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review article

medical progress HIV Drug Resistance

François Clavel, M.D., and Allan J. Hance, M.D.

he use of combinations of antiretroviral drugs has proven re- From the Unité de Recherche Antivirale, In- markably effective in controlling the progression of human immunodeficiency stitut National de la Santé et de la Recherche t 1 Médicale, Unité 552, Hôpital Bichat–Claude (HIV) disease and prolonging survival, but these benefits can be compro- Bernard, Paris. Address reprint requests 2,3 mised by the development of drug resistance. Resistance is the consequence of mu- to Dr. Clavel at INSERM, U552, IMEA, tations that emerge in the viral proteins targeted by antiretroviral agents. In the United Hôpital Bichat–Claude Bernard, 46 rue Henri Huchard, 75018 Paris, France, or at States, as many as 50 percent of patients receiving antiretroviral therapy are infected with [email protected]. that express resistance to at least one of the available antiretroviral drugs.4 Conse- quently, the transmission of drug-resistant strains is also a growing concern.5-7 Because N Engl J Med 2004;350:1023-35. drug-resistant HIV often exhibits resistance to several classes of antiretroviral drugs8 Copyright © 2004 Massachusetts Medical Society. and because cross-resistance between drugs within a class is frequent,9-12 the emer- gence of resistance always complicates further efforts to control viral replication. This review focuses on the mechanisms underlying the selection of drug-resistant HIV and on the consequences of viral resistance with respect to the evolution of HIV infection.

principles of drug therapy for

The drugs currently used to treat HIV type 1 (HIV-1) infection (Table 1) belong to four distinct classes: nucleoside and nucleotide analogues, which act as DNA-chain termina- tors and inhibit reverse transcription of the viral RNA genome into DNA, a crucial event occurring at an early stage of the viral life cycle; nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors, which bind and inhibit reverse transcriptase, the viral enzyme that conducts reverse transcription; protease inhibitors, which target the viral protease, the enzyme required for the cleavage of precursor proteins (gag and gag–pol), permitting the final assembly of the inner core of viral particles; and entry inhibitors, which block the pene- tration of HIV virions into their target cells. Combinations of antiretroviral drugs are now used for the treatment of HIV infection — so-called highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Current HAART regimens generally comprise three antiretroviral drugs, usually two nucleoside analogues and either a protease inhibitor or a nonnucleo- side reverse-transcriptase inhibitor.13 The use of agents from different classes is instru- mental in controlling the development of resistance, but whereas some drug combina- tions have been shown to be antagonistic, there is no evidence that any combinations of currently available drugs are strongly synergistic in vitro.

development of resistance induced resistance Two concepts are important to an understanding of the development of drug resistance. First, HIV infection is characterized by high levels of virus production and turnover. In most untreated patients, the total number of productively infected cells in the lymphoid tissue has been estimated to be approximately 107 to 108 cells.14 During the chronic phase of HIV infection, this number is relatively stable, reflecting the balance between

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Table 1. Antiretroviral Agents Used in the Treatment of HIV Infection.

Drugs Mechanisms of Action Mechanisms of Resistance Nucleoside analogues Analogues of normal nucleosides Thymidine analogue promote Zidovudine Active as triphosphate derivatives ATP-mediated and pyrophosphate-medi- Stavudine Incorporated into nascent viral DNA ated excision of the incorporated termi- Prematurely terminate HIV DNA synthesis nator Didanosine M184V or Q151M complex mutations impair Zalcitabine incorporation of nucleoside analogues Abacavir Nucleotide analogues Same as nucleoside analogues K65R impairs incorporation of tenofovir into Tenofovir DNA Thymidine analogue mutations often associ- ated with cross-resistance to tenofovir Nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase Bind a hydrophobic pocket of HIV type 1 Mutations reduce affinity of the inhibitors for inhibitors reverse transcriptase the enzyme Nevirapine Block polymerization of viral DNA Single mutations generally sufficient to in- Efavirenz Inactive against HIV type 2 duce high level of resistance Delavirdine Protease inhibitors Structure derived from natural peptidic Mutations reduce affinity of the inhibitors for Saquinavir substrates of the HIV type 1 protease the enzyme Ritonavir Bind the active site of the protease High-level resistance requires accumulation Indinavir of mutations Nelfinavir Amprenavir Lopinavir Fusion inhibitors 36-Amino-acid peptide derived from the HR2 Mutations affect HR1, a domain of glyco- Enfuvirtide domain of glycoprotein 41 protein 41 whose interaction with HR2 Interferes with glycoprotein 41–dependent promotes membrane fusion membrane fusion

