Submission Data for 2020-2021 CORE conference Ranking process International Symposium on Memory Management

Antony Hosking, Richard Jones

Conference Details


Title: International Symposium on Memory Management Acronym : ISMM Rank: A

Requested Rank

Rank: A

Recent Years

Proceedings Publishing Style

Proceedings Publishing: self-contained Link to most recent proceedings: Further details: Published by Association for Computing Machinery. In recent years it has held to co-location with PLDI (A*). ISMM is a specialist conference focusing on systems software (4606) for memory management in programming language implementations. It also encompasses data management (4605) and programming languages (4602).

Most Recent Years

Most Recent Year

Year: 2019 URL: Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA Papers submitted: 24 Papers published: 11 Acceptance rate: 46 Source for numbers:

General Chairs Name: Jeremy Singer Affiliation: University of Glasgow Gender: M H Index: 18 GScholar url: DBLP url:

Program Chairs

Name: Harry Xu Affiliation: University of CaliforniaâĂŤLos Angeles (UCLA) Gender: M H Index: 29 GScholar url: DBLP url:

1 Second Most Recent Year

Year: 2018 URL: Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Papers submitted: 21 Papers published: 9 Acceptance rate: 43 Source for numbers:

General Chairs Name: Hannes Payer Affiliation: Google, Germany Gender: M H Index: 16 GScholar url: DBLP url:

Program Chairs

Name: Jennifer Sartor Affiliation: Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Ghent University, Belgium Gender: F H Index: 10 GScholar url: DBLP url:

Third Most Recent Year

Year: 2017 URL: Location: Barcelona, Spain Papers submitted: 26 Papers published: 11 Acceptance rate: 42 Source for numbers:

General Chairs Name: Christoph M. Kirsch Affiliation: University of Salzburg, Austria Gender: M H Index: 30 GScholar url: DBLP url:

Program Chairs

Name: Ben L. Titzer Affiliation: Google, Germany Gender: M H Index: 13 GScholar url: DBLP url:


Chair Selection: As a conference sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN ISMM Steering Committee selects Chairs under the rules of ACM SIGPLAN as at and General Chair, Program Chair, and Program Committee must be approved by the ACM SIGPLAN Executive Committee. Policy name: Conference Policies, Submission Review Policy, Republication Policy, Diversity Policy, and Code of Conduct Policy Policy url:

(Senior) Program Committee

2 Link to (s)pc: File: H-index plot: Information Contained within this graph is derived using the Elsevier Scopus Database 2021.

Data and Metrics

Google Scholar Metrics

Sub-category url: Position in sub-category: 20+ Image of top 20: No h5 index available for this conference Potential reason for no h5 index: ISMM is a specialist conference on the topic of memory management in software and hardware.

ACM Metrics

Is an ACM sponsored conference: True Providing ACM Stats: True

ACM Statistics

Downloads in last 12 months: 10249 Average citations per article: 14 Average downloads per article: 362

ACM Most frequently publishing

3 Name: Chen Ding Paper Count: 4 Google Scholar h-index: 32 Gscholar url: Name: Kazunori Ogata Paper Count: 2 Google Scholar h-index: 14 Gscholar url: Name: Michael Bond Paper Count: 2 Google Scholar h-index: 21 Gscholar url: Name: Nagarajan Kandasamy Paper Count: 2 Google Scholar h-index: 24 Gscholar url: Name: Steve Blackburn Paper Count: 2 Google Scholar h-index: 30 Gscholar url: Name: Tobias Wrigstad Paper Count: 2 Google Scholar h-index: 20 Gscholar url: Name: Anup Das Paper Count: 2 Google Scholar h-index: 22 Gscholar url: Name: Jacob Brock Paper Count: 2 Google Scholar h-index: 8 Gscholar url: Name: Pengcheng Li Paper Count: 2 Google Scholar h-index: 9 Gscholar url: Name: Rodrigo Bruno Paper Count: 2 Google Scholar h-index: 7 Gscholar url:

Aminer Rank

Not Listed in Aminer

Other Rankings

Not aware of any other Rankings Conferences in area: 1. PLDI: ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation 2. OOPSLA: ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and ApplicationsL Software for HumanityâĂŤOOPSLA Research Papers 3. ISMM: ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management 4. VEE: ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments

Top People Publishing Here name: Steve Blackburn justification: H-index 30. ACM . Paper counts: Most Recent: Second most recent: Third most recent: Fourth most recent: Fifth most recent: 0 1 0 0 1 Attendance: ALWAYS name: Eliot Moss justification: H-index 52. ACM Fellow. IEEE Fellow. Paper counts: Most Recent: Second most recent: Third most recent: Fourth most recent: Fifth most recent: 0 1 0 0 0

