You are warmly invited to join us in the SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION Parish Church Sunday 27th MAY 2018 11.15am All welcome

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Some dates for your diary

SUNDAY THIRTY A short, informal All Age Service led by the Aberlady Worship Team in Aberlady Kirk Stables at 8.45am on the third Sunday of each month, followed by coffee/tea, a chat and something to eat. Dates for your diary are: May 20th, June 17th, July/August – no Sunday 30 September 16th

Christian Aid Week 13th-19th May 2018 Donation envelopes will be available in church on 13th May.

The Church of Scotland

Heart and Soul – Sunday 20th May 2018 Come and celebrate the life and work of the church in Princes Street Gardens, from 12.30pm – 6.00pm. It is free to attend and you are most welcome to come along and join in the friendly atmosphere as you explore the event from east to west – and back again! At 5.00pm we gather in our thousands for a massed worship service. Come and join us for a unique experience.

If you know of someone who is ill at home, in hospital or in need of a pastoral visit - Please fill in one of the cards at the back of the church on a Sunday and let your District Elder or Session Clerk know, in order that a visit can be made.

2 ABERLADY CHURCH 31ST MAY 2018 Your Glory and Strength Dear friends,

In our February magazine I encouraged you to be praying Paul’s prayer from Colossians 1:9-10 and to keep abiding in Jesus, particularly through the reading of Scripture. As I thought of what to share in this edition I was reminded of something that I was struck by in my own daily devotions. Recently I read these words from Psalm 89:17 – ‘For you are their glory and strength’ (NIV).

The Psalmist writes (vv.15-18) of the impact that a deep and true relationship with God (who is described in vv.1-14) can have on the individual, even on a nation. Sadly, Israel all too often failed to live out these words. Indeed, as I read through the book of Judges at present I begin to wonder what might have happened if God’s people had more fully learned to find their glory and strength in the Lord: might they have found greater peace and resources for the struggles they faced? Might they have been able to prioritise better and chart a better course for their communal life, and in doing so, live up to their calling to be a blessing to the nations (Gen. 12:2-3)?

We all find our glory and strength in something. Linked to that, we all find our identity in something too. These could be our jobs, our positions of influence and responsibility, our relationships, our national or geographic roots, our abilities, wealth, passions and interests. I wonder what would be on your list of adjectives or names to describe your identity? What would be on mine? How far up the list would something relating to God come? It might be Christian, or disciple of Jesus, or child of God – there is a plethora of choice (because our relationship with God is so rich!) – but how far up the list would you and I place it?

Recently, I was at a preaching conference, wherein one of the speakers was Revd Dr Sam Wells of St Martin-in-the-Fields, based in Trafalgar Square. Sam is an excellent pastor, speaker and leader (search online for his ser- mons). In his session, one of the key things he communicated was that the Church today needs to boldly own and share the Christian faith – and to be passionate about the Good News we have in Jesus! If we are not, then no one else will be and fewer people will give church/faith/God a second thought. In my experience, when we increasingly find our identity (our glory and strength) in God, and so learn to enjoy Him, then our lives are positively impacted and this overflows into the lives of those we encounter. Could a deeper identity and joy in God encourage others to reconsider the value of the Christian faith? 3 ABERLADY CHURCH 31ST MAY 2018

Could a deeper identity and joy in God encourage others to reconsider the value of the Christian faith?

This year we are all being called to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ – to make Him a priority and to put our roots deep down into our faith – and I am finding that God is graciously and gently leading me in that. I hope and pray that you are too, and that together we may know a fuller experience of the Lord being our glory and strength, our identity and joy.

Scott Burton

* * * * * *


Dear all,

We recently issued a Giving with Grace Leaflet and have only had 12.3% of responses to date.

We are delighted to have received these responses but there is still a considerable number of people who have not replied.

Can I ask, if you have not returned the response form, please have another look and think how best you can help Aberlady Parish Church continue to survive, thrive and plan for the future.

There is no final date for replies but from a planning point of view the earlier the better. If you have mislaid your form there are more available in the Church.

A very big thank you to everyone who has taken the trouble to reply. Your cooperation is much appreciated.

Hazel Phisatory: Stewardship Convenor


TREASURER’S REPORT Church Finances-Treasurer's update

The Annual Accounts have been approved both locally by the Kirk Session and the auditor and at Presbytery level. The Annual Stated meeting will be held in May/June when there will an opportunity to have the accounts explained. They will be sent to OSCR (the Scottish Charities' regulator) for inspection and approval soon.