the infection of new target cells and their clearance. lation, and the level of drug at the site of HIV replica- Because the half-life of infected cells is remarkably tion. In some cases, substitutions of single amino short (one to two days), the maintenance of this acids can produce high levels of resistance. Since steady state requires that HIV infect new target cells minority viral quasispecies carrying any single mu- at a very high rate.15-17 Second, the viral population tation are believed to exist even before treatment is in an infected person is highly heterogeneous.18 started,21 the emergence of these highly resistant The reverse transcription of viral RNA into DNA is single mutants can occur in a matter of weeks. For notoriously prone to error,19,20 introducing on aver- other agents, only low-level resistance can be in- age one for each viral genome transcribed. duced by single mutations. In these cases, high lev- Most of these errors are base substitutions, but du- els of resistance or complete resistance requires the plications, insertions, and recombination can also gradual accumulation of additional mutations. occur. The high rate of HIV infection, combined Combination therapy can block this selection with the high mutation rate that occurs during each process for two reasons. First, multiple mecha- cycle of infection, ensures that patients have a com- nisms (each requiring different mutations) are re- plex and diverse mixture of viral quasispecies, each quired for resistance to occur to all drugs in the reg- differing by one or more mutations. imen. Even if a small number of variants with the Under these circumstances, it is easy to under- potential for resistance to individual agents exist be- stand why if any of these mutations can confer some fore treatment, it is highly unlikely that some of selective advantage to the virus, such as a decrease these variants are able to resist all the drugs. Sec- in its susceptibility to an antiretroviral agent, the cor- ond, multiple drugs suppress viral replication more responding quasispecies will overtake the others, effectively than single agents.22,23 In the absence following a simple darwinian selection process. The of ongoing viral replication, the generation of new rapidity of this process depends on the level of the variants is also arrested. In patients who receive selective advantage conferred by the mutation, HAART as a first line of antiretroviral therapy, the the prevalence of the mutant within the virus popu- emergence of viral resistance is possible only if HIV

