1 e n i z a g a M s l r i G

T y t t e r Published for the Most Beautiful Girls In The World P

A publication of the Pretty T Girls Yahoo Group e h December 2018 T 2 Barbara Barbie Miss Pretty T Girls 2018 Wishes You A Very Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year! 3 In This Issue


Editorial by Barbara Jean 4 Yes Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus 5 A Woman’s version of The Night Before Christmas 6 Jazz Jennings Has A Complication During Gender Surgery 7 Planet ` 9 More Than 50 Companies Support Transgender Rights 10 For Many Trans Women, Passing is Survival 12 Bluestocking Blue 16 The Adventures of Judy Sometimes 20 Carol’s Chats 21 Módhnóirí 23 Every Type of Mascara Wand 27 4 Mascara Tricks For The Best Lashes Ever 30 20 Eye Makeup Tips For Beginners 32 Christmas Humor 36 Humor 37 Angels In The Centerfold 38 Mellissa’s Tips 39 Diana Sikes 44 Fashion For Trans Girls Over 50 46 10 Style Errors That Make You Look Older 47 Tasi’s Fashion News 49 Hacks For High Heels 53 What Happens ToYour Body When You Wear Heels 55 Ladylike Laws: Gift Giving Etiquette 57 Lucille Sorella 59 From The Kitchen 66 Betty Crocker Taste Not Waste Initiative 71 Four Ways To Make Baking At Home Not So Intimidating 74 The Gossip Fence 76 Shop Till You Drop 84 Calendar 93 4

Here Comes Santa Claus An Editorial by: Barbara Jean

Well Santa is a rather busyman these days. He has beenmaking thatlistand yes he is checking it twice to see just who has been naughty and who has been nice. Of course he will have some nice presents for those who have been nice and for those who have been naughty, well there is the lumps of coal.

Of course the elections are now over and itseems it was amixfor Washington. In the house there was lots of coal for the republicans. Now the question is howmanyand what presents are the people going to get now that the democrats have control there.

Things aren’t so good in the senate. Seems there the presents went to the republicans. The Grinch (Mitch McConnel) has vowed to get more conservative judges appointed. .He may get his chance to further bias thesupreme court against us and women for as I write this a news report indicated that Justice Gingsburg Had a fall in her office and broke 3 ribs. This could mean a lot of coal for Members of the LGBT (especiallythe transgender) and for women. The democrats did campaign on health care so we will have to see what if any presents are given to the people there..

For the Scrooge President Pinocchio (aka Trump) well it does look like Santa did give him some presents, but not sure just what. But from the looks of things in congress, well he will have plenty of coal coming.

Some really nice presents have been given to us in Masachusetts as the attempt to overturn the law that allows us to use the restroom that matches our gender got defeated. This can be some reallygood news for us as perhaps it willmake it harder for the anti LGBT to get similar bills passed in otherstates where we have been given equality. In Colorado theyhave elected a gayman to be the governor. Iwonder ifthere will be coal there for the baker who does not want to make wedding cakes for same sex couples or for transgender people. Some presents also wentto the LGBTin thatKim Davis,the clerk who wentto jail for refusing to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple lost her bid for re-election

In Vermont it seems that Santa has brought coal to Christine Hallquist the transgender candidate for governor as she did not win her election.

A Late report shows that Krysten Sinema Has won the Arizona Senate seat. A democrat and member of the LGBT community.

Santa seemed to be very nice with the women who ran for office, and many of them did make historyas being the first. But too Santa was sort of nice to the LGBT with the Rainbow wave.

Oh what will that poor little boyin the Oval Office do with so manyLGBT Members in both the house and senate. 5 Yes, Virginia ... There is a Santa Claus Editorial of The NewYork Sun |

We take pleasure in answering thus prominently the communication below, expressing at the same time our great gratification that its faithful author is numbered among the friends of The Sun:

Dear Editor— I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, "If y ou see it in The Sun, it's so." Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus? Virginia O'Hanlon 115 West Ninety Fifth Street

Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They donot believe except they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this great universe of ours, man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge.

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and dev otion exist, and you know that they abound and give toy our life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were noVirginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance tomake tolerable this existence.

We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The external light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.

Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies. You might get y our papa to hire men towatch in all the chimneys on Christmas Eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if y ou did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Didy ou ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all thewonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world.

You tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived could tear apart. Only faith, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding.

No Santa Claus! Thank God! He lives and lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay 10 times 10,000 years from now, he will continue tomake glad the heart of childhood. 6 A WOMAN'S VERSION OF THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the kitchen; I was cooking and baking and moanin' and bitchin'. I've been here for hours, I can't stop to rest. This room's a disaster, just look at this mess! Tomorrow I've got thirty people to feed.

They expect all the trimmings. Who cares what I need! My feet are both blistered, I've got cramps in my legs. The cat just knocked over a bowl full of eggs. There's a knock at the door and the telephone's ringing. Frosting drips on the counter as the microwave's dinging. Two pies in the oven, dessert's almost done; My cookbook is soiled with butter and crumbs.

I've had all I can stand, I can't take anymore; Then in walks my husband, spilling rum on the floor. He weaves and he wobbles, his balance unsteady; then grins as he chuckles "The egg nog is ready!" He looks all around and with total regret, says, "What's taking so long....aren't you through in here yet?"

As quick as a flash I reach for a knife; He loses an earlobe; I wanted his life! He flees from the room in terror and pain and screams, "MY GOD WOMAN, YOU'RE GOING INSANE!!"

Now what was I doing, and what is that smell? Oh darn it's the pies! They're burned all to hell!

I hate to admit when I make a mistake, but I put them on BROIL instead of on BAKE. What else can go wrong? Is there still more ahead? If this is good living, I'd rather be dead.

Lord, don't get me wrong, I love holidays; It just leaves me exhausted, all shaky and dazed. But I promise you one thing, If I live 'til next year, You won't find me pulling my hair out in here. I'll hire a maid, a cook, and a waiter; and if that doesn't work, I'LL HAVE IT ALL CATERED! HAPPY HOLIDAYS !!!! 7 Jazz Jennings Says She Had A ‘Complication’ During Her Gender Confirmation Surgery

By Korin Miller

"There's nothing else after this. I just get to be myself."

Jazz Jennings revealed she suffered from a complication during her gender confirmation surgery she had in June of this year. Jazz, 18, said the complication was "only cosmetic and external," so her life wasn't in danger. Gender confirmation surgery can help give transgender individuals the appearance and functional abilities of the gender they identify as.

TLC star Jazz Jennings revealed back in June that she was preparing toundergo gender confirmation surgery. Now, she says, she’shadit and she’sthrilledwith the results—but it wasn’t a seamless process.

Jazz, 18, who was assigned male at birth but identifies as female, said her surgery was "like a dream" during an interview with ABC News Monday. “This is a moment that I had always envisioned and just experiencing it was so surreal," she said. "I was like, I can’t believe this is happening.”

Jazz said the surgery (which took place in June) was something she’d wanted for a long time. “When Iwas2years old, Iwent uptomy mom andaskedher, ‘When is thegood fairy going to come with her magic wand and change my penis into a vagina?'” she said.

But not everything went according to plan. “There was just an unfortunate event and setback where things did come apart, and there was a complication,” she said, without going into details. “I had tocome back in for another procedure, but it was just all part of the journey. The good thing though is that it was only cosmetic and external so it wasn’t too dramatic.”

Jazz said her surgeon alsorequested that she lose 30 pounds before going under the knife. “That was really, really challenging because I had an addiction to food,” she said. “And it was something that gave me comfort. And I had tolet that go because the surgery is somuch more important tome than any slice of cake or pizza.”

Hold on, tell me more about gender confirmation surgery.

Gender confirmation surgery is a surgical procedure that can help "give transgender individuals the physical appearance and functional abilities of the gender they know themselves to be," 8 according tothe American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).

For a male-to-female transition, gender confirmation surgery may include facial surgery, top surgery (to construct and shape breasts) and/or bottom surgery, toreconstruct male genitalia to female genitalia, according tothe ASPS. What kind of surgery a person gets depends on their specific desires, and not all transgender people choose tohave surgery, according to GLAAD.

Jazz previously revealed on her YouTube channel that she was having a vagina constructed, which is called transfeminine bottom surgery. The surgery transforms existing male genitalia and reconstructs it into female genitalia, the ASPS says.

Since Jazz began transitioning at a young age and never went through puberty, her procedure was slightly different. At age 11, Jazz had a hormone blocker implanted in her arm tohinder the growth of her penis, according tothe Daily Mail.

Because she didn't develop fully as a male, there wasn't wasn’t enough tissue in her genital area to construct a vagina. Instead, she likely underwent an “experimental” procedure that inv olved taking out her her peritoneal lining (a thin membrane that surrounds her stomach) to build the vaginal canal—something she discussed on YouTube in May before her surgery.

“I’m going tohave new genitalia…like penis tovagina…that’s some serious sh*t, y’all,” she said in the YouTube video.

Jazz, whose gender confirmation will be covered even more in the upcoming season of her show, , premiering January 1, 2019, told ABC News that she saw her surgery as the end of her transition. “I’ve gone through the whole medical process, and this is really the last thing that will validate my identity as a woman,” she said. “There is nothing else after this. I just get to be myself, be in the body that I’ve always wanted. And then I can live my life as just Jazz.” 9 Planet Transgender

Trump wants transgender people dead, creeps ahead targeting children first.

Much has been written, most of it spot on, about Trump’s anti-transgender agenda since the ‘leaked’ memowas published by the New York Times Sunday.

And yes Trump is using us as political pawns to foment hate during the midterms promising electorates that he’ll ‘erase’ us by redefining Title IV with a ‘narrow legal definition of sex’. But there’s an end game.

When it’s all said and done this racist whitenationalist wants to kill each and every one of us. And like the cowards that they are they always attack children first. The New York Times reported that the narrower definition would be acutely felt in schools and their most visible battlegrounds: locker rooms and bathrooms.

The Department of Health and Human Services is overseeing an effort to establish a legal definition of sex under Title IX, the federal law that bans gender discrimination in education programs that receivegovernment funding, The New York Times reported Sunday.

Most every transgender person had an epiphany, a sudden and striking realization after decades of denial, we had a choice, transition or die. Most of us whoare still alive today chose life andhave benefited greatly by the ev olution of society allowing us tointegrateand in many cases thrive.

Those of us whotransition decades ago did soat great peril. Many of us lost our jobs, family and became disenfranchised from church and society. Many of us have been murdered, and with increasing frequency, the past few years being records numbers.

According totdor.translivesmatter.info therehas been a record38 transgender people murdered in the USA and 352 worldwide between 1 Oct 2017 and 30 Sept. 2018.

Trump doesn’t just want toturn the clock back to when the word ‘transgender’ wasn’t mentioned. He wants to change the constitution possibly eliminating the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

It’s what white nationalists do.

The post Trump wants transgender people dead, creeps ahead targeting children first. appeared first on Planet Transgender 10 More than 50 companies release statement supporting transgender equality BY EMILY BIRNBAUM

More than 50 companies signed onto a statement released Wednesday supporting transgender equality in the wake of a report that the Trump administration is seeking to change the legal definition of "gender" to exclude transgender and non-binary people.

Fifty-six major companies, including Uber and IBM Corporation, signed onto the statement denouncing the Trump administration's proposed gender definition change.

Together, the companies represent $2.4 trillion in revenue, according to a press release.

"We, the undersigned businesses, stand with the millions of people in America who identify as transgender, gender non-binary, or intersex, and call for all such people to be treated with the respect and dignity everyone deserves," the statement begins.

"We oppose any administrative and legislative efforts to erase transgender protections through reinterpretation of existing laws and regulations," it continues. "We also fundamentally oppose any policy or regulation that violates the privacy 11 rights of those that identify as transgender, gender non-binary, or intersex." The business leaders in the statement call diversity and inclusion "good for business."

Fourteen LGBTQ organizations, led by (HRC) and Out Leadership, organized the effort to collect signatures from the businesses.

"We will continue advocating for Congress to pass the Equality Act and ensure transgender individuals are treated equally under the law,” Vice President of IBM Corporation Tia Silas said in a statement.

Transgender rights groups have been protesting en masse since The New York Times report earlier this month revealed the Trump administration is considering a change to the legal definition of gender that would exclude transgender people from civil rights protections in health care, education, housing, medicine and more.

The Times reported that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is proposing a definition of gender that relies solely on one's biological characteristics. Under this definition, transgender and non-binary people, whose gender identity does not match the one they were assigned at birth, would not be recognized by the federal government.

HHS is reportedly proposing multiple agencies adopt this new definition, which would result in transgender people being written out of multiple civil rights programs. LGBTQ advocates have noted that multiple courts have upheld civil rights protections for transgender and non-binary individuals, though the Department of Justice last week told the Supreme Court in a brief that it is lawful to discriminate against transgender employees based on their gender identity.

"Transgender people are our beloved family members and friends, and our valued team members," the companies wrote in the statement. "What harms transgender people harms our companies." 12 For Many Trans Women, "Passing" Isn't Just Cosmetic — It's Survival KELSEYCASTAÑON

Nicole walked intoa northern Virginia nightclub ready to party. She was dressed tothe nines, in her highest heels, a tight-fitted dress, and a padded bra. As she danced through the crowd, she introduced herself — in the hyper-feminine v oice she'd spent months practicing — as a 21 - year-old woman from Connecticut. It was the first time she publicly used she/her pronouns. And, much toher surprise, people totally bought it.

The story wasn't entirely true, of course. At the time, "Nicole"was actually a 16-year-old trans woman and YouTube makeup artist named Nikita Dragun — who, in that moment, realized that she "passed" as the gender she identifies with. For so many people in the throes of the isolating, scary, and often dangerous process of transitioning, this passing stage means validation, acceptance and relief. More than anything, though, it means survival. Just this year alone, more than 300 trans peopleacross the globe, the majority of whom were women, were murdered in hate crimes.

"People often fear what they don't understand, and attack what they fear," says Gabrielle Hermosa, public speaker, human rights advocate, and trans woman. "Not passing can be very stressful, debilitating even. Those of us who do not enjoy passing privilege draw more un- wanted attention and judgement in public."

Adds Dragun, "It took mea while toget to this stage because the fear of being 'clocked' — when someone misgenders y ou or outs y ou — was too scary. Once I accepted that yes, that will happen at somepoint, Iwasableto feel more comfortable." More Than A Passing Phase For trans women, there's far more that goes into "passing" than just changing your clothes or cosmetics. Many turn to laser hair removal, breast augmentation, facial feminization procedures, tracheal shave surgery, and hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Because most insurance providers don't cover a full gender transition — which can cost up to $100,000, Hermosa says — getting there on your own requires a massive financial investment that can take years.

The first step for many trans women is wearing makeup, but because of how gendered that world is, it's not as easy as just walking intoa Sephora. "There is a huge stigma behind makeup, that it's just for one gender, and most of my clients feel judged if they shop for it in store because they aren't fitting the stereotype of peoplewhowear makeup," says Jessica Blackler, makeup artist and founder of Jecca, a line designed specifically with trans people in mind.

