(Perth Amboy, NJ). 1911-02-24
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MOTORINQ BOWLING FISHING BOATING SPECIAL VALUE WILL SHOOT SA YREVILLE HAS 2 OUT OF 3 LIVELY BATTLES IN BLUEROCKS SUCCESS TWICE TO HAMNIONS AT AUDITORIUM Century A. C. Event Tomor- First Team ef Athletic Club Defeets PenUgon Five of TotlenvilU Teams Roll on Peerless A. C. and Oak F. C. Will Cl#sh Tonight—Colum- SWEATERS Hiil Team Will row—Artist is Discovsred. Staten Island and Second T«am Wallops Franklins tht Utopia Alleys. bias and Union Play Tomorrow Night- Fans Are Interested in the Auditoroium Five. of This A match between ttie Coat special to th» Evnrrmtt kkws. Cily--0n Home Court bowling Style Kerport, Feb. 24:—The Century Hamlltonlan and Sterling bowling Atliletic Club will hold a blue rock of TottenTtlle, on the Utopia basketball attractions" that 9 o'clock. and sec- teams, Two at The Sayreville A. A. first minutes. shoot their regular shooting alleys, here, Wednesday afternoon, to be will be The AudUerittxn management be- Plain and White were Franklins lost. promise good games trey grounds at Cliffwood, near here, to- ond basketball teams victori- resulted In a victory for the Hamil- lieves tt ha# booked an unusoally the fact that they tried in the Auditorium tonight rn orrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. The ous In games against the Pantagon Despite ton members. They captured two played good attraction in matching tu' SIZES shoot last was with every effort the Franklin boys, out the three The and tomorrow From what Is and teams Wednesday afternoon of Stat en and the Frank- of games rolled. night. Columbia Union Hill fo* five, Island, of this failed to make much of rather slimly attended an account of <;ity, scores follow: known of the teams to appear in the tomorrow night in conjunction with lfn F. of this la*t night 011 a In their contest the cold weather and wind. Dr. C., city, showing against HamiJtoniaas. two contests are evenly match- the dancing class meeting. The their own court in The That they the A. A. 34 to 46 William T. Wall tax eatrtnred high BayrevHle. Bayrevllle Juniors. Thaddeus CUne . 128 131 196 ed and should give followers of the Columbias, otherwise known a» tlM SayrevTOe senior outfit trounced the home had Bcore with twenty-ona out ot a-pos- the aggregation things Charles Toinasin. Ill 108 118 sport in this section a lively bit of Audttorium five, who haH from Pentagons by a score of 36 to 6. The much Its own way can be ad- sible twenty-five. pretty James Crane .... 143 140 107 entertainment. / Elizabeth, have not as yet btsa handed defeat to ;'j|g An artist ha» been discovered In SayrevTOe Juniors judged by a glance at the tally. Louis Hudic 82 121 147 Tonight the Peerless / and beaten tn this city. Enthusiast* in the Franklin members tn the hoHow Worth 1.50 the ranks at the club, ho names H. Olsen, Leti and Tuckerson Oak F. C. fives will chia The this line of sport are therefore anx- of E3 to 4. were the of the win- mentioned. Already most Of the style shining lights* 464 500 £68 game will be held In conjunction iously awaiting the ttm« -when tfcejr members have their portraits on the The Staten Island team save the ning team, while E, Fllgen and Bros- Sterlings. with the semi-weekly roller skating shall oppose an aggregation that a mem- , wall seniors tussle, but were the Franklin . « AT, of the room, each picture being Sayrevllle good ky only John Sterling . 102 104 132 RpKslon and is scheduled to start at will compel them to go their faardeat. , a a towards the end of the contest It be- bers to score. The and perfect HkemeasT The artist is lineups Henry Kaber ..... 104 81 121 painter of landscape as well as por- came evident that the home club score: John Cole 170 128 136 traits. Anyone doubting said skill was going to win. Its members 8*jreviBe A. A. Jrs. Pranklln F. G. Harry Cllne 9.... 118 116 90 can be convinced by looking at the made some brilliant passes and H. Olsen Sullivan, E. Fllgen 98c large picture on the west side of the shots. The lineups and score: Eetz Brosky 494 426 478 NEW SCORES H. S. JUNIORS ciub room is which a much talked SayreviUe A. A. Pentagons. forwards of dog house occupies a prominent Fischer Hermesy Tuckerson, Toolin, place. One member in particular is Tuckerson „. McDonald P. Olsen A. Fllgen H'Danneli enraptured by this picture and can forwards center S. UEACUE TD 8 Harrlgsnfi be seen gazing at it most any time. Check Breldenbach K eager Kuster, Done hue ROLLER FLAYS center Curtis ......... A. Toolln 10? SMI fH ST. " Fllgen, CAMEjJ) Kreoger ............ Wort. Scott guards Richmonds and Amicitias Sewn Frtshmtn in Uwlf I#* Switzer, Oiseft .......... Wagner Field goals: H. Olsen, 10; Lets, guards 6; Tuckerson, B; Keager, 8; D. Ol- TOE door Same. rou WANT THE HOLD Win Last Night. Baseball bo WARMS Field goals: Fischer, 5; Check, sen, 3; E. Fllgen, 1; Brosky, 1. 3. Uoais Ref- • article in the 6; Kreoger, 3; Brefldenbacli, Goals from fouls: A. Olsen, 1. good Jewelry j By Dr. B. Jr. ROLLER. Special to t** BYMNtNU NSWU. "Won In tin ninth" was from fouls: Tuckerson, 1; Check, 1. I eree, Kreoger. Time, IS and SO nearly Hoe f Then to While any must of ne- Tottenvllle, Feb. 24:-—Tha Rich- of go- Biddl*. Time «f helves, 2# mlnntes. manly sport the dream of the freshmen, th« Referee, mond No. 1 nod Amidtla cessity be still there la Borough high school, when they clashed jm* L. PERELMAN'S SKY rugged, always of BASEBALL bowlers were victorious In games terday afternoon with the in a point where the question of sports- juniors 328 STATE STREET. the All 6taten liland Bowling an Indoor baseball contest. Th« Is and then cornea There -Is a well authenticated rumor manship passed League rolled In Pleasant Plains end "freshles" were defeated by the ARTHUR GARBEN ■hat major league baseball Is on the the thought to win under any circum- Stapleton, last nfrcnt. The Richmond score of 10 to 8. They filled th« No. 1 members took rcven but were a BEAT stances. Borough bases In the last stopped of the BIG SUMS FOR GREOS DRUGGIST. verge bi<? upheaval. Before out of nine game* from the Aque- by a sensational double play whicfc last of Vesuvius the crater be- Under ordinary conditions this spirit Prescription Work a Specialty. ei^iption hongra A. C. bowlers, of this place, at brought the crowd to their feet. Th« came active and rum- of desire to win is commendable, but was the first sea- 81 HAUL AVENUE. underground -Stapleton, and the Amicitiss rap- game played this blings gave warning* which the inhab- THE TRAINING ST. PAUL'S when it Involves even temporary In- t ired five out of nlno contests frjm son and was a big success. An Ifl- Branch Office Branlng New*. itants of the mountain slopes, In their jury to an opponent it Is to be de- the Richmond Borough No. 2 pink- ter-class schedule will now likely b« fancied security, refused to hear. Pre- The Creo basketball team handed plored. nights, at Pleasant Plain3 arranged. Br TOMMT CLARK. Score by vious to the earthquake which bnrled defeat to the St. Paul Cadets In the Rulemakers in football have strug- Richmoruls' Victory. innings: Those who imagine that the major form of 58 to 33 In the Catholic Feb. 24.—TTie Rich- Freshmen ..0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0— 1 Messina came minor tremblings, which gled with this problem for years, rule Stapleton, THE TAVERN baseball Is for school Tot- No. t bowlers took Juniors 4010200 3—10 were those league player busy only parochial gymnasium in mond Borough KMIL BOHASAOK, Prop. disregarded by accustomed after rule amended and prohibitions Brow- several months of the and the rest tenvllle yesterday. three straight gimea '.n each of the Juniors—Coley, pitcher, to them. In both coses, however, there year on certain all to BOWLING, POOL. plays enacted, tending two and three-man events here last ning, catcher; Goldman, first' base; were scientists and wise of the time goes hunting for recreation BALLANTINE'S BEER ON DRAUGHT. pessimistic reduce the liability to accident. night. Waring took two out of Hardlman, eeeond; McCreery, third; old timers who looked for trouble. should see the teams at practice long This can be done committees hav- Therkleson, short; Levy, left field; 152-164 SMITH STREET. EXPLOSION KILLS THREE. by three gamee from Denyse, of the There are today veteran followers of beiore the season opens. They go to ing power, as In baseball, football, Richmond Boroughs, in the individ- Rielly, centre; Major, right. Freshmen—Hunt, John- the uational game who claim to have work In the morning, like the average basketball and other sports, but In ual contest. The scores: pitcher; Firework* Maker, Daughter and Helper son, catcher; Carls, first base; Clear, sensed various signs unfavorable to are wrestling there is no such organiza- INDIVIDUAL,. JOSEPH BERTEK business man, and the way they Victim* of Acoident. second base; Martin, third; Pastelt, continued quiet in the baseball world. their sends them tion, and it Is up to the wrestlers Aquohonga*. left centre FINE CUSTOM TAILOR put through paces N. Feb. 24.—A thirteen- 184 short; Henry, and field} men meet Belleville, J., Waring 177 202 These unostentatiously and home at night footsore and weagy and themselves, aided by the promoters Peterson, right field. SUITS MADE TO ORDER year-old school girl, her father and an- Richmond Boroujrhs No.