Small Business PAC Trump allies want Economy adds 201K jobs endorses Laxalt Congress to find in August, unemployment for Governor anonymous op-ed author holds at 3.9 percent Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

Volume 20, Issue 29 September 12-18, 2018

Bundy lawsuit addresses public land ownership By Thomas Mitchell Bundy and his sons are noto- and founder of Judicial Watch, and A civil lawsuit filed on behalf of rious for the 2014 armed standoff Craig Mueller, who earlier this Bunkerville rancher Cliven Bundy with Bureau of Land Management year lost a primary bid for attorney in state district court asks the court agents who attempted to confiscate general — cites court cases, U.S. to declare that the public land on his cattle for his failure to pay $1 and constitutional history, which Bundy grazes his cattle is million in grazing fees and fines the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo owned by Nevada and Clark Coun- over two decades. Federal crimi- in which Mexico ceded much of ty, not the federal government. nal charges against the remaining the West to the United States and The chances of success are most defendants in that case were dis- legislative proclamations. likely slim and none, but the suit missed when the judge ruled the The suit notes the state Legisla- raises some salient points about the prosecution failed to turn over ture has never consented to allow power of the federal bureaucracy potentially exculpatory evidence the U.S. government to own more to hold sway over more than 85 to the defendants. than 85 percent of the land within percent of the land in Nevada. The civil lawsuit — drafted by the state’s borders. Larry Klayman, often described When the Constitution was be- My Point CLIVEN BUNDY as an activist right-wing lawyer (See Bundy Lawsuit, Page 4) of View Trump tax law takes center By Rolando Larraz It is always easy to blame the next person, whoever that person stage in Nevada Senate race may be; and it is always easier to find excuses instead of explana- By Naomi Jagoda the work he did on the tax law and tions. The Hill the strong economy that he links to I have said it so many times that The war over President Trump’s the measure. I no longer can count them: it is not tax law is playing out in the Nevada “Because of the tax cut we the politicians, it is those who elect Senate race, where a House Dem- wrote and passed, small business ocrat who voted against the mea- optimism is surging,” he tweeted the politicians — and that is YOU. sure is challenging the only GOP in late August. The American people no longer member of the Senate’s tax-writing But Rep. Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) can afford to vote for a candidate committee running for reelection sees it as a winning issue for her- just because “my daughter is dat- this year. self as she seeks to unseat Heller. ing her son” or “I went to school Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.), also Rosen argues the law helps wealthy with him,” or “he or she always the only Republican senator up for individuals and corporations rather remembers my name” and all the reelection in a state Hillary Clinton than the middle class. many other stupid reasons that carried in 2016, has been touting Sen. Dean Heller and Rep. Jacky Rosen (See Senate Race, Page 5) have nothing at all to do with the candidates’ qualifications. When politicians start feeding Trump gets good news on wages all that cockamamie vocabulary of theirs to voters, to convince By Vicki Needham my has expanded. But Friday’s report suggested element of a more than nine-year economic them that they are the real thing, The Hill wages may finally be on the rise, though they recovery, confounding . it is almost like they are running a A new report from the Labor Department on are, as of now, only keeping up with inflation. “It’s been surprising that the length of the jobs boiler room. Friday showed a significant hike in wages, pro- Worker pay grew 2.9 percent in the past recovery and the low level of the unemployment When those with experience in viding a bolt of good news to President Trump year — near the target of 3 percent — the fastest rate have not boosted wage gains more strongly, boiler rooms become politicians, and congressional Republicans less than two growth since the recession ended in June 2009, but the August figures may be a sign of accel- the picture is even worse and the months before the midterms. and a positive sign that paychecks may get a erating wage gains,” said David Berson, chief There have been few signs of wage growth boost after years of stagnation. at Nationwide. voters become victims of the elect- even as unemployment has fallen and the econo- A rise is wages has been a major missing (See Wages, Page 4) ed officials. Take for example the deal with the Stadium: how can anyone think Trump declares state of emergency in about building a property of that magnitude and ignore the parking Carolinas ahead of Hurricane Florence facility? It is very easy—the rush By Brett Samuels will coordinate response efforts, to close the deal was so imperative The Hill according to Trump’s order. that the rush to lie to the voters of President Trump on Monday Hurricane Florence developed Clark County became necessary, evening declared a state of emer- into a Category 4 storm on Monday, and they did that by telling them gency in North Carolina and South and has the potential to strengthen that the room tax would not affect Carolina as the two states brace for to a Category 5 before it makes them —all of which was more Hurricane Florence. landfall, according to the National important than slowing down the Trump ordered federal assis- Hurricane Center. negotiations for that particular tance be made available to bolster The storm is expected to reach location. state and local responses to the South Carolina and North Carolina Of course, if anyone thinks storm. later this week. Residents in certain that [I think] there was some kind The Department of Homeland areas of both states have been or- of “campaign contribution” by Security and the Federal Emergen- dered to evacuate their homes. listening to the negotiations, they cy Management Agency (FEMA) (See Hurricane Florence, Page 3) will call me a conspiracy theorist, a mentally-challenged individual, or an anti-communism radical, Our day that will live in infamy despite the fact that this newspaper previously endorsed the governor By Thomas Mitchell wannabe, Steve Sisolak, before we Where were you on September learned of his distorted political 11, 2001? I wrote on the Sunday following anti-American ideals. that day of infamy: I left my native Cuba sixty “I sat down at my computer at years ago because I believe that about 6 a.m., unfolded the newspa- communism is a terrible system per and switched on the television. that only benefits the ones in pow- There was smoke pouring from er, and that the difference between the top of one of the unmistakable Communism and Democracy is landmarks of New York City, the very simple: Democracy is the World Trade Center. Well, I thought, exploitation of the man by the man there’s a story and photo for tomor- and Communism is the exploitation row’s front page, and started into of the man by the government, and the morning’s routine. that is where this great nation is “Minutes later a fireball blos- heading if the voters do not wake somed from the other tower, and it up and see the reality in the political began to dawn on the commenta- system of this country. tors and me that this was no ordi- Do those big names in sports nary accident and Sept. 11 would really think that in a communist be no ordinary day.” country they are going to make mil- I started making phone calls. lions and be spoiled by the fans as Reporters and photographers were celebrities? If they do believe that, dispatched to Hoover Dam, Mc- I’d like to get in on that ever-popu- Carran International, City Hall, lar deal of selling them the Empire Nellis Air Force Base, the Strip (See My Point of View, Page 2) (See Remembering 9/11, Page 3) September 11, 2001 — We Will Never Forget Page 2 / TRIBUNE / September 12-18, 2018 Small Business PAC endorses Laxalt for Governor Special to the Las Vegas Tribune impressive enough, but his pro- —He helped curb abusive liti- The political action committee small-business accomplishments gation practices related to the ADA of Nevada’s leading small-business as attorney general seal the deal that had been taking advantage of association announced its endorse- with us.” small businesses. ment of Adam Laxalt for governor. Thompson listed Laxalt’s work Laxalt’s opponent, Steve Siso- “We have a proven fighter for for Main Street enterprises. lak, did not return the NFIB Nevada small business in Adam Laxalt,” —He led a coalition of 21 states PAC questionnaire. said Randi Thompson, Nevada state challenging the U.S. Department of “I’m honored to have the support director for NFIB, speaking for the Labor’s, Obama-era overtime rule. of Nevada’s small businesses,” said NFIB Nevada PAC, which made the —In 2015, he filed suit on behalf Adam Laxalt. “These community endorsement. of Nevada challenging the federal leaders are the driving force behind “He fundamentally understands Waters of the United States rule, our economy. As governor, I’ll get that small businesses are not small- joining a bipartisan coalition of 13 burdensome regulations out of the er versions of big businesses, which states suing to invalidate the rule. way and keep taxes on families and is what we look for most from every —He and five other state at- small businesses low to help these torneys general sent a letter to the candidate. His 100-percent score Nevadans grow their businesses chairman of the National Labor on our candidate questionnaire is and create more quality jobs.” Relations Board (NLRB) oppos- This news release can also be ing the agency’s redefinition of found on the NFIB Nevada web- the decades-old legal standard for page. Follow NFIB Nevada on TRIBUNE joint-employer status. Twitter @NFIB_NV. VOL. 20, NO. 29 My Point of View (Continued from Page 1) flamboyant and humbled Chancellor of the When did we ever hear of a casino being FOUNDER State Building and the Brooklyn Bridge — and Nevada Higher Education System, sacrificing robbed—outside of “Oceans Eleven”? NEVER! Rolando Larraz at the same time, for just a little bit more, I’ll himself in the name of fairness for a half a Oh, and all those crime reports are not in the PUBLISHER throw in the Statue of Liberty! million a year. No!Wait! Just last week he was Las Vegas Tribune; they are in the only daily AND Every time I hear of the stadium and the granted a three percent raise to that half a mil. newspaper this great city has and on the only EDITOR IN CHIEF parking issues I cannot help but to go back a You see, that is why the politicians don’t like four local television stations that share the news Rolando Larraz decade and think of the now infamous Regional me, because I tell the truth, and even when I lie with each other. Injustice Center where the county government I tell the truth because I love this city; there is So don’t try to blame the Las Vegas Tribune GENERAL MANAGER was in such a hurry to close the deal that they no other city I will live in besides Las Vegas. or me for exposing the arrogance of the elected Perly Viasmensky opened a building of that size with only six I grew up here, I lived all my life here and I officials. I believe that it is our duty to expose elevators that work only half of the time and cannot think of any other place to be; but right that wrongdoing and I will continue to do so MANAGING EDITOR the handicap ramp, being an afterthought, was now if I thought that I would make these poli- until I die. Maramis Choufani built months after the building was opened — ticians happy, I would tell them I would move My name is Rolando Larraz, and as always, with all the fanfare of the political system; and somewhere else. (Yah, right!) I approved this column. PRODUCTION Don Snook now, only ten years later, the building is not big We have a sheriff who has the audacity to * * * * * enough for all the courts and they are throwing tell the community that the crime rate is down, Rolando Larraz is Editor in Chief of the Las ASSOCIATE EDITOR Municipal Court out of the building. but every day there are two or three shootings; Vegas Tribune. His column appears weekly in Colleen Lloyd What happened to some of the negotiators we’ve had seven police-involved shootings in this newspaper. To contact Rolando Larraz, of that building, you may ask, and I can tell you ten days; robberies and assaults are still com- email him at: [email protected] INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER that at least one of them is now the dedicated mon, and even casino cages have been robbed. or at 702-272-4634. Kenneth A. Wegner For advertising rates, deadlines call 702-426-6022 or 702-426-5962 Las Vegas Tribune is published weekly at 717 So. 9th Street, Las Vegas, Nevada 89101. Main Number: (702) 714-0119 RadioTribune Call-in Number (702) 983-0711 Website: All rights reserved. Statements, opinions and points of view expressed by the writers are their own and do not necessarily represent those of the publish- er. Information, including prices and times, is considered correct at the time of publishing but may change without notice. Las Vegas Tribune assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, transparencies or other submitted materials. For return, please enclose a self-addressed stamped en- velope. Las Vegas Tribune published weekly by the Tribune Media Group David A. Rifkin, Executive Vice President Quote of the Week: “What we learned on September 11 is that the unthinkable is now thinkable in the world.” — John Ashcroft Please Note: Although the Las Vegas Tribune is open to all and sundry opin- ions about what we publish, we wish to inform all those who choose to submit their opinions in writing to refrain from threat- ening anyone about whom an article is written or the writer of the article. In other words, any opinions containing threats will not be published. We thank you for adhering to this policy.

MISSION STATEMENT We search for the truth, em- brace the truth, and print the truth. If we inadvertently print some- thing that is not true, we will let our readers know. We are open to CALL TODAY documented information to shed light on any issue of concern to our readers. We are of service to our community, and it is our (702) 426-6022 or (702) 426-5962 intention to serve our community the best way we can. Email: [email protected] RECEIVE A FREE COPY OF THE LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE EVERY WEEK! To receive a complimentary link to every new issue of the Las Vegas Tribune, please send an email to [email protected] and give us the email address where you would like your copy sent. We look forward to having you as a subscriber to our publication. September 12-18, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 3 Trump allies want Congress to find anonymous op-ed author By Scott Wong told reporters Thursday at his week- administration. and Juliegrace Brufke ly news conference that he didn’t “I think that’s a real problem The Hill think Congress should be getting if that person stays in the job they Key congressional allies of to the bottom of the op-ed mystery. currently are in,” he said. President Trump are floating the Asked if Congress has any role The op-ed author described idea that Congress could take steps to investigate, Ryan replied: “Not Trump as erratic, ill-informed and to try and find out who wrote the that I know of.” amoral. The writer also described anonymous op-ed in The New York Rep. Dennis Ross (R-Fla.), who a group of “unsung heroes” in Times disparaging the president. serves on the House Oversight and and around the White House who That action could take the form Government Reform Committee, have aggressively worked to halt of an investigation, legislation or also poured cold water on the idea Trump’s “agenda and his worst hearings. that Congress should get involved. inclinations.” “We’re looking right now at “Other than expressing your Trump has called on The New what’s the appropriate action from sentiment, there is little we can do, York Times to reveal the identity a legislative standpoint to review realistically,” Ross told The Hill. of the author, saying he or she may what’s happened,” Rep. Mark and Mark Meadows House Majority Leader Kevin have committed treason. Meadows (R-N.C.), the chairman suggested White House officials Trump loyalists are enraged that McCarthy (R-Calif.) — one of “If the GUTLESS anonymous of the conservative Freedom Cau- who hold a security clearance there are administration officials Trump’s closest allies on Capitol person does indeed exist, the Times cus who also leads a subcommittee should undergo lie detector tests working against the president, cast- Hill and the frontrunner to become must, for National Security purpos- that conducts oversight of federal in an attempt to ferret out staffers ing such agents as “cowards” and the next Speaker if Republicans es, turn him/her over to government employees, told USA Today. “It is speaking ill of the president. “spies” who should immediately re- retain control of the House — said at once!” Trump tweeted. alarming when you have people … And House Majority Whip Steve sign. They have also lambasted The the administration, not Congress, , former deputy that would suggest resistance to the Scalise (R-La.) didn’t rule out for printing an op- should investigate the matter. assistant and strategist to Trump, president that they’re serving, espe- possibility of a congressional probe. ed written by someone purportedly “I think the White House should told The Hill that treason is a very cially in light of discussion that may “I’m sure we have a number of working as a senior administration look into it,” he told The Hill on real possibility. go into the national security realm.” members that are looking at it right official describing the actions of an Thursday, while raising concerns “There are only two possible Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), a one- now,” Scalise, the No. 3 Republican internal resistance group. that the anonymous official could scenarios given the current lack of time presidential rival to Trump, in House leadership, told The Hill. But Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) continue working for the Trump (See Anonymous Op-Ed, Page 7) Nevada Task Force 1 deployed for Hurricane Florence

With Category 4 Hurricane Florence headed for the Carolinas, FEMA has activated N. Pecos Road. It departed Las Vegas around 2 a.m. September 12. Nevada Task Force 1. A 16-person water rescue response force will be deploying to a The team will be traveling across country in a convoy of four pickup trucks pulling staging area in Kentucky. The Task Force assembled at Nevada Task Force 1 HQ at 3955 trailers and one 10-passenger van. Hurricane Florence (Continued from Page 1) As of Monday night, the president had not yet declared lier in the day to issue such a declaration to assist with the lina, North Carolina and Virginia to assure them the federal a state of emergency in Virginia, which is also expected to state’s emergency response. government was available to provide assistance. receive damaging rains and winds after the storm makes Trump warned residents in a series of tweets earlier Mon- Separately, Trump also declared a state of emergency for landfall. day to heed local guidelines about the storm. He also noted the Northern Mariana Islands in the Pacific as they prepare Virginia’s congressional delegation called on Trump ear- that he’d been in contact with the governors of South Caro- for Typhoon Mangkhut. Remembering 9/11 (Continued from Page 1) aloud which people would will- and elsewhere. Editors huddled. ingly sacrifice. The First’s right of The publisher called in and said assembly, lest there be a bomb, and MOVING? MOVING? we should add 24 pages to the no freedom of speech and religion, Wednesday newspaper. All plans especially that one? The Second’s were scrapped and we started from right to bear arms? The Fourth’s scratch, hoping to help our readers prohibition against warrantless make sense of a senseless act. search and seizure? The Fifth’s NEED A TRUCK? NEED A TRUCK? Every section of the paper right to due process? The Sixth’s kicked in its resources. right to a public trial? The press crew rolled the presses I concluded: early and cranked out thousands of “If this is the consensus of the extra copies. nation, the bastards have already Then I wrote that Sunday: won, destroying our will and our “I was proud of what we all had principles as well as planes, build- accomplished, of the concerted ef- ings and lives. fort and professionalism, as I drove “We will have surrendered with- home at 1 a.m. … until I heard the out firing a shot in the first war of callers on the radio. People were the 21st century.” saying they would gladly give The column appeared sand- up some freedoms for the sake of wiched between a Jim Day cartoon safety.” and a Vin Suprynowicz column I wanted to reach into the radio with the headline: “The passengers and slap some sense into the callers. were all disarmed.” The column proceeded to tick In a comment to a local mag- off some of the rights spelled out in azine on an anniversary of 9/11 I the Bill of Rights and I wondered called it “our Pearl Harbor.” Bob Beckett Attorney At Law Elected 5 terms as Nye County District Attorney Practice areas Criminal defense, Personal injury, Bankruptcy and debt, Car accident, DUI and DWI Licensed for 29 years AVVO CONTRIBUTIONS Your friendly neighborhood dealer at: Your friendly neighborhood dealer at: Beckett knows Nevada criminal law — especially how to get the most out of the probation/monitoring system. 716 South 10th Street 716 South 10th Street Beckett provides very effective and (Near the corner of 10th and Charleston) (Near the corner of 10th and Charleston) personable service — His fees are also fair (702) 334-4886 (702) 262-0703 (702) 262-0703


