Resource in

資源回收管理基金管理委員會 Resource Recycling Fund Management Board 1. clean system and performance 廢棄物清理制度及現況


Evolution of Municipal Solid Waste Policy 廢棄物管理制度沿革

Market-driven Extend. Producers pay The eight recycling funds are administered by EPAT’s Recycling Fund recycling only Producer recycling fees to Management Board 自由市場 Responsibility eight recycling 環保署資源回收基金管理回員會成立 生產者責任制 funds 八大基金會

1984 1987 1990 1998 2001 2002 2003 2005 2007 2010 計畫計畫 plan recycling Four-in-one resource 計畫計畫 landfill – initiated policy MSW 源再利用投資源再利用投資 waste general for plan promotion recycling Resource 露天堆置露天堆置 open Garbage dump 化政策化政策 to Incineration shift – adjusted policy MSW 源再利用投資源再利用投資 露天堆置露天堆置 化政策化政策 回收分類回收分類 groundthe off trash keep – sorting garbage Mandatory 回收分類回收分類 •Reactivate landfill site landfill •Reactivate 生質能中心 Center Biomass-energy •Construct treatment programtreatment MSW on evaluation and Prospects 責任制度概念 EPR of Introduction 用餐具限制 TablewareDisposable and Bags Shopping Plastic of restriction reduction Source •Zero • 資源循環再利用 and regeneration •Resource 推動廚餘回收推動廚餘回收 recycling waste kitchen Promoting 推動廚餘回收推動廚餘回收 衛生掩埋衛生掩埋 衛生掩埋衛生掩埋 零廢棄 四合一資源回收四合一資源回收 四合一資源回收四合一資源回收 導入生產者 政策主軸政策主軸 政策主軸政策主軸 垃圾焚垃圾焚 垃圾焚垃圾焚 限塑及一次 活化掩埋場 鼓勵民間資鼓勵民間資 鼓勵民間資鼓勵民間資 垃圾 垃圾 垃圾 垃圾 強制強制 強制強制

4 MSW Clearance 一般廢棄物清理概況

5 MSW Clearance 一般廢棄物清理概況

29000 平均每日垃圾清運量 Average 1.4 Garbage Clearance Per Day 27000 1.138 1.143 1.101 1.121 1.135 1.135 每人每日垃圾清運量 Garbage 1.2 1.087 1.082 25000 Clearance Per Capita Per Day (kg) 0.982 23935 24331 23000 23857 24330 0.898 1 23268 23468 22513 0.829 21000 21921 21577 0.752 0.708 0.8 kg/day 0.667 kg/cap 19000 19876 0.605 0.583 /day 18421 0.52 0.6 17000 0.501 0.482 16819 0.427 15000 16063 13788 15138 0.4 13351 0.397 13000 11984 0.2 11000 11571 11158 9893 9258 9000 0

4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 0 1 2 99 99 99 99 99 99 000 001 00 00 01 01 01 1992 1993 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2 2 2 2 2 year

6 MSW Sorting 廢棄物分類概況

資源回收 Resource Recycled 42%

廚餘回收 一般垃圾 Food Waste Recycled General Waste 11% 46%

巨大垃圾回收再利用 Bulk Waste Recycled 1% 2012 年垃圾分類清理概況 Municipal Solid in 2012 7 Clearance Structure 分類回收與清理架構

公告應回收項目 資源垃圾 RRW 回收機構 處理機構 家戶垃圾 Recyclable Recycling Treatment Waste 一般回收項目 Plant Plant Collecting team Municipal (42%+1%) Solid Waste Recycled Item 巨大垃圾 巨大垃圾 修復廠 Bulk Waste 跳蚤市場 (1%) Repairing Flea Market

養豬廚餘 養豬場 廚餘廚餘廚餘 Pig-feeding Pig Farm Food Waste 堆肥廚餘 堆肥場 垃圾車 (11%) Composting 資源回收車 Plant 廚餘回收車 可燃垃圾 焚化焚化焚化 Garbage Truck Combustible (發電發電發電 ) Waste Incineration Recycle Truck 一般垃圾 General 不可燃垃圾 Waste Noncombustible 掩埋掩埋掩埋 Waste Landfill (46%) 8 Recyclable Waste 資源垃圾

1. 資源垃圾 2. 回收點 3. 清潔隊 Recyclable Waste Community Recycling Spot Municipal collection team

4. 回收商 5. 處理廠 6. 再生料 9 Collector Recycler Recovery Material 9 Regulated recyclable waste (RRW) 公告應回收廢棄物 容器 Containers 物品 Objects 1. 鐵容器 2. 鋁容器 7. 乾電池 8. 機動車輛 Iron Aluminum General battery Automobile\Motorcycle container container

3. 玻璃容器 4. 紙容器 9. 輪胎 10. 鉛蓄電池 Glass Paper Tire Lead-acid container container battery

5. 塑膠容器 6. 農藥廢容器 11. 資訊物品 12. 電子電器 13. 照明光源 Plastic Pesticide IT Home Light container container equipment appliance bulbs/tubes

•責任業者需繳費 Recycling fee must be collected 10 Recyclable Waste 資源垃圾 • 執行機關一般廢棄物應回收項目 Recyclable Waste Recycled by Municipal Collection Team

