D07532 F IF T E I!::OTJC.V^:IOy: :.L SlIKVEY .





The Distri : in: o j u : ec: by Lh'^rmn :,ri iiatrlct ir

the .North, by Tiruchir-ppalli District in the South, by

So^^th^iircot and North Ar*ot Districts in the East and! Periy.-or

District ir: the V/est.


Th^' 3rea of S.-^leva Disxrict is -bout $630 Sq.Knis with

a^opulatiori of 34.42 I'.Tkbs :,s per 1981 C e n s u s . More than-

T0 > 0% the yopulntioi: is in rur -,1 :ire-c. The Scheduled fiaste

and Scheduled Tri'uc , pDpul.ati-'>n .i.rt about 4 .8 l "k h s ai'iu 0 , 94

lakhs respv; Th^rc --re 8 M u n ic ip ^^litie s and 2 Townships

in the District. There art- 972 Rev:, nue Yillr,.ges corfifrl'sed

in 35 Panch.'’y?t Unions, in 72 Rtvenut; firko.s, ii: 9 T 3.1uks

witblin four Revenue Divisions. There are 729 Villaji'e

Panchsyats and 56 Tov/n Panchayn-ts. The principal Town in

the District is Salem Tov;n vith populftinn of 3.61 lakhs

as per 1981 C en su s.

a) The Shevaroys Hills Vvith n:n ar^a of 160 Sq.Kms with

a height of 4 0 0 0 ‘ to 5342' above IISL h-s the greatest length

of 2 7 . 2KffiS. and the greatest width of 1 9. 2 . Kuis. The

Shervnroyan is the highest peak in Ytrcqud at 5 342' a---ove I'ibT..

4 . . 2 .


D07532 / i / ‘

b. The.Kolli Kills spread over in tw taluks via.

Kamakkal and' Ras-ipuram, each having 6 Nadus. i'he hill measurin,^

about 28*8 Kms froni' Korth to South and’ about 19.22 « Kms Eaet tb ^est with a height of 4000' above MSL.


The people prcseDij -vary in culture but the most domlna:

is the culture of ^ongunadd found chiefly in t..j Sou the, «n

Taluks* The bulk of the Scheduled Tribe people belongs to



About 70% of the ..population .jejisend solely on agriculture.

The method of cultivation of the different types of lapds, dry

garden or vjet lands are almost the same as those practised in

other parts of South India. Most of the available lands in th

District ar« driy.^ In the ^dry lards, the crops 'ar’e generally

rainfed-. Irrigation in ..-ardeni lands ic mostly by of

tanks supplement>_d by \vC.lls or w ells alone.


^^mong the oldest inaustriec in ohe district, H^,ndloorr; . .. • weaving is by far the lar/gest. There are roughly,. 1.51 Hakhs

of Hand looms in Salei^ Districx and 1 'i?734 porc r lo o?r.= .luk?^

■where there is concertre.tion of handioom -weavers ,%re -eni;

Rasipuram, and Tiruch.ngode Taluks.

There are five leading Spinning, Mil Is in thie

D istrict.

In , there are three niajor I.ining ?irms

engaged in the mining of Magnesites.

.tute of -iiiooal ■!g ;>ad Admir, “ion. /*Bi Sri Aurc'bindo Mu-j, ' Delbi-J ^ ryp^G, No.. . , ...... J ii, - .n- .. h ! MAGKESriE " . ,; Deposits of Massesite-"In Salem occur in' its natural form* Magnesite _ie a Carbonate-. of Ma^esium.- This is used for making Refractory bricks used I\imaccG in which steel is melted* Kangriesite bricks-are increasingly used for roofs and-for general structural purposes replacing tl.e

Sillica bricks .


The total reserves of bauxite minerals is estimated at 6*00 lakhs tonnes in Salem D is tr ic t. The-Bauxite deposit occur mostly in Shevaroys H ills .

Good grade LBIESTOKE deposits are found in Tiruchengod

Namakkal and Sankari Taluks.


A Steel Plant in l.’alem was a long Cherished dream and the Goirsrnment i^cided to set up a Steel i'lant at Salem in

April 1970. On the basis of the detailed r. port given by

M/s. Dastur & Co (I) Ltd., Calcutta, the Government of India decided and announced the decision to go ahead T,>ith the first stage of the Project form nianufaoturc of 32000 tonnes of cold rolled stainless steel strips and as scheduled the work was completed in a record period of 54 months and th/j production commenced on 1 3 .9.1 981.


In , large area is bei:ag cultivated by tapioca. There are 600 units in Salem District rcanufactu- ring Sago ana Starch from Tapioca roots. Sago is ar edible product while starch is an industrial product. During 1945-46* the first Sago Manufacturing unit started in Sal]

Since. then there has occii hnormouG growth of Sago’'an4 Starch,

Industry in Salem L is t r ic t .


The Salem District Coopcrative Spinnir.-' liillf? n S was started in the year 1961 . It has a spindlage of 4S',i;50. y am produced is primarily sold to weavers cooperative societi on a priority basis. The yarn produced is said to be of top quality.

G QOEE rat ive SUGAR M ILL .

The Salem District Cooperative Sugar Mills is located at Mohanur in Namakka.l Taluk. . ;1. 2 FIFTH a l l INDIA B.DUG;;;?IDNAL SUR^Y

'All India Sduoat ional Surveysj' roui g'O ‘far, were conducted with, the min objective'of identification of ru habitations and the provigich of edac::.;,tional facilities for them at different stagtie. The;-e surx’-eys also atccmpted to collect information on iJh^-sioal and ether faciJ.v ties av-liable in schools x

‘ Programme of Action' alrc-^ady approved by the Parliament.

Programme of action' has spelled out f’ne implications of ’ Operation Blackboard' in clear terms and stiicfulated minimum requirements of a school for an efficient and effective working.

As a first "step it h:,.s re commencieci thait an All Inr'ia Educational

Survey be conducted thus enabling a complete stock taking of the conditions obtaindng in Schools on date.. Consequently, the

Fifth A ll India Sducational Survey conducted. To prepare the Survey an Officer in the rank of District Educational Officer was appointed at Distric Head Quarters and he is,;attachc^d to the X)ffioe of the Chief Educational Officer. .He, given ibraining to ■ the Collection of information and carcpiling them.

The Distric Educational Survey Officer conducted..a .training course to the Deputy Ins?eciBcii?j of Scn.ools^ were entrusted

with the tesk of preparing the consolidated Taple jat Block

level. The objectives of this survey, are? i)To assess the Present position of educational facilities at various school stages, in respect of coverage of school

going population; the distance to be covered by a c’aild to

reach the school; enrolment in general, and of scheduled castc

and scheduled tribe children and girls in particule.r. ' . / 6 / ii) To assess the availability of phgrslcal facilities T ike

school huildiJigB; pi-ygi-ourjcls drinking w.ter withjj. the

school, furniture, medical check up, other Cw^uipm i.

incentive soheaiBs and the number of beneficiaries.

iii) To assess the position of inputs like blackboard ar:,.

chalk, library, laboratory, book banks, etc.

iv) To know about the aoadeiaic and professional qualifIcatiorl

of working teahhers with special reference to teaching of

science and mathema,tics, and to determine attrition rates

In the teaching profession.

v) To prepare block maps showing habitations^ existing education

facilities, and proposed provision of facilities in a

planned manner over a period of time.

To fulfill the objectives information was collected

through the following questioners.

1-« School Inforn. \tion i'orm 2. Village Information ?orm Urban information Form.

. These form were distributed to the Reads of , . . . , - j Institutions and the Se puty Inspectors of Scaools, who are

inspecting Officers at Block level. They have been requested to

f i l l in the particulars and the Deputy Inc pec tors of Schools

prepared Block Tables based on the information collect.-d

through the three types of Formas. Based on the Block Tables

the District Baport is prepared. CHAPTER II - PRXHifl^Y EUUC.ATION

Regardiiig primary educational fa c ilities, out of a totaJL

Ol 3037 habitations, I 8O7 (ne;ariiy 60^) habitations hcive primary schools within the habitation. 8 6 .7 0 percent of the •• » population get this benefit; 950 habitations liev% primary- schools within a distance of 1 k.tri. Only I 46 habitations h'-v5.n'g a ;)OX)ula-'- tion of 38Q28 have schools v/ithin a distance betv/een 1.6 an 2.0

In 47 habitation primary schools located at a distance of more than 2 k,m. But the population of these habitation comprise only t,49 percent. Eiren in these habitations the population is below 1 QQ^, A major portion of the habitations are situatao in

Kolli Hills Block, pred ominently settleo\by Scheduled Tribes called


In Paramathi Block there are 3 habitation having a population q £ mgre than 2000 but below 500#, where in two habitations

schools are located within a distance 1 k.m, in the third

at a distance of within'2 k.m.

Regarding the provision of Primcory education in 136 ha,bitations with a population of 73808, primary schools have been proposed at

the rate of 1 for each habitation. This form'4.47 percent of total no, of habitation. In-Ayod iapatnajn, Mohanur, Kacieyampatti gnd

Edappadl blocks in more than 1 0 habitations in each block rev/ primcrj schools have been proposed and this benefit goes to a p-opula:ion 01 abou% 6 0 0 0 9 ’ '

(Table I27l and Table 3 ) / ^ / Thsre are about 41 habitations having a.population of ;; and above where schools are located between 1 and^2 k.m.

8 such habitations exist in Sank.^xi 4 in Puduch '"r ?'■- bl k.

Reg'arding the availability of faciliti..s for Pi:;, /.r;: education in villages where SC/ST population in more ' (in proportion) Table 7 (I>T 22 anc 25) eted'^ss'l' that .45 T il ge^ where SC population is Tiore than 88 villages hp- 3 rin schools. In the case of ST th.; piotur>j is different. I:i 3 ^ villages where ST population is more tha.n 5 ^ only 91 villc,ges provide primary schools.

Out of a"total of 2178 schools having primary sections

(this includes middle schools) 1 933 schoois are located in r’ural , areas while the no. of schools in urban area is 245- But the localbody runs more no. of schools (160) in urband ar-ea whereas

1845 schools are by Governrntnt in rural .areas. Private aided ;

er ' . - management schools distribute equally in urban and rural area.

( 90 and 84 )

(Table 32 and 35 - P .T .8 )

Regarding the primary schools classified"'accordihg to type of buildings, even in urban areas 8 schools function in thatched shedsi S.alem urban accounts for 6 schools. Suramangalam'another uH ar§4 has one primary school housed in thatched shed. Out of total

187 primary schools in urb,an area (Table 9)"144 schools have pucca buildings. In rui-al areas 54 schools run by Gb-v&rhmfcn¥ have thatchefl sheds. Schools in and pedd-anaickenpalayam block QOme under this category.

(Table 9, 10 and D .T . 42ii) • /y /

6 ) Avc?.ilabilit.Y, Instruct ion?: 1 rocutis

A perusal of Table 11 (D.T'.5^. ami 52a) shoves that 412 seLools

haye only one class room. 1 such aclvjol is in 'urban area. This is

about 2C^o of the total no. yrirn-xj schools. Another 21.2^ account

schools having 2 class roon. Approximately 14% of the s-hools have 5->5 rooms. EdappaO i , Naaaririp^ ttai, an,] Sank -r . ■ blocks the number of schools ha:ving one class, room coae 'bet een

3^ and 55.

s. - * . ’ ' lable 12

The no, of primary schools that requir6s’*'one and two rooms

additionally are 445 and 403 respectively. ,r<,Of':the above major no

is for Governmenrfc schools. In lirbati area tht: no. of schools that

;need additionally 1, 2 and 3 rooms axe 27^ 42, and 45 respectively.

