www.magicicyalley.com 3 0 . 3 a >2 '

lC C 7 9 9 0 3 h e : M g1 3 2 5 = :Tw in Falls,i, Idahb/97thI year, N o . 1 7 2 ""HmFriday,f June 21, 20C0 0 2 • ~GCX 3D MIORNING C ^

W e a t h e r Today; Partly >)urt■ bars execcutio]tn of lretarcded I ^ 1 SUJ T h .Wtfashlngton M Po»t______m en t in 1976. pu n ish mlent” ei prohibited hy the tally retarded their conondiiional areas of reasoiasoning, judgment and t*storm m ------' B y th e c o u rt h e ldd 6-3 that a Consdtudcidon. approval. At that time,, (only two conlrol of theirthei impul^‘S, huwev- « ^ | B i sps p o ts . H ig h 84, w AASHINGTON Sl - The Supremele I'e ^ t wave of statuKHes banning Comingng amid an upsurge in death-penalty states bammned exe- er, they, do> notno the lolm w 5 2. C ourtC on01 Thursday abolished thele the practice in 18 ofDf 38 death- public con'oncem ov^r flaws in the cudons of the retarded. of moral cuIp; that diarac- Page A2 ex ecutintion of mentally retardedd penalty states showiwed that a administrstration of the death “Those mentally retanarded per- lerizes the m ■ offendeiders, imposing one of thee nadonal consensus agagain.st it h ad penalty, the th ruling represented a sons who meet the law’s’s require- criminal cond John . . . s>lsignificant restrictions onn formed, a consensiisus strong change frofrom a position the court menis for criminal respoponsibility Paul Stevens « n M a g ic V alVLLE\ / who COcould be given the deathh enough to warrant cla;lassifying all had takenen as recently as 1989, s h o u ld l>e trie d a n d punished pi opinion joii . __ . penalty[ty since the co u rt perm ittedd death sentences for th>the mentally when the:e justices,; in a 5-4 deci- when- they commit c rim e s , Quicker and fasterten A n e w s ta te s5 :,to resume capital punish-1- retarded as “cruel anmd unusual sion, gave'c execudons• of the men- Because of iheir disabibilitios in Pleas'c see RETARDED. Page A5 draft plan for cleaie a n in g u p Idaho's nudear. ww<3 a s te say s i t can save $19 billio:l io n a n d g e t • the job done a Iqt:q t so o n er. IE Page B l WqIRKINC] WOID) A TIR FIRI - ' * M o n e y A gencicies seek Going up: Magic: VV: i d l ^ p o ste d a robust 52.4 percer c e n t g a in in to previivent blaze I March constnictioii o n v a lu e s , while statewide aca c tiv ity suf- near Slishoslione fered. Page E l By Lorraine CaveCavener correspondent______

W kkkE n dD SHOSHONENE - Sevenil agencies ■ H were, workinging Thursday to pre- H M vent a fire that could take weeks ■ ■ to put out. On Thursd:rsday a mechanical bni-sli cu tle rrlwgan Iw, cutting a barri- c r Ixiiween higlilyhigl flammable U.S. Bureau of Landa n d M anagement land b and the pile: of tires at Idaho Tire I Rc-covery Inc.1C. north i of Shoshone. M - -•••■ Work will cont:ontinue today on the ■

)d River Rural Fire ■ Songs at twilight:t: Ni a n d District wass *MrFTI w hat is necess;essary id p rev en t a tmaMTM/n*TktTtuirun |)()[L-niia! rangeIge ffire fnini spreading • ■ j O l’INION . Soth RicoIco uses a spoclal cutting headd onoi an oarth mover to chop do\lown tho sagobrush around tho:ho Idaho Tiro Recovery Inc. property pro] noar Shoshono. The U.SI.S. to the pile. 'IlieIlie pile iias l>een esd- H oriand Mahagomont'and Woodod IRivor nro District hired Nordrdstrom En^nccrlng to'croaioto .a firo break araiind tho pfopoioporty In the hopes of avoiding' a dovas------m ated as »ia%-ing•ing one millinn tires-...... - • ------j Talk alsoiit it: TheB flfuture of 'f "If we hadla a fifire that cam e up to " tiroflro. the troubled Southtth e m Idaho that point itt sl: should bank down . ------RegionalGommunim ic a tio n s ------— _ • ______talheiLquickly..^ly.” Stuck.i^iiid.-______■, '' -__ Center needs moreire d iscu ssio n , h , lit" Ground crewsews uoiild be abk- 10 that came tip against today’s editorial saysay s. O i l o w n er fee sp o n d ^rtolaw su]1 1 L fTgbt a fire that lo sh o n e tiret p i l^ the barrier the machine created, B y jen nnifer lf. San d m an n A judge in April ordrdcred ITK now responijnding. "Idaho Tire RecoverL-ry Il.c. , ush cutler liad not ' Tlmc5-No\Mows w rltor______■ to begin tire rcmoyav-al w ith in Floyd Imsms hired Boise attorney remains i an Idaho Corporaation in 'I'*; '’''"•'I' seven days and to rci•emove all David H. . LLeroy, former Idaho good ) standing. It is ‘sim p ly rem oved the; fiufuel load created by w H i C o m in g lere would have iK-en SHOSI)SHONE - The owner of tires w ithin 90 days. TliHie compa- attorney ge:general and lieutenant defunct i and without as;issets or Siigebntsh, there I for .1 fire that would i S a t u r d a y the lire•e p; ile n o rth o f Shoshone ny was ordered to payy ; a 520,000 (;overnor. . IiIn a sworn statement' abilities, • in view of its lialiai)ilities, th e ixuential fo. has hireeople to w orrj’ i-old s ta te law su it against Idaho Deputy Atiorneyey General ing to the si:Slate lawsuit or appear- SJiid. • “ I have, however, corontitiued communities am ;:s;iid. npany. Keidi Donahue say ITR■R failed to ing at courtrt 1 hearings. ' to t tr>' to supi)ly leads and1 i'ideas to Stt>ck s;ii itral Idaho BLM and I Floyd, owner of Idaho begin tire removal oror pay the ITR wasas "broke and out of Ih t e state as to how and wwhere it . South central rict will pay for.the m m Recovery Inc., was faced fine. Tliat assertion was;is th e basis b u s in e s s "’’ ;and unahle to hire mayt achieve the removallof o more the fire district work done bvy ththe briisii a itte r out H H >einR h eld in c o n te m p t of for the contempt of coururt hearing counsel, andnd he was not personal- tires." t mitiee ai Risk grant. H H md has taken die first for* requested by the DI:)EQ. That ly named 1 iiin the lawsuit, Floyd Joe Nagel, remediationI, 1 in;,n;m. " f « C"|">rauiiti -sday lhe contractor jps to respond to the Idaho action has been dismmissed, iit said in thei; vwritten statement. He e t r for the DEQ in Boise, s;said the but "11 Ilnirsiia did nol yet knojsnojs-die tiKiil amount _ • tment of Environmentpl least for now . as tlie stata te g a d ic rs ----- said he.hasus.borrowed money-to ■■ Please see LAWSUIT,r ]Page A2' " ' it'wwiid'cost." ^law suit. information from Floy

, Playings it safe: M[ormonsin or • ' I 'Uk. [n Summer'ss startings Jerome are getting;Iga new X ITle solstice:: Here] comaes the sur On Friday oi 7:24 a.m.m. IMDT Iho hieedng hall bMauslu s e th e c u r- . . , sun wftll ranch 113 hiQHos e r t M ay er------“Tiiot’s nicece becausc you gel more st rent one does riot rrim e e t e a rth - ; . . noflh ol Itw equator, mo TlmefrNovythe 1 lloniBy moans *stoppod!'""•"“ I ■ C opilosnJ^^H f Comics . ; . .E4 . Nali(alien ...A2-4 day of the Earth tilting; onc its axis, which allows'S t th e Ihot^itnlor (3un)ar>)and the year. h ere (id slop). As tho Earthih oortMis tho • Crossword .07 Obitibituaries . .B2 "It mleans e: you can water ski, golf,olf, enjoy sun to reacli northemn ladtudes. From Ik SU"’ ‘""■o onlnihasky *' . tear Abby..D7 Opiriipiriion . . JiQ-7 ‘h? outdctdoors more, go camping andmd enjoy on, the Earthll begins slowing tilting bai ^11 21■1 ffvrt>ofi tho ’ said Ed bringing wth1 tthe m ovem ent sliorter days I 2 eat state that we live in,” Si >ys- • cydo swings book. JuntJuno 24 Is Antarctic [ W)rosco'pe .07 Sporports...Dl^ iSSdTm, manager of Q aude Sports, S u m m e r sosolstice means "sun stana n o s .Midsummer Day. whichhich marks CircIo -----l--L,M.Boyd..-.D7_'..Weat'eather------A2------T he suisun rose at 6 a ;m > a n d ^ tsts as tJ ) 2 0 ___ still.” That.i!is, the lengths of the dda a y s Iho midpoint ol Iho Qrovgrowing . . ___ : duni- Moson nnd o nijjhl oljlcotobraiion' co / (yi^N^tley .Bl. Wee('eekEnd .Cl-8 p.m..procro d u d n g 15 h o ^ a nd 20 mlin int u tes of around th e sol:olsiice are fairly close in du >t horizon tion. But as the tli sun begins its southwaw ard ‘n loiKioro. 'est. •. ..B2-6 sunu?ht.It. Even then, die northv^est h Money .. .El-3 West...... rem ainss lllit through a lingering duskk u ntil 11 Movies ....C 6 WbfWt)fkJ . A5,B7-8 p.m, please see SUMMER, Page ^2 sounct-: Th* ow Formotl•l Almanac:M USOS Ka>un ^VxXinvAP

W ep M cnncydedpopK n x Cheney chhides intell:lligence K9d e R « h m The W est j ‘ panels for;security le£ , C l a s s i fF i I E D b nI fire I m TfThe Washington Post ^______calls to them abi reporting thath a t th e Log on to ... m ArizonaI tblaze grows WASHINGTON - Vice Securily Agency |i^,^ to 60,000 acacres. p,President Dick Cheney chailastisetl messages on ththe e the House and Senate inintelli- suggesting son m ^ T r n ’ V , ' ■ F o rest Seilervlce worker gence committees Thurursday happen the foil www.m«sfw»nfi]inaD.eom pleads Innolocent. alabout leaks' of classifiedJ infor- i . had noi transla them mmation, and the panels’’chair- c Sept. 12. for online classissifled ads rjS S ' B FIreflghteters focus on mmen responded t)y reiiue.st!Siing a CNN, whichII brokeb the • JJustice t Depanmeni inve;estiga- cited "two iffiS safe^. ti(tion in lo th e disclosures. sources” for th e 733-09: . The chairmen. Sen.'!.• Bob The Washington 931 i |^ ' ' I Please soe pao a g e B 6 GiGraham, D-Fla., and Rep. I’orterI’ news organizati ' ■ . orinBurfcy G

I* 'j7 ______■ ------A-2-Thtm^ew»rTwlnIrtn Farffrltohg—I rrtto y riu iirtirIT2002 ji ------TF------

FORE(CCASt FCOR MAGIIC VALL]EY AcciccuWeather.com ID^jiHO ALMMANAC • FlVE^bA YFCPRECAST FORR TWIN FALLS r CANADIAlANCITiiES^^I^ ld n h o .E x tro m o s_ _ T » rln FalliJli IhtouBht 6 j»jn.yeil«fsi#y------TODAY~^~|~T( • n r « u r ------sbc—?— VOBtprday: Tomporiilsriiluro /- TONIGHT-rrSATORDADAy“ r[~suNb7w I'T MONDAY “ TUESISDAY CIIV • HIh '‘ Lo W Hi Lo W -; . Hloh . H’gtVlow« ,...... 00*/30* _ Cafeafy-;____^ -7.73-55-s-.Z79r60Cptf;^ 3 ------Boiso Noimal WglhlgWow ...... 70V40* Cranbfook 84 62 pc 70 56 0 ■ Low 25" HloMowlfl;« last y»a» ...... 85VM* . » / Edrhonlon '779 9 " 55’s"' BS 59 per': ...... «4 . _ s l ^ Slanloy Rocora WiJhW9I ...... W in 1688-t ^ - i j 91-M-po— 94—45—0— ...... nsco 8 pm. yoit...... 0.00* „c»,doud=. lino and Toronio S3 _ Monlh lod< ^ t.clorm in spois. warm. 63 67 all 77 62 8h . < odnlo ...... o .s r '■cr:- -”Sool. '• Vancouver. 7575 54' s ■ 6 f l:5 2 'p c . , ^ Nomiftlmolmonm 10 (Jnlo ...... 0 W . T 52° A 84° ▼’ 552° I A 68° T 54° I [iA 86° ▼ 54° I A 88° ^ e tio Viclbrla • 7575 54 a 71 54 p c . - ' * 4 ^ M isso u la W.ilOf yonronf1od,nto(0cl. t) ...... C32*r I I_J S o I Winnlpofl 81 .67 pc 62 55 pc' Normnlyonyonf lo dato (Oci. 1) ...... 9.40* ▼ '^#*.11 Humidityity ■ REGIONAL VWEATHER SUN AND M OO3N WORLD C Ynsluftlaynly nt rwon ...... 37% > CITIES ': ^ Soulhom Idaho: Partly sumjnny today: a Ihundorsiorm In parpans ol Iho region Ihls SiSunriso lodoy 6:6:00 a,m , - To•Today S a t BuromotrlotrIc Pressure " aliomoon. oapoclolty in Iho) oasio and ovor ifio higher ton-oin.oin, Highs ronging trom Iho Sunsol Si lonlghl...... 9;9:19 p.m. City HiKl Lo I W HI Lo W Vo,1.rdnynlynlffpm ...... 29.03 In. 1 70s, tn Iho mountains lo lowc■vor 903 in somo vglloyo.______.'.'M Moonrlso loday ...... 6i'6:07 p.m. Acapulco" 9090 77 ' ah 86 ' 80 t ' ' \ Pollen yoiye sterd a y In TWIn Foils ' I ' ■ i — 1^ 3:41 o.m, Alhona 88 : Bolso: Partly to moslly sunnnny loday: on altomoon ihundors Moonool lonlght ...... 3:. 88 70 8 91 72 a ■ ...... High W oods...... Low orslorm cannot bo rulod oul _ , • Auckland 61 49 < pc 58 52 c';,,-. in porto ot iho aroa. High 66,!6. Portly cloudy lo cloar tonight,nt. Low i 54, Sunohino and a Full ' Lnsi Now Bangkok 90 ; / f r ^ ' " ...... Low Mold ...... HighI’’ fow clouds tomoffow. High 86,8i 90 79 ah 64 80 r oufco: Ailhma and Alleroy el Idaho10 I — Beijing 86 66 ( pc "7 5 6d o h ''. « ? 1 ,Bor1in 73 ■ Northem Novada; Clouds ni 73 56 pc 76 62 pc--'- nnd sunshino (n iho oast lodayly vwilh a Bhowor ond thun- ^ ~ ' BuortosAlfos 52 38 : pe 52 39 o--. ~ dorsiorm In pans ol iho nroQ,3Q, oopoclally ovor tho highor IdrrIdrraln; mostly sunny In Iho j, DO 68 B- 94 65 8... • wosi. Highs gonorolly in tho t Junom 24 mm July 2 July 10 Julv 16 t I Shown IS 0 80s, HoiigKong 90JO 81 f sh ,90 79 c ; ' I lotiay's Nonhorn Uloh: Broozy nnd i J4 57 a 61 55 a • • ■ ' I woathor. d wami loday with sunshino ondnd a low dou d s: o Ihundor- UV L INDEX TODPAY Johimnesbutu MS2 :30 pc 60 38 pc- " slorm In pans ol Iho northwo:vosi- Highs ranging Irom tho 70sOs in. tho mouiilains lo low ______London 6737 £ 55 c 63 49- ah ... Id an o F a ils ' Tomporaturos 90s (n somo ol Iho lowost vol aroitxJay's /olloys, Me»k»Clly 79?9 54S pc 71 59 flK ______Moscow 6111 fl 61 a 72 51 c y ® . X l ' Nonhom Idaho: Sunny to panlyps cloudy today wiih a warmmaflomoon, i Highs ranging J ______Paris 73^ S 57 c 77 60 pc"- i . . Irom Iho lowor 70s in tho moilouniains Io uppor 60s in Iho lowiowosi valloys, Cloor lo 2 I Rio do Jnnoiro 79 fl lows. r9 64 a 74 60 c : portly cloudy tonight, I J ~ Romo . . 90K) 6 67 s OS 69 a ,.-- Onrn. 10a.m. Noon 2p.m.n. 4pm, Sooul B515 6 63 a 78 64 PC ... NATIONAL EXTTREMES ■day (lof lha 48 contiQuout amw) q0-1..j Mlnlmol; 2-3. Low; 4-6. Modem J3 43 PC 63 43 o'- All maps, fofo- oraio: 7-9. 11 7 70 pc 75 03 pc ' HlQh: 104-. Vory High. Values indlca ;•■* ^84^2 •! i’,- ^ I 1 High 115” In Donih Valloy. CAC / Low 25" tn Sianinnloy. ID catolho Warsaw 6212 6 61 I 74 57 pc |-*j»| providod by oxposuro to Iho aun's ullroviolol ray■oy». Zurich 79■9 6 62 c 64 65 pc , . ' .-AcaiWoathflf, ------iiM rtnif'nMii'T inc. 02002 -NATIONAL WV^EATHER------NATIONAL CITIriE S Shown nro noon posnions ol wo.fraaltior sysloms arx) procipilallon TotTompofniuro bar>da aro Today S ! a t TodToday SaL REGIONALL CITIES /i>on3 hv ino Alf. fofM st/vgn lomporniufos an g/von for scitKioaanentch C»t]Cfty Kl Lo W Hff Lo W City . HI II Lo Ll W Hi Lo W AII;> Foiry 06 5555 r. 05 52 c Missouin, MTMT 04 51 pc 79 53 r I 68 t Now Orleans 900 73 7: I 86 70 I Buftoy • 86 55 ' BosBoslon 86 03 9 61I 64 c Now York 833 66 Gi 8 65 70 s " 55 PC 78 53 sh Pocniollo 07 54 PC 03 50 sh ■ (h)J r Charfo4ton,.SC 80 70 I 81 Cocuf a'Alono 84 5050 5 86 52 c PoninncJ, OR - Che I 71 I Oklahomn Dty 903 70 7C PC 90 68 pc'- ' OR 82 56 5 76 5G pc \ ■ ChoChariosion, VifV 69 GO ' 8 86• 65 1 pc Omaha 91 6£ Elko 82 4717 I 01 49 pc Richland. WA OT 50 3 92 57 s 1 68 pc 92-'70 pc EuQonc. OR 60 40 ■ ^ i w Fion« \ ChkChicaoo 68 ca I 68I 70 PC Orinndo 841 727i t 65 71 I »0 5 70 50 pc Siilmon 85 50 I 78 40 5h ClovolandCIO. 87 68 s 84 1 Hnnofm-m 88 50 PC | 80 55 sn SnllLnVoOliC.ly. UT 92 63 pc 02 59 pc ; 68 pc Philadolphin 063 68 G£ 0 66 70 a ■ Id.-itio F.iNi 85 45 I Oonvor 90 62 pc 901 1 60 pc Phoonix 10737 6C 60 a 107 60 0 15 pc 62 40 sn Sonlllo, WA/A 77 5-1 5 72 5-J pc OosMolnosDos ea 70 pc ,92 I Kniispoll. MT 64 50iO pc I 82- 52 t Spoknno, WA : 66 pc Portland, ME 80) 60 60 8 78 58 c WA 80 54 5 8C 54 c Oolroit 80 70 c 85' 70: I Raleigh 84 62 Lowislon as 5616 Ipc 08 58 C SMnloy 7G 43 pc 70 38 sl. *50'' > 63 pe 60 69 I M.ll.id 80 53 I El Paso 97 72 pc 97 :71 6 Rapid City 75 > 61 61 pc B9 61 pc )3 I 78 50 3h SunV.illoy1 83 48 PC 78 4G sh Fairbanks 64 45 c 68 < M.1I1II 03 57;7 PCf 80 57 r YoHowslono,10, MTI 72 42 pc 70 40 sh 49 pc Reno 85 > 52 52 pc 88 55 8 FForgoqi£ 78 61 c 00 f61 I Saemmonlo 85 ) 56 56 s 90 60 0 Honolulu 89 70 pc ■ ‘89 :75 ^ St, Louis 92 ■ 74 74 8 92 70 a ' B5Addi5onAvo W • Twin Fnlls. Idflhoiho*734-4147 Ll^FlurrtM r g w f * , ■ • HouHousion 92 72 t 92 C69 t St, Paul 76 > 67 67 c 85 68 c 31 Soulli Lincoln • Jotomo. ldnr>o • 200-324.73682C : • IndlrIndlnnnpolis 90 69 pc 91 {68 pc Salt Loko City 92 I 63 63 pc 82 59 pc HORTPA a w i ! . JncfcJaeksonvillo 79 71 1 84 '70 I SnnOiogo 68 I 62 62 pc 70 62 pc KansasCity 90 68 pc 90 C68 8 San Franclseo 60 I 52 52 pc 69 54 pc L aw n & G a rd e n q f t p m e r f . sLasVogas r 100 73 0 1022 776 0 Soaitlo .77 ■ 54 54 s 72 54 pc i P " .I'lltaii' ' UtlloUtlloRock 93 68 8 92 70 7 s Tucson IOS'5 71 71 s 103 71 a ' - I Los,-OS Angolos 74 61 pc 78 61 C pc Washington, OC 86 ' 68 68 a 68 70 pc , '3 tttru-. rc u‘rt ’(jir* -ru :rtti iVeather (W): s-8unny. pc-panly cloudy,Iol c-cloudy, sh-showors, t-lhundlundoraiomis, r-rolr>, ij iwEsvp-^PTCik-^Xi’WjUxrCc -X ! ” ■ I ” • t if-snow llurrios, an-snow. i-lco.

L eaks Official sets1 InternetJ radio10 royalties Soccer-fie < ild sized asisteroid Continued from A l responsibiiible for intercepting and W’ASHINGTON (AP,P) - The Instead,, webcasters« will be tlic Ariibic uicss.tkcIges’ trail sla- analyzingng electronic messages, governmeni on ThursdaJay decid- charged at a:i ralei that amounts to | tion: ••Tlic iiiaich1 is i^ aluuit 10 T h e adm ad: ini.siraiion has suf- ed lhai songs delivered1 oonline by 70 cents perjr -song; for every 1,000 narrowly rm isses Earirth l)cgin" ami “Toiiiorrorniw is zero fered a;i strings of revelations Internet music broatlcasilisters will listeners, thetlu Copyright Office hour." a b o u l fai.failures by the FBI and be charged royally feess ;at a rate announced on iis W eb site. LONDON (AP) - An asijsteroid Center for Astrophysics A in Bu.sh iuiiiiiriistraiiouion officials CIA to imint egraie bits of informa­ th a l is h a lf o f w h a t w n s oioriginally In May, BBill illin g io n r e je c te d th e tl:the size of a soccer field nailarrowly Cambridge, Mass,Ma; His organiza- .said the disclosure maynia be a fed. lion lhaiii preceded the attacks. jiroposed by an arbibitration panel’s rateIte proposal - up to mis.sed die E arth by 75,(KX)}0 miles tion gathers informaiioninf on all ernl crime. White MouseM( press The NSA>A i n t e r c e p t s w e r e d i s ­ p a n e l, , Sl.-lO per son?ong hearti by 1,000 lis- - le.ss ilian a tliird of th e diidistance such encounters,ers. ■> . .sc'creiar>- Ari Fielsclii;clier said the closed on W ednesday, the day Librarian of Congress: JamJ es H, leners, Thai11 was \ tiouble the rale to lhe moon and one of the2 cclose.st The asteroidid wasv not detected . information was “alarmingly“a afler theyey were discu.ssed during Billingion.-who overseess lhe U,S. for broiulcast.sists sent out simultane- k'known approaches by objejects of until three daysday after it came .specific:" He saidid 1President a closed:1 meetingn of lhe House- Copyright ' Office, foiiiul:l thaii th e ou.sly on radiollio and.lhe Internet. thtliis size, scientists sjiid Thurursday. close to the EEai a r th on J u n e 14. Bush had deep conccncerns about Seiiale cocommiiiee looking into tiriginal ' proposjil selling:IX a higher . The recordirding industry, which “In lhe unlikely event the1C aster- When such asieiisieroids arc detect-, 'Janylliing lliat couldlild harm o u r the intelli).lligence agencies* perfor- rale ' "was arbitrary aiuiI inot sup- had soughtI higherli niyalties to oid had struck Earth in a po?opulat- ed, ihey are usuallyusu; spmted welt ability to maintain1 sourcesso a n d m ance hefileforeand afler Sepi. 11. ported 1 by ihe recordd of evi- compensalele artists and music ed arc;a, it would have cause-tt^------The White Houseise ha.s com - mony thislis summ er in closed and Hbawsuit— Stokes is the principal investi-in was spotted,, SSt t o k e s s a id in o ' iJlained about naiion;ional security public sess gatorg a for the Lincoln Nearr 1Eanh phone interviewe w from Le.’cingion, Continued from A l leaks from Congress-■ss since the II facesJS lh1 e c o n s id e r a b le d ia l- ^ Flovd is the.le only individual list- A steroid R esearch Projc“Ct,, who.sev Ma.ss. 's’ar on terrorism be^;began. After lenge of' controllingc( secrets that . stale ^ wants to know morere delails od as an officeicer of ITR, according New Mexico observatory spspoiled With a' diametcneter of lieiweeii 50 • nne disclosure in Octd)ciober. Bush are shared•ed wilh the committees’ abmit how Floyd plannedd toi m eet lo Idaho .secreirreiary of .state corpo- M*|the object last week. a n d 120 y a rd ss, , the tl asteroid was instituted a policyI icy-c]u ickly 37 membeibers and are available to •the lerm s of ihe tire rcremoval ration records,ds. “It was a close shave,”,” said about the sizee ofol a soccer field; ic'scinded a fte r comjil;;il)lainis from m any of the ili conunitlees' dozens f•agreemeni he signed wiwilh th e F lo y d ’s staitalem ent said two another .sciemisi, Brian MatF arsden w h ic h le n d 10 I Ik;k; alKHii 105 y a rd s ' law m akers - that thee a'administra- of staffers.rs, rDI-Q. em ployees ITRTR offices embezzled of the Harvard-SmithsoKonian by 75 y;irds, Slokclo k e s said. - : lion would provide C;Capitoi Hill By issuisuing a stern, public The DHQ lawsuit againsnst Floyd more than hallalf a million dollars _ hriL'fings nn the warT oonly 10 the warning; ThursdayT , the White sisiems from ITR's failure: 10i m.eel from the comp;npany, destroying the C Kt-publican and Democratic Ue House appppeared lo he attempt- [Jlhe term s of a consentII oriler business finanancially. He said Sources: AbuJ Sayyaf leadeder dies Iim(!lts a n d the four•seniorm %ei em - ing lo sijiiejuelch possible addition- I'Floyd signed with the ddepiiri- cemeni plantIt shutdownss and the b eis (jf th e inielligeiicc.•lice commit- al leaks of infornuition il deems "meni in November. He agjIgreed lo county’s blocki:k in g o f a c c e ss 10 h is ir t r o o p s a th reat 10101 nalional security. re m o v e a n a v e ra g e o f 25,(M,000 tires properly :ds-)!■) contributed < to the in clash with ]Philippine tn i:.\j)i-ris in electronionic suiveil- A senioriiir adminisiration offi- a *' month until the num berr ofi tires com pany’s deme m ise . j ZAMBOANGA. Philippipines Ediborah Yapp werew killed and,' laiui.' said the infortiiainaiion alioui cial saidid one of the White on <» the property reached llthe j)er- Cement plai ilants burn tires for ((AP)a 1 - A top Abu Sayyaf leaderle Gracia Burnhamlam was wounded the NSA's Sept. 10 inennercepts con- H o u s e ’si chiefc concerns was m illed 100,000, fuel; linked to the kidnappingngs of burfreed. laiued iiiiihing harh a rm fu l 10 w h e th e rr informaiion from ITR, however, didn’t nremove Lincoln Cour juniy blocked acce.« Knn< and.SCOro r e s o f ------M il ita r y so uLirces, rc c q u o tin g .sol-.,- natiniiai secuiity.- ThL'\hey said the -----f u t u r e wiiivit nesses w ou Id also —-lhe 'I tires. Lincoln Countj-rtrevoked to the proper'iy Tiy in Jariiiary, say- otlier. odi people was believed to0 :havo diers and rebelL‘l survivor.s,si said a< leak did not reveal, for example, become puiliuhlic. “W iai's llie CIA th H e p e rm it, a n d th e s ta le .su-sued. ■ ing il w anted t( J to prevent delivery been ix;t Idlled in a firefight withthgov- marine and spi lhe source of the inforifnrinaiion or an d th e I’BI I'B to think other than Floyd m akes the case thi:hat he is of any more li special warfare, ! tires. ITR had not emment err troops Friday, miliilitary amphibious grouiroup pairolling off, th e meihodN used to galgalheril. their inforiormation will get turn- not personally responsiliible for met the term; ■ms of the consent' sources sou said. M antibu Point on the main south- . Neveriheless. .Graham, .) ing into nevlews releases?’’ the offi- carrying <-’i out the term ss i of th e ord er at that linlim e . / Abu Sabaya was the mostst visi* em island uf Mindlindanao intercept--. d e s c r ib in g C h e n e yy aas “not a cial said. afagreement, because he didd noi Estimates o > of the numbef of ble ^le of the Muslim extreiem ist cd a boat with annarmed men around ~ happy miiru—tuld-rcpoi;poMerji-that . . Lawmaka k c r .s ..s a i d t h e y w e r e . assume iis pcrsonaiiiahility fof o r i t . ------lires-illegally-i ly-stockpiled-ut-the ------rjroRroup*s'Comniahders7”orieirh call- 4nSa.m. the information shouldLilil not have embarrass lhe same respnnsibiliililiiy 10 pro- thi.s w e ek’s.revelaiions-. k ’s House authorized representaiiHive o f ------:— eminent. The military said it had rebels dead andid fi fo u r o th e rs cap- •' tect sensitive informaiilaiioii which Inielligeni.•nee Committee Idaho Tire Recovery Iiunc. a n d rtnici-/Veiy.<;'------^— i— rr ‘^” 1 ■JS wntur Jcnmfcr bbeen e e hot on liis trail after a1 JJune tured. A l)ody beliibelieved to be drai > affects tile securiiyiiy of lhe Chairmann IPorter Goss,R-Fla,, a printed P> my liile a*a s i t s Sandmann can . nt bc rcachcd at 733- 77 rracia of Sabaya wasIS n r e c o v e r e d , th e - U piled S tales," he .said'.lid. form er CIAIA official, Siiid he “fell ‘President,’ ‘I’ ” Floyd saidd in h is 0931. Ext. 237, oi \ cr)sandmann(Sittag- jjuBurnham r of Wichita, Kan. Mriilartin sources said, andind officials were ' The NSA. one off lliei most very chagriibrined to receive a call s ta te m e n t. icvalkii.com. BBurnam u i and Filipino nin u r s e try in g to c o n firmm d-th e identity. secretive agencies in lhe U.S. .from the vivice presideni of the intelligence- appaniaratus. is United Siati :ates" on'the matter. S ^ u m m er_ ( lirculatioii • S.ll..I,i> ST.DII |KW(K'l .I-Iil) ..nl5 SS.OO . . ContlnuoiiffomAl. .. " ■ ■T>:iiiic-lU-,iIo<-k‘.circuIiit;.)t m hy nniy ■>.’.?;<» per «cck. - ' ‘'®' tow ard .summer.i e r ...... s uuch'as'astron'omers.'find d d the back, Andersonin recognizesri tl^ f! it;.)rMlir.-. l.ir [Tiio n^.nXluiici i'l’ in .III .||.„^C t-iics. A rn; march toward winter, the■ raler at While mostt taket; advantage of shothonened niglits a bane to tlth e ir tla y a s a sig n ificant an tmoment in tIS C .•c u .ll I-C Icwcil l.>r iill wl (;ircul;ili..n ptioni- Imt.-■ m:s a rc .ip ,.,, which the days shorten incrcrease.s, the long daysys to squeeze in a indind ustry. cycle of life. It'ss a way to rem'alfi > I.VIWC-.II - anil 10 .iju . ..i I. I.i.lv. ir vvith natuilaturc railier dian :; <;r forvcnir.iilr.-r.-a:' ' M u ll in f'on m n a t i o n T h The cycle then continue.si.s b ack skie.s to effectivi[ively do Uieir work, saidaid Chris Anderson, planetanirium • “I pay a lot of)f attentionat to the »iirk-v-Kui>c-rt- Sciksdll'S f.^l-OKOliv puh- ■______piroduction r o i spectalisf ac: the1 season as a personrsonal connection J l*...il();.kk’V ...... If 1.^2 Ihifd Sl. W,. U ,n j ~ 'I wit. I-alls lerrett Centcr for Arts aand with die past," And.Vnderson said. •: H.VlnMiy .Mjh k- Vallc> Ti ^ I Her _ am i i>IlR-r^ircav ...... Inc...4 l.cc ...... T h e T lm e s -'N e w s5 I 1 af orma tioro n . L i n e _ . ______i s dWf>nr/» c : _____ :...... - - That; Juno 21. iKi& r: e fe rre d to a s — - l-jllcrpiivcv. I’ctiiKriiscripti()n nitcs:S 1>> ThC TlineN-N«-Ncwi.. Official ciiy and fie mountain time zone caumses, Europe and Olherier cultures< call .jt H.-im-ik-livi.'f)..l,aK JI1.1.1 Suii,1.iy.Su VI ■'S “C^'p-ipcipel pursuanl li> Scciii.n o u.-c-l S„n.U) <.nl), S’..M K liose ' in neighboring statates. reason. Widi a smalm ailer land mass, 5 •M.iil li'mK miiM Ih-thi ■1C day .'filicHtfck un uliich Lottery and'WW eather iregon and Washington arerc in Europe heats upp earlier,ci experi- 5 .aic] .lie .ix.ul.ilc puMiUicil. • IW.I in..inl.imc-il. M.ill t.iU--,' All . please Kciid ih jiij-r > i: P.O. J!n* .MK.T».in I'jIIv laho sliould bc, Anderson sai .l..il> .111.1 S.iiiJ.,) S<.,00 |.c,>cr uccl,.s d;..l) ju st a ph o n e carail aw ay! aid - ' sooner dian doess theth larger conti- :- niily VI t>i) per «cck, Sim.I.iv rodudng a sunset an hour earli-ca ncntal United State::ates. 'C, PCI Oui .•( M..IC ;,ilo: o«>y>>(frt«3002 ^ ^ ■■■ er.r. And< while Wyoming aand Even so, Memorinorial Dny week- Lottetery VW eather Mlontana o n arc also located in1 the1 end in May ofteiften marks the ^ T i m c s - NNews i telephone dinlirectory Informin atio n Infinform ation [ountain tim e zone their east News,(Clark Walwonh. f h, M anaging E d ito r)...... E x t. 3 ■ 2 ^ . 3' II -■ P,^drag. You’ve got lo be up3 til1 l fa ll, H in k le said, ■ '. ^ - 3 . Retail A dvertising (Mikelike Sm ii, A dvertising Directc:c fo r)...... E x t. 4 crcdibly late hours even beftjfo r e “ T h a t’s th e middOliddle o f spring,'*’ 2 • Ag W eekly (Janet Goffinffin. G eneral M a n a g e r)...... E x t.5 r r r y oJU u can begin observlnjng,” Hinkle said. “IfIf youy get good 0 Publisher Stephen Hangin g e n ...... ; ...... E x t. 249 . . . o r check o u t o u r w ebsite: w w w .m agic Andcnderson said. Weather, you’re lucklucky. It’s kind of 2 ,m a iigy.cpm dDespite c the nstronoriilcal set-si like the lottery.” ^


k * '' Fridojf. W 2 1 . 2002 Tlmo^NilOt^ews. Twin Falls. Idaho A-3

--N a ^I-'ION------— ■ . , — ^ m a k e r sr q n e s r i r orn i depart m e n t ’ss ability ^ResearchI suggests warmingM Loa Angeles TItnetme#______i'C L c c jcjAIc.dctaLiV-ockciis^the— A - will-allGw WASHINGTO^'ON—In the.first' can Federation of vdiseases-tet© thrive-— G ovem mment t Employees and thc flash of partisitisan dissent to WASHINGTON (AP) al Treasury Employees ’) - C lim a te h u m a n s is goi P resident Busli's\‘s Ihomeland secu- warming is allowing dis NowN Democratic allies lisease-caus- Climate cl rity plan, DtDemocrats on ing bacteria. viru.ses am ling to Iheir defense. ind fungi to thouglit tu Jha c o n trib u te d to • Thursday ossaihailed a provision move into new areas wl ;re is unanimous where they epidemic of that could allow)w leaders of the rnay harm spccics as d :ratic) opposition to the diverse as wiped out lh proposed new CalCabinet agency to . . lions and snails, buttererflies and Hawaii, the ; itration’s proposal to cir- b ypass fe d e ra lI pipersonnel rules humans, a study suggest! c u m v e n11 t the d v il serv’ice laws of sts. . borne pathofthogeii that th a t p rotect d vil s.servants. Pathogens that ha the countrntry, as they are contem- lave been temper in I Af th e The Democrarratic criticism restricted by seasonal p l a t i n g;," , " Senate Majority II tempera- Weaching of < emerged as Tomim Ridge, Bush’s tures can inviiiie new a L e a d e r• Tom T Daschle,,D-S,D„ • areas and by diseases tl point man on homomeland security, find new victims as tht iVe c a n ’t d o th a t. W e ’re he c‘limate ing seas, appeiired beforefore House and PT vf^'H said, “We warms and winters groi I'Xvj •^ not goingng to rewriie-or totally ■ow milder. Humans an Senate committettees to give his researchers say in a stui r , ■ e x e m p tt thist or any federal tudy in the dramatic risl first formal t«testimony to journal Science, .• a g e n c y frofrom the laws pertaining Iwni diseases Congress sincece he'came to "Clim ate change is di to civil sen;e rv ice ." disrupting and yellow fe th e W ashington lastast fall to help' naturat ccosystcms in a R i d g e;. , in i w riiien testim ony,- a way ihat s;iid, I improve domesilestic defenses is making life better for i: d e f e n d eid d the administration's r infectious “In all the d against terrorism . diseases,” said Andrew L . ^ in itia tiv e iisil an attem pi to devel- ' Dobson, a mate change, b e e n Ridge, a formeinei congressman Princeton University resesearchers kind of eleft f t 1 «P i' "nioiloiivated. higli-i)erfor- ond governor ofjf IPennsylvania, and another co-auiholor of the Harvell, a C m a n c e and a n accountable work received a warm•m reception. So •Study in S c ie n ce . “T h e ai fo rc e ,” accumula- marine ccolog did most of thc: admad inistration’s Homolnniland Security DIroctor Tom RIdgo'd’o'dofonds President Bush's call tion of evidence has us e:extremely . of tlie study. ‘ oli f o r . ------U n d er tiquestioning from the <11 plan to consolidateate several agen- Cabinotot | position for the dopartmont Thui worried. We share disea ITiursday on Copltol Hill. S e n a t e Governmental Gc Affairs eases wilh degree chan^ange in lem perature cies scattered aerocross the govern- some of these species. Tin Comniitieelee, lie added that Bush 'he risk for can lead todisease dis. outbreaks." ment into one DepartmentDt of emplojloyees into a new depart- ;• vice regulations wivith a new wants to “make“i the agency a lot H om eland Securityrity. meni Im m eant to counter terrorism a merit-based managei-ement sys- more agileiie and give it some of ...... But-DemocraticItic criticism on and otother doniestic' thrcats," 1," tem. The existing rulules aim to llie tools thatth it may need to deal U.S. defici:it hits $147.7.1 billion th e d v il scrvicc issiissue showed the Demociocrais zeroed in on a little-, s shield career- gov□vernment with... persorsonnel challenges.” 2 -week-old proposaosal is entering a publicijicized provision of the draft WASHINGTON (APP) - The ihe view expi.-xpressed by govern- I employees from poiiuilicaJ infJu- Jn a .subsibsequenf hearing held tough new phaseise as Congress • bill thethe administration sent to government is running’ ia deficit ment and privatepri' ana'lvsts ihat H J ence; granting many of them col- by the Iiouse II Government b eg in s d eb atin g; how hi to turn it Congre!^■ess e a r lie r th is w ee k , o f S147.1 b illio n fo r th e fiifirsi eight the Unitedd StatesS will posi a ■ Iective bargaining rirights and Reform Committee,Co Rep. Tom into law. T hee provisionp would allow the m onths of the budget:t y e a r , a • h e fty d e fic itt.for fo: the fiscal year. H o th e r protections. L u n io s, D-C>Calif., told Ridge that While most lawiawmakers have secretai•tary of homeland securiiy reversal from the sizablele surplus The budgetjet shortfall• could end M H ' The Bush proposalI iis fiercely Democratsts consider> civil service voiced generalII •support for and WhiVhite House personnel offi- recorded for the same pperiod a up well aboveove SIOO billion, the opposca by two unionsns that rep-' protectionsins for federal employ- B u s h ’s p u s h to3 fold fl 169,000 dais lo year eariier. Congressioniional Budget Office lo replacc existing civil ser- resent roughly 50.OC000, of the ees “non-ne, negotiable." The latest snapshot off ithe gov- says, ernm ent's finances, rereleased Red ink in 2002I would end a Thursday by the Trfreasury string of four)ur straight vears of ■ {■ Spendingg 1time in tiie car,r, not moving Court rejtiects lawsuilit rights Department, seemed to nreinforce budget .surplusiiluses. ■ ■ California exporierrienced Ihe most traffic in thele IU nited S ta te s In 2 0 0 0 . with several citioslies making tho top lO lisl. InlIn Los Angeles, rush- in studenIt privacy vii^iolations h o u r d riv e rs av'eraged era 5 days. 16 hours sittiritting in traffic. WASHINGTON (A P )- H ours of a nnualI delaydo 1982 h o u rs of an n u al ) - S tu d e n ts a re w ro n g;ed e d under this law - and ja l C o st por rush- cannot sue schools and Countrn p e r ru ah -h o u r drIviIrlver (Jetoy por rush-hour drivordri h o u r drivor - id colleges ' probably manym other laws that i that improperly relcacase their don’t explidiidtly allow lawsuits. W ^ 2 L o sA n g e lo s 33 136 47 S2,510 • grades or other personallal informa- The caseiC pittedj adminisinitors r* tion, the Supreme Cou . San Franclsco-Oa•Oakland gg)2 ' ■ 2 6 1.770 ourt ruled of Gonzaga;a University,i a private In Tliursday. Jesuit collt ©rccnhoia u B t i ^ illege in Washington p W ashington, D.C,.C. area E3::z-jrr3 84 - 2 4 1.595 \ T h e 7-2 ru lin g w as a setback state, agaiiainst a student who \A O u r A n n u a l Seatllo area rzrir-Tizj B2: 20 ‘ 1,605 for siudents and familie-ies seeking claimed hisis hopesI of becoming a R to keep information pri'rivate. but teacher were - H o u slo n c--.:z:rA75 4 0 1.410 ere ruined by unproven M G nreenliouse .school groups said it wo;vould head allegationss heli se.xually assaulted H Dallas-Fort Worth rth r.'_-:r-J74 12 1,390 off costly and ineffectctive law- a fellow studiu d e n i, M a C le a ntl H ouse SaJa l e ® suits. : San Jose, Calif. LV--_:z-:74 2 3 1.415 T h e S u pprenie r ( Court said Ru ? The ruling, writtenI byI Chief Paster wasIS entitledi to nothing m ^ Coo n tin u e s ! N ew Yorf< City airea re ( r:- 73 2 0 1.400 Justice. WilJiain H. Rellehnquist. under FERPRPA becausc the 1974 U A tlanla ir.; .- -U 70 12 1,350 said the Family F.ducucational. law does lotnot say anylhing about ^a AU PI:lants. Planters, Righls and Privacy’ Act, or private lawsu M iam i a ro a 6 9 19 1.255 vsuits for violations. - ■ I'liR PA , gives “no .speci:cific, indi- The court’rt’s decision does not S Ekets & Roses vidually enforceable i SOURCE; ToxnsTfonspofi;porlation InslilutO .* rights." stop studentsnts from filing lawsuits W V leaving it up to tlie EdEducation on other grounds, gi however. ^ D epartinent to i>uiiisli aI sciioolsi by Paster also' accuseiiac the school of E ^ ' ■ 3(»0% O f f stripping its fctieral fundiding, defamation,I, invasioni ent 62 hours trip to worvork took 25,5 minutes in ENDSPECIALS sitting in traffic- 2.55 ddays-com- 2000, com>mpared with 22.1 min- p ared with 16 hours;in in 1982, And utes in 1991990. m ore than half the majinajor roads in “ P e o p)le le are trading off the those 75 areas are crowdcdcro dur- time in theheir*cars for a number of ing rush hours, comptnpared with other benein e fits - schools, loiv hous- m m COKE 12pks S jii.« a third in 1982. ing costs,s, s sh o p p in g , p a rk s , m e d - •'“The congested limtin e is now iciI faciJili(lilies,” researdi enf^neer P l A i ASSORTED I lengthening and now A L E ! 2 for low incorpo- Tim Loma;nax said. "It seems like wo sn ra te s m ure roads andci morem travel . what peop:opie.are trying to do is at than in tlie past," saidlid thei reirori m ax im ize ,?5"" 0 Je their quality of life released Thursday. “ Viva 2% “Even the rather thailiah try to minimize the the Collegile of Southen*n Idaho ^ smaller areas are notno able to time they/ spendsi in their’cars.” N um erous p ia n o s willill be sold GALLON MILK, ( "X S ' by Saturday June 22,:!, 2 0 0 2 B j n j g w J ] 1 ® ! . 0 -on-campus-in-conjunctictlon-wlth“ |? T fW |W Falls Brand Hudsoon’s ShoeB Store" Young Chang, Rolandid C o rp . DOWNTOrOW N& LYNWOOD, TWIW IN F A L L S •USA, International Loao a n ■ ■ ■ R n B 5A99 Programs, Many Grant 41b. PACK I Consoles, Studios, WeiUERS ^E l Summer ! Uprights,'Digital Piano: i" ea. various finishes and ssr ty le s Falls Brand Shoe Sale I will b e sold. M any are . Ihat one year old and c BULK i Continues^ - new- factory, w arranties, BACON ^ i r Dole CLASSIC WOMAN’S MEN’S SALAD MIXiim■ pkg. 9 SHOES I SHOES ■ For Inlormaiionon or to schedule BakeryBe Fresh Reg. to *109” / a l u e s to *139” a preview appippoinimenlcall mS R o l a n c STRAWBERRY *19“ TO *87‘ 'I9” to »91« 208-73!33-9554 ” I Call For — Ext. 227B9 PIES 8" Preview Appolntmeien t ■ Meadow Gold ~ SAVE FR Two Locations . . S a leI h o u rs - To Serve You ... 208-7S3-85&M Saturday..I, June 22nd IP D ow ntow n & from 1 0 a!.m . r .-3 p.m. $ [ L ynw ood Ext. 2769 ICE CREAM 2 0 ^ ____ I o r by pipreview Jlf i l l tment only n« > ^ ^ 2 fori 'e appolntm ASSORTED TO 7 5 < Sales & servicc thru 315 FALILLS AVE. CiCROSS RIB W elcli IVIusic Inc OnW offnettfs&!% MM en % S h o e s 1 f l ^ 10^ TWINFJFALLS, ID ROAST OR VALIUE SHOES vn & Lynwood m w 14g 4 Main ”-^ Ave ”ACK STEAK B«nkC«dtaChf9>Accoccounti Welcome 733-4750 • n m m n ______J ______

M Tlm»^(owi. Tw«nI FolFaUt. ldaho Juoe 21.2002002

N a t io n L - _

Ifdeastt, carnaage mal y P a nnei urgess s m a l l p cO X r e s p orfi“d r e fs^ ^ ““ ...... A T L A NNTA I - A.go.vernmenc ___ MBBsnMB. ..pcrfoimingi surgery,su o r w hile dri-..:;____ . . odvisory papanel rejected smallpox Q*...... vingbomcafteafter-thor shifts.----- i.,-.:: — I T vacdnationsans for the general public N ation In. briel ■ Under hethe policy adopted by:'! 'X Y Thursday, iiinstead proposing that ;------the AMA’s5 HouseH< of .Delegatc^i/' » b le to change( s Histoi pleaded guilty Thursda]la y KL tw o U ie a s s o d a tio n be at J the shots bebc ^ v e n to s p e d a l team s tion recommended th K . in cach state w ho would counts o f first-degree miulunier and fesidents notlot worki more th an 8 0i i By Ron K am poaa aitacks; usas a reason to crack down leadership of the Pal lated th e first to rtispond 13 counts of attempted znin t i r i c r fOT h o u r s p e r week w ee or more th an 24>:/ Associatod Press writerIter on m ilitartants. Authority - Goldstein’s n I nightmare incase of' a a biqtcrrorismI attack, a shooting spree last yearf f th a t le ft h o u r s Sit a S s treir. tc h , excep t im d e r-i; ------"Untilil fthe Palestinian A uthority come true...... T h e recoicommendation by the tw o dead a t a suburban &S a n D ie g o . sp e c ia l d r c u m i a decision that independent umstanccs. -.■i:’ WASHINGTON --Can C a suidde makesad • Two years later, Islad^ictnili- Advisory-Ct.Committee on Iminuni-.___ highschool. . .wrapptKl in explosivesves diangiTQie ' missionsIS rare not going to be loler- ' tant.< seething ot their didimmished zadon Praci Charles'"Andy” WUit Bctices, which sets U.S. Georglaftcl■aciflc Will pay ' course of world cvetiLs^iiLs? ated, it’st’s going to be difficult for- -' .• influence and reeling froirom Isra d s v accin e policy, po] came after two entere.d the plea in durii Sometimes. any diplorilomacy to \s-ork,’' said Ross, assa.ssination of their tctop opera- days o f heajcarings on the threat of had b e ^ scheduled as aI nreadiness $10 milHonan Ifor damage }w heads the Washington In the Middle East,,st, how an out- who now tive, killed 62 people in four SUJ- a smallpox>x attackt verstis th e dan- hearing. P r o s ^ t o r s saidd theyt still ASHWAUBlUBENON, Wis. m;' le fqr Near East Policy, a> rage d ianges histor>'■>' i:is largely up Institute dde attacks bet^veen Fel•eb..2S and gerous sideide effects of the vac- hoped to put Williams aawoy for Georgia-Paciiacific Corp. will p^i' speech - hard-liner Benjamin NeNetanyahu WASHININGTON - President to keep doctors-in-trainir paper companpanies accused of.o s;itisfied the antipathyhy ito recondli- ing for anar end to suicide bomb- prime m inister,. malanna to Bush and hishi >vife w ere n ot relo- becoming so bleary-eyeyed they dumping t only because of th e inter- polychlorinated atiun ihiit drives.-lslami(imic m ilitants. ings not oi Palestinian re je rto n ist ddaim i s that cated - or• evenc ’ informed - when h u rt them selves or th eir pzpaoents. biphenyls, orjr PCBs,P into the riveri- tended conse- national1 opprobriumo; they Invited, There were uninten reconciliation with Isrsrael was many othersers in the White House Many doctors-in-trainin{"S put in from the 19S0S'50s t h r o u g th e 19703... cause of the pain they ' tiviences, as well.!ll. Leading but beca impossible. were cvacuicuated bccause of an im ore than 1 0 0 hours a wcwe<* and rhe chemicals:als have been linked, I’alestinian m oderates:es condemi ned cause Isnsraelis - a rare signal of Other times, leaderss have1 not approachinfing wayward airplane, isometimes toil for 3615 hour^s „.p^uctivi understanding in a time rtive and developmen* ' the aciacks in a stingingang statement, mutual ui prevented bloodletting fromfr csca- his spokesm:anan said Thursday. :straight. Advocates forr the 80- tal pnjWems)s inii people, fish and.. one that irked thehe m ilita n ts of great di;distrust. lating. FBI offida:d ais c onduded th e pilot hour | week have said thi:hal rest- iviidiife. ur a return to Therei hhave been times in the innocent navigational < , because it could spur ; Clinton strove to com)ntain the made an ini dents have fallen asleeiep while -compUe.liled from wire rcpoi;tSt;, lhe peace table. . M ideastt v,when the shame engen- fallout from a gruesomee lynchingi error when1 heh flew his small plane Tlie key is to seize‘ tJithe initiative luiward1 W;Walker, a for- • In Fell'ebruary 1994. Jewish set- Palestinian m ob killed two tw Israeli evacuation>n of the presidential mer U.S. assistant secretaryse of tier Baruc'uch Goldstein shot dead army reservists. Clintoiton a sk e d m an sio n an

Israel calltils u p reserrves, detain;ms Palestini!ians “ cgatgadons against the Rev. I Paul Shanlc}ley span from 1979 to I RAMALU\H. West.‘St Bank (AP) family ex(except for an Israeli sol- W ednesday. 1989, whenn Ihe was at St. Jean’s I “ Israel callcd up reserve.sol-re dier, whoho.wos wounded when Israeli forces set upJ tentsi in parish in NtNewton, a suburb of I diers Thursday andnd detained the militaiitar>- storm ed th e house, some Palestinian areas, 7 M s, indicat- Boston. The1C indictment: indudes I i • Naots • Birkenstoistocks • Dansko ■ , many I’alestiniann m e n a n d O ne of the,infiltrators thi was also ing a plan to stay for at least a lO counts ofof-child rape and six I youths for questi'onfo n in g a f t e r killed anclmd the_o.ther fled out a __few : day.s, b ut w ere not t Ibuilding counts of imindecent assault and troops entered Palestiistinian towns window,»•, thei settlers and res- jpermanent infrasiructiture like battery, i - J U N E 2 1 -- J J U N E 2 5 j in a vddening militarj:ary response cuerssaid.lid. w ater p ipes or electricityty lines. S h a n le y', , 771, has been jailed ■Vi\ Friday thruu TlTuesday to a w ave of suicide altaitacks. . The Po Popular Front for the Defense M inister Biiiinyamin since May wlwhen he was arrested hwa,ftk)&cWflo«»flfftracr)' After nightfall,, suTipected s Libcratiotion of Palestine took 1Ben-Eliezer said one: rreserve and returnedled from Califomia to 4Jj\i Sai»prCT>»ppyii5»»WtHKluVn NeScKOilODot ■■ Palestinian infiltrairators took responsibi'ibility for the attack in a unit, i or about 1,200 troofop.<:, were facc three cot:ounts of chUd rape. He hostages in a house; in the West call to Thehe Associated Press. icalled up to bolster Israel’sI has pleadeded innocent and was Bank settlement of ItaItamar, near The Isra?raeli government’s doci- defenses. i being held onS300.000bail.on ■ the city of Nablus,, kikilling four • sion to seseize some Palestinian "This call-up is meantIt to give Israelis and woundinjling at eight territorieses was a dircct response . 1backup to the standing! army: so C aliforniaI teenti pleads guilty others, settlers and rescueres work- to repeateItcd suicidc attacks. Two it I can face •> new straiegi e rs said. bo m b inUS g s; in Jenisalem killed 26 lion i in the (Palestinian)iffeS : to school! m u rd ers The casualties wereLTe from one fsraelis? on Tuesday and ries.” i h e told Israel TV. EL c:a j o)N, n Calif. - A teenager 136 Main Avenue':e South« Twin Falls. Idaho0»734-481B » ; Souuthern 1^daho Leaarning C<.enter T “Yoiir:“Dream j)resisents Homee Is NowV I Afforc■dable!

ortgagc Loans /I.s Low'A J i x e d . 75% -: a t e lual Percentage .Rote ______Sa H om e M ort ' CALL zens of ways to save R o n B ra d ieyI ^ e Mortgage Loan ■ 734- 726;6 ; 5 J e s : diey knows all of Axr A n nlon u a a call a n d let lb find the options DAY • JLJNE ^ k best for you. ^ 1“ M a h i n f ; There are dozer•r NO) O N - 6 R M . ^ on your Home J anS lion Bradi them! Give Rot TKICKETS:: $ 8 _ ^ him'heln you fi that will workL i ' £ r w i M m r : 1^ o m e ^ e l y o u r ^ a m e “A Traditiorg Your L ife E a s ie r FARMERS n S E ULF-GUIDED TTOUR □ PiATIOMAL Live Mhlusic at Eversy Garden _ BAMK T I CCKETOUTLETS l 5 A R E : on You Can Count On' S o u t hle'm e i Idaho Leam in;ng G eriter W indsor G ardenn & N ursery • K el!lley G arden G enteI t e r K i m b e r l yI TN ursery • M oss CG reen House ■ AAlso l at Every Ganrden~s ' — ” M B r J B oW : T H A N K YOU Y TO OUR SlSPONSORS: . JeroRM ...... - T-Tranquil : ibandscafi p e s ‘- ...... - ■ W e w t e Twin Fallt, Btu ' ■ CH l a assic G utting & Mft f g : . Twin FallS/ Sfw KK e elley G arden G ers h t ^ r J I The'H om e Depoo t SJ75*.AI'KlI'K

I crrdiL Certain mddltional rcitricl ■•nirrfordrtaiJt. Frtd»T. Juiw’21. 2002 Tliwi»WqwiNqwi. Twin Falli. Idaho A-5 „ N a t io nN ______...... S T z _ H “ R e t a r ddcd.__ _ ■ :

ContlnufldfromAl I C - U i _____ Rnni^rn f iny rtTrnnni-ir m Anfhnr^y — ------Kennedy, DavididSouter, Ruth- i locutions of the menentally retardi9d outi t t a w e d Bader Ginsburgrg and Stephen j TheFie U.S. Suprem e Couct ruled'ed Thursday that the executUtion o t M k lentalty retarded Inmates IsI unconstitutional.un Prior to T^T hursday . “ Thus, the courtIt ssaid, tlffi obiec. ! [ J l a ese 2 0 states had no law ban3anning their execution: »£ i ■ cii^ 1 I H ti^ s of capitalll fpunishment - I k E M deiferring murder retribution for itt - don’t apply to J r\ TheIB finest wood . iU ■ TruSeal naH p e rs o n s of Well-biJ-below-average M ibhavacbh.'^^^ ! W A T E R l i measured intelligen ^ 1 / : m I ' Additionally, in^ iite dearest sig* ' | p r o o f i n g II nal yet that diet cocourt has token notice of recentIt DNAC exonera*. ! i S E A L E R H 3 R U W O O D ^ r Impwim'ilaUiMibouiDMifliiic I tions of death-row'OW in m ates, th e . i*b dlr«1okt !»)> • Wp* [W'ffli mlUcwr '; t Ilolp* rcJucc ■Jirtnknflo, kwclS T S T A I N ^ ’ I nnd raised mtwd tfraid. .. I m ajorj^ said thattiat the.mentally ' h l l ^ dciDdccnriniM' retardeds’ “impaimlirments can Jeop- ' ™ ardize thc reliabllit;lility'and fairness J i 99 . 0 9 9 I of'capital procee(codings against ' ^ [ S J jBEQ W .9 9 g . QOAU [REa..$10.49 % Q AU. I mentally retardedd ddefendants.” Stevens addedI a footnote men- » E-Z K a re doning th c casess of two retarded* ^ former death-rovrow Inmates in | V ; INTERIORR I Ulinois and Virgiirginia who con* i : fe « e d to murders-tlrs that Iflter-DNA : n t H M i i W h" ^ 1 S A T I N evidcncc proved iheythi didn’t com- ’{>{> I L E N A M E L m it- i ■I No^ laws tMinned ^ E xea©cutions of the [ ! No deatath VEATHERAI Though its symbol ' Tt>|>rBlcd for t'iu£lint'tliiM.iw Ity II luuO- H iboUc impact was , executionq of the mentsantally retarded penaltyV I '•iii? C VV ! liVtcunxumcrmiiAiultCiulnu. 20 your H ' strong a n d immediadiate, the precise „ y I mentally retantod are3 bannedbi contours of the ruliruling’s practical ;______FLAT LATE effccts remaineined unclear. SOURCEiCE.-Auoclati>d Press AP i' _ . T 9 9 I Profound mentalII rretardation, a 19 : V G A L ■ condidon so debilit:ilitatii^ that the > last-minlinute claims of mental retor-r- thc door to hundredsis of phony — v court has previouslyisly said it would dation.n. claims of retardatioron. each of ^*^515 1 - 6 4 3 ! M>c. V disqualify someoneone from execu- jhee court’sc dedsion crowned—d :— which would take yearsrstolidgate. E G ^ $ 2 1 ; i 9 9 was not at issuissue in the case. vrith victoryvie a national campaignn “If you’re still brcai:athing and K • i b r u s h V, Rfalhcr, the disputeute centered on by oppc /allabte In 100^ of dumblo ooloiii 17® sponents of capital punish-1- have bpen convictedid and sen- mildly mentally rcta Ivfti oxtorior •kilng and Mm a rich MUn llnlsh , ' J ■ S E T etarded people- ment,w:, who had a rg u « l in state leg-5- tenced to death, now ycyou need.to •LongxiQ lasilng, high hKtlng. dirt andd mmlldow rosistant f i I J defined by mentalal Ihealth profes- islaturc! u r ^ l ov«r^point - 20 Yoar WArmntyWa J fBtB-062. unim ate ' ires and the courts that exe-h get to a phone andi call< your j'.*®'"'' .' ' PinlAh. 2*forw ail & trim.tn I I sion'als as those whiwho have an IQ cutingg tht e re ta rd e d n o t only vio-y ia>sy.er to have a shnirink como . , WE/ % ' I For oil latex and oil b( bet^vcen about 50 l U T H E R A L L 50 and 70 and lated ththi e C onsdtudon lnst a l » putIt interview you, and tt< e ll h im a ' - C A M ' vomlehoa and stains. have,experiencedI dildifficulty adapt- the UniJnited States at odds \^thh square looks like a drdrdctoyou.” ,9AATIN LATEX ing to school and sodsoda] and family intematlational human rights laws, said Michael Rushford,d, president | 9 9 y Ufe sincc before thc i l E Q REQ. he age of 18. In itsits opinion Thursday, thee of the California-based:d Criminal ' 'r f w - s e a •] $ 1 0 . 9 9 Som e 35 such peoiwople have been Suprcmiime Court said its view wass Justice Legal Foundatiuion, w hich “ • — executed since 1976,)76, according to reinforo>rced b y polls showing mostt filed a friend-of-the-cc•court brief :*19’ Jh'c D e a th P en altyIty Information Americsicans opposed the practice,!, urging the coun to leavave its 1989 lio n I AIBX Plus 'vX E a s y CC ( olor I Center. Human RiRights Watch, as wellill asi by th e argum ents pre-r- ' ruling in place, ! Acrylic another anti-deathh ppenalty group, sentedd inii friend-of-the-court briefss But James Ellis, a prprofessor of PAIIllNT S says th ere are 200) to 300 retarded from the th e E uropean Union, profes-r law at the Universit;ity of New ; THIII I N N E R . - : ^ i L A T E X ^K S P R i injnatcs among thee deathdi row pop- sional II g ro u p s s u c h a s th ci Mexico, who arguedd the case : dsotr.327.-sj i n . M m m m i ‘AY M ulption of more than: I nn 3,700 conrict- Americrican Psychological1 against executing thciC re ta rd e d 1 low-odoBdorlormula. J i C A U L K ^ ed m urderers. A ssodatiation and rell^ous groupss twfore the justices, saididm nU nser. s And eloani mosi ^ PAI^NT I N Vet except for atingdd the broad such as a the U.S. Catholic; ing “hasn’t been a probibleminany . definitions of m ildI mimental retarda- Confereiience. of thc states” that have'c abolished udn, the m ajority saiisaid it would b e “ Concincems remain about many/ the practice rcccntiy. “‘You’d Y have I R E Q ui> to the states to1 dcdevelop p red se o ther aspectsas] of the death penal- lo figure out how to do> iit as a kid, $ 2 .4 1 $ 2 . 4 9 I — standards and proprocedures for ty,” saidaid Richard Dieter, execu- to deal wilh thc defefinition's r_. 1_.. determining whoI shshould qualify tive dii«irector of th e D eath Penaltyf requirement of onset beforeb age for the new exemptiiption from exe- Informatnadon C enter, a W ashingtont 18.” . cution. n o n p rorofit f that opposes capital The decision alsoilso appears to punishmhment. “But at least today ; N « D H e ip u i r I-™ * apply retroactivelj/ely. In recent we haveive stopped a practice that I m tFURNITU 2 \v6cks, as its opinion JRE lion in this case most AmericansAn and the rest of was being prepareiired, thc court the work ! QUICKBOO]»KS®? SIS, )rid Fmd abhorrent.” CONDITIONER gr;anted stays of e: 1 ) N r ^ H f execution lo But supponerssu of capital pun- Call Lisa at 737-7-00871 S',",517. v/m 13 lfxt«d tan and Intum PLANTATIO tliree death-row inn;inmates raising ishmcnt!nt ^ d th c court h as opened S U P P O ^ J , ISSSmot REO. PATTERNS $ 2 1r 9 . i l 79” 2 0 ” W e g 7 $ 3 T ^ 9 5 BO FAI ------— ------»S45-«96 I a ihonoaK ihio bn>n;njoty, ponobio Ian. Fully oMoni6ldnblM. Modt^USA. 2 ^ 4 dinalounge spring adlon3n chaire ant> 42* round table,le. Allfi I . R E G . pieces, feature a tough powowdercoat finish In evergreen.)n. Othor( ■ ’ $ 1 9a .S . » 1 3 ” ; pieces ayailablo at sa^^^ 3 ri« s......

1 2 ” 33-Speed^^^^ .! Portable Oscilli 3 2 ^ L . Tabletop DE! T R A S H f rt » 2 FAI C A N . I I I #260-720, Tmoh Con wllh onop-iock ild or controls,« Tood. noutf#l 0 -year monutocluror'a warranty G A S-^ SINCflPp m u m NCS 0133-884 J Q Q ! REG. GRILt g 9 9 ' REG. ^ty- (7ft>722.L»0»>Ok].eUi:lL . $ 1 95 .4 ^ 1 3 ” S i l l . 9 9 ___ I 0

• 9 $ 2 4 . 9 9 ...... ■ % N cO W O P E NJ im I We e d & [> mntu ■ M. M ______L f i S & i G R A S S -- f UGHTITS j | 0 I KILLER gi^'i 1 0 L B . ( »?3a-637.Q>i !’ wiiiKwni'Ofa I Wllh r«ady-i0-u90 w Q t ^\' . HI-YIELDN ||j r ^ I arxUiowKto I IrtOQer apmy tx>Rle. ' ifwi piaite Ett^ Klila to Iho foota, - PriD IA ZIN O N »63S-7e3.«H g; ^'1 iraMumgrniMRRnu R E Q . ' I Sni, too, jr£c. loC wcO $ 2 6 .9 9 i !” “ 9 9 M I B a ■ ' ■ i KnT«,ttfiKhtwp 5 9 9 1 2 1 9 - 6 * . I = Asian cuisine cook()ked fast and fresh in blo'lazing2 hot 9PANE , 0»L :S7.BS ■ m J ^ > 1 1 1 BOT)n-LE 1 1 ^: I C hinese w oks andid served with Americarran hospi- M310-326!!6. i B j I O< SCILLA TIN C^ I ' GrcenTlmiiibf DiBposat;Mibie. fi i A ; ' - WASP& No pumpm p in g »d P R I N L E R V' I H h J tality. Sample thee itraditional - Sweet andan Sour noaded, , ^OxOa* max covoroQO. ae-poaltK^ HORNET REG.. ® S P R A Y2 9 9 I Pork and Mongolic)lian Beef. And the innovlovative- j •5 3 1 -7 0 7 - — -Thai Beef Fajitas anand Maui Chickcn in TwiWin Falls''• new est restaurant.It. pinm S Ji 75% ; #320-945/978: Qet€st extras made for emergent Jj. .'No.VATS. Um it2 f r ^ J c e ^ ' ^ jn'oopd.,at'Krenaels th tu .jj^,! ndos,. neighbors*, etc. M :J H O n BliHue Lakes Blvd. P rrices ic G ood Thru 6/30^■p0 r customer. ' ^ • Nexext to Jaker's *,%20P2.'| ,< > 0 /0 2 FoFor Takeout T m n /a £ u i i p 736-7464 "H elp Is Jusjst Around T

Hours: 5:005:i pm -10:00 pmI rhe Corner" SBS28S23E l'.l:/.IIL -lX ;< lrf .______f

Q p [BN:— ' o iminiof^r^for^M vyCoo^^ I’ngc: A-ft Friday, June 21, 201;oo 2 "[ ...... The'he Timcs-Ncw^?.

E ditoriRIAL I b m e ll a a i n d Seaifi^Soundvduj> Easyy^mrget: ah> ./jW STM E> , unvavaccinated i D ispatitch center^r’s future - J AN EXPECT ' I ATHB5DINS pop)pulation i ^^residenijcn t Bush wants a n ew , , n e e d ss m o re disiscu ssion B ^ C a b ininet-lcvel u t D epartm ent of; , ll managers lo oversee'e ' X Homelaleland Security. Hc has o cal le:adei^ a d need to sional also siftnedd legislationIc devoting p u t some sc more theo^*p e m iio n . 54.6 billionn to baltle bioterrorism. ' th o u ght h t iUid discus- ' BulI (choosing this “lead But the onele simplesi und most s io n ininto t the four- agen^’cy” is a trickier decision, importantI thingthi that the federal L :nt can do in the name of .co u iU;y y Iemergency Twinin Falls Couniy Sheriff Rovemment c clispaicli ccMitcr; e r ’s f u t u r e . W iiynele Tousley’s offer lo tako homelandI securilysec and preventing' y bioterrorismsm remainsi undone: ency clearly over is (mei option to consider. W hile the' J Make the smismallpox vaccine stock- n e e d s s y s ic in ic: c:change, the . But ToiIbusley’s rem ark about pile availableible to the American pub- .' b e st a p p ro a c h is fafai r le.ss c le a r. p o s s ibibly : using some SIR- lie. A “lead agencyicy” proposal COMM^M money to enliance Centersi for Disease Conlrol and from thu Twin FaFaHs Couniy salarieies in his own depan- I' Prtn’cnlionn ofofficials have I>een sheriff may turnI outoi to bo the ment isis troubling. Why shouldd nieetinRbehiiK:hind closed doors this' week to deiereier- ______m o s t p r a c t i c a l1 i.------north side resi-i- '■ ( J ^ ■* • mine |Kilic>‘ option. But it -i-nai tienis pay to sup->• ijl £ ] Our view: The regio A iibout the C h a u l I ' : s contains at least JIUI ldl p o rt la w e n fo rce- smallpox vac- " • one troubling”'B 911 dispatch center — -ment in Twin cine; Most ■- ■ V. P e n a ' aspect lhai Falls Couniy? 2 5 w « expect tht! needs more' clearly needs a new m.man- in our view,T, I______------1 CDC to stickick ! form of the current review . ^at T'vin Falls wilh some for agement stmcture. Wt “ring containiainment” strate«y, The'Southern : whereby gove’ovemment provides ' '' 1 that new stnjcture shohould D epartm ent Idaho Regional ▼ A X smallpox vacc^uccinationsafier a Communicationss be isn't clear. would be the1 Now]here tc0 g o bUt l dow known outbretbreakinthehopeof Center is a com­ best candidate containing’ thith e spread of th e virus, plex topic - one3 Whatdoyouthinhnlvf to steer the con- o Arthur Andersesen has been I ' toS159 billion.. That may maim ake .sense fur a natural lhat won’t capti­ convictcd, Denni:nis I A nd th ere’s p robablyy mi o re outbreak inin a ninil area, but .such a jAMIvS P, Id b e disiistmiis against - vate the atten­; We welcome viewpoin* ts Kozlowski of Tyok'co has been ‘ —r such shrinkage ahead. SStagn:m t policy could b ‘idlacyof smallpox biotcIjioterrorism. As a course ithiS professional 1 indicted. Samuelk sa lo f Waks P’ inkii -:rtx)N m arkets show a basic fid tion of many tax-:■ 'from our readers onth t m ost ” f action, ilil is unacceptable in a polico agency in1 ImCloncS has been arrerested, and |______investing, w hich is th a t r payers.. Yet. fund managers can’t beacai lhe “ Ciely lhal:it vivalues individuid life : and other issues. ■______the region, itt even his friend Martha because SIR-_ RoStenkoCO was' prophesying, the overall p erform ance off tth e mar- and liberty.y. > has been em broiled ininanin.sidtr- s&P P/E u icdnated population is, COMM dispatch­ generates the 1 w as 2 1 -w hich is to kct. S m art as m oney ma'iavcn.s anvaccii ■ trading investigation. ulnenible but iin aitrac- . es police, atnbulanlance and fire higgesiL'St s h a r e o f d i s p a t c h : say it wasas abnormally high, m iglit be, few can outsmm art Ihe not only vulm And now th e Justice t. A smallpox attack ■ sen’ice for muciiI olof the Magic calls, andar Twin Falls residents he continued, the two globali/ed m:irket. JohnmlioDle. tivelarsel.A Department is examini ir at multiple locations Valley, how it runs is are SIRIRCOMM’s biggest rev- ill m a rk e ts of recen t who beat the averages d for crim inality. It shou] i. 1949-1966 iind 1982- lot b e im m ed ia te ly immensely importar ta n i. e n u e sosoi u rce. 50 years on W all S treeu./ - i l ' " loo hard to find sometlething even 2 OOO, boih)th b egan w hen th e IVE 'i run smooth- The well-knownv history of lates that over thoso five Lately, il hasn’t r f more rotten in Houstor , , ratio wasIS Ibetween 7 and 8 . So at X® , , like.iiiuldiiiRiiiiiRiiosiscan take 12 or !iition between tbe city decades, mutual funds 1: Iy- c o n te n t / So w hat should one c ■ ratio, the market was “ more davs. TllThe vaccine must In.* percent per year behindid th e S&P j-iven within■ in ffo u r d a y s nf ex jw su re The communityty miiy never and sIRCOMM’sSII leadership) about the stock-opiioni g up against its histori­ index. to be effeciivt:iiv e. A sa result, the learn the details; of the receni may makemi such an arrange- ative-accounting cultuiS f '" '- es, not down against its So wluit’s th e answ er?r? ; virus couldd spreadsp widely and kill eltdown. The ment im i possible. Slill, itI today's corporations?■U I evco'one management melt al troufihs. And so, According to Bogle, it'si ““index- thousands. l>efiHjfore lh e first vaccina- t^vo to p s u p e n ’iso;ors n have c]uit, deseiTe:ves discussion. a crook? ‘, thee :agency h:is nershijlip, the structure niiiy tion technology might, r approach wcnild lie to ' lh e next few y e a rs coi;oulJ well intormanc. politicians will have m .•ntive measures now. intain compe- have provenpn loo cuml)ersome iiple, [)ump up the prof­ struggled lo maint see portfolios getting10 m ur- '" f exam pl offer, except red t;ipe- i i f' Tlie: : U.S. 3 Roveiov i e rn m en t has 15 mil-, ° ______l u a n d llieile market-YeL market. - ^------ten! management,nt,-while hal------to b e eeffective. f i til lis m .------—. ______liuu^addiliunaouaLtiusesofnewiy-dis-______^ Powers lioartl liftfhTs-Wek'tV)—^houglvglrrlvc*nced“fnrTcsnhr~T------200lTHut-nln:ad>Temv fo u n h . And for most Americai:ans mind- covered smallnallpo.v viiccinc. plus •endorse direct ovc)versight by a tion is is somewhat urgent, Wiis being felt. > in Miirch 2001, invese.slmenl ' SoanolhIther pile of shoes still lo ful nf thoir fin an d al fututure. lhe approxiniaicbui;ly200 million doses ’ SIRCOMM SIRCOfOMM’s boiird was wise “lead agency." S strategist Mark Rosterenko had drop a re: thlh e Guccis worn by Wall reid problem is d iat th eL* bullI mar- already iirdendered by the govern- , ve itself a litiie more X- is more than enougli to clearlv needs ail single ; top to give predicted that lhe theren-tempo- Street “NiaM asters of the U niverse.” kct of the ’80s and '90s is over. mem. there is 'oluniary vaccination, boss, who wouldd hire ii profes- lime. rar>’ downwiird correct;ction in the On tbe lonjoiig bulling upw ard, idols Government-imposed “rt•reform s” iillow forvolui ict th e ofinvestm:ment t were worshiped. won’t m ake W all S treetetjjrs llienaysiiy.siiy ers c ite th e risk s iisho-. btiil market was in fact II smallpox vaccine, beginning o fii h e a r mrnarket. He such as I'elerPel Lynch of the sm arter, n or investors ricririicr :k Ciiited witll Sir Miigellan Fund o r Abby L .. ' claiminj; lhalhal IIiundreds of peo]>le biised his iinalysis onI tlth e price- F idelity Mi the overpriced market I,''’'*b< ^ , would tiie iind thousands mure earnings ratio of stock::ks in th e Josej>b ColHoheii tif G oldm an Sach.s. back down to historically would slittersc r side effects if the eTimes--News com es th e disillusioning S tandard &• Poor’s 500)0 index. But now co levels. Unless, of course,e. It really cncire poinilat Stephen Hartgen ...... PutPutjlljhcr 'ulatiim Wiis vaccinated, Sl T he liisiorical I’/E ratirtin since reckoning.lg. Assets maniiged by dips. A n d th en , who.slioiiould be 'I'his would cei mIt...... AiSvertlsIng director 1 certainly be the case if Cljrk Walworth...... I..ManaRlng editor MIkcSmIt 1926, heiio tetl, w as IG,IG. Thill is. Ja n u s Capiapiial, for e.>:ample, indicted? there Wiis foreforced nuiss vacciiiiilion. The m em bers of the editorial board and writersrs colctlitoriQisarc Stephen shiire iirices were 16 tilim es th e ju m p ed fromfro 530 billion in 1995 ------Becauseiherelere are known risk.s, in . per-share earnings. to$3.\0 bil!million in M arch 2000. ' James P. rirjJ.cTto;i is a Ncivxdityi particuliir for those with weakened H artgen. Clark W alwiilworth. Sieve Crump, David Cooloopcr and Shcllev Ridenour. I'ifieen m onihs ago,;o, w hen To'diiy, Janan u s’ assets have .shnink cvUimtii'!t. immune systci/stems, individuals should be alloallowed 10 niiike volun- ’ liiry. infoniiedmed decisions-in con- ■ ------siiliaiion withvilh tlieir d ociors- to ...... m anaR eandiiid m ilitate Iho'ie risks._____ . -L e t t eERS — Various jwlls;)lls show that half or icem s lhe niorc of thee pipublic would like to be j should be tape off aCdunter-ierrorisin efforts liberals and socialists. have left ovover the past th ree years elim inated w here it conct Bureaucracies shi rurrently applying to Magic Valley R egional MMedical viicdnaied.1. I ■ficial coveriip a fte r the ADRIAN L. A RP and a re a in lom line is lhat enforcement agencies, Center. Tlie hospital is cocounty- bottom purged of th e incccompetent S™,':"""' ,T\vin Falls odier h«v/ er ; are smart enouRh lo To put thatlat in perspective, d ial is ow ned iind should be useised to off- American-s iiri A re you ready lo) tr;tra d e free- If thele ffact thill Ir;i(|i terrorists hebudnet- decide for tbe:themselves about the, ilom for ioi;tl w iirityrity like Red w ere invinvoived in th e O klahom a We need to IncreasI9 Q half of ourir ccurrent patrol force. VVe set taxpayers’ costs to thene nuagct, s„iall|>o.\ vacc•accine.'Hie Roveni- China or Kussij p(»ss<.jssess iis %ve Citv boniomhing had been exposed, are also still;till short four posidons this is a viable alternative , ment'switliholiholdinR o f th e viic d n e (.•stiihlish il feilcriii policepo stale ‘M l likelkely w ould not have biip- sheriff’s budget whicli haveve not l>een filled. inject life into the countyty budget imtil after a n ia tta c k a ssu m e s other- ' like H itler did in wilh tiie pened.. WMcVfi(;li and hJichols had It’s budget lim e a nd1 SSheriff l h e peop;ople of this county and provide needed incrc:reasesin Vreiilion o f a c'iiliincllel-levcl"-1 ■ " “assistiincince from foreign lerrorisis!! . . Tousley is re(|uestiug aa' b u d g et' should reiill.-ullzc- tluii If ^ve lose eight ”------all departm ents an d prog3grams.— - ^venifonlyonly a frnction of th c ------~ IJej)ariinciit of Nalioilional Ihiweveri-er, those bom bings are increase. T he largo discscrepancy officers inn tht! e next three mondis, An in crease of 20 to 30)0 p ercent populationI wawas vaccinated before- 'Honicliind Securily?y? beitiRiistused to introduce a federal in thecurreiUlJudgel isl.sn’l a it will takeeople of tliis coun- ■ R em em ber, th e large irincrease Hiis could a Okhihoma City homhm hinn eases crais thaihat failed to prevent or thus might prevent such iliar hn": rc-cm trR cd;d i:in th e 9-11 allowed!d theset m u rd e r; to o c n ir in1 th e p ast fiTC years...... ty n e e d tou cull c and let the commis- - request this year is duc tcto poor _ long-term planning, w hidich h as an attack. . World IradeCenierter terrorists’ tlie first]st place. I rem em ber four yearsirs ago at u ' sioners knonow you ivant b e tte r pay lommon-sense homeland ; th e commis- and benefit;fits for th e sh eriffs been brought to th e attenL-nllonof llia t IS comi m urder of nearly 3,00!,000 people. Kailierlier, we should dem iind thatI budget hearing telling th r.v/^rnt security, lliebe Ifederal government sioners tharofficerswou3uld start departmentent now. W e as taxpayers the com m issioners on sev In iicT revL-idinR incineiiii) to FIJI Congressess investigate a nd purge ■foSTve irs is shirking itsils Iprimary responsibili- Direcior Koben Mueliueller. th e FBIil :inda CIA of m oles :uid leaving th e siieriffs officfice if pay need to ictact now or il will b c too occasions over the past louryt-ars.fo ty to proiectctthe tl citizenry by wiih- MiniiL-sotii I'BI iigoni;ni Coleen incompeipetent personnel and pro- did not keep up willi oUitlier agen- late to siilvnIvage w hat we have left ROBERT POWERS holding thee vavaccine, KowIl-v spulllKliledd two monn- ceed witlvith restoring a constitu- de.s. 'H ie commi.ssionersrs felt lhat in th e sherilc riffs departm ent., Twin Falls inentiil problems thathat caused tionallyly ssound internal security since no one had left, thehere was As a candm didate for county com- (Editor's note: Robert PoPowcKisa Charles V.V. PiPctiaisthesermr security failures inI facefin of terror- system^ thaitl was abolished in the' not a problem. Now wei aren faced missioner,r, II believe the budgedng Democratic candidate forrTiuin 1 defense {»lici>ict) aanali!st a t (Itu ( ^ t o .' ------ism rO ffidai h iireaulucraric a .'rabo-...... 1960s amand'70s by congressional • w ith many senior deputiIties who of tlie indigiigent fund shoidd bo Falls County commissionaicn) Insiiiuie.

Doonesbury FFlashback By Garry Tnrrudeau M alianird Fillmore • By Bs Bruce TInsler .

H 9 H — 1 r eJ(CU£€ />iu3Aa?TO 1 C m I f OK .. ~ ] tUOffTTV f ^ { A lc r e x e x fs e ) I ys COTHAT, / / ^o u 5 s ^ / 70.. n P teA ^-'j t is H v»JO(A«* i^ H o s e V 1Z0l3UI!% ■ . ^ J--' ^■----[ rCUKNOM/\ ------\e iftas I m o & ) / w7 T t w i H s , IN A FU T L U P-A S/SN, ^ 10 MOKTBS-. m& IN F r W /WP !’V ■ 5f5i>mSH, J j ' r u ^ « V Heiz tistAB.n i' ^ 'oi ILf] V iw < = « 1 1 iir a ,j(s ___ Ji f?T\ I /tDjjw 1 / h s g C Z «xcainmir~ i Friday.Frii June 21.2002 Tlmc*Jiew».>wt.T»[nFaU9.ld^ A-7 '

O p in io n>1 ~ — — —L e iT T E R S —

ant really change" Vvaicheda b oyy oof f IS beliig piilled MCHFIBCT'OTEPW _ by a m ule th e len the O.S. shcl O U l d _____n a m e oof f Builey airport______■l>ucausu-hu-(huught------...... -N o,-lhe'hey are not changing die T C .V it was fun. w hile 1 ifthe Buriey airport. Wc ----- OUR T -ENVlRONWeWTAU^Tl Y - ting in the Ktandsind<; thoughr he ISosen r 1 it th e B urley a irp o n any- ^ A trying lo commit way. T hailai’s like thc Frank ' H H i ’C A ' U e v e r yf ■ I juvenile s»it•i<^^^‘!i’' I tvaiched men______------Chnrch1 RiR iver of No R eturn. No,“ . ancl women of nil ______. .. . the Salmon River, • ons and mule tea: througli an ' on cada’avers ry changc th e n am e oT . ob siad e course ti to “th e lown th at oncc f the m ore th a n had difficiiliy wal througli as an 1 3 , ^ kid- w aS "V'U u go ( for that. “ Nv fast as they tom p ney iransplantsjIts performed: LLOYDkD ELDON COX ' • \ , Ienge. in Ihe U nitedIStotcslast Su Burley , year, about 40yu percem were ■y , THE^^E \OtOTewET?i y T h e fo o d w a s gl achieved With thc hdp \ A9D6>tN<5 THE LMAPD i ij were friendly ant thu i shows Republican ITffltlll a n im a ls w e re iiiti neyO donors. I am su dttr.'S i a ? - ' Articles ~ ~ _ This is the first January, I donated ii Idkidney to my ' DiaS OTf newspapern have been to in T m other. [l ^itw REm eH M|ivie 1 ^ . O nce again,ag 77ie Timcs-Ncws has > VNE'RE^ORf c a n a s s u re y o u , it he Usually, kidney trans•ansplants are given eredredence to its reputation not ):.cchnically complic ofnianylw ill wai ihe plicated proce- ns th e mosnost RcpubUcan-biascd fu tu re , St'L' y m i ni cJurcs. StiU, 10 volunteeteer to bc a rag in die hc nation’s most m e , y o u w on’t reg _____ live organ donor is to0 enterci a dis- Republica ican-dominatcd state. Thc ' llie l!>-year-old Ki ; crc(c and anomalous cli scla«ofpcr- .articleay by Julie Pence in the June ' on tru ck in g !) fectJy healthy peoplee wwho submit . 16 issue h r, headlined “ GOP m oves . The only ihing I to major surgery for no nothcrnj»u- to affirmn voters’V riglits,” is a total- J I, m ake th e i;xperie b eu er tic or cosmedc reason. ^ in. W e w i l l i n g - l y m i s l e aading'piece d of fiction, in U i l - is if I had my own m ule li> It I ly become worse-orle; rl(^s-ihan myopinioilion. just looked iike Ki , wc were before. Paragra;iraph 2 reads: “Voting -N.'— lr> share! Liyc organ members« LM • I— ------1 rs of die platform cominit- . s c o n - mauon is a tee said th D R I £ W S th e first-tim c-evcr reap- ..KM...... ~ I Jerom e onderful tiling, portionmem ent d tizen p an el has to i L i m s k y It It's also a hi- goandalsmkk1> | iurday_yani._ ------iliHtkidrieys from cndavdaversdo------. gravef was am ong these. A\ wreath ahniililsniliWv^^-eii ill s<)hurtime: " I becom e available, b utIt p«people RODERl that was m ade especially fi Acccinlinu In Kiml>rrly Nurtrrin: C aill lM fur more I RT I . PAKKISH t 'f o r h er I w atclieda 7-year-old7-y girl racc M .liCNMip ).iur l,.n,lH.j|v' ' in ltir remain on waiting liststs forV years as TtvinFalFalls sand tiiat was supposed toI b e tlirougli th ree^e Ib arrels on a mule their bodies w eaken froifrom dialysis, hungI on h er memorial wallall was diat knew onlylly one speed - slow, '^ Id a h o 's O ld e s t !S'urscry \ i W ith The !S'ct*esitest Ideas". | thc tlmcc-wcekly mcdiodiod of S tn r v s h n taken hy some cniel persoiwn. but she and the crowd enjoyed 1 the blood a w r y s nhould o have focused ' ^ I - J removing toxins from di People don't stick things5S on th e every secondi ofol the nice. I w hen the kidneys no lonlonger can.- OR hOW greatgl fathers are graves p for others to take. w atched a 70-yi>year-oId grandmoth- TIic num ber of live: oriorgan dona- i w ouldd likeli to com m ent on th e , , COftentim es the things placticed on a e r o f 14 ride a td etenn in etlliiile tioius doubled betw een;n 19941 and front-page;ie story of 77it’ Times- I:baby’s grave are ver>- seniiiilimenial w hile m ule thrchi'hfr."■ § i SHjSaii U p to S2,ii(K) called presumed consentent law s th e Boy. sommebody t certainly put a o nI Ml fam ily can still overrideJe thet wislies burr in your)ur saddle. You even Cary and Snzoiinc Ploch f of the dt^cased). used the dreadeddrt “L” word four W hen m y two brothersiers and I tim es in you^our d iatrib e againsi of LeUi Plochcr expressis Ihciri thanks to I iieard about th e Uiree-> Ioto five-year thntLew istciston paper. We’re s t ' for a cadaveric kidmidney, we all under attaciack! here come the f Ihose who madide the last days of oiir■ loyedlo one's life agreed to be tested forcorcompiitibil- lib’rals! ■ more comforUiblc.'e. Dr. Konrad and the .itcstaff at Minidoka ity of blood type, tissueses andi anti- fm not inin Lewiston, and I’m ; Memorial /losospital were so kind andui thoufihlftil.i geiLS. I was th e only mniclmch. Tlicn I not in Boise,ise, and I dim ’i ag ree _ weoi througli a Iwileryy ofol tests to ^^-jth th e prepresent level of educa- Series m \ ensure that m y kidney/nndiwere an tionspendirding. I know th ere’s no p JOHN DEE]iRE 4000 Se healtiiy cno ii^i to do thisthis. I aced blank chcck•ck. T liere’s also nothing The family of everytJiing. m oro import>ortant to th e future of ^ COMRAV C T U T I LJ I T Y \ f Jim & V irginia Whc< In general, m en havee larger,I;i this state thanthi the quality of its - m ore effective kidneyssih ih a n ...... - '• educarion.i. ^Nothing! ------of Castleford TRAACTORS FROM 20 TOO 48 HORSE POWER•R women, whicli is wiiy, in tennst of Tliink of)f oneo thing m ore impor- invite you to attend ■ gender, a male-io-fermileale trans- ,am th an a well-educatedv popula- ______^-IN S T O C K - pl;mt is th c lx;st-case seencenario. Tlie tion, b e tte:r r suited ; to solve all our 50th Anniversary tests showed tiiat my l^^’o ^^•o kidneys other probleblems. Go ahead. Try. Celebration were doing th c work ofif ththree: I Also, go ahe;head and hit m e witii had superkidneys...... d iaitiireadl]idbare test^scorevs.-______—_BuhLI:irsLBaplisi,.Chu: The post-op restrictioasoas would increasing-fi . 400 9th Ave, N. HO !>«,*_few and m anageable:lc; noi con- Schools hereere have been strung taci sports (to proteci the remain- along wilhI juji st enough w get by I Sunday June 23 IPEN a AM • 6 PM MONDAYAY • FRIDAY • 8 AM - 5 PM PW SATURDAY — ing-kidney), noAdvil.'— T'formanyye:yeara.'so’ofcouree' j I Church scrulcc at- Tlic surgery was a succvill probalibably be on I H»h»6 form o f them for the rest of her life, b ut for all intentsnts and pur- p^*s, slic’s cured. My five days in th e lios[lospital : r - / w eren’t as bad as I’d imagnagined. ffl" u d t a j h 'mu J O A JPi ■ ■ But th c next few weeks wi easy. I lost 17 {wunds. I wt back to work two

\t ■______- j f ______

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■‘^S^ . I f a i F f w m n BusrNiVSW?V ------Y o i i ^ lII Flna AM l m a k e s im n U M O7 i € t e l s ! ' W v - - ^ A t l iLocMloi m . ' | S '■ , m a \ I ' l l ' ■ ■ Smve'Time m

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P" ' 0 2 F G 150 ' I Q U A D C; a b a n a I X L T : I ^ stock #3376 • Power Wind(i\iddWS B k • Poivcr Locks * Power Mirrilirrors i • • • B V • TiU Steering • Cruise Conironlrol jj , -1 • W • CD • Whei'ls i i • Automatic Transmission , _ , „ 3 ...1 l ( c Y ^ II I— gwPwftK * ^ ' fS\ ^ T i S t M J p i c '•'.'; A l l Oi f o u t ■* ’ ' t l W a r rr a n t i e i5*1 I P S?il i f e h i cc i e s Ai l r e !

