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Taste of Syttende Mai Now that’s Happy birthday, « Vi svinger flagget stolt for Norge, a wrap! med hurrarop ifra syd og til nord. » constitution! Read more on pages S8-S9 – Grethe Myhre Skottene Special section: pages S1-S16 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 125 No. 18 May 9, 2014 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western and Nordisk Tidende $2.00 per copy The future is ahead Norway’s constitution is 200 years old this month. NAW is 125. As we reflect back and as we celebrate, the door to the future waits to be opened.

What’s inside? News 2-3 Opinion 4-5 Business 6 Sports 7 Roots & Connections 10 Obituaries & Religion 11 Norwegian Heritage 12-13 Features 14 Arts & Entertainment 15 Syttende Mai special section S1-S16 Taste of Norway S8-S9 Travel S10 Calendar S14-S15 $1 = NOK 5.954 updated 05/05/2014 In comparison 04/05/2014 6.0034 11/05/2013 5.9854 05/05/2013 5.8008 Photo: (boathouse on a fjord) Pixabay 2 • May 9, 2014 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Støtte for Syria-milliard LO mener Fremskrittspartiet vil ha poker-NM og kasino på øya Munkholmen Stortinget støtter Arbeiderpartiets forslag regjeringen er Frp fikk i regjeringsforhandlingene med Høyre gjennomslag for å tillate kvinnefiendtlig pokerturneringer med pengeinnsats i Norge. Nestleder deltok Regjeringen vil stryke selv i poker-NM i Dublin i april og kunne etter turneringen garantere at punktet om likelønn i det blir NM hjemme i Norge allerede neste år. Nå sier Sør-Trøndelag Frps statens tariffavtale 23 år gamle stortingsrepresentant Sivert Bjørnstad at Munkholmen er Aftenposten stedet, skriver Adresseavisen. Deretter håper han gambling og et kasino på LO mener at statsråd vil den lille øya som ligger to kilometer reversere likestillingspolitikken. utenfor sentrum, blir en — Det er jo ganske spesielt da, sier Tone realitet. — Munkholmen er et perfekt Rønoldtangen, leder i LO Stat. sted å ha poker-NM. Tenk å ankomme Hun er opprørt over det hun oppfatter holmen en nydelig sommerkveld i som klare signaler fra statens personaldirek- båt, vandre opp brusteinsbakken mot Foto: Voice of America / Wikimedia Commons tør om at det ikke lenger er et mål å utjevne Sårede sivile kommer til et sykehus i Aleppo i løpet av den syriske borgerkrigen. Tårnbygningen — med fakler på lønnsforskjellene mellom menn og kvinner. begge sider. Det ville vært helt fantas- I sin 1. mai-tale anklaget LO-leder Gerd enormt, sier Pedersen (H). tisk, og det ville virkelig satt Munk- NRK Kristiansen regjeringen for å reversere likes- Dersom Høyre/Frp regjeringen velger å holmen på kartet, tror Frp-toppen. tillingspolitikken. gjøre som Støre foreslår, vil de møte velvilje Sivert Bjørnstad mener et kasino på Det er stor politisk vilje på Stortinget for Onsdag leverte staten sitt svar på på Stortinget. Munkholmen vil danke ut selveste å støtte Arbeiderpartiets forslag om å gi en fagforeningenes krav i lønnsoppgjøret. — Det er en voldsom katastrofe, og Las Vegas. ekstra milliard for å hjelpe flyktninger i Syria Det ga et klart signal om at langt mer av hvis vi kan bidra til å avhjelpe litt, så er det (VG) — Verdenssamfunnet må stille opp mer. lønnstilleggene enn tidligere skal fordeles moralsk rett, og det vil vi støtte, sier Sp-leder Også Norge må være forberedt på å bidra lokalt. . Venter lemen-eksplosjon i Sør-Norge mer, sier statssekretær i Utenriksdeparte- I tariffavtalens kapittel om lokale Også regjeringens støttepartier KrF og Historiene om den fjellvante sinna- mentet, Bård Glad Pedersen. forhandlinger har det lenge stått et punkt som Venstre er positive. taggen er mange. Nå har den i alle I sin 1. mai tale i går tok Arbeiderparti- sier at «likelønn skal prioriteres». I tilbudet (V) har allerede tatt til orde fall våknet til liv, og det i hopetall, ets Jonas Gahr Støre til orde for en stor hu- er det satt en strek over disse tre ordene, for for at det reviderte budsjettet fra Høyre/Frp- ifølge forskerne. — Dette gjelder fra manitær ekstrabevilgning til Syria på hele én å signalisere at de skal ut av avtalen. regjeringen bør inneholde en ekstra milliard Dovrefjell og sørover. Vi hadde for- milliard kroner. Det er mye penger i et re- Rønoldtangen ser overstrekingen som til Syria. ventet smågnagerår i hele landet, men vidert nasjonalbudsjett, og det Høyre-styrte et av flere signaler om at likelønn ikke pri- — Jeg mener den milliarden bør komme i Nord-Norge uteblir trolig den store Utenriksdepartementet vil foreløpig ikke si oriteres. I innledningen til forhandlingene på toppen av de ordinære bistandsmidlene lemeneksplosjonen i år, sier Nina E. noe om beløpet. Men Pedersen er klar på at ga arbeidsgiver klar beskjed om at det ikke Norge gir, sier han til NRK. Eide, seniorforsker ved Norsk insti- han støtter Støres analyse om at Syria har et er ønskelig med «sentrale justeringsforhan- tutt for naturforskning (NINA) til akutt behov for bistand. dlinger». Det er stammespråk for å løfte hele Bergens Tidende. — Når det er sju til — Hva som kommer i revidert nasjona- grupper. lbudsjett får man vite når det legges om English Synopsis: There is much political will within ni måneder med snø på snaufjellet i the Parliament to support the Labor Party’s proposal — Dermed forsvinner et annet viktig knappe to uker. Men viljen til å stille opp for Norge eller på den arktiske tundraen, to send humanitarian aid of a billion kroner to Syria. redskap i likelønnspolitikken, sier hun. gir dette lemenen en kickstart. Men Syria er stor, for hjelpebehovet der er helt — Det stemmer at vi er «best i klassen», det er bare når det er gunstige vin- men det er med likelønn som så mye annet, terforhold – altså med is og snø, sier om vi ikke vedlikeholder og passer på faller Rolf Anker Ims, biologiprofessor ved vi tilbake. Universitetet i Tromsø til forskning. Voldsløkka kan bli landhockeybane Også i de tre andre hovedorganisasjo- no. Men til tross for at det trolig blir nene har forhandlingslederne merket seg den et heftig lemenår i Sør-Norge, så vil Byrådet i vil fremskynde arbeidet med manglende viljen til å prioritere likelønn. det ikke bli noe boom nord for Dovre. skatehall og landhockeybane på Voldsløkka — Det er i de sentrale forhandlingene vi I Nord-Norge har nemlig snø- og is- må gjøre noe med likelønn, sier Pål N. Arne- forholdene vært ugunstige for den lille NRK sen i YS Stat. krabaten. Derfor er han oppgitt over den sterke (NRK) Voldsløkka stadion var fotballaget motviljen mot sentrale justeringer. Skeids hjemmebane i mange år, men den ble Sigrid Lem fra Forskerforbundet og «Bybane»-buss snart i Bergen forlatt etter at den ikke tilfredstilte forballfor- Unio er først og fremst oppgitt over at staten Den første av to hybridbusser Skyss bundets krav for spill i øvre divisjoner. ikke på noen måte konkretiserte tilbudet sitt har bestilt fra Belgia er snart ferdig. — Gressmatten på stadion har ikke har før forhandlingsfristen gikk ut onsdag. Det blir veldig spennende å få dem på vært i bruk siden 2011. Dermed har den — Hadde de vært konkrete ville det veien, sier Ingrid Dreyer i Skyss. De ærverdige stadion grodd igjen. vært lettere å konkludere, sier hun. toleddete bussene er utstyrt med både I 2006 vedtok bystyret en storstilt utbyg- Rikke Ringsrød i Akademikerne er forbrenningsmotor og elmotor, og ser ging av idrettsanlegget på Voldsløkka, kost- minst like oppgitt som de andre over at mot- ut som en blanding av buss og bybane, nadsberegnet til 166 millioner kroner, men parten ikke ser ut til å ta forhandlingene på skriver BT. Nå er den første bussen sn- planene ble aldri realisert. alvor, og i stedet styre mot megling. Men art ferdigstilt på Van Hool-fabrikken i — Grepet med å dele planen for idrett- signalet om en stor lokal pott uten føringer Belgia. Etter planen skal den leveres sparken på Bjølsen i to, gjør at man kommer om likelønn eller andre prioriteringer liker til Bergen 22. september. Først må i gang med noe, sier Fredriksen. hun godt. bussen testes, og sjåfører og vedlike- Nå fremmes reguleringsplanen for første Akademikerne vil helst at hele lønnsve- holdspersonell læres opp. — Vi gleder del av Voldsløkka-utbyggingen. ksten skal skje lokalt, etter de enkelte virk- oss til å se dem i trafikk og få være Den består av to hovedelementer. somhetenes behov. En slik systemendring får med på å prøve ut helt ny teknologi, Det ene er skatehallen der de forfalne Foto: asofrim.com de ikke til i år. sier kommunikasjonsrådgiver Dreyer. skaterampene ligger i dag. Voldsløkka stadion. — Vi har likestillingsloven og jeg tror at De nye hybridbussene og de nesten Det andre er en landhockey- og kunstis- man kan ta hensyn til likelønn lokalt, der det hundre vanlige gassbussene som aller- bane med nytt klubbhus for Sagene Idretts- er planavklart kan komme i gang og vi kan er behov, sier hun. ede er i drift i Bergen, skal gå på bio- forening ved Skeids gamle fotballstadion. gjøre et vedtak. Landhockeybanen kan bli Onsdag ble forhandlingene i staten og gass fra det nye biogassanlegget i Rå- Bystyret har tidligere satt av penger både kunstisbane om vinteren, sier Fredriksen. kommunene brutt, det kan bli streik fra man- dalen. — Vi håper anlegget blir ferdig til skatehall og landhockeybane. i løpet av 2015. Når bussene går på Disse ligger nå i en felles pott til idrett- English Synopsis: The Norwegian Confederation of biogass vil de ikke slippe ut noe CO2, sinvesteringer, og det endelige bevilgnings- English Synopsis: The Oslo city council has decided Trade Unions opposes the cabinet minister Jan Tore sier Bjørlykke. vedtaket blir gjort når prislappen foreligger. to build a field hocky field and skatehall at Voldsløk- Sanner’s desires to reverse the equal-pay policy in the state wage agreements. (Aftenposten) — Det innebærer at de anleggene som ka, the abondoned soccer stadium in Oslo. Norwegian american weekly May 9, 2014 • 3 News Support wanes This week in brief Inside Finance NO Massive opposition to Norwegian EU for Oslo OL membership An interview with Idar Seventy percent of all Norwegians Kreutzer, Managing votes are opposed to Norwegian EU mem- against Oslo’s Olympic bership, while only 20 percent would Director of Norway’s like to see Norway become a member top financial institution bid after long debate of the Union. This is shown by a poll made by Sentio for the newspapers Norway Post / Aftenposten Nationene and Klassekampen. There Marit Fosse is a majority in all parties in Parlia- Geneva, Switzerland The Progress Party (Frp) has decided ment (Stortinget) against Norwegian that they will not support an application to EWU membership. In Norway Idar Kreutzer is a very well- host the Olympic Games in Oslo in 2022. (Norway Post / NRK) known name; perhaps he enjoys more re- With a slight majority of 115 of a total spect than anybody else in the Norwegian of 219 votes, including the support of Minis- Norwegians work less for their food business world. He is the man most people ter of Finance , the Progress Party Norwegians are among those in Eu- would like to have as their boss. Not only (Frp) National Assembly this past weekend rope who have to work fewest hours is he known for being a brilliant economist decided not to support an application from for their food, according to a price from the prestigious Norwegian School of Norway to host the Olympics. This means comparison between 10 European na- Economics (NHH), but he was the CEO of Photo: Kjetil Ree / Wikimedia Commons that the party will not support a guarantee for tions, VG reports. According to the Norway’s biggest insurance company for Idar Kreutzer. financial governmental aid if Oslo were to newspaper, Norwegians have to put in 12 years. He is also a humanist who thinks host the Winter Olympics in 2022. only 1 hour and 48 minutes in order to about the well-being of his staff, and always ugee Council. However, Linda Cathrine Helleland, afford to buy food for a week. Switzer- tries to foresee the consequences of his deci- representative on the Conservative Party land comes next, with 2 hours and 3 sions on the daily life of people. Today, he is Q: You are one of Norway’s most influ- (Høyre) says that the Progress Party’s deci- minutes. Austrians, at the other end of the managing director of Finance Norway, ential businessmen. Could you tell us what sion does not mean that all hope is lost for the scale, have to work 3 hours and 39 the organization uniting all of the Norwe- you are doing in Finance Norway? Olympics in Oslo. However, she is disap- minutes for the same foodbasket. gian financial institutions, and in addition A: Finance Norway is an industry or- pointed with their vote. The main reason for this is that the he holds elected positions in several of Nor- ganization representing all the Norwegian “I had hoped that the National as- pay per hour is much higher in Nor- way’s biggest companies—the Post, Hydro, banks and insurance companies—in all 220 semblies of the government coalition par- way than the rest of Europe. Accord- Statoil, Orkla. He is also the chairman of businesses employing about 50,000 people ties would not decide on ongoing issues in ing to Eurostat, the hourly wage in the board of the Norwegian Refugee Coun- and having 5,300 billion Norwegian kroner Government before they are processed more Norway is 57 percent higher than the cil, and sits on the board of the University of in total assets. A large part of the Norwegian thoroughly, and all necessary information is average for the 10 countries. Eurostat Oslo. We had the opportunity to meet him in financial system is represented here. available,” Helland says. also shows that Norwegians use 13.3 Oslo after he had returned from a field trip We are working in three major areas. Frank Willy Djuvik from the Progress percent of their household expenses to South Sudan, together with Jan Egeland, on food, while for example Italians use See > Kreutzer, page 14 See > olympics, page 4 the Secretary General of the Norwegian Ref- 14.2 percent. (Norway Post / VG) New SAS route Release of OSCE observers welcomed to Houston Car use levels off Norwegian Foreign Minister Børge After peaking in 2008, Norwegians’ car use stagnates Brende has welcomed the release of Luxury flight will cater the seven observers from the Organi- zation for Security and Co-operation to oil business people in Europe (OSCE) who were held by pro-Russian activists in East Ukraine. Norway Post / Aftenposten However, Brende says he is concerned over the situation in Ukraine. The At NOK 30,000 per fare, the new non- OSCE observers who were captured stop SAS flight from Stavanger to Houston a week before, were released to the is tailored to a very specific market. If you of the OSCE, Norwegian want to buy a ticket for SAS’s new flight diplomat Thorbjørn Jagland, who said from Norway’s oil capital Stavanger to the release was made possible through Houston, you are going to have to dig deep. a joint initiative by Russia’s represen- The most flexible fare costs NOK 50,000 tative Vladimir Lukin and himself. round trip, and a slightly more restricted fare (Norway Post / NRK) sells for NOK 30,000. There is no economy class on the flight, which caters to some of Skiing star admits to drunken driving the biggest oil companies in Norway and the Norway’s high-profile cross-country U.S. skier Petter Northug has admitted that “We have worked on this route for so it was he who drove into the safety rail long that we believe in it, although it is an Photo: epSos.de / Wikimedia Commons and crashed his car off the road near unusual project for SAS. But it offers an ef- Despite a tapering off of car use, overall levels of traffic haven’t seen a drop. Trondheim Sunday morning. Northug ficient flight between the continents,” says has also admitted that he was under the Communication Advisor in SAS, Tormod Norway Post / Aftenposten However, Johansen points out that al- influence of alcohol at the time. Sandstø. Passengers that arrive from other though the individual Norwegian’s car use The car was completely wrecked, and airports will be able to connect with the di- Figures show that the increase in has stagnated, driving in Norway overall has a passenger in his 20s was injured rect flight to Houston in only 30 minutes. people’s use of cars has stagnated after it increased. The reason for this is the increase and taken to hospital. Northug left the The total flying time from Stavanger reached a peak in 2008. At the same time, in working immigrants, as well as population scene before anyone arrived, but was will be 10 hours and 30 minutes, but you fewer youth have a driver’s license. growth. located by the police. will not have to worry too much about not A report prepared by the Norwegian Parallel to the stagnation in car use there Northug says in a press release that he being able to stretch your legs. The cabin Roads Administration for Aftenposten shows is a decrease in the number of youth with a is deeply disappointed over his own will only have 44 seats, and be equipped that the increase in the number of people driver’s license. In 1992, 80 percent of Nor- behavior. “I want to express my deep- with large, comfortable reclining chairs— who use a car has been at a standstill for the wegians between 18 and 24 years old had est apologies for what happened. I am and plenty of leg room. past six-seven years, after decades of steady their license. In 2012, the percentage had very unhappy over what happened, “Travelers will experience a very high growth. dropped to only 67 percent, according to fig- and I am ready to take the punishment level of SAS standard,” CEO Eivind Roald “There are several signs which indicate ures from Statistics Norway. for my actions. I know that this will said when SAS presented the new route ear- that we have experienced a stagnation in the The reason why fewer people choose to probably be the toughest race of my lier this year. He also pointed out that the past years when it comes to Norwegians’ use drive may be connected to a change in trends life, but I am willing to make an effort of cars,” says Kjell Johansen, senior advisor to succeed,” Northug wrote. See > SAS, page 5 in the Public Roads Administration. See > driving, page 4 (Norway Post / NRK) 4 • May 9, 2014 norwegian american weekly opinion

A message from Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun Editor’s Notes Join the conversation! Our secret holiday