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medical progress continues to replicate in the presence of levels of different classes of drugs and for drugs of a given drugs that are insufficient to block viral replication class. The locations of drug-resistance mutations in but sufficient to exert a positive selective pressure reverse transcriptase and in protease are shown in on variants with decreased drug susceptibility. Figure 1 and Figure 3A, respectively. Under these conditions, viruses with resistance to all the components of the regimen will gradually resistance to nucleoside emerge. Thus, it is worth emphasizing that in the and nucleotide analogues context of HAART, resistance is most often the con- Nucleoside analogues and nucleotide analogues sequence — not the cause — of initial treatment (Table 1) arrest the synthesis of viral DNA by re- failure. Once resistance begins to develop, however, verse transcriptase. After phosphorylation by cellu- a vicious circle of increasing treatment failure and lar kinases, these compounds are incorporated by increasing levels of resistance can lead to situations reverse transcriptase into the nascent chain of viral in which it becomes impossible to control viral rep- DNA. Because these drugs lack a 3' hydroxyl group, lication with currently available drugs. no additional nucleotides can be attached to them, and the synthesis of viral DNA is arrested. Two dis- primary resistance tinct mechanisms are involved in HIV resistance to Patients primarily infected with HIV strains that ex- these drugs: impairment of the incorporation of the hibit resistance to zidovudine were identified as ear- analogue into DNA and removal of the analogue ly as 1993, six years after zidovudine was introduced from the prematurely terminated DNA chain. as the first antiretroviral drug active against HIV.24 Since HAART became available in 1996, a number Impairment of Analogue Incorporation of reports have described the transmission of HIV Several mutations or groups of mutations in reverse strains with resistance to single or multiple anti- transcriptase can promote resistance by selectively retroviral drugs.5-7 The prevalence of primary HIV impairing the ability of reverse transcriptase to in- resistance appears to be quite variable in different corporate an analogue into DNA (Fig. 2A). They es- communities, but there is a trend toward an in- sentially include the M184V mutation, the Q151M crease.6,7 Although most such cases involve the complex of mutations, and the K65R mutation (Ta- transmission of strains of HIV-1 from patients in ble 2). whom resistance has developed during therapy, The M184V mutation involves the replacement some strains of HIV are naturally resistant to some of methionine by valine at position 184 of the re- antiretroviral drugs. For example, HIV type 2 (HIV-2) verse transcriptase and is the main mutation that is intrinsically resistant to most nonnucleoside confers resistance to lamivudine.31 Methionine 184 reverse-transcriptase inhibitors.25 Similarly, some is located at the heart of the catalytic site of reverse subtypes of HIV-1 can be less susceptible to pro- transcriptase, and its replacement by a valine, which tease inhibitors or nonnucleoside reverse-transcrip- has a different side chain, interferes with the proper tase inhibitors than the subtype B strains that are positioning of lamivudine triphosphate within the prevalent in the United States and Europe.26-29 More catalytic site (Fig. 1 and 2A).32 The M184V muta- information is needed on the natural susceptibility tion induces very high levels of resistance to lamivu- of non-B subtypes and on the patterns of resistance dine. When lamivudine is used as a single agent, mutations that occur in these strains, which can dif- resistant strains overtake wild-type virus in a few fer from those observed with subtype B. Because weeks,33 and when lamivudine is used as part of a non-B subtypes are dominant in Africa and Asia, failing regimen of HAART, the M184V mutation is particular care in the choice of antiretroviral regi- almost always the first mutation to emerge.34,35 mens must be exercised in those regions. The group of mutations referred to as the Q151M complex36 (Table 2) is most often selected for in mechanisms of resistance the course of the failure of regimens containing stavudine and didanosine. This pathway always Considerable progress has been made in identifying starts with the Q151M substitution, a residue lo- mutations associated with drug resistance (Table 2) cated in the immediate vicinity of the nucleotide- and in understanding the mechanisms through binding site of reverse transcriptase, and is followed which they confer resistance (Table 1). A variety of by the gradual accumulation of secondary muta- mechanisms have been identified that differ both for tions that enhance resistance and increase the ac-

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Table 2. Mutations Involved in Resistance of HIV to Nucleoside Analogues, Nonnucleoside Reverse-Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs), and Protease Inhibitors.*

Mutation Comments

Reverse transcriptase Mutations conferring resistance to nucleoside Family of mutations known as thymidine analogue mutations analogues Associated with resistance to most nucleoside analogues except lamivudine M41L In vitro, cause high-level resistance to zidovudine and low-level resistance to stavudine, D67N didanosine, and abacavir K70R Segregate in two pathways, one comprising T215Y and L210W and the other T215F and L210W K219Q T215Y, T215F Pathway comprising T215Y and L210W associated with decreased responsiveness to K219Q, K219E tenofovir M184V Observed in most viruses resistant to treatment with lamivudine Confers high-level resistance to lamivudine in vitro Can interfere with resistance to zidovudine and stavudine when number of thymidine analogue mutations is small Increases the level of resistance to didanosine and abacavir owing to thymidine analogue mutations Q151M Rare pathway for resistance of HIV-1 to nucleoside analogues F116Y In vitro, cause high-level resistance to most nucleoside analogues except lamivudine and F77L tenofovir V75I A62V 69 Insertion mutations Insertion of 2 or more amino acids (usually serines) next to codon 69 Emerge only in viruses that already have several thymidine analogue mutations Confer high-level resistance to all nucleoside analogues K65R Selected for by zalcitabine, abacavir, and tenofovir therapy Y115F Selected for by abacavir therapy L74V Selected for by didanosine therapy, usually when didanosine is the only nucleoside analogue Mutations conferring resistance to NNRTIs K103N Mutation most frequently selected for by efavirenz therapy Occasionally selected for by nevirapine therapy Confers high-level resistance to all available NNRTIs Y181C Mutations most frequently selected by nevirapine Y188C Confers high-level resistance to nevirapine but lower-level resistance to efavirenz V108I Y188L, unlike Y188C, seen mostly with efavirenz therapy L100I Mutations that accumulate during prolonged ineffective therapy with most NNRTIs V106A G190A, G190S

