Pltutmsj 8. >. Ptent
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vto'rwfOA.'v CORRECT J J i K E I 'A i p ' G OIN G Ja w k t STYLES TO G IV E Calling Cards Party or Tea ? Our presses are turn Pretty Cards for out some pretty Tbat Purpose work these days. Printed or Blank. O U R P RIC E 25 cards for 25 cents W E K B EP By mail or at the of- All Kinds Invitation flcfe. and Regret Cards. VOL. DEI/T A, OHIO, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 23, 1899. ' H A RRIED . The Band boys received their new ficers who have served the association A t the home of the bride’s parents, suits Wednesday morning just in time durir g the past year so faithfully and to wear them to tbe K. P. pic-nic at Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lilly, south of so efficiently.'^ HIM ill IS IMltl. town, on Tuesday June 20, 1899 by Swanton. Tbey are a flne set of uni forms, blue trimmed in white. They That we appreciate the earnest ef Rev. Geo. McKay, W. F. Brainard. of John Johnson’s Swanton, and Mrs. Racbel Showers. were made at Columbus, but the boys forts of the various S. S. workers in S. T. Shaffer was in Toledo Monday. A son born to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. were measured by Mr. Hirschberg of by Light Fingered Gentry. After tbe wedding ceremony and re Meister, Pettisville. the several townships, which coupled o a l M it Clark and wife were in Detroit Delta and a finer fitting lot of suits Fulton County S. S. Association, R Y freshments the bride and groom left with the splendid work of our officers In striking a balance with his cash Sunday.. Mighty hot tbis week and no poli has not come to Delta. on a wedding tour taking in Buffalo has made the work of the past year so account, last Thursday morning, John and Niagara Falls. tics worth mentioning either. McQuillin Post G/ A. R., for probab John Teeple was over at Bradner successful, and th at we urge upon Johnson, living 1 mile west, at Hau- Baking Powder Sunday. J. D. Simpson is building a new ly the first time in its history was not Splendid Program, Crowded A t Adrian, Mich., on Wednesday front to his store at Oak Shade. represented at Department Encamp Houses and Hot Weather. every delegate present the necessity biel’s Crossing, found himself $68.25 in Rev. Gandy made a trip to Indiana June 14,1899, by Rev. Adams of the ment tbis year. The encampment of going from this convention to their the hole, so to speak. Made from pure this week. M. E. church of that city, Mr. Frank One of the curiosities of the W hit was held at Youngstown tbis week respective fields of labor with the Mr. Johnson and daughter had come Shumaker of the firm of Geer & Shu ney parade, Friday, was a six-horned- and Mr. Frank Briggs, delegate, bad cream of tartar. C. L. Reed and family have moved maker, and Miss Jessie Grandy, one band. The Best Convention of Tbei earnest purpose and determination iwn to church Wednesday evening to Swanton. all plans made to go, but a turn of of the excellent corps of teachers in A large party of Pettisvillians re circumstances at tbe very last hin AU. put forth every effort, th at with God’s leaving Mrs. Johnson at home, alone. Esq. Krauss of Pettisville was in the Delta scbools. The bride and cently spent a week fishing up in dered his going, and it was too late to To attempt to give a report in de help the standard of Sunday school Becoming weary she laid down on tbe Safeguards the food town Saturday. groom are among the very best of Del Mich. make other arrangements. ta’s young people and have the best tail of a two-day convention of Fulton work may be raised still higher. bed and dropped asleep. While sleep R. S. Woodring of Metamora was against alum* wisbes of hosts of friends. Fayette, Archbold and Lyons will L. J. Danis advertising agent for county Sunday school workers would to Tbat we take pleasure in tbe fact ing, some one entered the bouse and in town Monday. each celebrate tbe 4th. W hat about Baxter’s Mandrake Bitters, Henry, & Ice Cream Social. the unsnitiated no doubt seem a very that every township in the county bas stole a pocket book containing 168.25 A. L. Zimmerman and wife were in Swanton ? Johnson’s Arnica and oil liniment, and Downs’ elixir made this office a small undertaking, but the average been represented in tbfl