In trying to explain why I have been and gulping margaritas in cel- < driving having a busy week at my new job, I keep ebration of Cinco de Mayo, From page 3 finding that I have to start way, way back: a holiday I know I’m pretty “So there’s this holiday, right? In Nor- vague on. Mexican Indepen- and habits, Johansen explains. “A day only way? It’s sort of like the fourth of July?” dence Day? Two months ago has 24 hours, and driving faces tougher and Anyone? Bueller? it was green beer and four-leaf tougher competition from other activities. And nevermind trying to explain to clovers. I’m told some Ameri- There are not many people who go on Sun- anyone that it is the bicentennial of the cans—perhaps faced with a day drives anymore. That was common 10 constitution, but not really Independence glut of red, white, and blue years ago,” he says. Day, and anyway which independence are foods and decorations post- you talking about? I’m still sorting all that Independence Day—are even history part out myself. drinking to Bastille Day. < olympics (Frankly, I’m still sorting out all the At any rate, they’ve heard From page 3 culture stuff too, and language, and and of it. and. It’s as though I suddenly became As it turns out, almost Party in Sogn and Fjordane County voted no, Norwegian four months ago. Which cer- every country celebrates a na- and is very pleased. “Now we can congratu- tainly adds to my apprehension about this tional day. (For extra credit, late the tax payers,” he tells Aftenposten. special Syttende Mai issue—I hope I’ve can anyone name the two Djuvik says that the expectation is that done all right!) countries that don’t?) If one his fellow party members put pressure on Still, my roots are there—as the ac- was so inclined, one could the Conservative Party in order to stop the companying photo can attest. toast to a new nation nearly Olympics in Oslo. “It must have an enor- I grew up in Ballard, back when th every day. (May 9, for ex- mous influence that the Progress Party and eNorwegian neighborhood of Seattle ample, is celebrated in Jersey, the Minister of Finance has voted against was even more Norwegian than it is to- Guernsey, Alderney, Herm, this,” Djuvik says. day. Being part of one of the largest Syt- Sark, and the British Islands Oslo’s Mayor Fabian Stang had hoped tende Mai celebrations in the world, it all as Liberation Day—the end that the Progress Party would not vote on seemed normal to me (along with lutefisk of their WWII occupation. a final yes or no to the Olympics until the on Christmas Eve and marzipan pigs and So not exactly the same, but Photo: Kay Skaftun fall. Hopefully they will give themselves “uff da” as all-purpose mild expletive), who’s counting?) It’s hard to believe I ever thought this was normal. And can some more time and room until they come and it wasn’t until I was a bit older that But let’s be grateful for you believe those cheeks? I can’t believe I’m publishing this to a conclusion, Stang told Aftenposten on I realized Syttende Mai wasn’t one of the a moment that some National embarrassing relic from before I knew enough to avoid cam- Friday, May 2. stars in your average American’s constel- Days have yet to be coōpted. eras. Enjoy! After Saturday’s vote Stang is disap- lation of holidays. While I can imagine frat boys pointed, but still hopeful. He says that the This is somewhat frustrating when shooting aquavit at their pølse parties, say- This is a historic, monumental Syt- government will now have to decide whether trying to explain my current stress to out- ing “Ja, you betcha,” and squawking like the tende Mai—and it’s all ours. Gratulerer they want a thorough debate in Parliament siders, and it’s also surprising. As I write Swedish Chef (close enough, right?) . . . med dagen, Norway! Here’s to another that includes all facts. “In that case it might this, America is chowing down on tacos I prefer not to. 200 years. be possible that the Labor Party would sup- port the Olympics Games in Oslo,” Stang The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not says. an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor.

Gratulerer Med Dagen Happy 17th of May Congratulations from all of us! Norway! You don’t Vesterdalen 2-131 look a day over 175! Norwegian American Weekly Sons of Norway Ima Norwegian Auburn, Wash. www.ImaNorwegian.com

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Calendar Heritage « Lykkens rot er nestekjærlighet Enjoy Norway all year long. Syttende Mai — ønsket om å stå til tjeneste Libraries after events nationwide for andre. » dark Read more on pages 10-11 – Dalai Lama Read more on page 14 Norwegian American Weekly Vol. 125 No. 17 May 2, 2014 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $2.00 per copy Keep up with Norway and Name: ______Phone: ______Sigrid Gurie, American film star the Norwegian-American

Although she grew up «in Norway, Sigrid Gurie is community with the only Address: ______remembered as an American film star, but she was also a thoughtful and caring woman Norwegian newspaper in North of fine artistic talent who had many good friends in both the world of Hollywood and the City/State/Zip: ______world of art in America America, now in its 125th year!

LaVonne Houlton, Sigrid Gurie’s third cousin, as quoted in the Norwegian American Hall of» Fame Visa / Mastercard: ______Joanne Gray Daughters of Norway Subscribe by While Norway and Norwegians were still celebrating Norwegian Constitution Day in 1911, two Norwegian citizens were born in Flatbush, a sector of , New York. Sigrid Gurie Haukelid and her twin brother Knut were born to Sigrid Johanne the end of May ______CVV: Christopherson and Bjørulf Knutson Hauke- Expiration: lid on May 18. Both twins would each gain worldwide attention for unrelated accom- plishments. At the time the twins were born, Bjørulf What’s inside? Haukelid had been working as a civil en- News 2-3 gineer with the New York Subway System to secure the $ Business 4 since 1902. When the twins were less than Opinion 5 a year old, the Haukelid family moved back to Norway. Sigrid was educated in Norway, Sports 6 and . Her brother, Knut Obituaries & Religion 7 Haukelid, became a leader of the Norwegian Questions? Call us toll-free at (800) 305-0217, email [email protected], Taste of Norway 8 underground during World War II and was current rate of In Your Neighborhood 9 given major credit for blocking the Germans from producing and shipping “heavy water,” Calendar 10-11 which was part of their objective of develop- Roots & Connections 12-13 ing the atomic bomb. Knut’s exploits were 59 depicted in the 1965 movie “The Heroes of or write to us. You can also subscribe with a credit card over the phone! Norwegian Heritage 14 Arts & Style 15 Telemark.” In 1936, Sigrid arrived in Hollywood and was soon discovered by film magnate $1 = NOK 6.001 Sam Goldwyn. Goldwyn was under the im- updated 04/28/2014 pression that she had been born in Norway In comparison See > Gurie, page 12 03/28/2014 5.9983 10/28/2013 5.8928 04/28/2013 5.8510 Photo credits: (books) Faungg / Flickr; (self-portrait) early California Antiques or mail check to: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. norwegian american weekly May 9, 2014 • 5 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Write to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Letter to the Editor, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, or email us at [email protected], subject line Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] Copy Editor April 9 And back they came and those of you readers Dear K, Harry Svenkerud [email protected] who still remember those days in May 1945, All the thanks go to the students them- Dear Editor, I know like I, do not have a dry eye. selves! I agree, they are an inspiration. Advertising I am delighted with Eric from Reston,Va. And I suppose we’d best save some Drew Gardner [email protected] for his letter to your correspondence column Sincerely, thanks for Larrie Wanberg, who manages Subscriptions published on April 25, 2014. John to find a terrific story on an almost weekly John Erik Stacy [email protected] I also read Christine Anderson’s memo- Stanford, Calif. basis! Intern / Nyheter fra Norge ries but did not have time to write a com- Molly Andrus [email protected] ment or two. Therefore I was very happy that Students with Hearts Sincerely, Contributors Eric wrote. This letter serves to support his Editor Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. various assertions in case there should be Lina Aas-Helseth Gran Canaria, Canary Islands some doubters out there about the facts deal- To Norwegian American Weekly staff and Crosswords Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. ing with Norwegian campaign from April to the high school volunteer group at Santa Carla Danziger McLean, Va. June 1940. Ynez High School, Dear Editor, Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway On 27 May 1940 Norwegian and some Wow! My husband and I have just finished Marit Fosse G geneva, Switzerland allied troops (English, French (including the The “Students with Hearts” high school doing the April 18, 2014 Norwegian Ameri- Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. French foreign legion), and Polish) defeated student initiative for senior citizens (April can Weekly Crossword together. He is from Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. and recaptured Narvik. The general in charge 11, 2014) sure struck a chord in my heart! Oslo, I am American. We are both avid puz- Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. of this historical military win was a Norwe- I am so proud of these youth who “let their zle doers, but he does his in Norwegian, I do Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. gian General called Carl Gustav Fleicher. light (and lives!) shine” for others in such mine in English. We really enjoyed working Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. He was in charge of the 6th Division. My creative and caring ways. together as we used to when we would do Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. father, who was a Captain in the Norwegian The transforming effect of youthful the Norwegian/English crossword puzzles Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Medical Corp (6th Division), remembers energy, outreach, and love cannot be over- in Nordisk Tidende. We fervently hope you Whitney Love Oslo, Norway Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y this time in Narvik very well. The surviv- rated. It is powerful and makes a profound continue to include them in your paper. Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. ing Germans surrendered, but since Hitler difference in the lives of people who are Thank you Ed Egerdahl! Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. attacked Holland, France, etc. in June 1940, struggling to find meaning and daily strength Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. David Moe Sun City, Calif. it was a military decision not to fight on two – especially for the senior population. I have Tusen takk! Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. fronts. One being in Northern Norway and watched this heartfelt exchange between Karen and Ornulf Sada Reed Chapel Hill, N.C. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. one being in France. As a matter of interest youth and seniors firsthand over the past 20 Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash. the French surrendered in two weeks while years in a senior retirement community dur- the Norwegian won after two months. It is ing and after biweekly Sunday service. Now Dear Karen and Ornulf, Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a a fact that Norway was handed to Hitler as it is also being experienced in our own fam- Thank you for writing in with that! Ed’s question or comment about news coverage call a tactical decision. King Haakon and many ily because of aging family members. crosswords are pretty great, but you must (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly of the military and members of the Truly, thoughtfully invested lives DO you remember the clue: when in doubt, the reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and left Narvik on and around the 7th of June by make an impact. answer is “Ed.” the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, boat to England. Thank you, students, for making such This week we’ve got a special treat for in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this Eric is correct in stating that recapturing a positive difference! And you may never you: one of the actual Nordisk Tidende cross- newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily Narvik was Hitler’s first defeat in the Second know how seemingly “little” acts of God’s words. There’s a limited supply of these right those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our World War. General Fleicher, as the Head of love may take off and ripple out across the now, so I have been rationing them out. But publication of those views is not an endorsement Norway’s army, in his BBC New Year’s mes- globe! God BLESS you! there will certainly be more of both to come! of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s sage to Norway in 1940 said: “Without steel editorials should be directed to the publisher. • helmets, without gas masks, without tanks, Sincerely, Sincerly, Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly without machine pistols, without hand gre- K. Reiss Editor except the first week of the calendar year, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks ofA ugust nades and next to useless air defense you (the Garden Grove, Calif. by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Please Norwegian soldier) got stuck in and fought. send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE You gave the Germans their first defeat in Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Cost: US $59 Domestic, US $79 to Canada, US the Second World War, recaptured Narvik.” $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. (Reference: Arnfinn Haga, Alta Bataljon the big oil trade fare in Stavanger, Offshore < SAS SINCE MAY 17, 1889: 1940, J. W. Cappelens Forlag 1998). So how From page 3 Northern Seas. Formerly Norway Times did they do it? With the very effective unique was also a possible depar- Western Viking & Washington Posten bolt action Norwegian rifle called Krag-Jor- route is directed at a very specific market, ture city for the new direct route, but Stavan- Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten gensen (6.5 cal). with very special needs. And it is not a coin- ger succeeded at securing SAS’s second og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven It is also a fact that as the King sailed cidence, Aftenposten points out, that the first direct intercontinental route from Norway. away, he turned and said: “We will be back.” flight is scheduled for August 20, just before The airline also flies from Oslo to New York. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC.

Han Ola og Han Per with new translations by John Erik Stacy

This son of a gun is out of control! Maybe we should give I don’t know what we should dream up. We My goodness, Have you seen up this trip to the coast, We don’t need to go What should we do will land in the poor- we’ve left the the like! We have Good gracious, are Per, and turn east again. to the coast now that this summer, Ola, house in the end. dining car! to turn back. you crazy, Per! winter is almost over. do you have plans? 6 • May 9, 2014 norwegian american weekly business Business News & Notes Aker Solution splits into two companies state-of-the-art offshore field design. The other units, including Drilling Springtime for Norwegian engineering company Aker Solu- tions has announced that the company will Technologies, Aker Oilfield Services, and be split to boost Competitiveness and Value Process Systems, will be developed inde- Creation. pendently as part of a new oil-services in- In a press release, Aker states that the vestment company, named Akastor. These snowshoes aim is to speed up a streamlining process business areas, which have significant op- that will reduce costs and better position all erational, technological and commercial dif- Norwegian startup re-invents the age- parts of the group to meet the needs of cus- ferences, will have greater strategic freedom tomers in an increasingly competitive global to develop individually through both organic old winter transportation device energy industry. growth and transactions. The Subsea, Umbilicals, Engineering The split, which will take place as a and Maintenance, and Modifications and spin-off of the new Aker Solutions, is sched- Operations (MMO) areas will form a new uled to occur around the end of September. company under the Aker Solutions name. Both companies will be listed on the Oslo The company will be more strategically stock exchange. aligned, have a narrower focus and deeper (Norway Post / NRK) synergies to strengthen its leading position through its unique subsea technology and The Scandinavian Hour Celebrating over 50 years on the air! KKNW – 1150 AM Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Photo courtesy of Fimbulvetr Streaming live on the internet at: These snowshoes are more flexible and lightweight than older models. www.1150kknw.com

Rasmus Falck At a presentation at Seed Forum in Oslo Oslo, Norway one of the entrepreneurs, Christian Brunsvig, said that the shoes are for winter enthusiasts A Norwegian startup company is in- and professional users, rescue people, expe- troducing the world’s first and only snow- ditions, hunters, soldiers, researchers, and shoes with a patented integrated hinge. They field engineers. Half of the market for snow- let you move like never before on snow. It shoes is in America with 4.5 million users. may look like a big slice of Swiss cheese, There snowshoeing is more popular than Gratulerer med dagen! but the Fimbulvetr snowshoe is actually a cross-country skiing, with 40 percent growth high-end sporting good product from Nor- last year. Since November Fimbulvetr has way. The snowshoe is designed to be light, sold some hundred snowshoes. Expecta- comfortable, and easy to walk in no matter tions for next season are sales of 3,000 pairs. how nasty the weather. First there were bent Three years from now the goal is 25 percent branches. Then there were tubular aluminum market share and sales of 100 million NOK. frames. Now, plastics and composites are be- The company wants to manufacture lo- coming more and more popular in snowshoe cally. When you do, you pay no customs and construction with free, more comfortable you don’t have to wait two months on the strides. container from China. Since the snowshoes After researching 6,000 years of snow- have few parts, costs might even be cheaper. shoe evolution, the entrepreneurs as hard- Fimbulvetr just won the Red Dot Award, the core winter enthusiasts set out to create a Norwegian Design Council’s Award for De- stronger, lighter, more durable and ergonom- sign Excellence, and the ISPO Brand New ic snowshoe from scratch. Other snowshoes in Munich. typically have many breakable parts, feel de- The entrepreneurs are in the market for FAITH tached, and limit movements. Through rede- investors. To accelerate in America they are We’re a membership organization of sign, prototyping, and testing, the entrepre- looking for financial partners. At Seed Fo- Christians who want to be wise with neurs developed a high-end tool for superior rum in Oslo they mentioned that they al- money and live generously. personal winter mobility. After four years ready have plans for investor presentations FINANCES the product was launched last November. in Minneapolis and New York, so look for Backed by 100 years of experience, them soon! we can help guide you to your In Norse mythology, Fimbulvetr (or financial goals. fimbulwinter), is the immediate prelude to the events of Ragnarok. It simply means Rasmus Falck is a strong “Mighty Winter.” In Norway the term is still innovation and entrepre- used to refer to an unusually cold and harsh neurship advocate. The GENEROSITY winter. The name signals our age-long heri- author of “What do the We can help you strengthen the community tage and experience with the white, harsh, best do better” and “The where you live, work and worship. cold season in Norway. In Norway, you ei- board of directors as a

LET’S START A ther learn to love winter or you’re going to resource in SME,” he re-

have a hard time half the year. For the ones ceived his masters degree


(Superior) who take winter for what it is, a whole other from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He ABOUT MONEY A currently lives in Oslo, Norway. ++ April 2013 world opens.

