b y


(Director, Durban M useum , Durban)




Following the findings of Stresemann and Stresemann , Journ.f.

Ornith., vol. cix, 3, 1968, pp. 303 - 314, nom inate Sylvia communis

Latham , 1787: Kent, England, is currently not consi dered to reach

the South A frican Sub-R egion during its non-breedin g soj ou m in E th i­

opian Africa, the tw o races wintering in the Sub-Re gion being S.c.

volgensis Domaniewski, 1915: Saratov, Volga R., U.S.S.R., an d

S.c.icterops Menetries, 1832: Talych=Talyshskiye Gory, south­

eastern Azerbaydzhan, U.S.S.R. I have recently rese a r c h e d

the races of S.communis to be adm itted to the South A frican list and

conclude on the basis of m aterial from Rhodesia and , in

addition to specim ens from Zam bia and southern-west ern ,

that while it is true enough that m ost specim ens ar e clearly attri­

butable to both volgensis a n d icterops, som e elem ents of S.c.communis

do reach the drier interior of southern A frica duri ng their non-breed­

ing stay in Africa, where they m oult, and that the exclusion of this

taxon from the list is indefensible.

W hile m uch of the m aterial available is in a seriou sly abraded and

insolated condition, a sufficiency of m oulting or c om pletely m oulted

[P rice R l , 5 0 nett] Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated .) by Sabinet Reproduced 1 2 0 Miscellaneous Taxonomic Notes on African Birds

Atlantic or, better highland Britain, population is sufficiently dis­

crete as to be recognised as a fourth subspecies.

S.c.jordansi differs from S.c.communis in the male having the

pileum m uch darker and greyer (H air Brown (pi. xlvi ) , versus D r a b

(same pi.)); dorsum , dark Light Brownish Olive (pi. xxx) or redder,

against B uffy Brow n (pi. xl). Ventrally, generally with the breast

deeper pale vinaceous-cinnam on, and flanks darker a nd browner. In

the wings, the red-brow n outer vanes and tips of th e greater-coverts

and remiges are m ore saturated and ochraceous, and there is little

or no developm ent of a pale wing-bar across the api ces of the said

coverts. Fem ales are sim ilarly darker and rather re dder above, the

head-top likewise darker and;greyer. Ventrally they do not differ,

but the wings are also m ore saturated reddish over the coverts and

rem iges, and the w ing-bar is lacking. Juveniles als o show the darker

head-top character. W ings of 15 68,5 - 72mm. In its cold grey

head-top colouration jordansi shows closer affinity w ith S.c.icterops

t h a n w i t h S.c.communis.

The range of S.c.jordansi is highland Britain in Ireland, W ales,

north-western and northern England, and Scotland an d the Inner

H ebrides. It does not reach eastern or southern A fr ica on m igration,

and apparently winters in far W est Africa. Som e spe cim ens in the

paratypical series taken in M ay in Scotland are in fresh contour

plumage, but with the wing-tips and tails relativel y abraded,

suggesting that in a proportion of this race the au tum nal m oult is

arrested and only com pleted shortly before departur e from the

African wintering grounds.

South-eastern England breeders, topotypical of S.c.communis, a r e

slightly interm ediate tow ards jordansi in that some males show a

darkening of the pileum , but otherwise they agree w ell w ith Conti­

nental birds. This race is in a sense the link betw e e n jordansi a n d

volgensis, having the short wing of the form er and the colour a t i o n o f

the latter.

A m ajor problem in appreciating the nature of the v ariation in

the west of Europe is the industrial grim e which se riously contam i­

nates the birds on their arrival on the breeding gr ounds. For purposes

of this study all British, D utch and Germ an breeder s were first dry

c l e a n e d .



