Money Policy Banks Gave to Schultz

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Money Policy Banks Gave to Schultz AVERAOS DiAlUr CnOITLAXIOM 4ar toe Meath of My, U9S Fiseeast ot V. S. Wsatoee towiaa 6,039 9Mr tonight anfi S aftoy, aet MeaAer •< toa AMR' Bsach ihaagu hi tempeiatare. Baifaa ot Otroalato>na MANCHESTER — A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM * PRICE THREE CENTT V 0 L .L V n ., N 0 .1 7 3 MANCHMTBR, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 19,1998 (SIXTEEN PACfBB). m CoMinittee Commiiiiist Salute CZECHS OFFER INSURGENTS CLOSE CHOICE PLUMS V doing the FR^CH FRONTIER; TOSUDETENS MONEY POLICY BANKS BOMB BARCELONA Premier D isclo^ Go?em- •f,»»- ■f POSTAL EMFLOYS8 HIT ment Plans After Confer- GAVE TO SCHULTZ MOB Report CfNifirmed Franco To BY CHRISTMAS RCSR M>- Kane, Pa., Aug. 19—(AP)— ence With Visconnt Rand- NEORO WITNESS KNOWS Lead New Meiisnrex,Air It isn't the heat,' or even the ONLVUSTTEilS A 1 0 44 One"Tpne Harlem Operator humidity that's bothering postal RFC ATTORNEY man On Minority Issue. New York, Aug. 19.-::-(AP) — Raids Described As Being employes here—it’s nm t winter’s Testifies Tammany Dis- the Christmas rush. Court-room spectators at the Tha^poat office at Kans—the James J. Hines trial were amus- Praha, Aug. 19.—(AP)—Premier SAYS DUSTING Worst For Many Months. Ice Tbox" of■ Pennsylvania—yes-~ ed by the. testimony of Julius trict Leader Get J12S Milan Hodza today discloesd that Williams, red-haired Negro, terday aaked for bids for addi- tional vehicle service, including the Czechoslovak government would^ when, he sold he could not read, POUTICAL ACT Week For Political "Plro- Hendayei France, ( At the Spanish horse-dra'wn sleds, for the Yule give choice'political : plums 1q an although he could write when • season. someone gave-'blm the letters to Frontier), Aug. 19.—(AP)—Span- attempt to padfy its clamorous, And the Kane ski club, unim- put down. ,^lshish Insurgents closed the French pressed by August’s heat wave, autonomy-seeking Sudeten German Their amusement changed to . tectioii”; Says Cash Re- minority. ‘Requert” Resignation Of down-right hilarity when he add- ^ le r and loosed a heavy air raid met to set next February 8-12 Barcelona today in preparaUon for the annual Western Penn- The premier made the disclosure ed that he did not know all the corded On Books As Foes for a general offenaive. .... ^Ivania Winter 'Carnival, in a conference with 'Viscount R und Campaign Stalwart Of alphabet, only the letters "from Insurgent military leaders con- 'taan, uiliO^Ial British mediator In A. to Z.” the trotiMsOme minority issue. Williams, held os a material For Liters, Bondmii. firmed that Generalissimo Francisco . Lord •Rundman’s conference with George Forces Focuses Franco himself would lead a new Hodza followed his meeting for the svitness, was in Tombs prison drive. Franco named General Juan today trying to figure It all out. first time yesterday with Konrad New York, Aug. 19 — (AP) — Vigon, former chief of staff of the JAPANESE CAU Hehlein, leader of the 3,500,000 Attention On Georgia. northern insurgent army, chief of Joseph "Big Jos” Ison, 47, a West Nazi-supported Sudeten Germans bis personal staff. - Some quarters believed th d r Inter- Indian ,Negro and one-tim« Hozlem French border guards said Insur- MIUJON MORE view noight have found a way for Atlanta, Aug. 19. — (AP) — The policy gome operator, testified in gent authoriUes had shut the fron- softening the Sudeten Germans’ In- request” resignation ot a campaign REDSOLDIERS Supreme Court today at tha eaa» tier tighter than at ahy time since detent demands. With clenched, flat, Abraham Sobel of Boston,' who saw service the start of the civil war more with the Spanjab Loyalists, demonstrated In Washington for the House stalwart of the ^nator Walter F. splrocy trial of Jamaa J. Htnea, MEN TO ARMS To Get PostnMtershlps committee atudying unAmerican activities the salute he said is given Geot'ge forces from his government Tammany district laadar, that than two years ago. SeYen postmMterships in larger Offenslva Against Catalonia the Communist war-tom Spain. Sobel said he Joined up witb' Job today focused political attention AVER SOLONS nooney bs and other bonkers had to oommunltles-^tncludlng Bodenback. the Loyalista in Boston. for the second time within a week Instirgent souri^ said they Asch and Rumburg—are to be given turn over to' the Dutch Bchults awb on Georgia’s hard fought- Senatorial pected the offensive would be di' AD Males In Recmit Dhrisiem the Sudeten Germans! primary campaign. WM going to "Jimmy HIbm' Ctab.