Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1997 Daily Egyptian 1997 3-27-1997 The Daily Egyptian, March 27, 1997 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_March1997 Volume 82, Issue 119 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1997 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1997 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Glyph: Volunteers: Actors SIUC students, faculty share help victims of Ohio methods River flooding. tohring passion to the s1age. imid,· pai;e3 Southern Illinois University at Carbondale http://\,·ww.dailyegyprian.com \",,I.~-----------,.,=-------,~~?'.~:~?:"~-~~~~~frgt:,~----------------- ~2. Nt>. I 19. 16 page, ~!l_'L~~~m~-L~ Students frrustrated with fair GET A JOB: Srudenr.s .s:1y (an:er expu \.lid not nffer juhs in I heir field:-; 11r in h.kal l1 Kati1 in:-. LA'KEISHA R. GRAY !11111 F,,\1"!11"; ll!!\•!dlh \\"hili: ,imknh nf all m;;jnr, \\i:f<' w'-'1- ,·omt'd tn ani:ml 1lw Campti,. \\'id<' Car<'<'r Fair ·•n \\"i:dn,•,,l;1~. Dy1,i:11a Cnk, !i:li th,: l'\C:llt ,Ji,appni!lll'tl. "I 1all.i:d lo quit<' :i kw 3NSIDE n.-pri:,l'lllatiw,. hu1 I don't thin!-. th,:v had am· h.:r,· 1hat Students, d.:a!I "iih my n{;ij<>r:· ,aid 5/UC Coll",_ ;1 junior from should Spnn~lidd. make most ··J wa, told ,i:,,·r.11 lilll<"' that tht·,· w,:r,: lt><>l-.in!! for ... NOBODY of ;ob­ r><:opk ,;H>Tl' imohl>tl i;1 the ICNOWS: hunting .1,,-.,u111in~ til'id. ,·,l·n in Tom Britton, SIU options. aUh1111llll\l~. ~OIW \\1..·rt.· inh:r· School of law's ,·,i,·d ('.1 pu!il!l·al ,i.:ii:tll"l' page 4 · associate dean tJl:tJ1lr, and administro· ----- :\lthoul.!h 1h,:r,: ,,.:1,: tion negotioting ;11'.,ut X5 ,:omp.mi,:, 1q1r,:,";:m,:d al th,: ,:,,:nt. team member, Cn],:, wa, 1101 th,: onl\' ,tml,:111 ,hs;1ti,1i,:d with th,: lai:1-. nfj<>b pm~1-...~·t, in h,:r ,idtl. gets read,· ta S,·l\'ia \\'a1!..in,. a ,c-nim in linam:im: from begin th•· i rst l"hil-:l!!ll. ,aid alii:r wall-.in:1 around iii,• fair. day of contract ,h,: n,;tic·cd a Int oflh,: com1xmi,:, in h,:r lidd . negotiation Wednesday al the Northwest ~EE FAIR, rAt'.E -5 Annex. PHOTOS BY PAJ MAlloN/ SIUC plans l>.11lyEi.·-,r1i:m enrollment strategies• It's nl just FIRST STEPS: of mu1uali1y anti TAKING ACTION: Official says trust:· Sulli\'an Negotiations starred s;iid. "Wt: want interaction key to recruiting. • This was the 10 11pt:11 a dia­ first meeting of \Vednesday for foculty locu,: that will 5HARRIE GLATZllOFER the administra· union meeting. l·r~ate wise out­ J\\111 Ei;\l'JIN~ Rtt\\l(llf; tors and union comes that will for contract WILLIAM HATFIELD hen,:lil the l:iii1or\ 11111,·: 11zi., i., 1'1,·Jimn/1 .,rory in 11 negotiations. P.\!1'1 fa,\l'TL\~ !l!!\'RHR Uni,·,:rsitv:· /il't'·/>tJ/1 \f'rin l111•ki11g <II 1I.\/WCI.