4 Attendance: SOMETIMES name: Antony Hosking justification: H-Index 28. ACM Distinguished Scientist. Paper counts: Most Recent: Second most recent: Third most recent: Fourth most recent: Fifth most recent: 0 0 0 0 1 Attendance: ALWAYS name: Hans Boehm justification: H-index 36. ACM Fellow. Paper counts: Most Recent: Second most recent: Third most recent: Fourth most recent: Fifth most recent: 0 0 0 0 1 Attendance: ALWAYS name: Maurice Herlihy justification: H-index 70 ACM Fellow. IEEE Fellow. Paper counts: Most Recent: Second most recent: Third most recent: Fourth most recent: Fifth most recent: 0 0 0 0 1 Attendance: OCCASIONALLY name: Andrew Appel justification: H-index 55 ACM Fellow. Paper counts: Most Recent: Second most recent: Third most recent: Fourth most recent: Fifth most recent: 1 0 0 0 0 Attendance: OCCASIONALLY name: Michael Scott justification: H-index 59 ACM Fellow Paper counts: Most Recent: Second most recent: Third most recent: Fourth most recent: Fifth most recent: 1 0 0 0 0 Attendance: SOMETIMES name: Tobias Wrigstad justification: H-index 20. AITO Dahl-Nygaard Junior Price Winner. Paper counts: Most Recent: Second most recent: Third most recent: Fourth most recent: Fifth most recent: 1 0 0 1 0 Attendance: SOMETIMES name: Rajiv Gupta justification: H-index 62. ACM Fellow. IEEE Fellow. AAAS Fellow. Paper counts: Most Recent: Second most recent: Third most recent: Fourth most recent: Fifth most recent: 0 0 1 0 0 Attendance: SOMETIMES name: James Larus justification: H-index 69. ACM Fellow. IEEE Fellow Paper counts: Most Recent: Second most recent: Third most recent: Fourth most recent: Fifth most recent: 0 0 1 0 0 Attendance: OFTEN

Where People Publish

Top (Senior) Program Committee Members

Generated Report Name: conf submissions top spc/higherrank1356 top spc.csv WPP Report: Graphs:

5 Reference item: \\ 1. International Symposium on Memory Management (ISMM) ______

This conference was published at 8 times by 5 of 5 experts in the last 5 years.

The experts that publish at this conference are: Rajiv Gupta 0001(1), Erez Petrank(1), Stephen M. Blackburn(3), Stefano Markidis(1), Michael D. Bond(2)

In 2015, there were 2 publications by 2 experts: Erez Petrank, Stephen M. Blackburn In 2016, there were 2 publications by 2 experts: Stephen M. Blackburn, Michael D. Bond In 2017, there were 2 publications by 2 experts: Stefano Markidis, Michael D. Bond In 2018, there were 1 publications by 1 experts: Rajiv Gupta 0001 In 2019, there were 1 publications by 1 experts: Stephen M. Blackburn

5 out of the 5 experts published at this conference in 1 or more years 2 out of the 5 experts published at this conference in 2 or more years 1 out of the 5 experts published at this conference in 3 or more years

Top People Report

Method of selection: ACM in PL according to with verifiable Google Scholar h-index ¿= 45. Turing Award winners in PL with verifiable Google Scholar h-index ¿= 45 (this omits Frances E. Allen, Robert W. Floyd, Alan C. Kay, Barbara Liskov, Niklaus Wirth). IEEE John von Neumann Medal winners in PL with verifiable Google Scholar h-index ¿= 45 (this omits Jack B. Dennis, James Gosling, Susan L. Graham). IEEE Computer Society Computer Pioneer Award winners in PL with verifiable Google Scholar h-index ¿= 45 (this omits Jean E. Sammet, Bjarne Stroustrup). GÃűdel Prize winners in PL with verifiable Google Scholar h-index ¿= 45 (this omits Nir Shavit). ACM Software Award winners in PL with verifiable Google Scholar h-index ¿= 45 (this omits Stuart I. Feldman, Adele Goldberg). Winners of ACM-AAAI Allen Newell Award in PL with verifiable Google Scholar h-index ¿= 45 (this omits Richard P. Gabriel). Winners of ACM SIGPLAN awards with verifiable Google Scholar h-index ¿= 45 (this omits Ken Kennedy, John C. Reynolds, Ron Cytron, Mark N. Wegman).

