 Feb 07, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06FE8.026 E06FEPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC77 with REMARKS E124 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 6, 2008 a malignant brain tumor. Though we have U.S. women and men in uniform. Mr. Miller is In addition, it establishes a 5 year target for never met, I know that there is a direct con- the Aerospace Global Pricing Compliance Preventing Mother to Child Transmission ef- nection between my daughter’s health today Leader for Honeywell Aerospace, located in forts. By 2013, 80 percent of pregnant women and the life of greatness lived by William C. my hometown of Tempe, Arizona. He has con- receive HIV counseling and testing, with all of Black. I personally thank him for his work and sistently led Honeywell from the inside to inte- HIV positive mothers receiving ARV medica- know his legacy will forever live in the grati- grate DLA’s mission requirements into cor- tion. tude of untold numbers of other cancer sur- porate culture and daily work processes. The legislation also requires integration of vivors, their families and friends. Through his tireless work, Mr. Miller has al- prevention, care and treatment with PMTCT Madam Speaker, I ask that this chamber lowed DLA to provide superior customer sup- services in order to improve outcomes for HIV pause to remember William C. Black, and to port on Honeywell parts. He has an unsur- affected women and families and to improve thank his wonderful wife Barbara, his accom- passed willingness to take risks and a strong the continuity of care. plished sons, William Jr., Michael Paul, and commitment to making things work. Both of Prevention is our greatest tool in fighting Christopher for their love and dedication to these characteristics have enabled DLA to this pandemic. We have no vaccine or cure. one another, Jersey Shore Medical Center, navigate around potential crisis situations. But we can work to achieve an HIV free gen- and our blessed country. Mr. Miller should be proud of his accom- eration. f plishments. Again, I say congratulations on the I want to thank the work of the Elizabeth award and thank you for a job well done. Glaser Foundation who have worked to further COMMEMORATING CARTER f the cause of preventing mother to child trans- BLOODCARE THE GLOBAL PEDIATRIC HIV/AIDS mission. The Foundation is also a leader in PREVENTION AND TREATMENT the global effort to provide care and treatment HON. KENNY MARCHANT ACT OF 2008 to millions of HIV positive children. The Foun- OF TEXAS dation’s recommendations for strengthening IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PEPFAR are the basis for this legislation. I HON. JIM McDERMOTT also want to thank Senators DODD and SMITH Wednesday, February 6, 2008 OF WASHINGTON who have introduced the Senate version of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. MARCHANT. Madam Speaker, I rise this legislation. Finally, I want to thank Con- today to commemorate Carter BloodCare on Wednesday, February 6, 2008 gresswoman GRANGER for her willingness to pioneering the processes of the blood care/ Mr. MCDERMOTT. Madam Speaker, I come work with me on this legislation and for her capture industry operations. to the floor today to introduce the Global Pedi- continued commitment to addressing the glob- Carter BloodCare (CBC) worked closely with atric HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment Act. al pediatric HIV/AIDS crisis. the Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center I am pleased to be joined by Congresswoman I know that my colleagues on the Foreign and successfully implemented a methodology KAY GRANGER. This legislation will strengthen Relations Committee are working to develop a that has significantly achieved process im- our commitment to preventing the new trans- strong PEPFAR reauthorization and I look for- provements, increased productivity and dou- mission of HIV infections in children. The leg- ward to working with them to ensure that the bled capacity while reducing floor space. islation builds on the successful PEPFAR pro- final bill includes strong PMTCT provisions. These new changes were the result of CBC grams aimed at reducing mother to child f collaborating with Texas Manufacturing Assist- transmission of HIV and AIDS. ance Center (an initiative of the U.S. Depart- The legislation provides a comprehensive, HONORING THE 180TH ANNIVER- ment of Commerce NIST Manufacturing Ex- five year strategy to prevent new HIV infec- SARY OF THE FOUNDING OF tension Partnership program) by participating tions in children and ensure that the treatment MCKENDREE UNIVERSITY in their training course: Fundamentals of Lean of children infected with HIV keeps pace with Enterprise. The Lean program was an ‘‘out- their infection rate. We can achieve the birth HON. JERRY F. COSTELLO side the box’’ way of thinking in the blood col- of an HIV-free generation. OF ILLINOIS lection industry but it has proven to be an Reducing mother to child transmission and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES overwhelming success for CBC. This system providing treatment to HIV positive children Wednesday, February 6, 2008 allowed CBC to identify and correct problem was one of the goals of the original PEPFAR areas, reduce needless work and create a legislation. The PMTCT or the Prevention of Mr. COSTELLO. Madam Speaker, I rise more productive work flow. Their adoption of Mother to Child Transmission services were a today to ask my colleagues to join me in hon- the Lean Philosophy approach will serve them critically important prevention effort included in oring the 180th Anniversary of the founding of well for years to come. the PEPFAR legislation. As we begin the proc- McKendree University, the oldest college in Il- I commend Carter BloodCare for trans- ess to reauthorize these programs we must linois. forming the processes of the blood care/cap- use this opportunity to strengthen the original McKendree University was founded in 1828, ture industry and providing lifesaving units of goals and mission of PEPFAR. by Methodist pioneers in Lebanon, Illinois. blood to the people of Texas efficiently and Every day more than 1,000 children around First named, ‘‘Lebanon Seminary.’’ the name expediently. It is an honor to represent Carter the world are infected with HIV; approximately was changed in 1830 in honor of William BloodCare in the 24th District of Texas. 