QMD Walks

Scafell from

Copyright Bill Fear 2018

The probably has more marked and well used paths than any other mountainous country in the UK making it difficult to get off the beaten track. It is also an extremely busy area and a lot of people get lost and get into difficulty. It is possible, with careful consideration, to get away from the crowds even on the paths and to find little used and less well known routes.

Relevant Maps include OS OL 6 (1:25), LR 89 & 90 (1:50), Harvey Lake District XT40 (1:40) Value for Money, Harvey Lake District Outdoor Atlas (mainly 1:40). Distance: c. 6 miles

Going: Demanding. Some scrambling available depending on route. Lots of good quality paths and variations on route.

1. Start at National Trust CP NY182074. Follow PRoW towards CB 098. As you enter OA NY187072 BL CB 060 on FP to NY209082. From Lingmell descend into Lingmell Col NY210077 and follow route up to NY215072, rough CB 150.

2. From Scafell Pike continue down to Mickledore NY210069, CB 240. TL CB 140 and follow PRoW down to gully at NY210066 c. 400m. TR up Gully CB 235 to Foxes Tarn NY209064. At Foxes Tarn make way to summit. PRoW is CB 325 to Symonds Knott NY207066 then TL CB 212 to Scafell NY206065. Other options to summit are available. From summit return to Symonds Knott and TL CB 303 down to Lords Rake NY205068. TR into Lords Rake CB 075 and descend. At JNCT TL down PRoW to CP.

3. OR from Symonds Knott continue with FP CB 285 past Black Crag NY200069 and at end of crags c. NY197068 and BEFORE Rakehead Crags take a line down to where fence/wall crosses Lingmell Gill NY192073, CB 300, (Bob Graham Route). Join main PRoW back to CP.

4. OR from Scafell follow FP down Green How CB 285 to JNCT with PRoW at Fence Wood c. NY183066. TR and follow PRoW back to CP. NOTE there is a JNCT at NY203065 below boulder fields and need to BR here on CB 280.


Glossary BL - Bear Left BR - Bear Right CB - Compass Bearing FB – Footbridge FP - Footpath. Usually marked on 1:25 but not on 1:50 JNCT - Junction (paths/tracks cross/join) OA – Open Access PRoW - Public Right of Way. Usually marked on 1:25 and 1:50 Quad bike track - Two parallel lines going across the made by continued use by quad bike RHS – Right hand side LHS – Left hand side TL - Turn Left TR - Turn Right Track - A wide track that looks suitably for 4x4 vehicles