On top of that, most of the tutorials and advice out thereare created specifically to flatter already -feminine features. "At first, makeup was a bit disheartening since my facewas so masculine," says Brooke Dangler, a transgender woman in her first year of HRT. "But I've started to enjoy it more as I'v e softened over time and started to develop my look." 13 Most commonly, the biggest struggle is facial hair growth — andhow toremove it or cover it before or during hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Even with multiple rounds of laser hair removal or electrolysis, complaints of stubble or a five o'clock shadow are consistent. Dragun says she used orange correctors underneath her foundation to cancel out the undertones in the beard area. "It was very stressful worrying about facial hair when trying to be passable — I always kept a razor nearby in case I needed to touch up," adds Erin Kettl, a trans woman and the executive director of TRANScending Barriers Atlanta. "Now I love not having toworry about it. Every guy I have ever talked or been intimate with has alway s rubbed my face. I think it's a subliminal thing men doto see how smooth and woman-like a trans woman is."

Facing The "In Between" After makeup and before invasive surgery,many trans peoplewill turn to a highly precise cocktail of fillers and Botox tomake their features more feminine or masculine. "Most transgender people donot want to look in-between," explains Dr. Alexander Rivkin, MD, a cosmetic surgeon in Los Angeles. "We use Botox toreduce muscles of the jaw and minimize a heavier brow; fillers to change the shape of the cheeks, nose, and chin, as well as toround out a flat forehead. All of these tweaks make a big difference." 14 Dangler is undergoing non-surgical feminization with Dr. Rivkin, and has just begun seeing the cumulative effectives of the procedures. "There are times I barely recognize my old face," she says. "I instinctively gasp at the mirror and start laughing — that reflex-like feeling is the best in the world, because I know that I'm doing what's right for me."

Finding A Sense Of Self Hurdling that line between traditional "male" or "female" identifiers can be, for some trans people, the most frustrating part of their transition. When the eventual tipping point of being recognized for the correct gender begins tohappen, it can feel like a weight has been lifted. "Right now I'm 10 months into hormones and dressing fairly androgynously," Dangler says. "I'm still getting addressed as sir, but with quizzical looks — so that makes me happy."

After countless painful conversations, doctor's appointments, surgeries, medications, or injections, this breakthrough is when many trans people feel like they can finally begin tolive their truth — and even have a little fun. After all, when somany hairstyles, clothes, or beauty products have been considered off limits, it becomes a liberating opportunity for expression.

"Itriedtomakeitvery apparent that Iwasa woman,which tomemeantwearing super- revealing outfits," Dragun says. "I experimented with wigs, padding, and voices. Iwould put on the biggest lashes, the brightest lipstick, the tallest heels — everything was over the top in the beginning. I piled on somuch makeup, Iwas practically a drag queen."

It's a scenariomany can relate to, whether you discovered your own personal style at 15 years old or 30. After a while, Kettl stopped wearing clothing deemed unisex ("I learned that clothes that weren't 'feminine' just worked against me," she says) and adopted a "less is more" mentality with makeup. Dragun eventually got to that point, too: "Now that I'm at the passing stage, I know I could walk outside with just moisturizer on and it will be okay," she says. Looking Ahead While passing does make moving about society easier, that's not the only reason somany trans people desire it. "The outside world only sees us part 15 of thetime, whilewehaveto exist in our bodies100% of thetime,"Her- mosa says. "There's no escaping how it feels. Every mirror, window, or any - thing that reflects our image reminds us ofthemutatedform weinhabit."

In the end, the physical transition and surgical procedures are only the tip of the iceberg, and it's important to remember that change hastohappen on the inside, too. "Being 'passable' is only a goal if you make it one," Kettl says. "Being transgender is knowing and loving the person you are."

Welcome to MyIdentity. The road to owning your identity is rarely easy. In this yearlong program, we will celebrate that journey and explore how the choices wemakeon theoutside reflect whatwe’re feeling on the inside — and the important role fashion and beauty play in helping people find and express who they are. Photos courtesy of subjects. 16 Bluestocking Blue By: Vivienne Cloudy, with a chance of insights

Ask yourself this question. The answer will be potentiallyquite revealing. Take your time; there are no prizes. (The question is only for transgendered males!)

Would you rather be beautiful, but not necessarilypassable as a woman; or 100% passable as a woman, even if that meant you were plain?

A week or so ago, I came across a new blog, On the Science of Changing Sex, written by Cloudy. Cloudy is a 55-yr old postoperative transsexual woman who transitioned four decades ago. Cloudy's blog is all about science; so much so that it could be pretty hard going if science isn't really your thing.

My first feeling on encountering Cloudywas Aha! Here is somebody like me with whom I can have a reallyfruitful dialogue (and indeed I opened one that dayand got a response immediately). But as I read more and more of her blog, and the underlying science, I became somewhat dispirited, and it's reasonable for me here to go into some of the reasons why.

My blog here has always been about a dialogue (a dlog, rather than a blog?): about finding out more about myself, and allowing others to post their insights. Over the last year or so, I've been on a tremendous journey of insight and understanding. I've learned a great deal about myself, and about crossdressing. As you will know if you've read much of this blog, there are some themes which run right through it.

First, the theme that I don't consider myself to be all that similar to other male crossdressers out there.

Secondly, there seems to be a bewildering multiplicity of terms for people who show behaviour which is not in alignment with their birthsex. As a subtheme of this, peopleseem to become upset out of all proportion where discussion of their gender is concerned. For examples, see here and here. Cloudyherself admits that she has disallowed comments on her blog because too many of them were personal attacks on her.

Though I had read many theories and conceptual frameworks about crossdressing, I couldn't find one thatmade anysort of sense; one that "clicked". Theyall seemed to be full of psychological mumbo-jumbo. Well, now I think that's changed.

Before I go any further, let me state here that my intention is not to offend anyone, regardless 17 of their perspective; I say as much on my About Me page. Secondly, I am somewhat disturbed bywhat I've read and what it says about me. Thirdly, I believe absolutelythat science is the tool bywhich we can best make sense of the world around us. What that means is that no amount of wanting something to be true or untrue will make it so.

If you reallywant the science, head on over to Cloudy's blog and read this page. On the other hand, I intend here to chew it down a bit and present it in simpler terms.

Let's start with transsexuals. That is, people born in onesexwho decide to change sex. (All of what follows is true for males who want to become women and females who want to become men, but for simplicity we will stick with male-to-female). (For a bit of a discussion about my take on the difference between sex and gender, read the comments under this blog post). Remember, this is asimplification, but it's a helpful one.

Transsexuals fall into two groups which can be easily discerned statistically. We can call them "early transitioners" and "late transitioners". For early transitioners, they display very transgendered behaviour from a very early age (e.g. a boy will persistently act and behave like a girl, even in the fact of powerful deterrents). Theychange sexveryearly, usuallybyabout 20; andmore than 90% by25. Theydisplaypersistent sexual attraction to what theyconsider to be the "opposite"sex; that is to say, a male (who considers himself to be internallyfemale) will be attracted to males. They do not experience any sexual arousal from cross-dressing or imagin- ing themselves being or becoming the oppositesex. Of transsexuals, about 10% are in this group.

Late transitioners, on the other hand, typicallyhave gender-typical behaviour in childhood. They may experience gender dysphoria, but keep it hidden. They change sex much later, usuallyby 35-40, though with a wide range extending into old age. Theyare usuallyattracted to the opposite of their birth sex; that is to say a male (who considers himself to be internally female) will be attracted to females. They very commonly experience sexual arousal from cross -dressing, or from imagining themselves to be the opposite sex. They can commonly function well as men pre-transition, and may marry, and have children. They can be successful in masculine (even hyper-masculine) careers. Interestingly, they tend to have a higher IQ than the general population. Many of them remain attracted to women post-transition. Of transsexuals, about 90% are in this group, making such people far commoner.

So much for transsexuals, you might say. What about cross-dressers? The theory says that, for "ordinary" cross-dressers, like me, the difference between us and late-transitioners is not a matter of type, only of degree. In other words, cross-dressers and late-transitioning transsexuals are driven bythe samemotivations. Some of us go "all the way", and some of us don't.

The terminologyfrom the literature is a bit disappointing, but if you want to read just about anything on Cloudy's blog, you will need to know the basics. Early-transitioning transsexuals are commonly referred to as homosexual transsexuals, HSTS. That's not to say they are like 18 gay men, but instead that someone born a male is attracted to other males. Late-transitioning transsexuals (and transvestites) are known as autogynephilic, AGP, from the Greek meaning "someone who loves himself as a woman", a term which I slightlydisparaged inmyearlier blog post here. The reason Cloudy echoes these clumsy and unappetising terms in her blog is that these are the terms which are most commonly used in the current scientific literature.

Applying Cloudy's criteria (and you can follow hersuggested test here) to everyone I've written about on this blog yields some interesting results. Jan Hamilton, Emma Ballantyne, Richard O'Brien, Grayson Perry, Charlie Jane Anders, "My Husband" Betty Crow (the partner of Helen Boyd), Lord Cornbury, John Pepper, Vernon Coleman; all of them fit into the AGP side. Jaye Davidson alone escapes: he isn't naturally a crossdresser, just an androgynous man who got a job once as an actress. It's much harder to categorise Billy Tipton, since Cloudy's questionnaire was designed for male-to-female transgendered people.

And there is one more person on this blog who fits into the AGP side: me. This brings me back to the question at the opening of this blog post, which was posed bysexologist Dr. Anne Lawrence, and quoted in Cloudy's blog post here. So what's your answer? Mine, if I am honest, is that it's more important (for me) to be beautiful than to be passable. I've been askingmyself whythis is myanswer for abouttwo weeks now,and the bestanswer Ican come up with is that I fit the AGP side of the model. As an alternative (but less subtle) question, ask yourself: have I ever felt sexually aroused by cross-dressing? If the answer is "yes" (and for me, it is; it so is), then that strongly suggests an AGP makeup.

So much of this model fits. It fits with whyI think high heels aresexy. It explains Charlie Jane Anders' quote "What's the difference between a transvestite and a transsexual? About two years." It neatly sidesteps all the different bloody terminology (which seems intended to confuse and obfuscate) for people born male who wear women's clothing ("There is more that unites us than divides us" is a frequent refrain of mine anyway). It fits Helen Boyd's painful and forthright observations about some crossdressers: eternally selfish, frequently overspending, sexuallyinterested onlyin themselves (not their wives). It fits with what most customers want who go to that makeover shop. It explains why Betty Crow and Charlie Jane Anders are progressing to full-time crossdressing. It even fits my phenotype (white, successful, high IQ).

Whyit makes me feelso uncomfortable is that I had been cheerfully going along reassuring myself that I wasn't like those "other" trannies out there; that there was something different about me; that crossdressing wasn't a sexual thing. According to this model, I am just like everyone else (perhaps a little less "affected" or "afflicted" or whatever term you prefer). This disturbs me, because the natural history (according to the theory and supported by lots of other things I've read, not least Helen Boyd) is that crossdressing becomes more predominant as one gets older (and in some cases, leads to full transition). I could previously ignore that consequence because I Photo: Suzi White thought there was something different aboutme. I had thought that, if I was able to find just the right frequencyof dressing, I would be happy in my "ordinary" life. This model 19 suggests that point won't be reached; there will never be enough.

And ifI had justa little more,ofwhatever itis thatIhave,mydressingmightgetoutofcontrol: to the point where it gets in the wayof myabilityto be a useful and productive husband and father. That's not something I relish in anyway, and mayexplain whysome of the people I've found on the Web that I have most in common with are people trying to quit crossdressing: these are people who are trying to keep a foothold so that crossdressing doesn't overwhelm them (but the science suggests we are incurable in every reasonable sense). It seems now that the reasons I find myself drawn to them is because of my sense of fear that maybe crossdressing will one day get the upper hand.

Reading Cloudy's blog has mademe go and take a long, uncomfortable look at myself, and I can't sayI am delighted with what I find.

The emergence of this model (proposed by Kurt Freund and Ray Blanchard) caused an enormous stink. It seems that late-transitioning transpeople (which we would now call AGP) were amazinglyupset at the implied notion that theywere different from (and perhaps inferior to?), early-transitioning transpeople. It provoked a storm in the literature, which continues still. I get that. I get whysomeone who felt worse thanme about the implications of the model as applied to them could getso upset that they would reject the model completely (rather than rejecting their carefully-constructed self-image).

Until now, my "bible" of crossdressing has been My Husband Betty. Helen Boyd offers this about autogynephilia (from 2003):

The term has been described as the "Unified Field Theory" of transgenderism, but Blanchard's application of it to transsexuals is the epicentre of the debate. From what I understand, MTF transsexuals often gain pleasure from imagining their female bodies, but that pleasure is more about the fantasyof finallyhaving a bodythat will match their internal gender identification. Transvestites and crossdressers also often admit to autogynephilic feelings, but because of the newness of the term and the general lack of research on crossdressers, there are no statistics. As one crossdresser put it: "Some guys are only ever in love with the woman they see in the mirror".

There is so much more to write; so many ramifications to follow to the ends. That will need to wait for future blog posts (like maybe this one).

I was able to talk to mywife about whylearning about this model disturbedme. She was reassuring: she pointed out that just because there is amodel out there, and that I happen to fit it, it doesn't change who I am; it doesn't change what I do; it doesn't change what will happen in the future. She was right, of course, and I am extremely grateful for this insight, which frees me from what had seemed like a gloomyinevitability. 20 The Adventures of Judy Sometimes By Judy Daniels Thanks, but No Thanks

Sincemywife and I had Thanksgiving with her familya couple week ago and mybrother and his wife were going to be out of town, we decided to have a Friendsgiving on Thanksgiving Day at our house. Afew of our Sundress Thursdaygals didn't have anywhere to go so there would onlybe 5 or 6 ofus so Idecided to invite mymother.Ofcourse there was one stipulation ...I would be dressed. I figured since my mother in law has come to some acceptance maybe my mother would too. She follows myposts on Facebookso I know she has seen when I have shared the stories about my MIL, but alas, she passed on the invitation. I guess I can't say I was surprised, but I had hadsome hope. For those of you that have been followingmysaga, you mayremember that I came out to mymother on Thanksgiving Dayin 2014. Her reaction was "To each their own, but I have no interest in ever seeing you dressed as a women".

So, after finding out that she wasn't coming myfriend Kim offered to host at her apartment, which we gladly accepted (less work for us, lol). She lives on Fargo's 8th St (a very historic neighborhood) on the 3rd floor of an old house (think Mary Tyler Moore) with lots of character. Of course it is kind of a hike up all thosestairs, especiallywearing heels, lol. We ended up bringing asquash dish a long with a assortment of white wines. Mywife and I opted to wear dresses, me with hose and booties, her with leggings and boots. I felt a little over dressed as our host and the other ladies all wore what I would call comfyclothes, you know, nothing with a waist and not a heel in sight. Oh well, its not the first time we would be the best dressed couple.