The current financial situation is reasonably healthy. There has been some expenditure in the removal of the shed, which belonged to the Parent and Toddlers group in the courtyard. This is now a better space which we hope to improve in the future,. Other expenditure has been on aspects of annual maintenance in both buildings.

With the closure of our bank branch in , I am trying to use the village Post Office to deposit money received. Cheques have to be presented separately from cash and are proving an issue. At present any written to Aberlady Parish Church are returned by the Cheque receiving centre in the south of England. It would help me if all cheques for the church were made payable to Aberlady Kirk Session with immediate effect. This is the name on both pay-in slips and cheques. This will make my job a little easier and save me time. I would be grateful for your help with this.

Kaye Macaskill Treasurer

* * * * * * Fellowship and Outreach

We hope that by the time you receive this, the Plant Sale will have been very successful.

There will be a Wine and Cheese for everyone on Friday 8 June. This will be an informal opportunity to meet socially with Scott, our assistant minister who leaves us at the end of August. There will be no charge for this. There will be a sheet in the church for you to put your name down, if you wish to attend, so that we can have accurate numbers for catering.

Hopefully there will be a barbecue in the summer, probably 19 August. Look out for information on the Order of service and on posters.

The Annual Bridge Afternoon will be on 3 October. For more details or to book a table contact Val Barrie.

We shall hold our Christmas Fair in early November

Kaye Macaskill



Recycling of Ink Cartridges and Mobile Phones I am happy to say that the reintroduction of this has been well supported by members of both churches and I have sent off lots to the recycling centre. I have sent a number of batches over the last couple of months The money raised goes to Muscular Dystrophy Campaign, my special charity. The Muscular Dystrophy Campaign does fantastic research into a number of muscle-wasting diseases, including Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy which affects boys, helps to find potential treatments and provides support for individuals and families, financial, information, support groups and family care officers. The charity is doing work not currently funded by the government. This is important for people, their carers and families who are dealing with moderate or severe, progressive physical disability.

Please continue to put your used print cartridges (apart for EPSON) and used mobile phones in the baskets in each church. I am very happy to do the posting, Thank you very much for your continued and ongoing support.

Kaye Macaskill April 2018



Gullane Parish Church Junior Choir is hosting an Afternoon Tea and Concert in Gullane Village Hall on Sunday 27th May, 2.30pm, in support of a charity which Jackie and Mike Mackie have chosen in memory of Jess.

Jackie & Mike have set up a Memorial Fund in Jess's name where all funds raised will be allocated specifically to provide music therapy at Edinburgh Children's Hospital (Sick Kids) which currently has an initiative alongside Tinderbox, a collective of musicians, providing music therapy for children attending or admitted to the hospital.

This is a lovely and very fitting charity to identify in memory of Jess. Jess knew instinctively what the healing power of music can do for humankind - all she ever wanted to do was share her singing and make people feel better.

The members of the Junior Choir will be providing most of the musical entertainment, some of which will focus on songs from The Greatest Showman, in particular, "This is me", a song with a great tune and a very powerful message, which was played at Jess's memorial service.

Some people take a lifetime to discover who they are, but Jess knew from a remarkably early age exactly who she was and what she was sent to do. Jess's purpose in life was to share her beautiful voice with others, to reach out and touch their very souls.

The song "This is me" embodies all the qualities of who Jess was - strong and sure in her faith, loving, forgiving, passionate, trusting, fun-loving, fearless, courageous, generous, positive.

It is my great privilege to have known Jess, both as an amazingly talented pupil and as a loyal friend.

Jess also had a great passion for baking - Jess's twin sister Lauren and friends are getting together for a big baking session in Jess's memory......

So please do come along and enjoy the music and the cup cakes in memory of Jess, a very special young lady whose amazing talent and beautiful personality will always inspire and encourage us. Janet Anderson



Garleton Singers

Summer Concert

Monday 28th May 2018, 7.30pm St Mary’s Haddington Monday Night is Music Night! Music for Stage and Screen including The Best of Bond, Cold Play, Abba, Ennio Morricone, Les Miserables, My Fair Lady and more! Not to be missed! Tickets available from Choir Members, Hilary’s Deli, Kesleys Bookshop Haddington or at the door. £12 Adults, £8 Students, £3 Children.

Hadley Court Singers

SUMMER CONCERT TO INCLUDE RUTTERS REQUIEM St Mary’s Parish Church, Haddington Saturday 16th June 2018 @ 7.30pm Tickets £10 (under 16's free)

Rehearsals take place on Wednesdays at 7.30pm at Holy Trinity Church, Haddington.