6 name h-index gscholar url Saman P. Amarasinghe 68 Matthew B. Dwyer 49 Gul A. Agha 62 Rastislav Bodik 47 Lars Birkedal 45 Gail C. Murphy 63 Aarti Gupta 46 Xavier Leroy 52 Frank Pfenning 64 Sriram K. Rajamani 55 Shmuel Sagiv 61 Samson Abramsky 59 Vikram S. Adve 47 Michael D. Ernst 64 Gernot Heiser 55 J. Gregory Morrisett 51 Andrew C. Myers 52 Benjamin C. Pierce 65 Keshav Pingali 59 Thomas Ball 64 Guy E. Blelloch 56 Satoshi Matsuoka 58 Dean M. Tullsen 57 Josep Torrellas 64 Jeffrey Dean 84 Rajiv Gupta 0001 62 Urs Hoelzle 45 Alexander Aiken 75 Kathryn S. McKinley 66 John C. Mitchell 89 Vivek Sarkar 66 J. Eliot B. Moss 52 Martin Odersky 59 Guang R. Gao 58 Philip Wadler 73 Matthias Felleisen 62 Phillip B. Gibbons 78 Thomas A. Henzinger 110 James R. Larus 69 Michael L. Scott 59 Keith D. Cooper 45 Thomas W. Reps 79 Andrew A. Chien 60 Simon L. Peyton Jones 87 Paul Hudak 55 Wen-Mei W. Hwu 73 Barton P. Miller 55 Reinhard Wilhelm 45 Mary Lou Soffa 56 Andrew W. Appel 55 Barbara G. Ryder 53 Alfred V. Aho 67 Guy L. Steele Jr. 51 Martin Abadi 91 Daniel G. Bobrow 89 Grady Booch 56 Luca Cardelli 80 Edsger W. Dijkstra 47 Susan J. Eggers 55 John McCarthy 0001 52 Bertrand Meyer 0001 57 David A. Padua 62 Lawrence C. Paulson 53 Martin C. Rinard 71 Keyword: Jeffrey D. Ullman 115 Jeannette M. Wing 55 C. A. R. Hoare 71 Neil Jones 51 Patrick Cousot 55 Gordon Plotkin 61 Ranjit Jhala 45 David Walker 52 Sumit Gulwani 58 Shriram Krishnamurthi 52 Jan Vitek 51 Reference item: \\ 36. International Symposium on Memory Management (ISMM) ______

This conference was published at 6 times by 6 of 70 experts in the last 5 years.

The experts that publish at this conference are: Michael L. Scott(1), Vivek Sarkar(1), James R. Larus(1), Rajiv Gupta 0001(1), J. Eliot B. Moss(1), Andrew W. Appel(1)

In 2017, there were 1 publications by 1 experts: Vivek Sarkar In 2018, there were 2 publications by 2 experts: Rajiv Gupta 0001, James R. Larus In 2019, there were 1 publications by 1 experts: J. Eliot B. Moss In 2020, there were 2 publications by 2 experts: Michael L. Scott, Andrew W. Appel

6 out of the 70 experts published at this conference in 1 or more years WPP Report: Graphs:

Other Information

Comparator Comparison


International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments

Explanation as to why conference is superior to comparator: Both VEE and ISMM are boutique conferences, touching on similar topics relating to managed programming languages and their implementation. Indeed, memory management papers have appeared in VEE (viz. However, ISMM has more engagement than VEE from top people in programming languages (as derived in section D): 36. International Symposium on Memory Management (ISMM) This conference was published at 6 times by 6 of 70 experts in the last 5 years. The experts that publish at this conference are: Michael L. Scott(1), Vivek Sarkar(1), James R. Larus(1), Rajiv Gupta 0001(1), J. Eliot B. Moss(1), Andrew W. Appel(1) In 2017, there were 1 publications by 1 experts: Vivek Sarkar In 2018, there were 2 publications by 2 experts: Rajiv Gupta 0001, James R. Larus In 2019, there were 1 publications by 1 experts: J. Eliot B. Moss In 2020, there were 2 publications by 2 experts: Michael L. Scott, Andrew W. Appel 6 out of the 70 experts published at this conference in 1 or more years 130. International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE) This conference was published at 2 times by 2 of 70 experts in the last 5 years. The experts that publish at this conference are: Kathryn S. McKinley(1), Josep Torrellas(1) In 2016, there were 1 publications by 1 experts: Kathryn S. McKinley In 2019, there were 1 publications by 1 experts: Josep Torrellas