The no, of schools run by localbody in urb&ji area that need 2 and

3 -eXaas roociB is 23 and 53 r^syectively. This account for 21 .9%

and respectively. ‘ < (Table 12 - B.T. -5^.V , ^ a c k Boajrds Table. 13-62 A ^ , -

A ^tudy of availability of Slack Board in primary school from

Table 1‘5 and D.T.62A shows that in 3'^lu-'i. Urban ^^rea .15. secti ns

have liii^gabXe blackboards. In Sur'-'.r.angalam urb^n area 7 s>;,-G--ions

have no blftfik board at all- 3 e^ectio'n in Kolathur urbaix area have the eame sta,te.

^e position- in rural area is not satisfacto:;;^!/. 1386 auctions

in pr^ai area'do not have black board at all. Kolli Hills to os the

iis t w it h 148 se.ctions followed by Kolathur a,,nd Kad vjynmpatti blocks eajcih taving sections.

"Ijiere is no school having no blackboards in Tricbengode,

P'eddsnaickenpalayajn, Aypciapattinam and Parauiathi Blocks. f v J Ig 15/ Table 16

lilco nr inkin'- w-.,ts;>V J:%. ■j-x‘'‘-

Madical chQicl%«p et^. •fehat are viv, ,liable in schools, t-.'uovfs f z the no. of schoa4.s having f :r eiri;: in 'm-'C .

0nl7 20 schoola in .rwal have thic f acility. 5 schools have l.Tvatory facilities atJd 15 schools b.?yi such faoili ties sep xtely for girls. Even in urban ,~j?ea ti.>i position is not e-couragiv.-. 15

, sr par-ite. schools have separate urin;.ls for girls and 5 have :: ’-../to la . tor led for girls. 90 schools in rural area have facilities for medical checkup whereas there is no such proTisio-n for schools in ur'-an area

951 schools both in rural and urbar have f.acilities for vaccination ■ or inoculation.

85A/Table 1 9 .

On a perusal of this table shows tha,t 6 schools in Meoheri blnclc have ha teachers, 24 0 schools h'^ve only one teaohor, T this category Sdappadi block stands first -Xwiih;-. 52 schools havi, one teacher followed by and Kolllhills each having 2c and

20 respGcti-vely, There is no school v/lth single teacher in

Rasipurajn,- Suraniajigalam,, Ittur and Sendam mgalaai blocks. 2 8 .‘ ’c of schools have two teachers. of ecbools have more than 5 t achers

IJ.T.87/88 - Table 17.18:

Table 17 and 18 shtow the; D0>citi0n of teachers by their quali­ fication and sex. So far as prim ry schools are concerned the re is no untrained teacher in rural and ^orban areas. Out of 6454 t . acn^rs uuij..loyed in prianary schools in rural area, only 3O teachers pcsseS*i . i ■ general educational qualification below the raiddle passes. Of this

19 are wo^nen. 4 987 teachers ■=,rt rr.ntriculater. This works out to be

77*27c. Here also the no. of female teacher is only 1443. 55 teacher possess postgradUcote qu-‘,lificr tion,

aontd , No. of SC girls in I-V Class in rural axe as. .. 28706

No. of SC girls in I-V in urb^n areas. .. 8703

'iotal no. of girls in I-V in rural .. 155578

Tctil no. of girls in I-V in urban aroc,. , *• -^5343 percentage of SC girls to the total in rural ^nl UrLnn arer-L, . is 'i 8 .4 . 19.2* The g irls' e'Ta?ol'Le nt in urban is 1/. c: ,n

. ' ' that of girls in rural. '

'fotal no. of S.T . pupils (Bojs ) in I-V , in rural areas. ' .. 8O33

Total no. ST boys in I.V in urban areas. .. 84

Total no. of boys in rural. • 2094 04

Tot3.1 no. of boys in urban. • •• 5^064

Per®entage of S'^ boys to the total in rural ,a.n(5 urban, is

3 ,8fc and 0,-2%. ■>, '

Total No. of ST girls in I-V in rural. •• 6429

T".'_al no, of ST girls in I-V in urban. ... 50

I'nal ho. of G-trls in I-V in rural. , . •• 155578

'.'-^l no. of girls in I-V in urbg.n. .. 45348

centage. of S.T. girls to the total no. of girls in rural and

: . _ ■ , . urban a^reas is A'Aio and 0.1^. '

Enrolment of ST boyg and girls in rural area" is more or less e qua,l. ' ,

contd i , / 1 57 PRIMABY

On T perusal of Table *32 of Part I I {Age spcciiic enrolment ratio) it is'seen t'br’t enrolment of boys and girls under ,age 'gro'up 6-11 in rural ojrea is less than thu

.-■nrolnient in urban. While tbe ehrolaient'of girls in rur-1

is less than the boys, it is a little higher than the” boy3-

Ih urbran. On the v/hble enrolnie^nt in the age group 6-14 i3


*Lross enfolnient ratio.

Gross enrolment of girls in rural is less than that of

boys is nearly equal in urban. (142.4?^ and 143.05 )

Gross enr-Tuuys in rural is more than that of 'jirls in urban ■^^h.ile iai the case of girls ' ' ■- 1 .-‘■^verse. On'the v/hole enxolment of girls is less than that oi " "

PUi'dl Teacher Ratio.

Ptjpil Teacher Ratio is in rural tha.n in urDan-

^ ■ . (Table 32) .

Percentage of girls in rural is less tVxq,n that in '

urban. On the whole 4 3.6';:^ of girls are in&iaa«*e 1-Y, ' / V J . CHAPTER III - UPPER PRIMARY .aPUCAIION

V In this chapter an an ay 1 is 'of facilities available, et-rola'^nt

rfrastructure of upper prim&jy school is uinde.

326 habitatipo? have upper primary St-ction within the ' habitations. They serve to a popul-.tiori of 29*26 percent. The liO. of habitations in which the upper primary sections ax-a at c. ie tpnce of m:re than 3 k.m. is 896 which is about 29.5 ,

(Tabic 11a ) . Table 4 and DT 1 28A indicates the no. of habitation already served with upper primary sections within a walking distance of

3 k.m. and the no. of habitation where upperprimary section have beci

proposed 2463 habitotionshnve upper primary sections. In 198 habi­ tations new upper primary sections have be^-n proposed to be opened.

These will serve a population of 251 863'!, which is 81,67?^ of the

•uotal pupulation 13 habitations in each of Peddanaickenpalayam and

Thalaivasal blocks 63 habitat ion in Mobafiuf bXoclc 23 in Ctaalur bloc^ w ill heave new upper priaia,ry schools. These w ill benefit a sizable

no. of population.

In 145 villages where the SC population is more than half

12 villages at:^*e have upper primary schools In 556 villages where

ST population is more than half 6 villages .alcfue have upper primary schools. On a perusal of Table 22 it is seen that in 2 villages in

the poptlation range 20W-4999 where SC population is 75% and aboyi

Only 1 v i i i 0g;e has upper primary school. L study of Table 23 shows that in 6 villager ±h 3tk with the population range ,1000-1 999 where

ST population is above 5C^o* Only one v ill'g e has upper primary

school. Table 22 & 23 138 schools in rural area have upper prim.ary classes. Under

G-ovtrnment r^ there is one schc.ol for boys and one for girls. In urban .pjrea 53 schools have primary section of which 50 are aifisd and 25 exe laaiiaged by local body.

In rur=^l art a I58 schools havt orimrry md upper primexy soctione. 0:. t:^ie 125 ore raanage^" by the Govcrniie nt. 128 schools haye upper prim.ary sections besides s.:condaxy sjotions. Here c.ls0 121 schools arc G-ovtrn’a.:’'t schools. In sirban prea 53 schools have upper primary and priuiaXy clnsses together of v/hich 23 axe managed by local body.

. Tnble 32 and 33. Table 4 2A /T .9

This table shows the type of buildings in which upper primary schools have been housed.

In urban areas 47 out of 63 upper primary schools have pucca buildings. One school in Salem urban has kacha Building. There is no school having thatched sheds.

In the rural area in Yercaud Block there is one upper primary school ha.Ying thatched sheds.

Regaruing library and other facilities the no. of upper primary schools having library is I 38 in rural area and 63 schools in urban area. Only 2 schools have library with roore than 10b books 49 schools have dictionaries. Of their 47 schools axe in ruj*al axea. 2#1 schools have book banks.

Table 88. , /1 S / Table 16/ S . I . 75 ■

iThcrc= isno upper primary- school that docs not h.'.v^; r facilities like drinking water, urinals etc. The position in u::ban is better. I4I schools provide for mecic'-l checkop. These facilities cure poor in rural s-eh^ols_^ran by Govtrnuii^. t wher-..v- in urboji area the local b:->.ly school show butter.

The table 1 7/DT.87 and 38 shov- the iffcre nt. ^u

Pass". 923 are matriculaters while the no. of gradu-^tes and post gr.'^duntes is 115 and 3I respectively. Mon outnuoiber woraen in this. .

In urban area there is no tuacher who is ^heiow Middl,; Pass".

739 are maxricul-teae of which 527 are women. Of 34 graduatug

13 are v^onien. There are I 3 post graduates. The percentage of oiotriculaters in rural and urban area is 68,2 and 73.9 res^-ctively 1 01 /1 08

A study of enrolcient according to -ge g r o u p ooth

rural- anc urban are-as shows that 53123 boys avjd 33055 girls L iroJ.ied irj the age group 11-14 . Of the:? 48612 boys ar.d 29c8

, irli are in St:!s. VI-7III.

In urban aroa 21 925 boys 14726 girls -r tt^o

u,ge i^roup 11-14. are enrolled in upper primary section^ uut of the tota.1 child population of in the age group II-I4 861 ?8 , ,:1 0.|4 , pupils haye bet-n enrolled .

Out of 67100 boys and 4 063»i^ girls enrolled in '^lasses

in rural -Treas the no. of SC Days ,and girls are 13202

£,r/] 736I , Percentage of each is 19.6 and 18.1, There is nD large d is jarlty.

. In urban area the no. of boys and girls In f’.ia.ssep

32356 and 23732 respectively. Oui; of this enrolment

. c.f SC.boys and girls are 4808 and 3903, out to be 14»?

ar 1 1 6.4,. : j- The percentage of enrolment of SC bbje and girls In

; '-'ri? ..area is higher than these of boys and girls in'urban area.

I ve.5,; in urban-the enrolment o f SC girls in higher than , that of the

^ ^ ■./ ’ Regarding enrolment' of ST pupils in classes Vl-Vill- the

... ^.boys enrolled is 2365 in rural and 4 3 , in urban. , This'Voi^k^ ; ut b-'6)6/ 3 . 5^ ana 0.1 respectively.

V The nor., 'of girls enrolled in anc urbaft .are 1014

'-..I.i ?4 respectively. This works out to be 2.5 a.nd. 0.1 respectively

•' V. ■ ;■ ' ... ,,fcr the total Enrolment of-all girls^in classes.VI-VIII, The,-

e riol'iient of ST boys in Vua*al,.,area'is .one ^jercent oiorc "tb^in,:t’'ia.t

ir irban area. . / 1 « / On a perusal of Table 32,, it is seen that in the upper Primary level (Classe s VI-YIII) the enrolment of boys in the age group If to belov'T H years, is more than that of girls both in rural and urban area. On the whole the er i-olme] of boye in the age group i.s also mo:rs than the g ir le . I'he enrolment of pupils (Boys amci Girls) in rural is mor2 th m tba^ in urban. . .

In rural the unrolj.ient in this age group ie Koie tha^ that of the age group 6-11 i^^here as in urban the- position is < the reverse »


Gross enrolment of all the^ pupils (Eoys & Girls) in . rural is le&s t h ^ that in urfeaii'. . The enrolment of boys and girls in urban is more ttoan that of boys & Girls in rural. the -whole the enrolment of boys is more than th^t of g irls.

. Enrolment of pup^ils in upper primar-y'f classes both i: rural and urban ■ is less than the. enrolment of pupils in prim' classes. ■ , '

I'ublic teahu^r i-aL.j-o in the upper primary stage is more in rural ,than in urban ■ — 79.2 li.;,-— 55.9 .

