![)Urt Wq] He: Bars Exec Mg Cutio] Tn of L Retarc Ded I 0](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
www.magicicyalley.com 3 0 . 3 a >2 ' lC C 7 9 9 0 3 h e : M g1 3 2 5 = :Tw in Falls,i, IIdahb/97th year, N o . 1 7 2 ""HmFriday,f June 21, 20C0 0 2 • ~GCX 3D MIORNING C ^ W e a t h e r Today; Partly >)urt■ bars execcutio]tn of lretarcded I ^ 1 SUJ T h .Wtfashlngton M Po»t_______________ m en t in 1976. pu n ish mlent” ei prohibited hy the tally retarded their conondiiional areas of reasoiasoning, judgment and t*storm m --------- ' B y th e c o u rt h e ldd 6-3 that a Consdtudcidon. approval. At that time,, only( two conlrol of theirthei impul^‘S, huwev- « ^ | B i sps p o ts . H ig h 84, w AASHINGTON Sl - The Supremele I'e ^ t wave of statuKHes banning Comingng amid an upsurge in death-penalty states bammned exe- er, they, do> notno the lolm w 5 2. C ourtC on01 Thursday abolished thele the practice in 18 ofDf 38 death- public con'oncem ov^r flaws in the cudons of the retarded. of moral cuIp; that diarac- Page A2 ex ecutintion of mentally retardedd penalty states showiwed that a administrstration of the death “Those mentally retanarded per- lerizes the m ■ offendeiders, imposing one of thee nadonal consensus agagain.st it h ad penalty, theth ruling represented a sons who meet the law’s’s require- criminal cond John . s>lsignificant restrictions onn formed, a consensiisus strong change frofrom a position the court menis for criminal respoponsibility Paul Stevens « n M a g ic V alVLLE\ / who COcould be given the deathh enough to warrant cla;lassifying all had takenen as recently as 1989, s h o u ld l>e trie d a n d punishedpi opinion joii . __ . penalty[ty since the co u rt perm ittedd death sentences for th>the mentally when the:e justices,; in a 5-4 deci- when- they commit c rim e s , Quicker and fasterten A n e w s ta te s5 :,to resume capital punish-1- retarded as “cruel anmd unusual sion, gave'c execudons• of the men- Because of iheir disabibilitios in Pleas'c see RETARDED. Page A5 draft plan for cleaie a n in g u p Idaho's nudear. w<3w a s te say s i t can save $19 billio:l io n a n d g e t • the job done a Iqt:q t so o n er. IE Page B l WqIRKINC] W OID) A TIR FIRI - ' * M o n e y A gencicies seek Going up: Magic: VV: i d l ^ p o ste d a robust 52.4 percer c e n t g a in in to previivent blaze I March constnictioii o n v a lu e s , while statewide aca c tiv ity suf- near Slishoslione fered. Page E l By Lorraine CaveCavener correspondent_________ W kkkE n dD SHOSHONENE - Sevenil agencies ■ H were, workinging Thursday to pre- H M vent a fire that could take weeks ■ ■ to put out. On Thursd:rsday a mechanical bni-sli cu tle rrlwgan Iw, cutting a barri- c r Ixiiween higlhiglily flammable U.S. Bureau of Landa n d M anagement land b and the pile: of tires at Idaho Tire I Rc-covery Inc.1C. inorth of Shoshone. M - -•••■ Work will cont:ontinue today on the ■ )d River Rural Fire ■ Songs at twilight:t: iN a n d District wass <}i:<Hi hatid with a fire Griffith, the fair latla d y o f “ folk- truck in caseise any sparks flew abilly,” will start K(K e tc h u m ’s while the ntachiadline worked. ------ TW ili^t Concert; ses e r ie s w ith a H H | H H B M H 'OiL' 1 cutler, owned by Jay Monday night showlOW. Nonistroin ofjf KKellogg, nomially is fo r t)rcst .thinning. The Page C l grindsinds up iiiimarketahle ___ W B H or ; used to clear under- •: ■ j j ’, • n eath po w er.T Iiline:^, lie said. But * S Sl’ORT'S •t'f J ' ' .N o rd stro m . of Nor,dstrom E n gineering,i;, is e.xpanding uses, i A new leader: Juditd ith A rn d t and tliis is thele fiifirst sagebnisli o]x;r- ' I; took the lead of theth e H P *■ ation for the macmachine, lie Siiid. Jj ’ Women’s ChallengeI g c w ith a w f ® . J Steve Slock,'Ck, fire-chief for the I record-breaking stas ta g e w in. '• T ^ n ;Y K j U ; ^ ^Vo<xl R ivtr f-'inJ-'ire District; is happy Page D l that Ille inadiiniJiine is able to provide Hn>*MrFTI w hat is necess;essary id p rev en t a tmaMTM/n*TktTtuirun |)()[L-niia! rangeIge firef fnini spreading • ■ j O l’INION . Soth RicoIco uses a spoclal cutting headd oion an oarth mover to chop do\lown tho sagobrush around tho:ho Idaho Tiro Recovery Inc. propertypro] noar Shoshono. The U.SI.S. to the pile. 