■1*' -■ V- MONDAY, AUGUS’t 11, 1988 PAGE FOURTEEN jMattrbi^Htpr lEufttins" iinalb Bloodmohile yisits Center Church Tontorrow, 1 :3 0 ^;fyr 6: 3 0 p. m. X of ths club’a ways and mMns com­ Diskan, and Leon Dobkin and Ab­ mittee. H«.s«ld today, ths program ner N. Adler, all of Manchester. ■ Rottner^ Quits win be msida u p ,o( rp^uested _aa- WINDOW SHADES Areraar* bally Net'PresB Rub About Town Engagement This group also owns the Creatfleld Carori'Colbert Wedding The Weather .lections.' AnyohAwho would like to Green, White, Ecru f o r Om Week Baded Manchester Gafden'vCliib mem­ Country Hpirfe and Hospital for ; hear a partlcularwymber may send roneM t ef ,0. 8. yVeetber OnreM Convale-scenta now under ronstriic- , Buildin^Unit dime 41. MM bers interested in planning another (iaudct-Selsky their requesiC>-^«-^ii>9k::at-hls home, Woshoblc flower arranging course in- lion on Vernon St. 120 Lakewood CirclXor should, .W eriner this evening, tshowere. Mrs, Esther GmidCl. 78 Blreh SI, Dr. Guy Miller and Dr. Harlan ^ SI \'1ted by Miss Mllllcenl Jones, announces the engagement of her Atty. John S. G. RottnerK Re­ phone, him. The proggaih..,'wtU be, HOLLAND FINISH 12,701 flrandershowers Inte 'tonight, tow Gephardt of f3ilcago surveyed ■ drawn up within two weeks'? president, ' to njcel with her at daughter. Carol Ann, to Jam es publican candidate for the St^e Member o t Use Audit new SS. Wedneedny shtTwere'enr> Roaedale, Bolton Lake, tomorrow. Wealvlew Manor recenll.v while In Senate, has resigned as a mem)^ Dr. Barrett said advance ticket <4% aA Made to Order ly, rlMiring, lens hamid In nfter- Setsky of Broad Brook, son of Mrs. the Slat*. Bareaa.ef Oienlatlea The meeting will begin at 10:30 Aimj Setaky of Broad Brook and of the .School Building Committee, Arrahgementa may be made -with With Yonr Rollera noon. High In 80s. a.m.„ and members are asked to Cf'eatfleld ia expected to open i which he lias served alrice Ita crea- Manche»ter~-^A City of Village Ch^rm lohn Setsky of South Windsor, about Nov, 1, ' j provide their own sandwiches. Mias Gaiidel 1." also the dangn- : tlon In 1948’. ' ■ *TJLL UNB OF CUSTOM Beverages will be served. Those ' Tn a letter to Mayor Harold A. ter of date Gaildel of Union, She VENETIAH BLINDS VOL. LXXVII, NO. 266 (CInsNfled AdverttOng on Pnge it) attending should also 'bring flow­ attended Manchester- schools snd Truckers to Help Turkington, Rottner said he ex- "" GENERAL MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, AUGUST 12. 1938 (FXIURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS ers and containers. IS employed by Mancheslei Modes. I pects the campaign for. thd Fourth Her fiance. Is employed by C'on- District Senate seat to take an in-1 E. A. lOHNSON William T.■^England, son of Mr, I solidst'ed Tobaeco Co. in Broad iBoosl Blood Bank: creasing amount of his time as the TV^ERVICE and Mrs. George .1. England of t:i4 ■Brook. election nears. Days M ' OK A Call ^ Spruce St . has been drafted and No date has been set for the Truck dilvrra and tbflr help«ra As B resylt, he said, ‘T have Mgllta ilAsOD Plus Parts PAINT 00. U.S. Fires is at Et. Dix, N. J. He graduated j wedding j j are heinj: counted upon to ffive Ihr come to the reluctant conclusion that in fairness tn the' School Build­ TBU Ml 8-MM 723 Main St.. Tel. MI 9-4,501 from the University of Connci J.icnt I --------- --------------------------------------------- ■ local blood bank a. much needed les I\ In June, having majored in govern­ I , hooat when thr Red (hoaa Rlood- ing Committee, I should submit my j ment. He was arlmitteri to the Miss Donna Hart, who waa t mobile cornea to f’cntrr Thurrh re^nstion." . | N-Mis site UConn .School of Law and had ex­ fjraduatoM yeslenlay from St. Wednead.iy from 1.30 to 6:,30 p.m. Tne letter, dated Aug. 8, was re- i pected to begin studies in Septem­ > Krnncifl Hoapital Bcliool of Nura- A nationwiftr effort ia beinjj leased today. It will be up to the I ber. His wife, the former Alice ing. will hr married HalurdA-y. m.1 rmadc hy the tnuking Irntiiatry Iq Board of Directors to find a fe- \ O'Rourke of Greenwieh, Is a leac li- jfst Bridgcfa (’hunh to Robert .1. bolater blood lollertjona at a Hme ' placement for the Manchester a t-; WHAT A VALUE! In Pacific er in Ellington Their home is on Upton J r . 