Your friendly neighborhood dealer at: Your friendly neighborhood dealer at: 716 South 10th Street 716 South 10th Street (Near the corner of 10th and Charleston) (Near the corner of 10th and Charleston) (702) 262-0703 (702) 262-0703 Page 4 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 12-18, 2018 Economy adds 201K jobs in August, unemployment holds at 3.9 percent By Vicki Needham have not boosted wage gains more possible trade issues could derail The Hill strongly, but the August figures some of those gains. The U.S. economy added may be a sign of accelerating wage The latest U.S. trade deficit 201,000 jobs in August, slightly gains,” said David Berson, chief figures showed that it widened at above expectations, as the job economist at Nationwide. its fastest rate since March 2015 market rebounded following a July Still, even when factoring for while monthly deficits with China slump. inflation, pay has been flat for the and the European Union both hit The unemployment rate held past year. new records even while Trump said steady at 3.9 percent, near an 18- Robert Frick, a corporate econ- lowering the trade deficit was a top year low, the Labor Department omist with Navy Federal Credit priority of his administration. reported Friday. Union, said that “wages have been Trump has slapped hefty steel Estimates had been for about lagging for months given the late and aluminum tariffs on close allies 190,000 jobs to be added in August. stage of the expansion, and they’re including the EU, Canada and Mex- There were 50,000 fewer jobs still nullified by the increase in ico, all of which led to retaliation in June and July than initially inflation.” tariffs on U.S. goods. The president is reportedly soon reported. “At this point in previous ex- planning to hit Chinese goods with After revisions, job gains have pansions we’ve seen wages rising $200 billion more in tariffs, which averaged 185,000 a month over the at a 3.5 percent or even above a 4 warehousing. 3.5 percent by the beginning of next would bring the total to $250 past three months, a sign of contin- percent rate,” Frick said. Mining employment increased year, “although job growth will billion. But he said with strong jobs by 6,000 in August, with the in- slow somewhat as businesses find ued strength in the labor market. Beijing so far has matched the The economy has added jobs for growth and rising wages “we could dustry adding 104,000 jobs since it more and more difficult to hire.” $50 billion in tariffs and said it will 95 straight months, beginning in be entering that sweet spot for October 2016. Even with the labor market levy $60 billion to retaliate against October 2010 under former Presi- workers that’s typical at an expan- Construction employment in- and economy humming along, Trump’s potential next round. dent Obama. It is the longest streak sion’s peak.” creased by 23,000, adding 297,000 President Trump’s trade policies Overall, economists are expect- of monthly jobs growth on record. He added that the good news is over the past year. are a growing concern among U.S. ing the economy this year to grow Wage growth also ticked up, that the bulk of the wage gains are Manufacturing reported losses businesses and lawmakers. at an annual pace of about 3 percent with average hourly earnings up coming for workers who earn lower of 3,000 jobs, the auto sector lost Trump has regularly harped on for the first time since 2005. 2.9 percent for the year, the fastest wages, which is a good sign since 4,900 jobs, retailers shed 5,900 the nation’s trade deficit, arguing Consumer and business confi- growth since the recession ended pay raises have been slow in those and the information sector lost that bad trade deals have led to the dence remain steady even despite in June 2009. areas during the expansion. 6,000 jobs. U.S. losing in international trade. concerns about trade with plenty of “It’s been surprising that the Jobs growth was strong in pro- Gus Faucher, PNC chief econ- The economy grew at a 4.2 per- jobs available for those who want to length of the jobs recovery and the fessional and business services, omist, said he expects that the un- cent pace in the April-July quarter, change positions or jump back into low level of the unemployment rate health care and transportation and employment rate will fall to about the fastest pace in four years, but the labor market. Wages (Continued from Page 1) ilies continues to lead to stagnant Based on Hassett’s calculations, Economists have been forecast- real wage growth for workers,” wage growth adjusted for inflation ing that businesses would raise Pelosi said in a statement. is 1.4 percent, much higher than the wages to get the employees they “While the wealthy and 0.1 percent reported by the Labor wanted in a tightening labor market. well-connected fill their pockets, Department in August. Robert Frick, a corporate econ- hard-working men and women are “Many of the official wage sta- omist with Navy Federal Credit struggling to keep up with everyday tistics fail to incorporate additional Union, said that “wages have been needs that are getting more and employment benefits such as bonus lagging for months given the late more expensive. pay, health insurance and contri- stage of the expansion, and they’re However, from the Republican butions to retirement savings,” the still nullified by the increase in side, Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) CEA argued in the paper. inflation.” said Friday that the GOP agenda is But , former head “At this point in previous ex- growing the economy and helping of the CEA under President Obama, pansions we’ve seen wages rising American workers. argued on Twitter that most of at a 3.5 percent or even above a 4 coming for workers who earn lower In the April-June quarter, the “Republicans came to Congress CEA’s points “are not new but percent rate,” Frick said. wages, which is a good sign, since economy expanded at a 4.2 per- to make reforms that would grow many of them are under-appreciated But he said with strong jobs pay raises have been slow in those cent annualized rate, the best pace the economy and get more Amer- so good to call attn to them.” growth and rising wages “we could areas during the expansion. in four years, yet wages have re- icans on the pathway to success,” “But they don’t change our un- be entering that sweet spot for The rise in wages also is a sign mained flat. he said in a statement on the jobs derstanding of wage growth in the workers that’s typical at an expan- that employers want to keep their But even the latest increase report. economy,” he said. sion’s peak.” workers in a tightening labor mar- only just offsets rising inflation, “Our pro-growth, pro-jobs agen- And not everyone viewed the He added that the good news is ket where it’s already hard to find each having risen 2.9 percent in da is delivering those results.” latest jobs report as rosy. that the bulk of the wage gains are skilled labor across pay grades. the past year. President Trump has taken full “I think this is a sign of our Congressional Democrats have credit for the strong economy, diminished expectations,” said Bundy Lawsuit routinely hammered Republicans touting the jobs numbers and wage on the lack of wage growth. growth during remarks in Fargo, David Kelly with JP Morgan Funds (Continued from Page 1) mention it, that so-called Disclaim- House Minority Leader Nancy N.D. on CNBC. ing drafted James Madison raised er Clause was repealed by the vot- Pelosi (D-Calif.) argued recent- This week, Kevin Hassett, head “We’ve got the tightest labor concerns about giving Congress ers in 1996, “effective on the date ly that while corporate profits of the White House’s Council of market in 50 years and in real terms too much power to purchase land in Congress consents to amendment or were hitting all-time highs, wages Economic Advisers (CEA), re- average hourly earnings are up pret- the states, saying “that this power a legal determination is made that weren’t increasing for workers. leased a report arguing that the gov- ty much exactly the same number as might be made use of to enslave any such consent is not necessary …” Friday’s jobs report showed the ernment’s numbers don’t include CPI inflation for the last month, we particular state by buying up its ter- Might the court make such a legal economy added 201,000 jobs, but healthcare and other benefits that have no real gain in wages despite ritory, and that the strongholds pro- determination? Doubtful. Pelosi said that workers’ wages are would more accurately calculate the tightest labor market in 50 years posed would be a means of awing The lawsuit also mentions a only increasing at about the same wage growth. and a 10-year expansion. I think the state into an undue obedience to section of Nevada Revised Stat- pace as inflation. “We find that wage gains are this is the sign of the weakness of the general government.” utes 321 that declared, “The State “August’s jobs report shows that 10 to over 20 times more than the labor in terms of getting wage gains Constitutional Convention dele- of Nevada has a legal claim to the the soaring cost of living for fam- headline measures,” Hassett said. rather than any real strength.” gate Rufus King moved to add the public land retained by the Federal phrase “by consent of the legisla- Government within Nevada’s bor- ture of the state” to the section that ders because: … The intent of the mentioned the federal government framers of the Constitution of the owning forts, docks and “other United States was to guarantee to needful Buildings.” It passed unan- each of the states sovereignty over imously. With the exception of the all matters within its boundaries Nevada Test Site, few of the federal except for those powers specifical- land holdings in Nevada have been ly granted to the United States as with the consent of the Legislature. agent of the states. … The purport- Bundy’s suit further explains the ed right of ownership and control intent of a section of the Nevada of the public lands within the State Constitution known as the Dis- of Nevada by the United States is claimer Clause that said the state without foundation and violates the does “forever disclaim all right and clear intent of the Constitution of title to the unappropriated public the United States.” lands lying within said territory, and Not only has the Legislature We Need Your Support that the same shall be and remain not consented, it has vehemently at the sole and entire disposition of protested. the United States.” The lawsuit points out on four Become a participant in the solution, Klayman and Mueller write, occasions that the Bundy ranch “The intent of the Territorial Legis- has been in existence for 141 while others just criticize the problem lature was not to ceed (sic) the land years, during which it has held to the US Government ‘forever’, water, grazing and property rights, ® but to clear title of all unappropriat- adding that Bundy “has suffered HERO SCHOOL Academy ed lands within the Territory so U.S. substantial injury, as his cattle are Congress could dispose of the lands his only source of income … (and) for Homeless Engagement & Employment to the State of Nevada.” is entitled to declaratory judgment —Join leading entrepreneurs and educators in the to provide Which is probably why the that the lands upon which he and his a Summer Hero School® Breakthrough Academy for homeless and chronically admission document promised 5 family have conducted its ranching, unemployed adults and youth in Las Vegas. percent of the proceeds to Nevada The Bundy Ranch, for generations when land would be “sold by the is property belonging to the Peo- —Strategic Intervention teams are currently engaging homeless individuals in United States subsequent to the ple of Nevada and its subdivision, shopping centers, parks and in neighborhoods as well as on street corners and in admission of said state into the Clark County …” flood channels in preparation for this week of transformation. Union …” The suit raises some serious —Through each partner’s strengths, attendees will have mindsets changed In fact, though the suit doesn’t questions. toward responsible, productive, contributing lives, where business and educational leaders can then connect them with careers and the future. Call (702) 795-7000 today MultilingualS E R V I C E S Be a sponsor or volunteer for the next Hero School Experience Immigration • Translations • Divorces and become a participant in solving the homeless situation Hero School Initiatives remains the non-profit leader in homelessness reversal and prevention, combining extraordinary Notary • Income Tax • Tickets • Rent of U-Haul entrepreneurs and professionals with cutting-edge education, strategic resources and collaborative initiatives that quickly Nevada Health Card • Job Applications • and more change mindsets, behavior and character, freeing people from dependency, helplessness and repeated history. Hero School Community Initiatives – 7495 W Azure Dr., Ste. 110, Las Vegas, NV 89130 - Hablo Español FAX: (702) 435-3432 - EMAIL: [email protected] - ON-LINE: 716 S. 10th Street Perly Viasmensky LVFC-Hero School - 501(c)3 #88-0388656 - Proceeds fund educational interventions in Nevada Las Vegas, NV 89101 702-337-8277 Real. Life. Change. At the Speed of Movies™ - #VegasBorn and #VegasStrong since 1995 September 12-18, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 5 Trump in good shape to secure second Supreme Court confi rmation victory By Jordain Carney and Lydia Wheeler ObamaCare repeal, abortion legislation and The Hill other Trump nominees, including Education Brett Kavanaugh is in good shape for Secretary Betsy DeVos. winning confi rmation to the Supreme Court Both Republican senators say they haven’t following a week of hearings and some tough made a decision, but are speaking positively questioning from Democrats on the Senate about Kavanaugh. Judiciary Committee. “So far I haven’t heard anything that is President Trump’s second nominee, who earthshaking, something that hasn’t been could signifi cantly shift the court’s balance to out there as a point of discussion before,” the right by replacing retiring Justice Anthony Murkowski told the Anchorage Daily News. Kennedy with a more solid conservative, Collins spoke positively about Kavanaugh avoided major landmines that might have after their meeting last month, including that threatened his support. he told her he believes Roe v. Wade is “settled Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell law.” She told reporters that she hadn’t had (R-Ky.) appeared confi dent that Kavanaugh time to review a 2003 email where Kavana- would be on the court before a new term starts ugh suggested cutting a paragraph from a on Oct. 1, arguing his performance during the draft op-ed that characterized Roe as “widely days-long grilling locked up his nomination. Kavanaugh for the court with abortion and and promised to appoint a justice that would accepted” to be settled law. “I think any doubts anybody might have questions surrounding his own presidency overturn Roe v. Wade.” But an aide for Collins suggested that the had have been dispelled by his virtuoso per- in mind. Once Kavanaugh reaches the Senate fl oor, email doesn’t contradict the comments Kava- formance before the Judiciary Committee,” “A number of senators made telling points he needs a simple majority to be confi rmed naugh previously made to the GOP senator. McConnell told Hugh Hewitt. I think about the timing of when Judge Ka- after Republicans went “nuclear” to get rid “The email does not contradict Judge Ka- Conservatives also hailed Kavanaugh’s vanaugh moved from not being on President of the 60-vote fi libuster last year. vanaugh’s statements that he believes Roe to handling of the hearings. Trump’s list of potential Supreme Court Republicans got a boost when Sen. Jon be settled law and that he agrees it is import- “Look there are 21 senators on the com- nominees to being on the list,” Coons said. Kyl (R-Ariz.) was sworn in to succeed Sen. ant precedent,” Annie Clark, a spokeswoman mittee, so if you liken this to a baseball game “It did coincide with his writing a pretty John McCain (R-Ariz.). McCain had been for Collins, told the Portland Press Herald. I think he scored runs in all 21 innings with striking case about abortion and with a num- absent from Washington since late last year Few other Republicans remain undecided. no errors,” the Heritage Foundation’s Hans ber of his opinions and statements around as he battled brain cancer, shrinking Re- GOP Sen. Jeff Flake (Ariz.), a member of the von Spakovsky said on the organization’s presidential power and I think both of those publicans’ already narrow two-seat margin Judiciary Committee, hasn’t announced his SCOTUS 101 podcast. may well have infl uenced his being fi nally down to one. position but said he is “inclined” to support The next hurdle for Kavanaugh will be selected,” he said. Kyl served as Kavanaugh’s “sherpa” Kavanaugh. clearing the Judiciary Committee. The panel Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer on Capitol Hill throughout the nomination The uphill battle Democrats face in block- will likely hold a vote about Sept. 20. (D-N.Y.), who has faced pressure from the process, leaving little question about how he ing Kavanaugh’s nomination is at odds with Democrats sought to nail down Kava- left to ensure a tough path for Kavanaugh, will vote. With Kyl, Democrats now need to the lukewarm public polling that has plagued naugh’s views, or force him into an error issued a statement that his party had had a peel off two Republicans and keep their own Trump’s nominee. or gaffe, on several controversial issues, good week with the hearings. caucus united to sink Kavanaugh. An ABC News/Washington Post poll re- including his views on abortion and executive “Democrats were able to shine a bright Getting a Republican senator to vote leased Friday found that 38 percent believed power. But over two days of questioning, light — for the American people and Republi- against Trump’s pick would mark a signifi - he should be confi rmed, while 39 percent he was largely able to sidestep questions by can Senators to see — on Judge Kavanaugh’s cant victory for Democrats months before a believed he shouldn’t. The support for Ka- citing the need for judicial independence. troubling views on women’s rights, presiden- midterm election where control of Congress vanaugh, according to the poll, is lower than On NPR’s Morning Edition, Sen. Christo- tial power and protections for people with hangs in the balance, but the pool of potential any other recent nominee except for Harriet pher Coons (D-Del.), who has not announced pre-existing conditions,” he said. “Instead GOP opponents is small. Miers and Robert Bork — neither of whom his position, characterized Kavanaugh as of answering questions, Judge Kavanaugh GOP Sens. Susan Collins (Maine) and were confi rmed to the court. “quite artful” at avoiding direct answers to spent 30 hours dodging questions and saying Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) are viewed as More Democrats began coming out his questions. as little as possible, despite the fact that the the two most likely Republican swing against Kavanaugh’s nomination on Friday He also said he believed Trump had picked president has vastly overreached his power votes. They’ve broken with their party on (See Kavanaugh, Page 7) Senate Race (Continued from Page 1) the Finance Committee, which has Committee spokesman Michael found that Heller mentioned the little experience. Democrats and Nevada political jurisdiction over taxes. As the tax McAdams said that by voting law the most but that his mentions “I think Heller is going to focus observers claim Heller talks about bill was moving through Congress against the tax law, Rosen “made it were signifi cantly lower in April on other things,” he said. the tax law less than he did right last fall, Heller worked with his crystal clear to Nevada voters and than they were in January. University of Nevada, Las Vegas after it was enacted, which they colleagues to increase the size of businesses that she could care less “The GOP tax scam just rein- political science professor David see as a sign Republicans are on the child tax credit. about their economic well-being.” forces all the things voters don’t Damore said that Rosen’s com- the defense. Heller touts his work on the But Rosen is fi ghting back on like about total Republican control ments on taxes plays into her over- “There’s a difference between tax law prominently on the issues taxes, hitting Heller over his vote of Washington — they’re helping all theme that Heller “represents Dean Heller and me on taxes,” section of his campaign website. He for the law. their rich and powerful friends, Trump and the 1 percent” and she Rosen said in an ad her campaign also has been talking about taxes in Rosen campaign spokesman while Americans who actually represents the middle class. recently released. “I support fi scally the context of touting the booming Stewart Boss said that the campaign work for a living pay the price,” Heller has continued to bring responsible middle-class tax cuts. economy. believes the tax law is a “winning Democratic Senatorial Campaign up taxes and the economy in recent Dean Heller voted for the new tax In mid-August, he released an issue” because voters see the mea- Committee spokesman David months, teaming up with Trump law that gives almost all the bene- ad in which he talked about how sure as designed for corporations Bergstein said. to do so. fi ts to the richest 1 percent and big the economy has been improving and wealthy donors rather than He added that Rosen’s new ad In June, Trump came to Nevada corporations.” in Nevada and says that Rosen for them. on taxes “is a perfect demonstra- and participated in a roundtable on The Nevada contest is one of wants “higher taxes, job-killing “I think we’re going to continue tion of how this law has become taxes with Heller. The president the most closely watched Senate regulations.” to hammer that message,” he said. a major liability for GOP Senate said Heller “worked so hard with races this year, because it’s one of “I like where we’re headed. The Rosen campaign and ex- candidates and why they are afraid us to get the taxes cut.” the few seats that Democrats have Jacky Rosen doesn’t,” Heller said. perts on Nevada politics say that to run on it.” GOP strategist Ford O’Connell, a chance of fl ipping in a year where Heller campaign spokesman Heller’s campaigning on the tax law Jon Ralston, editor of The Ne- who has done political work in many Senate Democrats are facing Keith Schipper criticized Rosen on has tapered as time has gone on, and vada Independent and a longtime Nevada in the past, said voters in tough reelection battles. the economy. note that national polls fi nd the tax Nevada political observer, said he the state tend to be supportive of The Nevada race is a must-win “This is a pivotal moment for law to be unpopular. expects Heller won’t focus much limited taxes and government. for Democrats if they want to have Nevada. Our economy is booming, A Reuters analysis from May on the tax law in the fi nal weeks “Taxes and regulations are a a shot at winning control of the unemployment is at record lows, that looked at mentions of the tax of the campaign and instead will no-no in the state of Nevada,” Senate or limiting their net losses. and wages are going up,” Schipper law from Heller and a number of spend more of his time trying to O’Connell said. “It’s a very frontier A GOP win would likely help Re- said in a statement. “We can’t afford vulnerable House Republicans defi ne Rosen as someone with mentality.” publicans expand total number of to turn back the clock now. What Senate seats they hold. Jacky Rosen doesn’t understand is The stakes are high for both the best way to create good jobs and sides and the nonpartisan Cook better wages is to create an environ- Political Report rates the race as ment where the private sector can a toss-up. thrive and raise salaries.” In the Senate, Heller serves on National Republican Senatorial To All Attorneys who hate writing NEVADA APPEAL GROUP (“NAG”) offers FLAT FEE, high quality services for civil and criminal Appeals and all Post-Conviction Relief.