■ ■ “ niC c rmf i e d a\ i n & l - M p i w w cC o i r e r ce c i u m l^g -'B U iC M T h e Cd r i g i n fl l a l ; . j i | L eS A B Rm E Stoek^TZK-'E:«'Powcr Windows. 7 F a ti c t o r y • Power Lodes'c k s^ .C a sie tlt ' '-" Tilt'Sleejtfg-.CreliiiBSSi'rti C ; • AutomaticcTtansR Tn iiw Ion. '-^ •CheyennePackige , • A2r CondidoniUoning . ,’^- W a i r a n i t i f P •T ilt Steering*Ing • C m isc Control y]|||jji|t m : RLS Inc..i A H M C flfpdctpMdon UmIrm*. Cer;Corporation. W W vflfieftira; ‘olelin e Roa

i ’ 1 ' Changing can^ r e e r s : Buriey waterf totc w c r [NSIDE ------^— maybccomcffe ffo d l------^ ------Obituaries ...... antenna pktfbibni'L idaho/WesW e s t...... B4-6 ------^------WOfKTTTT: : P ^Pa ^ B 3 - m k m A ...... H 7 -8 ------^ Al ------c Cir^E/iinr: Chad Baldwin;vin:7.U-093!;Ex/.^34------

- _ y h c T im cs.-N•N ew s - ______F Friday, June 21, 20(0 0 2 B . A r o i >UND ]N C C T . F . n a t i v e THEVAALLEY '^ukeeleanlupcc3uld c :ost le; n o w h e a d s leport says it to a somewhat smaUaU audience at ' Fire crews m op up the CoUege of Sout W hat’s thle e dlfference1| The Energy Departiriment hopes A l be r t s o n following INE^EEL Are mili^ t not take^ to finalize the plan1 1 by A ugust in • The EnerQ'Enc Department's proposedI area of copcem for some. I , . IDAHO FALLS tim e to subm it its bu}udget req u est INEEL eloanupcle plan says It could * A copy of the new acceierst .S - Fire brush ' I nuclear waste cleanup to ’ crews at the Idaho ] to Congress and cC' o m p e te fo r speecl nu Cleanup pianforthe IN E aa.con be F o um r d a t i o n 10 National Engi- O o3 long,. either rattier man 2070 and save ' neering and Enviroru m oney in th e new nni u d e a r w a s te ' 2 0 3 5 rati seen onlino et www.lnel.gov)v ior can •onmental Laboro- _ :und. 519 billloillion. tory were puttinglg outi hot spots . By SSs andy M iller deanup incentive fiu be obtained by contaaing BrBfod The TImes-New T hursday evening fo ne»-N ew i w riter______But the plan is stiltiU a long way ' ir Its It now proposal, the Energy ' Bugger at (208) S2&0833I oior at bug- I following a 225- Tim et iment says It coulcJ finish much acre range fire at theh e site. — off from being carveced in stone. Departme h gorbp9ld.doe.gov. Comment'fits may TWIN FALL^I.I.S - T he new execu- . Many questionss remaini and • o^t^eclecleanup t;y 2 0 2 0 or possibly bo sent over the it^EEL Web i K.The fire did notot threaten any TV\TWIN FALLS - A new draft bsiteor tive.director th e J.A . they w on’t be answiweredbythe 2016 andant have all of It done, Includ- by mall to Mark Arenaz, U.S. I^ E L facilities, a DepartmentI of plana n fo r c le a n in g u p I d a h o ’s S. K athryn AlbeiIbertson Foundation 1° * Energy Departmonin t’s d e a d lin e Ingdlsmaimantllng of the buildings, tiy Department of Energy, MS i: I ^ergy news release:se safd. nudedear waste says it can save 1154. a Twin Falls ruj this summer, saidid Kathleen 2035. 850 Energy Drive. Waho Foils I The range firee vwas reported $199 billionb and get the job done Ills. C raig Olson,son, form er chief finan- mtLcaseMho^engos irtvolve ___ 8340i,.Comment3 received I ------Thxirsdayaftemoon-lon'and'was'con^------a loofsc^ner; ti ------B25------lrevcr,.director-of thet^ state pro- 1 d bflforo . . d a l officer of /Albertson’s Inc., will . gram m onito rin g o op p e ra tio n s at only spee}eeding up the tfnieline, in July 8 wiii have a greater chai , tained around 5:3010 p.m.,i the DOE “W‘We need to get it into a safe hance for tak e ov er for retiring executive the Idaho NationalI EngineeringI otnercas.a s e s they require changing consideration tn the next revi: I said. Fire investigatoiators are txamin- repospository - that’s the bottom jvisionof d ire c to r Sharron h a r Jarvis', whose 0™ and E nvironm entallU L b d rato ry . howwastiBste vculd t>e handled, an tha plan. ■ ing th e b urned grassISS iand sagebrush line,”e,” said Jerry Lyle, assistant retirement taltakes effect immedi- "Some of the initi I near U.S. Highwayay 2, 0 where the manainager for environment man- itiatives have I------ately, accordirrding to a foundation j fire started to deterinirmine the cause. agem . quite a bit of leg worljrk th at needs^----- m o re worl'ork,-discu5sion and ev alu —------ready-fordisposai.-B y-y 2 0 2 0 ,-or -newsrelease.-ie...... ------—------ement for the U.S. Depart-**’*■ to b e done to see if th With the help of heavy equip- mentJit of Energy. they’U actual- ation.” possibly as early as 2016,2 all The foun- * I m ent orews who buildiilldozed a second Lyli ly be more effective'e and safer,” T h e draft dr« Performance Man- active cleanup work wouldw be dation is a *Myff)alJor i :.yle and other representatives IVever said. “We ail firebreak surroundi:iding the blaze, ’ fromm the Energy Department II expect it to agem enifPlan t'i envisions that by completed. Then the concentra.co private, fam­ l>e a dynam ic plan i n ' j! the'fouruiation I flrefighters gainedi a foothold, the Thursiirsday detailed the new pljm nwWchthere 2 0 1 2 , ill a ll materials will have ily founda- will be some issueses {hat need been pla Please see CLEANUPilP, Page B3 lio n e s ta b ­ DOE said. Ine crews!ws ointinued to ilaced in safe storage, is to co/irimie I monitor the sagebribrush desert to lished -by prevent outbreaks frofrom the burned J o e a n dd to assist thetn areas. K ath ry n Al- The Idaho Transporportation Depan- ——^ ------SeelOUTING AROO U N D ------bertson inn as they lift m ent reo p en ed High^ghw ay 20 , which F T I j y .4- — . 1966. Its mis­ was temporarily do:dosed as crews — ^ sion is to0 . - fqught the fire. M ostst ofo the bus and i m p r o v ee eduaitiofi I I vehicle traffic carrirrying INEEL -IT" ' education in employees followedd normalr routes Idaho. ™ systaiitobe I ■ home. 'T am hon- one o f the l)est This was the first nurange fire of the M ored to'be sum m er at th e INEEL. selected to3 in the n a tio n .' continue the National Guard hoholds grand w ork begun — by-Jjoc-and------___ 1 = C n i i s --^ i - “ O p e n in g f o r T e c fruHlngofflce u f K athryn Al- OLson, nc\s- I -TW IN FALLS - A - A n e w e r a is c.xcciitivc I beginning for thee IIdaho Army managed by N ational G uard in soutiouthem Idaho. the founda­ director of die ■ The first recruitinglg office( located tion’s board! /Mbcrtson — in a retail mall in southernsoi Idaho - ' of directors officially kicks offf wwith a grand and so ably’ Foundadon opening ceremonyy ttoday at the f c ' 'W s 'l directed by “ Magic Valley Nlall. Sharron Jarvis,”,is,” Olson said in tlie The ©-and openinglg vwill feature a 9 ^ H rdease. “My’ goalga for the founda- red, white and blue HIHUMVEE (the BBH tion is to continItinue lo assist them m ilitary’s niulti-purposse veh id e also n O U -as they 'Uft'Idaliidalio's educadon sys- known as a “Hummern er”). A ribbon H B M tem to be onele ofo the best in the cutting will take placeice at noon ^vith M M H nation.” cookies and re fr^ h mTients. e i T he pul> Bom in Twinin FFalls, Olson gradu- lic is encouraged to atteitte n d ated from Twin•'in FaUs1 High School T he Idaho Army NationalNai Guard fe';: “ife -.JJi.'' and earn ed a bacb achdor’s degree in has traditionally hadid itsi recru iters accounting from•om the Universit>' of Ipcated in local armornones. “This is Idaho in 1974.M. H] e is a certified - an effort to bring; theth National j;/’ public accountuntant licensed in * Guard to the public..T TT h e guard h a s . . -wir,*.!. > .'■ * Idaho. a g reat story and more>re people need ^ Hr Olson’s experiljerience working for to h e a r about who wre e area and what Albertson’s datedates back to 1967, I we do for Idaho,” saicsaid Maj. Gen. v ...... when he wass anar hourly worker ...... f l John F. Kane, adjutantant general of during school.1. InIr 1974. he was a ■ the Idaho National Guailuard. ■ company staffiff accountant; and ------^The recruiting office-'ce-will-beopen------———^ ------h elcL su b seq|uenupositioni>»s u d J ------fl during regular mall hoih o u rs- 1 0 a.m. _ senior budgett arand financial ana- to 9 p.m. M onday throu,rough S aturday * ^ , lyst, m an ag err of ol financial plan- and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday-mok-Su : ning. assistantIt ccontroller, group ing it easier to talkIk to a guard *” vice p residentIt olof finance, senior recruiter, even on week*«kends. --..K . vice presidentnt ofo finance, .chief “Customer service: is very impor------1 financial officericer and executive tant to us. This officee v will allow us nuCttMOM/Tt* vice presidentt andan d u e f finandal to bc available when ai 1 an individual Brett PacPaclthQm, left, 9, and Carson Hawkawklns, 8 , try thoir hand at flshlnting In Rock Crook Pork duringg a Cub Scout Ooy Camp on Thurrhursday. Campers rotated throug . is read y to talk,” said Lt 1 Lt. Col. Bruce tions whcArhero they ieomoci to worlc leattier,tier, build a boat, or shoot a bowiw and arrow. Tho camp continue °'S»„andlus,lis wife, Cathy, whu Jorgensen, recruiting• arand retention i nuos todoy with activities fromm 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Include*'** ® taught sp ed alI educationedi lor more o« family overnight campout. officer for the Idahcaho National than 20 years,■ ha>have an 11-year-old Guard. ------daughter, Sanih.lh. For more informatiortion about the recruiting station, call Si Michael Day at 53W014 ^endell fireeworks shil o w a v o idIs s die ax ]B u h l s c h oools look aai t s o la r Q Buhl A rts Counclh le Thomas Reale h on o r th eir pledges.” .the neededid funds to create a — f e d e r a l g r a n t f r o m .N E A ------^ Newe correependent------—------This-year’s display-j^ is b e in g ----- memorial toto (O rr.- -;------T , BUHL - T h e BuM Arts Al Coundl dedicated to the memory3iyofRed Chris Jaclickson, chairman of panelsX to s5 a v e e n e r i Was Idaho’s only arts orgi rgy srganization to \VENDNDELL - T he d ty o f Wen- O rr, the«late W endeU filfire chief, the Wendellell Gem Community receive one of 249 gramTints from the dell willt'ill hold its annual firc: w ho d ied in M ay from cancer.co Committee,E, ;said Orr loved the By B: Mary Lou Potts Idaho Departnrtment of Water ' National Endowment for the A rts. w orksdisplay di- this year ofter all. The city has held anin annual Fourth'of JuiJuly. “He was famous Tlmet-Nevw ^ correspondent Resources, Idahdaho Rural Water M ■ The $10,000 g ^ t wilwill support a The displaydi was in jeopardy fireworks display sinince Orr in town for)r his fireworks dis­ Council and IdalIdaho Power Co. to H H p a rtn e rsh ip pro ject wit!with the. Buhl . of beingng canceled recently, but became fire cMef in 1984. IS Orr plays.” B U H L - T h e B uhl ScS c h o o l___ get.residents inin ddifferent commu-...... Sfhool District, Buhl1 CChamber of resident::nts pulled together and always did the furid-fai:aising for ' The displajlay \viU be held no rth D D istrict h a s a g re e d to loilook at nities to startI usingus che energy Commerce, BuhJ Economic cameup up with the needed funds the.display, and onceJ (Orr was of Wendell1 HighH Sciiool at dusk having hi solar panels on the: roofr< of con.«:r\’arion plarplan. I pevelopment Coundl1 andai the dty in about:ut 10 days. hospitalized, the otherr Ifiremen on the Fourtiirth of July. It is free the th high school in an effcffort to In other Schoollool Board business of B uhl. T he p ro je c t: willwi provide “Thei firew fi orks display is a go. hesitated to step in to do th e to th e public,ic .. conserve cc energy and save n;m oney this week: after-school visual artst s instructioni W e collecUected a little over $4,000 fund-raising: it hod alwa,vays been People shoiho'uld plan to bring . • onor hcating^osts. • Computer' technologytec classes for youth whose env:nvironment in donatiations and had pledges Orr’s event. folding chairairs and blankets to Bill Chisholm, an agenint for - Tlie board agreIgreed to look over includes gang violenceice and drug for the: balance,bf so I ordered the When word got outJ t to the the school gngrounds, or, “Locate Solar Sc For Schools, presoniinted a a proposal too implementir two use, an news releasetasesaid. full $5,00,000 worth of fireworks,” community that this yearlar’s show a high spotIt anywherei east of proposal pr to the board tliiss.week. v computer technohnology classes at A series of five six-wems funds imd da-ssrcx program . Time»Wevi

— — ------;----- J 1


M agic V a l l e y z — Q eB irU A R IE J uhl post!inastert talksabc)0llt i- — ------Fof-obltuanmrtMaM and Information, oaO 7 3 3 ^931. 3 : Ext. 278. between 2 p.m. ancand B pjn. Monday ttoouCh Sati OeadllM (s 4:300 p.p.m. for next-day publication.(I. The1 M nail addresa for oWtuafleeHe* I* oW ta9m aftcvaney.com . 0 nottew w a fre*t x »ervlcvens, Middleton. Thomas andd Ehzabetl)eth ’Betty" Kraus, Lawrencee ccnt lowerier than la.-5t year, Turner being replaced and cariarly retire- cry will nevtlever make it stick. It a n d Brerirenda Kraus, McAHenr-TeKas:- Lthere-ara-na-pla^to cut—— tncnts arc.being .offeredMl-to-work------w on’t chajtigc.'Ige.’: ...... a n d ostor daughter. Julana Hodt,t, em ployees•csinB uhl. ers to prevent layoffs,s. With 30 ------Middietoeton. I ''E-m ailil Ihas played havoc with years of service, age: 55£ is the Times^ewseivs correspondent M ary iline's greatest joy was herr I th e ;al department, as even magic number for retiitircment, Lou Potu can be reachcd at S4S- g ran d cchildron h i and great-gfandchll-I- 1 itizens are now using the Turner said. 8854. K <^ren. GrGrandchildren and familiess I includee Sonya Kraus. Michelle and I M att Jlansek a n and daughter. Haliie, I H o n ry aand n Brandy Fitchott and chil- | -S e r v i g e s d ren . Audrey Aui and Scotl, David and i : -—- VanceVai and son. DominiqueI 'Dewaine Jensen Evelynyn Pauline Paulsen of TwinJl Cemetery in Rupert; visitationvi Memorial Temerracc (Rasmussen J a k e , Mit Michael and Rachel Slevens> Dewaine Jonson,' 79,>■01 Tw m P a l l s vi:visitation from 4-8 p.m.1. from S-7 p.m. Friday atJt P a rk e ’s Funeral Home, B a nd. on. Lano. Don Albori Kraus,. i Falls, passed away Saturd; IC, Burley). way. Ju n o Thursdaylay at W hite M ortuary, ser-r- Magic Valley F uneral Hot[ome, 2551 M a rg ajret re and MichacI Orin andJ t5 . 2002, a L h is ho m e in Tw ^ T "'" F“ "s- r ic e a t 2 p.m. Friday at the Twin son, Davilavid. and Thomas 'T.J.' and1 IIdaho. * n Kimberly Road, Twin FiFalls and Robert Leee HoseII of Kimberly, 3 Kraus and daughters. Dowaino was born AurugusI 23, J?st Bapdst' Church; commit-t- from 9 aJn. undl the timime of the graveside ser>servicc at 2 p .m ., Velma Joness I F o r c e Ammio) aat n d Lily ■1922. in Clovoland, Idaho.'0. Iho son lal scivicin c c will follow a t thc Twinn service S aturday at the chlzhurch. Saturday □t at thc Bellevue \ The family ol Voiryolma Jones Forco A menlomoriai service was held1 olc Elcanna Chrost Jensonn iand Ella FalLs Cememetery. Cemetery in1 BcBellevue; friends , c olebraiQ S h er lilo.lie. which she lelt Wednesdjsday. June 19. at Ihe UnitedI £Butler Austin. Tho lamily m oved to Mary Jo ChristensenI Stephen-S may call fromn 4-84- p.m. Friday at on Tuosday. Junono 10, 2002. after MothodiS'dist Church in Middleton. za'larm in ihc Acoquia-Rupjpoft aroa M a rlclenc r Dixon of Hansen,I, son of Orem, Utah, servrvice at 1 White Mortuary,uy. 9 2 years A lways ay: practical. PaulinoI iiin 1926. Dewaine aitondoce d sch o o l memorialial service at 2 pjn. Fridayy p.m . S atu rd ay in th e Noi[orthridgc Sho was born on November 15. requestecited lhal llowers bo given to) lorli the lirst three grades in Rupert. at P arkce’s e’j M agic V alley F uneralil Stey)lechasc Cha^^ 1^>0 E. 1750___ A llan J Tayjoiyisr of Rupert, ser- •'______------1909. in Marmarlh.rth.-North Dakota, those whowh are ill or donations be1 tnI 1931, the lamify~mon o v o d - tu ------H 6m eT 2S2S51TaniRrIyTlo-aarTwS” ‘ ri N., OremTUiaH; Mewing5 fromi 7:9 vice a t 11 a'.m.m. Saturday 1 at thc Volma w a s tho onlyinly child ol Martin m a d e to to tho Meihodlsi Church inI eanolher larm in the Northlh Dodo- FaUs. p.m. Friday in the 'Walker Rupert First andanc Seventh Ward i.' Hozokiah and Mary Ma Willa Rose her honornor. JJackson area, where ho3 enteredi , Sanderson Funeral Homene, 646 E. Chapel of thcIC ChurchC of Jesus Noal THo lamily lived live in Marmarlh. IIthe lourth grade and contirItinued on i whero hor lalhorJf vwas a railroad 'T to graduate Irom Declic lo H ig h Antoniania Llona of Gooding, vigilil 800 N., Orem tmd from 1111:45 a jn . C hrist of Latter-d:er-day Saints, 806 G e ngiiioer, until sh10 o \w a s Ihree. then T w in F ali^ School t in 1940. Dowaino10 contin- service5 atj 7 p.m. Friday att to 12:45 p.m. Saturdayay at the St.; intermentIt willw follow at thc ' moved brielly lo0 CColorado. Hez ued his educalion at tho R egional >y’s Gooding Chapcl; Masss church; graveside service5 ati 2 p.m. R u p e rt C emelcry; etei friends may ' Noal turned lo larmiirming and movod VVocational Traminn Setc h o o l in o f C h rististian burial at 10 a.m .. M onday in the W endell CcZcmetery. call from 6-8-8 p.m. { Friday at his lamily lirsi to> JorichoJc Springs. VWoisor, Idaho, until Augusu sl 1941. S a tu rdlay a y at St. Elizabeth’ss Rasmussen Func‘uncral Home, 1350 M issouri, sottlm g lin,finally in How ard, vswhon he loll to accept aa posilion'i C ath oic lic Church; burial in the2 Sharon Portrcy of Burlirley, scr- E. 16th St., Burleyjley. I K a n sa s, w h o re Vol/Velma completed at tho Idaho First National)l BI ank in Elmwoodod Cemetery in Gooding;:; vice' at 11 a.m. Saturdajay a t th e school. Sho sludieded piano lor many VW oisor. .frie n d s; mmay call from 1-6 p.m . iChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter- Ada Margargarct Mason of ' years, giving rocitai:itals and playmg ' Although Dowaino wasjs r a is e d ^ Friday atat Demaray’s Gooding'; ' day< Saints, Foothills Chapipel, 5322 Wendell, memoriinoriol gathering and • a n d sin g in g lor civic civi groups and on a larm, his lovo ol poo( ’ A ' \ 0 North Evergreen, Spokane1C, Wash.; potluck at 6 p.m.p.m, Monday at thc ’ lunorals She also0 playedp lor barn his strong math skills led ;S"n1n ? » ■ I d a n c o s v;ilh her lalhialhor accompany- L l positions that utilized friends may call from 9-10:10:45 ajn . hom e of D onnala Andrews,A 1763 E. e Faye Forbes of Jerome, i ing hor on the liddicjdlG. Sho onioycd H \ ^strengths. Most of his "w w o 'S ^ , Saturday ac th e church; intintcmncnt 3000 S., Wenden d e ll (D e m a ra y ’s ■ perlorming in schochool dramatics, years woro sponi as an msn su ran c o at 11:30 a.m. Friday in thei willi follow at Grecjcnwood Wendell Chapd).' \ wan an onihusia;;>astic debater. . J . ' Vsalesman tor Metropolitan1 LlloL a n d HovcRobcrtson obi Funeral Chapcl; r" , dancod and playedDd tb a sk etb a ll as a crop loss adjustor lor)f se v eral b u n a l willvill follow in th e Jero m e - /n 1926. she marn a m e d E lbort O. agencies. Ho also served!d as th o Cem eiery;ry; friends may call from Jones in Sodfin.n. Kansas, and Burley Cily Clerk Irom 1962 1 10 9 -lla .mI. .FFriday at the mortuary. ■ - D e a t NOTIC^C E S - logeihcr ihoy had livlivo children. Bill 1967. Jo n o s-o i M o so s Lak(.ako, Washington; On Docombor 6, 1944, DDowaino Sam anUntha Lee Watkins infant: FRaymomfR. Myersg Arrangementsnts are pending at •W/ynona Filo of JoJeromo; Phyllis aiand Betty, Jane Sessionss so lo m - d a u g h te r er of Jacob Vernon and' HEYBURN - Raymolond H. Demaray's Shosho)shone C hapcl. Criisof ol Boise,3, Rf e x J o n e s ol nizod thoir marriage in ttthe Salt jgri Lee 0\ Watkins, graveside scr- Wendoll; and Shciihc-rrie Jones of LiLake LDS Temple. Fivo cl ' Myers, 85, of Heyburrrn died _ _ ,, . v f c o ^ l Brooklyn, Now Yorkrk 'They farmed in t U wore born to this union. 1 1 p.m. Saturday at Thursday,i June 20, 20!oo 2 . at Tina Purcell le Cemetery in Heybum; >11 •--H ow ard, K a n sa s,, urunlil 1994, Ihen wOyO flHenry Schoenauer ” He was induclod into thino u s. Riverside ' Minidoka Memorial Holospital BELLEVUE-T: - T ina Purcell, 42, . ,_from 7-9 p.m. Friday a t c ------in o v c d lo Ejlcr. Idaticatio_Ti.)ey.faixncd____ U oydJ:!lJ:lentv_SctiQcnauer_ajected total budget tlthc elementary school $3,2C200 But future decdedsions concerning shooling rango,r; the Vallejo Rillo f ) Funeral son/lces for Dowair ecrcase from last y c ^ s • An automatic filter forfi the thc use of a pointpoi system or the 1 businoss ho operated for bo «r)A Rango. a b bo hold Saturday. Juno 22. 20 middle school sprinkler s]system: awarding of letteettcrs arc to bc made N ampH ,A ovof 27 yeyears. Lloyd retired from 10 a.m, at Tho Church olf T. o i l S5-> " '“ ‘i™)n, . about a 2 p e rc c n t ^ toring trade in 1982 and ChChrisi ol Latter-day SaintsIts. 4th oroP; . , $6,217 jointly l v th e hihigh sdiool princ^- Pauline W elmerl e r K r a u B 0 Idaho, where ho began Ward Wa Chapol. localod a al i 824 “You’re lookinglo< at an 11 per- • A w a te r pum p fd r spWifinklers pal and r^eoJ dud u b advisors. B(;lDvod niolhof and anc nfandmoih-....worhino.asas.a.huntino ouidO-and,..CaCaswoll Avo. Wost, Twin1 FI a lls , cent cut in everyevi departm ent, and at al the high school: $5,600 • A ctivitiesIS feefc - High School 'or Pauline Kraus,15, ol N a m p a , outfitter. He He outlined in tho Solway I Idc d a h o , Wllh B i s h o p R R< o b o ri ■ about 28,000)0 (dollars)( of th at is in ■'Olher board business'indtduded: ; Prindpal Eeonm ^M adsen asked tlie...... passed away JuneD 15.11 2002. She and Bitlor.lorroot ranges and was SetSchroeder ofliciaiing; Intorme.nonl will the suppliess budget,"b said Super- • Athlctic letter sysiemn •- Past board to schcdulfdulc a hearing, dur- waG-,Oorn Februaryry :29. 1920, in known ame c a r e ol • fof Ihroo yoars.yo. was an avid collec- (rom (ror 9 a.m. to servfco timo. —...... "■ m et office...... pc t’sd im c.” , younger siblings Sho:ho was an avid tor ol antlqitiquos. lovod to cook at lrIn liou of flow ers, Iho familylily su g - C a p ita l projects p totaling petition. P< T h c SchoolI BoardBo will hold its feadof her entire lllo, life she had a home and)d out at huniing camp, gososts contributions be madeB toI th e 517,917 werrcrc also approved “The whole point systistem is next meeting atat' 7 p jn . on July 16 / e s t lor learning a n d thaitt led her to and was aa mann most at home in ihe PEiEOPLE FOR PETS BUILCLDING Weckesday.’. DistrictD Maintcr)ancc ridiculous,” ni said Annie JciFcnison. in'the Filer ElementaryElc Schq^y cornpleiu tier GED in:nhor40E. h' greatouldocdoors, FUfFUND. P.O. Box 1163, Twin-n Falls, Supervisorr Ken Gruenwald “I“In football and basketball,dl, your library. Shi' marnod Edwarcvard Kraus, r.cn Lloyd is5 survivedsi by livo childron: IdalIdaho 83301. reported thatat Ibus traffic has dam- ol Lofon^ KrausIS and Anna Kent (En;•nza) Scboonauor ol PAll A s o r v ic e s a n d .a r r a n g eo n m o n is aged the pariorking lot behind the Scfineidor. They hadid fiveI childron Argentina;a; Kathy Schoenauer ol aro are under Ihe direction of PPa arko s • elementary school.sci Repaving will Donms. Patricia. Marg;3rgarot. Thomas Fairflold. Ci H e l p i nlg Y ou H ese a r , Calilornia; Keith Schoo- Mdgic Mdj Valfey Funeral Homo “'Twinof costancstimalnated $2,900. and Lawronco, Thejhey (armed in nauer o( TwinTw Falls; Karen (David) Fall Falls. Idaho. “The exist:isting two inches of i -One^Sa:tissfied C ustct o m e r ------S p rin g cclean dnd se>ell y o u r treis a s u r e s A t A • e ■ '

in TA7e Times-Nen i ivs Marketpl!ilace classllified advert!tis in g . J^^^Professloonal H earing Aid id Services .-Twin Falli. IU 1301 Ea

I ' ' ' , J ______

TF FrWay,JiJi»21,2002 I Mewtrrvita Fatli. Idaho B-3

• ; M} agic V alliLEV/W i^r

^^-H EtPIN GIG -H tG sID S^^ - —&ttfle&T^water i^towenrt;^y^beuo] m e =— —- ± a r g e s cell p;^honeanitenna pl:latform— — - willbbe f ile d By Shelley Rl(Jenourour Any ny maintenance costs couldId ' Electric Coop. » in co>yote y Tlmftt-Nawi writer»r______b e . reirecouped from the rent,11, Burley h as maintain!ined that line I . M endcidcnhall said. for years under an agrc;recmcnt that iAlsft ^ BURLEY-Theele d ty ’s old w ater ’ O thether coundl business indud-d- e x p ire d la s t y e a r, ciicity electric If' { tower, which sitsits at the water ed: department Managerer Dilc Mon-, ® sh o o ti ■ 'departrhent on Al A lbion A venue, • Cit}rity ftes - All fees assessed by^ son said. Becausc oftf H ey b u m ’s ’ I D A f ttr TTALLS A (AP) - No could find new life as a platform the dtj3 ty of Burley will be listed in attem pts to sell its eley new flags in next year’s■’s budget. stands, M ayor Jonn AndersonA said. •ordiriariance required three read-i- • Libnuy board men effort to cover iup the em ber - Tlie Regional S u p er I - Councilman Dennennis Curtis said ingsto to diange. Having tlie itemsis c o u n c il a p p ro v e d Anderson's Ai pervisor Bob Saban. I several people ha'have suggested in a resresolution allows the coundlil nomination of Ross T Huffaker's Itle tte r T ay lo r to a internal inves le a v in g th e to.weiwer intact and to chanlange any fee it decides to0 five-year term on thetli library I putting cellular teleidephone anten- changeIge by considering it onlyy Iward. M arch’s inciderident by the Idaho Fp State Police. Be< na-s on it. T he cityf couldco lease that oncc. • B rake noLsc - Burk Because that in(|uiry rley resident was not'a fonna jqjHCC, C urtis said. • Stortop signs - C oundl m em bers•s John Wakh again askcc nnal criminal iiivesii- I :ed die coun-' H K H n g gation, Teton C '• D o w n to w n cons)nsultant John heardd ai request Tuesday fromn _ cil_to tak e stronger stepssti to see R jaH n County Prosetutor ' - Laura Lowery s: ...... -B e ru 'nm -m ade thhe- e-: sam esugges------B u rleey y ’ re'sldent'Stevc'M cGillIV ''tliat drivers bf^m i tractortn trail- ry said sh e would n ol------file any chargcs.ges. tion when he spoktoke in Burley a aboutIt ini s ta llin g s to p sig n s onn ers don’t use dieir engiigine brakes couple of weeks agoago. Members of Deon. w ithin th e d iy limits. In h is letter,;r, hH uffaker siiid that despite ndmissi • BuDdirig perm it -Tlie Tl coundl , the specific actiiictions taken or the H ■ ' top of tho tow er neeleeds to be flat, an inteiterim contract regarding’ approved a building p. for m i B personnel involvvns withI S60.000 vehide storagege building wmnrnu/n.1 said, is reviewiewing the "special !said. th e cityty of Heybum and UnitedI at 1234 Albion Ave. Toml Leo, foro,oroground, and hor m other. Holo lolon, unroll rolls of sod a t Greg! ScottS s p e rm it” systemtem that provided homo (n M altailta Thursday momlng. Tho Leesaes and a number of neighbors shshowed tra p p e r Jo h nI Graham, Gr who had inced, at Scott’s houso to helpelp 1out with tho projoct, rather ththan no hunting licens:cn.scat the time, an ^ h __ i Cassia CC o u n t y adcIds fairgrourinds^emplo:)yee._:LM“ icottfrdo the worh-by-thomselvealves.-The volunteers sold thoy-gcg o t a ______auihorizingpermermiLjftetJieJdlled ------— H - lucky brook thatth; tho tomporaturos wero ox(expoctotf to bo cool all day. the coyote. No!4o ]permits will be I jlh e TIfnes-Wews ______th e fairlir to T e n t the house. The! Barrus said. The residiidencc was issued withoutIt Huffaker'sHi person- I te n a n t ppays rent to the county, also starting to becomime a n eye------al approval untiuntil the review I ; BURLEY-Most>t homeh rentals Tlie.fairlir board pays the resident .sore, he said. completed. ; d o n ’t co m e w ith a jjob, but the on a comontract basis. The trailer is: “We try to keep t While absdlvidiving Saban of a I trailer house atIt thei Cassia at 1101)1 Elba Ave., on the west grounds looking good,' cover-up. Huffuffaker said the i County FairgroundsJs (idoes. edge ofif dietJ fairgrounds, Cass d said. )Sia schoo 1 (district regional supervi L 'rvisor ac te d in a p ------i I Having an on-sitete worker who “Thericrc always used to be a Draper declined to0 give the • 1 propriately in issuingissi Gniham an I lean help during the1C fairf is better caretakeiker in tlie trailer,” Draper name of the new tenant, undated speciri;cial permit two ;th a n h av in g a work*irker living on said. “Li‘Last year the guy moved the resident had lh I L o weeks afier thele slshooting, ;the other side of to detaails tech ccenter cui : tow n, C assia out a nd d I I couldn’t find anyone.” w orked at th e fairgroimcnds before. “Tliis indicates3tes a la c k o f judg- jCounty Fair Mamanager Dean The tc tenant who lived in the T h e te n a n t h as a full-iIl-cimp jo b By Shart Clian(aney ------1 ment and failureure to follow stan- I jDrapersaid. h o m e foifor the last year did not nnd will perform oci.c c a s io n a l Tlmos-Now. w,writer Budget hearing dard procedurJure." Huffaker ^ I I Cassia County owniwns the house workat at the fairgrounds. The ------\ wrote, grounds m aintenance wo•vork. ------Who: Cassia County School Dlst ! ;and allows the faiifair board tp countyy recentlyi evicted that With the Cnssia Cou Saban told th.the State Police jumy Fair BURLEYY - Employees have Whoi\: ' 7 p.m. Tuesday . :clioose the tenant. DraperDn tries to renter• bccauseb tJie fair bonrd opening Aug. 12, Draper .. investigators that cr a nd sev. i,„„„ t the Cassia Regional Whoro: ' District adminlstrotlon ol lhat he planned to . ;find people who aree iiinterested in wantedd tol use the home again. cral of his workers a issue the permit art- busy ivchnical Center,C. bui nii pro- 'What: No additional cuts oro prc mil on before the iworking on the grourounds during CassiaI County ( Attornoy Al preparing tlie grounds. , March 9 shootiniIting but forgot in grams have,; aalthougli .sonic modi, posed beyond attrition and the “ the midst ofi^f p la n n in g fo r hcations havevc taken place, Cassia ciits already announced forthe ■nter Graham’s arrival.'al tto discuss a pro- iSpecial pai in c c Coi'ity Schoilool District officials Cassia fleglonal Technical Centi lanel freezes ggovernor’s hoiousing allowai .Superintendent Miko Chesley s< ■ ject intended to determine the Q impact of predatolators on big game : BOISE (AP) - A spspecial panel Typica ronics and emergency Ttio budget Is obout $500,000 ically, the allowance is residence, legislative ajappropria- electror herds in his region;ion. ■ ivoted Thursday to freeze the increased>ed by several percentnge proceeds medical teduihnician programs are less than last year. tion a decade ago and1 | -----1 - -Although MoiMoulron-did not ■ Igovernor’s housingng a llo w a n c e p o in ts eceach year to keep pace d re.sale of t«*ng restnictiictured in an effort to from the purcha.se and : shoot the animaimal or pressure ;through th e re st off thetli year and with the strict money, siiperin- pupuiers. ENrr siudenis will lie i lie rising cost of housing -' a home for former Guld bc th e last cu t,” pojpossibilities. ipccial fund has a balance complements his sa!lalary of “That shoul , above the law., WiWildlife manage- !that. new m em bers. cocould decide of neariyly S1.5 million, generated n e o f th e Chesley .'-iid.I. ;i.The changes won't necessa 5101,500, which is one y ment in Idaho is beingIh reduced to ^ 0 ^ ;the future. T eachers in th e two program s affiaffect the tech center as a wl by sale of the former governor’s lowest in the nation. a joke by this marman, an d 1 hope tl largeted for restnicuiringre will Ikt but will certainly affect lhe : reflects on thehe goveriiiir in affc'cted. BillI MWeekes, who taught dei dents who aitend the scliool"I !’>' Nm-ember." ■ in the electron!:>nics departm ent, will _ limitinglim their options, Smyer• .s.,s; ikI, iCleantipp ------not bc offereded another conlract,' However, Ho ilie whtile district:t has , tech centerr director Gaylen . hachad to ligliteii ils belt, he .Siiid. ' !Contlnuod from Bl E n e rg y/ IDepartment when it .solidified as gla.-is and tnii ■i.lisj».rlfd Slayer Slid. 'IThe.school boiird will look Ition would bc on shiphipping spent comes to'to scheduling and imple- out of state if a pcrmancn is s u e s ^ □mrol»a- iVc-cte wasas a great teadier for the lhe budget again in a year to bse Judge i; fuel and tlie higli-leveljvel waste cal- menting; INEEL’sn governing regu- ,.. tory becomes availabi ProeramI. , Ib ut d ue 10 buclgei it it isi* pos.sible to reinsiate the f 1 cine to repositories. Ia to ry agagreements. The plan Energy Department es' ;s n m a tc s a n d low en ro llm en t grams, graj Chesley .said, ! However, buriedd plutonium-p would ber•e managcKl as a single prch that alone would save a about^S^ proBramn mi u st b e r e s ir u c- Smyer S hopes the cuts are"7 onlyo w a rra nI t w ------1 contaminated wastete iis nor cov- - - ject-andd asavings would he rein- -- --b illio n .------— Siiid; ten ; ered in d ie plan, becaujaiuse the state vested intonio the deanup. , v iZ . r.f «>red,Smyer sii leniptirary'Hnd'said ifthe'el But questions remain,1. F iril of 5 of those ihings you ironies troi and EMT programs c • and Energy Departmtment are in Tlie newew plan would be simpler, all there’s still a ques e s tio n o f hate to see bapiippen," Smyer said. :onunue con in some modified Sfa ' in tot’s> (d e a th ^ federal court over whethetlier all of it quickcr andan d ieap er, offidals say. whether or not a repositor ory w oiJd Ju st 17 studeident.s nre enrolled in ion,on, it will Iw easier to bring ththem must bc removed oor r n o t. T lie But woulould it be safer? iaccept waste in a |>owderi ered form e,„„ronicsics program. Smyer bac>ack as they w ere before whvhen IDAHO FALLSLLS (AP) - An waste is buried overer ithe Snake ' The EncEnergy Department says ' I I with little or no treatmeilent. And Enrollmenlent in the EMI' priv mornoney is available, a rre st w arran t ha>has been issued - H B __ Rjver Plain aquifer,r, whichv sup-___ y es. T hle e s o o n e r th e w a s t e_ is ____ i __ fhere’s.nIso_a.Quesdoaof.if-;*ll';‘'i'^gnim -ifalsolo>vlOTv,"burthercj is n 'h ir------“C; Chesley said cvcrj’programI vwas ■ ■ fo*" » acaisedied of killing a 2 ------■ ■ ■■ plies d r i v i n g w ater:r tot m uch o f c le a n e dJ up u and moved out of or < not sliipping it in powd vderfomi „,.(]exibililyr i,in the health care eval.•valimted when coii.sidering bibud- year-old Ammotmon boy in sbutliem Idaho. Idaho, thethe sooner workers, the i would meet the transpo rognim. gellet ait.s,i and cuts were based sole-so November. Tlie plan's final step;tep woiild be public andmd the environment will and i disposal requirement.*;K e v S P'^cssionsprof lUs ircver an,ou,„It < of money that will lyy on111 enrollment. ‘Hie tedi cem‘nter Seventh Distitisirici Judge to dismantle the builcuildings. The no longer■X bbe subjected to th e risks j .said. besavedbythehe staff cuts and pro- haslas been expanding in recec e n t Richard T, St. Clair:lair issued a war- project would be comompleted by of having i lg nudear and hazardous INEEL is requesting $11Sl 0 mil- restructuituring is a bii up in year'ears; now the programs need;d to ra n t for C hristophiiplier D. Griffith | 2035. waste sittinting over the aquifer. 1 lion from the accderatedi deanup< cliesl.islcy said, but the "hoihold tiglit." on Tuesday, allegin.•ging h e violated , “The new plan willdll require a “U’s abotbout putting a little more budget,I which would raise s,llaries and berx.“nefits from cutting The Tl sdiool Ixiard has schedul'ujetl th e conditions off prtpretrial release, conversion from thele tculture of money intoint reducing the risks s site cleanup budget fror llie haif-timee oand qunrter-tiine a budget bi hearing for 7 p.i:,.m. Griffith. 25. iss .set.sc for trial in ’business as usual’ to3 a culture of riglu noww insteadi of managing it rm illion this y ear to $704 m million if positions „i„II . sa v e th e d istric t Tue?'uesday. There arc no additioronal A ugust on a first-dcii-degree murder ’finish the job and movem' on to forever,”” saids Mike Weis of the t the plan is approved. ______$50,000. projimposed cuts beyond attritii,jon charge. He hass bbeen free on other missions,’” a nt Jocanment. . I new report EnctgyJlct , , Cuts m ake iit t so : the tech center andnd the cuts ar the tedinical cen-cl 525,000 bond sinciince J a n , -t. b u t ,says. / • ^ n d c r thtiie^iewdjafr^lan, high- Timcs-Nctvs luriicr Sandi "is paying for itsitself, more or less.” L*r, ter, Chesley said. The budget is th e 26-year-old roofioofer m usi abide ...... ‘‘ T he plan depends or ■ on coopera-/ level wasteste %voul3i>e shipped ln ~ ' canc be raicltal dt 73S-32M>4 ■or bye- Qiesley .said. aboubout $500,000 less dian last yea(•ar. conditions of the tion between regulatorIto rs and the powderedid ^orm1 ra th e r than first ri maH at smillcr@7nagicvallci;-cy.com. Students in ththe electronics and Tliere Tli is a cu.shion in the budgjgei They iriclude noinot EMT prognim« s will\ Ix; integnited for>r pos.sibIep declining enrollme:lent unsupervised comaintact into other prognigrams. Chesley sjud dueue to the closure of the J.IJ.R . ^^ren younger than 1 B u h l _ ------e le c tro n ic s stustudents can take Simiimplot Co. potato processiriing from alcohol and dndnigs .1, advantage of dudasses in the infor- planilant in Heybum. ing in contact with ci Continued from Bl Superintendindent Rick Hill. donate d< at least $20,000 fro “ 1™ 41° motion techncinology program. If If there are additional budgijgej D etectiv es, pros< has discontinued the Test of • OpenI enei ro llm en t stu d en ts - pi plant facility fund to refurbirbi^ die „here studentsnts learn to repair holdijldbacks from the state, “We'j(j're defense attonieys Ie th e Aptitude Proficiency. Leticia Arrirredondo from Castle- ol old tennis courts or buili lioot personal com- -deadsad in die water," Chesley said.id.. . warrant’s issuance.ice ...... - Pa.n practices haveI allallowed the" ford; WillII ChiversC of Filer, and oii(». oi but 'none knew whic seniors to m ake up lostst crcditsc by K y ra a n dd Cade Perron from The project is contingc of his release Griffit (bking a Dircct Writinjting Assess- Wendell werewe approved as open whether w. a grant is award? d ? d “ Whisde-t-blower says hee faked road test;ts of nolating. m en t Quiz and TAP to0 m eet grad- ■ e n ro llm esnt n t students for next cover cc the bulk of the cosiJst. T h e 1 Bonneville, County uation qualifications, hijhigh sdiool year. schoolsc foundation has comru m itted BOISE (AP)I - All asphalt engi- theic teststi ho performed on sampiiple said Griffith was fo r prindpal Terry Adolfsonson said. * Rcsignainad o n s and hires - T he $ $220,000 and the ^ o o l hasis asked ncer says hisi fcformer company mixtiixture.s. Tegan Rees on Nov. . The state will haveve replace* board acccpiepted the resignadon of th th e d ty to kick in $20,0 0 0 .. made him’ falsifyufy tests on asphali In In the news report televisesed boy suffered blunt-fi tnium n b e n t tests in p lace by'200S. 2 0 Jo e Shepardu'd, h ead girls basketball • Retiring board membnbers - samples from manymii southwestern Thurlursday evening, a Strata offidid a l to die abdom en. Dep : • B us safety - T he1 boboard sup- coach, andd EdI Pinger, head boys Board Br members Armand EckertE Idaho roads., saidid DraperI was a disgrunded fofor-. Tegan \vas fine wheri-hcn his^m odier _____ portcd.a.commitiea’s de ILcoa^^Shepard will and an Jay Anderson served at their Mark Draper:r tu.sed to work for mercr employee1 and denied tlwhat left him in Griffith’s c reven to dosing gates loto block pff stayonboartard as counselor. last la< m eeting this week. Tliele board Strata Inc., a corcompany that tests thee companyc had pressured hirlim St. Clair rejecte a , Btreets in the momingg anda after- Tbe boarcard approved a recom- preunted pr thcun with plaquilues for' asphalt mixture;res for the proper to fakefak test results. Monday by defen.se 10 hoon while children leaveleo from mendationn tot have* E rin Scott as Eckert’s Ec IS years of serviciicc and ingredients, sudidl as oil, water and Idaho Ida Transportation Depanirt- delay GriffiUi’s Augu: * ' i ^ d arrive a t school atiPopplewell- Po head volU'lleyball coach ' and Anderson’s Ar three years, NcN either rock. ------mcmt:nfDirectbr D^v^gllt Bower tolold ly because he was Elementary School. andax Buhl Zuzai^na Sid>ielicka of Poland as a n ran rai for nxilcction this year. D ra p e r toldI KPVI K Channel 2 thec station « hc doubted thaiat' postponement coul h u rt 'MiddleSdiool. exchange stu d e n t —i— News in Boise thithat he dedded to asphcphalt on state roads was subub- state’s casc which in I •‘*We know som e parenirents do not • InVprindnving tcmnls ctmrts - In a Timcs-Ncws corre^ndcntIt Mary ' come forward bcbcicausc he is con- standiindard. However, he siiid he halias mony from Tegan’s 5- Uke th e blocked strefets,5ts, but our spedal meetjebCng called last w eek, Lou Lo Potts can bc rcachcd in Buhlfii at ccm ed about roacond safety. H c .said askedkcd the Idnho State Policc tout 70 pcrcen t o f conduiduct an investigation. pri.son if convicted.


• * - r ? B4 TlmM^ewi, TWInIn FiFall*. IdAho Fridiy, Jun« 2 1 ,2CK2002

I d a h q A^W e s t - - " Id ah o’)’s financ::ial crisis jnDiversrei;trieveabani ndoned--|m ^ elaim ssspeeifiee victims n e t fro m W^hingtoi^ on waters I OLYMPIA, Wasli. (AI - State mately 2 tonscons to 3 tons. LEWISTON (AP)P) - T he 10 per- Butc theirtJ plan to keep the state I divers a nd a fishing boaMt success* Divers freedfre« the net and floajv. cent cut in state fundinding for public budgetet balanced by simply cleon- I .. fully removed a big ababandoned ed it to thele surface,si w h ere a f i ^ u niversities and cbUrblJcges has dri- ing lutout the balances in various JM ho volunteered his I fishing net from the wiwater near erman who ’ ------vcn-anothcr-facultjilty-member to state accountsai has raised ques- >{ Son Juoii Island on Thurursday. foot pursee seiners« pulled It fro^,' fin.indaliy greenci*L’l* pastures, [ and tions aboutab ihe economic assump-p- J Derelict fishing nets,J, ior “ghost the water aat t about( 1 p.m ; she predicts the exi)lixodus will con- tio n s it it relies on and the even j. -nets” as divers .call, tl;them, can “It wentIt very,v smoothly,” saifl’, tinue. m ore scsevere finandal problems it I trap and kill marineB .animals, DNRspokesr. ly. Gibbons Is congratulated by h is attorneys, Darwin dale for about 50 percentper more in any furtherfut budget problems, s daughter to pornography, snagged on a reef nortirth o f S an sion Is tryingingtomapthelocation^_ , pay. w oiJdI againai bc dealt w ith diroughh Overson, left, and KristinJne Rogers. Juan Island. The net iss hundreds1 of the netsIts andi start removing •• nie college hass lostli some real- spendiniling cuts. ■ of feet long and wci^ishs approxi- them. ly fine |H.‘ople pretty;tty much everj- Bushfiihfield said that rumors have year since we havevc been here,” beencirculating cir again in Lewiston Bnshfield said. “It’;It’s always the about; shuttingsl do\sTi Lewis-CIark" Juryaccquits exeecutive same story: better:r oopportunities State■ CollegeC - an idea that is S u b secribe: 733-3-0931 1 somewhere else, needingnei to sup- -floated;d every time the state has - ____ p o n a family.!!— ...... scrio uts st economic problems, ...... ' of childiendang-ry officesi in th e la te 1980s,s callcd attention to hisis drug and call fromm G ib b o n s , s h e r if f ’s Christensen • Twin1 Foilsf Housoholdiold • Colloctiblos saw several l» x es of sex- Blaine County, thee lcIdaho Repub- includinjling a m ajority on th e countyy •‘ra\'ing" lifestyle by hoholding par- deputies sa\ . Housohold • Collociiicliblos T7mes-N.t ’News Ad 6-24 - 3 complaint____ually explic5licit items, including a ______lican Party has laidid claim to the ____commissis-sion. Today all three com-I- tie s th at p ro m pte d 13 i ------MASTERSAl; AUCTION-SERVICE-u------Dem ocm tic .suxinglitilhold a n d placed m issioiuoners, tlie prosecutor and3 calTs by neighbors. I-He called vfdeo titledled ‘‘Pregnant Bizarre, iostefSQuction,com n . it in th e u p p e r ech.■clielon of lh e asses-soro r a re Democrats. police himself \vhen liislis girlfriend d e p le tinlg g a n a k e d p re g n a n t MASTERS AUCTION SSERVICE www.mosti www.masforsQuclion. GOP. Last1 nmonth, Blaine Coimty wass and daugliter were semniiconsdous woman covejvered in blood, ------THURSDAY,f, JlJUNE 27, 10:00am;;: ' In a staiemeni.ni. lhe party one off tmlyo three in the state toJ a fter taking dnig.s, attoimeyssaid. n Policc rere tu rn e d 10 days later ,1 1 :0 0 am Griswold Eartfiarthmoving • Jackpot , declared Hlaine Courouniy a •‘Five see monore peoi>le cast votes in lhel; Cibbiins, 42, took; tthe stand with a scan•arch warrant, arresting SATURDAY, JUNE 2 2 , 1 Bockhoe • CoCompodors • Trucks , S t a r R e p u b l i c a ni CCouniy" for Democr;■cratic primar%' th a n in th e Wednesday, saying thelie metliam- Gibbons forfor having m etham pheta- Twin Falls i>einR o n e o f “ th e iwiiwsi organized. Repiibli(ulican. The other two were phetamiiie was his girlfrIfriend’s and m ine in hisis niglitstandi drawer and Aulos • Pick-ups • Trucks Tr Cfowlors ExciExcovotors • Troilors most aciive and mo.sjmo effective Shoshorjone and Benewah in the there is no evidence Iiislis daugliter adult magaigazines in the 15-year- RVs • ATVs & Equiplipmont Ag WeeklyjfciyAd 6-15, 6-22 counties in the state."e." Paiihandindle- e v er s;iiv the [xiniognipl'phy. old's l)cdroo•oom. Toking ConilgnmontjIs Dolly MUSSER BROROS. AUCTIONEERS 1 Spokesman Jasonon Bohrer said ‘ Acconording to the GOP, a Five Prosecutor Katherinele Bernards- The weeeek before the trial, HUNTS BROTHERS AU ihe U-giegislature since . menisi areai having an activc and1 the jury, urging thenL-m to look liis arrest.. nT ic lawsuit blames the Anliquos • CoNoclibliblos MASTERS AAUCTION l SERVICE resignation)n on■ the “media frenzy 1984 and bas voted vot solidly •,ongoinglg campaign to urite letterss througli it. Toking ConsignmenijIs Doily www.mosKiostorsouctlon,com Republicans for GoGovernor and to tbe eublican points off boy here. This is s;idnm FRIDAY, JUNEJUI 28, 4:00 pm " stuff. There aro chainss iand abuse CibboiLS.s sayss he lo st S5.35 rnil- 734-2548 ------^------JKD AuctiAuction, Heybum By contrast. Blaineine Couniy has Cited:d asj insirunieiiial in .secur- and urination ... mmagazines lion in stockKk options, benefits and SATURDAY, JUNE louront & Tools nocrats to the ing Blailaine County its distin- designed to make woiomen look other inccicentives when he left E 2 2 Rostoufi been elected Demot Gone ^rsen Household tile mi(i-1'i7(K. guished•d (Hisition within th e GOP underage.’’ she Siiid. “T"This is the. . Zions. Thc-le-suil also-asks for at- d Auction Timas‘Net-New3Ad6-26 Blnine County voier'lers have Mij’- hierarchchy was Uuham Williams. worsi kind of ixim therercis." least SSOO0 0 ,0 0 0 in legal fees, nmos-Nowj Ad 6-2^ 2 0 US5 AUCTIONA poned Democrais fmiur governor for the 40) year-oldy» Keichum banker Defense attorneyy Clayton 5100,000 forfor th e devaluation of his SUUiVAN AUCTION SSERVICE www,us-ouis-ouctioneofs,com ______a_*;ii^eiuiion.. andUld ..liic. lusl ____ .w h 'j.raan n . fr>r stau- treasurer as a Simms also'urged the jii^ju ' lo look____ home a n d[punitive pi d ^ages to be ...... 3 2 4 0 1 8 5 — c d ^ trial. Tlie lawsuit Republican diey backacked for presi- member.ier of the Reform Party in through the porn, butut sal'clTlie a'etermincJ ^ SATURDAY,W JL UNE 2 9 , 1 1 :0 0 a m , “ separate defamation d e n i w a s G e o r g e M.W. M. Gush in I'tys, amouni of material didid not indi- cites 51 se SATURDAY, JUNE 2 2:,9:OO , < am E d & H o ™riett tt Thomoson, Buhl ., The cimiiiy wav/as tiie onlv one •‘Repupublicans in I51aine Couniy cate Gibbons’ daugliterer ever Kiw claims, eaclach for separate siate- Conshuction Equipment.nl, Boilo H Ho. ousohold 111 the state to giveve Demuciaiic have takental the initiative,” Wi- it. m ents m adtidc against Gibbons by ID Power, Owost, Cify/Counlunty Surplus Times-Nt{-News Ad 6-27 -I Vice J'resident M GGore or a ma.ic>rity lliams s;iid.s;ii “WeVe not going to lel Simms said Gibbon;ms’ finger- policeandpi1 prosecutors, Over 200 Unils, C orj to E in th e 2IKKI p re sid e■niial n ii; eleciitiii. th e oiherier party coast tlirougli here j Bockhoos MASTERS AAU U C nO N SERVICE • Al the load level,■1, lilt-C'.Ol*tl con- ' unchalleiIlenged.^' Ad: TimeS’News 6-9, ' www.mosici03lorsouclion.com AgW M kly6‘a. M HENDRIX AMERICAN ASSOC A UCTIONEERS a SATURDAY,,JUNE JU 29, 11:00am ' D ispatcheier faces childd pom charge. | > l AUCTION -^ 1 www.o-a-ouclionoors.rs.com Friedman Airportjort • Hoiloy • Bloine Co.; e Surplus.Auction, Hoiley HON.M-RS FF:RHiiRV t AJ') - A iiiiis disclosed di' details of lhe mday, June 23, 2C2 0 0 2 SATURDAY, JUNE 2 2 , 1I:OO 1 am Sur Snow Plows • DDump Trucks • Toolj- liiniiidarv Couiuy.• SSheriff's dis allegedd st'Xtialv abuse to a parent, l.ocatcd:ll: Uuhl, Itljlio • 90.S M iimIncr Street M & Lola Remoldous Estate, I riff Genige Voyles called M A g w « ,uekly y 6 -2 2 , Times-News j . jiiiicliei and lie: luisiuind lui have 'Siierif ' Ntilni'f Suit-I hK otr jjucl. l-iiie on Ila- uiutliitlledm-ol lliilil, H ousehold • VohicI I been charged with;h tencaging in '! aniinyty Grey an excellent, dis- '■ C olloclibloi • Aniiqi ■ 6-27JM/^AUCTIONEEERS ;va , . liiild pornography. patcherv;r who j>erformed well. ______luI n c h Served hy Katlm Sale Tim e: 1;DD pm J.2 0 www.jmoljmoouctions.corp lanim y Grey, .<(,(, .<(,i who iiad "I was•hS siiocked and surprised to rimot-Naws Ad 6-2 worl;ed foi the Siierileriif's Depart- hear oneme of our dispatchers had HOUSEHOLD MASTERS AUCTION SI . R«-d wine b.'ick lovi-.nt-at • -1 wooden caplnirwdimnKchnimim - lucynBe • aimpinu dinh- SERVICE SATURDAY,, JUNEJU 29, 10:00am"' . . ____ meni for i\vn years,s, ; and her hus- been arrtirresied." \ ’oyles said. "That www.moslorsauclion.i t» and lum-s -.ClirtsUaas. did(.-ConHion».-_n-iBort«l oil iminlirfllingw tionc by Uon - bfd pil- ^ .. _G(), wewere laiietl in personI isi; on suspension without^ lows ' pirturp framM * TVV UTiyn • bn-iid m aker - 3B ininin jprojector - KliiMwnrC' 11;00AM 497 s . m650 o East • Burley lieu of S23O.OU0 b olild n d aflei an ini- pay pent-•nding ilie ctmdu-sion of anI LAWN & GARDENI SATURDAY, JUNE 2 2 , 1 iia i ap;>earaiic.e l>efor hj> front linedI nroloUllcr • IDC mini Ran rototilolillcr • Pioni-er from tini-d Forris&VeraReddidclivingEsIc RooIE>Mo-I> • Personol Property ■' • loMiii luliaii earlierrt ilthis week. dueledi byb' ;m outside agencj'.’’ rololilli-r - old'-r frontnl lined roUilillcr - 2 old Cra(l«n[|«mnn lnwn mowent • Alko nin.ry T!m<„-No«t«?r - 2 i-n rubber tiri-d wheel barrov•ow . meuil faldinK picnic tnblc • lnwn chnire • hnnd snr- Collocliblei • Antiqii J ESTES 6&> ASSOCIATES !>av, K ia iiie i saicii liie lii investiga- defenderjet-Jeff Sinidi was appoini- di'i) planUir - Lrimniun • kho^'cli.« hocii. rokcs. furka - su' submcrpble sump punrp.. _ - - — 7imef-New»Ad6-2’m ------20B>8-654-2546 ^ .( -...... Ii'ii. iiiKi ariesi wer^.ere irignered cd as thethi attorney of rccord for SHOI}P EQUIPMENT & TOIr OOLS w ii-n o n , n f liH- IWOwo .illei;ed vit lioth Gre;Irey and her husband. Rockwell chot) Kuw • Cr2rafUman 10;:jja*t<-Tinr . DeDewiilt nidini arm «aw • JMA AUCnbNEEfiEfRS SATURDAY,.JUNE JU 29, 11:06 a m ‘,', ! Ix-ll Minder -• 2 CraJbimirffrouU-rw and wbles>lc» • Power Knifl po»l drill _____ www.jmftn^rions.cc - Stiiiilev 1A2- muter will■iill pinner {itLichmenl • Cniftiiiftiiman fi'juinlvr nlaner • _____ Estate) Sole, So Gooding ■> i DelU jiK Kiiw - B&U wururkmnU- Ixlnch - liiimeniade bi'belt Hjindrrr ■ Mmnll bench SUNDAY, JUNE 2 3 , 1V :0 0 pm Furnituro •Housox endJ wrertrW-K» - iiockel HCUt • vicoCO sffripa • mnny toolboxc* • h.'immen- - skill k;iwk - mnnany drill biU • new 3 drawer■ fitfiberRluKH toolbox • comcn- Timai‘N m n Ad 6-2i-21 www.ouclicuclionsidoho.com r ijp g i junpi - drill Ijit iihar|M-mTer - new- Crafbiman 1/2* dockctut nRct • iioldinK Ironn - knife MASTERS A u c t io n s i bhorj*''i’''r • baiu-r>' charKirjfer • Uiii nnd die net • 2 1/2 pil^1 inir paint pot - pnint (tun SUNDAY, JUNEJU 30, 1:00 pm i'. •AJ - eli-ctric inii>;icl wr<-nchI • w-l of benrinj: pullcni • ^'reiuciuv Runn - crowbnra - itnw www.mastersouction.i V. liofjM-K - jumi>er ail)li-R •- ddniiri {uin - Bockwrll iind Cmftmdjtmnn flnt sandeni - nut ------:------Roby MallMalone Estate & • ' j H arry & Idala Culbertson j; d river w-tii - pliem - puncncIieA nnd cbiseln • Iwll culU'niem - pi|>e wrc-nclicH - 75 Ib MONDAY, JUNE 24, A4 :3 0 pm Gerald Thomlomson Estate, Buhl •• i rinvil - cem ent l;im|M-r - iindiii iither aniiurU-d nliup loolnH Horry & Ida Culbertson Esiale,le, Twin FoUs Housoholdlid • Truck • Misc. OLD COLLE.ECTIBLES & SPORTIlTIN G ITEM S Furnituro •HouseholdI * • Cor TtmeS'Nei-Naws Ad 6-28 ' Old -1 drawer ciiesl of drii'riiweni - kIiiiik door»-vw ouctionsidaho.com aw ■ liu«nei linnkeUi • w icker picnicpic basket • poUito bnn- Primitive Colleclible MASTERS AUAUCTION SERVICE ' k e i. • B.'.". 2 and I Riil Moilone crockji - 2 iinlitiue keroxinc.nc lamp* • luiHortfd nahinu Timas-Nows Ad 6*2 I FURNITURE - HO■lOUSEHOLO ' APPUANCEICES • TOOLS • TRAIUR Dickie - wnrm rodn . w onumi txncex and bcgjr>g bod w/Koodboord. Pointed 5 MIISCELLANEOUS l! ITEMEMS Feiia- rtn-lcJwr* • 3 w«*d<*d uproyeni • bnck (>ack spniyciiycr - aM ort«l boiin. nut*, ------Bqrbora Drydeiyden Estote, Haxelton , , dfcjwcf ot>d i drff-v 'Ix.-ili. Foftrlco dincfle w/6 choirj,lin, Duricon Phym oid c Hazelton Drug ’ ! Fw loUc moiciiir>gg lo't.pIo (top crocV.cd. occoiibnol lob tiiinum ezt<-nHiun ladfliT• - 1two 5 nluitxinum ntep ladders'f s '• oil cnnn - (unnoU • S j;nl if>g ciiair, Porli/ lobkr.'fce-'.W.lirvt-f, Upfigl't !roc-zcf, PinocolleeW loble, Plono'TT' roctof. Primitive irt>ii;ine bollle - M-l o( fuurur 14"(iluddfd, Jr. Estate, TvTwin Foils CoHeciiblesbles • Housohold j plrie wovh jiond, Kirbyy vavacuum, baioll T*, P.ornbo^ vocwnw m . Floor lompt Piclures, lirwni, iik»- • 20' X :W LJirj) - imdd oUierc miocelliineoun iU;iiu( too0(1 numeruuHi to murUlon. Mool Shop & Lopidory EqEquipment VmesrNv rGloiVwore, P'csvoro COnfnonrit*, icu creom moVcf, Picnic boik»»kct. Cooler. Diiho?, Potj 'n Ponj :NewsAd6-22 ‘ Chief la»m tnffwo’ Rongor wood P IC KLUP l - TRACTOR - CAMIMPER • Household • Bool • 1 I iobk- top gloixv Kn•c^r InInockt. Jewelry, BvHoni, Urwn Oi t19T,2 Lutning ikxc, Pi'di forlj, [rUir witli rviir blade, nomdrnulnulic hydraulic loader, and m aouctions,com ,, | Heolcf. Small comprwwxvex; 3 burrwr QOi COmp TrocJOrTOr » ot, hoy hool}, Hond g n r ^ , . CiiM- SC CUB tnicU i’erS • • www,imoc cJierry i»irker • S«-curityf 12 I ’ campi'r with o\'emhot, ilger Mwirvg OWWEIER: J.C . & BEA HEN•NDHIX Veg. Seed • Equip. Equ • Tools • Truck’ ' Iwr (aocicd), glou |>lclc, Household ■ Lawn & I Pyre;< lod n vAiie duhei. Oil loinpi,p»- i.g, -■ TtnaiM Cnb or IcduAU O K k Dov ofifu S. u PRIME TIMInME AUCTIONS ! •& prinli Old binocubrt,Iti, I(odian Hylc’blonUrf, 0 «jl plch/nriure rro m e H ^ ^ 2 J"2 SMH nmes'Afewf A d 6 ^ ______loqed by M osters A ^ i mi n I ^ r v k e 8-232-4912 ,j ,, _____ • ^ /b ubb*c MASTERS AUCTION SESERVICE 208-2: mochincj, \Vogncr Wor BusinessI that Service? £Buin" www.mas>erMuclion.croom , www.primetir JopOn piteiirr w/molciiirtciiing plerttJ, OW OW C LER K Pomlor bant. AntiqueD coreo parti, Hood orrortonl, Old hubhu copi, AUCTIO^)NEERS LylcUutars Ovyiry 0«bom« Jo« Bennetttt U m a r Loveland Auctiont under "Extras"on)n go u r vi'obsitu: 'n : Sixliot fondtf, 9'ill, tiro0 walCoidwc Ooljy gun (ploilicl, Pioi>'.ono B ^ , Rupo(1.1daho For details, click oW Jod, TrunV. Fishingig (/oles, (/ ond more. O ^'l mii>! EviEv«rythingl^^^Bj||H^m I euN. Idatw Goocjodmg, IcJaho Motile •WVl^v w .m a g lc v a lle y .c o m . gocjl Comc a grootoot evonirvgi (206) 543-5227 (200)50)KM-535O ' (200)539-0111II (208)43a-e663 JlmChrlrtwit«n»on - Rupert. Idaho • 531-4122; or 431-4123 For advcrtisirsin^ inrormatlon, call jill HollonHc ") I 19 5 0 INTCRNATICTIONAL ♦ 198 0 MCRCURYmnM ASQUis^oop^l MobiloPhortMM 731-16t0 • 539-6350 ♦ 639-0111>111 • 43t'7355 ir em ail; jhollonOma(jlcvall

...... j.i______.... ~ W ksT' -won!rcoi)mment ^ dn.polyygraphressults , - SALT LAKE CIT-i[TY (AP) - ^ ' ...... P^^ice have given popolygraphs exams » members of)f 14-year-oId1 Elizabeth Smart’s famiunily as well as'people not. in thes f&family, but cpntlniie to refuse to comment is headingng tbe-city police task ofithe test results. Salta lt L ake C ity fo rc e o nI the tl case, said the 30- Police Chief Rick DiDinse said member taskta force has at times Tfibrsday. ^ H e d to;o 1001 investigators, ^Police also have seajsearched the - lliat doeloesn’t take into pccrount hatd drives of 1 2 coicomputers, thenumbeiber of investigotors from Dfnse said. Most of thithe comput- other agencen d e s in U tah a nd o th er e ^ have b een returned.led. states. “IIt’s t’: been really impres- | *‘We h a v e fo u n d nothing no on sive,”Lymtm an said. computers that creatc;ates a nexus ' Police haveha received a total of to.this crime,” DinDinse said. 8,000 to 11C 0 ,0 0 0 leads, of which "There certainly arere questions« /1,300 warrarranted follow-up. Up to phd they have beenn aasked and 900 of thohose leads have been resp o n d ed to .... W e3 are ai mostly ' cleared ancmd about 400 remain to ^ done w ith th e com puteriters^” b e lookedd at,a police said, ,-Much of Thursday’s’s nnew s brief- D inse also oli said the investiga- Newt N media enclrcia memberers'of the Smart family aftor a nowBt conforenco about Ellzat:Izaboth Smart's disappoarancoI ThursdayTi in Salt Uko City. Tho pollco they ing centered on reportiorters’ ques- tion “is maybeme doscr than two would m no longer hole] dally briirleflngs until thoro Is a majorIf ddovelopmont In tho case.' tions a b o u t th e computc)uters. Later, weeks ago";o" to b eing solved, Salt Lake Dty PoliccB Capt.C Scott The televlevision show “America’s Atkinson said policcc hhod heard Most Warnanted" on Wednesday ‘ ..... tharthcsuperm arkeiket tabloid - •fofwarded! e-mail was sent [Atkinson also saiclaid police Saturdayf night,n but not to the >fould no longer hold1 dailydc brief- proper tipip line.1 In ste a d , It w en t ipgs until there is a ma;major devel- to a site usedua for Uve chats with • cem en t In th c case. a n o p e raItor. te It was discovered i~]..' J . Sixteen days into thehe investiga-i during a1 regularr< check of thc . tion of Elizabeth’s ababduction, show’s WeVeb site, which Mann Itolice say they still havhave no sus- said are donedo to make sure tips r pect. The girl reportcirtcdly was arrive wheitiere they are supposed tpken from her bcdrooioom at gun- to. point in the early hour)urs of June “We beciecame aware of it yes- i The only witness: w;was her 9* terday afteftemoon, and Immedl- Twin Falills Shielter • 736-2299I jtear-old sister, M ary Katherine.Kai ately tumectied it over,” Mann said ; This week the police[ice account Thursday, of Elizabeth's kidcidnapping The notete demanded a SSO,000 Shelter • 678-2256e changed. p a y m e n t 1 by June 17 to be Buriey/ — t Po»ce-sajrEJi« 2b enh*s-9-year: th ’ ------d ro p p e d -o-off-at-the-“Morman'i l ------a ^ cild sister, who was sicsleeping In temple. MannM g said. “We could ^ the same bed, feigned;d sleeps dur- immediatel:tely tell it was a hoax,” i(ig the abduction andd soons after hc said, tried to go to her parearent’s bed- “It appepears it was sent by [ '-age S ale •• C i t y P a r k room to a le rt them . som eone wlwho did not have dear I s N • But instead Mary’ KatherineK; knowledgeIge of thc case,” said Smart saw that the kidnapperki police spokeDkesman Dwayne Baird, S a t uirday, i Junee 22 • 9 am 8 P was still in the. home ho and ’ “It’s like ourou psychics. They call ■ t * ; rfctumcd to her room.1. SShe didn’t up and giveive us everything we’ve tpll her parents for twotw hours, read In the1C papers. We’re literal- Don't miss;s this opportunily tcto eal. drink |m 1Icc .said. ly gettingB a ton of that kind of ■ Police had Initiallyy reported,r stuff.” i w i | and sh o p I'or I'o bargains and based on secondhandid accounts,r FBI agerjents have looked at that Mary Katherinee hadli been other kldnajnapplngs, Induding one a family pel . i threatened by thc kidnid n ap p cr to th a t e n d edd wv th th e suspect’s sul- keep q u iet a bout th e abtabduction. cide in Idaldaho Falls, Idaho, and 'Iris" hos pretly long hoir dando (iiiohile adoJoption) in one M "Dandy Lion" isisayellovnvhile a 1 : Police a re looking for a white two teenss takent; from the same (olorful fo(c. She's very swsweet locaiion. C;iI’all Janet M neutered maiii. He'!He's a great guy 2 ijan, 30 to 40 yearss oold, with apartmentIt complex in Orogon, and tleservos a good norriime. 5 3 ^ with extra affectionlion for someone. (^rk iiair and hair on3n ihis arms said specialal agent Dan Roberts. ^ ------Rionias alI 733-3570 - and back of his hands,ids. He was But no» firmf theories have “ SSSA I Shoshoihone " I ^ wearing tan pants, dardark shoes,, emerged. Elizabeth’sE abduction ; Fed lor more inlnlormalion . ■39 Veterin lighter jacket anil a £ S c o ttish - “could b e aa burglaryI gone w rong, I ■■ Hospitalf e T sjyle golf hat. He heldeld a small a peeping' TomT that got caught,” 1 j Antibioti ProL'ceds wiwill benefit ^ \; R oberts saic]aid, \ ■ MOIttsrri H i^ncigun. V ’ / Hormonele Free ,|ie ^-jBuildI tiiet Shelter n Ulan tmc. ■ ; Investigators still wanvant to talk The comrmmunity is offering a yflSS », hjffcHne-(e-j-j to Bret Michael Edmundinds, a tran- S2S0,000 rewardre for Elizabeth’s teofi Bl l-iiiKl," ProcDceeds will — slcsnnvho'contlnues'i■ S T O -e lu d e ------s a f e T e tu m r 'S ------x rH /n T-STi.-.vTil ^ * ------^----- :------— ipottednear “Our famamilies believe In the Charlie Lcnkncr, 1) , [i. ,S(IH \ , (.ri-cli them . E dm unds w as spol ulso he mulliitched by a St.cnhi.ilc • (JIIK) the Smart home two daysdaj before depths of of our hearts that 734-6353 Elizabeth’s disappearancance. ElizabethI IsIi alive and we pray „ , private founLindalion. Double «Police have repeate3tedly said for her safeSi return,” said ww\v\v..skybu.sinc.ss.c()tn/idari trccllieef ^ . they don’t considc:r EdiEdmunds a Elizabeth’sI’s uncle, Tom Smart, '— ------1 our money/ 'while you save yoi/ours! siispect, but may haveha' seen reading ila statements from the stimething in the: 1 Federal family, Ifeights nelghborhocliood that “Please letIe us not lose siglit of w ould h e lp th e Investigaiigation. bringing ElizabethEl home,” he • Detective Lt. Cory LynLyman, w ho said. Polygamilist waivess right to m ^ jury trial;1; no deal p:Dlanned ^ *'IJa(''ond'D i''flretiuvingfunal3 - , 0 :.NEPHI, Utah-(AP)P) -.Poly,-. since tlie GnGreens were married in ___ gjimlst T om G reen willU waivev his Los Molinos,os, MexicoTTJtah could II ..--V ~ 'tli0 shelter btrt wooldtid hthave more fon cf ; ---- "Dn 'Dahlia" and "Ulac" are o gre id, allow th e n ot claim jujurisdiction. T.hc only iplaceallMthetr own. ^ i t to a jury trial and, a tv^osome. Turn oK the TV j(idge to determine the,e vverdict In d isc u ssio nns s that took place In E'Petunio" is o sweet and' mild-rr “Rose" has a1 deepdi desire lo lake I liis child-rape trial, Greeireen’s attor- U tah w ereJ G reen’s seeking Linda mGnneredspoyedfeniQle.!I. She's up residence williwit a taring person, ___ end wctch these two. G reen ’s p aarents’ n approval for a ney said. os wtiits OS lha driven snonow. ■______A\RK R ANIMAL HOSPITAs r •• ’Defense uttorney-j/ J o h n - R .-----betrothalI aand not-an explicit------_ Bucher said he also is looking request to hchelp him have sex w ith j Sufcfli^ L C O U N TR Y 0 IN G ANIMAL Ibto the possibility of' enteringen a an underagege girl, h e said. iACE PRINTII ^Tw inFalls/7• 733-y23.i p lea in th e case. But 4 th District Di Judge Donald , >■ . is pleased too be a F E T 6& FEED ; H ow ever, J u a b Countunty Attor- Eyre niled1 theretl was enougli evi- ^^^sponsor 4 of thii Pols S Supplies Small & Lorge Animals ney David Leavitt saidd TThursday dence to prprove Green hatched eslock Fcl’iI & Siipiilies Or. Bill FuIchcr th ere w ill b e no p lea agregreement. thc idea to0 rm arry L inda a t 13 in 208-733-8623 SoK-Sotv Doo Wnsh . “I want to emphasizeze ithat this Utah to givevc the state jurisdicdon Gfooniino Mon Mor Fii: Bom - 6pni • Sot: 8arn - Iprr w aiver h as nothing to ddo o with ' any to prosecute,ite. Also, the state had ■ ir &• 24'Hoor Emergcnty Service deal,” L eavitt said. jurisdictionn Ibecause Green was a H 678-1177 ; Bucher said that GrtGreen will - resident of)f Juab. County at thc ■ ___ 7750 ?hl Sl. lioybmn (Aiftcsco Rd))___ I m ive Ills right to a trialrial by ju ry tim e th c crimrime was uncovered. ■ ■ ' 2 Ividay. The trial is s e t fo r M onday. J Tlie cliarge alleges GreGreen com- igv [ ^ P e t u n i a " mitted child rape whencn he mar- P » ' , rjed and imprcgnatetite d L in d a K unz G re e n in l^SG,, wlw h en she IffK was 13 and hc was 37. : “ In th is case, th e rei’s ’s n o th in g t Az fdr a ju ry to decide. EveEverything \f2) Ims been stipulated to,”0 ,” B ucher — H ...... CflJ:arl Roland / ------* said. A oicnds(Ll Lthdr Bpfircclallon In A S Tliere w ould b e troubleibic finding II Dr. I). NdWjiWficr fur llie care Rlwnio U >•1 • [ "V iolet'^ iff eficAigl^ people to servee ono a jury r - Curl1 tn(i\vf thc put )Tara. | f^r th c cose, B ucher said,lid, and if a \ T(jSj.LuJLukes Canccr Ccnicr In ji jury Couldn’t be seatta te d n e x t \\ FalU. To Idaho Hcallh a Hospicc jj “Oalsy” isa-sad, seal-pt■pLnt ^ 1 ' >yeek, th e trial would haihave to bc \ lunlu for )wirklii(lnc»an(i ll Siamese, tleclawed cacat “Lily"l3 aswweet, e long-haired L2! £ rescheduled. ll carlni;. Tui ourot fricmis for ihc phone If heller. gray cat who10 hasI lived at the "rgl s nowtr*« thc many acts o f '1 abandoned outslile the sh( 'Collo" Is Q fuzzy litlie gal wil • “We’re talking three luring ihc px« cnnnihi Hler \ She’s contused but hopeiletul. shelter lor 2 months.r She's i njonths, possibly six tnont two fuzzy litter motes. They G lo.40,0,E-S.rorprcparinjifl ^ to move out. ^ ’ Would oidd six m onths t< I ' s r juAcr x the tcrviccs. Hcanfcli Jj 1 Rms Lively Afchllect Chariirtered will grow on you. , tim e,” B ucher said. , Uitianki tu Harolarold fUodcs for shai^nft hi!i/ / . iGrecn is currently servingso a « „„lcBlnilIcntwliliCadaihcfaniUy. U We proiully supiwrtthi'.'U / m i pHson sentence for bigaigamy nnd - . atthml shelter lo fhtil ti I all c ^m inal nonsupport. H H H H B i Sponsored by the )Bucher unsuccessfully I • anhmls a lovii^^ hom A dopt th is lovoving animal at: mi k caring - ‘“ ’'. “ “ r S tljat tho sta tu te of llmitutitnlionslmd iI \ A v e. W e s t •VIMiracle Famil)ly I B H II honio.:> expired on thc caseI ppt n d t h a t U y""®" Utah did not have jurisdiIsdlctlon ro jC- TVvin FallsIs *736-2299 prosecute G reen. www.n»gkBiik.(oi.(offl/wtb/petteofio* 1^ ^.^"rhe'iim e : Bucher attem p ted toI aar n g u e th a t I H ______— -f

■&€ Tlmes^ow*, Twintin Fall*.F Idaho Fridny, June 2 1 ,20(2002 ^VlvST lip s th iroughj^^ z o n aicoTninfiu n ity ;:-otherttowns Vworry^

snow LOW. Ariz.Ar (AP) - A fire- ill ih c lindiiidcr-tlry fore.sts F irre6 s ru n n in g wild acrossa i the natior ...... ;hi now . 1 A wiuilc lol wc can do with il.” s;iicv Firo Conlofnlof: Niiiional Fofor.t Sorvrco tinvvhcic dost! lo iKiingiKiii coiiiaincd. “it lias forced liiore.• ttittian-J.OOO pco- I pie to flee theireir homes in .... PincdaJc. Lindenlen and Clay WH/hen is a tree prononounced dead? Sjirinns. Afterter Iho tiro, whal becomes ot3t ttthe forosi? Consen/ationisl A nother 13,900 resresidents in the jisacsagreo with the Forest Servico'ico over w hether to log burnt region were put onn nlalert lhat they fores•ests. At Issuo Is if trees canI susurvive a d eg ree of scorchln'■Slike K'"- ■ may have m leave.■e on< an hour’s the3 22001 wildfire that burnt 2,400to o ac re s in Tahoe NaiionalI Forest.F notice Inrcausc of ththe Rodeo fire and a second hlaze;ize lh a t b e g a n Unde''•or fo Mearhy on Thiirstlay.,iy. I'ire infonna- Comrimmon lo iho « rion officcr Donnanm McCann1 siid Sicrrcjrra Novoda. ° lhe new. l">0-acre finfire was started '>ic! ptpondorosa @ I th e w(K)ds, hut 10 is rolalivoly hy a woman lost in tli arani to (ifo. but ' olhcr details were• nonol immediaie- I invulnofablo. ly provided. • •• ■' Marilyn Price, the[he fire chief in ' Liinlcii. siiid her depJepartnient had 1 i<> pull crews oulIt • > H Sen/ice ^ -ff-liBffll ' news. Also suhhin;)ing was Lana ."A:- land (g ) . Rcxroai. a minhcrr of four who is •..I,--.,- cxpeciint; anothercr child in six 3 — weeks, after learnii•ning the blaze 9 , —Crown scorch killsIs ITmosi pondcfosa pines by dosi!5lfoying \\-as within threee milesn of her • loof aron and docro;croaslng phoiosynihesis. home in Clav SpringsiIBS' ■' “ I want lo have a homI e to take Bud Evon il ino ciowilown burns, Iho Ifoo may survivevo ll ilG buds do. Bocaus:auso ol thoir sc ale s, buds can iclolor.ito m y hahy lo in six wc>c:vt'cks," she s;iid. ', highericmporaiiiraiuros than noodlos. Aiitliorilics w.irnei-ned more lhan V 1 1 ,0 0 0 j)coplc in lh(the Show Low Bnrk Tho pondorosa'sihichick bnfk area west of Pinedalidale and nearly R I__^C om blunjium m akos il moro luore: i , 0 0 0 -in two commuinullities easi of I) Bul n s in othor troei ils Pinedale to l)e readydy tut fice. H circulaiion con bo ci : was one of 19 g H ardw ood 3 slow, hot liro cool< lls , The Kodeo fire w; cambium . major blazes burninning across the ■I nalidii Thursday, atojt-cording lo the « .N'aiicinal hiteraj;<-’ncyney F’ire Cenier 8B S\iSlow surfacQ firos cnn singo lm in Boise, Idaho. WilWildfires have — 1 ' ihroad-liko rools. causing invisi: sa>rclied l.R'I millionion acres so far f ------•me incrom unlal dainago. this year - far aheadid of<; th e 10-year J averane of 888.(KX) aci SOURCEc e U S, Foroal Sonoco AP m

^ p M ______------^Forest-^Serviee^ermployee— ' Abovo, Jorry YouYoung of tho Navajo Countyly HashH; Knlfo ■" ‘ ' Shotlff’8 Possoso wwatches pleads iinnocent ini fire B l i ill smoko billow' fromfroi tho Rodoo firo In LIndon,I, AriAriz., Thursday, d i ; n v i ; r ia im) - U.S. Foresi estrangeIged husband. Invesiigaiors Service employeee TTerry Barioii contendnd the fire was staged lo Tho out-of-controntrol wildflro ple.ided innocentII Thursday'1 to looklikeke an escaped campfire, ^ crossed a ruralral ooastom charfies she set ihc1C biggestI wild- If coi.-oiivicied of all counts, P:,. f'fn ■ : Arizona townI osOS itI grow to as l ire in Colorado hisio:siory. Barton1 couldd gel up to G5 years in • . much as 60,000000 acres, a fire Barton, 3H, was dn,dry-eyed as she prisonI andai a $1 million fine, n sold. e n iered th e plea. But[lm a fter a hear- The arrest ai of the forestry tech- V i spokoswomon sa ,int; j;ot under way/ onoi whether lo iiician overo\ the weekend stunned1 -V- t aUow her release,e een ev;;cualcd, ; fightor with tho;he fFerguson in-iissiie Ms wiincssc•sses described Friendmds and relaiives de.scribcd Monagement: Company,Coi a pri- liiscoverini; lhe fire.c- Barton1 asa; a dedicated and tireless vate firefightingIng icontractor, \ lederal j:randJ jijury Wednes- worker.T. a well'liked person who d a y cliarjied th e 18'18-year Forest lovcs-ih'th e outdoors. “ I can’t see ' takos n drink1 .of i^Vater o tte r...... - - Scn'ite-vfienin-wiihviih'wtting fire hcrdoiniling that,” neighbor Richard j raT'-.v.v i? -----being evacuatedlied from tho— ...... J Io liniher in a naliiational forosi. Grenfellell said from his Florissant - rapidly approachiaching Hayman ^ ■ ■ ••"'v 'r'v i «•' 3f riam;ii;in(; federal prtproperty, injur- home.. “She“ loved the forest so nro north of FlorlFlorissant, Colo., | , why would she want to iim II fircfigiiicr andnd using fire lo much, v Wednesday, L'linMiil a fcloiiv. destroy■yil?” i The imlicimenini came after The indictmentin alleges Barton pi r.'-ecuiors exprejresscd doubl "willfull:lllly and without authority .lixiiii lianon's siorvry 1lhai she acci- set onI fifire limber, underbrush, dciiialiy Marled,th.,lhc fire while grass atand other inflammable er from her material.ial." ^ W i f e ' 1 Fireflyghters taake extraa precaui[tions thiis year The Timnes-News Oiinline PIIOK.MX (AP),P) - Jeremy — ' " one of 9.80,800 firefighters who liu m a ri iias h eenI hauling h: wild- ‘yy, 'til'dsense of, "I j/'s Ix' ann lie lines this w eek, •ires I'o: nicjre th anII a decade, hut 7i/.’/r's (hfinilfly a " ? h e a ! ^ Siditiims i have made fire ihis season he hass ninoticed some- If'sJusl a ft IV. Ifs not)f aorl/ia anslfody's life. ’ commnndcrlers cautious. In Colo- liiinc different: Creirew l>osses are rado, firefififighters initially were i firefighters’ )ack from tho now- d< nii)Ic-clieckinK fi - I'ircflKhccrJctti’I- qualificaiions hefuefore sending I-lum an u g .ooo-'ocacrc blaze outside i}>em oul on iJie lineine and strictly ------D enver becaEcausc the weather was I’s 17,885-sirong wildland1 snapped off nn air lanmker drop- , so unprediciUctable and the terrain P enforcing rules callrailing for one nation’s m h o u r’s rest for cvcr>-n -1 wc. hours of firef ight^hting corps were broughtt ping retardant on a bh)lazc in th e so dry. U)il. o n w eel•eks ahead.of schedule; S ierra N ev ad a range., 1The plane Firefight'htcrs’ jobs arc bein^ I • “'i here^ definite,iiely a height* becauscse the season started earlyr - crashed, killing all ihrtiree people- complicdtod;od in another rcspcct: I L-ned se iiic of, 'L e'i’s t’s bc cautious. in the■ Southwest,S and some 30) aboard. Because monore and more people ■ It’s just a fire. It’.s. notno worth any- percent:It a re new ro th e job. That same day, three:;c firefight- a re buUling din houses deeper in MoRlcVnilcy ■)' ■ en a wind- the woods,s, wildlandi firefighters b o d y ’s life ," ' H umman, a a Foresi “Theyey’ve got to stay on iheir e rs wer<> b u rn e d wher FIRST g o f f i n □Regional Mcdical ' driven' blaze in SSouthern are being; forcedfc to concentrate Scrvice engine cacaptain from toes andnd take care of one anoth- FEDERAL Construction | j___ C c n tc r ■ t YiiUiiB,'Ariz., saidI afafter a seven- er, andd neveri take anything for California shifted unc?cxpectcdly more on savingsa’ homes - some- day siint at. iwo blazeshi in his ^anied.jd," said Ed'Hollenshead,, and .shot flam es straiglii^it at them. thing theyra ai re not train ed to do. trained to go out and - hom e s ta te a nd N ew.•w Mexico.] fire opetaerations safety officer for One crewman sough•h t r e f u g e "W e’re t r HOMESELLER iinder his em ergency firfire shelter. d ig fire lin truck. said Jim PaPayne, Forest Scrvice tliai left four firefig-•fighters dead. going to bc: a long cam paign.” Erratic winds arc notothing new nssistaiit directordir of firo and avi- ijut.ihc caution alsoalsi reflects,a More-e th u n 1 .8 million acres> this time of year iii t!the West. ntion in :hcthe Pacific Northwest, work more “A fire bumim in g in an a re a w here lieijilitcned.si:nse.of.of danger-tllis____Uayi:.bu:burned across the UnitedI What is making the wi • I IRWIN I /%|#Auto I [ D.L.d Evans ' year. S ta te s ssince January, all butI dotIous is a severe drorouglit that there are strustr ctu res is m oro com- : C ra c k lin K -d ry fcrsof the on Mononday, when the wingi.L control quicker,” .saidid Human, on.” ______e m a i l ; l a i ______FfkX n..TwtnFtfi,ldrfw..B-7______

