The Daily Egyptian, March 27, 1997
Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1997 Daily Egyptian 1997 3-27-1997 The Daily Egyptian, March 27, 1997 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 82, Issue 119 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1997 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1997 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact Glyph: Volunteers: Actors SIUC students, faculty share help victims of Ohio methods River flooding. tohring passion to the s1age. imid,· pai;e3 Southern Illinois University at Carbondale http://\,· \",,I.~-----------,.,=-------,~~?'.~:~?:"~-~~~~~frgt:,~----------------- ~2. Nt>. I 19. 16 page, ~!l_'L~~~m~-L~ Students frrustrated with fair GET A JOB: Srudenr.s .s:1y (an:er expu \.lid not nffer juhs in I heir field:-; 11r in h.kal l1 Kati1 in:-. LA'KEISHA R. GRAY !11111 F,,\1"!11"; ll!!\•!dlh \\"hili: ,imknh nf all m;;jnr, \\i:f<' w'-'1- ,·omt'd tn ani:ml 1lw Campti,. \\'id<' Car<'<'r Fair ·•n \\"i:dn,•,,l;1~. Dy1,i:11a Cnk, !i:li th,: l'\C:llt ,Ji,appni!lll'tl. "I 1all.i:d lo quit<' :i kw 3NSIDE n.-pri:,l'lllatiw,. hu1 I don't thin!-. th,:v had am· h.:r,· 1hat Students, d.:a!I "iih my n{;ij<>r:· ,aid 5/UC Coll",_ ;1 junior from should Spnn~lidd. make most ··J wa, told ,i:,,·r.11 lilll<"' that tht·,· w,:r,: lt><>!! for ..
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