Pupilic teacher Ratio in upper primary stage is more than in primary stage both in rural «& urhan..

The percenta®3 of girls nn VI,--- V III classes in rural is less than in urban - ; Girls., in upper primary

©lasses are less than the girls and primary classes both

*111 rural and urban area* h '^ t chapter IY- SBCOrji:'i:RY 110 KIGriEH SECOKD/:.RY E33UC TION

( ~^2 s t )

So far as the locatioii ox St c o n ] S c h o o l s axe conc'crncd out of

3C37 habitations 236 have secondary sections within the habitations t?79 habitations have seconu-^xy ' scot ions situated within a lietance ci 4 k.m. This works out to be 55.2fc (4II out of 30'^7) or-ljr '’.3 . 5/0

li bitation h

£.Lch habit at iona are ^ound in Mecheri, Mallasamudrajn, Sarjkpj::-,

Vslappadi, ?edd5,naickenpal.ayam and Yercaud blocks. Kolli hills account for more no. such habitations,

3 habitat ions liafeere SC is predonilnent have Secondpxy schools within the habitations. They are Vfierapaniy, Peddanaickenpal.'yasi

,ard Kolathur. 48'habitations h-^'ve Secondary sc’hool facilitiL^ withii t?, distance of 4 k.m. Mallasatnudram, Paramathi, Tharasiangalatu where ' habitations are more than 10. Paoiljtlts are available wlthixj a

distance of 8 k.m. .

There is habitation in Peddanaickenpalayam block TjreLloainenl:.!’

cccuoied by S .T . (1633 ) and i'it has a Secondary School v/ithin the

Lf.bitati'on. In Kolli h i l l s ’hi^bitation where S .T . ore predominent

Lrve facilities in a distance between 2 k.ia. and 8 k.ffi. ard above.

/V (T,i.ngpjval li block 17 hLabitation'' have secondary farilities a': a ' • ■ r C;stM,nGP beyond 8 K .M . . Table 12.,.., 20k.

Out of .1037 habitations 52 have facilities for Either 3 r-O'?

v: th_n the habitations* 1443 habitations have Higher Secondai ’ S'jIioo:. ^

v;.thin a '^istqirce upto 8 K.M, There is no habitation with ^-"0 i Highe:.?

c^coidrxy facility lying* beyond 8 K.M, ■ Out Of "!443 ha,b;'.tations

'.jxge no. habitation^ axe^ in Kolli H ills, Namakkal, Paramathi. and

I.. ha-iur Blocks.

(Table I3i) / ■■ -lo, of S£conc;ary schools in ruxai area is 128 anu in urb-^i 42,

0'.' 0 ? 128 secDTic’ary schools in rur?l 121 schools are '.ir.rr.gcc jy

I or iment while 7 are aided» Un urban area the perc-r.tage of Govt ^ N 00 . is 21 .4 ^

:Tivate unaided schools constitute nearly 50/o. I . rn_ 1 ■ 'oa

■ s ;hool3 h:"yt secondoxy olasst,s in 64 jio "

3v ( on axy classes. .

Tsdjit, 32 33*

There ajre 64 Higher Secondary bchoois in ru^'al area and 52

XJ urban. In the foraer 59 schools are run h j Governmont whi’l 2 ;

20 sG'iools in urban are Government Schools. 1 9 schools axe pr^ rate a.'.c ed . Private aided Higher Secondary Schools are greater in urban th;,n .n rural. '

Tabic- 32 and 33. '

A study of TablaI 5 (D .1 .6 8 ) shows that out of''128 Sc-cor ' 'ry ■ ' i:^.r ' ' s.ii.ooLs lying in rural area. Only 75 schools have library wif-' ao»

b .;-. ks less than 500. This works out to be 58.6^. Only 3 so'roc' ~ have mo:.-e ihan 5000 volumes in the library.. In urban area out of ,2

so 100 .s that have library only 7 schools have . books 1 ss ■thar Th..s jcme to be 16>6^. Only 2 schools, hgve more th;an 5000 boros in

the library. Local body and private aided schools ha^/ - ’^ooks ' rss tb

500c. Only 60 out I 70 schools (both in rural and ^rbsn j subscxvbe a^v'iaz Ines. ;ill-the I 70 schoels ha,ve book banks.

64* Higher SeCOndary School's in rural and .52 in urban area

I . ra.:y facilities. Vvhile 10 schools in rural have books a ore" than

; ) C, only one school in urban has more than 5OOO books. 46 schoolo

' ' B.1 and 33 schools in urban have books above"50® but less tban 5CC

. . c-L comv; to 72?band 63'?^ res ctively . ' Table. 68, • r-^i T.-^.ble 17 and 18 (D.T.Q^ and 88) shovif the disti-ibution of teachers in 3^ con-1 ary' nnd Eightr S-- cona-iry Schools aecorC ing t^ their sex qualificati-jn. '

1? tu •chers ir, rurol-rre.a hv.Vt.- qualification "MidLile Pass'* while tbcr'o is no such teacher in sc conOary schools in urban irt. a. ■ ' ■ • :

I'h^. j: -rc.’ Btn.'e' v f ^nti fcTalo teachers h-iyin^’ Matricula- qualilication is gi^/tn below:

Rural - Male 426 out of 64 9 - 65 .6 .

Female 223 out of 64 9 - 34 .4

Urban - Male 36 3 ott of 625 - 58.8

Female 259 out of 628 - 4I .2

_ , Mai- te-achers outnumber female teachers in rural wherea,s in urbar there is reverse.

In theCase of graduate teachers the figures, are as follows;

Rural Male 374/607 - 73.8

Female 133/50? - 26.2

Urban Male 60/10^, - 59-4 .

Female 4I/IOI - 4 0 .6

Male grc.J;uate teachers in rural nrea outnumber their counterparts in urban v/hereas fc-male graduate teachers in rural area are less than their counterparts in urb^^n. :

In the case of post graduate t^ach^rs enploye;! in Cccjr^eary

Schools the position is as stnted above, lule Rural Male - 163 out of 1 90 - 85,8

Female - 27 out of 1 90 - I 4.2 Urban Male - 16 out of 39 - 4I . 0

Female - 23 out o.f 39 - 5 9 .0

c jntd ...... /2-/ ... . . Post G-r?/-uat

i'eaale out of 554 - 16 .4

Uiban Male 261 out of 479 54.5

I'omalc 218 out of 479 - 45-5

Male teachers possessing post £;rac‘-uatc qualification are

rieatv,-r ir. pumbt-r ir^ rurnl schooils th'-^n in urban-I'/nvie fi:.::'-]e

it ach^-rs in urban .-are grt-'tor in nuabtt tkari in rui?--^l,

There are 57 untrained post graduate in urban v/bile there is

none in rural areas. : • -

Languaf^.e teachers

Hijjh Schools percent Eigher lerce tage . ' Second ary. tagv.

Rural - Male 77/1 01 ..1 6,2 1 54 /I 96" 78 .6

Female 24/101 23.8 4 2/1 96 21 .4

Urban Male Z2/54 64.7 310/590 52.5

I'eraale 1 2/34 35.3 280/590 47-5

M o n g the language teachers' jaployed Ijn Se.eondary ar.o Higlier

Secondary Schools, the male teachc-rs in rural area arc greater

than those employed in urban. In the ense of female lang.i ige

'Cl achers the position is on the r...verse

The sam^ trend is found in th^ case of Higher Stconc:-'ry ?ch:j-'l‘" ^C0-1.DARY AlfD HlQ-HbR SEGQI'roAP.Y SCHOOLS HAVHIG I'j'.nuFATOP' ’ ffAaiLITJ^S AND SOIEa^aE OB ache RS . '

Ir; Secondary ScirioolG situated in .rural r„r3a, oa of

I28j 14 bave separate laboratory for -ij^'hysicsf C'^ienf.ctr raid

Biology 11 SchoolE have conibained lab for all eadjects,

101 schools do not have laboratiiie s , Of thi.-> 100 c;.r3

G-overmr.ant schools. Out of ?1 Schools in urt .••r* r* rc a-. J have

sopt^ate laboratorias fcr Ph^'gics, Chemistry BioOo ^-

14 have combained laW i^tries and 4 have no laboratries at al;

Percentage < of Seticndary Schools hav ing Separat e

laboratries in rural and urban is as follows.

Rural 14 out of 128 -- 10 «9

' Urban 3 out of 21 - 14*5

The position in' fcrban is better. Of tre il.ovt

two belong to uocal Body and the third is aidea privet-:!

There are 2 see Schocls in rural are'--', teachir.g iome

Science but they do not iiave separate lab for that sub,, ^ct.

- The position in Higher Secondary Schools is gi: ^n bel '

62 Higher Secondary Schools In rural a/nd 35 i-'-' urban

teachers S35Ten

laboi^tories for Physics^ Ghimistry and Biology

in rural and urban area ahOj^.,^ , Rural 37 out of 62 — 59.6

Urban 22 out of 35 — 6 2*9

The position in urban is better^Cf the 37 sohoo in.

rural 33 are G-o\7err®ment schools where as 8 out ''X 2.2 . urb..r

art; Government-Schools . Of the remaining 14? ' •''al :

.schools and 9 are private aided. There is no -oonda’ ■

Sciiools that do not have any laboratory.

4 Schools in rural a.nd * in urban teaoh j Hoir., 3cienc:

but 1 in rural and 2 in urban have lab for Home S jienr. . -vh

the one school in rural is a Government one,, tne other tv/o r..r,are private aided. (Tc.ble 115' Tpbie 20 and D .T .9 7 , shews the quilification of C','

chin^.: at Secondary Higher Secondr'^' f^obrol’L'

5 toachcirs each in Se-cor.;ln,ry and Higher Seconi rry :

pi; eess M.Phil. qu'ilif icati ons. Ejlders of M.Sc.,. ( ;g''ce as follows.

126 out of 78'1 in Second-^rj' 3 ;nge - 1 6 .1,

108 out of 532 in Higher Scc--ndary - 20.3

Percentage of teachers possessing post graduate qualificat.

is greater in Higher Second-ary stage.

Holders of B.Sc.

I 45 3f 781 in Secondary stage - 18.6 . ■ / 71 out of 532 in Higher Sec. stage-13.3

?ir :entage of teachers holding scie’rice degree is greater i ■

-nday stage# ' ■

i.he position in respect of teachers without sc^ienoe qu-; fica

ti a but teaching science is aS follows. . .

119 out of 781 in secondary : 1^.2 6"'. out of 532 in Hr.Stc, stage. : '•^•5.

I'i; isseen that more tiJV of teachers without science..,qualai .Ga.Zf''..

te ch science in secondary stage.

Ta le 101 and 108 show the enroX'aient of pupils at Secondary ola^fc

ar. Higher Secondary classes.-^ age^.^nQ b.y • rasitifticetLent\Hse A 'V'ST.-

Out -'f 53493 boys anu 2$558 girls, in the .aga g r 4: v belo^

16 yearn” 22457 boys and 11985 .glrcls are an Stdi.II nrd': X, ' :■

32 group the percentage of: boys .and girls, in S.-''•.

sr fin bjlow shows more enrolaie.nt o^ g irls. . , .

Boy i : 41 . 9

Girls :45 .1 J n ! A compaxason-of-t'la.e..posit ion of SC and ST, pupils ?ji

St,''-Dclp,rc]s IX and X is given below:

SC pupils

E.ur.'al : Bj^c 4O6C out of 28394 - 14.2?^ Girls K 4O out of I 48C4 - 11

Urban ; i.>-s 2088 JUt of 8652 - 24*0^^

Girlsl83l out of 6280 - 29.5

In secondary classes enrolten of SC boys ai-d girls, in i rban. area is more than in rural area.

