A New Era of Great Power Competition?
TH 57 ANNUAL U.S. NAVAL ACADEMY FOREIGN AffaIRS CONFERENCE A New Era of Great Power Competition? Annapolis, Maryland April 11 -13, 2017 1 Schedule of Events Monday, April 10 All Day DELEGATE ARRIVAL AND REGISTRATION Westin Hotel 7:00 p.m. MEET & GREET RECEPTION Westin Hotel Tuesday, April 11 8:15 WELCOME TO DELEGATES FROM NAFAC DIRECTOR Midshipman First Class Charlotte Asdal, USN 8:20 WELCOME REMARKS Mahan Auditorium Vice Admiral Walter E. “Ted” Carter, Jr, USN Superintendent, United States Naval Academy 8:30 LCDR J. J. CONNELL OPENING KEYNOTE ADDRESS Mahan Auditorium Rear Admiral John Kirby, USN (Ret.) Former Defense Department and State Department Spokesman 10:00 FIRST ROUND TABLE Various Yard Locations 12:00 LUNCH - Delegates -King Hall; Speakers and Advisors -Naval Academy Club 1:15 PANEL 1: ARE WE ACTUALLY IN A NEW ERA OF GREAT POWER COMPETITION? Mahan Auditorium Dr. William Ruger Research Fellow in Foreign Policy Studies, CATO Institute Mr. Shawn Brimley Executive Vice President and Director of Studies, Center for New American Security Brigadier General Pyo, Se Woo Republic of South Korea Defense Attaché to the United States Moderator: Lieutenant Colonel Scott Cooper, USMC (Ret.) Director, National Security Outreach, Human Rights First 3:00 SECOND ROUND TABLE Various Yard Locations 5:30 DINNER Bo Coppedge Room 7:30 FORRESTAL LECTURE Alumni Hall General John R. Allen, USMC (Ret.) Former Commander, NATO International Security Assistance Force and U.S. Forces in Afghanistan, and Former Special Presidential Envoy to the Global Coalition to counter ISIL 2 Schedule of Events Wednesday, April 12 8:30 THE HONORABLE STANLEY W.
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