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Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-847-4836 • 27950NAWA R3-14 Euro 0.7205 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. norwegian american weekly May 9, 2014 • 7 sports 7-fjellsturen: a hike of seven mountains Bergen’s annual mountain hike rewards thousands with marvellous views of the city

Molly Andrus • Silver trophy for 28 years Norwegian American Weekly • Gold trophy for 35 years

Thousands of Norwegians are ready to Over the years, 28 individuals have been take to the beautiful mountains of Bergen for awarded a gold trophy! In addition, six have a challenging journey on Sunday, May 25. received a diploma for 42 years of participa- The Seven Mountains Hike, called 7-fjells- tion. In 2010, Seven Mountains Hike enthu- turen in Norwegian, is an annual event or- siast Arvid Bjørsvik was awarded a diploma ganized by the Bergen Trekking Association for 49 years. Now that is dedication! (Bergen Turlag). The Seven Mountains Hike began in Attracting around 8,000 participants 1948, with 206 participants. The event grew each year, the Seven Mountains Hike is in popularity throughout the twentieth cen- the biggest single event of the Norwegian tury, but has really taken off since 2000. Trekking Association (Den Norske Turist- Interestingly, the Seven Mountains Hike forening). The marked trail is approximately is not a timed event. This may seem unusu- 35 kilometers, with a high point around 640 al to an American, because the majority of meters, and an elevation gain around 2,400 recreational events in the are meters. The average participant in the Seven focused on competing. But the hike is not a Mountains Hike reaches the finish line in competition; it is an invitation to experience eight hours. In other words, this is not an the nature of Bergen. The Bergen Trekking event for inexperienced hikers! Association’s website notes, “If you love The hikers will meet early in the morn- walking and hiking and would like to experi- ing at Gravdal, a neighborhood in Bergen’s ence Bergen, the fjords, and the west coast of Norway from the bird’s eye view, then par- Laksevåg district. The trail will then lead the Photo: Jan’s fotoside / Wikimedia Commons thousands of participants through Bergen’s The view of Bergen’s Vågen bay from Mt Fløyen, one of the seven hills visited. ticipating in this trekking adventure might be seven mountains, starting with Lyderhorn your cup of tea.” and ending with Sandviksfjellet. Here are In case participants are feeling a bit out the seven mountains and their elevations: sights from the highest point at Ulriken, ac- at Danmarksplass, skipping the first three of shape after the long winter, the Bergen 1. Lyderhorn (396 meters) cording to Norway’s hike-planning website mountains of the full hike. Trekking Association is organizing training 2. Damsgårdsfjellet (350 meters) UT.no. At the finish line, all hikers receive a t- sessions on the Tuesdays leading up to event. 3. Løvstakken (477 meters) After defeating the mountains, the par- shirt and a diploma to celebrate their perse- Year after year, Norwegians return to 4. Ulriken (640 meters) ticipants will end at the Bergen Trekking As- verance. First-time participants are honored the seven mountains to experience Bergen at 5. Fløyfjellet (400 meters) sociation’s headquarters, right in Bergen’s with a bronze plaque. The Bergen Trekking its finest. What better way to celebrate the 6. Rundemannen (560 meters) city center. Association celebrates Seven Mountains beauty of Norway following Syttende Mai? 7. Sandviksfjellet (417 meters) For those who feel that the Seven Moun- Hike veterans with special prizes: tains Hike is a bit too strenuous, there is also • Silver plaque for seven years For more information about the Seven The highlights of the journey include a Four Mountains Hike (4-fjellsturen) avail- • Gold plaque for 14 years Mountains Hike, visit www.bergenoghorda- the view of Bergen from Løvstakken and the able. This trail starts at the Årstad school • Bronze trophy for 21 years landturlag.no/7-fjellsturen/.

Sports News & Notes Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League results Standings into the lead after just over 30 minutes. Football: Aalesund in season’s first win 5/5 Stabæk 0 – 3 Vålerenga Tippeligaen PLD PTS Molde won the match 2-0. Sakari Mattila and Torbjørn Grytten scored 5/5 Viking 1 – 1 Odd 1. Molde 7 18 (NRK) one goal each as Aalesund won 2-1 over 5/4 Haugesund 1 – 2 Aalesund 2. Strømsgodset 7 16 Haugesund away from home. This is Aale- 5/4 Sarpsborg 08 2 – 1 Sandnes Ulf 3. Viking 7 15 sund’s first victory this season. Daniel Bam- Chess: New triumph for Carlsen Lillestrøm 2 – 0 Sogndal 5/4 4. Vålerenga 7 13 berg scored the home team’s goal. Reigning Chess World Champion Magnus 5/4 Rosenborg 0 – 2 Molde 5. Rosenborg 7 12 (NRK) Carlsen won the Vugar Gashimov Memorial 5/4 Strømsgodset 2 – 0 Bodø/Glimt tournament in Azerbaijan on Wednesday, 5/4 Start 1 – 1 Brann 6. Lillestrøm 7 11 Football: Tougher penalties for Badji April 30, when he defeated Italian Fabiano 5/1 Aalesund 1 – 2 Viking 7. Sarpsborg 08 7 11 Brann player Stéphane Badji received a Caruana. Carlsen had five wins, three remis, 5/1 Bodø/Glimt 1 – 2 Lillestrøm 8. Odd 7 11 three-match ban for his red card in the May 4 and two losses in the tournament. 5/1 Molde 2 – 0 Start 9. Stabæk 7 9 (Norway Post / NRK) Vålerenga 3 – 0 Strømsgodset game against Rosenborg at Lerkendal, NTB 5/1 10. Start 7 8 reported. Badji had to be restrained by team- 5/1 Odd 2 – 0 Sarpsborg 08 11. Aalesund 7 6 mates and coach Rikard Norling when he got Rallycross: Solberg wins in Portugal 5/1 Sogndal 1 – 2 Rosenborg a red card by referee Svein-Erik Edvartsen. Norway’s former FIA World Rally Cham- 4/30 Brann 1 – 3 Haugesund 12. Bodø/Glimt 7 5 (NRK) pion Petter Solberg (Citroën DS3) drove 4/30 Sandnes Ulf 2 – 1 Stabæk 13. Haugesund 7 5 to victory during the first round of the FIA 14. Brann 7 5 To read more about football in Football: Rosenborg loss after mistake World Rallycross Championship in Portugal 15. Sandnes Ulf 7 5 Norway, visit Mikael Dorsin and Alexander Lund Hansen on Sunday, May 4. www.uefa.com 16. Sogndal 7 4 messed it up properly when Molde went (Norway Post / NRK / Aftenposten)


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A full day of celebration in Seattle, Washington

With a full day of activities on Marit Kristiansen was born Grand Marshal on a small island in Nordland May 17, the streets of Ballard – Våg in Gildeskål Kommune Marit Kristiansen come alive with music and – and immigrated with her family to Seattle in 1949. celebration of Norwegian Marit has been a member of Constitution Day! Bernt Balchen Lodge #2-046 in Anchorage, Alaska since 1968. Kids games at Nordic Museum – 10-4 p.m. She has held numerous local Free admission all day at Nordic Heritage Mu- lodge positions. She is the current International President seum (3014 NW 68th St). Enjoy Scandinavian of the Sons of Norway. She food and beverages, and crafts for the kids. Gratulerer med dagen from served on the Anchorage Sister Cities Commission for many Luncheon at Leif Erikson Hall – 12 p.m. years and was chair of the An- Tickets: $30 / person. RSVP to (206) 783- chorage Tromsø Committee. the Ballard Smoke Shop 1274 Honorary Marshals Entertainment at Bergen Place – 10-5 p.m. Live entertainment! Free admission Warren Aakervik Mari-Ann Kind Jackson

Warren Aakervik has Mari-Ann Kind Jackson was Nordic Cafe at Leif Erikson Hall – 3:30-5:30 worked for Ballard Oil born and raised in Borkenes, p.m. since 1955, and has been Kvæfjord. Mari-Ann became Purchase Scandinavian food and drink, and the President and General involved in the Norwegian learn about Scandinavian groups in the area Manager since 1988. Mr. American community by Aakervik has an extensive joining Sons of Norway in history of community 1962 in Spokane, where she 17th of May Parade – 6-8 p.m. involvement, including also taught Norwegian at the Come early to save a spot or better yet, serving as President of the local college extension. Mari- march with us! (Begins at NW 62nd St. and Ballard District Council. Ann has organized concert 24th Ave. NW all the way to Ballard Ave. and He is he is well known in tours for Sami and other Dock St.) Ballard for BBQing salmon artists, and is currently orga- for Seafood Fest and the nizing concerts in Western Norwegian Commercial Washington for a chorus from 17th of May Celebration Dance – 8:30- Club. North Norway. 11:30 p.m. At At Elks on Shilshole, 6411 Seaview Ave NW. Live music by “Jazz Unlimited Band.” Tickets available at the door for $10. No host bar. Free parking. Family owned & operated since 1971

opens 6:00 a.m. daily Learn more at 5439 Ballard Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98107 www.17thofmay.org

needs your help!

 Less than $30,000 is needed to complete the restoration of the mural at Bergen Place.

 An updated version of the new mural has been digitally scanned and is ready to be printed onto 1/2 inch graffiti- resistant panels.

 Help us maintain Bergen Place as a permanent landmark in the heart of Ballard honoring the community’s Nordic Image of Pastor O. L. Haavik has been added roots. to the section of the mural celebrating the annual blessing of the fleet. HOW TO CONTRIBUTE

 Send a check with “Bergen Place Mural” in the memo line: Friends of Bergen Place, c/o Nordic Heritage Muse- um, 3014 NW 67th Street, Seattle, WA 98117  Donate online: http://tinyurl.com/bergenplace 10 • May 9, 2014 norwegian american weekly roots & connections

orwegian Where to Buy High Class Norwegian Souvenirs N 101 (Hvor du kan kjøpe norske suvinerer av god kvalitet) Language practice with Heidi Håvan Grosch When you visit Norway (når du besøker Norge), you might want eiere) who built a factory (fabrikk) in Oslo in 1776. Today (i dag) there (kan det være lurt) to take back (å ta tilbake) something other (noe an- are over 58 stores throughout Norway (i hele Norge) specializing (spe- net) than a keychain (nøkkelring), Norwegian sweater (norsk genser), sialiserer seg) in quality products (på kvalitetsprodukter) from makers or postcards (postkort). Perhaps (kanskje) you want something (du vil like Hadeland, Porsgrunds, and Hardanger. ha noe) a bit finer (litt finere) to remember your travels (til minne din reise); something you can use on special occasions (ved spesielle an- What to buy (hva du kan kjøpe) ledninger), every day to impress (å imponere) the ones you are with Porcelain by artist Paul Pova: poulpavashop.com (de du er sammen med), or to remember your journey (til minne din The Danish painter (den danske maleren) Poul Pava is a self-edu- reise). And if luck is on your side (hvis lykken er på din side), the item cated artist (en selvlært kunstner) whose playful work (lekende arbeid) you want will even be on sale (vil selv være på salg/tilbud)… captures the child within us (fanger barnet i oss). Salt and pepper shak- ers (salt og pepper strøer), coffee cups (kaffekopper), bowls (skåler), What to buy (hva du kan kjøpe) plates (tallerkener), and glasses (glass) are among some of his practical Hardanger Bestikk (Hardanger flatware): hardangerbestikk.com creations (praktiske kreasjoner). Well packaged (godt pakket) in their Established (etablert) in 1958 Hardanger Bestikk (flatware), head- own colorful boxes (fargerike bokser), one of his pieces would make quartered (med hovedkontor) on the Hardanger Fjord, has a vast line a wonderful daily reminder (en fantastisk daglig påminnelse) of your (et enormt utvalg) of high quality flatware(bestikk av høy kvalitet) and trip to the land of fjord and fjell (til landet av fjord og fjell). His de- other tabletop necessities inspired by nature (inspirert av naturen). For sign collection (designsamlingen) is sold (er solgt) in over 300 stores the Norwegian tourist (den norske turist), their pewter (tinn) series, throughout Europe (i hele Europa) including (inkludert) the chain store Tradition, is a nice souvenir as it is decorated (er dekorert) with Nor- (kjedebutikken) Kitch’n. wegian images (med norske mønstre). Their website (webside) has a catalog (katalog) and goods can be purchased (kan kjøpes) at many of the finer chain stores(kjedebutikker) including Christina Glasmagasin.

Where to buy it (hvor du kan kjøpe det) Kitch’n: www.kitchn.no Kitch’n’s first kitchen store (kjøkkenbutikk) was launched (ble Where to buy it (hvor du kan kjøpe det) lansert) in 1996, and today there are 79 stores throughout the country Christina Glasmagasin: www.cg.no (over hele landet), with their flagship store(hovedbutikken) in Bogstad- This chain’s roots go back (går tilbake) to 1739 when Norway veien and Kvadrat in Sandnes near Stavanger. was still ruled by (da Norge var fortsatt styrt av Danmark). In 1750 the Danish-run glassworks (glassverk) Den Kongelige Norsk Norwenglish Crossword Campagni (the Royal Norwegian Company) went bankrupt (konkurs), by Andrew R. Thurston and was taken over (ble overtatt) by Norwegian owners (av norske Directions: Translate English words to Norwegian, or vice versa, before posting in the puzzle. Across/Vannrett 66. Contributors 12. One two 42. The vinegar 1. Chair 67. Acid 13. Tenke, mene 44. Spindelvev 5. Nyte 21. Spring (e) 46. Fraværende 10. Brukt Down/Loddrett 23. Forhindre 47. Vant 14. Grace, mercy 1. Bare, scant 25. Launch 49. Gjøre fast (Naut.) Karen Lindberg Utter Edmonds WA 15. I live 2. Tower 26. Trombone 50. Quiver 16. Ingen 3. Odin 27. Formode 51. Høysete 13. mai 17. Tørrlendt 4. The leader 28. Spent 52. Topic Thomas C. Rynning Seattle WA 18. The game 5. Salvo 29. Høne 53. Zone Edwin Helgeson Anoka MN 19. Gå i barndommen 6. I le 31. Once more 54. Czar Owen Bratvold Coeur d’Alene ID 20. Avkrefte 7. Cove 32. Leser 55. Luftig Ernest E. Templin Seattle WA 22. Down below 8. Above 35. Sweet 56. Steile Erik Sverre Vatne Mendota Heights MN 24. Angre på 9. Fornye 36. Vedde 57. Tease 9. mai 25. Lavere 10. The miracle 38. Borgermester 60. Spiste Hilda Helmerson Seattle WA 14. mai 26. The fine 11. Snart 39. Tree Margaret Landsem Chippewa Falls WI Bill Fosmoe Seattle WA 29. Skinke Jack Weeck San Francisco CA 30. Tårefylt 10. mai Klara Faugstad Ytre Arna Norway 34. The ape Linda Tengesdal Bartlett IL Orville Boe Willmar MN 35. Late Gabriel K. Ness Fordville ND Donna Driver-Kummen Falls City WA 36. Bedre Sanford Bergo Bellwood IL Andrew M. Berg Willmar MN 37. Synd Margaret Berg Seattle WA 38. Pattern Kristin Jordheim Denver CO 15. mai 40. Roof Judy Nilsen Cooper Edmonds WA Ted Hagfors Minneapolis MN 41. Frata sete John Lowell Juneau AK 43. Pea 11. mai Orlene Ericksen Kingston WA 44. Oppgi 45. Trengende Bertin Hansen Minneapolis MN Haldis Bartness Juneau AK 46. Er Olaf Tollefsen Arnegard ND Corey Myer So Laguna CA 47. Værst Johannes Johnson Kenmore ND Joan Kleven Davis Santa Clara CA 48. (Fishline) float Marie Halbrendt Elmwood Park IL Chris P. Solem West Dundee IL 50. Hulke Aryeh Lande Westfield NJ 51. Ønsker Kirsten Larson Thousand Oaks CA Want to see your birthday in the 54. Blikkvare (r) Norwegian American Weekly? 58. Amukk 12. mai 59. Minst Art Amundson Clermont IA Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@norway. 61. Owner Margot Kjerstad Mosjøen Norway com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one 62. Inn Kathleen H. Knudsen Seattle WA month in advance. 63. Assumes Joyce Ganung Eugene OR NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed 64. (Slem) unge Art Amundson Clermont IA away? Please notify us! 65. Sett norwegian american weekly May 9, 2014 • 11 obituaries & religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Patricia Eie Died April 8, 2014 Live and learn Patricia Eie, 82, passed away on April 8 I have a friend whose horse gave birth about the importance of letting people after a brief illness. Pat was born and raised to a colt this spring. She said that although learn by experience. My parents were in and moved to Seattle in everything went just fine with both the good at not intervening for me when I was the mid-60s with her husband, Leif, where colt and its mother, things did not go so in the process of learning many important they raised two children, Lisa and Christian, well for her. She said that after the colt lessons in my life. As a parent myself, I and were very active in the community. Pat was born it struggled for quite a while to know how tempting intervening on our and Leif loved to travel and visited coun- stand up. It would get up on its spindly children’s behalf can be. We hate to see tries on almost every continent, from South legs and promptly fall over. It took several our children struggle or experience pain. America to Africa to Australia, and many of these episodes before it could stand up We want to help them avoid the pain and places in between. Pat was an excellent cook and walk. During this time my friend said difficulties of learning things the hard and hostess and was well known for her din- that she desperately wanted to help the way, namely by experience. ner parties, which she took great pride in colt by picking it up. However, she knew Evidently you can ruin a horse if you planning. Pat and Leif retired to San Jose that doing so would actually cause the colt don’t let it learn to get up and walk on del Cabo, , in 1990, then moved to to not develop its legs properly. Once the its own after being born. If we want our Tucson, Arizona, where they remained. Pat colt could walk, it wanted to nurse, but the children and those around us to be strong is survived by her husband, Leif, and her mother would keep walking away from and healthy individuals, we will have to children, Lisa and Christian. the colt so that it had to walk quite a dis- let them live and learn. We will need to re- tance before being fed. The whole scene sist the temptation to step in and help them was very hard for a caring owner to watch. even though it may be the hardest thing for Trygve Lonnebotn My friend’s story made me think us to do. Died April 29, 2014 Community Connections Trygve Lonnebotn passed away on April 29, 2014, from heart failure. Gratulerer med Dagen! Trygve was born and grew up in Ber- gen, Norway. He remembered the German occupation of Norway during World War Happy birthday / Two well as their house was right next to a German camp. engagement / etc! After completing his mandatory mili- tary service, he attended the Technical Uni- versity in Trondheim, Norway, graduating in 1963 with a Master’s Degree in Chemical Your name and Engineering. In the summer of 1963, he worked as special message a lab technician at Ray-O-Vac corporation (now Spectrum Brands). He was offered a here! permanent position there and returned in 1965. Over the years he held many posi- For more information, call tions of increasing responsibility in the com- us at (800) 305-0217 or email pany. These included plant manager, general der of Merit, Knight First Class, by the king [email protected]. manager of the button cell business, Vice of Norway. President of Technology and Executive Vice Trygve is survived by his samboer of President of Operations. Trygve retired in more than twenty years, Melany Stinson 1999. Newby, Grynet Lonnebotn, mother of his He was involved in many Norwegian- children, and also by his daughter Anne Funeral Home American organizations. This included the Lindblom (Scott) and their children Chris- Norwegian Luncheon Club Madison Torske tian and Cecilie and by his son Paal Lon- SOlie and Crematory Klubben Charitable Foundation focusing on nebotn (Kathleen) and their children Jack, Honoring • Caring • Serving providing scholarships to Norwegian gradu- Mya, and Ava. He is also survived by a 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 ate students attending the University of brother, Petten, and a sister, Ingri, in Norway Wisconsin-Madison. He also served as the and numerous cousins.. president of the Madison-Oslo Sister City The family would like to extend their Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: Committee and as a trustee at the Vesterheim gratitude to Agrace HospiceCare, INC. for LEWIS O. TITLAND Certified Public Accountant Museum. the care and support they provided. Trygve Small businesses In 1996 he was appointed Honorary left us the way he tried to live, with a smile (206)789-5433 Individuals Consul representing Norway for the state of on his lips and a song in his heart. 221 1st Ave. W. Ste. 400 Specialized Assistance Seattle, WA 98119 Wisconsin. In 2005, he was awarded the Or-