The (Little) R ush W arbler is a largely sedentary sp ecies of perm anent

marshes, papyrus swamps, and reedbeds alongside riv e r s a n d Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated .) by Sabinet Reproduced by P. A. Clancey 1 2 1

lagoons, w hich extends in a series of m inor races f rom Niger and

in the west and the Sudan and in the east, south, in the

w est, to southern A ngola, and in the east to the so uthern and eastern

Cape and N atal. The precise num ber of races it is m eaningful to ad­

m it is still undecided, although m any have been des cribed, owing

to the sm allness of the series in m ost instances. T he races occurring

in southern Africa have at no tim e been studied in depth. Roberts,

Birds of , 1940, p. 253, adm itted som e five subspecies

for the Sub-Region, giving the characters believed to distinguish

the taxa and an assessm ent of the ranges as he saw them on the very

lim ited m aterial available in South African m useum s in the days

im m ediately prior to the Second W orld W ar. A study of m aterial

available to m e in the m id-1960’s indicated that at least four races

o f B.baboecala were acceptable in the South African Sub-Region,

these being in due course recognised in m y Catalogue of Birds of the

South African Sub-Region, part iv, 1966, pp. 472, 473, and in the

S.A.O.S. Check List of the Birds of South Africa, 1969, pp. 220, 221.

Recent study of a series of 138 specim ens from sout h-central and

southern Africa carried out in the Durban Museum su ggests the

treatm ent of the populations adopted in m y Catalogue in 1966 is

fundam entally correct, though the ranges of the fou r taxa adm itted

require to be adjusted som ew hat, and the revised di agnostic charac­

ters are in need of publication. Variation of m om en t in grouping the

populations into acceptable subspecies affects the level of saturation

of the dorsum , the relative whiteness or buffiness of the ground to

the venter, and the degree of streaking over the lo w er fore-throat.

There is a m easure of variation in size and the len gth of the bill, the

largest and longest billed birds occurring in the p opulation resident

in the W inter Rainfall D istrict of the Cape. R obert s used bill-length

to distinguish two large south-western races: B.b.baboecala a n d B.b.brachypterus (V ieillot), from those occurring further north in t h e

east in South Africa: B.b.transvaalensis R o b e r t s , B.b.tongensis

Roberts, and B.b.bedfordi Ogilvie-Grant=B.6.wsin Neave, but,

while the m eans of this variable are statistically significantly differ­

ent, the wide range of individual variation and ove rlap in m easure­

m ents are such that I do not believe that bill-leng th on its own can

be used w ith assurance in the recognition of subspe cific taxa.

Individual variation is relatively high in the pres ent warbler,

w hich, correlated w ith environm entally induced colo ur m odification

and the sm allness of sam ples from single localities taken at one tim e,

renders grouping of populations into satisfactory r aces difficult.

Contamination from plant dust and carbon from grass fires also

obscures differences unless m aterial is dry-cleaned in advance of Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated .) by Sabinet Reproduced 1 2 2 Miscellaneous Taxonomic Notes on African Birds

critical exam ination. On the other hand, “foxing” s carcely affects

the Rush W arbler. A specim en collected by Lucas at P ot chef stroom

in 1877 examined agrees remarkably well with recent l y - t a k e n

m aterial of the same taxon.

The population of the W inter Rainfall District of t he Cape is

not divisible on the basis of colouration into west ern and southern

races. R oberts, loc. cit., recognised tw o subspecies from the south­

western and southern Cape, respectively, the form er a s B.b.baboecala

and the latter as B.b.brachypterus, but the arrangem ent is invalid,

because, apart from the under tail-covert character used to dif­

ferentiate them not holding up in series, both nam e s have virtually

the sam e type-locality: B.b.baboecala: Knysna, and B.b.brachypterus

Knysna, or better, perhaps, Plettenberg Bay. They a re, therefore,

absolute synonym s. The eastern lim its of this relat ively large, long­

billed population appear to be the East London dist rict of the

eastern Cape, a specimen from East London being of n o m i n a t e

B.baboecala, while one from further up the coast from M tafufu R . ,

coastal Transkei, is referable to a group of rather smaller popula­

tions, w ith lighter flanks, duller under tail-cover ts, and lower fore­

throat streaking w hich ranges from being lightly in dicated to absent.

Birds from the Transkei, East Griqualand and Natal also range

shorter in the bill and wing than those of the W int er Rainfall

D istrict: bills 18 -17, wings 54 - 60, versus 16 -18,5 and 60 - 64,5

m m . I n m y Catalogue, p.473, I placed such elem ents as B.b.trans- vaalensis Roberts, 1919: W akkerstroom , south-eastern Transva a l .

