Received July 28, 2020, accepted August 21, 2020, date of publication August 26, 2020, date of current version September 9, 2020. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3019665 A Survey on Industrial Internet With ISA100 Wireless THEOFANIS P. RAPTIS , ANDREA PASSARELLA , AND MARCO CONTI Institute of Informatics and Telematics, National Research Council, 56124 Pisa, Italy Corresponding author: Theofanis P. Raptis (
[email protected]) This work was supported in part by the European Commission through the H2020 INFRAIA-RIA Project SoBigDataCC: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics under Grant 871042, and in part by the H2020 INFRADEV Project SLICES-DS Scientific Large-scale Infrastructure for Computing Communication Experimental Studies—Design Study under Grant 951850. ABSTRACT We present a detailed survey of the literature on the ISA100 Wireless industrial Internet standard (also known as ISA100.11a or IEC 62734). ISA100 Wireless is the IEEE 802.15.4-compatible wireless networking standard ``Wireless Systems for Industrial Automation: Process Control and Related Applications''. It features technologies such as 6LoWPAN, which renders it ideal for industrial Internet edge applications. The survey focuses on the state of the art research results in the frame of ISA100 Wireless from a holistic point of view, including aspects like communication optimization, routing mechanisms, real-time control, energy management and security. Additionally, we present a set of reference works on the related deployments around the globe (experimental testbeds and real-terrain installations), as well as of the comparison to and co-existence with another highly relevant industrial standard, WirelessHART. We conclude by discussing a set of open research challenges.