Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Legislative
COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 2002 SESSION OF 2002 186TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 31 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The House convened at 11 a.m., e.d.t. (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and visitors.) THE SPEAKER (MATTHEW J. RYAN) JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED PRESIDING The SPEAKER. Without objection, the approval of the Journal of Tuesday, April 16, 2002, will be postponed until printed. PRAYER The Chair hears no objection. REV. JULIANN PUGH, Chaplain of the House of HOUSE BILLS Representatives, offered the following prayer: INTRODUCED AND REFERRED Let us pray: No. 2500 By Representatives LEVDANSKY, B. SMITH, Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Lord of the STEELMAN, STEIL, FREEMAN, LYNCH, TANGRETTI, nations, grant us Your blessing here. We give hearty thanks for our CURRY, WILT, STABACK, McNAUGHTON, VEON, HESS, nation, our Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and for all that in SURRA, M. COHEN, DAILEY, WANSACZ, STURLA, State and nation which has been good. We are humbly grateful for J. TAYLOR, THOMAS, HALUSKA, CREIGHTON, DeWEESE, those who have unselfishly given their lives, their skills, their GRUCELA, WASHINGTON, BASTIAN, MANDERINO, devotion, both recently and in the past, to the causes of freedom, SCRIMENTI, YOUNGBLOOD, CORRIGAN, T. STEVENSON, justice, liberty, and security for all. For those families who have PRESTON, MELIO, YUDICHAK, BEBKO-JONES, recently lost loved ones in Operation Enduring Freedom, we pause McILHATTAN, McCALL, G. WRIGHT, PALLONE, JOSEPHS, and offer our silent prayers. COSTA, TRAVAGLIO, EACHUS, PISTELLA, HANNA, (A moment of silent prayer was observed.) SANTONI, VITALI, CRUZ, RUFFING, HARHAI, HORSEY, If we have grown prideful in our freedoms – to choose, to McGEEHAN, PETRONE, TRICH, J.
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