On the basis of the variation as now interpreted I believe the low

elevation birds occurring along the Transkei and N a tal coast, as

well as those present in the im m ediate hinterland i n N atal, certainly

below 1 200 m. a.s.L, should be associated with the subspecies

B.b.tongensis Roberts, 1931: Kosi Bay, north-eastern Zululand,

rather than transvaalensis, w hich w ill be discussed briefly hereunder.

B.b.tongensis is now seen as a wide-ranging lowland race, which

differs from B.b.baboecala in its smaller size and shorter culmen,

obsolete or absent fore-throat streaking, and paler , warm er buffy

flanks and under tail-coverts. Populations from the Transkei coast,

coastal Natal and Zululand, north along the coastla nds of eastern

A frica to north-eastern Tanzania and coastal K enya to the Tana R .

can be satisfactorily grouped in it. It also ranges onto the interior

plateau of the continent in Tanzania, , parts of ,

and north-eastern Rhodesia. B.b.moreaui Sclater, 1931: Amani,

Usam bara M ts, north-eastern Tanzania, nam ed in the s a m e y e a r

a s tongensis, is antedated by the latter name by a m onth or two. Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated .) by Sabinet Reproduced by P. A. Clancey 1 2 3

The population present over the upper elevations of the Drakens­

berg versant in East Griqualand and Natal, north to the Orange

Free State, the plateau of the Transvaal and of Rho desia are al­

m ost invariably associated by workers with nom inate B.baboecala,

though adm itted as distinct in both m y Catalogue (1966) and in

the S.A.O.S. Check List (1969) under the name B.b.transvaalensis

Roberts. Roberts, Ann.Transv.Mus., vol. vi, 3, 1919, pp. 116, 117,

g a v e transvaalensis specific rank, differentiating it from B.brachy-

pterus=B.b.baboecala on the basis of a generally lighter facies and

shorter bill. Com pared directly with south-western and southern

C a p e B.b.baboecala, m aterial of transvaalensis, which included three

para- and topotypes from W akkerstroom , the type-loc ality, shows

that this form is not paler above than nominate baboecala, b u t

is m arkedly whiter below : over the fore-throat, m id -breast and the

entire m edio-ventral streak; and the sides, flanks and under tail-

coverts are lighter, less olivaceous-brown. In cont rast to the con­

d i t i o n i n tongensis, the low er fore-throat streaking is sharply defined ,

but like this latter taxon it is sm aller than baboecala and averaging

shorter billed. Populations agreeing w ith the W akke rstroom sam ple

range from East Griqualand and the high interior of Natal (Blood

R iver), to the Orange Free State, and the plateau o f the Transvaal,

north to Rhodesia. One of the specim ens from K abula bula, northern

Botswana, placed by Roberts, Ann.Transv.Mus., vol. xvi, 1, 1935,

p . 1 4 1 , a s B.b.tongensis appears to me to fit in better with trans­

vaalensis, which race m ay reach the Zam besi in the north-west o f

Rhodesia and adjacent areas im m ediately to the west .

In the whiter ventral surface B.b.transvaalensis reveals a shift

t o w a r d s B.b.m siri Neave, 1909: Bunkeya R., Shaba, Zaire,' which

latter race is present only narrowly within South A frican Sub-

Region lim its in the O kavango Swam p region of north ern Botswana.

N orth of this it extends through eastern A ngola and Zam bia m ainly

west of the upper Zam besi, to Shaba, in Zaire, then ce east through

the northern districts of Zambia to the Luapula and N o r t h e r n

D istricts. It probably also reaches south-eastern T anzania, because

its influence can be seen in northern M alawi specim ens presently

before m e. B.b.m siri is a form closely associated with papyrus

swam p, its occurrence within South African limits b eing virtually

confined to this particularly habitat. The race con cerned differs

f r o m transvaalensis a n d tongensis in having the upper-parts sepia,

the under-parts rather greyer white than in the for m er, the lower

fore-throat alm ost invariably lightly streaked, and the flanks and

under tail-coverts darker. There is no difference i n dim ensions be­

t w e e n msiri, transvaalensis a n d tongensis. Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated .) by Sabinet Reproduced 1 2 4 Miscellaneous Taxonomic Notes on African Birds

