Rive and Take Good Day, Sunshine 1Dents to Gain Some and Lose ,Me Following Regents Meeting J-N-1U Tm•

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Rive and Take Good Day, Sunshine 1Dents to Gain Some and Lose ,Me Following Regents Meeting J-N-1U Tm• Vol. 92 _rive and take Good day, sunshine 1dents to gain some and lose ,me following regents meeting J-n-1u Tm•. \RSKI attract more students to the '111 \/a11ac:11H: Editor smaller schools and to keep the cost lower to remain more consis­ The Board ofRegents meet­ tent with the rest of the nation." onday resulted in one loss Ankeny said. "However I don't ie win for ::\!SU-Bozeman think that the few dollars we're ts. according to ASMSlJ talking about does that." a ent ::\-Iatt l\IcKamey. l\IcKarney said that while I'he regents passed a differ- the tuition increase is relatively Ltuition proposal which will small. the danger is that it sets a :uition at :\!SU-Bozeman precedentofallowingtu:ition to be M-l\Iisl'oula while at the raised at the larger schools and n time imposing a tuition frozen at the smaller ones. In ef­ ofor College of Technology fect, students at the larger insti­ ts and first-and second tutions will be paying more r:udents at l\lSU-Billings, money but will not necessarily re­ en l\Iontana College and ceive a better education. r•rn .Montana College. ·Tm going to pay more for 'he proposed rate of in­ my education and fm not going as 4.36 percent in the year to get anything above and beyond r.1 and 4.35 percent the fol­ what I got last year,'' McKamey 'lf year, although the final said. "It's opening the door to con­ t,sage rate depends on how tinually differentiate the amount :money the state legislature of tuition that students are going P11t TO B) Sni Lcov.1.RD . as to the Montana Univer- to pay and that differentiation is Students catch some rays and and take some notes dunng an outdoor lecture on Thursday in front of Wilson Hall. 1 ~;tern. The final decision on going to come from the students ~will be made in l\fay at at the larger institutions." :t Board of Regents meet- The regents also approved raising the credit cap in the Mon­ Speechless 1· .ccording to McKamey, tana University System from 150 !J opposes the tuition in­ to 170 credits, a decision both AISU Psycholog)' department to drop conununications option ~ because the larger cam­ McKamey and Ankeny sup­ B' MARccs HIBooN courses. MSU sophomore Turra ers take into consideration is your lirill receive a smaller allo­ ported. Erponem &iiTOr Cusack is leading an attempt to communications skills-they are om the state's general The credit cap applies to persuade the department to re­ vitally important to all majors." . 1d, in effect, students at students paying in-state tuition With hopes of improving consider their decision. According <..3ozeman and UM­ Babcock said the decision t.o costs. For credits over 170, in-state the undergraduate program and to a letter written to Babcock by abandon communications courses lfa will be subsidizing the students will have to pay out­ intentions ofe>..--panding graduate Cusack the lack of communica­ was intended to improve the ex­ non of students at other of-state tuition. studies, the psychology depart­ tions courses will be harmful to isting Psychology curriculum by -me credit cap] is one of ment at 1-ISU-Bozeman :su Student Lobbyist freeing up department the biggest issues that ASMSU will no longer offer com­ resources usually allo­ 1keny is also opposed to has struggled with for a few " It's part of a larger reorganization that munications as an option cated for the comm unica­ ·t~rential tuition plan. years," McKamey said. "We are under its curriculum as we're going through now and getting tions courses. Currently "5 goal is supposedly to very happy with this decision." ofMay2000. ready for the new catalog." the department is having "It's partofa larger trouble offering required arges filed in MSU reorganization that we're -Mi1'.e Babcock classes often enough to going through now and Psychology Department Head allow psychology stu­ getting ready for the new dents to graduate in a 1•rority embezzlement catalog," said psychology timely manner. department Head Mike Babcock. the university. She said the de­ BOZEMAN (AP)-The 4 7, of Bozeman, of stealing Ile said the communica­ "I think what precipitated it was nteer treasurer for a from the Alpha Gamma partment fails to see the impor­ tions option actually became part an attempt by the psychology fac­ 1tana State University Delta House Association, tance communications courses ofhis department in 1994, when ulty t.o provide a really strong un­ •rity embezzled more which owns and operates have on student education. the university closed the commu­ dergraduate program for our ma­ c$119,000 