Safeguarding: Meet the Team A Joint Safeguarding Panel operates across both Aberlady and Gullane Parishes. I am currently the Convenor of this Panel, and as such, am a member of the Steering Group of the linked churches. The Safeguarding Panel also consists of Win Wright and Rachel Wallace from Gullane, the Session Clerks from both churches and the Minister. In addition, I act as the Safeguarding Coordinator for Aberlady, while Win is the Safeguarding Coordinator for Gullane. This means that I have responsibility for preventing harm and abuse from happening in Aberlady’s congregation and Win does the same for Gullane. We have to make a timely and appropriate response should any harm or abuse ever occur. Harm or abuse of both children and adults at risk can happen anywhere, even in church communities. We have a duty to Ensure a Safe Church for All. Therefore, if any harm or abuse is suspected or witnessed, or is reported to you, you must immediately report it to me, to Win or to any member of the Joint Safeguarding Panel. There are several ways in which we try to reduce the risk of harm or abuse from happening. Anyone to works with children or adults at risk in our congregations has to be approved as suitable by Disclosure Scotland. We have Policies and Procedures in place, which follow Church of Scotland Guidelines and which are audited annually by Presbytery. We ensure that the appropriate level of training is completed by our volunteers and also by the Kirk Session, since Elders, as Trustees of the Kirk, are the ones who are ultimately accountable if something went wrong. A Safeguarding Report is presented to Elders at every Kirk Session meeting. The Safeguarding Panel is very well supported in its work by the Church of Scotland’s Safeguarding Service, which also provides appropriate training. A bi-monthly newsletter keeps Coordinators up to date with developments. More information can be found at www.churchofscotland.org.uk . Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns or if you would like further information about Safeguarding. Val Morrison (Mrs)


Aberlady Gala Gala 2018 is fast approaching!

This year's Gala week will begin on Saturday, 2nd June, when Queen Elena will be crowned by last year’s Queen, Abbie Moore. As ever, Gala Day will be packed full of something for everyone in our community. This year we have a few different things lined up, so please pop along to the Playing Fields where the action kicks off at 1pm. And it doesn’t stop there! If you’ve a competitive streak don’t miss our Quiz Night (Mon 4th June), and for those of you who enjoy music and entertainment pop along to our Community Evening (Tues 5th June). There will also be disco, dances, footie and fun runs! As ever Gala week will be completed on 10th June with Kirkin’ Sunday. Full details can be found in our new look Gala Programme, available from the Post Office, Village Store and Gosford Bothy. Our Royal Court looks forward to seeing you! Thanks as ever for supporting our Gala week.

Alison Walker: 2018 Gala Chair


I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who donates to the East food bank collection we organise through Aberlady Parish Church. It is amazing how much food and other items we collect on a monthly basis . All dona- tions of food , toiletries and cleaning products are gratefully received by the group in .

There is a huge amount of organisation goes into the preparation of the parcels as they are all designed to suit the needs of the people who receive them. The group take into account the size of the parcels to suit the number of adults and children in each house as well as ensuring they have adequate facilities to prepare and cook.

Recently there was a shortage of a simple item of powdered potato packets as they had run short in there stocks and we were able to help with this item. Next time you are shopping perhaps you can pick up a packet and add to you donation

Please continue to give regularly as all parcels are much appreciated but the peo- ple who receive them

Raymond Binnie

10 ABERLADY CHURCH 31ST MAY 2018 Planting Seeds in Our Community

As part of its outreach work in our community, the Church has supported the trial of a community fruit and vegetable garden in the grounds of the Kirk Stables. Large planting boxes and growing soil were donated by Mains Farm. These were soon planted up a by a small volunteer group. The seeds were, including early potatoes, onions and shallots, carrots, beetroots, tomatoes and a variety of salad leaves and herbs. The Cubs and Scouts contributed to the project by painting the planting boxes in a variety of bright and positive colours while the Toddlers Group, Brownies and Guides may very well be adding their own creative designs as well as planting giant sunflowers. Many thanks to neighbours Alex and Isobel Weatherhead for access to a much needed water supply and to Jed Gordon for his helping in cutting the boxes down to size and for donations of soft fruit bushes and netting. If you’d like to help and get involved in the project, please contact Ian Malcolm, Elaine Carney or Liz Forsyth. Gardening is a social experience, which gets you out, keeps you active and is suitable for all ages to grow together. Ian Malcolm

Group preparing and planting the ‘boxes’ in the Kirk Stables’ garden.