Im m ediately to the north of m siri in equatorial A frica lies B.b.

centralis Neumann, 1908: between M kingo and Muhera, ,

w h i l e B.b.benguellensis Bannerman, 1927: Chicuma, Benguela,

Angola, is present to the west, where it occurs ove r the plateau

from western and northern H uila and extrem e eastern Benguela to

Huam bo and adjacent Bie. Other races lying to the n o r t h a n d

north-east of centralis a r e B.b.elgonensis M adarasz, 1912: Buchungu,

Mt. Elgon, western /, B.b.sudanensis Grant and

M ackworth-Praed, 1941: W hite Nile at 9° 30' N., 30° 40' E .=Lake

No, Sudan, and B.b.abyssinicus (Blundell and Lovat), 1899: L.

Chercher, eastern Ethiopia. W hile these taxa are ad m i t t e d b y

M ackworth-Praed and Grant, Birds Eastern and North Eastern

Africa, vol. ii, 1955, pp. 369 - 371, the characters given f o r t h e m

are all but worthless, and the north-eastern popula tions of the

species are in need of a re-appraisal along lines s im ilar to this report

on the species in southern Africa. B.b.chadensis Bannerm an, 1936:

Lake Chad, based on a singleton obtained by Boyd Al exander, is

of understandably uncertain status at this stage.

The names, characters and ranges of the four southe rn African

form s of the Rush W arbler will now stand as follows :

Bradypterus baboecala baboecala ( V i e i l l o t ) Sylvia baboecala V ieillot, Nouv.Diet.d'Hist.Nat., vol. xi, 1817, p. 172:

South A frica=K nysna, southern Cape (ex Levaillant).

Sylvia brachyptera Vieillot, Nouv.Dict.d’Hist.Nat., vol. xi, 1817,

p. 206: Knysna, southern Cape (ex Levaillant). Sclater, Aethiop., part ii, 1930, p. 508, gives Plettenberg B ay as th e t y p e -

l o c a l i t y .

Size relatively large. Dorsum dark Saccardo’s Um ber ( R i d g w a y

(1912), pi. xxix), reddening over the rum p and uppe r tail-coverts.

Below, pale cream y or buffy white, the lower fore-t hroat lightly

streaked with brown, the breast with ground pale bu ff and lateral

breast, body sides and flanks pale Tawny-O live (sam e pi.); under

tail-coverts dark taw ny-olive.

W ings of 20 59 - 66,5 (62,9), SD 1,97, SE 0,44, cul m e n s f r o m

skull 17 - 19 (17,8), SD 0,52, SE 0,12, tails 64 - 79 (71,0), SD 4,16,

SE 0,93 mm.

Material examined: 2 7 (Cape: Kersefontein (Berg R.), French

Hoek, Fish Hoek, M uizenberg, Strandfontein, Durbanv ille, Cape

Flats, Somerset W est, Stellenbosch, Bontebok Nation a l P a r k ,

Knysna, Port Elizabeth, Swartkops R., Graham stown, E a s t L o n ­

d o n ) . Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated .) by Sabinet Reproduced by P. A. Clancey 1 2 5

Range: South-western and southern Cape, east to about the

Great Kei R.

Bradypterus baboecala tongensis R o b e r t s

Bradypterus brachypterus tongensis R o b e r t s , Ann.Transv.Mus., v o l .

xiv, 3, 1931, p. 241: K osi Bay, north-eastern Zulul a n d .

Bradypterus brachypterus moreaui S c l a t e r , Bull.Brit.Orn.Club, v o l .

lii, 1931, p. 57: Am ani, Usam bara M ts, north-easter n Tanzania.

M oderately well differentiated from last. Dorsally, averaging

rather m ore reddish, less dark olivaceous, than in n o m i n a t e baboe­

cala. In newly assumed dress differs taxonom ically in ha v i n g t h e

lower fore-throat streaking vestigial or absent, an d entire venter

tinged w ith pale yellow or buffish yellow , and w ith the breast, sides

and flanks warmer, more yellowish or orange tawny; under tail-

coverts paler. Tail often a little redder. R anging shorter in the wing,

bill and tail. Several of these characters are grea tly m odified or lost

through abrasion and the action of the sun after fi ve or six m onths.