tivity of the enzyme.37 The Q151M complex is rela- Removal of the Analogue from tively rare in HIV-1 (fewer than 5 percent of all HIV the Terminated DNA Chain strains with resistance to nucleoside analogues) but Removal of the nucleoside analogue from the ter- can confer high-level resistance to most — but not minated DNA chain is associated with a group of all (e.g., lamivudine and tenofovir) — analogues.36 mutations commonly termed “thymidine analogue Interestingly, the Q151M complex is markedly more mutations” (Table 2). Mutations from this group frequent in HIV-2 than in HIV-1. are most frequently selected for after the failure of The K65R mutation is seen with increasing fre- drug combinations that include thymidine ana- quency in patients in whom therapy with nucleoside logues, such as zidovudine and stavudine, but they or nucleotide analogues fails, especially when the can promote resistance to almost all nucleoside regimen includes tenofovir or abacavir. This muta- and nucleotide analogues, including tenofovir.38-41 tion appears to confer resistance to most analogues, These mutations occur gradually, and their order with the exception of zidovudine. of emergence can vary.10,42 Thymidine analogue

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Table 2. (Continued.)

Mutation Comments

Protease and gag mutations L90M Frequent resistance mutation, observed during failure of therapy with most protease inhibitors Mutation most frequently selected for by saquinavir therapy V82A, V82T, V82F Common resistance mutations Can emerge early during failure of therapy with most protease inhibitors Mutations most frequently selected for by ritonavir and indinavir therapy D30N Mutations most frequently selected for by nelfinavir therapy N88D, N88S D30N always first L10I, L10F Mutations that can accumulate during failure of therapy with most protease inhibitors, K20R, K20M causing gradual increases in the level of resistance M36I M46I, M46L I54V, 154L A71V, A71T G73S V77I M93L I84V Frequently found after prolonged ineffective therapy with protease inhibitors Associated with high-level resistance to most protease inhibitors G48V Exclusively selected for by saquinavir therapy Associated with high-level resistance to saquinavir L24I Emerges occasionally during failure of indinavir therapy Also found with lopinavir therapy I47V, I50V Most often selected for by amprenavir therapy Also found with lopinavir therapy V32I, F53L Rare mutations Confer high-level resistance to most protease inhibitors A431V Mutations in gag, the main viral substrate of the protease L449F Increase resistance and partially compensate for resistance-associated loss of viral replica- tive capacity

* Mutations are designated according to the letter of the wild-type amino acid that is subject to substitution, followed in turn by the position of that amino acid in the reverse transcriptase or protease sequence and by the letter of the mutant amino acid. For example, M184V indicates that methionine at position 184 is replaced by a valine. A complete description of HIV drug-resistance mutations and the latest information on their interpretation can be found at and

mutations promote resistance by fostering ATP- or creased by the presence of other mutations in re- pyrophosphate-mediated removal of nucleoside an- verse transcriptase, a phenomenon that has been alogues from the 3' end of the terminated DNA best described in the case of the M184V mutation.47 strand (Fig. 2B).43,44 ATP and pyrophosphate, which As a consequence, M184V slows the selection of are abundant in normal lymphocytes, do not partic- thymidine analogue mutations by thymidine ana- ipate in the DNA-polymerization reaction, but the logues41 and may slightly increase the residual anti- structure of a reverse transcriptase expressing thymi- viral activity of some nucleoside analogues in spite dine analogue mutations facilitates their entry into of the presence of thymidine analogue mutations. a site adjacent to the incorporated analogue.45,46 In this position, ATP or pyrophosphate can attack the resistance to nonnucleoside phosphodiester bond that links the analogue to reverse-transcriptase inhibitors DNA, resulting in removal of the analogue (Fig. 2B). Nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors are Interestingly, the efficiency of this process, also small molecules that have a strong affinity for a hy- known as “primer rescue,” can be significantly de- drophobic pocket located close to the catalytic do-