WV o r l d —fiiitisfi1 bankaM dies in1 Saudi ( ahing M ? oscow deputyc men a y o r __ R IY A m ^udi 'Ai^brabia (A P)- “ irTthelSTS^:S4 a.m. expIbslonT'tHe “ pp ^le”susi^ed to have!eliiilcsto 2 0 0 0 killed a 1Briton und injured.- O r A car bomb explosionion killed a police diiefief was quoted sssoj^ng. SSaudi-bom dissident Osaisama bin four others. A Scottish man was survives ^ a;issassinaticion try- n explosion in K hobar Qrtlish banker in the SaiSaudi capital “WeYegii going to rep eat o ur ILaden’s terror network. injured in an e ■ MOSCOW - A deputy rrm ayor ..... — r2£M0.InMarch20Gl._ _ ------d f i c a d vdee i a on vehide-securT^. Tho British Embassy, inn aI warn- . . . in Decem ber 21 responsible for some Mos d an Egyptian were of oscow s------World It I^^oting the chieff oof Riyaidh It's of the>e highest1 importance to. ijing notice posted on its WWeb site a Briton and j ,most lucrative business sectorssc j ______SaUdl'Press'' take securrurityprecautionsand - ■ \Wednesday, took notee of the ' injured in a1 bombingb outside a ...... ifefee, the'cfficial Sat survived a second, brash attittempt watching a jet c; the said the vlctiictim's four* check youiour vehicle,” a British a large downtoitown Riyadh book* on his life Thursday w hen gui airpon.near UpiU pp.uila, • >fcW^-drive vehicle expliicploded. Em basq'oCofficial said on condition “This provides a good opportu-,o store. In Mayty 2001,I an American ambushed his bullciproof ca“ r nonh of Stockholrholm. All hut one of hftvLondon, the Forelireign Office ofanon^ltnity. nnity to remind you once; againa of was seriouslyly injured in Khobar opened fire in rush-hour traff « c rc by - ^ d ' the explosion haplappened in Concern!m s about anti-Western tthe current advice thatit B ritish, w hen th e pacJackagc h c w as opening , the visitors wer. The gangland-style attacack on plane’s exhaust i som e tlter':street'outside aI residentialrc sentimentsIts have^iirfaced in the nnationals should maintairlin sensi- exploded in his facc. Iosif , Ordzhonikidze happen* dais said those blasts *r c <$iQ)ound. Most West!e s te m e rs in kingdomsince sii tKe S e p t 11 terro r bble security precautions andai vigi- Saudi offida the same busy route travavclcd to the gi in guarded, attacks Uanc ld the ensuing war on hlance,” tiie warning read. arose fromi-disputes d between - S.Mdi Arabia Uve in \ daily by Russian President a ds. terrorismI thatth m any Saudis see as Bin L aden is a n Islam ic«c extrem- gangs smugglir^ g alcohol, w h id i is f'" “ ciirister Ulrik im ir Putin. Policc said it was I man for the a irr fot wing spokesman, an assaultlit on Islam. But there i;ist who has denounced ththe pres- forbidden inI thetl kingdom under ‘. pA'Foreign Office sp< connected to Ordzhoniki. th e g ro u p \ of.anonymi- have beenai noi reports of vidlence eence of non-Muslims in Saudi Islamic laws butbt is not difficult to * U p p sa la , s a id t on condition of deahngs with casinos, hotels i 50 yarcis from thc cad man as linked toI anti-Westernai extremisB /Arabia, home to Islam’s’s holiest obtain. scanding aboui 50 ty, Identified the dcai the construction industry. le estimated thc banker. He ihthckingdigdom. ssites. Five Britons,ns, a Canadian and a ,. , , runway, and he e SiiBon Veness, a bar Moscow authorities also li not more than Al Saudi Al ' The expitplosion came two days T h e bom bing follows aI sons Siiid ;:“There were no otherer casualties< that it hadid arrested a group of 13 Two bombings in Riyadhdh in lace are awaiting tri■rial. I Hall that seriously injured “'‘I' ti.e plane was f zlionikidze and killed his driv In Thursday morning’s atLk,at visitors. Pakist3tan bans Ordzhonikidze’s o, bodyguarc -shot-in-the-shouldor-a" s X __ M useum unveilveils fameil______returned fire on the-«ssailliian is, ‘Black Square' extrer;mism killinge one. T he d ep u ty uuinnyor’s I'ETERSBU5BURG, Ru.s.'iia - A driver w as also injured, A 19-ycar.19 , 3 , 3 g „|of a plain black I old student traveling on a minmilius J in display Tliursday in schihools was.strucki hy a stray bullelet and a,',l,e r.imed Henrlermitagc Museum, ------hohospitalized, police soid, • and ihe Oifector':tor Siiid ll m ark ed ...... BAD, P akistan (AP) - . . die rcnewid off RiRussia’s readiness eligious affairs minis- Russians establl^ that JO protect iv> cultuultural heritage. _ lursday the govern- faulty torpedo sank Kurjrsk “Black Square”ire” by avant-garde H I soon pass laws ban- ta artist K azcmir MalM alevidi was given ■ faching of militancy MOSCOW - Nearly twoiLyears : to. the Hermitajitage after being H lis m a t th e n a tio n ’s after af: the Kursk nuclear su saved from oucticiction in April by a c religious schools. rinc rii sank in the Barents Sbea, a Ra«ian husinessnsssman who paid Sl und to be involved in government go commission I,™,'.!!,’ n iillio n to b uny y iti fo r R u s s ia ’s C l a r io n h a tr e d a n d established csi that a faulty tor] Culture Ministrystry. The painting in the schools, known and an not a foreign spy suhm ivas expected to bringh as m uch as as, would face prison o or r a W orid W ar II m ine, bre.rou(^.t SIO million at auctluction. H H wo years, said Dr. down ju the pride of the Ru:■ ussl.m “Since th e 1930'930's, the m useum’s ■ ■ Ihazi. na\ na 7 . treasures werei oidyon going away," ■ ■ the new laws, to be Dya Klebanov, head of a com- Mikhail pioti,’iotrovsky, dirt^ctor )n, no madrassas will mission mi investigating the AugusAi yf Hermitage,age. “Black Square lo indulge in m iliian- 220 0 0 0 accidcnt. acknowlci is the first sudih hi high quality mas- uld reporters. VVednesday VV that a torped terpiece to arrive•rive a t the Hermi- uncement is the latest board bo die Kursk accidentallyJy tJlew tage sincc that timtime.” if moves by Pakistan’s up. up Thai explosion triggctered a • p;,intinpg wiwas to have been ■ l-govemmenl-lo-rein ------gjganticxonflngrationgjj of olhcher lo r cehterpicce:trof'a ol planhed'auc-' ' B‘ us extremists. On pedoes pe on board, which mattan k ed j^ssetsets iof the bankrupt ■ ISLAMABA, tlie govem m enl s;ud the thi bow of the sub, causing American adventurer Steveteve Fossett’s balloon floats ata t an altltucie of 19.500 feet, 50SO fflllei south of Kal£oortIe, Vil Pakistan’s rcli Inkombank. AtVt theti last minute, I as, long considered a sink sir rapidly, All 118 aboard■d were Russia’s Cultunture Ministry dc- I Auitralla, Wednesday. ter said Thut ground for Islamic kiUed. kil irk a state cultural m enl wc'uld s< . , dared the work i would have register Klebanov said the commiTussion m o n u m e n t a nnd d ordered it re- ning the teac jrsiglit board or face would wc announce ils findinings m moved from thic e s;is;ile. and extremis latelat June. Millionaaire advernturerrepc Dorts smoo 8,000 Islamicenior n officials of “ Wc have ruled out th e col Cleric.s founin’s former Taliban version. vc Wc have also fulei British militaryary values brass fanning scciiduated from m adras- the th. World War ll mine verersion. riUtS at $104,04 ,000 each extremism in i n round-t]the-world1 1balloon b Itan, and hundreds of There Tl; is only one version' 1 LONDON - It wwas nuts. And so sailing ir us madrassas,nt to Afglianistan last Klebanov KJ. said. term s of twc was th e price. } mph at an aliiiude of Fossett holds world rcc : alongside thc Islamic Governmentit iauditors said " B *ST. LOUIS (A P) -- MillionaireM about SO n M ehm ood Gha ect. He had flown more bballooning, sailing and fly ns( the U.S.-led coali- Blast Q| In Chinese coal mimine Thursday they had discovered the adventurer Sieve Fosseissett report- 2 1 ,0 0 0 feet “Under the riy Thursdoy than 1,80,800 miles since his planes. He also swam thc I lg Ministry of Defeiefcnse had valued - smooth sailing early enacted soon, kills 58; scores missing n got some Wednesdaday launch in western Charmcl in 1985, placed ■ Gen. Pervez Mushar- Wl ® , 1,175 brass nuisnts at a staggering -^and said he even j be allowed nised lo both the United BEIJING - A m assive gas c slieep - as lie continuedjcd his sixth Australia,1. the Iditarod dog sled r (ic.'qjlo- S122 million, o rrS104,000 Sl' each. cy,” Ghazi toldrival India to prevent sion sit Thursday in a nortliea:iastern ^ lj„ jp 5, tty to become the firstirst solo bal- Fossctt’st’s team at mission con- 1992 and participated in !c stocktaking, the T he announiom causing chaos in China Cli coal mine killed 58 m lopnist to circle th e globJobe. trol in St.Louis L expected the bnl- Hours of Le Mans car r . auditors valuedd tl the whole collec- in a scries oflashmir n to thc cast, with wi scores more injured or >^his is all lookinglg goodi| I’m loon to passpa about 70 nautical 1996. M tit>n of hardw arere aat jast S1.73, just ----- military-lcd-gn to the west and in ing, im the official Xinhua t even able to sleep,, whichw I’ve miles soulhilh of Sydney, Australia, In five earlier solo act M cem s per nut, in religiousulf. Agenc>’ At; reported. niever been able to do0 oion tb e first, w iihin afew fe> hours. Fosseil has plummeted ii llie discrepancyincy was just one of H isettsaid. . . . Fossett’st’s backersu Washing- Coral Sea and, last summWesletn W ednesday,IS tl linve angered con- Twenty-five miners had“ th e e rro rs th aIt t lileft the govern- H nifilit of a flight,"F osset all madrassas,;lamic groups wirhin rescuedfrom'tho'Chcngnhc re; As of 7 a.m. EDT, FossettFo and ton Univenersity -'WSMma maier - ' forced to ditch the balloc ment’s Nationalmal Audit Office | 58-year-ol(mnvesytKUit Brazilian cattle ranch al breeding grelio say hc has sold out in j n ileilongjiang province ‘I unable to validatedate the ministry’s his Bud Ught Spirit of Freedom . say the 58 extrem ism , wi ng north of tycoon frornjm Chicago'^oukr com- days in flight, making in order to maintain eight oi| of them were receieiv u ig f)c'rformance claitnlaim.s. « . ■ .J— balloon were drifting harraf-Kiys-his-niovus------omergency-troatmeni-in-a-lion Canberra, AustraUa,, cruismci g a t p lete lifermissionin-lSdaysiotal: m ------—longcsr-evcn-solo balloon fl LJiospi.------rhe-defonsc-sc “ m in is trj—h a d ------9 - □tn tants are for thc good cal, tal X inhua siid. n i e agenc>' claimed to haveve ccut its stocks of M an y senan. about al) 140 miners were woi snares and suppheiphes by S4.1 billion • J Afghanistan’iday’s news confer- underground un wlien the cxplplo-yon _ sHjjg niillionI above ab its target - Prosecutioian Pakidstan police:e arrest sev r i regime gradu;s;iid the government (Kcnirred(ki and still w ere niissir releasing moreJ cashca for frontline sas in PakistaiMuslims’ stnigglc for The mine’s general mam testimonyA ends< mce in Indian-con- Zhao Zh Weiilin, was among the h possible alal-Qaida linecords in year to figlithmir al to bc jihad, or ing. He was inspecting work i se finds Charles' lying air- militia against/ w ar, b ut P akistanis shaft shi when the btast occum?red";ii AlXitIO" ' ^ in Pearl casI S C K ARAC^CHI, Pakistan (AP) - - believed to bc senior Lase English tion.ake piirt without per- about ab 9:45 a.m., XinhuaJ said,; wat^rcolors wewere copies Pakistan p(police working with tlie JJhongvi figures - were Jdc 47th in President G( W.Work has t)een suspended at nine LONDON-Twvoundedlg f it the to thc Wests in d isp u te w ith India coidd coi be heard s;ij-ing, "W» e ■ real works wer,vere still in the cross-examination ofif policemp an H e saidid FBI agents proyided ppie, as well as the May rfiight;8 ------power.-Mushainuclcananned neigh- exact cxi figures.” prince’s iwsse.ssion Ham id Ullah M emon,I, wlwho record- technical1 assistancea whidi led to bbom bing in front of a luxur against militararink of war in rcccnt Fierce biddingtig ffor the watercol- cd the inidal criminalal com< plaint the arrQsts.^ A sccond offidal said tlthat killed 11 French enj of all Pakistan,: main flash point is Fighter p|. plane flying too0 low ors ill Tue-sdav’s’’s s;sale .s;iw t%vo sell H H and tiiree oilier people, inti/p-n At Thursdivhich both nations . by Pearl’s wife, Mariane^ after her • the Americricans monitored and a burns six people in Swei'eden forsio.sooiuuiaiila third for58,900. ■ ■ husband disappeareded from the traced satelit^tc telephone calls. tlUie bomber. VV-/11 cnce, Ghazi heirSii own and over OU hi a statementrnt W’ ednesdiiy, thc port city of Karachi1 onoi Jan. 23 The offiifficials said the Arabs U.S. officials had snii f considered Mihave fought two of STOCKHOLM, ‘ Sweden " ." firm said: "Kollo')llowing convcrsa- while researching a story on were beinging interrogated by both bbclieved.the attacks were i independcncwars since indepen- figliter fig plane flew loo low at t il ; mil- tioib with St. JamJames’s Piihice, we Muslim extremists. U.S. and PaI^ldstan investigators at ooul either by Osama binl-L I Iw trolled KashnBritain in 1947. itary ita airjxjrt in central Swede now feel certainin tlthat tiiesc paint- Prosecutors claimedJd theyI have an undisdo.dosed location. They also tterrorist al-Qaida neiw Islamic holyernment « plans lo T Th hursday, burning .six visitoitors on probablyibly copies of origi- established a link bet-jetween the said nonee ofc the Arabs had been PPakistani extremists, aslikar-e-sc sliould not tak10 million to Islamic th tht c ground, duTie of them set • nal works. We^ie^iave therefore four accuscd. IncludinJing pritish* charged,Land a; their links to al- vwhom have d o se tics to al-visitors com piled•d frfrom wire reports w as n o den t cau scd whatsoeverw! of these ArabsAi in recent acts of nnap-slaying of W all S trMles, t J were from Pakistai diused to the prosecujcution cose terrorism,"I,” th e offid al said. rreporter Daniel Pearl in raid.'K permission f during thc extensive crossurs, days or.weeks. PoUce ^Slil d two of those arrested ddirra evidence. n. Pervez ^ ).-led war. A B ndoning ^ B lan allies. / ■ I ' s u ic id e 1 lo b b e d h in th e iamabad, ding two ■ Em bassy e e n -a g e

ling itself • aw, h a d •Ihc con- ic ia ls in Id th e y itan mill- though hove, no ______< ______

0 4 TlmM^ewi, Twinn FiFalli, Idaho Friday, Jun« ^ 200:2003

W gi^ d)

. • 1 * n i m m aanitariamucdmzz KUCHI- KAN.. Afghanistan / rT —n sight. Lal*al'Mohammed quickly (At*) - SiiipiiiR Rrcereen tea near a K t m i a s k e d foor r the soldiers to be rnnscjiiL-, iiii A incricrricnn sergeant m oved back. a d ciialicit u’iili nn Af|Afghan village “W e likeike to have them here,” flcioi itlMiiit tiifyJiiKlg 'wells. Up the T,nl Mohamammed sdd. “They bring hill, a Kriiisli iniliiilitary dentist m BH security.. ButB they shouldn’t go pulled nil ailiii;; .villi,’ilhiger's rotted I near the: h ouses. W e d o n ’t lik e Kxjth. . that.’' With few er al Qaic;•aida or Taliban M eanwvhile, hi a British military fiKi'ttTS to be found,nd. tliis is'what d octor gaviave out painkillers and ilic- in Afj’.hanistlistan is liecom- ailtibloticsics to ailing villagers. Dentist Lt.Lt. R oland W oods exam- “ T ll.- liiiL- luM w ut i/ied teeth.:h . Standing in th e dirt in ;uul- t'o'Kf ha^l|>er^ is g e ttin g a c irc le of oi military vehicles, IdtiitiMl." said Col. Tim1 Ciiicken, . Woods numumbed a m an’s gum wich w ho k -ad s H fiiain ’ss -ti-ts Commando an injecrioition, then went to work ( ;jtui]). which f(ir ne: n month •inside h iss nmouth, finaUy yanking li.is hecn searchingng for al-Qaidn out a blood)jdy, rotten tooth, and Talihan hold*I d o u ts “ You pulpull the tooth and their, pl.iins atul in tlic. hii suutli nnd pain is gomone,” Woods said with a ■Mst of Khcist in castastern Afglinni- smile. “It'sfs justj one thing th at lets I th e m knovlow we’re not the bad ■■'i iiL' llir'c-ai is Slill I guys.” ------<-hiiti;!in|ir-C hickt-n-‘■n-sitihan woman and o boy look from}m iB bus window a t th e departu j 1,111 forces have heen lure ttrmlnal >"8 “2aida J or Taliban flghters. tod N ations High Commission for Refugees In Islamabad, Pahl.Li.fon tn tered al-Qaif wonder about the cam- lai;<'S like Kiiehe Kan Ikistan, to And they w 1. . I crn AfRhaiiisinii - ii...... raid s, l»«™for Afghanistan on World Refugeegee Day Thursday. jtu re if their enem y con- paign's ^Tu • ------l>iirtn riiscnss-howI\v to b ring-i’rl------“1‘m-pTprcttj'*sitre-therr^ 5- n o n l—1------Culturai-flensitivit avoid a direct fight.------Iaj;crs luinianitnri.;irian nid and Qaida1 here,"1 said Maj. Rich:i building trust tridsy. itiesT make tinuesioaviong do w e stay here - for di.-vcloi)tneni projfci.s•ci.s. Stephenens. commander of lhe 453 commandos keeping T\vose British “How lonj? When does it go from B The inicraciion has hi^ a military Commanlando’s Zulu Company, the hill in Kuche Kansecurity up 10 years?0 justV providing aidPYou British and American forcei 1 in cam e too fighting to ji aitn; Onc;e villaRerss ti tiiist U.S. and “ hs ’s harder h to say about theI close to the villager: how we’re swindng in bring vjllasen hutnanltarim i British forces iht'j’Ve•Ve m ore likely Taliban,in. B eing a Taliban is morei where the women ;rs’hi homes. can see hation," Chicken said. lo reveal nny al-Onidaida and Taliban of a lifeifestyle choice,” he said; hid out of thatdirectio tnovemenis in iheirra at re a . Som e villagers vil in the area hate Tiie task reuW aiiiuninced i luirsday.ay. wells,its its m edical cnre, its agriciil- ' € Ih in d ied so f Britishish commandos tiire. La!Mohammed told him the havr Lh'CI) |):iin)llingng in tiie Kiiost v illa ge ewould r like a dam on a I' C.ioti, sctiiti;; (ip clucheckpoitiis on nearbyf river ri to generate eiectrici- hack toads leadinJing in from ty«indara roof for its mosque, Pakistan and searclirching for al- Franceice w rote down llie reque.sts y! '.laitia atid Taliban fipfiglUers. So far to passs on o «i aid agencies, which Bab ihey have fount! nonone, tiiougii are expe;pected lo later move into ih<'v h a v e lu rn e d;1 up u weapons the area, N l get more c.iches near some villaillages. “Thisis conversation will go a 4ow you can g< U.S. special force.''c e s h av e h een long wa>k’ay toward allowing u$ to Anytin- han ever from ccindiictinR ^ilnilil^• missions in else- help ;ou,”yov France told lhe old me minutes th: wher<- along th e I’aki:;ikistani border, man, Iresseddre: in a blue robe and a1 Ameri eless Carrier. u iih similar resuli.s.>. black leadscarf.hes rica's #1 Wirel Loyajijirga gathlering A\nytime Anytime 1 0 0 0 700 st N ational W ireless;ss Networl< HI cs_iuixedj ,)ik V eii/o/on n Wireless ^9B gamers reviews~ ' m By Kathy Gannon IMMBgjU rights.” M onthly inscvoiy other national caiiier.can And with ^ H l Tho Associatod Pf089;9______Although eth- A nytim e kc (ixpress NtMwoik, llie fastestla' wiieless ^ H l nic Fashtuns, M inutes j t actcssavailahle, it's noI wonderwc more ^H l KAHUI., Afghani:nistan - The the largest etii- r m . siiar,rdinary gat!lathering of ||K. ^‘ '> g fo u p , leople clioose Veii/oii Wirel Affjiaiis that chou- a rnew govern- M fcAfcgL JEB ended up witii 700 m ment ihis week hasas won mi.\ed six o f th e 13 ii-vie\vs, Critics corcomplain tiie |H HuL |^imHI s Cabinet posts, M onthly ^ arlortis left withI titheir power some delegates ® iniaci; supporiers h: th e c o ni p l a i n e d A c c e ss I .i(hiiitiisii aiioti as a s that the etiinic cl.-Ditnracy, • , Tajiks of the l’erhaj>s liie jueatea,es,. achieve. anli.Talil.on J55 •md cuunql, <»•., . n o rih eyi. y i, alliance retained too ^45 jiient is th at lh e grand Buyrone. ( H Itiya jiig a, was iield,d al; all - and 'm upower. c h The Tajiks gol \\iihoul tile violencecc that doom- three Cai::abinet post-s among them nd get '..lycrs h ad predicied.:d, th e mo.sti.st powerful - the ministry Sign up now anc w \ G et one --•••• - Befnrc they liiijtniitnirned tlieir - - ofdefen.stn.se------■...... t II nine d;^- m eetin g Uulate Wednes- Formerier F inance A tinister Aiiiin d.iv. Ihe delega-•gales elected A rsalacomplained co that the new llaiiiid Kaivai as pr>president by CabinetIt “did“ not have lhe right Id ballot and approvedap his i)alance";j" nnd was stili weighed in ■.II niD [EE. I INUMIIrtlme M inutes -lic.ii.'s fot kev Cabinbinet posts by favorof of the Tajik-dominated NIghiht H Weekend AIrt • ii.i^s o f h a n d s. TlThey ciios’e northernrn alliance; Uiat .swept into ebbv ______iTj^MTir.TI te p i OSelilnitntlveS'from ------KTibui-laslasrycar-when relentless------And Mobile Web ID ainnrig liu- delegal:a ie s lo Stay U.S. I)innlmbing forced the Taliban, b -h in d a form .i con:■onimission to most off them t Pashtuns, to flee islature. thecity. .-.laiilish a new legisla V7W - I 111' ]>rocess was; tatarnished by AltiioufDUgh Karzai is a-Pashtun, •w /-T' i ' ,tlI>.-jMiions uf intimiiitiation, id pres- some Afgl.fgiians believe his powers ° s:1 re .tnti ihre.ils of reprisals.- have been bei curtailed by the m s d ! * , especially Defense as the closest Tajiks, Now 8< 3tmali* whenever and tiling to a deniocrnirniic process MinisterP:r Mohammed Fahim. wherever yose t dijcct access to MSN Hotffss phone with Mobile Web. lhai .Afiihans have• experiencede: U.S. envoyen Zalmay Khalilzad you uw your Verlion Wireless p itim oieilian a general.•raiion. sa id le th ewarlords will have to MotJlle Web JeqbifCS dn in all aieas. Mobllo Web alerts charoed How.'V,.T, th e realral test of the demonstrstriite their commitment S.02 incdiflital semco and Is nol available octiuieIn a or siore'(or details. loya jirgii will conie' whenwJ th e del- to th e new ne government and to incomino and S.10 outgolnB- Seo btDCIi W(lh1-0f2-yca»; Home AMIme Rate Aiea S.69/min, rgaies reiurn to theilieir hom es in peace. He H( cited the example of ar agioement. Calls placed outside Hor lhe towns and viliailiages of this Uzbek warlordw; Rashid Dostuip, •shattered countryy iiind relate who decladared he is now a man of ihc ir e.\periencess <:during tlie peace. tiiiie-day assembly.y. 1If Afghans Howevever, in northern accept the governmtiment, it will Afghanist:istan where Dostum rules, hiive a chance of hril)ringing real internatitI tio n a l aid organizations |)eace for the firstst ilime in 23 say his fightersfij are waging a bit- ' ter lerritcrilorial battle with forces It is too early lo) te ll how- th e of A tla Mohammed, M who is loyal m essag e w-ill b e reci•eceived, and loFahim.m. \ferl onwirtireless I thet'' are signs that; sosome aspects At leastasi one international orga- III lhe loya Jirga willII nol n go down - nization1 has h already pulled out of OK* tMcoxMUr er stop working lorIc your" H •ill a n d o th ers a re threat- ■Tl wi-ll. I'or one thing,',' theth countrj’s Ihe norili w a rh u d s w ield ed considerable co: ening o'follow.to f An internalional influence in tlie selectlectiiin of gov- a id w orker rk was recently gang • iTiiinciit i>osts. K ar/aiz;ii d e a rly had r a p e d , aid ai convoys have been lo CUI deals lo win (hethe support of attacked^ and o w orkers b eaten up. VERIZON WVIRELESS tl COMMUNI perjph; who wield reareal power in “It isbecoming be almost impossi- A U T H O R IZ E D RE ' ■' r" ' ble for manym nongovernmental P t^ e ; an0 ptlces'vaiyRETAILER C 'DOise lowoFAoa Mem ihc.'ir regions. BcMTntnS«irt zMttmhSi . UM • 'A f g h a n i s t n n ’s wwarlords a are organiiaiiaiions to work effectively y by teituor. Acretttrein UOe> vwuen WVi»f»»i 20M»Seafl 20M2S:000 NrMi davs ago before thehe loya jirga Purves,/executive cj coordinator of < g ) R s d l o ^ ■?0M1 started," said Samim Zarifi of an umbrejrella group representing Human Rights Watch. atc “Short aid organianizaiions. “Every time a DUSINCSaSAt»8*U8CU8T0MeBSCAm-a7y.7aMt0 term pt)litical cxpcclediency has pnvoywlw illi relief goods goes out, , IWMiiCimMrlAmiM, Elesinatwo ibtliiy Iiuoet wid nclwwh tdvanuou- Smat •wv«ivtr»ionwfc«imeorn/t«ttn#twrt^ clearly trininphed overo\ human it risksbeing bei hijacked.’* . le*,upto$r75««fly1etmliutlonlM.Titwo'k cUim btwd on fssulis ot ow telUMilipry. R«quliet atdN ippxTnl. Cinnoi mbiAt ««iui othei oR«n v bututesi pUnv Uti COIM tQutpnwiL S«tvSca tn) pioffloilI. T»M*. oiher efaine* & iwuteiwii oppfy.d lima i offK. t m MI m W: mtMO k m ttoo M M ta. 02002 Veitior lOilMU not fvtiUtile in til tieu. Urrtled Iirr

■N, ' : S,

New>w movie: D isjvisncyinvadcs I n s i i ■ p y i c t h e a c ^ ______^____ Everits,.,.,.. ,...,...,C2..C5^8____ -______PageCA W hafs playing ...... f e lSKil m 3- ■ _■ ------Fe^ntmw lirfitor: Sfrvr ( 'nnnp ~=7.^3-7.-iJ-{>9JfrExir^J.i------...movi. g gJBL^lgLUJ — F riciday, June 21, 20022 . '


^ / % Wi m e n t Oi ibes£ in e n te rta in n n r'i 'FT A ih W i ! . ) U t ------j t T b u r s t c ^ — -Roekin’Gu chum offers ______r» ------•if'ftth.coin ------— ^ • follt; jazz, country : . ; v ' ■ at chc Idahd Cen ter.on, ir , ry V ___u-ijJampa.tDda>; fcaoirii i ancTna.. ..th is Ssummer----- F --~ M i^ ty Mighty Bosscigwagpn. ----- X'y jy iX I^ Bad Religion By S tsve CrumpCti _ iFlo g ^ g Molly Alkali J Jscfora ------:Good Charloctc, Lagv iU M -L ilith F a ir U re? »o; you can’t find a n overridi : Morgin Heritage, N>zma, c musical theiheme in this summer’s edition Found Gloiy, No Use Valley Center for the r.?Ar K p f a C oncert Series. f iJamc,NOFXAnri-IItc Boy NandGriGriffith, who will open the seriesser onday night conccrt at thc Ri^River •Sot WatcrMusic, Ozr ■■ -,.1 J . CL“g"!ge, is into “folkabilly.” Dian Reel Big Fisli, SomcdIC, R eeves, whevho’U per- u Corporate, DynamiK: ly 2 , is a ~ / a - - A n d — NandGfiJ////i,- Quarashi, Tliricc, Thilome Shawn C Thc Line, Stavcsacrc,u DV who’ll singg c o S 'S whowiUopen;7/ cn,KA 20? Well,1, p ic k a r/ieseries w it/ia _____ tl?mdsomcPcyil,3rd.Ili Line, label. ■Ov... y Death by Stereo, Hon I t ’s a c { ro w d - M o n d a y /;/ ~ - \ n yclincis. pleasing 1 ^ A Grown, Allister, Finch, n 0 n a t hI ee*l e coimrt al ihe bandits, Thc Scaitin^ I designed\ tto p u t R iv e rR u n lots bottcittom s on , J ■ ■ . Lo-Ball and Thc Eycl blankets anand fold- Lor/j'e, ts into •s on th c Uf // I •n m 'grounds f the Sun fo a r /M y . ■ Valley Com tv, ' R u n T o d g e Raves, ^ now by farr the best '^'ho'llpeifoiVlV! music venue W ood M y 2 , i s a j , ^ 2 Valley. h, a 47. Te:fe x a n , is S /u m 'n C o h m , m m k n o w ’„ 7 chronicling Ihl skgon Nancl Griffith’s song:Igs about ordinary poopie tiavovo spannodi folk ond country stylos.sty) lives of eve ; people th: , ’ Griffith swapppped record labels | | | | h folkabilly,’, a s ty le p id 'a l a M . again in 1992 andci releasedi the folksy 1: TOonco of her own'n d e v is - ______album “ O ther Voicnces. Other Rooms,” ------r ? r , " r ~ r ------inST-lt-comjm b in c s ------:------“-- — —“rrriburc"tb“Eihnrniyluu Harris, C IuJT ^^I bait I^akC country texti:xtures wilh Southem scnsibiliibili- A tkins and Jo h n Pr C an’t smile ties. Her sound todayiy owes more to folk N e ith e r: hher early folk nor countrntry than to country, andai mayl)c becausc Bany ^^anil(nv will crcx efforts werere commercially successful,, riorn< Griffith has writ'itten so many hit Ac Delta Ccntt:r in Sal did they attnttract radio airplay, But Griffitiffith songs for olher artists,ar she's one of wrote a t s im agined a rock album forrher hc Buffet, will ope)cn the show for . - countrytry, not folk - callcd “Storms,ms,” Griffith. with backup'ip vocals by Phil Everly andJ ec} x ------Eagl.e Bcrnicnie Leadon. “Siorms" bccnmI'l’io , _ _ JIimis-Niiu.'s.v:riiafcr S to/e Crump can t - I GrifHth’s besjest seller, although her flirttirta- lic rvachcd at 735-323223, or write to him ’ tion with popop d idn’t last long. a t cnimp&ttiafiicvalialtm.com y 0 HomecomingTl ' Spieslberg dire■ects well-l-toned thhriller Fi"iler welcoDines sum]im er ^ year ago, are down1 wiwith that. Why - H I . ByDessonHofiowe Steve Crump los-Nows writer______. else a chicken dn)[)ip ci)ntesici and a _____ ^lic Barbed Wire CuluJ t a n s t - - The Wa»hlngtqeton P o st...... — ------bluegrass quinRJc from m onster tiKick showow u the latest Steven youryoi com dog.s, you'd l)etter" l>eli face and wait for naiuialureiotakeits ™ Spielberg memovie featuring Tom ablec tot< wow ’em with somethinlinf- course. O’Leary Junior H i^______Sc Cruise (or is it the latest Tom L*. It will, often to■ excess,CXI so the I Cruise pictur;ure featuring Steven auditorium inT\vin Fall Therhe Filer Kiwanis, who upgnit-;id- m onster truck show is (>{Kn-air Spielberg?)I is the very m odel of a thctheir town's modest solsticice ionic, provided you’io u ’re re a d y to liiesday night. summer sd-fi•fi Uuillcr.i jienanny and jettisoned its vei•cn- nimble, It’s-a m ystei:tery - as in, w ho’s thc ble w intertim e l>ean festivalll a Picnse see;en Fl t^R , PageC3 ' ' dark presenciice behind all this? - but it's hot tooto< diXHcult to flgurc ' ouc. It has anar incredibly sleek, I'B W est Er:nd wing-ding look, in termns s of dh'ematography, editing andi pproduction design. ^ ■ 'i M Todayday falls County Foircrounds '• A nd th e re ’s5 justji enough of that • Noon-3 pjn. - Classic car sh *6:30SJtW pjn. - Comtnunlty flift fry, Twin^ tTwlOfCiCio stww, Twin Foils Co Dick feel (his sTibrt Fansfis cc r;3W pjn. - Free stage entcftatfvncnt. worry, multip■tiplex den izen s, n ot . - ' f l ’*• County faiTETOWXti. TWinFiin Foils County Fol/grDunds. 5 the story. • 7 pjn. - Monster t/uch slww.>how. Twtn Fells v illw m p , it has the hi^-doUar County Faugrounds. fickeis: $1 Applied villaii Satunturday oth-anec nl nil tc;. Scfwjib llie cscnc Pie,Please see m x , Page C3 TheSndkcjRivcr • 7 a’ ajn. .tr to noon - iWonls pancake bfcak-ah- * 8 p.m,-mklnlcW - Contmumtv t. Twin Foils County Fairgrounds. Adufis;ts; dancc, downtown, CommunicyPiaycts will irity R eport' .50. Kids; $1.50. Fomil/; J12 up dicir producdon ptcsc t?TomCryiso. Mox * SojnI a m - Filer Fun Run, lOK Run ond IO0- Sunday rsX".'s;Somorilha Morton.;' Milee Ride. Twir> Falls County Faircrounds. • 10:30 B.m.-noon - Tiler cwnii Billy Scjohn^ "Holder F jislmilonot 7:30 o.m. Enuyfec; Jl5. audico- • VVhew-i ttI playing?pt- Twin 5er»fcc. Twin Falls County Fai^yFairciounds. ; pjn. - Rier Kfwonis Form Toy Fejonious Photography” cinema, Centutitury Cinema of Burioy. ' - • 8 aJT • Noon-2 p-m. - Filer KMiimsiis li Twin SkfTlmo CInem)emas of Kotchum. JW. Twin Falls County Falrcrounds. Ftw.*■ FjKIs County FiiiT;oum)5. Fito. coni^ t and Saturday in ti • S a•jn.-6 jn pjn. - Filer Khvanis Crnf! aww j • .Wh*t’t It nrtjr«t«l? PG-13. " * • Noon4 p.m. - Pier lUw.ims-IIS FamiFc Wendell High School aui Hea1 Market.Mo Firee. S»>ow, Iwiri riids CcxHity Fiiifcrbi i <0? YeprThls is a ..... - I —^ ■iiuiiffTi-TnrwncT.il • HX«JB.-file* « J Fun Days parade. riiim.. ■ ’ ' in Pages 'cla^, chilly' quasl-Hllchcocklanqu • l-» p.m. - HwsfMwpitcftinc Mfi ^^cr^t, Twn F.illj County FaifETOuifEroundn.______| , TomCm Cruli* turttlM robocs,dai:K,^!:Idcm ■sec Events S^odight on I \N \ (52andC^7. ;

------H , . . «4nFftll9rMahfr-frt(iar.-iune21r20•2002------

W E E K E^ ^ N D

-TO I ' u ] 111 )iny sK its L w. in I'\ialls tliiirgrouands^ Blue Laki□kes Blvd. N.. Twin Falls, _ ■ C OMMUUNITY. p n “] July 16-20 >. Easy Concert House Is :located at j ^ ^ 3 The Lincoln Countmy Fair will Noco.er..sr.chargo ------. . 416S. N inth St. Today, S atu rd ayly and ; Sunday i 1 be held at the countyy fairgrounds F iler I'lin l)a>'ss will w he held in 'j in Shoshone. The manain carnival SatUrdajlay Wednesday-Utah Cily Piirk and in. ;inand around tlie JU- > starts July 18 and ruruns through Shuwnvn Lester, DJ. will play/ Fishbone will playf SaltS LaVe Tw in i-'alls County)ty Fairgrounds, i th e 2 0 th, but fair actctivities kick from 8 p.m p. . to m id n ig h t a t th.e2 C ity ’s Z e p h y r C lu b aia t Ili^liliglus incliicielie a com m uniiy I , off on July 16, witli a BOB (Build Sngebrufrush Landmark in1 Tickets, which are $11 can be fisli fry tonight aiat 6:30 p.m., a ■ ■ ■ I Our Barn) Rodeo0 for kids. Hazelton.in. reserv ed b y phoning Sr , Greased pig.wcestlirling for chil- IJar;t(ie a i 11 a.m.m. and .street Biirbcciccu e a f l p.m . o n Julx_4, and a t (800) 8 8 8 -TlXX. Th. Z ephyr ' dance al R p.m. onHI Saturday: and Iols ofV)fmuslc and food. Fireworks. tlren is scheduled foro r J u ly 17 in Saturdaylay -B o ise Club is iocatcd ar 3013( ' the evening. Regunular rodeo West Temple. a community cinirilurch service at at Jul>nly 4 at 10 a.m. near the events take place on lg Out will play the Big lOi.iO a.m . on Simdmday.The Filer Hailey;y irodeo arena. oncert House at 8 p.m . Kiwanis Toy FaiI'air will run with carnival fare, b Thursday - Boise exhibits on those tl which are SIO, can be Saturday from 8J a.m a. . to 6 p.m. J u j y 4 6 ig Mead Toddi & the J u n e 3 0- IBoise : 4 T here is no d ia rg e to ( :d by p h o n in g (800) 965- and Siinday from noi ,0 4 p.m. Monsters will perform1 att a block Duffy Bish ’in Fulls’ community firc-c- fair. O n July 18, w ill; “nline 11 at http:/Awnv.tick- bishop will sing on tb'e' parly at the 8 thh Street Rhythm Stag w o rks ding’s community fire- Neurolux Lounge at c rt H ouse is lo catcd a t display is scheduled for 10 Som ething Tickets, which are $ 8 , The Hazelton FoiF o u rth o f j u l y work-S di J Tonight, Saturday Ih St. tG(X)din« Higli School. Corporate, re.served by phoning (8 Celebration will feateature a street P '”' ^ and Sunday D y n a m ite dance on June 2« fr.m. Free. The E CenterIter is located at 3200 T he Boise R iv er Fl estiv al will w orks di; ;servations Tickets, wlwhich arc S22, can be '. M orrison P ark a t 7:45 p.n display will be held at 10I and Sundays, For resi .»South Docker: phoning Smith's Tix and Julia Davis Parkark. and along 1103. at (800) 818 8 8 -TlXX. The Utah June 29 - Boise the Boise GreenbeJt State Fairpirp ark is lo cated at 155 Boise )elt. feaiurinp |„iwi A The Young Dublinersswill \ per. July 1 4 -Bo footi, parades, yamesnes. crafts and Tonight - Boise North 100030 West. form at 7 p.m. on theIC Miller They Might:;h t Be G iants will per- music. HiRliliKhtsof)f tltb e event are 1’ community C' fireworks dis- Main Stage in Ann Mb«y "ill.’ill be held at 10 p.m . in ^ o n d a y' - - Boise Pnrk, part of the Boistise River . House at 83 p.p.m. Ticket, which-. ing Mighty Mighty,-Bi G ia n ts P a r a d e olOIT Capitol City Parkirk, Festival. Free. are S19.50,, cacan be reserved by. MXPX, Bud Religion. i will perfonn ut th e Big B oulevard at 9;-}5 a.ia.m , on J u n e , , ^ phoning (800) Molly, Alkaline Tri ncert House at 8 p.m . 00) 950-»827,online St,. 29. and the Albertsonst.n’s Nite Lile July 4 httpV/www.ticl Charlotte. Lagwagon,n, MorRun lickcls wlwhich are S15, can bc June 29-Boise .ticketweb.com. or at Parade .Iune 28-291 at lOi.lO p.m., o ie t rrich's i . colninunity fire- icrfotm al Alklnson’s MoMarket in Ketchum,- also on Capitol Boul Heritage, New Found1 (G lory, No ' re se rv e d by In phoning (800) 955- Blues Traveller will per display will be licid at 10 ler Main The Big Easyisy Concert Hou.sc;is more infonnation. cal Use for a Name, NOI-)F X , A n ti- 'IS S '. iiiilnviline at http:/Avww.tick- 8:30 p.m. on the Mille c ' l i r s i i i City Park, :)in. o r a t A tk in s o n ’s Stage in Ann Morrison PaPork, p a n lo cated at 416!lie S. N inth St. 8897. or lon httpllp;//\nvw,l)ois- I'lag, Hot W ater Musitslc, (taiiiu, eliveb.com asc see EVENTS, Page C5' . erivcrfestival.orf; Heel Dig Fish. Solomelhins Markei inin Ketchum. The Big of th e Boiso R iver Festivaral. Free. Please: July 4 Corporute, Dynamit ' June 29 Itic hifield's fi, community fire- Quarashi, Thrice. Thurs display will be held at 10 Line. StaVcsucre, Hu Murtaugh Friendslid.i,ip Day ta,. Cily Park. Devil, 3rd-Strike, D tures at 11 a.m. paracirade fonn the '' ‘ Stereo, Home Grown, school to the park andind food, fami- , , . Finch. KX bandits. The 0 follow in the JUly 4 ly fun and panics to f< Line. Lo-Ball and The; liyelineniI park. Hansencn’s communiiy fireworks will play the Idaho C e n tc r in ------displity wiwill Ikt held itf -10 p.m. in Nampa at 1 p.m.. Ticke:-hn-holidnjTwith------^July-l2-32 - 1 3 ...... - ■ H I i c k------a rotleo July 3-J. firevreworks .at 10 KimlHrr:•erly (;oo{l N eighlw r Days otwob.com. The Idaho) Center( is p.m. on Ju n e :«). andid a: parade at ^^ill be held hi in and around City located at 5000 Garrityy Blvd. on 11 a.m. on J u ly -1, Park, lligllighlighis include a Dutch- Nam pa’s east end. oven coolookoff from 1-G p.m. on June 30-July 4 July 12.. a coniniunity potiuck pic- Tonight - Utah :M Buhl will celebrateIte Siijjebnish ni<-' ill "^p,m. 1> that night, and the Jefferson Starship willill perform i r Days. Highlights includein tbe annual (larade,jia starting at 10:30 at Salt Lake City's Zeplp hyr Club I>arade at 10:30 a.m.,m, on July 4 a.m.onjuJu n e 13, at 10 p.m. Tickets, which and fireworks at duskusk on July I can be reserved by | at North Park. Ju ly 133 Smith’s Tix at (800) 888 8 8-TIXX. T he Z ephyr Club is locatt DecloI D;Day will be celebrated in July 2-4 and arounund City Park. Highlights South West Temple. Hailey will cel?l)ra;)rate Days of inchide thetl annual Lion’s Club the Old'Wcst with1 a rodeo on Barbecue,le. schedujed for 1 p.m ., Tonight and Saturday ------Ju ly “2^ '4 .“’a-TjII7ride';iiTat nnon oil ” lind ilfiTpiparade tharpfecedes it, Cobalt Blue will pl.iyay from 9 Ju ly 4 a n d tiie a nm n u u al B u tto n l>eftinniiiglift at 10:30 a.m. p.m. to 1 a.m.'at The Oa: 1007 ■ ■ i M l

FFU Iil' .STA<;ii m n u i y A Y , j uU r N E 2 1 icNNTI'KTAINMKNT i FfI.r.R KIW ANIS L lir I B <iorcycIc Show ■ n <:iirls(l:iii| Cor I-ARM TOY SHO\ TAYLOR’Sr fT i X A C O l in iN'oithwc-si im i’ - MKAV ENTRAL H j :<.iicKi- si;i.i.. tiia ih : I A tJTr < o SALES ■ GAS I-II.1II.l'R rU N I>AYS 12:1)1) - 1:00 p .m . cCONCESSIONS c Shar[.tper Cars Medicine • Dentistry CONVENIENCI'JCE STO R E I i:!;00 - 7^01) p ..n - fill- Atlnilssiun H S A I ' U I t D> A / Y , Surgery Ultrasonography CAR WASH ■ W J U N E 2 2 or Less . V Cream. rk-pli.>tii r.ii» •' I'lIJ-R KIWANIS . Radiology SPORTING GCG O O D S : I " - - — .- ■11 Tnndy. Snow fCr-aft Show & I 'I c n M i Small & Large Aninnals M...vcd l « ■ Vlnrkct I For 1 9 Years Itulo.ir1 .Sliou- . I'ri-c Aitii) 6 9 5 H w•y. y. 3 0 , FUcr ID. M © V TXXACO(ACO FAM ILY rU N 12:«H) - -1:00 p .m . • Fllor. 10 83328 ’ - ______^126-4730 H .il.Ir 'ley s, n .m k l-.mk, . ^ I ■ j V * i'lI.Iv K r i l N ItlTN. HI FILER FUN DAYSk’s B 120 Highway 30 • Fill ______208-326-43 ^ WAIJC ^ HIIitII>C A N T IQ U E ; CONCiaSIONS 111.-III.I,- TRt A A d O U S H O W 12:00 . 4;()0 p.m. ;.«in A ’ ''''Vi""'sr5*.(x)’.00 . . . • CcirnT56s<»; jNaclios. s T A M Q U S • l)riiiF<>, T tom ciiiadc I’ie, rii.r.K KiwAr/A N i s ' om n CK:^ DROP Cr«.-aiii. i;lc(7|tiini luirf, C< l-AK.M T O Y SHOWSH p .|n . sUuri> m \ - ivi- (iam ly. .Siwjsv O m us. .Sliavi UJIv J.J p.m . ,• C CO M M U N n V S- :f J Ml Sen 95per mo. ■•.I.MI /',.S TrR W R E T n A N C C . FAMO.-y FUN* ■ -rt-urtirt 1 • 8 I'R FIIiH 'R im ' ■ FIU^R KTWAP'A N IS Si>.inMvV-cJ B :.r ' ' IJ.OO'vJ.'P*-* p i'i- CRAFT SIIO'lo w ; ■ ' . _ ..InnaKllilc ’t'oyf.. liuliMir Sliow • I'n'cH-cAa».K,i,.,. S undi .l>unk''tank n n l i m : (JSS HOO d a y ,> J U N E 2 3 - Special Teaci F i lcr-.Communlty e r 1 nited accei VAL. i-'ii-i’.K r u NI On A Y S , C I»bux-ch « Scrvicc ■ , ;^ P K S F -S H 0 K No ImtallalloDteller's Rate.. *12 per r ^ P a n y # . . ■ ^ PAJtAuCC - - . ■ N(>h-

_ yW ekkE n d '' ...... -tw nativ/c w iltfplay hi![s homeetownL Ovac \will pressen t T~^B j Tlmef^flwsB______, I------If you go... j ! TWIN FALLSLS - f o r m e r Tw in ‘Drearrncoat’ iiin July I vocalist andand guitarist Korby *■ W hat: Tho Barbed Wire Cuttcrs will perfomi In concert In Twin t ^ k e r w ill bringing his Bellingham, will Tho Tlmo8-Now9______\ Phillip.Stok( I WJ^.'based blue ?0ll3. iluegrass band, The Foil f B u rto n A ' • airbed Wirei CCutters, to his • vv ' Whoro: O leary Junior High OAKLEY - Tiie OakIkley V alley-/ Anderson. S cott Bowcti, Jactii) - — ■| Itpmetown for a (concert Tuesday ' achool auditorium.' Cuttore, Arts Council has annoiounced the / Fulcher, JouJourney Gowcn, Jerry cast for its productionI <\[<\ A n d r e i H a le , T obi Hale, Jeremv : , r>-lenker gradurduated from Twin * Whon': Tuosday. 7:30 p.m. D n'' ‘]SH |k|^ Including Lloyd Webber's musicacal •^sepli Hartwell.i. Bi B rock N eiiso n . •fialls High Scho:hool in 1994 and • H(How m uch: Tickcts. which orc W TwinFalls' and the Amazing Tec iJlayed in the lo e c h n ic o lo r D'^'^'y R«ick. ■ local alternative siO510. are available ot Magic Volloy Dreafncoat” neit monthIth. Tickets go'( ; band Clockwor/ork Orange. He prin W/iWK? M onday ’rintlrig, Tho.Muslc Cenicr. Welch . Lenhor, It’s s d ic d u le d for JulyJ l 24-27, can be purcliiirchased ' earned a bachelocJor’s degree from ^us dusic and Tho Bohcry. * second 29-30 and'Aug. 1-3 inin Howells ARTS. The .s! Western WnsJiinjlington University, e \.' 'Opera House here.' Kei from ent Severe each evenin except July s i ^ t som e timle e ini W est V irginia I will direct. studying blucgn:grass music, and grouf when there b e o n e )up’s guitarist and one of its . Brad Reynolds wwill play show at 2 p founded Thee Barbed Wire ’ vocal ralists. Barbed Wire Cuttersers Joseph: Otlier cast menunibers are reserve seat; i Cutlers two yearssrsago. indue ludes mandolin player Bruceacc Julienne Thurston,I, C h e rie (ier tickei. Tl 1 The quintet,, wwhich describes- Shaw, the 3w, fiddler Christopher Glass,3SS, m Hamilton. Jim Hartwc.veil, Mary historic IIowc itself as “ th e youroung heroes of th e b an jc owells Opera njo player Adam Carp andind I I Wells, Jason Bond, Saralrah Mitton, Oakley. new bluegrassss :renaissance,” bassisaist Joshua Brahiasky. recently releaseiised an album on For■or further information about j • Blue L t^t Recordords. Tuesd:sday’s conccrt, call 734-6034, • I n a d d itio n: totc L e n k e r, th e 731-56-5825 or 734-0296. ' T he Tirr n e s - N e wVS ‘ offers PBI

[PGo anrnounces‘‘Dolly’ ccast Kidds’ bopk cowboy p o e t r y COI3 n t e s t ______The Tlmes-Nows______July 21. ! Thq TItnes-News ______D ianana Halfiger, Jared Johnsonon Dodds, Caitlin Fadne less, Lindsey C il i t f And rememllember tiiat it’s a fami- ' h . and Jordan Jc Stanley, all of Filer;ir; Hansen, Jason Hirsd; dli, Brittany :ho|?^Ians The third installmen,‘nt in The ly newspaper,)er. please: make your I TWIN FALLS•S •- The Junior Krista:ta Boer, Kara Boer, Brianne ne Hobbs, Kaitlin Jacohobso;i, Kiley , Timos-Ncws' read er partirtidpation verse primantable. And. no, it | I. j Musical Playla y h o u s e h a s Boesigiriger, Tamara Downs, Ashlee- ee- Johnson, Ryan Jontne.s, Ashley ClO*t1 ivriting contests is comitning up in doesn’t have>e it10 rhym e. I announced its cascasi for the next Fairbi rbanks, Kari Green andid ' Kalbflcisch, Katieie Krumm, O l^lltiings July. Enir>’ deadliladline is Ju ly 15. and m o n th ’s p ro d uiction c ti of Ernest Shclli]Hi Howell, all of Jerome, andid Emily Laws, Nikiki Magill, ^ This round is cowboyjy poetry; youngsters; anare welcome to par- Lehman and JcrFerry Herman’s Karleelec Hatfield, Charles Kelly,y, Benjamin McMurtr t r y , Tn'm The TImcs-fis-N ow s ,______th e only rules a re that it must be tic ip a te . SSend et your eniries m usical “H ello, DoDolly!" Carlyly LaMure, Emily Molsee,e, P^terson,-Sarah Pratatt, Virginia western-themed and incliclude ref- Happy Trails,liis. The Timcs-NciL's. Thc productionon is scheduled McKaylay Nield and Ambur Ulrich,h, Reynolds, Hailey Scotott, Bethany TWINI FFALLS - Utah chil- erence to a horse, a heae artbreak P.O. Bo.x 548,48. Twin Falls 83303. _ _ Ju ly 9-13 a t 7:3010 |p.m . in R o p er all off K imberly. Scott, Rachel Scott, BrianB Scott, dren's bobook author Kellene or pickup truck. fax them to) (208)(21 734-5538, or e- ■ ■ Auditorium, direirected by Lori Othc:hers are Andrew Alberdi,li, Emily Thomas, Emtnma Ward, Despain planspi a series of hnok- One-hundred twenL‘nty-five mail them to ccrumpC^magicval- H ' I I^nson and Serenrena Clark, with Carlielie Atkins, Alyssa Atkins,s, Brady White, Ericaa W ild m a n .signings arand school lectures this w ords is the limit; no e.xc.xceptions. ley.com. I choreography byy-Julie Ji Wright. Amber)cr Beeson, Lexi Bemheisel,;1, and Jenna Wilson, allai of Twin week andrd next. We'll publish the winninling poem • The winnerier will\ receive a copy ^ M I ^ast membersirs are Destri Jasonn BI evan, W hitney Browning,g. Falls. Despain,in, author of "A Certain and some of the best ofif the re.st of hum or Uax;Baxter Black's book. Griffin, Cody HiHicks, Jordan Tracie:ie Buttars, Erica Bywater,r, Tickets, which are SS'6 , are ava- King of TTreasure,” will sign in the Family Life seciCtion on “A Cowful ofof CCowboy Poeirj-,” Hicks, Andreww Hutchinson, Corinrinne Casperson, Lindsay,y ia ib le a t E v e ry b o dr-’s y ’s Business books SaiSaturday from 1-3 at f Cami Hutchinsinson, Angela Chand:ndler, Derek Cornia, Jeffff and Kurt's Pharirmacy & Barnes ik Noble> Book.sellers and I Hutchinson, Emim ily O ’C o n n o r C randaidall, Evan Crowley, Lyndsy ____Hallmark in Twin IFalls and _from 4-6 at Waldenbooks in the Classsifieds 733-093 ------^and-Cjz-Woirdsrs, all ofTJuHlJ Detweil/oiler, M eli^ Dodds, liniilyly ATlene’sTIow ers i n jferome. e l Magic^llia lliy M a li:------r On Momonday, she'll speak to kids partic•ticipating in the sum- F lix ______m e r reacMiding program at Kimberlyiy ! E le m e n ta ry S chool. S u n V a l l e y/ C enter for tht h e A r t s Continued from C l a life.5. The1 Pre-meditated homi-i- designer Deborah LL. S c o tt - From 12:30:30.1:30 that afternoon, presence of Mr.. Cruise, C whose cide hasha abated because of thiss Spielberg takes assurci■ed control. ' sp(speak to Murtaugh intensity and museuscle definition prevenicntive technology, but mur- In his hands, “I“Minority Elementartary School's summer program. TwIligIht Conc should inspire thetheater lines at ders ofof; passion continue, Report” is a classy, chiihilly quasi. reading pro I cert le a s t u n til “ M en in Black n .” A ndederton, who processes thee Hitchcockian affair, 'The movie’s5 ’s set in hologngram-like data with thee There’s at least on A iiin the W ashington in 205*^054, a futuristic same• swaggers a certain bar­ “Rear Windovv," as ann o , 4 t a 3 K i d s / Seriies 2 0 0 : m etro p o lis w h ere•e tthe elite Pre- te n der e rnamed Brian Flanagan1 camera pans across a C rime unit has bcibeen operating displayayed in ‘‘Cocktail," is on1 of open-view apartmej. e n ^ r S ^ r l f rregistration for six years. Undeid e r th e control top offh hi is gam e. ing its motley residen::nts under- , • ii* of the soft-spolpoken Lamar Or soso it seems. But when his5 going involuntarj- retininainspcc. d C a dIline l l nears sess (Max vonon Sydow), the Pre-Co2 og imagery shows him1 tions by some scary meletallic spi- Nanici Griffith ' 2 ?lra fascinatinItin g composite shooiin:ling someone dead in thcJ ders. Tho Times-Ne-News______assic a n d cuttinIting edge. n e a r future, fi he becomes anI And at times, Williaiiams’ score aand the ; sophisticatedid ;techno-lab is instantIt fugitive.i seems to reference Hiilitchcock’s TWIN FAFALLS - Registration f m e d by a 2 1•st-century-stylest-i Chasc3sed by his own unit and1 favorite composer, ] , Bernard deadline is Sundayi for Kids Art Blue Me (il^cle at Delphi,i, ana: immersion Dannyy Witwer^ (Colin Farrell, aI Herrmann. in the Park,rk, which is scheduled oon Orche;estra tfegk where threiree psychics, Fed whowh has taken over the! Everyone’s too busyy : shooting, for July 13 it 3 in City Park, M o niday,.June e 2 4 , l9 &wn as “Pre-CojCogs,” lie in a investig;tigation), Anderton reach- firing, running away or cajoling ...... Tlie arihuiriual'event, sponsored I^ id suspensiorion chamber, cs outt tot his sympathetic boss; someone for informatiction to get by the MiMagic Valley.- Arts o p e n i n gg a c t a t 6 3 0 p i m tn ir brains (amand all their Burgess:ss (I can’t quite refer toI down and act. But that’st’s another Coundl amand the city of Twin ______^is&ns)Jiocvill abouiound all tlu'C'C days, lliere • lojfee Bar! □ ■ Stinik & Ci HC E I M T I EI| n T u e s d a y , A al u g u s t 2 .0 ; 6 : 33c 0 pm - - n Iff t h e r e ’s a co m m ujnity n i fish fry will be a fun-nm and walk Sanir- tonight at the fairiiiirgrdunds, a day mom:)ming, live stage entcrtain- ■ 1 _ 3 ^ 2 S SVCA m emf i b e r s / ? 3 0 n o n - mn e m b e r s Kiwanis breakfast SSaturday at at die "^ent tonioniglit and.Saturday, a car fairgroundsr the puruiirade from the“ .....a n d bikeke show Saturday and a X -H iggh l Speed Internet X CoComputer U sage fairgrounds to dowowntown and Rarage salesai all day Saturday and wTiing X WlW eb Page Design ljutk oil Sulurduy iin;riiuriiidg, il com- Sunday. fTLSi/V ^ ^ Y ---- ^ X E mi c u l A Hhlo c s ti n g All th e conceierts w ill be held at'a t ' t h e . ' munity street dunceice downtown ------Saturday night andd tthc Kiwanis s-Ncws writer S ta x Cmmp R i v e r R u n1 Lodge, K etchum . Farm Toy Show, whichlich WiU ru n aU a o ilK mxxichcdat c 735^223, or write II ------daySarurdajrand-SuiSunday-ai lo'iimoicJt cnimp@ma^cva\ley.ct)m------G ates-open on

, SERIES sub;3SCRIPTION PRICECES: B \ . ^ 7 5 S V ^ m e m bb e r s / ^ 9 0 n o n - mm e ie m b e r s ''•» Fortickett inform ation call: KaraSte C tHANK . 2 0 8 7i6;949i,7 X 2 S YOU, ^ AMexican BBeer @A MAGIC ■ S PPONSORS:, ( You'll flipp over *' y VAUEY, BSfiK o'f^iaaho.' , our pricices! JSpecials I FOR rierlca Private BanI I YOUR ^ jfesf Sun V aliey.y. ■ support! ^ • ^Mexican DDrinl( yntain Properties , Specials^ r KMm jtley M agazine t ______ROCIO> a JOSE PERE2,. OwnersI H . V ' 1 open 24 hours, 6 daysby&a weckL-. - . (Open unill 9 pm) Sundays)Su lUBAlI/DI’ www.$orai».coi'Com I Restaurant & . waMthemttrMtSoulh^fil«(206173ifflel m I K B S Z J S K MI a JDAI '.I- ^ 1

------C-4 Tlme*-New», Twinn Falli.Fn Idsho Friday, iune 21,200:1002

W e e k E NDn ______

ioandi Stitesh—kuates itE s - w a 5y into) tlieaiIters' Combined w|ro sotvlcoiIcos______

Movies playing in south-central; Idaho tliis weekend,'id, Opinion.s are bv Lx)s AnRclcs Time;mes, A.ssociated SBw:, • tolllonofthe . Press and Knighc Ridder Rii review- - U Odyssey Theater •; . crs. Ratings by the: MMotion Picture ^ V- rs Episode 2.’TwIri | . Association of Atneinerica are: (C) ^ for general audieJiences; (PC) t> ' n of All Fqars,-Twin , paieiual «iijdance urgedur liecause ■The Bourne Identity.'f.' Magtc CInomo. Grand'ond-Vu Drivo-ln '• • • of niaieria! ix)ssil)lyy uimsuitable for Lantern •Undercoveriver Man,' Twin Cinema cliildren; (PtM 3)i) Iparents are cers,'Odyssey Theater‘-i ;• strongly caiuioned(i toi give guid- •Divine Secrets of tho10 ' Ya-Ya ' •Windtfllkers ance for aticndaticeice of children Sisterhood,' Magfc Lontntorn y o unger th a n 13; (R) (R restricted, •My Big Fot Greek Wci yo im g er th a n 17 admiiied ad only fvlQgIc Lantern with parent or adiildiilt guardian; - •Lllo & Stitch; tragicc LanternI ‘Lilo & Stitchtltch,'Century Cinema (NC-17) no one youn:>unger th a i t l ? ' 'Minority Report.' SkilklTlme •Minority RepReport,' Century ; admiltcd. Cinemas cinema ■Scooby-Doo.' Sun Vol/alley Opera. •Scooby-Doo,Doo.’ Century Cinema ,, ‘Bad Company' Houso •Star Warsrs EpisodeE| 2 .' Century * ' Comedy/thrillerer in which •Wlndtaikers.’ SkiTimcn e Cinemas Cinema unlikely CIA recruituii Chris Rock ’Tho Sum1 of Ail Fears,'Century ' '; l aces against a tiiniim ing device- to : r TvSrtn F ai Cinema keep a suitcase bomi[>mb o ut of ter- | | 9 ^ b | 'Wlndtaikers,;ers,’ Burley Theoter v;' -) rorist hands. 'Badad Company’ •Bod Company," Odys: would just bc anotiietiler silly, inter- Theater mittently funny, bbuc ud d y com edy Uio, left,ft, toachos Stitch to hula In Walt/alt Disney Pictures new anlmanated comedy 'Lllo & Stitch.' ■ M m ------—fAnlhony Hopkins isis !Rock’s train- ■ ,. Ui ------^Thd-Bourna-ldentlty,-i.:-Cdy6 &oy------uneven picture buoyed by school, attracting sesexy cheer- |------•Divino Secrcecrets of the Ya-Yo ing agent) were it1 Iioi ri< for a plot ! “ I Theater ; cast and Wilde's indestnic- leader Eliza Dushku anda: becom- • Bl£ iinlaughably closese to current Iig box office ' •Cats & Dogs,’ Twin CCinema Sisterhood,-.- JeJerome Cinema . ; rft. iVitli Colin Firtli, R upert ing the champion o f■ tthe under- . ' events. l’G-13 (violencoi,cc,p,„f.„i„, ■kcnd's top-grossing •Divino Secrets of thele Yo-Ya ’Lllo & Stitchitch.'Jerome Cinema :t, Frances O’Connor, Reese dogs. Director Ed Dectscter pushes -sexual candor) .ma ’No More BatBaths,- Jorome W ithersprspoon. Dame Judi Dench, tlie grossout factor to d Sisterhood.’ Twin Clnem . the edge of , Si'b,.r3y-Doo,'Wamef Bros, na Cinema Tom Wil!t'ilkinson. (1:33. PG, for mild the film’s PG-13 IimiHits, but It •Enough.^ Twin Cinena ‘The Bourne Ident.ntity sensuiilit: remains a benign fant.ntasyfulfill- \ .JJ” loum e Idomlly,' Unlvcfsal. •Human Nature.' LamfTiphouse 'Rugrats In P;Paris,' Jerome tlity.) a lk crs,' MGM. A tip-top espionagelge thriller star- ment fable, complete wiw ith a hand- J- Theater Cinema lum of All Fears,' ring Matt Damon takt • stitched homily: Do you)urself,cvcn a. Tho Sorr •Insomnia.■ Odyssey■ TTheater -Scooby-Doo.)oo.’ Jerome Cinema akes the cnick- inSOmrmnIa' jnt. crjitck premise ( if it m eans being l>cat«Iten up and Paramount 3elng 'S tar Warss EfEpisode 2.’ Jerome . -APD detective, on loan to a ) S ecrcts of trio Ya-Ya •The Importonce of Be Ludlum’s 1980 noviov2l'„K7,l A„LA, ‘ humiliated for 4 years.s R ated PG- Earnest.• Odyssey Theatator Cinema nm s ivitli il. In small.lmvown AJask;m policc force to Ipottygag-s, Sisterhood,lOd." Wamcf Bros, amnesiac spy and mn ’ 13; language, sex and f ■Juwanna Mann,^ Twin'in Cinema ------direcior Doug Liman’:iiii-s liancis, lliis invcslisaigate a particularly disturl)-; dnig use. 1 hour, 26 miniinutes. " Source:c e : Exiilbltor Relations Co. imicide, is disoriented by 'Lilo & Stltch.^ Twin Cinema.Cil j'-. GOC potentially overly, fifamiliar see- '"e ban th e midnight s'un. Tliis Motor-Vu Dflvo-in tia rio ta k e s on u n o x p c c lc d ■''? I 'The Rookie' like fictionon every day. Although , Hn Cinema -Spirit: Stalllcalllonofthe 3 eooil al Ihc Ild intelligent psychological •Minority Report.• Twin sparkle. Mc is so g 1 Dennis Quaid starars as Jim Ben AffleckK:k is a bit bland in com- Gooding Cinema iim Ilial ll.c-y ^ " ." ‘-■'■.i;r starring a masterful Al •ThtrfJew Guy.' Odysscisey Theater Cimaroon.'Goo mechanics of actioi ; Morris, who in 1999 becamebc the parison to Alec Baldwin and don't feel like mecliaiilianics, and hb ) is a kind of white nights ■Once Upon a Forest.';.• Twin ...... —— 1 oldest rookie major-leaeague base- Harrisonn Ford,I who have also and his actors havec uused inlonsi! film noiroir, that investigates moral Cinema oily a s well as bad behavior, ball pitcher in four decade.s,di is played JacJack Ryan, he has the S h » but low-key line readiiidinBsloinfiiso ____ cornbnll, But it’s hardd^n« . to get mtelligencnee and athleticism to 'The Rookie.' Motor-VcVu Drive-in ' ------—nTcnsc'ofrcaiity'-ontiinto-thcsc-pro--— iUunimau i-Vu'Orlve-ln------•'Splder-Manr^anA ^hoshone------: nm of losing their way inI cauglit up in this improirobaGle but carry ofH‘{“the rdleTTliu'sli'arp ------*ScooDy;Doo;-Grano-Vi cctdings, to make thisi.isaciiaranor. Ifoplp " lincma Showhouso ense thickets of crime, tn ie follow-your-dream^ ttale. G. e n sem b lee ccast includes Morgan •Spider-Man.^ Twin Cin driven siory ab oul1 yiyouno i»!oplc S'!'-' Freeman,1, ILiev Schreiber, Alan we miglit know caugiiu|l,lin.-isil!ia. ed by Christopher Nolan. Robin Williams, Hilary 'Scooby-Doo' Bates. Brilridget Moynahan and nder any to war. Tlieree result, however, is not tion \vc can barely iinanino. im Wilh Colm Feore)re. Trenchantly dirL*cied utes you'll spend um , M aura T ieniey a nd M artin i: summer. all it mightIt liaveh been, an oddly Z. I'ra n k ii I’o te n te , ChiChris Cooper, Swank, M As reformulated by tlth e awires- ,,y phi) AideId en R obinson. (1:58. PG- movie-housc roof this f an. (1:58. R, for language, rolher witli old-fashionedled film from a director Brian Cox. Julia Siilclilus and Clivo Donovan sivcly mediocre diretector Raja |3, for viollolence, disaster images Dave C happelle, a s a broi iolence and brief nudity.) terminal Caucasian-phobiibia, a llb u t w h o 's u suually a l anything but. -■ Owen. (1:38. PG-13.3, forf violence ...... Gosnell and screenwriinter James and brief.sti.strong language.) and som e language.) Gunn, this film versioro n IS enter- steals the show. Director)r Malcolm Nicolas Cagege playsf a W orld W ar II ■’ 'Juwannnna Mann' D. Lee keeps it moving. (PG-13(I for M arine a sg s i^ ^ e d to a N avajo ccxle J tainment more dispos; 'Undercovover Brother’ ‘Divine Secrets T h isi cross-dressing Cl lale of a Hanna-Barbera's half­ language, sexual hum or,•, drugc con- talker withI in«instructions to ‘protect basketball star hiding toons ever were. Gosnellell drains all • Eddie Griffin G r exudes star-mak- tent, campy violence). tlie codc att aU costs,’ which m eans o fth e Ya-Ya Sisterterhood' i-;:;,.!;”th a wig and falsies so he > the potential out of theth Scooby ing comicc bravurat as a mocJern- killing thee t:talker if capture is pt; A work of c.Ncess ancand passion, an can playay in a women's league is preinisc to carve out thistl hollow day crimei figliterfi witli ‘Shaft' atti- 'Wlndtalkers' im m inent. WiWith Christian Slater, ^ untidy spniwl of a momotion picture utterly phony,pi without a moment kids’ movie. With Fredc:ddie Prinze tude andd ‘Super‘ Fly’ fashion Adam Bench,ich, Frances O'Connor -x- Finally, inevitably, Jo that is sometimes niggiigged, occasion- of au thlenticity. er Miguel A. Nunez Jr., Sarah Michellele Cellar, sen.se. Thi;his infectiously funny John W oo, and Roger WilWillie.'(2:14. R, forpcr- > his generation’s pret ally uncertain, but-ut-and this is stars ass thetl pcmlani athlete, who Matthew Lillard, Undaa Ciirdellini send-up ofof ’70s blaxploitation ecjminent vasive graphicphic war violence, and ^ orchestrator of violence, 1 wliai’s iniportani-alvalways warm. concoctsets the female a!ter-egi> and Rowan Atkinson.I. <(1:30. PG. flicks mayy bI c the fastest 89 rfiin- *, has gone for language.);e.) 2 accessible and rich‘i iiin em otional Juw annana M ann after his courtside for some rude humor,r, language ------life. Veteran screenrenwriterand stripteasiase gets him booted from and some scacy action. firsi-time director CuCallie Khouri the malelie league. Vivica A. Fox, C o mM P A N Y O FF F o o l s has a strong fc>eling for the lifelong K evin Poliak Pc and singers Ginu- 'Spider-iVIan' PRESENTS'S.- friendsliip of four po\vK)werful South- w ine andmd Lir Kim headline the It m ay look like a n actiction comic ern women. Shoringlg up ils emo- supportinting cast. The featurc-film come to life, but its bestst feature is ■ serform ance o£ . debut of ...... tional trutli, is tJic peri of director Jesse Vaughan, its rcmiancc comic heariin. It’s that ■ ------.•\sliley Judd as younging Vivi. Ellen '‘Juw anna -Winner:r 0o f the 2000 5 ma M ann’ is sloppily edited. rare cartocm movie whe:lere ilie vii- w IP jin iih , S h ir le y the gags 1: •Bursiyn, Maggie Smi 5S limply staged, the charac- lain is less iimilving thailan th e love Fulitziitzcr Prize 5 Knight and I'ionniihlula Flanagan tt-rs andid dinloRuei stiff and suile. ------siory-Directedby-&im,RiRaimi-wiili------— .— b e a im n n iy siiare tin.the ensemlHe Even the lie action on the bask’cTljall a distinctly sunny lone aiand thougli giory. A business-li*-like Sandra court isui ; unim aginative and boring, . the film marks time monore than it Huliock also stars, Ikistkised on novels PG-13 forfor language and scx-relat- needs to and is no morere than spo- l)yRel)ccca\VelJs.(l:5-l:5-t. PG-13, for edm aierierial. 91 minute.s. radically exhilarating;ng, it does mature ihematic eleijlements, lan- enougli things riglit to1 I t>e a .solid guage an d brief sen.suasuality.) ‘L ||o & € k stitch’ comic book citizen. Thele appropri- Disney’;ey’s latest animated adven- ateness of Tobey M a g u ire ’s ‘Enough’ ture is a :sweet, energetic, reason- creaky-voice sincerity,y, the very i'm not a jHirson whiwhose husband ably funnmny little confecticm that’s ordinarine.ss of his off-bcb eat cliaris- l)eats h er up!'in.sist.si th e hou-sewife all-inclusi'Lisive when it comes to fam- ma, turns him into thee : m ost con- in tlie big camouflagelge sunglasses. ily apj>ealeai. Girls will like Lilo. tlie vincing of Spider-M en. LLove inter- • Wiicn she's playedd bby Jennifer young sparksp plug heroine, boys est Kirsten Dunst andid M ag u ire by D D onald M arfi r g u l i e s s r Uipez, it's Ih e undersiLTStatemeni.of will'enjojjoy the goofy alien Stiich make a real cormection1 contact'to I keej) you smiling. Nanianire and nur- Mlnorit]rity Report' Featuring the voices;s of Matt ture are tile stars hereere. the forces In thele year; 2054, Tom Cruise Damon, Jamcjs Gromwe:k'cll, Daniel s Z im m er, thal set the groundid irules for a heads a1 pre-crimepi police unit that Stiidi. Music by Hans decidedly off-centerer comedy of uses highgh-iech system to ID and wilh songs by Bryanm A d am s, maiuiers. .Sathan (Timim Robbins) is arrest dllerskill Iwfore they can act. Directed by Kelly Asts b u ry and an uj»tight researclrch scientist Directeded by Steven Spielberg, Lorua Cook. (1:22. G.) ■ whose i:heerful]y reprepressive child- Colin Far•'arrell, Samantha Morton • , hood leads him lo) teachtc table andMilx-^JC -Von Sydow co-siar. ‘ ‘Star Wars; Episodee l l m a n n e rs lo m ice. Lil.Lila (Patricia Attack ofthe Cionesb s ’ -Arcjuetie/, inflicted1 sincesii adole.s- • ‘|Vly Big lg Fat Greek Wedding' W e’ll n e v e r see anotlo th e r ‘S tar cence wilh a bad ca:c a se of body »,• /ardalos' ^ autobiographical hair, has spent thee las.I: sc.vora, Wars,' no m atter howV im u ch we " p man stage play about grow- want to. Ahd we wantnt to very • years living in thee fforest as a incun Grt W < B R J I X I A 1 jrc c k is transfigured into a mudi. But like the cheriirislied pas* nature writer. (Thee ttitle of her S iy ov . ' — N e w Tforkoi D aily N cm I overcooked ethnic comedy sions of first love, th e fenirvor callcd best seller, wliich can’t jlturc clash jokes whose ed in a family newspap . forth by the landmarlirk film is / , mW. ^SPLENDLi D r i *s.s date expired 30 years • nevtJr comihg back, a n d n o ...... th e film’s b e tte r gags), V ;• I ~ . --rThe New^orkTimes n — -r— — - irdalos, however, is affect- amount of prequels or■ ssequels is fe ra l m a n (R h y s If he glum, witlidrawn single becomes Nathan's bip going to change that.. P1 aradox- 0 gets everyone at home exi>eriment and you’ve . ically, the fact that the 1; pre- ’er her engagement \vith a , quel, 'Star Wars: Ep the mosi self-consciou eck guy (John Corbett), scrip'is of recent years. 1 A ttack of th e Q ones,’ is a be^ [idiael Constantine, Lainie ter than its predecessor K azan, AtAndrea Martin and Joey • clear how lacking in ththe tilings ‘The Importarice F aione.. Directed D by Joel Zwick. ,• that matter these newcoi:omcrs are. of Being Earnest' (1:35.PGG 1for sensuality and lan- _- (2:20. MPAA raring: PC for sus- c u a c e ) tained sequences o Considering the successsue direc- lor-adapior Oliver Parkirker had with . ij.j. . action/violence.) . 'The Ideal Husband'id' there was * ^ 6 Nlew6 V Guy’ ev eo ' reason lo look forforw ard to liis U b e••geek r.g DJ Qualls gets ‘The Suni of Aii Fean next film from Wilde,Ie, but Parker expelled;d from high school and This crackling, if over!:rly compli- 3 ■ 1 this tim e has tak en a1 fnfree-and-easy sent to jail.jai There, under the tute- cated, version of the Tot'om Clancy approacli to thi.s peerlejrless and ever- . lage of concoi -Eddie G ^fin, he rein- action-political thriller imi agines green comedy of manranners that is * vents himlimself as the tough, cool what could happen if a , ' • at odds witli ilie'delicicicious predse- kid. He's2's successful enough to warhead threatened anI ;American ness of th e m aterial. ThereatThi is a become3 thet: big dog at his new -city - a scenario that sc less

' I ' ,

J I ' i


rL Fri(-riday. June 21.2002 Tlm<»Ntiw>.1Twin iitiho

W/ e e k E n d Even ts. ------Cofi«m»dfromC2------an d $ 3 99;50,-can ;5 be reserved by -- Twin-Falis at 7:30-p.m.a. Tickets,- July 25 -• BoiseB .....;— r “ “-Tickct^r'vhich-arc-S29.50.-c 'f rc a n b c -----Rcsorr arS p;mp:m;Tickct5rwhich ------phoningg (208)( 442-3232 or (208) which are $ 10, a re avai'a ila b le a t . „• reserved by phoning (208)8 ) 442- a re $20 and S2j;, l)C July 2 0 -U tah Krauss und Union ^ 426-1494,94. The Idaho Center is M agic V alley P rinting, TlTlie M usic o , ,1 p ,3232 or (426) 1494. The2 Idaho1 hy phoning Smi will play the E . S tation, Emmmylou r Harris, Ricky ■ p ,e E C en ter in Tnrnt#»rf1 at m 5000 Garrity Blvd. on Center, Welch Music t Centcr is locatcd nt_5000 G an ity 8 8 8 -TIXX. Sno^ La2fLI!l!L-Skag«s,-I)a,)an-TyminKki,-Jorry -----j, ------t te S a lt- L a k e - C ity - ’seasterid.' " B a k e r y .” ■ Blvd. on Nampii’s eiist end.I...... locaicd 25 mileslies ca.slorSairi^ikc D o u g la s, Ralph Stanley, Valley City at - City; take Inter TRStcts, w hich a re $3S and Nancy Blake, The . $35.S0, c an be >.-c ~«.-gac i..> » o n Nonrmnd am Intersiate 215 S th e n reserved by phoninglg Smith’sI Tix W ^ n e s d a y th r o u g h JuneJi 30 NashTiiic Bluegrassb i Band and Aug. A 16 - Utah ^ a\ (800) 888-TIXX. ThThe E Center ' Dan Seals will do twoi'o shows a The mjites:s will play the Idaho B ryan VVhite w ill pcrfoforma. Exit 6 to Utah Hi 19 located at 3200 SouthSot Decker ’ night at Cactus Peteses Resort Ccntcr in1 N1 a m p a a t 7 p .m . the ll Snowbird Ski and Sui;uniii.cr Please 500 S L ^ D r i v e . ------S a tu r dlay a ) C f^ o in Jackpot. Priccs2s for d ie 8 p.m. dinner show start: aat $14.99 M ix ed I d Em otions w ill play from on weeknights and Suncndays and * j|ly 20-Utah 8 3 0 p jnn. . 1to 12:30 ajn. at George $19.99 on Saturday. Tic'ickets for l t R estau ran t a n d Lounge, T h e r e 's Maigicl\ in th e» > A i r ' ^ ' X ■Laughing Stock wiUwl play the K’s East B th e 11 p.m. cocktail show rhird N., Buriey. Stody City Amphithetheater in the 32S E. Thi . on Saturday and $7.50I oon w eek- ' / ' |^|1| I W J u n ee 2 9 . 2 0 0 2 S Jt I-ake Cily suburl>urb of Sandy nights and Sundays. For3r reserva- / ■ l||l a ai 8 p.m . T ickets, whichwh: are $ 8 , SatUfdaj lay , . tions and infonnation, ccall (800) ' •BobRoosmonandhi!his Rod Buil Air show s perform $ O and S12, can be r D u styy .and the Nomads will 82M 103. i i H i high-VGlocitvMiG17.7, Vietnam-era Russian {et fighi p loning (800) 8 8 8 -1-TIXX. The pigy jm 8 p.m. to midnight at S mdy City Amphii'■■'hoaier Is Spinbau. • Stovo Appleton, Miciicron CEO. flying his aorobetic auer’s Barn on U.S. ' June 28-: Boise lc iuited a t 12S0 E ast.9400 9^1 South. Highwayay 93, east of Jerome, Sons of th e D esert willill perform 1 2 ™ • Form er o s tr o n a u t -rank Borman flying his P-51 M u sta n g C ov erchharge a is $7. Call 324-7366. . Ji)ly 2 5 -U ta [i ’ on the Miller Main Stageige in Arm - a M •F -1 6 T ac tic al Air m an'in e u v o rs fro m Hill A ir F orce] BBo oso M orrison Pnrk a t 6:30 p.m,m., p a n of [Deep Purple, Thehc Scorpions Saturdaylay the Boise R iver Festival. F •And much morel a^d Ronnie James DiDio will per. ji,e PujFugitives vrill play from 9 fqrm at the E m h h m to) 1 a.m. at Shakers on Ju ly 2 Cltmter in the Highwayy 818 in Declo. ^ Over 80' £aircraft on display: L a k e Leftover Salmon will peperform at C ty suburb the nexStage Theater in1 KI etdium ^ •KC-135Tonker •W id o v arie ty of WWIIWll aircraft W est a t 8 p.m. Tickets, whichh a re $20 , ■ •A-10 attack aircraft •Antique end oxporimoim ontal ------V >lley-City- — can bcrcscr\'cd at (800)ii)56S-4a27,-. ______L :^ p .m . H V online a t http://www.tickei55.8946 TUJHf p.p. Tickets, whichhare a $19.50 Junior Higiig h School auditorium in 1103. B800) 821. \ . u x / j

— -i------

WM5 s ■ WR F |~ i t MC 2 Twlrwin Falls Nowesi

t e T i i n w g

I i s t a u r a n t


:l i n g d e s s e r t s

tunchos 11-3 Mon-SolSol D innora5-9T uoa-T hur8'5-5-l0'^ff/8ap Sundays I n t i nrmte u df^rm ntitic Setting AS/A/VAVASOSSHI 2 Tfie 9{icestst 'D ining ‘Roomt \in 'Tw in fa lls •Suslil -Sasla s h i m t

dinner ^Rfservations S\caa x p t e d •Sul

3 l l Q l l 3 i r E 11113113111^ ISllCSlLallEll 3llallB Jl^lIallB ilE]||i S t i l l H r 'C ? s s ...... ~CHiHt» B u fh trg

# f BSSjSjSSSg,j.„;...... iH et entraei every mISIIiM liM IM • come In and m |oyl I c u s t o n ^ ^ ‘ I C h o i c e mese 'f " & r i g AND BUFFET ANIND COiVIPLETE MWENU EVERYDAY !ALAD BAR, GRA Iced tea, coffcc or hoiI tctea/tm iK ? includedi with meal I F R E . S H S ;• B E S T VALU E Icc T F O O D •B El E i S T ^ I P E S I b r WWild Game Dinners SH HIGH QUALITY ;ion and parking • EX,■XPERIENCED COO,OKING STAFF I . F f l E•ONVENIENT S locatio x )m 6 ' ^ 7 0 Blue Lakes I iWffOilSSB TAKEOUT^r ORDERS WELCOMI . O p s rDD i dly 11 am - 9 pm 4 bodi Mitrenct t» t ► Twin Falls • 7 3 4 -6 i g 3 5 J 2 2 ^ 0 W a ______F rid ay t Sattirday '111 9:30 L M ue Lakes Blvd. N . • 1 7 3 5 B lu(