11 ABERLADY CHURCH 31ST MAY 2018 St Valentine’s Day Cofee Morning in Aberlady Parish ChurchKirk Stables


A message from the Church Guild

“Whose we are and Whom we serve”


Here we are again at the end of the guild syllabus. After all the ups and downs of our year we commenced 2018 with a very interesting talk from Keith Cornwell. As I was missing in action, I had a little help from a friend with the following report:

First Church on Mars

Keith explained that the current successful exploration of Mars by probes allows the landing of men and women there in eight years. The TV audience watching is expected to be over half the world. Within 20 years there will be developing communities akin to the colonisation of America in the 1600s and trips will be largely one-way. Folk from across the world are involved in managing this venture (including Keith’s son in America). Our species, in becoming inter-planetary, is venturing on the single greatest step of our evolution. It will have a profound influence on our outlook, politics, philosophy and religion. The inevitable surge of interest in what we are, where we go, and how we manage on our Earth and on Mars in the light of this, will surely create a real need for a Kirk and a Chaplain on Mars. [Perhaps the Church of Scotland should get in first. Keith suggested that the careful conflation of modern science and religion can lead to a vision of what it is all about that encompasses both an ethereal and personal God and provides a comforting view of the hereafter.

Thank you to my friend Keith for the above. We had a very full house in February, for our speaker, Orlando Heijmer- Mason and his theme of his love of opera. His chosen opera was Don Giovanni. An opera in two acts with music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Italian libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte. It is based on the legends of Don Juan, a fictional libertine and seducer. He told us about the characters in the opera - Don Giovanni and Zerlina, Donna Elvira and Leporello, Don Giovanni’s servant.


Even if your first love is not opera the church centre was as quiet as a church mouse listening to the story through song and story telling. But the centre erupted with laughter when the full extent of the Spanish conquests was dropped from that little black book as the list toppled to the floor. (1300 plus) Everybody had a wonderful afternoon and a big thank you goes out to the pianist, our Janet Anderson, for her wonderful playing. As Arnie says, “I’ll be back.” So will Orlando. By popular demand he will be on next year’s syllabus.

March AGM was a bit of this and of that. I am sure I sent all my members to sleep with one’s holiday photos. The bag quiz went down very well and the sing along was occasionally myself, singing on my own, when it was supposed to be everyone, but we all had a very pleasant afternoon.

The AGM found a few more volunteers to help along the way and Janet Anderson is the session link for the Guild. No change to the rest of the committee.

The last outing of the Guild is on the 14th May at Craigielaw Golf Club when we will all be enjoying a luncheon to close our Guild for this session.

I usually give a break down of finances but we are yet to sit down and discuss the donation of money. I will get this information out soon after the committee meeting.

I would like to thank all the support given by the church members for buying the quiz and supporting the Guild coffee morning.

All I have left to say is, I hope we all get a lovely sunny summer and I look forward to welcoming you all back in October. Again the Guild is open to all men and women, so please come along and join our happy throng and help us to make a difference to the lives of others.

Yvonne Haycock Guild Convenor


Gullane Playgroup and After School Club Merger: The Gullane Community Children’s Hub

As many readers will already be aware, Gullane has a thriving Playgroup for pre-schoolers and After School Club for primary aged children which both operate from the Old Primary School Hall at the rear of Gullane Library.

Each charity is managed by its own hard working parent-led committee. With the administrative and management burden of running childcare organisations growing, leading to more and more privatisation in the sector, the two committees plan to merge so that both groups stay in the hands of the community. As a result we are setting up a new jointly managed charity called the Gullane Community Children’s Hub. We hope that this new organisation will ensure that this historic building continues to be at the core of village life for children being brought up in Gullane and its vicinity for generations to come.

Gullane Community Children’s Hub will manage the administrative side of both Playgroup and After School Club. We also plan to open up the Old Primary School hall and gardens to all the children in the village by expanding childcare options through a breakfast club and holiday clubs, while exploring new opportunities to lease the hall for parties, extra curricular classes and other kids’ groups.

This is an ambitious and unique project which is supported by Council but for the project to be a success, we need the backing of our whole community. We would be extremely grateful if anyone with professional skills/experience in accountancy, HR, fundraising, administration or management in similar organisations might be able to offer their insight, support and guidance. We will also be fundraising and applying for grant funding over the next few months to employ a part time Business Manager who will oversee the administrative and bookkeeping elements of this new organisation.