 紙 Paper  鐵 Iron  鋁 Aluminum  玻璃 Glass  塑膠 Plastic  光碟片 CDs  行動電話及其充電器 Cell Phone & Charger  責任業者無需繳費 No Recycling Fee

11 2. Four in one System 四合一回收制度

12 Recycling Management Fund Function & Operation 四合一回收系統

Private (1) Community residents Waste Recycling (2) Recycling Industries 社區民眾 社區民眾 Generators System 回收業者 Form Community- Collect and recycle recyclable based Recycling from households, organization and promote Community Recycling communities, sellers and separation of waste and Residents Industries municipalities. recyclable. 收集民眾社區清潔隊之資源物 社區回收點建立及民眾垃圾分類

(4) Recycling Fund (3) Local Authority 回收基金 Recycling Local 地方政府 • Financed by producers Fund Authority •Collect and sort recyclable • RFMB plans and •Part of the revenues from implements recycling selling recyclable must feed programs. back to the general public. Municipal 建立回收處理系統,惟持 Funding 垃圾收集及變賣所得回饋公 Collection 共事務 體系基金運作 Sources System 13 Recycling Management Fund Function & Operation 資源回收基金功能與運作 責任業者 回收管理 回收系統 Responsibility Management Recycling system

製造、輸入 繳費 回收管理基金 補貼 處理業者 Recycling recycler 及販賣公告 Fee Fund Subsidy 應回收物品 或容器之業 責任業者查核 稽核認證 回收業者 者 Independent Auditing and Collector Manufacturers Audits Certification and importers of 地方執行單位 new RRW Local Authority products 費率審議 回收管理基金 稽核認證團體 學校 管理委員會 委員會 監督委員會 Schools Recycling 機關 Fee Auditing and Fund Certification Review Organizations Management Supervisory 經銷商 Committee Board Committee Retail stores 1414 14 EEE Subject to Taiwan’s EPR Law 公告回收廢家電資訊物品項目 The year each item was listed as RRW EEE item

March, 1998

June, 1998

January, 2001

July, 2002 Light ubes

July, 2007 Light bulbs

October, 2007

July, 2008 High Intensity Discharge

March, 2014 Tablet CCFL 15 Recycling fee rate 回收清除處理費率

Purpose of recycling fee 回收清除處理費用途  For operating collection system, recycling fees charged to manufacturers and importers of new regulated recyclable waste (RRW) products feed into the Recycling Fund that subsidizes licensed collectors and recyclers. 向責任業者收取回收清除處理費,,並作為補貼回收處理業者之基金並作為補貼回收處理業者之基金,,維持回維持回 收處理系統運作。  These are used to subsidize private collectors and recycling enterprises that meet EPAT standards. Special income funds are dedicated to education, research and development, auditing and certification, grants for municipalities and citizen groups, and administration of the 4-in-1 Recycling Program 回收清除處理費將用於補貼回收處理作業、、稽徵查核稽徵查核、、教育宣導教育宣導、、研發研發、、地地 方補助、、組織行政組織行政。

16 Recycling fee rate 回收清除處理費率

What is Green Differential Fee Rate 綠色差別費率  To encourage the development of environmental friendly products. The Green Differential Fee Rate may decrease the recycling fee rate for the green product producers, or increase the recycling fee rate to hinder less environmental friendly product production. 鼓勵業者配合環境友善設計,,發展有利於環境的產品發展有利於環境的產品,,提供綠色差別費率提供綠色差別費率, 以經濟誘因促進業者朝向綠色生產,,提高綠色消費比例提高綠色消費比例。

17 Recycling fee rate 回收清除處理費率 Regular Green products Items (NT$/unit) (NT$/unit)

Over 27 inches 371 260 No- 173 LCD Under 27 inches 247 1 TV sets Over 27 inches 233 163 LCD Under 27 inches 127 89

2 Refrigerator Over 250 Litres 588 412 Under 250 Litres 392 274 3 Washing machine 307 215 4 Air conditioner 169 241 (Heater and air conditioner) Over 12 inches 34 24 5 Electric fans Under 12 inches 19 13

18 Recycling fee rate 回收清除處理費率 Regular Green products Items (NT$/unit) (NT$/unit, draft)

No-LCD 127 89

1 Monitors Over 25 inches 233 163 LCD Under 25 inches 127 89

2 Printers Ink-jet type 101 96 Laser type 144 137 Dot-matrix type 152 144 3 PCs 114.8 78 4 Notebooks 39 27

5 Keyboards 14 10 6 Tablet (draft) 39 27

19 Household appliance collection amounts 廢家電物品回收成果

the Waste Appliance recycling volume increased 5.9 times in 2012 , as compared to 1998. 相較相較相較 1998 年廢電子電器物品收集量增加 5.9 倍倍倍。倍。。。

20 IT equipment collection amounts 廢資訊物品回收成果

the Waste IT equipment recycling volume increased 24.4 times in 2012 , as compared to 1998. 相較相較相較 1998 年廢資訊品收集量增加 24.4 倍倍倍。倍。。。

21 Thank You for Your Attention

資源回收管理基金管理委員會 Recycling Fund Management Board Environmental Protection Administration http:// 22