W ings of 20 <3$ 54,5 - 60 (57,1), SD 1,38, SE 0,31, c u l m e n s

15+ - 17,5 (16,3), SD 0,70, SE 0,16, tails 55 - 66, 5 (62,8), SD 2,92,

SE 0,65 mm.

Material examined: 5 5 ( Transkei: Port St. Johns, M tafufu R .;

Natal: Durban, Um hlanga Rocks, Pinetown, Kloof, Pieterm ar i t z ­

burg, G reytown; north-eastern Zululand: Gollel, M kuzi R ., M angusi

Forest, M osie Store (M aputa); Transvaal: Nelspruit, Zoutpansberg; : Bela Vista, Panda, Vilanculos, Lagoa de Ura (Beira

district), M opeia; Rhodesia: H aroni/Lusitu confluence; Salisbury

district, 48 km E. of Chirundu on Zambesi; M alaw i: C h i r o m o ,

Nam wera, Chinteche; Zambia: Chipata (Fort Jam eson), Lundazi,

Mpika, Namwala, Busanga Plain (Kasempa); Caprivi/ Botswana:

Serondelas, K abulabula, Kasane).

Range: Transkei coast, coastal and lower Midland Natal an d

Zululand, eastern Swaziland, and eastern and north- eastern Trans­

vaal, M ozam bique, south-eastern and northern Rhodes ia (in Ma-

shonaland from about Salisbury northwards), norther n Botswana

and adjacent Caprivi along the lower Chobe R., Zam b ia south and

e a s t o f B.b.m siri, in the Eastern District, M pika, and Central and

Southern D istricts to about 25° E. (K asem pa sam ples are som ewhat

interm ediate between tongensis a n d msiri), M alawi, Tanzania, and

the lowlands of south-eastern K enya to the Tana R. (vide M a c k -

worth-Praed and Grant, Birds Eastern and North Eastern Africa,

vol. ii, 1955, p. 370). Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated .) by Sabinet Reproduced 1 2 6 Miscellaneous Taxonomic Notes on African Birds

Remarks: Sm aller size, and yellower tinged ventral surface a n d

rustier and paler flanks and under tail-coverts in newly m oulted

condition, the lower fore-throat streaking vestigia l or absent,

distinguish this race.

Bradypterus baboecala transvaalensis R o b e r t s

Bradypterus transvaalensis R o b e r t s , Ann.Transv.Mus., vol. vi, 3,

1919, p. 116: W akkerstroom , south-eastern Transvaal .

N ot separable from nom inate B.baboecala on the upper-parts, but

differs in series ventrally, having the throat whit er, the streaking

over the lower fore-throat darker; centre of breast and medio-

ventral plane m uch whiter, and m ore contrasted agai nst the sides

and flanks, w hich latter are paler, less saturated, than in the nom i­

nate subspecies; under tail-coverts paler, less oli ve tinged. Ranging

sm aller and shorter in the bill than B.b.baboecala.

W hiter venter, dark throat streaking and duller, le s s t a w n y ,

flanks separate the present race from tongensis.

W ings of 20(J$ 55 - 61,5 (58,5), SD 1,37, SE 0,31, culm ens 15 -

18 (16,2), SD 0,77, SE 0,17, tails 62 - 69,5 (65,1) , SD 2,10, SE 0,47m m .

Material examined: 2 7 ( East Griqualand and Natal: M o u n t

Fletcher, Cedarville, B lood R iver; Transvaal: W akkerstroom , Pot-

chefstroom , M oordrift, Zoutpansberg; northern Cape: K u r u m a n ;

Rhodesia: M atopos Hills, Selous, Banti Forest Reserve, Lusit u R . ,

Salisbury district).

Range: East Griqualand, Upper Natal and adjacent Zululand

above about 1 370 m . a.s.l., western Swaziland, Ora nge Free State,

the low lands of Lesotho, the northern Cape (K urum an ), the highveld

of the Transvaal, the plateau of Rhodesia in M atabe leland, the

M idlands, M ashonaland (north to Salisbury), and the Eastern H igh­

l a n d s .