Norwegian- Gratulerer owned med dagen! since 1963

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The Kingdom of The Rings by Duane Lindberg, P D

THE is saga of e Rings is KINGDOM Vesle Gunnlaug Little gunnlaug OF THE a must read for everyone RINGS who wonders about the del 2 part 2 movement of history toward Best som vesle Gunnlaug sat og åt av Just as little Gunnlaug was sitting the End Times. It is closely tied nista si, vart ho var ein fugl som hoppa there eating her lunch she noticed a bird to the stories of two families from bort gjennom lynget. “Ta den du,” sa ho hopping through the heather. “Take this,” Norway and one family from Egypt. og kasta ein klingbete til fuglen. she said and threw a tiny bit to the bird. e “mystery of the ree Interlocking Snart kom det ein fugl til og ville Soon there came one more bird that Rings” provides healing and hope, smaka på nista hennar. Han sette seg på wanted to taste her lunch. It sat on the as their descendants wait for the korghanken og åt av handa hennar. basket handle and ate from her hand. fulfi llment anticipated in the rejoining Til slutt var det ein heil fugleflokk Finally there was an entire flock of of . ikring vesle Gunnlaug. Og ho delte ut all birds around little Gunnlaug. And she e Rings maten ho hadde, endå ho slett ikkje var shared all the food she had, even though F   mett sjølv. she was not full herself. No er det best eg kjem meg på heim- I better start on my way home now, Duane R. Lindberg, PHD by Col. John A. Eidsmoe Professor, Oak Brook College of Law, Alabama vegen, tenkte Gunnlaug. Ho tok korga og Gunnlaug thought. She picked up her vassa bort gjennom lynget. Men no kjen- basket and went off through the heath- “Brilliant story.... is book has my best recommendation!” de ho seg ikkje att. Kvar var rette vegen? er. But now she did not know where she , Pastor, Ringsaker Church, Norway Rev. O. A. Gillebo No hugsa ho det mor hennar hadde was. Which was the correct way? Also recommended by: sagt om haugfolk og tussar og slikt. Vesle Then she remembered what her Dennis Sorheim, Past International President, Sons of Norway; Gunnlaug syntest at alt vart så stussleg, mother had said about gnomes, trolls, Jon Tehven, International Secretary, Sons of Norway; og ho sette seg på ein stein og gret. and such. Little Gunnlaug felt that every- Dr. Art Lee, Prof. Emeritus, Hist. Dept., Bemidji State Univ., Bemidji, MN; Då ho sat der og sutra, høyrde ho at thing was so wretched, that she sat down Dr. David Noble, Prof. Emeritus, Hist. & Amer. Studies, Univ. of MN, St. Paul; det tusla i lynget. Då ho snudde seg, vart on a rock and cried. Rev. Robert Dennis, Walker, MN; and others. ho var ein liten, gammal kall med stav i As she sat there sobbing, she heard handa. Dette kunne ikkje vera eit vanleg something rustling in the heather. When menneske, ottast vesle Gunnlaug. she turned, she became aware of a little S P-P  D  P old man with a staff in his hand. This could order from (Mention “Nor/Am 5/14” to get the discount.) not be a normal person, little Gunnlaug Hardback $19.95 – Paperback $16.95 feared anxiously. Add 8¼% Sales Tax (CA only) and $4.95 Shipping & Handling. (Phone for special pricing on 15 or more books.) Checks payable to: N   P • Phone 805-642-2070 • Fax 805-642-1862 Credit Cds by phone, 4562 Westinghouse St., Suite E, Ventura, CA 93003 Miss the beginning? Sign up or PayPal at Site: Website: NordskogPublishing.com; Email: [email protected] for our digital edition and get access to back issues!

$29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. Thanks for reading the Weekly! www.astrimyastri.com norwegian american weekly May 9, 2014 • 13 norwegian heritage Stories from the Heart of America

“Jostein Svendsen, Norwegian Serial Entrepreneur” by Larrie Wanberg, Features Editor

“It’s amazing to me,” said Jostein Mac users in Norway to the rest of the world. Svendsen, CEO of WeVideo, a global indus- But it gave me an insight into the digital rev- try leader in digital media and video, “that olution that was evolving. the seed of an idea that originated at an event “There was a moment when it all crys- Photo courtesy of Jostein Svendsen in Northern Norway more than 20 years ago tallized for me. I went to a meeting in Trom- The people at WeVideo have a good time changing the face of media. Jostein and his crew are serious now stands with a product at the center of a sø where Apple was introducing a new prod- about multi-media news. global revolution in digital media.” uct called ‘QuickTime.’ This was the first Jostein is an engaging, down-to-earth, time ever that you saw a digital video play successful entrepreneur with a humble be- on a computer. media sees that this is the future, and we are engaging other people wanting to be a part ginning, fun loving in all that he does, and “I was standing there in Tromsø and now working with several of the leading me- of it. If you get enough followers, then you an inspiration to anyone who believes in the next to me was the son of a Macintosh user dia companies in Europe and the US to real- reach a point of critical mass, you gain mo- Norwegian-American dream of making a group in the city. When we saw the video ize this vision.” mentum for a business to grow and your vi- difference in the world. play on a screen, we both looked at each Jostein summarized the view that led sion becomes reality.” He related his story during a casual other and said, ‘Wow, that’s going to change to his building four successful companies in The rest of the story of WeVideo, created lunch at a popular sidewalk cafe in the styl- the world.’ four different industries. More of the story by three Norwegian co-founders and grown ish setting of Santana Row with its Euro- “I saw that everything was going to of WeVideo can be viewed at www.wevideo. by engaging industry partnerships, can fill a pean flair of shops and cafes in San Jose, change ... media would have to completely com/about-us and find additional informa- virtual edition of Jostein’s “newspaper of the near where he lives. WeVideo offices are in reinvent itself—moving to digital—and the tion about Jostein and his journey as an en- future,” along with a documentary WeVideo Mountain View in Silicon Valley. power structures in society would change as trepreneur at www.linkedin.com/in/josteins- produced by a journalist with his by-line. His story flowed in a conversation that a of this. I decided to quit everything vendsen. The seed of an idea, born by youth in described how a seed of an idea as a youth else I was doing, and move south as a first “The key elements of entrepreneurial North Norway who envisioned a global vil- in Norway grew progressively into a leading step being a part of the coming media and leadership,” he said, “is an idea, a vision lage, is today changing the way that media global business through partnering with two Internet revolution. to implement it, a passion to energize the functions and empowers the way that global Norwegian educational-oriented entrepre- “Little did we know at the Tromsø event process, ability to articulate the vision and citizens interact. neurs—Bjørn Rustbergergaard and Roger in 1991, that the teenage youth standing next Larsen. to me, and me in my twenties, would both “I have always been into media ... all would be at the forefront of how digital my life,” he began. video would impact media organizations, “My first job at age 15 was as a jour- business, education and consumers around nalist with my local newspaper; I loved in- the world. “Together, we became two of the terviewing, telling stories, and writing about three founders of WeVideo more than 20 what’s going on in the world. years later. I also went to work for a local radio sta- “After that event in Tromsø, I decided tion at a time in the 80s when local stations to study digital media. I started at ‘Østfold were connecting with networks. College,’ which was leading institution in “But above all, I was enthusiastic about Norway for everything digital. While there, the movement of media toward Digital Me- I developed a prototype of a newspaper of dia and Internet Technologies. the future as a student. The design of the en- “I started as a youth connecting Macin- visioned newspaper of the future was com- tosh computer users in Norway through my pletely automatic that digitally produced online service called MacOnline Norway, one’s personalized newspaper about stories and was running a feed to the Internet in the gathered from all over the world, includ- basement of my parents’ home in North Nor- ing video, using a pre-Google search engine way in a community of 1,500 people. called ‘Gopher.’ “What was exhilarating to me was that “This prototype newspaper was assem- I could be up in Northern Norway, start con- bled by bringing text and video together into necting as a part of the Global Village, and one interactive format. The projected news- that I could enable other people all over Nor- paper would be running on a hand-held tab- way to likewise connect around the world. let 15 years before the iPad. “Because I had to do it on a ‘dial-up’ “Media has always been my passion,” system, my parents got a shock with the he said with smiling eyes and a hearty laugh. phone bill. It was not cheap to connect the “Now more than 20 years later everyone in

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Its activities are organized out of Norway, The second issue concerns the rules and the where the headquarters is based, but the regulatory frameworks for the industry na- NRC have 4,000 employees who are work- tionally and on a European level. The third ing specifically to help people in the field. It is what we would call value-added coopera- is a great organization wich has grown con- tion, such as ensuring for instance the pay- siderably in recent years. ment services in Norway. We therefore have My key motivation was to be able to use a significant responsibility to guarantee that my experience from business in a non-profit it is functioning well. organization. I have been very fortunate, and this is an opportunity to give something back. Q: How would you describe people’s Photo: Wikimedia Commons The NRC helps millions of the most vulner- confidence today in banks in the aftermath Humanitarian aid on its way from Europe to where it is needed. able people in the world, and to me person- of the 2008 financial crisis? ally it is very meaningful and a privilege to A: There is no doubt that the financial when you know that the decisions you are A: On a rational level, I have gained be a part of the team. crisis has contributed to a loss of confidence taking can have a major impact on people’s a much better understanding about what is in the financial sector in general, and this is lives? happening. I was very impressed with the Q: One has the impression that NRC is a challenge with which we work very hard. A: I think it starts with being very aware work that our colleagues are doing in the not a very well-known organization in Nor- What we do see is that there are large differ- of the role you play, and understand the con- field and they deserve our respect. I think way. ences between some of the most well known sequences of important decisions. You have that they manage to achieve fantastic results A: Yes, it is fair to say that NRC is bet- international scandals and what we experi- to spend the time it takes to understand the under very difficult working conditions. ter known internationally than in Norway. ence in the everyday life of the financial sec- problem, and analyze possible solutions. We had the possibility of meeting with The reason is perhaps that we do not work tor in Norway. In Norway the banks came Then, if your responsibility is to make deci- all the partners in the conflict covering all in Norway, but are active in 25 of the most through the financial crisis without major sions, you have to make up your mind and the different sides. We met refugees, mem- conflict torn countries on the planet. When losses. There were no significant negative decide. It is also important to try to under- bers of the government, UN organizations, I was in South Sudan recently, other NGOs consequences for banks or their customers. stand the context, and put things in their right other agencies, and NGOs. It has been con- characterized the NRC as a humanitarian In addition, we see that, on the one hand, perspective. firmed that it is a difficult situation and we power-house. confidence in the industry has gone down, I am well aware of the fact that my deci- are going to increase our efforts there. It’s Another reason we do not have such a but credibility in the individual bank or in- sions may have negative consequences, and a race against time because the rainy season high profile in Norway is that we are not a surance company, where the individual cus- that people may be affected. To me it is very arrives soon and then everything becomes membership-based organization, such as the tomer may have a personal relationship, has important that I know that I have done ev- very much harder, including transport and Red Cross for instance, where the member- been increasing during the same period. We erything I can do to understand the relevant infrastructure. ship gives people a kind of ownership of have emphasized that the relationship be- facts, and that the decision we make is the On a personal level, I see our fortunate the organization. The funding for the NRC tween the customer and the company should best we can do given the situation and the situation in Norway in a very clear perspec- comes from international donors and the be satisfactory, with the result that we have available information. tive. I also admire the hope and determina- Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The one of the highest client satisfaction rates in tion I experience in the people we meet, who Ministry’s contribution represents around Europe. This is the way it should be. Q: You’ve just returned from a field trip have fled from their homes, and live under 30% of total revenues. to South Sudan with the Norwegian Refugee very difficult conditions. I am also grateful The remaining funds come from a large Q: You said that the Norwegian banks Council. Why did you accept to go there? for being able to help, for everything I learn, number of international donors, of which have not suffered directly from the financial A: It is all part of the topics that we’ve and for the excellent people I have the op- ECHO is among the most important. We see crisis, but have there been consequences just talked about. As the chairman of the portunity to work with. that the donors have clear humanitarian goals nevertheless? board for the NRC, I, along with the other and objectives. We have the expertise and are A: Yes, and to give one example it members of the board, have a considerable Q: Have you been on other trips? carrying out the job on the ground. is in the development of rules and regula- responsibility for the working conditions A: Two years ago I went to Goma, in When it comes to our profile in Norway, tions. Those that apply to Norwegian banks for the 4,000 NRC employees working in DRC, and visited our staff in the Kivu re- our secretary general, Jan Egeland, has a are currently being established primarily in twenty-five countries. I am concerned about gion. It is perhaps the most unstable region clear ambition to increase the understanding Brussels and are being drawn up as a result these colleagues and it is important that they in Congo, and this is linked to the fact that of the important work NRC does, and he is of European experience during the financial should know that we who sit on the board are the region is bordering Rwanda, Uganda, doing a very good job. crisis. The new regulation has important familiar with their working conditions, what and Burundi. We know that many of the ma- consequences for the Norwegian financial challenges they face and under what condi- jor trafficking roads of Congo’s valuable raw Q: Norway has a long tradition in refu- services sector. We support the initiatives to tions they need to carry out their job in the materials go through this region. The values gee work, mainly thanks to Nansen and his strengthen the capital ratio of the banking field. This is the primary objective when we that we are talking about here are so signifi- efforts. Do you think this has contributed to a sector, but are focusing on securing a level or other members of the board go on field cant that fighting for control of these routes strong commitment for refugees in Norway? playing field. We are skeptical to some of trips. The second objective is to develop our is motivating a large number of rebel groups. A: I think that the Norwegian tradition the proposed structural reforms, like split- understanding of one specific situation—a There are currently more than forty differ- does play an important role. If you look at the ting the banking business models. Market conflict or a problem. In South Sudan it is a ent rebel groups all funded primarily through background of the NRC, it was established making is an integral part of core banking very complex situation which is developing trade with these raw materials. For the popu- as early as in 1946. Different Norwegian hu- activities in countries like Norway. These rapidly. It is important for us to set the right lation this creates a completely impossible manitarian organizations joined forces and are areas where there are comprehensive priorities, make the right choices and to do situation causing millions to flee. It is very transferred their expertise into a special unit discussions and we participate actively in that, we need to understand the conflict as sad because Congo is a very rich and fertile that would help European refugees and in- these discussions. best as possible. country. If there had been peace, stability and ternally displaced persons (IDPs) after the security in the country, if the people could Second World War. We worked in Europe in AdQ: for You May have 2014 much responsibility for Q: What has this trip given to you on a cultivate the land, utilize the resources and the first years and built up a competence and people’s welfare. How do you deal with that personal level? share the revenue in a reasonable manner it expertise which was later applied in other would be a prosperous and wealthy country. crises and disasters elsewhere. LEIF ERIKSON LODGE 2-001 - SONS OF NORWAY Instead what we see is war and conflict, Today there are 45 million refugees and where people cannot go out and work in the IDPs in the world. There is no doubt that Culture, entertainment; fun for young and old -- COME JOIN US fields for fear of being killed, kidnapped or helping refugees and IDPs near to their origi- May 10 -- 2nd Saturday Happy Hour. 5p to May 18 -- Spaghetti Dinner $7/adults and 8p. Cost $5 for light supper 2 beverages. $5/kids 12 and under. Bingo $10. Blackout forced to become soldiers. The civilians do nal homes has many positive effects. It is the May 14 -- 2nd Wed. jackpot $500 (in 49 numbers or less). not get any benefit from the great resources most effective way to provide assistance, and 5:30p Social Hour--Members/Guests Wednesdays: Exercise Class at Lodge. 10 that are being taken out of the Congo. it provides the best circumstances for repa- 6:00p Dinner $12 (menu: Seafood Chowder, to 10:45a. $3.ea class. Walk-ins welcome. We have 270 employees in this region triation and their return when this is possible. Salad, Rolls and Butter. 6:45p Program: Queen and Princess, More Info: www.leiferiksonlodge.com in the Congo and they do a fantastic job. I We have a large number of humanitar-

Scholarships, Man/Woman of the Space at the Leif Erikson Lodge is available am very impressed with what they achieve ian organizations in Norway, and the general year, Awards, etc. for rentals for your events. Call: 206-783-1274. under such difficult working conditions. public supports their work through donations 7:30p Membership Meeting Contact the office for details at (206) 783-1274

and voluntary work. This links back to the 2245 NW 57th St, Seattle, WA 98107 -- More Info: (206) 783-1274 Q: Was there any personal interest or tradition of Nansen. norwegian american weekly May 9, 2014 • 15 arts & entertainment Book review: Artists invited to enter “From the Hornets’ Nest” exhibition at Vesterheim stranger than fiction “National Exhibition of Folk Art in the Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Norwegian Tradition” seeks submissions

