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■1*' -■ V- MONDAY, AUGUS’t 11, 1988 PAGE FOURTEEN jMattrbi^Htpr lEufttins" iinalb Bloodmohile yisits Center Church Tontorrow, 1 :3 0 ^;fyr 6: 3 0 p. m. X of ths club’a ways and mMns com Diskan, and Leon Dobkin and Ab mittee. H«.s«ld today, ths program ner N. Adler, all of Manchester. ■ Rottner^ Quits win be msida u p ,o( rp^uested _aa- WINDOW SHADES Areraar* bally Net'PresB Rub About Town Engagement This group also owns the Creatfleld Carori'Colbert Wedding The Weather .lections.' AnyohAwho would like to Green, White, Ecru f o r Om Week Baded Manchester Gafden'vCliib mem Country Hpirfe and Hospital for ; hear a partlcularwymber may send roneM t ef ,0. 8. yVeetber OnreM Convale-scenta now under ronstriic- , Buildin^Unit dime 41. MM bers interested in planning another (iaudct-Selsky their requesiC>-^«-^ii>9k::at-hls home, Woshoblc flower arranging course in- lion on Vernon St. 120 Lakewood CirclXor should, .W eriner this evening, tshowere. Mrs, Esther GmidCl. 78 Blreh SI, Dr. Guy Miller and Dr. Harlan ^ SI \'1ted by Miss Mllllcenl Jones, announces the engagement of her Atty. John S. G. RottnerK Re phone, him. The proggaih..,'wtU be, HOLLAND FINISH 12,701 flrandershowers Inte 'tonight, tow Gephardt of f3ilcago surveyed ■ drawn up within two weeks'? president, ' to njcel with her at daughter. Carol Ann, to Jam es publican candidate for the St^e Member o t Use Audit new SS. Wedneedny shtTwere'enr> Roaedale, Bolton Lake, tomorrow. Wealvlew Manor recenll.v while In Senate, has resigned as a mem)^ Dr. Barrett said advance ticket <4% aA Made to Order ly, rlMiring, lens hamid In nfter- Setsky of Broad Brook, son of Mrs. the Slat*. Bareaa.ef Oienlatlea The meeting will begin at 10:30 Aimj Setaky of Broad Brook and of the .School Building Committee, Arrahgementa may be made -with With Yonr Rollera noon. High In 80s. a.m.„ and members are asked to Cf'eatfleld ia expected to open i which he lias served alrice Ita crea- Manche»ter~-^A City of Village Ch^rm lohn Setsky of South Windsor, about Nov, 1, ' j provide their own sandwiches. Mias Gaiidel 1." also the dangn- : tlon In 1948’. ' ■ *TJLL UNB OF CUSTOM Beverages will be served. Those ' Tn a letter to Mayor Harold A. ter of date Gaildel of Union, She VENETIAH BLINDS VOL. LXXVII, NO. 266 (CInsNfled AdverttOng on Pnge it) attending should also 'bring flow attended Manchester- schools snd Truckers to Help Turkington, Rottner said he ex- "" GENERAL MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, AUGUST 12. 1938 (FXIURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS ers and containers. IS employed by Mancheslei Modes. I pects the campaign for. thd Fourth Her fiance. Is employed by C'on- District Senate seat to take an in-1 E. A. lOHNSON William T.■^England, son of Mr, I solidst'ed Tobaeco Co. in Broad iBoosl Blood Bank: creasing amount of his time as the TV^ERVICE and Mrs. George .1. England of t:i4 ■Brook. election nears. Days M ' OK A Call ^ Spruce St . has been drafted and No date has been set for the Truck dilvrra and tbflr help«ra As B resylt, he said, ‘T have Mgllta ilAsOD Plus Parts PAINT 00. U.S. Fires is at Et. Dix, N. J. He graduated j wedding j j are heinj: counted upon to ffive Ihr come to the reluctant conclusion that in fairness tn the' School Build TBU Ml 8-MM 723 Main St.. Tel. MI 9-4,501 from the University of Connci J.icnt I --------- --------------------------------------------- ■ local blood bank a. much needed les I\ In June, having majored in govern I , hooat when thr Red (hoaa Rlood- ing Committee, I should submit my j ment. He was arlmitteri to the Miss Donna Hart, who waa t mobile cornea to f’cntrr Thurrh re^nstion." . | N-Mis site UConn .School of Law and had ex fjraduatoM yeslenlay from St. Wednead.iy from 1.30 to 6:,30 p.m. Tne letter, dated Aug. 8, was re- i pected to begin studies in Septem > Krnncifl Hoapital Bcliool of Nura- A nationwiftr effort ia beinjj leased today. It will be up to the I ber. His wife, the former Alice ing. will hr married HalurdA-y. m.1 rmadc hy the tnuking Irntiiatry Iq Board of Directors to find a fe- \ O'Rourke of Greenwieh, Is a leac li- jfst Bridgcfa (’hunh to Robert .1. bolater blood lollertjona at a Hme ' placement for the Manchester a t-; WHAT A VALUE! In Pacific er in Ellington Their home is on Upton J r . 