The Changing Ecological Impact of Broom (Cytisus Scoparius) At
6 Plant Protection Quarterly VoI.9(1) 1994 Since ]986 broom has continued to spread at Barrington Tops. Seeds may be The changing ecological impact of broom (Cytisus dispersed over long distances by streams, scoparius) by animals (horses, pigs, humans) and on at Barrington Tops, New South Wales or in vehicles and machinery (Smith and Ha rl en 1991) . This has led to establish J. M. B. Smith, Department of Geography and Planning, University o f New ment of new individ uals and stands along England, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia. streams, in open, grazed places, and par ticularly along tracks and roads even sev eral kilome tres from previous infesta Summary tions. In recent years attempts have been The invasive European shrub broom a nd tree regene ra tion in the Polblue area made by the Forestry Commission, Na (CytisJls scoparills) was introduced to of Barrington Tops in 1986. Broom stands tional Parks and Wildlife Service, local the Barrington Tops plateau during the up to several hectares in area were then landholders and other land managers to 18405 and has spread particularly rap generally very dense and shady; the larg chemically or physically control such out id ly since 1969. In the Polblue area est shrubs at her study sites were aged by lying populations, and to keep road edges stands are now mainly over ten years old cOW1ting growth rings in basal stem discs, and o ther heavily frequented a reas dear and consist of fewer, larger and more and found to be 4-12 years old. She found of broom .
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