This historical saga by the Norwegian- Special Release born historian and author Asbjørn (Ozzie) Vesterheim Sollien is a reminder that truth really is stranger than fiction. The life of Olaus Han- Vesterheim, the national Norwegian- Ribbons representing points that accumulate sen, a Norwegian boy who grew up to fight American museum and heritage center, in- over successive exhibitions toward a Vester- in the battle of Little Bighorn (Custer’s Last vites artists to enter their pieces in the mu- heim Gold Medal. Judges also present Hon- Stand), is an improbable but engaging story seum’s annual “National Exhibition of Folk orable Mention Awards and Best of Show that required a great deal of sleuthing. Art in the Norwegian Tradition.” This exhi- Awards. Visitors vote for People’s Choice Author Sollien, enthralled as a youngster bition of original woodworking, knifemak- Awards. by tales of the American Wild West, moved ing, rosemaling, and weaving by contempo- “Every year brings new and exciting art- to the U.S. in 1990 to visit and research his- rary American artists working in the Norwe- work for the exhibition, often blending tradi- torical sites, particularly of the West and the gian tradition is sponsored by Decorah Bank tional designs with contemporary creativity,” Civil War. He realized that two Norwegians & Trust. Entries will be accepted from May Gilbertson said. fought in that final Custer battle in 1876, one 1 through May 23. The exhibition will be on The exhibition judging and ribbon of them a professional soldier named “Olans view in the museum’s Main Building from awards are held in conjunction with Deco- H. Northeg.” That name, variously spelled June 10-July 26, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. rah’s Annual Nordic Fest, which is always and misinterpreted, was clarified by living Complete rules for entering pieces are the last full weekend in July. relatives in three U.S. states, and Sollien available at vesterheim.org. If you would discovered that “Olans” was really Olaus like more information, contact Laurann Gil- Through 24,000 objects and 12 historic Hansen, a cotter’s son (peasant farmers) who bertson at [email protected], or at (563) buildings, Vesterheim, the national Norwe- immigrated to the United States in 1861. He 382-9681. gian-American museum and heritage center immediately enlisted in the 12th Iowa Volun- Last year, the exhibition included over in Decorah, Iowa, shares the most compre- teer Infantry Regiment, which promptly saw 160 pieces by 96 artists from 15 states. hensive collection of Norwegian-American action (against the Confederacy) in the Civil sparse and disgusting food, and frigid bar- “Thousands of visitors from all over the artifacts in the world. For more information War, and later fought in the Indian Wars. racks–are described in unappealing detail. country come to Vesterheim to view this ex- on the museum’s exhibitions, classes, events, During the next 18 years of his life, So are the battles that ensued, right down to hibition, and we’re excited that so many art- membership opportunities, and ways to do- Olaus saw more or less continuous action as the sound of musket fire, the pelting of snow, ists are able to share their work with the pub- nate, check Vesterheim’s website at vester- a soldier, enduring terrible hardships and pri- all the sounds and scents of the battlefields. lic through it,” Laurann Gilbertson, Vester- heim.org, call (563) 382-9681, or write to vations. Olaus left behind no journals, and he This is not a book for the faint of heart heim Chief Curator, said. Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum, wrote no memoirs, but the author imagines or the weak of stomach, particularly when As part of the exhibition, artists may 502 W. Water St., P.O. Box 379, Decorah, IA, him so vividly that we feel we’re seeing his- the author gets around to the atrocities com- choose to offer their pieces for sale by si- 52101-0379. tory through the soldier’s eyes. Many years mitted during the Indian Wars. But readers lent auction. Along with selling their pieces, of research and scholarship back up this nar- who persevere will get a vividly pictorial and exhibitors compete for ribbons. Judges for rative and provide the historical authenticity. detailed account (complete with maps, draw- the exhibition award Blue, Red, and White Many readers may not realize (as this ings, and some photographs) of several ma- reader certainly didn’t) that 6,000 Norwe- jor battles, including the infamous Hornets’ gians fought in the American Civil War. More Nest and Vicksburg; Olaus’ horrific stint as familiar to most of us are the great waves prisoner of war; and, of course, the fateful of Norwegian immigration in the mid-19th Little Bighorn rout of Custer’s forces. century, because so many Norwegian-Amer- Olaus, accustomed to battle, reenlisted icans are descended from those immigrants. several times, and was promoted six times, Olaus’s older brother Ole made the long trek finally to the rank of sergeant. He made it from Nannestad to Wisconsin in 1851, hiring through the Civil War unscathed, unlike on as a farmhand so he could save enough 600,000 other soldiers, and he went home money to claim his own homestead. to Norway–this time on a speedy steamer, The American Civil War was newly not a sailing ship–for a visit to his parents underway when Olaus followed his older and his sister, now through marriage one of 200 year old Eidsvoll Constitution. brother to the U.S., enduring a hazardous the wealthiest women in Nannestad. Olaus journey to Ole’s farm in Iowa. Immediately changed his surname to “Northeg,” the name 25 year old Scandinavian Cultural Center. upon Olaus’s arrival, however, the call went of his sister’s property, and he was officially out for volunteers: “There was an underly- “Olans H. Northeg.” ing expectation of every unmarried man be- The years of campaigning in the swamps The Scandinavian Cultural Center at Pacific Lutheran tween 16 and 25 years of age to volunteer. If and rain had taken their toll, and Olaus was not, he did not meet his call of duty in the lo- diagnosed with acute rheumatism. After a University has two great reasons to celebrate this May. cal community. Nationality did not matter,” stint in Louisiana and the disastrous cam- Sollien writes. Olaus was “blinded by peer paign under Custer, he was in constant pain, We are proud to have been serving the greater pressure.” alleviated only by whiskey and laudanum Tacoma area for 25 years, and we send our warm On the enlistment documents, “Olaus” (an opiate) prescribed by the regimental sur- became “Olans,” and he promptly entered geon. Sollien gives an affecting account of congratulations to Norway and all Norwegian- a regiment whose dreadful conditions–mea- the last act in Olaus’s personal story, capping Americans this seventeenth. Gratulerer med dagen! sles, pneumonia, mumps, plagues of insects, a saga of that truly is stranger than fiction.

Keep your heritage “afloat” with our handpainted buoys! Handpainted with the flag(s) of your choice— made to order! Makes a great gift! Scandinavian Cultural Center Contact Erik Østensjö (207) 504-4518 - [email protected] become a member today! information at www.plu.edu/scancenter www.heritagebuoyworks.com King Crab/Salmon/Scallop Alder Smoked BBQ Crab Boat Tours

Saturday, May 31, 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Tickets: $100 per person ($75.00 Tax Deductible to the Nordic Heritage Museum)

Alder-smoked king crab, salmon and cod • Pan-seared wild Alaskan Weathervane scallops

Hosted by Doug Dixon and Tor Tollessen of Lunde Marine Electronics To benefit the Nordic Heritage Museum

The afternoon includes a VIP tour of Pacific Fisherman Shipyard and numerous king crab boats in the shipyard including the Hansen family’s F/V NORTHWESTERN as featured on the Discovery Channel show “Deadliest Catch.” (F/V NORTHWESTERN tour dependent upon salmon season opening, others available)

For more details and how to reserve your place, visit the events page at www.nordicmuseum.org Welcome to our Syttende Mai issue! Norwegian American Weekly

A new national song for Norway’s new century

Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway

Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson wrote “Ja, vi elsker dette landet” (Yes, we love this land), Henrik Wergeland wrote “Vi er en nasjon, vi med” (We are one nation to- gether) and Finn Bø, Arild Feldborg, and Bias Bernhoft wrote the text to “Norge i rødt, hvitt og blått” (Norway in red, white, and blue). This year, in celebration of the signing of the Norwegian consti- tution in 2014, a new national song “Det går et festtog gjennom landet” (A festival parade is marching through the land) by Grethe Myhre Skottene and Carl-Andreas Næss from Skarpsborg, joins their es- Photo: Ivar Husevåg Døskeland / Wikimedia Commons teemed ranks. Girls singing during the children’s parade in Trondheim on the Norwegian “It was the summer of 2012,” Grethe national day, 17 May. wrote to me, “when Carl-Andreas saw something exciting in the paper.” The Norwegian gov- Here are the guidelines for the song contest from ernment was sponsoring a contest to create a new na- the National government from May 2012. The song tional song in celebration of the 200th anniversary of the needed to be: signing of the Norwegian constitution, and was asking • Something one could march to and that would ap- the public to submit possibilities. The song needed to be peal to everyone something that was accessible to everyone with simple • Written in the same tradition as the traditional text and an easy-to-sing melody. Carl-Andreas works as songs Sønner av Norge (Sons of Norway) and an organist and cantor at the Skarpsborg church and di- Norge i rødt, hvit og blått (Norway in red, white, rects the Skarpsborg choir, so the challenge of writing and blue) something to submit was not out of his comfort zone. • Be a Jubilee song connected not only to the 200th He knew Grethe was a logical choice for the lyrics as anniversary of the constitution but one that could they had worked together on many projects in the past, be used in the future including the hymn “Salme ved lysgloben” (By the light • Given as a gift to the musicians of Norway (sing- globe) for the new hymnbook, but she wasn’t interested ers and instrumentalists) as she was already busy with another project. Fortunate- • Would be judged by a jury of experts (choir and ly Carl-Andreas didn’t give up, and when he approached band directors, composers, lyric writers) her again Grete didn’t hesitate. “It became very clear to • Would be anonymously submitted to the govern- me what this was all about,” she says. “I knew it should ment by November 1 2012. be a song for everyone ... children, adults, old, no matter where they live ... in the city and valley, the mountains “I’ll admit that when I stand in the midst of such a and fjords.” When reflecting about 17th of May parades, process, it can sometimes seem like an overwhelming she had her own “ah-ha” moment realizing “there was a festival parade throughout all of Norway.” See > song, page S2

Inside this section: a message from Ambassador Aas • Syttende Mai memories • local celebrations • recipes • photos • and more! S2 • May 9, 2014 norwegian american weekly syttende mai

17th of May Greetings from Ambassador Kåre R. Aas to readers of the Norwegian American Weekly

Dear Readers, the French and American constitutions. But and we are equally proud of the history and while our constitution was progressive in the struggles behind it. The 17th of May is a day Norwe- many respects, it was a hastily written work, On this 17th of May, I hope you will join gians eagerly anticipate each year, a time produced in a few hectic weeks in the spring me in thinking about what democracy means for family and friends, flags and parades, of 1814, toward the end of the Napoleonic and why personal freedoms are important. ice cream and hot dogs. But this year is wars. Norway had suffered blockade and We must remain ever vigilant. The United especially noteworthy as we celebrate hunger and ended up on the losing side, States and Norway must continue to work the Bicentennial of our Constitution. seeking to make the best out of a forced together as partners and close friends to help What a special day for Norwegians ev- union with Sweden. ensure freedoms for people the world over. erywhere as we celebrate the birth of our The document was drafted in haste and The 17th of May is a very happy day. I democracy, which took place 200 years was therefore somewhat vague and broad, hope you will celebrate this wonderful com- ago at Eidsvoll, where the Constitution which in retrospect may have been among munity of Norwegian Americans, so vibrant was adopted in 1814. its greatest strengths, providing generations and so strong. Have a wonderful day as we Two centuries later, our constitution of legislators freedom to modify it as social celebrate the Bicentennial of our extraordi- remains the most important document development demanded. The constitution nary, enduring Constitution. in Norway’s history. It has served as a worked 200 years ago and it works now, roadmap for our system of government, having been amended and improved around Gratulerer med dagen! but it was also our declaration of inde- 300 times, reflecting the changing times. No Very truly yours, pendence—although nearly a century doubt it will continue to evolve as society Kåre R. Aas would pass before independence was continues to change. finally achieved. After 200 years, The Norwegian Consti- Photo courtesy of Royal Norwegian The framers of our constitution em- tution stands as bearer of our national iden- Embassy in Washington braced forward-thinking Enlightenment tity and continuity. It is a statement of our ideals of liberty, equality, fraternity, and firm belief in freedom, tolerance, democracy popular sovereignty, borrowing from and peace. We are proud of our Constitution,

< song From page S1 project,” Grethe reflected. “Is it really pos- sible to embrace the 200 years of the consti- tution in a few lines?” But when she thought about the spring with “birdsong, budding, sun, light, air, and the joy of everything that sprouts and grows … I had a few syllables at my disposal!” When Carl-Andreas received Grete’s text, he could “taste the words and phrases,” inspiring him to write a melody Det går et festtog and rhythm to fit. “During the process, I imagined the kids marching, singing and gjennom landet! waving flags.” He wanted a joyful melody, especially the chorus:

Hurra! Vi marsjerer og vi synger 1. Det går et festtog gjennom landet! (Hurrah! We are marching and singing) I by og dal, ved fjell og fjord. Sanger i rødt, hvitt og blått Vi svinger flagget stolt for Norge, (Songs in red, white, and blue) med hurrarop ifra syd og til nord. Kjenner frihetens rytme i kroppen. (We feel freedom’s rhythm in our bodies) Fylt av glede for landet vårt. Ref. (Full of happiness for this land of ours) Hurra! Vi marsjerer og vi synger sanger i rødt, hvitt og blått. “Det går et festtog gjennom landet” is a Kjenner frihetens rytme i kroppen. song given freely to the people of Norway, Fylt av glede for landet vårt. a song that can be sung and played by the people for the people. “Now we release the song out in public,” comment the composers, 2. Den store dagen vil vi feire. “we hope that it will be embraced and that Nå lyder takkens melodi it will continue to be used after the anniver- som stiger taktfast opp fra folket. sary.” Perhaps, wherever you might be, you Fra oss som ønsker et demokrati. could join us in singing?

Addition online resources: 3. Syttende mai. Nå jubler våren! Both a recording of the song by the Nasjonen pynter seg til fest. Skarpsborg Kammekor (the composers are Gå sammen, elske fram verdier from here), and the downloadable music (go så alle trives. Da har vi det best. partway down the page to “Her har du noten”) can be found at: www..no/17mai/her-er- norges-nye-jubileumssang-1.11025282 4. Det går et festtog gjennom tiden Recordings of (including texts) for other der slekter har satt dype spor. Norwegian national songs can be found at: Med sine valg gav de oss framtid. www.nrk.no/17mai/sliter-du-med-17.-mai- Se, våre røtter de spirer og gror. sangene_-1.2303666 Music from NRK norwegian american weekly May 9, 2014 • S3 SYttende Mai 1945, an emotional 17th of May Our correspondant remembers the first celebration of freedom after years of war

Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y.

Even today, I still get rather emotional on the 17th of May. No, it is not that I am moved by seeing some parades from Norway via the Internet, or participating in the cel- Photos courtesy of Thor A. Larsen ebration of the day at the Seamen’s Church Left: All the classes gathered at Torvet before the in Manhattan or viewing the parade near the parade (Thor was with Storhaug Skole). date in Brooklyn. Below left: Marching on Kongsgata near Dom- kirken in the very first 17th of May Parade after What triggers my emotion is the vivid the war. memory I have of the First 17th of May after Below: Celebrating freedom on May 9th, 1945 the war. I was in the first grade and our class on Torvet

marched in the morning with all the other ers, which had been sustained since the war classes of the schools in Stavanger. Before ending celebration nine days earlier gave us we marched, we all gathered at the ‘Torvet,’ incredible “highs” as kids. the market place by the harbor, near the stat- A new world for us had been formed ue of Alexander Kjelland. Nine days earlier, nine days ago, because now we could carry I was here at the ‘Torvet’ near Kjelland’s and wave our flags, we could listen to our statue with my mother, aunt, and uncle with radios, if they could be taken out from their thousands of ‘Siddis’ celebrating the ending hiding places. No longer did my friends and of the war. I have to run home if there was an air raid On May 17th it was raining, but the warning siren, and most of all, my mother, weather did not dampen our enthusiasm as aunt, and uncle had such happy faces I had we marched and waved our flags. But the en- never seen before. ergy and excitement of all the parade watch-

17th of May facts

Finn Roed Constitution in its final form until No- West Bloomfield, Mich. vember 4, 1814. Carl Johan, the Swedish king, was Wherever Norwegians are on opposed to celebrating Constitution the 17th of May, they seem to want Day because of troublesome events to celebrate their connection to the that occasionally occurred, such as roots and traditions of the 17th of Torvslaget in 1829. May. Henrik Wergeland gave the first And, according to Per Holck’s official 17th of May speech in 1833 book “Merkedager og Gamle Skik- at the monument of the parliamen- ker,” the reasons for the celebrations tarian Christian Krogh of Christiania. may not be completely clear. The The celebrations grew after Carl Jo- Constitution was complete on the han’s death. 16th of May and was not signed until During the 1850s, Bjørnstjerne the 18th. Bjørnson was the foremost speaker What really happened on the on the circuit. And he created his 17th was that the Danish prince, patriotic songs, namely, “Der ligger Christian Frederick, was chosen by et Land mod den evige Sne” and the the Constitutional Convention to be national anthem, “Ja, vi elsker.” Norway’s king. In 1870, Bjørnson proposed the The Swedes did not approve the idea of a Children’s Flag Parade. S4 • May 9, 2014 norwegian american weekly syttende mai Commemorating the commemorations As Norway celebrates 200 years of the constitution, Seattle marks its 125th Syttende Mai celebration

Kelsey Larson are Gail Engler and Kae Ellingsen. Ellingsen Seattle, Wash. has been part of the 17th of May team since 1999; Engler for the last four years. The city of Seattle, Wash., like most “Being on the 17th of May Committee major U.S. cities, is made up of a diverse is like having a second full-time job,” En- patchwork of immigrants. It doesn’t matter gler says. “We rely on many volunteers and when they arrived or where they came from; supporters to make all the components of the what all these groups have in common is the day’s events successfully come together.” passing along of traditions to their children The team begins planning ten months and grandchildren. It’s these traditions that in advance, or more. “We try to make each continually lend richness to our community. year’s event better than the last,” says El- As many already know, 2014 is a spe- lingsen. cial year for Norway as it celebrates its Engler, Ellingsen, and the rest of the 200th Constitution Day on May 17. Mean- Committee are doing more than their share while, in Seattle, Norwegian-Americans of carrying on a valued community tradi- have their own anniversary. The 17th of May tion—in fact, according to a history of Se- Committee, the dedicated team behind the attle’s celebration compiled by Christine M. annual 17th of May parade and festivities, Anderson, the first 17th of May festival in Photo: HMPinnsvinet / Wikimedia Commons celebrates 125 years of honoring Norway’s Seattle was held before Washington even be- The parade in Ballard has been a tradition for a mere 40 years, but Seattle-area Norwegians have Constitution Day over 4,500 miles from came a state—in 1889. been celebrating Syttende Mai for 125 years. Oslo in Seattle’s traditionally Scandinavian “The two-day celebration started on neighborhood of Ballard. Friday, May 17th, with two banquets. The with cigars and fine liqueurs—all for the same Frank Oleson. The 17th of May Committee is made first was for both men and women, held at price of $5. The party dispersed at 3:00 a.m.” Since then, celebrations have been held up of volunteers who sacrifice their time the Bellevue Hotel, for the cost of a dol- While there may no longer be French at a wide variety of venues in Seattle; Nor- to create a unique community event that lar,” wrote Anderson. “Later that evening fare included in Seattle’s 17th of May cel- wegian-Americans also traveled by steamer draws thousands of visitors each year, from an elegant dinner for men only was served ebrations, at least two important traditions to jointly celebrate the day in Mukilteo, Washington State and beyond. The holi- around 11:00 p.m. at The Arlington Hotel. It remain intact from that evening. Of course Vashon Island, Poulsbo, and Seattle. Impor- day includes a luncheon, activities for kids, was arranged by Frank Oleson, and included the 17th of May celebrations themselves are tant guests have included governors, state musical performances, and finally a parade toasts for The Seventeenth of May; Seattle; one. Also, that night one of the predeces- and federal congressmen, ambassadors, featuring hundreds of Norwegian-American The Ladies; America; and Liberty. The ten- sors to the Norwegian American Weekly, members of Norwegian parliament, judges, and other Scandinavian groups and organi- course menu, written in French, included the Washington Posten (later the Western professors, mayors, and publishers. In 1922, zations. Co-chairing the Committee this year caviar, fillet of sole, asparagus, and finished Viking), was established, edited by the very Captain Roald Amundsen and members of