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tional protease, viral particles are produced, but they Mutation conferring resistance to nucleoside and nucleotide analogues are immature and are not infectious. The protease Mutation conferring resistance of HIV is a symmetrically assembled homodimer to NNRTIs with a central, symmetric, substrate-binding cavity NNRTI- Active site of polymerase (Fig. 3A). Detailed knowledge of the structure of binding site this domain and of the structure of the natural pro- RNA template tein substrates of the enzyme has led to the design of specific inhibitors whose chemical structure mimics that of the viral peptides that are normally p66 subunit recognized and cleaved by the protease.54,55 These compounds display a strong affinity for the active site of the HIV protease and inhibit the catalytic ac- tivity of the enzyme in a highly selective manner. DNADNA Resistance to protease inhibitors is the conse- quence of amino acid substitutions that emerge ei- ther inside the substrate-binding domain of the en- zyme or at distant sites56-58 (Table 2 and Fig. 3A). p51 subunit Directly or indirectly, these amino acid changes modify the number and the nature of the points of Figure 1. Complex of HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase with an RNA–DNA Duplex. contact between the inhibitors and the protease, 59-62 Reverse transcriptase is a heterodimer comprising two subunits: p66, which thereby reducing their affinity for the enzyme. includes the catalytic site, which has three key aspartic acid residues (D110, As an example, the common resistance mutation D185, and D186), and p51, which does not include domains that are directly V82A reduces the size of an amino acid residue in involved in the polymerization reaction. NNRTI denotes nonnucleoside re- the protease that is more important for binding verse-transcriptase inhibitors. Modified from a figure generated by Dr. David Stammers, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom. most inhibitors than for binding the natural viral protein substrate (Fig. 3A).62 Protease inhibitors have been designed to bind the protease with max- main of the reverse transcriptase (Fig. 1 and 4). The imal affinity and tend to occupy more space inside binding of the inhibitors affects the flexibility of the the active site cavity than do natural substrates. Un- enzyme, thereby blocking its ability to synthesize like the inhibitors, the natural substrates of the pro- DNA.48 The mutations that are selected for after tease have a variable, but generally less tight, inter- the failure of treatment with nonnucleoside reverse- action with the catalytic site, a phenomenon that transcriptase inhibitors are all located in the pocket promotes the ordered sequential cleavage of the targeted by these compounds, and they reduce the polyproteins required for proper assembly of the vi- affinity of the drug.48-53 Because of subtle differenc- ral particle. Resistance mutations in the protease, es in the interaction between various nonnucleoside which result in an overall enlargement of the cata- reverse-transcriptase inhibitors and the hydropho- lytic site of the enzyme (Fig. 3B), would thus be bic pocket,51 however, the mutations that emerge predicted to have a greater effect on the binding of most frequently are somewhat drug-dependent (Ta- inhibitors than the natural templates. ble 2). Resistance to nevirapine is often associated Some mutations are selected for only by certain with the Y181C mutation, but other mutations, such protease inhibitors (Table 2), reflecting particulari- as Y188C, K103N, G190A, and V106A, also occur. ties in the chemical structure of the inhibitors that Initial resistance to efavirenz is generally character- influence their interaction with the substrate-bind- ized by the K103N mutation, but the Y188L muta- ing domain of the enzyme. However, there is con- tion is also seen. siderable overlap between the combinations of mutations in HIV strains that develop resistance to resistance to protease inhibitors protease inhibitors. This overlap explains the wide The HIV protease cleaves large polyprotein precur- cross-resistance that is generally observed within sors at specific sites, releasing the structural pro- this drug class.9,12,63 Remarkably, resistance to pro- teins and enzymes necessary for the assembly of tease inhibitors can also be promoted by mutations infectious viral particles. In the absence of a func- in some of the natural viral substrates of the pro-