90 percent of those infections occur in Africa. McKendree, the first American-born bishop of f With no medical intervention, HIV positive the Methodist Church. McKendree University mothers have a 25 percent to 30 percent is not only the oldest college in Illinois, but it HAROLD MILLER RECEIVES chance of passing the virus on to their babies is also the oldest college in the United States COMMANDER’S CHOICE AWARD during pregnancy and childbirth. Yet just one with continuous ties to the United Methodist dose of an ARV drug given to the mother at Church. HON. HARRY E. MITCHELL the onset of labor and once to the baby during While McKendree University is justifiably OF ARIZONA the first three hours of life reduces trans- proud of its rich history and tradition, it con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mission of HIV by almost 50 percent. We tinues to grow and modernize in order to at- tract the quality of students and faculty need- Wednesday, February 6, 2008 know what works and we now how to reduce HIV babies. We just need to provide the com- ed to maintain its excellent academic standing. Mr. MITCHELL. Madam Speaker, I rise mitment and resources to achieving this goal. This continuous evolution was made evident today to congratulate Mr. Harold Miller, who Children account for almost 16 percent of all with the recent name change from McKendree has been selected to receive the Defense Lo- new HIV infections but represent only 9 per- College to McKendree University in 2007. This gistics Agency’s (DLA) Business Alliance cent of those receiving treatment under name change reflects the broad range of aca- Award for the Commander’s Choice Category. PEPFAR. Without proper care and treatment, demic opportunities available at McKendree, This award program recognizes businesses half of all newly infected children will die be- including the introduction, beginning in 2004, and individuals who have made outstanding fore their 2nd birthday and 75 percent will not of several graduate programs. These graduate efforts in partnering with DLA to provide sup- see their 5th birthday. programs—including education, professional plies and services to America’s war-fighters. The bill establishes a target requiring that by counseling, business administration and nurs- The Commander’s Choice Award is given to 2013 15 percent of those receiving treatment ing—have become so popular that their enroll- a person whose dedication and commitment to under PEPFAR be children. This target simply ment now accounts for one quarter of the en- the DLA mission affects the quality of life for keeps pace with the rate of infection. tire student body.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:30 Feb 07, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K06FE8.003 E06FEPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC77 with REMARKS February 6, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E125 McKendree has continued to evolve phys- distribution to the point-of-sale, we are strong- teemed Senator Pell, who championed public ically as well as academically. The university er for having people throughout the world work education, is grossly misleading and dishonors now includes two campuses in Kentucky as together to expand their opportunities. the legacy of a great Senator. well as the main campus in Lebanon, Illinois. f The President’s budget also fails to make It also hosts off-campus offerings at nearby higher education affordable for students with Scott Air Force Base, in addition to other loca- PRESIDENT’S FY2009 BUDGET economic challenges. Rhode Island, where tions in Illinois and Kentucky. In 2006, REQUEST college tuition has risen 45 percent in 4 years, McKendree opened the new Hettenhausen would see a $7 million decrease in edu- Center for the Arts which has rapidly devel- HON. JAMES R. LANGEVIN cational grants for college students. This oped into one of the premier performing arts OF RHODE ISLAND budget also raises the funding level of Pell centers in the region. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES grants only by slashing funding for math and science courses that prepare students for As McKendree has continued to expand and Wednesday, February 6, 2008 evolve, it has earned more wide-spread rec- technical programs after high school. To main- ognition of the excellent academic reputation it Mr. LANGEVIN. Madam Speaker, I rise tain our economic advantage in the coming has long enjoyed locally. Recent awards and today to express my deep concern about the years, our Nation must invest more in science, rankings include being ranked among the top budget request that President Bush trans- technology, engineering, and mathematics 14 percent of ‘‘Comprehensive Colleges— mitted to Congress earlier this week. By cut- education. Cutting these programs is short- Bachelor’s’’ by U.S. News & World Report’s ting programs important to working families sighted and endangers our international com- Best Colleges 2007 and U.S. News & World and ignoring the significant economic down- petitiveness. Report’s ‘‘Great Schools, Great Prices’’ rank- turn our Nation is facing, the administration At a time when so many families are having ing. has yet again demonstrated that its priorities difficulty paving their bills, this budget also McKendree University has come a long way are not those of the American people. shreds the safety net programs that help the from its humble beginnings in 1828, with 72 Our Nation is facing the real threat of a re- poorest Americans. I am extremely dis- students in two rented sheds. It now boasts a cession, and our government should be doing appointed that the President seeks to cut $570 dynamic, multi-state campus with a full range everything in its power to get our economy million from the Low Income Home Energy As- of extra-curricular offerings to complement its moving and to protect the American people sistance Program. Despite record heating oil excellent academic programs. Throughout its from financial hardship. While the President prices, the President wants to slash this pro- impressive evolution, however. McKendree has said he wants to work with Congress on gram by 22 percent, a cut that would harm our University has remained true to its roots. Stu- an economic stimulus package, his budget re- elderly. Ironically, the budget will cause the dents still come first at McKendree. The focus quest contains a number of devastating cuts heating costs of the poor to rise by eliminating of the entire McKendree community on ena- to important programs that will make it even the Weatherization Assistance Program. A bling each student to fulfill his or her potential harder for our citizens to make ends meet. Federal program that helps people actually re- continues to mark McKendree University as Despite widespread recognition that fixing duce their energy consumption. These pro- ‘‘Illinois’’ First and Finest.’’ the U.S. economy will require addressing our grams are vital to places like Rhode Island Madam Speaker, I am proud to say that my weak housing market, the President’s proposal where families are struggling with astronomical wife, Dr. Georgia Costello, received her under- only adds to the uncertainty that families are heating costs. graduate degree from McKendree and is a facing. This budget would slash funding for The budget also endangers health care pro- member of the Board of Trustees of the Uni- public housing and rental assistance pro- grams for our Nation’s poor and elderly by versity. grams, eliminating critical aid for lower income placing critical domestic health care programs Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join families, the elderly and minorities, many of on the chopping block. The President has pro- me in congratulating the Board of Trustees, whom may be facing foreclosure as a result of posed nearly $200 billion in cuts to Medicare administration, faculty and students of the subprime mortgage crisis. In Rhode Island, and Medicaid over the next 5 years. Unfortu- McKendree University on the occasion of their 400 families are at risk of losing their homes nately, he aims to achieve these cuts by re- 180th Anniversary. under the President’s cuts to Section 8 vouch- ducing reimbursements to health care pro- ers. At the same time, he proposes to slash f viders and charging Medicare beneficiaries the Community Development Block Grant, higher premiums for prescription drug cov- RECOGNIZING INTERNATIONAL CDBG, program, which provides vital funding erage and doctors’ services. This could not NETWORKING WEEK for economic and community development in come at a worse time for the 316,000 Rhode our State’s cities and counties. Island citizens that receive care under these HON. MARK STEVEN KIRK A real economic plan should also include an vital programs and are seeing the costs of OF ILLINOIS investment in education and job training pro- goods rise and their purchasing power fall. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES grams that will promote new employment and Furthermore, the health care slated to receive ensure that our workforce can adapt to the additional reimbursement cuts under this pro- Wednesday, February 6, 2008 jobs of the future. Unfortunately, those pro- posal continue to struggle to properly treat the Mr. KIRK. Madam Speaker, I rise today to grams are not priorities in the President’s Medicare population. While I agree that we recognize the importance of International Net- budget, and even proposed funding for No need to address the long-term solvency of working Week from February 4–8, 2008, and Child Left Behind, a program that the Presi- Medicare, any reforms should be implemented the prominent role my constituents play in pre- dent touts as one of his biggest accomplish- in a manner that is responsive to the needs of serving our competitiveness in the global ments, does not keep pace with the rate of in- beneficiaries and providers alike. economy. flation. If this budget is enacted, Rhode Island Also contained within the President’s budget As the co-chair of the U.S.-China Working would see $1.5 million less for after-school is a suggested increase of $20 billion over 5 group and a member of the State, Foreign Op- programs and a cut of almost $6 million for years for the State Children’s Health Insur- erations and Related Programs Appropriations career and technical education. Even with lay- ance Program, SCHIP. This amount falls dras- Subcommittee, I know first-hand the impor- offs happening all across our State, President tically short of the bipartisan SCHIP bill tance that international relationships play in Bush wants to cut adult employment and train- passed by Congress in 2007 that would have both diplomacy and in business. ing services, which would decrease Rhode Is- expanded coverage for millions of children. Of special importance are organizations that land’s One-Stop Career System by half a mil- Unfortunately, the President vetoed that legis- create bridges between people for the mutual lion dollars. lation and has instead presented us with a benefit of their members. As technology con- I am deeply disappointed that the Presi- proposal that might well be insufficient to tinues to bring us closer together, the relation- dent’s budget does not even begin to fully cover current SCHIP participants, let alone ships we forge will be more crucial than ever fund special education programs under the In- cover children who are currently eligible but for companies seeking to grow their busi- dividuals with Disabilities Education Act. Fur- not yet enrolled in the program. As a longtime nesses. thermore, instead of fully funding our chil- supporter of SCHIP, I cannot stress how im- Whether it is one of the many multinational dren’s public schools, President Bush has portant this program is to our children, expect- companies in the 10th Congressional District turned back to the idea of school vouchers, re- ant mothers, and parents alike. It is my hope or a locally-owned small business, networking naming them Pell Grants for Kids. Vouchers that we will be able to work in a bipartisan will continue to play a vital role in the growth will not solve our country’s education woes, manner to ensure that this program receives a of the U.S. economy. From manufacturing to and naming them after Rhode Island’s es- proper reauthorization.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:30 Feb 07, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06FE8.029 E06FEPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC77 with REMARKS E126 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 6, 2008 Federal health care programs are vital not dress the danger to Colorado’s communities, stead, I seek to make it possible for there to only to our Nation’s children, seniors, and dis- water supplies, and infrastructure from the in- be more rapid responses to the insect epi- abled, but also to the brave men and women creasing risk of very severe wildfires on our demic in those areas where such responses who served our country. While the President’s forested lands. are needed in order to protect communities budget includes an increase for VA funding. I I have put a priority on reducing those risks from increased wildfire dangers. highly doubt it will keep pace with the health since I was elected to Congress. In 2000, with The bill I am introducing today would add a care demands of our returning veterans. I am our then-colleague, Representative Hefley, I new section to the Healthy Forests Act. which also dismayed by his cut of almost $40 million introduced legislation to facilitate reducing the would apply only to Colorado, to specifically to medical and prosthetic research, programs buildup of fuel in the parts of Colorado that the address insect epidemics. It would authorize that have helped our wounded veterans return Forest Service, working with State and local the Forest Service or Interior Department to to a normal life. Once again, the President has partners, identified at greatest risk of fire—the identify as ‘‘insect emergency areas’’ Federal placed the burden of health care cost in- so-called ‘‘red zones.’’ lands that have already been slated for fuel- creases on veterans themselves by proposing Concepts from that legislation were included reduction work in community wildfire protection to increase co-payments and introduce enroll- in the National Fire Plan developed by the plans and that have so many insect-killed ment fees for VA medical care. Congress has Clinton Administration and were also incor- trees that there is an urgent need for work to opposed those efforts in the past, and we will porated into the Healthy Forests Restoration reduce the fire-related risks to human life and continue to do so. Act of 2003. As a Member of the Resources property or municipal water supply. Finally, as a member of the Homeland Se- Committee, I had worked to develop the The Forest Service or Interior Department curity Committee, I am concerned about the version of that legislation that the committee could do this on its own initiative or in re- impacts of the President’s budget on our Na- approved in 2002, and while I could not sup- sponse to a request from a State agency or a tion’s capacity for response, resiliency, and re- port the different version initially passed by the Colorado political subdivision (such as a coun- covery in the wake of a national catastrophe. House in 2003, I voted for the revised version ty, city, or other local government). After re- The budget calls for an unprecedented 79 per- developed in conference with the Senate later ceipt of such a request, a decision must be cent cut to the State Homeland Security Grant that year—the version that President Bush made within 90 days. Program, which awarded $34.8 million to signed into law. In any such emergency areas, the Forest Rhode Island from 2004 to 2007. The budget Since then welcome progress has been Service or Interior Department would be au- would also eliminate the Staffing for Adequate made—in Colorado, at least—in developing thorized to remove dead or dying trees on an Fire and Emergency Response, SAFER, Grant community wildfire protection plans and focus- expedited basis, including use of a ‘‘categor- program