• ST pupils

Rural : Boys. 499 out of 28394 - 1..8%

Girls 149 out of I 48O4" - 1 .,^0

Urb,ar. : Boys 21 out of 8682 ' - 0.2?'o

. Girls 6 out of 6280 - 0.09fo

In rural are a the enrolment of ST boys is more than that of . the g irls.

' (lable 1 01 & 1 08);

Enrolment of SC/ST-in Hifrher Secon'-^ary Glasses i Comparison is given beloA->/; '

•' SC pupils

Rural : Boys 1315 out of 8552 - 1 5'*4

'■ ■ Giris 525 out -of: 3098 - 1 6 .«

Urban : Boy^ 2008 out of ' 8^85 - 24 .8

Girls 1 082 out o f '^ 7532 -' 14.4 ......

Enrolment of SC boys in :Higher Second.ory Classes in urbah' is' ■ . . -'t : than that in rural area. V/hereas enrolment of girls in urban less than that in rural . This trend in r espect of SC girls enrolment in Seconc] ajry Schools is different

ST pupils in Hi^^her Secondary Glasses

Rural Boys 1 05 out of 8552 - \ .Zio Girls 45 out of 3098 - 1.5% Urban Buys U Out of 8085 - 0. 29b Girls 1 Out of 7532 - 0.01> In rural area S .T . Girls 'enrolment in Higher Seconr>ry r?asses is slightly hi.vLc-r tb ;,ricillary- facilities in Secondary and HiLg,her S£-conocu\y-- — (Table 75)/T-ble 16'.. ,,

In respcct of Secondary Schools lying in rurnl lir-^ ing sepTxate urinals and l.'svatori^is for .girls 92% of sc''; ol-; cono under G-overnmcnt managenient. In urba,n iht sichodIs ia_ v iCr: vX oe facilities coine under private ai"&d uian'ngeat r;t.

More 113. of schjols that have' arinkinig water frcilivicc in rux’al area coiie under Governtnent laan^Tgeiment 110 out of 117

In urban schools having such facilities Government and pri-\ aided have equal no. of schools (8 out 18 in Government 44

And 7 out of 18 38.9^ private aideijl). , .

Jn respect of HigheJ? Secondary Schools having drinkir '^ater facilities 55 scho2ils>'ojat of 6^ that come in rural oxea .

Government managed. Gut of 33 sci^ools Jjn utrban 14 come ndei-

Government and I 4 , ^This works out 42.4^i^. .

In rural area 9^1 of Kigher: Second;ar;y Schools hav« separate urinals for girls while of schools have separate I'^r’i^'^ry for girls. These are Government Schools. In urban thf 1 rcctage

Government Schools having the aborve .facilities comes and 43^ Government Schools in rural -have better faci-iticJ: ■

The percentage of Higher Secoineary Sch.’Ols rurby '^ivate aided having the above facilities works out to be ^-'l and 4->9 respectively, ('j.ble 75) Secor]]-\iy Sch,..ol, tno G^vciL.u.c,i:t schools in rural presevjt better picture tlici.:- ti'e schools in urban,

Rural 363/ 579- - 95*6fo

Urbn.n 27, jO - \^5r

So x-r th^ ^^ided schools arc concerned the position -n urban is better. -

Rural 1 6/379 - 4.2/= "

Urban 2 /6C - 35% ''

Iv) Higher Secondary Schools 1’77 ■ out of 192 schools in rural and

64 out 131 in urban have physical education teacher. This comes to 92,1^ and 45.8, respectively* Government schools show better.

In urban area aided Higher Secondary Schools show better' picture.

56 Qut of 1 31 in urban and 1.5 out of 192. in, rural. ■

■■ j (Table . , .

Higher Secondary Schools offering various streams and V.o^gittional " sub .jects ’ No. of schools offering arts subjects is more in ruml than in ui'ban. But both in urban and rural, the no. 0/ schools

under Govern'iient is more then cided* ' ■ ■ ^ ■

Rural : Government 59/64 - 92^ Aided 5/64 - 1

Urban Governaient 2O/43 - 45.5 i^ided 18/43 4 *S .

In offering Science subjects also the" position s scjiie.

Rural : Government - 57/62 91 * 99^ iiided 5/62 8-1?b

Urban : Go-vernment - 1 7/35 48.5'^ iiided 13/3!^- 37.1?^

More no. of Governaient Schoolsoffer coranieri^ subjects both

in rural and urban area.

Rural: &±ei Government 44/49 - 89.7?^ Aided 5^A9 - 102

Urban: Government 15/30 - 5C^ Aided I2 v 0 -

contd .. ..In affexing. various Vocational courses the Gov^rt . .-li are core than aided in rural area whereas in urban the G-:jv:rn:ne nt anc: a.ided are equal.

R-'oral ^ GoverrmGT^t 4 2/48 - 8 7 .5^ iided 6/48 -

Urban- ■: ' Crovorntiient 1 6/36 - 44 .4:/ .Aidec; 1 6/36 - 44 .s P ' .■ -A- ■■ Ihe no. of schools under ail managenieI'ts offciing voculional courses is aoxe in rural tbru.i in urban.

Rural ; 42As 87.5:^ - ^icea 16/36 - 44.4?^

Office Secretaryship courses offered more in urban than ,

in rural where£i,s Teacher Training Courses are offered more in ruii’al schools than in urban.

(Table I I 4 )

. In respect of providing ''on the job training"

Go-'.^ernaelit schools both in rural and urban area provide aore . , t-r. I V- V • , ' ■ • ' . • •- bopbrtunities. than aided. .

Government. Aided

Rural 1 5 /4 2 - 35 . 7/0 2/6 - 33^3/0

Urbar. J2/16 - 75/v . 7/16-43.8

Opportunities exist more in urban than in rural.

■ " (Table 25) (D.Tk Table. 1 20) • . I I CHAPaj'-Rw^-OmaR BDUGAT10Ni.L EAGILZIIBS ^

So far as otlier Educational facilities Ixka non formed, adult eau cat ion and p re primary education etc.,

the position is analypec' belov?.

There are no non formal centres in this D istric t. a d u l t EDJJ.iTloK ;

Adult SduGat” on 1g b-^ing Imported i-^ 418 centres the beneficiaries are about 42378. 226 centres are exclusively for women and the v/omen and Ic, are 32 9l3* The percentage of men and vromen arc 22.9 and 77*7 respectively. All the 418 centm’s are run Ijy Government and that too in rural area.

(Table 29)

More number of villages that do not have adult c^antres are in the following blocks. Ayodyepatnam,

Vala ppad i , Pe thana icke npala yam, Ye r caud, ©malur . The number of villags yet to be covered is around 20 and more.


There are 2 schools in the entire dic-trict for disabled childre n. Both are Go-educational and o:.... in

}'niral and the other in urban. The former is for blind and the latter is for de af and dumb *

(Table 30)


There ard 135 9 Balv^Tadies spread over in 720 villages. In urban there are 171 balv^adies in 28 toT/ma.

There aie 44 indcpendant pre primary schools. Out of this 35 aro in Ayodyapatnam block and 6 3,re ui iiagudanchavadi. There are 3 institutions in Pallipalayam block having pre primary stags attached to the schools. All ttiese are in rural areas.

(Table 28 A ) ” '' Stlecteci statistical I’ablcs mmbering 1-52, h:.vo been prspaKd based on the District Tables 1-128 and they are given in Part ~ II. This repoi't has hoon prepared based in 'the dat(^ given in Selected Tables and District

Tables . V :;r CHI3P'BDUGATrai7.iL U 'P ia R ^ ■ ' SAIE i'l » 1 r,

„ * ' ' *** ■ , * * * . Area of the District « 8650 iiq.K.M O'

Total yopuiatian (as-per •o 34.42 La&hS:. 1981 Census) Jlalo Fdnald ■

V. C; / iiupai ’ ■*2,55 . 1 1 .9i- (b) Uri^an'; j 5.11 4.05 ' 9...96,

lfetalf"'Ci'n; lakhs) 17.65 16.76 34 . 42

( c ) 'IjitiQrfitfeS; ^ ; 8 ,6 » ' 1,3.25.

(d) BchcatilGd- Castos ' • • • • ,.5.50

(g ) Schodulod. Tribes • • m • ,1 .23,

District ^Gocigraphioal Constituents:

(a) Taluiis ' ■; " • 9


(c) PaViShayata vv • 7S9 :

. Cd) i'dwn Panohayats ' (including one. • 56 Township)

CO Municipalities ( including Mott'or •« . 9 Township) . ’>•/ .. '

(f) Divisions a

(g) i^ovonuo Divisions • 4

(h) KGvenue Firkas • 72

(i) riGvr>-nuo Vixxa^es e 8Q6

(j) Hanlets •« 1102 Tlii UNI0N3_

1j Salom 19) Kabilarnalai

8) '^/'ecrapdndi 20) Paranathi

3) Pananarathuppatti 21) Kollihills.

4) Ayodhiapatnan ' 22) sankari .

5) Valappadi ' 23) Mtig ud a nc havad i

5) ■24) Mallasanudran

7) PorldanaickGnpalayan 25) Elachipalayan

3) J-^alaivasal 2fi) Tiruchongodo

9) Gangayalli ,. 27) Pallipalayara

10) Yorcaud 28} Idappadi

11) Rasipuram 99 > Konganapuran

12) Vonnandur 3,0) , Omalur

13) Nanagiripot •^1) Kadayanpatti

14) Pvsiuchatron fe) llechor^ 3 3) Tar ainarig alan 15) Nanakkal ■ . i3-4) '"Hari,Ravalli 1») nd ainang alan 35) Kolathur. 17) iirunaipatty


" Habitations wit’) priinary Sections~at a Distance”©! S i; Name of Items. NO. the “TZk IJp^o"C7'6"to* 1 . 1 . to 1 . 6 . to More Total B lo ck / 0 .5 . 1 .0 in i.5.I

1. Salem, l)No.of Habitations. 1807 448 502 87 146 47 3037

ii) Their Total 2384493 136325 146755 28283 38028 13502 2747396 Population,

i i i ) Percentage 86.70 4 ,9 6 5 ,34 1 ,0 2 1 .3 8 0 .4 9 9 9.89 ^popuifatxS^f ^


(Reproduce Dlstrict Table liA) (All Habitjtions(Table llA)

S i. Name of ___ Habications No. the BlOG^; (To]s3i -/ ",71”,-!’"’'’ '"ap’ tb ‘ ’ i'.. I .to“ 2 .l7 to jVlto~47lto More" 1)11. nil- 1 Km. 2.0iOTi. 3.0K.M 4.0KM 5.0. th«n -I T^„ onr,^,-r, •? nzrk/i a r\xrui K r\iOudx Taluk) the KM. 5 k .M. Habi­ tat ion 1 . 4, 5. 5, 7. 9, 10. 11.

1, Salnm 326 i) No .o f H c i: : - l 817 615 352 178 356 3037 strict.

116135 128782 2747396 ii)The5r +-01-al 803934 295094 650554 511328 population 241569

iiJ , Percentage 29.26 10.74 23.67 18.61 8.79 4.22 4.68 99.97 (of the total population)


Si. Name of No.of Popu- No,of H abitation ser'^^ed bV ______E x i s t i n g No, TaluJc, Habita- lations, Pri- t i o n . m a r y Existing Propose?^ existing Exijting Proposed pJimary*^ s c h o o l p r ' 'mar y primary ancj 'cro- pr-'^iar\ pr.lrrary . ■oo^ ' iOo 1 s scli'^Is scheois/ . p r o ­ s c i \ : ) o l s schools” p o s e d . , -_.jtionb oeclion sec'cion. s e c t i o n 3 e c t i o n s . lUicl-- V P C ' o o l s / ciOi’'o • ______

No.('>£ PopiA- Popuj a P o p u ­ I. No.^ '■ No.of % H a b i - . 0 / lation % tion % l a t i o n % i i - lT.:i Habi- % H a b i - /O tatio-i tatxon t a t i o r 6. 7. 8^ 9. 10 11 1 2 , 1 3 . 1 4 , 1 5 - 16, 17, 2. 3 c . ,

1 . S a l e m 3 0 3 7 2 7 4 7 3 9 6 1 3 6 2 7 6 9 ^ ^ 1 , 1 7 1 3 6 4,47 2905 95,S5 95, 29 2.C 8 2719^05 T e l u k '.645692 73808 b>c S a l e m D i s t r i c t .

