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March 1997 Daily Egyptian 1997


The Daily Egyptian, March 27, 1997

Daily Egyptian Staff

Follow this and additional works at: Volume 82, Issue 119

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imid,· pai;e3 Southern Illinois University at Carbondale http://\,· \",,I.~------,.,=------,~~?'.~:~?:"~-~~~~~frgt:,~------~2. Nt>. I 19. 16 page, ~!l_'L~~~m~-L~ Students frrustrated with fair GET A JOB: Srudenr.s .s:1y (an:er expu \.lid not nffer juhs

in I heir field:-; 11r in h.kal l1 Kati1 in:-.

LA'KEISHA R. GRAY !11111 F,,\1"!11"; ll!!\•!dlh

\\"hili: ,imknh nf all m;;jnr, \\i:f<' w'-'1- ,·omt'd tn ani:ml 1lw Campti,. \\'id<' Car<'<'r Fair ·•n \\"i:dn,•,,l;1~. Dy1,i:11a Cnk, !i:li th,: l'\C:llt ,Ji,appni!lll'tl. "I 1all.i:d lo quit<' :i kw 3NSIDE n.-pri:,l'lllatiw,. hu1 I don't thin!-. th,:v had am· h.:r,· 1hat Students, d.:a!I "iih my n{;ij<>r:· ,aid 5/UC Coll",_ ;1 junior from should Spnn~lidd. make most ··J wa, told ,i:,,·r.11 lilll<"' that tht·,· w,:r,: lt><>!! for ... NOBODY of ;ob­ r><:opk ,;H>Tl' imohl>tl i;1 the ICNOWS: hunting .1,,-.,u111in~ til'id. ,·,l·n in Tom Britton, SIU options. aUh1111llll\l~. ~OIW \\1..·rt.· inh:r· School of law's ,·,i,·d ('.1 pu!il!l·al ,i.:ii:tll"l' page 4 · associate dean tJl:tJ1lr, and administro· ----- :\lthoul.!h 1h,:r,: ,,.:1,: tion negotioting ;11'.,ut X5 ,:omp.mi,:, 1q1r,:,";:m,:d al th,: ,:,,:nt. team member, Cn],:, wa, 1101 th,: onl\' ,tml,:111 ,hs;1ti,1i,:d with th,: lai:1-. nfj<>b pm~1-...~·t, in h,:r ,idtl. gets read,· ta S,·l\'ia \\'a1!,. a ,c-nim in linam:im: from begin th•· i rst l"hil-:l!!ll. ,aid alii:r around iii,• fair. day of contract ,h,: n,;tic·cd a Int oflh,: com1xmi,:, in h,:r lidd . negotiation Wednesday al the Northwest ~EE FAIR, rAt'.E -5 Annex.

PHOTOS BY PAJ MAlloN/ SIUC plans l>.11lyEi.·-,r1i:m enrollment strategies• It's nl just FIRST STEPS: of mu1uali1y anti TAKING ACTION: Official says trust:· Sulli\'an Negotiations starred s;iid. "Wt: want interaction key to recruiting. • This was the 10 11pt:11 a dia­ first meeting of \Vednesday for foculty locu,: that will 5HARRIE GLATZllOFER the administra· union meeting. l·r~ate wise out­ J\\111 Ei;\l'JIN~ Rtt\\l(llf; tors and union comes that will for contract WILLIAM HATFIELD hen,:lil the l:iii1or\ 11111,·: 11zi., i., 1'1,·Jimn/1 .,rory in 11 negotiations. P.\!1'1 fa,\l'TL\~ !l!!\'RHR Uni,·,:rsitv:· /il't'·/>tJ/1 \f'rin l111•ki11g ;!\', arc the fir.,i step of the negotiaiion ..We llon·t know how diflicult · The number of imcmatioml !'>llldcnts process. it will he to e.-tablish rnlcs:· cnmlled at SIUC ha, dc-cri::t<.cd by more than •·we want to establbh :i !'>em,e Cnpic :..lid before the m,:.:1ing. SEE UNION, PAGE 5


1Ct.AY · lo 8 p.m. Conkld Meli= ol .453· • ln1emationol Studem & Scholars · 1265. Trip lo Six Fbgi. in S1. Louis, April 12, Calendar • Non-Traditional Student Se.vices 8 o.m. b 10:30 p.m., S31/i::,oooo, lnlormo~on Tobie, every Thursday, 11 • Pi.i Chi· Psyd,ology Horo