11 Park St. She haa re- vhen many would-be donora are torney on the School Building / Upper Butcher Rd . Rockville if-rntly br*'n the giieal nf honoi at. On vacation. National trueHing of- Committee. | arrvrrai ml.arrllaneoua ahowrra NEW FALL and WINTEI W aahington. Aug. 12 (i<P)— 9 ‘Jo u have to be careful.” Honolulu, April 12 (A*) flclaln and the loi al Red ('roaa of-1 He said use of broad'powars by Richard .1 Risiev, Mamliesler file are lint all trmUmen in Teamster preaident James R. The U.S. blasted off a guid^ j Ann> ftrNervr ('apt Lauinva HNEST QUALITYXOnONS hia predecessor, Dave BiKk,- led to dancing teacher, has returned the area informtiiK them of thi*' Rotary to Bring "Hoffa testified today he has ^ck'a fall'from power. (Beck was mi.ssile with an atomic war' from New..York where he studied R I..rohard, .'Ifi Hamlin Si . ta at* ' heed fon blood and the local time head today from John.alon Is­ I trndinc artivr dirtv training: at and S Y I^ E T IC S rMeired gifts but “no cash convicted oY mlauie of union latejit teehnifiues m all phases of .a<hrdiile funda). Plans land. The flash lit the skies | I f U ro rjf (» Meade, Md , with I>o(al o ffn ials point out how- Synipliony Here money” from a Detroit labor dance education Me attended the Values 99e>Yo. to‘$1.49 Yd. "I airy you are not tough enough t? r - annual convention of the Dance thp 20fi7lh ARSU Civil Affaira and e\ei. that donoi.'^ flo not have in: J . relations consultant with so that it was seen by maiiyi Militar\' ('rovrrniiH»nt School. to get rid of, theae people,” Ken­ Masters of America and studied have a truckm an a phy.airpie In or- TTie Hartford Symphony Orches­ whom he discussed labor con­ nedy aatd. \ . in the Hawaiian Islands, 7()0 under manv famous artists and ffer to aid the blond procram. A n y tra will play a pops concert at fl tracts. He said he received The miles to the northwest. Th#' V^’illiiiK VVmkrrn of liir adult \cith normal, health can Join Will Follow Ylonatttutlmi attended elasses at the .Iiine T a i­ Manchester High .sr-hool stidlto- gifts from George Kamenow *'I don't propotc to act tough,” The warhead apparently was lU.S. to Pull President to Speak lor Scheiol of Daneing Mis studio I South (*hiiich will hold a.n all-day m t hia ii feaa ' Inc ' aiiae rlum Oct, 8. I arwing nir^'tlnff Wfdnrada\ brpin- who the * took the Fifth Hoffs replied. "I Will follow the put aloft on an Army Redstone is at 72 E renter St Manchester Rotary (Muh is spon- constitution.” -N. rocket. That was the t,\'pe mia.sill. runs at 10 o'rlofk A potluck ■ 7- - I soring the orcheslra'.< visit here. Amendment when asked luncheon will be arrvrd at noon Bolincr Sp<*ukcr ' Hoffa protested that' the com- need in a similar teat at Johnston Back Some ! Rclai v annually sponsors a concert whether he had been a go- mitte waa leaving the impression ! to raise funds used by the club for Island on Aug. Tomorrow Morning between for employers in in- that ‘Tm controlled by gangatera. Personal INolices At (;OI» Parley community service snd financing of .-.-I T h e n were varying estimates \^c,slvic\i Manor ' lence deals with Teamster I'm not controlled by them." on the altitude reached by the - f' Rol|(iry projects, such as Youtir Of Marines Week, a trip to the U.N.. the .Sen- He said accused union officials warhead in the first lest. Some Wasliington. .Xug. 12 t/P)— President Eise.nhowcp will go A tty .loijm W i; Itoltner will hr ofn«ials. He also bnlked at should have'a unlor. trial. i-> ’• I lor Dawn Dance, and the annual experts'^ believed it bla.sted off st In Momoriam Siirw*yr<l by AM.\ the keynote speaker lonjglit at th e ’ givIngNietails of his financial. Edward Bennett Williams. Hof- hofoi'o (he United N'alion.s emergenc.x' assembly (dmoYrow for Kaat Hartford Republiran nomi­ j painting conlest. aligmty more than 40 miles in the I United Nations, N. Y.. Aug, a majnr address outlining the United States progrram foT the In Jftvtnf m»mrirv r>f rmr mcjh*r unH transactui with unionists fa's counsel, broke in to argue that \Vr.st\iPU .Manor near DaniPl.son nating fonventmn to be held bv . c ' ■' "f-, Ijtst year the club s)iou.soied the ,afr. far above any.previous known 12 (^P)—The United States an- frt.ndnmth»r Hnr«l> Rr.|in^e,n « ho 2*- I U.S Marine Band here and two including *“ ■’’Congress does not get rid of its level for a --nuclear explosion. Middle Ka.st. r88?<*ri Aiiirii8f <> pr.7 la 1 of IR tonvalr^rnl homra,tn that town I'omniiUee L ■' ■ ■ members accused of criminsl acts , Inounced today a token with- thr nation i hoarn to be atiiv/ cd Roltnei.
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