Infinite General Linear Groups
INFINITE GENERAL LINEAR GROUPS BY RICHARD V. KADISONO 1. Introduction. In this paper, we carry out the investigation, promised in [4](2), of the general linear group 5W9of a factor 5W(3), that is, the group of all invertible operators in 9ïC. The results of this investigation have much in common with the results of [4]; and, where there is some basis for com- parison, namely, in the case where M is a finite factor, there is a great deal of similarity between the present results and those of the classical finite-di- mensional case. There is much greater resemblance between *Mg and 7^, with M a factor of type IL and N a factor of type ln, than there is between the corresponding unitary groups, M« and 7^u, of such factors. This circum- stance results from the fact that the determinant function of [3] takes effect on "M, but not on 5WU(cf. [3, Theorem 4]). The spectral theoretic and ap- proximation techniques of [4] are stock methods in the present paper, and, for this reason, many of the proofs appearing here are reminiscent of those in [4]. There are, however, some striking differences in the methods required for the investigation of the general linear groups and those required for the investigation of the unitary groups. The most minor difference is the fact that the scalars involved do not form a compact set. This, in combination with the fact that the groups we handle are not locally compact, forces us, occasionally, to detour around what we have come to regard, through our experience with locally compact groups, as the most natural approach to the results obtained.
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