A full day of celebration in Seattle, Washington

With a full day of activities on May Marit Kristiansen was born on a small island in Nordland – Våg Honorary Marshals 17, the streets of Ballard come in Gildeskål Kommune – and im- migrated with her family to Seattle Mari-Ann Kind Jackson Warren Aakervik alive with music and celebration of in 1949, settling in Ballard. She at- tended Loyal Heights Elementary Mari-Ann Kind Jackson Warren Aakervik has Norwegian Constitution Day! and Ballard High School. Although was born and raised in worked for Ballard Oil Marit’s husband, Kjell, was born Borkenes, Kvæfjord. Mari- since 1955, and has been Kids games at Nordic Museum – 10-4 p.m. in Stavanger, they met in Seattle. Ann became involved in the President and General Free admission all day at Nordic Heritage Museum (3014 NW They moved to Anchorage, Alaska the Norwegian American Manager since 1988. Mr. in 1965 and have lived there ever community by joining Sons Aakervik has an extensive 68th St). Enjoy Scandinavian food and beverages, and crafts since. Marit has been a member of Norway in 1962 in Spo- history of community for the kids. of Bernt Balchen Lodge #2-046 kane, where she also taught involvement, including in Anchorage, Alaska since 1968. Norwegian at the local serving as President of the Luncheon at Leif Erikson Hall – 12 p.m. She has held numerous local college extension. Mari-Ann Ballard District Council. Tickets: $30 / person. RSVP to (206) 783-1274 lodge positions. She is the current has organized concert tours He is he is well known in International President of the for Sami and other artists, Ballard for BBQing salmon Sons of Norway. She served on and is currently organiz- for Seafood Fest and the Entertainment at Bergen Place – 10-5 p.m. the Anchorage Sister Cities Com- ing concerts in Western Norwegian Commercial Live entertainment! Free admission mission for many years and was Washington. Club. Grand Marshal chair of the Anchorage Tromsø Nordic Cafe at Leif Erikson Hall – 3:30-5:30 p.m. Marit Kristiansen Committee. Purchase Scandinavian food and drink, and learn about Scan- dinavian groups in the area

17th of May Parade – 6-8 p.m. Come early to save a spot or better yet, march with us! (Begins at NW 62nd St. and 24th Ave. NW all the way to Ballard Ave. and Dock St.)

17th of May Celebration Dance – 8:30-11:30 p.m. At At Elks on Shilshole, 6411 Seaview Ave NW. Live music by “Jazz Unlimited Band.” Tickets available at the door for $10. No host bar. Free parking.

Learn more at www.17thofmay.org norwegian american weekly May 9, 2014 • S5 syttende mai his team even attended the celebration. well,” adds Engler. “Bestemor would be Syttende Mai celebrations to come join in “The 17th of May has always been a The tradition of holding a community proud to see her ancestors still celebrating the festivities here in Ballard. Although the special day for me—as it is for most Norwe- parade in Ballard, where many Scandinavian this special day in Norwegian history!” nature of the celebration may have changed gians,” says Consul Nesselquist. “Growing immigrants to Seattle originally settled, be- Kim Nesselquist, Consul of Norway in over the years, it is significant that we are up in Hallingdal, Norway, I still remember gan in 1974. Ballard has changed since then, Seattle, agrees that the celebration is special. continuing to keep Norwegian history and the excitement that followed this day. As an with hip restaurants lining the streets and “This has developed into one of the major— culture alive 125 years later,” said Engler. adult, and as Consul of Norway, I have to say sleek condos popping up on every corner as if not the major—celebration of 17th of May Even so, Ellingsen says, the Committee that leading the Ballard parade with my fam- young professionals compete for real estate outside Norway,” says Consul Nesselquist. relys on interest and support from the com- ily and the Grand Marshal is very special, in the waterfront community. “The fact that we have an over two-hour long munity. Organizations with representatives and a favorite moment.” “Given the recent surge of changes in parade that represents—and presents—all on the Committee include various Daughters Ballard—the massive loss of Scandinavian the Norwegian-American organizations and of Norway lodges, Sons of Norway lodges, Interested in becoming a part of this histori- businesses along Market Street and the van- the community at large is very special and and other groups such as the Karmøy Club, cal event? Next year’s meetings start the 4th ishing visual reminders of Ballard’s rich shows the strength of the Norwegian-Amer- the Norwegian Commercial Club, Norwe- Wednesday in September at the Leif Erikson Scandinavian history, culture and origins—I ican influence in this region in a wonderful gian Ladies Chorus, Norwegian Male Cho- Lodge in Ballard—“members at large” are think it is extremely important that the 17th way.” rus, Norse Home, and the Ballard Chamber welcome! of May festivities continue to be a part of The future is bright for Seattle’s 17th of of Commerce. “However, every year, groups the Ballard tradition to remind all people of May celebration, which attracts more people experience dwindling membership numbers • Website: www.17thofmay.org/ the strong heritage, spirit, and community each year and continues to appeal to locals and are forced to shut down,” Ellingsen says. • More about the history of Seattle’s celebra- connection Ballard has to its Scandinavian and their families. Ballard residents set their “The key element that will result in its suc- tion: www.17thofmay.org/history roots,” says Ellingsen. “Contrary to popular chairs out along the parade route early in the cess down the road is the people involved.” • Parade begins: 6:00 p.m., corner of NW opinion, there are still many people of Scan- morning to guarantee ringside seats. Hopefully, the people of the Seattle Nor- 62nd and 24th Ave NW dinavian descent living and working in Bal- “The parade brings people not just from wegian-American community will continue • Grand Marshal: Marit Kristiansen, Presi- lard!” from Ballard and Seattle, but from all across to pass this celebration down; besides con- dent, Sons of Norway International “It may not be Bestemor’s Ballard any- Washington and the Pacific Northwest. Even tributing to Seattle’s colorful patchwork of • Honorary Marshals: Mari-Ann Kind Jack- more, but the Norwegian spirit is alive and visitors from Norway abandon their own traditions, it is truly a memorable event. son and Warren Aakervik

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Hipp, Hipp, SYTTENDE MAI seattle Hurra for Syttende Mai! Free admission! Family-Friendly Activities! Nordic Café! May 17 | 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. @ the Nordic Heritage Museum

• Treat yourself to a scoop of specialty ice cream from Parfait — proceeds benefi t the Museum. • Enjoy Scandinavian lunch at the Nordic Café • Meet the Fjord horses • Ride the Nordic Express kids’ train • Make Norwegian-themed kids’ crafts • Listen to live performers • Buy special Syttende Mai swag 8:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. After-Party @ Anthony’s HomePort Shilshole Bay The big day continues with an after-party co-hosted by the Royal Norwegian Consulate. Join us at Anthony’s HomePort Shilshole Bay at 8:30 p.m. for delicious food, aquavit, and a celebration of the 200th anniversary of Norwegian Constitution Day. Purchase

tickets for $75 online or call 206.789.5707 ext. 10. Sponsored in

norway SYTTENDE MAI SYTTENDE 3014 NW 67th Street, Seattle part by Mustad Autoline and Jackson Remodeling. www.nordicmuseum.org S6 • May 9, 2014 norwegian american weekly syttende mai On paragraph 2: a speech for the centennial

Irene Levin Berman Henrik Wergeland and the Jews Bloomfield, Conn. The speech was given by Leib Levin, one of the first Jews to settle in Norway, at Rjukan, on May 17, 1914. Translated into English by his granddaughter, Irene Levin Berman. I am assuming that most of you are familiar with Norway’s beloved According to the Norwegian Constitu- your next as your own,” but he, however, and highly respected poet, Hen- tion, which dates, back to May 17, 1814, never loved anything more than his own rik Wergeland, and that he was the Jews have been prohibited from entering native country, and for that reason, we, the person who declared the May 17th the country. However, we must not fault the Jews, have to live up to his example, and celebration primarily a celebration men at the National Assembly at Eidsvoll for show that even if we are Jews by religion, issuing that prohibition, as they, in consid- this does not prevent us from being Norwe- in honor of children of all ages. He eration of the country’s conditions at that gians by nation. We ought to love Norway as also wrote the text to a song which time and the limited time frame that they our native country, in place of the one that is called “The National anthem of the had to secure the country’s liberty and inde- we lost. The way that we should act and children,” (Småbarnas nasjonaldag) pendence, had enough to deal with among conduct ourselves should rest on a base of which every child in Norway has themselves, and even less ability to deal social justice, which if not so, might other- learned to sing. with others. wise be called chilol haschem (to mock the In addition, you may have heard However, in the eighteen thirties a Jew Lord). We should bring up our children to that Henrik Wergeland spent several by the name of Leja, who being unfamiliar become useful and loyal citizens and obey years of his life devoting his energy with the situation, arrived in Norway. He the laws of the country. and time to repealing paragraph 2 of was arrested and sentenced to 28 days of When we are able to take advantage of the Norwegian constitution, which water and bread. This turned out to be too the benefits and the joy of the country, we prohibited Jews from entering Nor- much for the young and noble poet, Henrik should also participate in the sadness and way. There had been Jewish families Wergeland, who took upon himself to make misery of the country. We should also be in Sweden and Denmark for centuries certain that this prohibition was repealed. aware that we are responsible all for one, prior to that time. He eventually was He started his fight for our freedom. and one for all, and we realize quite often able to reach his goal, but unfortu- Those of you who have read, and who that this is appropriate. If a fellow believer nately it did not come to fruition until will want to read Wergeland’s writings of another religion commits an error or a 1852, several years after his death. about “The Jew,” “The Jewess” and the par- crime, it is reported as if N.N. at N.N. was Consequently, Henrik Werge- liamentary negotiation, which took place on responsible, but without any mention of the land is considered to be the protector September 9, 1842, where his suggestion to person’s religion as an ordinary occurence. and hero of the Norwegian Jews. give Jews access to the Kingdom, was heard, However, if the person in question happens During the past few years, I have will realize that he fought for us, the Jews, to be a Jew, not only the perpetrator is criti- done a fair amount of research on as a commander of an army. However, this cized, but his fellow Jews will be criticized as did not include cannons, zeppelins, and well. For example: Some time ago, I read in Norway’s history in general, as well submarines with an outpouring of blood, the newspaper that the son of a ship owner as those aspects of our country’s his- but rather with his pen and the noble emo- in Bergen was arrested because he func- tory, which have affected Norway’s tions that flowed through his veins. It was tioned as a German spy. He provided the Jews in particular. In my opinion this with the help of these noble that Germans information about ships that left speech and the accompanying pro- Photo courtesy of Irene Levin Berman he was able to induce the Norwegian Par- from Bergen. If this person had been a Jew, The program from the centennial Syttende Mai celebra- gram from Rjukan on that very day, liament and the Norwegian people to open can you imagine what the press would have tion in Rjukan. May 17, 1914, represents the biggest their gates. Unfortunately, he, himself, was said about the Jews and Henrik Wergeland? positive bonus of all that I have been not to live long enough to experience the Lately anti-Semitic voices have also fortunate to come across. The writer and Irene Levin Berman is the victory resulting from the heavy and altru- been heard. Whether Norwegians or for- speaker of this exceptional tribute to Henrik author of “We are going istic struggle which lasted many years, as eigners, or whether they are expressed as Wergeland was my grandfather Leib Levin, to Pick Potatoes: Nor- he passed away in 1845, while the change patriotism, which generates these voices, is my father’s father, who I never had the plea- way and the Holocaust, in the Constitution did not take place until questionable. Perhaps for the most part this sure of meeting. the Untold Story,” avail- 1852. may be due to jealousy, and these people There is one sentence in the speech, able on amazon.com. The However, even though Henrik Werge- extend their gratitude to the Lord, if a Jew which has now become the logo and icon for original Norwegian text, land has passed away, his memory should commits an error. Then they have plenty to most of Norway’s Jews. It simply reads as “Vi skal plukke Poteter, nevertheless live on through us, the Jews, talk about. Therefore, we have to be doubly follows “Even if you are a Jew by religion, “Flukten fra Holocaust,” will very soon be with gratitude and affectionate -remem careful in our conduct, and not provide any this does not prevent you from being a Nor- available on amazon.com in a kindle ver- brance. Foreign Jews honored his memory material for the anti-Semitic propaganda, wegian by Nation (Om vi er jøder av reli- sion. Look out for her next book, hopefully by raising a monument on his grave, but but divert the disgrace to them when ex- gion, hindrer det os ikke at være nordmænd to be published in 2015: “Norway wasn’t too what do we who are harvesting the fruits of posed to our moral behavior. When that i nation.)” small.” his victory do with his memory? Shouldn’t happens, their voices will disappear and we honor his memory as well? Moreover, in Henrik Wergeland’s memory will have been which manner? honored. Henrik Wergeland laid the foundation Syttend within his heart for all civilized nations’ re- Leib Levin py e M ligions, which is as follows: “You shall love May 17, 1914 ap a H Dregne’s i! Gratulerer med dagen and the 200th Scandinavian Gifts anniversary of the constitution!

Celebrate Also open Syttende Sunday, Mai with May 18th us!

Bringing you the very best gifts, gourmet food, and collectibles from Norway to Westby, Wisconsin 100 S. Main Street, Westby, WI 54667 Royal NorwegianKim Nesselquist Consulate Phone: (608) 634-4414 • Toll-free: (877) 634-4414 Consul of Norway Hours: Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 7301 5th Ave NE, Suite A • Seattle, WA 98115 Visit us online: www.dregnesscandinaviangifts.com Email: [email protected] • Phone: (206) 284-2323 norwegian american weekly May 9, 2014 • S7 syttende mai Norwegian American Weekly Enjoy Norway all year long.

(Periodicals postage paid in Seattle, WA) TIME-DATED MATERIAL — DO NOT DELAY

Calendar Heritage « Lykkens rot er nestekjærlighet Syttende Mai — ønsket om å stå til tjeneste Libraries after events nationwide for andre. » dark Photo of the Week Read more on pages 10-11 – Dalai Lama Read more on page 14 Norwegian American Weekly Vol. 125 No. 17 May 2, 2014 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $2.00 per copy Subscribe by Sigrid Gurie, American film star

Although she grew up the end of May «in Norway, Sigrid Gurie is remembered as an American film star, but she was also a thoughtful and caring woman $ of fine artistic talent who had many good friends in both the to secure the world of Hollywood and the world of art in America

LaVonne Houlton, Sigrid Gurie’s third cousin, as quoted in the Norwegian American Hall of» Fame

Joanne Gray Daughters of Norway current rate of 59 While Norway and Norwegians were still celebrating Norwegian Constitution Day in 1911, two Norwegian citizens were born in Flatbush, a sector of Brooklyn, New York. Sigrid Gurie Haukelid and her twin brother Knut were born to Sigrid Johanne Christopherson and Bjørulf Knutson Hauke- lid on May 18. Both twins would each gain worldwide attention for unrelated accom- plishments. At the time the twins were born, Bjørulf What’s inside? Haukelid had been working as a civil en- News 2-3 gineer with the New York Subway System Business 4 since 1902. When the twins were less than a year old, the Haukelid family moved back Questions? Call us toll-free at (800) 305-0217, Opinion 5 to Norway. Sigrid was educated in Norway, Sports 6 Sweden and Belgium. Her brother, Knut Obituaries & Religion 7 Haukelid, became a leader of the Norwegian Taste of Norway 8 underground during World War II and was In Your Neighborhood 9 given major credit for blocking the Germans from producing and shipping “heavy water,” Calendar 10-11 which was part of their objective of develop- Roots & Connections 12-13 ing the atomic bomb. Knut’s exploits were email [email protected], or write to us. You can Norwegian Heritage 14 depicted in the 1965 movie “The Heroes of Arts & Style 15 Telemark.” In 1936, Sigrid arrived in Hollywood and was soon discovered by film magnate $1 = NOK 6.001 Sam Goldwyn. Goldwyn was under the im- updated 04/28/2014 pression that she had been born in Norway In comparison See > Gurie, page 12 03/28/2014 5.9983 also subscribe with a credit card over the phone! 10/28/2013 5.8928 04/28/2013 5.8510 Photo credits: (books) Faungg / Flickr; (self-portrait) early California Antiques

or mail check to: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115

Gratulerer med dagen!