O' CHIEF EDUCATIONAL O F P I c f ^ SALEM: 1, 2l===l-i°-f^f"LE°El^if^^2!?_fffZ2L^I-5^if^i!22_5i}5^P£2P2S®^_13EP®£_PEi!I?a£I_s£l}22is_<^Section^BlockwiseI District; Salem. State; . - ' (Reproduce District Table 128 A)

S i . Name of No.of Popu­ N o .o f Habitatio n served by______served by _ _ _ the Block habi- No. lation, upper Existing Proposed Existing Existing Proposed Existing /Tabfeil tation pr i- upper upper and upper upper & Taluk. mar y primary pr imar y ■oroposec primary pr imary propos'^d schools upper school/ schools/' T'opi'ir i^c 1- schoo■3/ schools/ section' pro­ section section. pr imary section SSfiXoi/ posals. school/ section SGCtiou,

j;’opu- % P o p u ­ . Popu- % No.of No.of % No.of % ation l a t i o n habi- habi­ habi­ % 1 t Ion. taions tation tation 12. 13. 14. 15, 15. 17, 7 , a 9 . 10, 11. 1 . 2 . i . 4 . 5 .

1. Salem. 3037 2747396 198 2463 81.09 198 6,51 2661 87.61 75.45 2347667 170764 2518631

8 1 . 6 7 BLOCKWISE HABITATIONS WITH AND WITHOUT SECONDARY SECTIONS IN THE RURAL AREAS. (Reproduce District Table 12aT? Districts Salem. State: Tamil Nadu

All habitations(Table 12A)

S i , Uane of Itetr.s Habitations vritv secondary sections at a distanre of l-To, tho Bloc^c /Taftfeil/ Within ijpto 2» 4, 6.1. to More 'i'aluk. the 2Krn. 4.C Krn. 5.0 Krr, 8.0 Km. than 8K.m. - habita­ Total tio n . 9. 1 . 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6 , 7. 8. 10,

236 754 925 5 0 ? 411 1. Salem i):'To.oi Habi­ 208 3037 tations.

ii) Their Total 646161 63^F-.7 805394 3 4 2 C '0 131421 184 913 274739G populations.

iii) Percan+--^ge 23.51 23.18 29.31 1 2 .4 7 4 , 7 8 6.73 9 9 .9 8 (of the total populat ion)

'f t ) 's,'.. - 5 fir-.' CHIEF EDUCATIONAL OFFICER, SALEM*1, TABLE tS G i ( S ^ C . T a b l e Ife a ) ~ / ^ A X____ / ^LOCK WISE HABITATIONS WITH AND WITHOUT SECONDARY SECTION THE RURAL AREAS. (Reproduce District Table 12«A«) ^ “ District; Salem. State' Tamil Nadu«

S I. Name of y. Habitations v/ith Secondary Sections at a distance of . No,, the aaiock ------Within the Upto 2 .1. to 4 ,1 , to 5 . 1 . to More than Total ^ Taluk. Habitation 2.KM. 4.0 K.M. 5,0 k.M. 8.0 K M. B.K.M.

1, 2, 3* 4^ 5, o. 7, 8, 9 .^ 10.

1. Salem l)No.of Habits- ^ 31 17 3 145 t ion.

li) Their to total 12311 34370 33455 17500 9738 855 108229 population.

iiiXPsircsnLf^QG (of their to 11.37 jl.75 30.51 16,16 8,99 0.78 99,96 total popula­ tion)


(s.T.TaETe 56 a ) ~ . * (Reproduce District: ^able 12.A) District: Salem, ^ate: Tamil ^

Si. Name of Items. Habitations witli Sec‘:-vaarY Sections at a Distance of No., tie Block T a s h il/ Within the Uoto 2 . 1 . Lo 4 . 1 . to 6 .1 . to More Total Taluk. Habitat ion 2 KM 4.0 KM. 6.0 Kl'i. 8.0 KM. than 8 KM. 5. 7. . 9. 1 , 2 . 3.. 4. 8 10.

Salem i)No.of Habita­ 1 18 18 29 20 273 359 t ion.

90233 ii) Their to total 1633 2 7 2 5 659b 12123 4385 62768 Populations.

iii) Percentage 1 .80 3,02 7.31 13.43 4,85 59.56 99,97 ( of their tc total popula­ tion)

P - i t P CHIEF EDUCATIONAL OFFICER, SALEJyi: 1, TABLE All Habit at ioiUTable 13a^ __ Block VJise Habitations with a nd without Higher Secondary Schools/Intermediate/Junior ColleiSe PUC In the Rural Areas. ^ rReproduce District Table 13 A«) District; Scl^m, State: Tamil Nadu. ^

Habitations v;ith Higher Secondary Schools/Sections of a distance of, Sl.Fo. Name of Items, tbo B lo c k / Tol'isil/ Withir the bpLo 2, '■ .. 1. to 6, 1. to Morth.-^n T'.ital J.-luk. H ablT.ei.ion 2 .0 KI-i. 4 .0 10.^1, G,0 K.M-. C.O K.M. K.M.

4. 6. 8 . 9. 1 0 . , 1 2 _ 52 2 59 511 2 1443 303 / 1. Salem i) No.of Habi­ tations .

747564 11) Their total 398475 70o065 5c7795 345497 - 2747396 popu-lat ion.

iii)Percentage(of 14.50 2 7.20 25.77 19.93 1 2 .5 7 9 9.97 the tol -1 popu- l a t v; a) VILLAGES ACCORDING TO PROPORTION OF SC/ST PBPULATION AND AVAILABILITY OF EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES IN THEM., D istric t: Salem S ta ta ; Tamil Nadu.

Proportion No, of Villages having Facility for Pro- No.of having Fac'l.rit’y *foir “ or JLJ. 3 Cftr V J.J. j. ca­ 1 Higher i n th 'j Pr imary Uopcr Secon — High- t f e r ges. P ri­ upper Sec- pv- T ot mary p ri­ con- Secor— V -■ 1. -^ges .. Cary Sooon— g '■p^ dary. :udr> mary r'ary dary. tiie V.a;arje 1. 2 , 3. 4 , 5. D » / . 8, 9. 10. 11. 12.

zero 2315 1209 71 85 4 7 Zero 1788 1427 108 120 60 LOT Upbo 2 5 3 04 34 2 3 9 Up'-o2S 477 192 15 B 3

26-50 212 194 21 14 6 26-50 353 85 9 2 51-75 o y 53 7 4 2 d 1-75 203 53 1 More than 58 35 5 2 - More than 156 38 75 75 2 1

2977 . . Total Total 1795 138 128 o 2 977 ' l"/s»b 138 126 64 source: Col 2^Cols, 2+7+12+17+22+27+32 of Table 22 Col 8=Col3 2+7+12+17+22+27+32 ofi Table 23 Col 3 Cols 3+8+13+18+23+28+33 II col 9=Cols 3+8+13+18+23+28+33 " Col 4 Cols 4+9+14+19+24+29+39 »t CollO=Cols 4+9+14+19+?l^+l9+34 " Col 5 Cols 5+10+15+20+25+30+3 5 II Col 11 5:10+^5+20+25+30+35+ '' Col 6 Cols 6+ll+16+l=+26+31+36 II Col 12 Cols 6+11+16+21+26 +31+36 "

Oio ' NUMBER OF SCHOOLS BY LEVEL AND TlfPE OF MANAGEMENT. (Develop the following table and produce here) District: Salem. State; Tanri.l Nadu,

Area, Manage­ No, ofSchools No»of Schools having. ment. P r i­ Upper Sscon High­ Primary Upper Secon­ Higher mary Pri- dary er classes. Classes dary Secondar y m-'xy. Secon C la s s . Classes, da^y. 1. 2 . 3. 4. 5, 7. 8. 9. 10.

5G 13ovt^ 1718 125 121 59 1843 305 180

Local Body ""cr R Private ai'^ad. ~ 77 ~13 " 7 ~5 ^ 90 25 “ l 2 ■t’r iv a t' un­ a 1*3 e d, 192 64 Total. 1795 138 128 64 1933 330 1 9 20 1 29 29 20 5 Urban Local Body 132 23 5 16C 33 10 Private Aided 54 40 5 YJ 84 55 25 18 Provate un­ — 23 8 - - - - aided. Tot-,1. 187 63 4 2 52 24 5 117 64 43 1344 3 3'1 209 79 Govt. 1719 125 130 79 Local Body 132 23 5 5 IGO 33 10 5 23 Total Private Aided 131 53 12 24 174 80 37 Private unaided 23 8 2178 447 256 107 Total 1982 201 170 116

Source; For ColumHe: 3,4,5, 6= Dist Table 32 Col 9= Cols 5+8+9+10+11+12 of Table 33 Col 7= 3+7+9+12 of Table 33. Col 10 Cols 5+10+11+12 of Table 33. Col 8= 4+7+8+9+11+12 of Table 33. n TABLE:9 SCHOOL ACCORDING OF BUILDING BLOCKWISE

S1-, Name of the Primary School Upper Primary School No. Block/Taluk, — « — ^ ^ - _ _ _ „, _ — „ — - - _ M mm■ - — — _ — — Pucca Partly Kucha Thatched Tents Open To- Pucca Part Ku­ Th Ten Op Total Build.- pucca build- huts. space ta l. bui- ly cha at- ts en ing . b u ild ­ ina . i ng pucca bul ched Sp ing. build Id- hu+:^ ace ing ing 1. 2,. 3, 4. 5. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11. 12. 13. 14. 15 . 16,

1. Thiruchenno^.e 8 4 ___ _ - 12 ,•1 4 2. Edapadi 11 4 - - — - 15 - - - f — — 3, Nangavalli 5 1 -- - - 6 1 -— “ — 1 4. Mallesamudram 7 2 -- - - 9 - — — — — _ H 5. Omalur — 1 — - 1 1 —— — _ J- 6. Koluthur 4 2 -—- - 6 3 1 — — ___ •I. 4 7. Rasipuram 5 3 — — - - 8 3 1 — ___ _ _ 4 8,: Vennandur 1 1 — — — - 2 — — - - - - - — — - 9. Namakkal 8 2 - - 10 1 1 - - - 2

10. Salem 47 10 6 5 - - 59 22 12 1 - - - 35

11. Panamarathupatty 1 - - 1 - - 2 ------

1 2. Sur arnangal am 17 2 1 1 - - 21 4 - - - -- 4

1 3 . Attur 12 - -- - - 12 5 - - - - — 5

14.Veerapandi 13 - 1 - - - 14 - -- - _ —— IS.Pallipalayam. ------3 -- - - - 3

Total 139 32 - - 187 47 8 8 15 1 - - - 63 All Urban areas outside the Blocks, Source: District Table 42A only Total row of each Block to be entered. SCHOOLS ACCORDING TO UF*^UILDING^


Pucca Partly Kacha Tha- Ten Open To- Pucca Part Kacha Thac Ten- Open Total build pucca build ched ts. space tal, build ly build hed ts. Space ing build- ing, huts ing. pucca ing hunts 5 ng, build ing 1 . 3^ 4 . 5- 6,. 7- a. 10. 11. 12. 13^ 14. 15. 16. 1718 102 - Govt. 1301 324 39 54 - - 22 1 _i 125 Local Body •m _ mm M mm _ Rural Private aided 56 10 1 — -- 77 12 - - 1 - - 13 Private unaided _ —— — — - — —> -- — - *• 13^^ 1795 11^ - - 138 Total 334 40 5/1 — — 22 1 1