&6 TlmM^ewt, Twtnn Fall*,Fa Idaho Friday, Juno 21,200:1002

W e e k E NDn

' ^ , ^Spotligt ...... — ------Continued from CS ' — L2 - B b l s r ------p.m.’at''the Ramona'LoLoiih^ 113 Ketchum.. TThe Big Easy Concert to 1 a .m . aat t Bar Bonz, 1539 • D A- N C _ _ G hjstfuce o st Killah will play, B ro a d w a y A v e. 5 S. ., B u h l. House is lotlocated at 416 S. Ninth ■ . e Fillmore St.3t. N., Twin Falls..:' J A i Musicians need to bringng th eir gui- St. Alcohol-freei enenvironment. Covcr * ^ Sixth& & M ain at 8 p.m. Tickcts, T o n ig h t ' w hich are at S25, can be reserved[ tars; all otlier equiJjmcjlent will bo - - - ...... ch arg e is $5 ifor fo r lS a n d o ld e r.T -;,; ;— July 2 fumi-shed. . , by phoni)ning (800) 965-1827. online . J u ly 1 2 - UI ta h Disabled American Vc/e te r a n s Auxiliary.will hold a daJancc at ' ' Diliimu Reci'cs Vvilwill -smg at th e http;//p;//www.ticketweb.coin, or M arvinI IlamlischII will perform 8:30 p.m. at the DAV Hala ll, 459 O P S u n V a llty R c s nn’s n ’s River Rtin at Atkctkinson’.s Market in1 Thursday w ith th e Utah Uti Symphony at 7:30 Shoup Ave., Twin FaUs.;. Aj rchie Lodfje in Kctclium.in. ijart of the Keichumam. Sixth & Main i.s locatcdI Jam night will be fealmatured a t 8 . p.m. in i Salt Lake City's T u rn e r will provide th e m i Sun Valley Centerr f< for tb e A rts’ at 100 S. Sixth. p.m. ai th e R am ona Loi.x)imge, 113 A b rav an cl ] il Hall. Tickets, which J u n e 3 0 ./• Twili^ln Concert SerSeries. Tickeis, • B ro a d w a y A v e. S.5., Buhl. are $14, S17,Sll S21. S25 and S34, ■ whicli lire SSS, c;iii I Mu.sicians need to bringlg thdr gui- can bc rcs Tonight and Saturday)V Sun Valleyy 0Opera will present ; escrved by phoning “Fromthe-Met by plioninK 726-9491. ■ tars; all other equipmeilent will be (801) 355-2: Dance to disc jockey Viet to B roadw ay," S'^ ;-2787. Abravancl Hall ch of the Bigwood furnished. from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. a t BaiL T nl P-*"-. Church is locaiedd ;at-123. West South i larBon^ auditorium,, Ketchum.K( Tickets.- T E . C H . Tem ple. 1539 Fillmore St. N., Twin No cover d ia rg e from 8-9:3•30 n m w hich a re $2525 forfl a dults and S l? Thursday - Utah Q.?fi ■ for stu d en ts. underuni 18, are avail-., Barry Manllow will singsi at the July 19-202 0 - U ta h 'Covcr chargo is S4 aftcter y.ju Chapte p.m. pter One Bookstore,■, I Delta Cenier in ■ ■ ■ T e n o r DanielD q Rodriguez, a in K ctchum . I Salt Lake City k City policc officer i W e d n e s d a y I at 7:30 p.m. renow nedI forfo his patriotic music Tickets, which performancinces after 9/11. with DJ m usic will be featuured r fo r K A Rfl A O K B3‘.' i f are S29, $49 and p e rfo rm wilh the Utah *ladies night from 9 p.m. toto 1 a.m . S75, can be IR K Sym phonyV aai t 7:30 p.m. nightly in iat Bar Boni, 1539 Fillmore 6 - Boise reserved byK ^- City’s Abravancl Hall. Twin‘ Falls. Doors open at Tonight ymH rool J will perform at the phoning (801)E#'*i T im ers, ^vhi<.hich are S25, S34 and No ’ covcr chargc for ladies.IS. Kroakeiv KarKaraoke will bc fea- . ■O' C onccrt House a t 8 p.m. 325-SEAT or H fiJ $42, can beIC reservedi by phoning ■ tu re d from 9I p.np.m. to 1 a.m. at the s, which are S35, can be online at HEuiil (801) 355-27-2787. Abravancl Hall T I h u r s d a y M elody, 502 SixiS ixth St., R upert. http://www.ticketmasi Lid by phoning (800) 965- ister.com. js locatedd a t 123 W e st S o u th D ance to DJ music fromn 9i p .m . Please see» e . can be reserv(;rved by phon- . ^ - n a t 8 p.m. Tickets, whichich are $29.50, can be in the Colonial Theaier. ing ,(800) 950-4827,27. online al AUg. 5i- - B o is e : :r. Tickets. , .re se rv e d byDy phoning (800) 965- ■ which arc S25, can be 1 MWIIaSTtTuTMiTii^^B http://www.iicket\veb.eb.com,, or at Enimenlem. P apa Roiicli, Ludacris i reserved 4 5 2 7 , ne at http://www.tick- |I 9 A tkinson’s M arkel in Kctchum. and Xzib;ibit will perform at the by phoning (208) 522-( m, or at Atkinson’s / online at http://www.id■■'i’l dahofail. ” ; « etweb.com, J / Daily 7:00-9;40 Salat-Sun 1:30 - 4:15 -■ 7:00-9:407: \ Sixth & Main is locatea ted at 100 S. Id ah o Cei'e n t e r in N am pa at 6:30. 1 Keichum. The Big . saris.org Shown in Cloan Cli:iear Dolby Digital SSu u r r o u n d ! Sixth St. p.m . Tickckets. which are S39.50. Easy C oncertert House is located at can bc resreser\-cd by phoning (208)------416 S. N inthih Sf i. H I C O U I S CJUS Folk muUSIC 426-149414 orI (208) -J42-3232. The Ju n e ^ 9 ^ ® ^ Idaho Ci^cnterci is locaied at 5000 Royal Bliss will playly for Ihc G a rrity• BBlvd. on Nampa’s east Boat Regatta party fron□m 9 p.m. MriNDTALi-TN. »nMctTk*etIlR S end. to 1 a.m. at the Burl Monday rJey Inn. sssas iU Motinoo Saturdayay iond Sundoy^.r Tickeis arc SIO in advIvance or a tJ". '1 Nunci G riffith andind the Blue ^ S12 at the door. Advanc(ice tickets Moon Orchcslra willill performi at C L >A S S I C A L arc available at the Bururley Inn, ____ thc Sun Valley Resoesortls River 800 N. O verland, o r Quiiuick Cash Herrerett Center E Run Lodge at 6:30 p.m.I.m., th e open- , , no»t (POi DaUy 12:30 - 2:45 • 5:0 and Pawn, 468 Addison1 iAve. w., Sumnimer Hours 7 - 5:00 - 7:10 - 9:20 >v ' ing concert of the; StSun Valley July 29,), i3 1 and Aug. 2 ______: nrron (O) DoUy 12:30 • 2:46 -6:00-7:10-9:00- 6:G T w in R -ilk______------1 - 9' p,p.m. Tuesdays------OuvnJiDallv-12:30-2:4S--6:0• 6:0 0 --7:10-0:20 - - CeiiTer for tire Arts'’MVTwHiglfl Thc~i;l 8 lh annual Edgar fhroufl>ugh Saturdoys w n r n ln im D aU/ 1:00-4:000-7:00-0:30 - 7 Concert Scries. Tick«nch. , Today . Sum m er■ SymphonyS; scries, under phoning j (801) 35!55-2 7 8 7 . TICKETS FCFORAU SHOWS... John Cugno from ththi e D elta ’88 ‘‘•'■‘■ctiiction of Alasdair Neale, Snowbird < Resort is lociicated 25 $4 ADUinuirs $3 Seniors K Blues Rcviral will play-lay from 7 lo "’ill be heiield in a tent on the Sun miles , east of Sale Laklke City; $2 StudenDENTS $ 9 FAMtUtS MbbiDB^^D 9 p.m. at thc Balnnru^un »«w[>»«SpldcIdermttnmi Today 1:00 - 4:0000 •- 7:00 - 9:56 T«Rla^^ Minority Roptiportim Today 12:4B • 3:45 •- 7:007:C • 0:55 , S. in Buhl. Covcr chartla rg c isS S . A . . E xit 6 to U tah Highw ay 2 3 ' Scoobv Doo fpa|12:16 • 1:00 - 2:302: - 3:10 -4 :4 6 - 5:20- 7:10-10 - 7:30 • 0;20 - 9:40 d in n e r o f c h ic k c n1 with w pesto Aug. 13 HHH9 Vftm2 (POi Today 12:46 • 3:4545-7:00-9:55 - cream sauce is avaii-ailable for Violin »«A«wo. SmfiLfllLZeEfiflUdfl Today 2:00 - 4:30 - 7:107:1 - 9:40 S8.9S. . J o s h u a ]D ell ■torhood (13) Today 1:00 - 4:001:00. 7:00-0:56 w ill p cirfo rf rm Juwanna MiM nnntm Today 1:00 • 3:10 • 5:20-7:306:: -0:40 Saturday w itli th e S u n th o n ia Today 1:00 - 3:10 • 5:2C5:20 • 7:30 • 9:40 1 c y SO - 3:10 - 4:00 - 5:20 - 7:00 .• 7:307:3 - 9:05 • 9:40 John Nemeth andid thl e J a c k s c i i m o r J n Also Showi,W in g : will play a t 9:15 p.m,, at the Blues | m y a t f Bouquet, 1010 M ain. Boise,Bo c o v er Tuesdays Th,Through Saturdoys a ■ charge is S3. tent on thehe Sun ■ foUon oltho Stan...4 m ------* WSKY; RodJo Sfoll V alley Reseesort esplanade. Free. JJuly 8 - Boise We In ffw Unlverto . 7pm Thursday - Utah___ Ih« ^ c h (Of Wt Big'Bad^VoVdaVDu’di inr/svyQuo»r;7Safi,-2j«H-'------D uke R obillard wilt p ■ddy~will— SovtnomoNIgnv S a lt L a k e M i s cCELLANEOUS. Pperform at the Big Easy C IH ouse at 8 p.m. Tickcts, T City's Zephyr h e e t— t NORTH END OF THE arc S20, can be rescr\: s ? X h ' ^ C lub at 9 p.m. CSI CAMPUS phoning (800) 950-4827, Tickcts, which H J H P 733-9554 EXT 265S at http://www.ticketweb.c arc SIS, can H V 3rahmu will play at 9:15 “ S CEntER at .Atkinson’s Marki be reserved he Blues Boutiuet; 1010 ° R •k et in Paltfby the1 Id1daho Travol Council by phoning ise. Cover charge is S3. Smith’s Tix at (BOO) 8 8 8 - and Saturday TIXX. The H E )g K nlcrtainm cnt will DJ vlltr... S u n i n n e r K ZcpliyrClub .m. to 1 a.m. at Muggers O P E N / is located at L^EL= Brewpub.. 5165 Second St. S., Twin AT NOON to 8PM iOl South West Temple.;)ie. Falls. CoverI'cr chargc is S3. Choice of: R O A ST BBEEF or DEEP FRtE^W CHICKEN i T B B o i l y i m 1 • Mashed or Bak h e c u • V eg e ta b leiked s Potato • Relish TnT ra y s • B u n s | l H I P - H, o P Thursdayly 'S • Tossed Salad • Ice:e C r e a m -staypro. ' ■ ' T he thirdird Twin Falls Municipal S 0 9 5 istopin II Hand concciceri of the season will FOR AO5 $ i C 9 S5 i; ■ be held atI S.p.m.8 in the City Pai^k ' U)ULTS...... CHILOREJfiEN UNDER 10 ------(llftiilaB | lfr/l 1^ ^ ______»______Tuesday - Boise 1. 1-rec. ALSO R eg u la r I H-KI will I.iny lllce BiB1 Busy I' SERVING » rg M enu & Children's Meii e n u — Summor MaUnoo Movie ##3 - AU Soata Sl.60 w /o MaUiAaUnoo Ticket I '! Concert House at 8 p.m and now BBQ's at L Cnw.wriPwBt»’°>O) Mon-Thum 11:00 ■ 1:16 -• 3:303:3 which are S22.S0.r c ‘m''i;e Thursdayly ^(O) M on-Thurs 11:00 -1 :16-26-3:30 ri'ServL'tl by p h oningi; (t(800) 96.'>- Ja m nightyy phoning | M w lTiiIAN ______^ ______• ^ le theater? Summer Matlnoo Movio #2#3 - AU Soata Sl.60 w /o Matinlatlnoo Ticket Smith’s Tix at (800)' 8 8}- 8 -TIXX. • - The l^i/y Moon Pub isis locate

T h e r e ’s u L ^ iF^'s [Gi y I EVERYBOl)DY LOVES EEARNEST! O n e i n W R IT S i£X)^ IT $ ENTERTAINIh(NO. IT $ THE E v e i ^ m S S SMARfESTUCOMEDYOFTHHE SUMMER! F a m l f y . f SllTifc H NOWATTWINCINCMM A i 2 - . JE R O M E a N I i ill IKI'I i “ T w o T h u m b s i ~So Funny. S o CtevEK.Cu '3 '/. n t e r A t a t e Anutaemeiit; Tlieati'e‘ E S o IHTRICATS. S o W W. i m r W ■} ' tv * ar«a< Qpflll ? DgVl tt.WTte. ______cli< lick on movies ______V B ■id» >1.00 ■ ■ ■ s a W B^S I \ ■ ...... tl / '- .- Friday,Fri lun. 21,2002 T lm a .«ewt, m , Twin Falls, Idaho

WV le k k E n d . - - r ------j -Galend£i ar ______c h im e d from C5, ' Thursdaday and T I M /> s c h e d u le dd for Magic Valley located li at 191 Fifth i Tonight and SatUR Figure skat St. E. Exiended Thu June 22 8 8 -B o ise ® R egional Airport, Aii 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Gallery C hours are 9 a.ni.m. to 5 a.m . - 8 p.m. Ac for ____ FuH_Moon_Mu 8i< ■ Free. tsicJVIodncBS_____ T h » .—i-Idaho - Shakespeare S aturday . ______Pp.m., Mondays tlu-ougli Fri•riday.s. adults; $3 for .si Karaoke will be feati;aturedfrom9 pcsUval v college studcnl^ il will p r e ^ t “ Muurh A do 1992. Olympic bronzee medalisti _ a p.ni. to 1 a jn . a t th e ] T S H O W ~ Through T June 30 -Boh3lse ■■ grades M2, . 6J3 Fremont, Rupert. N othing,” 8 p.m. on w eek- ' Jo zef Sabovcik will heaiiadline the • « R 'T n ig h ts aand r Saturdays and 7:30 Sun Valley Icc Show,, a b o u t 10 An exhibit of the wovork of . ^ , p.m . S uundays n in the festival’s p.m. at file skating ce .sculptor,S( Viola Frey is onI displayd Aug. 17-Oct. < Saturday o u td o oir r amphitheater I at 56S7 back of the Sun ValleyerL 'o d g e" ThrOUgh JulJuly 3 1 nnt the Boise Art Mu.seumm. Best Forty-five p: Kroakcrs Karaokeke 'will be fea- . Warm SpSprings Ave. on Boise’s Tickets, which range froi■om S29 to The ^JQf.[agic Valley Arts known^ for her brightly cocolored, from the Portlar I tured from 9 p.m. to:o 1 a.m. at the north eaend. Tickets, which arc $79, can be reserved byy phoning Council will’ill host a “Jetsons"- V*expressionisiic figures,, Frey's I collection of Ai I Big Kahuna, 9 E. MairIain, Declo. S17 andd S22S on weekniglits and the Sun Valley Sports CentpratC themed artirt show at its Full "installation at BAM inctc lu d e s 1)0 on display A n S u n d a yys s and 522 and S30 on 622-2231. Moon Gallellery, featuring the ”four larger-than-life sizeL* sculp-: Museum. The'*h e ! Sunday F rid ay s aand Saturdays, can bc w o rk o f CcConnie Wood. Liz “lures that fill the musescum’s .span.l60years,. I j^ull Moon Musicsic Madness Jd by p h o ning (208) 336- July 4 and 6 James, Royy ^Ma.son. Chris Bolton, sculi)ture court. Boisese Art history, fromim Much Ado” continues on M useum is located downtolown in painting to .Am K aA oke >vill be featuiatured from 6 - 2002 Olympic gold m. Ih and Ethan Nixon. j 1 10 p.m. at the Blueie 1Room. 613 an d Ju ly 16-17. illery hours are noon Julia Davis Park. Houriirs are non. BAM's pre: th e Elena Berezhnaya and Tuesdays through Saturda; j Fremont, Rupert. Sikhaurlidzc will perforn n., Tuesdays through lay-';, 10 exhibition fvill p clirono- . Tonight,It, Saturday, Sunday, The gallery is located a.m. • 5 p.m., and Sundays, inoon • logical oven.-iew Sun V alley Icc Show at; Ta m ' i o ' • ■■'j: 5 p.m. Extended Thut i Tuesday p.m. nightly at the skatiIting cen- ■•«132MamA1 Ave. S .. p ursday American art Tuesday,3y, Wednesday, ' h h< o u rs : 10 a.m . 81 p.m. Museum is locaii ter in back of the Sunin V alle y I------^------i I Kroakcrs Karaokece willv be f e t ^ JUlie 2 ^9 :-3 0 -B o ise ^ A.Admission is S5 for adulis;;;;S3 for Julia Davis Pa . tured from 9 p.m. to0 11 a .m . at th e I Lodge. Tickets, whichch range - • sc Idaho Shakespeare seniors (62+) and collegcge .'I'tu- Tuesdays throug I George K’s East Rcsia=s.auran.,325 p ‘ from S31 to $81. can bei reserv(;dr dt ll will present George dents; $1 for children grac■ades 1- a.m. - 5 p.m., and no o n - j E. T hird N., Burley. by phoning the Sun 12 B ern ard1 Shaw’s S “Arms and the Spons Center at 622-2231 Z p .m . E.’cten i #* • J Man," 8J pp.m. on weeknights and h o u rs : 10 a .i I Tuesday through SaturdaySi S a t u r d aays y and 7:30 p.m. on Through Aug; 4 - Boiseie Admission is S5S5 forf adults; S.i f.ir ; K^okc will bc featfeatured from Sundayss inir th e festival’s o utdoor An exhibit of painting:n g s by -st^'Jiors (62+) a ai n d c o l l e g e m u- 8 itm . to 1 a.m . a tt the tl Klover amphiththeater, 5S57 Warm artistar Hung Liu are on displiplay at ‘'““Schildren grades 1------IG ub.402 Main-N.,-TwiTwin Falls.------S prings-AI'Averon-Boise’s-north— -lb• thc-Boise Ari-Mufieum;-I end. T icktrkets which are $17 and large-.scalelai paintings are hihistori- ^ Tjteday and WedntJnesday S 22 o n wweeknights c and Sundays callyca based, phoio-dcrerived SubSCs c rib e . and S30 on Fridays and images that explore hu Pull Moon Music i-0 9 3 1 Karaoke will.be featur lys, can be reserved by riglits and historical revisioS™!;": 733-0 ^ p.m . to 1 a.m. at thehc Riverside ; (208) 336-9221. ‘‘Arms- during the Cultural Revoltilu tio n ■\ jtf o ,,-i- and th e Man”Mi continues July 11* m in China. Boise Art Museueum is. I Bar, 197 Highway 30 W )W „ B urley. j2. J^ly V. • 18, Aug. 3, Aug. 15-16 locatedlot downtown in JuliaI I Davis and Aug.;. 3'30-31. - v f ' i I>aPark. Hour.s are Tuesi;^d ay s Wednesday ------" ' thithrough Saturdays. 10 a.rr 'K roakcrs K araokeL* willw be fea- Ju|y 3 .JuItUly 28 ^ Through AugUg. 24 p.np.m.. and Sunday.s, noon ■ 5$ p'»i. I tured from 9 p.m. to 1 iia.m; at the « any of Fools will per- A show, ofjf the paintings of Exiended Thursday hour:,rs: 10 Office Lounge on Idahc a.m. • 8 p.m. Admi.ssion is $ f . ™ Knald a 1 Margulies’ “Dinner H ag erm an ’s? Archie.TeaterA will $5 for 1 P |u l. adults; $3 for seniors (62+) w ith F rriends" ie at 8 'p .m . in be on displayy ati th e J e a n B. King $1 ‘ i r n i f : K y B o l t H a ile y ’ss Liberty Theater, Gallery in thele Herrett Center for college c'** sttident.s; for chii . I I grades 1-1 2 , Thursday Tickets,, iw h ich a r e $ 2 0 fo r A rts a n d Scienences on th e cam pus Prii ' SATURDAY,AY, JUNE 2 2 ^ Karaoke will be featuredfea for reservedI siseats and S15 for stu- ______of th e Collegei;e of S o uthern Idaho ••li- 9 a mI - . 5 p m m e n ’s n ig h t a t 7:30:30 p.m.' at dents andd ssenior dtizens, can be ■ in Twin Falls.s. An, opening recep- - JulJuly 8-31 - Boise S n ak e Rlvei H onker’s Place, 121 FourthFo Ave. reserved bjby phoning 788-S620. JJuly 3 1 -Boise tion is scheduduled from 7-9 p.m. /Artist Patrick Dougherty liver Plaza's i> will :.;M. C e n te r C o□urt u r • Burley ______S.{ Twin Falls. No coverver c h arge.______Joiin_Hancock.Cliampi Thursday and S3 foror students and senior a t th e Idaho C enter in Nanampa at Arts in Ketchchum. Weems will plai ily 18. ■ n tW B fflB W r 7 p.m. Tickets, which arare $41 lecture on herLT work at 7 p.m. on Boi[Joise An Museum is loc;i K roakcrs K araoke willwi be fea. citizens, area available at the and $61, can be reservived by J«'ne 28. Free.e. An opening night dovJowniown in Julia Davis PPark. CASHORCHE<: hecks o n ly tured from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.a. al .lie phoning (208) 4 J2-323212. The reception ancind street party is HoiHours are Tuesdays ihroio u g h For More InformationInfc Riverside, 197 Highwaiwny 30 W., Idaho Center is located ai 5000 planned on JiJ u n e 21 fro m .'i-7 SatiJatiirdays. 10 a.m . - 5 p.m., and W; CALL 208-93J -9 3 9 - 2 2 2 ^ Bi;rley. Garrity Blvd. on Nainpa’ia ’s ea st SunIII Valley Cenier is SmSundays, noon • 3 pl>-ni- J - g’- 'rQiQ r'' r' it • ir end. j c O M E D Y CITYY OF TWIN FFALLS Planetariu I Sunday - Utah Victoria Jackson willill ]p lay Salt Tonight, Saturday, Tues .WlHAT'S »RENir Lake City’s Wise Guys NG lys Com edy Wednesday and Thursdi Club at 7 and 9 p.m.n. Tickets,‘ w hich a re SIO, can be)e resen’ed i The Faulkner Planetariurum will ■ T l)V plioning Smith’s Tixrix a t (8 0 0 ) July 9-13> pr.p resent “ Led ZeppcUn; .Maxiiximum - X 'j / \ y m : i VcVolume I,” 8:15 p.m. Tue;le s d a y s : % S qS-TIX X . T h e Wis« S ^ /ise Guys Thejunio; lior Musical Playhouse (|,througli Saturdays, throujughout ^ W I A / I L E ^ CSONS Comedy Chib is locatedted at 3500 will presentnt Ernest Lehman and ,i,, p ■ jhc_si!niinjjr/I},iejhcee.,ollierler.suiii:_____; ______^ .iiiii lu lv H -1 ?, '______■ ' . j ------Souili 2 2 0 0 -Wust______------JerTy-Hcrni!7Tian‘s-‘‘H e 1 lo rI)o lly tr” — mer shows at ihe Faulkneier are ^ ^ I' lourll) si'sviiui hixinning lul\ 7:30 p .mn. . nightly. Roper ..r ,lulv 15-25. p ' “WSKV: Radio Station oof th e g {{ • A uditorium . lU'Kisli I al lliv [Viol. P ' H E A T m. Twin Falls. Tickes, gj.S tars" at 4 p.m. Tuesdays ihi:hnnigli -V' ff* i N C E R t < which arcI SG,S are available at Saturdiiys, “The Search for I. ■^Life^ii| (*C O p C ti! j.; _ ^ Everybody’sy’s Business and Kurt’s th e U niverse" at 7 p.m. Tuc: IN THE PARK L It July 1 • 'Ki ;V'- H allm ark anand Pharmacy in Twin ,|j, th ro u g h S atu rd ay , and ”S; M r. . Falls, at Al UU fourth (if July 1-5 ■ [. A r le n e ’s F lo w e rs in tlie Niglit/Sky Quest“ at 2 p.i 7 J e r o m e ancind at Sav-Mor Drug c.,. Saturdays only. Admission1 ti)t< the No iraiinsi sivhii. and SpradlinIing Texaco in Buhl, or p‘j Faulkner Planeiariiiin is Ss.| for urvl.iy evening iit 8 rsi in ('iiv:ilv I’,irk I “ ------' from any ca.s:a.« m em ber. „ j , adults. S3 for seniors, S2 foi deni.>;. and S9 for families ofIrl,;'::; i ; t e n i ^ s uJMMER PASSJ S E S ij " July 24-27, JNIS LESSON 7,29-30, Aug. 1-3 two adults and five childId re n . S.%slon ;Warts,|itsjuly H. O n ii Id |xivhis-1 \f.irsirMii.Klull! li vC- 6(' ^opuCcvt T h e O akukley Valley Arts • Children Ch under ■> are not ac iidinit- l.■k^<.^\illHsIklt iiia-t M<«Ktiy-lIricLiy. hiL ■ ( jo o il Ibior l;ips, aerobics aiul opoi Council wil /ill present Andrew ted. ted 'llm xigliiKill >111 tlvMiiniiKT. (all iDrcitlaiis!ails! • I Lloyd Webbc)ber’s “Joseph nnd the I iixkI now uiiill liilxir n.i\. Ycnitli SKS iii-ciKily-liiiiils, SIH outsiik' cilyily limits. ;o-I-l2—S(>() i;< fc i)k!iT~s; ' A m a z in g Technicolor yy .A d u lts SIK in-(in-til\-liiiiiis. S2K«uiisiil<.' filyily limits. Lit," H p .m . n ig h tly A ^ i r s h o r.irnily—Sl.*;!! for JulyJu 26. when curtain ----- rime;-iN-2 .in. Tickets,-which are ------1,,^ _ RAFTIN(M G ■ H B H■ ■ - E-lN M0VJEL______be reserved by phoning June 29 ' lill IIS .11 l)l>liu’ MKi’iiin g o f.i |)0 |uil.ir .iKiin.Ill'll IlllIlllll,.11 Illl' jxxil. ( I;i[| lur nun ll AAir Magic Valley 200’^ 2 I.'i ^ ; ntwlllK'll;i«crn'.TiiKin C S S j h '• M iivii'|ii‘i;iii'IMS .ll .S:(X)i'M, .Ailniisstciii i osl 1 ; .section OMiK'Sii,SiMki'. . M.IHI. I I.M■. I >l>liT ^4,(H>. lam ilv [i.issis S 'V ' J l>artliip,ini-.wil! i vh i I thelKwl launtli I l 3 H SPR IN GG BOARD DIVING P • , S.iliiion I'.il!s l);in):iin. 'ihis is .i cliiss III trip - .. .SLx\iuiiJ.ltiiicJ2-l-27-_____ ...... - 0 - Tonight and Saturday West Magic ReReservoir 0^ J ■ • w illi p le n ty of ivtiiieivt u'iilcT k i\‘auliftil stcnenMtn’. Isll:(X».|2;<) IDAY .. Inly .S'- /y, (livs imvls ‘'.o r Photography,” 7:30 p.m. r ■ •, Jo in v o u r Iric-mKIlls lor a Iree clay of oiiliicHir rc-crixri'alliHi • lev lor lluIlll' c l,ISS Is S KX), Illis grul il.iyk'lanij.im lai |_i M Wendell High School au d ito ri- :e. SiiUircl.iv, juni.' 29. H:tX) .\\i.--lsi,--I;()()i’\i. iliiMivn1 11-14 Is dll' riN siq) Io lx\ciiniiiiiniiiKivin LL HOURS: Tues.-Thurs.. SuiS un. 9 -7 iTl. & Sot. 9-9 : i at nic/keS lake.: urn. Admission is 55 foror adults, i; C;illforac' a foinpk'te liMlng of actlviiiL-s.lil,..,, - Hi lllC.K|U.lIil'liis still. ( '.ill for ninrv I'lograiiiII illlnrin.itiniiinl S4 for seniors and .studerdents and CLOSED MONDNDAYS S20 for a family. ______4 8 7 - 2 5 7 i P O N TrO C O N BOAT RIIi l D E m s m z m • ;■ Sit IxKk.indi'iijuvjoy Illl- ridi'! iddi- Irum Cvnlcrinl.ilIl.il Ir.irk lo ------^ ; I’iNjr l'.illv 1UV(tivoimiii'iidwl for srnlurs niul f.iiiiilimilii-s. U■ ! rfiiljy.Juni'mil' 2). (>;(X)/:;«)iM. SIOjXTivrvm ■ami! ! ^ )LLER HOCKEY brHaEins!! .Slill juvplliptiiiK ri'XlsmilldiivMirlson Moiul.iy ||J j: .md VW'diK-uhyly cniiiliiKs. ik'Xiiuiirs'^j .^dv,lllCl^l.lll^VlK^. Iit C ------t o t m a f / o / , Shcired ,, r { P h p n ^ I ^ i n u t e s ^ 5 0 - | i D I S C O V>VER SCUBA S h a r e d :;I An tninxhialnii to Ilio joys ol sailw cllvlnn. * j r cV«'oi>c'fVH.vji,. ji viMr\ Uj). 'I'.iki's (il.ac ' M i n u t e s in th ' ; .11 Ihc city |x>»l, 3 « DAILY-10 00*« 6 OO'-.. SATJ-DAY eludes Nationvl u i d e Long Diststance ______' MEMBERSIS OF OUR COMMUNITYTYCAN i . .. RECEIVE NOION-EMERGENCY CITY SERVICES SEf BesiPHccs.Bcs .llllMlKS ^ U S C e UQ u l a r ' B b B v ^ < ]|.illii-prcprciltli'ins AU.THORIZEOO A G E N T . ®@3[D!llfag a Sj ITY W OOD W ASISTE i-:. iKi:;:irrviiT ptiil'lftm - Lociited at 9fi7 UoseSlreetL‘t . , (Snn-i]uiiuiiblrnis Magic: ValleyVa Mall • 736-6S40-J17’ N N.Maln.HalIey>78S-l99<4 www.ahceUular.com ' June 26 10:OO.vsi-I-flOi'M '_____ •Krijulfr?! tii-a iJnHWillimill uKfiTiiii'ni (lAC, Sumi' rcjrcjifioiiin.s iipiily. srr sum- for drUills.;ills. Olfrr I'M'Irr.s Oi;/:iil/liJ. tll th# b«it for Mnwon*:r;only«IAtH onl ' Cillutof CW you find which on* li!■ BlBEST FOB YOUI N f c X I f c L Q wcTit^^ ■=^Sprlnt. i K cow p ANo u sT nitsojurs m TtOOPM ------^ ------0 8 Tlme*««»iim n . Twin Fall*, Idaho FrkUy.JowltiiM21,2002

W eekkE n d

' ■ i T I i a i i i , ’ Siturrini t g^Seain Pen ichcs Stores^ The Washingtogton Post______m mancc as a black-listed scrscreen- II. Luke’s fathciicr, Harry (Martin factict, that there’s hardlyy 0 a n y of th e original -- aand may in fact . tractct 1whon evil team ow ner- w writer fails to redeem direlirector Landau), seemms to have littlo poiraint in watching. Conta:itains win a few new orones. With exdt- Petrovirovich (Jean Reno in a bdo- New movicj/ics a t Tw in F ails-arca . F Frank Darabont’s cartlboIboard- problem buyingig‘inio this belief,- . nothJthing pariiculnrly objecri'icrion ------ing. if-bone-cnirunching,-action- hiss tm: nifn)'stans killing his jilay* video stores;s; C Capraesque fable. Afterr a car And Luke’s giigirlfriend, Adele able)le. R ated PG. s e q u e n c e s , th e f film is not for ers to boost'ratings. Oh, and' accidcntac robs him of his mtmemo- (Laurie Hold'den), isn’t far everyone, but for>r those with'the - guys?s? 1 Even''wlth a disfiguring ‘I Am Sam ' ryry, Peter Appleton (Jim CarCarrey), behind. Diirabi bont and screen- • ipnitollerbair sto m a c h fo r it, the tl WWF-style facialial scar, Rebecca Romijn- S e a n P ennn n plays a retarded wanders ^ into a small tow,own in writer Michael2] Sloanc’s misty- violence is' acictually fairly Stamosmos as^a brooding, jock'still man named;1 SiSam Dawson, whose (Alifomia. He's adopted quiquickly eyed tribute malay bc pleasant in Director Di John MacTierna:•nan’s thrilling. LL Cooool J and Chris looks'rrcs miglity hot. Contains some . d aufihter (Dal-Dakota Fanning) men- by( ^ the locals, who mistakeke hini. places, but. it’s tootc manufactured rem;:make of the 1975 cultt filmfi K lein m ak e a comn v in d n g a n d Uk- four-let••letter words', brief sensuali- for L uke, a long lo st son who . -tally oiUKrow;ows him by the rime 1° vho has and delihoraieI tot< he persuasive. aboulout a fast-paced (and deadjodly) - oble pair of hereros as star ath- ■ ty, neaisear-nudity and on- and off- • • she tu rn s 7.. WhenW social workers been missing since WorldId VVar' E v e ry th in g is so si inevitable, in sporio rt shouldn’t alie n a te a n yyfans f: letes who want oulol o f •theii' con- ' trackk vi violence obscenity. P(5-13...... take his daug[lughtur away, Sam’s only recourse■se is a victory in the , cotirts. For tliis,tli hc secures the pro hono scricrvices of cold-fish u n o rn ey llitata JHarrison (Michcllc Pfeiffer). Docfoes a father have the riRht to lookk alafler a child in such a case? It’s a worthyi philosophi- cal questionon. But this movie never e.\plore^ires it wilh the depth il deserves.'•s.- Contains some obscenity. PG-'G-13.

‘The MajestlS t i c ' J im C arreyey’s ’; ‘serious’ perfor- ■■ ijjjp ------‘A nnfvIVERSARY-"

SAVE BB 550% FA M O U S ______Harold andnd IMatsarat Vo£t lE S IGN ER

T h e ^V O G 'fS KNITIIT S H IR T S B U R L E Y - Harold and M argaret VoRt'fit iof Burley will be honored at: ana open house Sunday for thetheir 60th wedding an n iv e rsa ry .. FiFriends and rela- lives may callJ fromfr 2 to 4:30 p.m. ' ' at the VoRiI residence,r< 2645 BP Brentwood Ave.ve. , 'I'he couple; was \v married June 21. 1942, at thehe Triniiy' Lutheran ' Church in Ru|)eil{K.Tt. ■ f l • ' The event is being hosted by their children.en. Mary Vogi of B oise, K ev ann ((Abbie) Vogt of Rupert, Stann ((Pegfiy) Vogt of ■ Pocalello nnd1 JudyJi (Gus) Oilvin of Globe, Ariz. T he couple hahas nine grandchil- dren and eightht great-grandchil- dren. -WedDOING-

w p saveTB J $ 2 4 9 9 20-30% n ENTIRE STOCK U g p l i r m>m e n t i r e 's t o c OF SPRING ■ FAMOUS g YOUNG S U IT S , DESIGNER A\ MEN’S n WOVEN LOGOI LL SPORTCOATS Karen andd MIchaolM Duff DRESS SLA CK S^! SHIRTS _ _ _ _ _ T-!-SHIRTS Nomrnrn C harles D uff of Paul, Shaw gradualuaied from high school in Oiiio) aai n d is a tten d in g Brifihaiii Younun^ University______tn.ljoi'iii){ in inatlilitliTShe pIalis"t"o • Kraduaie in December. Dc Duff graduated fromom Minico High School and servorved an LDS mis- sion to Germanyiny. He is attend- i l I'*' ing Brigham Yoifoung University ■majorin'}' in consonstruction man- agement and is employed by •I'MP W orldw ideJe asi an inspector of n u clear reactor:tors. « The wedding[• wwas held Jan. 4 in ihu Atlantata Georgia LDS Temple. An openen hou-se to honor ■ ' '.V llic couple will bebc held from 6 to 8 p.m. today at.at.the Duff resi- '■ d ence, 9 0 2 W. 100 S. iAVEksT' - SAVE 5 0 / 0 ^ ^ V E S i ALLJ CH;hiu )ren’s ■' ‘Lukeviw arm ’ 25% SPFPRING s MEN'S SPRING , SAVE SU{UWMER ...... & — ------6 6 % P SHOES SANtNOALS, GIRLS’ 4-16 is> a Johnston & Murphy, f l6 iMBSi CASISUW.S& Bass, Skochors, SPRING H H ftTHLETE n c SHOES redundidancy. . Ecco & mofO. _ d r e s s e s J ^ H ______J Non-eonliifilinulng atyloa. # ■ ■ 6 6 % SELECTED BOYS’ 4-20 & Looking Fo r A G reat jon? See L.M.I ChKi> Dlilwilt.com lor op«i GIRLS’ 4-16 \pMllkmt.oichwkyour SPRING loed DUMI Itor* loMllon. Boy>yd ______Ij- Dil COLLECTIONS3’s on D-7C Soloction varlos t >n hnnd. Basic, non-soasonol morlorchandiso Is not Includod Sor ^0 or-mall ordors ort clooran^m Jay. tod£ lhe F—«.«««nt<» TWoii IHn. • Wt -Mum* irow CMMTtf • CmiM CvO. Th* Amwl «>l HUMMtoO’v»-Tb*lM0VM( C*I|> Uarc ^------r — J . i IS by storo, Umllod to slock on h Sorry, wo cannot occopt phono c

mvMn CM. CM> M«natoo>l H

I ■ • ■.' V.'? 7


...... IiNn SID H ■______Local sponip o r t s ...... D2 ^ ,Pheck online: ViaV a t ITttTmus-NmsCMnezt'a c ______-______Scores ancand sta ts ___ 03 Morningg br ...... ;;<9Vvw.ma^cvaUc>M>ry.com for thc lattst spons nonew s. V______Sports Edikroor K evittH iill 735-3239^9 (H( o un:2-Ilp.m .) - ’ -,7 ;Thc Timcs-N -N ew s------FFriday, June 217200 ■ A ^ i^M O R N INV C G L I N E ? p

, ; ; ' . ^ r t s Q uJOTE o i ^ o k e s f aall to B(• e a r L al k e i n ED o n n e l ll e y t o ui ] m e y ^ ^ ____ The Tlm^iout of the both picchc:hers, Zach Simons of Wood River vs. Brighom E Wood River 1-0 p.m, / J Bruin FiiField. 6-2. innings.” Glenns Ferrsrry and Devin Everett Brighom City 1-1 Marsh Foils vs. TvTwin T h ei CCowboys (1-10) playedI The oggression carrrried over of Brighamm City,< throwing no-hit- Bingham 0-2 head coach Jon AxtmanI onto defense as the; ( C ow boys te r s in0 to the fifth inning. -Perugijgiasoccer. Saturday’ gam es rhursday night. The game! mode a number of s ta n d o u t M ountain HomesHr prevailed 3-1. Thursday's scores extra innings under the: plays. Alex Hill made At Bojln Reid teamun owner le a diving InMarsliFh Falls’ 7-5 win, M organ Bear Lake 6 . Twin Foils 2 seven-mi•inning tournament format, catch in centcr field whilew A.J. Colonel rip Bo* Elder vs. Twin Falls. 8 o.m, ripped cwo criples to Mountain Home 3. BrighamTiCityl < 4vs. Childs of ; Jerome vs. PayettettcWeser, 4 pace but: wwithout any teammotes I Gooding had WediWednesday’s fourtli * B , ‘ p.m. TO help, the;h e y fell behind and out of I place barcback ridride, scoring a 57 contention:)n about 35 miles into the I thill puts liim inI fiftfifth place. race. Kody Ciiatbumim of Albion was ; In bw ef ■ Frorti thcthere, Team Saturn only fl m B ‘u P V i second in steer•r wrestling.v His built on its lead, with Arndt and I time uf 5.18 seconiconds put him in c sheltered from most of I second place in the(he standings. i T h o r p e M e m oj r i i a l G o l f c by their teammates so I H In team roping.g, \M ark Black und I jair could finish strong. I ■ Korey Hall, Glennenns Ferry made i t o u m e y i s t o dJ a a ; y B ru c k nner e finished second a I ■ their catch in 7.67.67 sccond.'s land- H H [ TWIN FALLS - Four-playcrFoj minute behiehind A rndt and Jeanson I ■ ing them in seconc:ond place stand- | H H ‘ team s are being accepton’s Eastman PaiPark in Buhl idlth Arndt (left) and Kimberly.ly.Bruckner E celebrate their flnt-rat- end eecond-place flnlthei, y-Jft------[ Canccr Patient EmergenijencyFund. Jeanson1 f.fell after Team Saturn rtspactlvely. “ In the sixth stagage of the HP Women’s ChallenIenge Thundajr.-A m dt l>#flt BrucJfuckjier Inlhe'racTfrotfrBirrieft • For more informatnation, call successfullylly wore her out before Maglp W Mountain and seized ththe overall lead. Bruckner la1 In third piece. [ Sharon Thorpe a t 733-95:•9527. th e clim b) aat the end of the'leg, _ knowing thaiia t she is most comfort------1 SccaFji».i,MW. SI. i Robinson, Hedber)ere post able in ^em2 mountains. HP Womenen’s Challenge • N O. US t^C«ra..Ciii*vlC« «i«.r “Wc haveive the strongest team,” ' ' • From there, tnoyw;y will turn north on Rex Hogcriigerman Highway, where (hey will . o t top scores in Burhirley Bmckher S£said. “She is the best Today: Stage 7 uuaujttnJra BDRLEY - Mandi HedbergHe of individual” Leland Highwoy. titurning west on turnairn and head cas( until (hey gc( bockICK Scwuwr»«]i< *” \W hat: Tho course njns from tri•^0 Hogorman Hlghwoiwoy In Wendell until to thethe Wost Point Rood, which they Cifiwrvt w,u»>«cev,ingu Twin Falls carded a 777 toti win the The helpp wasv both physical and WostCoost Hotel on Bluo Lake tfiey get to West P eolM iiai) s.xejKct«.w girls age-15 bracket anand record mental ;t Point Rood, where will IIogi ogoin take bock to Buhl. Boulevard to Eostmon Park In 8 uhl. ^,,111 turn sout/ M t m I Shc/i B«i.^ isu: ixaFj. i th e low score on Thursdcrsday during "They burledbu: themselves for )uth until they got lo . When:•n: IRiders will toke off at 10 a.m. lr«>. tjr?, J sr»xt >v.:. uum « ItnII 4 Riders will go out of lovsm olon,0'’£ Buhl. But the funjn cdoesn't slop there. BwtIt vlivlaw: Fans will hove tho best iMcn. le?! I the Idaho Golf Assia sso ciatio n us," sHe saidlid. “So, we had to push HIgnwoy 93 to Golf Courso Ro; M ittal s«r>,.ui-v>v>in u : > I Juniors tournam ent roun}und held ac hard a t die e =Iooaon , Thoy will head bocsock oul wost on chanccance ot seeing tho oclion ot thc Ci*«,5i ».»»>, to e end co give som etkng . tho nonti side of tfio rim whertere they Highway 30 ond th ‘ . : thc Burley Golf Course.'>e. The boys backtoihem,un.” 1 thon mako (heir woy startIrt s: ond finish lines. Thero will be on s;B s,',sssi;K i's |ia.}0 .>,Co»ic< will hook up witn Bob Borton.R).Rood. north until they getgel back on (ho awordiord ccfomony ot tho finish line. Ocoo^ tm tM WaUi cf Krg ><1■,9n<. 9 n ; were led by A J. Robio b in so n o f Plea’lease see STAGE. Page D2 • _ ; O akley w ith a 69, goodd cenough to ' top th e 17 an d older divis t Here are the results: OH* Let ’s{ not preteisnd about baseball,t st>teroids SlSt. Louis reiimembers: BuckI SirFMa H It« tw FMI. n 11 TMI rm.T>. k Iw Auoclated Pre— . • WnMC By S tev e WllsifJIsteln — th at .85 percentIt 0of ballplayers are' ^ ^ m ourn- ...... TheAstocbrt»lU d P f M ...... - . juiced, and K enn CCaminici acknowl* hun- Commentary edging that hc; usedu; stcunids dur- ST. ST LOUIS - Thousands5 oi f I t dr< m o re NEW YORORK - Basefeall’s com* — ------ing his 1996 MVl[VP season, no one loumers streamed passed Ja(fack (um ed UMK TMI Ml n 2. bcnvr teM. tu*;. r m issio n e r' and ai union head are ing Harvard sdentists to chcl eck can pretend th at baseballI docs not . Buckuck’s dosed casket near hon Fik. M TM FM. rA t talking a goo(ood gam e about steroid out andro. have a mess to dedean up. platc[ate ot Busch Stadiunl. c the ' K4.jiHrOwv&iyr.*i abuse. Big surprise, the sdentistsIS told “ Y o u ’r e ta lkIking i about the Thurliursdoy in a p u b lic d isp lay < to the Js, it'sounds like all them the two years later that androai hedth and welfoiIfare of a .group of griefief fcr a famed broadcaster or wc I Frlsbeegofftoume;ney t a U c 'S th=he only things that mat- does doe raise testosterone levelssis and people, which is very\ imporcanc,” longtingtime friend. i Is s e t for June 291 - ter are count«interactina bad publid- migmight lead to liver damage{e and c o m m is s io n e r I B ud S c llg s a id Fans, Far mimy dressed in red a r -.i u I, ty and placoleating a few critics in othiother nasty problems. Seligig and Wednesday in MilwaukeeM while someme of th em w e e p in g openl; on Ron I BUHL-AnlB-hoIeFrisrrisbeegolf (in g ress, FehFehr didn’t do anything thelen or cdling for sterbiirbid testing in the paidlid their t respects to th e voicc c D ieckm ann, 52, ■ tournament will be heldd aai t 1 0 ajn . B ud S e ligig and Donald Fehr whewhen, around cho um e dmen e, 10 labor agreemencm t u n d e r negotia- the,Sie.St. Louis Cardinals for nearl . oti Saturday, June 29 atat EastmanI have fin ally acknowledged, at teaiteam doctors warned of w ide- tion. ahlalf-centiuy. alf Buck died Tuesdaday engineer. "W e all hopedhop hc Park in BiSiL RedstradoIdon starts igjut tadtly,y, that baseball has a spnipread sceroid abuse. Norir did “No one careses morei about the nightght after 5.5 m onths in a hospspi- be able to get back ar b e on the at 9-30 ajn. the d ^ of th an. SeliSelig and Fehr express alalarm game, che hedchIth of the ployers, td. radio. This was a grcoi but partidpants are aske Now Ni wich Jose. Canseco sajlaying , Please see} SISTEROIDS, Page D2 elapseipsed. O ffid als.sd d th e re wenere Please see Bl

______^l______^ Tkin)l«ri.Tlrtl>tf U2002

S P O R ^ r s A n^ - Majpriti.eagueiBaaseballj ^els^s]ipuii IB uckrfare\w ell Al Times MDT AMERICAN L£AQUE ___ I ST._LOUIS (AP AP)- - Scott___ WBM 3, Tigers 2 ScTiocnewcis pitchcched well, and B raves 3 , -& stO lvl8ion w ' L w 08 Lie 8» Horns Amv k t _ David Eckstein hadlad three hits ATLANTiJTA - Javy Lopez drove • Botion - ■ 44 24 .647 t ' 4-6 L-1L-l 17-15 27-9 4-7- ^nd scored twic<'ice as the ' home thee iwinning run with a lwo^Jut sinfingle as Atlanta rallied . NewYorit 45 27 .625 1 2-&4 L-tL-1 22-14 23-13 7-5-.' Anaheim Angels beatb( the St. BalBfnofo 33 f o r t h r e e runs in the ninth 37 .4T1 12 2-5-5 L-1L-1 16-17 17-20 Louis Cardinals-3-23-2 Thursday. Toronto 28 40 .412 16 2-4-6 L-1 ,15-23 13-17 M inning. after broadcaster JacJJack Buck w as j ^ B l H . TampaBay __24 , 46 .343 21 4-6 L;2 L-2 13-21 11-25 5-j: • knemorialized at Busdjsch Stadium . A d am Bernero Be pitched eight •Central DMsion . - The Cardinals heldeld a 4.5-hour ' scoreless inningsini for Detroit. He W I Pet 00 Lie S Str tr. . Home Avay Mr viewing for Buckk beginning I was liftedd oafter giving up Julio MJnncsoifl...... 40__-..32 . i56.._ ___ L-2..L-2._24-.13_16-.19___fr6 . Franco’s le more than seven hoursho before ----- leadoff double in the {Swaoo . 36 36 .500 . 4 2-W W-1 W-1 22-16 14-20 60 th e u Juan Acevedo (1*3) Cieve&id ' ' 34 38 .472 .6 L-3 L-3 20-16 14-22 4-8 a n d a n couldn’t p>reserve re th e lead. KansasCity 25 44 .362 13.5 2-2-8 L-7 14-18 11-26 2-10 G re g M>Iaddux a had to leave . Detrett 25 45 .357 14 4-6 L-2 16-19 9-26 4-8. m ated 10,000 mourners fil- . after the fiffifth bccause of lingcr- WestDMsion in his-left calf, and W L Pd (fi 110 S»8Br Horn Amy kt: ini Kerry LigtcStenberg (1-3) got the Soattk) 44 27 .620 - fr4 W-3ff-3 18-1526-12 7-5 cherry.wood casket justji behind AnaheJm 40 29 i8 0 3 2-5-5 W-1«-1 22-1518-14 6-6 home plate. The 7/77-year-old ' P |H |H laddux'left, the Tigers • OaUand 40 31 .563 4 2-9-1 W-4V-4 23-15 17-16 11-1 • Buck, a Cardinals1 broadcasterbi Texas 29 broke throrough for their only 41 .414 14.5 5-5 ' W-2V-2 16-18 13-23 5:7 for 48 y ears, died T uesdayucj night. “ - I runs in thele sixth against Chris NATIONAL LEAGUE Schoencweis (6-5)I) gigave up two H am m ond,d, victimized by three EastDMsion runs in 5 1-3, inniinings. Troy W I 't BenJI QII Ei ta (g « d o n t > t thirdiilrd by S t Louis’ Plseldo Pdananco tfter - Atlanta erroTors in th e inning. L Pet 08 LIO Sir Horns Amv Intr Percival worked theihc ninth for . * Atlanta 43 ' 29 i9 7 - 2-7-3 W-2V-2 ' 23-15 20-14 ' 9-3 ' ' his 15th save in 17 chachanccs. UylnefoKI tc o re on « Ry ball by David EcKiU;Kst«ln In th e fourth Inning Thi MontreaJ ' 38 33 535 4 i 7-3 W-7V-7 25-11 13-22 9-3 : Bud Smith (0-5) fellell behind 2^0 Buiell StKtadlinn In St. Lonlt. Expos 5 , HRoyals 4, Ftorida 37 34 i2 1 55 2-7-3 W-3 V-3 19-14 16-20 7-5 in th e first on an RBI NowYoilt 36 35 507 6.S 5-S W-2V-2 18-15 18-20 7-5^ Dye drove in four run;. n s w i .h a U Innings Tim Salmon and a sa W h iteSo* s, 6, Phillies 1 gs Philadelphia 30 39 .435 115 2-5-5 L-l.-1 20-16 10-23 7-5: homer and a bascs-Ioacaded dou- MONTREi?EAL r Vladimir by Scott Spiezio. DaiDarjn Erstad PHILAIADELPH IA ~ Chicago’s CentjaiDMskin — ble-to-fiupport-Tim Hudson’s'H --Guerrero-sC'scored-on-a-throwing ------w — 'Ka3 a run-scoring hitlit inthei sev- Mark~Buctu e h rle pitcHiTd s h u to u t — L— Pet— 0 8 — LIO— 8ar-Htxns-Awy— ir- tit------effective pitching, andi Oakland< error by piteitc h e r S cott M ullen (0- fcnih. ball into0 ithe ninth inning, and SL Louis 40 30 571 - 6 4 L-1.•1 23-11 17-19 M completed a three-gamele sw eep. 2 ) in th e 111 1 th inning, and the Cincinnati 38 32 543 2 3-7 L-4 Eli A farrero d ro v eJin both mns Paul Kon.onerko made it easy by .-4 19-16 19-16 2-7, in off Jason Expos extertended their winning PiQsbtvgh 32 39 .451 a s 2-3-7 L-3,-3 16-18 16-21 l-5‘ hitting a3 three-runt homer in the Hudson (5-6) shook o for Ihe C ardinals. a season-high seven Houston 31 40 -.437 9 5 2-5-S W-1 19-15 12-25 2-4 first. Kendall’s first career:r leadoff streak to a /■I Chicago 29 41 .414 11 2-55 L-2.-2 • 13-20 16-21 5 4 , rie (10-5) blanked h o m er to lim it th e PirateItes to tw o gam es, R ockies 1 4 , YankeeIfAAell ' Buehrl< pos are on their best Milwaukeo 26 46 .361 15 4-6 L-1.-1 18-21 8-25 1-5 KeeS 11, PhUadelphIphia on four hits before 'runs and five hits ovcver eight The Expo: roll since w in n in g 1 0 s tra ig h t WestDMsion 10 Innings giving up:p ed their came a threiree-run deficit with I Coors Field nected off Robert Person (2-4) 'as the Pirates droppc 6-5 three-game series in C four lwo.outJt runs in the seventh z-firsi game was a win history. for h is 14th4th hom er. •sixth in seven games. to take a 4-3-3 lead, Montreal tied i , The two teams comombined for AMERICAN LEAGUE Mets 3, Twins 2 it on Femaniando Tatis’ homer off TImdey'sQatTm 70 runs, 85-hits andnd 15 home GiantS 1(10, Devil Rays 2 I R oberto H err□m andez in th e ninth. Chicago While Sox 6, Philadelpriiaia l Texas7, Chicagt;iC8goCubs4 runs in throe game:nes. Denny SAN FRFRANCISCO - Marvin NEW YORK - S teve T I rachsel Colwado 14. N.Y. Yankecs11,lOOinnings i San FranciscoscolO.Tan^a H Bay2 Stark (4-1) allowedd oone hit in. Benard ha(had season-highs of four retired ' his first 19 battitte rs a n d MarllnS 3I,, IIndians 0, rain Anahoim 3, Sl. Louis 2 Ari20fta5.BaRirrkflimorol o ne in n i n g . ______h its _ a n dJ.f.oMr_r,uns,.and.Rich f ____Itook a shutout into thi OaUand 5. PittsbofghS Fk3fkto3.aevelitevelandO, 5.5 innings ------MIAM.-(A( A P ) - - t « i 3-G a s rillo ------Tod3“iiollandsworvorth hit a Aurilia hadho four RBIs for the m ' n in g foTN evTyork. ■ -Montreal 5:Kans3sOty-4nilnnlncihgs ------N.Y: Mets-3;i;Minnesota MU 2 ------grand slam as the Rodtockies over- Giants, ' Mike Piazza hit a soloilo hom er o tte n d e d hlis is h ittin g stre a k to 34 Seatlle 3. Cincinnati 2' Atlanta 3. Detroit«troit 2 breaking Rogers Boston at San Diego, lals c a m e a n 8 -2 d e f ic it,it, rallying Russ OnDrtiz (6-4) gave up two off^ Tony Fiore (5-2), whi(lich land. S“mes, br Toronlo al Los.osAngetos, A lale 1922 record for a sec- after Roger ClemensIS wasv hit in unearnedtl rru n s - on a first-inning ed e in Torii Hunter’s■s glove Hornsby’s 19. Today's Games an. the right forearm by’ a iline drive homer by)y Ben Grieve - on six b t e fo re go in g o v e r th e ftfence in baseman. Texas (Rooors 7-4) at Pittsburgh (K-Wolls(K. 8-3). 5:05 p.m, Detroit (Sparta 3^)al Florida (Teierijeral-l). 5;05 p.m. and forced to leave in th e fifth. hits o ver ei|eight inning xthe "t sixth, and EdgardoI iAlfonzo Castillo alsoah scored the first th e M arlins com plete Cleveland (Sabathia 5-5) al Monireareal (Va2que2 4-3), 5:05 pm. X-rays p roved negative.ive. Tanyon1 SSturtze (0%) now owns added a a two-run shot.tin the r^ntohelpth a three-gameme sweep in a game Minnesota (Lohse &4) ot PhiladclphIphia (Duckworth 3-4), 5:05 p.m. : Robin Ventura homemered in his the longestest losing streak in the eighth. c Kansas City (May 2-4) al N.Y. MetsIts i(Estes 3-5). 5:10p.m. third straight gameme. Jason majors aftefter allowing seven runs Thai was all the sis u p p o r t IC bottom ' of the sixth l.J. Burnett (8-5) Oakland , (Harang 2-2) al CincinnatiIti ((Haynes 7-6). 5:10 p.m. Giambi homered andIld d ro v e in on 13 liitss inir 5 1-3 innings. 1T rachsel (5-6) n e e d e d asshe I nin- 'fining. A.J Ctiicago White &x (Ritchie 4^) at i 0 hits, extending his / It Atlanta (Glavine 11-3). 5:35 p,m. four runs for New Yorifork, which eed with ending the McL i s ' 4 1 . ' ' Anaheim (Oniz 7-5) at Mihvaukee (Quovedo3-5).6:05pm.(C L‘ak to 18 consecutive ; won 20-10 Wednesdisday night DiamODdi]dbacks 5, Orioles 1 yyear no-hit jinx until CCristian '“'““I Soattk) (Moyer 6-3) at Houston (C.H<;.Homandoz5-2).6;05p,m. dftcr taking the opener Guzman singled with uncnr« nnr >n Jmiings, andd MikeI Lowell home- Tampa Bay (P.WHson 2-6) at Cok>rajrado (Chacon 3-4). 7.-05 p.m. ier IO S. PH O ENNIX i: - Randy Johnson . , * the seventh for Minnesot;“ a™fSr" red for Florid.i d a . IN.Y. Yankees {D.WoDs 7-4) at Sann CDiego (Peraz 1-oi 8:05 p.m, . Struck outut 11 and got an assist . baserunncr. Toronto (Parris 0-0) al Arizona (HeDiieDing 7-5). 8:05 p.m. Rangers 7, Cubs 4 from the AArizona offense just in Armando Benitez got t%t%voouis L e a g u r |Boston (Burkett 7-2) a! Los AngelosOS (Nomo 5-5), 8:10 p.m. CHICAGO - Forna rm e r C u b tim e to recojcord his 1 1th victory. . Nstionsl L Baltimora (Erickson 3-6) al San Franrancisco (Rueter 7-5), 8:35 p.m ,------for his 17th save, givin Rafael Palmeiro hit a go-ahead- The Diariamondbacks sent nine '* ‘" 8 u p a A stros 9 , Bl two-run double to Corey B rew ers 3 NATIOI^h L£AGUE hom er in th e eiglith iniinning, and to thelie plate and scored five, T before retiring Hunter wi M IL W A UtlKEE F - Lance Thursda/s Game one out later Kevinv in M e n c h ru n s in ththe seventh inning. ° Housion 9, Milwaukee 3 ners at second and thirdd to end Berkrrion hitlit a grand slam to ^ added h is sccond of thh e gam e for E ru b ie l DuDurazo, who pinch hit f| it. highlight a seven-run{ fourth Today’s (Same Texas. . fo r J o h nison, s o drove in the go- “ inning, sendinUng W ad e M iller a nd Sl ‘ Louis (W.Williams 4-2) at Chicagtago Cubs {Uber 5-4). 3:20 p.m. - Flaying at Wrigley;y 1Field for ahead runin with a bases-loaded the Houstonon Astros over the i— (he first time sincee tthe Cubs walk off' WillisV Roberts, who Mariners N 3, Reds 2 M ilw a u k e ea Brewers 9-3 i traded him away• i:in 1988, rehevedRo.Rodrigo Lopez (G-3). CINCINNATI - Ruben:n Sierra Tliursday. . Palmeiro homered inin ;all three . Arizonaa (tied it a 1-1 a g a in s t hit h: a t^vo•run homer agaiainst his Berkman drovedl in five runs, Buck —_ games of the series. His decisive ^opta whene n A lex C intron w alked former f( team, and... ..James giving him na niajori league-lead- /vContinued from Dl______------hom er—Thursday-camne-off-Juan e------^ivith.basesj.sjo a d c d .______:______—Baldwin—pitched—welB e l l - f o r ------ing-62-RBIs.-T.-The-Astroravoided ------^ ______Stadium_in_lil.4tL9.48_witluhundreds__ !______C ra ig Coi Cruz(l-9). 2 ounsell had sacrifice - S s< eattle. being swept>t in th e fo u r-g am e b y a color g u ard a n d a largi'gcbou- of thousandss ofof people paying ; Todd Greene andd PMench - fly, Quintoiton McCracken a run- Sierra connected in thihe sixth series. quet in the shape of a basascball. respects, ngle ahd Luis Gonzalez ol with his first homer of tthe game sconng sing off Joey Hamilton (3-5-5). The Miller (3-2)2) wI as 7-0 against th e ^A Clydesdale horse, symlnbol of Buck died fromfroi complications e in support of Johnson ^ - connected back to:o 1 b a c k o ff ? “ Mariners also scored a1 in;n on Brewers comirning into the season, the team’s Anheuser-Buschch own- following hingg surgery sv Dec. 5. Matt Clement in the sev ““JFB” 2 for their fifthfth straight victory, d pilch of th e gam e. nm homer to Alex Gonz□ nzalez.hat th= second p ing a two-run homer to Juan at Miller Parkirk, im proving to 4-0 were carved in the grassss ’just -several players!rs saids th ey sensed Bed th e gam e at 4-4 in Encarnacion in the sixth. at the stadium,im. . P*beyond the center fidd wa)fall and Buck’s presenceICC in th e stadium . enth. Francisco CordenliJo'gol'hrs Athleticss I5, Pirates 3 kK azuhiro S asaki g ot th e lalast four Jamey Wrig:right (1-5) fell to 0-7 in the dirt behind secondid base “It’s one 3of.f thet first games second save. P IT T SBURGH B l - Jermaine oio u ts fo r h is 17th save. lifetim e againsinst tlic A stros. and the bronze bust of Bu3uck a t h e ’s w a td ie d inin a s w hile,” p itch er; th e m icrophone o u tside thithe sta- M att M orris said,aid . dildium became a shrine cranammcd “It’s a difficulicult situation, but with cards, caps, stuffedsd ani- this is where; hhc c b elongs, a n d I.' mals, balloons and photogrgraphs. th in k h e ’ll b e! withwii us the rest of Longhhorns acdvance ito cw:'S title gamI e iBlack b u n tin g d rap ed th e ststa tu e , th e season.” allalongside an American flag.fl: A Tributes poured poi in from. : OMAHA. Neb. (AP;VP) - Jeff ■ ■ ■ M ajewski’s solo sholot off An error witwith t^vo outs in the transistor tn radio was tuntned to Buck’s broadcas(casting colleagues Qntiverus and Dustin M Jeremy Guthrie (13-2) toto right- second inniniing started Texas’ KMOX KT - th e C ardinals’ flajlagship across the countruntry such as Emie c o lle g e Ijomured and Texas cli lge World Series hcenter broke a 5-all tiei ini the comeback frcfrom a 3-0 deficit. station. sti Harwell of therhe Tigers, M arty \ spot in the Collegc Worl'orld Scries SCseventh and held up as thoth win- Ryan Hubclc:le rcached when Baseball1 hasn’t had a cocompa- Brennaman off tlie tli Reds and Vin , championship game by beating Stanfordcl lihad a chancc to tic it ning ni run. It was Texas’;s’ 67th Scott Dragicev:evich couldn’t han- rablc rai ballpark ceremonyf : sin ce Scully of th e Dodgers.Dod S tanford G-5 T hursday/night. ni in the ninthth when Sam Fuld led homer, ho tying the schoolI rccordr die a grout•under to third. the thi Yankees held a two-dayay visi- Scully said1 hhe e ’ll m o stly m iss , Jesen Merle (3-3J-3) held off with a buntbu single, but Street set sc in 1988. Brandon Fahejicy singled, Guthrie tation tai for Ruth at Yaia n k e e Buck's hum or. ____ 5 .t.anford_to_one_hit_it_ in _ £ o u r____got.R yan.GGarko-toily-ouLto a cen-______1SianfordJxad-tied-tJic.gae am c.at____walked_J.DJ(.Jleininger. then, - - r innings of relief andid Huston ter and Jasoison Cooper to ground 5-aIl 5-t in the fiftli on a hit baDattcr, a Kalani Napolci>leon bloopcd a sin- I S tre e t p ick ed up his third thi save into a doubublc play to end the double do by Cooper■ and glc to rightt thatt scored two Donnelley -L of the CWS for the LorLonghorns, game. StreetL>et, a freeman, bas 13 O’Riordan’s O’ RBI single. runs. y . who will play for thele title on saves this sejseason. After falling behind 3-00 :in the After Carterter’s leadoff'homer, Contbwed from Dl fielder’s choice,ce, two walks and S a tu rd a y ag ain st th e wiw inner of C h ris O’Rt’Riordan was 2-for-3 first, fir Texas got two runs aafter a the Cardinalll iadded two more thithird inning of Wood River’sr’s 12-2 another hit drovirove in eight nins Friday’s game betweeieen South with two RBRBIs and Chris Carter two-out tw error in the secon>nd and ru n s o n fo u r■ hits h in the inning, win over Bingham. Brighamm Qty for Lewiston,, wwl h ich m a n a g e d 1 irccord he shared 1989, when it lost to0 Wichita\ • The Lomsnghorns beat the fifth fifi yvith a trip le a n d scorored on with Troy Pau'aulsen (1990) and EeEagle Wood Bat ToumaminW nt UM.^mOm|<|aM H S tate. T h e Longhorns aare re in their Cardinal 8-78 - on Monday and a a sin^es by Majcwski. Onti 5 Pnn»W<-«r. itiv cro s M ike D o tte reir(1 r < 9 8 1 ). Lewiston 8, Jerom e S 2 9 th CWS an d have fourur inational 'avoided ha'laving to face them . followed foi with a line drive1 hom1: er O ’R io r d a n1 and □ Dragiccvich taLikOSIMIM.IIT titles, the last in 1983. again F ridaya y w ith th e win. to t o le : ft, his 2 0 th of th e year.r. h ad R BI suiglesles in the first. One bad inning sank Jeroro m e s TWF*iogooiaoii4I chanceschi in its opening gatn.m e a t , the Eagle baseball toumaram en t Steroids - ______^______Thursday. Thi Kiel Thibault weitent 4- for-4for with two doubles amn d a n Continued froRiOl nix Suns, ncnoted at the Senate dotdon’t have the intcrcstt gumimpdon ball from the lingeringlir morbidity RBI RB to lead th e Tigers, whiclichfell iMPM»nii-7ii time for Confess to stud’ndy andro. hearing thatIt tthe NBA has manda- oro r resolve to p ress fo r Olyilympic- of the 1994 strikrike, ScLg and Fehr t to o ! ^ overall with the 8 -S losslo: to Robert Manfred, baseball':all’s execu- tory randomn testisti for steroids. T he stystyle testing. For one, minuscle- danced aroundnd the issue. They ' LeiLewiston. t|v e vice president for Ial;labor rela- • NFX also testests for steroids while ' boiboim d hom e run sluggers sciell dck- can’t do that soo easilye anymore. ' • fPreston H ills a nd J c d Seana m o n s m m m o m ii'IK tions, said Congress should>uld consid- the NHI^ likeike major le a ^ base- . etsets. For another, there aree • m ore Soil John Mc p>policy regarding their urgurgent problems — a luxurury tax ed the Senatete Commerce con- In th e th ird , Jerom e led 34]H )but aM»«ekKi4& i-uuiII testosterone boosters froifrom over- use. and contraction, for.examplc) l e - o n sum er affairs subcomminccsu! hear- a s:single, three hit batterss in a 2S?SS2Smh«t(4ii. ’ thc«*««o»»twi-i««, trolled drugs that requiquire pre- ‘S«nild be a necessaryr a nd fimda- WiiWith strike talk fouling thithe air, skyrocketed aftiifter the revelation . ^ sixipuons. m ental step> inir the direction of rid- neineither side is likely to goI tto the of McGwire’s use ; That’s easy for Feh"ehr and ding steroidd iuse in major league maimat over steroids.. “Like it o r not.lot, professional ath- Stage ^ ___ ------^ ^ ------: 1 Manfred to say. It doesn’tn’t call for baseball." • SoS all the talk of doing■ ssome- letes serve as role models,” ' :ontiniMdfromDl ahy accountability from[I tfthe play- Fehr Is notlot willing ro go any- thing thii about steroids is prolo b ab ly M cCain said. “Tl“T liat's m ote impor- ^ and Team Satiimu m look to l>c in .' • c n or tlie owners. >vhere neiir- th at far. H e stiU p uts just ju s that. Lip scrvice. A wiway to tant than >^ethcth e ra g iflu p o f hiflh- As A soon as Jeanson'bccamleiso- e pretty good shape,ipe. . • ' I : Whot would mean soirsom ething protectinfl pla;flayers* rights to priim-: sound sou sincere in respon:n s e to ly paid ath letesa area using anabolic }®tcated from her teammates,s, sh e But they are nI’t ’t stsaying so. rtould be a year-round,j, randomr cy ahead ofif >worries about their cmbarrassmg cm! daims by CarCanseco steroids.” kneoiew it was going to bc/aI long1 “Team Saturnn wwon.it a couple ; - (^g-testing program. A\ programp health and influenceini over you^- and and CaminltL Yet it’s a start.t. , , McCain is rigr h t. M aybe it tage from E m m ^ - Arizona Diamondbacks andanc Phoe- notvrithstandiiiding« b ^ b a Q ow ners Sammy San Sosa helped revivee Ibase- just^alk.' threhree days reladvdy flat, Ar\m dt to Hyde Park inI BdBdse Sunday. < ' i/ •I, '

. , ■ i ■ FfW«)day. June 21.2002 Hmw-Newt,w t, 1T«f1n Falb. itUho D-3

______s Sc o res AT^ S T A T ______S ports 7 7 7 1 0 r JtnOmrm1t«si>>m«(i'' UnTflim'tna^ J1J7-7I I f laura r3S-7l -I a i ' j p y ------*STR0»9,BR£WERSa — ,------^ E Saa»si5e"’— ; SrS:dtn------»B-7|— 7 - :! ------r r - z S m K TS-IN BRI [OUSTGN . WMUOE n«M TM. M Wki » x i n g s a s a(Uceii i S135 million in \ S o a : u R Albertson College t e . n ’ iEffi?*; R1NERS3.HEDS3 ------' ing for the stadii on M i l Hm»a 7Siii S (Early Satunlay) Women, Arm WolfcIfe vs.v Vienna MABif 2002 WoriTCup grldders plan reunlil i o n T he ballpark. two tw( Cm ’O » 0 1 I «.-*.<* JJ 0 ^ JS • WoftdCupQuanefflnals.els. Spain vs, . Williams, WIBAA mimiddleweight ^ *r SECOND ROUND & SAMr.MII CALDWELL - Formencr foot, schedule becaui t o l o SouUiKorea champicnship ball playcr.s for Alinbert.-io,; and a i»lKiail sci i j s K j i H S Sr.'isK i! s" by ' ! § ? ? ■ ESPN2,12:25a.m. ESPN2,8 p-m, BMfr.Jiall CoUege will gather Juntino 2 7 .2 9 f'nished hy g . 1 1 I7,s«ai«' 01 Sr^hLr 2004. Ifs aboutJt 303, perceni to o o World Cup Quailerfinals.als, Senegal vs. SSS. Ir«ifij 1. O f ^ j r ^ } ; »ip"p«" ? 0 0 0 a s a go- ' tan in ««min£i (tO) tft-amvoix B a s ee b b a l l second round oo on|;^0 0 ODD (JUARTERnNALS 1948 P ear Bowl, th e 195:3 5 2 ^ 1 ‘ s s ;’ !! FMir.Araai w ilh the University of Mei^exicoin e new n «o TGC.8a.m. BMtp 7 0 I 0 I»p«l OOOO ger in ^ u i 1?Xin Mexico City, the confcifcrence S'"™' , . CWS, Clemson vs. S., CarolinaCa . Senior. Grealer BaltiiJaltimore Classic, ia?t2Ten S 2 I I (r^mnE AlUM\SaAbrM ip IO die Tlial'.^ kin irmmrua >rn l>^m title and subsequent trip J ? ■ ESPN2.i»on first round O in ^ mccloacM 0 ^ " tM n.ina Refrigerator Bowl in Evairansville, wctc ivait.iis on. ’ , t-HK*»i(jiico-;n-5aa< 10. Cnma e n-C«<0 3uthem Califomia ■ PAX. l i a.m. (nOWlKnllLU'ta Ind. and the annual Battledeofthe Hc,*o,aSoutl 9 3 .»!«ifr«aer(iJ|S-J from ' ' White Sox at Biavcs- PGA, C[ubPro Cham|lampionship, sec- ^ ^ Valley in the late 196(160s a n d br?i?tara.UMtv«nc mitemEa*! early 1970s. Atlanta Bravescs i a u s ? * IBS, 5:30 j.m. . ond round Dttta4 On Ctam M Jem sruaa rVfrtki 7 SEMIFINAIS Highlights include aimnrt-ar trade on Dt“C. 22, Dl . f-?39A-ZU7«(fl«0) Tyndir.Jma to TGC, 12:30 p.m. s s K i; r? M9«4MX4rH ances by former NFL receivrt er 2 0 0 0 , h e ag re e d ' . Ute Boxes ^Unla] Sun »m< n r 0 10 qialifying' Da ve first-time All-Star l/wtolb 4 0 11 (M l « I THIRD PLACE ' Cisco Limbugo; YMnn 4 0 0 0 MMit S 9 '!I ! ? FSPT.3p.m. McAnaney, the collegc!...•< I ic t all ab o u t w in n ir Mr nuMr fra. Oarril Ccwrs. . S S S S ^ about being here ■rjhra JmWci S»n!niil«MLiVrvStn quarterback and 1930’s^ alums thouglit abc ! ! ! ! » ! ! I40CC7I Mark Maxwell andd P a u l i n didn’t tiunkk wew. had a chance Kf !!S!W .!: cetball L y ! ' CHAMPIONSHIP ■ jrybody can stay Viana OOOO P4«ip } 0 i EXP0S8.RI.ftOYAt£4.HlAftln(i H ay m an , tw o of th e col iiii Kwaaarr w m K M . ______can have a giiod______----- CSrtC — I'O'O'O'^w 5>''0"0‘j r r r S wnba. new vom cievCleveland FM1 7-3 0 0OOOO C 0*fnmt 4 0 1 )0 PifMlbP>f3 3 110 taratl 4 11 ? 0 J ? ? ? June 27 and lasts untili i8 ;3o“at Theodore wliisIris Vezina I HMiMII^ W0100CB-4Lliis- - = 0 0 0 7 SttKnil 4 0 1 II CCmm I 9 0 10 tuMrtI 1 1 ; C?*.^ j iii.n.nM riV° 0 3 1 OCbvau 4 0 10 WTl* the McCain Center. A Halawman Jfjphy gpj jj [ DI>-Ok!^ T. fVMpnMT T Unrro>««m.«lnsUi>»*l:rentip 0 0 0I 0 Bm«e a I 1 0 Is MVP I rttfllKiII S4aniavyC«aMcnTt»iCtu ) bmnp OOOO OUOU[«i . I 0 ( luau featuring (he I?) - I-7M*-JV47S|MflO) LEKxONcn ' 6 ^ Q ° 0 0) ftmtA^ 1 0 0 0 Q*rp < 0 00 0( 0 Dmwp OOOO Borthers band and dinmmer S l TORONTO-- JoseJ. Theodore, I (Vuntn 4 0 J 0 f»v«ip 0 0 0 0< 0 Ltei^p OOOD ,> s s . be held Friday, June 288 iat 6:30 'f Soallendiriding helped the P ' h « « " «DO 80 01ANTS8.0EVILRJILRAYSO lOOOuS1 Unr>cl< 4 17 7 Ocr«isn 1 0 ' S»*;«nirTiart riOm^nri ladiens reach the J J T«>*MY ^ ^^8«nW( !!!!!&!!!! p.m. in the J.A. Albtb e rts o n “ SV r?"? — S \ I l l I i S " : ! ! ! i/hrt »tfie»4.oH VwilPi»ni,.lM*n.t- Activities center; For,r more NHL playoltsjor,.for_the.first time > J OVJol 4-010 t><*KK«K ? J?o "'E t;!;: S IVta^i OH lUxiALvucn information, call the niumnia fo^ir year.s,rs, was royally 8^LM o'^ J I I ? ' ° 0 0 0 TbM « 4 1 rsday niglit. || ■ J J QiMil 4 0 1 0 0>r>v4l SKMp OOOO K ^ i a> OCOOO office at (208) 459-5300. rewarded Thursda 5V i ? i § ^ S H ~ rDrtJW ~ S«r>n IJH Vt}* SKAl-Tr Theodore, 25.’5. won' the Hart ■ ■ ® ' tt*f>rc 9 0 10 ncw> I TcM m i i : l»}ci«-»«Y»gi totj. ° ' *at*iK '3 0 0 0 JURA ISL. S:UV«?CM E-fi«M(»ll**>n(S T ro p h y a s th e Itleague's MV1> ■ ■ ■ if ? I s I n1& 7 7 11 OtOCODICO-iCM l.lk»««4(UC0-*Jf ll nits jind llie Vezina 1 »>u« P«M ta 4 biam n v> tr anl.aUM? 7t)-0i«in(ie)90-W aniltiW AjTKi Cecil Fielder’s son la Trophy as lop ■ ■ WP-P>dU? 4 0 M lOCMAM’it SIUu>770^77(McUMi7|l7lOGJ »-VGumn(l4|CS|CSOUrr»mS-5,«-'?. I KirVt vd K/iunam iMsala »rpm-l«>r*. Jn n«)ra»& ’ri.Ua^ lfc*> i>TfaA grand slam In pro ggam e , boynl Uart HntftacC "U SOntm” *« ftjmtns iiyi?lOOOScrrdtpSJS;; .SlM ifWI (Mm^SF-Spuo r P - H fl EB EB so are weak." T-7*«*-J1.e«|U.4i81 , »l S^trtiBl arj (ir*0« OGDEN, Utah - F S " .« 1 9 3 1 1 SV9M-U b V U M 47 Prince Tlieodorc said afterafl. ilie league's sr'" «o»oT-“ **• " ' sSnnW.M 173 e I 1 1 4 Owrr ' ?• Fielder made a slammin’n' debut annual awards; ceremonycei dosed YANKEES 30. ROCKIES>10 10 TanBn OCSOOOOOM Tour BAM Championships Kwitm caowx) taFnrdn 4DiniM. 1 1 1 0 0 RHvinMU 11l?4l- ? ? J 7 WTATOi in pro ball. with Wayne Gretzretzky pulling his _ _ ar h U tti h BOOO? I\mrm 1-9 ____ASiMia______4 - ij 0 0_0 0 0______> ^L »7___73n 1 1 0 0 ? __ Cecil Fielder's son Itit a grand name.out.of.an.ertLenvclgpe.asjlie ______■ _ imti i ) ? 0 (U an ii 0 I I 0 B^|1?!'3KK«rt!» « slam ifThis first gam e, co Co:rw3b 0 0 0 1 LWairrl 3 I 2 p m is o So connect- H art w inner. “II cocouldn’t believe ■ 1 J 7 > 1 Ki!. 17^ SumOrmOddco ing for a tying sliot in the I xzi'e a 5 I ? I 0 0 r r , « H*»w 1-3 0 c L* bottom it w hen G retzky:y plpronounced my ■ I!!10 0 iKwt a s J. 7-> I, 1, 2 , SuencriM 11J 3 1 1 0 1 1-3 g g a . . . , . of tlie ninth inning Wedrdnesday „a„,e. !Si‘ S ! i5S‘ ; 1! 9'* . 7 J 0 5 J EWHlr.;. Pouuc * 1 Kpf'l ’ I ’ ; 0 5 0 In S! c ! ! : ! K w ,. , !1 0 0 0 .0.. 0 . . .IWWSUIM. niglit. “ I Still can’t beliibelieve it." | VrviXi 7 • Stmp 0IOOO 0 0 Sanristan 0 0 0 1 7 iu»pimm7t>i3 n,» » v S u in .« J*v(iinra(fiLbr ors beat Theodore is ilietlie firsl member SoTxit ? J Sfrr"!" 100 0 0 ICP-t7fit»lOUraitt(lt«(*» trtfrlfcO Idaho Fiills 12-9 in 10 inni yyi ? ^ 8 on^p 0 0 0 0 insniininT'-nKx »WTO rnl tce*r Wlftt5>n«rilVGu«'&»wo,WP-»«'?n cSitaiTO.iarv.a. CMI rwtvtfc «< Uirrum ' inings in of the ’Canadiens;ns ito Ix; .selected 0 0 0 Urrm-Kim. Hour IVi™ fm Ie (jiirc.ihriUrr|tP3Xnj jyn/nMndt«>.fntU««rc«t* t wi//™n,inir Itl IHad^n. r«i(' 67 the Fiorreer Rookie League;ue. MVP since Guyy LaL afleur in 1978. Iooo iS ti'’ 4 1177 £mvCrulU«mT>v.I« T«] SS'SiS.ilT” S«zr«x ce kOKT. t t m f } “ I was a liltle aaxious arand ner- it was a very/ dadose deci-sion in ' " 1 1 0 I-736*-J19W(«t.4tn DIAMONDBACKS S Pteo.p JOII (♦nit'p ? 1 0 L- VOU.S," Fielder said. “ I wiwas just voting by memicmbcrs of the 0 0 0 Intorfooguo bojboxes vimofi *Ks JNS 3. INOtAriSO IfrlWJ" 4 0 ? 4 1 I I 1 « ( K a ofvaMO runs* u ift^ w lioping to hit the b;Ul hardrd some- Professional HocHockey Writers' 7M «J3t8iaTaMi MWttw tn RAN0ERS7,CtlB:tlBS4 ,to.d 4 i ? . cD.nMl3i « 7 0 0 1 » r h hmToa ioana4CD-a TGCU CHCUOMO ttOJr.-fl 4 0 0 0 uaa 000 3110 PrtCTiatU: where.” Association. Theodore Th and Conti icomoco-io ibi h a LGruUI 3 0 0 1 V jr^u ,} 0 0 Picked by the Milwcivaukee Calgary rightt wwing Jarome } (3l. Dut« 0). Urt» IlSl OP-**f.P.ltntiM4 Ufre» 9 10 0 Pncndend 4 111 tDBUJb 4 0 1 0 srnrrd.Sfr> 4 0 10 ' iurecut 4 110 Ihr»tt. 7 D 0 Brewers as the seventhI overallo iginia each finislnished with 434 . IJtl IO*r*n(t) IW*an»|IJ| rfeuaKnid(?Oi Anv)u 7 0 0 0 wraauWTB 4 110 onr,a 7 0 1 dioice in thi.s month’s draraft, the points, with Theo.heodore winning M 1 4 17 0 Uibnjf, I 0 0 0 CrtrenaCnn 3 10 1 (IXiJc .’0 0 00 0 tw>u> a 7 I 1 0 si?''*' Co«Cn. U" uiiSuJnl 18-year-oId Fielder wentt 24 -for-} because he hadid :26 first-place Vn^Jim lHe|J|SO-A.'«\ji :j*up oood ttYjctcrtc 3 10 0 rrtiat 3 0 10 ll»n®p>IM, 7 0 10 jUM.-t, ! 0 0 fniSr*CccTT< fo^e* uAp OOOO rvuwtuMtu 4 113 ilowp 3 0 0 0 Ofi^ with a walk. He had an1 mI fieid votes to 23 for Igin[ginla. ^ P H R en CD CO I 1 0 0 0 cy»»n> 3 0 0 0 Wtrap 0 0 0 0 m»>&’";!!! K' i.S!OIoftuT'’ S3 7 1 *-'(“(>«l>jrrA;r,\- «njS*o Ti rj Ui ilit in his first at-bat. ICnmf OOOO AlCiwp OOOO nunnp . o o o o The two roomlomed together IVtflt 3 J 3 0 t % 3 [0 U«x^>1 3 3 3 7 &«ip Ta* 29 1 7 5 SST^ ” a Hours afler ;irriving in U tah, while helping Ciin;i^inatla win worlil Clo« ^ 1 3 0 0 0 0 01 I9n>d 3 10 0 OOOO M m innoco-ie-l [.IrcMitlU’-C*^3 .™ ., Ordina Opon 0 0 UTvjA 3 0 11 OiMpxp 7 0 0 0 MBO* onosotMk-t itXI-CimtvdS Ibiitoxui^SSl'lOi (t-pd|li| Fielder played first base arand bat- junior champiun.sonship gold dur- SU*n ' 113 1 0 0 ? ( a»wa n*frjm tei-lnil 1 lOi SO-V,.-.V>rMHtlllCB:*J[74l ted deanup. ing the 1990s. a ? ^^p j g ® "» 7 0 0 0 tS»>4(3U«3jMfa^I. Wa«K> (ll D><-Af.‘.r>i 7 C$-'»rl <31 S-OiMI i(»ai*TOte>'w6ioieiiu 0«M ra oil «' WJ« 'lAM.UIS 1-3 3 3 3 0 ( 1 H EB EB » 0-~L’ 5 5 in the bottom of the nt in th , received the Le.stix.ster B. Pearson »-<• 1-3 3 3 3 J7 1? »0«9 lS w » J FMt Fielder came up with thele bases Award as the mosmost outstanding ■ 3 0 E-l>ti«lOP-Oc«j>7lCO-Tmi 1 4 1 1 7 O/raeWSS C 1 1 70-U«Mrrc»nj(t) M»i»i I 01 0 0 0 1 1 L>T»o-‘*rt.U*«0 C$-U IUittCo^CUcnni iUo P H nI □En nt 90 IUhwnW.117 7 5; 1. , 7 II hit a tlu'ee-nln hom er in thethi 10th and during the; a«awards ceremo- “ iTtUpTttn Ucfni Rrt»>t 7 1 0 OT.n.ierT. luwl«wi fni.DiMO.1MDiUin Va>^ KO 7 3 3 for the victory. ny he was presenrsented witii lhe . 1 0 7 Itinn-mM Pki r'T-« Tn -'i ------liirou-hope-by-gettinti.g,^Lguy— Maurice-iiRock«icktfi— Richard ------#- iacD*-iaa7iiiO«<*i —0—0—0------iticu ; 3 0 0 0 ...... ■WNBAaA’SSridln^' 4<3r.-«co you dr^ift No. 1 that he's gogoing to Trophy for mostst goalsgi ( 52) and PADRES 3. flED SOX 3 FCOf«roS7 I 1 0 0 MTtrwkCn ATHimCS 5, PIRATESPl 3 EATCTrunccmnCMX be an impact player,” OC gden th e ,\n Ross Tropl:-ophyas the NHL S S ? «13 « 4 4 3 10 o>KJH> PITT!(1TT»MH W L W 00 IraP,n* 5*. manager Tim Blackwell;ll said, scoring diampi(m((m (96 poinis). TZ r ; ; r Z 7 r ; ! Ilt-mcf 4 0 10 OCru'u 4 0 0 5 J ? Utki.t. J ' 7 0 --IicifUJc 1 ? 1 I 1 636 ' “Well, bast'd on what hap]ippened igi„i;,, whosee fatlierf; is from l*t^» 4 I J 0 xlnMli 4 0 0 lonight, he certainly mailade an Nigeria and whok'hose m o th er is r.AJrtu 4 0 0 1 Irnr-irl 4 0nnn 0 m'Hknwj PD-iWiln K^lnl 4 110 nUM S 4 0 10 l»*Tunp OOOn n 0 fWiJr U«v\ fm,Tl 1 LlU-'Tf ™ Vjrprtr. . TftflJ ™ >l ” •4 "10 Vkrt impact." from the Unitede d ; S tates, is the IL 3 0 0 0 Oirtl ? I, I I 0 Sui«l^ 0 0 0 0 «t n H lb r h U Urtjd 3 0 D 0 4|>< '■ winner of the Jen:Jennings Trophy Vwsrtc I 0-0 0 ® ® ni J « 4 I Il«jJiBp 3 0 0 0 U«4 m i I QB over eligibility 0 0 0 C<^l 4 0 0 o'«>/4>u ' 3 r» l\ Ikjrfcil*^cuda 0»mar.t arrtlUjWxialtUr*.! i^r State for t’cst goals-agaagainst average, 19 19 Cant 4 0 10 IUn»ds;;;; ss': jsisg OGDEN, Uliih - WiliCT oSn SlOMWI^"* S i i H • ‘ > “ ' • t|iiarlerback Tyler Glaiadwell finished tiiird in Hart voting, swOMgo roioom-a IUIS, 4 0 10 tUrwlS ! ? ™ A iMu&um r school Roy was n iiinerr-up ui: to llieodorc £-< C ..lUa.a ' won't play ne.xt fall after * (V9j7;&'0»w|1CI. i«i**tivd|19l Unt« ■?:!;! st, SMjJr S '* 7 : 6 ^ iS U4lf.,-K J*,-.. officials determined he us«.used his tl'c Vezina. Uts* 11 17) CVOan |4i SrciSSS' a*' jjijg;;4C 4 17 0 (Warn mOTIOOI-a1-3 S»>nrt= 7 up 4 I 0 0 • E.tn.i(ticunCT(mai.aOllO-i»«l Pen*//' . ™^ . d r r - Jvcfpool Intomational fifth year of eligibility lasast sea- ,,, • p n EJ, [DCO 593 lUnaic>< 1 0 0 0 ll>rpI OOOO :iM>r»(l4| tOMII'i) IT* r? I Dui^/inMB son. m s Reign Dixcn K»o*«i:) p HI R Dt OD so ria MCOMnMPat Smith crowns I I rCnltoU5-7 610 4 3 1 4; ? I H ? Wnrw»:n ll lUi IC The problem stemmed T«« ‘ o : « a TomI .41101110 JUilWnW.M I i J7 ; 0 4 OUTOMOKDiSDl Sul^OtiKUOxi“T S 2 " confusion alxmi when GlaiiidS 72-62 Thursd;sd ay » . s 3 < Tmnb> seonOSO-t I t I ; ->Mran»ICl«Mir.0-“,''- - - S A C R A M E NNTO. T ! Calif. _ ... . Ir.tm 1 0 0 0 0 1 - 5 1 1 -1...... 10*%JtIS»A,lpm ----- ^RwKw* -- - -- — ------Itft'UlS.H ' » ' t 1-1-0 I m.^is aw?'’** ' 773 r 0 If OW.a-rv** Ii-rrvJ^-M graduating from BonnevillelleH jgli Tangclu Smith-SCOIscored-16 of-iier— ------Rafai:*! W'-1»T» (In I (\»rS § S 0 0 Urr«uiIlM^ ,:n d? School in 1996, he enroll l>.T»»»-tt<™ TnlK«i 7tKei|t;LanM|1il.Uran]|SI(6l'ris*«n(»l n S»; P»i9-ir iW ^*4'>' '• illed at season-higli 20 poiipoints in the sec- ' (>»»«»• thrlMWrtt 30-PnMCl If-OM III 4.Mr««l«l iC JWtilOi l«t«i 7 7 0 0 0 7 Ull H Suv-irt} 7 P Ricks College as a pan-timime .stu- end lialf and Sacniicnimento pulled 9rM(S)S0 IVrxMSI D']7ISIIr(ll.l«»i3M(iJ| l>rp»n ««.MItn\F«l'nl LLo^r’c^ Sam] ixm <1 4 r r i.-< UctaK M iM-M 6 ^ S-lUUl M Ulir, tl(«. IU< W VMIM inj dent tiiai fall. aw ay to ;i 72-6454 victoryi over M ■ . ORIOLES 6. DIAMONDBACKS 3 01 DB 90 I-?«7*-77.4W(JJWli CMUrd u ntinr^z- JirUaaH&MnCJrU Uirt Sum *< ‘''.•lu-n Gladwell was asked to w; M.ncnE AKSNt i.w walk-on Seattle on Thursdasday niglit. ■ ■ * t A H « r h _ g S * s L L ”1 I 4 METS3.TW1ITWINS 3 'S ^ - * pS ^ ? o at Wel)er Siaie during the•whter v Kedra Holland-.nd-Corn scored ■ ■ -----« r 3 » ----J-« Ofl-CWi!«»-«-0 0 ------vvirrVlmbl<«for» Qualifying------,- 'q u a r r c r - l‘J97.-School off:fficinis- 1.} ix)ints. Liidiy’ Gr 9 0 1 ai K H i« r n tt u rm u h ('em. 7 WBMd(irUnHTt, 1010 MDMdEn^gram mistakenly believed he had and Tidia Penidieidieiro added 11 T[tU>» 4 117 CUW9l» 7 0 08 0 ScWuhS 1 1 7 0 ? ‘ CG.TO14 4 0 7 0 Mtnr 4 0 0 0 Hltec 3 0 D ______G _____ (4:*w»&slird enrolled as a part-time stistudeni points, 10 a ssisssists and six Cttaaf 0 0 0 ro-F'bcvw btfZli 4 0 17 Stme UiM> ^^11 S f^d ^ 0 I, I l>f(>M->lOTa.TnlkCk4int(nl.< Tl«»»d 4 0 10 Vwy, ib i 0 0 0 PGA OfOJfoater Hartford w hen hc was Hiking dii.'We:ses fidl- rebounds for thhc e ?M onarchs (2- oao Uir’ntai. Saonl T«) Oimr.Ihrt.(hif,(\/^ Thn. 3 0 0 0 Cncr time. all-time against 0 I 0 T-I44A^.i(il|ll.<«r| irSjd 1010 ’fS 6 ), who a re 7-0 all- j g j I I § • sfcss* ^ Under NCAA rules, annn ath- Seattle. 0 0 0 ROCHES 14. YANKEES u.ioi.*p11. S : jiS 0 ■ iWMUwcan. (is),n«.*w 0 0 0 wwnm eou»«K ™Eanr»K&tw iV* .-i-lWw* Iiete’s five-year eligibility plx;nod Lauren Jacksono n Ihad 15 jMiints e ; 1 a s s txigins after full-time enrollolIm(.-nt and 11 reboundsIs for fi Seatde {4- as: 1 I 1 ASivaA » 7 4 1 (Vndd e I 4 1 l^rwgp 0 0 0 I>da«S " ” '! "*“ S at a four-year school or ji Mtm anencM jmru. 113 0 (UM»» J 7 ) 7 t*rtnp 0 0 0 DM.ta2up OOOO I>rt0^ »3I^ 1 ’dm** ' junior g), which has lostist t (hree straight Msra l rn 1 7 7 7 00.«(« 1 ' ' 0 SacxnjFtaJd 1collegc. games. C • Wowt irj D(>-(Utrcn i LOO-tUMn««* 4. OwtMd 1 7 7 0 H«»iblb 4 I 1 0 Tcm Xi 11 Ton IVaua Givwr Cruu «flWi 7 7ti-lww 1171. lk»tMI■ I 4 114 NfBTot ooacmab>3 a « 1 } 0 lO»-4*rMC4i3.HMYcrt370-1370-K<»W(ICI Cl«h ;Johnson plans an appealI tot' th e ,o take th e leadJ forfo giK)d al 57- 3 ? ? 0 IC 4 100 CMviw|13)ICI-M3UVtl.PlilJ.IMI J M (Mm Iiu™" Uowj-i INC>n fn-xc. p 0 0 0 0 fcnLH 7 - 3 .1 X-f-U ■> /inrlUttlUil job likely goes to junior ^ Q 0 0 0 7 • 0 7 0 0 1 JWI-« -4 tf kjAX ArTvrru artj (Vnar J S “” ■ I Bennett. 7 0 0 0 1! 91“ S j ’ ’ " ' » ■ 4 L I Fever burns R re zl»al M«-«f -9 e a so n 30 polnts foror IMcCray T.»41WOOS(4fB13) • T'S' i?.?.?.Tia’ ;41 MUI4 l»p»»-rtr»Qm(;ttc<<.f»Urif»ttU*»W»«i, D^PiTO XM4-07 -9 UunliFMFM.r.vct »< SrKCu Jicon >throwing for 2,733'yards ai . . taYat CM90IICa i l(j«7DM .tatliM »V-il 0 . »7 M s't'alf PORTLAND..O DODGERS 5. BIUE JAYS 3 0«*^9K Jo^'Ura foriK.TM 34 Jtouchdowns. Weber Si . CtCndD IM01I100 , o p e n i M 'C f;'-'’ 30 TOflCHTO U»A«£1£S 2 e^ i ■■ ‘‘•'5^ which w ent 3-7 la.st fail, o r »t( r-tSrSoMaSwt.ceowi>wtic»%« ' BRAVES 3,.T1GERS2 TIGI r«*trMM« Aug. 31 at NeirMexico. * Tamika Catchin «-d f;:?-A5onin>7Wl. »TLWTA OMUwa poinis, five assisi Om» .40)1 LDxac 4 I I i •c KH r,^iS2L^- a sm ■: snSwil 3 0 I D SnOwiK 7 i i ^ ■! l««na4S.^ »cUn relwunds as Indian li! S S S S S iMy-Manti.i«2r.£i i (Uo»<7b 4 9!Tltf.^i.1 I 1 )J*iSl.Tbb I ? ? § ' 9M'-« -7 UMArcruSau safir« Icjcfua. *p»n art Frirtra I mS iI 3 0 0 0 [UoiXI Illl Padres finalize Kies. a n u - three-gam e losing si IMtSi ' 4 0 0 0 JIOI £ "» ■ « s5 -'rijsr-* ■trt limnTS 4 111 EMi» 0 0 0 1 S£2 i iS S r , I '06 Olympia Scott-1 icucvc ' 7 0 0 0 QiaitiA 4 0 0 1 S? ssiss;. - D.»,0.din.o0caal E>v»i« . *extension through ’, a d d e d 1 0 p o in ts • _ll a IO»lto,^l.nrri.fti«»*.4iM4« 0 I 7 nSw • 1H i S ' in i's 0 0 0 LPQA Rochesester Intematloruil Pk^vma o«!>(, EWwrio Stwc«. liMtt 1- SAN DIEGO - AMurcd theytl U relmunds for the Fe S ' Hisa sill kajocn 000 ThM i'uwn. C.-KA IWcUtc «•) Onoa ‘l>e in Uieir new downtownm baU- U Q u an d a Barkst 0 0 0 ' ’ * park by 2004, the San D 0 0 0, • Ihncn J 10 7 J ’ ; S . . H H S ?t«aS^ck« •Si^Sua^M P«-uiW>Mn [ DJCRO cari.-er-high 13 j l o a Padres finalized sluggerr RyanI peMya Walker 1 12 fo r 0 0« (wS ■ n ' ! 1 i«a.madSlaM.Ort lt>nm }Klesko’s S16.5 million, two’ 0 0 0 Ssis vo-year Portland (4-6), whi TM ^ ai I « I Teak II (.1. I I .ss .1" i ! !0 0 9 . Onuts i : i '" t i s IW^UA<*a,\ Ccontract extension lluirsda;‘‘y- four of its last five, IMmj 1 4 7 7 IM C ? 0 I ? uSatuS . i The deal, which will a o o » J 7 I ^PMVMVO “ .run Indiana, which !«iUrur(*Mj , Sm ■ 2o*w »r*• . jMTMUnr through 2006, has ess^ntntially ,„,ints at halft Ill H(Kn>4nc* 11L 9Cra«i (t I) siVOniMt 0 »4Ur«Sci . > ^DnOM«c tSSS.’w u S S n * !^ ST pT, ing. Bul the Padres had 1 ia^0i^?jW«a/7Ml*aaD*aBa>M.(kl•. (kBM 4rd bi«r« SmM iing to be completed be)e fo re vVNBA record, ' ? AMGaS3,CAnoiNAlHUS2 K a K J S p f fR i 01 te » FteaPU , , 3M7-70 •« aKlartJNar-«imamCnck.n)*n»M . 6 i'i.siil 00»-7I Vaft»tow«,»m n.w 2announcing the extension. t [M U 4 7 9 0 Vtaai, 4* 0 f o • SSoE*a>Li-3 ta I J MJ7-7I .1 n«wuuto«.j».< 0 »k. M Ult»a S>i^n Tlie Padres dosed a deaeai for Cotnpledi:ledhin wks reports 0 ErMd 4 111 P1KS»ft 4 0 I 0 MM ■ 0 O u* 4 o:o;di««»« 4 0 0 0 Utata 1 7 0I ; ; r k s t , . ___ ......