'IlieIlie pile iias l>een esd- H oriand Mahagomont'and Woodod RivorI nro District hired Nordrdstrom En^nccrlng to'croaioto .a firo break araiind tho pfopoioporty In the hopes of avoiding' a dovas--------m ated as »ia%-ing•ing one millinn tires-.......- • ------ j Talk alsoiit it: TheB flfuture of 'f "If we hadla a fifire that cam e up to " tiroflro. the troubled Southtth e m Idaho that point itt sl:should bank down . -------- RegionalGommunim ic a tio n s -------------— _ • __________talheiLquickly..^ly.” Stuck.i^iiid.-_____________ ■, '' -__ Center needs moreire d iscu ssio n , h , lit" Ground crewsews uoiild be abk- 10 that came tip against today’s editorial saysay s. O i l o w n er fee sp o n d ^rtolaw su]1 1 L fTgbt a fire that lo sh o n e tiret p i l^ the barrier the machine created, B y jen nnifer lf. San d m an n A judge in April ordrdcred ITK now responijnding. "Idaho Tire RecoverL-ry Il.c. , ush cutler liad not ' Tlmc5-No\Mows w rltor__________ ■ to begin tire rcmoyav-al w ith in Floyd Imsms hired Boise attorney remainsi an Idaho Corporaation in 'I'*; '’''"•'I' seven days and to rci•emove all David H. LLeroy, former Idaho good) standing. It is ‘sim p ly rem oved the; fiufuel load created by w H i C o m in g lere would have iK-en SHOSI)SHONE - The owner of tires w ithin 90 days. TliHie compa- attorney ge:general and lieutenant defuncti and without as;issets or Siigebntsh, there I for .1 fire that would i S a t u r d a y the lire•e ;p ile n o rth o f Shoshone ny was ordered to payy ;a 520,000 (;overnor. IiIn a sworn statement' abilities,• in view of its lialiai)ilities, th e ixuential fo. has hire<red a lawyer and for the fine. liled in Sthth District Court, Floyd toi cause any com pliance wwilh Ihis b u n i for week-s J first tim^ime is responding to a 4- Court documents: filed by gave his rea■easons for not respond- court'sc orders to occur,” 1-lovd bave all 1those sum)utiding : and |>eople to w orrj’ i-old s ta te law su it against Idaho Deputy Atiorneyey General ing to the si:Slate lawsuit or appear- SJiid.• “ I have, however, corontitiued communities am ;:s;iid. npany. Keidi Donahue say ITR■R failed to ing at courtrt 1 hearings. ' tot tr>' to supi)ly leads and1 i'ideas to Stt>ck s;ii itral Idaho BLM and I Floyd, owner of Idaho begin tire removal oror pay the ITR wasas "broke and out of Iht e state as to how and wwhere it . South central rict will pay for.the m m Recovery Inc., was faced fine. Tliat assertion was;is th e basis b u s in e s s "’’ ;and unahle to hire mayt achieve the removallof o more the fire district work done bvy ththe briisii a itte r out H H >einR h eld in c o n te m p t of for the contempt of coururt hearing counsel, andnd he was not personal- tires."t mitiee ai Risk grant. H H md has taken die first for* requested by the DI:)EQ. That ly named 1 iiin the lawsuit, Floyd Joe Nagel, remediationI, 1in;,n;m. " f « C"|">rauiiti -sday lhe contractor jps to respond to the Idaho action has been dismmissed, iit said in thei; vwritten statement. He et r for the DEQ in Boise, s;said the but "11 Ilnirsiia did nol yet knojsnojs-die tiKiil amount _ • tment of Environmentpl least for now . as tlie stata te g a d ic rs ----- said he.hasus.borrowed money-to ■■ Please see LAWSUIT,r Page] A2' " ' it'wwiid'cost." ^law suit. information from Floy<lyd. who is liire Leroy./■ , Playings it safe: M[ormonsin or • ' I 'Uk. [n Summer'ss startings Jerome are getting;Iga new X ITle solstice:: ]Here comaes the sur On Friday oi 7:24 a.m.m. IMDT Iho hieedng hall bMauslu s e th e c u r- . , sun wftll ranch 113 hiQHos e r t M ay er-------------------------- -------------------------------“Tiiot’s nicece becausc you gel more st rent one does riot rrim e e t e a rth - ; . noflh ol Itw equator, mo TlmefrNov<owa writer_____________________ done,” Hinkle;le said.
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