North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church
A Journal of the North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church 898 Arkadelphia Road, Birmingham, Alabama 35204 1-800-239-7950 205-226-7950 2011 North Alabama Conference Session June 2-4, 2011 Asbury United Methodist Church Madison, Alabama William H. Willimon Presiding Bishop Bishop William H. Willimon, President Sherill Clontz, Conference Secretary The 2008 Book of Discipline, ¶724 states that “... an annual conference, local church, or other body within The United Methodist Church that is composed of uniting units with differing dates of origin, shall use as the date of its founding the date of the older or oldest of the uniting units ....” Historical Organizations of the North Alabama Conference Sherill Clontz • Entrance of Methodism into Alabama through Matthew P. Sturdivant, 1808 Conference Secretary • Alabama Conference, Methodist Protestant Church, Organized 1829 • Alabama Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Organized 1846 • Alabama Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, Organized 1867 • North Alabama Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Organized 1870 • Central Alabama Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, Organized 1876 • Uniting Conference, The Methodist Church, 1939 • Merger Conference, The United Methodist Church, 1968 • Merger Conference, North Alabama Conference and Central Alabama Conference, Making the North Alabama Conference, Organized 1972 • The One Hundred Forty-Second Annual Session of the North Alabama Conference since Organization in 1870 • The Thirty-ninth
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