and would slash funding for the As- ing fuel-reduction projects in the priority ‘‘red ical exclusion’’ from normal review under the sistance to Firefighters Grant program, despite zone’’ areas, two important aspects of the new National Environmental Policy Act, NEPA. Al- clear evidence that more resources are need- law. But at the same time nature has contin- though categorical exclusions from NEPA are ed to adequately staff and equip fire depart- ued to add to the buildup of fuel in the form controversial, I believe they are appropriate for ments. Local law enforcement would also suf- of both new growth and dead and dying ma- these emergency situations. fer under the President’s budget, which would ture trees. For the information of our colleagues, here cut funding to the Community Oriented Polic- In recognition of the serious nature of the is a more detailed outline of the bill: ing Services, COPS, program and to Justice problem, the entire Colorado delegation—both COLORADO FOREST INSECT EMERGENCY RESPONSE ACT Assistance Grants, JAGS, which have reduced here in the House and in the Senate, too— This bill, based on provisions in the Udall- crime in communities nationwide. Our State worked together to reach consensus on a Salazar bill (H.R. 4875) of 2006, will add a and local law enforcement must have the re- broad-scale legislative response. The result new section to the Healthy Forests Restora- sources they need to be effective, and I will was legislation—H.R. 3072 and S. 1797, the tion Act to specifically address the forest in- fight to block these proposed cuts. Colorado Forest Management Improvement sect epidemic in Colorado. It is obvious that the President’s budget Act of 2007—which I introduced last year in It would authorize the Forest Service or the does not reflect America’s priorities. So, we the House with the cosponsorship of the entire Interior Department, as relevant, to identify as must ask, what are the President’s priorities? Colorado delegation and which Senators ‘‘insect emergency areas’’ Federal lands in While he recommends raising health care SALAZAR and ALLARD introduced in the Senate. Colorado that have already been slated for costs for veterans, the President wants $70 Together with two bills I introduced last fuel-reduction work in community wildfire pro- billion more to continue the war in Iraq, though week—H.R. 5216, the Wildfire Risk Reduction tection plans and that have so many insect- Defense Secretary Gates stated today that and Renewable Biomass Utilization Act and killed trees that there is an urgent need for that number could climb to $170 billion. While H.R. 5218, the Fire Safe Community Act—the work to reduce the fire-related risks to human he wants Congress to permanently extend his bill I am introducing today is designed to com- life and property or municipal water supplies. tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, his plement the Colorado Forest Management Act The Forest Service or Interior Department budget does not contain a long-term fix for the to respond to the increasingly widespread ex- could make such a determination on its own Alternative Minimum Tax, which if left tent to which our State’s forests are being al- initiative or in response to a request from any unaddressed could mean a significant tax in- tered by infestations of bark beetles and other Colorado State agency or any Colorado polit- crease on our middle class. While he slashes insects. ical subdivision (such as a county, city, or programs for our most vulnerable citizens, his These insects help to balance tree densities other local government). The relevant Federal refusal to follow fiscally responsible budgeting and set the stage for fires and thereby the agency must respond to such a request by practices would mean more deficits in the generation of new tree growth. And when for- making a decision within 90 days. coming years, burdening future generations ests are healthy and there are adequate sup- The bill would reduce the extent to which with crushing interest on the national debt. plies of water, their effects are relatively low- analysis under the National Environmental These priorities are wrong for America. I am scale and isolated. But under the right condi- Policy Act of 1969, NEPA, must be done prior confident that Congress will develop a more tions—such as drought, unusually warm win- to implementing fuel-reduction—i.e., thinning humane and careful roadmap for the coming ters, or when there are dense stands of even- or tree-removal projects in insect-emergency year, and I look forward to working with the aged trees—the insects can cause large-scale areas. This would be done in two ways: Democratic leadership toward that goal. tree mortality, turning whole mountainsides (1) by allowing the abbreviated NEPA re- and valleys rust red. And that is happening views to be used for projects on any lands f now in many parts of Colorado, as was made covered by a wildfire protection plan for a Col- INTRODUCTION OF COLORADO unmistakably clear recently when Federal and orado community in or adjacent to an insect- FOREST INSECT EMERGENCY RE- State foresters reported that the beetle infesta- emergency area (the Act now allows this only SPONSE ACT tion first detected in 1996 grew by a half-mil- for projects on lands within 1.5 miles of a lion acres last year, bringing the total number community’s boundaries); and HON. MARK UDALL of acres attacked by bark beetles to 1.5 mil- (2) by allowing the Forest Service or Interior OF COLORADO lion, and has spread further into Front Range Department to forego NEPA analysis entirely IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES counties east of the Continental Divide. through use of a ‘‘categorical exclusion’’ with My goal in introducing legislation dealing regard to a project involving only lands that Wednesday, February 6, 2008 with this issue is not to eradicate insects in are both within an insect-emergency area and Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Madam Speaker, our forests—nor should it be, because insects covered by a community wildfire protection today I am introducing an additional bill to ad- are a natural part of forest ecosystems. In- plan.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:30 Feb 07, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06FE8.032 E06FEPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC77 with REMARKS February 6, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E127 Before making a decision to exempt a after investing 214.5 hours and over 20 miles HONORING BAHAI COMMUNITY OF project from NEPA review, the Forest Service of yarn, Ms. Hilton proudly displays the 24-by- SAN JOSE or Interior Department would have to consult 13 foot, 43 pound flag at her home in Athens, with relevant Federal and State agencies, Texas. HON. ZOE LOFGREN seek comments from the public, and follow ex- In between stitching stripes, Ms. Hilton de- OF CALIFORNIA isting procedures for such decisions. veloped her crocheting ministry, The Love IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Stitchers. The Love Stitchers dedicate their f Wednesday, February 6, 2008 time and efforts to making lap afghans for HONORING THE COCKE COUNTY people in nursing homes and hospice centers. Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California. Madam NAVAL JUNIOR RESERVE OFFI- They also make special red, white, and blue Speaker, I rise to acknowledge and honor CER TRAINING CORPS starred and striped blankets for veterans. With Baha´’i Community of San Jose’s 50th anniver- 100 members in three cities, The Love Stitch- sary. The Baha´’i Faith, in just 150 years, has HON. DAVID DAVIS ers have made over 1,500 afghans. become an independent, second most wide- OF TENNESSEE Madam Speaker, on behalf of the Fifth Dis- spread world religion whose five million fol- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES trict of Texas, I am honored to recognize Ms. lowers are made up of more than 2,100 di- verse ethnic, racial and tribal groups. The or- Wednesday, February 6, 2008 Nancy Hilton not only for her talent, but for her thoughtfulness and devotion in caring for our ganization has more than 157,000 members in Mr. DAVID DAVIS of Tennessee. Madam military, veterans, and seniors. the United States. Speaker, I rise today to congratulate the The Baha´’i Faith includes teachings that Cocke County Naval Junior Reserve Officers f promote the principle of equal rights for men Training Corps (NJROTC) program for their and women, advocate compulsory education, achievements this past year. In 2007, the RECOGNIZING THE LATINA STYLE abolish extremes of poverty and wealth, honor Cocke County NJROTC program was ranked 50 AWARDS work performed in the spirit of service to the number one in the State of Tennessee and rank of worship, recommend the adoption of number six in the United States in competi- HON. JOE BACA an auxiliary international language, and pro- tions including academics, athletics, and mili- vide the necessary agencies for the establish- OF CALIFORNIA tary drill. ment and safeguarding of a permanent and In addition to achieving such great acco- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES universal peace. The Baha´’i Communities of lades in competitions, the Cocke County Wednesday, February 6, 2008 San Jose and of the United States operate NJROTC planned, coordinated, and completed more than one thousand grassroots social and Mr. BACA. Madam Speaker, in 1998, a 2,153 community service hours in the Cocke economic development projects throughout the unique program was launched with the pur- County, Hamblen County and Knox County world. pose of creating awareness in corporate areas during the 2006 to 2007 school year. This faith-based organization not only pro- America and its connection to the growing The Cocke County NJROTC is a citizen vides spiritual guidance for their members, but world of professional Hispanic women. leadership program designed to develop in- they also provide charitable work to the com- LATINA Style Magazine serves as a reflection formed and responsible young men and munity at large. Some of their local civic activi- of this increasing diversity. Because of the women who embody honor, self-reliance, self- ties include the membership in the Martin Lu- magazine’s dedication to informing its readers discipline, and respect to authority in a demo- ther King, Jr. Association, membership in the on career opportunities in corporate America, cratic society. Network for a Hate Free Community, it was the catalyst for creating a prestigious This achievement is a true honor to all the Juneteenth Festival, Second Harvest Food analysis of Hispanic women’s presence there. young men and women involved in the Cocke Collections, highway cleanup, and 22 years It serves to show the continued efforts for pro- County NJROTC program. The rankings, each sponsorship of a service awards banquet rec- moting diversity and providing career advance- respectively, show the dedication and commit- ognizing notable individuals and organizations ment for these Latina professionals. ment to service and our Nation. for their community service based on Baha´’i It is exciting for me to see the young men Today we celebrate the LATINA Style 50 principles. Baha´’i Community of San Jose pro- and women of Cocke County NJROTC estab- Awards, a program which highlights the 50 vides these valuable services at no cost to the lishing such high standards at a young age best companies for Latinas to work for in our Baha´’i Communities of the South Bay and the and it bestows great promise for the State of country. LATINA Style recruits up to 800 For- Santa Clara Valley Community at large. Tennessee and our Nation alike. tune 1000 companies to participate in a sur- In their 50 years of dedication and hard Madam Speaker, I ask that the House join vey regarding their role in increasing the num- work. Baha´’i Community of San Jose has as- me this evening honoring the Cocke County ber of Latina professionals in America’s work- sisted thousands of people. Baha´’i Community NJROTC program for their commitment to ex- place. The reports highlight each company’s of San Jose serves people of all beliefs, cul- cellence, dedication, and promise as future leadership programs, employee benefits and tures, ethnicities and ages and serves a di- leaders of America. Latina representation in senior positions. This verse population from various ethnic back- f past August, the tenth publication of these grounds. studies went to print. Today I stand here hon- It is indeed an honor and a privilege to have HONORING NANCY HILTON FOR oring this 10th year anniversary of a highly no- a warm, welcoming, and nurturing organization ENCOURAGING OUR NATION’S table and beneficial publication. in my district that appreciates and honors the MILITARY Because of the dream of its late founder, diversity that makes America, and specifically Anna Maria Arias, the LATINA Style 50 pro- San Jose, California a most desirable place to HON. JEB HENSARLING vides today to Latina professionals a resource live, work and raise a family. when looking for information on mentoring pro- OF TEXAS f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES grams, education opportunities, employee benefits. women’s issues, and more in cor- FREEDOM FOR JUAN PEDROSO Wednesday, February 6, 2008 porate America. With these resources we can ESQUIVEL Mr. HENSARLING. Madam Speaker, today I continue to shed light and improve the status rise to recognize a talented and patriotic cit- of Hispanic professionals in America’s growing HON. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART izen, Nancy Hilton, for her efforts to honor and corporate world. LATINA Style’s passion helps OF FLORIDA encourage our Nation’s military. more Hispanic women become aware of com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Overwhelmed with the sacrifices made by panies that are providing nurturing environ- our men and women in uniform. Ms. Hilton ments, where they can continue to climb the Wednesday, February 6, 2008 sought a unique way in which she could per- corporate ladder. I commend LATINA Style on Mr. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART of Florida. sonally honor the military. On a road trip to the their commitment to open more doors to His- Madam Speaker, I rise to bring to the attention East Coast, Ms. Hilton decided to hand-stitch panic women, and for their continued inspira- of our colleagues the unjustified arrest of yet an American flag and wasted no time in doing tion to all Latinas and Latinos in the United another dissident, Juan Pedroso Esquivel, by so. On the road with no pattern, she pur- States who seek to serve the vital roles in the totalitarian dictatorship in Cuba. chased a store-made American flag and cre- America’s social, political, and economic com- Recently dictatorship thugs working to stifle ated a self-made pattern. Three years later, munities. free speech raided Mr. Pedroso’s home after