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For more information and immediate response, Get fi rst month box call or email: rent FREE with any (702) 902-5050 U-Haul truck rental Nag@criminaldefenseo Page 6 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 12-18, 2018 John Bolton threatens sanctions against International Criminal Court By Jordan Fabian the early 2000s. On Monday, he crimes against humanity. But it has The Hill said America’s refusal to sign the been shrouded in controversy from The Trump administration on treaty creating it “remains one of the start. Monday threatened to impose my proudest achievements.” Bush refused to ratify the Rome sanctions on International Crim- Bolton said the renewed push Statute which led to its creation inal Court (ICC) personnel if it against the court also fits into and his administration negotiated continues with an investigation Trump’s goal of putting the inter- several dozen agreements with into alleged U.S. war crimes in ests of Americans “above all else.” other nations designed to shield Afghanistan, a move that could “This administration will fight Americans from prosecution. raise questions about the future of back to protect American constitu- U.S. opposition to the court the court. tionalism, our sovereignty, and our softened after Bolton left the Bush National security adviser John citizens,” he said. “No committee administration and under former Bolton, a longtime ICC critic, made of foreign nations will tell us how President Obama, the U.S. took the announcement in his first major to govern ourselves and defend our steps to cooperate with the body, speech since joining the Trump freedom.” such a providing assistance with administration. The chief prosecutor of the investigations into alleged African “The United States will use any ICC requested last November to war crimes. means necessary to protect our cit- open a probe into alleged “crimes Bolton appears determined to izens and those of our allies from “The United States will always in advance of the speech. “Accord- against humanity” committed in once again harden America’s pos- unjust prosecution by this illegiti- stand with our friend and ally, ingly, we continue to call upon the Afghanistan by U.S. military and ture toward the ICC, saying it was mate court,” Bolton told members Israel,” Bolton said. “We will not International Criminal Court to intelligence personnel. unfit to investigate any allegation of of the conservative Federalist allow the ICC, or any other orga- open its immediate investigation Bolton said if the investigation war crimes or genocide worldwide, Society gathered at a Washington, nization, to constrain Israel’s right into Israeli crimes.” moves forward, the U.S. would ban even in areas like Darfur or Syria. D.C., hotel. to self-defense.” Monday’s speech amounted ICC judges and prosecutors from “It is the wrong venue across the The top security official argued Palestinian officials said the to a coming out party for Bolton, entering the U.S., sanction any board,” he told reporters. the court poses a threat to U.S. sov- decision would not affect its plans who has played a mostly behind- funds they have in the U.S. financial If the Trump administration fol- ereignty, is ineffective in prosecut- to pursue an ICC investigation and the-scenes role since becoming system and even weigh criminal lows through with its threats against ing war crimes and too often targets accused the U.S. of unfairly favor- President Trump’s national security probes against them. the court, it could raise questions American allies, such as Israel. ing Israel in stalled efforts to restart adviser in April. The administration will also pur- about its legitimacy and provide The State Department also an- Middle East peace talks. The remarks allowed Bolton, a sue more “binding, bilateral agree- cover for other countries, such as nounced it is shuttering the Pal- “We reiterate that the rights of noted hawk, to make his own pub- ments” to prevent other countries South Africa, that are considering estine Liberation Organization’s the Palestinian people are not for lic imprint on the administration’s from handing over Americans to exiting. (PLO) Washington office over sale, that we will not succumb to approach to foreign affairs. As a top the ICC. Roughly 100 agreements But if the ICC continues with concerns that it is attempting to U.S. threats and bullying,” Pales- State Department official, Bolton already exist, according to Bolton. its Afghanistan probe, it could trigger an ICC investigation of the tinian diplomat Saeb Erekat said in led former President George W. The U.S. could also reconsider improve its standing among skep- Jewish state. a statement to news organizations Bush’s charge against the ICC in foreign aid to countries that partic- tics who believe it is unwilling to ipate in the ICC, a group that in- pursue cases against major world cludes some NATO allies. Speaking powers. Five things to know about the to reporters after the speech, Bolton Human-rights groups said the said such a review is “entirely decision to take a hostile stance International Criminal Court appropriate” but stopped short of toward the ICC could further isolate By Rebecca Kheel which the NGOs helped draft the U.N. Security Council can also directly threatening aid payments. the U.S. on the world stage. and Morgan Chalfant International Criminal Court stat- request an investigation, regardless “We will not cooperate with the “John Bolton’s threats show The Hill ute, the court was established in of whether the state in question is a ICC. We will provide no assistance callous disregard for victims of National security adviser John July 1998 after 120 states adopted party to the court. to the ICC. And we certainly will atrocity crimes. The Trump ad- Bolton has put the International what’s become known as the Rome The ICC’s Office of the Prose- not join the ICC,” Bolton said, ministration claims to support Criminal Court (ICC) in his cross- Statute. The statute came into force cutor can also initiate investigations prompting applause. “We will let accountability for grave abuses, but hairs. in 2002 after it was ratified by more itself if it has reliable information the ICC die on its own. After all, for undermining the ICC would only In a speech to the conservative than 60 states. about a crime, but must get per- all intents and purposes, the ICC is squander opportunities for justice,” Federalist Society on Monday, The organizations that were crit- mission from the pre-trial chamber already dead to us.” said Liz Evenson, associate inter- Bolton pledged the United States ical to the court’s creation blasted judges to do so. The ICC was formed in 2002 to national justice director at Human Rights Watch. would never cooperate with what Bolton’s speech Monday. (See International Court, Page 7) prosecute war crimes, genocide and he called an “illegitimate” court. “The United States’ attack on the “We will let the ICC die on its International Criminal Court is an own,” Bolton said in his first major attack on millions of victims and address since joining the Trump survivors who have experienced the administration. “After all, for all most serious crimes under interna- intents and purposes, the ICC is tional law and undermines decades already dead to us.” of groundbreaking work by the in- Preventing the ICC from having ternational community to advance authority in the United States has justice,” Adotei Akwei, Amnesty been a cause Bolton has champi- International USA’s deputy director oned since his days in the George for advocacy and government rela- W. Bush administration. tions, said in a statement. Here are five things to know It’s not supposed to about the court. supersede national courts Nongovernmental The Rome Statute says that the organizations pushed International Criminal Court is for its creation only supposed to intervene in cases Though the idea for an inter- where a country is unable or unwill- national court dates back to the ing to investigate and prosecute. post–World War I era, the most Still, critics in the United States immediate impetus for its creation argue the court’s broad authority was in the 1990s after human rights threatens national sovereignty, a violations in the conflicts in Yugo- case Bolton made Monday. slavia and Rwanda. “The International Criminal After those conflicts, human Court unacceptably threatens rights groups began pushing for a American sovereignty and U.S. permanent international criminal national security interests,” Bolton court to hold accountable and said. “The Prosecutor in The Hague Don’t wait for bad weather to have your roof repaired or prosecute anyone responsible for claims essentially unfettered dis- genocide, war crimes and crimes cretion to investigate, charge and replaced. Rain can cause damage to your home and personal against humanity. prosecute individuals, regardless The idea was modeled after the of whether their countries have property. Call today and get a free estimate. We are punctual, Nuremberg trials and the ad hoc acceded to the Rome Statute.” respectful and we understand the consumers’ challenge of tribunals for the Yugoslavia con- The Rome Statute gave the flicts of the 1990s and the Rwandan ICC jurisdiction over four main finding a good roofing company. genocide. crimes: genocide, crimes against Allow us to assist you with 30 plus years in the roofing Hundreds of nongovernmental humanity, war crimes and crimes organizations joined together as of aggression. industries. We take pride in our workmanship, as the pay the Coalition for the International Investigations can be requested Criminal Court. Among the 25 by states who are a party to the off at the end of the day is a smile of a happy customer. We founders of the coalition were Am- court. States that are not a party are licensed and bonded. We can help with simple repairs nesty International, Human Rights to the court that have had a crime First and Human Rights Watch. committed in their territory can or complete roof replacements. Get your roof back to pre- After six planning sessions at also request an investigation if they storm conditions today. United Nations headquarters in accept the court’s jurisdiction. The Don’t wait for the rain, call today We understand the value of a dollar and roof repairs or replacements shouldn’t have to break the bank. Our quotes reflect that. We specialize in: Tile roofing Rolled roofing Torch down roofing Hydro stop roofing Rubberized roofing Asphalt roofing HaveDO you YOU been embarrassed NEED lately AN when EDITOR?someone pointed out to you that you misspelled a word in your report or maybe had We have over 30 years experience, licensed and bonded. a whole sentence all messed up? Have you personally felt that you could’ve done a much better job on that manuscript but just License #63019 didn’t have the time? Don’t wait, call today Why put off doing what you know you should have done before: call in an editor! As a word-, sentence-, and document-doctor, she will fix what needs fixing by adding a little of this or that, and taking out what shouldn’t have been there in the first place. ALL STATE ROOFING Give yourself the luxury of looking your best in print! [email protected]. 1-775-513-0942 Ask for Chris 702-204-7585 September 12-18, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 7 State Department announces closure of the PLO offices in Washington, D.C. By Emily Birnbaum The Hill The State Department on Monday announced it will close the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) of- fices in Washington, D.C., arguing it had failed to take steps “to advance the start of direct and meaningful negotiations with Israel.” State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert added the decision was also prompted by Palestinian plans to bring charges against Israel for war crimes in the International Criminal Court. “The United States continues to believe that direct negotiations between the two parties are the only way forward,” the statement adds. “We are not retreating from our efforts to achieve a lasting and comprehen- sive peace.” House lawmakers unveil ‘Tax Nauert’s statement criticized the PLO’s leadership for what she said was a refusal to engage with the U.S. government on peace efforts. She criticized the towards “high-priority projects elsewhere.” Reform 2.0’ before midterms PLO for condemning a U.S. peace plan “they have White House senior adviser and By Niv Elis The bills would make permanent not yet seen.” Middle East envoy have been tasked The Hill some temoprary aspects of the PLO Secretary General Saeb Erekat said in a state- with creating a Middle East peace plan, which they House Ways and Means Com- 2017 law, which were passed with ment before the official announcement that “the rights have yet to release. mittee Chairman Kevin Brady expiration dates to accomodate of the Palestinian people are not for sale.” “Over the past 19 months we have probed all (R-Texas) on Monday unveiled a budget rules that allowed the GOP “[W]e will not succumb to US threats and bullying relevant parties about many ideas and possibilities,” package of three bills touted as a to pass the law with no Democrat- and that we will continue our legitimate struggle for Greenblatt said in a statement to The Hill at the sequel to the 2017 GOP tax law. ic support. It would also include freedom, justice, and independence, including by all beginning of September. “The plan, when released, “Last year we said goodbye to provisions aimed at boosting re- political and legal means possible,” Erekat added. will reflect ideas that we think are realistic, fair and America’s old, broken tax code,” tirement savings and small business The U.S. has announced several significant cut- implementable that will enhance the lives of the Israeli said Brady. “Under our new system, innovation. backs in aid to Palestinians in recent weeks, including and Palestinian people.” we’re seeing incredible job growth, The GOP has struggled to keep a $200 million rollback in economic aid and a freeze Tensions between the Trump administration and bigger paychecks, and a tax code the political focus on the booming on all funding for a United Nations body that assists Palestinian authorities have been escalating since that works on behalf of families and economy ahead of November’s Palestinian refugees. President Trump’s announcement that the U.S. would American businesses. Now it’s the election, where forecasters see a The State Department is also redirecting $25 move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv, time to ensure we never let our tax good chance of Democrats taking million originally planned for Palestinians visiting a move denounced by Palestinians as a reversal of code become so outdated again. We over the House and possibly even East Jerusalem hospitals. The department said in a international law that grants them partial ownership look forward to bringing these bills the Senate. statement to The Hill on Sunday that money will go of the conflict-ridden city. to the Committee soon.” (See Tax Reform 2.0, Page 9) International Court (Continued from Page 6) The Bush administration also the court Monday against pursuing tigation of the Taliban, the Afghan After an investigation is start- ratified 100 bilateral treaties re- an investigation into alleged war government and the U.S. for tor- ed, a pre-trial chamber can issue quiring countries not to hand over crimes in Afghanistan, describing ture,” said Alex Whiting, a Harvard an arrest warrant at the request of American nationals to the ICC. As it as a hazard to American interests Law School professor and former the prosecutor. Once arrested, the under secretary of State at the time, and threatening to respond with ICC prosecutor. “The threshold for suspect is detained at The Hague, Bolton led the administration’s sanctions should it move forward. getting permission to investigate is where there is a pre-trial hearing efforts. In November of last year, pros- quite low.” and, if the charges are confirmed, The Bush administration suc- ecutor Fatou Bensouda announced On Monday, Bolton charac- a trial. cessfully shepherded the American that she would seek permission terized any investigation as both The United States Servicemembers’ Protection Act from the court to pursue a formal “unfounded” and “unjustifiable,” is not a party through Congress. The 2002 law investigation into Afghanistan warning the court against inves- The United States joined Iraq, seeks to protect U.S. troops from conflict, citing a “reasonable basis tigating “American patriots” who Israel, Libya, China, Qatar and the ICC by prohibiting U.S. coop- to believe” war crimes had been served in Afghanistan following Yemen in voting against the Rome eration with the court, among other committed in connection to the the 9/11 attacks. Statute in 1998. measures. years-long conflict. He emphasized that the U.S. Then-President Clinton had Court sees few cases Bensouda said her investigation, would refuse to cooperate, a rev- wanted the United States to main- through in early years from some corners since it was if authorized, would focus on al- elation that, while not particularly tain its Security Council veto over There is broad disagreement constructed 16 years ago. leged crimes committed in Afghan- surprising, will nevertheless deal a possible cases, a condition that was over how effective the court has “It certainly has its detractors, istan since May 2003, and those blow to Bensouda’s investigation not met. U.S. concerns also center been since its creation. and there’s no question that at least “closely linked” to the Afghanistan should she decide to probe war around the sovereignty issue and Only a handful of cases have one of the reasons why it hasn’t conflict allegedly committed since crimes allegedly committed by due process. been tried by the International been as effective as some had hoped July 2002. Americans. Bolton also signaled the Still, Clinton signed the treaty in Criminal Court, a detail seized is the intransigence and obstruc- A decision on whether the court U.S. would respond firmly, includ- 2000, but never submitted it to the upon by critics to characterize it as tionism of the United States,” said will allow the investigation is ex- ing by targeting the court’s judges Senate for ratification. ineffective. Stephen Vladeck, a law professor pected soon, after which Bensouda and prosecutors with financial When the statute came into force “Since its 2002 inception, the at the University of Texas. would need to make a decision on sanctions and criminal prosecution. in 2002, then-President George court has spent over $1.5 billion “But it’s important to compare it which crimes she plans to focus. “If the court comes after us, W. Bush effectively withdrew the dollars, while attaining only eight to the alternative: But for the ICC, “There’s almost no doubt that Israel or other U.S. allies, we will U.S. signature, notifying the U.N. convictions,” Bolton said Monday, there would be no realistic mecha- the judges will authorize an inves- not sit quietly,” Bolton said secretary-general that the United calling it a “dismal record.” nism for bringing these abuses and States no longer intended to ratify But others say that it’s simply atrocities to justice,” Vladeck said. Anonymous Op-Ed the treaty and did not recognize any too early to judge the effective- Afghanistan case (Continued from Page 3) obligation it had under the Rome ness of the court, which has faced in spotlight credibility the New York Times is suffering from and the wording of the Statute. obstacles and enormous resistance Bolton issued a stern warning to piece: 1) This is a complete fabrication. 2) It was written by the low-level Obama-era holdover, not a ‘senior official’ given the complete lack of Kavanaugh any evidence in the piece demonstrating that this was written by a person (Continued from Page 5) spent millions on ad campaigns to get Kavanaugh working close to the President,” Gorka wrote in a text message. as his hearings formally wrapped up. confirmed, said red-state Democrats should distance “If it is the latter, then this is a textbook case of Sedition. And if this were “Kavanaugh should not be confirmed to the Su- themselves from the “histrionics and extremism” of 1917 or 1944 it would be Treason,” added Gorka, an opinion contributor preme Court ... because he cannot be counted on to their colleagues and announce their support for the to The Hill. “No one elected this person, as a result they have no choice serve as an independent check on the president or to nominee now. but to dutifully serve the duly elected President. Or resign. If they don’t uphold critical precedents that affect the wellbeing of “Senators Manchin, Heitkamp, Donnelly and other General Kelly will root them out and President Trump will fire them.” millions of Americans,” said Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.). red state Democrats should distance themselves from Some GOP lawmakers close to Trump found themselves facing Several red-state Democrats, running for reelection this extremist behavior,” Carrie Severino, the group’s questions about the Times op-ed at an unrelated news conference at the in states won by Trump, remain on the fence. chief counsel and policy director, said in a statement. Capitol on Thursday. Sens. Joe Manchin (W.Va.), Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.) Republicans say they believe they’ll pick up some “I don’t believe that that person is doing a good service to faithfully and Joe Donnelly (Ind.) are widely viewed as the bipartisan support for Kavanaugh. execute their job and the performance of their duties,” said GOP Rep. three Democrats most likely to vote “yes” on Kava- Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) told Kavanaugh Lee Zeldin, who has campaigned with Trump in their home state of New naugh. They each voted for Justice Neil Gorsuch’s during the hearings that he’s likely to get 55 votes. York. “That person should not be inside of the administration and they confirmation. He said there were 11 undecided senators before the should submit their letter of resignation and move onto something else.” Manchin sat in for part of the Judiciary Commit- hearing. But Zeldin would not say whether the writer had committed treason, tee’s hearing and told reporters this week that Kava- “Three of them are Republicans. I like your chanc- as the president intimated. naugh “handled himself very professionally.” es. Eight of them are Democrat,” he said. “You’re in Another Trump ally, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), interjected to say, The conservative Judicial Crisis Network, which play with about five or six of them.” “I think the job is called spy.” OUT WITH CABLE. IN WITH SAVINGS. $ † ™ Get a 100 AT&T Visa® Reward Card when you sign up for DIRECTV SELECT Package or above. 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Other conditions apply to all oers. †$100 REWARD CARD: Requires purchase of qualifying TV package (min. $35/mo promo price after discount that start w/i 3 bills & may req. AutoPay) through card ful llment. Qualifying Packages: SELECT or above. Select locations. For new residential customers in the U.S. (excludes Puerto Rico and U.S.V.I.). Residents of select multi-dwelling units are not eligible for this oer. Reward Card: Will be sent letter with redemption requirements. Redemption req’d w/in 75 days from reward noti cation mail date. Reward Card delivered within 3-4 weeks after redemption to customers who maintain qualifying service from installation date and through reward ful llment. Card expires at month-end 6 mos after issuance. No cash access. For cardholder agreement, go to AT&T Reward Card issued by U.S. Bank National Association, pursuant to license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. May not be combined with other promotional oers on same services and may be modi ed or discontinued at any time without notice. O er ends 8/15/18. ©2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All Rights Reserved. AT&T, Globe logo, DIRECTV, and all other DIRECTV marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T aliated companies. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Page 8 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 12-18, 2018 Charges against North Korea mark new phase in cyber crackdown By Jacqueline Thomsen issuing the charges, starting with the hackers forged ahead, taking on The Hill those against Chinese nationals in more sophisticated forms of attacks. Department of Justice (DOJ) 2015, U.S. officials “made clear Lawmakers on both sides of the officials have unsealed a massive, that working with a foreign govern- aisle, however, raised questions 179-page complaint against a ment does not immunize criminal about the effectiveness of a legal North Korean hacker, marking conduct.” complaint, pointing out that the a significant benchmark in U.S. The complaint goes into great chances of North Korea extraditing efforts to crack down on foreign detail about how the cyberattacks, the charged programmer are slim cyberattacks. believed to be backed by the North to none. The document alleges that a Korean government, were carried Sen. Mark Warner (Va.), the North Korean programmer, along- out. The 2014 hack on Sony, the ranking Democrat on the Senate side others, executed major attacks theft of about $81 million from the Intelligence Committee, called with the backing of Kim Jong Un’s national bank of Bangladesh and the complaint an example of why government. And DOJ officials are last year’s WannaCry ransomware the U.S. needs to have a more touting the findings as an example attack are all described in the doc- cohesive strategy in place to deter of their willingness to go after for- uments. mediate impact of the complaint is tries who usually engage in other cyberattacks. eign cyber actors who engage in Experts say that lengthy and unknown, “it’s pretty clear the U.S. cyber crimes. For example, special And Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) cyberattacks against the U.S. and specific complaints like the one is intent on taking steps to demon- counsel Robert Mueller charged highlighted how much time had its allies. issued this past week help reveal strate that these types of actions about a dozen Russian military passed between the complaint and “The charges reflect the depart- the strategies and techniques used aren’t acceptable.” intelligence officers with the 2016 the 2014 hack on Sony. ment’s determination and ability by hackers, while demonstrating Richard Harknett, a cyberse- hack of the Democratic National “Cyber war gives outsized op- to follow the facts and the law, and that the U.S. is making strides in curity researcher and head of the Committee. portunities to North Korea and it’s to hold individuals and nations ac- how it cracks down on malicious political science department at the Benjamin Read, head of cyber important to push back,” Sasse said countable for their crimes,” Assis- cyber actors. University of Cincinnati, said that espionage analysis for FireEye, in a statement. tant Attorney General for National Eric Chien, the technical direc- the complaint shows that the U.S. said the extensive detail in the this Experts said that while the Security John Demers told reporters tor of cybersecurity firm Syman- has some “sophisticated forensic recent complaint could send a mes- hackers are likely to continue their on Thursday. tec’s Security Response, said that capabilities” in tracking the actions sage to the North Korean hackers efforts, the legal documents none- The allegations date back to the continuing U.S. actions against of foreign hackers, and it serves as that U.S. officials are looking over theless send a strong message that 2014, a sign that officials are not hostile nation states shows a high a warning to those targeting the their shoulder. the U.S. is prioritizing the prosecu- willing to let past attacks slide level of commitment on the part of U.S. that their American operations “I do think the detail is notable tion of cyber crimes. as they attempt to guard against the federal government. aren’t “as opaque as they think.” because you can really show all Chien said that U.S. officials foreign efforts to influence the No- “I think the U.S. has demonstrat- The programmer named in the of their work,” Read said of the just five years ago may have strug- vember midterm elections. ed they’re willing to invest and go indictment, Park Jin Hyok, alleged- complaint. “We’ll see if that has a gled to determine who was behind Demers noted during a press after these attacks and they’re not ly worked for a group on behalf different effect than the other public cyberattacks, but the new charging call with reporters that with the just going to let them slide,” he said, of North Korean intelligence that statements.” document is a sign that attribution complaint against North Korea, citing the similar cyber charges was tasked with generating reve- Researchers at FireEye helped is no longer a major hurdle. DOJ has now retaliated against against Russia, China and Iran. nue. Several of the group’s hacks DOJ with its analysis of some of the “I think anyone has to expect four nations believed to be hostile Symantec had been tracking focused on financial institutions. allegations in the document. that the U.S. is not going to shy cyber actors; the others are Russia, the North Korean hackers and was Harknett noted that the motiva- Still, Read noted that the U.S. away from this and they’re going China and Iran. referenced in the complaint. tions of the North Korean hackers had slapped sanctions against North to continue to release these indict- He said that when the U.S. began Chien said that while the im- differed from those of other coun- Korea after the 2014 Sony hack, yet ments,” he said. Papadopoulos sentenced to 14 days in jail in Mueller probe By Morgan Chalfant Ukraine. Mueller’s investigation as a po- The Hill Papadopoulos lied to inves- litical “witch hunt,” told reporters Former Trump campaign adviser tigators during an interview in aboard Air Force One on Friday. “I George Papadopoulos has been sen- January 2017 about his contacts saw him sitting in one picture at a tenced to 14 days in federal prison with Russia-linked individuals table with me that’s the only thing and one year supervised release for who he sought to use to broker a I know about him.” lying to FBI investigators about his meeting between the campaign and “They got him, on I guess, on a Russia contacts. Moscow. couple of lies,” Trump said, later Papadopoulos, who pleaded According to The New York adding, “I have nothing to do with guilty in October to lying to FBI Times, it was statements he made to Russia.” agents, is the first Trump campaign an Australian diplomat in May 2016 He is the second individual official to be sentenced as part of that helped trigger the FBI’s inves- overall to be sentenced in Mueller’s special counsel Robert Mueller’s tigation into Russian interference. investigation, after Dutch lawyer probe into Russia’s election inter- The White House has said that Alex van der Zwaan was sentenced Papadopoulos played a minimal to 30 days in prison and a $20,000 ference. the sentence, said he would have announcing the sentence. role on the campaign, with Trump fine after pleading guilty to mak- The former Trump campaign ordered Papadopoulos to 30 days in Papadopoulos, a once lit- describing him as a “low-level ing false statements related to the foreign policy adviser was also prison were it not for Papadopoulos tle-known foreign policy adviser volunteer” in a tweet following his government’s investigations into sentenced on Friday afternoon in expressing genuine “remorse” for to the campaign, garnered major October guilty plea. Manafort and Gates. federal court in Washington, D.C., his actions. media attention last fall after be- “I see Papadopoulos today, I Moss said Friday that he used to 200 hours of community service Still, the judge described Pa- coming the first former campaign don’t know Papadopoulos,” Trump, the van der Zwaan case as a “bench- and faces a $9,500 fine. padopoulos’s actions as serious, official to plead guilty in Mueller’s who has regularly railed against mark” but noted their differences. “I made a terrible mistake for noting that he has admitted that his probe. which I paid dearly,” Papadopoulos misstatements impeded the Russia The news came the same day said in court on Friday, before his investigation. that Mueller charged former Trump sentence was handed down. “I was “He was seeking to assist him- campaign aides Paul Manafort and not honest, and I may have hindered self in a way that placed his own Richard Gates in an illegal foreign the investigation.” ambition above the interests of the lobbying scheme related to their Prosecutors had asked that Pap- United States,” Moss said before work for pro-Russian forces in adopoulos be sentenced to up to six months in federal prison and fined $9,500 for his crime, arguing in an August filing that his misstatements did deliberate harm to the investiga- tion in its early stages and that his cooperation did not yield significant gains. “This was a serious offense,” Andrew Goldstein, representing the special counsel’s office, said Friday. “The lies were purposeful, they were calculated, and they caused harm to the investigation.” AJ Maimbourg/Ed Klapproth, Co-Founders Meanwhile, attorneys for Pa- Please join us in our national wave to bring God padopoulos asked that he face one-year probation, arguing that he back into our country! Our mission is to recruit State did not lie to deliberately harm the leaders across the country to lead in vetting every investigation and only lied because single federal, state, county and city candidate of his loyalty to Trump and his professional ambitions. running for office in 2018... We will then choose the Defense attorneys also said the ones we at the Christian Crusade will endorse and former Trump associate provid- publicize nationally. We have allowed God to be ed government prosecutors with “critical information” in a series of removed far too long now and it is time to pick up the interviews following his guilty plea. “banner” and bring Him back in a concentrated effort Thomas Breen, one of Papado- to restore His word and code. poulos’s attorneys, portrayed him Please visit our website and review all the on Friday as a young, ambitious adviser who made “stupid, stupid categories. The volunteer section will allow you to do mistakes” during the course of a just that, as well as we will post the State National high-stakes role on the campaign. Directors in that section as we recruit them. The “He was unsophisticated, he was naive, and he was a fool,” Breen website still has some construction to do, but, we are said. “It was not his intent to hinder nearly there. an investigation regarding national security.” If you have a desire to be a Contributor of articles, In theatric remarks to the packed courtroom, Breen also alleged that please contact me and let me know. President Trump has done more harm to the Russia investigation by lambasting it as a “witch hunt” and “fake news.” Also, please join our Facebook group “The president of the United if you are on Facebook: States hindered the investigation more than George Papadopoulos ever could,” Breen stated. Trump mocked the sentence in groups/1634723793433487/ a tweet, calling Friday “a great day YOUR PRAYERS AND DONATIONS for America.” ARE APPRECIATED!!! U.S. District Court Judge Ran- dolph D. Moss, who announced CONTACT EMAIL: [email protected] September 12-18, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 9 Twitter chief faces GOP anger over bias at hearing By Ali Breland we think your committee should and Harper Neidig investigate it.’ And it’s a load of The Hill crap.” House Republicans grilled Twit- Democrats did raise their own ter CEO Jack Dorsey on Wednes- issues with Dorsey, including how day during a hearing on alleged Twitter can better prevent harass- bias against conservatives in social ment and abuse of individuals on media, capping a marathon day of its platform, regardless of political testimony for the Silicon Valley affiliation. executive. Dorsey said his company needs Dorsey told lawmakers on the “to do more around protecting pri- House Energy and Commerce vate individuals” and insisted that Committee that Twitter did not Twitter is working to improve. intentionally censor conservative Even with the grilling from the voices, but those denials failed to right, Dorsey avoided much of the assuage Republicans. Republican fury many anticipated. “I want to start by making Facebook CEO Sheryl Sandberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Dorsey had reached out to con- something clear: we don’t consider mittee alongside Facebook chief but the attacks have rattled Silicon Rep. David McKinley slammed servative lawmakers ahead of the political viewpoints, perspectives, operating officer Sheryl Sandberg Valley over the prospect of new Dorsey over illegal drug sales on hearing, efforts which were recog- or party affiliation in any of our on foreign influence operations, regulatory actions. Twitter. He projected images of nized by Walden. policies or enforcement decisions. and then alone before the House At the House hearing, Dorsey tweets purportedly offering to sell “I do want to take a moment to Period. Impartiality is our guiding panel on bias. faced tough questions about a con- cocaine that were posted within the recognize that you have worked principle,” Dorsey said, reading his The hearings come as Republi- troversy involving Rep. Marsha past hour. in recent weeks to reach out to statement from his phone. cans are stepping up their attacks on Blackburn (R-Tenn.), who had a “I would be ashamed if I were conservative audiences and discuss Republicans used the hearing Silicon Valley over what they see campaign ad earlier this year on you,” the West Virginia Republican publicly the issues your company to directly confront Dorsey about as efforts to silence conservative abortion briefly taken down by said. “When you say this is against is facing,” the chairman said in his their allegations and call for action. viewpoints. Twitter. your public policy and you’ve got opening remarks. “It should now be quite clear Minutes after the Senate hear- Dorsey addressed that contro- ways of being able to filter that out The most contentious moments that even well-intentioned algo- ing ended, Attorney General Jeff versy, saying he was worried about and it’s still getting on there.” of the day instead involved far-right rithms can have unintended conse- Sessions announced that he’d be the appearance that Twitter had Dorsey agreed that the posts internet figures who traveled to quences,” said House Energy and convening a meeting with state “adversely affected conservatives.” were “unacceptable” and vowed Capitol Hill for the hearings. Commerce Chairman Greg Walden attorneys general to look into Dorsey admitted that the com- that Twitter would quickly remove Infowars founder Alex Jones, (R-Ore.). concerns that tech companies are pany made a mistake by pulling the them. who has been suspended from “Prominent Republicans, in- “hurting competition and inten- video. He also addressed problems Democrats, though, questioned Twitter for violating their content cluding multiple members of Con- tionally stifling the free exchange with algorithms that saw conserva- Republicans’ claims of bias and the rules, attended the first of Dorsey’s gress and the chairwoman of the of ideas on their platforms.” tive accounts removed from drop- need for a hearing, suggesting that hearings and later tried to confront Republican Party, have seen their Last week, Sen. Orrin Hatch down search results. it was a drummed-up issue to rally him as he entered the House com- Twitter presences temporarily mini- (R-Utah) asked the Federal Trade He vowed that Twitter would the conservative base. mittee room. mized in recent months, due to what Commission to investigate Goo- work to test for inadvertently biased “That’s the whole reason, sup- Jones on Wednesday also clashed you have claimed was a mistake in gle’s market power, and Trump algorithms in the future before im- posedly, we’re here,” Rep. Mike with Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) af- the algorithm,” he continued. suggested that the tech companies plementing them. Doyle (D-Pa.) complained. “House ter the Senate hearing. Jones at one Dorsey testified at two back- had antitrust problems. Republicans at the hearing hit Leader Kevin McCarthy wrote our point reached out to touch Rubio’s to-back hearings Wednesday, first The allegations about anti-con- Dorsey over a number of concerns chairman a letter and said ‘hey, shoulder, and the senator warned before the Senate Intelligence Com- servative bias have yet to be proven, beyond anti-conservative bias. [conservative bias] is going on and him not to touch him. Judge orders alleged Russian agent to remain in jail By Lydia Wheeler Butina and another individual, as showed Butina and her boyfriend defense attorneys. The government The Hill well as other information about singing the theme song from the wrote to Chutkan last month raising A federal district court judge on their relationship. Disney movie “Beauty and the concerns about statements Driscoll Monday refused to release from jail Though Chutkan commended Beast” in a recording studio. Her made to Politico and The Washing- the young Russian woman accused the government for walking back attorney Robert Driscoll told ABC ton Post. of working to influence American what she called salacious allega- News when it first reported the Though Chutkan said she under- politics on Russia’s behalf. tions, she said she didn’t understand video last month that it showed a stood Driscoll’s desire to zealously Attorneys for Maria Butina had how the government made the error legitimate long-term relationship. defend his client, she said he had asked U.S. District Court Judge in the first place. The other two videos Chutkan “overstepped” and violated local Tanya Chutkan to modify the Chutkan said it only took five said she received were of birthday court rules by making detailed court’s previous order and allow seconds to realize that the messag- greetings from Butina’s parents to statements to the media about evi- Butina to remain free under house es were jokes when she reviewed her boyfriend. dence in the case. arrest and GPS monitoring while them. Not only did Chutkan admonish Chutkan said there comes a point she awaits trail, but Chutkan denied “It was apparent on their face,” the defense for its last-minute sub- when the work of defending a client the request. trial. Prosecutors had claimed she she said. mission, she said she had no idea has to happen in the courtroom and She said there is no condition offered to trade sex for a position She cautioned prosecutors how the videos were relevant to not in public, and that trying the or combination of conditions she with a special interest organization against starting out cases with Butina being a flight risk. case in the media makes it more could set to ensure Butina returns despite her relationship with her salacious claims, saying once alle- Driscoll said he was submitting difficult to find an impartial jury. to court. boyfriend, conservative political gations are made it’s hard to take the videos to show his client’s Butina, who appeared in court Chutkan said she cannot envi- operative Paul Erickson, known in them back. relationship with her boyfriend is Monday in a green prison jumpsuit, sion a situation where it is not pos- court documents as U.S. Person 1. The defense team got a scolding a legitimate one, but Chutkan said has pleaded not guilty to charges of sible for Butina to be released from Butina’s defense team railed of its own on Monday afternoon the court did not at all find them rel- conspiracy and acting as a foreign jail, placed in a car with diplomatic against the accusation as false, from Chutkan for submitting three evant to the request for her release. agent to the Russian Federation. tags and placed on an airplane. arguing Butina’s relationship with videos it wanted to show in court In addition to ordering Buti- She is due back in court for another The government had argued in Erickson is legitimate. hours before the proceedings. na’s continued detention, Chutkan status conference in her case on July that Butina is a flight risk and In a court filing Friday, the gov- Chutkan said the first video issued a gag order on Butina’s Nov. 13. has no strong ties to the U.S. that ernment admitted it misunderstood would ensure her appearance at a series of text messages between Tax Reform 2.0 (Continued from Page 7) Some vulnerable Republicans hoping to run on the tax cut and econo- my have been frustrated that scandals from the White House continue to drown out largely positive economic news. Others in the GOP raised concern about the new round of tax cuts, which would make permanent a $10,000 cap for deducting state and local taxes, a provision that is unpopular in high-tax states. Blue-state Republicans worry that focusing on the issue ahead of the election will make their reelection bids tougher. Democrats blasted the new initiative. “The first Republican tax law hasn’t helped workers get ahead — wages aren’t keeping up with inflation, costs for health insurance and prescription drugs are rising, and companies are laying people off and shipping jobs overseas,” said Ways and Means ranking member Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.). “This new tax legislation is more of the same — it disproportionately benefits the wealthiest Americans while growing the nation’s debt even more.” Page 10 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 12-18, 2018 TRAFFIC ALERT PROJECT NEON UPDATE

U.S. Highway 95 Durango offramp 30-day closure Special to the Las Vegas Tribune The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) will close the southbound U.S. Highway 95 Durango Drive offramp until 9 p.m., Oc- tober 9, in northwest Las Vegas. The temporary closure is needed for the installation of concrete box storm drainage under the ramp as part of a $78 million, 6-mile-long widening and upgrade to U.S. Highway 95 between Ann and Kyle Canyon roads that broke ground earlier this year. Las Vegas Paving is the general contractor. The project calls for placing 11,200 feet of concrete box storm drainage and 400 feet of open channel between the Centennial Bowl and Grand Teton Drive for the Clark County Regional Flood Control District, among other improvements. Construction is halfway done, with anticipated completion in the spring of 2019. Motorists should use caution while travelling through the work zone, heed construction signage, and take alternate detour routes, if possible. NDOT works with Waze to inform the public about planned highway re- strictions, but unscheduled construction changes, closures and restrictions are possible due to weather or other factors. For the latest state highway conditions, visit or call 511 before driving.

Be heard I-15 northbound offramp anywhere to Charleston Blvd in the world eastbound 2-month closure Special to the Las Vegas Tribune The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) closed the north- (only $50 per hour) bound Interstate 15 offramp to eastbound Charleston Boulevard until mid-November in . The closure is needed to recon- struct the Charleston Boulevard exit, creating a single seamless ramp instead of the current dual ramp configuration. The work is part of “The Main Event,” the third and final phase of work for Project Neon’s nearly $1 billion 4-mile-long widening of Interstate RadioTribune Special 15 from the U.S. 95 interchange to Sahara Avenue. Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. is the design-build general contractor, with Atkins North America as lead designer. Project Neon is 81 percent finished and scheduled for substantial completion in the summer of 2019. 12 hours only $400 Motorists should use caution while travelling through the work zone, heed construction signage, and take alternate detour routes, if possible. Check the Project Neon website ( or Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter pages (@NDOTProjectNeon) for up to date informa- 20 hours only $600 tion. There is also a free smart phone app available, plus a hotline available in both English and Spanish at: 702-293-NEON (6366). NDOT works (Payment due upon contract signing) with Waze to inform the public about planned highway restrictions, but unscheduled construction changes, closures and restrictions are possible due to weather or other factors. For the latest state highway conditions, visit or call 511 before driving. • Talk Shows • Infomercials • U.S. Highway 6 road restrictions, • Community Involvement • upgrade continues through September 26 in Nye County • Business Promotions • Special to the Las Vegas Tribune The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) will upgrade a 24-mile stretch of U.S. Highway 6 between Mileposts 2 and 26 in Nye • Political Agendas • County through September 26. Chip seal pavement improvements will take place from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. daily, Monday through Thursday. A pilot car will safely escort motorists through the work zone whose speed • Marketing Promotions • limit will be reduced to 35-m.p.h. Construction will be a moving operation. Motorists could experience travel delays. “We are applying layers of fresh oil and gravel that will prevent further roadway cracking and deterioration for a smoother, safer driving experi- ence,” said NDOT spokesman Tony Illia. “It’s a cost-effective maintenance solution that extends the highway’s lifecycle.” For additional information Motorists should use caution while travelling through the work zone, heed construction signage, and take alternate detour routes, if possible. NDOT works with Waze to inform the public about planned highway re- Call (702) 272-4634 strictions, but unscheduled construction changes, closures and restrictions are possible due to weather or other factors. For the latest state highway Email: [email protected] conditions, visit or call 511 before driving. September 12-18, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 11 ecutive Police Adminis- Larraz. city councilmen, local RadioTribune Lineup trative officers witnessed For the last five years businessmen and wom- by Martines inside the “Face The Tribune” has en, as well as Mr. or Ms. ‘Open Mic’ billion dollars worth of department led to his de- been the premier show Local Citizen, can voice Every Tuesday and missing taxpayer money, cision to contest the good for interviews with politi- their opinions and share Thursday at 11:00 a.m., are discussed in depth ol’ boy’s club and run cians, civil service work- the issues that pertain to Gordon Martines hosts and at length on the show. for Clark County Sheriff ers, government officials Las Vegas. “Open Mic,” a popular Martines spent four three times against what and activists, and a voice The show’s host, Ro- show. years as police officer he knew were almost in- for those everyday citi- lando Larraz, has been a The Anti-Corruption Co- with the Hermosa Beach surmountable odds. zens who needed to air journalist in Clark Coun- alition of Nevada is the Police Department before “Open Mic” carries the their legal grievances. ty for over 50 years. He basis for and theme of moving here and resum- voice the LVMPD does The Las Vegas Tribune has been a fixture in the “Open Mic.” ing his police career in not want you to hear, yet newspaper has been a community and a highly Gordon Martines was Las Vegas as a Detective it is always there, every part of the Las Vegas respected publisher who a career police officer in the Robbery/Homicide Tuesday and Thursday community for over 18 has covered local news with 39 years of on-the- Bureau, retiring from the at 11:00 a.m. on www.ra- years and is the only in- and events in Las Vegas job Law Enforcement Las Vegas Metropolitan Tune in! dependent newspaper in since the mid-’60s. For experience. Past cases Police Department after * * * * * Clark County. stories and information involving Kevin Daley, 36 years of police ser- ‘Face The Tribune’ “Face The Tribune” not available anywhere Trayvon Cole and a va- vice. Face the Tribune is was established as a voice else in Las Vegas, tune riety of other covered-up The amount of corrup- heard every Monday for the people of Las Ve- into “Face The Tribune” criminal cases, and a tion and cover-ups by ex- through Friday at 12 gas and is the only news Monday through Friday noon, hosted by Rolando platform where judges, at 12:00 noon.