I gotta tell you, it felt kind of weird watching the Vikings/Lions game all dressed to the 9's drinking wine, a first for me, but it was also verysatisfying just being able to be one of the girls. Perhaps someday I'll be able to dress down and wear a Viking jersey ... nay, I don't think so.

Judy Lynn 21 Carol’s Chats By Carol

There aremanythings about presenting as a woman that makeme feel reallygood. First is the transformation process. I love to make-up my eyes, put on foundation and blush. Putting on my bra, breast forms, padded girdle, and pantyhose are steps toward my ultimate goal.

Choosing what clothes,shoes, jewelry, the desired wig for todayare also fun. Seeing it all come together when I put on my chosen lipstick color and my feminine glasses is a real pleasure. I get great pleasure from being treated as a lady by people. Maybe it is a sales associate, a stranger that gives you a compliment or someone extending a courtesy. However, my greatest pleasures have come when I have been treated as a lady by a male companion. I find this to be special. Some years ago a man that I will call Tim contacted me via Flickr mail after having viewed my photos. He was very complimentary and was interested in further contact. I was fairly careful in my responses. I had previously had some interactions with other men that showed an interest in me via email. However, they lived too far away from me to actually meet in person. However, Tim lived in a neighboring suburb.

We exchanged a few emails in a "getting to know you" manner. Hesentme the name, phone number and address of his consulting business andsaid that I should verifywhat he had been telling me,which Idid.We seta date and time and place where we wouldmeetfor lunch.He said that he would be there earlyso that he could escort me into the restaurant, which he did.

We had a lovelylunch.We had manythings in common,one ofwhich was thatwe had both graduated from the same university, although I was a few years ahead of him. He had done some cross dressing when younger but due to circumstances was not doing so at this time. Tim was the ultimate gentleman at all times. We agreed that we would do lunch againsoon.

Over the next two or three years we did meet for lunch or coffee more than a few times at a variety of places. Tim was veryinterested in what I would wear He would look at myFlickr photos and make suggestions. Sometimes I would take his suggestions.Other times I either hadsomething else inmind or what he suggested did not seem appropriate for the weather or the place to which we were going. He always wantedme to wear high heels which was fine with me as atthattime Iwas able to do so.

Tim continued to treat my as a lady at all times which I really enjoyed!. Sometimes it would be few months between meetings as Tim was sometimes out of town on 22 business and then hadsome health problems. It was apparent early in our relationship that Tim was hoping for more than meeting for lunch now and then. This was a new situation for me and I was somewhat uncomfortable about it, especially at first.

I reallyenjoyed being with Tim. We seemed to be quite compatible. We enjoyed each other's company. However, I remained unwilling to increase the level of our relationship which I knew was frustrating to Tim. One day after a rather long period of not seeing each other I contacted Tim and invited him to lunch. During lunch I explainedmyreluctance as well as I could and said thatitwas notfair to him to continue as we had.So,Isaid thatwe should end our relationship.Thankfully, he again was gentleman through it all.

Fortunately, a few years later I had another chance to be treated as a ladywhile with a man. Again it was through Flickr that this happened. This time it was a CD with whom I became friendly. We communicated via Skype as this person did not like to type. During our conversations (I'll use the name Jim) Jim said that he would treat me as a lady and spoil me rotten while doing it. Eventually, he decided that he would drive out to see me so that we could do things together.

Jim was cross dressing at home and was not at all comfortable going out en femme. While he was here he dressed only in his hotel room. However. he did take me out several times and did his best to spoilme while I was Carole. We went to several restaurants and hadsome great meals as well as having pizza delivered to his room.

Jim has now been here three times. He continues to spoilme! We go to a variety of restaurants, bars.and other places. I have helped him to become more comfortable as a CD. "Jill" and I have driven to my family's lake place, gone to a local park area and driven round the city. Jill even got out and walked around and took photos. She now goes outside at her hotel for a smoke. While in her home area she goes out en femme in her car and some select places. Her biggest concern is her voice as it is quite low and rough. So, she avoids situations where she might have to speak. My experiences with Tim and Jim have just enhanced the reasons why I enjoy presenting as a woman. As the saying goes "I could get used to this"! 23

Módhnóirí.. By Barbara Marie Davidson MAKIING A DIFFERENCE SPRING



In June members of Sigma Epsilon along with a Trans man, who is a graduating this Decem- ber with a BS in psychology, formed a panel for a discussion of being transgender and hetero- sexual cross dressers. Each one of us took a few minutes to tell a little something about our selves and then we opene up the floor to questions from the students with answers from us (no holds barred). The students were given a honest answer to their questions. The Transman talked about his journey from being an afro-American female to a male over the last three years. I was the only full time member of the panel as I have been dressing full time for over 10 years now.

Below are the comments from the student feed back for your presentation\

Feedback from Spring 2018 Amazing, verywell done and enjoyable. I reallyliked that anyquestion was allowed. I don’t think anything needs to be changed. I loved hearing all the stories and thank you for coming. I liked hearing perspectives and experiences from people who have done what theyhave. I liked being able to hearstories about all 3 of them and their journeys. I reallyenjoyed listening to them talk about their lives. It was veryinteresting. I appreciated the honesty and openness. It was nice to see my classmates learn about a topic I feel passionatelyabout. They were all very nice and informative. Maybe speak on more social and political action they partake in. 24 I thought it was amazing; the level of honestywas impressive. I enjoyed how open theywere about their sexualityand gender. Theirstories were veryeye opening and should be shared more often! I would like to have had more than 3 speakers for more variety. I enjoyed the personal stories. I thought theywere funny. Verypersonable and nice. I loved hearing their stories and how theyovercame their struggles. Theydid great. Theywere very open and I wouldn’t change anything. Maybe speak more about the Trans community as a whole. I thought everything went wonderfully. I didn’t think it was awkward at all. Theywere so sweet and had lots of motivation to tell us. Everything was good. Wish theywould have spokenmore about topics like hate crimes. I appreciate the guest speakers being honest about themselves. It was veryinformative and eye opening. It was great and very informative. Maybe more consistency about how much (how long) background is given for each person? I was glad to seesomeone I knowso close doingso well with their journey. I think the ses- sion was veryinformative and eye opening. I really enjoyed listening to their stories. I feel like a lot of people have pre-conceived no- tions on what transgender or those who cross dress are like. The three individuals who spoke all came from very different backgrounds and very different stories for how they got to where they are today. I think the guest speakers did a good job. I liked how we could ask any questions regarding gender, gender roles, and the transition- ing period. I liked how theywere willing to answer anyquestions that we had. I also found it insightful and enlightening to learn about a group that I did not knowmuch about. I think they all did very well. I would have liked to hear more from Brandi. It was a good opportunity to learn. I thought it was reallyinteresting. I learned a lot from listening to thespeakers. It was really inspiring. I enjoyed having the guestspeakers come and talk to us. I thought it was informative and interesting to hear from them. I think the guest speakers did reallywell. Theyexplained everything verywell and made sure theyanswered our questions the best theycould. I reallyenjoyed the guest speakers. I liked their lifestories and how being gender fluid and/ or Trans is more common that one would think. You should definitelykeep asking them to come back for classes in the future. My perspective of Transgender people has changed. I never really understood the Trans- gender spectrum until they told me their stories. It was an eye opener. Overall, I reallyenjoyed the guestspeaker and the stories theyhad to share. As an LBGTQ+ individual, I especiallyappreciate other people sharing theirstories to inform others. I think the guest speakers did a great job. I do not think anything could have been done dif- ferently because they answered questions and told us about themselves. I loved it! It’s really rare to see different parts of the spectrum, seemingly anyway. So, it was nice to see that. I also liked that they were older, because a lot of Trans people don’t make it to being that age. 25 Theydid a great job! I reallyenjoyed listening to theirstories. I am happytheycame to in- form us about their livers as well as gender fluidity.

Spring 2016 Guest Speaker Feedback

The presentation was really interesting and educational. I liked how they were all comfortable about their own experiences and sharing it with the class. Loved the whole class. Never knew the large differences between drag queens and cross dressers and I’m glad to know that now. Y’all were lovely, thank you for coming. It was interesting to hear about. I liked how open and willing theywere to answer the questions. Theynever once seemed of- fended bythe questions, which was nice tosee. I reallyenjoyed the presentation. It was super informative and I learned a lot. The ladies were funny and down to earth. I thought theydid a good job explaining everything. I had a really good experience when you came to speak. I liked how open they were. I liked your clothes. You were veryinformative. Thank you for sharing your life experience. You should do this for more classes. I really liked the whole presentation and it made me really happy to see that they were happy. I don’t think theycould have made it anybetter than it alreadywas. I enjoyed the presentation and it gave me a new perspective. I don’t know how accepted cross dressing was when you were growing up, but I respect you all for staying true to your- selves. It was interesting and unexpected. I appreciated the experience. Reallyenjoyed hearing theirstories and liked how open theywere. Did not knowmuch about this before. Reallyopened myeyes to transgender people and what theyhave to go through. It was very informative and it allowedme to further myunderstanding on the topic. They were great. I wish there was more time for questions. I liked how you mentioned how people should be less judgmental because only you/self have to answer for your own behaviors. Overall, I love the presentation. I found the presentation to be very educational and interesting. I liked Barbara and admired her for her strength through hard times with her family. I reallyenjoyed hearing them talk. I thought it was reallyinteresting. I liked hearing them talk about their families and their wives and the support theyreceive from them. I thought the presentation was veryinformative. There was some information that I learned that changed previous misconceptions about men who dress like females. I enjoyed their presentation a lot. Veryinformative! I reallyenjoyed how honest theywere about their lifestyles. I also liked how theywere very much open to answer anything we wanted to ask. I thoroughlyenjoyed the conversation with the ladies. It was interesting and quite informative so I can better understand subjects like cross-dressing. 26 I liked how theywere respectful toward each other and the students, how theyexplained things in detail, how theyspoke their perspective on things, and their willingness to answer questions. I think the guest speakers did a great job. I appreciated the visit and I loved hearing all the different questions from the class. Presenters did a wonderful job personallyanswering questions and “painting a picture” – metaphori- cally, for us of each of your lives. I also thought there was great clarification with questions. Keep doing this! It was a great class day; I told myboyfriend all about it. I would have liked more discussion about the family aspect, but everything was great. Theywere veryinteresting andso open about theirsexuality. The info they gave was very helpful to me formyown understanding. I would love to know even more. 27 Every Type of Mascara Wand By BRIANNALAPOLLA

Today in "why life's not fair": Little kids always seem to have incredible eyelashes. Meanwhile, the rest of us are furiously coating on five layers of mascara to look like our lashes even exist. But the trouble is that not all mascara wands are created equal, and if you pick the wrong one, all your efforts are usually for naught. Here's a rundown of what each one does so you can choose the wand thatwill give you the luscious lashes of a new- born baby.


Best for: Volume Why: A bigger wand means more product and more product means out-of -this-world volume. With each swipe, the majority of the mascara will get depositedat the base of your lashes, building girth with everycoat.


Best for: Lengthening Why: Its thin silhouette grabs lashes right at their base, and because it coats each lashevenly from the very bottom to the very tip, they end up looking naturally longer. Stamp the wandat your lash line to deposit a bit of mascara for a super-quick tightline. 28


Best for: Curling Why: The arc hugs the natural shape of your lashes to help coax them upward. Make sure to wiggle the wand mid-stroke to hit every lash.


Best for: Volume and definition Why: The brush holds most of its volume at the base, but thins out toward the top, which is ideal for plumping and separating each individual hair. The cone-shaped tip makes it easy tocoat bottom lashes, too.


Best for: Definition Why: The spiked sphere on the end means you can spend time detailing individual lashes for a totally custom look. Hit every point (teeny-tiny inner lashes, bottom lashes and longer outer lashes) better than conventional one- swipe mascaras.


Best for: Eye opening Why: The U-shaped brush reaches the outer corners of lashes, pulling them upand out with each swipe. You’ll get tons of volume and definition at the outer edges for a bright-eyed look. 29


Best for: Lifting lashes Why: It hits your lashes at three different points with every stroke. Wiggle it side to side from base to tip to ensure totalcoverage, and then hit the backside of lashes for even more lift.


Best for: Thickening Why: Much like a comb for your hair, it grabs every little lash, separates and coats with minimal clumping. So if your lashes are barely there to begin with, this wand will make them look more filled out. 30 4 Mascara Tricks to Getting the Best Lashes, Ever

[email protected]

It’s there’s one beauty look we can’t get enough of, it’s full, show-stopping lashes. And while our whole office has jumped on the lash serum bandwagon, nothing makes eyes pop like a good mascara—or two. Yep, two.

Many celebrity makeup artists are combining the lash enhancing forces of two separate mascaras to give their A-list clients mesmerizing eyes. From long-lasting curl to believable color, here are four different combos to try.

For Long-Lasting Curl Mascara 1: Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara ($24) Mascara 2: Too Faced Better Than Sex Waterproof Mas- cara ($24)

Layer your formulas to acheive a curl that lasts all day (see ya, midday droop). First, swipe on a coat of regular mascara. Finish with a second coat of waterproof mas- cara to set everything in place. You’ll get all the hold of waterproof without the harsh scrubbing to take it off.

For Believable Color Mascara 1: Perricone MD No Mascara Mascara ($30) Mascara 2: L’Oreal Telescopic Mascara in Brown ($10)

If you have red or blonde hair, black mascara doesn’t always look the most natural. But that doesn’tmean you have to toss your beloved “veryblack” formulas. Instead,use it on your top lashes only. On bottom lashes, use a brown shade, which will open up your eyes and look more believable than jet black. 31 For Clump-Free Volume and Length Mascara 1: L'Oreal Voluminous Carbon Black Volume Building Mascara ($8) Mascara 2: Benefit Cosmetics They're Real! Lengthening Mascara ($25)

You know how your mascara always seems to clump on your final coat? This trick ensures per- fectly separated, long and voluminous lashes. First, use a thickening mascara just at the base of your lashes to build volume and lift. Then use a lengthening formula from the middle of lashes to the very tips. When you stack (not layer) your mascaras, it creates volume and length on the exact part of the lash you wantit to, withoutpil- ing it on and causing clumps. For Wearable Hues Mascara 1: Kevyn Aucoin The Volume Mascara in Rich Pitch Black ($28) Mascara 2: blinc Mascara in Dark Pur- ple ($26) While coating lashes with a white-based primer will make rainbow hues even bolder, using black mascara first will make the colors more subtle and wear- able for every day. Try applying a col- ored mascara (purple is flattering on all eye colors) just to the very tips or the base of your lashes.It will give offjust a hint of color every time you blink. 32 20 Eye Makeup Tips For Beginners


When taking baby steps towards makeup application, the first milestone we cross is that of eye makeup. Earlier, swiping on a little kohl used to be enough. As a beginner, all that the makeup world has to offer can seem a little overwhelming. Making mistakes is part of the learning process, and yet they can be easilyavoided. Here are 20simple eye makeup tips for beginners that will take you from being a starter to a star when it comes to eye makeup!

Getting your eyeliner right is one of themost important steps of eye makeup. Here are some eye makeup techniques for beginners that should be definitelyfollowed.

