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[email protected] he Collaborative Innovation INSIDE VIEW: NANJING UNIVERSITY Center of Advanced Microstructures (CICAM) was formally authenticated by the MinistryT of Education of China in 2014. Here, we discuss CICAM’s mission and development with three CICAM directors: Dingyu Xing of Nanjing University, Fuchun Zhang of Zhejiang University and Xingao Gong of Fudan University. Q: Who founded the centre? Nanjing University took the lead in founding CICAM in 2012, in partnership with Fudan Ding Yu Xing, Co-director, Fu Chun Zhang, Co-director, Xin Gao Gong, Co-director, University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University Prof. of Nanjing University. Prof. of Zhejiang University. Prof. of Fudan University. (both in Shanghai), Zhejiang University (in Hangzhou), the University of Science and Q: What advantages do collaborative materials, novel superconducting materials Technology of China and the Hefei Institutes innovation centres offer? and unconventional mechanisms, of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy Collaborative innovation centres attract mesoscopic physics and devices, magnetic of Sciences (both in Hefei) and the company some of the most talented researchers. nanostructures and spintronics, and Huawei Technologies. The cities of Shanghai, They also promote interdisciplinary research functional microstructured devices and Hefei and Hangzhou are all connected to through bringing together researchers with system integration. Huawei participates in Nanjing by high-speed railway and lie in the expertise in different areas and sharing the construction of the last platform, which economically dynamic region of the Yangtze resources. CICAM will combine the research is dedicated to converting the scientific River Delta.