We are determined that, with an expanding population, Gullane Community Children’s Hub evolves into a sustainable, flexible and innovative organisation that provides the type of supportive, nurturing environment that our children will thrive in. We are confident that with the backing of the whole community we can make this new organisation a huge success, creating a vibrant facility run BY the community FOR the community.

If you would like to hear more, or think you might be able to help in any way, Playgroup and After School Club will be holding a joint AGM on Wednesday 16th May at 7pm in the Mallard Hotel, where the details of the project will be formally presented, followed by a Q&A. Everyone is very welcome to attend. Please contact Hilary Smyth on [email protected].


Reference to Aberlady Church

In this holy place, where friend meets friend with greetings of the day, It is good to be here.

In this holy place, where heads are bowed to pray, It is good to be here.

In this holy place, when all rise up to praise It is good to be here.

In this holy place, when all is done no more to say, My spirit will be here

Rosemary Forbes (1915 - 2013)

Rosemary with photos of the embroidery created for the Millennium by the Aberlady Craft Group on the left, and at home with one of her own framed paintings.


The Seasons

Winter should be over, good weather is overdue. The birds wait silent, Confused and cold, The flowers are waiting too.

Spring is a time of renewed hope, New growth, new hopes, new dreams, We'll just have to pray, Spring is on its way Until it comes - we'll cope!!

Spring can be early - In our hearts, sunshine shown in our smile The daffodil, crocus and snowdrop show Spring's coming - In a while!!

Martha Lithgow

Please send items for inclusion in the next issue of OUTREACH (August) before 31st July 2018. Details to contact the editor, Mrs Val Barrie are on back page. Sincere thanks go to the local companies who help Aberlady Parish Church by advertising in OUTREACH. If you can, please give them your support.

“COMMUNITY CAFF” Aberlady Community Association holds a light lunch in the Village Hall, which takes place on the second Wednesday of each month from 11.45am - 2.00pm. Why not come along to join in the fun. Dates for your diary are: June 10th, July 8th, August 12th, September 9th For further information: Ros Richardson


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Find us on Facebook and Tripadvisor, t: 01875 870 405 www.sewinstitches.co.uk


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Address: 6 Rosebery Pl,

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ABERLADY VILLAGE STORE We stock local produce Mark McGlone FCCA from East Lothian Chartered Certified Accountant Now stocking: Self Assessment & Company Tax fresh bread from Bakery VAT, Payroll & Business Advice Black & Gold rapeseed oil and vinaigrette Seawynd Cottage Steampunk Coffee Sea Wynd, Aberlady EH32 OSD Mungoswells Flour and much more…… Tel 07890 409 891 Open: Mon - Sat 6.30am - 7.30pm email: [email protected] Sundays - 7.00am - 6.00pm

Come in, Come in - All welcome!

22 ABERLADY CHURCH 31ST MAY 2018 v We are open for business lunches Sit down, relax Monday to Friday and enjoy the 12noon to 2pm ambience and powerful history Monday to Saturday behind the Grace evenings 5pm - 11pm of India and with welcoming and friendly staff, Sunday 2pm - 11pm who always meet FOR TABLE BOOKINGS We are currently you with smiles, & unable to serve alcohol. BYOB making your dining TAKEAWAY Try our Sunday experience one CALL 01875 871 111 never to forget. Special. 4 course meal for Free local delivery service is only £13.95 available for orders over £15 (until 11.00pm)

Welcome to Craigielaw Golf Club

Experience stunning East Lothian from our doorstep

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Craigielaw Golf Club, Aberlady, East Lothian, EH32 0PY Scotland T: +44 (0) 1875 870 800 F: +44 (0) 1875 870 620 E: [email protected]



Minister Rev. Brian Hilsley

Session Clerk Mrs Hazel Phisatory

Secretary Mrs Zena Shand 01875 870 777 email: [email protected]

Church Office Hours: Tues. 9.30-1.30pm & Thurs. 9.30-3.00pm

Treasurer Mrs Kaye Macaskill

Gift Aid Mrs Hazel Phisatory

Beadle Gordon McVinnie

Flower Convener Mrs Sheena Casely

Safeguarding Coordinator Mrs Val Morrison

Magazine Editor Mrs Val Barrie

And finally. CH- - CH. What’s missing? U R!

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Martin Luther King, Jr.

* * * * * *

Entire water of the sea can’t sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, negativity of the world can’t put you down unless you allow it to get inside you.

To access OUTREACH online: go to Google. Select ‘Gullane and Aberlady Churches’. Click on ‘Aberlady’ followed by ‘OUTREACH”.