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:40 Feb 07, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06FE8.035 E06FEPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC77 with REMARKS E128 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 6, 2008 someone in the city of Colo´n posted stickers by a panel of national and international lubri- intensive development of Federally-owned nat- declaring ‘‘CAMBIO,’’ meaning change in cation engineers. He is beyond doubt an ex- ural gas and other energy resources. Spanish. The regime charged Mr. Pedroso on pert in his field, authoring training books on Accordingly, our bill would reverse this re- January 7 with the crime of possessing ‘‘sub- lube-room construction and articles on lubrica- cently-enacted change and so restore the eq- versive propaganda.’’ It is not known yet how tion systems and lending his services to a uitable division of royalty revenues provided long a sentence Mr. Pedroso will face for this number of Fortune 500 companies. Just as by the Mineral Leasing Act. so-called crime. This may be because the ty- importantly, Scotty Lippert’s best practices in f rannical regime is attempting to scare other the field of lubrication, inspired, designed and peaceful political dissenters by making an ex- implemented at Clopay, are now being used SUNSET MEMORIAL ample with the unjust arrest of Mr. Pedroso. by the U.S. Navy. Mr. Pedroso is a member of the Pedro Luis On November 2, 2007, Scotty Lippert was HON. TRENT FRANKS Boitel Democratic Party. He has a long history chosen as the 2007 Kentucky Manufacturing OF ARIZONA of nonviolent political dissent and has pre- Employee of the Year. He was chosen by a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES viously faced time inside the repressive gulags panel of judges on account of his innovation, Wednesday, February 6, 2008 of the Cuban tyranny. teamwork. community service, and leadership Even outside prison the regime’s thugs have credentials. Mr. FRANKS of Arizona. Madam Speaker, it repeatedly harassed Mr. Pedroso. According In addition to his dedication to his company is February 6, 2008, in the land of the free to reports, in September 1998, Mr. Pedroso and profession, Scotty Lippert serves his com- and the home of the brave and before the sun was threatened by the despotic chief of police munity as a magistrate in Bracken County. set today in America, almost 4,000 more de- in San Jose´ de los Ramos, Matanzas prov- Scotty Lippert deserves praise for his con- fenseless unborn children were killed by abor- ince. The policeman publicly said that he had tributions to his vocation and community, and tion on demand—just today. That is more than orders to shoot Mr. Pedroso in the head and I know the citizens of Bracken County and the the number of innocent American lives that we then a few days later said he had his gun Fourth Congressional District join me in recog- lost on September 11, only it happens every ready. nizing his many achievements and contribu- day. A few months later Mr. Pedroso was sum- tions to our region. It has now been exactly 12,798 days since moned to the headquarters of the Sistema f the tragic judicial fiat called Roe v. Wade was Unico de Vigilancia y Proteccio´n, SUVP, Uni- handed down. Since then, the very foundation fied Vigilance and Protection System, where INTRODUCTION OF EQUITABLE of this Nation has been stained by the blood he was told that he needed to stop his human MINERAL LEASE REVENUE of almost 50 million children. And all of them rights work and ‘‘get a job’’ or he would be SHARING RESTORATION ACT had at least four things in common. charged with the crime of ‘‘dangerousness.’’ They were each just little babies who had However, Mr. Pedroso was unable to find em- HON. MARK UDALL done nothing wrong to anyone. And each one ployment because of his past peaceful political OF COLORADO of them died a nameless and lonely death. activities. One week later, he was arrested IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES And each of their mothers, whether she real- and ‘‘convicted’’ of ‘‘dangerousness’’ and re- izes it immediately or not, will never be the ceived a two-year sentence in the gulag. Wednesday, February 6, 2008 same. And all the gifts that these children My colleagues, it is unconscionable that Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Madam Speaker, might have brought to humanity are now lost someone can be sent to a gulag just because with my Colorado colleague, Representative forever. a dictatorship suspected he was posting stick- JOHN SALAZAR. I am today introducing a bill to Madam Speaker, those noble heroes lying ers with the word ‘‘CAMBIO.’’ Why are they so restore the equitable sharing between the in frozen silence out in Arlington National afraid of the word ‘‘change’’? What has them Federal Government and the States of reve- Cemetery did not die so America could shred so scared of such a simple and peaceful nues from federal onshore mineral leases. her own Constitution, as well as her own chil- word? What they are really scared of is any- Leasing of federally-owned onshore min- dren, by the millions. It seems that we are one in any way challenging their tenuous grip erals is governed by the Mineral Leasing Act. never quite so eloquent as when we condemn on the Cuban people and putting a spotlight which provides that the royalties paid by the the genocidal crimes of past generations, on their condemnable, abhorrent treatment of producers are split equally between the Fed- those who allowed their courts to strip the the Cuban people. eral Government and the government of the black man and the Jew of their constitutional Madam Speaker, the arrest of Mr. Pedroso State where a lease is located. personhood, and then proceeded to murder- is yet another example of the totalitarian dicta- This is very important for Colorado, which in ously desecrate millions of these, God’s own torship’s total disregard for human rights in recent years has received between $30 million children. that enslaved island. My colleagues, we must and $60 million from this source. And many Yet even in the full glare of such tragedy, demand the immediate and unconditional re- other States—especially in the West—have this generation clings to blindness and invin- lease of Juan Pedroso Esquivel and every po- benefited as well. In fact, the most recent re- cible ignorance while history repeats itself and litical prisoner in totalitarian Cuba. port by the Interior Department indicates that our own genocide mercilessly annihilates the f 34 States received a total of $1.9 billion pursu- most helpless of all victims to date, those yet ant to this part of the Mineral Leasing Act in unborn. HONORING SCOTTY LIPPERT, JR. 2007. Perhaps it is important for those of us in this Regrettably, the just-enacted appropriations Chamber to remind ourselves again of why we HON. GEOFF DAVIS bill for the Interior Department includes a pro- are really all here. OF KENTUCKY vision that in effect amends this part of the Thomas Jefferson said, ‘‘The care of human IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mineral Leasing Act by reducing the share of life and its happiness and not its destruction is Wednesday, February 6, 2008 royalty funds going to affected States by 2 the chief and only object of good govern- Mr. DAVIS of Kentucky. Madam Speaker, I percent—so that Colorado and other States ment.’’ rise today to honor a dedicated community will get only 48 percent (instead of half) of the Madam Speaker, protecting the lives of our servant and a national leader in his profes- royalties from Federal leases within state