- — - — Govt. 1 X -— — Local Body 88 30 7 7 1 3 2 2 0 3 — — 2 3 Urban,Private aided 5C 2 1 1 5 4 2 7 1 2 1 - - . 4 0 Private unaided — — - "> •• - - — — _ Total 144 32 8 8 I S ”/ 4 7 1 5 1 - - ^ 6 3 - - 1 2 5 1302 324 39 54 1 7 1 9 1 0 2 2 2 1 - Govt. 1 3 2 2 . - ^ 3 — - - - 2 3 Local body 88 30 7 7 ... 53 Total Private aided 116 2 1 131 39 1 2 1 1 12• Private unaided*I —- -mm . ... — —— —

Total 1506 366 48 62 1982 161 37 2 1 — — 201

SOURCES District Table 42. . i v r^PPSR PR m/iRY SCHOOLS^~7?CraR'JTNG TC) T17STRUGTI0NAL ROOMS IN TIiEM Disti'ict: Snlen

N o .o f roo ns us-r c3 No* of Prlrujry Cchools No-of rooms No.of upper Primary Schools -- us ;d for purposes. Rural Urban ■Totnl instructio:?£'l R ur al Ur b an To t al 0r 0p0 3 3s. 1. 2. 3 • 4. 5, 5^ 7. S. xNIL - NIL -

1 ■* r\ 1 411 1 •* -L 1-2 25 X 26 2 111 10 '^1 ^-4 39 2 41 3 268 10 2 /8 5-6 4 2 6 4 215 21 23 6 7-B 33 2 35 5 19' 14 2''! 7 9-10 21 10 31 158 28 136 6-7 11-12 7 12 19 8-9 99 36 1J5 13-14 4 17 21 10 & above 40 67 i07 15 & above 5 17 22

1795 187 1932 63 Total TOTAL 138 201

SOURCE: For Cols 2,3 ,4 See Cols, ll^. 21,31 of Table 52 For Cols, 6, 7,8 See Cols, 11 , 21, 31 of Table 53. o 0 c> O CHIEF educational OFFICER^ SAiiEM:!, PRIMARY AND UPPER PRiWgRY SCHOOLS ACCaRBING TO A DDITIONAL ROOMS RBOUIRED BY TPiEM. \ Districts Salerr,, States Tamil Nadu,

Type Manage- Schools requiring additional rooms. of ment. Rural Urban Total School Nil 1 2 3 4 5& Tot Nil 1 2 3 4 5& To NIL 1 2 3 4 5& Tt) abo al abo tal aho tal ______------______Govt. 527 428 384 215 63 101 1718 l l 528 42G 384 215 63 iOl 17l£ Local _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 35 12 29 33 12 11 132 35 12 29 33 12 11 132 • pr 1- mary

Private 24 17 19 8 8 1 77 12 15 13 12 1 1 54 36 32 32 20 9 2 131 •raided

Private -- -- ... - - -< - - —— - - - - unaided

Total 551 445 4C3 223 71 102 1795 48 27 42 45 13 12 187 599 4 72 445 263 84 114 1982 Govt. 14 21 30 19 15 2 i 125 14 21 30 19 15 26 125 Upp Local ------4 2 7 5 3 2 23 4 2 7 5 3 2 23 er Body Pr i- Private 3 5 3 - 5 2 - 5 13 3 8 17 40 3 8 8 9 3 22 53 aided 1

private unaided. Total 14 26 32 20 15 31 138 7 5 13 13 6 19 63 21 31 45 33 21 50 201

SOURCE s DISTRICT TABLE 56 « i ) . . '■ <- .i v ' - i ^ TABLE; 1 3 . A3AII,ABILITY OF BLSCK BOARPg IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS. D istrict : Saleni. State; Tamil Nadu

S i.N o . Name of Hlock/ Total Total No,of Sections having. Taluk No.of No,of Schools Sect­ Usable Unusable No. Blackboard, ion- . Bl^ckboaru ■'lack board, 5h. 5. 7^

1, Tiruchjngoar,. 12 180 180 109 2, Edapadi 15 109 74 70 3, Nangavalli 6 4, Mallasamudram 9 51 48 2 1 15 15 5, Omalur 1 5, Koluth ir 6 101 98 3 7. Rasipurain 8 64 8. Venndandur 2 31 30 1 9. Namakkal 10 119 119 10, Salem 69 73 7 722 15 ll.Panamej-’athupptty 2 4 i 37 4 12.Suramangalam 21 209 197 5 7 1 3 .Attur 12 100 100 14.Veerapandi 14 140 140 15.Pallipalayam.

JSAll urban areas outside the block

Total 1577 1971 1929 31 11

Soiarce: D ist ric t Table 62 A* (Total Row of each Block to be entered) ^ TABLE514. AVAILABILITY OF BLACK BOARDS IN PRIMaRV SC^HOOL^ DISIRICT: SALEM. STATS: T/'^MIL NADU

Area Management Total Total No,of SecticQo hnvlng NO. of No.of schools, Sections. Usable Unusable No, Black Board. Black board, belack board. 1 . 2, 3, 4 . 5 . 5 , 7,

"Govt, 1718 9 8 6 9 3 0 0 7 5 0 9 13 73 Local Body- 9 13 Rural Private 77 530 5 0 8 aided Pr ivate unaided

Total 1795 10419 8515 5 1 8 1 3 8 6 5 2 Govt. 1 7 Local Body 132 1283 1238 33 12 5 Pr ivate 54 834 824 5 Urban A i d e d Private Unaided

Total 187 2124 2067 38 19 8012 509 Govt. 1 7 1 9 9 G 9 6 1375 Local Body 132 1283 1238 33 12 Total Pr ivate 131 1364 1332 14 18 a i d e d Pr ivate unaided

Total 1982 12543 10582 556 1405

SOURCE; D istrict Table 62 (Columns 1 to 7) SCHOOLS WITH LIBRAY AND ALLIED FACILITIES. District : Salem, fReproduce District Table 68) Stata: Tainilnac3u

Area Manayeinent 7 Primary Schools Upper Primary(Middle) Schools

I With numbers of Books in Library With numbers of books in Libroary o « u (1) cn cn p w .Q •H C c: X CO ® Di cn -P • •H M -rH O'J •rH C CO c X m O Q) c M •H -H to (U ^ (11 X! G> O O - P C o (D fC —1 o o o C d ro 0) X! a; -PC •rH a, c> o o o C c -H pj -H C C Cn 'in o o o tn o M S-! -H i Tl O'-' (V T—^ 0 C OJ tn m C M U N 0 o C-! O S-J C i_| -H C7>m •H o a c ■ Q 00 in o o C -H O a O N 1 1 1 (D C w to O IT) •H V •rH ^ o 1 tH c > >1 4-J t-H M fO 1 C) o •H 4J w to CO fO ■H K' O Xi 5 n O' > 'c -P r^ M O rd 5-1 a o o r rri -H :3 (D 3 ro n; o > 0 > o 0 fl' 'H p., o o - -H 0 ,n> jn tH S DC '-a w 25 U3 E (0 P (D il iH CSi LO S3 T5 w s C/3 E K£ CQ O 1 , 2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16, 17. 18, 19. 20. 21. 22,

Govern­ 17318 9 6 9 3 4 7 32 0 6 4 1 0 172 6 69 1718 125 41 ment . Rur- Localbody mm al Private -Tided 77 28 25 16 18 5 5 77 13 2 - 5 13 pr ivate unnided Govern­ 1 - 1 1 - 1 ment. Ur- Loc^lbody 132 75 21 10 22 9 8 18 5 132 23 14 3 ban l-rivate 6 - - 1 2 5 23 aided 54 37 7 10 11 13 8 54 40 22 8 - 2 19 14 40

P r i v a t e unaided Govern­ 1719 969 347 328 65 173 69 1719 125 41 58 17 7 2 47 7 125 ment 10 6 8 To­ 132 75 21 10 22 9 8 18 5 132 23 14 3 6 - - 12 5 23 tal Pr ivate 131 65 32 26 5 3 29 18 13 131 53 24 4 12 3 - 2 24 53 aided 20 private un aided ■ Total 1982 1109 4f0 364 92 2f 210 42 87 1982 201 79 65 35 10 2 49 43 33 201 Area Management Secondary Schools Higher Secondary Schools

With nunnber of Books in |with number of Books in Libroary ______liborar^,__ to CD I Di D> I CO D i -p ■H C X w i rQ^ CJ> X • o o •H Jh o G CO G c W CD Ai ' -H o o c •H •iH (D >i o o o o ro ro 43 0) Xi. CD 4J C , H ■■■t M CO o o o o ro ^ 0 X! +J S-l o o o o x: c •H D. •H c roi o o o o ro CD ro in o CN in -p > • x: •H &, •H G '• 'ro O' u -H CPCQ Di in o CM tn -p c M ro 'H c o t H I o u a u N q / c Cn 1 c 1 1 C) o N •H Ul o T~t o o o •H +j to CO CO P: - h X -H U G P 1 u o c o 0) o -p CO CO GO ro > XJ tH o o M o > CD ^ Cn > o' > ro -p r H o o fco ro -H a ro M O 0 A ^ A CJ > O o o o o -H •e i :::) ro fc o , ro O o o o o o •H 3 a) 1 X j o m CM S' 3 ro fO * S m X Q CO C y) E K ^ ' ffi u in r H CNJ (-tH Q CO d CO e rn •o 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 21. 32.' ''"S3, m 15 36 S7 28 9 40 41 42 m

GovGrnment 121 73 16 21 8 3 77 88 32 121 59 8 11 10 21 9 59 59 59 59 .Localbody •-» #•* mm mm mm, _ •m Pr ivate 7 2 3 1 1 7 7 7 7 5 «* 1 2 1 1 5 r 5 5 T- -i- CJ, Cl Pr i^7 3te unaided Government 9 2 1 3 1 2 9 9 9 9 20 7 6 5 20 Locnlrjody 1 1 20 20 20 5 2 3 M. 5 5 5 2 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 Pr ivate — aided 5 3 1 2 1 — 7- 7 7 5 19 1 9 8 1 8 18 18 19 Private un mm tmm eided 23 ------~ 23 8 — - - - . - - 8 Govarnment 130 75 17 24 9 5 86 97 41 130 79 15 1? 13 ' 23 i(3 T9 79 79 79 Localbody 5 2 3 _ 5 5 5 5 5 2 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 Priv-te ‘ aided 12 5 4 3 2 14 14 14 12 24 1 10 10 1 1 23 23 23 24 Private 23 0m mm mm __ 23 8 — .. — — — _ — 8 unaided Total 170 82 21 30 11 105 116 60 170 116 18 28 26 24 11 107 107 107 116


CHIEF EDUCATIONAL OFFICER, SALEM:!. t a b l e & 16 Schools According to anciilafy Facilities. (Reproduce District Table 75)

Area Management Primary Schools having Upper Primar Schools having facility for facility for I m -O f-1 -Ai- r - “ •H H > u o c 0) I n ro X bi ^ ro "H (D o +■) •H r^ > u c D -H M O x: C -H (d hi ro c o ^ K u o ID -H ^ . o -H Di y 5-1 •H (D O O ft •H +J C -P M o r H +J rH fji (D 0) M d 4J ro •H H < T ' O O I - H-l fO ro D C -P i-l ■P C I—1 r o I— I (0 IW 4-> o C O ■H (0 O ro M-i • ro C d c c fp tn -H ■H O d'- 5h M-I O m o •H V •H PjH > & ^ O C C n CD 4-> ro >t.H •H u c u }-i CD ra o 'I) o ft! C •H •H P^ rH fn M M Ti CD C p CO G j ro. -P > H M O (Ti > (D o GJ ro c CO c fri CO +J tn s > -H M 1 . 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14 . 15. 16.