KIOF 97.9 FM “Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas Public Radio and the Entertainment Capital of Face the the World” YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY NON PROFIT 501 C 3 RADIO STATION Tribune (Federal Charitable taxpayer ID # 45-4388579) See ( ‘Face the Tribune’ is hosted Now with more than 1.506 Million by Rolando Larraz hits to our website to date as we begin our 3rd year! Monday thru Friday 400 S. 4th St., Suite 500 Las Vegas, NV 89101 at 12 noon (702) 425-4088 on Tune in to RadioTribune New Call-In Line: (702) 983-0711 Tune in and listen to those who will tell you the truth, and nothing but the truth. You’ll discover different personalities and hear different opinions, but when it comes to the facts, you’ll always get the truth from us! Page 12 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 12-18, 2018

A governmentE big enoughditorials to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have. — Thomas Jefferson Our Point of View Sign your name and claim what you write Every newspaper in the world receives anonymous letters that the writer expects to be published, either as a letter to the editor, or as an OP-ED or commentary of some sort. Las Vegas Tribune is no exception to that fact, and if we were to publish every anonymous letter we received, we could have the most spicy hot newspaper around; in fact, just two weeks ago we got a second anonymous letter from the city of Henderson that we are not publishing because the author “forgot” to sign it. We believe that writing a letter and not signing it is a cowardly way of exposing any type of corruption — and even if the writer is concerned about his/her future and safety, there are several ways to avoid being called a coward and do the right thing. For one, measure the ethical and financial consequenc- End racial discrimination es, and if the money involved weighs more than the ethics, the writer has a moral problem and that is why Edward in all iterations Snowden became so popular. By Thomas Mitchell highest academic and extracurricular Let’s face it. Racial discrimina- ratings of any racial group, but the Snowden, a young man with a very envious govern- tion is racial discrimination. Calling lowest score on the personal rating. mental position and a parallel salary, gave up his future it affirmative action is just swinging The Supreme Court upheld affir- and left with all the files that he thought were compro- the pendulum the other way. mative action policies in 2016 in a mising the safety of the country. The Department of Justice recent- case out of the University of Texas ly joined a group of Asian-American at Austin. Justice Anthony Kennedy, If the issue is as drastic as the writer thinks it is, then students in their lawsuit against who announced his retirement earlier it could be a matter of picking the right venue and doing Harvard University that claims this year, wrote the opinion, which a compromise negotiation with the publication by identi- the school’s use of a subjective said “considerable deference is owed fying him- or herself and proving that identification, and “personal rating” in determining to a university in defining those in- admissions discriminates against tangible characteristics, like student having the accusations published under “name withheld” Asian-Americans. body diversity, that are central to its instead of under anonymous, which gives the impression Attorney General Jeff Sessions identity and educational mission.” that the publication is not aware who the writer is. said, “No American should be denied ThoMaS MiTchell Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s We happen to believe that the reputation of the New admission to school because of their race.” nominee to replace Kennedy, once described a gov- Harvard officials put out a statement this past week ernment program pushing diversity as a “naked ra- York Times is not the most clean and dignified one in the saying they are “deeply disappointed” in Justice’s cial-spoils system,” and he predicted in a newspaper news business and that the newspaper has become a voice action, but concluded it was to be expected “given the column that the Supreme Court eventually would rule against the administration; that is why the writer chose highly irregular investigation the DOJ has engaged that “in the eyes of government, we are just one race.” the New York Times for this dirty trick. in thus far.” A Justice official said the investigation Earlier this year Trump’s Justice Department re- The New York Times is famous for supporting socialist is still ongoing and might result in a separate lawsuit scinded an Obama-era policy that encourages colleges or other action. and universities to promote diversity by considering dictators and making them famous, and in many cases The personal rating is supposed to be based on racial quotas. destroying otherwise very legit governments in countries character and personalty traits, but the lawsuit claims In his “Dream” speech Martin Luther King, Jr., did even though the newspaper has nothing to gain or benefit an analysis of data found Asian-Americans had the (See Mitchell, Page 14) from so doing. We believe that the New York Times acted recklessly, My life is full of surprises; unethically, immorally and in an un-American way just to make the duly-elected president, which the newspaper I no longer like surprises disagrees with, look bad — even if they did not succeed By Perly Viasmensky — if in fact that OP-ED is real and not fabricated by the I have been reading all kinds of opinions about the news department of the newspaper. anonymous Op-Ed published in the New York Times Perhaps the American businesses and corporations that over and over again, and I am wondering why everyone is giving so much importance to someone who doesn’t advertise in the New York Times should withdraw those have the manhood or the ovaries (regardless of whether super expensive advertisements until the newspaper does or not my editor disagrees with my opinion) to identify the right thing and makes a decision to identify the anon- him- or herself. In my opinion, that person is nothing ymous writer, or say that the name has been withheld as but a coward. If I am not mistaken nothing much has the writer requested. ever been written about cowards in the history of this country, if at all. Nations is now coming out with a demand of some kind Then we have the book that Bob Woodward just wrote I am not going to comment further on that person, against discrimination when it was always known that that is not as truthful as it should be, perhaps with the or hope to add any dignity to myself by writing even on the Island of Cuba there were members of all the idea of getting notoriety to benefit the sales of the book. one more sentence about that mystery writer. races — white, black, Asian, and anything else that Isn’t this the same Bob Woodward who interrupted the * * * * * comes after it. And at this point we are wondering Another surprising thing is that the UN Commit- if the white race has been abolished on the island of political train of this country when he and another reporter tee for the Racial Discrimination (CERD) asked the Cuba, because all news, pictures, and documentaries broke another duly-elected President’s presidential term? Cuban government for guarantees for Cuban Afro show nothing but black people. We believe that the American audience is becoming descendents. They sent a document against racial After the Cuban government started sending men too smart for individuals like Bob Woodward to succeed discrimination and in favor of the human rights for to fight (for whatever reason) in Angola, there was a the Afro descendents. I cannot believe that the United (See Viasmensky, Page 17) in their evil vindictive attacks on anyone who disagrees with them. ON A PERSONAL NOTE The New York Times has always been a center for socialists and defenders of socialist governments (AKA From Alternative News: communists) around the world, including the United States of America. Donald Trump Implies 9/11 Bob Woodward is still living under the false fame of the stigma of the Watergate scandal that he and another Was A Controlled Demolition rebel political journalist of stumbled By Maramis I was hearing about the event from onto by accident. As I was scrolling through the behind the official mainstream news We believe that the American people, the American news to see what was being said reporting and from those who were about 9/11 today, 17 years after the uncovering what they believed was voters, by allowing and supporting newspapers like the fact, I was surprised to find the above the real story. The more the “official” New York Times and buying books like the ones Bob headline, which naturally piqued my story was elaborated on, the more I Woodward writes — even if it is only out of curiosity — interest. While I am not what you’d was feeling that there was a lot that are doing a disservice to the nation. call a conspiracy theorist, I am also was not being revealed. not one to accept explanations that Here is something I found online We believe that the American voters should realize do not ring true with me. today (9/11/18), under Alternative that the country needs loyal Americans more than ever; I remember thinking, as I was News, written by Arjun Walla: we believe that the American people should take a stand watching the original footage of the “Today, we have thousands of and show the enemies of this great nation that they are disaster on TV, that it just didn’t seem architects and engineers, many ac- right that the Twin Towers would MaraMiS choufani ademicians and even peer-reviewed not going to allow created interests and enemies of the collapse in that way as a result of the plane crash. I studies that show there is no possible way that planes country to take over this nation. was just getting on a bus heading for L.A. when I heard could have brought down the two towers, as well as American people need to take their country back and the news come over the TV in the bus terminal. No the official story about the collapse of building number show the world that they are Americans above anything one could believe what they were seeing and hearing. seven, which wasn’t even hit by a plane. This is why and that those attacking the constitutional freedoms and Even though my seatmate had her husband on her the global citizenry, and judging by the latest polls, the phone and was hearing the TV news as it was being American citizenry, do not believe the official story the liberty of this country will no longer be tolerated. reported, I couldn’t wait to get to my destination so I put out by the government regarding what really hap- The American people need to come forward and destroy could further learn about this on my own. pened on that day. It’s not because we are stupid, it’s the monster that the enemies of the nation have created. Over the next several weeks and months as news or not because we are ‘conspiracy theorists,’ it’s simply information about this horrible tragedy was surfacing, (See Maramis, Page 17) September 12-18, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 13