Work Wear, Inc. 7301 5th Ave NE Suite A

Photo: Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, WA 98115 Stabekk Russ 1978 on a DBS mini sykkel—a different view than that of today and the busses. Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? (206) 718-0254 Email [email protected] or mail your photo with photo credit and a caption. [email protected]

Celebrate Syttende Mai with us! The parade starts here $2 hot dogs • $2 beers Open early at 11 am Gratulerer med dagen

From your Ballard QFC

Remember, your local Ballard QFC has all you need for your parade-viewing picnics. Happy 200th Constitution day 6301 24th Ave NW • Seattle, Washington • (206) 297-6122

Find us on Facebook! 5700 24th Ave NW Seattle, WA 98107 (206) 297-2150 S8 • May 9, 2014 norwegian american weekly taste of norway Norwegian foods to celebrate with Simple and delicious: wraps and open-faced sandwiches make terrific party foods

Whitney Love Stavanger, Norway Laks Wraps Smoked salmon wraps with dill cream cheese, lettuce, and red onion

Most of the smoked salmon sold in the lefse for this recipe, but tortillas make a good U.S. comes from Alaska, but some Norwe- substitute if fresh lefse is not available in gian varieties are available via online retail- your area. ers such as Amazon. If you don’t like smoked salmon, you This recipe is easy to make and is good can substitute smoked trout – another Nor- as an appetizer for your next party or an easy wegian specialty – or use fenalår (dry-cured weekend lunch. These salmon wraps can be leg of lamb). made ahead and preserve quite well without getting soggy. I normally use homemade Serves 3 for lunch, 6-10 as a party appetizer

3 lefse or tortillas smoked salmon, sliced cream cheese, dill or herb flavored lettuce (mayo is a good alternative) red onion, chopped

Lay the lefse or tortilla flat and spread with a good layer of cream cheese or mayonnaise. On top of the cream cheese, layer the smoked salmon, lettuce and red onion, but reserve a bit of space at the end of the lefse or tortilla. This will be used to secure the roll. Roll the lefse onto itself to form a log. Be sure to press the reserved end into a roll in order to secure the log. Using a sharp , cut into rounds and serve.

Photos: Whitney Love Left: Laks wraps are a mouth-watering lunch and an attractive appetizer. Right: There is an art to arranging your open-faced sandwich. Hipp Hipp Hurra for Syttende Mai! Join us to celebrate Norway’s 200 years of independence with fresh Northwest seafood and a view of the Puget Sound.

Anthony’s HomePort ~ Shilshole Bay 6135 Seaview Ave NW • Seattle WA 98107 For Reservations Call: 206.783.0780 www.anthonys.com norwegian american weekly May 9, 2014 • S9 taste of norway

Whitney Love originally hails from Tucson, Arizo- na and is currently living in Stavanger, Norway. She runs the English language blog Thanks For The Food where she documents her love affair with Norway through the lens of traditional and modern Norwegian gastronomy. You can find her on- line at thanksforthefood.com or on Twitter at @thanksforthemat. Skiver med reker og hjemmelaget majones (Open-faced shrimp sandwiches with homemade mayonnaise)

Norway, and Scandinavia as a whole, sandwiches lies in layering your toppings of black pepper Try your hand at making open-faced is quite fond of the open-faced sandwich. In choice on your bread in a way that each bite • and finally a squeeze of fresh lem- sandwiches with your favorite combinations contrast to the American sandwich tradition, includes a taste of each topping. on. and fresh homemade mayo. My recipe be- sandwiches in Norway are often prepared low takes 20 minutes and makes a 250 ml (1 as a single slice of bread smeared with but- My favorite open faced sandwiches are cup) of mayo. ter, then topped with pålegg (a general name topped with (in order): given to sandwich fixings such as sliced • butter 250 ml (1 cup) neutral oil like canola/ 1 tablespoon water cheeses, cold cuts, sandwich spreads, etc.), • lettuce rapeseed or sunflower 1/4 teaspoon dry mustard powder the occasional condiment, such as mayon- • cucumber 1 egg (2 egg yokes for a richer mayo) (such as Coleman’s) naise, and eaten with a knife and fork. • fresh peel-and-eat shrimp (boiled in 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar or 1/2 teaspoon sugar Despite sounding minimal, eating this salt water only), lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon salt type of sandwich can be quite satisfying • sliced red onion, and an easy way to serve a large group in • homemade majones (mayonnaise), an unfussed hurry. The art of open-faced • a light dusting of freshly ground Using an immersion blender set on high, combine all ingredients until emulsified. Store mayo in an air-tight container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

TRIDENT SEAFOODS Seattle’s original proudly salutes our Norwegian community on the 17th of May

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Be sure — ya sure! — to visit the Trident store next to the Ballard Locks. All your favorite seafood is now under one roof at 2821 NW Market Street. TridentSeafoods.com S10 • May 9, 2014 norwegian american weekly travel Destination: Brooklyn New York’s Syttende Mai attracts visitors from Norway and all over the world

Victoria Hofmo Victoria Hofmo: Liv, what made you Brooklyn, N.Y. decide to come to Brooklyn to celebrate a Norwegian holiday? An interesting phenomenon has devel- Liv: I love to visit Brooklyn, especially oped. Brooklyn’s Syttende Mai Celebration this year to celebrate our 200th Anniversary. is becoming a destination for Norwegian tourists. I began to notice this occurrence a VH: Have you been to Brooklyn before few years ago. A contingent of the Brooklyn during the 17th of May celebrations? Norwegians Facebook group began coming, L: I was there last year, marching, as I some all the way from Norway, to march in played in the Vanse Brass band. the parade and participate in other festivi- ties. This year the contingent includes one VH: What do you expect? of the group’s founders Erling Dugan, who L: I expect to meet many Norwegians. recently moved back to Norway. Last year, we spent too little time in Brook- It is also a popular time for Norwegian lyn after the parade. When you play in the family members to visit their Norwegian- parade you do not see who is standing in the American relatives in the Brooklyn area. streets. Less than two weeks ago, a friend of mine, Liv Lynsvag, who is part owner of the popu- VH: How are the celebrations similar to Photo: Nancy & Art Anderson lar Trunken in Vanse, Norway called to tell Norway’s? Brooklyn’s parade and Viking Fest aren’t just for —though they are welcome. me she has decided to come to Brooklyn for L: The parade is the same, with all the the jubilation and is bringing a friend. They “bunads” and Norwegian flags. L: Because they have so many close ties like to invite Americans to be part of in Nor- plan to enjoy the Scandinavian East Coast to Brooklyn, as many have lived there or way? “We welcome everybody to come to Museum’s Viking Fest on Saturday and the VH: How are they different? have relatives who have stayed for years. In Vanse to celebrate our American Festival. It Norwegian Day Parade on Sunday. L: We have two parades; we have one our region we love Brooklyn and the whole is a Festival with lots of fun, last weekend in So, I am curious. What is enticing Nor- for the schools in the morning and one in the USA. June! I would suggest the American Festival wegians to come to Brooklyn to celebrate a afternoon for everybody. In this parade we in Kvinesdal the weekend after too!” Norwegian holiday, especially, during this like to put on “funny clothes.” Now you all know. You don’t have to important year: the 200th Anniversary of the be an American to love Syttende Mai in For a Walking Tour of Scandinavian Brook- Constitution? I figured I would go straight VH: Why do you think so many Nor- Bay Ridge. But, of course Americans are lyn, or if you have questions about Scandina- to the horse’s mouth and ask my friend Liv wegian are choosing to come to Brooklyn to welcome. And in the spirit of reciprocity I vian Brooklyn you can contact the Scandina- who is due to arrive in less than a week. celebrate the 17th? asked Liv if there was a celebration you’d vian East Coast Museum at (718) 748-5950.

Things to do in Brooklyn for Syttende Mai Gratulerer Norwegian Christian Home 17th Cel- Med Dagen ebration May 17, 6:00 pm The 200th Anniversary www.nchhc.org of Norway’s Norwegian Day Parade (Syttende Mai Constitution Day! Parade) May 18, 1:00 p.m. Celebrate Syttende Mai www.may17paradeny.com with us and share Nordic Deli - Great view for parade! traditions all year long. 17th of May Committee Dinner Dance Food served from 9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. featuring a Fashion Show by Moods of Norway After Parade Parties The National Norwegian-American May 10, 6:00 pm DAC: www.facebook.com/danishclub Vesterheim Museum & Heritage Center ww.may17paradeny.com Sporting Club Gjoa: www.gjoa.org The Swedish Club: www.swedishclub. 502 W. Water St., Decorah, Iowa • 563-382-9681 • vesterheim.org Viking Fest 2014 com May 17, 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. www.scandinavian-museum.org Celebrate 17th of May with us! May 18th 11 a.m - 5 p.m. Rickreall, Oregon Gratulerer wine tasting ($5) • viking soul food • dancing • traditional costumes • med dagen! music & fun! 4285 N Pacific Hwy (99W) Show your membership in the Sons/Daughters of Norway or Rickreall, OR 97371 Scandinavian Heritage Foundation (866) 379-6029 • www.johanvineyards.com for a complimentary wine tasting! norwegian american weekly May 9, 2014 • S11 syttende mai Hugo’s Accordian Band A postcard for the (bi)centennial to rock the Nordic Cafe

Solveig Lee navian folk and dance music and nourishing Seattle, Wash. the “Nordic beat.” Today, Hugo’s Accordion Band contin- Hugo’s Accordion Band, a favorite mu- ues to make music under the direction of Leif sical group in the Pacific Northwest, will be Holmes of Stanwood. The band plays on. performing on stage at the Nordic Heritage The group maintains a broad performance Museum in Seattle. These accordionists schedule of civic events: Norgaard Cultural from Skagit, Snohomish, and Island counties Center, Tulip Two-Step, jul and summer sol- will be one of the main attractions celebrat- stice at Norway Park, Sons of Norway lodg- ing Syttende Mai at the Nordic Heritage Mu- es: Abel Lodge, Conway; Normanna, Ever- seum on stage from noon to 3:00 p.m. in the ett; Lutefisk dinners, FinnFest, Oktoberfest Nordic Café auditorium. and more. Director Leif Holmes has created a live- ly Syttende Mai musical menu of traditional The event calendar at www.nordicmuseum. Norwegian melodies for listening and danc- org is open to the public. Free admission on ing and more. They play Scandinavian favor- Saturday, May 17, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. ites—polka, vals, schottis. This popular Northwest band reor- ganized from the dis- tant past and created an extraordinary syn- ergy. The 1996 reunion performance gave trib- ute to a dynamic teach- er, Hugo Helmer, and the years he devoted to not only instructing immigrant children in Skagit and Snohom- ish counties and later a broader roster of stu- dents, but also instill- Postcard submitted by Esther Van Noy Norway’s future looked bright 100 years ago, and even more so today! ing in young people Photo: Sunie Empie the tradition of Scandi- Hugo’s Accordian Band.

Gratulerer! Scandinavian East Coast Museum • scandinavian-museum.org

Viking Fest 2014 upcoming eVents Saturday, May 17, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Tour of Stave Church Long Island at Bliss/Owls’ Head Park Fall 2014 68th Street & Colonial Road, Brooklyn NEW ADDITION: Annual Essay Contest Viking Village from 10:00 am - Noon October 2014 S12 • May 9, 2014 norwegian american weekly syttende Mai


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NOW AVAILABLE *Offer valid on select 2014/15 sailing dates. Not included: Flights, transfers, luggage handling and travel insurance. Offer subject to availability and Hurtigruten’s normal booking conditions. Offer open to new bookings only and cannot be added retrospectively. norwegian american weekly May 9, 2014 • S13 syttende mai Happy 200th Constitution Day GRAUTULERER MED DAGEN