\ nf SllJC •The faculty Wi 1·1 iam i111,·m11ri1111ul .,wd,·111 c11111/Jml'/II. 71w 1m·1·i­ union repre· Fai:ultv contr.ii:t nel!ntiation, Capii:. head of "'" ,tori,·., of 1hi., \!Ti,•., nm b,· 1·ic11·,•,/ 011 tlw sents all of the h.:gan \\~dn,:~ay wh,:~i faculty the administm­ \\i,rl.l \\'id,· lli·b ,111nni:dr1ilnx1p1i,111.,·t1111 ;mtl ;idministr:ition negotiating tion ·,, n,:c,lliat­ ACROSS THE BOARD: Negotiating eligible team members for the administration and the Th .: tenured and t,:am., met for the liN tim.: to <fo,. ing team. ;.1id on International Univcr. ,ity faculty gei ready to begin the first of contract tenure-track ciN, mks Ihm will gnwm future the :1gcnda w,:rc Enrollment ha, begun mci:tings. discussions negotiotions Wednesday. 0 faculty at the University, Jl.lcmll<'rs ot"thi: atlminbtr.11i11n about grnund ··Bui hopefully we will have an No. 4 of 5 : ,: :·:~~ u ~ mies that will eslablish pmtocol about700 and focuhy n.:gllliating t.:am, mt!t :1gn.-cmcnt on a general set of lrmk ,it in the Nonhwcst Anne., and imm­ for furnrc meetings and discus• inti:mational slutlent ri:cmillncnl ;mtl retcn- instructors. cmund mies:· duc,:d themselves before closing sions about the distribution of - Capic could not be reached for 1i1111 i:ffmh becau-.e or the alanning rnte nf the meeting m the public. infnnnation 10 lhe media :md the comm.:nt aft,:r the meeting. ,k·dinc in international enmllmcnt :it SIUC James Sullivan. SIUC focuhy public ,L\ w'cll as th: time. 1lat,: and n,·.:r tlw pa,t four yi:ars. Uni\'ersily ot1icia!,. 1l1c following arc the focully union president. said in1mduc1ions place uf fumre nic.:1ings. union negotiating team '>;!\', arc the fir.,i step of the negotiaiion ..We llon·t know how diflicult · The number of imcmatioml !'>llldcnts process. it will he to e.-tablish th.:.sc rnlcs:· cnmlled at SIUC ha, dc-cri::t<.cd by more than •·we want to establbh :i !'>em,e Cnpic :..lid before the m,:.:1ing. SEE UNION, PAGE 5 SEE ENROLLMENT, PAGE 8 . 2 • THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1997 NEWS 1Ct.AY · lo 8 p.m. Conkld Meli= ol .453· • ln1emationol Studem & Scholars · 1265. Trip lo Six Fbgi. in S1. Louis, April 12, Calendar • Non-Traditional Student Se.vices 8 o.m. b 10:30 p.m., S31/i::,oooo, lnlormo~on Tobie, every Thursday, 11 • Pi.i Chi· Psyd,ology Horo<s mret­ TODAY: · o.m. b 1 p.m., Holl of Fomo in !he ing, t:VCr'f OIiier Thoodo-t, 6 p.m., ~~~~.!;A-~!°" CALENDAR POLICY Student Center. Contcxl Michelle ol ~,t Ccnlcr Songomon Room. Sunny, winds l 0-15 mph 11,cdaJlinc for .453-5714. C0<11oc1 Calhcrinc at 867-3283. • USG: •0uortcr-Orivo" lo aid the High: 72 Cakn,J.,.r hnn11 i1 r.·n Rood victimi. of the Ohio Rrrer \bllcy, ruhlK'•tii.,n J.a,. hdlttt • Women's Center • Clothesline T•Shirt Mord, 28, 10 o.m. lo 2 p.m., Sivdcnr Low: 63 thir ""'1'1t. l'hr itrm ~~7~~?~:~:'.~rd, Moking Worhhc,p (docorotc $hirts lor Cenlcr ground lloor. Cootod Kri!.lic at mu,1incl1a.ktimc.J.ab.