GAME OF THRONES(SPEC) 07.01 Written by Byron James Based on, George R.R Martin's "A Game of Thrones"
[email protected] EXT. CASTLE BLACK. COURTYARD - NIGHT - FLASHBACK ...There is Olly’s face. Standing directly in front of us, his gaze fixed. Pale. Lifeless. Cold. The hanging noose around his neck. Dead, yet... Not dead, almost in a WHITE WALKER form. He holds a bloody dagger firm. OLLY For the Watch. He STABS at us. Ser Alliser appearing from behind Olly, towering. He is in the same deathly state with a hanging noose also around his neck. He takes the dagger from Olly’s hand THEN grabbing Olly’s head from behind pulling it back- SER ALLISER For the Watch. Ser Alliser takes the dagger and slices at Olly’s exposed neck. SMASH CUT TO: INT. WINTERFELL. JON’S ROOM - EARLY MORNING A howling GASP is let out as Jon jolts up from his sleep. Hand to his chest forcing himself to deeply inhale and exhale... Inhale, exhale... Inhale and Exhale... Every breath is cherished as he calms. Only a dream. MOMENTS LATER Jon now in his clothes grabs his sword then puts on his wolf’s mane cloak. EXT. WINTERFELL. CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Winter is here as the snow lightly films the stone walls. Jon takes this in. INT. WINTERFELL. SANSA’S BEDCHAMBER - CONTINUOUS Sansa lays in bed her hair in disarray, her expression solum, and her thoughts astray as she gazes into a fire across the room. 2. EXT. WINTERFELL. OUTSIDE SANSA’S BEDCHAMBER - CONTINUOUS Jon arrives at a shut door being guarded by Brienne.