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Figure 2. The Two Principal Mechanisms of Resistance A of HIV to Nucleoside Analogues. Resistance by Interference with the Incorporation of a Nucleoside Analogue In Panel A, the incorporation of a nucleoside analogue Reverse Viral DNA chain into drug-sensitive viruses results in the termination of transcriptase terminated the viral DNA chain. Mutations in drug-resistant viruses prevent the incorporation of the nucleoside analogue Drug-sensitive virus Nucleoside into the growing viral DNA chain. In Panel B, ATP in analogue drug-sensitive viruses does not have access to a reverse transcriptase that has formed a complex with a nucleo- DNA side analogue. Mutations that cause resistance to nucle- oside analogues, referred to as thymidine analogue mu- tations, allow ATP to bind reverse transcriptase near the RNA 3' end of viral DNA terminated by the incorporation of a nucleoside analogue. ATP then excises the analogue Viral DNA chain Mutation from viral DNA, allowing reverse transcription to pro- not terminated ceed normally. Drug-resistant virus

tease.64-66 Characteristic substitutions of amino acids near cleavage sites of the gag polyprotein have been identified that can increase the level of resis- tance and the replicative capacity of the virus by fa- B cilitating cleavage under conditions in which the Resistance by ATP-Mediated Excision of the Nucleoside Analogue amount of active enzyme is suboptimal or improv- Reverse ing the ability of proteases containing resistance transcriptase mutations to interact with the substrate. Drug-sensitive virus ATP resistance to fusion inhibitors

HIV-1 enters target cells through an intricate se- DNA quence of interactions between the HIV envelope glycoprotein (gp) complex (gp120–gp41) and spe- RNA cific -surface receptors.67 The early steps in this process allow gp41, the fusogenic component of Drug-resistant virus ATP the complex, to interact with the cell membrane, thereby tethering the virus to its target. The mem- Thymidine analogue branes of the virus and target cell are then brought mutations allow ATP into close proximity, fostering their fusion, by fur- to bind to reverse transcriptase ther rearrangement of gp41. In this step, a distal hydrophobic region of gp41, HR2, folds onto a more proximal hydrophobic region, HR1, effective- ly shortening the molecule. Enfuvirtide, a 36-amino- acid peptide derived from HR2, destabilizes this Excision of nucleoside analogue from viral process by binding to HR1 and blocks the infectiv- DNA by ATP ity of HIV-1. Viral resistance to enfuvirtide usually results from mutations located in a stretch of 10 amino acids within HR1.68,69 Interestingly, changes in amino acids in gp41 outside HR1 — and even changes in gp120 — appear to be associated with significant differences in the susceptibility of the virus to enfuvirtide.70,71 These mutations or poly- morphisms probably explain the remarkably wide

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mutations that have been selected for by the use of A another drug. Cross-resistance is always restricted Ile54 Met46 to drugs within a given class of antiretroviral agents, Gly48 Met46 but all three classes of antiretroviral drugs are af- fected. Early in the evolution of resistance to nucleo- Ritonavir Gly48 side analogues or protease inhibitors, viruses may Val82 Val82 have only a low level of cross-resistance to alter- Asp30 Ile84 Ile84 Asp30 native agents within each of these two classes of drugs.10,12 Nevertheless, these strains may need to Leu10 add only one or a few additional mutations to this Leu10 preexisting scaffolding for high-level cross-resis- Asn88 Ala71 Leu90 Ala71 tance to develop. Therefore, in patients infected Leu90 with strains that have low levels of cross-resistance, the switch to apparently active alternative drugs can be accompanied by rapid selection for highly resis- tant variants, at the expense of minimal evolutionary 73,74 B changes. Drug-sensitive protease Drug-resistant protease evolution of resistance