• 1 lo 3 p.m., Mo<rii. Library r,IMT, aJmi11oinn co11 27, Room 1M in the viwol display that bool'l wit­ 536-3381 or ol [email protected]. 1030. Conloct the UllOOfllroduo!c anJ •r""'"" of !hir e:""C"nt ness to 1he violcnco against women), FRIDAY: .anJ UM- n.1r-.c" anJ rhonc­ ~kot .d.53-2818. Morch 27, 6 lo 7:30 p.m., Women'i. • Libtory Affairs • •Jntr:nncdio!c Web ,,f the f'C'1'ton: 1ul,m-lt1in:: Ccnlcr Adminislrolivc.Buiiding, 406 f\:blii.hing (HTML)" Seminar, Mord, Mostly cloudy, possible rain the- ilrm, hirm• t.hc,uU • Environmental Studies Prt,grom • W. Mill St. Contoc1 at 549- 28, 1 la 3 p.m., Morris Library Room It Jrl,w-m.l 1,r m.ailcJ tu &Indy High: 68 Reception and lcdure by Dr. Dan 4807 ext. 234. 1030. Conlod the Undergraduate the- J)•ilf l:1,t-tUn S:.,.fulolf on "Hybridimtion·A Mojor Low: 59 ~1nw.wn. ~ot.d.53·2818. C.lfflmunk.1tion1 Hidden &!inction 11-,reo!," Morch 27, • VoicC!. of lmiliration Gc»pel Choir l.1.1ilJin~. R.. .,, IZH. 2 p.m., Life Sciooco UI Auditor:vm. ming ,.._.., members and musicians, • ~ Student Reueotion • l.e(1, Allcakn.J.aritm11ahn ConllXI Ingrid at 4.53•4143. oocl, Tucsdax & Thirooy, 6:30 to go i.wimming ol the Pulliam Pool, SATURDAY: •l'I"'" on 1hc- l>E Web 8:30 p.m., Aligcld 248. Contcx:1 Brion ~ Friday, 3 lo 5 p.m. Contoct r,ai:c-. Nn ca~r infr,r .. • Mneum Student Group, Mord, 27, al 549-9251. Meli= at .453-1265. Dry, sunny nulion ._m h- U~tn 4 p.m., Univcnity Museum Foncr ll'Wr tht ffi,wtr. High: 62 2469. Conlod Christie at 536-7276. • library Affoin • 'Introduction to • Ruuion Klhle, Fridavi., A lo 6 p.m., Low: 44 WWW using Nc!=pe (IBMr Chino Hou5C (701 S. lhinoii. A-e.). • Women's Services Co-AssenM...-..'U Seminar, Mord, 27, 7 b 8 p.m., Conlod Sarah o1 .453-5029. Troining Thurmys, 4:30 to Group, Morrii. Lorory Room 103D. Contcx:1 • Chinese Tobie, Mord, 28, .i1 p.m., 5:30 p.m., Wooc, Holl Counseling theUndcrgrocluo!c ~at .453-2818. Foner 2008. Contod Allen at 351 • Cen1er. Conlod Nita at 453·3655. • Student Environmental Cenler • 9879. • Sophii.1 Pditicol Society organiza­ Environmental Ethio: Sionding ,,. the • Soluki Boi.eboll 1st Annual r!Sh Fry Corrections tional meeting, Mord, 27, 4:30 p.m., Edge by Genie Gotcni.·Robinsoa, & Sporn Mcmombilio, Mord, 28, S 1o Faner 3075. Conto:t Steve ot (61 Bl Mich 'O, 7 p.m., lnlcnoith Cenlcr. 8 p.m., Carbondale Elk!. dub, 220 W. 357-9808. Conlod Cathleen al 549-7387. Jackson, SS. CorlOd Lloyd ol 457• If n:aders ~pot an error in a news article, they can contact the • Newmon Oub · Catholic: 5989 or Clark al 549-5847. D,1ily E,:yptian Accuracy Dc.sk at'S36-.'.l3l1, cx11:nsion 233 or 228. • Ai.ion-American Women's Oi3cusslon Group, t:VCrY Thunooy, Chorismotic Prayer Meeting. every • Germon Tobie • •Stommtiscl,", Wooc, HoO B-244.
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