[M Tlme»Mews. fvirfwin Fall*. IiJaho Friday. Jofw 21.1.2002 a B : , Sp o r i^ ,

South j------’KoroaVsoc^ ^ cor toam . ^ striker Ahn ^ ^ Y M m ion Jo)ncs geet^l5acc k o n track't JuRg-tiwan kicks ttio ^H^ bait during a But men’:.’s shot ■ ■ training session at M putters m^ight | H ttnWorla S' ^ ;V- "< 7 ' Cup stadium' tiv f steal the shows ■ in Daejeon, 9 | j 9 South Korea' STANFORD, Ca:alif. (AP) - Thursday. Marion Jones andid a healthy Ahn's t | | | | i Maurice Greene are'e back al the ^HMM U.S, Outdoor Trac^ck and Field winning Championships thisis w eek. T hey header In WH§^. will share the spoilotltght with n M H suddoiv ^ those new darlings of thc sport in Bw doath over- B A m erica, th e m en’s si­shot p utters. 2 time sunk ft Adam Nelson, Keviivin Toth and I ^ H l H H John Godina are thc1C best in thc I^^^ H . Italy's 2002 B worid. World Cup t t g i H .- Together,,they havehr thc top_ ambitions R ^ j l B seven marks in the>e this ^Hl^l and might j y ^ S H year, and th eir iniensouih K orean star. niphi, th e ouTier th e Son Classic on May 26 aree considered ' . of Penipia of the to Inougli! That guy will never .■ top Italian divi- "Eno ■r th e tw o l?esi e v e r in1 tthc United [gHm 5ion said Ahn would n set fool in Perugia.” Slaies. That angerediiild th Eh.- cut. a g a incci told La Gazzetta dello the confederii- Gaucci Nel.son won Oreg2gon Track ^ tion, which threate I of Milan, “I am not going atened to black- Sport o lg Classic at / 3 feet, 10..0.25 inchcs, '|+: list Penigiii if the te ly the salar\- of a guy who .- team gets rid of to pay io longest in th e w o rldd this year. A h n . m e a n in g it w n H:en th e niin of Italian soc-c- Gociina w as second ai 71-10 and playcr.s to would tell Asian has 1h :i away, from the- cer." Toth went 71-5.5. SixX days later, ItaUan dub. )rld -soccer's pvem ing bodyly down the road in Eufugcne, Ore., -Sh-i W o rli ■ “ I've- w a r n e d all it would not interfere in thele Toth won at 72-9.75, all football offi- s;iid it \ Ufollowed by dais in Japan, Chii lie, Nelson at 72-0.25 andid G odina at Ellina and Ki»rea dispute |H ahou! sending .'hether he is welcome backk 71-10.75. It was thec first time g players - to “Wht I’erugia." confedc ilv is entirely ih c business of)f three Americans toppcped 71-10 in .■deration head in Italy I’eter Velappan sa club chairman,” FIFAA the -Siime com petition.1. lil , ■ "We are really Siiidoi T hursday. th e clesman Keith Cooper said.1. Thc three are frieiendly, and outrageil ihui . spokesi IVm pa would even • relationship between tliee demonstrative, rivals,s. Totii com- .'en consider ler- "The ri . minuting ilie c iage, (form eriy W^VF) m enifiialiiy into it "J South Korea se '." this stiifowever, a player has a riglitIt bccause w e a rc big iind iii aggrcs- 1 coiich Guus "How Hiddink also was an; >re a goal for his countr>-." •sive people,” Toth sas id . “ W c MarlonJono!inos of tho U.S. waves aftor wInnvlnnlng tho women’s 2 0 0 m race:e at the Golden Splko athletics angr>-, to score tics ovont In Ostiava, ,> ■ “Do I hiive to tell n has received support fromn have si.v throws. W'e’rcr c GUI Ilic ro r [ tell them . 'A hn. • .-Min li public earlier this month,, you are playing no' pe. as well, with leadingp 45 or 50 minutes, rnayby’l>e an hour. leil vou. vou mustnow bul I musi Europe■il trade union GMB writingp People like ihc drama.a, somebody th ere so lonlong. temporarily abandoned1 tht e long 1 0 0 at thc worldwor championships.; LISI not niiike a British 1 H goal.' If so. it's a c r liuropeiin Commission andJ •. coming ihrough from1 f fifth pliice "Tlicy caican make an atiadtmcnt jump, but her charisma1 :and lal- in Edmontonon last year. At thc.i a childish reac- lo th e Ii ■ nrmT^'-hrrrnid:------iiurnpoan—soccci—body—y ------o rth ird -p ln c c -lo N o r-lT ’------^— niid-underfersiand-that-lhis-gtiy-is—-—eni-huve-been-one-of-the he-siK)rt’s ------U.S.-chompion:iionships,-he-will-fHcei------ThiT-L'l H Ttie heavily favc \ , urging them to im er\’ene. Nelson said that he'le's guaran- out there: piputting his whole heart biggest draws for a lon]mg lime. a field that,I, asa; u su al, is lo ad ed ,ivored Ita lia n s UHF.-V , were especiallv bittt IB, w hich rep re se n ts piny- leed meet promoters? thntt if ih c - an d soul1 intoir the competiiion.- She has the worid’s faste?test times with speed, itter about their ' GMB. <" ^<>-'host. I II. Scotland and Norihern track announcer zerosIS in on ihc You can seescc it in his eyes, you see in the 100 (10.90 .seconcnds) and Tim Montgortgomcry ran a worldf H u. theii e;irlie.si c rs in. 5 H >"''>'1 nd. described thi; club'ss shot put,and helps llIh e cro w d it in his bobody language,” Nelson 200 i (22.32) this year after;r a tougli leading 9.94,.94, a t a l t i t u d e in^ H * iis *':i shocking and blatantt keep track of what's; lihappening said. “No> kncx;kk against the 100- 200 1 , w hen she w as dethnironed as Pretoria, Soutlouili Africa, on April i H The three-tim e m o v e ti as unfiiir dismissiil." “ We will put on perfrformances meter guys,ys, but they’re out there 1 0 0 world champion aiand was 12. Shawn CCni raw ford al.so liasra . > ne chiini.pioiis ciiseofi blamed the loss on 11. who never made il as ai that you haven’t seenn in years.’ for 10 sccieconds, .They’re gone divorced i from shot puttI t t e r T.J, 9.94, at Osafca,,Jca, Jap an , on May 11. on tiie officiiit- .Mm. ' H ui'^et tha jr in Perugia's starling line- And i think we've beenen living up l>cfore theyey gel oul there, basical-. H I unter. although hcc wasw; slightly slower I'ratiLescd 'lotti goihai forward regular;tired five league goals in 30) to that." ly.” Greene, the world recoi:ord-hold- than Monigonitonicry when the ded; • gol a question- up, scon ahje yelloi\ card in c iriinces over two vears wilh.V The crowd gels loJ know1 thc Jones manay noi bc on the track cr, i is hcaltliy again afterr i;injuring m a ls a r e carried a rr out to thou>^ ill overiim e iin'd iippearii was ejected becatis ub. coinjHititors bccau.se thi:hcy are out long, espcc)ccially novv th a t sh e's a j hamstring while winnin in g .th e sandths of a .sccond..sec 1-- au se It Wiis his the club I Pele s(>ees futu:ire in devvelopingI soccer nationsr Unpredi(ictable W/arriors i H VOKOilA.MA. hi provided one of the fifirst when biggest soccer so phenomenon H 'Hie Uiuteil SlatesJ a i p a n (AI'i - fuS B lit* played for the Cosrrsmos in the AmericansIS haveI b een a part of. developed naiion .h old North Americaran Soccer That sparked sp a women’s, are on thle clock inin draft ^ ^ H - i m p o T t T m: —------LeagucrThe-ream-r■regularly league, justju: as the '94 men’s OAKLAND, Calif. (AP)P) — Less leam anythinging from1 St. Jean. ' ^ H R v ihings. In this drew huge crowds ulo Giants event led toto the establishment of i tb e than a week before th:he NBA These aree toughto lim es for Sli"' H liia/.ihan star uuiinu Stadium and the leagiguc had a MLS. So willw this strong U.S. draft, < the first two sek“lections . Jean, who haslas receivedr reli:nd6s.v H • s'-c.er':. rnosi jii.pul. the second- national TV coniract. show ing mnean e much back home? essentially, have alread;idy been cridci.sm fromim SanJ Frandseo Bay- H I level leam has But Uiai m om entum1 ffaded and Pele belielievesitwill. made. j Yao Ming is heacaded for area fans andanc media for hi.s- ■ Aiii.-tica Mill isrr p la y e d didn’t pick up again1 untili thc - “For FIFIFA, it is very impor* Housion.-and ] Jay Willian-ims is on — leum’s miserabtruble-rec-ord-tmd the ■ POW..-I. Ul c o u r v , I ___ good fuuiball 1994 W'orld C up w as heldhc in the tant to take ih e ikc this opportunity to his j way to Chicago. , perceived lackick ofi n concrete plan” ■ United biaies hit-, p a n d ih a i Uniied States. The toiournamenl see in theic future; that it gives '..performed a i H | | ^ | So the clock is on ffo r th c 10 turn thingsisaround, ar ■ Ihl- World Cup, >;i was a success a nd th e AAmericans more suppoport to those underde- G o ld e n S t a t e T here a re ran , jir e a l t h i n g s , . p^,PaIa u n p u r- ram pant rum ors th at' H ' tnigiii bealt^-ad. tant for the made thc second rounind before veloped countries,”co he said. I W arriors, whrvho have ow ner C hris> CoiianCo plans to hire H "P'.-'1 record sion-making.5, Once0 : a lighi-heart''! ■ Thursday "•J'heie at and Ihe underdeveloped point. ■.game.” ate 23 milhon • Korea ai r m g last seasoron. The ed, amiable• executive,ex St. Jedii" H kids tiingiti)’, from tin •ies in football. Tfiis wili i>e Again, ihe momeniiHum died, Pele hadad no equals on thc I the age of H i<» countric I f ^ Warriors alsliso have rarely sm iless inin public o r rettin is ^ B 2S |)hiyiit|'. in the Sla o r tiie fu tu re of the sp o n .” only, 10 be rekindledrd in 1999 field in leadrading Brazil to its first I Siiites, and the gwd for ^ an elght-yeaear play- reporters’ phonelone calls these d ays.'' | cer has gonen periodic when the U.S. womeien’s team three worldrid titles, in 1958, ’62 I e of young Soccei off drough;ht, big But St, jeanlan and; a.ssisiant g M' Ani'-ricaii:. is socc'-i. in ihe Uniied Stales. Pele won the World Cuplp in th e a n d ’70. • -I. It has greiii btw sts in ■ h o le s several si Gary Fitzsimmcnmons, the Warriors’' positions,, nr o dis* point m an on1 thethi draft, have d o n ^ , | 2 jQ l ccrnlblc roster their homework^ork on thc available V M M M W c h e m is try' a n d n o ta le n t a t No,J. 3. 3, The duo’s draft; U.S. nmen Still1 lag beh]iind wormen in soccers permanent\ head coach. histoiy is spottyotty, but last season’* These aren’t the mostt ;ottrac* proceedingss - InI w hich G olden .’ea rs ago. poriive of the women,1, although; g eneral inI theth United Statcs,'but t (A P ) - J u lie th ree veil tive enticem ents to thche next State nabbed:d buddingb superstar , 5 Iheir lurn," said Sai\ there occasionally ha:as been a how muchch will it help thc y ± neariy w ent “ I t ’s t wave of^basketball supe:)erstors, Jason Richardsordson along w ith soHd- ; Brandi Chastain, who iwingc of jealously ovcvcr media women andid thi eir new league? b U nited S tales J o s e ’s B but that^hasn’t stopped WWarriors contributorss TroyTi Murphy ond' the winning penalty kick aiiention. ■ T h e re haslas always been.snme . g at the World made thi g eneral m an ag er Garry, StSt. J e a n ___ GilbcrtArenas-las - w ere a huge sue* '. . . . diampionship game at the ■ During the Sydney O lym pics, ■■ d eb ate a s to whether-U.5. soccer f in ih e c h ; from becoming the e'en:nter of cess, . Bowl in 1999 against men’s coach Clive Chararles com- transcendsIs gender because of a d to be on the Rose Bc attention leading up to diehe draft. The biggestist focusi of Golde^ “I would love for ihem to plained that his team’:n’s results the difftirerenl fan bases: The v ly. She w anted China. “ I when one of the NBA’ss ioldest State’s interestest this summer has lu m every four years. I’m were just as goodi as the women drawaw mostly from subur- fi j.m. KDT kick- have a lu franchises gets ano th er chohonce to been Dunleavy.ivy. A versatile, ailt* ^est fan tiiey have." ■women's, but that thele women banites, whil'hile the men get solid r J be up at 5:30 iJie bigge recharge. Ictlc forwardd wwho excels at the - men still have a iong way . were getiing all the publicityp support from Hispanic- I nment - wliile The me Will the W arriors usese their outside shootingting that, was one of-' to catch the women in back iio m e .' Americans,s. ■ . , I( picking Golden State'se's countless weak-' draining her to yo to leverage to trade down, p of hardware. The U.S. Now Ihat the men arire finally . For Chastiistain, the evidence is u 'ay? Will nesses last seasocason, Dunleavy m et' the middle of terms of up m ore help along th e waj n have won two World getting the spotlight: t to th em - d e a r tiiat socsoccer overall is a win- they tl continue their, appajarently with St.*Jennin anda Fitzsimmons w o m e n 1 and an Olympic gold selves, the women cou)uldn*t be ner. On Moilonday, for e^mple, futile fi efforts to trade up7 toI hab earlier thiss m o n th in N o rth ' - lhal was iike • Clips an in the last 11 years, while h appier. U.S. nationalnal teammates Tiffeny Williams, V the point guarcird they CaroIina.\ id Foudy, mid- m edal in en’s quarterfinal run at “‘I'hey deserve this so much,” Milbrett andnd Kristine Lilly were d d esperately need? A rnong th e pip la y e rs w ho havfc'i LS. women’s- ihc men' ^orld Cup is their best Foudy said. “PeopleB h a v e n ’t on NBC’s “TcT o d a y ” show, forward worked out forfor thet Warriors, thfe^, cheSanDiego ihis Woi Will they select Duke fo lg in 72 years. Of course, given them the respe?ect they “This weejcck, we’ve had Julie , . MikeA! Dynleavy, the most5t likely ■ strongest Imprespressions were mad(^' ur ihe second showing i men don’t face ihe same -■ deserve. For so long, esespecially Foudy, Krisristine Lilly, Tiffeny choice d among a pool of severals« by Connecticut'cut’s .Caron Butler, ad to have at tiie wom< f competiiion because not in the media, how manany times, Milbrett on television talking outstanding oi second-tier pliplayers? Morylond’s ChrisCh Wilcox arrdi rep.” level ofnations Ci have developed could they point'out rithat they about thc W • men succeed . strung wu V' T h e m e n ’s s u c c e s ss will no “They’rei aastdng women about Tskitlshvili, T who impress^ssed St, celvably fit with Golden SiatftJi' 7, ju s t a s th e cer,ugh the years, (he U.S. doubt provide a boost forfc Major men’s prolrofessional sports, Jeon Ji on a crin to Italy? particularly/ If tho W arriot’*' Kl-;w VOKK ing (Al when the Througave gei^rally been sup- League Soccer and thee sport in Where else! ddo you g e l th at?" One,diing's'for sure: You)u w pn’t d e d d c to tradie e downdi a few spots.!' ' Ftjudy's body clod

I-'oudy happened t< Jil.ist C o ast th jit d a y . : lo catch the 2:30 a .m off. but iilso hild to bl a,m. for iin appoimm nol coiiip'leicly dri bodv of eiier).’.,v in thi the WUSA sciison. ‘•ll wiivii k iller-ifi an iill-nichter,’' said I fielder for the U.S naliunal teiini und (hi Spirit. "I got up for half. 1 figured I had least four hours sleep, Yes, the U.S. w . ' watcliing tlie U.S. mi ai the World Cup, j men wore watching wojnen won their V FFriday, Jum 2 1 2002 Tlmo»l. Twin Idalio

S P O R f S ------iMel:bb leiads aifter firstrc□und atrR(ochcsSter PITTSFOKD, N.Y. (AP) i - Hanford Opei)pen Karrie Wchh. winlcsss on the River Highland LPGA Tour this yt;arar.' took Quigley is w il^nl«W ebbof ndvanlii/!6 of soft phiyinf^ng condi- sons on thee P tZ y Australia tin n s Itl shuoi a n H-undoler 64 in Tanaka is aI 1(1 "I the first round at ihc- :t«atchesher ^)cliester th e Jap an ese to International. . . Scolt Verpla ~:drivaontha Wcbl), who won herL-re.three Briny Baird, J 4 th te a during y e a rs ago. l)listcrund in Notali Begay the SintemaUonAc^H nine loilrniunenis ihis yeyear and ner with aI Ri ' 'irt th a Locust led Meg Malloii by iliree ststrokes. record 20-under .iilll Country Kristal I’arker-Manzo wwas tied G7 in a group th Club In jfor third at G8 witli JJoanne Iloch and Corey . : Rochester, Morlcy, while Gloria Pai’a rk and Mi Hyun Kim w ere at 69. Strong startirt carries< . N.Y.,on Laurie Rinker-Graham Thursday. S Daniel, Rachcjl Teske,.ri-io m -I Borrego toI fir j Webb carded Pike and Chris Johnsonon were HEXHAM.I. E n g la n d - l»i- ;'c W. In w e i g h t another shot back, and ddefend- Borrego of Spai>pain shot a ()-iiik1> i t^ d e r par 64 ' ing champion Lauri Davivies'and 66 to rake a nro-strokonTO' load .ifi. i Juli Inkster led a Rroup ofo 10 at th e fir s t roiitiiiitid of the til .■,,1 .______------^C-to-take-an-^H Nortli Open. . 'owning round Se Ri Pak. who won thele LPGA Borrego birdieirdied his first tin.'. Championshipc fivo »«eeksks ago. holes on file’ H ij unting CtKitM- .n _ was among 12 players at even- Slaley Hall, ailiiil oon putts .’Hc i'i Ol H ^ < Sr.- p ar 72, shorter. Bradley Dredge Dr doiihl.- I Quigley, Tanaka lead bogeyed th e! la^last hole for >>s. ty in g h im f(»r se c tn u l w iti; crowded PGA board Nicolas Van...... CROMWELL, Conn. - Brett ' Belgium andd A n d rew K aiii ul Quigley and Hidemiclii TTanaka En^and. had G-iinder-par 6-ls Thunirsday Defending chichampion Atiih r-.\ H H and were atop the cror«>Ktled Coltart of SeeScotland (loiihlc I H leaderboard in the GrJ rea ter bogeyed his finalinal hole for a 7.{. I ■ p . approve NHL '■es c

“ bpectaiItor safetity^nets^ h ; -TORONTO (AP) -•NHL Ni arenas cause seriotrious iti jury. Bc alert.” it ^ ill have a different loo:look next sea- Bettmanan said there wasn’t much I--S son as part of theh c le a g u e ’s debate oveiver installing th e netting, response to safety ccor o n cern s fo r and tliat hehe directed die initiadve, fans. which didid notI require governors’ I NettinR will be hunglg bcliindI the approval, goals following thee ddeath last The rulirlling was received favor- March of a 13-year-ok•old girl who ably by numerousnu NHL offidals, 5|H|= 'f/as struck in th e headd byb a puck. particu lar!arly Blue Jackets presi- 1PHE ^lo^^AL ! At its meeting Thurtiursday, the dent andi generalg manager Doug N H L ’s B oard o f GGovernors MacLean.t. ordered installation of3f tthe n e ts ns “ Obviousjusly, tlie tragic d eath has well ns standardizing ihve a nd a lth o u ^ h e tedi- v a n . Tlie netting will hang doors. Noti ESIe like Carav ing from the nically remamains the Sabres’ owner, ceiling, and rest on1 tctop of the the move helpshe dear tlie way for a glass. It will bc hungg aacross the potendal sale.sal SAVE ON D( end zones, stretcliing froifrom the cor- • “Based1 on01 discussions and an 2 ners of the rink. a g re e m ent n t'we’ve made with the J D U C T S . ^ Bettman said suchh nmeasures Rigases,lheh e operational control of BEST^SErai would have prevented:d the puck th e franchis*lise resides in the league that struck Cecil from)m entering office,” BetJettman said. “They’ve [ grab life, Dodge C the stands. em pow ereded us to operate tlie frnn- 'ith an available po Tlie C edi family wasIS notr imme-, dii.se.” diately available for comiammcnt. Buffalo0 businessmanI Mark )thinggets it done In other business atIt tthe meet- Hamisterisiis trying to form a group ing. the league armouncimeed it wns of investoitors to purchase the 0 taking over operation of ithe finnn- Sabres andid keep1 them in Buffalo, cinlly troubled Buffaloa io S ab res, B cttm an said sa: the'NHL will not and it ako approved a1 measuremi to pick up anyiny of the team’s'debts, G R E A T P R O I speed up play, limitingng the time which amoinount to $157 million between faceoffs to 20 s&seconds. owed to AdelphiaA Communi------Safety Jietiing has lonfong bcen in____cations. I n1 tlithe new speedup rules,------;— placc at European hockcckcy arenas visiting tean:ams will have five sec- - and some North Ameriarican junior onds to como m p lete 0 line changc 0 and college hockcy rinks.ks. - during a stoppagesi and home America West Arenalin in Phoenix teams eights previously was the ononly NHL Thelinesitisman will then blow his viinue with netting to protect wliisde, aftefter which he will Jrop spectators, bccause ofo f; an over- the pud^ in fiveI seconds whether h^ginab^cony. or not bothil 1centers are lined up. cans had been wnrnerned about This rule WillWil n ot cover th e final TECTION. the dangers of flyingB ppucks by two minuteses ofi a game. L 2 pitblic address announ(uncements Bettman1 antidpateda the rule - during games and by aJ didisclaimer .. utilized by/ thell American Hockcy ori e a d t d ckct th a t rend::nd: “Pucks League lasttt seasons - will save 8-to- fl;^ing into spectator ar ■ areas can 14 minutessof oi game time. ,000 m iles of enn g i n e Hewitt workrks to advanceeinO rdina lon protection."■ Ford, GM, :'i)EN BO.SCH. Neiherlojirlands (AP) H ew itt's; nextn< opponent will be n d a d o r t ’t m a t c hi t h i s . -U cyton Hewitt edgeded Mil^ail France’s AnAmaud Clement, who Y ouzhny 6-4, S 7 , 7-6I (4) (4 in the. cHminoted!d A. m e ric a n M ic h a e l GREAT PRpTI rjun*delnyed third rouH'u nd of th e. Russell, 7-5,6J.frO. G rd in a O p en on « , Tliursday.' Santoro losloses; Arthurs f V L U E , TeiVlIS Hewitt, see?eedcd No. ___ , Ei ■ ...... 1 in the tour)u rn a m e n t 8 0 0 RUSOOSKtsk] ad v a n ce 7 years or 100,0 and at nc;^tK t w e e k ’s N O TTIN^GHAM, G England - ' W im bledon, need ed thr-DAY noon as unseedet^ Slovak!'nkian 'Hna . Kroto^vil,rfl, th e No. G.seed, will Pisnik upset Belgioi[ion Kim take oa Waj^nyne Arthurs In the CASH.I ALLOW ANCE :iNG’ DEFERRI?ED PAYM ENT" Clljsters, No. 5 ot Wimbl.ibledon, in semifinolsI afteral the .Australian G R E A T V A I I tJ« ^ qynrterfinal 7-6 (5),;>.6-2. 6 defeated Britiritaln's Arvind Farmar •Ba»cdonU.S.S;.M lesl9a3-2002. ♦•7-yc.iro* 1C Ctloi) picdsv Oil .ill tiew 200.’ (Jl- vi'hlclc*.. Sci' (Ji'.tU'i Ioi .i topy .MO. 2 seed JustinoiH H iin ln o f 6-7 (3), 6 ^ ^ of Ihls limited w.-inMfianly. Nonlr.injfcrable. n dcducii hrough 7/8/02. 'firijiiciriK for qu.ill.ililii'cl buycii. Iiii.inciiiti.iiij L.ish B«Jgium won hor mateatch v/ith In anothIther quarteF£inal, allowance olfeiss te*cludc£jfavon cC. cL. and cX ii ili on delayed lirst paymoni. iiik-xoM-•M occruoi lioni djii- ol |)UH.h.iso. Russian Elena Bovina 7-6(4),7-6 64, Britain’s GregGr Rusedski beat but third-seeded 4Amolle Sweden’s^l^l^ o s - L a r s s o n 6-7 (4), Maurosmo of France waswa cUmi- 7-6 (3), 6-3.13. Rusedski will face 0 % nated in straight sets byly CGrceco’fi Jonas Bjorlorkman, who beat ' Ele(\IDanUlldou&4,&4. - RiusiattiVndnidrdSt(^arov6-l.G«. A PR FINANCII' • ■) ■ . J

> 100.000 mllo pom'ilr.iin ptulcctioi uciibli; .ippli'cs. Oder extended Ihroi X inodvls. "Svc (liMler {at delJil:, o ------e------M TlmM^ewt,. TwiTwin Falli, Idaho Frtday, June 21.21.2062

i No change in topto four K ijPW ?LB5liejSifius:*Saieiiiio.Fito.Rad[6.4QO;i:^?k|f 1 I . Jimmie Johns0 o lTlmes-Nows______J__ Miles as he attemrnpts 10 hold off . leader^r according 10 latest avail-ail- a fter a crash a m onth dayys arc j Curt Kaneasier anind Bob Nation nble statsst is Steve Jones, justust Gates open at 4 p.m.p. with tlie TWmT\ FALLS - Saturdarday for anolher week, a h e aid d of Harold W artluft andmd McDonald’s time uiaiials running a t 1 1 ' ' I pron•omises to bc an exciting nigJiiglit Aliles solidified hhis grip on the • Rick Corbridge.C( Jones, the 2000300 6 p.m. Radng gets underwayu at XxLxX.imbered i )♦* AUTOMOTIVE «•the Magic Vnlley SpeedwaIway "Budweiser Granmd National class champion,cl will try to holdold 7:05 p.m. itil tlie return of tlie ^ep^epsi Sportsman standin;ings w itii a w in off-a fieldfic thut will likely includeide T he m ce track is loloi a n e d 1 m ile Tho Asaoclito c lated Pre«a . • I ^ MUFFLER Supijper Modified Racing Leaguigue in his Dodge two3 week.s1 ago. It Dana1 Pruett,Pi who raced well twowo west of the Twin FaUslls airport. comiimirtg through town. was Miles’ fourthJ victory’ out of weeks:s ago; and rookie contenderJcr Please note thatat thc next Lack: of sponsorsiiip money has; The super modifieds arare five races after tala k in g ov er th c T.J. Wo(Voodhali. . installment at MVS wwill occur on forced lon;longtime car owner Junle- rep■portedly o some of the fastesitest lead from Norm Halatke on lap 21. Thee Idaho Midget Racingng Friday, June 28 withth th e re tu m Donlayeye y tot skip Sunday's r a c ia l I ' ' raceicers around. Hatke held on forir tliird and his Assbdaid ad o n cars ran fa st and. fun-iri- to aciion for th e G ranmd American SearsvPoinPoint, thc first sign his'52-| The Grand Nationals competpeii- best fini.sii of the se:^aso'n. ous Ja couplec weeks ago withith M odifieds, G rand Natiationals, Pony year runun iin NASCAR could^>e‘ ^ / P , i " ' n c M / sn will focus.on leader Dal;>ale T he M ouniain DiDew Modifieds Dennislis Davis redeem ing him selfe lf Stock and T h u n d er SttStock. cpmingtot; to a dose. ; B ut DonDonlavey, 78, is not going: T ravvis is Price ■ to go outut without> a fight, hoping’ to sc raipe-up p e . enough money to! 208-73^33-0081 bring his No. 90', cor-to-Daytona; 4 0 2: 1VM ain ^S . •a a d International' Twin Falls,lls, ID 83301 • Speedway, next,' MatttKer ibOOk * >”°nth for one’ 1 har noteboi last ride. R oush driver holds c didn’t have one morere corner,” ------“If I have to, Ken96th-said,^e-was>is*de£initdy-— —quit tliis^ gtgiuUc, 1 tvdiU iu'dirit^ai:| S E I T Y hard-chargingi Jairen coining on.,I d id n 't realiiliie he had where II started,”stt said Donlavey,; those four new tii^. I1 thought I who madilade his first Daytona' r h ad a really good ru n ofloft {Turn] 4 appeorancc mce when cars still raced! i for third w in o f seasoison T I R E f o and h e w as able to g ett iiin to 3 a nd on tlie t>eac•each. By Al Levine ■ ..»4 right up on me, rightIt iu p o a m y Old schotzhool ways have probably bum per, so F m whi S e r i V^ I C E ICox N aw s Service '______rhen I went hurt Donla\nlavey over the years, -down into 1 h e w as gbtn{mg to go by H is shopiop is based in Ridimond, . me. BROOKLYN, MICH. - M ja tt , . Va., andd hishi refusal to move to, “B ut Pm glad it was c C O O> D ^D /fC A R kKIenseth’s No. 17 Ford teamn vwas- ov er w hen C h a r lotte, tte , N.C. - tho hub of; it was over." really pumped up after he0 w won r u ■ NASCARR -- cost him last season, Sunday’s Sirius Satellite RacRadio Kenseth led only 26 0of the 200 His sponsorisor at th e tim e w anted to S p o n s o rered c by Nick Sw laps, including the la (00 in a stirring .131'scco::cond last nine. doserr toto the action, and when': ;queaker over Dale Jarrett. Jarrett appeared to be>e ra n n m g D onlavey;y declined d to move, the; EBB Forget the thrill of watchi away w ith i t a t one pointintjea^g money leftlef with driver Hut-' nship in 2 0 0 0 , no th in g 21 I Addison A\c. W. . iv.in Falls that I aggravate in a p preciation for a rarc^ e.Tcitiiriting M ' the wiy Bobby Liibonte around (here) thnt I sa inisii at Michigan Intemationjonal ■ I" “ liasliojHid.d. from d m e to tim e,” h e sai peedway. Race.s here usualuaJIy K ■ uggled most of last sca­ iW lliflffliiM Sunday’s victory was ave one dominating car ih;th a t I s o i ' i - sre ? ?il late d ia rg e - he win for a RouSh-ownec = — I lead*ads for die duration. both his nicesni, in the second half M idiigan since Mark Mai On Sunday, Kenseth’s pit crccrew f ■ h e re in 1998. B ut Roa<;h ' ;ar - rallied him to sixth p ut him in contention witli1 twotv .’ I ai points .standing.s. lane te pit stops. One put him i erous in his praise for KKcnseth's '"BmdeiiJ p it crew. spite a victory this year, osition to win, the last gave:liiin hii A L alw nte ha.s “The team is just d< ha.s two DNF’s and hcad- ist enough fuel and track adva:dvan- ■ Senrs Point 2 0 th in th e tageIge to beat Jarrett’s fast-closirosing ^ aw esom e job,” Roush saicaM°.‘Sfh“ ^■‘1 S*-- m anaged to p u t M att in aan osition J. J H i N o.0 . 8 8 Ford on a thrce-la;-lap , ’ JOKWeiU-tWlO/CMlkwlwrte. • to b e ah ead o f w here h eiw v o u ltlb e *^lii-‘* seas;eason has been a major lootout. iim tn t," lie said. “I know BALANCE: e d r o c k 'd to Kenseth, driver ofol tho No. 17 Ford, becramo thitho first Winston Cup driver w tli tlie way th e car w assrumung. i d.s.iPPoin|m( Thc racc had been stopped 1 ill capable of running up lean up debris from Ellioilio tt is season. The car runs good a lott bI u t they ™ «■' ‘ E L E C■ 1 ^ T R I C . cle a im prove liLs Iot.on_pit roa<.ad consii front.butlaI I am just not sure whnt ------Sad,adler’ssp in in to th e-T u m 2-walw all.------tenily. Tliis is rny 15thh ? e a T o f ------to take;” ------Jarrett took on four tires anand Jarrett roared backk to diailcnge guys wh kvho h a d [o ld ] tire s ,• , doing this and this has bu -_ „ H e s held,‘ld iout litde hope that a unc oul of the pits Ilth befoijforc over the last four mil iile.s. K enseth]th] had SO-some Inps on be.st pit crew performancn^wrte NASCAR..:-approved1P rules change Ihele la.st1 re sta rt. P rior to th e! red re “All I needed vaswn one more ii.s tires, .si 1, .so m y c ar really gripped e v e r had.” to his strugiruggling is the Oiiiit 20B7)B-735-9578 • flag,ag, Kenseth, the race Icadeiider, corner," Jarrett •aid.sa; “ I’m n o t good andd M^ att w asn’t nble to hold Sterling Marlin; whob had his - NANASCAR allowed the Offitei in Tuin fglis'glis Dnij CcKtlclord h adid come in for fuel only, nevelever being cocky or a smanan-aleck. b u t it riglit onan die bottom .” w orst finish o f th e season,,n, 21st, in G ran d Prixrix in alter its-front air I Fnx: ?08 735-957? tbrc®mo9iciink,(om realltally com ing to a com plete stopsto my car was. so much m faster Kenseth ;th agreed. the No. 40 Dodge, niainl;alainshis Jams and1 reire a r spoilers before last on1 tlthe three-second maneuveiiver. through the corners:rs than these “That’si’s the great thing — we ' lead in th e points standingn „ , w eekend ’s.s nnice at Michigan, but ' the aid didid little1 as Liibonte fin- ______ished 24th.:i. “ W ere glad NASCAR gave us- lg regardingr tiie rules' change butut it is not going to he the fix-all1 foifor our problems," he H^ A ci H WInstoston Cup: Dodgc/Savc Man WINSTOON I BUSCH I .CRAFTSM/I iiid . “ I thinklink it is going lo help us D, pre-raco covorago 12:30 c CUP SERIES , T R U C K S2 o v e ra ll in1 the ili iong run, but we , I I have a lott ufof other things we are j Sunno d i ay on I ivorking on>n within\\ our own house FOX.X. I n :GNC Live Well 250 I Raco: O’Reilly 200 nnd wc havilave to address tho.sc — Busch:c h : G N C - - |------H I _ Race: podge/Save! rMaj^SSO- * Roco: S - I Where: Memphis Mototorsporls' ihine-Tas wollAroU .7 - ' LivoV0 Well 250: I Where: Sears Pointii Raceway.' I " Where:e: The Milwaukee:Mite~ ^ ■ W est A mn. Labonte,:e, iteammate to Tony 11:3030 a.m . r Sonoma. Calif. t Allis, W ise. Park. Memphis. Teni p.m. EDT. Stewart, wasvas evasive when ask ^ M D>T T. June 30 * When: Sunday. 3 p.tD.m. ED T.. I T ra c k ::: 1 1-mtle oval I When: Saturday. 1 p.i what his Joe Gibbs Radng team on FXFX. Race distanco: 22414 miles; . When:1: J J u n e 3 0, 1:30 p.m . Defending champion need s to get;et tlthings roHing. jCraftsntsman Truck: O'Reilly 200.' I EOT. I Dennis Setzer 112 laps “ T h e ruules le; change is one of Soturc:urcJay. 11 a.m, MDT on idIng champion: Greg _Crattsman Truck rac ______Turns:.11..with.varyi7 in q ...... I -DoieiLd^ -...... —ab o u r 10 tiiin{hings wcnccd,” hesaid."------______~ ESPNP N ------i I record: Jack SpragiJ lengths and degree/e s of bank- ■ ' Biflle Po loqq “If I thoughiIght you could fix tho If you wai ing. I B u s c hi rrace record: Greg . 85.585 mph. May 1313,-1999. o th e r nine,;, I'(I’d tell you what they a n t y o u r k Defending champioion: Tony * Bifilc, !,1 102.389 mph, July 1,--- I - Craftsman-Truck.qusua«»y*ng were." businesss 1to racc I S tew an I 2 0 0 1 . I rocotd: Greg Bilfle,'. 120.139 RIGHT' T U R N S : N A SCA R IM'liillUil't Race record:.Erniejlrvan. I Busch1 q qualifying rocord: ■ mph. May 7.1999. gives its driverivers two opportunitfcs . forw ardrd, call 81.413 mph, June( 7 .1 9 9 2 . I Kevin nh Harvick. 122.474 I Storyline: Memphis a year to proiprove its series is mtyo- TT\ July 6 -— Pepsi 400, Qualifying record:: F R usty - .June 29, 2001. Moiorsporls Park Is> cone of than just leileft turns. Thc first Daylclylona Inlemational Speedwayly W allace. 9-5.308 mpnph, June I Storyllmlino: The Milwaukee I Just six on the schedidule less chance come>mes this weekend on Durse at Sears Pqint. • —' July 14 — Tropicana 400. 2 3 . 2000. _ Mile, l0located ( at the site of than one mile in lengigth. The the road cours of going around and licagoland Speedway Storyline: Maximizining a car’s Wis Visconsin State Fair. I track, which joined meth series Instead of T i i e T i mles^^’s e j„™“ ' 1 one of the traditional 21 - r Now E ngland 3 0 0 . ssential for ■ hosted5d Busch races in 1984 I in 1998. has produce:od four around on on F^;r,t in ticv/S onama mformalion • Nowl g o a r p a c k a g e is e ss ovals, the seriesser .sent its drivers iw H am p sh ire Iniernalional teams racing at Soa0ars Polnl. and19{1985. then rejoined the I different winners! S p o oidway. d * out to test thctheir all-around radng I series sii in 1993 u n d e r tho skills. Conquiiquering a road course T a n in iv u1735-3311 l 7. Jxiyzs28— Ponnsylvania 500 new mamanagement of Carl I cono Raceway req u ires pitit ststop strategies, right- I H aas. Debi'yt 73:735-3291 4 T4 '— Brickyard 400, I liuTi passingig aiand patience, Donnu at 735-329473 m d iollanapolls r Moior Spoodway It’s a testst tot« sec how versatile I tlie drivers:are. are • “ Y ou c ain’t n ’t be one-dimensfon- al,” said drivJriver , » « « « « « - „ • - “ W c ’r c thloughrof o u as an oval~ I I ' r« If; TRACK PROFIr l l E serie.s .ind I ththink th e fact tlint we. Presents The... ^ can go off antiand do some road rao- W i i SEARS POINiN T irfg is great.t. UUsually, the guy who mper tMBei aang lagae RACEWAY^ is successfulid oion a ro ad coursc is a I KtatameKmmess^. . guy who willvill bc succossful the Track; 2-mlle road^. whole year.” iiiilmlserCnmlNittiials Kiosis-m ! c o u f^ e . 11 tu rn s oo* f . J e f f G ordot•don has proven that; if you drop by any I varying lengjhs amm d H e h as a reconrcord seven road course mo mets degrees of bankingng. wins, th ree aat t !Sears Point and tile W here: Sonoma, CiCalif. o th er a t WatkiistkinsGIen. • Date opened: 196850 Drivers tryry eeveryUiing from nio-- , _ ing schools to I I First Winston Cup to long test ses.sion/i'to'' ^ figure out hovhow to m aster a rUod:-.' SatuvrOaf, Juune 22 b; , race: Banquet 300 course, but sonsom e never will. '■) At 4pm* naxmM'sis nme imis at 6pm 1) MILS WEST OF TH£ TWIIWIN FAUS AIRPORT ■ Ci' ' 1 9 8 9 “I thinkI WatkinsW Glen and' w A g Falls At\ t 7 : 0 5 p m NLY PLACE IN IDAHO- ■ 1 |I On the Web; www.s/.sear- Sears Poim„if:„if I had m y bpdons; ! ’ i i i i i L m ^ M ! 2 s a THE NASCAR WemY , C I spolnt.com w6 idd dearr th

D-7HnH*Mm,1WnFHiFaBMdtfw FiUtr,Jamii,

BREAK " I ' 1.11^1^ _

______f c ^ c a o s a ______- fcTnwonuttfvviP— Photo mailed1 tot momi r a r m e s : : - . . 5§:yearsslate couru HARRISBURG, Pa. 14-nirob a . (A P ) ~ 16-AKarcatlon I R ic h a rd E b lin g , a 19-; - ‘J«PiiWWr6«— T” I • — proud to- be-phott)grBplphed w ith- •S7 Wtth much n s t . his fellow graduatingng ISEflWrtiancobfa - » frobi'a Navy boot carapip, wanted ' . 20 Buns :B§i! . 21 Stkmulaie ’ the picture mailed hoir}mc to 23 FolM front j mother in Pennsylvania. 2SO odlH It never reached her, b ut th e 28N«ghboro1 I p ackage d id m oke it to h ;.Euiopo I h is family 29 Ptani ttothor - - 59 years later. 31'Clndomlla't - Beiuing 4.S cents in py . ” “W hen I saw th e postajtage, was ■ ^,•46 Serious story. * - • ■ 47 a rc u s « t/0 3 amazed,” saidpathy Helld lei-,5 1 ,a procauUons ■ Tht teacher who has two kidids of her ■ ^ '52 VaudevUSo 7 7 AttiioIho_ Rj|n|e'U| own. “W here did thi; co m e -•li- ploca 8 8 Canadian prov. I e U I p l .,&3Hortzrtval B S Scrabblo pisca ;-{vpB P c A M E oBp O P|E[ 1from? W here was this sittitting?” .,S4P igpan# 10 10 Cam«o i I It’s a question that n< even . . £Q GrMklotiar • gomstono - - - IplH o p ^ E a B o r N |k| 1the post^ worker whoa i '•5 7 Church 1t‘LBtUtNow_ 11 ■■■^11 down Heller can answer. I txjnrtngor • Famous Man' iQletNfeTi ' £ 0 Batlors 12 F o r a ll J a c k H eisey kncnow s, the 12 Toxaicopltal I i I kI e II- I V62 Mrs. In Madrid 13 13 Socond riElX'fFl tube was sitting behind a I fe ______- ttS Sign pigriwnt ahowlr»g - a s It I i n of machinery or shelvi a 68W m tofhoor8ln 18 18 Afrucdons U i t a r n n post office somewhere b etw een • NYC 22 22 Walka of lifc^_____ B H B rn h f^n^T H A N^u A'ld 1 ------irOTTftMTuri------23'23“'Jaiwnr5Hfe------~ Lebanon,-where-he-worork s-as-a----- wM .70 Homo of ■ 24 Pop dtoico *• r r I desk clerk,.and Newpoi •‘•■■•ToWen’tw llch 26 26 Crsw n of Uct i (R fi M a N avy b oot cam p. ‘••72Both*Bc 27 27: Sam tnd Ems telwri lD l 73 FuD of nishos 30 30 VMant “There’s a lot of noo>oks ;in d windstonn — i crannies, a nd w e check thithem reg­ • 'DOWN 3 2 .2 up your Vularly,” H eisey said. “Builu t some- . 1 Imltato dukoal < 42 Olve otlfl 65 Tantftel times t things happen.” .','2Folta 33 Shot1 a holo-ln- 43 ComputorJtor Info 58 Chooses • 3 Uner I S everal y ears a fte r he s one 45 Permtl to10 69 Asta-i mistress _ l E b i i ^ g Ebling dl,plisplays the stamped mailing tube Impulahwfy 35 3 5 Vflndow1 Of 47 Mouthed^ photograph, Richard 1 tubo and photograph of his broththor Richard's Navy boot campTipm §graduating c la ss »d-alf 01 Narrow country ^ J 4 Capital on a i orld W or In 1943. The pidpicture was mailed In tho tubo ir aJalo, a.g. 48 Reluctantant road return^ f home from Wor >0 In 1943 by Richard to his motiothor In Lebanon, Pa.; It arrived.vedseveral months fiord 38Whalover 38 \ 4S Focus one ' one's 64 SmaU drink 0 I], m arried his high school>ol sweet- ago at the Leban>anon doorstep of Richard Eblinfillng's 51-year-old daughter. •;SRelatos 39 Kodak1 attention« 65 Spjgol ■ . heart, h Eileen, in 1948 ai .,^ a Adjust attachment ( 50 Opportuneuno se Drowta .i a n d h ad . boforoharxJ ' 441 t ErieI shore 61 Char 67 Oo ooa's best the ~ flist of their two daulughtcrs, immediately retr e c o ^ i2cd th e dark Adn\dministration Hospital. outside her door, I Cathy, several years later. ir. Heller thought I I r. blue suits andid 'w hite caps in th e TlThe hospital said that Rididiard the photograph hadhat been left by Around March 1 this ye year, the boot-camp grtgraduation photo- Ebliibling died there two years ago a Navy buddy whoi-ho was sentimen* tube showed up in Leboni mon in a graph, andmd directed Heisey to Eblirling’s tal about the death:•aths of h e r fath er batch of mail from a Honirrisburg “To mc it w:was an important widvidow, Eileen, at a Lebatanon and mother. Someonile wants tc:o tell s"distribution center witlithout a picture,” saidid Heisey, 55. “To nunlursinghome. "It was in th e! mim idst of settling frfresh p ostm ark, H eisey saii aid. someone else, iti m ight not have Eileen Ei Ebling, however, diedd estates and I jusiISI tthought il w a s ^ ■ — Ihe.postmark-on-it-i5'ilIillegible; ----- been.-But-I wasas in-the-Navy-and-I------thhertrn-ycar-ngnr'l'hc-nurs er rs I n R ^a'n a I ti raT"par t~of the saine package would r of'tHatTTTinier------fbusomlething-Sa i Sagittarius”^ I req u ire still have my bootbot cam p p ictu re.” homlome provided tho name aand said. “Somebodyly e: else w as going anyw here from 80 c en ts tc to $1.03 Heisey bega!gan tracking the addiddrcss of her daughter, Cai'atliy througli the sameIC llthing.” ■ to send today, H eisey said. . I F JU N E 21 S T IJIS Y O U R . ------:------1 d. name on thele sending label. HellIdler, and Heisey sent the papack- Then she calledled Heisey, who | Struck.by the aged post! BIRTHDAY you areire analytical t stage on Richard Eblil)ling. He asked ___agege with the regular rouje cacarri^ ___explained the, stmnirange story,______^______the parcel, Heisey peere qiul romantic and enjonjoy flirting. toROSOOPE 'Jl red in to ' around lirisucce;:'ce«fully a t va‘riou.s’ er alongal with a note bearingg liis The photographph isi now framed one of the opened endss iof the area veteran’s's groups( before he phor You havo natural talenlen t for vmt- Sydney SV' Omarr Z hone nunil)er. and circulatingB atamong family ' ing and psychology.;y. G e m in i, ^ tube. A Navy veteran himsnself, he tried the Lcb:ebanon Veterans WlWhen she discovered the tulube members. Sa(pttoriu.s individualsIs pplay active ’------roles in your life, ccoi o u ld h a v e let them followfolj you. Be analytical, | t^osc letters in names:ies: C, L, U. trust yourr feelingft Leo represent- J During July, you will1 bc involved cd. Husbancid talks to0 wife’s nmom abc3ut probI(llems ^ m^h people who are studyingstu the LIBRA> (S(S e p t 2 3 0 cL 22): Sense mantic arts, indudingIg astrology.i of dircctioi:ion returns; you know . DEAR ABBY: I am a |7-y37 earj ause and ask yourself, ‘‘IsIs it blew' her top andind kicked my old m other of four. I rccentl inate during where y^ouu arcj going and what to ' “1 D liA R ue? Ls it helpful? Is it kind?”?” If father and mc outlUt ofi th e houscL AiUgust. Acccnt on w henlere you live do when1 youj arrive. Income fided to my husband the i le answer is no to two outu of We had to spendd tlthe night in a JWuJ m arriage during No\November. potential improves.in Exude confi- ^tion I feel for a male frle M A i)b y iree, the wisest thing to do is to motel. My father' antand Nicki madt> ■ ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr.pr. 19): You dence, tossou aside false modesty. ours. He did not take the •ep your m ouihshut. up, but since then,len, things have exude vibrations of pcpersonality SCORPKPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): ZwelL We have had proble ^ Abigail '“'Si:Instead of marriage counseliiling, l>een very strained.‘d. E1 very once in our marriage for some time, and sex appeal. Manyf wwill regard This couldId be day and night of f l VanBuren hich your husband ignored;d , 1 a while, my fatherer rrepons to me _ you as “mystery person,on.” Tliat is love and laugliter.lau Ask questions, ,not , been shy in the past i ■ I recorcommend individual counsiisel- thatf Nicki "has criedcri her eyes fine; don’t tell all, don’tI’t cconfide or e x h ib it senicnse of humor. Cycle j;ltelling him about my feelinjngs. H e *------'-----ingg fjoying the excite- firstst year was a little bumpipy. trapped. Please help,elp. require further investigatigation-'You Scorpio arcc involved.ii to stop. T his w as not only su{uggest- m en t she is geneinerating - or she Nickicki made me see a iherapipist -CONFUSED IN SOUTHERN ed by me, but also by a mar aye not hearing compleiplete truth. CAPRICOl:ORN (Dec. 22-Jon. 19): arriagc may simply be aa gossip.g However, becaicausc she went through nm y CCALIFORNIA Deiception involved, delibcliberatc or Many of you?our fondest hopes and counselor. r" Hc continued ddum p- a t this point (haihat should be the backjckpack and found a fake sui-st otherwise. Pisces figureires promi- wishes couliluld become realities. ing ? oh my mother. least of your worrorries. d dle c noteii I had written as a jokjke. DEAR CONFUSEJSED: If ever a nently. Element of}f 1luck rid es with you. • It h as b een several m onthshs, and 1 don’t knoiv whatwl you thought Ther;lerapy made me sad, so0 I blended family neecleeded coun.se)* CANCER (Juno 21.Ji1-JuIy 22): At the tracliick, choose number 5 it still hasn’t stopped. 1 amim still would bc gainedled by d iscu ssin g stopp*ipped going.- ing, it is your family,nily. P lease d ip P ow er play! In sist b nX ytyour way post positionon in fifth race. Gemini feeling Mother’s wrath, ancnd she your attractionto to o tlier m en w ith iiver live since then, Nicki lias trie'ied this column, showlow it to your because “your way” isis tliet right plays role, won’t stop meddling. Shelie has your husband,If If you wanted his hurdrd to play "Mom." She aciicts father and lell himim thalt you a re way today. Focus on cncreativity, AQUARIUJUS Uon. 20-Feb. 18): approached former teachelers of attention, you certainlycei succeed- likee myr real mother is deaca d . th e author. Profes.' tim e I talk alw ut my m«>nDm. ing should help resolesolve not only Wrilten word figures proprominent- could inclutlude change of resi- past friends an d fam ily m cmmbers. to react? A goodlod ru le to follow Nicki:ki getsj irritated. many of your prolproblems, but ■ M Jy.- d e n c e , marital a r status. Music I’m not sure if she is tryining to before opening; one'sor mouth is to Abc^boui four months ago, sh;he Nicki’sasweli; - LEO Uuly 23-Aug. 22):t2): P roject p la y s ; finid d your rhythm and « , completed; you’ll hearr sIder people who aren’t safafe fic crashes in 2 00 0 . a cco u n tin g H H tility, intelligence and cncreativity. some will now‘b«romnoi e laughing ^LONDON (AP) - Andrew IJ seniors: Ask lovedved ones who are drivei ------Wee vers are often reluctant tto for G percent of all; pcoule ______—Iipprinr style; don't followlow o thers,----- m a tte r.------Vebber and several of his: well—v -dangerous'drivcivefs’to’stop'dri:^ iulriiiriiit if, L liikletter s;iid. knoinown friends attended the i ihj'ured in crashesies that vear, c ving. “Independence Ind is ver>' clo.sel;ely according to the niere of tiis lavish Bollywi [he National w ood Hjj jg i^pQrtaniant that the one linked Indiidia’s Pillard has 50 tintiny cows on his 9 lj|fl Pillard feeds “Lukcwunn" is ii redun -= ------' filmin 'iindustiy - by w earing sMisKis or northem Iowa farrarm, all about 3 b BKW his herd of sorry d ..y evws in (h e fa c t th a t BoUyilUywood wo^ th ree ^ears inlthe t Europe, Mexico andmd Argentina. KS more it}oney on coffee th 0 sympathise with the maWioldng, with a r e p o r t s b u d (fit-cl ^ “I like tlicm,” saisaid PUIard, 30. Q f c sB lnl ^ bananas. eir unm arried female $6.7J m n S io n . "If nobody else doejIoes, th at doesn’t t f Q L Ic home ,.U Switzerland an insu e husbands are more • NeiNewcomer Raza Jaffrcw pieilays really bother me.. We’roW b re e d in g ' Fl ivy the lifestyles of thee lelead rolie of A kaash, A penjnni- just for the novdtyty (end solemon’s paradise? Must I ,pi ■ other nationals traditicS o 'S 'a ilJ )r friends. lessss I B om bay boy p lu ck ed frcro m The smallest full-|ill-grown animal istein w asn't the 0^ o b'S^urity s^ i tp becomo a m aajor j is a 3-yeorold bull11 tthat’s 33 indi- Is to - ‘sp en d m ore m oney p er capraplm^on brimant fellow instironce th an do tho Swiss ow who didn’t leam BoUy\Uywoodstar. es tal| and weighshs 320 pounds. W rH br a herd • Why go (0 college? “ToT^’make ^ead untilU 1late in childhood. PmPreeya Kalidas, who appearared The largest, a mutuuture bull, is 35 H of c a ttle m oney,” soy seven o ut of 10 S. president with an in boxbo: office hits “Bend It Ul[ik e- ih c h u tall and 4000 pounds.p V n« ctoratel Woodrow Beck! a giate scholars queried o ckham" and ‘'East Is Eastist,” Pillard thinks interestint for the - th a n 36 ildn’t read until he playslys thl e heroine Priya. cattle, which staiitart at about nutter. Not the only reas( Int going m aybe, b ut it’s No. 1. old. LLloyd io W ebber appearedI c o n $1,000, is grooving. /And the more . Q. Which butnumber whurfiui. J- T akes 1000 ipounds of wood stagege ati the end of the show andoi ■ people know, the} nmore interest tbt:/oot - the bones, thethe liga- ake 50 pounds of receivleived a standing ovation. H1: e ' hesees. mentf or the muscles? • -\ w as s joined by “Goodno;loss “If they saw a rotrodeo bull that Liganientt, 56. Muscle 'Mdy realists that ' Grad

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' «v ...... " J ' ■ — # ' = ______------:------> ...... Summ ; ______- ; Still sinking:: ^Major stock indexes(n nc e a re d iNSIDlDE ■ . , post-ScpL II lovloWSi C om ics ...... P t ------Classified..____ _ P a g ^ E 2 - - ^ ^ -

QNj ------DusiiiissEdin. ------M T33--V73rt-.xl72-72 The Times-Nei,lews Friiriday, June 21, 200212

J B r i e fFLY A ~^INMO^)NEY iV buil(ding;outsshine38 Staate B M agazine notei t e s ByVltCInl(Inla"! Hutchins • K. M atthew s said. M a rc h ra n S519.12 l million, or 52.5 H N ew t w rtter______He callcd March's statewidest . percent, abov»ve the total from the 'Construction permitlit values New homom e D ell riecruH ml ei e n t numbers “the weakestist overall firstthrwmo 200 1 m onths of . Magic |i Valiey'i con»tnjctiof><>eiMmilt vqluos - Pom ilts for now TWIN FALLS -- T w in F a lls ’ ' N FALLS r Magic VaUc/s . monthly performance sincesi July In March,h, the faster growth ^ my watchers have more totals for all con*tmctlon type#«■ homos recruitm ent of Dellell Computer ^ r ■ 2001.” was spread1 araround th e valley, forcheer. Not so in Magic Valley,ly. ‘During the Corp. job& brought onanother men- he month, Hailey, Sun Areaf March 2002 M arch 2001 Aroa Mor D e sp ite The valley posted a rol don this m onth from industryinc publi- •obust52.4 Valley, Shoslos^ne, Twin Falls, , Gooding c 0 . $236,151 Goodmg . percent gain in estima cation Area DevelopmemenL J f W mted con- Cassia Couourfty and Rupert Holley i- $13.iX)5.142 $2,443,752 Hailey T he m agazine’s Jume n e edition lists struction values in Mararch com- improved onon their March 2001 Kclchumy $1,817,000 $4,599,789 Ketcfium e c o n o m ^ t pared with a year earlier, ■ 0 Dell’s te<^nicol'Suppo3port and cus- i I cr. values for :ombincdcon construction Son e Valloy $1,245,000 $312,583 Sun Valley tomer'Service center■ in north Twin- ^ ' Selected areas of thihe valley types. Ketcltchum. Jerome and Bloino e Co.* $4,495,520 “ c o m p re - $6,554,615 BlainoCo.* Falls as Idaho’s topp joj< b -c re a tin g . . ^ finished the month witlith $35.26 rii^ Blaine,e, Minidoka1 and Twin Joromo j, $463,811 e weakness" in construc- $520,769 Jerome p ro je a in 2 0 0 1 . million in projects rereceiving Falls countie;ties lost some ground Shoshone s $4,500 tatewide, south-central 0 Shoshono ------F o r its-annuaL jobs si building permhs. Thatat bested compared withwi a year earlier, TwinFallst $4,487,341 $3,631,638 Twin Falls lias a niw set of number^ March 2001’s total by $l: Development gathered: >12.12 mil- while Goodinfling’s activity dropped Twint Falls Co.* $2,059,910 $2,186,153 Twin Falls Co.* ho’s construction industry lion for combined type: from staie-levd etbnon »es in sur- to zero, Cassia Co.'* $6,330,430 $615,731 Cassia Co.** l-t G------March 2002 experienced veyed areas of Magic ment agendes around ti c Valley, A few part;irts of the valley are Rupertr $93,832 $26,552 Rupert 0 0 ehensive weakness. With according to data com] . “Some new facilityty andi expan-. ' mpiled in not indudeded ln.thc.bank.’s^ur- . - -MlnldokaCo,* $1,253,315—-$ 2 ,0 0 3 ,7 5 8 - -MiniflokaCo.v- t ception of the very small I.*— 6 ------^----- .1- — ------^------^ ------: sion projects resulting Wells Fargo’s recently’ ireleased vey. WeilsTargo’s Tj reporting is Totalt $35,255,801 S:$23,131,891 Total 68 77 ----- adon-helped-to-brighten e for mobile-home site ___ isjatem.de_repei:tj______delayed ,byUicyjecaUnonths^Q S ______erwise gloomy economiomic picture," aHon, all b"ther 'scj^ents ■ That leap followed Fe'ebruary’s , March’s numjmbers are the most th e^ d e said. industry declined abrupt- small shortfall. Year-to-di’da te 2 002 Slourcc:ol "laatio Consinjciion Repon•pon‘ t]y Wells Fijipo. ^ F argo economist Kelly building values by rhleendof e PleaseseseeByiU)W 0 ,P age£2 March report /S t/>c r:>osf>osf rcccnt a The magazine mentiintioned three J ______smaller developmein e n ts - in Sandpoint, Rupert andid IGrangeville - as Idaho's other topp jijob creators in 2001. Rupert, perharhaps, should U N S U S U iA L D O WWTURN- I — IRSgr^ives J n ot have been on th e list I list. ' li b The recent expansioision of Kraft SS h Bm Foods’ R upert chccse: ppl lan t did not “ tax tips38 for result in significant nevnew job num- bers, plant offidals haveive said. ^HH|| U.S. Bancorp anncinounces ^ newly^yweds quarterly dividendnd The Times-News TWIN FALLS-U.S.>. Banka p arent U.S. Bancorp dedared as quanerly TWIN FALLS5 - The Internal dividend of 19.5 cents5 p

rcveni past 30 years and hass ppaid a divi- , problems with missnissing a refund dend for 139 consecutiveivc years, the 1 ^ check - the agenc>‘cysaitl. s company said. The memost recent Ta.x-relat- increase was announced°d MI arch 13. cd things T ”p that newly- : Wheat commissiorion cliief H p weds siiould ; think about i ^ O call a iR S j ^ plans conferences c fication ' of BOISE - Idahoho W h e a t m P j JB chango of name; an and changc of Commission Chairmc-m an H a n s address. Later, as Ifiling season Hayden called a brief phophone confer- N n B S [ ^ 3 - • approaches, they’ silt,siiould consider J t ence of th e IWC to b e heliheld a t 9 ajn . m* itemizing theirr deducions. ( ^ Monday. 1^ selecting the.riKhtight .ax return Items of discussion indin d u d e final* m form to use andI clidioosing tiieir H izing the fiscal 2003 budgudget for the m ' filing .>:rnnis. the IKS said,------■ .... commission and considciidcration of Hints from th e ageagency: . " various funding requests!sts from the • Use the cort agricul txiral communitv.y-______—^Taxpayers-must proproviiie imreci ------; ------—— For information abotbout how to names and identifiitificaiion mini- partidpate in the conferfprnnrp. mil ' hers to claim perseL*rsonal e.vcini)- th e IWC office a t 334-2353353. ------•MU tions or the Earnedled Income Tax Credit on tiieir tax,x rereturns. A tax- ItOPS Debbie C»rt«irtar, left, holds her 2-year-old daudaughter Haley as she waits (nn lineI for her final paycheck ata t ILevi S tra u ss & C om pany'sI pUplant In Blue Ridge, Qa., payer who changeses hish or her last ’ ' Commission, realto Thunday. ThiThe plant closing Is the flrtt ofif il:llx scheduled to be closed by )y the San Franclsobased comompany. Som e 4 0 0 jo b s will be lo it In th e north Georgia moui , name upon marr>'in,7 ing should let w H wiii m eet W ednesds d a y tfllR communlunlty In Fennin County. the . Social S e c u rity ^ BOISE - The meetinting of the Administration knoi\now and should Idaho Real Estate Commimiission and T ■\ update his or h e r■ SocialSo( Security Idaho Assodation of Real:ealtors com- I J card so the'numl>er>er m; atches tile m ittee on agency issuesiwiUbeheld wi J—/W;vi 1 Strauss;s posts fiiirst quart(:erly loss1 isince ’99' new name. at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the real Form SS-5, "Applipplication for a estote commission offici , , Social Security CanCard," is ;ivail- flee, S33 N. nieAwocletlisted Preu in in Scotland. The secdnd-qiquaner The discountiiiting was the main itss quarterlyq financial resuli able througli tlw SSA Web siie ai . F ourth St. in Boise. ^ ^ loss loi contrasted with a 543.'3.4 mil- reason Levi’s secsecond-quaner rev- becat}cause some of its debt is pul The regular monthly m ’ www.ssa.gov DI bvhy icalling loll- ■ ■ f m eetm g of SA N FRF R A N C IS C O L ev i lion lie profit at the some timme last enuc.plungedd 121 percent from lidyiJy traded. freel-8U0-77.>’1213: the Idaho Real Estate CoiCommission Strauss Se: Co.C said T h u r^ a y , th e year. yc If not for the spjpecial the prior yearr tito 5923.5 million, Levi's Le' six U.S. plant closure: • Report your c h a n g e of will begin at 8:30 a.m. TliuisdayThi at ,.<,5, „( d<,siosing eight manufactur- charges, ch Levi’s said it wouldJd have said Phil Marineineau, Levi's CEO. whidliich will lay off 3,600 w orker ^ address: If one orir bi both spouses theicommission office. ing plants! andaj offering discounts earned ea 515 million in itss latestI The second quarterqt marked is or one reason the compan J are chan^’ing theirir a( address, thev ----- l^ e agenda is availableble from the ip merchamants saddled the jeaits quarter. gu Levi's first loss 1 since its belie'•lieves b etter times are ahead.. should notify the IRS.IRS as well as • commission office, 334-328 m ak er withth a second-quarter loss Son Frand^o-based Levivi’s cut September 1999 1£ h ir in g o f By By dosing the domestic plant the U.S. Postal S Scr c rv ic c . 10 he of $81 milll(illion, m arking th e first into ini its revenue during thee three Marineau, a fom irmer Pepsico exec- andid shifdngs dothcs productio sure they receive anyanv tax lefuiids rIS 6 tim e th e con»mpany has lost money months me ending May 26 by' lower-li utive brought[ inir to reverse the - to lesless expensive overseas cor Be»t Buy reports ri: or IRS correspoiulcnc ■ ■ ears. ing ini the wholesale pricesis t h a t company’s slidiniling sales. tractcsctors, Levi's expects to sav V*-' Send in Form 8K22.^22 ,--ChaiigL-of ■ ■ lb flrstH iuarter eamlimings s stem m ed largely from retailers rei pay for the compipany’s Even though it 1 its sales have con- $10 0 0 0 million - money that th' Address Form,” whichwhi avail- WM EDEN PRAIRIE, Mint[inn. - Best a 5150 mill!illion charge taken to clothes ch - a decision mea::ant to . _tinuedJo.atrophtphy.-Levi’-S.hadn’iJ __comp.mpany_wilLpQur.into.addiuor ------abic-bycnllinR thee IIIRS-tti-I-S(M)------Bi^ Co., the nation’s l^gest e s retailer cover sever'e ra n c e p ay a n d o th e r curry cui favor by helping merdrchants lost money sincece the quaner end- al ad\ advertising and product devd TAX-I-ORM (I-S()t).H.)t)’H2‘J’.Ui7()l’i>r of consum er electronicss andaj appli- expenses incincurred in the dosure improve ira their profit margin;ins in a ing in F ebruary 1 y 1999. Although it- opmment. e Lc'.i’s expccis co rcalizi on the IRS UVI,V(‘l. s i i r ;ii - arices, reported-a -27-!7- p e r c e n t of six U.S.. plants p and two plants sluggish slu economy. is privately held,lid, Levi’s disdoses tiie2 savingssa by next year. ' www.irs.gov. Or wriitr•rile to lhe' IKS ' increase in first-quarter e :r earnings, center w here you filedfilet vour tnoM attributing the gain to stnstrong sales i- recent return:'includ;ludc vour full " ■ of digital products and stei steady oper- L , O S S X name, old aiui newew addresses. ating pronts. !ses force St:Itate Farm Kmartt creditors; seekj to cut Social Securii-y iiuinbiinber and sig- Best Buy - which ha< h a s a Sam nature. Goody store in Twin FaUs ■ Let emjiloyers kll()^^now ai>oiii any ner income of $70 millio toreJifuse busineless in Idahtie paymeients to fommer execs , dianges to your nameime or address cents per diluted share, re, for the so you can receiveve ipaycliL’i ks quarter ended June 1, cc , com pared TTi« A»«Mlat(ate d P re te______Farm Fa: will not be affected>d, th e K n l^ t Ridder Newlews Service onee -- filed for bankruptcy Janan, ond W-2s. >dth $55 million, or 177 centsc< per ' corcompany said. Supple saidi ! State 22,, in the largest retail bankrupt'P*', • Get tJiat refun

* - ...... O' E-2 Tlmfr>Mffw>,Ti». Twin Fon*. IdJiw Frid*y,Junt21121,2002 .

—:------^------j— MoneiEY IRS _ ------ndexesH-H^rzpe ------C oirtinuotffrom El- r==rdh ^st-attaeefcjows- iterest, contributions, casualualty A joint return (m(i arried filing irfjle, ii.sunlly becausebc the redpi- loss-jsses and cenain miscellaneoileous jointly) allows spou3USCS to combine NEVEW YORK (AP) - Wal/ a l l ______L-iii hits m o v e d . ^ d. Notifying both the costostscan reduce federal taxes.-s.- • their Income andI tot deduct com- Streetct >came thc closest yet to> itsit June 20. 2002 IHJSi officti.nndd thetl IRS nglit awny _____ -Form-1040,-whichF i is used-ie d - to ------b in e d d e d u c tio n s Ula n d e x p e n s e s o n - poR t-t-829-l{M0) to arrange for reiS- 800-’: •' '•«;>/' ^-°°° X).TAX-FORM {l:800-829-3676)i76). th e o th e r m u s t also,0. o f L eajading d Economic Indicators,□rs, L - ...... • • ' ------: Sll.nice. • .70 on new s o n d -q uarter a rtt and full-year loss , 23.G pcrccnt grogrowth in overall Thtrhe areas of the valley sur5ur- ' 57 major I(|aho 1 locations in t^ow ha fallen 274.35 pointsts that the medical prot•oducts com* \vill bc wid(tvidcr than cxpcctcd. construction acti'ctivity, compared veyedfed issued permits for justt 68 M a rc h to ta le d SISD.-I 3.48 million for ^ v c r 3IffeMast 6 ; two days, wipinglg pany reduced its quajarterly and And GcniGeneral M otors fell $2.59 with M arch 2001)1 vV a lu e s. n e wV ssingle-family homes during•ing all types, down 25.1 ] 1 pcrccnt from oularlill■tilly e a r l i e r in th e w e e k , full year estim ates, to $53.75,5, whilew Ford dropped 75 M arch’s permliit it activityi in Twin the: monthm - down 11.7 percentent March 2001. For th llic firsl three Brontl,ncler stock m easures alsoso But Nokia held steatlady, gaining cents to0 $15.73,$; after M organ Falls turned upip several? signifi- fromm the 77 of March 2001. AndUld months of this yeai !ar..slatcwido rctrcaiatci}. The Nasdaq lost 32.08,18^ 3 cents to $12.43, altiIthough thc Stanley downgradeddoi the stocks, cant commercial;il projects,j: includ- ther averagea' estim ated value5 of values were down ] 1 17.6 percent nr 9 1 percent, m to 1,464.75. The mobile phone comi:npany said citing conooncerns about consumer itig a new Zions-Iis-Ba'nk brunch in thoseise homes logged in at from the first cjUiirtei: c r o f 2 0 0 1 . • last finished lower on sales for the rest of 2C2002 will be demand. Canyon Park,:, Magic! Valley S134.314,357, down 23.4 percent from•om _ “Boise’s March c construction Sent >7,27 w h e n it w a s 1,460.71. lower than expected1 becauseI of The losscosses came even as thc Renional Medicalcal Center’s inpa- S175,45 ,4 4 8 a y e a r e a rlie r, ■ weakness was clear arly evident," 'i-h„ S&Ps'i dropped 13.70, or 1.3_3 uncertain marke't ccconditions. Conferencenee Board reported a 0.4 tient expansionI andat a tiew home' Goolooding, Kctchum, Sun Valley,ley, Matthews said. ______■ p e r c eIt, n t , to 1,006.29, its lowestst Other telecom stocksks slumped, pcrcent incincrease in its index of for medical-eqiiipiiipment business Shoshishone and Rupert issued nno o ------______c lo se siniiince Sept_24^w henJt^^____ however, including^ Motorola.1 ____L ea d in gj.EC-Onomic_Indicators. .E i ___ iriits'fdr'new residential con- on- TirncS'Acws Buststn v ss E m m is h e d aIt t l1,003.45. wITIcfi~3ropped 722 cents to recovering■ing from a revised One Hailey pro.iroject accounted structiic tio n o f a n y k in d in M a rc h , Vir^’inia S. J/iiic/i :/M7is c a n bc . •£■»,„ sclloff op brought all three•e $14.78. decline of (0.3 percent in April. for a huge S12.33.33 million chunk I'hehe month added eight mobile)ile rLVc/ieJ at 733-0931, 2« , or i'ndicaio,tors to new lows for 2002)2 The rest of the techrhnolo^ sec- Analysts1 hahad expected a 0.2 per- of M arch’s actii:tivity - Blaine home? ies to the reporting areas; of a: vi/^'riiu&niaj:;icva//i;//tUC077I. tor also sagged. InttItel slid 85 cent gain.1.

' UMm, 0>v Lfil Ct>o .( IHEB >0 'OniCort ... t u - V Kmot. 2083 3220 . 20 STUin, S3* 2221 .; Cumfrwn l » 3141 -K K^flPhi Hmw on U lt Chg L«*pwt 1.47 -.11 S«m(ocn .. 2708 - 92 Crt>£«'n 15 51 - 69 Kna^nrn I J “ - - » S«« aA . 1335 .35 M^Cb j ' g Mo s t A ctive (SI OK W3Mo«i) M ost Active (SI Ofl Hom)Int Ifi ?(1?5 .79 LSILoo Tycolml 407200 1S35 -.15 -. Nn5(JI0OTf083762 2540 -8888 WorklCom1ie0C30 1.37 -15 * = li i H I ^ H SMwtSy* .. 14J0 -43 IS SK,t 92 S495.1.5* • '« GonEIOC 202642 20.70 -65 - i DJIADinm 54074 9-147 -1 34 5*in»»£nl00 23 70 .0 34 0/nclo 555919 8 46 -34 „ ■ ai»£ lUcivwi _d1JJ8 •-.74 5ST 631 5 A'n’WilJ 102140 0 00 . ♦.( 05 BomnGoia 47879 t.51 .1.16 6 Cisco 515507 1400 -41 J S S r _ ;IS Accsn!..n 1907 !'i<4 0«V^0 ' MM - o tSSuA1 l78 - *•** ‘J - :'J5 IMkW ' *?6 SlIU'S .' 3 28 -.49 3 Oci/ilMS 37C4 .07 l>^k 1124 - J3 14?rf 42733 .1- 's , G ainers (S3 OH'mmo) Gainers (Si Ofl wn) ^65 2241.1.18 (w il*; -»0 Drc

hl ja 13M -U l«N j| t 8 l " Nam« U ll Chfl -fcCtXhfl Name_____ t.a»l Chn SChg:hg Namo U at Chg ^tChg _ ATx.lSlrw 1536 -39 j' fl 0"^>39 ?0) ?1 70 -7! locUUU 1 .jg M.ilanR ' SCI •I.&4 .378 .37 MontSocI 245 ..50 -250'5 0 Nuconir* 3 20 ..PC .417 7 A14 Amcasi 3.98 ..67 .20,2 .20 CajIIAM 10 4C .1.51 .to09 9 Spectra 4 10 . 1.10 .307. A»roHji «»a -40 ; ? “*•* I S ■■■I Aoipumj II 9W .1? 0 » 06 44 CO - n 7212I - -M J ImSpcOy 600 »70 • >12 129 ECCIni 309 .41 .153SSSponsfljIs 377 .CO .220 w '’iI t? *775 - A>->A. rou .J41 D W i^ J j t9.M-1.» luctot iM 0Z43 - J i sotocim S35 .2 A5>c*tv> 7C D031 • & i .25 MorUOkI 17.74 .I.M .123 .12 HKling 1450 .1.40 .1151.5 SlailocE 2.48 . 42 .20.33 K i n -. d1.M ; l j - -• ■ «0«-Tiij Alcjtrt t l.it.33B5 .41 UOO .03 .1 2&4S ..JO tmUM .01 t i nI >.71..7t L o s e rs (S2 M non) L0 SEHS4 S3 ofttKM)-.-.------L o s e r s (u o « i» u } AlwiCp _ait4»-i.o* :00 -43 SnOytu . 16 90 . 32 AUc>t)j'< M MM - .1}k Dul‘oniO 143 4400 - 4; MwrulflI 'J5I: So*fOnOce .10 1490 - a . " inA 1^ Ule»«Bli _ ItOO - ABoic^ I 10 »00 D| ' Nam« IjiI Chg %Cti■Ctig Kama t j i t Chg %Chgl a Name U at Chg %Chg Aruion ... I7.5J -.75 K JJS? ■■ iiS TJ; uoow 54 JO10 - SunUkro .. $.70 -33 , ssar ss> 92; 28 M r 28 S 20.74.1 00 05‘ -23 5urU0«e -. (tJJia-4 J7 J4 2720 .68 ScroPCS .. 4 10 , .0( . 0- Duiango 3.15 '.65 .17.17.1 DflWofto* 905 -.05 -9.5J.5 Synapicjn 10.00-4 11 -29.1 (■:S£S;Stlsr M-M S,^* _337_. 12_ • Aii-.tat*---- 84 art? -35 tl • IM 2220 - 30 Sw xtf----;«'J7.7J'V4i-V4i|- -PmvaF------5 45 .1:12 -17.IT.1 MSirpnan 8.70 -.73 -“=7.7r.7 Ganiymit I0.7tJ -617 --23.03 T4?iS.T:?? f S S ?----- . - j j s 'H- S S " - 74 .'58 Sy^nun 22 5# .13 Ann I X tr t j -M U .24 AllasAlf 345 -.C8 -IG *iT*Joc9 MM -?S £Cp J7 1«H-t.U U»nonrrc. .4 2 ISU • .20 » Aavancod . i.4i:453 A<^nncc7 tt Doetnod 1.73.734 tJoclmoO 41717 Oxlinod 1.922! » = . ■ 1B?S I'Ss * '5 IMMkAfi • . 1257 - M 43 51 . to ECDS M 4814 .24 utnaau I ... 17.74«I.M SlwTcfi -. 1S.I».|JS-US Uncfiangea 201 20 Unch.ingnd 110 *nwnc«I ^ “ J J " '” naovi70 20 20 • ?3 M«ito C 10 Unchongod______741 MaCnr . 20u3l62 - erUa 9« 22 IJ -03 ’ « "II Sn^rnn 80 12 45 •« . 30 TolAllMuM 3.381388 T0inli55U03 033U Tolsliv.uos______4,120 NVCm,* e« 2780M . ” ;»cf>0au .. 38 20-1 24 KSCO 10 29 26 .00 U^U-t ' ^? M!7 J m -'** - « NowHghj O; • • » M«il*IC _ X42 -. 03 NffwHfllis ?2 22 NewH^til______57' AfTi*S • -11S . 4U -j« OwmSS*LTc T.UOJ 0615 .19 A/>o5>J C'jf rStD-lIK tfrav'vr ' )2 43 00 UcintCot« .M.0 tfrjt-1.81 58 22 56 • . 78 Now Lo»i fX Ciuuio lift 14II9 -60 ucu 00 Now Lews______1242 NowLow5______160 AtcMUIS .. :.7g -.1! 33 . 02 T.'syon 153 -Ofl d13 18 - 57 SonOi'i) 2041 -13 ) AMloei"! 22 13 . 07 S*™*' ' " J?"?? I u {5^2 32M I i?6 cStininn 52T 7 44 . 1? Uiaipor* 88 8( 80llt31.10.3J1 34 .07 Volumo______t,5QI.2SS.27i.270 Volume______190.573.410to Volumo______-1.658.782.000 ( S*^37 30.6334-71 *nnC<»p 'XI 3t06 .M CuCa6"l’I 2 00 29 95 . 07 UlnM _ A*rurcn .. i849-ui •ji-Ktv, lOO 55 IM .19 tststyltias 173 T9 40 . 14 Uowlo .4 ■ .. 8.10 -.37 !.dio.7o-it7 iwSlr" S mU .22 *’ Xom .. 431 -.15 CVMla » ilto .37 MonP»En 26 12 . 78 04kT«r> ._ 04.10Ib --.' « ***• Apo^lT ... 21.M-IJI C" 41 33.18 1*4 TVXOold .. .1.48 .M 62-WMk fc Au*»«». .12 1378 .00 I* _ H.7S-2.10 Op«o.«Sn ... S0535 .. . j j Irn»m*u ... 200 -05 Ei.e»«jl B? 39 74 . 37 UofflSun 9?I TXl/Cerp 240 J13J .77 rn.Gc 2 32 eon .19 uou>m i High 1 ^ mm« Laat Chg Cho %Chg %Chq S7' IJ* TmSirte _ d71 .48 *.c;Oin JCU .OJ fMcrwS 23U -88 NCnCo is» -89 'JM -« I K S £ S ; S § S S : A/cfiWftS^170 JC*5 -10 f»nf.U«» IJ? 76 42-1 97 M11IC4, l.li1.16 3261 -32 ’*^1 •?* 3765-1' S 05 10.75964 8.062.34 OowJonojnoslrxluiliials 9,431,77 -1-12980 -136 -588 -11.888 D«K ■* ” to **' I g sr :: gs-;;; sz. : Noikxa 3 2C ■ CmGoPl ... 3 70 . 17 !« « » ~ “»''4**M ’1“7 I.-.09 GAIX I 28 30 M - 7J Ik>t/p0 I 8C ytd' YTD, C»r*..M. ^ . 43 83 . 40 4 -.08 33 ;j -So 00»inefl»" 32 76 97 .44 MwUMQ I 1 m2fl ' m OI *47 TMOfMi ».78 .#3. S ______Olv PE l.a»t»t Chg SChg Maitw______Olv0[ PE , Latt Chfl %Chg- C ^awicO .. 923 Imunmd ; 1 :» --S s s s r - !:l! ______BlinNOI___. ._J« JJO M 0*.- I Oa*<« ... I80e -60 kVoSoc* .. M ..01 |>«t>Min ... 1750 -5 «M.-150 w « » r— -.04. AltHKUn------76---- ?4—303*>3*---- -34------3 7- HomeOp------20)» — 27 - 3051— 1.14— -26.4-J- c«ili»m-:_ ® 4J« -J»- Mcrmu- - ._ 6-87 -02 Pneion -.2843-3-* -IS AHinlEsy 2.00 0 2593 . CMDM _ 8.88 -7» . . 01 07 -05 Pheinn _ 17.83-1.»3-148 VMC04RU .. 23*8-140 Conon:«cfi- J3U -83 0aiP»l 100 ■ 93 .03 -140 W.\cc