8 2 out of the 70 experts published at this conference in 1 or more years Link to comparator report:


ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Languages, Tools, and Compilers for Embedded Systems Explanation as to why conference is superior to comparator: LCTES focuses on tools for embedded systems, which is a narrower niche than ISMM. Nevertheless, ISMM sees much more engagement than LCTES from top people in programming languages (as derived in section D): 36. International Symposium on Memory Management (ISMM) This conference was published at 6 times by 6 of 70 experts in the last 5 years. The experts that publish at this conference are: Michael L. Scott(1), Vivek Sarkar(1), James R. Larus(1), Rajiv Gupta 0001(1), J. Eliot B. Moss(1), Andrew W. Appel(1) In 2017, there were 1 publications by 1 experts: Vivek Sarkar In 2018, there were 2 publications by 2 experts: Rajiv Gupta 0001, James R. Larus In 2019, there were 1 publications by 1 experts: J. Eliot B. Moss In 2020, there were 2 publications by 2 experts: Michael L. Scott, Andrew W. Appel 6 out of the 70 experts published at this conference in 1 or more years 82. ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES)

This conference was published at 3 times by 3 of 70 experts in the last 5 years. The experts that publish at this conference are: Thomas Ball(1), Saman P. Amarasinghe(1), Rastislav BodÃŋk(1) In 2016, there were 1 publications by 1 experts: Rastislav BodÃŋk In 2018, there were 1 publications by 1 experts: Thomas Ball In 2020, there were 1 publications by 1 experts: Saman P. Amarasinghe 3 out of the 70 experts published at this conference in 1 or more years Link to comparator report:


International Conference on Compiler Construction Explanation as to why conference is superior to comparator: CC started as the European variant of the premier A* conference PLDI (similar to ESOP being the European variant of the A* POPL, and ECOOP the European variant of the A* OOPSLA). It was historically affiliated to the European Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software. More recently CC has been seeking to expand to being more than a regional conference and was held outside Europe for the first time in 2017. As a result, CC now co-locates with the International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimisation (CGO). ISMM has steadfastly been a fully international conference since its inception and has a long history of global venues. It is the premier venue for publication of focused work in memory management of interest to researchers in both industry and academia. While CC is much broader than ISMM, CC and ISMM have comparable engagement from top people in programming languages (as derived in section D): 33. International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC) This conference was published at 13 times by 6 of 70 experts in the last 5 years. The experts that publish at this conference are: Rastislav BodÃŋk(1), Matthias Felleisen(1), Keshav Pingali(1), Vivek Sarkar(5), Rajiv Gupta 0001(3), Saman P. Amarasinghe(2) In 2015, there were 2 publications by 2 experts: Matthias Felleisen, Keshav Pingali In 2016, there were 4 publications by 3 experts: Rajiv Gupta 0001, Vivek Sarkar, Rastislav BodÃŋk In 2017, there were 1 publications by 1 experts: Vivek Sarkar In 2018, there were 2 publications by 1 experts: Vivek Sarkar In 2019, there were 4 publications by 3 experts: Rajiv Gupta 0001, Vivek Sarkar, Saman P. Amarasinghe 6 out of the 70 experts published at this conference in 1 or more years 2 out of the 70 experts published at this conference in 2 or more years 1 out of the 70 experts published at this conference in 4 or more years 36. International Symposium on Memory Management (ISMM) This conference was published at 6 times by 6 of 70 experts in the last 5 years. The experts that publish at this conference are: Michael L. Scott(1), Vivek Sarkar(1), James R. Larus(1), Rajiv Gupta 0001(1), J. Eliot B. Moss(1), Andrew W. Appel(1) In 2017, there were 1 publications by 1 experts: Vivek Sarkar In 2018, there were 2 publications by 2 experts: Rajiv Gupta 0001, James R. Larus In 2019, there were 1 publications by 1 experts: J. Eliot B. Moss In 2020, there were 2 publications by 2 experts: Michael L. Scott, Andrew W. Appel 6 out of the 70 experts published at this conference in 1 or more years Link to comparator report:

Other Relvant Info

Other relevant information: ISMM is the boutique forum for publication of focused work in memory management, with strong attendance by researchers and engineers from industry and academia. It remains successful after 20 years and continues to attract the top researchers from the programming languages community.

9 Attachments



First name: Antony Last name: Hosking Affiliation: Australian National University Email: [email protected]

First name: Richard Last name: Jones Affiliation: University of Kent Email:

Submitted By

Name: Hosking Antony Email: [email protected]