from it in the the sorority house. "When you graduate from nications department following jors." .., fi ve years, and may Mrs. McFarland had college, your major is important, the loss ofseveral tenured profes­ However, the decision has but ifyou graduate and you can­ sors and a declining student in­ 1 • • taken more before volunteered since 1989 as met with some opposition by stu­ not. communicate both verbally 1 prosecutors say. the association's treasurer, terest. However, Babcock noted dents currently in emolled the Five felony counts ac­ and in writing you're not going to the psychology department does communications option and stu­ make it anywhere," Cusack said. J unelle McFarland, see Sorority page -l dents taking communications ~one of the first things employ- see Drop page 12 Give'em an Oscar Artistic Reunion Back to tlze Gtid lro11 Exponmt colum11isl dcmaHds just I lt'len E. Cvpdand l1i1~fs Holilfll 1 ootbal/ prepare- (tir desserts for fi/11111111/..:t.,· MSU 11/u111,i1 nttbb m -;prm~ t1·ami11g camp. desig11 :::lt(iu'. see page 2 5ee page 5 see page 7 Exponent 2 ommen s Friday, 1-1arch 26, 1999 A quick lesson • • ... \.JELL vou DON 'T tn economics LOOK GO GCARV.,, BY TR.\\'JS 81 \( i.; U.S. shipping companies. lhc! II ullab<1/lon Enter America, who un­ Tufano• Unh-enif\' der its "God-given" rights as outlined by the Monroe Doc- As not many people trine, brings this injustice to know (or care, for that mat­ the attention of the World ter), the U.S. has recently Trade Organization. entered into a rather fierce The WTO subsequently trade war. rules that yes, the EU's ba­ Now. most Americans nana policy is unfair, and is­ are worried about an actual sues a request for a policy military war, and a trade dis­ change. pute seems like a distant con­ This brings us to the cern. pre::sent, months after the This is decidedly not so. WTO ruling. and the EU has In fact, the ramifications of yet to change its policy. En­ this lrade wru will affect our ter Bill Clinton, who an­ day-to-day li\'eS much more nounced last Wednesday that than whatever minor con­ the LI S. was going to "retali­ flicts we ha\'e with Iraq. So ate" by imposing 100 percent who are we quarreling with tariffs on a selection of 15 over trade, our old "enemies" European luxury items. Also the Russians, or is it the ever involved in the "banana war" irritable Chinese? is the question of American Surprise, it's our long­ beef exports, which the EU time allies in the European has banned for the past 10 Union. This whole ordeal be­ years, because of our use of gan a while ago when the EU growth hormones in cattle. decided to give preferential A revision of this ban is tariffs on bananas imported required by the WTO by May ]llSt desserts from Latin American coun­ 13. Now is Clinton's latest tries who were former Euro­ act, the luxury tax, really go­ pean possessions. This had ing to help us end our dispute l(azan \Vins \Veil deser,red recogniti~ the effect of excluding a few over beef; a ban that, if lifted, countries from selling their could mean $250 million in Some people have the Super Bowl or the \\>ith the cameras and the shouting. or bananas in Europe and per­ new sales for American beef World Series. I have the Oscars. I sit do\vn in facing a prison cell and the complete rum haps having a barely notice­ producer:o'? the big comfy charr, put my feet up, clutch my career versus the m1t1gat1on ot my moral able effect on a handful of popcorn and soda and cheer my favorites to the ciples. Tu vilify Elia Kazan is pretty tou! win. It's fun to watch art turn into competition. ~ IE to do. Those who were blacklisted ha This was a pretty exciting year for the O::cars. It problem doing so. They organized the c. The Exponent 1s published mo.sf Tuesdays and Fndays 1hrougho~t th, was a really good race. La:;t year ''l'itnnic'' was which encouraged those attending the cen>mo1 academic year and is affiliaud u ith the AssoC1aud Srudents of to the Oscars\\ hat the Chicago Bulls were to the Sunday to neither stand nor appbud Montana State University. BA finals. Nowadays Jo..."€ph McCarthy has hi:s c Editonal Policv The Exponent "elcorne. feedback from its a-;.dic~ce Responses should be One of the big..,crest thing::; lo happen this ism." It symbolizes fanatical pe~>cution. esp sent to S{jB Room 305 m care of the editor as either ' Letter :o the Editor year at the O:scars wns of oomeone or ::;ome or a Gue51 EditonaJ Letters should be 250 300 words m length and ed1tonaJs should be no longer L~an 700 words The Exponcn: rescl:\es :he the awarding of a life- that doe.sn 't give any i nght to edit or reject any matenah submitted Subnusstons should mclude time achiew'ment O:;car tion ofbeingeYil.

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