CtKf'te ... 7.15 . 10 ►«BP" 1765 "02 *2 ■“ BkolAm 240 16 721010 -1 05 .145 Wc/onT ... le-IO - 1.C8 -400 d » .M V*n.p« _ 1840-IJJ . OMiSci' ...u}ies.:.u COw^jr-nmo lia 35 97 -11 PGiCCo BftloC . CO • .. 3C0I01 .12 .59 ScoltPw 1 7C : & :: I S :o*? ^ .10 .1. tOM PrSolot :r 043 0*P«c4 W ?7 25 • II PPO 168 176' ... 21 62 ..47 .3 2 « VUM . . 6 8 - 0 3 lv « T ‘ r.'n l?M cl^C ^ » 6S 35 46 -M, PPlC«P 144I 2 “S 2 ■'* CINofjy ISO 14 358787 .3 0 .7 3 Sonjioni .553 15 23 14 - 30 .11 2; 0*«»Cp g ... ca64 -12 WrNAP - - M tJU CK-jk ... 426J-1J: U24I0 r ” *0 6457 . » ' OnuiiU 47.1: -44 MMSm - 13.07 .*» Oualcem - JM3-1JC (UW.'Xj tlJ ?iM -3? Ol« •*“ ConAgra M 19 2500CO .20 .7.7 SkyWasI 08 0. 21 22 01 .1.16 - 11.2fC S .n i. .. d805 -.08 _ - 31.01-143 Ouetcsnw . 1282 -31 D<»nf A 1 « 75 ’i • U oa.Oa.oGiOni ?4'. 40 81 ^08 P»rkM4n 72 •“ CotIco ... 29 40 00 W 13 3115 -43 rtnVY 10 10 23 61 -23 l«Uoo 1 211 740 -10 00 -.95 -9 9 Toffldyn ...... 24.71 -.70 -180 C. . 2j4 WJM .. d8J7r*| -s: ; Ciwi*, _ oiae I.7S jgy>v».i . (nn« IIj j-JM -OB OoUHld K* .12* 1380.1.M P>-07 Cjkgc-i :a 16 li -13 KAIre '*C* 08u509l -99 P)ito J212 X08 '.33 -92 Com«n 9B« -.00 JOSUnlph _- i n FIkAUoI . 1181 •!* IWrtdCo-1 _ 1J7 -.18 C»lpl-» ... 7.7I-10I IUi«n "lU 10 16 M -22 Pn»m*ia4 J454 U K -M O’.**" SIM .08 35 75 ... n.utrOn> .»*«lOt.7l-4J1 r_in«Ori * Bl ?797 .13 IU(W)0 'Uft< 141 51 01-114 PKIiSubi J353 1967 .68 IMvMon _ JH7-2.lt Ce 5 S S “_ 1S3 --S4 RMMnN 2J3I ..18 ..18 VMdua 340 343 -ja 40 09 . 18 nwuo. J32 Ccnaut ...3 77 -.01 AfBMad tm m XMSai - «4i -.74 CaiO.-- 11 S/01-167 3?* 26» "« Ja'2J0« - Cfl Ccntni ...29J0 ..M KUTne - 4A83.3.7* lUtt>g 12 1489 . 11 Pfrfotll 31* ' H«n «r« ffw S25 moft active tts*toek» 00 tho N»« Yo»k Sloek £*ehao{\anoe.ttte«»m oM adtv*onthe caCOMlCea ... .82 . 02 KPMOOia -. ^ 7 XtMU _ 177 -42 Ciini.a; 4? ?y?0 - ?4 >U«CI 2 48 43 IB -?« 144 H NMd*q NfllkMUl MtrMt* tnd I . I4J0 -.*6 SICoo - -8I4 -11 HsrCP 3 241 43 70 . 18 PrWW 1Mleo M « Ij7 d 100 moit dctlvo 90 AmwJcwt Slockock ExehanQa. MutuaJ funda ars coCotco ... 4000 - 05 Kvntn .44.44 1838..41 IUC4>n _ IJO *.10 ™ 1.118 larpwL SloeM In bold chaihanpod5p*fe8niermof.>nprte»; On«*0.» _- 77.11-3JJ S*nDM_ 10JO -44 VWCIO ... IS 65 -37 0«*/l1 . 1i&7 • « !<••« . ?8 11 .74 PUK«0 10 J 7 N m w suck* tr* Btt«d aiphabiabMeally by tho eonrnuVa fUI nanw Ctftirr .16 5«00.t4« MIWiKi I33« -59 PtrtlH* 216 -. 11.47 -.48, Smnna ... B7.00 -M-it aoftOcC-40 52.71 -.88 H*CUU 4 3» .18 PlumCrti }?*l?S S 75 V«wnCn,1.W 39>4 ,13,3 'n«mMmado'upo*««*IWirtmP 3? 1865 -X Po«i> whon oxchango doMd tor tha da/.. C.>ClrCC 07 I9T7 -78 **om.MomtOp ni MSI >114 Pn(>aklL« _ j9 Cho; Lom w pain lottha dav. No thanoo Indkalod bv... moifc. L-CCji ^ ??M -M [w™Iian^ine 71 38 00 - 31 PiMona " irM ’Ii? Vootkr- S3* 1313 - » Iknocr 2U 3124 .19 PrmFfKtn r 2943 . 28 W*et«Mi !96 »13 -4« —— JJ Fund Nam r Nvno ot mutual funfund and farrdy. ilowMrt ICO 4980-17S PtodO IJ»J» W65 - 55 WKkCa ... 14 16 .04 H»m* Du U«l Cho D**OftC .20 46 00 . 78 lSnSPSSl» 2121 2878 - IS PiuM n .. I ut:68 ..08 »>*lAnS. .12* 82550 -76■ « SOjoplH 1.62 24 50 . 11 O n . M 44(7 -J l kucokuarp IM 7704 • » Pi««£neyl00m00m30«5 >.34 WtUUrc .01* 2S40 .01 Mn SO. (W - low h MM 12 mot. d ~ N*w ... 4.13 -07 WiCo ... >iSi .08 S^WlTr 05* 3054-141 kMM 88 48 87 -M PutrHm . .iti tl UAt. It > N*w Mu* H pM amo.-q CK apWTr .03* 39 25 - 53 ■DM .«0ttf7l.l«-T.n OuwUS.« ...'» “« « • * « WU« ... I3JJ.1.05 d -I - :: M -M KMltnIn .. 1518 .08 ^ C C 16u.'3 90 I m >3?" 'j, (Mda-MWMdldMdMtf 3S| A « ^ 200 1576 . 58 IjS J? ' ~ .47 .. K««w ... 1303 -.13 CO»ur 143 «iM irnnw 1'"^ ■ 60 »0fl.1.18 Ountir .73 SPUd ’’S 'S I i s 'i w Cc4gPil 73 JieO-1.19IntUua ... 77.U ..7S OMMCm ■ _ " ' i s i s r^saass.*£ss; s 04 8 30 -.16 XJnOMfl . 2J0 ..13 k4* *.40 -4* lenaOig ... 207 ... c<»i».«r» I n u.eo npip -J3 too 4331 - 0$ lUfWjfl a »«J M.M .J6 W*«M. _ Mjrltfflfi3 .;SS!)i?-3S^IsSS?w6sc^.-ttSE!r:S5S!s s . L ’S s s S i k s r ; ? . . fS. i - “9* 878 . 04 Utgn»«M 748 .03 .03 S P ^ t S t a.n O vra M ?oo5 « IS Mn*MfUd - RPM SO » OMMM Foooioih: a > AMo «m ( BMAi I 47J0-XB1 iS I ^ .. a04 . 00 tHwflpel - 2M .40*M sPCnri 4 9 * » « . o i . CampA> iwtutfcjr j« aor.121 Rjdosr* Jojo »*.;■« »"» -» * 7 *332ii*taSiSa DoMcnT 03* K2.40-390 istiKa 10*0* 2235 iMOfvnf ... JO -01 CmA«>a Mii?s«o . ?« >»>K4 ot J4.S0 . n eo.80 .» J<»4IJJ .3t Oe«C» .. 20 .... .31 -01 SPFnd .40* 2SJ3.-.52 Ccr^ M «M .a -'2983 .43 mtnn** )J0 t488.-J3 A* S6S ..01 IMUna _ .47 --M-.03 .34* 24 J8 -.19 n«r>M)Ca ... 2«.75 -.45 W*r«m . 1.80 6493 i-O?3 '.^'SuSSSSasjsfetessas! 8* 14.40 --32 UMramM _ .18 .43*-02 SPT«h ...d16.16 -J8 Mssa-.'Sar.e s iTi gSS S S '*? 10.20 .,00 HTNCom .. IJO•01 . 01 tt/gCm(> _ 443 .JO Conswro ' 3 03 * 03 J^UaiIPUgqjOi IJ8 33J8>T.2J fUtAU ~ . i " •? ' WmCc* .80 «7J5 .1# ^ifrar„'is3 ffl“.'3ss VCM9 01 4J1 .OS iSnSP900l.4M'0*10a.8»-l.t1 NlCUn ... 3040-1.39 s!s«?iw 3s5russr2 I*BHI» J0tlofAJn 82! JS04-IJ) n|fC*>0 .UU 3t:44. - J t WoMnr Ije* 49 70 ..M I0ia**0" _ 24JJ .,07 iSnEAreA.25*i T«nn«m _ 44-. t t ::S ^ “iJ :3i ItfnvOIIS? 8302.264 ftojOul 1.4t*4* 53.17: .01 Worttgbi .M uttJ(«IJIS uaMn-N»1oadlmt>-n*«aMM' ^a :- ’:i? ::§? M " : 135 TUnPtfil ... 343 -OJ . «'ss.;s; kiKnM ; 84 .03 (terfJeg - u Coming 3'JO -07 '••*V(••390 t.oi 98J3 SesajSssSttsaiM4n^«p^.a.C^i.*M*Mor c5.citiMMiJt .. IK -.30 enniooov.»4« Q2HHH ijetfiu*-ijr OttaMV, ... 1.00.01 isriMco*o,i«*i8* 104.73-1.73 PacMmn,- 4t *40 UW«0 .' - ^05 .30 . CoiCom . 30 04 -M cue* .11 2US .U ■StAnl0Oa7O*'0* U34 0 1 PwnC _ OTM tJO*40 lACaa _ 2*40...M S -il-s s :^li£Sn-,-3ii S S : S s . . DCK Tch .. J)7 _ lSMtmoV3Ja*7«*mS0 ..40 PncMM ...uil.78 ..18..18 ; vngan .. 4S .41 DJMOWnl-SOi 0447-1.34 SnfttfOOOJ2aM 0140 -.20 ntOdeVt -U14-S5 »4S I WWMmT .Oi 2-23 .-01

t ■ i • ' Friday. June 21.2002 Tlm«».New^ewe. Twin Fatl4, Idaho E-3 l - R e & i s e ^ ^«nn 1S9.SIB. X«>1jfl0 tat.OM43.99 OoM-*333301nr,I iTCTir Q/. KY Marc «w tlw . losing SAM: laadera. l73-f77, Uti. S73-S78ne: b<»or . 94 005l4ar»iaixt, & llanT>in(onf^ flaJ^quolai C FUTURESFI - ■■ .P tt» < 39:l#*«gwat.ii»t39______.OfJttiQUfilLftMLEl______i f T T n r t u ■ w.^1— 1.00pa<76«jfta»i..NY. “ itiomnde. In respon.w.------.18 JET»Me-Pnxiuea»»lh*«wi ManiairtiaeooAatooatonm Sum-VsM»0 00-5C2.M Imy oi. N V. (cnmi.-ieti. ■* Wyoming. Su[)plf said tliere U is a hc said, couii S — |i!ib S 1*o» ly'S 'Je# "!# .TOWTytnrN-r.Mwcipt^Tnu------nQ-n«ojoi insurance that will bc writtenw in tougher undei ' ''S^ Tc« SO ipnngan. SI ,740 Tt*rf«uy. corrwi those scales, .8153 BIBO . 0028 WM.1 oponijSiw'iaosT , . Octvtm: or placed mo on NI«AL ___ . ______i S i S S ? ^ S Adam KJauber, an ininsurance pohcies in som ^ ^nMen:443ba.^U 6SJ0 164.70 164J0 J64 M -.60 «y,4JQHMdrTWluno ^ , J industry analy.st for Cochran.C Klauber sjiit Icm - ...... •._0«..U8'S«^ . iioio..!c..!M.#a..i?Q.10 - 5 >Ko 1^63.60 163^ 101.40 ■ toiA) '. Sw«» iranr l97-r>------19373------Coroniii & Co., said State Sw CanadtooAoi 69,23 < Can.tn.1/1 MMI te-Fnrm is-----porary refusal new • ll?, 1V2 I ? 59.40 15500 j 64.40 194 90 ~'S0•io POCAT010(AP)-WafwFarmUura«iraau tntarmotfitain MAiJCAnpo«u ' D MUM (i following a trend in the; iindustrj-. cies could mak for 321J 3233 .J 4 Dm S3.7 •.40 twatocli ncod lo> Thindav nw 321.1 3237 .J 4 Jan M J •80 UVESTOcJTAUCnON-rMnFaaCXlOeol SM on I f W YORK (AP)P) - A Hamvin i4yor Thiiriday He snid rates for hommeowner •. sumers to get f f E j i i ' i 4.MS 4J70 . JO M»/ KJ? •M Wadnaaday. UWryandcanmarcwcoKcw«t3000-<9M. insurance are often und« Dg COMEXay ^<8» ^44 0M 4.Bie >.30 Aug if 40.» M i*!! ili :i'JO haM (aaoar nawi 87.50.76 00. kom I. iderpriced where obtain 10300 103.10 -1.01 OcT 140.0ta.OO. lloiM 14040 14U0 *— _ 06a5.BOcU>uaane7.0»09 00.Cohiy«hSem'Ieader’ ^ tnbrgat^ ^ and the dollar amount o IM29J31 *on pncn tor <1 lonoon *4 66 cyi of claim s insurance is ah ' s«(> uvnixm IMM 10iSiS'lM'Se '17 . wSlopISi«nli»141.fi15. 0)1.783 ■prim hafir* 1.860 (PiodJCen m Jarvna).Jar ba^CAVos L'Xv>on lain t^var ^ Jdl Co»M 4B.» 4 X Ofri IS ootid. M lw«a 73.00.76 MM;bli» 43 (Jo-57 79. tr>goinardS4 600. ( 4S.'70 soaj I 1.10 UINNEAPOU:OUS(AP)-T1m haM laactor rwlan 67 .50.7300; kmK laacktrI fiallani Etvaituiril InOixnl* 57 a s Op«i Um o m 09>«.. 780d«.3S;tkKk»rr>adari8Oo6^0<0 00. UtJcJi cw i n'n, M Mo-t: ttvar tool WXk DOW* Msn caNvt na: waanar a» a 39 00^5 oat«j. ■ 5r gg; i’s J laadartaiTiea7300-77.n}. Rarnarkt^.**da-..aaiUa«v , p , . Kmart _ ..Oct Conoo 45^7 4i i M ' ^ 3 S “5‘* ”SS55 3093* .4 3 5 ' ■J\XI UvtcaSM M20 aM.7S 64 07 ?.M • sip 303 » 306 303 3095 .3J9J9 CM1CA00(APJ-Fuiu.wlrad«9e»>in.iMO-Oso ______^ 'CKSIL l-'UEL^S _ Continued from E l Aua LMcatM . «400 Sg » 6 i7 | .,M 3W 309 307.8 3M 79 .1.79 Od LMcat9« ' eses & .79 Mare»r«laeKrianBaTtiu; K m a rt’s ch SaOa Qig. SEW YO’lK (*P|-. resources on former manajlagement, lawyer. Jacl. Aug FtMnealD* . 7SOO T 33xrr.it> 2to >.»aoyinu«> CtctumgUUKKI Thurvlly S*p FMdwcaO* T7M T77J0 77.45 -!33 WiSlvfHeA inchidinn people who10 were Wednesday7 thth e oa fmmturm nta . r 77JO 77.60 -.40 &OOQbun««lntWwcMipwhjM. 64W -M U gffm ^T Ce T l r f n pw ui already handsomely compipensated “very small ni ■ - g, SSS SIS 2 during their tenure, and whov still subsidiaries. Wt s tsw - SS Jii l“i! ':i - ^ 68 J M.70 6090^ .03 ^ 2555 W.OO 65.10 .to o Nocowiccnw receivc ajnple funds undeder’’ nhr- in the Caribbi th e . >S 60J0 6069 6009 —— 11m— -----'."w— J? ssr> ‘s ^ Jl/1 6560 69 63 65 50 O'K 25 71 75S0 ;« 71 .39 mai retirem ent programsns, attor- East." Sm Whau Ml heese EA aalaa P.649.Wad.t taHt 6.M5 neys Siiid in their filing. "1 Jul So>t>Mn 4Caii? C 2540 2'00 'i't''"'* ' ••Enougli It’s not uncorr for Aug Soyt>a«n 40D 403 463^(3 483 i4 . 31'4 ------■ is enough." JU Cem 311 )M ?00»4 TOO 310 .«1»4 Cneai./CM.I pneeicnih»CneaooMM*nt»o potations to0 e S«D Com 3161/2 2t6 210 1fl 217 .13-4 E«t«ftO». Tlie objection did not spi J>«< OFPMA 10.10 _10.18 1C 10^ - UOT«rI.OO« T7C0 -45 lyl' 74 40 ; ipc'ofical. companies thevOUTI Jli (VPMA 10 12 '( ^ 0 0 J^^ -'430 ,ly detail w hidi form er emimploycc.s "TIic subsidia for ; ' Auo UfPMfl. 10B2 IC (jualify to receive payinen ” j iS ^60II neoif W60ii ints from legal, business Mar 7665 7665 70 55 the supplemental exeaitivciveretirc*- t h a t’s w hy al S I S iill iiIl'oo IIM . -IS- ______Potatoes all companies ilo' Uoe WPM4. tt*7 11 ^ »alaa^?,M6 Wa0'iia»t V3« si is I ^ ment plan, but notedI ith a t it them ," .said Jack Jac Ferr>', a Kman OfOtXtK It.lA MIlio 11,13 '.07 -IDAHOFAIIS.LIS. *1UM (AP) - TuMdoy.* peu» pncM lor ^iw !4J iincluded employees wl FM UFPM* 1131 11 sat val«y, Tw« FaM-OurWy (Wflca. 0*lw*0. ,vho left spokesman. OucMorweromSMd6»4i3lCo.’ ’ ' oSnSJeMfs'•S. 33anOoa/ttna paocLbalo* mooarwo. Mailiai Kmart Ixjfore and after itstsjan, 22 But little! aboutali Kmart sub- ______------OS »N»i»r,o — bnnkropnytnirtg:— ;------s' 1 Wi “ ^ sidiaries”can1>e be found in its regii. ' JSJS S^loSoS —^------—^"1—' Kmart offidals declined i A40pW»Hfr-rtt toviM rmruTv 22.0a occaucnwy " ^ 07.M 3830 37.75 II ':| I d to com- lar finandal reports,rep or in the tens anabMrbaiM > F«p 4IJ5 4I.S0 4 IX ment or provide informalaiior) {hous.ind.s VUryDMm • ncnu«A40a on of onf f pitges [ of court dnc- h PnCM v« n«i 10 oroowt. lOOpiXin.KunO>,U.&No 1 Mom. o>yrv(ria> ont)ini/ioMc'baMd I lO^«oiMm«tnMckap*r•' a *” ■ the program. uments it hasIS submsl itted since fll- H lou loano e>Mn Ul aro uorfto*>cnart^ cna Pncoth£|«c1la nurY)rMi>«(^ ftjn1 iin A 40 pa>c*n 5-ouxa rtw*iwn, Jl^ 5300 5300 91.79 / ’’I Payments made under tl -MungaiXhouinoCKa Pn*Juow»a»<»aM.mgmo<«r«eni 34M,OCCOMnaonity r>9«r ard kNoK M>M 10 S^euad Lax>(10(4030. up059 iii ^ the sup ing for bankruptiTiptcy in Januar>‘. H nksnniuon tfiouKl cenudia«alor* M! t*TOagtpwhuir hurMl rwnwni. atk: pMot. k; amal >ni rwH, aili: kw« mrwrujm. 333 SO,JO oocatenaty n i ^ and Kwar. F>l^ 1 U.S. diartered sub- ■ (arW, aM. P>KM on onmi OaJf Cy I nt p*f ruMvOnwrc 40a, 23 00.33 00. mo«. from i-egular pension fun<:nds, but sidiaries not included ind in tbe bank- Oih«' Uano Doan pncn o>« ccMcia ma34 0au*at*st>^higl^S0t. 34 00- 40X00 ta ; CM par b. OUI of Kmart’s day-to-day Monet HM. U S. D«pa/vr«ni otolAa1ooS30-! LU 60l 28 00-30)0 W,0( occauonaty higbar and kwar; -r ilj Seo 65« MM ing. had no assets>cts or liabilities, ua Sf S-SM. VPAI«mltttvin. r>c' law. H H M e i -a l s /C u r b e.\ecutives who received S2t Pllccri Ioi >Kioal pnr lAntxil rtvisOsO Qtorain. oms.coni mil CHiCAOO |AP)AP)j.^USM - Major pouto rrartiat* FOO :ri-:nc."i' | |§ 70Mt ?loO 70M ‘ ot ^ >28.8 mil- M a rty Z ohn, h n , a Los Angeles ■ H Ourn pp'tiundrM: wc-/>l l’nco«i„(..4,^.oct>a, liun in loans in the montlisLS txifore bankniptcy law\’ 12.^^ J.5I«3r«2a m!“i w'S S ««‘co- Satadad mvU oi:>ld pncai. ThurvUy aw\’er, s;iid the com t 54 to (48 tnund bau). 70 00. po' CM V> ^^Konglata 533t45c^tOOO K m art filed for bankruptcy.y. can order a .'ompany’scom officers in miinoota*', nooi«». o.iis.'SouOojuoic. com. $4 70115 per. par CM CotoraU:«t>3NorWtona70COunt3000-33.M. IM ' Lcvvxn momra lung S3M 05 up 50 05 "It is unlikely that the coii OMmoBIurn) Pitouuopvtmanry(liiFy ftnnt^na m count T4 00-3030 C 00. mh ! 04M w nl Iw ollective provide infonnatm ation alMiut its foi - iJmOag Non &/• A par ort Wafio Ouitjar** n-. 5 Si i; morale of Kmart’s 200,00 •1 CoKxado Nonuxani 30 00-33 00. par CM PamaJlamoonluirtj J3tB23cfl*045 DOO-plus eign subsidiariesries - but getting any S^«n& (*i»y Si2n Ulm IJurWry ZunBi taia afiamoon. J323 40 j» 13 ?0 working employees wouldId some- money from thesethe; off-shore busi- )^»w) O'am nnu [Jaan m CUJ iti>l Ka US I Ma A oaf CM 100 D OJidd' Maacca NY HantMV Harman: *332 39 uc JI 70 «nl. (imcViKTrv. S3 UO N Dafcixa. WisCIVisconui too t) ucU p«i CM. NY Handy SHamanlabncaiw t3<6l4L , „ - I how he raised by the knovowledge nes.ses can be tougl).tou ^ ■ -----NYb^>a*ia>O-*33399W>JtT0------—thHt-millions-of-dollHrs-of-if-estHtc ------“Some-aBgregre.isivo-crediTnrs------eo>n.J4ni(T~nFaa»£«l,) I'/itMqCM quo«»l bv Uuxi £tod10b'umbi6*M*iMw«mo?IToo”*” '" ™ NY Engaturd labrvatad U39 73 up 51 7 OUHrilrc.mT«mFAM non aua A Norkotatu NY Marc. 00*3 icolrwt, I(« $3?3J0«•0 lO 53 40 Wtxl • cpm XI 1 :ii.l'■f'lW’ funds were Iwing funneledd to for- would contendd thatth yoti cinild sim- NYKSt)Cljar*USA4pm Thu M3320IJOuiUM UNL£AO£0 OASOUI POCATELLO lAPj - itwiio ramilOumauWnrmountAn Oui llourxj W1«»lnUSi U: auaApatcM100biai»a mer-management.” attorneneys for ply order Kmarnart officers in the H m n locon Ick TturuUv , WcsconMn NEW YORK (APJ - Fu!jr« iraonn cn H't the finandal com m ittee siiid POCAICLLO - Wlxn vttM.-it ^ UJIj |sliu>i>y)rmrC'Ccr(sli 7fi. ThurwHy ^ 7 ^ 75» .,2 tl itJ- U.S. to causc the thi subsidiary' they | oran.i>vw»ilnr3;M(i/:> 1). I4|ip To stop the paym ents,.thele credi- control in a fort ncM crop 3 in. 4 30 lt!r<.x>r) foreign companv t'l OQOCN •• IVlWo 3 ID(ttomV). Sugar_____ tors must convince Chicago;o Judge transfer funds."Is." Zobn said, -But aSilH)?). 14(y>n:«nl«>r..0307/i«)Tftiin).Ul^4 35* — f¥1 , Su.«win Pierson Sondurby to) cdiange others who arere aggressivea on the (•lo.'Xfy) (APJ - Rm>.v lutuTM trt>a-»ig on ITia Mow 7043 7UOO 70 4;i .JOT ‘ j, POniUNO - Whil. J M ((141: 5) tt u y’^k'tkSIn’ciT>1 Trade TJwrKjay: " part of her Jan. 25 rulingng that defense side wouldwou say that is an ■“ t 01-< 01(IJP2IOH14|. 14 « um s . * 0 0 $4(W !.]w ^I'r ' k>vKa)i--i''»rr) ^ SUOAR-\^^ ‘ oS ^30K7?0 »3M a . authori7ed Kmart to keep rrmaking intrusion on thehe foreignl cniintr>'’s SAI.'I’A -. CVI 4 IUI |i,» ^ u..k.y4M 113.000tit;ei«nnntapirb, Peo 33700 32000 S.’OlO SflM 3 '!)» Cti' - :!?■; 'llthem. Tlie objection is sche DO s n 4M 5W -MI • A1 .. rirtjr--. iMtl-v)1t:.ilhcCl>G.i>r>Ufw7rUc( Cl 1 J.W 5t0M 5?0 507 907 Im tie lines are draw; TraUoltiu 35 5 38 9 28 5 » -05• Oa i A person close to one• co f th e Zohn s;iid t hlat a t»with sub.sidiarics. CtMn L0I¥jm S«Oa CKg. Mo/ t xM 537 528 5M -06 WHEAT creditor com m ittees .says K Kim art's ••ydu can certainlylinly obscure the eco- 0 ^ bu inNrnin; c m per Eutttf • Doc 342M J45J0 34? 10 > subsidiaries will be one• oof the nomic reality of ■ .B45.Wed»»al.»»M'007 J17W O 'S ^ 0 ;!41' J4 of what is hapi>eii- , «1W,700. uoaM ne.xi targets. ing" witll a companpany. W iw5 .t'75 ^ V ••We will be writing a I jo;. :u77:, .??-a nzooo*».;cw» iitfi.'u ’3S (>4 4(h', 40 1 le tte r K m ari’s sulisidi,sidiaries are used Io .-■p r w i - ir i !^i TOOO Wad -uo'j4f,<)7 ^ I'"" in'il dem a parny 01. i'v ;'Vi L'; that person said. “We halav e 10 jets for L'\ccutive'ives. Tbe purpov.^ nf 5.000 bu mMrnum: cand p«r butMJ 7W.«..w«,1S3 m ake sure w e're getting everer>' dcil- some, like Kmartnan of Indiana .ind ' ^ 4IUI5 4 4 lar for the creditors." Kmart of Texa.s,I.s, scseem i)b\ ii)us. Uur JM cS’ T?rT., cv« 40t5 4i:i5 4ti'»r, 4 Kmart included 37 sulisid L i\ivS'itx:K idiaries t)ie purpose of>f subsidiariessi hki- May .\V* .’.VC, .M7r, - "I ____L when,vl it filed for bankruptptcy in VTA Inc., JAI- Ii ^ y 4 I- Inc. and II.I hu/ ■ - T«m FaJ» Uw>tioc»i Cernmaawn Co Januarj’. isn’t im m ediatelyely clear,I ■ pncos IrOTtfxP »v»»loc» uU ncu w5»vnm. Over,000 »» . W7 »• Kmart, Financing II and Kmart K tors for nine of itsi subsidiaries. ------.-. ■ j “ S IfliJI' -3 I4II75 >^»i«Ji.'’fr».trr»» Ur»«f400b»,»0-l90.400loSOOIt>t'Ur Jut 5’ l-'ar liast. so m c'ch artered in ii the Another 28 subsi'ibsidiailesTire '.ilso ' " t i 141^ J7»-W7,5001oC(10 CM bt.. S7S-W.'-5. COO la 700tn. 57I-■ Oac . . :•! United U i States and some charartered ‘ d eb to rs in the__caL.;__ca_se, buj did ncn_ . . X) ba., JCM73, ov*< UOO ba., «7 KVS72. J J ■ U:ify.tomn»iru4J'xuJ cowj- J36-J49 fn f(>reign“co m p a n ie srw e:re n not provide the coun)ui't much iliforni.i- C.v»»n^'cut!i>r»:»r»: *36-937 Woa;»»a»e« 17^74 wl ..-lerrt-n J57-V •! inincluded. That means tlie i ir tion «m their o()craJcraiions. II.- 41)7 ^ -J (bitcncrluh ’n3-$57 S43- 75 J.VJ firfinances are not being revii a'^^ 4|I/« '*4'H'i 4iij;,>1: 4li;i75 -375 rr.«).rt»J» Wl.:W1J54 • NCW YOnK lAP) - Spc< norlcirnm n.ruli viewed "Even whorere theret are goiid •. ^ j?i> 47»rr, Thufutoy. and ciiiurolled by the courtt - and reasons for puttinitting assets in sepa. 70 V^U ■ 3 ' Ceaiar. SM 0 Ca!t.i>» w fia-r-. U S i»n’i any money nr assets they havave are rate subsidiaries,ies, you contribute CcW>0<-75 Wcrr>t%lH>r 11 . N Y Mr-dl.J 3|^;< ■« n(>t IJ(> available tn (Jay its debts, i n Jrj Load. 45c«rMwrH to the atm ospherelere of disiriLst iliai V c.Vrti«. JM H 15 twad. u.-inod Z.r « • » 7i-J0 25crrij c . ,v .r<-ii.;l li.xactly how m any subsididiaries exists on Wall StreetSir now." Zoliii xi. tor»ov$:'t.i:M.()04». Stj.sconMd G - «?3 35 Ift^, Oi , H ((. i 'SH 1. J39-K5 iwxl. Ia-<»in, J47 M-WO »~id. o ■'•.I., Kmart b asis unclear, said.

H»mt S«ll Chfl ToM'On 7?37! 36 - i t ClllnntFuntft: CcT«c:3l«ct^ ;09 . 09 KInOdA 7 49 .02 OovUrji Oo 199 OTCn J6 33 -4-45 GaMIII Fundi ^ 13 24M -M ,CJCOm 1392 -2f G.5»eJ5«eApi2et -03 WlOna* 9 53 • » O.WSSP Ov 'I 1 847 - I,’ ilaCjp* 7591 -34 Gilf'Af C4r-*a’tnil6l .14 (1/C>I«(II i.'TI ; . « v T L .';. C70 ? . 04 C4C0S1 1705 - 33 C-WAIncAp 2790 .39 WIEqA 1384 -06 HI' .'tjAp -C7 LTJAjj" "93 -io SSchwaoFundt: G'POit iill;',.' . .1. Ea''« -15 / ' “ ^2 loe? -OO ClCCrSI 1307 .21 G»nAi 3^-.5 -ei fumOA iji7 I 31 U30IA HiYDflA 5 05 - 03 • m A: Ckvo 65M -U X'TUdA(MAp Die .0< invu 7.16 -.15 meTri* me 10 51 - a StOfn ^ 8 ? - 0 713 -10 Co«tn» 8la»rt: weml»tmlAp 6 34 - 18 MSmCA 17 88 >02 milncl mil 996.09 S*Clfi:f«lnl6 - 1.IJ OarlmaraFat D: Jamrt Ad<.Wlil: S«< MfJCC l?30-t7 Ioi'i:a' 4 76 - 03 ni,S«fl 4880 .M >™G'AGiAp 1397 -JO KautmAp 4 08 - 08 miincSSp mil 096 -05 SmiCpS 1 t'O07 - 1116 TelHclD 17.’3 - H Wikfrtn JJJ5il .37 5.TCV1A :iw .11 Owjanh ------SmC5p-;iSS3 -14 - m -.0;. CAluJnWaFunat:___ .VjnoO.' oiiaia— iom—-C4. i o.iim i'fiiww------jmanipirti -H r -j Tcnswp J59 -07 >^'’5*1 1041 -16 c»!«v.at 70l)f> - ts Aj-jGrn in ^uM»r'Firt :i“ I . II.- i.'nO, .1 11 r ••■ 0 Y^LMutuolD:^ CaWp 8^ CpCiB 4 2J -M UMuA -9 80 ... LIOLldOiOS BK r “ v^wn 5357 -4J I 4! OlannwM Fundi; tUar^MnJ.' ?M Sown 17M .39 WCOAasC{*p 94J -.13 UHOpAp 12 08 . 02 L«iUmOuS 0 77 -01 FWalrty Salacli: ilncOI 33.4 -07 CjrAl.ii 1497 - le C 4B! -01 ConucaFdOni' SrrCoQCOOA 24 63 . 48 Uimi 1164 .. LlmLlm0ussp077 -01 (kxcnr 37»-i«:143 OoMrTkaniachiA: Vi’iU.C'nJ4i □lurcMntSM -Jl “JJ:2 3 W -:; [SS»B 0M .07 SJ.V«AiValAp 80S -03 'UuSacA 1051 ... UrrUmDmOl S82 -01 OiAari 49BA •>J. 14 Casr.-A 16 90 -71 Jon-.cn ?0' !n«l "»57 .'37 ^ “Jao‘’'9I7 Iq3 1.W/lili.ft B 9 70 ICin,Ai) l.ton 442 CwwScni 879 - ca TElncAIncAp 1381 .01 UurtWlA 30J Mdi 144 OolilmanSachilnil: John lOncack locnA^ 8 43 -76 IL Wl 130f QNUAn I5?9 -03 «50A>n ■ 0‘. Ptnp 1013 -04 NriAn^ 1049 .Ql M9 • 09 Ad.tlnkiv !i 7« IlCrtlAp 14 £^im''L.nchD“ ^ ‘1^ 4'' 8i0 'w cSl?" 9” Im InwrS'>rppVtlp 898 ..It SomcA 777 - 08 U9UgdlncS 1006 - 05 Urwr 54 93.IC; .'70; I i: fJio p i4M -3l OpPCt, £ii*c icblfn t lrcom«n 1?M -00 S>oap 1741 itfyUp 4J1 -09 U3Q.1A 795 - 02 U9IMgln$L t007 . 09 lKt< r 41IM-tl(lie -Jhxk i’iiv .39 Johntttncock EnjIdatFij^Si T^ms^tanLniUI. InOn 340 - ! i LH410 Oi: s ; ; 5 : g nc0pi210a-21 UUFOA' 725 -M MglMgMOSL 1024 -07 uijCrr 2S04 -41-46 M.rborFondt (ni.-yil,, ^ iji ‘ “ -7!, ull»OWlll'rd? (S>pl^ LoCoValnJIM -31 AnmEip<»»»0 FnOp 597 -08 ViWUIA 11 67 . 08 Ug< li^M ur.n0» Ilondl *V7fl'-M 4 7< 4:7 lie GUTOOmnOD 997 . 14 FadafatidB: Uo>S 2 S *S5 01 c°Sp ''00 ’4: Jl.'.’ - 3:. WonU-jCi I 71 07 - ?« ri.UjA 0 I’lna^nlO U .OA rcdll 4 M MjiCapS J039 -28 Ca«. n " 35 Cl 145 -----Plh^f.1109 -IJ •C'cmT jrw ss !!:;s sScBp s I3M -04 Am PcB 624 >M Uo-4; 6natA: D«»H Fundi A; ' frr jjf 'OW ^ CpAponpnJMH-j: ^Ir^p 30 J OuV»lAprfl39 -JO ATOJAp I4M Hamoid HLS IA : ValTrp 43 43 303 103 USo”(l 'sH Im p' uc■ntAd“"to*M‘’.04OF °i:A p n ” l.^ ^Amnp 71 5C -r« OSAAOrOup OOpAp 10 24 - 19 AMuMp 233' Hllsii IS” '.'s!i:is S •06 rVjr« I 10 -01 ValTiimi 4C0 SalignunOroup: Aj^'-i 731^5 -4i ChulAp 10 77 .00 OalAp 1&42 i s , " S s . v ” CjpApp 3 45-- 05 LUmlyAcornF.nFdli: Vj'lAjn 30 08 I :o 3-i IfHY*'’ r w ?Ccmunjiiew -40 “ Ill ■ Eii SfE;!’ s ??g'e33-.ij oS^oi'’ 'iJ? I'w Tot 2 13 - 0; AcwnlrO tfl 5 OCAoOp i ; » -09 CaplDAp44U /alOp 7.48-01 Mjnoai 7.45 -.« Ute.5!S r.r".*.?'.. QtbAp 14)0 -18 C4pWOAp243« tAUI 693 -.12 InOEoO 12 83 -.06 wtswoa WtS I.M ... i:r-” SS:3:, s CCTiS A pi79 7J -27 W M i i; 17 - ., 2 nrCl 1008-04 pj^mFundtO:. Sa InlEoAp 1441 .09 Ei*i»CAp2S4eg s : i ; Stnp 1012 -04 MOifl . 7.14 -01 nOal is‘. :s Sta"-;! SaquOln 13134 . 46 'S S 2T *^ r2S !i« il«< 6M -M05 M4O 0 JC9 -0? TiEAp 131 ssr"i;s;s ™ COFundiliMII: o«n, ,55; .13 SnWftBarnayA: s„ . PI vSu"' 871 'l 7 f*’'"'*® g - S : 3 ^ mftnQC: HBUI 7.17 -.14 TnS MattlinaFdt: Longlatl Ptrlrutrlnatt: UC»pVJini7i3 -37 f**"" * « -05 rjtrjji t6?9-18 Ao&Ap A( tSS15 5 :S Sa'-iTp.;.:’ I sCoAp 143 .71 JtnCpAppi2 17 - 19 Q.ScAp J6( * ia t3 - i; S a , S : 3 g S JanOMpJJtB -30 kloCpAp I7j:l*7“ l « S«lf4'*n",0jJ Janlundt; " ajo I O’ ^ o'lnAp 1041, -IS AlgW Anwrtcon: WinAp 27.14 ^ fs r « S 3 S ;"01 lOU Fundi 0: Lord Abball 0: 8n;me.,n.;B4P. SS. 01 JanOWI Jt.JI .;» Atr*30pn126; AflOrOI 6145-71: 374 "- vSrS"** MM OCp33*1 .44 WIUBB 11.91 ..08 HTrt: aCp 7.8} -.01 FadantadC; UdCUOCOTP 17.97 -3S S C*02A i ip s37.« -s -J3 i33 IMOFundiClA: 0d0c0pn/4| fCSInl I? o 'fi! 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■ - i ...... - W ' 9


E-4 Tlme^Nawi.TwlTwin Fall*. Idaho Friday. Junt 21,:11.2002

_COMICX; s ______^

______^CI«9lc.RoDnut9J______. ■ ByJhaiiailES_M._ScMz______totter Of Fbr W orw By Lyrui John8ton_,l______I DON'T ReMBHiwseR\B” ,n~V . I DO^KKiaM WHdS* ------i...... HJ, MARCIE;-.-!; . - I J l / 5 T :HARI,E5 ANP-I'HAVE BEEN-51 i l te. a.io<6p.f-\*.PUi_(Zr,itf,pi-7 1 I-WEui;GH/3 I-51TTIN&- - ' L-CAU-YCY0 UA 6 AIN ------355;^VB.K1A^L*tAM6_ 1 L'IXIfc-S' ------• . 6 0 T HOME FROft' lOVslMVeTRBBT I D I X I E ' m SUMMER HERE M OSIJST OF THE PAV JU S T WATCHi•CHIN 6 TV, SOMETIME OMENWt i'm IIO«£ iK S » vjHCAeDce«' -J ■ • : 5CM00L..UJHA-HATVE AND....CH/:HARLE5J I CAN'T EAT POPCCPCORNIF FROMCOUEGe6 E.MARCIE! S S S I € > m e e T tso77 w - j YOU BEENI PCPOIN'7 , YOU'RE MOIWLPIN 6 M Y HANP! PL£A 5EE.CHARLE5! .a ------..ANPWE jUE ... CHARLES. (^ E A S E ! ANIANP.WE... h 2 ^ : : ^

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. OlItMrt ______By-;I/Scott Adams Blondleile ■ ByDey Dean Young & Slsn Draite ; ------1 — 7 ^‘ TWS I TAKE VOUR OOS TO 1 OASWOOO,C ]< ( THAT'S TW RRST ' AS REOUEUESTED, KY § s^ND AN O U TSID E i OKAY, YOU'RE ( wWOOK OAV IS A CffEAT 106AM) I ( vouaoPw oN c ( r > THNOHB'SSAO- : P R O JE C;T T TEArA HAS ^ riRfA pxi IS ERASING i READY TO TALK !*J;) j > ttcLAUSUJNCO ^ ( ALUWBKTKAT ADDED irAirAPENETRABLE t aLI \LL rAErAORlES FROr-\ t TO CONGRESS. ? w 9 / ^ T • COrAPLlC/>IC A T IO N S TO 3 SEI=>ENIOR tAANAGEr^ENT. f r - S PLN,' O U R ACCC.COUNTING 2 n n o o s (_ R EOE C O R D S. • J— THANK ^ ' J HOU OO THEV Y O U . ^ —ck DO THAT? * 3 ^^ _ vWof : -• ] O ' I K i ^ ^ l —Z = ___ \ hi A I - /

B.C. ■ By3yJoHnnyHart Richies9S By Brian Crane ;. AWE-PEEurifr n VIMEiHe^iv^OO loieARA I F 7r «e^,M’ CTJ£rr, OFCOOB66,€OM6 - - ...... WH(P CAH ^ V ; l WMgH A'PHYSICIST MMAf^es I “ P,*,^ .5-KAMP S : AVi A >i»iV M O O £> >iANiA M E T A fi W R E . ^ivi^VSMS 6 W1U-! Voo'Re 5« V>ilLi.AUOAV& ______C5E.Al‘.SCiEMT ASM\lCi\ A .y ^ - N ~ M-' __Is k c o l I ^ ^ atJirC ^S r* ^ J l -IS I *-Zi

Garfield BBy Jim Davis I tho Monoce Sy Hank Ketcham Thehe Family Circus By Bii K eane' AHA.' HE CANM ONLV C GET^ h Is V)| / WHAT WILL \ ( H e WILL USEs HISI WITS I L---- "T" . HANC7 0 U T IP• HHE ( LETS GO OP n ( HE P O ? 1 g ,V ANP VOUR? I HEAP ------V COOKrEtKlE ^ » \

F& & j ______/ Z v ^ ii c5* iflfiV'LiIii’r h g M ^ ! ® { ' HI and Lols By Charlance Browne Q' j j f c J erJEEZec? sRApe pyC) «H E ^ .>/ P’iC’yOUR ' ALL OVER HER W HiTE y n p > J 'T : e i ® blo o sb . ' ^ ^ ^ / IWINK • iV P»ATE J t h a t w a s i m m ' ^ i F U h M y ? L^W f-.XJ • aUm H 6 Mjl/Jik s^K ~ ~ 3 | e ^ H 7 p / ~ j “Look, Daddyl If youOU let 90 cf th e | r r r ~ - . string, the kite goegoes higher!" ^ *WWeWEREPROSPECTlA)^ l N)"FbRGOLP, ■ P T vT 7 < A ____ BuB ur WE STRUCK MUP' INI N ^ A P . " Tho Wizard of Id I By Brant Porker &Jii Johnny Hart 1 Rose IsI Roso R< By Pal Grady .

r^irnM RVnwrl 1 M IM JOB 1^7!TO FiaJ^K La^W w m - M W ?peo?wTiHue5t?'y ^ •7;^ /"iiorx 5A Y S"T

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— >. \ t £ _ L j m m r z . . —— W i ^ ^1;______u -» Hagar thoHorrlbloJ By cmIhrls Browno ZIts By JimI BorgmanBor, and Jerry Scott

PO^^IPLY ^-rhfSh! VYc t x / t i - T * / ^ ’T-Whlr'Pp o n 't ' ^ R i w\V?‘lOU!?aiC6 ? & W [ 3i l ' ( ‘so p ^ ') r^^l^ &!& ^jif^T• H tl A V e V "r&U A^f<^ Mf* -” ^ m i m^n^EMippt^ y ^ j \. M Y F E ^ r j AAiNure^, <51 ■eeEPZ ttJ, ■ -ro USA / //=■ Y O ^ CA/^ iP/^W K UP Mis/UTB^f iry/j ^ H A V E A ^ C F IU E ------cPcxS'&ie 0 A£> f - O T MCMSZ ^ r ~ \ ^ 4 - iJ c W \ ^ K r 7 i i i l o - » r Bootle Balloy ISBy McMort Walker Luann By Greg Evans ______X'M.iSOINS.TO7 .,' ..1 -.(___BUT-.yOU'RER£.NOT_lil_BUT_THEIR.5/:.5AP-5TPRIE5_^1 ____u n e x \ ______-JiM.HEi,HeR fW Pez,.R e6 l0NAL:vJ*..F0R.•OR_|,l/WD-THlS,lS_?y.fleEMlC£ lCe_^------1*1 z^w H A T-S^/^^ . .. 0ocoeBufjeis—~ l ______MY DIVORCE ^J V PIVORCEP/•P, SIR I K E E P MB PRCMPI! J sogpecLii2UINE B00K5. VOU-RE WM EIFFE,FFEL’ ------— n HAtPeB, /Iw T .f this yR£5T■eSTBUCTURING, vou R£ PI5CU55I0W <^ ______- - I <5£TTIN& ONE/OJ ------]/ VEMPLOyE" m r ^ t \ AB THe z./lpf>6(!• | w « ™ — nWlLlMC-.l^i& -6UMOF^UNV...•■ / TO suuciesr, yur iv e: I i <.-nuL- 4*: N c a c "P T > C y > _ ■ IBEEN ON rue ISC ? «N CV6c .., . THAMPQl-IHf x _ _ _ _ J A COVPU ■ If ■ ■ ■ ^ ' ■iC/^A/Y 4 g g e (^ 8 ^ 7 OF r/M fj-. m \ . m ] ? .. / . .>c^.'. '' ' m T h ^ - ^ 'E s fc-21 ■S ■, Tho Bom Loser By Art Sansoisom & Chip

■ ' ‘y o u KNS/£ K £ A 0 ^ W, T R '^ I # ■ TKE. 'jCEBLEFCiJEK B ST&Meileiiee. K j H R£6l[>:.»C£....lFYOOi I ''oeuooeiee* R M I ' i . 4 • v4lbHlbC£/'iJ£.K I ^ M1 oosnsuV '(• > : WfrjrF03 ' ■•'TKCSOONOOfTwe , ^ / . 5 ‘A J l f f i ! _ M J T _ S 5- Trir rl wiuncuoueu-MaA-UB.cM^ CM. •tvU'MMH. r

^ ...... i 1

Friday, Jurune 21,2002. Hme#-Newa, TwinT Idaho E5

U0931 .^ B ^ — Extenension-2 ------____ ^Twinin„Ealls______i d ■ P liiii! M m ■ P 677-< ^ w w w . htnagi


S M o n d a y - F r i d a y ! ■ ■ I 8 : 0 0 A M Tro O PM Vacation Property/ 6 1 3 Pasture Pi Wanted 809 C< Boats & Accessories TlmeShaies ■ 614 WWanlod To Rent 8 1 0 FiiComputers' 9 0 3 C Boi am pers & 30 1 BuBusiness ^ 5 1 7 CcC:ondominiums 6 1 5 Mobile Mi Home Space S'*"* Firewood 9 0 4 Guns Cai & Opportunitios 5 1 8 M(Mobilo Homos 6 1 6 Room Rc mates Wanted HiFurniture/Carpet 9 0 5 Hot Gu Tubs & Pools Healing & Air 9 0 6 Motor Hol Homos RVs kL3mmercial Property 6 1 2 'PPastures a; For Rent______Equipment^ ______9 0 2 BicMVs & Motonrydes 1055 Auto Dealers ^ h 3icydes______1099 Auto ■ lb THE DISTRICT COURlURT JO F THE STH JUDICIALIAL W ITN ESS my han d anc dlSTRICTOFTHESTATrATC goal ol said Districi Cour N OF IDAHO IN AND FOR J k \ ''Jl this 30th day of Moy, 2002m2 n H V-THE COUNTY OF tiy: Losiio Lowis « GOODING DATED Ihls 30th day oi CASE NO. SP02-000881.8 May, 2002 NOTICE OF HEARINGJ Kimborly Lawronco In Ro: Aloxondrow Fottorliior Poillionor. ProS o 008:1-16-04 PUBUSH: Juno 7, 14,21 A PDIilion of A loxandro' ond 26, 2002, Jacob Follor. bom 1-16-96-94 ______I In Lcngvlow. Stotoo oo l IN THE DISTRICT COURT W Q^hlnoion now rosldlnIding OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL ol 756 20lh Avo. E. Jofomcomo, DISTRICTOFTHESTATE(TE N a I-! ID proposing a chango30 I In OF IDAHO. IN AND FOR row THECOUNTYOF Lawronco h as boon Modod liin TWIN FALLS Iho obovo onttllod courl i*D ENjormEouTDOonaona? OOLMHCNopponrwrrr Anc YOU T>1E ONE? WATCIIINO SUNSETS e r a MEET 2 ourt. Caso No.: CV-02-00415*D m ttio rooson lor this chang< i^ p WM. 44. S'ir. boMvlttnl. nuUy7 buM.bu nureaod Y0urv«3rg SWM.. 63,O: O’, ITSt* Sonw, fiS. SWU.1. 25,25. Oir. suck hw. yun b u O r> 3 Ii:^ ' fTvm. IrJw^. ean»i«^. ihjiuv ango SUMMONS FOR SERVICE nir«uu.muuc.rav«.naue.sg GF. 11W0. to s*eS>al. baiabal. »w«iimna in namo boing ho wontsS thiIho BY PUBLICATION MWT. 30-40 _•»•»«> 15 ______SapMnqoorniin, <50 .^ n “.irgOOTO s I__ , hijnwio. IWiriQ, Santoig oO«1.0kH.iUier«K) ^WM. 43. orioys nfufrvm, i samt} last nomo o s mo.). his hi MARTA A. HERNANDEZ:EZ: ...... lets'tcamup ? ■■ CALi 21-10 Troa'M ^ fiy<*a, h^kfig. fcctuil. ba^eSMou; MMainiE/ifi tr320700 , AU.ONUE LONELY HO MORE , YOU NEVEn KNOWOf.isftonnoSF. S«otanooo6jono SWF30-OF MY SHELL >*ieloR5 ond his slop-loihor,hor, a n d PEDRO HERNANDEZ(EZ SWM, « . oir. 22«>». WorxJU*. Cancw.( fiS. WW.C3.CT. IBO«».VI. irncAof. socu! Oiir*oi. erify^ . 11)II)., MS. fcT. M«> ■>y« ""IfVS fimi.iio.iv'js iMc.ituj;«o«n, rcnwvwJ. w w n w » . •Tho nam o ol Iho polillonlion- SR., Individually and os w w oo». «rd ouTipni} SociSeeWig WF. 37- letirnj. tonerQ, eairvnrxrv «»*Jdo™. Soomm wafc. . -vdUwnqImo Soo*«a'ovr»j c«>en ^ OUT OFJto M o rt. oasong liF, 20.53, H , “ ■* 4T, MS. wtio orms C0ni0«i0.veig. and FeArig. honoV. uce'e. rorrwtwn:. ftttsysw). Uord». cul. svAi. ;r). &r. aic«n, » TntJEVALUES ng kxiQ wa>3 tools, (oaano. iEPARErm too I •Hobon. bul his whorootsoubout pialm.fl, Atte we coupATioi.eOte bwLTR « a«r?oi *10 V/M. M. O’. Mond Ivsif. Uuo njTrt loyt LOOKING FOn YOUrii.ii mlmoH4 to InoncWf) 1T3TO701l.irMy an] oJOooi KMm. ■ loUCunknown, ' 50-»no.oUlolc^ ’ SOMEOHjjH rr^ A uT fo 0.101 ro«io fiic«. ana rm oXMm »") W.M. 4C MU' llCfn IM'/ilu'C Ir*’ swciJ2,I e toLTn p - traroro? Tiiar nerocU. lor . SM. M. 5V. 100«».«. IbrcwnUio onuil a«ns« gp j,.j51-35. to lrimiOilip TTlJOt'4 a>vi-,. I*J>«, :>.r.j •>» •Th^namoa ond oddfosoo;S003 ALICIA J . HALL, ______rxincr. 500O * I. erfiyr mov«r», Hv^iKixn ...... E OATmO GAMES ______‘.071+10 p o iiiio n o r’s nlo o a r Oolondani, . htlcnci. WAmNQFOFlYOU *: wfli-jiw,...!.-..-.-- I....XJ-, c..™io ...... ’ ixNOtirYoonevEsYES VK) lun >1 uocwal Seo S<»ovj;;r..-u nomooeoat ------d :------«)alrvOT-8t«rFwd-a-Diani ax^ uU utm xi 1 zmgy m ti> nj ft Pi'Jtkt Juii______WAf£UD-K«QWJi!0nil2 iono- -T O r-A L tC tA -J rH AL-L-;rL. ■tWyS*.t.*09TCT1o>TTDunfry~iTTJ5C7T rig. enw# hini»io. MmpriQ rx^rn'txio. r«J.rO. liV.M, ov. iHi tAXW H Ani yoi l«n) of H«i clilr^ ( I l$ 0 « ro n co , 123 E >!00OS. S THE ABOVE NAMED= n aae»e nx» S««*ung JerMantJnB-can- WAMTEOiC^ c o w w ' oal” ’^ ' . " ' ’S i . (Miuxvilo woman ol sutmlsnc*ce Iclor love and n«pp,, V.^I, 32.>2. bnro. Muno. tfcwio out wafcs- S THEMOMENT...... ^ .ir«l non Soc*»lQ KF. MW. utio ?icsn1« tri7«n Ouiumo. « and mwe 35 5.j._ Obe. ouloorig. ccortanooui. P« l.«ndUH) SOMEONE SPEOAJ. 41. or- 10M» 0u!;»xM (non ICE WTTH ME • -- - ;Co\jnlyCourihou3os o . PLAINTIFFS, in'}lvlduallylily SWM.30.COMtW» 55-. 130bs, oc-UM.». .-opuPI* IkiiJ awicina liuWnoTrViog Soofc tf3?o7cn #» txosvn Iw*. B-iwi om. Obiociions may bo Modd b\ by and a s wifo ond husband.nd. KJROflEAM compng > nottT^. wnokni, DAHCCOt»wv- W oiMCa c«bo-bWpm,«~SST. t7C«)4. btmd h»i>. Nu«J SWF. iu1U ;2U. tol. giptoooc. weji wnui r>!cnrM »okjno lion«-.1. SWKf. 64, Sir, 1D0»« 0 any poroon who can.1. Ir in In tho District Court in ond . ' LOOKwdFOhYOU " THE siMPLC nmos } LocMiu lo menl n SWF. 3&. ouch objoctlons. show tc 0. waks. I.VTW, umM. trJwig -«320C77 40 vr. tllMn. M.-.-i oy.«.3^0-12 a erryft tUncng. oiiOtrw^lC.anng TT1207I2 >v to for Twin Foils County,ty , SWM, m. ul^rpbyoO. o>v:y« W*i kwkng WP, 30-45. icMng. tion. S ixsvwfl and cuiU or Leo )ho'court (I g'ood ronsorson tporU.roa<»ip».c»»»>»n SfeU^SWF “ OEwdTOCCTHEn EE TME WOflLO igO Mmtu Moram, lot anfl IiwiQat'<) g a tiunof. to POM** Lin SWM. 10. .iv>- Soofcji.j SHF 21 to. lo. U\.-l>0 . tte-jorm. On- 5H, ^io#Jirin»*j ai«I.1, tannt W, O'. 200»n. tyo»«i IVM. against such o chongo0 olo Continued on naxt pago - J 3 5 2 S -- mM709 ______OJ lal.r>( lling. iHrtrg. ano~t»viJ»n) aiV"''! oil-i>ii. ir>2(>,‘n VJ-Xj. mort« LETS SEE•a iroro TV SoiOTQ V/F. 5IM0. LbOKMdFOR A DATE— 11-41 (n«Hi?4 in."OU« in Tn.-OTi5 __ misc ant) mcnwM lookrq to> ^F ,: n ) Ivw. lirry. ounc^'O *'*< IT COULD ilAPPEIJt JST CALL rx). e«nrhng. and hununo c>p-..c*-(M.1 <\u. H.VOI JUST C mOflOi tKM^. c.\nxwyj. and urr,trHVV .aiffi f.WF, noa.irimi noKv-. t.i-rng, H.iiM,Amntc.mitwUo.Mtri207t7 : ■ ■ No. S&46332 SV/M. » . Capnccn, fx»vMiic*ef. I; ' HAROWOnKMO ■T.S. No, 1042129-09 oiyrft fortna <«1 cjuroog Sockna fCTOWtxi tnrocoi •i'm _ 30 to ln.i>«l-Jnl I«U IATEWXX MEI H H noft-wnok*!. a»T«o. H H ParcolN o. m) fic«Toa».-ioc»'f»«t«. . WAmNQFOnVDUl DATEainang, I rrww. txrtfiQ and • tUono. t^Henaers IcmiUe. J NjAlTiy. hcrneiTMner SWt.V 73. Uli. i:o»r..linny Outtpng SVA<. 43 bWid. ■ NOTICE OFTIF TRUSTEE'S SALE ~the'loSorunj ------mur>ea»cn SeeUng Bi c**e ____ ^ por.-.i»oLTH triTOJIII AMERICAN TITLE COM.OMPANY, 260 THIRD AVENUEI p uIDn, and oat racs& fTWVM-4S. W ' *2r2aMWy SrSS OutuonjnJ £ ^sy•n;iny go»iu c.vti(«>a w«j «.i KidflTH. TWIN FALLS.S. IIDAHO. FIRST AMERICAN'N ■" CAIXONUE ------«»f«n to pas»^ ITI ITn TJ4003C3 tol. folwKilwig. t:ino CA>3. CATTTino trxwcUHJ ax*J>»3 bMF. 25*0 iob’siijff------g f.\f.WF. 1^2S. to t-TnjtrtWM J j l t E INSURANCE COMOMPANY. as trustoo, will soil ntQt Fi»vkj«y SWPCM. 30. i ir . 210«».Ote. broarttibo. OOOC SEEKING COUMrTMEMTW ~«li W’»1.1I rroij Sor«. ennKns»r )MP Inpe aiaou IKe USFS Se«lOnoa0roolixDuft,cv»n: Fnorx^,V. omoo»ma sm i. 25.0. iw i nml...i. l;^V^!.l(l. •icJuJoft-Jxig Nr losiiifciUn chock drown on o Sinto1 or National Bank, a chock drawn JmU> WjfMlf SF, 35-SO. to CorrpmiKinKX«».i0..lr.i.u-.. rt«iio-. ■IT ■ ' ’ QUESTX5N5Iarij m>Kjny cm t>>uUio SF ■ , B InrJ^my SWF, 2115 ffJJOOW p,iini ;;r_muji_io< Llll Trca'4»i._,l«/inig c.irr«v Swnrt. ooluwiu WK". -m2jk>un30 0, tn;a;73 ■ ■ by 0 Stato or Fodorol Crodlirodll Union, or a chock drown by/ aa ______gn w i ?*4a • icrTin ^km g oiwo t>ton;. tuuj aro ______6tatq_or Fodoral Saylnjjo)o aand Loan AsGOclolion. Savings ...... 25-35, KiiJoponcMil ’Aubcldilorii or S'avingo'SoI'Bdnk, oH'payoblo ol tho limo of BAio. ih'o foltowlno dOscflboribod roal proporty. sliuatod In Iho ^ U n ty ol TWIN FALLS,i, SiStato ol IDAHO, ond doscnbod li^U ow ® . 10 wll: - ihey met moiDblie dating. l:OT 1. WEAVER SUBiUBDIVISION, TWIN FALLS OOUNTY. IDAHO. ACCCICORDING TO W E OFFICIAL PtA T THEREOF RECORCDRDED IN BOOK 3 OF PLATS, PAGE 13. R E C O R D S3 OOF TWIN FALLS COUNTY. www.m .com O im H O .. Keoit 2 Heoileoil is the icigest luiiy mietcciivo Tiaglcvalley.c ' b*mmonly known os 703’03 Yoklma Siroet, Filer. Idaho !lviCO OflC ll 'A'OtkS with you pfiofie P ^ ld ooio will bo mado:fo vwithout covonant or warranty, b x^ oso or impllod, rogardirirdlng ilito, possossion or oncum- Ikes meeting single people almost brancos to solisfy Iho obllgijligotlon socurod by andpursuant - AjMoi to tho powor ol oalo0 cconlorrod In tho dood of /. Why’ Becouse we do oH lhee II Irual oxocuiod by CRAIGWG N LriTLE AND BONNIE J UTTLE. h u sb a n d ond wifowife, ao Granlors, lo TITLEFACTT, M t 5 sole and conlidentiol end on:i To purctiase i lTI ,lNC,. 03 Tnjsloo, for IhoD bB wT faatt ffc QxEcrl jnd ^ lyrics li El Colon, CA 92022-90044 in; iMtae(T«1 Cl iKmM rrtsgj! n tt tsigcnsaiiB/nrKf TM ■{010) 590-9200 >] ire aMtsiT ssrc i arpia tCittT tt tl \ , Iiot ll osts. ecaxabtuvi; . DATED: Moy 9.2002 jtfrtrtiset »?ta Id Wemnf( art frt to pi*ttr y A n s m d e j^ KMicUiiandtsige First Amorican Tlllo Insuronirunco Compony ^ ^ rusraUe atttwi k'csi. i£i:es xd Jitk m 0 BSC*7,«s »tl i3 »jBts rirrisj 'rtcrtSng(t3cMt7»aMCsliOT ll j^ L a n o Erickson er cr arrfnt^ Id >7 suti aMttCRvTt Br^its£ng (fil }loiitohq[nn>irt«rtis: ’ nrecrsinalilaTanagiKCng M:taj(fir9 iCUr < U iM tes ^ ro b Ion ^>UBUSH: Moy 31. Juno) 77, , 14 and 21. 2002 aaJtoBcmmancttrMtTq E6 Tlmet*N«ws, ^ ' » , Twin Fails, Idaho Friday,ly , J u n * 2 1 ,2 0 0 2 iiit* '; -

CqnOnuKltronipravtoutp• pa0> ■ |E 3 H b™■ | K a m■ Q l * ------Idaho, Cm * No, CV*0V-02 - A m . 2002.---...... — .....!____ — AnapproprlatawilRann> r^-P U B L IS H : Jun# 14 and 2121.-.- ...... !■ ...... sponia raqulrea compi _P0415J>_ - _ Robort 8, Fort ipll-_20q2_ _ - - ______“ Tftfl naCrd of th* ciaciaInr~Cle*'6t Ihe C w ri"^------' ance wlth-RuH‘10(9 )(i f V n -ao«lr>fl<-yoti-ur condlllonsmayb«^talnod i m 736-4039. (rom Susan Handeraon, Ptalnttff. S l p w l 'o f mailing or dellv I ■ A copy of the SummorTwns V# 'Iw- S c h o o l F o o d S # r v ic:a # *0al TIFFS. THE COURT UAY Deputy Clork OPEN: July 2.2002 Loat around Chormoc I H4290~^^ rights protoctod. ENTERJUDQEMENT i e PUBLISH: June 7, 14, A& Trailer# 8i RR trac k s.. ~z An approprlote writtoiitton AGAINST YOU WITHOUT W PUBLISH: Juno 21, 28, 21,2002.______REWARDII 7 3 3 -0 9 0 7 ^ 5 rosponso requires cornpllT9>ll- FURTHER NOTICE UN-INj July Sand 12.2002 once with Rulo 10(aH1HD LESS YOU RESPOND and olhor Idaho Rulos» ofo WITHIN 20 DAYS, “ PUBLIC NOTICE AREA. St. Bomord RB>- . INVITATION TO BID n WARD day/eve 539-4570 Civil Procoduro and sha:ihall r e a d THE INFORMI A­A- Tho Qoodlng Jt, School^ Actions planned and taken N e ’v ^ also Indude: TION BELOW, District 1231, Is accepting by your government aree CffSTBioOTmTHtuM • 1. Tha Dti# and numborffo c f TO: STEPHANIE sealed bids for a singlel2 containadin public notic«s.I. Schnauzer, answera-to this caso. WAUACE stage boiler. This unit must, , They a re part of your rightit Dalay, lost around Ad# 2 0 0 2. If your resp o n se isI anat 4SOO CANYON CREEK have the capacity to heat a. to know and to b# Informedd sonaShoahono.hasDhS 0 2 CHEVROO t i T O MU l ERl-D R onswor to mo Complaint,It. iti MOUNTAtN HOME, ID minimum ol 44.800 sq.fl.I, ofw(utyourpov«mman(lss collar. RewanJ 736-853®* - mustconiainadmissk>nsois o r B3S47 The bW must Include Instal­j: doing..As seIf-Qovemn>enl» ja a a i R g i-f t ^ w i ^ h a & a donlals of the separalca le You are hereby notifiedled latfon. labor, matertais, and^ chargea all citizens lo bs> Grtlftn, Hwy. 26 b e l W ^ Auto, Veryj^ell^11 Equipped! ? alleaatlons ol tho Com>m- thai In order to defend mishis removal ol current boilers, Inlomied, this newspaperr '- Shoshone-Goodrhtk ploint and other dele^aet lawsuit^anapproprlate writ­m- Sealed bids must bo sent urges every dtizen to read3 REWAHDI C ol 9 3 4 - 8 ^ a n d stuc^y th o se nolicos. i you may claim .'. ; ten response must be filedled or dolivorod (o tho Gooding : RING Croscont ahapeit ■ 3, Your srgnoturo.‘nSlH«n£Wng wl9^ mo above dosignalod:od School District GfTico. 507J Wo advise thbse citizens* ' duator ol diamonds. LdS y address and tolophonc)no court wllhln twenty (20)10) Idaho Sireol. Gooding. IDn w ho seek lurthor Inlorma-; 8/14. Coll 736^W54 -2 numbor. or Iho signoturo.jre. days aftor sorvlco ol thislis 33330 ond vrin bo rocoivod lion to exorcise their righi^ REWARD* t mailing addross and tolo-slo- Summons on you. If ypupu unlil 4:00 p.m, on Friday,. to accoss public rocords , |S phono numbor ol yout3 u r fail to so respond mo courturt Juno 28.2002 and oponod'ri ar>d public mootings I f ottomoy. may tfntorjudgomonin l at that time, IMPORTANT * 1 1 ,! 4. Prool ol rruilling or doliviliv* against you as demandeded For complete bid spociri*i. Ploase addross all legal | ary of o copy ol your ro- by tho Plaintiff in (ho10 cations, procedures or>d In-J. odvortlsing lo: ms sponse to Plalntlll's attor-lor- Complaint, lormatlon, contact tho0 LEGAL ADVERTISING Was $16,290 no^ a s dosignoted abovo,I'O. . A copy ol mo Complainiinl School District Ofllce atIt The Times News FAX 1 TO dolermlno whothor^or is sorvod wllh this Sum-T)- 507 Idaho Slroot. Gooding,]. PO Box 548 you m ust pay a Illlngloo foo m ors, II yoo wish lo sookok ID 8 3 3 3 0 o r lo le p h o n oa Twin Falls, ID 833034548 wllh your rosponso.' 0 . Iho advice or reprosenio.;q. (208) 934-4321. Tho Boardd Ooodllno lor legal ads: 3 YOURi contoct tho clork of:ho tho lion by an altomoy In ihls)ls -ol Trustoos will review me0 days prior lo publication, _____ nuiller,.yQU should.do.SQ_SQ___ bid$.on.july.9.at7j00.p;fn,_1. n o ^ on Wednesday Jor ___ I i|. at 0 Regular School Board — ^A D -I— >m- promptly so mat your wrii- for Ior rosponso. II any. moyQU Mooting of mo School Ois- lor Mondw, noon on Frl’^ bo Mod in time and oihoror Irict Board ol Trustoos. ThoB doylor Tuosday ond TIMES-NEWS of legal rights protoctod, Board ol Trustoos rosorvoss W odnosday. noon on Mon- CLA SSIFIED ' 1 doy lor Thursday and noon I tho right to accept or reject DEPARTMENT.. . _ot?ov.o.:Domod.couri______any and oil bids. on Tuosday lor Friday and Tho noluro ol Iho Com- Doted this 7ih day olI Saturday, Holiday dead­ 208-734-5538 ptaini against you is ono for Juno. 2002. lines may vory. If you havo Poisonol Injury, Kamtyn Thompson any quostlons call Ruby at 208-677-4543 • 001 CHCVRiW lE T Jim O OATED this 5th day ol District Clork 735-3324. • (B u rle y )* m m a L A D R m V A N WAS^",•'21.995

■ HiV0ct « 1 9 , SeAf;WIWOWS& LOCKS K 3 M , ^ 9 J fffcV^^ORYWARIU^^ i i i l E«BE ¥ O i B IM i l l i a ____ FORI A a Gi\m FACTORXr; REMIAL LE 4 Chevrole^ e ri“Cociillac • :k •■ Ponhac • Oldsnrx ^ F h e l ^ f e w s i; — SUBURSAHIS HI fimes-N ^ 2 0 0OIPONTUCBOHNCVnU 1 lU 300>001 BUICK |ML#1 a s p o m s ^ M I I KAVENUtSiDAN 4 I n .'i .v EASE RE7UR. G aragi[6 a Y a r d S a l e ^ * 1 8 , 9 9 5 notSile • GMC 2001 CHEVROUT Sl SIDM4X m Dl i r e c t o r y

H . w P ^ I 2 2 ^ LOADED •REMAINOWNOE^;^TOflV^^A^^ ^ PWnSEAT>>T. pwn wiNOdVvs « LOCKS • Ain • tilTILT UKENEW»WHITI ______17,»5 /HIT6 w nx ow v LEATHER LOCKS-TILT* CRUISE K & f ^ B i ^ H Cnui9E*AMTUWTIACO* RCMAINOCB'FACTOnv WAflfUBRANTV TORY,995 WARRANTY I 2 0 002 1 CHiVMliT n a a m o u T ______- ■ . - ^ H WW ------\9^4X4-SiiVtRA00----- M CONnitntu B l S9 AIR • PWR SEATS. WINDOWS-* LOC . M^Ut-‘)95 - AU/^UCDREMAINDER FACTO' I J O O I E m ^ O T j i - 5 ------!M,V— VpKfi ^ T «

— B ^ l1 5 ^ 8 9 ® i 9 8 o | pviu1 0£AT,ee WINDOWS t LOCKS • AIR • TILTILT ■'■'“'v ' WNDOWa 4 LOCKS K | M S6 • pBEMAWDEBflCTOnYWAnnAMTVMTY LO'V^.pdWBRSEATS.Wl}.6,995 WINDOWS. LOCKS • AIR M TILT.CnUI8e-C0»«DUNi>LMen • PSWTCR t WHITE RFACTORYWARRANTY __ BEUAJNOER FACTORTORY WARRANTY ►7r LINESS l « r 9 9 9 ( WAS ^ SS AIR •AUTO TRaNS • PWRssr» «lft f M s : , ! , s o o ; SPOnrWHEELS • RCMAINOER F, K i S ^ -


1 3 2 B rd S t. W e s t« T Mwin Falls • 733-0931 x2c2 •< Fax 734.553^ 1263 Overland Avee • Burley • 677-4042 • FaxF 677-4543 e m a i l • ttwInadOmaglcvalley.concom I ■ ■ ______^______■ i______- ■ Friday, Juune r 21.2002, Tlm n^ew s, TwinTt Jdaho E f 'Z: ALCOHOLiCG ' ANONYMOUS,91 AanNQQUEsnoNijN s f " a s s i s t a n t MANAOEBn CLERICAL CONSTRUCTION C OOK 0 Conduci pubiie opiniilnlon ^ i'l resklent for home- DRIVER „ DRIVER Df DAIRja ir y t - — - aQB-733.e300.t.7264fl BooKkeapor/RBcoptlonisill ...Corpentora andJromora> . Cook. 3/4 days per week r S2“ : ovorlhB telaphdi -lattViBnormTvflnTallsrIlls, rtoodod for North aide law OTR. ClassACDtrroofor- P]PT drug freo truck driver.- Exp»ixpBflenced mitkorwnntod.------fv noBdod immodiiliely.:___ lO^shjfts. 536:M23or _ _Occaflionat-trl(i-to.W«at. — ^ ER“ -AB-sm -trrm rrjr rrO ' ~®varhotir«r«julrod.-Com*wn.- -ofnqorF/T .-M osrbo proff--I-- - M u s t bo oxporioncod.------_drfvpf_Mu*t b o a t least 26- —S - 7 31.2438.^------— p l ^ up'opplicallon'at 210' Coast hauling tractors. d r Iv ______I t « t WOtitfftyattyouiilaifilacfia SALESI S lrtc^ rasoanBarch. PonsaUon is housing and _ cloi^wlth Quickbooks, , _.733-7300*______yoors old for Insuranco. jR ivinS ------h ^ jT ' -$30CWno.-rortlonim4ln-“ - - N Idaho Si.-Wondoil.*- “ C«n934-52ztr : ~ “- 324-5858 3 or 539*5857,>— NeoflleodoJHay hauler 95% somo tlnw aoo in 77) "57.00 loM .W J-^r h« Salary DOE. Bllinoual oB CONSTRUCnON... ; ______T7/7W./VffwZT^-laL:y I* thfl C u u a i woric onvironm«OTBnt tonanco. PJoaso sond ro- plus. Sond rosumo to Box DaI r Y n mochino y f g, sumo to Brtan Davis, X. Dairy constniclionworttom, ' DRIVER ^ COL roquirod. 10. • tlmotocomopldcupyjo wur Fioxibre ovos. day*. 90234, c/o Tho TlmoB- Profoci In Burioy a ro a . Exporioncod mllkar r DRIVERS • 5 h’ra 3612 N. 3900 E. Claaa B CDL with H o m o t. OF a Novada. homo nights. «Clas> wknd. hours. 1S-3() hi Nows. P.O. Box 546, Twin^ Call 208-324-3427 or; noodod. Apply in porson. Must , bo 2S-». Must bo Class ' A CDL- 3 wooks. ,yl • por woek. Qroat part-lir(.tirno H anacn. iD S3334* Foils, Idaho 83303.* 3H mlloo S, of Kimborty ot oond rosumo to W estern opply at 53 N. 200 W.. customor son/ico oriont- Job Plocomonl SO dow n, Alfofa iif a Farm s, IGOO or taco n d iobT OioCloso BARTENDER ------CLERICAL-.------1 _Joromo..yVo8tbcisadrug; 3332 North 3500 East od. roUot}l«. &-be abk> lo ___ - PROFESSiONAl_____ ■ ■ ■ - t o CSI campus.-FOMnc ' - Klmbarly.TDorMil— '~ E.-090S.EOon Id,-8332T------w r o p t ; Must bo cloan ciit. cus-us- FT. Skills noodod; occounl- froo worit placo.* Ilfl fllty lbs. ropootodly. DRIVINO SCHOOL - L 5 Info. CaH 736-2asaimJlim* n tomorfriondly,roforoncoo 423-«455^____ j w v e B?------, ... •oo. Jng,A/R.cliont.wQric,goc- ___ : FREE TESTS. Atmywavs ITio countiy's largosl dl9dis- botwoon tOam & 1pm.’__ ottiludo, Wogo S0-S11. fotute take a till kmpor. Jtly. G ood m ochanic and DRJRIVERS pay scalo deporiding on 74TO* Uibulorof^industrialani • tors. Exporionco proforrod. oxpofionco. Roolors, ■: Confidential. 734-747 BARTENDING OOE. Rqsumo required. So habla Espanol, Angol , maih abimios a plus. 40-» OTR ( Drtvors noododi °*P® . spociafty oasos ond ro Ploaso apply In pomon at DENTAL ASSISTANT hra-/wook.t Modical, don- Roq-:ClasaACDLw/good Rt walking lloors. ■ U H latod products Is sook S250 A DAY P0TENT1AI. ofTorryol324-6161* J 734-0062* ?n«r Training provklod. IntBlllgont Em ploym ent Primary chair sklooasistant ■ ■ tal,l vision & cafoloria plan Ing a Branch Manago Solutions CONSTRUCTION lo work Mondays, offorod. c Starting salary bomp. w ages w/bonofils. DRIVfRIVERS------forourBurieyai ' Local poslllons. -l-eOO-293-3983 o x t.6 17 2 - r- 120t-(^lla Ave. E. 6(aJ24*, Looking for en oxp. (at loast. Tuosdays. Wednesdays. DOE. C Call losot up on 32424-3306 o r 877-628-6113* OTR I On ’ ...... location. Tho brand 3 yrs.) roofor. Must bo Exporionco roquirod. Iniorviow. i> 732-0707* dollvories a must. • BXRRRCtPT57“ ^ CLERICAL IRIVERS ■ . . 1*'^® L - -. manogor Is rosponslbkJ**]® CARPENTRY I ablo to do shlnglos & Sond rosumo lo; — Homo oflon. Groat poy & lArtordabiaAfasLAccidor . for ftll critical Issuos o OfHco assistant, part time, motal. Piooso call for ap- DRIVER ' :ome join our team . Enjoy . • jUvDico&crtminalmatto P.O. Box 338 Df }onofiis lor oxp. drivors. ihotjranch, inciudint gonoral offlco skills, pnafl- pointmont 324-3301.* Orlvoro noodod for full timo bonofita such os: homo ° ° 2 “ ,,-B m d Rice 01734-3367 ""0 avallaW^or"®” Rupert ID 83350 O' . time, good poy, vocation >38-2922 or 438-2802’ ' ealOB, so lo s grow ih d ont in W ordCxcol, busy COOK------^------Phono (208H36-6406‘ poslllons. P Must t>o 21 ond • ‘ ' 'F ram e r oflico. salos oxp, o plus. pay, hoallh Insuranco and DRlVf AGL Truckinn ------BAfjkflUPTCyf Dudgoting. and all opor 'Ezparlencod Carpantar for Hagormon Sonk>r ? havo Class A COL. Call ^ on atloniil oxponsos. Oth' Salary DOE. Apply in per- DRIVER Jo J o a t 280-1348* mulllpio safety bonusos. Inc.nc. InIi Joromo has -bring rosumo to; Conlor. Mon..Wod. Frt. Local , roulo, noodod for — Team, Sotoor.Rollof. dloiollalo openings (or oxpori- Chaplor 7 banicrupidosdos. or koy oroas Include son 1526 Highland Avo.E* slartlng pay SB/hr. ' JolfStokorol 734.045:iAS2" safoty. customor sor- Twin Folis.county oroa. DRIVER DF New Nc oquip. 888-606-5785 onco drivors. Wo - it Poodomo me purchoM o< a 837-6120 or 837-4618* botwoon 6om-5pm* • offoriffor compoiiiivo pay ond ■cRSwEiX------vico. invontory. ono Hourly rato. Start time Noodod No tractor drivor and pcM Choek oul dasefflod. ~ th i8 yonr will bo our t»»ll 6om, To schedule inter- irrtgoHon Ir manogor. r E ; INVESHQATIONSue porsonnol. It Cail 733-0031. lasaihed . . . iho Muuoo lo JqIK Mall rosumo and salory. OrcaDforanappointmont t>»o Clamflod. 733-0931, viowptoaso_call731-6492* Cali Ca 539-5494 or 432-5359.* ' oil OIK. Call Colo o r Tim (205)067.0259 g o iso ) '“ V in Burioy al 678-0165* oil your r>c«l». 733-0631. | j.ggQ r call “ roc^jlromonls to: -800-443-5688* r ------Alrgas Inlomwuntain Inc. CASHIER ------. PAYROU. SERVICES•-e ' Humon Rosourcos 827 Looking for a cashtor/stockoror r” 3416 Sooth 700 West. PERSONNEL PLUS ? '• Any shift, m usfbb 19, ap-P* 733-7300Twin FaOsS. pfy in porson at Klmbo^ty . 673-4040 Burioy____ Equal Opportunity Mavorick. Aak for Oobbio.0. H S U seR E epIr------Employer No phono calls ploaso.* . .. Vflth oxporionco Is iooidr^ g . lor houso cloaning lob No matiar how you tpend you ...... Clii 736.9370*..,...... • d«jrs,--cl*»*lfl*d nis-you LAW OFFICE Cftoptorir 7 buiy KhMule. Put d o u l $345. Uncontostod dfvorow e e . Bm^««v(r>g < S n ^ S29S.Cmoraetvk»s.«S. of aoodt arxf unicei te 888-25S-2398 dayVevosVOS* . wotk for yot) today- ^ NOW RiETOHBTSAfreAH- Ropalf, Robuild, Roploco 5 HIRING: o r Rofnovo. Jim 32e-41SC U' • CNAs - FuD Tunc. S ■ AH Shllts • RN MOS Coordinator I NOW -FuUTlmc . BoPMpDaycare.com Umllod oponlngs, divided HIRING:• • AM Cook<- FuU qmc. I ■ pro-school CI0S808. ogo 2 llicrapculk: diet experi- I and up, CPR/lCCP cortifloor- or S | ^ Working foreman for ronch i 2 crow South W est 10. Must?i We Offer: hovo Hood Irrigation, I 2001 D od^rRam. 2500 2MI1 CjuyJCT nPT C ruis^ 199J?8 Je e p Grand Ch(Iherokeel mochanical skills a plus. • Fiexible ScSchedules Q uad Cab. Sond rosumo & rofs. to: i S B B k 1M1.1 a t l^artdo. Monogof H.C. 86 • Health/DeDental Lim ited AT. Box 38 Bnjnoau ID. 63604 • 401k Edition, ‘ or fax 208-759-3249.* 28K Miles! Loaded. Loaded, n . ------^•-Erofit-Sharlaring------^----- — L ow Mil ~ 20120icMiicir— s 0 ■ Read The Our People'Makekc the Difference! A ll A p p lic a n ts A]Appiy in Person fxlfl Classifieds at Mini-Cassiaia Job Service I 1993J«epWnrangier 4x4~| aooo CJiev Ve^en tu re ~| ["1^44BuickLeSabre LiniitedLi _____ Juhe 22 thih r o u g h 2 8 Hardtop, B. CSEM BB^ p m Every Day! 127 W est 51S th N o rth AC, B; Piii l a t h e r . I Burleyi ]I d a h o ...... ^KMiich K T H ia " Lool.oaded, ------Loaded, I Locai Ih id c ! PasoiRcr! 7K

S T . B E N EEDICTS I ^ l e a l l Family Medicac a l C e n te r ”8 ^ ip. 709 North Lincoln Avenue •• JciJerome. Idaho «33.1H ,'r-. (20S).124-430i . Fa» (208).-»24..-i87R(2C 1999 P o n t i a c G ( rand Ami (T91998 H o n d a Acc^ord LX 2001 I 2 H Toyota Canmi r v I ^ E I

St. Benedicts is a miss’nssion-driven health care orgiorganization prvvidiiig ] Load H b A S ^ S v6. paticnt-focuscd care. WeIVe are looking for caring profes'fessionals who tvanl lo - J p i work for a lop quality• heihealth carc provider. Power •U R N (2 Positions) D Home Healthh Nurse^ (IT) _ ( OB expcricnre or willingnngness io HH experience.ice a must. Requires cross-lrain Io OD. NightIt shshift, llp m -' ■ currenl RN liccriccnse, valid driver's . 7aituCurTwH|cciw requi?quin?d. ... l i c ^ a n d n Jdiablc-lnm^rtatioa i a . [ p> i a . 8 ! 20 hts/w eek withbencfits.wi ;BRNorLPNauige{PT) ^ ■ B Envliinmtnlallal Svcs. Tech (PT) K) Toyoto Corolit Long Tenn Care Unii _ ...;JseH ab la Ei . • Housekeepinglg pceitionp in hospital, l^oaded, clinic physicia Se icians officcs. Exp. • r - ■ Low MilesIes! • preferred. 32 hrshrs/wceksw/benefils., O Radiology Tech (FT) , ARRT required, CT or ultnultrawund expcricncc preferred.