VEditors note:iew The views expressed are entirely those of the writersP and do not necessarilyoints reflect the opinions of the Las Vegas Tribune. Jobs are Created by Job Creators, Definitely Not Socialist Politicians By Chuck Muth plant. But thanks to the dismal Andrew Gillum is the socialists’ state of our government-owned/ latest sensation after his surprising union-managed public school win in Florida’s Democrat guberna- failure factories - combined with torial primary. And shortly after the the Left’s incessant “hate the rich” election he posted one of the more propaganda campaigns — too many ignorant tweets you’ll ever want to Americans today seem to be miss- see on Twitter (and that’s saying ing the obvious. something!)… Fortunately, we have an en- “We need to raise our mini- trepreneurial businessman in the mum wage to $15 — but that’s White House today showing the not enough on its own — because world how the world actually works nobody wants to earn minimum. in the real world. We need to create high-wage jobs Now, for my annual vacation/ through training and education, CHUCK MUTH camping trip this summer, I read expanding healthcare, modern of those jobs are simply gonna dis- Virgin Group CEO Sir Richard transportation, and so much more.” appear. In fact, we’ve already seen Branson’s “Business Stripped First, outlawing entry-level jobs businesses respond by replacing Bare” book from 2008. In it, he that many new workers need to entry-level jobs with technology, went to great lengths to explain why gain employment experience ain’t including burger-flipping robots! entrepreneurs, not government, Oh, and by the way, in America prepared to step off the precipice. gonna help those trying to step up Secondly, training and educa- are so critical to job-creation and there are no race or gender barriers Yes, it’s dangerous. There can be onto the first rung of their work tion, expanding health care, modern economic success. to starting your own business. times, having jumped, when you career ladder. transportation and “so much more” “Entrepreneurs have the dyna- In addition, as my friend Grover find yourself in free fall without a And if a government-mandated doesn’t create jobs. You know what mism to get something started,” Norquist of Americans for Tax parachute. There is a real prospect $15 per hour is OK, why not jack does? Sir Richard wrote. “They view the Reform has pointed out, “There that some business ventures will go it up to $20? Or $35? Or $50? Such Job creators. Entrepreneurs and world differently from other people. is no glass ceiling when you are smashing into the ground.” ignorance of the real world. business owners. They create opportunity that others self-employed.” Which is why so many people The fact is, if you bump the en- This should be obvious to any- don’t necessarily see and have the “To be a serious entrepreneur,” — the vast majority, in fact — try-level wage to $15 an hour, many one with an IQ above a potted guts to give it a go.” Branson continued, “you have to be (See Muth, Page 14) There are many ways to say “Happy New Year” — “Shana Tovah” is one of them By Mace yampolsky The table is very deliberately filled you might have wronged others or for blowing my own horn, but it is Shana Tovah is the traditional with food that reflects an appetite might be falling short of your po- the time of the Shofar). As many greeting on Rosh Hashanah, the for happy, prosperous days to come. tential. It’s a time to judge yourself of you know, I won a US Supreme Jewish New Year, which trans- I always attend my buddy, Danny and your actions over the preceding court case, Riggins vs Nevada, lates to “Have a good year, not a and Iris’ Rosh Hashanah. She is year. The most important aspect of which codified the accused’s right happy New year. Why? (Some say the hostess with the mostest. It is Rosh Hashanah isn’t the judgment, to “Just say No” to anti-psychotic “Gut Yontiff,” which translates to truly a feast. After the meal we play though, but the teshuvah, the return, drugs. Riggins stabbed his drug (“Good Holiday”). Jewish Jeopardy. Sadly, in order renewal, or repentance that each dealer 32 times and broke the knife Researchers are beginning to to be competitive, I must re-read Jew is called to. This isn’t just an- off in his bread because he alleged caution against the pursuit of mere the Old Testament. By the way, other “I promise to do better in the he was sold cocaine containing happiness. They found that a mean- the short version of every Jewish future” kind of response. It’s a seri- “aids infected” blood. He also was ingful life and a happy life overlap holiday is “They tried to kill us; we ous stab at beginning the process of hearing voices from Satan and Sa- in certain ways, but are ultimately won; let’s eat. forgiveness and of forgiving others. tan’s assistant. The state forcibly very different. Leading a happy A festive Jewish meal wouldn’t The process continues through Yom medicated him with 800 milligrams life, the psychologists found, is as- be complete without having bread Kippur. of Mellaril. My expert said this was sociated with being a “taker” while on the table, according to Naomi In the Jewish calendar it is enough Mellaril to tranquilize an leading a meaningful life corre- MaCe yaMPoLSKy Ross. This is why challah, a braided marked by the blowing of the elephant. I was able to prevail and sponds with being a “giver.” Happy beginnings of the Chinese calen- egg bread, makes an appearance shofar, a Ram’s horn trumpet and have his death sentence reversed. people get joy from receiving while dar can be traced back to the 14th at every Shabbat dinner. The chef begins the ten days of penitence Because of this I became the poster people leading meaningful lives century B.C.E. Legend has it that considers the table to be like an altar culminating in Yom Kippur, the day boy for mental illness, and with get joy from giving to others. Jews the Emperor Huangdi invented and the bread almost like a sacrifice. of atonement, when you atone for thanks for Garrett Morris of SNL somehow understood this intui- the calendar in 2637 B.C.E. What Traditionally, Ross says sacrifices all of your past sins in the preced- in his portrayal of baseball player tively. Happy is good, but good is is the significance of this? For the were dipped in salt. During the ing years. (My friends say I need a Chico Esquila, “Mental illness has better. Happiness is the byproduct first 1,123 of their existence, Jews month of Tishri, which begins with week of atonement). been berry, berry good to me!” of a meaningful life. Forgive me did not enjoy Chinese food. But, I Rosh Hashanah, the bread is dipped They say that I’m crazy, but I I told you that, so I could tell for waxing philosophically. It hap- digress. in honey to symbolize a prayer for have a good time.” Thanks to Joe you this: I wrote a chapter on forced pens now and then, even though I Bring On The Food! sweet things to come in the new Walsh for that line from his song, medication for the recently pub- have been accused of having fun There usually is a gathering for year. Challah is round on Rosh “Life’s been good to me so far.” lished book by the American Bar as- at funerals. dinner on the first and sometimes Hashanah, recalling the cyclical In the guise of having a good sociation, Representing People with By the way, this is the Hebrew the second day of Tishri, the sev- nature of the year year and a meaningful life, I’d like Mental Disabilities: A Practical year of 5778. This year in the enth month of the Hebrew calendar, Rosh Hashanah is the time to to inform everyone of a recent ac- Guide for Criminal Defense Law- Chinese calendar is 4,655. The usually in September and October. review your year, and consider how complishment of mine (forgive me (See Mace, Page 17) A Frightening Week In The War To Overthrow Trump Larry Klayman says ‘the president’s legal court jesters’ must go on offense By Larry Klayman two counselors who specialize in offense — don’t you think?! a racist, but ironically bore his It was a wild week! Not just be- appearances on Fox News but are Going on the offense is not anti-white, anti-Judeo-Christian, cause of the confirmation hearings good for little else. As the president only crucial because of the witch pro-illegal immigrant, pro-radical for Judge Brett Kavanaugh and continues to get dragged to the hunt of Robert Mueller, but also Muslim (of course, Obama is half the dog-and-pony show we were guillotine in a Democrat bought- because leftist-dominated social Muslim and fully Muslim under forced to witness from both polit- and-paid-for cart, with impeach- media, such as Google/YouTube, Shariah law), pro-radical feminist ical parties, much less the leftist ment looming on the horizon if the Facebook, Twitter, Apple and their and pro-whatever leftist cause, vigilante mostly radical-feminist donkey wins control of the House comrades are illegally colluding, announcing, finally out in the shrieking “disrupters” lodged in the of Representatives in the 2018 mid- either expressly or as a result of open, his own new jihad to push hearing room, but also because of term elections, these spayed “legal acting consciously in parallel fash- the country to Marxist/Leninist/ the lying and deceit of Democratic beagles,” if not neutered pussy ion, to take down President Trump Trotskyite rule. senator and presidential wannabe cats, continue to falsely spew that and his administration, with the This dovetailed with the cheap Cory Booker. Top this all off with Mueller’s investigation is coming intent and goal to install “favor- and dishonest misconduct of Sen. the alleged administration official to a close. able’ leftist governments, run by Cory Booker during the Kavanaugh who treasonously penned a “tell Giuliani and Sekulow even leftist politicians who will bestow confirmation hearing, where he all” op-ed for the New York Times falsely “leaked” this week that more favors on these insanely rich dared the Senate to remove him and the phony anti-Trump book Larry KLayMan Mueller was now prepared to accept companies, in not just Washington, from office with the false claim of washed up Washington Post Paul Manafort, who is set to be written answers to written ques- D.C., but also throughout the 50 that he was about to illegally re- investigative reporter Bob Wood- tried in Round 2 next week in the tions, rather than subpoenaing The states. Couple this with the leftist lease documents proving that the ward. Woodward (as is his looney courtroom of the pliant, dishonest Donald before his cooked grand ju- onslaught if not attempted coup Supreme Court justice-to-be was a partner, Carl Bernstein) is trying and corrupt Obama-appointed ries! This proved not to be true just a continuously waged by CNN, racist because he supported racial to resurrect his days of glory as Judge Amy Berman Jackson. This few days later. The level of inaction MSNBC, NBC, the New York profiling during the George W. the one who brought down former is not to mention that Mueller and and misleading grandstanding by Times, the Los Angeles Times and Bush administration, when he was President Richard Nixon. Now he his “team” of unethical leftist pros- the president’s legal court jesters of course the most compromised a staff secretary for W. Of course, has President Trump to try to add ecutors, led by the team’s second has reached epic proportions, re- of all, the Washington Post, owned should the full Senate ever seek to to his trophies on the mantle in his in command, Andrew Weissmann, minding me of Woody Allen’s film by ultra-leftist trillionaire Amazon expel Booker, he will cry that this fashionable Georgetown townhome continue to push ahead at full steam “Everything You Wanted to Know founder Jeff Bezos, and we have an is because he is a black man! on Q Street. with his so-called Russian collusion About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask.” attempted overthrow of the Trump Calling it a “Spartacus mo- What a crowd! Its like Shake- and obstruction of justice inqui- In one of the comedian’s vignettes, presidency in real time! ment,” Booker was proved to be speare and the witches of Macbeth sition by this week calling before the king, whose queen his court Not to be left out of the leftist the Obama-like liar that he is, when stirring the caldron to overthrow the the grand jury more Roger Stone jester tries to bed, calls upon his onslaught to seize control of our it was disclosed that W’s attorney American president. And looming allies, such as the renowned author palace guard to “bring me the fool,” republic, former President Barack had already cleared the release on the horizon is the wicked es- Jerry Corsi. meaning the court jester, played by Hussein Obama reared his ugly rac- of the document, which was an tablishment elite warlock Special And, then there is the continued Allen. It’s time President Trump ist head Friday, giving a call to arms internal email. This document, lo Counsel Robert Mueller, poised ineptness if not incompetence of lock up in the tower of their babble for his fellow socialists and Trump and behold, showed that in reality for yet another torture session with President Trump’s own lawyers, his duo of court jesters and get real haters. True to his past form, he not Kavanaugh was against racial pro- former Trump campaign manager and Jay Sekulow, lawyers to defend him by going on only accused The Donald of being (See Klayman, Page 14) Page 14 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 12-18, 2018 Cuba’s Bizarre Soft Power By José Azel edly with an engineering battalion Hard and soft powers are two that maintained a major enemy sup- types of foreign policy tools that ply line into South Vietnam. Brutal nations use to exert influence in Cuban interrogators also worked in their relations with other countries. prisons in Hanoi. Hard power, the predominant tool The Cuban military also joined and measure of a nation’s power, Syria and Egypt in their 1973 sur- involves the use of military and prise invasion of Israel. The Castro economic clout to influence the government dispatched 4,000 com- political behavior of other nations. bat troops along with tank elements Hard power is a coercive approach to fight against Israel. to international relations which In 1975, Cuba launched a large- Harvard University professor Jo- scale military intervention in sup- seph Nye describes as “the ability port of the People’s Movement for to use the carrots and stick of eco- the Liberation of Angola with more rankings, has maintained this level The regime possesses none of the nomic and military might to make than 25,000 troops. of military interventionism for six virtues of soft power. Socioeco- others follow your will.” In 1977, the Castros dispatched decades. For reference, the Unites nomically, Cuba offers nothing to Hard power relies on the quan- José Azel 15,000 Cuban troops along with States’ 2003 invasion of Iraq, con- emulate, admire or aspire to. Dis- tity and quality of a country’s Cuba, since its 1959 Cuban armored vehicles, and artillery sisting of 21 days of major combat credited Cuba should not be able to resources: its population, territory, Revolution, has exercised hard and to help Ethiopia’s ruling party in operations, is estimated to have exercise any soft power. military strength, economic power soft power worldwide dispropor- its conflict with Somalia over the cost the U.S. economy over two And yet, we constantly witness and natural resources. Hard power tionately in excess of its resources disputed Ogaden region. trillion dollars. support for the Cuban government focuses on the threat or use of force, and capabilities. Cuban troops intervened in An- But the most bizarre aspect of in international forums, and the or economic means to achieve po- In the 1960s, 70s, and 80s, with gola once again in 1988. This time Cuba’s foreign policy is its highly sickening, incomprehensive syco- litical goals. the support of the Soviet Union, troop levels reached 55,000 and successful projection of soft power phancy of world leaders towards the In contrast, soft power, a term Cuba exported its brand of military included MIG-23 fighter-bombers which continues to this day. Cuban leadership. This perversion coined by Professor Nye, denotes revolution throughout the develop- with Cuban forces fighting South Cuba presents a discredited is about the only success of the the ability to shape the preferences ing world to foment and aid Marxist African forces in intense conven- ideology and a bankrupt econo- Cuban Revolution. of other nations through co-optive uprisings. tional combat. my. The Cuban revolution trans- José Azel left Cuba in 1961 as a appeal rather than through coercion. As early as 1961, Cuba intro- To this we can add extensive formed, what in 1958 was one 13 year-old political exile in what Soft power relies on affinities in duced military advisors in Africa, incursions by Cuban operatives in of the most prosperous countries has been dubbed Operation Pedro culture, politics, values, or foreign and in 1965 Che Guevara was sent the Caribbean and Latin America in Latin America, into an enor- Pan — the largest unaccompanied policies. According to Nye, “A to train and lead an insurgency in and the current massive deployment mously repressive and pauperized child refugee movement in the his- country may obtain the outcomes the Congo. The uprising failed, but of Cuban personnel in Venezuela. dysfunctional state from where 20 tory of Hemisphere. it wants in world politics because two years later Guevara was again To fully appreciate the dispro- percent of the population has fled. He is currently dedicated to the in- other countries—admiring its val- active in Bolivia, where he was portionality of this use of hard According to the “Freedom in the depth analyses of Cuba’s economic, ues, emulating its example, aspiring captured and executed. power consider at what cost Cuba, World” report, Cuba scores in the social and political state, with a to its level of prosperity and open- Cuban elements were also in- with a population of eleven million worst-of-the-worst categories for keen interest in post-Castro-Cuba ness—want to follow it.” volved in the Vietnam War report- and a GDP per capita 100th in world political rights and civil liberties. strategies. ON THE HOLMES FRONT Liberals furious over this Trump promise By Frank Holmes Technically, the money goes to Between the time President the anchor baby, who is considered Donald Trump was sworn into a legal citizen — but the money is office and this May, more than spent by its illegal alien parents. half-a-million people have gotten U.S. taxpayers ended up with off one welfare program (WIC) smaller paychecks to pay for the alone — and a loads of them are welfare of illegals who gamed the illegal immigrants afraid Trump system — and the salaries of the will deport them. liberal politicians who let them get Trump promised to get the gov- away with it. ernment off Americans’ backs, and Trump is sick of it — and be- stop illegals from being a burden lieves this shows no “fairness to the to American citizens — and he’s American workers and taxpayers,” delivering. a DHS official told Politico last Enrollment in the WIC program week. (which is technically called the Trump got elected to stop wink- “Special Supplemental Nutrition ing at lawbreaking, seal the border, Program for Women, Infants, and and put American citizens first. Children”) is down by 600,000 — The president’s efforts to make to Houston, and New York to L.A. stamps, Head Start, WIC, and Med- and demanding that the country pay largely due to immigrants getting “our immigration processes com- “At the federal, state, and local icaid cost taxpayers money, too. all their bills. off welfare. port with law” is “widely supported levels, taxpayers shell out approx- Add up all the money that the Trump kept two campaign Illegal immigrants aren’t eligi- by the vast majority of the Ameri- imately $134.9 billion to cover already-squeezed middle class promises at once: He cut welfare ble for welfare benefits in the U.S. the costs incurred by the presence pays for illegal aliens’ welfare, spending and got illegals out of can electorate,” the official added. — but they skirt the law and cash of more than 12.5 million illegal and it’s more than enough to pay taxpayers’ wallets. Last June, Trump promised a in, anyway. aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen for Trump’s $18 billion wall on the He’s single-handedly proven rally in Iowa that he would roll out “WIC has been largely immi- children of illegal aliens,” accord- Mexican border. that getting tough with lawbreakers “new immigration rules” saying gration-blind since it was created ing to a report from the Federation “The wall could pay for itself and welfare cheats works — and that “those seeking immigration in 1974,” Politico reports. for American Immigration Reform. even if it only modestly reduced every American is richer for it. into our country must be able to And the cost almost doubled in “That amounts to a tax burden of illegal crossings and drug smug- * * * * * support themselves financially and 10 years — from $4.1 billion in approximately $8,075 per illegal gling,” said immigration expert Frank Holmes is a reporter for 2001 to $7.2 billion in 2011 under should not use welfare for a period alien family member.” Steven A. Camarota of the Center The Horn News. He is a veteran former President Barack Obama. of at least five years.” That’s roughly $24,000 a year for Immigration Studies. journalist and an outspoken con- But since Trump’s inaugura- These aren’t new rules, but for each family of illegal aliens, Obama so degraded the country servative that talks about the news tion, something wonderful has Democrats — and some open bor- according to Robert Rector of the that illegals had no fear of breaking that was in his weekly article, “On happened. ders Republicans — have ignored Heritage Foundation. the law to come into the country — The Holmes Front.” Local welfare offices say they’ve them for decades. “This is a disturbing and unsus- seen dozens of people drop off the Even legal immigrants are tainable trend,” FAIR said. Klayman welfare rolls, sometimes almost banned from being on welfare for So, Trump has written draft ex- (Continued from Page 13) Go to www.freedomwatchusa. 100 a month. 5 years, under the welfare reform ecutive orders “to protect American filing and not a racist. org to join our Justice League to le- WIC officials in at least 18 states law that former President Bill Clin- taxpayers and promote immigrant Make no mistake about it: This gally eradicate these dastardly forc- say enrollment is down by 20%, ton signed when he was running for self-sufficiency.” week demonstrated anew, in even es of the left, with our hard-hitting and they chalk that up to Trump’s re-election in 1996. Since “households headed by more stark terms that ever before, lawsuits and citizens grand juries. no-nonsense immigration policy. But Obama — and former Pres- aliens are much more likely than that the left has declared war not Time is short before we are forced Liberal politicians played fast- ident George W. Bush — gutted those headed by citizens to use just on President Trump, but also into slavery in the looming leftist and-loose with the law for decades. some portions of the law… and the means-tested federal public ben- the rest of us alleged deplorables takeover of our sacred republic! It worked like this: bills started to mount. efits,” the U.S. government will and racists who support the vision Larry Klayman is a former Jus- Illegal aliens have anchor babies Los Angeles County spent $1.3 “deny admission to any alien who is of Founding Fathers. We must now, tice Department prosecutor and on U.S. soil. Then the newborn billion in welfare for illegal immi- likely to become a public charge.” more than ever, pledge our sacred the founder of Judicial Watch and “U.S. citizen” would apply for grants in just two years, 2015-2016. Beltway politicians in both honor to wage a counter-revolu- Freedom Watch. His latest book is welfare programs like WIC, food But the costs of illegal alien wel- parties limited this to cash benefits tion against the followers of King “Whores: Why and How I Came to stamps, Medicaid, etc. fare stretched from Detroit down — but Trump points out that food Barack Hussein Obama! Fight the Establishment.” Mitchell Muth (Continued from Page 13) ship can be taught,” Sir Richard choose the relatively safer and more explains, “and we desperately need comfortable route of getting a sal- to teach it as we confront the huge aried job rather than trying to start global challenges of the twenty-first their own company. And there’s century.” nothing wrong with that. Yep. But somebody has to create And not only does entrepreneur- those jobs. Entrepreneurs. ship need to be taught, it needs to And to get more of them, as be championed and celebrated. Branson notes, we need to start Because there are no jobs without teaching our youth about “the value job-creators. of wealth creation” and encourage And the sooner anti-rich/an- kids with gumption to start their ti-business politicians such as own businesses rather than focusing Andrew Gillum recognize that fact, (Continued from Page 12) I have a dream that my four little children will one entirely on getting an often-useless the brighter and more prosperous say, “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise day live in a nation where they will not be judged college degree. our nation’s future will be. up and live out the true meaning of its creed, ‘We hold by the color of their skin but by the content of their Indeed, even liberal New York * * * * * these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created character.” Times columnist Chuck Muth is president of equal.’ I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Racial discrimination is abhorrent in all its iter- acknowledged a few years ago Citizen Outreach, a non-profit Georgia, sons of former slaves and the sons of former ations. that “It’s no longer true that having public policy grassroots advocacy slaveowners will be able to sit down together at the Thomas Mitchell is a former newspaper editor a college degree guarantees that organization and publisher of Ne- table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even who now writes conservative/libertarian columns for you’ll get a good job, and it’s be- He may the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat weekly papers in Nevada. You may email Mitchell at coming less true with each passing be reached by email at cmuth@ of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will [email protected]. He blogs at http://4thst8. decade.” He blogs at be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. “A great deal of entrepreneur- September 12-18, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 15 The year the party machines broke By Reid Wilson bosses, especially in Northeastern cities 2018 marks the demise of the big-city where waves of immigrants arrived in the Democratic machine. 19th and 20th centuries. For centuries, those storied machines Thomas Whalen, a social scientist at Bos- dominated America’s largest cities, driving ton University, pointed to John F. Kennedy, volunteers through neighborhoods and de- who owed his first election to the Senate, in livering voters to the polls. 1952, to Irish-Catholic voters who overcame But for the last several years, those ma- the Brahmin Protestants who backed Henry chines have come under intense pressure, Cabot Lodge Jr. from a rising generation of progressive and “Part of the reason Jack Kennedy won minority activists and from rampant scandals was identity politics. It was the rise of the of corruption and rot — twin factors that are Irish Catholics,” Whalen said. “Changing driving the demise of the last of the country’s demographics brings about political changes powerful political bosses. in whatever body you’re looking at.” The days of Boss Tweed running New Where party apparatuses once controlled York City from Tammany Hall, or James the flow of information, the internet and so- Michael Curley in Boston, or even the Daley cial media have increased access — both for family in Chicago are long gone. Still, for voters, and to voters. Anyone disconnected the past few decades their successor orga- chine showed its vulnerability. In Boston, political boss can fill. In the 1970s, Chicago from a political machine can now research nizations have dominated big-city politics. City Council member Ayanna Pressley Mayor Richard J. Daley could hand out as candidates on their own, and interest groups Until now. ousted 10-term Rep. Michael Capuano (D) many as 35,000 jobs, according to Dick and candidates can communicate with voters In Philadelphia, Rep. Robert Brady (D), in the Democratic primary. Capuano, 66, had Simpson, a political scientist at the University outside of a machine’s established channels. who heads the city’s Democratic Party ap- support from Boston Mayor Marty Walsh (D) of Illinois-Chicago. “It used to be that in order to know who paratus, announced last year he would retire. and most of the city’s prominent labor unions, Today, there are fewer than 5,000 such was running for down-ballot offices in mu- Brady, 73, said his departure had nothing to who hold the levers of power. patronage positions. Similar declines have nicipal elections, you needed your precinct do with a federal investigation into payments Politicians and historians who have stud- happened in New York and Philadelphia. captain to tell you. There was no way of his campaign allegedly made to a challenger ied political machines say the old way of The changing face of American cities has getting information without getting it from several years ago. But several of Brady’s doing business is dying for four reasons. The played a role in weakening long-standing ma- someone who worked for the party,” said close allies have been charged in the case. number of patronage jobs, once a key lever chines, and alliances between machines, as Mark Nevins, a Democratic strategist who Where Brady’s organization held a lock machines used to ensure loyalty, has fallen well. The country’s largest cities are no longer works in Philadelphia politics. on white ethnic voters, African-American dramatically. The big cities where those ma- as racially homogenous as they once were. “Now, people have an almost infinite turnout was the domain of former Rep. Chaka chines operate are changing demographically, A century ago, about 98 percent of New number of resources to which they can turn Fattah (D), who held the city’s other seat in as ethnic white populations dwindle and York City residents were white, led by eth- for information on who’s running, for what Congress. Fattah resigned in 2016 after being minorities rise. The internet has democra- nic Irish and Italians whose families came office and what they stand for,” Nevins said. convicted of 23 counts of fraud, racketeering tized information, which robs machines of through Ellis Island. Today, the city is 44 “To the extent that information is power, the and corruption. their hold on local offices. And, ironically, percent white, while African-Americans and increased accessibility to information has In New York, Rep. Joseph Crowley (D) opposition to President Trump has infused Hispanics each make up about a quarter of weakened the party machine, Democrat or ran the Queens County Democratic Party’s an energy and enthusiasm among younger the Big Apple’s residents. Republican.” massive turnout machine, controlling the Democratic voters tired of the old ways of When Crowley first won his seat in 1998, Finally, Trump’s election and admin- patronage jobs that came with local elected doing political business. 51 percent of his district’s residents were istration have had the unlikely effect of offices. “I think the trend of declining machines white; today, it’s 18 percent. energizing the other party’s voters to drain Crowley, 56, ran headlong into the ex- is one that goes back a long time, but I do The political bosses, predominantly old, their own swamps. The messages of diver- citement and enthusiasm that drove turnout think recent shifts make it even harder for white and male, no longer reflect the chang- sity and economic reform that Democratic among minority voters, and he lost his machines to survive,” said Eric Schickler, a ing faces of the cities they inhabit. challengers like Ocasio-Cortez and Pressley primary this year to 28-year-old Alexandria political scientist at the University of Cali- “Demography has a lot to do with it. As are embracing sound similar to what Trump Ocasio-Cortez, a first-time candidate who fornia-Berkeley who has studied party bosses groups that have been politically marginal- pledged; the difference is the audience. painted her rival as a staid fixture of the past. and machines. ized are empowered, [minorities are] taking Those Democratic candidates are “basi- In Chicago, state House Speaker Mike Patronage jobs were once the hallmark on traditional powers,” said former Rep. cally appealing to disaffected working-class Madigan (D) has held sway over city and of a political machine’s power. Boss Tweed Steve Israel (D), who represented Long Island voters who were decimated by the 2008 eco- state politics for decades. But even his power in the 19th century stocked New York gov- in Congress and saw the party machines up nomic downturn. That theme is not solely the is coming under fire, after allegations that ernment jobs with friends and allies, and in close. “They deserve a seat at the table, and property of the right,” Boston University’s several members of his political organiza- return those workers — from garbagemen to either the party chairman will give them a seat Whalen said. “Trump in the White House tion had sexually harassed volunteers and clerks — voted for their patrons. at the table, or they’ll grab one.” has more or less pushed along the process, campaign workers over the years. But good-government reforms have dra- Changing demographics have long proved probably a little bit faster than it otherwise And on Tuesday, another political ma- matically shrunk the number of jobs that any the foundation for challenges to political (See Wilson, Page 17) Hannity drops Mueller investigation bombshell By Walter W. Murray “Whoa!” the talk show host National Security Advisor Michael It was the political equivalent of interrupted. “He’s under investi- Flynn, one of the first ensnared a bomb doing off on live television gation?” in the Mueller investigation, was in primetime — and it’s bad news That’s when diGenova con- stunned (but, let’s face it, probably for Democrats hoping that special firmed his news: “Rosenstein is not surprised) by the news. counsel Robert Mueller’s investi- under investigation for things that Earlier this summer, diGenova gation would end President Donald involve the FISA warrants.” said Rosenstein was the one who Trump’s administration. Hannity, of course, has been hot signed off on perhaps the most The man overseeing Mueller’s on the FISA abuse story from the infamous FISA court renewal of probe, which Trump has labeled very beginning. all time… the one allowing the an “illegal investigation,” is now “There is no doubt that a con- surveillance of a former Trump himself the target of an investiga- spiracy to commit fraud multiple campaign associate. tion, according to a source on Sean times against FISA judges did take DiGenova said Rosenstein never Hannity’s Fox News show. place,” he said just last week. “Ev- even read it but relied on others to Joseph diGenova, a former U.S. eryone who signed off on this FISA tell him what’s in it. attorney under President Ronald request signed off on fraudulent In many ways, that was the Reagan, revealed on “Hannity” Under FISA, investigators are under Rosenstein.” documents, and they knew they moment that led to the Mueller that Deputy Attorney General Rod supposed to get a warrant from a Then, he dropped the bomb were fraudulent.” investigation and the huge mess in Rosenstein is FORBIDDEN from special judge before they can spy about Rosenstein, saying “he’s got The diGenova report, if true, the Justice Department right now. handling FISA warrants due to an on an American. a big problem with FISA, person- would confirm much of Hannity’s “He should be ashamed of him- ongoing investigation inside the But as Hannity has exposed ally.” reporting. self,” he said of Rosenstein, adding agency. in the past, those warrants were “He signed the last one,” Hann- It would also mean investigators that there may be some measure of That’s the so-called Foreign In- at times based on misleading and ity pointed out. must have some serious concerns justice after all as lawmakers push telligence Surveillance Act, which outright false information. “Yeah but it’s worse than that,” about Rosenstein if he is in fact for his impeachment. — despite its name — actually This past week, diGenova seems diGenova replied. “He’s now under forbidden from handling FISAs. “He’s getting precisely what he allows for domestic spying. to have confirmed some of Hanni- investigation and he can’t do FISAs Yet, again, not a PEEP from the deserves,” diGenova said. It’s the infamous program that ty’s biggest suspicions. anymore.” mainstream media! * * * * * was used and abused under Pres- “It’s fairly obvious that a fraud The attorney tried to continue While they’ve ignored the Walter W. Murray is a reporter ident Barack Obama for covert was committed on the court, all of with the initial point he was mak- bombshell announcement, inter- for The Horn News. He is an out- investigations into the Trump cam- this evidence is there, there isn’t ing, but Hannity — sensing the ested insiders certainly recognized spoken conservative and a survival paign in 2016, including the wiretap any doubt about it,” diGenova said. importance of the moment — cut the significance of the moment. expert, and is the author of “Amer- of Trump Tower. “We cannot trust the department him off. Michael Flynn Jr., son of former ica’s Final Warning.” Democrats’ immigration dogma is damaging African American communities By Tom Broadwater years, immigrants who lack high advocate for endless immigration immigration by a third. If you’re a Democrat and you school diplomas have increased the amnesties. This includes their sup- A decade later, a Democratic question the party orthodoxy on size of the low-skilled workforce by port for “sanctuary cities,” which senator warned that a “huge influx immigration, prepare to be excom- 25 percent. stymie the deportation of danger- of mostly low-skill workers... municated. That puts them in direct com- ous criminals and their opposition threatens to depress further the That’s the grim lesson of a recent petition with African Americans, to mandatory worker verification wages of blue-collar Americans.” fracas involving Our Revolution, who disproportionately occupy enforcement. That senator was Barack Obama, the progressive advocacy group the low-wage urban labor market. In June, a number of high-pro- writing in his 2006 book The Au- founded by Senator Bernie Sanders. Work from Harvard economist file Democratic mayors pulled out dacity of Hope. Our Revolution fired its “National George Borjas shows that when of an immigration meeting with Around the same time, Justice” director after she publicly immigration increases the size of President Trump in retaliation for Paul Krugman, a liberal Nobel pointed out that excessive immigra- the labor pool by 10-percent, wages the administration’s crackdown on Prize-winning economist, openly tion can hurt low-wage American for African American men drop 2.5 sanctuary cities. acknowledged that “the fiscal bur- workers. percent — and their employment Pointing out the damage done by den of low-wage immigrants is ... The staffer, Tezlyn Figaro, a rate declines by 6 percent. free-flowing foreign labor wasn’t pretty clear.” woman of African American and The U.S. Civil Rights Commis- always condemned by left-leaning Democratic leaders can’t claim Latina descent, took to Twitter to TOM BROADWATER sion Commissioner Peter Kirsanow lawmakers. Back in the early 1990s, to care about black and Hispanic complain about foreigners “coming Americans; yet it also supports emphasized how this competition Barbara Jordan, a civil rights icon Americans while supporting immi- into the country and getting benefits unfettered immigration, which can lock young workers out of the and the first African American gration policies that rob their most that Americans do not get.” depresses wages and reduces job job market: “You eliminate the woman from the South ever elect- loyal voters of jobs and wages. Figaro voiced an uncomfortable opportunities for minority Ameri- rungs on the ladder because a siz- ed to Congress, proclaimed that * * * * * truth, and her dismissal reveals a can workers. able number of African American there was “no national interest in Tom Broadwater is president of stunning hypocrisy within modern Immigrants — both legal and men don’t have access to entry-lev- continuing to import lesser skilled Americans4Work, a nonprofit that Democratic politics. The party illegal — tend to congregate in el jobs.” and unskilled workers to compete advocates on behalf of American claims to champion the economic large cities and join the unskilled Democrats can’t be champions in the most vulnerable parts of our minority, veteran, youth, and dis- well-being of black and Hispanic workforce. In fact, in the past 20 for African Americans when they labor force.” She called for cutting abled workers. Page 16 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 12-18, 2018 Defending the Constitution is Job No. 1 for Brett Kavanaugh By Peter Wallison president. He has argued, for example, that policy directives. Only this will enable pres- The Hill opinion contributor the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, idents to comply with the command of the As the confirmation hearings for Brett an agency created by the Dodd Frank Act Constitution by appointing and dismissing Kavanaugh continue, it is important to rec- of 2010, was unconstitutional because the the members of their administrations. ognize that much of the controversy about president could not remove its director from Finally, there will be charges that Ka- his opinions will spring from the different office at will. The implication may be that vanaugh has been an “activist judge” and, perspectives that will underlie both the ques- he took this position because he wants to as a member of the Supreme Court, will tions and the answers. Judges like Kavanaugh give excessive power to a president or even fail to practice the “judicial restraint” that are constitutionalists, and think about their opposes consumer protection. But again, keeps judges and justices from substituting decisions in terms of how the Constitution the underlying issue for a constitutionalist their own views about policy for the views is affected by specific cases. Many of the judge like Kavanaugh is not the powers of of the elected Congress and president. The senators questioning him, on the other hand, any particular president, or of the Consumer senators who make this charge will ignore or will view the same opinions as expressions Financial Protection Bureau, but the powers fail to recognize that the most controversial of politics or policy. and duties of the president as contemplated decisions of Kavanaugh have been in support One example is regulation. Opinions by by the Framers of the Constitution. of the separation of powers rather than in Kavanaugh have often reflected concern Most Americans know that our Constitu- support of any particular government policy. about the scope of government regulation. the powers granted to them by Congress, tion created a federal government with sep- Conservative judges and justices have always Politicians on the left translate this as hostility expanding their regulations and jurisdictions aration of powers. Congress makes the laws, argued that the judiciary has no authority to to federal protections of the environment, beyond what lawmakers originally intended. the president enforces the laws, and the judi- interfere in the policy process. consumers, or internet users. But his deci- Thus, although a senator may be con- ciary interprets the laws. The Framers wisely But there is an important and essential sions on the subject appear to arise out of his cerned about why Kavanaugh has sought adopted this unusual structure because they difference for the judiciary between concern view that the Constitution created a demo- to limit the power of a particular regulatory believed that it was the only way to assure about policies and concern about imple- cratic system in which the laws are made by agency, his decision was likely based not on that Americans would be free of oppression menting the structure of the Constitution. a Congress elected by the American people. hostility to the specifics of the rule but rather by their own government. The idea that the The Framers believed that it is a duty of the Kavanaugh is concerned that, since the New on his view that the rule went beyond what same body could both enact a law and enforce courts to protect this structure, particularly Deal, the unelected officials at administra- Congress had authorized. His objections it against the public was anathema to them. the separation of powers, if it is threatened tive agencies have supplanted lawmakers in to a rule at issue are highly likely to have While the Constitution makes Congress by the actions of one or both of the other making most of the rules that the American flowed from his view that in a democracy, the sole source of laws, it also enjoins the branches. That is “activism” that should be people have to obey. Congress should make the major decisions president to “take care that the laws be faith- applauded by all Americans. Over the last 25 years, these executive about regulation, not unelected officials of the fully executed.” The president, then, has the * * * * * branch and regulatory agencies, which some Washington bureaucracy interpolating from exclusive duty to enforce laws as he sees fit. Peter J. Wallison is a senior fiscal policy call the administrative state, have issued more statutory language passed many years before. In one of his opinions, therefore, Kavanaugh fellow at the American Enterprise Insti- than 3,000 rules annually, totaling more than It is also likely that Kavanaugh will be argued that the president must have the power tute. He served as general counsel for the 101,000 rules. Agencies have acquired this questioned about those of his opinions that to remove from office any administration of- Treasury Department during the Reagan extraordinary reach by broadly interpreting reflect strong support for the powers of the ficial who will not carry out executive branch administration. The Spartacus moment in Senate fuels troubling trend of theatrics By Jonathan Turley he was on his way to a vote and the speech The Hill opinion contributor and debate clause under Article I states that It was a moment that would have made members of both Houses of Congress “shall actor Kirk Douglas blush. During the hear- not be questioned in any other place” when ings into the Supreme Court nomination of going to and from Congress. However, this is Brett Kavanaugh, Cory Booker (D-N.J.) meant to deter the government, not reporters, announced that he would defy the Senate Ju- which is why there is an exception case of diciary Committee by releasing a nonpublic “treason, felony and breach of the peace.” “committee confidential” document, regard- Given the grilling over the uncertain con- less of the consequences. “This is about the stitutional interpretations of Kavanaugh and closest I’ll probably ever have in my life to support of imperial presidential authority, it an ‘I am Spartacus’ moment,” he declared, was a sharply discordant moment. If you are recalling the memorable line spoken by Spartacus, you should not be denouncing Douglas in the 1960 film. reporters like a Roman consul. First, and foremost, the key to having a Booker later went on television, trying “Spartacus moment” is not to declare your to reinforce his Spartacus bona fides. He own Spartacus moment. Second, you actually struggled to establish that he was actually have to expose yourself to a lethal threat. breaking Senate rules by releasing other It turned out that the document in question documents. He has now released more than already had been released and Booker was ter argument, it was lost in the atmospherics Harris effectively accused Kavanaugh of 20 documents uncleared by the Senate Judi- informed that it was public before the hear- of the hearing. Indeed, for those lost in the perjury, collaboration against special counsel ciary Committee. It was like claiming to be ing. However, Booker was right on one point. theatrics, the story of Spartacus is instructive Robert Mueller, and other unsupported mis- a retroactive Spartacus after the battle. That The hearing procedures were questionable as suggested by Booker. deeds. Not to be outdone, Booker jumped up could subject Booker to admonishment after and this really was a Spartacus moment. It In history, gladiator turned rebel Spartacus to declare himself Spartacus. a Senate Ethics Committee investigation, still was just not the one Booker thought it was. was pursued by not one but two Roman sena- The problem is that someone actually far short of staging crucifixions between on He and other Senate Democrats have had a tors turned generals, Marcus Licinius Crassus did kill Spartacus. In this case, Kavanaugh the way to Rome. legitimate gripe about the unusually high and Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, who wanted walked from the hearing on his own power Putting all of the theatrics aside, the Kava- percentage of material withheld from review to be the next consul of Rome. The point of with a presumed Senate majority of support. naugh hearings left a troubling and damaging and the unilateral use of “committee confi- the war was not just defeating Spartacus and It is certainly true that Republicans prevented precedent for a process that already lacked dential” markings to control documents. It is his gladiator army but to be the one credited access to information that might have under- substantive content. I have been a critic for troubling to have a largely unknown private with defeating him. Crassus succeeded and mined him, but neither Booker nor Harris years of the modern confirmation hearing, lawyer removing hundreds of thousands of proclaimed his victory at Capua. Magnus, made a convincing claim as future consul of which is largely about senators rather than documents based on a privilege assertion however, claimed the honor by reaching the Democratic Party. One moment, however, nominees. The hearings drained what little that has not actually been formally made by Rome first, illustrating the danger of Crassus did leave Booker looking a bit like a consul substance remained in the process. The the White House. stopping to crucify 6,000 prisoners on the wannabe. In an uncharacteristic move for the unilateral denial of documents and theatrics Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley road to Rome as a statement. usually mild mannered senator, Booker had a of the opposition left the hearings as little (R-Iowa) also had a good point about the The Kavanaugh hearings were like watch- confrontation with reporter Byron Tau, who more than a stunt by both parties. There was Democrats failing to ask for the release of ing a contest to be consul of Rome. Booker asked if his Spartacus moment was a political not a Spartacus to be found but, instead, an documents and possibly engineering the and Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), who sat next to stunt. Tau said Booker told him he was “vio- overabundance of would be Roman consuls. confrontation in open committee. Yet, in the each other, are viewed as leading contenders lating the Constitution by being in his way.” * * * * * end, Democrats had the better case about the for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomi- That comment was unlikely meant as a Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro Professor hearings being substantially different from nation. Like their Roman predecessors, they real threat, as it is neither within the char- of Public Interest Law at George Washington past hearings in the method and the scope of knew that whoever slayed or injured Kavana- acter nor authority of the senator. Presum- University. You can follow him on Twitter @ withheld material. If Democrats had the bet- ugh would be a celebrated Democratic hero. ably, Booker was referring to the fact that JonathanTurley. ‘Senior’ official doesn’t mean anonymous New York Times writer is close to Trump By Joe Concha giving away obvious clues that would reveal The Hill opinion contributor identify. But, as the Post’s Nakamura asks, On a week when Brett Kavanaugh’s does this person actually work in the White Supreme Court confirmation or Bob Wood- House? The National Security Council? ward’s book were seen ahead of time as the A federal agency? On domestic or foreign two big stories that would consume media affairs? coverage, along came an anonymous source, As the Post’s Dana Milbank pointed out a senior administration official, to the New years ago: “The only people who can’t be se- York Times with a scathing op-ed on Pres- nior administration officials are the interns.” ident Trump that has Washington and the Narrowing down the writer’s role in the press (again) aflutter with talk of this being administration to at least a place or depart- THE moment that changes everything. Let’s ment is a fair ask of the Times, which clearly first unpack who, at least in general terms, reaps benefits from the ambiguity of “senior the source of the column is ... a column that administration official.” But such ambiguity includes describing the president’s leadership leads to the kind of dangerous speculation so style as “impetuous, adversarial, petty and many see from some quarters of the media on ineffective,” among other things that come a daily basis, which only leads to increased right out of a Michael Moore script. Palmieri to the Washington Post’s David In listing 12 names of people with “mo- cynicism about the institution. Note: To the average or even above-av- Nakamura to Fox News’s Brit Hume point tive,” in Cillizza’s latest piece, the Another note regarding one more small erage reader outside the Washington-New out in rare bipartisan fashion, “senior admin- only thing missing is that the writer was Mrs. but telling error by the Times: In one tweet York bubble, the Times refers to the op-ed istration official” could apply to hundreds and Peacock in the kitchen with the candlestick from its official Twitter handle, the paper as being written by a “senior administration even more than 1,000 people. or Mr. Green in the library with the lead pipe. appears to have revealed the gender of the official,” which sounds like a cabinet mem- No matter: We’re already seeing some in So here’s the question: Should the Times anonymous source, as noted by Bloomberg’s ber, or at least someone who interacts with the media go the full Alex Jones in attempting have narrowed down the actual governmental Jennifer Jacobs: the president on a daily basis. Pretty serious to figure out — with zero basis whatsoever level of the writer in a way that at least tells “NYT tweet suggests the anonymous stuff from a high place, right? — who the anonymous writer may be, with the reader if this person was indeed as close to senior admin official is a man — ‘he.’ The Yet, as everyone from former Hillary the most egregious being CNN political ed- the president as they portray, unintentionally official complains Trump “engages in repeti- Clinton communications director Jennifer itor-at-large Chris Cillizza. or otherwise? That doesn’t, of course, mean (See Concha, Page 17) September 12-18, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 17 Those who built this country — manufacturers By Carolyn Lee the country: America needs more Right now, manufacturers in the reer opportunities and gives them an MFG Day event learn, today’s The Hill opinion contributor manufacturing workers. United States have nearly 500,000 the exact training and certifications high-skilled manufacturing careers On Labor Day, we celebrated In a way, we should be celebrat- open positions, and the workforce they need to excel in them. usually pay more than an average the American worker. Generations ing this fact. We have this labor crisis is only projected to deterio- We’re also working hard to ad- American job, offer a safe and of workers in this country have shortage in part because manufac- rate with the industry having to fill dress one of manufacturing’s most stimulating work environment and built the mightiest economy in the turers have been doing so well. In a millions of open jobs in the coming difficult challenges — its percep- promise career-long job security. world, one that stands especially recent NAM survey, 95 percent of years. tion problem; the idea that manu- Most often, they don’t even require strong today. But in one sector of manufacturers felt optimistic about There are a variety of reasons facturing is more like the industry a college degree or the associated the economy, manufacturing, we the future and about job growth, a why this crisis exists, and there are your grandparents might remember college debt. are facing a distinct lack of labor. record high. several ways to address it. That’s than the high-tech, 21st-century, Students with all sorts of talents It’s a full-blown workforce crisis But as bright as the future seems exactly why The Manufacturing well-paying sector it is today. can find fulfillment and financial re- actually. As the executive director for manufacturers, it also looks Institute is engaged on so many The way we’re overcoming it ward here; all we have to do is show of the Manufacturing Institute — underpopulated. In the same sur- fronts today. is by showing the manufacturers them the way. The Manufacturing the social impact arm of the Na- vey, 77 percent of respondents ex- We have programs to support of tomorrow what the modern Institute and NAM are honored tional Association of Manufacturers pressed deep concern about filling women already in manufacturing manufacturing industry actually to support the next generation of (NAM) dedicated to advancing the skilled workers their businesses and those looking to join them. looks like. American workers. modern manufacturing and the need to continue succeeding. We have a program for veterans On Manufacturing Day (MFG We stand in awe of the dedicated modern manufacturing workforce This manufacturing workforce called Heroes MAKE America Day) — October 5 — and through- men and women who helped create — I hear the same thing time and crisis will only continue to worsen that connects transitioning service out the month of October, thou- our country’s economy, and we ex- again from industry leaders around as we move into the next decade. members with manufacturing ca- sands of factories, technical schools pect the same excellence from those and business associations across the who will succeed them. United States will open their doors We need a strong and skilled Viasmensky to parents, teachers and students. (Continued from Page 12) children have been found dead and and speed through an intersection labor force not only to build our You can probably find one of these no other but their own mothers are because she was late for work. bridges, make our cars and provide tremendous amount of newborns events in your own neighborhood; suspected of the crimes. What kind of workplace is it that getting back to the island. just visit our website to consult the our power, but also to be the foun- Being a mother actually has very allows that 25-year-old woman In Cuba there were always full list. dations of our communities and the whites, blacks, and Orientals. All little to do with giving birth to a who killed Levi Echenique to come heroes to our children. To labor for child. Being a mother is the most to work drunk or high? We never A wide array of companies will of a sudden the United Nations put on presentations of all kinds. America is to show our love for it. want to start calling the black Cu- difficult job there is. Motherhood learned where she worked. I believe We are proud to help more people is emotional and it labels you as a the public is entitled to know where PTC, for example, is launching a bans, “Afro descent.” They were do exactly that. Mom. If the man in your present this woman works. first-of-its-kind comic book with an all always very happy to identify * * * * * life is more important to you than * * * * * Augmented Reality app experience themselves as blacks, and now the Carolyn Lee is the executive your own child, you don’t even To complete the nonsense of our to bring the modern manufacturing United Nations wants to start put- deserve to be called a woman. If city and comments from our author- process to life and help inspire the director for the Manufacturing In- ting ideas in their heads? you allow that man in your life to ities that crime has been reduced to next generation of leaders. stitute at the National Association Besides, there is no such thing punish your child you don’t even a minimum, what about the number Moreover, as many who attend of Manufacturers. as discrimination; if people look deserve to be called a mother; and of homicides/suicides around the at that picture there is not even if you allow that man to demand city; and most of all, and most one white head in that picture to you get rid of your child — up to degrading, school teachers accused Mace (Continued from Page 13) will, I’m your guy. discriminate against—meaning the and including killing your precious of sexually abusing our children? yers.” It contains chapters devoted island now belong to the supposed child—you don’t even deserve to be Honestly, I don’t need any more Gut Yontiff to a variety of issues confronted group viewing themselves of “Afro called human. surprises! For more information regarding by people with mental disabilities descent.” Two beautiful children were * * * * * Nevada laws, or if you feel your Enough is enough on the issue found dead recently because of the Perly Viasmensky is the General in the criminal justice system such rights have been violated, please of racism. negligence of their mothers. Manager of the Las Vegas Tribune. as Competency, Sanity, Malinger- call Mace Yampolsky & Associates. * * * * * * * * * * She writes a weekly column in this ing, Neuroscience, Jail and Prison Call or text us at (702) 385-9777. It’s claimed by authorities that A young life was cut short be- newspaper. To contact Perly Vias- Conditions. So if you have a client We are available 24/7 for emergen- our city is no longer the center cause an impaired driver decided to mensky, email her at pviasmensky@ (or a friend for that matter) that the cies. If you need help, CALL NOW of crimes, but a couple of young drive her car early in the morning lasvegas State wants to medicate against his before it is too late. We can help! Concha (Continued from Page 16) official complained to me recently,” “The erratic behavior would be path. “If you’re part of a secret ca- has even sat in one meeting or is of tive rants, and his impulsiveness re- the writer says of the president, add- more concerning if it weren’t for bal to contain the president’s erratic any relative importance within the sults in half-baked, ill-informed and ing that the “top official” — which unsung heroes in and around the behavior, it seems counterproduc- administration? Again, absolutely. occasionally reckless decisions.” apparently shouldn’t be confused White House. Some of his aides tive to notify the erratic president And, so, Wednesday’s big story And, in a related story, Jacobs with “senior administration offi- have been cast as villains by the about it. What better way to fuel that has extended into Thursday, reports that several sources tell her cial” — was “exasperated by an media,” the anonymous writer says, his paranoia and his persecution that next huge moment that finally “they have doubts the anonymous Oval Office meeting at which the in patting himself on the back for, complex?” Goldberg asked in a will be a game-changer for Trump, senior administration official works president flip-flopped on a major in his eyes, saving the country from Wednesday column. will come and go not unlike the in the West Wing.” policy decision he’d made only a Trump. “But in private, they have The New York Times called its Omarosa book ... or like whatever If true, that’s a pretty big deal. week earlier.” gone to great lengths to keep bad decision to print this op-ed anony- leak from the next “senior admin- And if that is indeed the case, the Then there’s the question of tim- decisions contained to the West mously as a “rare step.” Politically, istration official” serves as the next person behind the op-ed shows his ing: Did this person — or “gutless Wing, though they are clearly not it’s unprecedented. game-changer that actually changes (or her) hand in terms of access, or coward,” as the president referred always successful.” Should the paper of record have nothing. lack thereof, he (or she) had to the to him on Wednesday — just sud- ’s Jonah Gold- printed it? Absolutely. * * * * * president: denly happen to have an epiphany berg, no fan of the president, sums Should it have been less am- Joe Concha (@JoeConchaTV) is “Meetings with him veer off top- about getting all of this off his chest up why the statement above is a biguous, at least giving its readers a media reporter for The Hill and ic and off the rails, he engages in re- via the New York Times? Or is he a fruitless endeavor to go down this some hint as to whether this person host of “What America’s Thinking.” petitive rants, and his impulsiveness primary source for the Woodward results in half-baked, ill-informed book, which comes out in less than and occasionally reckless decisions a week, and wanted to build on Wilson that have to be walked back,” the the attention said book is already (Continued from Page 15) tics is more and more focused on America’s largest cities. writer claims. receiving in forming a sustainable would have evolved naturally.” national personalities and issues,” “It’s almost like a flushing out of Yet, instead of providing person- narrative? Schickler, the Berkeley political Schickler said. the system,” Israel said. “They’re al examples to support this claim, In the end, this sort of tactic scientist, said the decline of ma- The combinations of losing losing control. Period.” the writer pivots to what he only only plays into Trump’s argument chines is partly a consequence of a leverage and a rising tide of outsid- * * * * * heard from another unnamed offi- around people inside the govern- political dialogue that is far more ers are different in each city where Reid Wilson is back at The Hill. cial. In other words, he wasn’t in the ment working against him who can- national than local. Voters who cast political machines strive to hold on He’s been reporting on politics for room, didn’t attend the meeting and not be trusted. Talk to any Trump out Crowley or Capuano may have to power. But the last vestiges of more than a decade for The Hill (in maybe hasn’t attended any. supporter, and they are likely to say been more focused on Trump than those machines are under threat, or 2008-2009), The Washington Post, “’There is literally no telling this op-ed not only doesn’t change they were on local issues. falling away completely, changing The Morning Consult and National whether he might change his mind their mind but actually reinforces “Machines generally thrive on the nature of Democratic Party Journal and is a frequent talking from one minute to the next,’ a top their mistrust in the establishment. a state/local orientation, but poli- apparatuses that once controlled head on the networks. Maramis (Continued from Page 12) es” in the European Scientific Journal.” dissonance, and this is why the ‘conspiracy’ it possibly go through the steel? I happen to because we questioned what was being told “In it, they conclude that: reaction is still prevalent, because there are think they had not only a plane but they had to us via mainstream media, and decided to “It bears repeating that fires have never some who believe that ignorance is bliss. bombs that exploded almost simultaneously investigate for ourselves.” caused the total collapse of a steel-framed “The latest polls show that 54.3 percent of because I just can’t imagine anything being As I further investigated the story be- high-rise before or since 9/11. Did we witness the American population doesn’t believe the able to go through that wall….I just think that hind this horrific tragedy, I came upon the an unprecedented event three separate times official story that their government told them, there was a plane with more than just fuel. following: on September 11, 2001? The NIST reports, and that they ‘strongly agree’ or ‘report’ their Obviously they were very big planes, they Two Hit, Three Down — which attempted to support that unlikely belief that something else actually happened were going very rapidly…. You’re talking The Biggest Lie conclusion, fail to persuade a growing num- on that day.” about taking out steel, the heaviest caliber National Academy of Science member ber of architects, engineers, and scientists. Regarding what Trump had to say about steel that was used on the building. These and Distinguished Professor endorses Da- Instead, the evidence points overwhelmingly this, remember that New York was his town, buildings were rock solid.” vid Ray Griffin’s work exposing the truth to the conclusion that all three buildings were and while U. S. politicians and others within Trump also stated the fact that the US of 9/11 destroyed by controlled demolition. Given government have not really questioned what government had knowledge before the at- By Lynn Margulis the far-reaching implications, it is morally happened on 9/11 — Donald Trump did. One tack, before it happened, and they still did “When it comes to the American people, imperative that this hypothesis be the subject of his own engineers was the architect of the not stop it. He also mentioned that he saw a and the global population not believing in an of a truly scientific and impartial investiga- building. big hole in some of the steel beams, hinting ‘official explanation’ for an event, 9/11 is at tion by responsible authorities.” Here’s what he had to say, taken from one to explosions. the top of the list, along with many others, And as Anjun Walla continued: interview: No matter what the truth is—and either we unfortunately. Democracy doesn’t really “As a researcher myself, it’s of the utmost “It wasn’t architectural defect…The will never know or we will know it is other seem to exist. Instead, we have what I like importance to gather information from mul- World Trade Center was always known as a than what we have been told, but it will never to refer to as the ‘illusion of democracy’....” tiple sources, and do your own fact checking very very strong building…Don’t forget that be admitted—it doesn’t take anything away Further: instead of letting somebody else do it for you. building took a bomb in the basement (1993). from the amazing first responders and others “More than half of the American people This is critical thinking, and it’s needed by all Now the basement is the most vulnerable who didn’t hesitate to help their neighbors, today don’t believe the official story that the of us today, especially in a world where we place because that’s your foundation, and it strangers, to risk their own lives and do government put out with regard to 9/11. This rely on a television set and corporate media withstood that…I got to see that area, about everything they could, without counting the is a long list, full of thousands of architects, to tell us ‘what is.’... three or four days after it too place because time, the effort, the cost or even the safety engineers, scientists, military and political “There are still many people who instantly one of my structural engineers actually took to themselves, to do what they could. And it whistleblowers, and more.” place those who question the official narrative me for a tour, because he did the building and doesn’t change the cost in lives or the sorrow And: of 9/11 within the conspiracy realm. They do I said “I can’t believe it.” The building was that lingers yet. “All three buildings were destroyed by this automatically, without ever investigating standing solid and half of the columns were The part of this whole thing that we will carefully planned, orchestrated and execut- or questioning for themselves, simply trusting blown out…. So, this was an unbelievably never be able to understand or accept is this: ed controlled demolition,” said Professor in whatever narrative is provided to them powerful building.” We know the story is not as we were told, but Lynn Margulis, Department of Geosciences, via mainstream media. This is partly due to After talking about the structure of the we want to know why we were lied to. University of Massachusetts at Amherst and fear — it’s easier, and more comfortable, and building, and the way it was built with the What will happen to our country if we find National Academy of Science member, one less frightening to believe there are enemies steel on the outside (first building ever to do out some horrible truth? of many academics who has been very out- far from home who wish us harm than to so for structural purposes …), and how it’s Maramis Choufani is the Managing Ed- spoken regarding 9/11. consider that the people we chose to put in not possible for a plane to destroy that, he itor of the Las Vegas Tribune. She writes a “For example, just last year physicists positions of great power here in our own went on to say: weekly column in this newspaper. To contact published a study titled “15 Years Later, On country are manipulating us, and lying to us. “How could a plane, even a 767 or a 747 Maramis, email her at maramis@lasvega- The Physics Of High-Rise Building Collaps- It would definitely bring up some cognitive or whatever it might have been, how could Page 18 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 12-18, 2018 EntErtainmEnt