Resistance is not an all-or-nothing phenomenon and generally increases over time.10,75,76 Single mu- tations rarely produce complete resistance to anti- retroviral drugs, although the M184V mutation in reverse transcriptase, which results in complete re- sistance to lamivudine, is an exception to this rule. Single mutations in the hydrophobic pocket of re- verse transcriptase also provide strong resistance to nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors, but the viral strains in patients in whom regimens using these drugs are failing often incur additional mutations, suggesting that the level of resistance Figure 3. HIV-1 Protease Dimer Binding with a Protease Inhibitor (Panel A) 50,77 and a Drug-Sensitive (Wild-Type) Protease Juxtaposed against a Drug-Resis- provided by single mutations is not optimal. tant Protease (Panel B). Resistance to reverse-transcriptase inhibitors Panel A shows the amino acid chains of both subunits of the protease. The through the accumulation of thymidine analogue protease inhibitor (ritonavir) occupies the central substrate-binding domain mutations or Q151M complex mutations and re- of the enzyme. The sites of amino acid residues most frequently involved in sistance to protease inhibitors are always gradual resistance to protease inhibitors are shown as red beads. The designation of processes, leading to progressive increases in the the corresponding residues is written in red for the first subunit of the protease 58,78 and in blue for the other subunit. In Panel B, the substrate-binding cavity con- level of resistance. Nonetheless, even after sev- tains a protease inhibitor (lopinavir) in the context of either the sensitive pro- eral mutations have accumulated in the HIV pro- tease (green) or the resistant protease (red). Modified from figures generated tease and reverse transcriptase sufficient to produce by Dr. Ladislau Kovari, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit. patent treatment failure, resistance may not have reached maximal levels, and additional mutations, associated with increases in resistance, can occur range of natural susceptibility to enfuvirtide among even in the absence of any changes in treatment.75 HIV-1 strains70-72 and could participate in the evo- Indeed, the development of complete resistance lution of acquired resistance to enfuvirtide. may represent an exception. Because resistance mu- tations can impair viral replicative capacity, the so- cross-resistance lution adopted by the dominant viral population may entail making concessions in terms of resis- Cross-resistance, defined as resistance to drugs to tance. Efforts are being made to evaluate the antivi- which a virus has never been exposed, results from ral activity retained by individual drugs in the face

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medical progress of resistance mutations. Such knowledge may help in the treatment of patients infected with viruses that express resistance to multiple classes of drugs, NNRTI since keeping HIV under some pharmacologic pres- Reverse transcriptase sure may reduce its pathogenic potential. Pocket Drug-sensitive virus effect of resistance on viral replicative and pathogenic capacity DNA

Many resistance mutations impair viral replication. RNA Because these mutations modify key viral proteins, NNRTI they have deleterious effects of variable extent on binding protein function. Although some of these deficits Drug-sensitive virus can be partially corrected by compensatory muta- DNA tions,57,79 viruses forced to develop higher levels of polymerization blocked resistance under intense and continuous pressure by antiretroviral drugs often have a substantial im- pairment in their replicative capacity.75 The degree of replicative impairment conferred by resistance NNRTI mutations is highly variable. The most crippling binding mutations appear to be those associated with resis- blocked 65,80-82 tance to protease inhibitors, but significant Drug-resistant virus replicative defects can be related to mutations in re- Normal DNA verse transcriptase that confer resistance to nucleo- polymerization side analogues or nonnucleoside reverse-transcrip- tase inhibitors,83,84 as well as envelope mutations associated with resistance to enfuvirtide. The clinical effect of resistance-associated loss of viral replicative capacity is the subject of intense Figure 4. Mechanism of Resistance of HIV to Nonnucleoside Reverse- Transcriptase Inhibitors. investigation. Several observations suggest that re- Nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) have a strong sistant viruses have lost some of their virulence. affinity for a pocket next to the active site of reverse transcriptase. In drug- When antiretroviral treatment is interrupted in pa- sensitive viruses, NNRTIs bind this pocket and block the polymerization of tients infected with HIV that is resistant to multiple DNA by reverse transcriptase. In drug-resistant viruses, mutations prevent drugs, the resistant strain is more or less rapidly re- the binding of NNRTIs, allowing DNA polymerization to proceed normally. placed by wild-type virus. This change is accompa- nied by a drop in CD4 T-cell counts, suggesting that wild-type virus has a greater replicative and patho- minority and archived genic potential.85 In a significant proportion of pa- populations of virus tients in whom HAART is failing, the CD4 T-cell counts remain significantly above pretreatment The dominant population of resistant virus in the levels, despite the poor control of replication.86-88 plasma does not always reflect the complex diversi- Whether this apparent immunologic benefit of ty of viral quasispecies in patients in whom HAART HAART in spite of patent virologic failure is the is failing. Like the viral populations present in un- direct consequence of reduced viral pathogenicity, treated HIV-infected persons,18 those present in a sign of persistent residual activity of some drugs patients in whom therapy is failing remain quite in the regimen, or both, remains to be elucidated. heterogeneous.89,90 Minority populations of virus Consequently, therapeutic strategies that take ad- expressing a variety of distinct combinations of re- vantage of resistance-associated loss of HIV repli- sistance mutations are generally present and can cative capacity have yet to be identified. continue to evolve.91 Thus, these populations serve