. CompetiHveive Wages/Excellent B • 878-8874

\ ' FARM LABORERS MEDICAL Naod farm hand, musts t imm edlal* o p ^ ln g s: Twinrtn Busy modical otnco Of------know BfBvJtyJntoatao andnd. —Falls and- ly.—------fu n rn w i cquipmwu.------~ -^OttVy’dlily-pdslTjonsTir Call 734-6123 Lv. msg.* lood processtig: an shiftsrts S end rosumo lo: P.O . Box ------gvattnbtB-fo r s n iitta tlon.n r -8172. Twtn Pans ; 108 3 3 03 ’------, Tractor oparator. Mue«a| processing, packaging,0> UEOiCAL- ______havo potato and raw crop5P- anfl.trtm tine; Foropjrtfca-' , . oxporlonco. Mochanlcal tion and inlarviow call e . 735-6002 or apply dlrsclly OetPsMWhen , ' ' abllltlos ptua toola. You'rsNOTWorMngl Calt423-6BSS* at 532 Blue Lakos Blvd N*1 With our 7 o n /7 off sched- - riAlhSTVUSt------“ M A N U F A cn m m a ~ ~ "U io you will bo compan* Curront oponing lor a tal*ll- S p M T i MamfAKftirrng satod lor 10 non-worWng ori»Bd et/IIaf. PT/FT.r. Cdffip*nylsocceplingap-p- h o u rs o a c h pay period, Quaronlood hourly vmgo)0 pli Atkxis (or tho followingig W o oro sooking ARRT. or and cliontolo + bonuses *4- lull-ilmo positions: Oualltyty ollglbio. Radiology Tech- bonolits. Coll 735-1200.* Control, Packaging,J, nicians lo Join our toam. ' W arehouso, Machinist, - | h UMAN RESOURCeS Plastic Fabricalkxi;& Pro*> Laam.moroI about our om- PMT has on oponing for ductton Molortol Handler.r. ployment opportunities by on Employs* Daval- Bonoflts; Com pany bono-y. contacting us afc opmant and Training (Ita. omployoo hoallh,>, Magic Valloy R ogkm l M) Coordinator. This po­ dontai, lifo insuranco, v a­)- ModicotContor ll* slllon h as o compotitivo cation, paid hoiktays, andd 650 Addison Ave. W ost “ * salary and bonolits. Job 401(k) plan. ApplicationsIS . - Twin Falls, ID B3301 • doscripiion and rospon- available at: :208-737-2096/208-737-2113 oibllitlos inciudo: )omesgOmvrmc.com • 1) To asDlst PMT mon- %n7s2curi5*0(flee www.mvrmc.com ogors In ttio soloction, 2152 te u tti U ncoln training & dovoiopmont Jerome, Idaho ‘ The Right Care ol Ihoir omployoos. (208) 324-8101 Is Right H e r e - 2) To coordinoto ond Spiinlsanequil toach classes (or PMT rQppo^ftwfly£wpteyer» IMEOICAL ' . - SHOSHONE REHAB 81 3) To ostatilish and main- MECHANIC UVINQ CENTER tain toots & rosourcos City of Rupon. ID. (Stan-'• 511 East 4th StVBox B lor om ployoo fng Salary: $1468, plus9. Shoshono, Idoho S3352 dovoiopmont: oxcollont bonolits). The'0 208-886-2228 Tho Idoal cahdidato will • -ettyisdoingacecruHmont-'* ~ Fax; 208-88&-2083...... hovo tho lollowing abiii- lor on assistant Mochanic2 This small friondly ladlity Ilos and sitills: lor tho Clly of Rupon. in- noods o low good •To work woll wtth othors. , dividuals who aro tempo­ pooplo! y rarily omployod or who m i •Excollont oral ond writ- 3 LPNfflN -tQn-communicatlon&. . 1 . _J?afUima-avB,*hin.------skills. ■ ~llio"City aro oli^6fo"(dr' ' CNA lull timo, day & 'Exporionco Toach- consideration. Tho quoll- ovonlng shilts fnfl/Tralnlnp, C ounsel­ llod candidate-8haR pos­ LPN Full llmo. Modlcol ing. and/or Human s e s s a high SofTool deplo- Rocorda/Skln Nurso N Rosourcos. ' maorOED^' ■- position I ;4 M• J J, d ’< •Strong compuior skills. m e c h a n ic ;’------^ D ietary aftem oon (Word. Word Porloct, F/T. diosol mochanic. ' cook, port llmo Powor Point) Minimum 2 yrs. oxp. Musti Dietary afternoon aide ‘Collogo dogroo in Orga­ havo own tools. WageI Part timo ' nizational Dovolop- DOE, Colt 324-7600- EOE/M/F/D/V* moni. Human Rosourc­ os. Counsoling. Educa­ I MEDICAL I MEDICAL ■ | j 3 tion. Businoss or olhor Opportunilios (or gradu- 1TRAINING SPECIAUST rolQtod fiold. oto or liconsod nursos. NNoodod to work v/ith adulls •Pooplo orionlod, outgo­ Work a s a charge nume with dovolopmonlal f • V I LH d I « ing and onthusiastic. in tmnsltkmal, tong-iorm ddisabilitlos vtrho livo. work, Send or drop off rosumo or vonlllaior caro unit. and rocroalo in the C hooso (rom port-llmo community. Minimum or full-limo position. 1 year suporvlsory ...... Apply in porson at oxporioncod and 1 yoar H 2303 P arke Ave. oxporionco working with c/o John Noy Burley, ID 83318. EOE pooplo with disobllitlos. 507 G Stroot Bonofit packogo, compoll­ Ruport, ID 83350 MEDICAL ^tivo wage. P lea se apply H S t o p|) I n O r Cc n a l l o n 14S8 Ovortand Avo. Full-time LPN. Join o In p e rso n a t Inclusion, Burloy, ID 63318 busy multi-physiclan IInc. 45 0 F aIlsA v e. S101 617 Bluo Ijikos Btvd. practlco. Roloroncos Twin Falla ID.r TwlnFaMald6330r roquirod. Submit rosumo n; to: Box 99720. c/o Timos .’S'MERCHANDISER JANtTOR Novre.P,O.Box548,Twm To sorvico video dopt. in a >UT-THl E - D O ^>OR Travolors’ Oasis has Fails, ID 83303* mo)or grocofy chain. immod. lob oponings foro Holfoy oroo. Muot hovo janlior. Wo aro looking for MEDICAL Ironsponation, Momlng, applicants that oro doiall Fulltimo CNA for oil shifts, hours, no wookonds. orionlod, organlzod, Iloxl- noodod, CNA oxporionco Mall M or (ax rosumo lo Attn: blu, roliablo & can work and/or cortlflcation CDeo O Vidoo II 471 W. without diroci suporvision. prolorrod. Ploaso apply In LUnlvorsol Clrcio, Sandy, Travolors' Oasis oflors porson to: Allorra Wyn- UT L 84070 Fox 801-255- I Wl wood 13C7 Locusi St. N. 0159 0 or o-mail to; subsidizod hoallh Ins.. ■ 1982! V.W. RABB 401k plan w/ matching, TwinFalls, 1083301* dooJohnslunOvldooli.com do BIT $ 9 9 99 1979 AUDI)l FOX froo llfo'ins. M p rlc o d j Slock >1981 FORD ECICONOLINEVAN2 Apply at; Ilon and survoy proparo- SOS g( Staffing Services SoaPac of Idaho Stock «53IP ...... W Slock OC939 * 3 9 9 llon/rogulatory compii- 663 Blue Lakes Blvd. N,* 4074 N. 2000 E. anco training. EOE/Orug ___ Fllor. Idatio 63328 froo work ploco. Compotl- I ~ NEED A PART ■ 1984FFORD TEMPC ) 1987 FORD CO^ Call (208) 326-3100. tivo salary/bonolits. •nM EJO B ? INVERSION VAN : SonPac Is a drug-lro« woikplaco’ Ploaso fax rosum os to: ■/( '■ Stock 056OP . .. 0 $ 2 9 9 Slock 3 D S 40. .. . Koop your civilian job, or r * 8 9 9 MAINTENANCE 'C. Parker 503-262-5958- J stoy Q full timo atudont, WANT TO ENJOY THE u and bo a pan timo______• “ WOODTirVER VAILEY7- qDontai A seislent for softflorlntfio ■ 1993 GEOMETROG ) 1984 FORD BRONCOe F ull timo opt. molnto- ,patient orionlod practlco. Amiy / National Guard ' Slock «564P ...... I $ 1 2 9 9' Slock » D 5 8 4 ...... * 3 9 9 nonco porson to start im- |Musi havo good pooplo modioloiy for Balmoral . ,skills, friondly & oul going. f Family Community. 120 ' ]Exporionco prolorrod. I: ■ 1984 CCHEVY CAPRRICE $ 2 9 9) 1992 PLYIVlOUUTH VOYAGER J unil apt, dovoiopmont fn ,C ontact Dr. Brice Killian /■ ■ Slock «S74P * Slack WD636 Holloy Idaho. Wago, bon- DDS 438^1855 Paul* /| * 9 9 9 —ofitsrm ust tivo on olio. Exp. roquirod. 208-578- MEDICAL I 1110 Jano lor inton/iow Gooding Rehab S ■ 1986 FlFORD TEMPO0 $ 4 9 9) 1986 FORDD F-250 $1 or lax rosumo wilh rolor­ - Living Cvntor ★ * ♦★ Eam extra money \ ■ Slock 0 5 7 8 P ... . ' Slock «D645 1 1 9 9 oncos to 208-578-2357. • ■ h a s Iho lollowing ★★★Wo * poy lorcoliogo MANAGEMENT oponlngs. ★ * ★★Stay in your OPPORTUNITY • RN (2 FT. Evoning community ■ ',1980 MlAERCURY ZEPHH Y R $ ] 9 9I 1985 JEEP Cl[HEROKEE $1 I am sooking a Manager '• flN, 800-■CARm iAN or fax 10 601-340 liil liilo out on oppiicalion. Box 359, Sugar City, ID S!stratfng dogreo in Soclol Th» TImaa-Nawt bia Espanol *> B 83448 EOE‘ , jJWork, Spoclal Educatkm,______Attn:A Oan Walock ■ 1-800-gfAR-LOAN (CollII I-800-227-56:626) or 733'11881 -SeXoW Nurslrig.'Recroation, Psy­ P.O. Boi S48 H O U R S : MVION.-SAT. < 9-6 QTfimK 'ciaiUlleO wti»n you ctchology, or ralatod (loid to_____T«Twin Falls, ID 63303. place your ed In doMined. InI n c l u s ^ South. Inc 450 ‘ADBUaFREe Call 738-0931. F

MISCeUANEOliS MORTQAQE LOAN PflODUCnON PROFESSIONAL • RESTAURANTR StSALES n y p te, IRESTAURANT I RESUMES PLUS RESTAURANT □ Rostaurani oquipmont BURLEY O F F IC n WANTEDCD 'SSSSM uctlo Jaker'a is r>ow looking (or Dolivory porpon noodod for R< ------Local B«nkr •xpandln Prolossionai,offocilvo, _ . SINGAPORE SUNOS a. 1 iJThO . -Bottor. BQQkQl.iP.Tz —')z.sa]9B.-ADply_onJlno-aL j i ; ; ------^ ;ji« o m i'a v W o a rS u n 5 ------Mwttwablo-tolltraoibr- • — ^noxponalvo rooumoa, ■ * now Asian rostouroht'in days, Mon-Fri., no wook- vwww.bcroquipmont.oom.’ ~Thd'T1mos-Nows~Is • ■’ ~ ^^n^u^jJOh^hlHs.^ join our toom. Compotl- covor iottars.324*357e* Twin Foils la now hiring currontiy tooking for ..-aiel^^lnimum2 yeay«f« FWiPrecMMrSuM an onda, holidayo. T32-5262.' jgTEACHER - -RESTAURAWT------:------moUvat«tpfoJo6#k>nal— -= n ^ r “ onwr-CDL'CuairA— 't r o o wortcptaco. Apply ot: ‘ ■ ■ 'RESTAURANT ! NONOiMud Pro licliodlloucliui' , - BtrwtgbMlfgre^Vn^ Lino cooks Mouniain Vll* porsonnol. Noodod: , _3 days_a_wook, otanlng in Junior Routo Carrier f? ™ ------AcmoMffl.-Co.------. Nophono_coll8 p(oo8oll. , ------oooka-wimoooslllvo—. -‘• .L u n ch .tim o .d la h w aa h o r. —3 ------ommont toons and-offi'offiar * ■ ® Cali 7 3 4 - 6 4 5 2 * ^ logo Rosort in StQnIoy ha s' Sept., call Jo, 034-4410” In th e ------rolatodprtxtucta. Billngi ____ 500 Main, Flior. 10.* Immodiato oponing lorr outlook on Nlo ond nol noodod. Call 735-0722 S SUS' ^ riA d tst. ------oftor 3 pm. • not Dandy Day Coro ‘ 0 plus. &ie«D«nt bengfli Lino Cooka. Must bo, olmid ol 0 lost pacod • ' BURLEY toam playor a muslU B t’ Full timo poaWdn with, - RECEPTIOraSTA moroughiy oxporioncod InI onvironmont. Ploaao s PRODUCTION doho title ASSISTANT Boih SALES -Tolophono P*" .. •• P l*#» 1 ol Iho ond ol con- 1625 16 Floral Avo. T.F.- trotr d lorm . To apply lor CyT /AREHOUSE/MATERIAL RO U TE 418 I cconsidoraiion coniaci p„>rocuromenl Suporvisor Hoomor ai 208-733-3000* •4orson Food Group. Inc. 100-500 E .D S t. : ■ SALESWAHRANTY '55 Ssooking a Supon/isor lor 100-300 ' 0 E. B. St. : ■ 2002 ISUZU R< Porson noodod lor busy Ihoir ][” laciliiy m Sugar City. AROaiSEPCMffflWV manulaciuring plant. This ID. *0, Must hovo tho ability Uyouy o u llvo In this aroa and RODEOS LS “ to suporviso and manago ' air» n liInlorosted In being a ' AM/TM/CD « OA5H 6 DS individuol m usi possoso 2 0 0 2 1 S UUZUTROOPERS 2 ^ 8 vmoo^aiDCia ' oxcoiiont ^ cuslomor oor- worohouso crows (3 shift newspaper nei carrier ... ARcajse.POv. OSK m > tots MOtx. vico skills, ablo. to com- °P'opor.ition) ond invonlory. IP lease call Ihe °CMC7VVmCiOWSaUCKS I Purchasing oxporionco DistrictDl Manager. h h AM/fM/CA.'/CAs&AumrHraa ^ S municaio mo noods ol iho «2258ll cuslomor looihor omploy- roqulrod. Drug Froo. 733-093173: ext. 34B‘ ^ ■ ■ Pioaso submit rosumo 10 * U Cl005. olliciontly a n d in o c )f: :fc :|e « * I I limoly m onnor. Must bo Nolorsun, P.O. Box 359, ▼ ^ <22968 doiallod orionlod. mulli Sugar City. ID 83448 ______III EOE- TWIN^ ”IfALLS(7) ^ —MF YOU NEED SOMET dl105k, work Wllh lillio or no EC TO^OW YOUR EQUIP A'j supon/lsion and n loam m U N O 10 ELDERS sk: :f 4c :|c)ic :|c playor. Our com pany ol- exi THIS JS THE ONE FO^IfMENT. - -____. ._ •xporiencod millwright lors hoolih. dontai, 401k, woworkers and cortiliod The TImeS'News : B p !i, ^ {’’cafotoria plan & vacation. q}lporitlors.Iq Excoltoni pay CUIcurrently has the Salary Is OOE. Sond ro- &i bonofils. t Col! 436-4950' sumo to Box 90504, c/o -— following ^ ■ Tlmos Nows. P.O. Box k Independent I M 546. Twin Falla, ID 83303' ^ 2 newspaper routei SECRETARY ^ )n the E ast sid e o f I Pan-tlmo socrotary/ rocop- j ncn ^ d holpl W ork from Twin Falls m H '’lionist. or lor Buhl Modical homo. ho S500-S1500 P/T r Ofllco. computor skills S2000-S4000 F/T. B Q O I S m '■ nocossary. Ploaoo con- 1Co:i 8OO-942-55G0 ^ ’00-100-1200 11th Avo. E: toci 543-8237 during of- Avwprcascn2ptospor.coni' 1300-300-14S0 Poplar Avo. lico hours foroppointmont ----- : y i a w - i 2 5 0 0 V I O S PUBLIC SERVICE 200I ISUZU I? ' U i M 1 9 9 7 D O D G E 2 and inlon/iow.' ' ROUTE 741 O N G B E D - MESSAGE ___ t MRcifusEPOwerfwifmiOOWSALOCKS. W CLUB CAB LOI SHEEPHERDER FodJdoral omploymont 200-t00-600 Carriage Ln.- IVCASS • C / f 'SAlCCKS.AAVfWCASS .. -— m CWSL pcm n \mD 700Monto Vista D i------7987 Employmoni lor 3/4 of currently looking for carriers for fi i n / w ^ ‘ iworkdays guarantood. ' ROUTE 781 . OR 6 DOW Trnnf.pori.iiion io lOb nncl______Indep en d en t JSKhS.Q7-500 Buckngham D> f suOsisiorico advanced. j yunlor f routes avail- 2 2 000-2400 0 -i Foresi Vaia L O M W J H - ^ J Employment avoiiabio m Dr m iLW E-m i\i4 sovorol Wosiorn Stotos ible In th e Jerom e including:Em NV, A2. CA, area. _ 50» OH, ID, WA. CO, UT, MT. £3ROUTE 786 ROUTE 524 ^<^0-300-900 Capri Dr. Pc. ?''/<’ OHWY. Mi/iimum sa lary is S650 to S1050. Salary 30c00-500 3rd Ave. W. ^500-2.)0-2200 Falls A vc. B. A U . STILL WITH vanos according to slato. ' 2 0 0 1 D 3 D P 5 .cro R V w a r r a n t y . OM S 100-400 Main W. ^ FACT ’loaso coniacl: ID Dopl. ol aROUTE 799 AnAUJOJP> Lobor P.O. Box 5129. 50-2700 Indian Trail iSMOS ...... )A H 0 s a l e s _ Plon: iOU Uve In thj9 aroa & 2550-< I DAEWCO LANOS »31 f „r 5178“ rwin Fails. ID. 83303-5129* « Interested In being a 600-900 600 Mao Dr. ? TOAAS AM/TM/CASS, t!£AI) WIKR IVA; UP i'i";PRAYTECH nenewspoper carrier... aOSPUJKAJiSSArsaiSOMUCHMOK < {10, ____ipplicalor for ornnmonlai PleasePI' call DIalrlet RROUTE 846 ' ■ s s S S S SPR, 50 Applsproying. Liconsod prol- Manager 500-700O Monroe lorod not roquirod. 73733-093f exi. 34B.' ^q500-700 q Ouincy Groon Vlow Spraying ^ .j Sorvlco 734-3507-. ^ * ^ * * * * „ y’OU o ., live on the E A S T ■ ■ ^ ' I ...... I sidele 01o l Twin Falls S. are ■ ■ WE ONLY HAVE ONI'JE OPENING Iterested In being a n 1999 NISSAN SENTRA iCul'lOMi % K i» % 9 S 7 200120 JEEP CHEROKEE CLASSIC! lependent newspaper M;iw4cn»0'A/?.ftM Toyota sa le s aro g reat wilhlh a su p erb new " carrier... : SPORT UTIL 4D ;a>ui'ls.04S '% ».'I5,887 ’sju:o{i(aetJ}lalricl______200!.HYUNDA1J^CC£]RA GXE SEDAN 4D .modelJineup_V\/e_aIfet.greasaLcommissions^ - I •nvo'W fowiTOavsnffCMioo(«^io4 20 wtRsniKur, u rco w locxs • n r • oth - mager at 733-0931 tAIW 4CVt •«HMC*SI7TF*aXinKM/PBVS MlMir.-s 4 ot 1 • .wo • Aff • rosresTW a 5 day work week, reasosonable hours, cx tT■ M A r -7&«^I57995 ------2001 HYUNDAI ACCEI:C£NT.GLSEOAN^------Otso. DAN4D------* a « r‘t8;39C—•AAV»MC«r77/CP 401k. medical plan, andI paidp vacation. ^ ^ vc •AficcnrcwS’pamsmrC’M'tue'xOAM ^^Wf‘’8,9 9 5 202001 TOYOTA CAMRY IE SED/Srw^Mfcovsiccxs.jAs. nr-owr-AA ***** MUM 4Crt l6fMXM»JC‘ • AMfMCASi7T*ajvnicr/:A»(«3 Mr?«mi 401?^CAiA3*A*-fOt{BCT£Sl If you ara an experienceced automobile % « - M 5 , 9 9 5 CENT GL SEDAN 4D DAN 40 XiU^'tBSOO • 7tAwtc«inr/cn salesperson who would en,jnjoy working in ■ 2001 HYUNDAI ACCEI s«<'io.4i5 %«‘‘8,995 2001 20 SUZUKI XL-7 SPORT UTILIT■EPur. iirc o « 1006. lAO* lu • a u i • a\ . MtMt vc^Aficcraxurc-KMwsmirc-m•AMrtM^STTC-nxfflCWAfflKGS • Miai Ml: Vd?/CATO*A40*Aff-ff>WAff- a great aimosphere apply/ ini p erso n a t... wmawm %«''I6,987 ! 2001 SUZUKI ESTEEMCENT G GL SEDAN 40 UTY4D s*rj/*OT«*AMnta)7i ° iy Kti«Jiilo. Pul cl.^isi- v c • w c o r o n a w • rowPOTiwc •■Mt'10,565 AW 7Uut^,995 2012001 SUZUKI XL-7 SPORT UTILITIff • CTf»r. iir o a « 1005 .,7A5* n Ml.-v 4Cn lil •/w w tvc* ;*AMfWCO*COV»IWAffnV3 Mtad nr; lJ«.->/CAUro*4lM5-Aff««A,l?Aff • rs limo-Mviftg clirncloiy %<»'i6,987 n; 0OOU5 and tmrvicor. ro 2001 SUZUKI ESTEEM«G G L SEDAN 40 Xo4a LITY 40 Saurf •22.280 5-Ti rir. o u r • Avmta) woiKK lorIpr you lodjiy______urf'io.iss '%>«i‘8,9 9 5 20(2000 JEEP WRANGLER SAHARA!» • pa\a>siicTC. nrfo w iccw IAS- n S B ii vC'Ancooxr^C’KwwsmnKi’M i-AMfMCD-imf-OWA^JMCS Ml.MIJta «Ot40fSSrTf0 ‘ASO-HMVK % ‘»'I7,876 W ^ Gi WAGON 40 ' » SPORT UTIL 2D '21340 •AWMCD«AJIt>SI . 1997 HONDA ACCORI »rf‘ii.4 4 o ^W ’9,986 20m 20( ISUZU ROTEO LS S P i ^DICP U • fiTAfl.TA/• Aff • JCMf PSnWC • Mijtf 4ot2?j*JsrnD*m0'c c • AKCCtaxr*c • rcM«»CTifiwsC*IU-CTUT'AMfMSnrOOUTTlt -aj Mr; %»'I7,<)86 H 1995 NISSAN PATHFINIORD IX SEDAN 40 ^ &ua UTILITY 4 0 a u r f *22.850 V'KCC/IVC^-^VB mo • AP • rOAWSW»C Hwxms1003•s i i I ‘10.810 7^m«‘'9 ,9 9 5 20(2001 CHEVY BLAZER SPORT UTIrssiftf/j • fif • c a t ! • AAtuM!>OTir /MM3 VOJOl ’AinO-MO’/ 3*/U*ateF-AAWMCAS5fnf MUMIJM V<5«t*Atrt3'*WAffTO«fPCT IH 2 1TIUTYIS4D a ^ ' l U K -Jio^'n,995 % m 2000 DAEWOO LEGANFINDER XE SPORT UTIL 40 A\t»^tCD*AU05 MUM MU ydJflfAlWAff-TCMfSOTWG ^N4D. '22.170 % « ' ' I 7 , 9 9 5 2000 DAEWOO LEGAN»ANZA COX SEDAN 40 M'urAsrrT'A'fi ff • TOMOisrmrdtrfOHSioos > IV •'14,930 03 % ® > l 0,995 202001C ISUZU RODEO LS SPORTtc. Ul ItfCCMS IC03.JTA5-1; • OMI • -W« Miain 4cn?si •CRCT*AMfMCA2ni>CD*AaC>5 Mixo MU wiji«Airo'^vo*An>n3»wsi T he T im es-!5-N ew s UTILITY 40 -22355 'H% « ' ' I 7 , 9 8 6 ' 2000 DAEWOO lEGAN)ANZA COX SEDAN 40 >ij r * « x r RACK-Art; is accepting apj w • fOOTSziwc rtwwvs tocw • IU •‘M^5 a %»«*M0,995 2001 20C ISUZU RODEO IS SPORT psmsftcUl • ri; .csior • A\M»tcAS7i:r • n Mt»l 4Ctt7Jf/WD'AH.« •OWF*AHfMC«Sn?&CO»AilOVS MIJB MU V^UfAiK>‘MD‘/J>-rOATt>S ■% »'I7,?(86 for W alking Routt 2001 KIA OPTIMA IXiANZA SI COX SEDAN 4 0 W i 4 UTILITY 40 '23320 T*«xre-^c»*Aas% R •/ow ? sn m : H fcais ICX3S • IU • '15.650cn 1,987 1991999 INFINITI QX4 SPORT UTIUTT?CTfiwi • wowr-AMffcic^STrTr • t i'alls. Tlieso positii an.* lAIOJJ 4Cn24fAiffO>AJfl r*c>w*‘ AMfMC«i7ir/C0 mMISM is WUt-AUro •*«J«Aff.(r»tf»3 > 1 8 ,9 9 5 WOTJEiCD • tomom'jo m j • a>*i faavT/ d a)’, LM rly-niorninj 2000 MAZDA 6 2 6 IXX SESEDAN 40 JTY 40 i E ^ -23,530 ■CTUT'AV.UWSnO% • «?’• PCWRJ OTIWG HNJCMS ICOS . n r■I5J.5 . C %®'l 1,989 ™ r»sirOT<;nNX»v5JCOs.MO’MD-Af>^KMfeS (SEDAN 40 S a ^ 'i : «><»'I9,995 soiinrc of addition, - 2000 FORO MUSTANG ( ■i«70 %®>i L99S CD ®r • PUMWJaAD • CUV #SCMAflB»CSLAREDO •/ s u v 4D £<./f'24.W S "tt •f MtZM p • nr>w7{im» IU*;IU*OW*AM«tOU5fl»&CO suf'A AtwcAnrir/ PSTttfC ««OV5 (OOS. STAB* fir. CSUIhWMtllS while you paic 1999 DODGE DURANGO SPORTJ • Afl! • «x y wor • fWWCV (VAB • (ifAM 1999 VW NEW BEETLEIG G COUPE 20 ■>M05 %«.M2,995. IS morning walk. ^ MIM ’AU)» . rortOJ sinsws WCOHS UX>S SDV33<0;«Gmiii«ou?>vrtC"W«Mi>'nts • 2000 FORD WINDSTARI ‘16.975 3 ,9 9 5 DS/U • n%r iM> • c w ff : lOVQS • mvn MI.TiM WJtfMJIO'/Jf'KAu> • AP > TOHO? sn m s tw c cu sic o• sCttBF • • AWWCACT7T • AOS « Sli’P t*/ Hie Titrtt \RLX MINIVAN iji' at 132 3 rd S t. V^ n e J • POHO?JJfrw« HIM3CU5 iOOS • IU* O / Twin Falls or WE MAK 733-(W l ext; 1 AND PR 0 4 5 CENTEf ILL F R E E 8 7 7 - 6 5 5 - 0 0 E10Tlm««.New8,VS. Twin Falls, idaho Friday.ly. J u n a 2 1 ,2 0 0 2 .

TWIN FALLS (6) . BUHL 3 bdnn. 2 bath, TWINFALLS THE TIMES NEWS ^ garogo. Auto oprlnli □ F A X y S82,S00 Call731-Mi-esee*' $108.000 Claesiried Department * * * * * r - - — • JU8T-U8TEDI AIH)rk-brick.------opon* a t 6:00 « m - FILER Looso-purcho! 2 bolh homo ne ♦H e w a ownor Ilnancing, Ni D near Mon thru Fri. 7710 Tlmes-Ne\ ■ n o w .> Saw tooth School. NewNewly T*ko Cara of your —------currenUyhBB -re m o d e te d bsm ’t.-F«niaoncod- • — clasaifled intsinets-^ ------AD— ______following back yord, planlod1 gar. go before you head to0_ TIMea CLABSIPIBD ------HAQERMANBeauButKul -don.-A-CUTE HOMEi M g , ' - y o u r b u e in e ta — — - Jndep^iiden 3 b d rn i.2 b alh , 173232sqft. PRICED TO SELELL 1-206-733^)931 oxt. 2~2 DBPARTMeNT newspaper roiroutes bulfl In 'a g. h acre,>, lckits ol QUICKI o r o u r Buriey Office on the Weat siaside o f omonltos,. 837-0030'130* $28,000 1-208-677-1042 20a-734-SB3e Twin Falls.Vs. HEYBURN Roconll)ni'iV Vo: • 1998 2 bdrm, 2 botlb o th , " ■ ___!— \ - o n ------modolod 3 bdrm, i bafh SSxM Onkwoodl>d In , - M '^a00-S77-4B43 ------— BQHXS811-f t — ------homa In.qulot cul-do-.do-sac Camo_o Eslotos. Storo£orogo, ■ I - —-—aths. '4 pareni. 2010 Cai'nn.io ono ‘ovei. near Lynwoo TWIN FALLS ROUTE 874 J^roM* isctiools. tJool. 700 BIK. A lphafc Cl ir . Placo, 677-4613 torai 1241 Storfiro SL *9^.000 700 Bik. Lawronconco HOME INSPECT)0^IONS # joot Llstodl Oariing - $113,000 " 0 .3 Built In 1993.4 bdrm,, J . 2 0 0 0 -»slnco 1993, _ bdrm, 1.5 bolh. fomll iryoifllvaonthaWe W eat Bill Bakor. 320-5115I'S, room, oak hilchon. vin'^^fli full baths, 1465 sq.ft. aide o f Tt¥ln F allt'la a,d are JEROME 1400 aq.q. fi.i 3 siding. Idoal for first Ilmilm« speaker systom aocunty systom . full Intereated.ln belnie ln g a bdmi, 2 both, aoto oi li TWIN FALLS 2 bodroom } sprin- hom o buyor. N orthoat‘0 “ “ » finished 2 car garage H ■ Independent new•rapeper $p klora, qufofcul-de-ile -s a c . locallon, e 1 bath, 1,062 sq .ft. contral air. forcod go: carrier... .S110.00 743 15ltiAviAvo. E. >! Bsm l unfiniahod but P le o te c o n ta ct DittiHatricl 324-6858.* hoat, Ig, storago shod>d t.082 s q .ft o s well, M anager ______ROBERT JONESI E S sprinklor sysiom, Nowly romodolod. nlco . JEROME 7 acres, ron . , 7330931. ext. 347 REALTY l..-,Cflii7ai-5aa7.* ' neighborhood, $82,000 olod rock houao a 14’: ; r - Cell 736-2870 o r , m obilo h o m o , 3 milos,mil 733-0404 " Buy. >otl.,om or,wop wm 204a ' a dattiflodtKl; 733-0931. 404-3195 for Informotkm* ______*****i k s ic . from Jorome. $130,001,000, .. 324-5014/731-0298.98.* D) El M O ; HovvDooi, canoo, eniiooni, eaii{ JE R O M E G R E A T BiBUYI B g R T S p K f l powoitx)(ii - Jt you doni3oni uso ’g s Monufocturod hohom e, H 3 3 | 3 H New! ll. soil II Wllh on ocorwfonomicni 4 .bdrm . 2 b a th , on 2V,...... etiiMilioa ad. ______ocros with water, Fi foncod. looting shod, IBul- 2 0 0 2ICHEVROtlT I r p 4 ^ » B I I RRfiAN ly barn & much mo S109.000, COII324-54 H CjII loll tree l- m -2 3 33-4744 ^ 1 then enier ‘'tilh'ng id ’ IDsff It)i hear a property description. ^ IJPkg,;:L6qiqded w/. Pwr Surlunroofi : BUSINESSES AVAILA!______JEROME Muat 80111124: C oopor Norm an 8uILABLE t!n 1 0 7 9 m o b llo horrio B rokers a Advlsoijtlnosa bdrm. 2 bath, covoiI shod, ' CNBBA,COMInor* ------12x20 porcti 10x10 oh ■ Koys 10 Succoss,A Nico tjock yard, go 2O0-733-6S81*ss, locotlon. 527,500. *____ }Bilm.lSSJih-7r.-H89.K99.000 } Mn JBjOi-U-$399,000» JBdm.:Bjil>-T.r..St09,9C0 1* CalI280<1561,*1 bath. Rfcorded Info-24 n.Hn. Record^ Info-24 Hn. Recortlrd Info-24 Hn. m m m k i m b e r l y 4 bdrm, 2room. b^ 1-808-233-4744IDS141141 I-88B-233-4744 109353 1-888-233-474410*777 W M Ovor2100sq,tt.Toyroc M H (omiQl silling room.j'ncod G Rcccive your free•cc report on "44 Moncy-MMalcinjf Tips H p H hoal/AC. Lorgo (oneGroal fo r Prc/»c'c/»arfn^ Your Htnnc fo St’ll. W q s ' $ LOANS tot. Storogo shod, 7,000, Gn $ 1 0 0 - $ 7 5 0 family homo, S137,0( I .If k (if imivit,Ilion r.in Ix- iiwiy...>-..,i>xi’ilctii h,!|i()en 1.1 ><«j.„r.ill MOtt fi>v ritiKiJ. CALL TODAY) 0 Coll 423-6J09 for oppt, vJc(finl(anvMi(xi.in(l W ! KIMBERLY Vory nicc , )c«iiE8££iciK«...f«Sa.?W-JJ-l744£tt626 . 7 3 4 - 4 3 3 3. ' bdmi, 2 bolh, 1790 "BSq f t j V 4/iXf»T7>e2-< houH J djy. Vciu(.mm ,,,lv)C//0/rtt1... Mark E. Jono ______1 , family room. AC. g j itkforM>riS.lonn-mjoa.joa.jojo J08-30W h o a t. oxtra largo foix c a n R o b e r t l _ 1766 A JJiv in Avi-. I-,:. <- 733-0404 foncod yard 588.900.51 C o r Jones Realt (or appt, 423-9051 ______^v^^^^v■.r,t.-■1ltY.ty.coin ■______K.— W A N T E D ; M ONEYH ' 539-9613," BORROW. Paytno;Y 7 TO RUPERT 2-3 bodroom,wood i safo & socurocJ byig 7'!o,n m odolod kitchon.w oi osloto ts t dood ofly tru roal _fioors. .vinyLolding Shop, w £■ Cl Excolloni history. Askf truai, dows. gorago/sho Billlo a! 734-1900. \ck tor S59.900. 208-436-1828 f t j y i E R i BES;T W f l R I i | O g Q o O Q

PUBLIC SERVICE ■ . l O v e aor r l 100,000 Mile Smi MESSAGE j l P o w e rtrarain lr Protecdon 2002 Big profiis usuatfy mo tjig risk, Boloro youmoan ■ tw ifil FALLS ,s. . * 5 Y ear 660.000 0 , Mile H y u n d a i ’ : ‘’S YES ______YES s ______businoss with o com'pliiou do 3500 + sq. tl, 6 bdrms.orn. Bumper-to*•tO'Bumper Coverage chock il out wilh Ihoipany. B' 3 boths, tomily room F O ^ NOOYR. 36.000 milemi N0>3YR. 36.000H) mile N0>3YR. 36.00<.0 0 0 m ile lor Businoss Buroau,0 Bel-F firoplaco, foncod yordkrar • 5 UnlUnlimited Miles CHRYSLER N0>5YR. 36.000 mlmUe N0»5YR. 36.000H3 mUc NO^SYR. 36,00(,0 0 0 m ile froo Information abou. For auto sprlnklors. Noo•053 2 4 -H o u r RoRoadside Assistance avoidino invostmoabout shopping conlor, Los:O' Not*; AboY# cov*nntni* ire bttcd uMn publiihtd 2001DOI HONDA______N0»3YR. 36.000 mimile N0»3YR. 36.000K) mUe NO^Not AvailabIla b le ■ : scam s, wnto lo Iho Fod«m o n t thon opproisod voluo, model cavmtf*,'«, • flnt owner onfy, Ste Dealer far af Trado Commissio-odor- $165,000. TOYOTA NO^SYR. 60,000 mlmile N0>5YR. 60,000K) mile NO'Not Avallablia b le WQShingion, 0,C ,.20Seislon, C0II423-5326- or can tho Nolional 10580. Frai Inlorm ation ContoFraud t-eOO-876-7060,- _____^ 2 mssm ^305,^^SSSBS H Roomy & SS; a f e ' . A f f o rr d d i a b l e ...... SSSBI&RS f o r o n l y DRACO iB M TWIN FALLS L u x u r y r y ! „ INVESTMENT CORI I. *194.61 ______CASH for Doods or Trus' EAGER TO SELLIf Mortgagos'andRoal Esta - -pur.mu. oucj^ 9 .9 8 J M Coniracis, Coll today for - Skylino Or. -— OR p e r m oD . . o a c troo. no-obligation quoK 3,2 ocros NE,T,F, Main Houso 3800 sq. ft. $ 1 8 ■ H ^ H (208)733-3621 ■ „ 11 I I 5 bdrms,. 3 baths umurpiM TtmocrV^^^^H — Lot*of«rtrot.-Soporalo^ Stock tMyoio. PBCf (till e.e9HAPfl73inrainanmitmiOAC. ISOOsq, ft. shop wilhpl- laeiory rvMIo 6 BBS APRPR teoo downerflrXMKW, trac ' H 1680 sq, ft, upstairs apt. 73 uionirt Him OAC U99 (Jownoitria* oquiry. " S289.000. 1= Make on Offer m P ieaso call 423-5969* \ V v-6! Roomy! k S a f e & TWIN FALLS Invettora. P \ A ■ sporty! And I ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓. ✓ . 2 adjacent palio homo; In o u r e ffo rt to . avail, on quioi cul-do-sac“ Si F u n t o D r•ive i v Well'Equippcppcd m a k e o u r O Bolh ownors moving o tho som e llmo a havo f:;do for only Classified section ddo d to otfor boih to the * 3 2 8$.95 .' MSKI fre e of a n y e rroio rs n . right Invoslor. G roal po IPS toniial for duplox roniatoi; *149.98 pleasecheck • 1 9 9 : ' Eoch hos 3 bdrm, 2 tut y o u r a d th e first? boths. 2 car garagos, one per m o. oacur Faaofy d a y It ru n s . A fter'S t lg, backyorda, Boiti hove >f172Montn • ter landscaping and automat­/Qlk Block HHVOJa. Reliil Pile*;'’rk;*:'si0.e04.a.99% APR O R $ 2 1 , 2>eo9Mior 9 ‘ that time The' ic sprinklor system s. Walk•flO. CO month t»rfn OAC. 1099199 Pawn0 wu»a«>quiry.______Block fKYOM n*IU ------Times^News^lir3 10 CSi. Buill in 1995,Tho.HtD----- —— SiB,eoo, pne*anwF n««u*e.MSAPn7; I t nol be responsibleVlir - —ctruntts-wiirgorToriitD hi- positvo cosh flow with Oo«nOAalI900 00 for any mistakes. minimum down. S260.000 2S. Coll 736-7478* ______iii-

^ B U C SERVICE .11364-0 - ______...... - #1331-1------MESSAGE Soiling proporty? Don’t pa) trand Qierokee Umlled '0 0 Isuzu Hombrs - Like New ...... I: any foos until it's sold, Foi 5 2 3 ,9 9 5 $ 8 ,9 9 5 ' .(roo InformQllon aboui, Fo’r t w in FALLS 3 bdmi. avoiding timosharo ,o(jlanc 2 balh. large lot, dock, #1351-1 #1494-0 - 9 9 D oge ^ Durango - '0 0 Ford 4X4 Half-Ton roal ostoto scom s, wriioond living & (amily room 8 Uxus CS400 '0 1 Forreslar Subaru to Iho Fodoral Tradovrlio vinyl siding, sprinkler, < A. 0 « n Unll XLT. snon 6«t, Liimcinl CU Commission, Wasfilng-a d o By Thompson Park, $ 2 7 ,9 9 5 $ 1 7 ,9 9 5 ion. 0 ,0 .. 20580. (nn- Si 12.500. 735-2454, V 4 . 9 5 « 1 9 , 9 9 5 #' or call tho National Fraud O pen Sun. 1-3 '9 8«1H U 1I6'1 #1253-0' Informotion Contor.,ud 2706 9th Ave. E.* KyundoiSJ Hburon '0 0 Hyundai Elentro l-eOO-876-7060,* \ h^ ------$ 1 3 ,9 9 5 $ 1 0 ,9 9 ^ BUHL Cozy 2 bdrm. 1 balh I homo on doublo lot. Now #1494-0 #1234-0 palnt/now flooring. SG4.900. A muot 800 at k % ; , ■ iuramox&ewCob4X4 ' ‘'Ol] | Dodge Cum mlfi^S-speea Ouoil)iiolly f 708 Bth Avo, N, 543-2395* $ 3 9 ,5 9 5 ■ ^ a d I I BUHL ----- TWIN FALLS TASTEFUL 3 bdrm. 2ilE 0 T !/02GMCDura#1412-0 #iS 02-i By ownor. Zonod hoav '02 Powerstroh '00 (suxu Trooper both foaturing largo ‘ monufacturlng. roke F-350 A^fo* Daewoo logonzo '0 0 Chevy Ext. Cab 4X4 rooms ond noar tho ’* Long SmI. 2-Tow«, , un*le. CiewOiO Aulclulonulk, 4 « 4. Tinttd VfMowt. t'oww t'-- Approx. 2 acros, fonco< $ 1 1 ,3 9 5 $ 2 2 ,8 7 5 . sciiools and clly park. 2 bdrm. m bath homo . ' » l S63.000. Call Jlmf * 3 81 / , 9 9 5 Shop, garago and bam. * 1 4 , 9 8 8 '01 Da» 1989 EkSridflo. $97,500. BARKER Rosido &run businos S l Realtora from this proporty! Call543^71l Coil 20B-623-2749* X— DECLO Groat locationr 4 bodroom, 2 bath, hot tub,f r? » a foncod yard wllh pond.ub, tarcraft X WE I S T L A N D ^ • ApproKlmaloly 0 acros.nd. TWINFALLS ' S180.000. Call todayl OS. Winner of2002 ent Trailers r (208) 654-2950‘ P am de ofHomoB "• ^ Hn v u n o n i \ Best Kitcnon I f . FTCEir------:----- COUNTRY 3 b^imotion— Bosl Mastor Suito tarting & country living yol It'o ra Best Fkwr Plan closo lo schools. On on Bost Ovorall : : i K G B N mm ^ , I flcro w/undorgroundn 'B E ST OF SHOW* s low as TRUC !n Twin Falls' finost sprlnklora. $135,900 1070 BLUl UHAKISBLVD.N. 733-1-1835 1-800-390'iS,995 riw artlaB d.cem 603^W«SliindDr. •O u rdditdotVTM i* oompV v^th Siai* & F iderd rtoularioni. AD pric* tl D ad « r DocuiMMoiicin Km . PhoIn to i fw llutkirfon w r p o m onV;enl^ BARKER' $205,900 734-B217 Realtor* All unlit M b i^ lo prior idd ia . Sm D * ^ (or UmSltd warn )nd Hyundoi & Trudc Cenier it a0 Drug-Free Workplace. • .Call,543-4371l , Ouallty You'll Recogntze '0-8632 unvw.garyn -A A d rA * ' V l k W p o y m M i plu> M h & D arroril/ dataiit. Gary's Woiflond ------"

■»r ______- ; * s - ■ F r id a y ,J ujne n 21,2002, TImea-News, TwinTv Falls, idatio E ll

_ TWIN PAULS Q roailoca. ■ HAf ■ f = , (loni 5 bdrms.. 3 baths,9. KJ^^. •—•'n TWIN FALLS 2 h ocros. 3 oxcol- outo si^rlnklera, patio. bdrm 2 both, appliances, dock. AC pollol otovo. movod, oppilancos. W/O . ^ \ ______S129.S00. Coll 734-1877 - f o r dotalls.*-...... $0e,OOO.call734-5721i___ B '* _ r i hookup, ho ownor may lian- CO, TWIN FALLS 5 bdrm. brtck TWIN FALLS ” JEROMEj e r B roodm oio'77 . TWIN FALt a 1 hrf>TT. o _ home on quiot NE slrool. i'ISB- rWINFAUS-S104;700- TWIH«Att«27rOotJOt8 ^ t s - h o u s o is podM l for o ' -0Cx14V2bdrmr2.bfltKrnH------both, brick homo.Bulli bdrm. 2 bath, by schoo- utu ^ ■ 1 A beautiful home for ^ - 3 bodroom homo in Vory cuto 245S sq tt. (amlly w/2400 sq. ft. o appi. S7500/ ^ ■ - your family awaKs within-V Wood(1dgefor$l&5.000. . _by DoVoo Brown. Opon ..la. romoaolDd.hlichon. , _ofli-oflor.-Tabe movod- — 4 bdmt. 8 bath; full baso- floor plan. Hsndlcappod. h u g o y o .'w /g a r d o n &' auto sprlnklors, frull ?: th li fuDy raoovatod moni, omce, nlco yard, iroos. l0. family n n .,2 rull 734-4534 or 324-2022' - accossiblo. Pello troos, gordon aroo, culo 7^ 3 bedroom, 2 bath fronl porch, wotorfon, balhs, 2 car garago. A windowa. Drtvo ly windows. Shop/stomgo ployhouoo. yd.flhod, RV VJEROMEkI Floolvraod '9C. . 1710 eq. tt. classic. sprinldere. 4-csr oomQo, m ust seo ot only S112.000 3 bdrm. 2 bam, pnvato lot. . ^ ■ .. --Nawtai^ooaiaBe— 3143WoodrtdMOr. -now window*.------oroa In oarngo. porkino, S98.000 roo- - Ortve by 1067 Plalnvlew aonablo ollor, soriouo Muat 3oc^^(ico.^24-4^^B■■ - -- H 7 3 » 0 a 7 0 • $123,000 736-0469* 606 Buckingham Dr. $124.000, 734.377B.’ Drive. Oall 530-1022 or TUTTLE Champion -J33-6474 eppt-onlyi*------^ “ 26iT40r3b’

i i j BUHIlURLEY 2 spncos m llio TWIN FALLS-LoCArronI Votorans VoK Sociion G Gom I 3018 Hoathorwood.l Momonal Mon Pork Comotary I Mnmi. (foo, Sbdrm , 3 w l S400 S4CH on. 208-436-0S43* I bath. Cape Cod, 3000i tm$ ' sq tl. 3 lovol h o m o .'il k — o c ro lo l. fu lly la n d -1 ^ 5 2 scopod. 3 cor gorogo.l 1 i W 2 0 0 2 Sa7S,G00'735-039>.- j B llHmOUT FAX FJUD0 4X4 'oNiUt £ YOUR mmsim rffliw w m 1iHOSHONE (N) 100 ocros pepasluro & dosort, x-largo STAi R J I N G A T pond for hunting etc. AD \ i ,, SSNowor bam ond ouibulld- TIMES-NEV;Sj I — ■ ings, 21 shares of waior. , Socludod. S115.000. ‘CLASSIFIED ^ n i Call423-422r DEPARTMENT D 8,390 WIN FALLS 57 ocros; 208-734-5538 20 closo In, sprinklor & goiod }SS _EiEpipo. S159,500.423-4077.-' 208-677-4543 20 ■ h :^k ^ 2 4 9 ^ ___ (BURLEY) ■ ■ Avaloniinw ood blinds, now • Call Chuck 733-8207- disiiwsliwQshor, disposnl. *"™S^ Extend■ded Cab Si lullcc] ccilings, AC. < irinklor, now wood -.Jliud, t o o 2 c m m n i H EW 2 0 0 2 C H E mR O U T m H T E C M i6 walls. My lo ss your 7 jm M ““ IcrewcCab i ilrIln -$49,900. 733-5414 o r on appointm ent* m TWININ FALLS OKING FOR A PLACE Noooa cosnvc« loam up wun O P U T Y O U R NEW clnsurx>5Jjliod aiKl miifco 900^ ^25 ^ 2 9 r ^ ■ PAR1RT OF ITALY - Sue- Igl^ ssful Itolion Roslaurani. OPPORTUNITY r ^ MU1« Mvwmung In Tahoe ■ Gooi30d cliontolo, national I iMwvpopw l« »ut>i«a to H fromin c h lso w /oqulpm ont ia*< fiu Houiing Aci wnicn , ^ invorlontojy includod (or only >•1 nR U»oaJ 10 advanita 60.000. Givo Jann or IV^V pr»*rMX« IVniUllon CK Trail Blaazor A '»• !i:solmlnatlon s Baise on wicw,'’rimuiaf'wal'u «,*or lonal oilaln. or an . S a A L P I N E i«»ton. s 10 m«*a any »u0> • __ ^M W iOol0 2 C M O ^ ^ MM i L U V C f NEW 2 0 0 2 CHEVKiM U T ^ L B U n Trajker '(•ranca. limliail^on or olmln^llon • Familiar tua Includai cnildian ■ ■ IP Camaro0 _____ TWINN FALLS Provlouoly cuiKWir ■ ■ io«in; pregnant woman. ■ V usodJd (or usod car oKicos S trS £S l bid!Idg, 10x24- Groai (or a t«7fflS.-M'-"”' ■ I--|^Ca»aliet—------omailairBUSlnOflS-Musi bo- ' *no*„rno'•rlnol» tccapi any roiocj)catOd. 20e-38e-0322 ■dvartiil•rtlilng lor raal ailala 509-967-9019- :n )• in violation ol ma K Our raadara are hctaoy ’ I Corvettete ^ rinaa thal (III B..elllr>s, • tntm) m UU« rt«~«papar V M n M2214 avtirabla on an aqual ■ ■ ortunllv &.>|>. To ■ ■ I Impala eompliin FLEE1ETWOOD 2 bdrm.l ■9777. Th. Toll-lraa ------IJ ------|afo,85\9 0 fh bom.1. good cond. On cily ■•{•snom3hor»a numtjai for lha ?3.99Qo "O-J lol nonoor school. 30'X25' I S;;'!”?'' Malibu comiont ^ slob, 654-0495' I Monte CarloCc | r NCW20(m c H m M in nTjmt “^V Venture MEW 2 0 0 2 C H E m901ET SUBURBMMM W .. 8 2 n ^^im iiii^^ ^ J U K S U tU^Juour H m B O ] S s ! m m ■ #2 4 7 5 MLjp9 0 0 ^ ^ 3 7 . ; s m : B 1t 2 , 7 9 0 o ^11

J; . . -L * 0 . . . -I ■■ ... ■ ^ . E12Ttmo»^Bws.-s. TwIn Fall#, Idaho Friday,.y,June21,2002 4

TWIN P^LLS 1 bodrodroom. TWIN FALLS 2 bdrrd r m . TWIN PALLS nlco 3 bdmdrm, C A S T L E F O R D 1 o n,d d 25 JEROM E Spacious 2 bdrmarm RUPERT TWIN FALLS 2 bodroom JEROMB . Potato atorago $400/montr> -f S 4X)dop. 0 0 1 Appla. W/D hookupc u p s, 2 bath homo, W /0 hooi!»*<• bdrm. opts, ovalloblo nowIOW W/D. appis, Incl. $650. Taking applications for»' 1 bath gam go, aomo utili-i. orbuslnosssito.Ront/aoll. 208-866-6616/734.74-7216* Ctoant $450. 324-3317.J17, up. Call 734-4559,* ___ Ront bosod on incomo.). 121E.etli, t16E.Tthh waltingllat.1,2,&3bdrm,n, tios 800 M aurlco. 733-1359 0r733-2787 a jabdrm TWIN FALLS 2 bdrndrm.’ TWIN FALLS-3 bdrm.n. 2 Call 543.6833. 324-2043 or 324-4854'4 ' apartmonis. Soulhwoodd $525+$400dep. 308-2S2T>* Tw^ fTFALLS------• :• BUHL 2 Oodroom.2 1 T b r n tT «r.L ola ..housa.,SS O O . 315 Har)HarrI- . bath, partial bsm l, Sav;awL _?9wJ Hous^_Of^»rtuntty,;«y'.‘ KIMBERLY. Laroo 2 bdnn.;=r Apartmonts 438-0226* ~ - Shop.wUhoyortuiad doors. — - - mobilo homo S450Mio/mo * bath OO main floor. _ TWIN FALLS 2 bwJroom _ . : ilral TF son. Iat,loot&dop. AvaAvail, to o th D ls t. c o rn o r Ic EDEN 1 atudlo. $2000^ H apartm ent. Coll 433-4377m YWifi'PAUa Clean r’ 2 bath, g a s heoi. all appla,, privato ollico. enclosod r- deposit. Long torm!n innnnlo ttmonltios. Coniro $800. Call 655-4153’ No pots. 543-834: I.* 8A)1.Cajl788-3699.* ___ $200 dop. Utils, pd.t 1 oftor 7pm* bdrm,, duploxr$3SO. No0 W/D. Can 644-9137.^ ~ “ storago lol. Industrial park , locotton. 732-07t4.‘ — smoklna,panutI,^5493* ■ f^ - -WENDELL-1-bdrm. housHJ90- —bdrm.w/Wtehor>S220/rr>onio.- -RUPERT------^------TWJN-FALL9 2 bodroom,-.-- -lo- ca tio n on.BaiylAvenuo.___ aUhL i Wm>r2 batnjTjfrrgg TWINFALL8------TWIN FA LLS^bdnn.fon / $17S0 pornxxiin onyoor :. S380. od yard. 245 W ashingtoioton avail., $425 a month, utibitlls. N opals. C a li825^179*rd* Taking applications forlor-' >Wlf^f^AlLS Nowor------; 1 bath. Stovo, rofrig, DW 4 i- mobllo homo. No^00,7 p 1526WniorAvo.E.S : --loasaorSISOO por month— dop.— -$ 500.733-13Sar 731 -23<•2343 - lo c i, $J60dop. 636-6264 •— vrtilllnQ Ual,-1 * a bd rmrn. .-____ 2 bdrm. duplox. carport.’• •W/D.-Nopot8.-732-0e95.* ■ L'ona'lorm . S525~+ 51^' GOODING Low incomc a. util. rm. No emoking/pols. on leaso-oplion. Call for *..• Coll 543-8342 ------WENOELL 3 bdmi. 2 bat “V” opts, valloy Pnrk Apta. ___ TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm. M>ih oubsldiiod,; 1 bdmi opts, 436.5682- $42Vmo.-CalI 733-3742 ’’ TWIN FALLS Claan apt.I- details. rm. mo- 1 b a th . W /D . a p p la: . NoN houso, $500 doposit an ot Wool Sido Court, Foi Larp) 2 bdrm. AC, DW. BRAWLEY REALTY 6U h l ------TWJN FALLS 2 bdrm. Omn lat mo. rent. 240 2n ^ tWIN FALLS Porrlnv nENTIIIAroyoucro; ’ato lot. BmokJno/pots. S575/mi sonior &/or disablod."5 SARATOGA B prIvLlc. W /D, o p p ls. No0 734-5858* crozy? *’*'0 fwhio on prhroto ; Avo. Call 736.2981 msc'afl- Cloan nlco nolghborhood. School aroa. -spaoloua,'• peta. Downtown. $450 * = Why ront wtion you c , walor Galt 734-3330 aftor 6pm J TWIN FALLS 20x24ft. 3u con W/0 hookup, air, w ri or 539-2984 days.* ___ walking distanco to Ridloy atlll new 2 bdrni. 1 bath.Jl dop.734.5781or324.3S22 ’ • - own an odofdoblo 2 1>bdrm paW. no pels. $400 ♦ JW INFAirsaftdmCBs^5 5 0 . ___ w /P h r ^ i fp. larpe ------$50/mo-ConcrttlaJloor. , w/now carpot, frosh;h“palnr p' ~poalt. can733-44Sr1 _____ +S350dop. Noamol 1^^ Now 2 ft 3 bodroom fenced yard, AC. No peta. » - Call 735.0473. ond brand now Ool 9 ttons now fbr waiting list, > 2 bdrm. W/O hookupa. « jrma. 2 Ing/pets. Call 423-6341}340. 7® Coll Shlrloy 934.4986I0 0 Apta. • ^ 5 0 . Coll Rteh 736^ 1 6 4 ’ ,• TWIN FALLS Storage’uriu khchon cablnotg Oakon TWIN FALLS 4 bdrmfoncod 420.1488 o r 420-5950.* No pots. 351 2nd Ave.W. ’ otiady 7 0 'X* 140'ono lot bath. Jomlly rm. fon 5 wookdaya bo)oro noon. S495/mo, -f dep. Nathan: lor rent. 5000 eq fl with . uppor storage ond ofllco • S39.900 CollJrm.I lot. yard, no smoklna/p2 ^ ^ ; TWIN FALLS 4 bdrm,m , 2 EDEN 1 bdrm $325 or Stu>tu- S m . p o ts a n d sm o k in g *••••••••••••• 734-6230 oftor 5:00 p.m.* iry- OK. Equol Housing :F^t^^3's’cfnfo?“ '" spaco. Locotod at 1920 Barkor Roatlor^ 543-^iw371 S700.mo.dop.7346 or 737-3969.•011 737- 1 yoar looso require m . 2 All utils, Incl- Cloon, qulotlot- community laundry. 651 S a rato g a Dr. - •FALLS APTS.* off stroot parking $375.00 r: Call 735-6373.‘3.* TWIN FA LLS 6 b d r m .; a n d P h o aaan t Vlow 1 WANTED to ronl garage, ’ HAQERMAN Lg, 2 be - bfllh, noar CSI. $76060 •* No smoking, $500 dop.3P- Call Tuos.-FrI, 1-1 pm,n, 735-1600 UAtN FLOOR 1 bodroom dl Townhomea, opt. now corpot, paint, noodod for wood shop. dmlno room, 130 E.r Hi TWIN FALLS NICo StK dopoail. Coll 326-37&1.*n.* Avail. 7/1. Coll 732-0360'iO* . C odoraA pta. ; appis, oloctric hoat. walor; J can 734-4959 Ivmoasoge.-, mian Avo, S450 837.6 2-car gorago, foncod j S 2150 Main St. _ » H e a r t h o q u i eit t 1,2,3 Bdnm. $349-495 if-bM A Nq smoklno/pots.Its. ■ TWIN FALLS 8 bdrm, ocro Som e DW& W/D hookups. Includod. no pots. $375.00 E HAZELTON In fo o 3bc n 934-6141 TDD l£» roo ♦ ogo. commordaVdomostic Laurel Park ApartmontsIts Spacious and cloon. THE MOMT 7330739* | t'.i bnths, flnrago. 3S4! bdrm. 1144 Wondoll Sl. $700•8220* ront/soll. Cair733-1359. 1-600-377-3520 EHO’ S450-f S350dop, Call 734-82. - J 170 Maurice Stroot No pots- 734-6600 TWINFALLS I S400 dop. 825-S717- “ Twin Fan# TWIN FALLS Groat 2 bdm “ HEYBURN twir^ FALLd 1 bdmi. w /d1 EXCEPTIONAL units O t. it HOLLISTER HI------TWIN FALLS BUHL 3 bdrm. apt, avail. 3r 734-4105* HALLS Trallor Park in icos & w/garago. $495 * doposil Ront bosod on incomo,,■ Taking applications for _ hookup, stovo & rblrlg. 2140 Elizabeth Blvd. now , 3 bodroom. 2 bath, sti 1-3 bdrm. oppllnnco:$485 • Rofs. No polo. 326.6698’ Wondall Lots avollablo , stovo. garogos with moat. $41 Z L . Coll 543-8833, wailing list, 1.2 . & 3 bdrm,m, TWIN FALLS 2 bodroomm Qomgo. No pels, $400 -f point,’ Porgo flooring a n d , rolrig. conlrol oir/hoat. [V • opts. Mountain Viow E ast _____ dop, 423-4532’ $150/month, S/W Poid. ? ? ’• ^ S875 mo, plus doposit. J.W .IN.FJVLLS.Laroa.;j a .3 . ■EqunlHousina.OppoflunltyJ MJ______m bath.______corpot,.groat llveoblo ' Hatfuwa PruportyMoi ^ 67e;sT4-f* 7 “ 2 atory townhom o. apartment. $550 * dop. -ofdora smotl traitors 734-4334 Mgmt:- -Hallowa P r^ rty Wgf"flmL bcinn. 2 bath, utils, poid ■rtviNf^ALLai or2bod-" wolcomo. Coll 536.6556* 734-4334 Sl300-f S650 doposit.t.” '**' BURLEY JEROME Cloan 1 bdrm.. room. $550 ♦ dop. In- No pota and no smoking, J JEROME 3 bdrm. 2 t dTnTT Call 733-096O- Atfordoblo sonior ;• S650.$715/mo- doponding''0 cludos utllitos, 260.2118* BRAWLEY REALTY JEROM JI E Froo irallor' nowor mobllo homo,2 baih TWIN FALLS 2 bdrr •ntco. Ulils. paid. S475 mo. spoco. Includos wator ------housing, 62 and ovor, C0II324.9413.’ , onoptlons.+SCSOdoposrt - 734-8858* - J pols. Long torm SSO jorogo tvv in FALLS N.E. arot•'*>“ NBA Syrlngo Plaia __ 1189 Imperial. Enclosod?“ tw iN f a l l s .------&sower. Power avail. CaH dop. 324-890a'543-83 in c o d l a r g e 3 bdrm,. 2 bath ° 1, 2, 3 bdrms. olovo. rofrig TWIN FALLS 404-6S47 ' a fle r 5 pm lor. r l ^ o W/Dhook.-up,fonc l i « ; utilillos, spacious,f. JEROME-t-& 2 bdrms.s. garago, fenced yard, con­ No poto $350 Ulils. pd. I, yard, no pole/smoklioklng. contral vac., sprlnkloi*,'0‘ multl-purposo room. Subsidies whon ovailablo.lo. to l AC o n d h e a t. W /D in all. DW. W/D hookups Info, Loavo m ossogo.’ JEROMECioan 3 bd ___ aysiom. Lots of STOR- in m ost, microwavo, oxcopt power.736-1980 ~ 1'^ both, full basombdrm. i 733-8076 or 420-1972 Activo rosldont commit-t- EHO, Coll 208-324.3464-.4*. hookups. Oulot. comfort- KIMBERLY Slnglo wido Irm, 1 A G E . I o n c o d y a/ r d “ .• too. f bodroom opart- TT obfo. roomy. Most ma/orn'r gorogo/ carports with TWIN FALLS Im m aculata foncod yd. S700.324-3: TWIN FALLS 2 bdrmr. go. S995/mo, $1000 dop. ' JEROME 2 bdrm, 1 bath 'r somo, $400 - $625 mo. ; and now OW spacos 'OP- monts, EHO, handicap " appis. included. No smok* 2 bdrrn hugo wotk-lnciosots avail. „ Friendly vllloge. Mo- JEROME Largo, cloar>, bath, woshor/dryor.r pots. ( 308-0705 or 735-8088.* ^ bosomont apt. $500 ,11, plus doposit. $450* 420-1523/73*-3399‘ g or>, rago. no smoking or pc ^ __ accossiblo, $300 dop. Rofs. No pots/ ing ploaso. Small pot will bilo Estates. Enquiro 3 bcfrm. 2 both, gora Jf 3 Call nowl 677-t204* ‘r bo considorod. Avail. In Hallows Proporty MgmL ; no pots. 5685. 543-91!lorago. S675-► dop. 1600I®.''’ 8 TWIN FALLS Nowor3 J smoking. Ulllitios paid, 1" 734-4334 TWIN FALLS Largo 2 about o freo 1 mo. roni. •9196‘ Avo. E, Call 734-7647.'zL __ bdrm. 2 bath, foncod yd. ^ 734-8821 days 324-^47*i July. Call Lori 326-3121* bdrm. 1V4 bath townhouso. Call 423-5253.* JEROME Paradiso On 1. totol A/C, closo to Ponino. ^fo No BURLEY Cloan 1 bodroom - TWiri FALLS ------Noor CSI. $475, 734-4120 ^ 3 bodroom, 2 baih.0 1 / ''’° ' TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm. tc - t w in f a l B ------TWIN FALLS Singlo wido p and smoklne'pola. $750/ mono S275. 2 bodroom $300,0, JEROME 2140 Elizobolh 2 bodroom_ 2140 Ellzabolh, Bidg. 6 garago. Laundry hook; J . oloctric. S495 ♦ dop a , . Subsidy avollablo, EHO ApL A & D Spacious with TWIN FALLS Vory cloan ssp aco s avail. Camoo Mo- 53.* * SSOO dop. 734-4541.’ 10 2 bodroom, 1 bath, stovo.0- 2 balh, $500 + deposit. opt, w/gorogo. AC, W/0 b 55 a oldor, Piivoto or 'O'- Co" AM 734-5063.' -1— Coll (208) 678-7438’ roldg, $350 plus doposit, covorod parking, now bllo Estatos. Inquire obout Call 324-3733.* ■(boin TWINFALLS '' Crodit chock & loaso roq, hookup, no smoking/pots. (>fmo 1 mo. ront. 734.8064’ TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm. (bl • Hallows Proporty Mgmt.•• 750 Sporks 2 bodroom paint, $550 -f doposil. No b o lh . CUIET NEIGHBORHOOD,OD, oDYNAMITE* smoking, 2 bdrm. Ih both, closo to == KIMBERLY Cloan 2;------Ol lrg . m ootor) 2 boiiving 2 bodroom plus homo, 1 bath, $460 ♦ doposil. CSI.208-731-9214,’ t boddroom W/D» nppl; mo, . oSPECIALS* 715 Honoy Locust 14. . □ols '0^00 corpotod llvli JEROME* WINDWOODD 736-8503 or 280-2752 * S400/mo-^,dop 420-16; 1 & II* liro placo. g a s hoat. largoirgo :i:Coot & Convonlont l: nlco 2 bdm i, 1 both. $450. 'TWIN FALLS Very clear). M 1 ifi'ifl" fOO’’’ - dining roomroom, & yard, applloncos, W/0 APARTMENTS brary or compuior roo V/0 AirConditioning! * doposit, luxury 2 bdrm. 1 bath, ■ KIMBERLY I bdrm. c >rs in hook up. patio, ga ra g o . 921 South Davis, Nowf ITWIN FALLS I 1. cot- Noturol wood lloors igo, Dishwashorsll •••••••••••••• 203 4th St. N. Sludio. oxtroo. No omoking/pots. TWIN t u FALLS Houoo to logo w/loll, gorogo. nollo. ofl stroot parking, outsido 1 taking applications lor . 1. igo. & m osior bdrm . & dinoli Jido Walk to Shopping / WorkI $315 + deposit. Starta at $495, 735^)473 Shoro, d privolo both. $350 niorago. now corpoi icont pot possiblo. $600,00 2 & 3 bodroom units, Ront HOUSESIZEAPT. •poi a Ouiol oroa, adlQCO FAWNBROOK APTS. 1625 S h o u p E. «2 2 bdrm. i incl, Ulilitos- 733-7631* now polnl. No pols. SS :lolod, CLOSE TO SCHOOLS.>. 6 Call lo loaso your 1, 2. 3I subsidized by HUD, Rontf,, Immoculolo 1 & 2 bdrm. TWIN FALLS-NEW & UKE . $525 grass lot. Jusl romodok II. Loundry. Storogo & 1 both, $450* doposil. NEW $710 mo. 3 bdrm, 2 r = ♦ doposil. Colt 423-541 & on- bodroom unit. 2 W baths,ths. bdrm opt today basod on Incomo for oli- 5 4 1 1.' Dbl. pono windows & 0 G arage Porking, No smoking, balh. gam go, patio, oppls. ^ KIMBERLY 4 bd;m. 1 ba r c h . ga ra g o , sm all yord, Ilro 734-1600 gablo households. For in- BRAWLEY REALTY 1 bath- closod Ironl porelop, -> placo, no pots, S ^ .O O lomwiion ond opplications,3, 736-2478 or 734-4339* OW. W/0 hook.up. AC. ■ Gorogo & barn. S50C5 0 0 * S650/mo. Loaso * dop. 0 647 Fawnbrook Avo, Evos, & wknds, dop. Oil hoot. 733-443( THE MGMT 733-0739*39* I LjjSlSlSJlgJSOJtiblOj^EHO^J (208) 324-4929. EHO.’ ••••••••••••••• Opon Modol 24101 ■ 1436* rols. 734-6245* Dovo 324-4603* Sunriso, Coll Chuck 733- t = 8207. Tonni 734.4012.’ C O N N E C T I W ITH , C U S T O M E R S W H O V d I S I m ' ai N EED ^ JTraggjH JEROME Holiday Moiol Undor now manogomonl. YOU R Nlco. cloan. comfortoblo SE R V IC E rooms, 401 W, Main, A dvertise In - 324-2361’ t h e TWINFALLS $120/woek ■SToTBiaBBniSia^nSBlBv 1 porson, Rolrig, & HBO, S e r v i c e Copri Motol. 733-6452* D ire c to ry TWIN FALLS S105/wook 733-0931 7 ext. 2 ISB5BSIBB $375f nio, Quici mkaowovo. rofrtg, a utits,lnd.73£-f9Sa ROADHEAD TWIN FALLS MOTELS HORSE SHOEING 3000800£OFHUMOn SEEKS OUTOOOtO LOOtONO FOn 2353^^11^ovEHTune w. Nigfiily. doily/wookly rolos Now Nov to Iho aroa. 543-48C0’ AOV WAmNOFORYOU. W o m < ient»/SWF. ai, V»50, irnolw, ofi|Oy» SF. 5F.3 31,5'4". roOtxcwn. lovos Bin outdoors, cnnMnoriQ, SWF.ro.CKYJi^mij.wi.can’fw'’’fw'O h*»ig orwn oU SWF.VF. S!U, SV. Icng Hond Mr. btoe ayea. 248 2 2nd Avow. 733-5630* CATTLE gS’ l5hoodRog-Jor- (. n o n a^joro. Mens rur*ig. hor»M>4C* iK*ano SrK*i>9 lar.lv.5lvk»iones,MicorB,lior>«t»,nii■J. fvinJ-wotljng rrMlo lor no hxa. wiOi man) ------— ------OWjKwig, oua kramei.: rciiunu:. tncere S'-', no Ou^. tooOJOJg a o «tnn.w.7 ___ SM. v>cs. wfwv^'vnnta i lo ipend OTetoScw, to ^TWIN FALLS Rooms, soy so Springor Hoifors duO U Seeking MS. lo Monaiv tm. poutMo' LTIt »»«n arO coerM qualfy Wt^lT3372in IXrSHAVEFI^ 'fUN Inonasfiv, !*»»«isaiilyrm W3M771 ____ 590/week, microwavo. July&Aug.541-J73-2977’ Ju i g M e n ■ Ccsontnc. enorsjote SWF. Si. emev» Ueramrs, ______rofrig, Ulililios pd. Coblo ^ COOLOfTDeY------:------' m u a c ARC VOU sfiu. SEAnCKINa? ' au7«e>. Seeking SWM ^ CATTLE Pollod Horolord SP. fren»x c MUCT'liKE K » i Employed, Emtf ntopondnnt OW. 40, cn(oy» Ko. TV. no P0ts,1201 Kimbor- Bulls, n. popors ovailablo, TOTI. (nOepmJoni. Afi6t, nav doondocn. mrrmer SeoUno SW . 3S* lor Inorw J o^inal OaTOOM__ M e n ~ | ^ly Rd. orcM ir735.0232’ art] oooO trm* r B jyok * , . ' li» man, 19-77, very r»Soo«na#ot»«> CWcanngt«r«>».andlovn 0430305______roasonablo. 326-5339 man ««Ii wnftw Buxin >cure c i* gOOOfttflfVKJ a/™*!!/ mnhn■rd IT oiiMoor aONW. g4M7DO ------Dorrr oaeax myMYHEAnr i Q a o I t i loavo mossago,’ ...... ' LOST UV SUPI KMQKT Vi SHNNO ARMOn SWF, 51, 5V, tono^rtMnbfcjebkj,. Lao, NS. O W t Sking m W om j^ s JUPPSR .. • . ----- FUU.OFUFE ■ EducEdue««). ur>o»na)e. Wrxl'-lotoaomo. Ikhcneil " " aatia. CDOl^no SemiM Carnal•lalicnoelWW. ^7-55, ^ ^ HOFTs-E'Byr.oldQH SWT. 40 *1*1, tvuO iwrtjno lo K«1e«*iBn. tn fa lemolg. Cl. SWF,SWF, 37. Hii. linQln mcm. venI vria. lurcr.rer. ond No,gamB^pluts 0340!) RUNO THAT TRAM I M «r«> o rto Cfoni. r-*>rto» efcer, e •><.w4. I kMs ct*3ien. annuls, cooiuna. cudiudrtoo ' “ UFECANOEPl e ' ^ ------SWM,22.ff1*,C«t*, brmn har. K/iI drMar, homeO*ner, ■ goldlng. Almost 16honds, lr*»»B lutj Lvr*|f I Uve h«no hng >Me lerrMie, SMI7, rvn- SeeiuSMi^SMJC-tO.lorparli^^i V43CHia ig,h<>v»igluvcarrpng SaeUrgSWF. _ Roady to go In any diroc­ twcjuon « braot, H4ax(w lia 3fM.5-ir,rFwe«x,t«Mn»Bi.lttlM.oopy9nw)m. uisual ielaiionU>«, poutitf more. Q y^termmaientfn) OWg&O______!•____ _JbmECtLADY______n>aano. Irne wth ny 0»ldren. S« BUHL 2 bodroom. 2 both in lion. mo Groot in hills, $2500- AOrrSHY Goto,CmTyOm3> e ScoU^o wrrmona loifcirtli ci **'’ tpoeut- Fitent■»nd,.'po,U« I.TF. dop. No pots. 543-6764. wwr.'.vr*,!rw»» OOOnoii u r v « nyr. 1,-oJoi Srsi r«op« trw «75______(BQ h^«r, gocd fcalerw, wfh.ivch. marndoo, (^ivos. Lpa. aiid « , e<>(oy» gctf»ig. rnovwi, m ui. tiTW 731-5584 or 543-8087* ""■HORSE 10yr-old Rog, Pe­ ff«. bojcJ' MTWMmnfH part.4. u boawx), tunseo Se«*«ng gonooman. PP t 4f 3 3 0 ? 3 ______" WAMISTOENJOYiOYUFC------S S T O ’Sorg i " dnrea. lan. 10001 evem. Meta _ ruvian Paso golding. rerv-p/rWrj 5VAI 3CM5 v».»«i uuci r v « S.,okFXI --- *1*1 eomnone cjmcmJ Fi»»*>/n[ 5^.34,50_^tw iw ______Ji JEROME 2 bdrm. 2 both y© lor LTH B467574 >^i vaKm onfv» 2i-40 W «W « SHAHE KTEriESTS ' SF. £03. 5 tr, CrowntAo, Hun Yoarling Sobino & youth UAWmnE^ ' ' AMAO«nairou» SWF, Z!, Taime. norvtnwkw., rxiiovsr>r (jood cenveiMlon, more Soe*u»>K*»ig inontty, hdnett , AB8YOUTMEO»iE7 singlo 8 wido. a p p is, incl. soiSOddlO.131/2’438-5622’ . A GOOD *9cnlSWF.«9,Mr,brw\t*>e,V^, «MOoa * » acCvM, wsha. r*jrti, lor LTn trt«a7 _ arxSWF. 1IV30.agreaIperKiiv HORSE 11 yr. old- moro, U7C*4n w>p^s W«>a. ca «*« 37. uo, nonvnotar, ifTwg,B(*3 wYlmg UeekiX] cre- caoromoroMi W « 2 * C C _ ___ SEEKS KKDANOaboENTii— — fl______TWIN T\ FALLS Look do an 2 o, outdoor* &ookj^ pcf*», gwvTvrw^ ^AwoNoennjLwoniD l onyono can rido. Paint t^rdx. arrvaUM man aCMi rvue. corMen. ul mon. 45-05, nen- READY FOn A COMMTTUENT • ■ • An/aciM. sr. »«, str. I35«n. bdrm. swam p coolor, nlco he cofT f horoo rogistraiion. color. usual reWicncnD Q43«f S«C wrMf. tol 0 AovEwiimEOf U fi uitour. »e«U WKI, 30-30, cnvAer, «tV3rt ntooa SeeWng tal. LEt^O'^ ACOUAWTtO UtOmOraTsOMbNE r HORSE 18 yoor old OH pLry o-vrm.^lv on»-o0 US. tertv> a kjo, u nom*, tff ^ quel GWF, 33, 5 H o t xui.ryoer6eman,35-M>.uw*»r.~to OWF,3WF, 45, 5T. ICCte, V»DO. NS, «non bro«n itufTyoj u s. enpsys JoixJrn. l'-2ll*>a.Wor*lWuo,HS.Sa(;tla/»», % maro, cutting horso. Ci*>V9 c.v»X'0 ''-.fwD oafOi*-na. tor cnual (Uino. poattf e«eUwe*a WM. 45-55. US, 10 ipond nvcfwioj0» and actMbos nnd cowitry Ko. 5«el«i ng WF. 23-39, NS, lor Irwxk/iC and ■ n«i c^Mux^ 0/1 Afv3 CT.lftS to UCI(^. k *eek«rx» inOIUtM 43, lamlyonortod, lor LTn 04CCC100______■ Poporod, Coll 423-0960 uPForisou'df COMPANION WM^O SPECIAL FRIENIlENOa SPECIAL ^ SOMEONE 5! or 731-0144,’ ic ruff? CO* ' 'svt^w ou' oka rm opooal la(V, SF, 18-. «4io rronvlj I /t ca/TVrq. W»k#SW.»4S C'.. SF. M, eo|Or»jal <2 anr*jng SeeW^ SW. »«h t Meirt: poertie LTn tWBaiau to *>o<*cnd and evnnno aaiy« Olfico & Retail 23, «em a.'i» I w ...... »cnsfni_0^1J4Cn______TIMEmYOU $700, Coll 206-670-8981 j,------NauBfjoDfiJM.SJM,U,ST,medumtuid.riS.lvea Hammaek H Management . or 208-3I2.1280- ConWoi*. Mcuro. iiUoponJonl 734-4339 or 342-7368 J L l liug. lorwtl- 1un-tov»io, Urcua nr »i^pmgO«oi»75______TWINFALLS TY Ssuiloslrom HORSE 4 yr. groon broko »AN FOO AU SEASONS 3 block/whllo point moro. «ondV SWM. *3, ST. IOO«>i. 250 *= sq. ft. to 2240 sq, tt. w/colt. loads & shoos woll, OREAT'OUTIXX}” 555 ------sa5s-,'”s ; w/4 olficos ovoll. .75c/oq. • SWTF. 27,5T, average tula. n«e erffft norvang oU. Unity, diMKino, V Grool 4H prospoct. S2000, \VOL >. icmanca SeoUro txno. horweL ,ft,/mo. I 1st mo. ront froo LTCAiS Ox> aOMDe*. SMlurn SVM,! "Z. s r s s 2 5 s : WF, 35-47, to pouSe LTR, Call 487-2248* lortittrWui 0y» Vida, muUc. nxMOfc new professional ofllco u ET tinwl Sooknu uvera, eaareUf» WCM. 3».31, to epoffa. ■P4?aiS7 H, oxporioncod ondur- spaco. Eastlond Holghls . LTn 03?CW73_ ''MRENT Of ONE s onco/lroil horso. Porfocl Subdivision (S, of Andor- for intormodiato rIdor. k SWF, 3?, e»m, t*»iOe n», ai7«' SWM.43.140*a.«(a.arloyicsrrGino.br^o.'vwia son • t;umbor) $ 1.10/sq ft. §17 NEV ^ . UiM hoTMCuKk ncVn, outdoor*. SMMng S1700, 775-738-3520.* \N SSe^SSiririnSSl"*""** *Includoa basement stor- _1L 6 Soio LTR TramTO _ ZSCtM. CXDMI hair. Vk?). ura»M. TWIN ' ^ FALLS Prim e olfk:o HOR DEMY COMPAN' suites downlovm. Starling boaulilul ooa more 5 yr. Nor­ DOI Outoona, Aonoet SWF, 70, S'4*. 1; fromf; 200 sq . ft. oflico to wegian "<>£ forolom. Horse of ING NS. er>iv) dononn Milo. tho Vikings brown lino and irare SeeUng uvt7i«ig., horhonott tnen^. Und ------~'RiWWTTOMEtm Jdoluxo sultos. .85e sq, ft. j*’® Includos ulils, 639-4907.* Oocbock Dunn w/ bold an- *' ~ ‘' miENOSW FBW — cloicloni markings. Groon THE= SWF. » . ST. 12SIX aiixim h broko 14 hands stout would moko mnt. horse. ^>nM,SO.O«ninl,na>«nii«r, ■ — ssi'strs,L caflng lor anmala. SaeUng Mna H S2000- Trir. $1000. Pkg. »r«[^ prt«>onicniita, pMtane/ P doal buy horso & trir. got SAIV 11 /U. 30-«, lor mend- conry Mng t»«M) rwiN FALLS Prime busi- FIroo hoy $2800,737-0604* ^E 1 Iflp tTa?07D5 ___ __ — smoNROW RELATIONSHP ninoss location avoil. now.' ------^ A ...... smTatfwst WM, 21, Nfl. cmptoyed, ar«>yt *, ■“ HORSE SALE Jdoort, MJiio. b < ^ good araa, Approx 2500 sq. ft. r OLE tMrg. troMt. teetanp wreeLS Kjrv 3 . T S S S ■3S. oei UmMr MatMia. to lun w«j 225 Main Avo. E. TWirrWlN FALLS LIVESTOCK r»htljtr43j?71______Call 733-6609’ C0^COMMISSION COMPANY 3 WHAT a UFE7^ 7 ' ' “ ’ F,FAW.YMAN , Friday. June 28 Oulooing WF, 24, ST, tn?nnm t hair, huel aye*. SWM, 49. S'S*. l45t«,L«},Hre*ar,MMaV^.3S-145i TWrWIN FALLS canpna noUng oU. w gcodt>TFFICE/SHOP - 2400 6:00 p.m. ■ i n dntgnisr, mute. S«eUna WM. : Solo Ordor IMG, Udi, Inr InenriUi^ tru sq.ft. with ovorhood THII VXV707 rUHERE ?! Tock-Roglstorod-Grado U f l ou n iw eJ WM,5'10',1(lil3«.ai doors, foncod, ■*ig oU. long d im Gm Uw v(/F. 3>4S wVAREHOUSE * - 5.000 Checl:hock In rogistorod horsos ii-fcn^ypViTc^ |o?;i«l.«*o72^ sq.ll.. h o hoat, by5:30p,m , 630 RaRroad Avonuo ______WM- 38, tM* hi4hurV^l'M^amMigoutXsn. ^Hl■HOP* 4,000 sq.lt., 4 ovor- ~ UKETOKHOW13W1 locuig to a ostt0« d gaL 30FFICE- WAREHOUSE, 208-733-7474i , convira nuic. (Arg and kx«M 'lonb FATHW 71 new way to i S-US. ham m a. UaDU. nooMl. I*, KXM. trm n k ^ »i eia •« . J7.800 i, sq,ft.. foncod. HOR/eye«..yo., M Ipo, "aAURRUOSHMaC? M sq py San Badger/Sugar really easy, a antly, it's funI . ^ ured ^VS, •>«>»• Mila,mjHc.mDVKovieteanvnaWi- SM. 37. ff. lOSfcfc Bam brod, Roody lo go to and most Importar »^andnmVwn6«eWioSM.2S<.2tM3.hor»aet.ca»- nxiK». moviea. !^$S*yqia wn* « r£nS*S3Sio SF, ^11 Stava for rhora Info. wortc ‘ $2500 coll 768-2522’ rH t r g07t< ofnaMtfAMn.lOan, 10 itiare lun ime* iMn, poiiMi Ion th e ao a n d oth e rs. w LTTt iraTVTf1______^ — Ha :ORSE TRAILER 1984 O u g « ^ m svff.ia, i3st».aoft BTEPBYffTCP "Charmac c £ ; S/horse, goose ■ >. hoTM*. canvrg. ' Ho» muU you » • To becomc nock, great condition. ie a member, c gwyy hmI ^ W 7 s »n*ig mo» F = s s m s n g s s s y ? $4500. (208) 878-8613* .- J ' LS11TAUCc LOVaOUTDOORd LOVI ' OuQotngSWF.Ol.ST'.iaOba.vnr,vn»*r.«r(o