** reeled against Catalonia, possibly From thdr ranks, it wm said, also GAVE SALUTE Ison said Hines got 9125 a wask Edgar B. Dunlap, active supporter coupled with a simultaneous drive would be selected the chief of over- of George and Georgia attorney for from the multi-miUion dollar poUey against besieged Madrid. Who Ha?e Not Received seers—who directs public works—at the Reconstruction Finance Corpor- racket for poUtieal "protoctioa." The goal of the campaign ap Bruenn; district governors at Asbh, BRITISH RECEIVE NO ation, announced yesterday he hod The witneM said arrests for pottcy Trautenau and possibly other com' (FConiiell And Bernard Made parenUy was to end the civil war Active Training Are Or- resigned his RFC post at the request violations dropped 50 psr osnt lata before'it reached its third winter. munitles, and more employes of the of (Hauda E. Hamilton, Jr., RFC In 1982 and oaito in 195s—the pMiod railroad adminlstratlcm. A number of Insurgent officers general counsel at WMhington . Soviet Gesture After shortly sfter Hines. aoeonUng to who have been on leave were recall- dered , To, "Stand By.” The premier said the Ministry of ANSWER TO PROTEST The announcement came exactly District Attorney Thowss B. ad to duty effective Aug. 21. Justice WM giving favorable con- one week after President Roosevelt, Dewey’s accusations, sntared Into q. Insurgimts eald they bombed Bar. sideration, too, to appointment of a speaking at BarneavUle, Oa., urged Speaking At Dedicajtion conspiracy with Dutch Schnlts to Sudeten (ierman m president of celona three Umes between dawn the defeat' of Senator George be- “put the flx" on the radcat. Tokyo, Aug. 19 — (AP) — The the Regional court at ^ e r . Ambassador To Germany cause of his opposition to some ad- la "Fasa* and noon today Reports reaching A member of the British mission Of Hospital In ' i ths border said 20 persona were Japanese government acted today SAYS MORGAN ministration measures, and advo- “Big- Joe” aaid th* money to make quickly available an esti- said these were ccmcessions of a cated the nomlnatlbn of Federal Dis- jdPed and 100 wound^. "positive, specific nature , which Asks FnU And Speedy leoorscolded on tha ...policy sUp hooks i Raida W ont In Montlis mated 1,000,000 more men (or Its trict Attorney Lawrence 8. Camp, ‘Yeea" tor lawyers end bondmen. form a substantial' basis for nego- one of three Geoiwe opponents. Washington, Aug. 19.—(AP)— A (Fragmentary reports from Bar- fighting forces, as negotiations with tiations with the Sudeten German BLOCKED IDEA ‘1 was puHled at firat what tks Explanation To Arrest To ContinneAid .George witness told a House oommlttM to- figures meant," he said. celona, aeat of the Spanish govern' Soviet JRussia for settlement of the opposition." Dunlap, who sold the telegraphic ment and center of its war machine, Lord ■ Rundman told Hodza he day that RepreaentaUvM O’OonaeU He eald he tnikad It over wRk Siberian froiriier dispute reached request for hts RFC resignation "Is Weinberg and J. Richard (D ii^ deacribed the raids as the worst in "welcomed the action taken by the OF MEDIATION solely occMioned by my oettvltles (P-Mont) and Benuird (#LrMlna) a new deadlock. government in thla respect." Of Passport Officer. Davis, and that one of them toto months). for. Senotor^Goorgo," added that he g»v« the "regular Oomimmlztte fieveral bombs were said to have A new order, by the War office Oonoemad Henleta Talk would continue to work for the ra- htan: .--r;! simply Instructed all males in tbs salute" efter addreeelng eeverol “The money la going to fallen in. Barcelona’s old quarts^, Most of thdr interview. It wm ac- nominatlon of the senior Georgia hundred American youthe fighting TBim* clubs** aurroondlng the water front diS' recruit di'vislon,- made up of men be- knowledged, conoemed Lord Rund- London, Aug. 19-r- (AP) — The TVA D irector Testifies C b ir- JBqnator. tween 20 and 84 who have not re- man'a talk with Henlein. :_ British government itoday Infona- The Reconatructlon Finance Cor- in Spain. Ison later sold that his i trict. ceived aqtive rtainlng, to “stand Alvin L Halpem, who told the alone, among msay other Harlasg- 'Hm bombing of BUredona and re>- No authoritative source, how- ed Germany that it “takee a eerioiloia poration in WMhington sold It hod by”. ever, WM disposed to talk .of yes- man %po$ed Step On asked Dunlap’s resignation "because committee Investigating un-Ameri- baaks, wm forced to oonM- ports that ths Insurgents were pre- This WM taken to indicate that view" of the unexplained arrest of can octivltiea yesterday about hlz te t '5 weekly to the Hlaoa chtb p a r ^ a heavy new offenaive fOUdW' terday’s meeting in Castle Rotben? ciaptsln Thomas Kendrick, British of his refusal to dlwontlnue his po- they might be called s66h and that hauB and the Impression grew that litical activities." The telegram to experiences Ih the SpSnlsh Loyalist He sold that In the spring ot 196S ed charges that large numbers ol Japan was planning to throw huge pMsport officer In Vienna, by <3er- Broad Grounds Of Ethics hla bank cleared $75,000 but that Italian troops and quantities of war Henleln’s attitude was unwelding.
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