Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia SUPPLEMENTARY APPENDIX Mutations in the RAS-BRAF-MAPK-ERK pathway define a specific subgroup of patients with adverse clinical features and provide new therapeutic options in chronic lymphocytic leukemia Neus Giménez, 1,2 * Alejandra Martínez-Trillos, 1,3 * Arnau Montraveta, 1 Mónica Lopez-Guerra, 1,4 Laia Rosich, 1 Ferran Nadeu, 1 Juan G. Valero, 1 Marta Aymerich, 1,4 Laura Magnano, 1,4 Maria Rozman, 1,4 Estella Matutes, 4 Julio Delgado, 1,3 Tycho Baumann, 1,3 Eva Gine, 1,3 Marcos González, 5 Miguel Alcoceba, 5 M. José Terol, 6 Blanca Navarro, 6 Enrique Colado, 7 Angel R. Payer, 7 Xose S. Puente, 8 Carlos López-Otín, 8 Armando Lopez-Guillermo, 1,3 Elias Campo, 1,4 Dolors Colomer 1,4 ** and Neus Villamor 1,4 ** 1Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), CIBERONC, Barcelona; 2Anaxomics Biotech, Barcelona; 3Hematol - ogy Department and 4Hematopathology Unit, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona; 5Hematology Department, University Hospital- IBSAL, and In - stitute of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Cancer, University of Salamanca, CIBERONC; 6Hematology Department, Hospital Clínico Universitario, Valencia: 7Hematology Department, Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, Oviedo, and 8Departamento de Bio - química y Biología Molecular, Instituto Universitario de Oncología, Universidad de Oviedo, CIBERONC, Spain. *NG and AM-T contributed equally to the study. **DC and NV share senior authorship of the manuscript. ©2019 Ferrata Storti Foundation. This is an open-access paper. doi:10.3324/haematol. 2018.196931 Received: May 1, 2018. Accepted: September 26, 2018. Pre-published: September 27, 2018. Correspondence: DOLORS COLOMER
[email protected] Supplemental data METHODS Primary CLL cells Cells were isolated from peripheral blood (PB) samples by Ficoll-Paque sedimentation (GE-Healthcare, Chicago, IL, USA).