11 Park St. She haa re- vhen many would-be donora are torney on the School Building / Upper Butcher Rd . Rockville if-rntly br*'n the giieal nf honoi at. On vacation. National trueHing of- Committee. | arrvrrai ml.arrllaneoua ahowrra NEW FALL and WINTEI W aahington. Aug. 12 (i<P)— 9 ‘Jo u have to be careful.” Honolulu, April 12 (A*) flclaln and the loi al Red ('roaa of-1 He said use of broad'powars by Richard .1 Risiev, Mamliesler file are lint all trmUmen in Teamster preaident James R. The U.S. blasted off a guid^ j Ann> ftrNervr ('apt Lauinva HNEST QUALITYXOnONS hia predecessor, Dave BiKk,- led to dancing teacher, has returned the area informtiiK them of thi*' Rotary to Bring "Hoffa testified today he has ^ck'a fall'from power. (Beck was mi.ssile with an atomic war' from New..York where he studied R I..rohard, .'Ifi Hamlin Si . ta at* ' heed fon blood and the local time head today from John.alon Is I trndinc artivr dirtv training: at and S Y I^ E T IC S rMeired gifts but “no cash convicted oY mlauie of union latejit teehnifiues m all phases of .a<hrdiile funda). Plans land. The flash lit the skies | I f U ro rjf (» Meade, Md , with I>o(al o ffn ials point out how- Synipliony Here money” from a Detroit labor dance education Me attended the Values 99e>Yo. to‘$1.49 Yd. "I airy you are not tough enough t? r - annual convention of the Dance thp 20fi7lh ARSU Civil Affaira and e\ei. that donoi.'^ flo not have in: J . relations consultant with so that it was seen by maiiyi Militar\' ('rovrrniiH»nt School. to get rid of, theae people,” Ken Masters of America and studied have a truckm an a phy.airpie In or- TTie Hartford Symphony Orches whom he discussed labor con nedy aatd. \ . in the Hawaiian Islands, 7()0 under manv famous artists and ffer to aid the blond procram. A n y tra will play a pops concert at fl tracts. He said he received The miles to the northwest. Th#' V^’illiiiK VVmkrrn of liir adult \cith normal, health can Join Will Follow Ylonatttutlmi attended elasses at the .Iiine T a i Manchester High .sr-hool stidlto- gifts from George Kamenow *'I don't propotc to act tough,” The warhead apparently was lU.S. to Pull President to Speak lor Scheiol of Daneing Mis studio I South (*hiiich will hold a.n all-day m t hia ii feaa ' Inc ' aiiae rlum Oct, 8. I arwing nir^'tlnff Wfdnrada\ brpin- who the * took the Fifth Hoffs replied. "I Will follow the put aloft on an Army Redstone is at 72 E renter St Manchester Rotary (Muh is spon- constitution.” -N. rocket. That was the t,\'pe mia.sill. runs at 10 o'rlofk A potluck ■ 7- - I soring the orcheslra'.< visit here. Amendment when asked luncheon will be arrvrd at noon Bolincr Sp<*ukcr ' Hoffa protested that' the com- need in a similar teat at Johnston Back Some ! Rclai v annually sponsors a concert whether he had been a go- mitte waa leaving the impression ! to raise funds used by the club for Island on Aug. Tomorrow Morning between for employers in in- that ‘Tm controlled by gangatera. Personal INolices At (;OI» Parley community service snd financing of .-.-I T h e n were varying estimates \^c,slvic\i Manor ' lence deals with Teamster I'm not controlled by them." on the altitude reached by the - f' Rol|(iry projects, such as Youtir Of Marines Week, a trip to the U.N.. the .Sen- He said accused union officials warhead in the first lest. Some Wasliington. .Xug. 12 t/P)— President Eise.nhowcp will go A tty .loijm W i; Itoltner will hr ofn«ials. He also bnlked at should have'a unlor. trial. i-> ’• I lor Dawn Dance, and the annual experts'^ believed it bla.sted off st In Momoriam Siirw*yr<l by AM.\ the keynote speaker lonjglit at th e ’ givIngNietails of his financial. Edward Bennett Williams. Hof- hofoi'o (he United N'alion.s emergenc.x' assembly (dmoYrow for Kaat Hartford Republiran nomi j painting conlest. aligmty more than 40 miles in the I United Nations, N. Y.. Aug, a majnr address outlining the United States progrram foT the In Jftvtnf m»mrirv r>f rmr mcjh*r unH transactui with unionists fa's counsel, broke in to argue that \\iPU .Manor near DaniPl.son nating fonventmn to be held bv . c ' ■' "f-, Ijtst year the club s)iou.soied the ,afr. far above any.previous known 12 (^P)—The United States an- frt.ndnmth»r Hnr«l> Rr.|in^e,n « ho 2*- I U.S Marine Band here and two including *“ ■’’Congress does not get rid of its level for a --nuclear explosion. Middle r88?<*ri Aiiirii8f <> pr.7 la 1 of IR tonvalr^rnl homra,tn that town I'omniiUee L ■' ■ ■ members accused of criminsl acts , Inounced today a token with- thr nation i hoarn to be atiiv/ cd Roltnei.