1. Use a makeup remover so that your eyelids are oil/grease-free to ensure a smudge-proof application with the eyeliner. 2. To get that perfect wing while using an eyeliner, keep your eyes open, look straight into the mirror, and line the outer corners of the eyes. 3. Make sure you applythe eyeliner as close to the lash line as possibleso that it appears to be a part of your natural lashline. 4. To achieve a soft smoky eye, go for pencil eyeliner as it tends to be softer and creamier. Applyit on the eyelids andsmudge it with your fingerso that it looks more natural and gorgeous. 5. As you age, you might be reluctant to use an eyeliner. You don’t have to stop using the eyeliner, rather, opt for more subtle colors, such as brown and grey, and apply lots of mascara to complement the look.

2. Mascara Tips for Beginners

How can we talk about eye makeup and not talk about mascara? Here are some important tips for proper mascara application.

6. Start applying the mascara from the roots of your lashes and not the tips. This technique gives you enough volume and doesn’t weigh 33 down your eyelashes. 7. To prevent your lashes from looking clumpy, coat on layers of mascara, depending on the desired volume. 8. To make your mascara last longer, avoid pumping the wand while pulling out the mascara. Instead, swirl it. This also doesn’t dryout the mascara. 9. In case you are using an eyelash curler after applying the mascara, ensure the mascara on the eyes is semi-wet and not dry. 10. While applying themascara on the lower lashes, place a tissue paper right under your lashes to prevent smudging your makeup.

3. Eyeshadow Tips for Beginners

11. Invest in good qualitybrushes. Theylast for years and ensure better blending. The flat brushes are for depositing the eyeshadow and the fluffy brushes are for blending. 12. If you want the eyeshadow color to really stand out, then use a white pencil on the eyelids just before applying the eyeshadow. This technique makes the colors pop out. 13. While creating smoky eyes, use creamy eye pencils as the base for a stronger/intense effect. If you are going for a brown smoky eye, opt for a brown pencil as the base.

Some More Best Eye Makeup Tips For Beginners

14. Use a blotting paper to remove the excess eyeshadow without disturbing the eyeliner. 15. The technique for applying the eyeshadow is tostartwith an eye primer or an eye base and apply it all over the eye area (up to the brow bone). 16. A great tip to curl your lashes instantly is by blow-drying your curler right before you curl your lashes. But ensure that it is not too hot. 16. To avoid eyeshadow fall out, finish your eye makeup first and then proceed with the base. This will ensure that the makeup looks fresh. 17. Focus on one feature at a time. When wearing loud eye makeup, keep the lips subtle or nude and vice versa. 18. Highlight the inner corner of the eyes byusing a lighter color of eyeshadow on the eyes as this makes the eyes look brighter. 19. Fill your brows and define them byusing a concealer or a foundation on the outer corners of your brows. This helps in defining the brows perfectly. 20. This is all about eye makeup for beginners step-by-step! These tips cover all the bases. If you are a beginner, hopefullythese pointers helped you out.

Now that you have some tips and tricks on how to applyeye makeup, check out these tips on how to remove it.

There a lot of products out there to help you remove stubborn waterproof and sweat proof long stay makeup – eye makeup removers, baby shampoo and more. 34 Choose a good quality eye makeup remover. If you are not using too much makeup, you can use baby shampoo to remove eye makeup too.

How to Remove Eye Makeup?

1. Always remove all your makeup before you wash your face. 2. Take a cotton ball and wet it thoroughly with the remover. 3. Start working on one eye at a time. 4. Start with the upper lid and swipe the cotton ball a couple of times exerting minimum pres- sure. 5. If maximum gunk has come off, use another cotton ball to remove the remains of the upper lid makeup. 6. Repeat thesame with the other eye. 7. Use a fresh cotton ball soaked in eye makeup remover to give a final cleansing. 8. Now move on to the lashes and kohl part. 9. Be careful while doing this as toomuch of the makeup remover might burn your eyes. 10. You can use a cotton swab/ear bud to reach the innermost corner of your eye. 11. Use as much as the remover and cotton as required to thoroughly remove all the makeup from your eyes. 12. Now remove the rest of the makeup from your face. 13. Use a gentle cleanser to wash your face. 14. Dab on some toner to close the pores. 15. Use adequate moisturizer to pamper your skin. 16. You can also dab on some under eye cream to provide some relief to your eyes.

How to Remove Eye Makeup Using Baby Shampoo?

1. Remove off makeup from the rest of your face. 2. Splash water on your face, concentrating on your eyes. 3. Pour some baby shampoo onto your palm and work out a rich lather. 4. Apply this on your eye and make some to and fromotions. 5. Splash water again to remove the soap content. 6. Repeat if required. 7. Wash your face using a mild face wash. 8. Follow your CTMroutine – it’s veryimportant to use a toner post washing your face, as it helps close the pores and makes skin healthier. A toner is also known to reduce blemishes. 9. Dab on a goodmoisturizer. 10. An under eye cream makes the skin supple and help you avoid eye bags and dark circles.

Remember, the baby shampoo might not be effective where long stay eye makeup products have been used.

Vaseline can also be used to remove eye makeup, but the waxyfeel that it leaves behind requires further extra cleansing. Just swipe across a cotton ball smeared with Vaseline on the makeup and cleanse as usual. 35 Olive oil and almond oil can also be used like makeup removers, but they’ll sting the eye if they get in. This is one of the best solutions to the question of how to remove eye makeup naturally.

These aresomesafe and popular methods of eye makeup removal. Hope you would trythese methods next time while removing your eye makeup.

This is all about eye makeup for beginners. These tips cover all the bases. If you are a beginner, hopefullythese pointers will help you out. If you are a pro and have somemore tips up your sleeve, please share those in the comments section below. 36 Christmas Humor 37 Humor 38 Angels In The Centerfold

Breanna Henderson Sarah Sumerfield

Ginger Mellissa Lynn 39 Mellissalynn’s Tips & Tricks

Can you believe it, ladies? December! 2018 is nearly finished with us, and us with it. How was your year? Mine was rough in some ways, but good in others. I lost two jobs, counting the closure of my salon. My beloved Cubbies...well, I've talked about them enough until next season. To any Red Sox fans out there, congratulations on your team's win in the World Series! They truly were the team of destiny in 2018.

To my US girls, how was your Thanksgiving? I enjoyed mine immensely; it was spent with family and with good friends. Can you ask for more than that?

One of the best things about Thanksgiving was watching my Bears! I'm proud to claim them this year; it appears they are the real deal. Of course, the regular season is the warm-up. The playoffs will prove how ready they are. And after football season? Well, spring training is in a few months. ..which is good, because my Bulls, well, yeah.

I successfully survived another revolution of the Earth around the sun in November. My birthday was a good day! I went out with the spouse, did some thrift shopping, and was taken to dinner at Golden Corral. A good steak, and the rolls...oh, the rolls! I purchased two dozen to take home.

On a sadder note, it also marked six years since losing my father. It hardly seems possible that it's been that long. I visited him at the cemetery, as I have every year. I'm so grateful that he was able to meet, and to accept me as, his daughter before he passed.

So tell me about your month, ladies! Tell me about your ways of staying warm in the cool fall weather, or your holiday plans, or a great outing en femme, or share other news in general. You’re always welcome to share tips and tricks, of course! Write to me, any time, at [email protected]. You can hit me up on ; my username there is Mellissa Lynn. I ALWAYS answer any and all mail I get! And, as many of you know, if you send me a question or a tip or trick, you'll see your name in print in this column. I love hearing from you all, so send me that mail, girls!


Let's begin with a quickie professional nail tip. Ladies, if you're doing your nails at home, you should remember that there is time involved in this to get the best result. When trimming your nails, you'll do best by following the overall shape of your nail, not just the free edge (the tip). If the free edge was already uneven, you'll perpetuate that unevenness and not look as good as you could. Remember when 40 filing, to file in one direction; seesawing with your file weakens the nail plate. And lastly, let each coat of polish have a good two minutes to dry before applying the next. I assure you that your polish will look better in the long run for this.


More uses for green tea! It truly is a wonder substance for beauty purposes. We're going to use it in this instance to get rid of any under-eye baggage you may be carrying. This is a tiny bit DIY, but not very much. You'll need three green tea bags, two cups of boiling water, an ice cube tray, and a freezer.

Steep the tea bags in the water for fifteen minutes. Pour the tea into the ice cube tray. Let freeze overnight. When you need it, gently rub a cube under each eye for ab out a minute, then massage the melted tea into your skin. The caffeine will cause the blood vessels to constrict, the anti-inflammatory ingredients will cause the puffiness to shrink, with assistance from the coldness of the ice cube.


Do you use baby oil? I use it quite a lot; it's another versatile beauty aid. I've used it to remove makes (three drops is enough to break down a waterproof makeup).

It's also good for your hair; I've been known to apply it as frizz control to the porous ends of my hair. You only want to use a tiny bit, maybe the size of a Skittle (to continue last month's candy theme!) As a bonus, it will also add some shine!

But my main go-to for baby oil is two-fold: I have used it to aid in last-minute shaving, and also for visual effect. We all miss spots when shaving our legs, arms, etc. Usually, we realize this after finishing the shower! So this is what I do: I apply a light touch of the baby oil and swipe the spot with a razor. No shower required, and the hair is removed. As I said, be light in doing this, or you'll have leftover oil on your skin. That's usually not good...unless you're about to do pictures. Baby oil can give a shine to your skin for photography. It's especially good for swimwear pictures.


I've mentioned this topic before, and it really isn't a makeup tip per se. Ladies, when you're doing photography, remember this: men are angular, women are curvy. This is reflected most harshly in your photos. You could have on the most gorgeous dress, the most intricate, elegant hairdo, the most immaculate makeup – and still fail the picture because of your pose. Bend your leg! Arch your back a bit, and don't be afraid to push the girls out a bit. Turn from the camera a little; a three-quarter shot is much more flattering than a full-on straight one. I could go on about this for some time, but I won't. The Internet is full of posing tips and suggestions; there are also plenty of models to look at and emulate.


Do your feet sweat when you wear closed-toe pumps or flats? Well, you're in luck, miss, because Mellissa is here to save you! This is what you can do: take a thin pantyliner and secure it under your foot when you put the shoes on. The liner will wick away the moisture and you won't even remember that it's there. It won't be visible, and you will be comfortable. This is a win-win! 41 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

The other day, I realized that my hair was looking rather flat. Remember, girls, that I live on a farm, and have well water. As a blonde, this means that I use bottled water to shampoo myself. Sometimes product builds up even with a thorough washing. What to do?

Well, happily, I'm also a stylist. As such, I know things. Things like how to use baking soda to take care of this problem, because bajking soda will clear any immpurities in your hair and give you bounce and vol- ume.

So! I took a teaspoon of baking soda, a tablespoonof olive oil, about eight ounces of some STRONG green tea, a tablespoon of lemon juice (freshy squeezed!), miced them together. I applied this mixture to my hair and scalp and massagedit in a moement after Ihad shampooed, and then rinsed it out. Volume achieved!

Baking soda is also great as an exfoliator. It has a very fine texture, and feels great when you use it. I loved it when I did this!

Mix two tablespoons of baking soda and two tablespoons of honey. Massage this mixture well into your skin with a circular motion. Rinse well. You should do this weekly.


As my long-time readers know, I enjoy cos-playing superheroes, especially Supergirl and, more recently, Wonder Woman. But did you know that posing like a superhero can relieve stress? Simply open your legs int o a wide stance, push out your chest, and put your hands on your hips. According to a recent Spanish study, women (and men) adopting this stance will feel their stress levels plunge. The stance will allow more deep breathing by opening up the rib cage, giving the body more nitric oxide, which eliminates stress. Try it!


Girls, when was the last time you paid serious attention to your underarms? They don't get much attention, aside from removing hair and applying deodorant. Neglecting your armpits can lead to redness and ingrown hairs. Neither of these things are a good look! Here are a few things to look out for.

1) You may notice that occasionally parts of your underarm are darker than others. Changes in skin 2) pigmentation can occur because of a number of reasons, including a fluctuation in hormone levels and sensitivity to certain products. These changes are more common in women with darker skin.

2) If you're sweating enough to actually ruin your clothing, it's time to visit your doctor if you're sweating so much that it's ruining your clothes. If you're going through multiple shirts a day, speak to 42 your doctor about a prescription deodorant, Botox injections, or a laser treatment to help control the problem.

3) One of the most common underarm problems is general irritation or a rash. Temperature, hair removal, clothing, and even your deodorant can cause irritation such as redness or bumps. For the healthiest underarms possible, avoid tight clothes that rub underneath your arms, especially when you're working out. Wash with antibacterial soap, but don't overdo it. The skin under your arms is thin, and scrubbing too much will irritate it. Finally, if you have sensitive skin, use an unscented deodorant, as fra- grance is a common irritant.

4) Ingrown hairs occur most commonly because of shaving. The top of the hair follicle is cut off, and a sharp point is created at the end. As the sharp point grows out, it can penetrate the skin surface and cause a bump. To prevent ingrown hairs, use a single-blade razor to shave under your arms - it's less likely to leave your hair with that sharpened point. Or you can use a depilatory. Laser hair removal is also a good option. It works particularly well on the underarms, and generally you only need two to three treatments. Regular exfoliation of the area is also helpful. To prevent ingrown hairs, exfoliate daily, except on days when you've waxed, threaded, or sugared the area.


While I'm on the subject of shaving! I recently discovered that Dollar Tree carries a six-blade razor. Six blades! Well, two razors for the princely sum of one dollar always appeals to my frugal self, so I bought a package and compared to the five-blade Venus Ultra disposable.

At first use, the six-blade was impressive; the hair came off like magic! However, the smile on my face faded when I realized how quickly the blade gets clogged up with hair. The back side of the razor is closed off, and hair tends to lodge behind the blades. The Venus is open in this area and makes for easier use.

The six-blade also seemed to dull quickly. Granted, I was shaving more body area than most women would need to do; however, I would think that I should be able to get one full shave out of the item! This was not the case at all. I ended up using both the six-blade razors in the package and was still required to finish most of my shaving with the Venus.

Long story short: if you're doing a light area, the six-blade will work well for you. If you need to do a lot, however, my recommendation isn't to this razor. On the other hand, the Venus razor I used costs $7 for a pack of two at Walmart. At a dollar apiece, that's fourteen razors at Dollar Tree! You can make your own decision.


This is apparently a new and up-and-coming trend, girls. The ring finger gets both a piercing and an engagement ring. As you can see from the picture, this would be impossible to remove without seriously tearing your finger up. Just looking at the picture makes me cringe in pain, personally. What are your opinions on this? Would you do this to your finger? Do you think this is a good or a bad look? 43


I've been watching a lot of DIY videos on YouTube lately. There are many of these videos out there! I gleaned this idea from one of these videos. This is a great idea for making you own convenient carrying case for blotting paper, and a great way to make your own blotting paper, too!

You'll need a couple of coffee filters, scissors, and a small tin, such as the kind Altroids come in. Cut the filters into sizes that will fit neatly into the tin. Load them into the tin and put it in your purse, unless you'd like to decorate the tin a bit first.