Remarks: H eavier lower fore-throat streaking and whiter thr o a t ,

m id-breast and m edio-ventral streak distinguish transvaalensis f r o m

both nom inate baboecala a n d tongensis. Size as in the latter.

R o b e r t s , loc.cit., described transvaalensis as generally rather paler

t h a n B.brachypterus=B.b.baboecala, and with the bill shorter.

B.b.transvaalensis is not lighter than baboecala, though clearer white

below ; while the bill-length is statistically signi ficantly different, it

is not a taxonom ic character because of the overlap .

Bradypterus baboecala msiri N e a v e

Bradypterus msiri N e a v e , Bull.Brit.Orn.Club, vol. xxv, 1909, p. 25:

M siri's village, Bunkeya R ., Shaba, Zaire. Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated .) by Sabinet Reproduced by P. A. Clancey 1 2 7


The south-eastern quadrate of the Ethiopian Region show ing the disposition

of the subspecies of Bradypterus baboecala (Vieillot).

a . B.b.baboecala d . B.b.msiri b . B.b.tongensis e . B.b.centralis c . B.b.transvaalensis f . B.b.elgonensis Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated .) by Sabinet Reproduced 1 2 8 Miscellaneous Taxonomic Notes on African Birds

Bradypterus bedfordi O gilvie-G rant, Ibis, 1912, p. 382: M babe=

M ababe Flats, northern Botswana.

Darker and more saturated on the dorsum than in the c a s e o f

B.b.transvaalensis, especially over the vertex, hind neck and m antle

centre (near to Sepia (pi. xxix)), the rum p and upp er tail-coverts

also darker red-brown. Below, darker over the sides and flanks,

but otherwise m uch as in transvaalensis, though somewhat greyer

white m edio-ventrally. W ings and tail darker.

Juvenile generally darker, m ore strongly yellowish below, and

with darker sides and flanks. Size closely sim ilar t o transvaalensis.

W ings of 20 54,5 - 61 (57,9), SD 1,75, SE 0,39, cul m ens 15 - 17,

(15,9), SD 0,62, SE 0,14, tails 60 - 71,5 (66,3), S D 3,08, SE 0,69 m m .

Material examined: 2 9 ( Botswana: Shorobe, Maun, Chanokhe

D rift (Botletle R .), K asane; C aprivi: Linyanti; Zam bia: Shangom bo,

N asiongo, S. K asiji R. (Balovale), L. M wange (Balov ale), Lungwe-

bungu R. (Balovale), Nkulwashi R. (Balovale), Kabet i (M ongu),

Kabompo Boma, Mutangini (Kabompo), Manyinga R. (Ang o l a

border), Luam ala R . at 27° 08' S., 14° 06' E ., L. L usiwashi (K abw e),

Cham beshi/Lubansenshi R. confl., M onongwa (Luwingu) , m outh of

Luapula R., opposite Kasenga (Luapula), Bulaya (M po r o k o s o ) ) .

Range: The Okavango Swamp and Botletle R. of Botswana,

north to east of the range of B.b.benguellensis (Traylor,

Check-list of Angolan Birds, 1963, p. 145, lists it only from M acondo

in the extrem e east of Angola), Zam bia from Barotse land north to

M w inilunga, and east across the north of the territ ory to the Luapula

and N orthern Districts, Shaba, Zaire, and, probably , south-western

Tanzania. Intergrades with B.b.tongensis to the south-east of its

established range.

Remarks: Sepia top of head, hind neck and mantle centre dis ­

tinguishes this race from all others here considere d, which taxon

appears to be m ainly an endem ic of papyrus swam p. V entrally, the

colouration is m uch as in transvaalensis, being m edially w hiter than

in nominate baboecala a n d tongensis. The lower fore-throat is

usually distinctly streaked with dusky in contrast to the condition

present in tongensis.



The Blackchested Prinia Prinia flavicans (Vieillot) of m uch of the

South W est Arid D istrict and som e adjacent areas of the Ethiopian Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated .) by Sabinet Reproduced