Review: “The Martin & Lewis Tribute Show” at the Suncoast By Sandy Zimmerman were known as the hottest act in [email protected]. REC- Las Vegas Tribune America during the 50’s, per- * * * * * OMMENDATIONS: Do you have Photos by Sandy Zimmerman forming for the first time in ’46 at Award-winning syndicated col- a fave singer, dancer, magician, il- Tom Stevens (Dean Martin) and Atlantic City’s 500 Club. Everyone umnist/talk show host Sandy Zim- lusionist, hypnotist, comedian, ven- Tony Lewis (Jerry Lewis) have who has watched Dean Martin and merman is a Show and Dining triloquist, variety act, production personalized their characters so Jerry Lewis will be thrilled to see reviewer as well as travel, health, show, group, or other entertainer? accurately, the duo’s perfect por- the Martin Lewis Tribute. and luxury living. If you have and Please send your name, telephone trayals amaze audiences! For additional information visit questions, would like information, number, email, reasons for your When they walked on the stage, the websites: www.martinandlew- or to recommend subjects, please choice, and you may win free show Tony immediately began his Jerry and www.suncoast- call (702)-515-0846 or email san- tickets or other prizes. Lewis-style lovable antics while Tom sang the romantic “It’s Almost fully they will return to Las Vegas like Being in Love”. Tony cut in for their many fans! to sing the song his way, then they TOM STEVENS sang together. This entire show was & TONY LEWIS: a great mix of comedy, music and a Tony and Tom met on the tele- trip to the past. phone and afterwards Tom enthusi- The duo are true artists, I com- astically photo-shopped his “Dean” pared them to the times I previously picture next to Tony’s and the reviewed and met both of the orig- response was phenomenal. The duo inal stars- Dean Martin (Ballys) were booked in Australia before and Jerry Lewis (South Point)- at meeting in person! They only had opening night parties years ago a few months to create an act and when they were performing by sent everything back and forth until themselves but only experienced Tom arrived with only three days to them together on TV for years. rehearse their new act. Tom and Tony both BECAME As two professionals, their suc- the characters with PERFECT cess united the pair. Tony Lewis performances!! Tonight it was the has 30 years of experience as Jerry cool Dean and ever clowning Jerry Lewis in Australia while Tom with the original “Chinese Chef” Stevens appeared in Las Vegas and “Bellboy” acts plus hilarious celebrating more than 15 years and new shticks. It’s fun to enjoy this over 1,000 shows performing his laugh-a-minute show especially tribute to Dean Martin. when they both are involved in Since Tom Stevens’ first appear- telling their funny stories. ance at the Dean Martin Festival in I was surprised to see this show 1998, he received the “Best Dean backed by an eight-piece band, a Martin Tribute Artist” and Dean’s touch of luxury for the audience’s daughter agreed. experience. Today they are moving They both have amazed audi- from smaller live bands to recorded ences and are known for their own music. shows yet together they truly are The Martin Lewis Tribute is an the essence of the famous duo. Tom opportunity to recreate those years and Tony chose some of the classic you enjoyed, the happy times, those comic routines and have even added moments of comedy that can’t be new ones to their show. forgotten. The Martin and Lewis Dean Martin, singer/straight Tribute are on tour now and hope- man, and Jerry Lewis, comedian, September 12-18, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 19 Sept. 30th is the last day to see David Goldrake’s “Imaginarium” before they close at the Tropicana

The Magic of Jen Kramer turns sinos in September. Highlights the impossible into the impossi- include: NFL viewing parties at Description: “The New Mr. ble-to-ignore. Red Rock Resort and Texas Sta- Vegas” is back. Renowned come- Minors must be accompanied by tion on Sundays; Industry Bingo dian and longtime star of stage and an adult 18 years or older at Resort on screen, George Wallace, is returning SEXXY Sunday, September 30; NFL view- to Las Vegas with a new residency Date: Wednesday through Sat- ing parties at Red Rock Resort and show at the intimate Westgate urday on Mondays; NFL Cabaret at Time: 10:00 p.m. viewing parties at Texas Station on Resort & Casino. Wallace, who has Venue: Westgate Cabaret Thursdays; Tony Venniro at Sunset been selling out comedy clubs and Tickets: $39.79 plus tax and fees Station on Fridays and UFC 228 concert venues all over the world, (General Admission) and $59.77 viewing party at Red Rock Resort derives his comedy from the every- plus tax and fees (VIP). and on Saturday, day and simply shares moments of Description: Leave your inhibi- September 8 life. He finds humor everywhere he tions at the door as you enter this * * * * * turns–from media to relationships erotic, forbidden, tantalizing world GREEN VALLEY to dialogue clichés. of everything SEXXY. Created, RANCH RESORT By Mike Kermani Sept.21 through Saturday, Sept. 22. Recently, Wallace appeared in award-winning choreographed Every Sunday: Las Vegas Tribune Final performance will be Satur- the hit show “Comedians in Cars and directed by Jennifer Romas, Hank’s Fine Steaks & Marti- David Goldrake will close his day, Sept. 22. Getting Coffee” with Jerry Sein- SEXXY brings guests through a nis — Cali Tucker performs from Imaginarium show at the Tropicana Time: 7 p.m. The Sept. 14 per- feld and starred alongside Morgan journey of sensual, sexual, fun and 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Hotel to launch a new production formance will be at 8 p.m. Freeman in the film “Just Getting enticing vignettes that will arouse Sunday, September 30: show in spring of 2019. Westgate International Theater Started.” He will be appearing in a standing ovation in one way… or Bingo — Industry Bingo at 9 Winner of “Best of Las Vegas” Tickets are $48, $58, $78 and the upcoming movie “The Last another! Named “Best Burlesque p.m. Guests must be 21 years or 2017, David Goldrake treats guests $98 plus tax and fees Laugh,” alongside Richard Dreyfus Choreography” in Vegas SEVEN’s older. to an interactive show featuring SOUNDTRACK: Your Songs. and Chevy Chase. Minors must be 2015 of City Awards, Awarded Best Every Monday: spectacular illusions, sleight of Our Stories. The Show. combines accompanied by an adult 18 years Of 2017, SEXXY is the perfect show Hank’s Fine Steaks & Marti- hand, astonishing escapes and the talents of two of Las Vegas’ or older. for “party goers” kicking off an nis — Cali Tucker performs from stunning variety acts. most beloved and highly-regarded evening. 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. * * * * * entertainers, Clint Holmes and Earl Guests must be 18 years or older. Every Tuesday: WESTGATE LAS VEGAS Turner. Based on the music of our WESTGATE POOL Hank’s Fine Steaks & Marti- RESORT & CASINO lives, past and present, Earl and Mermaid School nis — Dave Ritz performs from 5 ANNOUNCES SEPTEMBER Clint combine their unique energy, Dark Saturday, Sept. 22 p.m. to 10 p.m. 2018 ENTERTAINMENT voices, humor and life experiences Date: Saturdays and Sundays Every Wednesday: The iconic Westgate Las Vegas to bring new life to the music that Time: 9 a.m. Hank’s Fine Steaks & Marti- Resort & Casino entertains guests makes up the soundtracks of our Venue: Westgate Pool nis — Dave Ritz performs from 5 with a wide variety of award-win- lives. The audience will reminisce Tickets: Classes are $25 per p.m. to 10 p.m. ning entertainment. All tickets can to songs that make us all ‘remember session per mermaid. Passes can Every Thursday: be purchased at the Westgate Las when’ and celebrate the music of be purchased in person at Serenity Hank’s Fine Steaks & Mar- Vegas Resort & Casino Box Office some of today’s great contemporary Spa or by phone at 702-732-5648. tinis — Dave Ritz performs from at (800) 222-5361 or online atWest- artists. These two entertainers have Fins are available for rental or pur- 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Lisa Marie to often shared each other’s stages as chase inside the Cabana Shop and perform September 27. INTERNATONAL THEATER headliners and for more than two Serenity Spa. Thursday, September 13: decades, lent their voices to each Class openings are limited and GVR Pool — Silent Savasana other’s award-winning shows. participants must be between seven at 7 p.m. Now, having combined their talents and 12 years old, must be a skilled Bingo — Rock Shot Bingo at on the same stage and in the same The Magic of Jen Kramer swimmer and must have their par- 8 p.m. Guests must be 21 years show, there is no doubt in Las Vegas Date: Wednesday through Sat- ents or legal guardian present. or older. as to the city’s most entertaining urday * * * * * Every Friday: and organic vocal experience. Fea- Time: 6:00 p.m. STATION CASINOS’ Hank’s Fine Steaks & Marti- turing a live eight-piece band and Venue: Westgate Cabaret SEPTEMBER 2018 HOUSE nis — Cali Tucker performs from the musical direction of Christian Tickets: $19.99 and $29.99 plus ENTERTAINMENT 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. Tamburr, a three-time Down Beat tax and fees Station Casinos entertains locals Every Saturday: Magazine Music Award winner, Description: Celebrated magi- with a number of new weekly acts Hank’s Fine Steaks & Marti- this musical performance rocks cian Jen Kramer made her Las Ve- and shows at several of its prop- nis — Live music from 6 p.m. to 11 the historic International Westgate gas debut at the renowned Westgate erties in addition to its trademark p.m. with rotating artists each week, Barry Manilow Theater. Las Vegas Resort & Casino, be- bands that the city has grown to The September schedule includes: The Hits Come Home Clint Holmes is simply one of coming the only female, headlining love. Entrance is free unless other- Mahi Crabbe on September 8, Rein Dates: Thursday, Sept. 27 the country’s finest vocalists. A magician in Las Vegas. Featuring wise noted. Garcia on September 15, Nick through Saturday, Sept. 29 consummate entertainer, perform- mind-boggling sleight-of-hand, Guests can enjoy incredible Mattera on September 22 and John Time: 7:00 p.m. er and recording artist, Holmes comedy and audience participation, entertainment across Station Ca- Allred on September 29. Venue: Westgate International scored a number-one hit in 1972 Theater with “Playground in My Mind.” Tickets: Tickets will range in He has established a long resume price from $39.75 to $329.75 plus of accolades and accomplishments, tax and applicable fees. including “Singer of the Year” Description: GRAMMY, TONY, in both Las Vegas and New York and EMMY Award-winning sing- City. His latest album Rendezvous er-songwriter, arranger, producer was nominated for two Grammy® and musician Barry Manilow is Awards in 2018. returning to Las Vegas with a brand Earl Turner, a multi-talented new stage production to perform singer, songwriter, musician, danc- his extensive catalog of hits as the er and actor, saw the Las Vegas exclusive headliner at the Westgate Review-Journal name him “Male International Theater at Westgate Vocalist of the Year” and “Las Las Vegas Resort & Casino. The Vegas’ Most Dynamic Performer.” legendary entertainer will return A 30-year veteran of Las Vegas to where he previously made his showrooms and countless casino spectacular residency debut on theaters across the country, Turner February 24, 2005. The 85-minute was honored when Harrah’s New show will celebrate his well-loved Orleans Hotel and Casino named greatest hits. a showroom for him during his Tickets for tickets through Feb- multi-year engagement and he was ruary 2019 are currently on sale. inducted in the New Orleans Music Dates include November 1-3, No- Hall of Fame. vember 15-17, February 14-16 and Minors must be accompanied by February 21-23. an adult 18 years or older Minors must be accompanied by WESTGATE CABARET an adult 18 years or older George Wallace SOUNDTRACK: You’re Songs. Dark through Saturday, Sept. 15 Our Stories. The Show. Date: Tuesday through Saturday Featuring Clint Holmes Time: 8 p.m. and Earl Turner Venue: Westgate Cabaret Dates: Thursday, Sept. 13 Tickets: $65, $75 and $95 plus through Saturday, Sept. 15; Friday, tax and fees Page 20 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 12-18, 2018 Mob Museum to host “Remembering 9/11: An Evening of Reflection and Recognition,” Wednesday, Sept. 12