Do you have issues with putting on your lipstick? Are the outer edges just not as sharp and defined as you'd like? Well, chic as, this is an idea on how to take care of that.

Before doing your lips, put a cotton swab between them. The swab will catch any excess lipstick while you coat your lips, and leaves a pretty and defined set of lips behind when you remove it. I tested this tip on myself and was very impressed.


A quick update for long-time reader Janice, who wrote in to ask the best way to dry makeup brushes after cleaning. You should always hang your brushes, Janice, hang them with the bristles facing down. This lets all of the water you've used flow down (because gravity sucks) without remaining in the innards of your brush. If that area stays wet, you run the risk of mold or mildew forming there. That's not good stuff to be putting on your face, Janice. I hope this answer helps you!


With that, we have reached the end of the column, and of 2018. Ladies, it's been my privilege and honor to share my tenth year of writing this column with you all. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a safe and fun New Year's. Be careful on the roads, and come back to us in 2019.

Sending me mail is the easiest thing in the world to do, girls, and I love hearing from you all. You can send it to my e-mail at [email protected]; as you know, my inbox is always open! You can also hit me up on Facebook; my name there is Mellissa Lynn. Send me your tips, tricks, and ideas! You could find your name in a future column!

I’ll talk to you all again next month, with a whole new column of tips and tricks. Until then, be safe and be beautiful! 44

Office WearThat Oozes Power and Credibility Looking for some easy office clothes that allow you to look great without a lot of drama and fuss? You know, like on those days when you’ve been up all night with a sick kid and you’ve still got a full day of back-to-back meetings?

With a little preparation, you can be ready for anything and still look great on a moment’s notice. Here are some sure-fire business wear options:

Power Suit A classic two-piece suit in a neutral color can literally take you anywhere you want to go. It’s what to wear to job interviews, to speak in front of groups, and to lend gravitas whenever you need it. P.S. If it’s dark, you can also wear it to funerals.

Safari Jacket Appropriate for business casual office wear, a classic safari jacket paired with either a pencil skirt or flat front pants will still give you credibility in a chic yet casual way. Opt for classic styling over trendy details.

Wrap Dress Easy yet sophisticated, a wrap dress will give you elegance while also doing nice things for your figure. The diagonal line visually slims and lengthens the torso, making heavy girls look slimmer, busty girls look less chesty, and petite girls look taller. About the only figure it doesn’t look right on is the tall, slender, small-busted model-types — because it makes them look taller, thinner, and less busty. 45 Sweater Set Wearing a simple knit shell with a matching cardigan has been popular since the 1930’s because it looks great and is super easy to wear. Pair it with a skirt or trousers for a polished business casual look.

Shirtdress A crisp shirtdress, like a beautiful wrap dress, can be business appropriate in an in- stant. Accessorize according to your office dress code. More formal? Try hosiery and pumps. More casual? Try a wide belt, matching tights, and knee-high boots.

Looking great for work doesn’t have to be hard if you plan properly and build a busi- ness wardrobe that works for your particular situation. With “go to: pieces like these in your closet, you can look great and “business appropriate” any day of the week.

Need some other tips and tricks for building an office wear wardrobe? Download a copy of Business Wear Magic to see how easy looking great for work can be.

Diana Pemberton Sikes is an image consultant and author of Wardrobe Magic. Want to find the best clothes for your body, budget, and lifestyle? Wardrobe Magic can help. Her website is www.FashionForRealWomen.com 46 Fashion for Trans Girls Over 50 Pauline | Looking at a younger woman wearing a dress, possibly sized somewhere between “0” and”6” makes me quite envious. However, all is not lost. The first thing to do is stop kidding oneself. You are no longer 25 years old. One can dress attractively, even sexily with help from the internet. There are lots of examples of women in their 70s or even 80s who look verybeautiful. Obviouslytheyget a lot of help if they are models or film stars. But there is no reason we can’t do a good job. With a little help of course. When researching female film stars think of those who are your contemporaries. Most of them have websites to promote themselves where their best photos are displayed. Older runway models are a little harder to find but theyare out there. There is amodel being promoted at the moment. Her name escapes me, butshe is tall, elegant, greyhaired andstriking, and over 70. Most of the clothing on displayin the stores starts off on a fashion show runway in Rome, Paris, Milan, New York and London. At the risk of sounding parochial, Canadian fashion is also quite elegant and of good quality. The originals aresold to stores and promotional businesses which modify the design somewhat to make them marketable to the general public. The smaller lesser known designers have to wear out a lot of shoe leather to promote their products. Now you have to decide the type of appearance you want the world to see at anygiven time. Elegant, smart, sporty, business like, casual, or rough and readyto name justa few.Your bodysize and shape is a major factor. Here our old buddy Google jumps in to help. ‘Wiki, How to do anything”/ ‘how to dress for your bodytype,’ is a good example of the information available. There are lots of online stores such as Wish and Venus that have a plus size section as do regular stores such as Macy’s. Larger girls are becoming more acceptable on the runways so things are improving. However, every girl is different and very short skirts and 6” platforms will not work for all. I don’t want to sound disrespectful but our female persona is encased in a male frame which is hard to hide.This can be changed to a degree with strategic padding. It doesn’t always follow but your “forms”should be proportional with your chest and shoulders. The Breast Form Store will help you here. Padded panties with side and rear padding help a little. Good quality corsets or waist cinchers are an excellent waist trimmer but take time to get used to. Like everything else, you onlyget what you pay for. More sophisticated types of padding can be very expensive. 47 Hair is another area where one has to be equallycareful. Again the wrongstyle wig canmake you look old. Awig with a very young style can have the opposite effect andmake you look too young. You have probablynoticed that a lot of older women wear asimilar hairstyle. Usually short with tight curls and possibly an unusual color. It’s like a uniform. Your hair can suit your age butstill be stylish. Go on line for ‘Paula Young,’ she has a verygood return system. If you are lucky enough to use your own hair the same ideas apply. Shop carefully for a hairdresser. There are a large number of photos showing hair styles for older gals. Google it. You might be surprised. When I first met her, my wife accused me of being frumpy. I was a little put out at first but finallygave in. I must admit she was right so I don’t have much ofmyoriginal clothing left. She used to work in a dress store that catered to ’The Mother of the Bride’ type of clothing and a lot of ‘Prom’ stuff. I have learned a lot as a result so I am hoping I can pass some of this information along. If you have friends who are in thesame frame of mind as you, work together and bounce ideas off each other. It will give you confidence. One has to trylots of things to put together an acceptable wardrobe. Even where you live makes a big difference. 10 Style Errors That Make You Look Older From Reading Glasses to Faux Grey hair...


We don't know any woman who will purposely wear something that makes her look wider or taller or shorter than she desires. However, you'd be surprised to learn how many women willingly wear styles that make them look older. It's a bit of a curious thing, isn't it? If you don't feel old on the inside, why would you want to portray an aged image to the world?

Top 10 Fashion and Beauty Choices That Can Make You Look Older 1. Tweed. While some fabrics have an inherently youthful vibe (like denim), tweed seems to do the opposite because it's associated with matronly suits and vintage British hunting garb. If it's a menswear look you are after, opt for pinstripes, navy, or oversized houndstooth instead of tweed.

2. Reading glasses. Sure, you may need them, but no woman ever looked younger with little reading glasses perched on the end of her nose — unless they are the right shape of frame. Look to fresh, up-and-coming brands like Warby Parker for an updated take on the optical accessory. Who knows, you may end up looking like a sexy librarian!

3. Gray hair. We might get in big trouble for saying this, from all the women who opt for gray hair, but the truth is that gray hair doesmake you look older. There's definitely a certain look and a cer- tain style of woman who can make gray hair look chic — just look at Nicole Richie. Better options than going gray in middle age are colors that are flattering to your skin tones.

4. Cardigans. Sad, but true. Although it seems like an ideal layering piece, cardigans can be un- flattering for heavier women because they lack shape and structure, so lumps and bumps show. A bet- 48 ter choice is a jacket or blazer with some construction (set-in sleeves, seaming, a collar) because it off- sets middle-age spread. And whatever you do, don't tie the cardigan around your waist because it never hides hips, only makes them look bigger.

5. Sensible shoes/comfort shoes. Want to ruin a perfectly good look? Wear comfort sandals with it. There are too many cute shoes in the market that are comfortable without the clunky soles and features of so-called comfort sandals.

6. Mom jeans. Peg-leg jeans with a high waist – a.k.a. mom jeans – are unflattering and outdated if you were around the first time they were in fashion. It's true that brands like Topshop, Reformation, and Zara are all reviving this look from the 1980s and 90s, but it's one best left to those in their 20s and below.

7. Any color that washes you out. One thing that will instantly make you look older is to wear a hue that drains you of color. For many, that means avoiding mauves and yellows; your colors may be different. The right colors (almost everyone looks pretty in the right shade of red or blue) can brighten your skin and make you look younger.

8. Old lady handbag. Are you still carrying that logo bag from 15 years ago? Handbags have been a driving force of fashion for the past decade and still carrying an organizer bag (or worse) can add years to your age. An updated option would be a cute crossbody bag or a fun leather bag.

9. Too much or too little makeup. Garish blush and lipstick can be just as aging as no makeup at all. If you're not sure what still works for you, go to your local department store or Sephora and get a free makeover with the latest products. New eyeshadows are sheer and luminescent, as are lipsticks and glosses. Learn how to apply pretty colors with a light hand and you'll be on the right track to wearing the perfect makeup in middle age.

10. Socks and sneakers with anything other than workout clothes. Let's be clear, there's a certain way to wear sneakers, or tennis shoes, outside the gym. Superga 'Cotu' sneakers, Converse Chuck Taylor All Stars and Vans are all perfectly acceptable to pair with jeans on the weekend — depending on your personal style. Running shoes and joggers however (especially paired with outdated boot-cut jeans) are certain to date you a bit. 49 Tasi’s Fashion News

Fashion Is Fun Again

Fashion is fun again. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: 2017 has been the year for maximalist dressing. And the trend should continue through the rest of the decade.

A few years ago, minimalism stormed the fashion scene, with neutrals, pared-down layers, classic silhouettes, and a color called oatmeal that some consider soft and soothing, but to be honest, we have to admit that it’s a tad dreary. Don’t get me wrong. I love the classic silhouette, monochromatic dressing and the structured look of the early 50s, but there’s a whole lot of Bohemian in metoo with that crazy flowing look that sometimes defies description. I kind of rotate between the two looks which you can see here with a structured LBD styled for my apple-shaped body and then a long Bohemian red print skirt with black sparkling top.

Now, I’m not saying thatminimalism is over, or that it ever totallywill be (hello, capsule wardrobes and classic all-black ensemble in the tradition of New Yorkers), but we—and everyone—seems to be having a lot more fun with fashion again. We’re mixing prints, clashing colors, adding a ruffle here, there and pretty much everywhere, embroidered shoes, and just plain funkyoutfits. Our inner Iris Apfel is rejoicing as we stop taking ourselves quite so seriously.

Mixing colorful prints and patterns – a Wall Street rebel -and delightfully sheer outfit 50 If you’re unsure how to embrace the maximalist trend without feeling like you’re dressing up for Halloween, we collected some of the most killer maxi- malist pieces and looks out there right now. Ahead, you’ll find everything from statement shoes and embellished bags to power coats and loads of color—so go ahead and add that extra layer or accessory, say yes to ruffles, embroidery, and heaps of playful patterns and textures.

Iris Apfel

A cowgirl – embellished – just plain funky

Embroidered shoes – wide belts – tasseled earrings

I’ve blogged aboutmanyof these trends within the maximalist style of dressing, but beyond that, I have an extensive collection of pictures on Pinterest that show how the trends are worn “on the runways” and “in the streets“. I talk about the 2017 fashion trends I love here. and you can see them in vivid details in the links below. 51

Pinterest Page Animal Prints Blog post: Animal Prints: Love Them or Not Fringe Look Blog post: Fringe Fashion Lady in Red Blog post: The Icvonic Red Dress: Sexy and Alluring For All Seasons

Metallic Is Magic Ruffles and More Blog post: Wearing Ruffles at any Age Sequins Are Sassy Blog post: Oh Those Sparkling Sequins 52

Slip Dresses The Statement Necklace Blog post: All That Glitters Is Good – The Statement Necklace Why I Love Lace Blog post: The Flirty and Sensual Lace dress Tulle Skirts

About Tasi Zuriack: Tasi is transgendered, married, and a lifelong crossdresser. She’s the founder of the Ladies of the Blue Ridge trans- gender group in Roanoke VA, a prolific writer, commentator and blogger including fashion articles for Tri-Ess, TG Reporter, Repartee, and Pretty T-Girls magazine. Tasi currently resides in Merida, (Yucatan) Mexico. Her new website, Sister House and her blog, the Fashionable TG Woman are dedicated to fashion and style for the transgendered woman. Please visit her. Tasi’s new book, "Top Ten Fashion Mistakes By Crossdressers and How To Fix Them" is available on Amazon or on her site free to subscribers. 53 Hacks For High Heels by SH Admin

Hacks for high heels or in this case tips to help your feet feel better when wearing heels goes a long wayto reducing the pain of being in heels for an extended period of time.

We all have to admit that we are obsessed with high heels, not because onlydo theylook fashionable, but theygive us that extra edge to our personality. Heels give us satisfaction and confidence while we wear them and theyhelp us lookmore feminine and give our legs a perfect shape.

But sometimes wearing heels can be painful. But if you know the correct way to carry them, then it wouldn’t be painful anymore. So, let’s have a look at these life-saving hacks that are given below and that will double up your love for heels.

Know the correct size; You need to find your correct shoe size if you wantto getrid ofthe pain.If you wear heels that fit you perfectly, your pain will lessen drastically. But if you choose a size bigger than your foot size, you will feel uncomfortable all the time because it will get out of your legs continuously. But remember that on the other hand, if your shoes are too tight for your feet, then it will hurt them and leave uglymarks on them. So you need to choose the correct size so that you feel comfortable while walking.

Choose heels with thicker soles; You should always choose heels with thicker souls because that will ensure that you have enough ground to land your feet on. The ground will give you amplespace to your feet and you will feel comfortable walking in them. Your legs can be hurt bythin soles because theyput more pressure on your feet and dirt and other external agents can get into the legs andmake your feet dirty and cracked.

More coverage is better; Shoes with a higher coverage are more comfortable and are always a better choice because more sole ensures that less pressure is put on your feet which makes the shoes more comfortable for you. 54 Go for shoe inserts Those small and soft rounded balls which can be inserted at the end of the shoes are called shoe inserts and they prevent sore in legs. If you have them in high heels theywill make it smooth and comfortable for you to walk in them. If you haven’t used shoe inserts yet, give them a try! You will save yourself from the nerve-racking pain of wearing heels.

Choose heels which are thicker; This maybe difficult to believe in, but some- times the problem is the thickness of your heels, because the thinner the heels are, the more horrible your experience will be. Thicker heels will give you more comfort than thinner heels. Thick heels will give you morespace and comfort while walking and that makes them painful.

