Association Nationale Des Villes Et Pays D'art Et D'histoire Et Des Villes À Secteur Sauvegardé Et Protégé
Bruxelles The committee Lille > A nationwide network Bonn President Béthune Namur Martin Malvy, president of the Midi-Pyrénées regional Le Quesnoy council, deputy mayor of Figeac, former minister, founder Towns and Regions of art and history Mers-les-Bains member Mayence 166 towns and regions have signed an agreement with Charleville-Mézières * Vice-president Fécamp * Noyon the ministry of Culture and Communication to develop Jean Rouger, mayor of Saintes, founder member Luxembourg * Vice-president Beauvais Laon Sedan a process aimed at obtaining in-depth knowledge of Longwy * Jean Grenet, mayor of Bayonne, represented by Bayeux Amblie C.A. Rouen-Elbeuf- Senlis * Soissons their region, to promote their heritage and raise public Associated members Tréguier Austreberthe Metz Neustadt Jean-René Etchegaray, deputy mayor responsible for Coutançais Epernay * awareness (inhabitants, young people, tourists). culture and heritage Pontoise St-Denis * • Noël Augrandjean, president of the Pays du Coutançais, Coupvray Châlons-en-Champagne Treasurer Paris They turn to qualified staff : architectural and heritage represented by Pierre de Castellane, vice president Morlaix Lagny-sur-Marne Strasbourg * Yves Dauge, deputy mayor of Chinon, founder member Dreux * Noisiel coordinators, guide-lecturers. • Gaëtan Gorce, senator, mayor of La Charité-sur-Loire Dinan Bar-le-Duc Nancy Deputy treasurer Rambouillet • Agnès Lebrun, member of Parliament, mayor of Vitré Chartres Sélestat * Gérard Duclos, mayor of Lectoure Neufchâteau Morlaix, represented by Annie Piriou,
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