Gov jrnrr.2 nt 940 :i o 15 5 45 875 26 11 8 5 5 24 15 P, ur 1 edail 40 5 5 iO 45 5C 9 12 10 9 7 ~9 10 L- ai led. T o t -.1 991 3 50 20 5 15 90 92 5 3b 23 18 14 12 33 25 Gov.jrnme nt 1 1 - - —— 1 —— — — - Locnl body 25 15 10 5 - 15 116 54 20 29 14 85 101 Urban Pr i” nr e aidou cO 37 5 7 z - 50 23 23 20 23 20 23 18 Privr>te un­ aided Total 66 53 15 12 5 - 66 139 77 40 52 34 108 119

Government 941 311 15 5 45 8 75 25 11 8 5 5 24 15 Local Body 25 15 10 5 3 - 15 11^ 54 20 29 14 85 101 Total Private - 35 32 2 7 32 28 aided 91 77 10 12 12 45 100 32 30 Pr ivate” un- - —— — ——--- aided.

Total 1057 403 35 17 20 90 991 174 100 58 66 46 141 144

' * " ( T ------Cy f)'" V' J--C- 3^^ i -:r\V>w -7 CHIEF EDUCATIONAL OFFICE,' Table.16... contd, TABLE;16 o

Area Management Secondary Scnools having Higher Secondary School facility for. having facility for 'I TD I ro fD t— 1 Q) 1 w (V pH 0) ■H rH c 4-> •H iH > M 0 a ■p c 0 (D rj -H Q) c 0 m iH CT' 0 -H !2 rH Dl x: 0 "H •H tn 0 •H -p Cn rj 0) U a f 0) >1 Q) U a -P ro C 4J H -P 0 ■ j 0 ru r-; d •p u P 0 -H fO r—1 •H r' O 0 n i+j a •H 1—1 0 C ip 0 G d Ti, M -p M u X •ri 0 n -P u 0 ■H 0 d c fO C) (D >1 •H U V 0 a (D fj (V >1 •H 0 0 •H •H P - i > 0. M 0 c ■. i •H p ji-l > P j S-i 0 G M CJ R (V Q) 0 CD rj q 1 0) to ra (I) 0 0 tv. G Q V) C W -P S 0 > -H 't—1 D CO d rH cn -p s: > 17. 18. 2 0 . 2 1 . 2 2 . 23. 2 4 . 25. 2 0 . 27. 28. 29. 30.

Government no 94 78 68 59 90 89 55 53 51 46 45 46 45 R ur a 1 Local Body ^ _ _ — — — — Private Aic-ed 7 7 6 5 6 7 r 5 r. 5 5 5 5 Private un- „ „ —— — — —— — — aided - Total 117 101 84 73 64 96 96 6C 58 56 51 50 51 51

Govjrnn-ent 8 6 5 5 3 5 7 14 14 10 13 9 12 13 L0C 2I Body 3 3 1 3 1 — 5 5 4 3 3 1 Urban Priv,=^te aided 7 7 7 7 7 2 2 14 14 9 14 9 6 6 P-'ivate un- _ - - •“ « •“ •“ aiciad. Total 10 16 13 15 11 7 9 33 33 23 30 21 19 19

Government 118 100 83 73 62 95 96 69 67 61 59 54 58 58 Local body 3 3 1 3 1 .i. 5 5 4 3 3 1 *-• Total Private aided 14 14 13 12 12 8 9 19 19 14 19 14 11 11 Private un- - - - *— — •" aided. Total 135 117 97 88 75 103 105 93 91 79 81 71 70 73

- - ^ ---- d ' cners ro gex and the S tate~at which Teaching [r u r a l a r e a ) ------District; Salem. State: Tamil Nadu,

Q u a lifi­ Teachers of different Staines. cations. Primary Schools Upper Prl- Secondary School Higher Secondary ______mary (m) Schools ______schools. Molo Pcrnale Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total 1 2 . 5. 6. 7. 8 . 9. 10, 11. 12. 13.

Trained 11 19 30 1 1 2 - Pass. Untrai­ --—- - mm ned. Trained 436 515 9S1 88 121 209 11 1 12 mm Untrai­ -—- — ned. Tc aimed 35i4 1443 4QP. ' 61 6 30-V 923 426 223 549 3 77 1,-5 512 Untrai- . - f ■ b M. ned. — 50 10 60 Trained 218 92 310 7 5 12 18 6 24 44 l4 58 Untrai­ — — -- 2 2 27 12 39 PUC/JC. ned, Graduate Trained 92 27 119 89 26 115 3 74 133 50 7 246 119 365 — Untrai­ — — — m m ned, ’Tr ained 53 5 55 28 3 31 163 27 190 453 91 554 Untrai­ — — — ned, Language Tr a ined 2 2 12 6 18 77 24 101 154 42 196 Teachers Untrai­ (not covered «w m m m m ned. 209 Trained 9 m - 17 26 43 64 32 96 156 53

Untrai­ m m ned. Total Trained 43 51 2103 6454 858 495 1353 1133 446 1579 1440 454 1894 Untrai­ 4 4 8 , , 77 22 99 ned,

r r \


Dlstrlet: salenu State; Tamil Nadu

Q u a lifi­ Teachers at differenx: stages. cation. Primary Schools Upr'^r ’'irimc.ry Secondary Higher Secon­ ^T^Jddle Sch"'" i.s) £'oh' ols dary Schools

Male PoERale Total Male Pc’Tinrle Total Male Peirsale To- Male Pe-Pe­ To- tal mal a tal 1. 2. 3. 4. , S, 5. 'i, •, 10. li'. 12. 12

Below Trained mm middle untr ained — — pass. Middle Trained 7C 319 389 35 159 194 5 1 6 Pass Untrained MM - - Matricu- Trained 878 894 2272 212 527 73 9 549 523 1072 late, Untrainod tm — Higher Trained 5 26 31 1 1 2 2 2 Secondary Untrained 1 2 3 110 35 145 inter/P U C / Jc- Graduate Trained 11 16 27 16 18 34 60 41 233 175 408 Untrained. -- - im — Post gra- Trained 4 2 6 10 3 13 16 23 261 218 479 duate/Duc- Untrained, 0m 37 23 57 torate. Language frained 3 4 7 22 12 310 280 590 teachers Untrained 9m (not cove­ red above) Others Trained 2 8 10 15 14 29 107 90 A 97 Untrained. •_ 720 999 482 349 831 1467 1287 2754 Total Tr ained 958 1757 2725 279 - - - 147 55 202 Untrained, 1 2 3


"No.of""taachers teaching "at” Qualifications Trained/ Untrained, Secondary Stage Highsr Secondary Stage, 1. 2^ 3. 4.

5 c Ph-»D /M .P h il Trained Untrained, - M .Sc. Trained 125 108 Uncrained. - B.Sc.(Hons,) Trained 19 14 Untrained — / — Inter Science T-ained 45 42 Tj ntrained, B.Sc, Trained/yafe£;^4He4, 71 Matriculation Trained 322 231 Science Untrained. Without Sc. Trained 1 19 61 qu==lif icati.ons. Untrained. -■ Total Tr ained 781 532 Untr -lined.

SOURCE! FOR Col 3 = District Table 97, Total of Cols 6+9+10+11+12+13^»17+20+21+22+23+24, For Col,4 = District Table 97, Total of Cols 7+10+12+13+18+21+23+24.


Qualificatins. Trainsd/Untrained No.of Teachers teaching at

Secondary Stage Higher Secondary Stage. 1 . 2 . 3. 4.

P h .D/M.Pull Trained . - Untrained, — - M.A/M.Sc. Trained 196 234 Untr ained - B.A.(Hons.) Trained 67 29 B.Sc.(Hons.) Untrained B .A . (Pass) Tr ained 509 317 B, 3c. (Pass) Untr ained. 6

Others Trained 731 891 Untrained. 9 1 15C3 1465 Total Trained Untrained. 15 1

Sources Col 3 Clos 15+17 of Table 116 Col 4 Cols 16+17 of table 116. /')


Students in Age Groups

Class 4 to be]ow 6 to below 11 to be­ 14 to be- 16 to be­ ISyears & Total “ ' 6 years. ll years low 14 low 16 low 18 above. ye ar s, je ar s. yearsj. P O -3 Gxr:Is Bo ;s G irls Boy s Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girl 1. <-■ • 3 « 4. 5. 6, 7. 8 . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

I 5 0 7 2 4 5 0 1 4 2 28^A 503 2 16 27 2 6 «- *- - -* 63586 55207

II 7 1 3 7 21Q4 475.S4 436:5^ 31 46 7 4 -- — - 5472S 45790

III ~ - 4 7 5 1 3 35975 35 53 53 8 1 - - 47602 36036 p IV - - 4 £ 5 ^ 3 3 3 0 3 ^ ^ 5 3 2 7 1 3 3 ? .• i l 3 1 '7 - 4 £ 9 3 r 3 4 3 77

V — 2 72 :. 2 2 0 ^ 1 4 1 . . 5 1 1 5136 5 8 3 3 3 V 5 0 11 b 5 1 44612 29316 VI 4 4 1 7 2070 26928 2 0 2 7 6 6800 1570 547 33 1 2 38693 23951 VII ' ■ - 2 4 9 4 6 2 2 0 5 0 5 l ' ; 9 G 3 7 5 9 3 361^^ 5 520 21 5 7 33966 2208S

VIII --- 220 10220 12661' 10020 5423 6553 15 4 2 26797 18323

IX — — ~ - 8003 3799 1438G 7781 1854 1123 3 6 24246 12709

X -- - - 2431 2921 80 71 4 2 0 4 1 9 0 4 o90 424 3 5 0 12830 83 7 5 XI — 346 595 179 6319 4 2 0 3 4 2 6 4 9 3 7840 5221 XII - - - 300 7992 4400 805 709 8797 5409

^ 2 2 4 6 ' ■' ■ 7 1 86008 64882 53493 ^ e s 5 S 3 1 2 0 2 10692 1673 1580 412637 296802 TOTAL, 17 2 4 0 0 1 4 0 8 4 4

p d> O a rr>r~^ __ CHIEF EDUCATIONAL OFFICErT" SALEM:1 , f i i ^Manaqeinent Wise Enrolment* District; Salem,

Area Management, All Communities(including S.C/S.T)

Classes^ ^1-V ___ Classes Classes Clas ses VI-VIII IX-X XI-XII Boys G irls Boys G irls Poys Girls Boys Girls 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9, 10.

Government 191084 140902 56998 36212 24605 13366 6944 24 a Local Body Rural Private 18320 14476 4418 3789 1438 1608 aided 10102 630

Private ------Unaided -

Government 127 274 7495 5712 3885 2608 2651 2682 Urban Local Body 33148 29754 13300 9784 1417 962 1380 1337 Pr ivate 16789 15320 11561 8236 aided 3380 2710 4054 3513 Private ■ > 0m unaided

Government 191211 141176 54493 41924 28490 15974 9595 5150 Total Local Body 33148 29754 13300 9784 1417 962 1380 1337 Pr ivate aided 35109 29796 21663 12654 7169 4148 5662 4143 Private fS unaided.

Total 259468 200726 99456 64362 37076 21C84 16637 1C63P

CHIEF educational OFPICEfT; SALEM:1 , Area Managernent Scheduled Caste Classes Classes Classes Classes I-V. vl- VIII IX-^- XI-XII

Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17, 18.

Government 33544 26266 11893 6826 3582 1448 1155 405 Local Body •"m R u n l Pr ivate aided 3174 2442 1309 535 4 78 192 160 120 Private Unaided ------

Government 65 222 1860 93S 925 767 680 324 urban Local Body 5076 4483 1180 1532 242 308 415 298 Private aided 3715 3998 1768 1433 921 lie 913 460 Pr ivate - Unaided ------

Government 33609 26488 13753 776 i 4507 2215 1835 729 Total Local B. dy 50 76 4433 1100 1532 242 308 415 298 Pr ivatfj 1963 aided 6889 6040 30 77 1399 968 1073 580 . Private — — — — unaided.