innocent citizens and their constitutional rights sion. boundaries. is why we are all here. It is our sworn oath. Scotty Lippert, Jr., is a standout in his field. My understanding is that this change was The phrase in the 14th amendment capsulizes For twenty-one years. he has worked for prompted—at least in part—as a way to offset our entire Constitution. It says: ‘‘No state shall Clopay Plastics Products, a global leader in some of the costs to the Interior Department deprive any person of life, liberty or property specialty films, extrusion coatings, custom- of administering the leasing program and the without due process of law.’’ printing and engineered laminations. As a distribution of royalty revenues. The bedrock foundation of this Republic is planned maintenance specialist and lubrication But I do not think Such a drastic change in the Declaration, not the casual notion, but the systems leader, he is one of only 745 people the law should he accomplished by inclusion Declaration of the self-evident truth that all worldwide to meet the education, training, and of such a provision in an appropriations bill, human beings are created equal and endowed examination standards required to achieve especially when it will have such a serious ad- by their creator with the unalienable rights of Machinery Lubrication Technician Certification. verse effect on Colorado and our commu- life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Scotty Lippert helped design and construct nities—especially those on the Western Every conflict and battle our Nation has ever a lube room that was judged best in the world Slope—that are experiencing the impacts of faced can be traced to our commitment to this

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:30 Feb 07, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06FE8.040 E06FEPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC77 with REMARKS February 6, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E129 core self-evident truth. It has made us the HONORING THE CAREER AND AC- This title requires all such committees beacon of hope for the entire world. It is who COMPLISHMENTS OF DR. RON- to notify the Office of the Senate Daily we are. ALD F. SURAL Digest—designated by the Rules Com- And yet another day has passed, Madam mittee—of the time, place, and purpose Speaker, and we in this body have failed HON. HOWARD COBLE of the meetings, when scheduled, and again to honor that commitment. We failed our OF NORTH CAROLINA any cancellations or changes in the sworn oath and our God-given responsibility IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES meetings as they occur. as we broke faith with nearly 4,000 more inno- Wednesday, February 6, 2008 As an additional procedure along cent American babies who died without the protection we should have given them. Mr. COBLE. Madam Speaker, I join with with the computerization of this infor- those who are recognizing the extraordinary mation, the Office of the Senate Daily Madam Speaker, I believe that this discus- accomplishments of a distinguished con- Digest will prepare this information for sion presents this Congress and the American stituent Dr. Ronald F Sural who recently re- printing in the Extensions of Remarks people with two destiny questions. tired. His career was one of remarkable con- section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD The first that all of us must ask ourselves is tributions to the practice of medicine, and on Monday and Wednesday of each very simple: Does abortion really kill a baby? manifold successes and abiding dedication to week. If the answer is ‘‘yes,’’ there is a second des- the people of Greensboro, North Carolina. tiny question that inevitably follows. Ron was horn in Saginaw, Michigan, and Meetings scheduled for Thursday, And it is this, Madam Speaker: Will we allow educated in a one-room schoolhouse. He February 7, 2008 may be found in the ourselves to be dragged by those who have knew he wanted to be a doctor at an early Daily Digest of today’s RECORD. lost their way into a darkness where the light age after seeing how a local physician took of human compassion has gone out and the care of the people in his hometown and the MEETINGS SCHEDULED respect and admiration the physician enjoyed. predatory survival of the fittest prevails over FEBRUARY 12 humanity? Or will America embrace her des- Not being from a wealthy family, Ron worked 9:30 a.m. tiny to lead the world to cherish and honor the to put himself through college and medical Armed Services God-given miracle of each human life? school. Ron is a 1967 alumnus of the University of To hold hearings to examine Air Force Madam Speaker, it has been said that every Michigan Medical School. Shortly after his nuclear security; to be followed by a baby comes with a message, that God has not medical residency Ron joined the United closed session in SR–222. yet despaired of mankind. And I mourn that States Air Force as a surgeon. He faithfully SR–325 10 a.m. those 4,000 messages sent to us today will served his Nation during the Vietnam War, Commerce, Science, and Transportation never be heard. Madam Speaker, I also have eventually being promoted to the rank of not yet despaired. Because tonight maybe Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security Major. Subcommittee someone new, maybe even someone in this In 1974, after retiring from the Air Force, he Congress, who heard this sunset memorial will To hold hearings to examine the Presi- moved his family to North Carolina after vis- dent’s proposed budget request for fis- finally realize that abortion really does kill a iting the state only once. He immediately fell cal year 2009 for the Federal Aviation baby, that it hurts mothers in ways that we in love with Greensboro and decided that it Administration. can never express, and that 12,798 days was the place he would raise his family. SR–253 spent legally killing nearly 50 million children Ron served the people of the Greensboro Budget in America is enough. And perhaps they will area as a urologist for 33 years, providing help To hold hearings to examine the Presi- realize that America is great enough to find a and healing to the young and old alike, some- dent’s proposed budget request for fis- better way than abortion on demand. times without pay. He never refused to help cal year 2009 for defense and war costs. So tonight, Madam Speaker, may we each anyone in need and those patients often SD–608 showed their appreciation by bringing him Environment and Public Works remind ourselves that our own days in this To hold hearings to examine the Presi- vegetables from their gardens or firewood— sunshine of life are numbered and that all too dent’s proposed budget request for fis- soon each of us will walk from these Cham- the only payment they could afford. cal year 2009 for the U.S. Army Corps of bers for the very last time. He served the Greensboro community Engineers Civil Works Program, and through his involvement with the Summit Ro- And if it should be that this Congress is al- the implementation of the Water Re- tary Club of Greensboro, the Knights of Co- lowed to convene on yet another day to come, sources Development Act (WRDA) of lumbus and as a parishioner of Our Lady of may that be the day when we hear the cries 2007. Grace Catholic Church. He is a member of the SD–406 of the unborn at last. May that be the day we Greensboro Country Club, where he has skill- Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions find the humanity, the courage, and the will