By Jerry Fink music landscape has seen in many Las Vegas Tribune years. On Wednesday, Sept. 12, at 6 First debuting in 2010, Royce p.m., The Mob Museum, the Na- has reached billions of fans through tional Museum of Organized Crime hit singles including “Stand by and Law Enforcement, will wel- Me,” “Corazón Sin Cara,” “Darte come first responders from the 9/11 un Beso,” “La Carretera,” “Déjà terrorist attacks in New York for vu,” “Sensualidad” and his most “Remembering 9/11: An Evening recent airplay triumph “El Clavo,” of Reflection and Recognition.” which became the No.1 Latin Held in partnership with the NW song in the country last week on 9/11 Memorial and Reception Com- Billboard’s Latin Airplay chart. mittee, this private reception will Additionally, Royce has collabo- taneously launching all riders. Wiseguy Speaker Series: Pro- also include local law enforcement, rated with music royalty including The experience will be located at fessor Mark Galeotti, Unmasking fire and rescue personnel, Museum Jennifer Lopez, Selena Gomez, Promenade, the open-air the Russian Mafia, Wednesday, Board Members, Advisory Council Shakira, Pitbull, Snoop Dogg, Chris shopping, dining and entertainment Sept. 26, 7 to 9 p.m. One the fore- Members, donors and city officials. Brown and many more. BEVERLY ROGERS district situated at the heart of the most experts on Russian organized Southern Glazer’s Wine & Spir- Joining the roster of JEWEL artist-in-residence program curated . crime, espionage and the Russian its and The Cosmopolitan of Las Nightclub’s A-list talent, Royce in tandem with The Rogers Foun- Guests will be launched from a Mafia Professor Mark Galeotti has Vegas will serve as sponsors of the will take over the 24,000-square- dation by Patrick Duffy, President/ 114-foot-tall tower and travel 1,121 studied Russia’s murky and mys- evening. foot dual-level luxury nightlife CEO of Nevada School of the Arts; feet through The LINQ Promenade terious underworld for more than First responders played a crit- venue, offering fans a one-of-a-kind The Writer’s Block Book Shop and to the landing tower near the base of 20 years. Galeotti’s presentation ical role in rescue and recovery. celebratory experience. Coffee Shop; and a cadre of indi- the High Roller observation wheel. will reveal the inner workings of For those on the front lines, many * * * * * viduals as residents who publish, Riders can choose to ride in ei- the Russian Mafia from his own continue to deal with the physical read, create or just want to bask ther a seated or superhero position. personal experiences with Russian and emotional effects of the event. in the joy of living among other * * * * * criminals, as well has details about The nation’s safety and security creative types. THE MOB MUSEUM Vladimir Putin’s involvement in policies and practices drastically “I am constantly inspired by the ANNOUNCES SEPTEMBER organized crime and what threats changed as a result of 9/11. many talented and creatively-in- PROGRAMS AND the Russian underworld poses to New York’s law enforcement clined people in Las Vegas,” said PROMOTIONS the United States today. Galeotti and first-responder communities Rogers. “With that in mind, there The Mob Museum, The National will also sign copies of his book, have been incubators for many has long been a palpable desire Museum of Organized Crime and “The Vory: Russia’s Super Mafia,” emergent ideas and new practices. and driving thirst for places beyond Law Enforcement, announces its whose members originated in Sta- This event will not only honor college campuses for creatives to roster of public programs and pro- lin’s labor camps and now include first-responders, including law congregate and be better immersed motions for September. gangster-businessmen operating in enforcement, but also shed light in the world of the arts — literary, Community Safety Forum positions of unapparelled power. This program is free with Muse- on practices and their application visual and more. To develop this — Emergency Preparedness, um admission and for Museum today. gathering place — a confluence of Sunday, Sept. 16, 2 to 3 p.m. Each Members. Sept. 11 first responders present AARON TVEIT AT MYRON’S creativity — all under one roof, is month, The Mob Museum partners Organized Crime Today Vid- that evening will include Sgt. Greg CABARET JAZZ truly a dream come true.” with the LVMPD to offer FREE eoconference Program, Saturday, Harper, New York Police Depart- With a national following as The Lucy will be anchored by Community Safety Forums. These Sept. 29, 2 p.m. In this inaugural ment (NYPD); Marna Rann, a for- the lead in hit CBS comic-thriller The Writer’s Block. With expanded events, which include FREE Mu- videoconference program, held in mer (NYPD) officer; Konstantinos “Braindead,” stage-and-screen star space and the addition of a coffee seum admission sponsored by NV the Museum’s Organized Crime Skamalos, a paramedic who was Aaron Tveit has been hailed as a shop, the beloved independent Energy, address ways members of Today exhibition space, Latin on the scene on Sept. 11, 2001; and sensation for his electric perfor- bookseller and literacy educator the public can inform and protect American organized crime expert Peter Borriello, Fire Department, mance style and stunning vocals. will continue to offer events, read- themselves. September’s forum Ioan Grillo will discuss the activ- ings, book clubs, creative-writing will focus on emergency prepared- City of New York (FDNY), EMS His talent will be on display ities of Mexican drug cartels and workshops and more to downtown ness in the event of a disaster occur- lieutenant. Also attending will be Saturday, Sept. 29 at 7 p.m. and Central American gangs. Based Las Vegas. The bookstore will also ring within Southern Nevada. Mary Michael Greco, vice president, Sunday, Sept. 30 at 3 p.m. at the in Mexico City, Grillo is an En- serve as the retail headquarters of Camin from the Community Emer- FDNY Local 2507. Smith Center’s Myron’s Cabaret glish-born journalist and leading The Believer magazine, published Following an introduction of the Jazz. gency Response Team (CERT) will voice chronicling organized crime in Las Vegas by the Beverly Rogers, guests of honor and brief discus- Tickets are $39 to $59. share how residents can prepare, in the Western Hemisphere. Grillo Carol C. Harter Black Mountain sion about their 9/11 experiences, Tveit showcased his talents for plan and respond to different types will discuss the upcoming trial of Institute (BMI) attendees will have the opportunity millions of fans starring as Danny of disasters. Live-streaming of this Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, the to make connections and enjoy ca- Zuko opposite Julianne Hough in With nearly all the dozen resi- presentation will be available on the Trump administration’s efforts to maraderie with one another. FOX’s televised special “GREASE: dences spoken for, three of the units Museum’s website. target MS-13 and the latest strate- This event is private, but media LIVE.” are earmarked for two very distinc- Southland Syndicates: Jack gies to combat organized crime in access may be granted. To request He has also received critical tive and illuminating arts-centered Dragna and Organized Crime in Mexico. He will also take questions media credentials for this event, acclaim for his starring roles in nu- programs. Beginning in January Los Angeles, Saturday, Sept. 22, 2 from the audience. This program is please email erika@thevoxagency. merous Broadway shows, including 2019, two residences will house to 4 p.m. Author J. Michael Niotta free with Museum admission and com. For more information about “Wicked,” “Hairspray,” “Catch Me visiting fellows hosted by BMI. will share his unique perspective for Museum Members. Museum programs, please call If You Can” and “Next to Normal,” Another unit at The Lucy will on the history of organized crime International Coffee Day, Sat- (702) 229-2734 or visit themob- which he helped develop for its welcome visiting artists from the in the City of Angels. Niotta is urday, Sept. 29, 9 a.m. to midnight. Broadway debut. newly-created Rogers Art Loft, the great-grandson of syndicate Spend Saturday catching up over * * * * * Tveit has been featured in hit a multi-disciplinary artist-in-res- boss Jack Dragna, whose criminal coffee … cocktails! In honor of films such as “Les Misérables” idence program fueled by The enterprises included gambling International Coffee day, visitors with Anne Hathaway and Hugh Rogers Foundation and created in operations, bootlegging and other will enjoy 25 percent off all The Jackman, “Ghost Town” with Ricky partnership with the Nevada School illegal activities. The author will Underground’s coffee cocktails, Gervais and “Premium Rush” with of the Arts. Each program aims to also explain how the Mob differed such as Last Night in Vegas (bour- Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He has also contribute to the cultural landscape from East and West Coasts to how bon, Fernet Menta, cold brew cof- guest starred in popular TV shows in Las Vegas. pop culture has fostered misconcep- fee) and the American (applejack, such as “The Good Wife,” “Ugly Project partners on The Lucy tions through glorified portrayals of cinnamon, brown sugar, cream). Betty” and “Law and Order: SVU.” include developers Rob Peccole, the people involved in the Mob era. For more information, please * * * * * Tom Schoeman and Chris Gonya Following the discussion, Niotta call (702) 229-2734 or visit the- “THE LUCY” COMING TO in tandem with architect Tom will sign copies of his book, “The DOWNTOWN Schoeman AIA, Jawa Studio and Los Angeles Sugar Ring: Inside the Jerry Fink is an entertainment The Lucy, a first-of-its-kind contractor The Korte Company. World of Old Money, Bootleggers columnist for the Las Vegas Tribune GRAMMY NOMINATED creative community is coming to With completion expected in fall/ & Gambling Barons.” This program newspaper and writes a weekly col- LATIN SUPERSTAR PRINCE Downtown Las Vegas. Designed winter 2018, The Lucy brings a is free for Museum admission and umn. To contact Fink, email him at ROYCE TO CELEBRATE to join modern urban living with convergence of creativity to the for Museum Members. jfink@ MEXICAN INDEPENDENCE spaces to congregate, create and corner of 6th and Bonneville. DAY WEEKEND AT communicate, The Lucy will fea- * * * * * JEWEL NIGHTCLUB ture a three-story complex of 12 TICKETS NOW ON SALE JEWEL Nightclub at ARIA Re- condominiums housed atop the FOR FLY LINQ sort & Casino announces an epic newly reimagined and relocated Tickets are now on sale for Fly fiesta on Saturday, Sept. 15 in cel- bookstore The Writer’s Block. LINQ, the first and only zipline on ebration of Mexican Independence The brainchild of local philan- the Las Vegas Strip. Day hosted by multi-platinum, thropist and patron of the arts Bev- Scheduled to open this No- Latin singer and songwriter, Prince erly Rogers, and derived from the vember, Fly LINQ advance online Royce. Latin word for light, The Lucy will tickets can be purchased at www. The Billboard Award-winning welcome visiting literary fellows Latin heartthrob is one of the big- from Black Mountain Institute at Fly LINQ will feature 10 side- gest breakthrough artists the Latin UNLV; the Rogers Art Loft - an by-side ziplines, capable of simul- September 12-18, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 21 LifestyLes Ron Gartner with the “Music of Bobby Darin” By Sandy Zimmerman Las Vegas Tribune Photos by Sandy Zimmerman Ron Gartner studied Bobby Darin’s music and this brought so much to the show! Building up each song with the excitement of the happenings of those times, Ron performed with admiration for the famous singer along with his own version of the songs by adding a swift twirl or a few steps. Ron’s own personalized mo- ments make his presentation so different, so much more exciting! He puts himself into the song to make it even more interesting. Some of these details go across well As a man who grew up during with the audience. that era, Ron did not just sing, he “Bobby sang all types of music, told stories which enhanced the a little bit country, a little bit rock music. and roll, like Donny and Marie. Ron Gartner sang Bobby Darin’s “I explain about Bobby’s early biggie “Mack the Knife,” “More,” life being influenced by Al Jolson “I’ve Got Rhythm,” songs from his and threw in a couple of songs, not movie career, some Ray Charles his biggest hits, but helpful to the numbers and a great musical mix. story. Then I told about his time INTERVIEW with Connie Frances, Sandra Dee Ron described his “Music of and his mother and sister. Bobby Darin” show, “This is really “The most interesting thing a homage rather than a tribute, a about Bobby Darin was the story tribute is a couple of guys trying to about his mother and sister which sound like him, but I emulate the had been kept a secret until he was style like him, I guess this is the 32 years old. Bobby was betrayed best way to explain. by them, not knowing that his sister “I’ve got a little bit of dance in was really his mother and mother me. Bobby was a great dancer, a really his grandmother. This was a great showman. Whatever I was shock to Bobby with his bad health able to pick up from him I added and would be shocking to anyone.” to the show besides the stories and Ron not only performs on stage the songs. but also his agency Bicoastal “That’s a part of what’s charm- Productions book 15-16 exclusive ing about the show that people like. artists with all type of acts. www. “Because my wife and I are in show business we’ve learned from some of the acts that have been around * * * * * for a while. People not only like the Award-winning syndicated col- music but also the details around umnist/Show and Dining, Travel, the songs. Health, and Luxury Living. Sandy “Bobby was a great showman. Zimmerman’s Las Vegas Show and He was a rock and roller when I TV Productions. For information, was a kid, so I copied his rock and questions, or to recommend sub- roll steps. jects, please call (702)-515-0846, “Bobby Darin lived an interest- email [email protected] ing life, it was sad losing him at 37. Sandy Zimmerman interviewed Ron Gartner after his “Music of Bobby Darin” show. or visit Facebook@szlvtv. Page 22 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 12-18, 2018 Lights On! Main Street Arts District 18b Party: A Very Shining Success! By Marianne Donnelly Many businesses keep prices at great-value 1960’s design and cleared areas. No ex- Las Vegas Tribune had special displays level. Proceeds go toward needed cuses — Autumn is sidewalk-stroll This past Thursday, Sep- for partygoers to en- community works. It is a must- time. Main Street is truly a fun tember 6th, Main Street’s joy at Antique Alley go-to place. I snagged a flawless place along with Arts Square... all Lighting, Ribbon-Cutting Mall ranging from linen cloth for a dollar! Are. You. a stroll away. and Sidewalk Party, cele- masks, taxidermied Serious! New socks are 25 cents As they say, a good time was brating the end of a four- critters to unique col- and a spare revolving selection of had by all! year grueling improvement lectable oddities. Al- donated clothes and bric-a-brac will * * * * * phase, was hosted by Arts though I didn’t stroll fill your heart with joy at seeing Marianne Donnelly is a syndi- District Board President Marianne Donnelly through the amazing those bargains that rarely top ten cated writer as well as a touring liv- Derek Stonebarger; Las Vegas museum quality items I got a good dollars. Time stands still here as a ing-history chautauqua-performer Paving representatives; local busi- glance through the crowd’s oohing peaceful counterpoint to the wave as Louisa May Alcott, Janis Joplin nesses and other special guests, in- and aahing. of retro-themed shopping and fine and Nellie Bly. She encourages cluding Mayor Carolyn Goodman. Food trucks like Frankie’s sold dining in this fantastic 18b Zone. sharing her creative commons un- Live Music was provided by tasty slushies and other lucious Free parking and road access restricted articles. ConnectDirect: Dr. Harpo and the Acetones. Tasty goodies, which added to the upbeat are now a breeze thanks to road [email protected]. nibbles and microbrewed craft beer vibe. Mayor Carolyn Goodman praises were provided streetside by 18b’s Jewel Cult, where costume jew- Main Street businesses on their newest Bar•Restaurant•Museum: elry was displayed, was especially growth even as roads were for- Nevada Taste Site. This hip wel- hip and fun to shop at. merly ripped up for improvements. coming place, with 99-cent shrimp Outside Koolsville Tattoo, with moved through the crowd along cocktails and upscale fresh foods, its charming staff and great ser- with a sea of T-shirts and jeans. opens onto an outdoor performance vices, a pink bench offered a re- Everyone seemed festive. garden in the mural-painted back- volving scene of happy people A swanky opening party at yard that adjoins ReBar’s ultra taking in the artsy crowd dressed InsideStyle invited me to view cool three-spaces-scene, where in everything from tutus, high top high-art furniture, books, and young and old mix comfortably in hairdos, to one man dressed in unique commissioned works, where eclectic comfy chairs arranged to an amazing outfit made of many co-owners Jill and Mark Abelman encourage inclusion and relaxed zippers (how do you clean it?). welcomed all as if family. conversations. All these establish- Edgy multicolor hair, nose rings, InsideStyle served Main Street ments were packed! big boots and swirling silk dresses Jammyland Restaurant’s authentic Jamaican crisp smoked chicken with select hors d’oeuvres, all kicked up by a heady blended cocktail punch. There were hugs-a-plenty and picture-taking going on! I’m going back to see all those places again! Meanwhile, Majestic Theatre’s door was open while rehearsing an inventive redo of Shakespeare’s “Measure for Measure,” which they have turned into an immersive experience. It was fun watching the cast dance and prepare for their September 27 through October 21 Frankie’s Slushies and Goodies at Main Street Block Party. run. I bumped into Levi and Gina Fackrell of Cockroach Theatre of Arts Square (another dynamic scene three minutes’ walk from Main Street). They are producing an uplifting show called “Every Brilliant Thing” September 12-26. Tony Hsieh of Zappos, from Downtown Container Park, was quietly enjoying the festivities. He Dr. Harpo and the Acetones provided live entertainment. always takes time to greet everyone in a most welcoming manner. It’s always a pleasure to bump into him at events. However, my all-time favorite place in the area is Martin’s Mart — a fixture for half a century on Main Street — where a smile Troy Heard, producer-director (standing) with a couple cast members greets you by volunteers who of Majestic Repertory Theatre on Main Street.

Happy strollers at Main Street Lights On! Block Party.