Taking breaks at regular intervals is mandatory; You need to take regular intervals to save you from the pain of wearing heels, no matter how good the qualityof your heels is. You need to bring out your legs from the heeledshoes once in a while. You can take regular breaks after every 30 minutes if you suffer from severe pain because the breaks will let your feet breathe andshoo awaythe pain.

Stretching your feet; Make sure to stretch your feet when you take a break and open your shoes because it acts like a little exercise for your feet by giving them ample space to relax. In that way, your feet can breathemuch better and the next time you put your heels and walk in them, you will feel very comfortable.

Know your type; Heels can be inmanyshapes andsizes, and thematerial used formaking them are different, so you have to be aware of what shoe type can you carryoff easily. You should wear onlythe shoes that you are comfortable putting on and always go for comfort rather than the appearance of the shoe. Check the main article of info on all the shoe types. Show when the day ends; Your feet get sore when you wear heels for the entire day, so you shouldswitch to a comfort- able pair of shoes because it will give you amplespace and needed comfort after the heavy day.

Say yes to the tie-ups; The tie-ups distribute the pain evenlyand are less painful, and the benefit is that you can 55 adjust the ties as per your preference – loose or tight.

Fix the bottoms; If you want to get rid of the rough edge you can screw a part of the bottom of the shoe heels with scissors

Check the heel placement; When you buy shoes, make sure to check that the heels are placed right at the center of the shoes because that will ensure proper balance and less pain to your feet and it will prevent you from tripping. What Happens To Your Body When You Wear Heels

By Laura Beil

Look at exactly what you're suffering for the sake of style

The average woman gets foot pain after a mere hour in pumps. But high heels impact your body beyond just making you wanna sit down. Here's how they affect different parts of your body—and why that's something you might not want to stand for anymore.

Feet • Normally, your feet act like spring- loaded, weight-distributing shock absorbers, cushioning your skeletonfromcrazy amounts of pounding. Jam these engineering marvels into high heels and. . .ouch. You've shifted much of your mass onto the balls of your feet and your tiny, delicate toe bones.

• The higher the heel, the bigger the impact: One study found that four-inch stilet- tos can up the amount of pressure onthe front of the foot by 30 percent or more.

• Your heel-to-toe transition becomes abrupt, forcing you to swap your natural stride for a staccato walk. Strutting like this all the time could usher in bone and nerve damage (not to mentionblisters and ingrown toenails). 56 Ankles and Calves

• Wearing heels forces your ankles to bend forward, a movement that could restrict circulation inyour lower limbs. If you're a perennial high-heel wearer, this could eventually spell spider veins.

• Walking in heels also stiffens your Achilles tendons, which anchor your calf muscles to your heels, causing your calves to bunch up. If you've had your tall pumps on all day, you might have trouble walking naturally whenyou first kick off your kicks. (You can work to offset this stiffness by flexing your feet— shoeless—several times throughout the day.)

• Over time, stiletto devotees can develop chronically taut (and shortened!) ankle and calf tendons, making walking—even in flats—painful.


• Another pro shock absorber, the knee is the largest joint inyour body. It's built to take a licking, but frequent high-heel use can put extra stress on the inner sides of the knees, fast-tracking the wear and tear that leads to osteoarthritis.


• To keep fromkeeling over in stacked shoes, you have to thrust your hips forward, arch your back, and push out your chest. That familiar sexy stance works the outer hip muscles and tendons hard (and not in a good way).


• Inorder to sashay around in heels, your spine needs to sway unnaturally, a process that stresses your lumbar erector spinae muscle. Result: sore lower back. • As with your other body parts, your back needs a break. If you wear high pumps one day, don cushioned flats the next. Or save your spikes for special nights out— and never walk around in them for longer than a few hours at a time.

Sources: Danielle Barkema, M.S., NorthwesternUniversity; Karen Erickson, D. C., F.A.C.C., Erickson Healing Arts, New York City; ChristopherPowers, Ph.D., Uni- versity of Southern California; Marlene Reid, D.P.M., Family Podiatry Center, Na- perville, Illinois 57 Ladylike Laws: Holiday Gift Giving Etiquette by Lauren Conrad Gift giving can be a sticky subject. How much should you spend? Do you give your boss a present? Is re-gifting okay? How do you handle unexpected gifts? These are common questions many of us may find ourselves asking each holiday season. Fortunately, there are some clear-cut rules when it comes to giving gifts…

How much should I spend? First off, forget stressing over giving people things that have the same monetary value of what they gave you. Instead, figure out the nicest thing you can afford within your means. The best way to figure this out is to make a list of everyone you want to give a gift to. Then determine how much you can (not want) to spend on each person. Having a budget will keep your holiday spending in perspective. Gift giving is about being thoughtful and showing appreciation, it’s not about going into debt.

Who should I give gifts to? Give presents to the people you want to show your appreciation to such as family and close friends. If you are part of a big group and don’t want to leave anyone out, arrange a gift exchange or plan a Secret Santa with a price point that works for everyone ($10 to $25 is most appropriate). As for people who celebrate different holidays, it’s totally okay to give them a present so long as it isn’t anything religious.

What’s the present protocol for work? According to co-author of the 18th Edition of Emily Post’s Etiquette, Lizzie Post, the one person you really shouldn’t give a gift to is your boss. “When you’re in a work environment and there is a team of people working together, if you give your boss a gift it can often come across as trying to buy good favor.” However if you work at a company with 10 people and want to give something to your boss, Post suggests making it a group effort. That way it doesn’t come across as though you’re fishing for brownie points. If you happen to be close friends with your boss, keep it personal and give him or her a gift outside of the office. As for co-workers, Post says to “tread carefully.” While there will inevitably be people you are close to, try not to show favoritism. If you have a personal relationship with someone outside the office, Post advises to give him or her a gift somewhere other than work. Otherwise, if you give one person a card, give everyone a card. Another idea is to bring in a treat for the entire office to share (Check out my Recipe Boxfor ideas!). Communal gifts that can be shared are ideal. 58 To re-gift or not to re-gift? Opt for not. Not only is re-gifting dishonest, you will most likely get caught (or be paranoid about getting caught). Re-gifting entirely defeats the purpose of gift giving. Gifts are meant to be a reflection of your gratitude for someone–something that has been thoughtfully selected by you for someone you care about. Re-gifting is both thoughtless and wrong. If you’re strapped for cash, make the gift instead. DIY gifts are from the heart and the recipient will surely appreciate it far more than a random store-bought present.

How do I handle unexpected gifts? If someone gives you a present out of the blue, you are not required to reciprocate. ‘Instead of scrambling for an excuse as to why you do not have a gift for them, ‘graciously accept the gift and say thank you. Stammering for an explanation will only make things worse. And besides, you shouldn’t feel compelled to give just because you received.

Are gift cards and gift receipts okay? Yes! Gift cards are actually very thoughtful since you need to consider the recipient’s interests. And it’s much better than giving someone cash, which many consider gauche. As for gift receipts, it’s always a good idea to include them. It tells the recipient you understand if they don’t like the gift and it’s okay for them to return it in exchange for something they really love.

I hope you found today’s Ladylike Laws post helpful! I’ll be posting a follow up blog about the major no-no gifts next week.

What’s the strangest gift you’ve ever received?

XO Lauren 59

10 Things that Make You Less Attractive ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Lucille Sorella is a GG (genetic girl) who teaches crossdressers, transsexuals, and transgender females how to look, act, and feel like real women. Her goal is to help T-women express their inner and outer femininity and increase their confidence as women. She has a professional background in fashion, beauty, dance, and natural healing and has been working with the transgender community for the past 12 years. Her website is loaded with useful information and is located at http://www.flat2fem.com/ index1.html .

Do you want to be seen as an attractive woman? Of course you do!

To look as beautiful and feminine as possible, there are certain beauty “sins” you need to avoid. These mistakes have a big impact on how good you look when presenting yourself as a woman.

Here are 10 things that can make you appear less attractive.

1. Crossing your arms

Your body language speaks volumes. Crossing your arms is a classic defensive gesture. Crossed arms make you look uneasy or insecure – not what you want to project.

2. Dirty or untrimmed nails

Straggly nails are a sure sign of poor grooming habits. Hands are one of the most viewed parts of the body (after the face), so pay attention to your nails. 60 3. Dry or cracked lips

The lips are one of the most sensuous parts of a woman’s appearance. Full, moist lips are undeniably sexy. Dry, cracked lips? They’re a major distraction.

4. Poor table manners

Etiquette is an important part of your feminine presentation. (So much so that I wrote an entire article about it here.) Poor table manners are a huge turn off, so be watch for things like: eating too fast, chewing loudly, and putting your elbows on the table.

5. Lack of sleep

They call it beauty sleep for a reason. From dark under eye circles to sallow skin, lack of sleep can take a serious toll on your appearance.

6. Pulling the diva act

We can all agree that rude and demanding people are unattractive – so avoid the “diva” act. On the other hand, kindness and a smile can work wonders to enhance your appearance. 61 7. A high pitched voice

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is speaking in an overly-high pitched voice. It sounds completely unnatural. What’s more, this study shows that women with high pitched voices are considered less attractive than those with moderately-high pitched voices.

8. The way you smell

Scent has a major impact on your overall attractiveness. A couple things to consider are your perfume (it shouldn’t be too strong) and your breath (make sure it’s fresh!).

9. Not being able to walk in your shoes

The cutest shoes in the world won’t enhance your image if you can’t walk in them. Make sure you can walk comfortably and gracefully in your heels before stepping out in them.

10. Cursing

This is a huge pet peeve of mine. Using profanity when you speak doesn’t make you sound cool and edgy – it’s makes you sound crass and rude. Your words can do everything to make or break your image. 62 In conclusion

These are 10 major things that can make you less attractive – but they’re not the only ones! Do you have any others to add to this list?

Love, Lucille 8 Ways To Look Better Instantly When it comes to looking your best as a woman, the basics go a long way. Nice clothes, flattering makeup, and a pretty hairstyle are at least half the battle.

But sometimes, little tweaks can make the biggest difference. In this post, I share 8 easy ways to instantly boost your attractiveness.

Read on to learn more!

1. Whiten your eyes

You probably don’t think much about the whites of your eyes, but bright white eyes are an important symbol of health and beauty.

The best way to combat dull or bloodshot eyes is to eat well and get enough sleep. But for a quick fix, try redness reducing drops. The new Lumify drops are formulated to be safer and more effective than traditional eyedrops. (Just don’t use any drops too often or you could end up with “rebound redness.”)

2. Lengthen your lashes

Lush, long lashes are a beauty must – and mascara is a girl’s best friend. Since lashes are so important, I’m also going to share a longer-term strategy: Use an eyelash growth serum to help your lashes grow fuller and thicker. Here are some recommendations: 63 RapidLash Eyelash Enhancing Serum DHC Eyelash Tonic SmartFX The Original SmartLash Eye- lash Enhancer

As an added bonus, treating your lashes is a great way to pamper your femme self – even in male mode.

3. Master the proper leg positions

You already know that a lady keeps her legs together, but did you know there’s a right and wrong way to cross your legs? Crossing your legs at the knees is not only bad for circulation, it’s considered a “don’t” in royal circles.

The proper leg positions that you too should master are the Duchess Slant and the Cambridge Cross:

Duchess Slant – Knees and heels together and off to the side Cambridge Cross – Legs crossed at the ankles

4. Choose the right lip color

The right lip color will immediately brighten your face. But how do you know which shade is best? A simple trick is to consider your eye color: 64 Green or hazel eyes – Try red tones Blue eyes – Try coral tones Brown eyes – Try pink tones

Since it’s frustrating to spend money on a lipstick that doesn’t suit you, I also recommend investing in a lip color palette like the Maybelline Lip Color Pal- ette. This gives you endless option to experiment and mix your own custom colors. 5. Defrizz your hair

Smooth, shiny hair makes you look pretty and polished, while frizzy hair can make you look older and unkempt. To control frizz and maintain shine, use a smoothing spray such as Moroccanoil Frizz Control for natural hair or HD Smooth Detangler by Jon Renau for synthetic hair.

6. Choose the right neckline

The décolleté is one of the most attrac- tive parts of a woman’s body. Enhance your feminine appeal by showing off your neck and chest with a scoop or v- neck top. It does’t even have to be particularly low cut to have a flattering effect. As an added bonus, deeper neckline styles help slenderize a broad torso. 65 7. Highlight your complexion

There’s nothing sexier than a dewy, youthful complexion. Fortunately, you can “fake” glowing skin by using highlighter makeup to brighten and highlight your face.

8. Accentuate your waist

The more you can emulate a woman’s waist-to-hip ratio, the prettier you will look. Create the illusion of curves – in- stantly – with shapewear, peplum tops, or skirts and dresses that flare out at the hips. Check out my article on How to Create an Hourglass Figure to learn more.

In conclusion

While looking your best requires ongoing effort, these quick fixes can increase your pretty factor in no time at all.

Which tip was your favorite?

Love, Lucille 66 From The Kitchen

Whipped Maple Sweet Potatoes Reheat in microwave oven or in slow cooker on low heat setting until warm.

Sprinkle chopped toasted pecans over sweet potatoes.

Slow Cooker Honey Glazed Ham

Maple syrup sweetens these velvety mashed sweet potatoes. Pass a pitcher of warm syrup to drizzle over the top.


3 pounds red garnet sweet potatoes or yams 2 tablespoons maple-flavored syrup 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, softened Taking the extra step of finishing theslow- ½ teaspoon salt Ground cinnamon or nutmeg cooked ham under the broiler results in a per- Additional maple-flavored syrup, if desired fectly glazed cut of meat that’s fancy enough for a holidaytable but easyenough to prepare Steps for weeknight dinners too. You’ll need a crock- pot that holds at least 6 quarts if you want to 1 Heat oven to 350°F. Pierce sweet potatoes with make this recipe, which comes from Back to fork. Place potatoes in square pan, 9x9x2 inches. Cover and bake about 1 hour 15 minutes or until potatoes can be easily Her Roots. pierced with a knife. Ingredients: 2 Slip offskins. Beat potatoes with electric mixer on medium speed until no lumps remain. Add 2 tablespoons syrup, the butter, salt and desired amount of cinnamon. Con- 1 quarter ham, spiral sliced and fully cooked tinue beating until potatoes are light and fluffy. Drizzle with additional syrup. ½ cup brown sugar ½ cup honey Expert Tips 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard Cover and refrigerate whipped sweet potatoes up to 24 hours. ¼ teaspoon ground cloves 67 ¼ cup water Make It Directions: Place ham in slow cooker. Com- Tap or click steps to mark as complete bine the brown sugar, honey, mustard, cloves, Mash egg yolks in medium bowl with fork. and water in a small saucepan and turn heat Add sour cream, mayo, relish and mustard; mix well. to high. Cook just until the sugar dissolves. Spoon into centers of whites; sprinkle with pepper. Pour over ham, separating slices so that the glaze coats the inside of the ham. Italian Stuffed Mushrooms Cover and cook on high for 4 to 6 hours or on high for 6 to 8 hours.Baste with the cooking juices every few hours.