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For more information, please contact: BREKKE TOURS & TRAVEL Phone: 1-800-437-5302 Email: [email protected] Website: www.BrekkeTours.com S14 • May 9, 2014 norwegian american weekly in your neighborhood What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events alaska foods, music, games for all ages, and a time to heim’s collection and a model of the Eidsvoll school through senior high are invited to Little Norway Festival celebrate our Norwegian heritage. Donations ac- building where the constitution was signed on participate in the Syttende Mai Medtronic May 15–18 cepted. Call Marilyn Speas for more information: May 17, 1814. The display also discusses politi- TC Kids Cross Country Fun Run at Como Park Petersburg, Alaska (303) 973-2158 cal and cultural developments in Norway in the in St. Paul. Norway House is proud to be an There will be great music and indoor and out- ensuing years. official sponsor of this year’s 5K, half mile, door dances on Friday & Saturday evening. district of columbia mile, and two-mile races. Norwegian Ambas- Art events include the Annual Mitkof Mum- Washington Stage Guild Production of Elling Maine sador to the United States Kåre Aas kicks off mer’s Melodrama written and produced by now – May 18 Syttende Mai Celebration with Maine the race with greetings from Norway and the the local theatre group, a variety of artist Washington, D.C. Nordmenn singing of the Norwegian national anthem. receptions, rosemaling classes, and a local The film Elling was one of the most popular Nor- May 17, 9:30 a.m. All participants receive a medal, T-Shirt, bib, Arts & Craft Share. Booths line the street wegian films of all times. It received a Best For- Gray, Maine and lunch. After the race, everyone is invited offering a variety of wares and information. eign Film Oscar nomination in 2001. It was based Maine Nordmenn will hold their Syttende Mai to experience all things Norwegian sponsored Food ranges from traditional Alaskan Native on Ambjørnsen’s novel “Brødre i blodet” celebration at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 17, by Concordia Language Villages, International fare and Petersburg’s world-class seafood to (Blood Brothers). The Washington Stage Guild is 2014, at the Maine Wildlife Park in Gray, Maine. Telemark, and the Honorary Royal Norwegian fine Norwegian delicacies. A parade, a walk/ presenting a stage version of Elling. Showings are Come and enjoy a parade, games, music, cook Consulate! Also meet Team USA Minnesota run race, a pageant, style shows, many dedi- Thursdays through Saturdays at the Undercroft out, and time with friends and Maine’s wild ani- elite runners who will provide running tips. cations, receptions and open houses ensure Theatre at Mount Vernon Place. To purchase tick- mals. 200th Anniversary celebration and parade Register at www.tcmevents.org/. The fee is entertainment for everyone. ets, go to stageguild.org/buy-tickets/ at 11:00 a.m. Koldtbord, pølser, and pot luck buf- $10 in advance or $16 on race day. fet at 12:00. Please bring a koldtbord item or a arizona florida dessert and a portable chair. Maine Nordmenn Syttende Mai in Spring Grove May 17 Syttende Mai Celebrations May 17th Celebrations will provide the rest. Free admission for dues Spring Grove, Minn. May 17, 10:00 a.m. May 17, 12:00-6:00 p.m. paying members, and special $3.50 entrance fee Celebrate Syttende Mai with Norwegian craft Phoenix, Ariz. Miami, Fla. for visitors. Free parking. All are welcome. Find and food demos at the Sons of Norway from This year’s grand celebration takes place at True to tradition, the day starts with a church ser- directions to the park at www.maine.gov/ifw/ed- 9:00 a.m. to noon, and the grand parade at Elk’s Lodge starting at 10:00 a.m. There will vice followed by the speech of the day, children’s ucation/wildlifepark/. Rain date is Sunday, May 1:30 p.m. Enjoy lefse, rømmegrøt, sweet soup, be lunch, a parade, tale for dagen, games, parade with the Sons of Norway’s Viking ship, 18. For more information, contact Karen Solberg and more at the Norwegian Foods Stand. You and a video from Norway. Please make reser- and hot dogs, soda, and ice! Come and celebrate at 207-854-9992 or [email protected]. can also stop by the Bluff Country Artists Gal- vations to Annie Houser by May 10. this day with us at the Seaman’s Church in Davie. Maryland lery for some Norwegian-inspired art and demonstrations. For more information and a Syttende Mai Lunch 17. mai Family Picnic illinois complete listing of events, visit www.sgsyt- May 17, 11:00 a.m. May 17, 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Gala Dinner tendemai.org/Schedule_Events.html. Tuscon, Ariz. May 17 Potomac, Md. Start your Syttende Mai Celebration with Celebrate the Bicentennial of the Norwegian North Barrington, Ill. Syttende Mai Pølsefest lunch at 11:00 a.m. at the Viscount Hotel on Constitution Day with the Royal Norwegian Em- The Royal Norwegian Consulate General in Chica- May 17, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Broadway. The cost is $20 per person, and bassy and Norwegian Organizations in the Wash- go will host a gala dinner, dance, and celebration Moorhead, Minn. reservations are required. Contact Gretchen ington, D.C. area! Join us for a family picnic at the to honor the 200th anniversary of the signing of Celebrate Norway’s Constitution Day with a Carew at 887-1114 or email her at gcarew@ Carderock Park on the Potomac River from 1:00 the Norwegian Constitution, at the Wynstone traditional snack: hot dogs wrapped in lefse. comcast.net. Golf Club in North Barrington, Ill. Guests will wel- to 3:00 p.m. Visit www.naccma.org/events/17- mai-picnic/ for more information. This event will be held at Hjemkomst Center come the Honorable Svein Ludvigsen, Governor from 11:30 to 1:30, or while supplies last. California of County, Norway as keynote speaker. “Syttende mai” celebrations at San Orion Samuelson will act as emcee for the grand Massachusetts Syttende Mai Minnesota Banquet Bernardino City Hall event, and the Joe Lill Band will provide dance 200th Anniversary of the Norwegian May 17, 5:00 p.m. May 16 music. Additional information: Norwegian Con- Constitution Bloomington, Minn. San Bernardino, Calif. sulate General in Chicago (312) 377-5050, the May 17, 12:30 p.m. Syttende Mai Minnesota is pleased to an- At our May meeting, we will be celebrating Norwegian National League (www.nnleague.org) West Newton, Mass. nounce that Norwegian Ambassador Kåre Aas Syttende Mai with Norwegian open-faced or NAmerican CC (www.naccchicago.org). Dress Meet at the entrance of the Scandinavian Living will serve as keynote speaker at the Syttende sandwiches. We plan to attend the flag hoist- is Black Tie Preferred / Dark Suit Optional, and Center at 12:30 p.m. for the 17. mai parade. The Mai Banquet to celebrate the bicentennial ing ceremony hosted by Soldalen Lodge at Bunads are encouraged. Tickets are $150 each parade will step off at 12:45, followed by lunch of Norway’s constitution. The event will take San Bernardino City Hall. Wear your bunad, and feature a cocktail hour and full dinner. at 1:45 and children’s games at 2:30. Enjoy music place at 5:00 p.m. on May 17 at Minnesota your white shirt and red vest, or something by SAMspill. Tickets for lunch will be sold upon Valley Country Club in Bloomington. Banquet red, white, and blue. And don’t forget your The Viking Ship arrival. Cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children. reservations must be made by 5:00 p.m. on Norwegian flag and “Syttende Mai sløyfe.” May 17, July 19, Aug. 16, & Sept. 20 May 7. For information, contact the Honorary Geneva, Ill. Michigan Norwegian Consulate General at (612) 332- Viking, Syttende Mai at Sjømannskirken See the a full-size replica of a ninth cen- Syttende Mai Celebration 3338. Reservations are required. May 17, 1:00 p.m. tury Viking ship that sailed across the Atlantic in May 14 San Francisco, Calif. 1893. The Viking Ship will be open to visitors be- West Bloomfield, Mich. Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church Cel- The celebration begins at West Ft Miley out tween 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. at the Good Templar Nordkap Lodge Sons of Norway 5-378 will cel- ebratory Worship and Parade on Lands End. There will be a parade with Park at 528 East Side Drive, Geneva, Illinois. Email ebrate the Bicentennial of the Norwegian Con- May 18, 10:30 a.m. hot dogs, ice cream, and soda. There will be a [email protected] to schedule a group tour. stitution at the award-winning Lark Restaurant Minneapolis, Minn. ceremony in the park until 3:30 p.m. The fes- Additional information at www.vikingship.us. in West Bloomfield on May 14. The menu, briefly Mindekirken, the Norwegian Lutheran Me- tivities will continue at 6:00 p.m. with a flag highlighted, features spicy salmon gravlax with morial Church, 924 E 21st St, Minn., has a full procession, music, and photo presentation at Norwegian National League Parade Aquavit, Bergen fish soup, steamed Norwegian day planned. The morning begins with a con- Sjømannskirken. May 18, 12:00 p.m. lobster, stuffed pork, or juniper-scented reindeer, cert by the Norwegian Glee Club of Minne- Park Ridge, Ill. and whipped cream cake with raspberry puree. apolis. A worship service follows with a trum- 200th Anniversary Celebration Every year the Norwegian National League hosts Call Carol Jehle at (248) 626-2148. pet fanfare, the Mindekirke choir, and official May 17, 6:00 p.m.-11:30 p.m. a parade at Hodges Park in Park Ridge, Illinois, in greetings from the palace in Oslo. Immedi- San Francisco, Calif. celebration of Norway’s Constitution Day in May. 17th of May Celebration ately following the worship service a people’s The 17th of May festivities will kick off at the Pre-parade festivities in Hodges Park begin at May 17, 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. parade will march through the neighborhood Westin Hotel at 6:00 p.m. with our esteemed noon and will include entertainment, activities Farmington Hills, Mich. and return to the church. This year’s grand guest speaker, Consul General Hilde Janne for children, vendors, and refreshments. Celebrate the 17th of May at the Swedish Club, marshal is Sven Sundgaard, KARE 11 Sunrise Skorpen, giving honor to the past 200 years. featuring a parade, games, and goodies. The cel- meteorologist. After the parade, there will be Enjoy a no-host bar, appetizers and sit-down iowa ebration begins at 11:00 a.m. on May 17. Norwegian dancing, music, children’s games, dinner followed by a live band and dancing. Syttende Mai at Vesterheim and a lunch. The event is free, but a $5 dona- You will also have a chance to win two tickets May 17 Minnesota tion per person is requested to defray lunch to Norway from Scandinavian Airlines. Decorah, Iowa Scandinavian Dance costs. For more information, call the church at Join Vesterheim for a full day of celebrations in- May 11, 6:00-9:00 p.m. (612) 874-0716. colorado cluding free museum admission, gallery talks, a Minneapolis, Minn. Syttende Mai Celebration children’s parade, food, and dancing. For more Scandinavian dance including teaching with live Missouri May 18, 12:00-5:00 p.m. information visit vesterheim.org/events/festi- and recorded music. Entry is $5. Come, and bring Syttende Mai with The Norwegian Society of Centennial, Colo. vals/syttende-mai/. your mother along, too. Tapestry Folkdance Cen- St. Louis Join Fjelldalen Lodge at DeKoevend Park, ter: tapestryfolkdance.org/index.php/tapestry- May 17, 1:00 p.m. Shelter A. Look for the Norwegian flag. Park- Alt for Norge: Celebrating 200 Years of the Nor- programs/nordic Kirkwood, Mo. ing is on the west side of University. Bring wegian Constitution The Norwegian Society of St. Louis will be your family and friends to help us celebrate Decorah, Iowa 17. Mai Medtronic TC Kids Cross Country Fun celebrating Syttende Mai in Simpson Park in Syttende Mai, a very colorful family-oriented May 17 Run Kirkwood. The club will be providing pølse, event with many people wearing authen- Vesterheim presents Alt for Norge: Celebrat- May 17, 9:00 a.m. hot dogs, drinks, and chips. The members tic Norse costumes, a children’s parade, a ing 200 Years of the Norwegian Constitution to St. Paul, Minn. are asked to please bring either a dessert or smorgasbord of traditional festive Norwegian honor the signing of this important document. It Early on Norway’s national day, youth aged pre- a salad to share. Cost is $10 for adult mem- features commemorative artifacts from Vester- norwegian american weekly May 9, 2014 • S15 in your neighborbood Syttende Mai edition! bers, $15 for adult nonmembers, and $5.00 We have reserved the “silo” area of the park for May 17 at Dorothy Anderson Cabin bining her traditional nordic sounds with raw for each child under 12. Deadline for reserva- the entire day. The event is handicap accessible May 17, 10:00 a.m. power and haunting, dreamlike soundscapes. tions is May 8, 2014. For more information, this year! Cost is $10 for members, $15 for non- Seabrook, Wash. Marit is one of her region’s best musical and please visit the website for the Norwegian members, $5 for children 3 to 12, and free for Take part in Seabrook’s fourth annual Syttende traditional singers. She can capture the musi- Society of St. Louis: www.norwaystl.com. children under 3. Mai celebration of the 17th of May, Norwegian cal mystery and the genuine Norwegian Tradi- Constitution Day! Meet at the Dorothy - Ander tional singing. Advanced ticket sales will begin NEW YORK oregon son Cabin (at the north end of Crescent Park) at soon at local businesses and online. Tickets Portal of Enigma Constitutional Jubileum with Grieg Lodge 10:30 a.m. for a parade through the streets of are $15.00 per person. May 16 – June 5, 11:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. May 17, 1:00 p.m. Seabrook, ending at The Salty Dog with coffee New York, N.Y. Portland, Ore. and Norwegian pastries. You don’t have to be Stoughton Chamber of Commerce Syttende Chelsea’s Agora Gallery will feature the origi- Join Grieg Lodge members in celebrating Nor- Norwegian to join the fun (but please wear your Mai Celebration nal work of Norwegian artist Mona Hoel in way’s Bicentennial Constitution Day. National bunad if you have one)! And don’t forget to bring May 17, 6:00 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Portal of Enigma. The exhibition begins on dress or other festive attire is encouraged. In the your dog! Contact Ann Kjelsberg at akjels@gmail. Stoughton, Wis. May 16 and runs until June 5, with opening Bergen Waterfront Dining Room, you can buy com or (360) 581-9300 for more information. The Stoughton Chamber of Commerce will reception on the evening of May 22, from open-faced shrimp sandwiches, rolls with Gjetost be celebrating Syttende Mai with a variety 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The art of Portal of or Jarlsberg cheese, surkål and pølse with lompe Syttende Mai with the Nordic Heritage Museum of events including a children’s parade, run/ Enigma takes up the challenge posed to ev- or bun, rømmegrøt, bløtkake, almond pastry, and May 17, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. walks, Norwegian music, dance, arts and ery artist by the enormous diversity and beverages. Free hot dogs, bottled water, and ice Seattle, Wash. crafts, and more! Visit www.stoughtonwi. complexity of life and meets it head on, fac- cream for children 10 years and under. The grand Celebrate this momentous year for Syttende Mai com/syttendemai/schedule.asp for the sched- ing both mystery and confusion squarely and flag parade starts at 3:00 p.m., featuring march- at the Nordic Heritage Museum: 2014 marks ule and locations. bringing from it enlightenment and energy. ing bands and fjord horses. Following the parade, the 125th year of celebrations in Seattle! The Agora Gallery is open Tuesday through Satur- enjoy festivities in the Grand Ballroom featuring day kicks off with the Ballard Street Scramble at Westby Syttende Mai day. Visit www.agora-gallery.com/artistpage/ the Scandinavian Chorus, Speakers, and Leikar- 9:30 a.m. The Museum is open from 10:00 a.m. May 17 Mona_Hoel.aspx for more information. ringen. The dance starts at 6:00 p.m. in the Lodge to 4:00 p.m. with free admission, and kids and Westby, Wis. Room, with live music provided by Fossegrimen. parents can enjoy Norwegian-themed crafts in- Westby has a full day of Syttende Mai celebra- Viking Fest 2014 cluding rosemaled paper plates, pop art trolls, tions planned. Start your day with an authen- May 17, 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Syttende Mai at Johan Vineyards and Norwegian flag postcards. Open-face sand- tic Norwegian breakfast from 7:00 to 10:00 Brooklyn, N.Y. May 18, 11:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. wiches and Norwegian treats will be served in a.m. at the United Methodist Church. The kid- The Scandinavian East Coast Museum will Rickreall, Ore. the Nordic Café with entertainment by Hugo’s die parade starts at 10:00 a.m. at the corner host our annual Viking Fest on Saturday, May Join Johan Vineyards in celebrating Norwegian Accordion Band, and guests can visit the parade’s of Melby and Main Street. Make sure to stop 17, from 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. at Bliss/Owl’s Constitution Day. Enjoy Viking Soul Food’s won- Fjord horses and ride the Nordic Express kid train by the Westby Syttende Mai History Display, Head Park, at 68th Street and Narrows Ave in derful lefse wraps, the youth dance group Grieg outside. Visit www.nordicmuseum.org. a display of the official buttons, photographs Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. This year the event be- Lodge Leikarringen, a psalmodikon group, and and memorabilia dating back to 1969. There gins two hours earlier and features our “Vi- people from the Sons of Norway in traditional 17th of May Festival will also be a 5k run/walk, half marathon, king Village” from 10:00 a.m. to noon, with dress. The tasting fee is $5. May 17 tractor pull, rømmegrøt eating contest, and the Norseman, half-size replica Viking ship Seattle, Wash. more! For more information, visit westbysyt- and crew, and the Society for Creative Anach- The streets of Ballard come alive with music tendemai.com/Home.php. virginia and celebration of Norwegian Constitution Day! ronism and Historic Arms. Featured guests Norway’s Bicentennial Constitution Gala from Norway include the Sandnes Trekkspill There will be a luncheon at the Leif Erikson Hall May 16, 6:30 p.m.-10:30 p.m. at 12:00 p.m. Tickets are $30; RSVP to (206) 783- alberta, canada Orkester, accordion band and Sandnes Folke- Arlington, Va. Calgary’s Syttende Mai danslag, and folk dancers from the town of 1274. Enjoy live entertainment at Bergen Place Purchase your tickets at www.naccma.org/ from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. You can also pur- May 17, 11:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Sandnes. For further info email us at scan- events/bicentennial-gala/! Included in your Calgary, Alberta [email protected] or call (718) 748-5950. chase Scandinavian food and drink and learn ticket is: a welcome drink, special Norwegian ap- about local Scandinavian groups in the Nordic Saturday, May 17, 2014, is the 200th anniver- petizer “Gravlaks and sennep saus” provided by sary of Norway’s Constitution, and there will 62nd Annual Norwegian Constitution Day Cafe at Leif Erikson Hall from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. NorHouse, one of three choices for dinner served The parade starts at 6:00 p.m. at W 62nd St. and be an extra special celebration downtown. Parade with wine, and a real Norwegian dessert of “kran- After a flag ceremony at Old City Hall at 11:30 May 18, 1:30 p.m. 24th Ave. NW and ends at Ballard Ave and Dock sekake,” fresh strawberries and vanilla ice cream! St. After the parade, enjoy live music by “Jazz Un- a.m., everyone is welcome to join the parade Brooklyn, N.Y. Join us for a wonderful evening of dinner, music to Fort Calgary where there will be activities Join the Norwegian-American 17th of May limited Band” and the Celebration Dance at Elks and entertainment to celebrate our 200 year an- on Shilshole, 6411 Seaview Ave N from 8:30 to and entertainment until 4:00 p.m. Thanks to Committee of Greater New York on Third Av- niversary! Velkommen skal du være! our sponsors and Fort Calgary, everything is enue in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. Enjoy Sandnes 11:30 p.m. Tickets are available at the door for $10. Learn more at www.17thofmay.org. free. However, tickets are required for lunch Trekkspillklubb (Sandnes Accordion Club) texas as seating is limited. Please contact Russ Wiigs and the Sandnes Folkedans (a dance group). 200th Constitution day with the Norwegian After-Party at Anthony’s HomePort (403-283-1299, e-mail valhalla4341@telus. A number of local New York bands will also Seaman’s Church net) about ticket availability. be providing music for the expected 100,000 May 17, 8:30-11:00 p.m. May 17, 1:00 p.m. Seattle, Wash. spectators along the parade route. The pa- Houston, Texas Syttende Mai Celebrations rade will step off promptly at 1:30 p.m. rain The big day continues with an after-party co- Celebrate Syttende Mai with the Snorre Chapter hosted by the Royal Norwegian Consulate. Join May 17, 4:00 p.m. or shine and proceed north along Third Av- at the Norwegian Seamen’s Church of Houston. Edmonton, Alberta enue to 69th Street. A short program will fol- us at Anthony’s HomePort Shilshole Bay for de- There will be a short ceremony with music by licious food, aquavit, and a celebration of the Flagraising, music, folkdancing, social hour, low the parade. For more info please contact the children’s choir and band, speech of the day, and dinner. $30.00 adults, $15 ages 5-12. Evald Olson at (718) 745-6653, or visit our 200th anniversary of Norwegian Constitution and greetings from King Harald V. There will also Day. Tickets are $75. Under five free. www.sofnedmonton.ca/ website at www.may17paradeny.com. be games for children of all ages with fun prizes. events/2014-05-17_SyttendeMaiPoster.pdf The menu consists of hot dogs, Norwegian home- Syttende Mai Celebration North Carolina made cakes, ice cream, soft drinks, and coffee/ May 18, 2:00 p.m. British columbia, canada Norwegian Constitution Day Celebration tea. Join us by the Snorre banner in the Parade. Everett, Wash. Nor­we­gian Consti­ ­tution­ Day May 17, 10:30 a.m. Cost is $20 for those over 13, $10 for ages four to Enjoy a music, flag, and bunad parade and a 17th May 17, 11:00 a.m. Raleigh, N.C. 12, and free for children under three. of May presentation of “I Remember Mama” at Burnaby,­ B.C. This celebration at the St. Giles Presbyte- the Normanna Hall. Following the program, join The Nor­wegian­ Con­sti­tu­tion Bicen­tenary­ rian Church includes Norwegian folk dances, Joint 17th of May celebration in on “A Taste of Norway” from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 Com­mit­tee will host ­cele­ ­bra­tions at the Scan­ flags, fiddlers, parade, and a picnic. There will May 17, 3:00-6:00 p.m. p.m. There will be food demonstrations and sam- di­na­vian Com­mu­nity Cen­tre. The afternoon­ be an emigrant reenactment and Syttende Arlington, Texas ples, wood carvers, rosemaling, Norwegian em- pro­gram will include a parade with free flags Mai Proclamation. All are welcome, including Join Viking, Midnattsolen, and Troll Hjem to cel- broidery, bake sale, and music. Price for “A Taste for chil­dren 12 & under, games with prizes, children, and it is free. Please bring some- ebrate the 200th Constitution Day with a speaker, of Norway” is $8; children 12 and under are free. music by Spel­manslag, & perfor­ mance­ by the thing to share at the picnic. Call (919) 847- food, and games. At Advent Lutheran Church, Scan­di­na­vian Dancers. There will be a lunch 0522 or (919) 676-3370 for more info. 3232 S. Cooper in Arlington. Wisconsin of two open-faced sandwiches, cake, and cof- Spirits from Norway Concert fee for $15. Chil­dren 12 & under are free & Syttende Mai Celebration Washington will receive a hot dog, ice cream, & drink. En- May 17, 12:30-4:00 p.m. May 16, 7:00 p.m. Viking Fest Westby, Wis. joy a dis­play and pre­sen­ta­tion regard­ing the Concord, N.C. May 16 – 18 Bicen­ten­nial, NHS Stu­dent Bur­sary awards, The Syttende Mai Celebration will be held at Enjoy the Spirits from Norway concert at the Poulsbo, Wash. Westby High School Gym. The concert will fea- entertain­ ­ment by the Runeberg Choir and Frank Liske Park in Concord. It’s the 200th Viking Fest is proudly held by the communities of an oppor­tu­nity to sing along to your favorite Anniversary of the Norwegian Constitution, ture Martine Kraft and Marit Kolloen. Martine Poulsbo and Kitsap County to celebrate the spirit is an acclaimed Norwegian artist and composer Nor­we­gian tunes. Visit scandinaviancentre. so put on your bunad and join us for a small of our Scandinavian Founders. Join us for a family org/norway/17th-of-may-norwegian-consti- parade at 1:00 p.m. At 2:00 p.m. we will have and has been performing all around the world event of arts and crafts, music, dance, and more! with her own material for over a decade, com- tution-day-bicentenary/6096/ for details. Norwegian hot dogs, cold meats, gravlax, Visit www.vikingfest.org for more information. cold salads, bread, coffee, lemonade, tea, and water. Please bring your favorite dessert. Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Check blog.norway.com/events-calendar for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. s16 • May 9, 2014 norwegian american weekly back page Gratulerer med dagen!

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