The in Las Vegas features signs from old casinos and other businesses displayed outdoors on over six acres. The museum features a restored lobby shell from the defunct La Concha Motel as its visitor center, which officially opened on October 27, 2012. Cat rescue, coffee and much more at Main Street location. September 12-18, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 23 CITY BEAT American Cancer Society Reveals Second Annual Real Men Wear Pink Campaign festivities early. Enjoy activities Fremont Street from Maryland for all ages, including kids’ cos- Parkway to Seventh Street tume parade, trunk-or-treating, Parade ends in the Fremont local live entertainment, raffles, East Entertainment District at the community vendors and a family Abbey Road crosswalk. The Sin friendly movie. Free popcorn and City Halloween Block Party and water while supplies last. Bring Scary Car Show begins on Fremont your blanket or low-backed chairs between 6th and 9th streets when to be more comfortable on the lawn. the parade ends. Visit online for Food truck items will be available more information. for purchase. Call 702-229-2524 for Spooks Galore Halloween more information. Lunch and Party Ward 4/YMCA Trunk or Treat (ages 50+) Friday, Oct. 19, 6 p.m. Wed., Oct. 31, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free and open to the public. Cost: $5. Durango Hills Community Cen- Las Vegas Senior Center, 451 ter/YMCA, 3521 N. Durango E. Bonanza Road, 702-229-6454. Drive. Put on your costume and enjoy a Put on your costume and join spookilicious lunch, a fun variety of Councilman Anthony to kick off games and some Halloween treats! your Halloween season at this Prizes for games and costumes, too! annual family friendly trunk-or- Advance registration required; call treat event. Open to children of all 702-229-6454 for information and ages. Free candy giveaways at each registration. Registration opens “trunk” while supplies last for those Sept. 4. Towbin Motorcars ignited the launch fete with a custom wrapped hot pink Maserati on display. dressed in costume, plus free raffle The Mummy’s Curse and it is the most common cancer easily travel to the downtown lo- prizes. Enjoy a bounce house, cake (ages 50+) diagnosed in women other than cation. For more information, and walk and games, too. Wednesday, Oct. 31, noon. skin cancer. to register online, please visit www. SeniorWeen Cost: $5. For more information about (ages 50+) Derfelt Senior Center in Lorenzi breast cancer or the Real Men About Nevada School of the Arts Thursday, Oct. 25, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Park, 3343 W. Washington Ave., Wear Pink campaign in southern Nevada School of the Arts pro- Cost: $5; must have current city 702-229-6601. Nevada, call 702.891.9015 or visit vides world-class music instruction of Las Vegas Senior Put on your costume and join for more and a life-changing experience Programs membership. us as we try to break the curse. information. to students of all ages and back- Doolittle Senior Center, 1930 N. Advanced registration required; * * * * * grounds for generations to come. J St., 702-229-6125. registration opens Sept. 1. Our mission is to educate, enrich, Enjoy an afternoon of fun, food, Howling Halloween and empower each young musician games and music! Put on your best (ages 50+) eager to be educated on music costume to see who gets the best Wednesday, Oct. 31, 1 to 3 p.m. education. Learn more at www. dressed prize! Space is limited. Cost: $3. Over a dozen local business or by following them Registration opens Sept. 1; please Lieburn Senior Center; 6230 and community leaders gathered at on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter register before Friday, Oct. 19. Garwood Ave., 702-229-1600. the Towbin Maserati showroom to * * * * * Halloween Carnival Dress in your favorite costume launch the third year of Real Men Nevada School of the Arts City of Las Vegas 2018 and Trunk or Treat to enjoy fun and games. Regis- Wear Pink in southern Nevada. appoints new director just Halloween Happenings (ages walking to 11 years old) tration open Sept. 1-Oct. 25. Call Towbin Motorcars ignited the in time for registration Free and Low-Cost Fun Activ- Thursday, Oct. 25, 6 to 8:30 p.m. 702-229-1600 for more information launch fete with a custom wrapped Nevada School of the Arts is ities For Youth, Seniors & Adults! Free and open to the public. and registration. hot pink Maserati on display. These proud to announce the addition of The days leading up to Hallow- East Las Vegas Community Ward 6 Safe Halloween Cele- men will unite to fight breast cancer Raja Rahman as director of piano een and beyond are filled with fun Center, 250 N. Eastern Ave., 702- bration with the American Cancer Society studies. Rahman, the musical star activities for children, seniors and 229-1515. (all ages) as ambassadors, and friendly com- of Las Vegas magic act, “Jarrett fun seekers of all ages! Find some- Enjoy the children’s costume Wednesday, Oct. 31, 6 to 8 p.m. petitors, in the Real Men Wear Pink & Raja,” has an extensive history thing fun to do below! Some activ- contest, carnival games and safe Free and open to the public. campaign. Throughout September in the musical realm and will be ities require advance registration. trunk-or-treating at this annual Floyd Lamb Park at Tule and October, these Real Men Wear a valuable addition to the School. Community, senior and cultural event. Call 702-229-1515 for more Springs, 9200 Tule Springs Road, Pink participants will encourage As a prize-winning graduate centers will be closed Oct. 26 for information. 702-229-8100. community members to take action and past faculty member of The Nevada Day holiday observance. Family Trunk-or-Treat Bring the family to enjoy trunk- in the fight against breast cancer. Juilliard School, Rahman is well- All activities are subject to change. and Creature Feature or-treating by flashlight, games for “In addition to wearing pink versed in all aspects of music More information is available at Thursday, Oct. 25, the kids, costume parade, hayrides, and raising awareness about breast education and has tremendous ex- and www. 6 to 7 p.m. trunk-or-treat; DJ music and community vendors. cancer, these men will be raising perience both in the classroom and 7:30 p.m. movie begins. Food trucks will offer refreshments funds to help the American Cancer performing. For more than 20 years Whine & Paint Halloween Free and open to the public; for sale. Society attack cancer from every he has operated his own private (ages 50+) trunk-or-treating for children * * * * * angle and save more lives from studio of students in New York and Friday, Oct. 12, noon. walking up to age 10, in costume. Timothy Perozek MD Has breast cancer,” said Allen Oakley, Las Vegas and has made multiple Cost: $7. Trunk-or-Treat in Lieburn Se- Been Nominated and Community Development Director television appearances including Derfelt Senior Center in Lorenzi nior Canter parking lot, 6230 Gar- Accepted as a Two Years for the American Cancer Society. America’s Got Talent, Masters of Park, 3343 W. Washington Ave., wood Ave. American Institute of “Funds raised help us save lives Illusion and Shark Tank. 702-229-6601. PG-rated “Beetle Juice” creature Medical Professionals 10 from breast cancer through early de- “We are extremely excited to Get out those brushes and be- feature in Mirabelli Park, just west Best Eye Surgeons in tection and prevention, innovative have Raja on board as we begin our come your own Picasso. Advanced of the community center. Nevada For Client breast cancer research, and patient next semester at the Nevada School registration required; registration Bring the children in costume to Satisfaction support.” of the Arts,” said Patrick Duffy, opens Sept. 1. enjoy a safe trunk-or-treating event, The American Institute of Medi- Each Real Men Wear Pink par- president and CEO of the Nevada Ward 2 Trunk or Treat followed by a creature feature on a cal Professionals has recognized the ticipant accepts a fundraising chal- School of the Arts. “Raja has had an Saturday, Oct. 13, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. huge outdoor screen. Call 702-229- exceptional performance of Neva- lenge and will compete to be the top incredibly impressive career and I Free and open to the public. 6359 for more information. da’s Eye Surgeon Timothy Perozek fundraiser among his peers by the can’t wait to see the impact he has Veterans Memorial Community Halloween at the Pool: MD as Two Years 10 Best Eye end of the campaign. on our students as they learn from Center parking lot, 101 N. Pavilion Witches, Wizards & Water! Surgeons for Client Satisfaction. “No one should have to face a world-class instructor.” Center Drive. (all ages) The American Institute of Medi- a breast cancer diagnosis alone,” Registration for the fall semes- Fun, activities for all ages, cos- Saturday, Oct. 27, noon to 5 p.m. cal Professionals is a third-party rat- said Gerard Ramalho, NBC 3 ter is now open. Nevada School tume parade, local entertainment, Cost: $4 per person. ing organization that publishes an news anchor. “That’s why I joined of the Arts hosts a wide variety of car show, community vendors and Municipal Pool, 431 E. Bonanza annual list of the Top 10 Best Eye the American Cancer Society in programs for students and adults of food trucks. Online $25 registration Road, 702-229-6309. Surgeons in each state. Surgeons support of their lifesaving work by all ages. All courses have the same for the car show includes event The life ghouls are ready to play who are selected to the “10 Best” participating in the Real Men Wear goals of nurturing personal and T-shirt, dash plaque, goodie bag some games with the ghosts and list must pass American Institute Pink campaign. This is a cause artistic development and cultivating and raffle tickets for prizes and gift goblins who decide to show up at of Medical Professionals’ rigorous I personally believe in, and I’m educational partnerships. Some of cards. Call 702-229-6405 for more the pool. There will be hauntingly selection process, which is based committed to raising awareness the School’s offerings include the information. good music, fun games (inside the on patient and/or peer nominations, and funds for the American Cancer Piano Program, Jazz@NSA, Early Ward 4 Trunk or Treat and water and out), a lesson in making thorough research, and American Society’s efforts.” Ramalho was Childhood Music Education and Movie in the Park some spooky concoctions, and Institute of Medical Professionals’ among more than a dozen business many others. Students also have (all ages) flying through the water — even a independent evaluation. American and community leaders the ability to register for Individual Friday, Oct. 19, 6 p.m.; movie few games of Quidditch! Institute of Medical Professionals’ The evening fete included 13 lessons for nearly any instrument begins at dusk. 2018 Sin City annual list was created to be used notables from the Las Vegas busi- or sign up for the Saturday Con- Free and open to the public. Halloween Parade as a resource for patients during the ness community, including Dr. servatory, which provides Nevada Police Memorial Park, 3250 Saturday, Oct. 27, 8:15 p.m. surgeon selection process. David Steinberg from the Steinberg School of the Arts instruction at Metro Academy Way. parade begins; One of the most significant Diagnostic Imaging centers; Don the Henderson International School Join Councilman Stavros S. parade staging 6-7:45 p.m. aspects of the selection process Giancursio of United Healthcare; for those who may not be able to Anthony to kick off the Halloween Free for spectators. involves surgeons’ relationships Aaron Rosenthal from Tropicana, and reputation among his or her Las Vegas; Farhan Naqvi, Farhan patients. As patients should be a Injury Law; Craig Kirkland, Ne- surgeon’s top priority, American vada State Bank; William Jordan , Institute of Medical Professionals OptumCare Cancer Center; Chris places the utmost emphasis on se- Gellner, ; Howard lecting surgeons who have achieved Sheppard, Community Ambulance; significant success in the field of Chuck Esposito, Sunset Station; Eye Surgery without sacrificing the and Gerard Ramahlo, anchor at service and support they provide. NBC 3/CW. Selection criteria therefore focus According to the American on surgeons who demonstrate the Cancer Society Cancer Facts & highest standards of Client Satis- Figures 2018, an estimated 266,120 faction. women in the United States will be We congratulate Timothy Per- diagnosed with breast cancer, and ozek MD on this achievement and an estimated 40,920 will die from we are honored to have him as a the disease this year. In Nevada, Two Years American Institute of over nearly 2,200 women will be Medical Professionals’ Member. diagnosed this year, and 390 are You can contact Timothy Per- expected to die from the disease. ozek MD directly at 702-982-1360 Breast cancer is the second leading or cause of cancer death in women, * * * * * Page 24 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 12-18, 2018 The Leaders’ Secret To Connection By Doug Dickerson significant leadership blindspot “Too often we underestimate the that must be owned — we think it’s power of a touch, a smile, a kind about us, but it’s not. word, a listening ear, an honest The impact that you make as a compliment, or the smallest act of leader shifts in your favor the day caring, all of which have the poten- you realize this truth and begin to tial to turn a life around.” — Leo act like it. Buscaglia When you step out of your own In his book, No Limits, leader- orbit as a leader and put yourself in ship expert John Maxwell recounts the world of those you lead great his reaction to the above quote by things begin to happen. With this Leo Buscaglia. Maxwell reflected fresh perspective, you just might on those words after speaking to a learn a few things. Here’s a sam- large audience. He said, “As I spoke pling. that day, I had invited people to In their world, you learn come to me in my world, I realized their hopes and dreams that instead, I needed to go to them You might accidentally learn the and put myself in their world.” DoUg DICkErsoN hopes of your people when they There are not many more im- stop expecting the people you lead are in your world, but you learn it the hopes and dreams of your lesson for all of us. He felt good portant things that you can do as (or desire to lead) to step into your intentionally when you step into people you will begin to see your about himself after his successful a leader than connect with your world. You must step into theirs. theirs. To remove yourself from leadership more as a sacred trust. presentation only to realize that people. Without a connection to One would think that this would your people is to deny yourself The people you lead have placed a he had only been thinking about your people, it will be hard to lead be a given that most leaders un- from knowing what inspires them degree of trust in you so you need himself. your people. And herein lies the derstand. But is it? This train of the most. to treat it with its due respect. As leaders, it’s easy to get caught secret sauce for leaders today — thought by Maxwell highlights a When you know what fuels In their world, up in our own orbit and think it’s you learn their ‘why’ only about us — our wants, our When you step into the world of needs, our ideas, our opinions, and BEHIND THE MIKE your people you will not only learn last but not least — having things about their hopes and dreams, but done our way. But it’s not. you will learn the most important What we learn here goes to the Victory and Defeat things. That you already know their heart of good leadership. When we By Michael A. Aun Japan woke us to the reality that skill sets and areas of expertise is a lead with a heart of kindness, learn There is defeat in every victo- we were vulnerable and our country given — but now you get to know how to smile, give a kind word, a ry… and victory in every defeat. responded by putting down those them for who they are, not just what listening ear, an honest compliment, Confusing? Not so much when you who would seize our freedom. they do. Now you can be in a place an act of caring — these are things think it through. Okay… that is a huge leap from to learn their ‘why’ and you can be that will set you apart as a leader. My precious granddaughters, girl’s youth basketball to a World a leader in their life that adds value And when you do these things, your Ashley and Ava, now 12 and 10, War. Make no mistake, the element with purpose. people will be much more receptive have experienced their fair share of or all competition is real. Ashley When you step into their world to your leadership. both in their short lives. Learning to and Ava are winners, not whiners. you get everything that comes with It’s time to realize that to be deal with both is a roadmap to life When you are losing over and over it. Knowing their ‘why’ gives you effective as a leader you must step and the reason why there is more again as they did last year, it is easy the knowledge you need to step up into the world of the people you to competitive sports than winning to become a whiner. and be the best leader possible. lead. and losing… lots of life lessons. What the girls learned last year In their world, you can Doug Dickerson is a syndicated They might be girls who are is they were born to win but had to learn more about yours columnist. He writes a weekly col- a head shorter than their peers learn to plan, prepare and expect to Maxwell’s transparency about umn for this newspaper. To contact but make no mistake they are as win. They had to learn the hard les- the Buscaglia quote was a dose Doug Dickerson, email him at competitive as the next kid. Unfor- son that winning is about dreamers of refreshing transparency and a ddickerson@ tunately for them, they inherited a MICHAEL A. AUN who never give up. couple of my characteristics- they father Cory has been a competitive My late friend and speaking hate losing and they are short in athlete all his life. He coaches one colleague Al McGuire and I were stature. of the top weightlifting programs in speaking in Maui at a conference My mentor and coach J. W. all of Florida. The girls have a front in the late 70’s after his Marquette Ingram used to say to me “You’re row seat at his football games and team won the NCAA National short but you’re slow. You run in weightlifting meets. Championship. Al had an inter- one place too long.” They understand competition esting philosophy. “Winning is Another mentor of mine, Dr. J.S. and appreciate that there is sig- overrated. The only time it really Liverman, the man who literally nificantly more defeat in life than is important is in surgery and war.” delivered me into this world, used victory. For every winning football For some odd reason, as I was to tell me “Boy… if you plant peas team, there are an equal number of taking pictures of Ashley and Ava, you get peas.” I guess I planted athletes on the other sideline that who modestly and shyly accepted peas because every Aun that I have just suffered a loss. their trophies for their champion- spawned is short and slow. For every championship weight- ship, it occurred to me… they get Last year their youth league lifter, there are dozens of runner-ups it. This is but another chapter of life. basketball team suffered through that will never experience the joy * * * * * a winless season. The only records of victory. Welcome to life young Michael Aun is a syndicated they established were being the ladies. When I say they “get it” that columnist and writes a weekly col- lowest scorers in the league. Yet, is what I mean. umn for this newspaper. To contact they took their plight in stride. Sometime we have to be awoken Michael Aun, email him at maun@ They might have been the smallest to the situation. In World War II, in the group but they are among the brightest. As Clint Eastwood would say “You have to know your limits”… and they know theirs. This year’s team has enjoyed a Tune in to much better time of it. They won all but a couple of their games and recently captured the league cham- RadioTribune pionship in a defensive nail-biter 11-10. And while my pride is swell- ing, evidenced by the hundreds of Tune in and listen to those who will tell pictures I’ve taken of their plays, the pair has been modest and care- you the truth, and nothing but the truth. free, as is their nature. You’ll discover different personalities After winning the champion- ship, I could not help but wonder and hear different opinions, but when why they were not celebrating in an over-the-top way. It was almost it comes to the facts, you’ll always get a “workman-like” response of “it’s the truth from us! just another game.” Win or lose, Sundays from 11.30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. their demeanor seemed the same. Please call 702-706-6875 In a day and time where every kid gets a trophy or a medal, Ava Call-In Line (702) 983-0711 for more information and Ashley seem to “get it.” Their YOU CHOOSE... 45-DAY FDA Registered Hearing Aids FREE TRIAL ONLY $299 PER AID ✔ Buy direct from manufacturer Try our EarMate-4220 or Apollo-6200 ✔ 100% Risk-FREE o er hearing aid risk-free for 45 days. EarMate-4220 ✔ 45-day home trial We guarantee you’ll receive the ✔ FREE shipping BEST technology for the BEST price. 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It’s important to keep in mind that having multiple sources of income can sometimes affect your Social Security benefits. Disability payments from pri- vate sources, such as private pen- sions or insurance benefits, don’t affect your Social Security disabil- ity benefits. Workers’ compensation and other public disability benefits, however, may reduce your Social Security benefits. Workers’ com- pensation benefits are paid to a worker because of a job-related injury or illness. These benefits may be paid by federal or state workers’ compensation agencies, employers, or by insurance companies on be- half of employers. Public disability payments that may affect your Social Security Examples of these are civil ser- Some public benefits don’t affect your Social Security benefits will benefits, if Social Security taxes benefits are those paid from a fed- vice disability benefits, state tem- your Social Security disability ben- not be reduced: were deducted from your earn- eral, state, or local government for porary disability benefits, and state efits. If you receive Social Security —Veterans Administration ben- ings; or disabling medical conditions that or local government retirement disability benefits, and one of the efits; —Supplemental Security In- are not job-related. benefits that are based on disability. following types of public benefits, —State and local government come (SSI). You can read more about the possible ways your benefits might Social Security Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month be reduced at www.socialsecurity. By Barbara Duckett receiving them. gov/pubs/EN-05-10018.pdf. Social Security Public Affairs Many of our offices have staff Please be sure to report changes. Specialist in Nevada who speak Spanish, or you can call If there is a change in the amount of Social Security touches the 1-800-772-1213 from 7 a.m. to 7 your other disability payment, or if lives of every American. Hispanics p.m. weekdays and select the option those benefits stop, let us know. Tell make up our nation’s largest ethnic for Spanish. us if the amount of your workers’ minority group with a population Spanish-speaking individuals compensation or public disability of 57.5 million, according to 2016 wishing to apply for retirement, dis- payment increases or decreases. statistics from the U.S. Census Bu- ability, survivor, and other benefits, Any change in the amount or fre- reau. In fact, Hispanic Americans as well as Medicare, can request quency of these benefits is likely form 17.8 percent of the nation’s an appointment online at www. total population. to affect the amount of your Social Social Security provides retire- for an in-person interview or tele- Security benefits. ment, disability, and other bene- phone claim with a representative. An unexpected change in ben- fits to over 63 million American In many cases, you can make an efits can have unintended conse- quences, but not if you’re informed workers and their family members. have died. can visit, appointment with a bilingual rep- and have financially prepared When people hear “Social Securi- We work hard to provide ready our Spanish-language website. It resentative. ty,” they think of retirement first, customer service and easy-to- includes hundreds of pages of im- Social Security is with you yourself. but Social Security also provides access information about our im- portant information about how to throughout life’s journey. Visit our benefits planner web- protection for the families of work- portant programs and benefits to get a Social Security card, plan for To learn more about what Social page at ers who become unable to work millions of Americans. If Spanish retirement, apply for benefits, and Security offers, go to planners for information about your due to severe impairments or who is your primary language, you manage your benefits once you’re options for securing your future. 3 Social Security mistakes that could cost you a fortune By Christy Bieber Motley Fool More than one-third of Americans expect their Social Security benefits to provide a major source of retirement income, according to Gallup. Unfortunately, with average benefits of just $1,404 as of 2018, relying on Social Security won’t leave you much cash. This is especially true if you don’t know how Social Security works and you take actions that reduce your benefits. The decisions you make about when to retire and when to claim Social Security make a huge difference in your retirement income, so be sure to avoid these top three Social Security mistakes. 1. Claiming at the wrong time The age at which you claim Social Secu- rity benefits will determine how much you receive throughout the entirety of your re- tirement. The key thing to know is your Full Retirement Age (FRA), which is 67 if you were born after 1960. FRA matters because: —If you claim before FRA, you’ll receive a reduction in benefits equal to 5/9 of 1 per- cent for each of the first 36 months before FRA, and an additional 5/12 of 1 percent Age 62 (30 percent reduction) = $983; growth. If you haven’t worked for 35 years, strategies, two of which include: reduction for each prior month. age 63 (25 percent reduction) = $1,053; age Social Security will factor in zeros for each —Having the higher-earning spouse —If you claim after FRA, benefits will 64 (20 percent reduction) = $1,124; age 65 year missed. claim benefits as soon as possible so a low- continue to increase until age 70. Benefits (13.3 percent reduction) = $1,218; age 66 This could make a big impact in how er-earning spouse can also get benefits on increase by 2/3 of 1 percent for each month (6.7 percent reduction) = $1,310; age 67 (no much your benefits are. Compare a person their record. that you delay. change) = $1,404; age 68 (8 percent increase) who made the equivalent of $45,000 through- —Having a lower-earning spouse claim The reduction or increase applies through- = $1,516; age 69 (16 percent increase) = out an entire 35 year career to a person who benefits first so the couple has money to live out your entire retirement. If you claim early $1,628; and age 70 (24 percent increase) = made the equivalent of $45,000 throughout on while the higher earner delays and allows and get a reduced benefit, it doesn’t increase $1,740. their career, but worked just 25 years. benefits to grow as much as possible. at 67 when you hit FRA. While delaying may seem smart to in- For the first worker, Social Security ben- You can read about different Social Se- However, if you decide within the first crease your income, you’ll have to consider efits would be based on a $45,000 per-year curity claiming strategies to find out which 12 months that you claimed at the wrong years of foregone benefits. To calculate salary. For the second worker with 10 years option makes the most sense. It may also be time, you can rescind your claim, pay back your break-even point — the point at which of zero wages averaged in, benefits would worth talking with a financial advisor who the benefits received, and be treated as if higher benefits from claiming late make up be based on a $32,142 salary. This could specializes in Social Security to decide how you’d never claimed at all. Unfortunately, if for lost years of benefits — add up all of the reduce Social Security benefits substantially, best to claim benefits as a married couple. you began receiving benefits more than 12 payments missed by filing late and divide although not by as much as the reduction in You can avoid months ago, you can’t undo your application. this by the extra monthly money received due wages because of the progressive nature of Social Security mistakes You can potentially restore some lost benefits to delaying. When you’ve received benefits the calculation. For 50 percent of married couples and 71 by working. When you work while receiving for that number of months, you’ll have made 3. Not coordinating with your spouse percent of singles, Social Security provides Social Security before FRA, benefits are re- up for missed payments, and every higher Social Security is much more complicated at least 50 percent of retirement income, duced. The SSA will factor this reduction in benefit after that date is extra Social Security for married couples than for singles because according to the Social Security Administra- and recalculate your benefits amount when income an early claim would have caused a person who’s single must claim benefits tion. Since Social Security is such a major you reach FRA. you to miss. on their own work record. Those who are source of money during retirement, it’s worth It’s important to fully understand the im- 2. Not working long enough married — or individuals married for at least taking the time to learn about how it works. plications of claiming early or late because Social Security benefits are based on 10 years before divorcing — may be eligible By getting your top Social Security questions the difference could be thousands of dollars wages while working. The Social Security to claim benefits on a spouse’s work record. answered and making sure you claim bene- per year, as shown by this chart illustrating Administration uses a formula to calculate If you can claim benefits on your spouse’s fits at the correct time, you can get as much how an average Social Security benefit of benefits based on your highest 35 years of record, you’ll need to evaluate all of your op- money as possible from Social Security to $1,404 would be affected. earnings, with wages adjusted to reflect wage tions. There are actually 81 different claiming help you fund a secure retirement. Page 26 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 12-18, 2018 What You Need To Know By Dr Nina Radcliff Concussions, Heads-Up By Dr. Nina Radcliff, MD urging, encouraging, and advocat- Head injuries and concussions ing that they get care when needed. standard when diagnosing a con- portant part of healing and should be because women are more likely have been in a firestorm among the It is always wise to contact your cussion—symptoms can vary and be reintroduced gradually. Gen- than men to attain medical care, and public—but with good reason as primary care provider if you believe there is no definitive blood test or erally speaking, recovery may be receive a diagnosis. Most cases of there needs to be more attention to you have had a concussion, even study. In fact, the new guidelines slower among older adults, young PCS resolve within three months the facts. And this week, for the first if you feel “fine” or “okay.” Your highlight that an MRI, X-rays or children, and teens as well as those but there are some where symptoms time, the Centers for Disease Con- healthcare provider may want you CT scan aren’t effective. Instead, who have had a prior concussion. last longer, known as persistent trol and Prevention (CDC) issued to come in for a check-up and can a diagnosis is based, in large part, What is post-concussive post-concussive symptoms (PPCS). guidelines — published in the med- provide instruction on things you on the doctor’s clinical judgment syndrome (PCS)? What is Chronic Traumatic ical journal JAMA Pediatrics — on should start right away to facilitate and the patient’s or witness’s his- The majority of people recover Encephalopathy (CTE)? treating children with concussions, recovery, including taking time off tory of the events. In other words, from symptoms experienced at A degenerative brain disease stating the guidelines will provide from school or work. it is subjective. And, today, based the time of the injury. However, that has been associated with doctors with the tools they need to In rare cases, a person with a on research and expert advice, for some, they can last for several repetitive impacts to the head, re- ensure the best outcomes for their concussion may develop a bleed neurocognitive testing is being per- days, weeks, and months, and pos- gardless of whether those impacts young patients with mild traumatic or a blood clot that is life-threaten- formed more routinely to provide sibly even longer. This is known as cause concussions or not. CTE brain injury. ing. Seek emergent medical care an objective way of diagnosing the post-concussive syndrome (PCS). has been shown to cause a myriad Medical health experts and re- if you witness the following: loss severity, establishing a baseline, There is still a lot that is un- of negative symptoms including lated specialists have underscored of consciousness; headache that and measuring recovery. known about PCS. Even the di- depression, memory loss and de- that in the past two decades, it has gets worse and does not go away; How is a agnostic criteria varies. However, mentia, confusion, depression, and become clear that a concussion weakness, numbness or decreased concussion treated? what experts do agree on is that behavioral and personality changes, is often not a benign, self-limited coordination; repeated vomiting Fortunately, most can undergo PCS is the onset of neuropsycho- including aggression and paranoia. condition as once thought. Rather, or nausea; slurred speech; seizure; treatment at home and have a quick logical symptoms typically within 7 The problems can arise years after it may result in persistent physical, unusual behavior; confusion, rest- recovery — however, some may to 10 days after a head trauma. And, the blows to the head have stopped. neuropsychiatric, and cognitive lessness, agitation; and, in children, require hospitalization. Research according to the Centers for Disease Some children and teens think symptoms that exact substantial if they will not stop crying or are shows that the primary treatment Control and Prevention (CDC), concussions aren’t serious or worry impact on life function and quality. inconsolable, or will not nurse or is rather simple: “cognitive rest,” symptoms typically include: if they report a concussion they will According to the CDC’s Nation- eat. And, again, the concussed per- meaning mental rest. The goal is —Emotional: anxiety, irritabili- lose their position on the team or al Center for Injury Prevention and son often cannot ascertain that they to avoid tasks that require concen- ty, labile mood, depression look weak. Control, it is estimated that at least need medical care or attain it (e.g., tration or complicated thinking so —Physical or somatic: head- I am not an anti-football (or 1 million U.S. children experience loss of consciousness, confusion)— that the brain has the opportunity to aches, visual problems, dizziness, impact sport) evangelist but I join a mild traumatic brain injury each it is up to others to help them get it. heal. Experts recommend limiting noise/light sensitivity, nausea with others in the belief that impact year. The issue has become more Recognizing a concussion in school or work schedules as well —Sleep disturbances sport’s long-term success hinges on pressing as youth sports have grown children can be more complicated as technology (emails, texting, —Thinking or cognitive: diffi- moving more urgently toward safe- in popularity and because research than in adults, since a child may not watching television, social media). culty with concentration, memory ty—for the sake of all age groups has shown that repeated blows be capable of articulating the more And, too, until the signs of the issues, decreased processing speed, and especially at the youth level. to the head, such as from playing subjective symptoms of a concus- concussion have resolved, it is fatigue This article is for general in- football or heading a soccer ball, sion, such as feeling “in a fog” or critical to avoid: The severity of symptoms varies formation only and should not be can lead to long-term memory loss, vertigo. Other symptoms, including —Activities that can cause greatly—from mild, to moderate, used for the diagnosis or treatment dementia and other serious health irritability, may be mistakenly further head injury such as biking, to severe—and recognizing them of medical conditions and cannot issues. interpreted as a behavioral issue climbing, horseback riding, and may be difficult and even missed. substitute for the advice from your The CDC underscored the rather than a sign of a brain injury. skateboarding (to mention a few) And, research suggests that the risk medical professional. Dr. Nina has guidelines are based on the “most Some post-concussion symptoms —Alcohol of developing PCS does not appear used all reasonable care in com- comprehensive review of the sci- affect higher-level cognitive pro- —Bright lights and loud sounds to be related to the severity of the piling the current information but ence” over the past 25 years. And, cesses, which a young child may that can overstimulate the brain head injury. However, there does it may not apply to you and your noting in a press release: “Until not yet be using. Discuss with your healthcare appear to be a greater risk in older symptoms. Always consult a doctor today, there was no evidence-based How is a provider when you should resume adults, when there is a history of or other health care professional guideline in the United States — concussion diagnosed? light activity and intellectual and prior concussion, and in women. Of for diagnosis and treatment of inclusive of all causes.” At this time, there is no gold social activities—they are an im- note, the gender discrepancy may medical conditions. It is important to understand too, concussions can happen at any age, and any brain injury warrants spe- cialized assessment and approaches to intervention. The CDC’s guide- lines are for concussions from all causes, including falls, sports and car accidents. What is a concussion? A type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that occurs from the brain being shaken, jarred, bounced, or AUTO INSURANCE twisted against our hard skull. This can cause damage to brain cells DESIGNED FOR AARP MEMBERS (neurons) or tissue that connects them as well as metabolic changes (shifts in electrolytes, blood flow, IF YOUR CURRENT YOU COULD SAVE: and neurotransmitters, and an INSURANCE IS: increase in toxins). Consequently, * brain function can be affected. $357 GEICO $482 Our brain consists of tens of AVERAGE SAVINGS billions of neurons and is a solid, ALLSTATE $571 firm, almost rubber-like organ that WHEN YOU SWITCH is protected by our skull. Addi- STATE FARM $427 tionally, fluid surrounds the brain and serves as a cushion to protect against minor bumps and jolts that Experienced Drivers 50+: You could save hundreds* would otherwise result in it being slammed against the inside of on Auto Insurance when you switch to the AARP® Auto the skull. However, when a blow, Insurance Program from The Hartford. fall, or other injury is forceful or powerful enough, our brain can be • Rates that reward you for your safe driving injured. What are the symptoms • Exclusive package of benefi ts of a concussion? Analogous to a snowflake, no • 24/7 Claim Hotline and exceptional claims service two concussions are alike. Symp- toms can range from mild to severe. CALL THE HARTFORD TO REQUEST A FREE QUOTE Some common symptoms include: AND SEE HOW MUCH YOU COULD SAVE: temporary loss of consciousness; amnesia surrounding the moment of collision; confusion; nausea 1-855-855-6448 or vomiting; headache; slurred speech; and fatigue, drowsiness, Not a member? If you’re 50 or over, request a FREE quote and more information today! forgetfulness, inability to concen- trate, and delayed response to ques- tions. And, while many associate LIMITED TIME OFFER! Receive this calculator FREE when a concussion with passing out, it you request a quote and provide your email address.** must be noted that most never lose consciousness. * Savings amounts are averages based on information from The Hartford’s AARP Auto Insurance Program customers who became new policyholders between 1/1/17 and 12/31/17 and provided Should I get medical care? data regarding their savings and prior carrier. Your savings may vary. Because concussions affect our ** The gift offer is only good for rst time responders who provide a valid email address. Responders will be sent an email to con rm the gift. All responders in IA, IL and RI who do not provide an email brain’s function, an injured person address are still eligible to receive the gift. The gift offer is not available in GA, ND, NM or PA, but residents may still request a quote. The gift is only available as a limited time offer. Please allow 4-7 may lack the clear judgment as to weeks for delivery. whether or not to seek medical at- AARP and its af liates are not insurers. Paid endorsement. The Hartford pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. AARP membership is required for Program eligibility in most states. The AARP Automobile Insurance Program from The Hartford is underwritten by Hartford Fire Insurance Company and its af liates, tention, either immediately or in the One Hartford Plaza, Hartford, CT 06155. Auto program is currently unavailable in Massachusetts, Canada and U.S. Territories or possessions. Speci c features, credits and discounts may vary and days following. As a result, family, may not be available in all states in accordance with state lings and applicable law. Applicants are individually underwritten and some may not qualify. 8/18 CW friends, and coaches are critical in September 12-18, 2018 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 27 Places To Go

Stewardship Travel helps the environment

By Sandy Zimmerman each year. Las Vegas Tribune Mixing history with wine, take Photos by Stewardship Travel the self-guided wine tasting tour Something new has been added of the Old Edna Town built in the to vacations around central Cali- PLACES TO GO QUICK GET- fornia’s wine coast country. Their AWAYS 1800’s. Visit the Casitas Stewardship Travel program has Estate farm-tofork Farmers Market a dual-purpose. You can add ad- for their lunch tour. Central Califor- ventures to your trip while helping nia’s restaurants are committed to the environment. While enjoying healthy meals. the sun, sea and wines in central Most restaurants select their California there is much more. This fruit, vegetables, meat, pork, and could be a “feeling good” vacation. fowl from local farms. Take a step Just choose one or more of 10 back in time at the Oceano train destinations that interest you then depot, the San Simeon lighthouse or find out what Stewardship program other historic sites. California has opportunities are available. Tourists preserved many historic sites built should plan their trip in wine coun- as early as the 1800’s and 1900’s try, Highway 1 and the Discovery each with a story to tell. You can Route. This is the historic route take part in two ways to help the along California’s coast with un- environment. believable scenery. See the beautiful Estero Bluffs If this sounds interesting, look north of Cayucos while cleaning-up at the website for a list of over 70 the beach. There are several Stew- possibilities to suit all tastes. Some ardship clean-up and restoration of the categories are nature, history, stops scheduled along the coast. wine tasting, romantic getaways, Each experience is unique and can science, restoration and clean-up. be added to the traveler’s itinerary. What could be more romantic California’s Stewardship travel than a dinner for two on the wine coast country eco-tours are with Pacific Wildlife Care? After a the first and one of the few avail- guided kayak tour of Morro Bay, able in the United States. These is memorable. Taking part in these For additional information visit Health, and Luxury Living. Sandy then relax at a beach-style dinner make-a-difference ecotours show eco-tours awakens visitors to a the websites: info@winecoastcoun- Zimmerman’s Las Vegas Show and served on the sand dunes. tourists a different side of Cali- behind-thescenes view of central or http://winecoastcoun- TV Productions. For information, Around 50,000 black and gold fornia’s wine country. The time California’s wine country. the-winecoastcoun- questions, or to recommend sub- Monarch Butterflies can be seen allowed for these tours is up to California has so many beautiful try-stewardshiptraveler/ jects, please call (702)-515-0846, around Eucalyptus grove at Pismo each person. Whether you spend a sites, such wonderful beaches, and Award-winning syndicated col- email [email protected] State Beach during their migration few hours or more, the experience nature all around you. umnist/Show and Dining, Travel, or visit Facebook@szlvtv. Page 28 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 12-18, 2018 an 86 percent chance of extinction “By the time the temperature cooled also makes a statement regarding within a half century. enough to trigger the migration, what you value for plants — and in What’s causing this massive it’s been too cold in the Midwest life — in your backyard or garden. die-off of the once ubiquitous Mon- and many monarchs died on their The hardy plant is easy to find and archs? First off, global warming is trip south.” easy to grow, and if you have it wreaking havoc on the butterflies’ Global warming is also causing in your backyard keep your eyes instinctual triggers to migrate. a massive decline in the Monarchs’ peeled for Monarchs, humming- “Every year, a new generation of food source, the milkweed plant. birds and other wildlife. these butterflies follows the same Traditionally abundant in both The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Ser- path forged by generations before native prairie habitats as well as vice is currently working to plant them,” reports David Wolfe of the on disturbed lands such as road- milkweed across some two million non-profit Environmental Defense sides, ditches, cemeteries and even acres of public land along the Fund (EDF). “The only thing cornfields, milkweed is quickly Monarch’s key migration routes. guiding them on this migration is becoming scarce due to the wide- Agricultural landowners can get in temperature telling them when they spread application of herbicides to on the environmentally responsi- need to travel — like a biological keep weeds down and fast changing ble action by signing onto EDF’s trigger setting them in flight.” seasonal climatic conditions as sur- innovative Monarch Butterfly Hab- “But in recent years, the mon- face temperatures are rising across itat Exchange, which incentivizes arch’s fall south migration from latitudes. farmers in Texas, Missouri and given year. Even more troubling, Canada has been delayed by as What can we do to turn things California through market forces EarthTalk® is pro- researchers warn that if present much as six weeks due to warm- around for the ailing Monarchs? to grow milkweed either between duced by Roddy Scheer trends continue, Western Monarchs er-than-normal temperatures that For starters, plant milkweed. This other crops or in fields that aren’t and Doug Moss for face a 72 percent likelihood of failed to trigger the butterflies’ in- simple act not only provides vital otherwise in use. going extinct within 20 years and stincts to move south,” says Wolfe. habitat for migrating Monarchs but * * * * * the 501(c)3 nonprofit EarthTalk. To donate, visit Send questions to: ques- [email protected]. Dear EarthTalk: Is it true that the Monarch Butterfly is on the brink of extinction? How did we let that happen? — Alex Degeneres, Cincinnati, OH While the mighty Monarch But- terfly may not be on the endangered species list yet, environmentalists think it should be — and have petitioned the federal government accordingly. In a 2016 lawsuit, the Center for Biological Diversity and the Center for Food Safety joined forces to successfully sue the fed to force a decision on whether or not to include the quickly vanishing Monarch on the list of endangered species. According to a recent study published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Biological Con- servation, Monarchs have declined across their usual migratory path in the western United States by some 97 percent in just 35 years. Back in the 1980s, upwards of 10 million Monarchs traversed this flyway annually, whereas only 300,000 or Environmentalists won a lawsuit forcing the federal government to decide by 2019 so now make the journey in any whether or not to list the once abundant Monarch butterfly as an endangered species. LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE CLASSIFIEDS

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