convention, in cash and numerous papers. The A lum hairing powders are the greatest Toledo yesterday * The Ladies Aid Society of Popple Hank and Jack went over to Detroit menacen to health of the present day. „ . ... Grove church will give an ice crean pleasant call on bis annual round last newspaper man sees it in a very differ and that we extend our hearty thanks pocket book had been secreted in the Mrs. Fred Quiggle is visiting ifi social at the bome of Will E. McQuil Sunday and took in tbe sights of that week. Th§ territory cared for by Mr. ent light. In the matter of Sunday to Bro. L B. Lake of Toledo, Rev. W. closet, under a roll of carpet and must ROYAL BAKING POWOEB CO., NEW YOBK. Findlay this week. city awheel. lin on Saturday evening, J une 24th Danis comprises tbe state of Michigan F. McMillen of Chicago, and to all have been secured by someone fairly The evening will be enlivened by rec A tty’s G. A. Everett, of Delta, and and portions of Ohio, Indiana and schools Fulton county is fully alive Mrs. A. R. Smith is visiting friends others who have labored so earnestly well acquainted witb tbe premises. Persons who left dishes at the recep at Ypsillanti, Mich. itations, vocal and instrumental mu Frank Ham, Wauseon, bave gone to Illinois, and be visits every town once and fully organized. There are in the tion for the Co. G boys, can tiiid them sic. Prof. Seidle and wife will be Iowa on business. a year, making advertising contracts, county 75 well organized and good to make tbis cenventiou interesting at Mrs. Dr. Wilkins’ home. Please Henry Snyder and wife went down present and render some choice selec and looking after sales. These reme and profitable. Jh to tbe city yesterday. Tbe next encampment of G. A. R working schools of which 12 are call and tret them. tions. Everybody invited to come dies are standard aud well known to That in the removal from this of Ohio, will be held at Findlay. our people. York township and 11 in Clinton. PltUtmsj 8. >. Ptent Mrs. Jno. Sines of Delphi, Ind is vis Then we can all go earthly field to the higher life of Bro. July .frd aud 4th the Lake Shore Ry. iting friends in this vieinity. To Onr Correspondent*. The convention commenced on will sell reduced rate tickets, good re Did you ever notice what pleasure A. L. S tough, late musical director of We would prefer to have our cor- Isaac Pontious who lives over on many ladies take in the culture of Tuesday eveoiog with a grand con turning until July 5th. 4-2. Mrs Frank Shumaker visited with respon ents use the initials or first Turkeyfoot was in town yesterday. the Lucas county S. S. assaciatioo. In Howard s Grove July 4. friends in Michigan last week. flowers? Mrs. Dr. Teeple on John cert of fifty voices led by Prof. Corbin, name of tbe husbands of married la Rode over on his wheel. street finds great pleasure in caring In his death the Sunday school work dies instead of their own-first names. and with Miss Florence Pratt as pian Bay a Cleveland Harry Gandy left for B ayette Mon J no. Rex a member of the old 130th for her pretty flowery pets. This ers of Fulton county have lost a warm Otber Townships Invited to At Dif'vt'lA I °" the market, sold by' day to take a teacher’s review course. As a rule that would be better and ist. O liy ilC I G. D. Brown, Seward, O. O. V. I. is suffering with dropsy at week she showed us a beautiful cac friend and helper, and we extend to tend. ’ more people would know who the item his home in south Pike. tus on which was a number of large On Wednesday, after morning de Floyd Clizbe of Chicago is the guest refers to. the association of Lucas county our The Sunday schools of Pike and ad-, of his grand-parents, Dr. and Mrs. and beautiful flowers. This plant sbe votions, an address of greeting was de The furnaces in the school house has kept for a number of years and heartfelt sympathy. joining townships will celebrate the KILL THE Odell. WILL, VOil ? have just been repaired and are now livered by Rev. W. A. Brundige of feels that the few days it is in bloom Tbat we most heartily approve of 4th in the good old way, by a complete Miss Edna Shaffer is the guest of I f you bave a neighbor who is not a said to be as good as new. the Disciple church Delta, which was CHICKEN LICE_^» out of the entire year pays ber for all the S.