Preheat the broiler and transfer cooked ham to an oven-safe dish. Pour cooking liquid into a smallsaucepan and warm over medium- high heat until thick and bubbly, about 5 to 7 minutes. Brush glaze onto ham and broil for 4 to 5 minutes, basting with more glaze every Looking for an appetizer that’s sure to please a crowd? minute or so. Serve. These mushrooms, stuffed with chopped green onion, bell pepper, bread crumbs and Italian seasoning make a delicious (and easy!) bite of Italian-inspired flavors that compliment any party. The best part of this appetizer? You can stuff, The Best Deviled Eggs Recipe cover and store these mushrooms up to a full day before you need them for a make-ahead appetizer that’s a winner. LESS -


36 medium whole fresh mushrooms (1 pound) 2 tablespoons butter or margarine ¼ cup chopped green onion (3 medium) ¼ cup chopped red bell pepper 1 ½ cups soft bread crumbs 2 teaspoons Italian seasoning ¼ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon butter or margarine What You Need Grated Parmesan cheese, if desired Steps 1 doz. hard-cooked eggs, cut lengthwise in half 3 Tbsp. BREAKSTONE'S Reduced Fat or KNUDSEN 1 Heat oven to 350ºF. Light Sour Cream 3 Tbsp. KRAFT Light Mayo Reduced Fat Mayonnaise 2 Twist mushroom stems to remove from mushroom 1 Tbsp. CLAUSSEN Sweet Pickle Relish caps. Finely chop enough stems to measure 1/3 cup. Reserve 1 Tbsp. GREY POUPON Dijon Mustard mushroom caps. 1/8 tsp. ground red pepper (cayenne) 3 Melt 2 tablespoons butter in 10-inch skillet over medium-high heat. Cook chopped mushroom stems, onions and bell pepper in butter about 3 minutes, stirring frequently, until onions are softened; remove from heat. Stir in bread 68 crumbs, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper. Fill mushroom INGREDIENTS caps with bread crumb mixture. • 3 medium oranges, cut crosswise into thin slices 4 Melt 1 tablespoon butter in rectangular pan, 13x9x2 • 3 lemons, cut crosswise into thin slices inches, in oven. Place mushrooms, filled sides up, in pan. • 3 limes, cut crosswise into thin slices Sprinkle with cheese. Bake 15 minutes. • 1 cup pomegranate seeds 5 Set oven control to Broil. Broil mushrooms with 3 tablespoons McCormick® Rum Extract tops 3 to 4 inches from heat about 2 minutes or until tops are 4 teaspoons McCormick® Pure Orange Extract light brown. Serve hot. PREPARATION Expert Tips Arrange orange, lemon and lime slices in layers in 6-cup Preparing for a party? Stuff, cover and refrigerate the mush- glass bowl, slightly overlapping the fruit slices in each rooms up to 24 hours ahead. Then when you're ready for hot layer. Sprinkle pomegranate seeds, rum flavor and or- appetizers, simply start with step 4. ange extract throughout the layers. Pour enough water into bowl to almost reach top of bowl. ( For clear ice, If you use Italian-seasoned bread crumbs, you can decrease boil the water first then let stand until cooled.) the Italian seasoning to about 1 teaspoon. Freeze overnight or until ice ring is frozen Italian seasoning is a premade seasoning blend that usually includes: basil, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, sage, savory To unmold ice ring, dip bowl into hot tap water. Unmold ice and thyme. ring and place in 4-quart punch bowl. Pour Cranberry Pineapple Punch or your favorite punch recipe into When using dried spices and seasoning blends, store in air- bowl. Replenish bowl with additional punch over time. tight container away from heat, light and moisture. For best flavor, keep whole spices and herb leaves up to 1 year and Eggnog ground spices and herbs up to 6 months. Older spices and herbs can be used, but the flavors will weaken with age.

Use a small ice-cream scoop or the large end of a melon ball cutter to scoop the vegetable mixture evenly into the mush- room caps.


No Christmas is complete without eggnog!


11 servings249 cals • 6 eggs • 1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • 1 quart milk • 1/3 pint heavy whipping cream An ice ring with colorful citrus fruit slices and pomegranate • 1 pinch ground nutmeg seeds adds a festive touch to the holiday punch bowl. Add your favorite punch recipe or use the Cranberry Pineapple • 1 pinch salt Punch recipe provided in the tip. 69 mix well. Gradually beat in flourmixture on low speed Directions until well mixed. Divide dough in half. Form each half into a log about 9 incheslong and 1 1/2 inchesin di- ameter. Wrap in wax paper. Refrigerate 1 hour or until firm. Beat eggs; mix in condensed milk, vanilla, quart of 1. Preheat oven 350°F. Mix sanding sugar and kosher milk and salt. salt. Roll each cold dough log in mixture to coat evenly. Beat the whipping cream until soft peaks form. Fold in Cut dough into 1/4-inch thick slices. Place on un- to egg and milk mixture and sprinkle with nutmeg. greased baking sheets. Serve chilled. Bake 12 to 15 minutes or until lightly browned around edges. Cool on baking sheets 1 minute. Remove to Sugar Rimmed Margarita Cookies wire racks; cool completely. For the Tequila Glaze, mix confectioners’ sugar, water and tequila in small bowl until smooth. (Or omit tequila and use 2 tablespoons water.) Drizzle Glaze over cooled cookies. Let stand until glaze is set.

Cooking tip Test Kitchen Tip: Sanding sugar, also known as deco- rator’s sugar, is a large crystal sugar that will not dis- solve when baked. It can be found in the baking aisle of some groceries, housewares and craft stores, and online specialty stores.

Holiday Pizza Wreath Sugar Rimmed Margarita Cookies: These slice and bake cookies are reminiscent of a margarita. Lime peel, orange extract and sage flavor the cookies. While a tequila glaze completes the cookies, a coating of sand- ing sugar and kosher salt mimics the salt-rimmed bev- erage glass. Ingredients Serves: Makes 5 dozen or 20 (3 cookie) servings. 2 cups flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) butter, softened 1 cup granulated sugar 1 egg 1 tablespoon finely grated lime peel Make this easy (and so festive) pizza for your holiday party! 1 teaspoon McCormick® Pure Orange Extract Tieghan Gerard 1 teaspoon McCormick® Sage, Rubbed Ingredients 1/4 cup sanding sugar 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt 1 (13 ounce) can Pillsbury™ refrigerated pizza 1 cup confectioners’ sugar crust SAVE $ 1 tablespoon water 8-9 cheese sticks 1 tablespoon tequila 1 (25 ounce) jar Muir Glen™ tomato basil pasta sauce SAVE $ 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese 2 cups baby arugula Directions 2 red bell peppers, 1 diced and 1 sliced SAVE $ 1 green bell pepper, diced 2 ounces spiced salami, thinly sliced 15 minsPrep time12 minsCook time ½ cup grated Parmesan cheese For the Cookies, mixflourand 1/4 teaspoon salt in me- Sauces for dipping and serving (ranch dressing, balsamic dium bowl. Set aside. Beat butter and granulated sugar vinegar, pizza sauce, etc.) in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until light and fluffy. Add egg, lime peel, extract and sage; 70 Steps Ingredients

1 Preheat the oven to 400ºF. 1 bag (12 oz) white vanilla baking chips (2 cups) 1 container Betty Crocker™ Rich & Creamy vanilla 2 Unroll the pizza crust dough and shape it in into a frosting ball. Allow the dough to rest 5 minutes and then roll it out Betty Crocker™ green and red gel food colors into a large circle. Steps 3 Slice the cheese sticks in half lengthwise and place them around the edges of the pizza dough. Roll the edges up 1 Line 8-inch square pan with foil, leaving foil overhang- and over the cheese, pinching the dough to seal in the cheese. ing at 2 opposite sides of pan; spray foil with cooking spray. 4 Using a large 4-1/2 inch circle cookie cutter or a sharp knife, cut a circle out of the middle of the dough. Use 2 In large microwavable bowl, microwave white chips the leftover dough to fill in any thin spots around the wreath. uncovered on High 1 minute. Spoon frosting over chips. Mi- crowave on High 30 seconds; stir. If necessary, continue to 5 Spread the pizza with sauce and then sprinkle with microwave in 15-second increments until mixture can be cheese. Add the arugula and diced red and green peppers. stirred smooth. Sprinkle with a little more mozzarella cheese and then add the salami slices. 3 Place 3/4 cup fudge mixture into each of 2 small bowls, leaving remaining untinted fudge mixture in bowl. 6 Bake for 25-30 minutes or until the cheese is melted Tint 1 bowl green and 1 bowl red by stirring in each food and bubbly. While the pizza is baking, cut slices of the re- color to desired color. maining red pepper in strips and arrange them in the shape of a bow. 4 Drop heaping tablespoons of green, red and white fudge mixture in bottom of pan to create random pattern. Pull 7 Garnish the pizza with fresh arugula and Parmesan table knife through layers for marbled design. Refriger- cheese. Place the pepper bow at the top. Serve with balsamic ate uncovered until set, about 1 hour. vinegar, ranch dressing and extra pizza sauce if desired.

Expert Tips Customize the veggies to your liking: sun-dried tomatoes, zucchini, jalapenos, spinach, pepperonis and green olives would all be awesome.

3 Ingredient Christmas Swirl Fudge

5 Remove from pan by lifting foil; peel foil away. Cut into 8 rows by 8 rows. Store covered in refrigerator.

Expert Tips Colors can be customized for holidays or different events — use your imagination!

The fudge mixture will start to set up quickly, so make sure This beautiful fudge is deceptively easy — you only need you have everything ready, and work quickly. three ingredients — and a guaranteed hit at any holiday party or Christmas cookie exchange. 71 Betty Crocker’s #tastenotwaste Initiative

40% of food waste happens at home—but it doesn’t have to! We’re sharing six small-but- mighty ways that you can make a big difference. Betty Crocker is embarking on a campaign to #tastenotwaste. As a global food company, General Mills recognizes food waste is a major social, environmental, and economic challenge and is invested in change. We are continuously working to improve production processes that eliminate waste and are partnering with Feeding America to make sure uneaten food gets from stores and restaurants to people, not garbage cans. But there is one place we need help—at home, where 40% of food waste happens. The stats about consumer food waste at home might surprise you.

The good news is that small changes can have a big, positive im- pact on the problem when we all do our part. Best of all? They save you time and money—up to $1,500 a year for a family of four.

Here are six things you can do right now to help reduce food waste at home.

How to Save $1,500 a Year on Groceries

1. Stick to a list.

It’s as easy as having a shopping list and sticking to it—really! Going into the grocery store with a plan saves time, cuts down on food waste, and saves you enough money to consider a vacation. 72 2. Store food the smart way.

Knowing which foods to store where, how and for how long reduces food waste and can save you money. Which means it pays to be smart about food storage!

The Ultimate Guide to Food Storage 3. Use what you have before it goes bad. Just like grocery stores rotate the oldest items to the front before stocking with new, you should plan dinners using what’s hanging around in the back of your pantry and fridge. It’s a smart way to prevent food waste, and with all of these recipe ideas that all start with common pantry staples, it couldn’t be easier!

101 Dinner Ideas Using What You Have on Hand 4. Raid your pantry.

Learning to cook with whichever ingredients you find in your kitchen—whether it’s your fridge, pantry, freezer or countertop—doesn’t just make you a better, more adaptable cook. You’ll save time with fewer trips to the grocery store. You’ll save money by using everything you’ve already bought. You’ll save food by using up what you have and throwing away less. And above all, Recipes to Make with What You Have on Hand you’ll be able to create delicious dishes on the fly, whenever you need them! 5. Hack your leftovers.

There are meals that taste even better the next day, and then there are the ones that could use a little extra something. We’ve got five easy ways to rethink and revive your leftovers so they don’t go to waste.

5 Easy Ways to Take Leftovers from Good to Great 73 6. Understand date labels.

We’re deciphering what all the labels mean so you know how long your food will stay good—without having to give it the sniff test.

What do Dates on Food Labels Really Mean? Four-ish ways to make baking at home not so intimidating By Kate Williams

Icannot count the number of times I've heard the phrase,"Iam just not a baker." Even myfriends and familymembers who love tocook claim that theycannot possibly pull off a basic cookie recipe or sheet cake. To this, I say,resolutely, you are all wrong.

Anyone can learn how to bake,whether it's a sweetdessertor a savory bread. All you need to do is take a deep breath and remember a few simple tips.

First: Read the gosh darn recipe! Yes, it is true that baking involves more attention to detail than, say, whipping up a clean-out- the-fridge stir fry, but much of that attention just needs to be directed to the directions. One full read-through of the recipe (don't get distracted by Instagram, or your dog, or dogs on Instagram) will be enough to make sure you understand which ingredients go where, and how long you'll need to have your oven on. Taking the time to read will also ensure that you don't get halfway through baking before realizing that you don't have eggs in the fridge.

While you're reading, pay attention to anyingredients or terminology you don't understand.How do you "fold"? Can I use regular flour instead of pastry flour in this cake? What's "proofing?" If you've read the recipe bebfore you've started, you'll have the chance to consult other online resources, such as Southern Kitchen's Facebook page,or oneof the many instructional videos on YouTube, to hopefully answer your question. I'm guessing you, the non-baker, don't have an arsenal of baking books on your shelf, so the internet will be your friend as you become more comfortable baking.

Second: Measure everything before you start mixing. As a general rule, I always try to prepare all of my ingredients before cooking, or baking, anything. If you've watched any cooking show or culinary reality television program, you've surely heard the phrase "mise en place," which means, roughly, "everything in 74 its place." In professional kitchens, this refers to each building block of a dish, prepped, ar- ranged and ready to go before the restaurantopens. You can think aboutit the same wayin your home,and it can apply to anything you make in it.

Again, this step will help you to avoid any lastminute, "Oh [insert Southern expletive here], I forgot the salt," outburst. And it will help to keep you feeling calm and organized. Purchas- ing lots ofsmall bowls will help you stay the mostorganized,but, even if you don't have these, you can easily "mise" your dry ingredients (that is — flour, baking powder, sugar, etc) outonto a large plate and your wet ingredients (i.e. milk,eggs, vegetable oil, etc) into coffee mugs and cereal bowls.

Third: Speaking of measuring ... This is important. You do need to actu- ally measure when you are baking. Yes, you've seen the videos of Southern women baking bis- cuits, measuring flour by the handful and butter- milk bysight. Once you've baked thousands of biscuits,you can do that, too. For now, though, it is best to pony up and purchase three sets of measuring devices: dry measuring cups, a liquid measuring glass or two (you know, the Pyrex glass cups with a pour spoutand lines up the side), and measuring spoons.

If you're feeling bold,spring for a digital scale while you're atit. Measuring by weight sounds intimidating but it's way easier and requires much less clean-up than measuring by volume,believe it or not. However, if you're not ready to go there, it's totally fine. Get the cups and spoons and actuallyuse them.

Finally: Follow the directions. This sounds obvious. Yet many "non-bakers" I talk to say that theycan't follow directions. Real talk: You are wrong.