to fully won several golf championships. To hold hearings to examine ways to ad- embrace together our human and our constitu- He is the proud, adoring father of four chil- dress healthcare workforce issues for tional duty to protect the least of these, our dren, three grandchildren, and the loving hus- the future. tiny American brothers and sisters, from this band to his wife of 41 years, Sharon. SD–430 murderous scourge upon our Nation called Dr. Sural exemplifies all of what is good and Judiciary abortion on demand. To hold hearings to examine the nomina- positive about the practice of medicine. And It is February 6, 2008—12,798 days since tions of James Randal Hall, to be now, his 33 year career as a physician, serv- United States District Judge for the Roe v. Wade—in the land of the free and the ant and educator has come to a close. He has Southern District of Georgia, Richard home of the brave. left an indelible mark on his patients and on H. Honaker, to be United States Dis- the medical professionals with whom he has trict Judge for the District of Wyo- f worked, mentored, advised, and inspired. On ming, Gustavus Adolphus Puryear IV, behalf of the citizens of the Sixth District of to be United States District Judge for PERSONAL EXPLANATION North Carolina, we commend Dr. Ronald Sural the Middle District of Tennessee, and for being a distinguished physician, father and Brian Stacy Miller, to be United States husband, and an exemplar of strong character District Judge for the Eastern District HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD and generosity. of Arkansas. SD–226 OF CALIFORIA f 11 a.m. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS Appropriations Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, Transportation, Housing and Urban Devel- Wednesday, February 6, 2008 opment, and Related Agencies Sub- agreed to by the Senate on February 4, committee Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Madam Speaker, I 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- To hold hearings to examine proposed was ill today and was not present for naming tem for a computerized schedule of all budget estimates for fiscal year 2009 for bills S. 2110 (Roll No. 23) and H.R. 4140 (Roll meetings and hearings of Senate com- Transportation, Housing, and Urban No. 24). Had I been present, I would have mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- Development, and Related Agencies. voted ‘‘yea’’ on both measures. tees, and committees of conference. SD–138

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:30 Feb 07, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06FE8.043 E06FEPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC77 with REMARKS E130 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 6, 2008 2 p.m. cal year 2009 for the Small Business cal year 2009 for the Department of Judiciary Administration. Homeland Security. Crime and Drugs Subcommittee SR–428A SD–342 To hold hearings to examine federal co- 2:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. caine sentencing laws, focusing on re- Intelligence Intelligence forming the 100-to-1 crack/powder dis- Closed business meeting to consider cer- To hold hearings to examine the Director parity. tain intelligence matters. of National Intelligence authorities. SD–226 SH–219 SH–216 2:30 p.m. 3 p.m. Intelligence Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions FEBRUARY 21 To hold closed hearings to examine cer- Children and Families Subcommittee 10 a.m. tain intelligence matters. To hold hearings to examine the Family Judiciary SH–219 and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) (P.L. To hold hearings to examine pending ju- 103–3), focusing on a fifteen-year his- FEBRUARY 13 tory of support for workers. dicial nominations. SD–226 9:30 a.m. SD–430 Armed Services FEBRUARY 27 To hold hearings to examine improve- FEBRUARY 14 ments implemented and planned by the 9:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m. Department of Defense and the Depart- Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation ment of Veterans Affairs for the care, To hold hearings to examine the nomina- Space, Aeronautics, and Related Agencies management, and transition of wound- tion of John J. Sullivan, of Maryland, Subcommittee ed and ill servicemembers. to be Deputy Secretary of Commerce. To hold hearings to examine the Presi- SH–216 SR–253 dent’s proposed budget request for fis- Foreign Relations Energy and Natural Resources cal year 2009 for the National Space To hold hearings to examine the Presi- To hold hearings to examine the Presi- and Aeronautics Administration dent’s budget request for fiscal year dent’s proposed budget estimates for (NASA). 2009 for Foreign Affairs. fiscal year 2009 for the Department of SR–253 SD–419 Agriculture Forest Service. Veterans’ Affairs SD–366 FEBRUARY 28 To hold hearings to examine the Presi- Indian Affairs 9:30 a.m. dent’s proposed budget request for fis- To hold an oversight hearing to examine Armed Services cal year 2009 for veterans programs. the President’s proposed budget re- To hold hearings to examine the defense SR–418 quest for fiscal year 2009 for tribal pro- authorization request for fiscal year 9:45 a.m. grams. 2009, for the Department of the Navy, Energy and Natural Resources SD–628 and the future years defense program; To hold hearings to examine the Presi- 9:45 a.m. with the possibility of a closed session dent’s budget request for fiscal year Homeland Security and Governmental Af- in SR–222 immediately following the 2009 for the Department of the Interior. fairs open session. SD–366 Oversight of Government Management, the SH–216 10 a.m. Federal Workforce, and the District of Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Columbia Subcommittee MARCH 5 fairs To hold hearings to examine ways to 9:30 a.m. To hold hearings to examine the Depart- build and strengthen the Federal acqui- ment of Defense Homeland Security sition workforce. Armed Services role, focusing on how the military can SD–342 To hold hearings to examine the defense and will contribute. 10 a.m. authorization request for fiscal year SD–342 Commerce, Science, and Transportation 2009, for the Department of the Air Judiciary To hold hearings to examine one year to Force, and the future years defense To hold hearings to examine the state se- digital television transition, focusing program. crets privilege, focusing on protecting on consumers, broadcasters, and con- SH–216 national security while preserving ac- verter boxes. countability. SR–253 MARCH 12 SD–226 10:15 a.m. 2:30 p.m. Rules and Administration Foreign Relations Armed Services To hold hearings to examine ways to pro- Business meeting to consider pending Readiness and Management Support Sub- tect voters at home and at the polls, calendar business. committee focusing on limiting abusive robocalls S–116, Capitol To hold hearings to examine the defense and vote caging practices. 1:30 p.m. authorization request for fiscal year SR–301 Homeland Security and Governmental Af- 2009, the future years defense program, Small Business and Entrepreneurship fairs and military installation, environ- To hold hearings to examine the Presi- To hold hearings to examine the Presi- mental, and base closure programs. dent’s proposed budget request for fis- dent’s proposed budget request for fis- SR–232A

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:30 Feb 07, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\M06FE8.000 E06FEPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC77 with REMARKS