Total 45574 37011 18010 11264 6148 3491 3323 1607 r 5 O n. V 5^ 0 Cl TABLE’ : 23 CO Q • (9-V

Area Management Scheduled Tribers,

Classes I to V Classes VI toVIII/ciasses IX-OC Classes XI-XI]

Boys Girls Boya Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls 19. 20, 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26,

Government IhlS 6308 2226 981 472 137 105 45 Local Body ------" - Rur al Pr ivate 1 ‘S4 121 139 33 27 12 _ aid'-^d MM Pr ivate — •• unaided

Gover nme nt- 1 1 3 5 1 2 3 2 5 Urban Local Body 5 0 8 28 3 Private 33 41 14 18 14 2 7 1 aided m m Pr ivate — unaiaea

Government 7880 6309 2227 984 477 138 107 45 Total Docal Body 50 8 28 3 2 3 5 Pr ivpi-^ 187 162 lb3 51 41 14 7 1 Si;2ed

Pr ivate _ — unaided.

Total 8117 6479 2408 1030 520 155 119 46 District^ SaLem. (Reproduce District Table 115) State;Tamil Nadu.

Area Manaaemeats. Secondary Schools HIGHER 3EC0N'D/-i CO - H U D i - C O D i O O ■ H 0 (T; IT. C h e , f f l l o . c c G o iw x: t: C M - ) 0 ) x : r C G ■H 0 • H H o u « • H - - i •i-i -r-i u -H 0 r : o • > *H > M . (SJ!*H > i- i i n > r a - H > - H • H ^ CJ r a o o 0 0 10 o m f o ( D u fD O > f. E - P ^ - P w U : + - I a : r ^ m Eh CO E w ro .H . c w ^ Hr* H h 1 . 2. 4 . 3 , 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 , 9 . 1 0 . 1 1 . 1 2 . 1 3 , 1 4

3 3 2 4 4 1 •" Government 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 1 _ o : ' 5 7 Local Bcay : 1 t Ru- Private aided 7 4 1 1 — 4 1 ---*

ral Private unaided ———— — mm Total 1 2 8 1 4 1 1 2 - 1 0 1 6 2 3 7 2 5 4 1 -

4 Government 9 . , 6 3 1 ^ 8 9 -

5 5 - Ur- Local Body 5 2 3 - - - - ban Private a^.ded 7 1 5 - >•- 1 1 3 9 4 2 2 - Privace u.^aided •

4 3 5 2 2 1 3 6 2 - Total 2 1 3 1 4 - -

l o J 7 4 4 i 3 3 8 1 »- Governrne nt 1 3 0 1 6 1 — 5 To- Local Body 5 2 3 5

mm 2 1 8 1 3 5 2 2 tal Private aided 1 4 5 6 1 Private unaided. ————— •m

m m 1 0 5 5 9 38 1 0 3 Total 1 4 9 7 25 2 9 7


Area Management N o .o f Hr .See.Schools O ffering. No.of Hr»Sec, _ — . _ ^ ._ . — ^ — — — — ^ ^ — — Schools offering Arts Science Comm.jrce Agricul­ Techni­ Home Vocationa3. courses t u r e . cal. S c ,

1 . 2. 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7. 0. 9 .

5 9 Govt, 5 7 4 4 7 3 5 4 4 2 Loral Boay — -— -— f

Rvir al Pr ivate 5 5 5 2 2 r ■ a i d e d p r i v a t e tm •Mt u n a i d e d

T o t a l 6 4 6 2 " 9 9 3 7 ■\ 48 G o v t . 2 0 1 7 1 5 4 7 4 1 6 L o c a l B o d y 5 5 3 «« 2 4 P r i v a t e 18 1 3 1 2 3 6 1 6 Ur;;i3n aidod P r vate o U n a i d e d

Total 4 3 3 5 3 0 7 1 5 6 3 6 79 74 G O ' , t . 5 9 1 1 42 8 5 8 L o c a l B o d y 5 5 3 2 - 4 P r i v a t e 2 3 18 1 7 5 8 2 2 2 T o t a l A i d e d p r i v a t e

U n a i d e d

T o t a l 1 0 7 9 7 7 9 1 6 5 2 1 0 8 4

Source I For C o l s 3 ,4 .5 . 6, 7^ 8- D istrict T a b l e 1 1 4 , For Col 9-District Table 1 2 0 . • ENROLMENT IN VOCATIONAL COURSES AT +2 STAGE AND AVAILABILITY OF WORK SHOPS m P TEACHERS. ~ (Reproduce District Table = District: Salem. ' State; Tamil Nadu, _ Name of Course. XI Enrolment XII Nuntoers of Schoc

Boys Girls Total Boys Gir.i-s Total Having Work Havi shop for the teac course tho "ir3G. c 1 . 2. 3. 4, 5. 6, 7. 8. 9,

1. Radic. & T .V . 73 5 78 66 77 143 4 5 243 7 15 2. Accountancy. 197 180 377 243 - 10 : 6 3. Motor Roivinding. 235 6 241 313 166 419 12 13 4. Mechlnist. 439 102 541 23 4 12 246 8 5. Nurslr^. 34 126 160 - 78 78 5 7 9 6. Commerce, 93 59 152 7S 137 <=.16

115 2 5 7. Office Adminis­ 53 80 133 56 59 tration. 2 ’7 227 2 1 3 8. S,G.T.T,C, 25 635 660 57 1 4 9. Agriculture, S2 82 57 '■ 5 4 10.Building Maln- 59 - 59 71 - 71 tanance. 6 30 63 93 1 11.Tailoring. 47 56 103 45 — 2 12.Book-Keeping. 57 10 67 34 11

9-^ CHIEF EDUCATIONAL OFfl CER, SALEM:1, (DEVi:LOP T'/SL.^ 27 IN THfi POIMAT ENCLOSED AND PRODUCT HERB) P 'GILrj'IEi ?0R N0N-P0H4AL e d u c a t io n . ' State ; Tamil Nadu D istrict t Salem_»

U rban ievel Management Rural No .01 V illage s No.of No.of Children No.of No.of No .of Children havirig N .E ^ . Centres. ------urban centre s • Boys Girls To- areas Boys Girls Total t a l . h.avin.g N.P.E . Centre s . 7 8 9. 1 5. 4 . 10 11 12.

Govt ,/^ocal bodj'' Private agencies Pri­ Aided by Govt. mary Local body. Private Unaided

Total GoT7t ./T.'ocalbody

‘' pe r I'r iva te a ge n c ie s pri- aiaed by Govt./ mary Local Body.

Brivate unaided f


SOURCE; DISTRICT T..BLI 24,25, 26 & 27. ~f^LS- S 28


81. Name of Block/ Total No.of Children at Total No. of Children at upper No. Taluk Primary primary.

Boys Girls Toto"' b-'ys Girls Total 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8,

! • Salem

------jjjL ---- - ,,

Enrolment in Urban areas.

TOTAL i. ^ ------

SOURCES For enrolment in blocks see District Table 26 A. For enrolment in Urban areas/ see District Table 27 A. ^ ^ A?fjLT EDUCATION/FUNCTIONAL LITERACY ENROLfeNT ^ (Reproduce d 1 strict Table 29) District; Salem, State: Tamil Nadu.

Area Management N o.of Number of centres for Enrolment in the Centres, V i l l a g e s / Men women Both Men Urban Total Men Women Total are -=3 on?. Y onl y & haV ing Women. centres. 1 . 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10.

Government 413 110 226 82 418 9825 32913 4 2 738

iural private Agencies aided by Govt./ _ Local Body,

Pr ivate unaided -


110 226 82 418 9825 329i:^ 42V:ia


Date...... irtDJua au - y PRE-PRIMARY EDUCATION F AC ILITIES. District Table 31) District: Salem, State: Tamil Nadu,

Types of Facility Rural Urban

Numbier V illages Number of Number oC C it y / Nurriber of having the Ins citi'tioii^'. tov;r.,^ the Institut ,lon. £: -^ility. 1C C i- 1 , 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

171 B -^Iwadi/Anganvaai. 720 1359 28

- Independent 44 44 - pre-primary School

Pre-Primary stage 5 5 attached to a School. ■

n f '\ _ - V > 1 - ' * i£^» ’ ■) CT'wK CHIiF EDUCATIONAL OFFICER, SALEM: 1. on vzi/ SCHOOLS FOR THE DISABLED(HANDICAPPED CHILDREN) (Reproduce District Table 30) ^ District; Salem. Stat,e; Tamil Nadu, k Uiri'AL IB AN “ Category of HEimber of No. of institutions Number of N o.of Institutions. the School. villages having the Boys Girls Co- Total having the Boys Girls Co- Total f acility . Edu- facility, Educa­ cation tional . al, 1. 2, 3. 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. 9, 10. 11.

For B lind .

^'or deaf an;l/ Ordumb.

For otbhopal- dically disabled (Handicapped)

For montall ' retarded.

4JT ■ ^ ) .... 3 ' > O sr

Area Primary Level Primary Level. (5 to below 11 yrs.) _ (ilto__belgw_l§ years,____ Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total

Rur al 96-7 91.36 9 4.27 98.3 96.25 97.37 Urban 1 1 2 .1 7 113.91 113.04 104.81 77.4 91.55 Total 9 9 .8 9G.26 98.2 9 9.8 91.1 95.89

Age-Specific Enrolment Ratios(Boys/Rural) 6 to below 11 years, = Llnrolrr.ent of B o ys in tha Aqe-Group f to bolov/ 11 (Rural xlQQ Population of Boys in the Age-Group 5 to Below 1 1 (Rural)

Similarly v/ork out age-Hpecific ratios for others using Tables 2,4,99,100 and 101.


Area 6 to below 11 years. 11 to below 14 years.

Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total

Rural 1 5 2 ,1 1 35,75 144 ,57 102.88 77,98 21 ,8 Urban 1 4 3 ,0 5 142,4 1 4 2 .7 1 54 .5 8 1 2 4 .1 7 14C. 1

Total 1 5 0 ,2 5 137.2 144,26 115 ,4 6 90.3 7 104 ,1

Cross Enrolment Ratios(Rural/Boys)Age-group 6 to below 11 ye-rs. Snrolment of Boys in Class I-V (Rural) X lO Q Population of Boys in the age-group to to below 11 years (Rural)

Similarly VvOrk out gross enrolment ratios for others using district t'lbles 2^4,99^100 and 101,


c. PUPIL te a c h e r r a t i o DISTRICT: ShhEK. STATE: TAMIL NADU.

Area PTR at Primary Stage PTR at Upp6r Primary Stage.

Rur 5l 5 6 .5 79*2

Urban 35 5 5.97

Enrolment at Primary Stage T_v/l-rv PTR (Primary Stage Rural) = ______in Rural areas.______No.of teachers at the Primary Stage (Rural)

Similary other Ratios can be calculated using D istrict Tables 99^ 100/ 87 and 88,

-V- a—.



% age of Girls in Area - - Class I-V V I - V I I I

4 2 .6 37.7 Rural 4 7.7 42.3 Urban 4 3 .6 39.3 Total

Enrolment of Girls in Class I—V in Rural area Percentage of Girls (Rural classo© I-V) Total Snrolmont in classes I-V in (Rural area)

Similarly other percentages can be calculated usxng District Tables 99^ 100 and 101.

^ Q 'x. ^ oc--r V CHIEF EDUCATIONAL OFFICER, SALEM:1, Z oi ! O s i > LIBRARY & DOCUMENTATION CENTHt O03? l S to: ? o •'^aciona! lostitu'e of Kducatioaul Plaaning and Adininistrationt 1 7 -B, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delbi-lluoie ^ Qn DOC, N o ......