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as a reservoir for the generation of novel resistance tion is not completely suppressed,73,74 the exist- genotypes that can ultimately supplant the previous- ence of confounding variables such as the pharma- ly dominant population. Furthermore, throughout cokinetics of individual drugs, and the presence of the natural history of HIV infection, viral genomes species of archived or minority viruses with alterna- are continually being archived as latently integrated tive resistance profiles,89-91 which are usually not proviruses in resting cells.92,93 When patients in detected by the assays. Prospective, randomized whom drug resistance has developed are treated studies have examined the clinical benefit of drug- with alternative agents for long periods, the muta- resistance testing.97,98 These studies evaluated pa- tions associated with resistance to the initially pre- tients infected with viruses in different stages of the scribed drugs are often no longer detectable in virus- evolution of resistance and have yielded somewhat es obtained from plasma samples. Nevertheless, if conflicting results, but most have demonstrated therapy with these drugs is later resumed, archived that genotypic testing provides at least a moderate resistant strains can reemerge,94,95 as the cells har- benefit. boring these viruses become activated. perspectives testing for drug resistance As the inevitable consequence of the incomplete When plasma viral load rises in spite of therapy, it suppression of HIV-1 replication by antiretroviral is currently recommended that antiretroviral treat- drugs, resistance is a permanent threat for patients ment be changed quickly.96,97 Because cross-resis- who are undergoing antiretroviral treatment, and tance between antiretroviral drugs within each class transmission of resistant viruses is becoming an is frequent, changes in treatment cannot be based important concern. Prevention of resistance is a on the simple assumption that HIV will remain sus- priority that requires unrelenting patient education ceptible to alternative drugs within a class that the regarding the risks of resistance and the use of im- patient has previously received. In an effort to facil- proved drug regimens that ensure optimal toler- itate the selection of efficacious alternative regi- ance, adherence, and potency. Once established, mens, resistance tests evaluating the susceptibility resistance evolves, diversifies, and may become ir- of HIV to individual antiretroviral drugs have been reversible. Nonetheless, new drugs are becoming developed. Two types of assays are currently avail- available that appear to retain substantial antiviral able: genotypic assays, which detect the presence of activity against HIV-1 strains that are resistant to resistance mutations, and phenotypic assays, which multiple drugs. These are either drugs from existing measure the susceptibility of the virus to various classes that have increased potency and improved drugs in tissue-culture systems. A number of retro- pharmacokinetic properties or drugs from new spective studies have attempted to validate the clin- classes that are not susceptible to cross-resistance. ical relevance of the results of resistance tests.97,98 Although preliminary data indicate that viral resis- In general, resistance to a drug has been found to tance to these new drugs can also develop,99,100 the be associated with reduced responsiveness of HIV lessons learned about the development of viral to the drug in vivo, but the finding of apparent sus- resistance to the currently available antiretroviral ceptibility on resistance testing is a somewhat less drugs may prove helpful in devising treatment strat- reliable predictor of a good response. This common egies with optimized antiviral potency that can min- observation can be explained by a number of fac- imize the development of resistance to these new tors, including the imprecision of some of the as- agents. says, the short evolutionary distance required for Dr. Clavel reports having served as a consultant for GlaxoSmith- some initially susceptible viruses to develop full Kline, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Bioalliance Pharma; holding stock in Bioalliance Pharma; and serving as a lecturer for GlaxoSmith- cross-resistance to the new agents if viral replica- Kline, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Roche, and Gilead.

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