------^^.:Friday^Jy , J u n e 2 1 ,2 0 0 2 ...... — m m m HEhACESONiJBRID G E*— i,^Bobby W o l f f ______H»JI [ j • il 7 “Who wiwill not be deceived musiu si N O R THI 92IA ...... have asae many.eyes.as haira on..ot ...... 7 . ______hishead.xxd.’’ . V K Q Jf 9 i , ------. 7 5 . ------German prouert HAGERMAN Fri & Sal 8-5 TWINFALLSV, Sat 9-9 TWIWIN FALLS Frl 4 Sal 8-5 TWIN FALLS Snl, 7-nDon . . ^ K 1 0 99*2 ; YardY Sale sectional couch SiSun 1-7 Antiques, collocii- Hunhunting, fishing, cam ping Kid's ■ W E S T ’ EAEAST w/ matching rocliner, lovo • blOD, t oroa rugs, lam ps. equtpmoni, oq tools, kitchen, b a b “You»u ffell for his crude gairibU,” soot w/ matching chair, 1 light ll fixtures, cook book, iims. im loto of mIsc.Muat irim voni It.” 4k 9 5 «♦ 10 6 4 3 2 ANTIQUES, drossors, bed yr old riding lawn mowor cold Iinona. dishes, tablos, sea set It to bellava ll. vood wooc blinds, fumiiuro chastiseiIsed East. “Had you taken:en v lO 7 5 2 V¥ 6 3 frames, chairs, both & w/ irailor, and much moro, frangoiop, rocking chair, Homo .alao for aafe. olmi note of)f myr diamond return, you■OU' ♦ K J 9 3 ■ ♦ A 8 2 llghling fixturos, picturo ' 180 Lake St.* cenionainmonl contor, ?539E.3800N, 67 O’Leary Way’ - 205 Cloar Spring Dr. 2 would havehn known he was baitingihg ♦ 8 6 4 4i A 5 3 ' Iromos,.mirrors, loaded JEROME j Fft.6-4Sal,6-12 m 2 miles W, of Hospital fwVIN irT FALL'S Sat -7-noon gloss bricks, books. Indi­ Annual PEO, Chapter E Rlghl p on 2600 E. left on 2G00E. ImnoS,* you.” vidually and lalrly pricod, > Brooklano. Follow signs' st could have defeated the SOUTH All p r o c e e d s go tow ard — WIN FALLS Frl A Sat 9-7 c io a . : : West< ♦ A Q 8B (olfors accoptod). All mini •scholarships. • Multipio TVTWIN FALLS Fri ^ Sal 7-3 Lots of goodies misc( game. WhatWl clues did he m iss to? 1 condilion. Also S.S. Jow ­ families. Lots of atuifiil Multi Family, lor everyone. l i olry. looihor hldos, pot- Washor, Dryer, stove re­ Westi.st led from strength and hit 6 4 601 E. Main * Wi 220 Taylor St. - Twii5~ • the jack]ckpot. East took his dia- tory, stonowaro, plants. frigerator, good loys, ? oroa rugs, looihor roclin- JEROME "! Frl.Sat. 9-5pm. clolhos, i' campor trailor, ™WIN FALLS Fn and Sat. Hugeluge family ynin Somolhing lm mond ac(ace and returned the eightis or, coiiociibfos. Coll for 3 ' Family Salal Gontly lots ol miscolianoous, 3ackyordsalo!Bunkbod. salo through}h South’s I porous holding,lg. Vulnerable: North-Soutf oppt,arvJinfo.312-2033- usod | boby toys, books, 1563 Cottonwood St.’ clolhos, kids to adults, ovor; (Baby •uth, cloihoo, twin doy bod, — oys. knick knacks, books. kilch(llchon . However,/er, instead of playing a rou*m* Dealer South BUHL Ffl-Sun 0-73-Fomliy Papa\ Son & TV chair. TV TWINJ* PALLS Fn- Sat 8-4 170W laem an.* cloihc micro- Wo'vo movod *ioed to soil 1 Sinir stoppor, cnb stroHors, twit : . tine lO.), SSouth playe^ a deceptiveve tables, bookcasos. books *1/ /VIN FALLS Ffi-Sat 8-12 queen!: West W swallowed the bait.lit. T h e bidding: Murray (iCing fawn mowor womon'o 1 clothos, size 10- lots of childron clothos, 4 '! 38*. W oodon c o so 6 4 Family Yard Snlo TWINVIN FALLSI Sat. 8-12 He took)k his1 king and cashed his 16, Housohold Iloms & miscolianoous baby irnituro Appliances, and giiisclo ’1® South West Northrth E a s t gal.. Birks Boor B ottles misc., 810 ISth Ave.E.* "J jack, expexpecting the suit to run. Irom Chicago, 2 woodon -- 339 Hoybum Avo. W,*. nuch moro. micro norf lor IN T P ass 2 A Pass JEROME Sat. Q:30am-7 • S07 Alturae Dr. N* - > 00-<0 - 0 2 ------U nforturtunately for the defense, wheels 4 axlo for E ssex •** TWIN FALLS Fn-Sat 8-4 2 ♦ P a ss 3 NTr All pass car. Bcouiiful .1x6 woven 40yrs.tronsuro3. ** nood ™ VIN FALLS Fn-Sat 8-3 sowiftg pellcrtia South’ss 101( became a stopper, nndnd room for more. Camping. Small S/y appliancos. houso- q"' 'Elk pattern- tapostry ' hold iloms. clothing, 4 gnntic 5 Family salo South hnd time to win nine tricks.^ Opening lead: D iamondd ttthree ♦ smaller ono, Hond doc- lishing. | golf, household, )mpuier, pnnlor. kilchon 743 ''*• Alpha Circlo- loois, automoiivo, Tmrscellaneous. le m s , b o d d in g , lo y s , TWIN/IN FALLS1 Sat H-1j)rVi Had1 WestW. examined E ast’s dia- orated corousol horso. ' 1605 Grandview Dr. N. m ond re ret tu rn more* closely, he ■ Old loalhor hido-a-bod. 245 Big Vlow E. -V lOys, Clolhos, ond ions of Namoarno brand children and B ID W ITH T H B5 ACESA< (Big Llttlo Ranchos) • Spacea22 4 23 iisceiionoous. womc would hahave recognized South’s (good condilion) usod __ Countyside Village' omen's clothos. babv Whirlpool w ashor.lots of je 476 Falls Avo W,* occoccossorios 4 miso' clever deception.dei When EaSt re-e- 02IU JEROME SQlurday8-4 = household miscellaneous, Mulll ui Family Largo Vorioty TWIN T\ FALLS I "Twii^ “ f ALLS Fri-Sun 8-5 irnituro, turned the thi diamond eight, he an­ 500 11th Ava N. ' Cl 498 Buckingham.- __ '?■ South holds; Childrens clothes, coots. F r i . & S a t . 9 : 0 0 - ? Mistlisc. homo 4 yard items nounceded he did notiiegin with 543-6159- rolrigorntor. ri stove, lawn 1 A 10 G 41 3 2 The dealers at 2nd Good siufl! TWIN1N FALLSF Sat. 8-3 f l four diamnmonds. With an original mowor. 1Time Around Antique 141 1 6 th Avo E* Fumtunnituro, antiques, clolhos. f l « V 6 3 2 m ilea N, 5 Milea W, f, holdingI ofol four, the conventional iBUHL Fri. 8-5pm. Snt, 8- 2 r Moll aro having a BIG rwifs?IN FALLS Fn, 4 Sat. oros, lots and lots ,ind f l • ♦ A 8 2 V> m lloa S.- OUTDOORYARD O return at trick two would be the noon.M ons & young __ 8om-5pm, l°'-'- . * A 5 3 mons clolhing. womons jeJEROM E Frl. 4 Sal. 8:30 SALE. ^ From housohold ^Hugo Moving Salel 80S ,, Fairway originalII fcfourth-best. With fewer,’ clothing 10-12. compulor ^ lo aniiquos and collect- p„r (Buchanan)- ,2 North South am to 5;00 pm. Hugo 4 urnituro, books, toys, ______^ Enst returturns his higlier remaining dosk, & misc. 1/3 ml. N. ({(amily. clothes - baby to ,iblos, compuiors. clotlo th o s , p la y p o n , c a r TWININ FALLSF Sal, B-Spm" card. Acccccordingly. South’s queen of Pololins on 2000 rond aadult, household ilom s.. slovos, lix up lurnitufo, JDls. flishos. much moro! Oakk tabletat & chaits. rcltiu.. J* . 2 * ?J * 4240 N. 2000 E.‘ j<,knick knacks, loys. lols & lowolry, ', books, yard 523lls,- --lines 3 “ usod this Spring.,g. COLLECTION Onlyeeri- I .8am-Spm..Mulll-family, ____...... 840 Cento- -2824Hlland ...... ” 30Sniel Baby Iloms, clothos. N >A LLSFr,.& 'Sat. 8- -DOOXs:;iKsrmisCon.iiiuOu;.’>...... sluds, Call324.3126' ___ Center rleera S37. about,ut ous buyers. Coil 732-0664- | ■WIN FALLS Fn, Sat. 8-5 m. ‘ Mulll family. Furn., Pf'con^ii0 altor Ipm, lod 20 sections ol rough 3' BURLEY H ugo M ovin'g fuifurnlluro, knick knacks, craiGrandpa's Treasures HORSES 2 rog. brood 3 ’ JUKEBOX AMI 45 rpm, ! lotsofmisc.f usohoid itoms. golf 3 Shoshone St. s. a ck l^ook & lalch S25 eo. 3 • Salo. Fri. 4 Sat. Juno 21 'Ol 2 bdrm. houso fullof 3. of Depot Grill.- moros, 7 mo. old Jock 3 noodowork. S195 nREW Fi OOD Cul. spilt ' & J 22.8 am lo 4 pm Evory- •___ 117 E ast Ave. G. • OS, clolhos, aniiquos, 0* burrow, mako offor. Call soclions JD borrow on 3. Call 733-6817 o r 73t-4457* and dolivorod. i furniture. Two Doy Blast , “3 1moro. TWINFA ihing musi gol Furniluro, jE p Off. Everything Musi “"‘Ib 1 FALLS Sat. 8am--' " f l 837-G411.- jnrbar. Irrigation ditch•(1 WANTED I buy ontiquos, _ 324-8264 Of 731-4650’ [ lEROME FridaySunday. Off 2652 e th Avo. E.- Kitchenion Items, 1 fumiiuro. - pump 1 h.p. S50. Call dishos, pans, bodding, 7^7am-5pm. Mulll-Family - Go. 162 Clinton Dr. ____ ' ' U.S. coins, atoriing silvor- r rciso oquipitiLHil. rm'i- HORSES Boigiar; loom 324-5856/539-5857.- VCR. Too much 10 list. S sa a le l Com putor, porco- TWI^ N FALLS Fri, 4 Snl. oxorciso 6 yrs. old, mnlchod, wall _ ware & colloctiblos. Bosi m 233 Donnis Drive i.,i WIN FALLS Fn, Sat. 6-7 m -6 p m . M o v in g & tary clolliing.do i bods. biVi.^. . . lain dolts, lurnlluro. mov broko, sound. Work woll. prices. 734-2041 Ken’ ■ (olf East 2 7 lh )- glo Moving, polio salel Baby Y ardrd Salel Fumlturo. sports f ‘J oquipmont clolhos. and misc.I cubcnb, lumituro, TVs. tools, I.E. WN. from D4B Roolstorod aorrol maro,iro, ^ 7nc 747 9th Ave. E. * kiicl |,b.ill=, SIO.OO sprak- ' "Ilf- vory nonllo. woll broko, BURLEY Potko View Caro kitchen noms, lown mow- “ , 3953 N, 3300 E.- lke,’ ARMOIRE Jowolry now and Rohab Contor Annu- jgn 1, crafts, wheoichair, 324-7950 or 539-0712,* _ EROME Sat. 6-3pm. Cnb. 0'’>or, snow= biowor. oniiquos, ivniiinker. 4 Suburban. TWINFA ^condilion SIOO. dark atq Garago Sfllo. Juno 2 i nnd lols morol' m 4 FALLS Sat. 8am.v ■57 ALFALFA SEED Now tryry walnut.(2)Upright Frooz- i, car soatG, highchair, toys, 567 Jolfereon- Annuallual neighborhood m HORSES Champion from 9 am 10 5 pm and name’brand na clolhos. ___ ^1951 llth A v e .E .’ _____I Poinis, Mr. Hord Twlsl Glfi tho bost, Famior to Farm-n- DRY ER B ro n d now Hot orsS250/S100326-3228- ‘ j N FALLS Fn, & Sal. »»loa. At A' 444 M eadov/n ^ f l Juno 22 from 9 om to 2 infnnl- m|; adult, homo docor TWINWIN FALLS Fn. Sal..9-3 tn worid, 3yr oid 10 bnbios,ios or from S.99 por ib. wili‘li Polnl. gas. Don't noedi ni pm. Cloinos, appNancoa, ant sliy childrens items. 9 hugo 6 lamily wD ^ fl . BED Eioctrk:, quoon si20, P and much more. 2 Fomlly Salol 6OO-7O9-3068 8C2-32I2*to- dolivor, Ray OdormotlII SlOO/olfor. 260-S600.- t dishos, housohold itoms ■ Of clolhos and loys, dining P'- rm, set, liuijo ■ - 20a-40s-5ga0 Nampa,- w/chlropraciic matiross & d 415 N. G arlleid.’ L olsol STUFFII! '“ ''T ®, :nmoni of clothcs sizo ■ HORSES K.d6- 1 iS yr.oid _ REFRIGERATOR .Soars . massagor.S499...Aniiquo. r . ote. ° 2303 Pork Ave.------0 stfollcrs and car , Amano, sido by sido. Exc. ^ EROM E S a i; Q,30nriV-7' -225 Buona Vista* i-.naKIts. B ooks and othor ^ Tiduii.'-snoosrDootj:...... - a ^ • - f l QH buckskin goldinQ, i18 B r jPlliM III MIsslon-slylo ook side- BURLEY ai Snt. Juno 22 nnilpoiis,h. Black Hiii;, “ yr. old OH brown maro, cond. $550. 543-2466- board I; $649. Moving 7 W o m o n s n a m o b r a n d TWINWIN FALLS Sal 7-2 miscoicollanoous noms. ^' 7am-2pm, Misc. houso clothos clo 4-up. assortod Furniluro, Fi appliances, 2323■3 Longbow Drive,’ 1. scrubs. Or. Mnrliiis . ' '______Guarontood sound, muet aell. 733-0457- iloms. I, cIoiHos, childron I. icc croam makor, ^ T " boddinti, childrens toys,___ toolloo!s..baby:adultclQitics>- -t w in ^ ------CollM3<130i*------I -iiomsroei-Sandyglon-tn— ja NFALLS Ffl. 7-2pm. light fi.iuios, lixk 30 cup cut- ' day bod's' ana misc. - HAY 40 Ton 1st cutting, REFRIGERATOR Afmond. _ r toys, doghouses. PIGS Woinof, S50 oacti, DINING Snl Oak. wllh 4 57 household. 83 E. 400 S,* & miceilanoous. , nyard salo. Guns, TV, foo maker,mnki food dohydra- smoll balos. S85/lon. BURLEY Tliuis. Ju n e 19 hos. books, tools, etc. tor oxer 2 sows, mako ollor. upholstorod chairs, S300. to Sat, Juno 22 8 am - 5 JE R 807 Trotlor Dr.* oxorciso equip, kids Coll 324-7697.- ■ Calf 423.5136.- ico makor. S200. Pleaso ^ 2 bar stools. S60 for both EROME Snl. 8am-3pm. _____ 756’6 Juniper biko.). toys.to '97 Honda coll aflor 5 pm 734-0765.* ^ pm, Fufnitufo. loots, boOy FurFund reiser, yard/baked TWIN/VIN FALLS Sat. 7-2pm O ffi ^ HAY $85. pr. ton. G ra ss Llko New! Call 735-8137- 'j If Locust between backuoaisoat, Chrir.tmar. clo- SCALES for shoop & hogs, Clolhos, assorted dmnof- foofood solo. 'N Sync Boars. TlTH/S IS THE ONEII 7thth & 6th Ave. E.’ cor. croc groat lor 4-H pro)oct,ct' Hoy S85.pr ton Pick-up_ REFRIGERATOR Whirl- 2 crochet lorry clolMc ’ DINING Tablo w/ 6 chairs & wnro. w fishing supplies. hotHousehold iloms, books, Air.ir comprossor.c antiques, fw i N ? lls, Mary K. water SKl Sam o a s now. SSOO/offor.lof. iQods Okay, 629-5121* a pool gold sido by sido buffet, L oofty I940's good TV.T VCR, and much moro. roc 1 FALLS Fn, 8-4, Sal. lOwolS. U p stalnioss stool. Waler fil- nii re c o rd s’, c lo lh o s , a n d crysi:ryslal. Fonton, dosignor □ -nm)m. Sofa 4 lovosonl, • gardonmoning tools. K2 snov,- * ■ 206-677,-3357* __ HAY 200 tons of lo t cul. condilion. S550, 6 gun Don't D miss irtis one. 7 N. mis71ISC. 212 l a l A vo. E. cloth Wd pkg At 734 , tor. 9 mo. old, 36x70, cabinotk SIOO, 753-3074 ’ 300 31 W.- ■ Jori iging tablo. wood cat- .b o a r d Cloan alfalfa hay, lonr 52000, Call 735-8566,* ° Jerom o S onior Center.* mor« JS5IS0I baby Iloms. Ouincy>cy computorc dosk S ’ balos. $ 110, (oil Sparks)- Mial, At 4G6 ’Moadi n REFHIGERTOR 21 cu,ft. DINING C TABLE w/4 chairs, FIL"ILER IMBERLY S ^ 8 - 3 p m . _____ 16 Jefferson St.* mntonnl Unique, high quality 'glass FILER Fl FAIRGROUNDS Klmi Ln. formal diniiKj SOI 1 yr old. new. white. S299. :imboriy S onior Conior TWINVIN FALLS Snt. 8-2pm. fw ifT' F FALLS Frt. 8-6 nnd ®".“An',, a & wickor w/malchlng MERCHANTH BUILDING Thoho NEW 2U Thnfi Shop Uiilifjiiliiy irailof w/ramp, dish r :hairs. doinos. batii- TV console 25’ $50, “ 8-5. Moving, infant 10 ' BALER Hosion 4600 1 lon Call 934-5786.*. Ti fixturos At 452 736-9201 or 734-5626- wickor ^ loungo chaif. S600. Solurday S & Sunday Juno will wil! hold a SI Bag Saio. was!.ashor, bar stools, pami- - b a lo r w /b a lo c tiu to . In lit nnd twin boys m -.h-,idowo Ln. crafi R _ HAY 3rd. bright greon! Call 734-4293 evea.’ 22nd S 23rd. Ali day Saiurdny - mg.ig^ 4 m isc. housohold clolhos10s, crahs, tiros, bunk flood cond. SGOOO/oHor.Ofl ionfy. bom storod. 135 Ib. STOVE Wostinghouse. w 'ho Filor KiWiinrs nro spon­ 310 N, Main- ilom: supplios 73-1-7377- white, elec, SIOO. Refrig­ MATTRESS ndmg lawn mowor. * Caii 208-436-939I- In 3 String balos. SO/bolo. soring a community 166 Cordova- °°nmr FALLS'Sal' Juno I’i; M V ' erator, Whirlpool, off n*Full size sot, clean $100. , MBERLY Sat. & Sun, _____ rung jaro a n d m isc ’ TWIN FAL CALFHUTCHES unitsOf- YoupiCkup. 324.714B.' Call 734.8881- Crall/Goraflo ‘ sa lo n s a tflN FALLS Snt. 8-3pm 961 Sparks Sp Sl.- ‘ 8-3pm71 Furn..F b Longbow Drive.’ [fs HAY Primo alfalfa I Furn,, baby Clothos • 2345 Lor will cacrifico o' Sr’OO. vol­ WASHER/DRYER S150, ht ______f■|LERE Fi,.4Snt.9.dpm. jjrj= lod Bluff, great pricoali » nnluip., ,;, bikos, t-J- liros TWIN FALLS FA S a t. ^iTy ume disc- ,nt':.'G45-236f35 Istcutting. 1001b. balos. Rolrigo or stovo S150 SOFA 5; Rodinors on oach (.01.013 ol misc. Clothing, sizo MBERLY Sat. tO-4 ° ° 4as4 e 5 H « n i,in .n a N.- IZ 2 OVING SALE,Autos. ns. cust. mndo gas 7am-2Di• 2pm tOxlOdcn oi. 2 stnng, Somo grass hoy. oach. All good cond. —ond. Light color. 5100. IGig 4 up. bodding. kiiclion ' ol, oak ontortainrni.Mit JOHN DEEPtE bUijToy , f Will soil omall omounts. Cosily Lorgo item s. No =—^ girls clolhos, K sizo konnol, o; 9W£>thr L'lupof Muadenj. . 677-2735- SO326-6564 or 420-0229.- itoms, jto homo docor. kmck- 7 °-^ /INFALLS Sal. 8-3pm mnlt'ro'sress sot, Frank Koma cmr,. corcomp. dosk. W C). - Call 324-5082 Of 420-0870* , knacH nna mo™. unk, 4x4s, fomiiy boot, ' no., pjini, plonty of S.Hay - WASHER/DRYER sot SOFAi/ory^ good condilion, I'H nr hauling trailer, linttbea Family Snleli FmniturQ. pottoryry 4 much moro! lato 90's mowors, hay rakos. & hayTS. HAY Quality Horso hay' Konmoro oxc, cond, $250. ^2 ond lablo and coffoo la- 528 Main St.- “ ”•ailor, 54- big sc re e n . oikosIkes, and lolsol clolhos 653i3 1O 'Leery Wny* Class 5 r 1 1 bafors for a sm , acroago.oy 115 lbs bolos, $7/balo or single W ashar $125. blo. $150. 736-B586- pJlILER Fri.. S h i.. S u n . tableibio saw, refrigoraior, Comcomo soo our soloction. TWIN Ffi 'J. homo docor, si70 ■ ■ FALLS Fn. Sat. B-7 3 5120 cloifiing ______. 324-5858 or 539>SS57.*Qv> S 1 1 5 a ton. Dolivory’ Wan-anty. Call 736-4805, STUDENT 2 DESK w/huich. Dressere.'bodSi-ref'ig., Dr ------— - 3555 N. 3400 E.*------=7’575.BnlllngrudB.Or,!___: .j.F om ll) J Availablo, call 324-7319- , 0B"JDIIei:5?io" TARPS Hoavy Oqty, 15'*50. , W a s h e r / d r y e r . s $50.S EnterUlnment con- choirs, ch oomo aniitjuos, 7777??i,tBERLY Fn-Sat 6-4 'INFALLS Snl. 6-4pm Furnilui’u?o“ r n l K ' V wllh 5 yoar guaranioo. T.S.C. Hay Retrieving Konmoro, wnijlpoof rango tar> black. S75, Round lots lot: of piciuros. a misc. 0 vnr olhlng (including kids) bios, cccorriputor accosso- TWIN FAIFALLS Snt oniy r'ard Salos- baby child, y'®''’! 3pm. 0 cnr garago S175. Call 423-5212* 0. Call Con ai 420-0133 & microwave, good cond, kllchon f- table w/4 chairs, 2■mlloa m Soulh of Filer on ion. womon clolhos, ys, 'kilcho.n iloms, lots ol nos, colcollocllblos, clothos. 8nm-3pm /Ith loto of evory- _ TRACTOR Oilvor row crop0 . or 260-0839- Call 324-4458.- SIOO. *• Microwave cart. Slevons Sireol. lachof jupplios, house- ISC. Items.950 Cypreoa miscoiia)llanoous itoms. *^^11 with $25. Call 543-8257 Jonl- 3702 N. 2200 E.* ! Addlaon Ave. E* thingl 40 66 w/3 polnl & hydraulic, old itmes. gun, tools, and ay (offOihAvO. E. 1222 A - E------f WASHER/DRYER, Stack- si imd Andorson Lumber)- fvyifTFA S1SOO. Call 734-5721- >p ^ 7 1 1 ablo. $250/olfor. Ringor WATER 52 BEO Ouoen sizo. RLEiLEf) Fnday8-5. Sat 8-12 lotsitsofMisceiiancoous. < FALLS Fn. Snt. Sun WANTED immodiatolylc, typo w asher, offor. C an- -—sits on 6 drawer!), head- Tooioaching maionals. baby 713) BirchB St. S. & across TWININFALLS F Sal. 8-5pm 6-4pm.71. Huge 4 Family ' boanJ w/mlrror & oholvos. :ioihos, clo 01c. thlaStrael-. a ~ 0-14;14 yr. k id 's clolhing, S a leM-40 ll Sowing ma- O 50'8.60'o.or70'8lnloma- nlng]ars/oflor. 732-6169,* WA smon's clothing, Joop chino, tional p/u or Subutfcan or BALE WAGON S250/offor. 733-3548* 1013 W. Midway* “ KtiSrIIMBERLY Fridny 8-6. Carriage Lane’ 2 T Iruck with running n- 6 NH-S1049 Q05.cab. Saturdoy 8-4. couch, icossonos, toys, coals, springs,= .T om o. f ILER l I Saturdoy 8-3 , Sa <03, lawn mowors, piny goar, ycyard tools, iaddOfS. TWIN FALLTUXSSalu'rO.ly 7".! cyl. onglno wllh 4 or DrS oircoolor. S4750.' J! MiscIscolianoous household l°''0-■vosoai. lablo, goii clubs opd, Irnns. connoclod. 6 , Call 734-3554- //bag. Tae-bo punching •'’“ation,. ‘'f” gom es 4 m isc. 8KBTUru AC. 750/10-8 bolt f^ul" Family toma. w/b: ms, lig iO lh A v s . N,’ Chovyy tirost & rims. High G olf Item s Body can bo irashod. liENCINQ'CM In link. 950 t 503 Union* ‘’“ag, 0. slair stoppor. lots of rabbit c agos. lu.I- Call 324-SeSe/539-5B57.*^ BED20fl.wilhocl!Mlorhoi8t ? ^ itor______cloihioihing 4 miscolianoous. TWININFALLS F Sat.9-4pm, y, low prices. fuQS. rabt ft. 6 It high. 12 gauge, A earner, lots ol ith-,- hydroulic lank. LER Saturday 8-? 41 A pplewood Dr.* gnoo earn Call 734-7014, • 410 Diam ond Dr. • OldI bil.biko. imctor sprinklor. pifpVRGE YARD SALE — — g zappor, microwavo, TWINFAl=ALLSFn,Sat.Sun, ^“ofsunn I JOHN DEERE 4555 00. 2 CHECK OUT THE MAOIC , shos, clothos, housohold IBERLY Sal. 8-7 / nccossonos. gns tnm- 8am-5prSpm, M oving Salel n whool drive, 3150 hrs.. VALLEY SECTION IN loms, swamp coolor. Lots Eridtcd tablos, lam ps nnd lots jr. ,sliding Showor door. Clolhos,35, household Iloms, TWIN FALLALLS Saiurclaytt -i ■ woights and quick hitch. )f miscolianoous. good 0® miscoiianoous - moro. ‘g"! Corner of Rich- tiros, furlumituro. otc,,. 3 Family G( 4-U CHOPPING Pll or Ag THE TIMES-NEWS FOR I 14.9 n 46 w/duals. Exc. AUCTION ADS 2160 E.3SS0 C-4 m ond)nd & N. Locust’ 775 Rin?lmvlaw Lane W. Uirmturo. childiunc ^ baglng. Lawronco Gillotto Country Vlaw Village- ______'690 Lincoln’ oquipmoni 654-2064 / 431-3064.’ - - cond. Cotl 300-1496 or r ~ C o n n e c t I aANO THE AUCTION N FALLS ml, W, of CSI)- clolhos, g 9 436-6637 ovoings- CALENDAR ON IBERLY Sat'urday 6-3 CUSTOM BALING WITH ELP KEEP OUR 5 '“ ^^ SATURDAY 6-2 TWIN FAI SUNDAYS. MONDAYS, < dolly w/olocinc brakes, mGiant , Yard Sale Ircmeti Small square, 2 string or SWATHER NH-OISCob, CUSTOMERS 81 vCR .j: hyrostaiic. S4200. . WEDNESDAYS, HECOMMUNITYNEAT =1, picnic table 4 bonch- c,onovtloybrookS North Eosl fumiiurojro, tOySSMOREM TWIN FALI-ALrS~f7T^rTr^'.Vl round bolos. Call 543- i frFRIDA VS. ALSO IN THE r’ease C remove all ga- 00,I, tuti p p .o rw a re , lo y s . Nojohb ■ • 5818 or coli 490-1464- ,r Cali 324-5028* WHO ighborhoods combined Farme an ra N ational Bank 8-5 Likonc NEED AQ-WEEKLYON J rage ; sale signs after iihos, town chairs, lan- ^ Ita one you wonl Emfm ployee S alel boys 4 girl: , C u ito m Stacklns - SWATHER Heston 6550, SATURDAYS. • •ns. liBh findor, wont to m lsa II 1097 Bluiluo Lflkea Blvd. N riow born- easy mfx TMR food YOUR . 'our sale is over. II "’"’5; . 1 lon balos hay and straw, =or auction advertising rai 3876 N. 3500 E. :or off N, Madrona or fw iN F A i lego Llttlo “ wagon. Coll 438-8154 or SERVICE Por 5 our responsibility ^ m mii ilos N. of Kimborly ALLS s m a -1------r V k i ' T - 731-e22BOfB29S28r ■ p l« a s e c o n ta c t ypi N. Locusi. • Adull, bO) 431-ooor 0 keep our commu- justIt past pi LDS Church- ...... joys, girls, 4 baby quoon m, Advertise In Jill Hollon at /s I N FALLS Items, Ci wldo. Garrison Slacking. . TANKS 300 gallon diesol t h e 208-735-3222 /oi//y, clean, lot's work p aJL u l Friday 1 Juno 21 ond rday B-5 Sunday 8-1 bod Iram Call S37-6522.' tank w/stand. $200. SOO hollon ORiagicvaUsyxom ogether and show s '" " S a s N . S e r v i c e . Sporlincrting goods, furoituro, or. lotsoi; ol misc. rie a so no t w j i j e x i 1 JANTZ CUSTOM HAYING n gas lonk w/sland. lurpride in our town. . „ anliquIiquos. bikes, micro- early birdlirds or chocks, TWIN FALL . Catl 308-654-2028 fOfi Swaihing. bollng & \ D ir e c to r y ^ ‘hank you for your - every,f,|, weekend until all wovos*<03. lots of treasures. 413J RF ose St. N.- ' slacking or trucking. 5 ^or208-3ia-2503* Ihings sell. Woather .^282ZParkMoadowaDr.’ Pt fwiNFAL------M oiher 01 A 17 3 3 -0 9 3 1 e x t. 2* I ^ cooperation ALLS Sat 6 -4 pm Ooirt miss th wu will Call 543-6049 731-5049* WAGONC WHEELS, an­ pormiiting. .. _ 114 Lincoln* ■J FALLS Thur. Fn. & GamoBcBoy. dryor, Iroozor, ha'vo loremore ’ t?R6MPT SERVICE small tique farm oquipmont. . 6-7 Moving Salel dosk. AA'r moir, bookcase. n,o o,r,ofior y bolo Slacking In Buhl/Filor. programmable 2-way ra- iT'ROfofiLnNa'Bia^ • ^ fWNFn“f a i x s “ • Sola,>. gasgo grill, knitting ma- pmg poniong 4 picnic lablo, . -wookoncJ f dios w/chorgera. Call work, wood mov/lng. any- iNOELL s.iiu'(My • r Fri.'i. aand Sal. 6am-4pm chineleandmoro. a - exercisIso oquip, toys, Anliouos • 20S-077-3357- wtwre In ttw MV. 326-4631 gs Moving Sale! O.iliy ugo OARAGE Salell ■ 657b5 Tyler St.* ctothes,.,733-7106, 7 gtasswV.,'ims, books,cioiiiiiKi ‘ M2EaalwlndDr.* ;RAFTSMAN soil pro- Hugs j FALLS l-'n «-5------5^3 Elizazabeth Pork DrJ_ camporshoil j Mhztowor PC. 320 MB CRA aiiccto' ii.ntiic”. OUT' npu lo r d o sk , dining TWINITILALLS sm , / nTn to jigsaw puzj pollod 6.75 hp. $175. c

£14 Timos-Nows,ivs, Twin Falls, Idatio Friday,By, J u n e 2 1 . 2002

( - ' •• ■ ■ 4 UN I O lP a y s ~ " |

PINE TREES 10-1515 loot sOLo'fLEX Machino no Wllh CAMPER SHELL, gray KILN Paragon Eloctric•Ic . MISCELLANEOUS FREE KITTENS vorlous13 WANTED Oid Irops, pin.; ireu a 12 irooroos a log oxionsion and 8uButtor- ll. Custom Toppor. mL® gro; DUNCAN PHYFE with bu LOWEST PRICES S30 Oiicfi, Tnko ono < fv'- 21-»2I-:21-,S2505 0 , Moving lo a smaller homoimo colors. Uttor box Irainod, tM orlraps. boovor, wolf,'' S . . lly SSOO Call 034-820]1205‘ S h a p o . S 2 9 0 . 9 ’ SblQ la b l foi. S950, Call 324-5914 Xlromeli 82S-087S. You itibve. 2M-136-9 Call543-817r - liKo now,iloms. 2 Lanojno 436-3360 coyolo otc,Sai-8B9-3743*I* 1TwInFaIlaExil182oll-B4 ------snw. S75. Ktichon-AidAide ------—— wingback rocHnofS (buf- SPRUCE7PINE7FiR“n ------THEAOMfLL Pro-Foim • dishw nshor, S15. Tanfc METAL Ootector Bounti >Uf- FREE-Klllons & 1 yoar oldd WANTED running-cyiindor- -i'87-A - T IC D irt Biko4S0------'"'y gundy) $250 oo, solid oakMK cot to good homo. onglno or w/tronsmlssionn , Excolloni S3409/offor $5-Sl0ll. B.1II0C) Of• poDonod Porsonal Trainor.IOf loss wator noaior. S10C Humor Lond Slar, Torno^f)o' lablo 4 Chaira SSOO. solid Ciill 423-J532* ^ 0 personal oxerciso pro!volilos. Carouso! liroplaco.i; S5C FAX 10. oxcoliont machino, Ol'S C all 734-7805.* lo fit ’51 Iniornationol 22 *'01 Tm xtor 500 ATV ------Spaco Savor lold aw; wood ond tablo. $75. 2 a ton truck or wholo iruck. Groai buy $5088 Qvyay Or b o tt oHorc. 733-7017 > S300 or bost otfor. Cal, siainod glass table lamps,’1. FREE Lab X pupploo. 9 TOPSOIL Dolivorod,Id, PficoF tlosign. Power mcfmc i 324-5058 or 539.5857.* *'01 G rln ly 600 ATV sianm g nl SSOlof 12 v ;Jn CHINA HUTCH Mahogan 735-9919 or 731-0320.‘ $50 oa, lg, ontiquo domo• I ' wooks old. good pupploo, 12yrd5. Air cirido cushioning ^ YOUR 00. lovos kkte. Call 733-6631.*• W a'MTED S a W M o d al7 only 38 miles $54S8 731-7039 Of M4-11•11^1* Uni-lrack alignmoni.gn, c o rn e r c a b in o t. S i 75 MISC: Cortiputor dosk,sj( truck (rolurbishod) $400, 2002 ATV C lo to o u t motor Wolnul provincial lom sturdy with adjuslablo5(0 Oroamalclos & Socroirol FREE Molo Lao. 1 yoarold,r K-22. 8 3/e- barrel m ust 10 mpli. 2.5 hp. OC mo I bo In noar mini condition. Traxter 600 w/dump bod lC-xSOtroadQolt. S200S2C ' window cabinot. S40. 50'; sholvos. S30. Largog o Frionds Colloctiblos, trail-ail- AKC, I will docldo w hai w as $7999 Now S048S 'Ei AD ion ^ilr’d ol homo ho 000s to, Coll 670-3114* ^MIIJ CaII735-8623. I chromo lormico draploa3/oa( T/MES’NEWS 'Johnson O utboard’,,j- or Wfch/or Subaru wagon Q u est 500 (3) 4x4 w as 1_____ labfo. SG5, Call 734-18C58C5, CLASSIFIED Lightod sign. $50. Calllall C90.'99) S75, 733-2734-4* Coll 732-8630. WANTED TO BUY $6499 Now $5080 737-9331 loovo msg." : oM molol garden chairs. TREADMILL NofdicTf dish networkIK DEPARTMENT MISCELLANEOUS FREE to a good homo. Kit- D S M w as $1999 Powortfcnd. Elecirc — Pink Tool KIta? NoQl itomsns Ions, malos & lomalos, 6; old cotton tablo clolhs. • Novt$1B88 H Froo Systom or for S29Jooi go 208-734-5538 MISCELLANEOUS architectural solvago. c consolo w/cofdio irac up to 4 rocoivors and i www.myt»n>oworkohoo,coni301 wks, old. 0011543-9283* DS 90 4 stroko w as S2299 OR Ricoh copior/coilator, Call736-7041.* fio jn raio moniiof. NoNowor ------— months ol sorvico Iroo. S2S0/ollor,(usod by Ihoho MISCELLANEOUS Rolng-liJT FREE TO good homo, Now $2180 • • modol Groai ccor o n d . BLAZE KING wood! sicstovo Starvifllon- 208-677-4543 church) Nunn Bush dross)SS oralor, $100; now oak ta-la- 2 Siberian Hutfklos.2yrs: WANTED TO BUY------2003 IN STOCK ATV 4-3076 insen, now S550/ollor, I Good family milk cow. Rally 2x4 S2909 . S300.'oIfof’Ca!l324-3i [for, 1563 Fillmoro (BURLEY)* shoo, Sz, 16 $10. 12 silk3iik ble Wllh 4 chairs, $200;10- old,nood room to run must " Oolofo 2:00 or Iw. msg.153.* I 436-52G2 or 431-7233?33 Call 733-7722 .* __ nos, Sl5/ol(or. 326-530333 utility PU bod trailer. $125;>5; aoiogothor.420-3114* Coll 736-0138.* Q u est 500 2x4 45199 — brand now bunk bods still : Wa n t e d TO BUY------Troxter 500 4x4 S6480 'ill FREE to good homo. Bor- 3 Year Wamr7ty — inbox.SISO, 735-1110*' * dor/Australian ShophordI Kirby vacuum G4 or GS. Call 200-1714,* 0 Down. 0 Intorost. m ISC ELLA N EO U S TV SO'n- male pup, (208) 438-4693* 0 Payments, ■ • Scroon $500, room cooloror GERMAN Shepherd pup- WANTED 10 buy 12 m onths OAC n S40, goll oquip, $75, rac-c- pios, top European linos Portable Horso corral, iWe Service ALL Makos B ’i 'i-ll m ■ mg pants Mens sm, $25.5 . Irom litio/ hip cert, paronls. Coll 788-9408* LOW Shop RATES* ■ child's bike like now S 10,0, Black/rod. lully g u a ra n - WANTED TO BUY------n ■ Ladies rod biko $25. quills Old fishing iloms. luros. LUGGAGE fiberglass lls teed staning at SBOO. Soo enclosod pull trsTler to PH i j ; :V 0 $20 ooch. Concortmalo10 picks & podigroos ot creels, miscollanoous , ■ keyboard $50, 4 dining Iishing itoms. , . jpull behind a moiorcyclo. ig www.wildonwoston.com $400. Coll 733-5906.* 1 chairs $5 ooch, 543-9253*3* 208-5B7-3086.* Call 320-1240 Locol call* POLARIS 'QO Scram blor s GERMAN SHORT HAIR WANTED Used lawn rollor I REtVIEMBER . Pupplos. Born 6/2. Fo- Pull behind a mowor, f400 2x4, liko new $3,950. ■ That binhday ad you placod Coll 543-8586* J'01 Troll Boss 325 2x4 som o timo ogo In Tho malos S350. molos. S2S0 , S2,5S0, Call 578-1030.* Champion lino. 324-5082 ' ^ ALTERNATIVETeH 1------1 1 Timos-Nows?Now in \ho WANTED Viniago Barbio _! r ACOUSTICAL FINISH DRYWALL “1 SHARPENING I timo to como pick up your° or 420-0670* dolls and clothing. 1959 - SSUZUKI l '89 quad racor. l ] I HUNTING FMF. low hrs on robuild. & DRYWALLL ENERGY SERVICE picluros. Stop by Tho GERMAN WIRE HAIR 1979. Intoroslod in os- F Classiliod Dopl, loday!* POINTERS AKC. Cham- tales and collodions. Call ^Now tiroo a vory lool. S 0 U \R WORKS LLC■ Q Orywalt^’iaping/ Kasota Game 7.-53-I322 or 733-9688, ,$,S2000/olfor. 670-31C0* Q, toxturo & repair, John’s Stiorponing - pion lield linos, 4 malos, BOB'S BESTr Solar & Wind Powor ^ Birds Inc. RIFLE 30-06 S2S0. Weight corKrctC/cafponify/dOCks Sorvico machino $100, Troad mill,,. 1 fomolos, 8 wks, 'WE BUY live troea. Spnjce. SUSUZUKI '98 1200 Bandil. DRYWALL ' Jorom e. ID AKC Germ an Shorthoir '■ 73G-8807 or 731-0196* crab, pino. ospon 4 olh- Iclow miles, oxc, condition. - - - Cusiom Te»iui©BB ... (208)324-8029 . . Complolo sharpening. $300. Abdoor 550. _ _ J HOME IMPROVEMENTS•g - Pointer Pups Carbide S Slool saivs. GOLDEN RETRIEVER onilO'smag. 208-788-2G76* _ 2208-654-2394 allor 5 pm* 731-0788 (TF) n -Champion Bloodlines' call 737-9432*______67S-0991 (Burley) 88S-7531 o r 308-0000 M l Brackon S.*5, - Pups,AKC, havo shots I YAMAHA'95.1100 Virago •-) [construction iJ (208)438-4630 I 734^050 I SAUDER bookcase and Insurod • Ffoo Esiimaic;laies A'moir. SlOO oach, Dryor.° and dow claws romovod, I oxc, cond, mony'oxtros, 10 wooks. Mom & D ad I °s:$3800. 086-7652* Rob Arrington -I SSO, Freezer. $50, 4;* available to soe. $250, ! I F L O O R =i I S M A L L I drawer chosl. SIOO, Wood YAMAHA '85 Big Whool Construction & a n d s c a pin g Coll 208-670-0308------FLEA MARKET------^200. 0x0 cond.. Sl500/of- •I AIR R om odolfng SERVICE IT T R A C T O R picnic tablo and bonchos, . NOW OPEN ( ' SSO. Ping pong lablo. GOLDEN ' Retrlevera ARC , fer. 326-4792 or 731-0880* imG J oD5 big & small. Freo Locatiori Is Iho old M otor — - CONDITIONING SERVICE $50. Lg. gold Irnme mir­ 6 wks. old, males & fo- o'siimatos Reasonable Mnnuol Romoro TONY-S LANDSCAPING Vu Drive Inn fn Min. YAMAHA > '94 WR250. - , Floor StifVico ' ft Homn Fl.'[>nptr, ror, $60, Call 733-7108-‘ males. 1st shols. Call Excoltont condilion $1600. raios. Can 1 number to Mowing, roiotilling, 404-6495 543-6452,* Homo ofl oxil 90, Bring Summer Tune UD SPCCM m anago your projeci S.TriUing Hotmir.liinf], Tnrnming, powor fako, SEWING MACHINE your goods lo soil. Look- ___ Call 324-7697. * BUDGET AIR ■ cur.loiii inol«N,ition, cleanups^ sprinklers. loading, hauling, GOLOEN RETRIEVERS Irom start lo linish. backhoo work, moving Babylock, compulorizod, ' ing for vondors ol all YAMAHA YA ’00 TTR 225 308^AIR |.i?47i We do what you can'l I Sewing & ombroldory, AKC. w/shois. adorpblo 'g,, LHcfagYaiLM frg^ni)?,liiz J and moro. Any size job kinds, Como to look 4 - ExirasExc. E: cond. Low Nc’vcr ilny O T Charges ^ do Tony-734-3322 Complolo w/soltwaro S’ puppios, malos A fomalos. . nomomOcr ----- 324-2 f HARLEY DAVIDSON '86 ------: Magic Valley — I & remodeling Fn,B-5 Sat.0-noon. ONLY MINIATURE M PINSCHERS VWide glido, raro and very BOAT BO / 16 It. Elgin. 65 Mor­ Going Oul of Business. Auto Parts ,| DRYWALL Oiricr miscellaneous [TREE SERVICE] AKC. rog. lail & shols ccolloctibio. 42K original cury. trailer, shado covor. 226 Main Avo, North lObs too La w n CARE Microwavo, 5 3 ' big scroon dono. i $300.208-C55-I1153* nmilos. S&S cortj. Andrews S2(S2000: Call 733-9S62.* TV, wood wackors, « 733-3388 ” SPECIALIST Call 543-5010 NEED DOG GROOMER c C a m , c u s t o m p a i n t . BOflBOAT 18' ond trailer. $300, Rosidonial & Commercial R a y ’s T re e S e rv ic o 12‘-10‘sub-woo)ors. Big. Ri fal. hairy, scared dog S12.000/ollor. S 670-0621* Boi Rem oval. Trimming, dilllorent typos ol car Boat noods somo fiber­ ----- Gonoral drywall repairs _ Spnng Cloanup 4 Mainl. dosporaloly noods groom- R; glass work.212-8900* a n J toxturing, Topping, Shurbs, speakers, prossuro wash- , Ha r l e y oAviDSON'-'gi HANDY MAN & Senior Discounts ingl Ploaso call 324.1371.* Eloglroglido g 30K ml., lull CUS ;| BUSINESS to years ol c»penonce Reasonable Prices Slumps ors, olec. scootors. misc, _ CUSTOMWELO '99 2111, Frc-o c-siimaic-s t C L E A N U P (208) 736-4284 Call 736-2571 tools, somo electronics. PIPIT BULLS pupplos, $175. dross custom. S & S on- Rivei^iver boai, AT jot. 350 V : SERVICE • gino 3K mi., hard saddle foci Lance LeBaron or 420-7365 W e ovon havo lliings for 'roady Juno29. coll 0 toch, S2G,500 536-6391* J I Salazars Solutlotis those who like 10 repair or 733-9561 > or 404-9515* bags. h Must sool $15,000. pmc ' TWIN FALLS 732-0904 or 30B-1G99 ^BERFORM 70 .1 5 1 1 . tri- _ I I Wo ll* problems I TREE SERVICES I fix. C o m o c h e c k lh ts out. SHETLAND Si Sheepdog S Coll (208) 436-3243* hull, fish flndor. EZ load P L A N R O O M I j ‘Ffoe Eslrmatos* 351 Sth Ave. W. / AKC 7 wks. show qualily. 1HARLEY/BUELL--96 trollor. Coil 543-5035,* Z !<;'J lor nil [ em plo y m en t odd jobs, remodeling, TREES AND STUMPS Cornor of Sth Avo, W. & £539-4732 or 326-4655* c-vnt.tuvri-jii Hall pnce I PAINTING & I OF MAGIC VALLEY 4th St, W,* yj S2 lightning, must soil, GLA3LASTRON 16ft. fIbor- SERVICES removal ol dobns , YORKY 2 yrs. old. malo, glass, fast boat, Johnson nii'tiii,ofi.(i ip. Wc 00 It all plus more, DRYWALL •Froo ostimaios* r: vory nlco, lost, $6995. gl0£ Blu'.';jti'i? copiys. Torry Carponter WASHER SIOO. D^or (6 Sgroat family Iriond or BBert Harbaugh Motors 85HP 8SI motor & trolling . ____ _TL'moarary.-{?emuinuni____ B uben 734-6506 ..m onlha old) S200. & d ta- brooding c prospoci S300. —734-Pt:AN (7526)— ------734-1231 or Downtown Wendell moior. moi Exc. cond, $2850. I Noed em ployees'’ L U PH ER Tim A bbott 734-7919 bles $25, Princoss CCall 539-9790,* 536-6323 Coll Call 324-8707* — Need a job’ PAINTING, INC. drossor good mirror $125, F* r - j PERSONNEL PL USs HANDY. MAN I Painting, Romodoling. collootnbloSlS. k HALLET Joi boat. 460 I "c a r p e n t r y call 733-1003* ■ ntorstato, 13K. block. Ford, F Borkolypump, I W O R K Toxtunng & Drywall WEDDING & I J- — I I 733-7300 or 678-4040 BRIDESMAIDS | S10.000call30B-2521* cusiom cu covor, tandom Hi.;A.iranatnulall Call Bill O (208) STRAWBEHRIES HS16NDA -81 CB 900F low axlo irailor, groai family I - 1C'”c<;;>. wmaowi.. —) Gonoral homo repairs. ^ 8 1 8 j K u i a f f i l S I ST ski boat, vory sporty! EQUIPMENT tniorior/ojitonor, 324-3475 or (208) WEDDING SHOP | U Pick, Wo Pick. mllos. $1000. Coll 732- iriiffiof painiif^g. I 727-1267 cell. 0302uftorSpm !• . '^rn.ill fomoOolI. ^ plumbing, painting, Wodding Dross Salo! ;r CONSTRUCTION DRUM SET Poarl Ton 10 f= Bort Harbaugh Molor*" i.-MimulOG and drywall, Drossos-to Ront or Buyl “ iONDA '87 Asponcado. ^Downtown Wondell' 16 years cafponlry oxp. Wodding & Maid Shoos pc, j w/casos. S600, Ask ^ 1200, groai condilion, Call ChucK R&OLTS Wc«lcrn equipment I PCT CEMETERY I lor David ol 734-7087,* ■ 536-6323 328-5271 or 731-1391 Froo ostimates OJscount On InvlloUartsl _! wino and cham pagno with Wey/, take all trades.* L J Repair. • John 735-5179 ■ 733-8838-2.10 S. Main' GUITAR Gi Emporor Epiphooo 5 mural, rodlo/lniorcom. — • AJI lypos ot oquipmoni of Moglc Valloy L Jo e P a ss Electric, W/ SSOOO. Call 736-0945,* I repairs, rentals, r.alos WANTED Siainloss stool ^ ET SKI '08 Soo Ooo GS 1 Special lor Seniors f Flame riiaplo. S8 S0 now. bool b< prop. 17 dogroo pitch HOl ^ CARPENTRY and consignmonis. IONDA ‘07 CR-250 •99 • g 9 4 Soo Doo GTI, Wo will pick up. I YARD I ^ Call 324-6747.* proforrod, pi 934-S738* Groat condition. \mIcb Neod n big dozor or j HANDYMAN I w/covor, oxcoiioni cond, ! Bill & J a n P e te rs MAINTENANCE p\ WANTED Airtrapi. now or Call 324-2444 - n m , MAGIC TOUCH I Qfadof- 20^886-7080,J | S E R V IC E 7 3 3 -3 7 3 1 ■ PIANO YAMAHA Boby ^ runs strong. Plus trailer For All Youf Homo grand.t Call aftor 6pm. old. ol local buyor-cash. HOION d A -08 X R 250.vory w/gow/gos con rock. SOOOO/o- 733-8295, loavo mossago* lov Imptovomonis “ fa rm WORK I Plumbing, oloclrical, - Green Grass _!829-5271______7: low mlloago motorcycles. Ilor. Ifor. (208) 878-0700* • • j NO JO B TO SMALL drywall, painnng. otc. WANTED Bock fondors S3300.^97Yamaha s^= - 736-7404 or 280-1661 25 yrs. oxp. I PET SITTING I Bush Trimming, wookly ^ and hood for 1962 VW PW50 $900, ‘97 Yamaha MONARCH MO ‘0 2 -Now,. I ' ' FARM 4-U PW 80 $1200, Coll Mork lomlly/llshing lom boat, 150 ' ''I ■ Ai.k lor Lou Custom Smoll Mol-On-Whwli maintonanco, mulch I BlBug, cloan. 324-3205 * P.'' 735-1721 o r 308-1683 and troo and bush 5 ol 733-1699 or 731-2866. hp Morcury Opllmox. __ Acroago Farming K-a WANTED C a s o 2 0 9 0 Of ™ Ufotlmo warranty. • —j Wood conlrol. ropairo, planting BC ,2290 Traclor and 3* SR d a T O R ^ ooH------. / KRITTER KARE Froo ostimolos. Call also all McNABeif Border m Ukonow.S2800. ClosooulSolo$19.905. ifCLEANING ' foncos. Buildings, olc. Ihrough 6 * olphon tuboa. • Z003'o aro coming In, - Houso/Pot sming ' Albert 35MI230 | Collie C pups, 6wks. old. Call Ci (208) 678-6746* , ' Call 539-6905* 200 539-3310or308-teS9 Bondod y oil 2002’s m ust goi ; SERVICE - [ h o m e R E PA IR S I Exceptional working WANTED n?* Highest pricos ^ONDA -02 CR250. lOSS Bert Harbau||h Moloro Call lor appointment r brood or jusl companion.- han 20 hrs. novor rocod. nni FENCING 423-5103 o r 308-1150 Y A R D n K poid for old milKory uni- A-1 CLEANING BENEFIEL'S HOME Noi logiolorod, S150,Call roform s, m odels, b a d g o s. ®f,100 OTImo Mochlnos 636-6323 " Now taking clionis (or CARE ---- . — IMAINTENANCE _aaltor Spm. 366-7713* ■ paporB, fiold & flight goar. ^ulO, S4700, 644-9266.* Wo u taka tr a d e s ll,, cwnmotciol doantng. Souttiern Idaho Romodols. drywall. liio. (“ BRnTANY pupplos. AKC. PaulPe Nutting 733-1691* HUSU6kV '87 500 birl blko _ pointing & carpontry, Rosponslblo lawn caro, Fully insuiod. F e n c e I ROOFING I Excopllonal podlgroo. Wa =rosh moiof. S1500, Call R — 20 yrs oxp. Froo Mosvtng. trimming.odaing hi W anted immodloioiyi J™ Lociiliy owned & oporalodd & Construction. bom 4/lB . oxcoiioni huni- 50’o, en 60’a, or 70's intoma- >08-654-2394 oflor 6 pm* “lONARK ON, now 2 0 0 2 1 0 ’! 734-1531 Estimatos. Roasonablo raiosi v & hedging. All clipping all woldod aluminum Farm, dairy, commorlcat. Froo ost. Financing V ors. pointing O 6 wks A lional (jo p/u or Suburtjaaor KAVAWASAkl'8S,K;<:250 “1 ^ fooldonliol Call Bruce 733-7543 otc, romovod. ■„pois. Rofs. S400 no- 9 ' fishing boat, contor A lao nn* finlahed Ooneen Lawn Service oi 2 T truck wilh running 6 dirllirtblko.'Llquld-coolod. consolo, 40 hp Mercury —n Liconsod S bondod. flotablo. 423-5666* lcyl. y ongine wllh 4 or-5 Mo4ono-shock. V07 good . .n 934-5727 e r 5 » - 2 8 4 r CONCRETE oil Injoctod, EZ loaden :j CLEANING I 7 3 7 -0 0 0 0 ^ Fn R E E {5) P u p p lo s R o t- spispd. trnns. connoctod, «xtond$800/offor733-«XW Irallor. mooring covii^ » HOUSEKEEPING I _ wolllor mix. Only 6 wits. Bodycanbolrashod. E . RTU :■ ^ SERVICE = i ^ ^WAdAKi‘B3ky-12S ON; FACING & HANDYMAN F YARD SERVICE I old. Coll 436-3067* CaCalJ324-M5aWJ0^e57.* uns groat, looka good. FREE Bor,dor Collio, 9 WWANTEDa hoodlum alzo $12:1200- Call 734-4477* 2002’s 2i m ust go,'— COUNTRY CLEANERS Profossionoi So’nrlcos. '■SAND & GRAVEL I Cloan , Up Treo Sofvlco BustniJasos. rosiqpntial,‘ RosidontUil & Ranc^ month old noolorod molo' wowood splrtlor In good con- IfJ( H 800 '06 good cond., 2003‘a 20C ero oomlnallC Polo & rail wood ionco. R eady Maid A - Brush trimming; ,o . conolnjctiort cloarj up. SEPTIC TANKS& lo woriiing homo only. ditdltlon. profor vertical riot«w tlrsa, ovor alzod Ropair work, corrals,. H o n ty Do Man . O dd Jobs, wodgo. 324-2567.* dot Spocioli2o. in carpot Compotivo Rou» D rain Fiolds . f Owner solocts homo. wo otort lank. $2000. Call .?•«' MotojJI b a r t ^ wiro. ctiain link. Flowar B«d«, Yard Work Call 324-4274.r WXI , clooning, Froo ostimat- ExcolMnt Reforortcos Troo Estimalos »-■ 23-0960or731-ei44.* Om es. Bondod & Insurod. pr>van (onco. 25 yrs. 53e-«933 r o*p F r t ••tlm «te«. *S*ntor Oitcounts Free E stim ates ConiadPhil *■”'PHbb Cots, ail sizos. all ^O or jatStoSt^^ K X 7 J« ro m * 324-3299 colors. Nood good homos. Top monoy paid. aoa W.UI'ttakaapmtlnsgoedo I Call 834-0915. BIJIto 731-3701 Call 837-4532 410-2394 o r 324-4610 ^ Call 208-67e-49a7* | Tony T 208-666-0274.* kit.It, I$2S&fi/offor 326-7265.’ ' on tradot.*^ « ■ -

»______1 ^ ■'•Cl- . Friday, Juno10 21, 2 0 0 2 , T lm o s-rfa w s, TwTwii in Id a h o

-H e e i E CAT, 16'; u l l tx NEED MONEY? PROWLER *73 IBfl. Good OODQEl '89 Coronot 440 FORD,'87 F( F150, oinglo FOI•ORD 7 9 F2504x4 AT/AC JEEPEEP '60 C J7, Roody foi -Trani;) I f o ila r ; r u ^ d e n Sell your RV to cond. Everything worko. ong. '66 Chargor 383 ong. cab, c shell, good condiion Robulll R motor, now radi- summer sumi lun. recent motor E f^v a d for spood; no Intennountain SIBOO. Call 736-7612* Call 208-676-1402- _CColl 733-0720*______nilnior 4 dual exhnusi. Warn many man now ports. $3500 $eOO. 326-5696.* Motor Hornet ^»ft6WLfe^^ > 7S 2S ‘ oxc. WILLYS V '48 Joop, roslorodl GMC Gl 81„H ion. m ns woll '’Jjhubs, good cond. $4500/- Coll Coll 726-4065- “ ______Call 636-2301...... - ■ cond. S28S0 Evorythlng ---- - Exc«^len^condillon^ - • • -3•: apeod'w/ovordrivo;—ollor. o" (208)431-0928-. , . jgEEP E p '63 AMC EoglO 6 <;ty y«gwBuviNaDiii«io^ ‘ EJeeirlcfdosVtovo1 ^ ' - ' c l o s e o u t on o i r —I tor more dotolls worta 324-6705«396706* Call 423-4444.* J$500. 332-f t 2 0 ovonlngs* FOI 2 3 h d nowor boots from snd Motortiomes, No rooson- ■ORO '66 F150, XLT Lari- “ O'Utc P'". rofrldgo. Good confi P n o W U R '60 31lt.------E ot, oxt, cob. 302 oil. now tiros, tiros, S1250 734-4376-. _ ___ a ' w nooo toyacbta. Caat -jacks. $700.436-3297*7* ' . ablo offer rofusod. T10GU\‘96 Montora 24 I 3 S n tho spot. Y w must ~ “ Beri HaftxaugH-Motors—~ FT. 5.7Vor1oc.Onan- -A ' a ts. S2600A)lfer.-5ee a t - I 1ifwrS3000.-536-200B.-*- J e e " . ai ^ bflnfl tlio boot m for CAMPEH‘7»SoUeon'“"* OowntownWaodell gonoraior, owning, oir, 207 Oregon, Qooding. I f-oi■ORD-'87F250,6.9 diosel.. —P'Of’Plonoor..2.dpor,'AT..CD.____ Prtco quoto. talnod. ovors)tot,4|ack! microwovo. liko now. e34-4773* I 4x 4 , oorvlco & ro g u la r siorao.now 8iorc Funlo QOS. oloctrlc. appllancot .. ., CREEKSIDE COURT Vl/ofmnty. S25K . Sfeeuhiyv‘7s 19 looi: TORKUf^i^ysl^rH-50f CHEVY Ci '9 2 S -10 BlOZOr, box. tX) S4000. 837-6422.* drivo. °hvo $1000. 539-9898! ,o rs lltos.S760. Can 324-8632 ^ Mobllo Home ARVSpocos)9 Bart Harbaugh Motors Oood cond. Sotf-contained. Propane, hard.tiros. toloiod, ti Good drtvo train, ORD '88 Rongor supor JEEPEEP '88 Chorokoo ^ ^^owrtmm^ndoH•II c Ar IB6 U ‘B9. l i l t . ^ Ah Avollobla. 733-8841 Downtown Wendell Call 423-J838.* nit.lilt. Side shill. Runo lor I poris. S400/ollor. cab, 5 apoed, great -LartLarodo.8SK..AC,powpr_^___ CO. microwave. Full/ so - B36-6323 ------SHASYa '67 com p trollor, groat, i known took:' 7 shopo. S3200/olfor, Call o w n e r — I contained, S12.600[oS” BODQE ’79 TIogo, 26fl, , §2100. Might considor fl ______SS — nxna-QOOd SSSOO.oriL _ J?* Bait •Wtrades - in good ohopo. $650,324- . TIRES (4) 33x1250x15 73S'-06S6 73 wookonds or _oxocoxoc. condilion. $3800^- J?:— cniiaoa-897-^08*— • “ 2924-Brtorspnn>rtv:7n3g*- ——Irodo.-GolnokMitol t)usln------liros. wValumlnum wiio'ols' oftor aft Spm woofeclays.* Ifor,-Call 643-2096’— >------_ offor Coll 324-0606* oss. Coll 735-1880- ^ '■t:- Bank R ape cHeTlHfll’W Tocouor - W in n e b a g o 'b b s u p o r TAHOE ’01 23' Wido Uio. will lit Joop or oldor Ford Chorokoe . t;..' Taking Bids olh* HOUDAY RAMBLER ORD '89 F150 XLT AC. oor 11.4 w/Alumo Tocr Chlol. 34' bsmt. modol. w/slido. loodod. Ouoon GGMC.'96 Whilo VdlvQ. $400. S call 737-9432- , PL. PW, 4 spood. now Big ^D.:0 . AC. - Exc. cond. Nqv/ t .C onU ctA m y 67&-608{i£8®_ body. Vory nlco fully loofioad- ’98/99 Vacatlonoer. 35', AC, TV, VCR. roolly nico, Somi. Inlogroi sloopor. ^ bod.S13.QOO. 732-0084.* O tiros, cloan, vory good llros. S3900/ollor. . rpofcfdbN Bo5i-57cKIciTs od ^995.543-S564.'' , wido body. Ford V-10.3- oxtros, Aulo locks. 33K' 435HP Cot ongino. 10 k Coll 536-5766* ----- ' 24K mis. Exc. cond. No I TAHOE now 2003, 23 ft j cond. 155Kml.S4200. _____ ] ,? vB'aas (Southforfc). Exco LANCE '96 campor o^ jo mis. $20,000. 736-0945.- spd. Now liros. Runs woll. ■ 20808-654-2028 or 312-2503' OEEP • *fcm condition, S450. ^ smoklng/polo. 2 TV's. trallor. slido-out, air. $12,000. Call 326-5077 or ■ cond., Ilk* now. soK-con^ VCR. gonorotor. W/D. owning. AM/FM/CD, ^ 71.000 milos. O R D '89F 150 XLT Lariol „ H Catl 736*747B.‘ ____ talnod wItti AC. vor' 731-8773- ■collont condilion, S850O Sotolllto systom. $54,900. mlcrowavo. stabllzors.' - CHEVY '7 9 Silvorado llfll 4x4 rog. cab, long bed. “J.'®" m w L B O A T iz n . Fun, oote asy cloan. $7,B00/oftor. Coll Co 543-2396* Noonohasoboltor KENWORTH '93 W900L b tOBK. 35K on now 5.0 Coll 733-4620/734-5643* rfor. 786-3080 or 768-0101.* 425Ccat13spd.3.3660-' bod. w 350onglno.. Runs ,5 • iH ib d y to 00. S27S/orror. . doom $13,995. Illor Fl, AT. AC, S3995, JEEPEEP'99 Sahara ■iSM JOIN OUR RV COMMUNTTYY SOFT LEAD 2000 pounds. woll. S800. Call 026-3785- Coll 733-06&3.- _____ ROCKWOOD •97 16tt. tor Bert Harbaugt) Motors sloopor. $20.000/ollor F? Coll 539-3899,* Low..owmilos. S17.000/olfor! S f c u o o o ‘»4 Bonit>ofdiiirdior trollor. Awning, rolrigonilorotor G ot SSO'oir 1st M onth:h c l e a n s o lt lo a d O 20 Downtown W endell Call 436-0300.* CHEVY'83 rr,, 1 l0n4x4dt0S0l Co Spoco ront. Spocos ront mochonlc boxos. AT, ORD '92 Exploror Eddio ____ Coll9 732-0035* - S i B iy - condition.t. hootor. Sloops 6. It conO por pound, toko oil 636-6323 LLOAOERST^Odl $ • S2800/oflor. 324-8779rTg. Sl75/mo. incls. wotor.r. or pofl. (208) 436-3243* $3500. Coll 423-5008 - B a u o r. Now tir o s , su n LEXUEXUS RX SOOO^pk •WTO* Bank R epo . jfiM sslLlB tiaicsJ BACKHOES Usod. ^ nilos. $34,000. Ploosu » Taking Bids ^ sowor. & trash. 733-6841* CHEVY '85 Subutt)an 4x4 rool, ^ 94K mis. S0400/ollor. miloi SAVE.0f^6HELLS" WE CONSIGN GUNS YERRY '9 r 2 5 ' 5lh wtiool. ^AllSrongos. 539-5839- n 735-6676* catl 720-7002.-7 -SffiitUct/M y 878^89 scopos, binoculars & old Nowof 350 V-8. AT. AC, 73; 2 ® L LOTS O F USED SHELLJLLS LOWEST PRICES Roody IO go. Pull wW Ton. W w ANTED 10 trado 24 It. n ERCURY'98hk>uniajnovr • SESrD O O ’^Si'Bombaidi!irdlor Bla tnjcks/sm all trucks.X Xtremetl e25'9676 knivos. You got a fair now p.unt & suspension. -----ORD '93 Bronco XLT. Cloon.aioopo 6, woll hoy haulor flot bod lor V V o ry n ic o , m u s t s o o , FOF sunrool, CO. loather. • C ^ ^ L t d . oood condillon,Dn, (206)676-0103* Twin Falls Exit 182 o f 1-84A price In cosh whon they oqulp, S6500. 420-5B53* 30-32 It hay haulor Hat 5 .imllod'odlllon. loodod, MOTOR HOMES ooll. B lue L ak e s S p o rt- , S4000/Ollor. Also, '81 low pockago. S8600/olfor. 16.000 milos, S14.000.: B in k n e p o bod. Call543-9165* C 420-4864/934-5860 -• Taking Bids 78 Cruise Matter 38k Ing G oods 733-6446 YERRV ‘93 22lt:tlioTdoT Chovy 2WD pickup, 6 cyl Piooso call 735-5300.* bod, AC. roar both, extra r 3 spd. good condition. Pl< a m ta c t Amy 67S-6089089 milos. w/ gonorator Cloon S ORO "94 E xploror XLT ISSAN King cloan. On salo $6500, I . S1200/Oflor. d 733-1980 poi ip'97 i35b(:500. I BrockmanaRV I days ond 324.9299 ovos.' iros/brokos. ronr -S e ad o o HX 'OS S250C500. GUNS Romtngton, 7mm 324-<203 / 800-773-3167* I C f IS m atching ------W taaha■9operJ«^'fl — '62 P ace Arrow Class A " ^ CHEVY-88S104X4 XCnb. S6i t-'95- —rod flofd-scoporS47J .._,S13.688______WILDERNESS '73 Comp CCHEVY '66 Runs good PW. ^ locks, rune groat ^ORD '98 Exploror Exc. .nios: shall. cond.. W200. Call 678-1327>7 orC coll 432-5696* A U O '95 30 It. oxtro oir. ’ Eond.Tintod windows. AC, $890 «“5 '99 Holiday Rambler oxcoliont condition. S9000. trallor. 24' SHOO, 208- SlSOO/ollof. Cnll 436- $3550/oHor. 731-1023.- go, aOOO. Coll 736-7478.* ____ PISTOLS Colt, Dotocilv(___ MUST SELL 14k mllos 677-9907 or B41-1165* .9546 loavo m ossogo' Ch 5B800/olfor, 543-8656* SSA N ’9 4 p 'u 5 s p d . AC. SEARAY '79 V8.1/0. Il9h CoH 532-4681* CHEVY '8 9 t T. dually. - bottory & rolrig. unit. DOOGE '99 Quad cab. Roll bar lols ol oxiros. c m — tor, duct fum aco. mlcro- W ILDERNESS '9 9 ~2ytt~ spd, low milos, ono own- 2K. 12K, 733-6700 420-50® - _ M oard/outbard moioi If S7400.420-5853.- ^ VIO, 2w d39K grill guard. Asking S3500, 736-9978- 3lor, son coqtendor, chango'"’P' wavo. lorgo rofrigoralor fixod bod. AC, awning, tool box. 5lh whool hilch. CH }r.S4500. 734-3733- vfiLT O0s n bow. AM/FM c oa ss- oblo barrels. SSSO/offor ^ ALPENLITE '8 9 Trovollto CHEVY '9 6 T ohoo 4 dr. or. ILLYS'51 Joop PIOs ■ solto and dopth soundoiIdor, 677.9907or64M165*'y®‘ w/treozor.-dlnetio & sofa.I 26lt. Sth whool vory cloon sloops 7. locks, warranty. tow roody. 677-9158, soo 4x4 LS. loodod. 97K, oxc. pjrr;MC '89 Scottsdolo 4x4 hordlord top1 & proiociivo cov- ■ 1'°'^- Island bod. owning & tow On salo $9950. 01241 E 200 S Burioy* _cond.,Sl4,SOO. « 326-4004- o n g b o x . E x c. c o n d . or.r. njnsnji woll good condIt- ■ cciticludos trailer, baroloc1^'^* SHOTGUN Franch112 ga. many extras, now iKiltory. sido boom, wako boara :__ dolly. Cloon. $14,500. S72S0. Call 420-5653.* B rockm ans RV FORD^ '75 F160 XLT. CH Extras. S5500. B34-5911* ton,>n, S250a^oflQr.S: 423-4444 ^ ■ 324-4203/800-773-316T ^ CHEVY '97 Crow cab. du- £xt tftroo board and wato ga. Drive by 1980 9th Avo. E. Black. 460 ong. w/undor ai mofctvouync 0 hotmai.com- 2!2I S650/olfor. 306-0785* jmo or coll 733-6419* CHEVY '93 1 T. dually p/u Oily, long box, 64K mllos. MC '01 Yukon XL Donali skle.SSSOO 206-654-2519 w/'94 Jaoyo 35' (rir. s tOOO ml. In Frod Moyor Uko Li now, Loaihor. loadod. 2K mis. Loadod. sun rool. — W EATHERBY MAGNUM lot. $2250. Coll 734-3935.* $18,500. S Call 324.7600 |2K SYl-VAN I4lt. aluminum Mark IV Doiuxo 300 3x9UM NOW BUYING 1087 aniH w/8'slldo out. Exceilont I 38,900.423-5970- ^lOIC 'Doop hull, opon bow variable Leopold scopo,3x9 nowor R V s from tom cond. 20B-324-8787.* | FOROF '87 ton 2 WD ~or 539-4469- ITERNATIONAL-66. 40HP Morcury, covor.1“ E Now condition, mony,po. irallors to dioool molor COBR A -92 30 foot. I 95K. Exc, condition, Lv. CHEVY '98 Tahoo 4 dr., =lun8 good, noods littlo V e y g . Lood trir S4000.733-6021 mossoQO 733-5778.• 5TRO '90 Van, 3K on ■ ■ 2 i L oxtras. Coll 934-4766.*in y coQChos. If ills 0 1987 Excoiiont condition! rFORD pickup trollor, $300. _ 4x4, LT, loaihor, roar AC, FLC. Sl 500/ollor ow cnglno. good shape H H TRI-HULL 1611. 80HP Mor ,• or nowor RV wo havo S7500.COII 324-7697.* 6 x 7 Hat bod $ 1 7 5 , G as FORD'89 F F350 Crow Cob chromoI, whools, ovory ':all ‘r 423-9241- j n s g ro o l. S 4 0 0 0 Cflll ■ ■ s cash on iho spot. ANY possible option. VCR bIM' ob. Strono moior FIREBALL''7 4 i V l i : tuli comont mixor hos whools. dual roor whoolo. 460 w/ y,, ITERNATIONAL -79 324-324-3626.* ■ ■ oomo oxtras. SISOO/otiat ■ PRICE rango. both, sloops 6. good 423-4800 or 212-8900* 5 spd tra n s .. now tiros. w/lllp if, down LCD monitor. (NT g t a i i M ■ Bort Harbaugh Motor* Seoul II. Roady to lor tho CHEVHlEVY 7 9 van, 15K miles ^11733-5844 oflor 4pm. ' condition, S2S00. 208- f good mochanical cond. immaculate $17,300. See ■ Downtown Wondoll HALLMARK Trollor 6x12 Coll 735-8588.* mnnm.S2000/O(lor. on n -socond n onglno, now 14lt. CALDERA 4 porson pofta- 366-2559 oflor 6;00 pm.* w ith a '80 W oslom Wll- _ Call 326-0627.- — 536-6323 onclosod. $1500. lirm. ros. S3000. 324-6842 or & ,35HP Johnsonso n . l)lo spa. Liko now. S1900. Call 436-9910 Miko* ^ dornoss lOli' soil cont. OODGE oo '79 powor wagon ____ You m u tt Bring RV In FIREBALL '90 5in whOOl . cob ovor compor vory U ZU -90 Troopor, 4 x 4 .4 731-831-8939.- ■'■.nqmoto sloorlntj. S1300.W. Coll 733-0457* 25 ft. with slldoout. roar LOWEST PRICES runo good & vory rolioblo is u 2 -C aD >34-4794 orag0-2t?4r to ge t P rlcc Q uote. ' cloan. $7500/ollor. 543- but noods pami job. cyl.. cv 5 spd. now hoads. noDGI)DGE '92 ^ ton Marie III W i: HOT SPRINGS Hot Spol. kitchon, loadod. on solo Xtremell 825-9876 8836 leave msg. 543- SIBOO. 208-737-0915.- con^,,:onvorsion Von. 160k. ||k ■ 0 JOI Now control box. covor & S2500/0lt0f. 764-2492.* Si ’^ t t A H A '92 VXR Pro Jo SOUTHWIND '91 30 ft. 454 $8495, 1Twin Fatle Exit 182 of 1-84 4114 dayo Leo.* DO UZU '91 Troopor now 16-K6-18 mpg. cloan ana H J '.W d b l. trir. w / att a cces* c e s hootor. 11 0 Volt.If S 4 g as onglno. 4SK mi. now Brockmans RV 2002 Haulmark Cargo - DOOGE '96 Qu.id Cab jSlJ; FO R D '9 2 F 1 5 0 XLT. 2 rans. & computor, groot doporopondoblo. $2900. ■ - -iorloa $3000. 733-5996.196.* porson. $1250. 324-8255*■ / tiros, now carpot, ownings 324-1203 or 800-773-3167 5X8-S2399 now $1888 I* 4x4, l)liJO, S r .SOO/ollor. itar Coll 324-8279.* ■ 5x10 52499 now $1948 whool drivo, supor c ab , _[£;loadod Call'/31-376B.- morjolnl. rocord 106K _____C YAMAHA ‘97 Wovo Run5uiv H“OT~tUB 5-7 porson55‘ . & oxlras. Always storod ;3.500/orior Of iradO lor OODGJ “ indooro. Excoiiont 6x 10 (2)-S3397 now $2788 AC, PW, AT. oxcoliont FOI IDGE '95 Caravan. Air. I •-ntif 3. w/trlr. 525000 o r codor outsido, now motor, FLEETWOOD '00 Wildorn- ^ FORO -76 F2S0 4x4 high- S3.;iubutban oqual valuo. crulsirulso. good condtion. H lor con d itio n . M ust so o to : 7x16-54999 now $4288 shapo. S S4SOO. DC ,.U ^do lor cam p tflr l rr . SBOO. Vt/0 m ovod, must oss. Modol 24J. 24 ft. 420-5274 o r 423-5274.* Doy, runs and looks good. Sut Call 324-7406.* $45004500/ ollor 432-5696- : 324-1241- Mil 324-213S or 732-5966*usi opproclato. (208) 349- NonhwosI odilion. Micro- 8x16-55199 now $4388 ‘ $2500/(irm. 208-677-3357- ee* 5736 ovos. or 312-5736- I wavo. CO, cotfoo-makor. 8x20-56399 now $4986 8x24-56999 now $5588 AC. walk-around quodn- We FInancol sizo bod. Sloops 6. Exio- All . applications accepted* nor showor. Lorgo owning. Z AND GET LELESS Sol-up lor cobio A ampii- TTtTAN '97 30 It. Ilolbod. WHYP(>AY MORE A flod TV antonna. Llko with duck bills. $6500. nowl $11,000. 543-B034.* Catl 539-2697* WHENV PAY LESS AND A _ • HOUDAY '89 lully loadod. CUTIUTY Trallor 12x6 now. YOU CAN F soif-conlalnod. 31 It. open with ramp. SBOO i £ call 733-6700 or 420-5004- i i i i : S8500. Cflll 208-678-550t* _ KIT '78 18'vory good UTILITY ^ TRAILER small. , u • Please printnt c learly w ith d a rk pe Shapo, lumaco. ovon. gas Call 324-2924 allor Spm pencil or pen *oIocl. rolrig., S2250. or loavo mossago.* • Approximatilately. 23 sp aces p e r lin Call 423-5068.* | ine including OBEj? 2 KIT '78 Hoad Rangor 23'. GE I 1 Ml '. blank spaceices. FSolf-coni. Good cond. | Sloops 6 ♦ oquollzor = ; • We will notij)tify y o u if th ere is a sp hitch. S2700. Coll 733- CHALLENGER II '9 7 TT special going on . 2168 ovoninQS--______220 ms. flotax 503 DCDI. Exc. condillon. Always w hich mighg h t resu lt in a d iscoun KIT '90 Sunchasor Bunk- i 5 hangorod. $13,500. anted price houso, 22.911,-Utko now ------CollgQ9-3g4-9410»-— 5 5 * 3 line minimimum - Private Party r condilion. Coll 734-1218 s ■------1 9 9 8 B u ick ~ 1 9 8 4 GMC S u b ui rb r b ! a n ~ / rates or 539-0574* | «2183B, low Mi„ Leclhcr,IchBeoai^^ #I124B, A/T, A/C, 4x4,4*4 , V.8 icr. Sunroof, Alloys, A/T Vos S i KIT '98 Patio Haulor, 3511. I W os ■ - 1 1 4 ,3 4 0 ______NowXin 9 9 ^ N a w .O n ly -M.900 ' L i w p w p w w r i ^20'ownlng, cololytic hool- CORVETTE c '09 complolo or. gonorotor & s6lar ongino. i Noods crank turn. Payji - 3 lines roody. $17.650.420-5853* Catorpillar i diosol 3160 C o s t KIT 99'C om panlon LXG, onglno. ' Complolo bod ! 1-3 days ...... 51h27»4 It. w/slido. oxcol- block ' StSO. '93 Ford Ex­ ...... $16.95 ^lont condition, oxlro ploror I lobuiidablo AT and ,: 4-7 days ...... accossorios. 326-6713 Of lorquo ] convenor. '97 ...... $24.35 731-2845 oltor 5 pm.* Dodgo' 1 lon robulldoblo 8-14 d ays ..... irans. and transfor coso. 1997 TOYOTA < 1993 Subaru Legacyffliv ^S s e d a n ^ O ...... $41.50 Sovoral hydraulic rosorv- »2167B, 4 Door,\R A CQROLLA #2U6A, A A. A/C. O ■; 35-21 days ,...... KITT '94 Companion - '■ r, A/T, A/C, CD ...... '...$60.00 irolior, 26' wlih slido oirs. < 2 stand up drill W04 •'as S ■ ; ^ - 3 Q days , out. On Solo, only p I ro sso s 350 oach. Eloc­ I S 7 .7 9 0 ...... N o w ,.„v^6.440ll^°.O; 5 ,9 0 0 ...... N o w O n ty .^ ' 7 7 0 1 ^ S8905. lric j motal band sa w 5150...... $77.00 Robulldoblo transmission Your od will run In1 TlieTil lim es-H ew s, M cjic Vnliie!, out ol '93 D odge Dakota. es, Ag Weekly ond Online Bert Harbaugh Motors < Oowntown Wondoll

c J t ■ Mi c S iii ll _ s — ------J------y * ?

_E16'^lm«»-Newa, TwTwin Falls, Idaho Friday. JuiJunt 21.2002

AUTOMATIC CADILLAC '06 DaVlllaIla CHEVY'98 Mailbu L8, FORD’99Tautus> 52K mlS. LISU ZU 'M Rodeo, 4x4, ei^ PONTIAC'« P Gran'PfiK. TCTOVOT* 'M C«miy 4 cyl. SUBARU SUB .'88 GL W^jS • TRANSMISStONS8 flxc. condlllon, wtitto 's il ^ . >efr^^8 ,-PBi—. New tires, brakes. Exc. . - d o r make aura th a t tho T573rovsww& im ryUric ------(naol & Anaio Vlscorr — CHRYSLER ’96 Concofdo S4800/OffBr 543-8416* ( tltlo ts In th e n a m s ol edit - ContaaJonrco67B-21V, y l ,: ____ C*!>334,9mtor-..— CARS Irom $5001 Pollco roof, 5 spd., noods work. cond. 536-2160 evee.6.9‘ edit IncL keyless s n w s ;oV,a, • V; LXI loathor. loadod. CD, the sailer. Under Idaho rotr Impounds & tax roposi SSOO. Coll 734-8323.* fcMERCURY '8 8 Topaz PONTIACpi '07 Sunbird romole slart. eSKffiK ^ -tracllon control. S6450. molor vehicle code, a $8450/ofler.$84 735-11 0 » i t 2” ^ BUICK ’92 Skylark. 4 & For IIstlnoB. Call 1-800* HONDA '00 CHX 5 apd. i5 spd. PS, CC. new CD. cconvartJbla. Very nice carl ! ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ -736-9151 loavomnfl.*------RunawU81000.-423.9241* c vehicle cannot be aold = = PS. PB, crulso. AC.>1^ Pl - 719-3001 o*t:C8t9. — - ' "Artozza llohtB; now tlmtno F •c an atter6pm 734.7021.* - • unless the tlUe Is In the K ~ : In our effort to ..S290S.32e-3ia9aft«r2. — EAQLE VISION ‘05 Exc. bolt, tuna up. clean KMERCURY'92 Qrer)d P(PONTIAC Qrand Am 8E name of the sslier (ex- ^ 1 0 CHEVY '87-Surburban. $2800/ofror, 212-1058.* ' make our 350. soats 9. roor hool 'V& - snopo. 80K.miifl9. Marquis. 95K miles. Very ‘i•96,V ^,A T ,P W , PL, CO. ception; Idaho licensed o BUICK '9 3 Sky(ai1(. 6 cy»r * Call 6 7 3 .6 3 S r good cond. $3600/ottor. S • “ dor. AC, PL.'«xc.-cond AC. SSOOO. B2S-5070* HONDA '04 Accord LX SSI 00. Cail 678-2474* deafer). T he seller ehail . classified section Call 733-6908* ^ provide tho new pur­ oroat runnino. $2005 — FORO '00 Exploror Sport, 4 dr. PW. PL, dork bluo. SUBARU 06 Legacy, 4x4, free of an y errors, CHEVY *91 Coprlco° oxcoiiont condition for 110k. Excol cond. $6500. S c h a se r a signod bill of ion 324.0607 or 731^167.*il^o Claaslc. Vory good NISSAN ‘07 Sonira QXE. 698k miles. 4 door, green, F A X ^ please check your ;? moro info call 280-3526‘ 438-8309or431-570r 60K mllos, CO, $6000/of- S$5900 21£»4046* salo showing the fol­ OOO- condition. Call 678-3045* lowino: Full description ’ BUICK '04 Rogal, hi mllo L FORD *85 LTD Brouohm. fer. Call 734-4852.' f= ad for any HONOA ‘04 A cco rd EX of tho vehicle, vehicle 3 u r (142K). oxc, cond.. S200C:----- CHEVY '94 Qoo Prism good body, noodb onoine 126K mllos, S6350. pPONTIAC ’66 6000. Identifications numbar, Y o u m mistakes the first Allopllons. 324>S40rde 5 spd.. AC. C0SS..1 ownor.ir. work. S 2 ^ . CaD 3 2 4 - ^ * 212-4124’ 1 THE TIMES NEWS d ay th at it runs. ond oxc. cond.. 06K ml. F o rd *91 T om po. Q o o d rCtaaelfled Department amount paki end nam- ir s t CADILLAC '01 Coupo de S3.850. Call 324-54T7.*. FORD '87 Tompo SSOO. HONOA -96 Accord, 4 cond.734-2ei3/420-1485* o p e n s a t 8:00 am e(s) and ad d ress of the IS Villo. 96K m is Exc.coni AD 1 After that time _ Noods tmnsmlssion work. door, AT. good condition, PONTIAC p '88 Bonneville Mon th ru Fri. new purchaser. T he bill i $1500 nrm. 733-3147*,so- CHEVY'M Corsica Call 543-5609* of sa le m ust b a signed, TIMES-NEWSi:3 The Times-News S680a'olfor.212-1117.* (Great cond. Silver. New ' Taka C a rs of yo u r CLASSIFIED:^ wiii not be CADILLAC 'S6 DoVlllo,JOd. so Cioan.AT.AC. tlll.CC.PL,L, FORD '97 Explorer XL HONDAS from SSOOl Po- 'tiros. S19S0. 734*7818’ classified business • cass. $3000. 734-9327’ before ^o u h e a d to mlieaoe at the limo of DEPARTMEf'fc L dan. runs.& looks'good _ good condilion. AC. Ilco Irrujounds.For listings. 5PONTIAC '91 Bonneville responsible for S1500/offor. 324-6569hor ‘ CHEVY ’00 Mollbu. load-J. $ ^ . Call 432-9031 .* 800-719 questtons, please con­ any errors. ros. o d . 16k m llos, AC, Qu- FORD '99 Conlour SE. All Awoeome overdrive. CADILLAC '01 Loatho H YUN D A I'^ Excol. 106K, ' o r o u r Burtey O ffice. tact your local asses- or ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ roat to,llko now.Must sooiX powor, oxc. cond. 65K ml. 5 spd. 4 door, cloan. runs While, ’ now tires, must Bor's office.* , 2 0 8 ^ ^ - 4 5 4 ^ sools. now brakos & tiros7* I 734-9299* 1>208.677*4042 * • / 22mpg. looks & nins groa S8500/offor. 324-8973.* I | good. $1400.308-4246.* |

V ^ I

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I y m p iB SI m e # f i I jYjm i f

o i '01 CHEVY Bl CHEVY BIAZERt '00 ISUZU HOJ H WAS $21.9 S WAS $21,995 WAS $10,122 5 d K o ic e - WAS S9,995 h H tt 1 4 0 6 0 y 5 .«G0235-1 ^ 8 , 9 9 5 ■ W U 300 1993 Ford Broi3 H C O XLT “^ 1 9 ^ 9 9 ■ #60013-3 4X4, Loo ad ed WA$s9,995-— NOW $8,99! -1999 Ford Winindslar------#1471-0 I WAS^17.52C0 — NOW $15/ B 1996 Ford F-2i!50 4x4 m '99 FORD EX '00 CHEVY TRACKER SUPERCREW mi^996A #1361-1; '01 FORD F-150 SSI BMC SUBURBAN Sli ' H 9 XLT.U WAS $27,^.360 • ! 4x4. Loaded 1 f f l WAS r.$2( Urlat ■ • WAS $23,995 WAS n-2,9955 — NOW $10/ 1 »23,4$26,735 ^mXm^S * 2 4 ,9► ! 9 5 ? $ 1 •P0038.1 # 1 4 2 &0 0 1 ■ 9 ,9 9 5 W « I 3, S 9 9 5 # 1 3 2 7 7 .1 3 5 1 -0 1427 BLUE LAKESi BLVD.E N. 733-18823 1-800-333-22J219 w w w.gdryswwesriand.com i ’ jy^ /ifH State & Federal' regijgulafions. All prices/pcDoymenfs plus tax, flrfee <& peeler Oocumenfafitation (m . Photos for illullusfrotion p u ls e s onl/.

J t' 5 ^ . B“i'i^ S | BUS5 S iAY IT Ai«: t u t o n OOMIPE) IY [iE n~A/>I ~ rc?> TMt^LA 1 ^ W li i j t 2 Z T n lK 7 T ■ o r USELO C A\R . WfVEA/i TORii J I se m LYIUN! | i y rr®HICL£iSQTA^mtmlATJLI J i II r a SA4»vyi/fGS Of^i iUR J ■ ★ IT $ ■ 1U iD iDC i j • l ~ ■ ALIri— r ■ APP| 1 H ^ i f i y r ^Fj4^yDRt\VEITHonA I > a _TOLOAYtF/A{4/NCINiG OAi I ^ EEEFS Piai \GEmECrTION OF VE.mOEQPR. ©WW*□ 1DOITT WO]WH . O W K E? i L L ^ B k I A DEAL VWE LL PAY ilil'lillii EABLy « MlIOST VEHIGCLES AVAILILABLE WIT


•^1 S^B iiM BEHflfflSaUaB 0 aSSiSH H i^E f l MIIDCDLEKAUFF‘F . h LL ISO iSilif.797 -


17 H ' i P r ' ■f .^ e-lS TlfM»Newt, TwinTwi Foils, Idaho Friday, Jun« 21,:il.2 0 0 2 3 t i t n MC i i > v iUTO»GR! P ^ | - A I LOUI M ^ I ^ 4'4 i I I Establil i s h e d 1 9

pD [ i j l [ 7

I M errill Bylund - Sales Mgr. I I L

■ r A

Gory Lynch O v e r 1 5 0 U s e d C■ars t to C hop^os e F r o m

1997 Chevy SliS h o rt B ox 4 x 4 ^B 2 0 fl^^T(^IustafiRCtm miiir 2001 ClChevy Camero Convertible 2000 ChevyK iMohtc Carlo I I W.mASOIKiMnSII.VS ■ « R 4 4 9 5 ^ Ik)»n $16,995 72,M<>nll I.WS W) M..iilh\ 7.

1995 Ford W i n d s t a r I 1994 Clic'vvSKIIllazcr<;r-tx4 2 0 0 1 l'*A. '.Mr 11 Ford Focus SE 2000 Ford 3/4Ton3. XI-T I I /4227H SO Down <4.995 4H Monlln OnhiSiXaUihi ■ I 9.9rr I « IH4^3ASfjt » iC i'n S l l ^ 72!MDn'lh% 6.9't

i P w i1 ; ^ 1 I I i I • Frank Fl J e n se n ’ ^ 1 r ^ I GcnerolOt Soles Mgr. Dave Florke Buy Here Pay Here Mgr. k i / r d R ^ l ______------2001-*Suzuki-KKl«-e,keni-VViigon G Ij ------1- -l-999-T«yol«-Cim»ry-LI'j :------iSoSSFordM ustan|rCoupc“ •and Marquis GS” I'l ' '.A’r.MtA'ur. I'ft./i; ,ir./W n / «5£M$(H)o»u $7.WW M6 Mniilhv /4i/4540A $0 Down $IJ.90Q 72 MonthIths 7.9ft. /H4537A SOso Il)u»n SUJOO 72 Monlhi 6.9rr 90060Moalhs7.9% I I o T s - MI '1 3 .9900 S ro;9oo L lie f e r ' g m m m m k ■1998TVIernnyGirar M ike Cerielio H, ft; Mgr, «45MBS0D

I I Jo c k Bell BURLILEY .gl I ^ ‘93 Plvmoudi Vovj '^rkr% ‘97 Buick LeS; j q Travis /A nderson ’® L „ . $ 1 ^ 5 S a b r e ■ ...... 9 , 1 9 5 S i *14^95 I i *lzm m >95 i/fftfoti,«7» ...... 9 , 7 9 5 SStJS * 1 5 ^ 9 5 \ ‘99-S-aturn SCCI.lDoiir r\*QQGQC ‘0 0 F o r d I ! Sletnng. ,\t ,Ciulyr,i4SJti" I ”"':'.. * 3 j7r ! ^ U-..1.U *16,788 ' % ...... *33>5|9 5 :anJCO.tK4SOO.i ...... 9 - 9 9 S F o revy d Blazer . •9|^)o(I}'c Dakoia • a 4 x 4 *4^9 :...... M6^95' 4Sor/W ovTQ f e - » . . I * i o0 j 4 Q ^ ‘01 Ford'[C S ierra KxL Cul) 4x4 . •inoiKe Director Iy 5 ‘00 Ford Tburi ...... *17,995‘ Tim Sanders X Siffi,a.72!S!?iiI v ^ - S s t n . * 1 0 akn Colonel Sanders d Ranger Supercab < m m i i sS™...... *5^8> 8 o ;,»7 PiyniouUi \V o y a c c r ^0 .9 9 S S S S *18,995 r-^ f) Q Q ^ ‘99 Ford F M C "'.irhfcwr.KJ7JM / ...... J . V •d Explorer • v < ...... * 5 ^ * 1 9 ^ 9 5 I f) Q Q C >01 F o r d I *6^9? 5 ...*10 -d Windstar d *19,995 I J«i|flj|R i> . - . 195 KfeSg-SiSSVi&Sa*'!’... tt™ :,.,...,...... ;..*6^9 • /'.Siw/nj,-. ^W/295 ; s m

iiinBSiSfiBJ Expedition 4x4 |B < ^ ^ H Norveffvef Christenson *"/>oe5 n o f include Tax, T, Fee - AU Vehicles Subject y , ^

eci Uf prior Sale Expires 6i 1'■ . ■»' ■ , Friday, Ju m 21,2002 Tlnw*««w>.l«w>. Twin Falls, idatw E-19 H w irsou VEHSuunrsAiLE! I

J P P j P I

Eve,e#y new an«id used car^ isi slashed,in price foi9r this grea,at event! Tthis will be i . b ig g e i est sa/e of t1 h e y e a r s o0 don't misss it! It's OUIjr birthday,fi b u t y o u gijet the presi‘se n t s !

72 il

a 0 0 2 T O9Y01A t PRIUS i m CNKKOIJT IHE GAS/EAS/ElKniC HYBRID SYSTEM AUTD*A]R*a*MOM IT 2 0 0 2 CAMRY U£ 2002 RAV4/4AWD I - J . “ « i umniiHODa o $ .p p - ,. nut6ns52»52MPGIHTHEOIYI Aim.«.EwittiKw;ioA^lOO^MOiORS* IU*OaJK* WTMttSVU^ UiOtS*0«AR*PWRVnVRWIXOCMS I ■ ■ tf«^^«14,556) 0 WTTHSH SPORT PACKACE ■ 0 , 0 3 0 M9,7 y ^20,956 V/TTHV/m SSOO CASH BACK I ■ ■ q t 0RGn3.9%-3iw4.9S-4j4-4tei*5.9S-60M

M 2 0 0 2 TACOJI9MA DOUBUGABI 3 0 0 a TUNDRA ACV.S«Almi>tIt>aiUISE> ItHailKraiB06 TWOIOH wnw . IWHR WR Sttis 6 Dt 6DKCHWCER 8PASSENGER-1R* LOADED, INCLUDING SUNROOF SI500 CUSTOMERIER C'C^SH ■ ^ ' * 2 3 E3,956 ^ 2 4 , 9 5> <6 * M S * P $u 3 a , i 5 9 o„c>i^29,9l> 5 6 53 3 8 ,9 5 6 0R}.9S-36wm-48«)U«)»19%-60w ^^m m m ^rnrn ‘Piicos ptuiI tax,tax ti;lB, and S87.tO doalor doc foo.9. PiPrico with cash bock appllod. Matrixrlx mdl.m /19I2. Soquoia mdl. /7 m Corot rotia mdli 1802. Camtv mdl./ 2S32 w/cf.w/c flav4 mdl.# 4427. Ooubiocob /97t.«7t38 Tundro «SU4. Solara/91810.а. “* R.L Polk fogisiration cniendat YTO,n o , 2t»2. ' If y o u h a v e n ' m'f expierfenced buyiiying a par from us" glylive US a try-you'll be3 e glad you didI Join in our custom ers vvh(/hoTlraady Iciib^T^^^^at w hen you leave our3 ur dealer- I ship, it willI beb in a car ypu^MWf]i n t ^ to buy, at a p Hi c a e y o u liked, and a ppaym ent you c a n a f afford. Com e to W illsills - 56 yeai^ of treatiiting you, the custommer, e right!

E2EZ2Q piy M w y

1089 FORD AEROl lOSTAR.VAN 1990tioKowwHnHmai U 1 9 9 4 MERCURY SABIlBULS 1 9 9 4 M E R a tCURY COUGAR XR7 191 9 9 1 CADIUAC SEDAN DiV]ivnu l*9IFOKSCXnXPIORERXLT XlT'AUTOMATlC^POWaDWEIWIHDOWS _ •••■ YOUM'U MUST RIOEiDIIVETtilS ONEI W!Sai»ICIYlBS*NICOD 2 .tu »• aEXTREMELY NICE CAR!' lUXU!IIOUS*SEEANDDIIIVII ALOrS-mwlHDOVB*WS* AUTO'CRUISE . ______UHS3.990 S A t ^t 2j , 9 S j S t ____ linSS,B!0_,0 sAVg ^3/056______1 iaa,9io-SA»li4^ i j 4 ^ tWS 6;£ iro -SM A ' i l 4 , 8 5 6 -■l»5i;t9l)-SA « it^4,8i’5 6 n E r s i 5 , o - s A i 6 - ®^ ^ 4 ^ 9 5 6 — KTT w n

1992 FORD EXPLO10RER4X4 1995 CHEVE V K O U T M O K n CARLO IS ' 1 9 9 0 TOYOTA 4RUNNE1IER SRS 1995 FORD'D W IN D STA R VAN 1 9 9 4 CHRYSLER LHS ti^V^*AUIO»WRWIHDOWS.lS*lOaS*aEAHI GOI IS 1 9 9 9 FORD TAUrA U R U S SE m m .u m ,K E m V-6»S-SPfED*Alli*TllT»CRlCRUISE Gl* POWERIt WWINDOWS •AUOYS iaiHER»lOWMIlES*StlAIIP PWR SEAT‘ THE WORKS •OHLllONLY 35,000 MILES IhlSMM S R « - t *’4 4 , 9 5 6 lhtSi,990990 s a U ^ 5 > 9 5 6 IWS4,990 S A 1 * ^ 5 ^ ^ 37 5 6 Lisi 57,490 SiAU f l *6,756 „ lhlSB,490 SA'‘^^7/8i 1^ ^ 'm g 0

1 9 9 2 CHIVY V4 TONIN JXCAB 4 X 4 1 9 99 1 1 U X U S LS 4 0 0 1 9 9 9 . PONTIAC GRAN AJ AM sc 1997 MERCUR 9 9 8 JIEP CHEROKEE OASISSlC 2 0 0 0 FORD FOCUSUS 2SE WAGON S1VEJAOO*AUOYS*BEI•BEDUKER AILOFWHJ I I WHAJrOUDEXFEaiHAlEinJS! AUAinO*AJR«AUOYS«fWIWDWS*U•lOWMIlES IS,10A0EIiDEO, VERY NICEI 4.0«AUTO«nfflWIHMW«AUOYS AUTO* ALLOYS*0 1 * PWRWlhR WINDOWS *KEYl£SS s < v t f ^ 9 , 8B i 5 6 list Sip,990 sA tf $9,8 5 6 Uiisiii,;nsA«-®®9,99 5 6 lh>SII,99D sAI.E K * 9 ,9 5 6 ihisii.1511,990 S A t E ^ 1 0 ,9 55 6 UitS11.990 S A I . ^ 11 C 0 , 9 5 6

! ! 9 i S i 0 i p i m % _ _ Q

2001 anVROUTLr U IM IN A 2 0 0 1 TOI rOYOTACOROUAU 2 0 0 1 FORP MUSTAHme 2000 MER^tCURY COUGAR 1 9»99 9 4 PONTIAC MONTANA Vi ; WEUEOUinO,VEKY(UfQEAHI AlfIO.Am.M wMiVAN 1 9 9 9 FORD RANGERSERSC A B 4D R ! ,PWWWDOWS.I3,(IOO«ll£S V-6 •AUTO •PWI WINDOWS «AU(lUOYS V-6 WITHHI I 5.000■ MllES KEYIQSLBS ENTRY* REAR AIR » VERY MICE (OHDfTDfTIOM JX 4 • XLT • V.« • AllOtSiKE>^KEYIE5SENTRY_J______; U(lSi2,9 9 0 5 ^ 1 * ^ 1 1 1 1 , 8 5 6 list SI3,990 s)ALE « $ 1 2 ,8 5 6 iMsittiom sA t® *! 3 ,7Z56lhJSH,990 S fttt* 1 3 , 8 5 6 UilSiS.SIS,990 s A t t s i 4 , 4 S56lhlSH .B)0SA l-^|4

1 997 FOSD P180 tI CABG 4 X 4 1 9 9 7 CHVM EV W H ir XCAB 4 X 4 a o0 O 0 0 FORO R iN O IR S CAB14X4 i 2001 VWBEil i m i GLS 1 9 * * JBJEEP GRAND CHEROXU LIETD 2 0 0 0 TOYOTA TUNDRAA AlACCESS CAB m*V-8*AUT00 SIIVEIAOO'00 *5.7 *3 OR •LOADED )XlI^A(!TO>AU{)YS*(D*BEOUHERER OHIY2000MJIES.SUHRCUOOF.Ol'aiAHGK * !"UI • LEATHER •SUHKOOF* HAS II ALU . 4X4 • SRS-V-8 *(D* ALLOYSS* PWR WINDOWS ^ S16,790SA'*®^ 1 41 ^ ! , 9 5 6 [U SK.no SA! A i^e$i5,856 UdSK9^!rlS1i,988 s a U « 1 5 , 8> ! 5 6 im SI7.990 ^ 1 6 , 6 5 6 lill S20,990> ,. s a i e $ i 9 , 8 5 6б . Lhl 523,990 s i a ^ 2 2 ,

<______• ...... V '.'" , ' 'I ' , "

E-20 I, Twin Falli, Idalio Rtdty, Jun** 22 1 .2 0 0 2 ______'


lii^ H 0 J V..HL‘;;.v H

m A \M I a 'n fti^ ! i

n - ; , ■ ■ - ^ O blC H Evl 2001 FORDI p o o l BUIcl CAUAUERl FOCUS SE na«c TranimlHlon • Air C o n d i t i ^ r caiTumr " ^inrriiEPiD • Autcmalk Transmiiilon ^ n a ^ TrammluJon. Air CondlUonit »pi• Power Lm Iu • AM/FM, CO 'Yjfi •Al• AJr Ccnditlonfng • AM/FM, CD •: Transmlttlon • Air Conditio 1 ^ Windows, Lo

^ W ll 11 T TOWi f ^ » l k1*^*1 l jiJi^T|"'^H B 1 I

2 0 00 2 D O D G E 20 002 DODGE 2 0 0 2 JEEPp 2 0 0 2 J E I ^ ■ INEON '^ S T R AITUS I RT COU NIcxk «3DN-S9i9 CColor AlmDnil*J.SpMdTMntml»ml.ilon i . S.«UJl»^CoJ Colon MTiilt • iMihrr • AulomjHf Tunwiii LIBERTir ▼ f i i w!ANDCHEROI •A itrCondlllonlnit Coi • AM/FM C4lMllc 'AltCoiMlillMlnft*Iln* • Till Siming • Crul« Conlrol • Powct Wl lUO Color SrijthlSllm . J.76C,llivd»f •Asleoutic• A> Slock RCC-M•M Celof: WoodUnd Blown • Inlitit i Crllix;rlli>dn.A>lMulk',^H -rYfaoo,'100,000 Milr IW tr Trjin W tmnI)' Toxrt lodu • Sunreiunrw( • i r IS'hnli Icitl ilumlnuni) > 7Yr. KB CbM • lldiri Mltim • r«« U nn • AJrCeotCeodltlodns - ^ ^ ^ T n n i a M o tn i «* Trdlrr Tow r«(fc«gt • Air COidlUonln*n]n|«Cn>lMCaetRa^^H < r Ro4(J>ldc AMlilance • Ouil AltbjgfJg, rownTolnWjnjnjRiiily • :i Hour ILudilJr AuiiUixc • Diut A 111 • fBWCT Win low* k UKU* 7 Vt. lOOAOnOMUirowrr M .^^^■ T 'T U lS ln rinTln(t • Powtr Wlrvdow* • FoM lw ki •>7Yr.iaamMUH^^^H 7 Tr. tranljr • 24 Hour RMdtidt AulMinct • DMiAWupOul P»HtrTr»lii»In Wunitijr • 24 Hour lUudiMt AMbUno • ^ WASS «17,3000 ^ WAS M>«Dtt4lAlrtiV>^^^H S «28,21< IVS *27,835i ■' . '"^-■■W'AS l *34,80 P SAVEE * 4 , 9 1 2 ^ SAVi' i * 6 , 7 2 3 VE *5,402I SKWE *8,71 ^ $ 1 1 . . : ^ NOW 12388 I 9 NOW -Jl21481 *22481 I 2 « 0 8 r ip "“ '*0 0 1 Trt-'O* B ^ ‘ 2 8 9 8 f O ^ ^ S I

ices or Poymcnfi. O.A.C. U

S L E R • C E T R U C K ► Twin Falls, Ida 98-2500 www.lat