Anyone can follow directions; y'all learned how to do this in elementary school. If you're tackling something like a cupcake recipe for the first time, keep any distractions at bay. Put your phone in another room, turn off the television,and close all of the other browser tabs on your computer. Better yet — use a cookbook and leave the computer in the living room. Ipromise itwill be far easier to pay attention to the directions if you're not also making an Instagram storyof your baking project.

When the recipe says to stir wet ingredients into dry ingredients,do as it says. When the recipe says to fill cupcake tins three-quarters of the way, do as it says. When the recipe says to bake the sponge cake without opening the oven door, do as itsays.Once you've baked something a few times, you should feel free to experiment and fiddle with these 75 rules,but you won't know what is supposed to happen if you don't follow a recipe as written the first time. Side note: Sometimes recipes don't work. There are many reasons why this fact is true. The internet, while it can function as a great resource for beginning bakers, is full of untested and/or just terrible recipes. Site like AllRecipes.com exist to be the biggest recipe databases ofall time,not to be the best recipe databases of all time. If you've pulled a recipe off this type of website, I'd recommend doing a quick search for related recipes to see if they line up.

There are also plenty of poorly tested cookbooks out there hogging space on Amazon and at your local bookstore. An easy way to avoid purchasing a junk cookbook is to check and see ifthe images in the book actually match the recipes.(Yes, there are exceptions to this rule, especially with photo-less books like Joy of Cooking.) If the book is full of stock im- ages, there's a good chance the author rushed through publication and likely hasn't really tested the recipes.

Your best bet is to stick with well-regarded culinary websites and cookbooks. Scour awards lists from organizations like IACP and James Beard to get started, and look to websites like this one,as well as America's Test Kitchen, Serious Eats, Food52 and the site of bloggers who regularly test recipes, such as Smitten Kitchen, A Brown Table and My Name is Yeh. (Full disclosure: I have written for America's Test Kitchen and Serious Eats, and have recipes published on Food52.)

And sometimes, even if you've taken your time and followed directions and chosen a good recipe,it still may justnotwork. Or may notbe exactly what you thoughtitwas going to be. That's okay. Take notes (or at leastmental notes) so you'll know what you don't want to do next time! 76 The Gossip Fence Transgender In The News

Voters overwhelmingly support Question 3 on transgender rights

Massachusetts voters resoundingly reaffirmed the rights of transgenderpeople Tuesday, voting by a 2-1 ratio to uphold the 2016 state law that bars discrimination against them in such public places as restaurants, bars, and athletic facilities.

With 82 percent of ballots tallied, the “Yes on 3” side, which favored preserving the nondiscrimination law, was leading 68 percent to 32 percent.

Transgender activists, volunteers, and family members who gathered for an election night watch party at the Fairmont Copley Plaza roared at the news of victory just before 10 p.m., waving a flag representing transgender rights and chanting “Yes on 3!”

As the nation’s first statewide voter referendum on transgender rights, the ballot question was closely watched nationally and had been expected to be as polarizing as the debate overgay marriage, which first became legal in Massachusetts. Repeal of a transgender rights law in liberal Massachusetts could have had a ripple effect in other states that have embraced transgender rights.

But the gamble backfired for the “No on 3” campaign, which wasled by some of the same activistswho fought gay marriage years ago. Their campaign failed to garner widespread support or financial backing, while the LGBTQ activists pushed back ferociously at the threat of losing rights they had gained.

Freedom for All Massachusetts, as the “Yes on 3” campaign called itself, built a coalition that included major unions and employers, the GreaterBoston Chamber of Commerce, and the Red Sox. Business entities feared that repealing the law would create a backlash for businesses a s was seen in North Carolina, where the Legislature restricted transgender people to using the bathroom of their birth gender.

Some supporters of the question said they were offended that they were even asked to vote on transgender rights.

Transgender women celebrate monumental court win


It wasthe first case outcome of itskind: a total of $780,000 in damages for two transgender women who were denied medically necessary health care because of their gender identity. It was also likely the first time a court found that facial feminization surgery was medically necessary.

The women now hope that if eight jurors in Wisconsin could be convinced that transgender people deserve access to health care related to theiridentities, others might be inspired to fight for what they deserve, too.

In September, a federal judge ruled that Wisconsin had violated the rights of Alina Boyden and Shannon Andrews by enforcing an exclusion in the state employee health insurance plan on any treatments related to a gender 77 identity transition. U.S. District Judge William Conley agreed with judges around the country that discriminating against transgender people constitutes discrimination on the basis of their sex — the very opposite of the trans erasure the Trump administration is trying to impose.

But Boyden and Andrewsalso sued fordamages. Thismeant that even though the state had lost on itscase, there would be a new trial before a jury. The women had to sit through grueling depositions, then endure cruel cross-examinations in the courtroom. Ultimately, the state’s scrutiny

In the end, not onlydid the jury agree that the state had hurt them, it found that the women had truly suffered asa result of the state’s discriminatory exclusion policy.

Trump Administration Eyes Defining Transgender Out of Existence

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is considering narrowly defining gender as a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth, the most drastic move yet in a government wide effort to roll back recognition and protections of transgender people under federal civil rights law.

A series of decisions by the Obama administration loosened the legal concept of sex in federal programs, including in education and health care, recognizing sex largely as an individual’s choice — and prompting fights over bathrooms, dormitories, single-sex programs and other arenas where gender was once seen as a simple concept. Conservatives, especially evangelical Christians, were incensed.

Now the Department of Health and Human Services is spearheading an effort to establish a legal definition of sex under Title IX, the federal civil rights law that bans gender discrimination in education programs that receive government financial assistance, according to a memo obtained by The New York Times.

The department argued in its memo that key government agencies needed to adopt an explicit and uniform definition of genderas determined “on a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable.” The agency’s proposed definition would define sex as either male or female, unchangeable, and determined by the genitals that a person is born with, according to a draft reviewed by The Times. Any dispute about one’s sex would have to be clarified using genetic testing.

The new definition would essentially eradicate federal recognition of the estimated 1.4 million Americans who have opted to recognize themselves— surgically orotherwise — asa genderother than the one theywere born into.

“This takes a position that what the medical community understands about their patients — what people understand about themselves — is irrelevant because the government disagrees,” said Catherine E. Lhamon, who led the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights in the Obama administration and helped write transgender guidance that is being undone.

The move would be the most significant of a series of maneuvers, large and small, to exclude the population from civil rights protections and roll back the Obama administration’s more fluid recognition of gender identity. The Trump administration has sought to bar transgender people from serving in the military and has legally challenged civil rights protections for the group embedded in the nation’s health care law.

Civil rights groups have been meeting with federal officials in recent weeks to argue against the proposed definition, which has divided career and political appointees across the administration. Some officials hope that health and human services will at least rein in the most extreme parts, such as the call for genetic testing to determine sex.

Aftermore than a year of discussions, health and human services is preparing to formally present the new definition to the Justice Department before the end of the year, Trump administration officials say. If the Justice Department decides that the change is legal, the new definition can be approved and enforced in Title IX statutes, and across government agencies.

The Justice Department declined to comment on the draft health and human services proposal. The Justice Department hasnot yet been asked to render a formal legal opinion, according to an official there who wasnot 78 authorized to speak about the process. Election Night Broughta ‘Rainbow Wave’ ofLGBTVictories. Will Change Follow?

The political map got a little more blue—but it also got a lot more rainbow.

The 2018 midterm elections didn’t deliver on every potential LGBT advancement, but they did result in several key victories foran embattled community: In Massachusetts, for the first time in history, a statewide vote upheld protections for transgender people in public accommodations—and by a large margin of 67 to 32 percent.

Colorado voters chose Jared Polis to be their governor, marking the first time in history that an openly gay man has been elected to that office nationwide. And as of early Wednesday morning, eight openly LGBT candidates had won federal elections.

Two high-profile LGBT politicians also kept their jobs: Oregon’s Kate Brown, who is the only openly bisexual person to be elected governor, and Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin, who until Tuesday night was the only lesbian ever been elected to Congress.

At the same time, there were major—if not entirely unexpected—LGBT losses: openly transgender woman Christine Hallquist lost the Vermont gubernatorial election to Republican incumbent Phil Scott by a 15- point margin and out lesbian Lupe Valdez fell over a million votes short of Republican incumbent and former “bathroom bill” proponent Greg Abbott in the Texas gubernatorial election.

But the full scale of what LGBT advocates dubbed a “rainbow wave” may take days to come into focus: According to Victory Fund, a nonpartisan advocacy group that works to elect LGBT candidates, there were at least 391 out candidates on the ballot Tuesday night, with many of those races too close to call the morning after.

Caught in those tight contests were candidates like Krysten Sinema, an Arizona congresswoman and openly bisexual woman, who was running for the state’s open Senate seat and lesbian Iraq war veteran Gina Ortiz Jones, whose Texas congressional race had not yet been called by the Associated Press by early Wednesday morning, although some outlets projected a loss.

Already, though, it is clear that the “rainbow wave” encompassed wide swaths of the country, rather than being confined to states that have been historically conceived as LGBT-friendly.

The geographical breadth of precedents set was indeed impressive: Kansas elected out lesbian Sharice Davids, who will be not only the first openly LGBT congressperson from the state but the first Native American woman in Congress. Openly lesbian mom Angie Craig will now be the first LGBT member of Congress from Minnesota. Chris Pappas will be the first gay congressman from New Hampshire.

Indeed, according to Victory Fund, this was the first time that openly LGBT candidates were running for elected office in every state and the District of Columbia—although none made it to the ballot in Delaware, Mississippi, and New Mexico.

“This rainbow wave of candidates is certainly concentrated in blue states and districts, but LGBTQ leaders in conservative parts of the nation are standing up and determined to become public servants while remaining true to who they are,” Victory Fund president Annise Parker—herself once an openly lesbian mayor in the red state of Texas—said in a statement shortly before the election.

LGBT candidates won everywhere from Key West, Florida, where Teri Johnston will be an openly lesbian mayor all the way to Guam where Joshua Tenorio, who is gay, will be the new lieutenant governor.

One yearafter Danica Roem made history in Virginia by becoming the first openly transgender person elected and seated to a state legislature, transgender candidates saw some marginal gains: Gerri Cannon will become an openly transgender state legislatorin New Hampshire, less than a year after the state added gender identity protections to state non-discrimination law.

Author and transgender woman Lisa Bunker also won her state legislative race in New Hampshire. 79 Other transgender candidates for state office either lost their races, or votes were still being tallied as of early Wednesday morning.

But the big picture is this: After two years of enduring damaging anti-LGBT attacks from the Trump administration, LGBT advocates are hopeful that a Democratic majority in the House—combined with an increase in LGBT political representation nationwide—can help stop the bleeding.

“Tonight, millions of LGBTQ voters and allies across the nation rejected the politics of hate and fear—and put Donald Trump and Mike Pence on notice,” Human Rights Campaign president Chad Griffin said in a statement. “The days of attacking LGBTQ people for political gain are over, and the American people will not stand for lawmakerswho try to drum up votesby trafficking in hate.”

Weeks before the midterm elections, a leaked memo from the Trump administration outlined an attempt to re- define “sex” based on original birth certificate—an action that, on top of moves like the transgender troop ban and the rollback of Obama-era restroom guidance, have left the transgender community feeling fearful and anxious.

Transgender advocates believe that a successful defense of restroom protections in Massachusetts—after years of “bathroom bills” cropping up in states like Texas and North Carolina—is a hopeful sign for the future.

Tuesday’s election offered limited but still tangible hope to the LGBT community. For more lasting change, though, the “rainbow wave” may have to become a tsunami.

Kim Davis Loses Her Re-Election Bid For Kentucky County Clerkship

Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk whose refusal to sign marriage certificates for same-sex couples grabbed national headlines in 2015, has lost her bid for re-election to the Rowan County clerkship. The Republican lost to Democrat Elwood Caudill Jr., 54 percent to 46 percent.

With all 19 precincts reporting, preliminary results show Caudill earned 4,210 votes to Davis' 3,566. It was Davis' first time facing re-election since her fight against same-sex marriage landed her briefly in jail in 2015. She had defied the Supreme Court's ruling that year in Obergefell v. Hodges, the landmark decision that legalized same- sex marriage nationwide, explaining that distributing marriage licenses to such couples went against her beliefs as a memberof the Apostolic Church.

Her refusal quickly became a lightning rod of controversy, drawing support from social conservatives and anger from same-sex-marriage advocates. Held in contempt for declining to fulfill a key pillar of her duties as county clerk, Davis found herself thrown in jail for several days — and all the while, demonstrators across the political spectrum descended on the small county of some 23,000 people.

Rainbow Wave': How Did The Record Class Of LGBTQ Nominees Fare?

Asthe electoral landscape tookshape earlier thisyear, at least one thing became clear: 2018 wasset to be- come a year of firsts. Election Day promised to usher in a group of barrier-breaking candidates, blazing trails for diverse communities that have long gone unrepresented in Congress and other halls of power — and nowhere was that promise more evident than in its record-smashing class of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgenderand queer nominees.

More than 400 such candidates were on the ballot Tuesday, according to the Victory Fund, an advocacy group that supports viable LGBTQ politicians. The sizable crop of candidates had some people even speaking of a "rainbow wave."

So, now that Election Dayhasdrawn to a close, howhasthat record classactuallyfared at the ballot box? The final answer to that question will need to wait until all of the races are called, of course, but already some candidates have made history.

Democratic Rep. Jared Polis won his bid to become Colorado's next governor — and, in the process, became the first openly gay man in the U.S. to be elected governor. The congressman ran on a progressive agenda of 80 implementing universal health care and increasing the state's dependence on renewable energy.

He is not the first LGBTQ person to reach the governor's mansion. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, an openly bisexual woman, stepped in as the state's governor in 2015 and won outright election the next year. Brown won re-election to a full term Tuesday,

LGBTQ gains extended far beyond governors' mansions, however. As of Wednesday morning, at least eight candidates — all Democrats — won seats in Congress, according to the Victory Fund, while a handful of other congressional nominees remain locked in races that are still too close to call.

Democrat Angie Craig is projected to defeat incumbent GOP Rep. Jason Lewis in Minnesota's 2nd District, becoming the first openly LGBTQ person to be elected to Congress from the state. She is also expected to be the only openly lesbian mother in Congress.

Sharice Davids, meanwhile, made a double dose of history by winning Kansas' 3rd District. She joins a fellow Democrat, Deb Haaland of New Mexico, as one of the first Native American women elected to Congress. Davids, a member of the Ho-Chunk Nation, will also become the first openly lesbian woman to represent Kansas in Con- gress.

"We have the opportunity to reset expectations about what people think when they think of Kansas," Davids told supporters during her victory speech, according to The Kansas City Star."We know there are so manyofuswho welcome everyone, who see everyone and who know that everyone should have the opportunity to succeed."

This professor wants to disrespect trans students so much he’s going to court

It's the latest effort from the Alliance Defending Freedom to dismantle transgender rights.

A professor at Shawnee State University in Ohio has sued the school, claiming that administrators infringed upon his freedoms of speech and religion by requiring him to respect transgender students’ gender identities. The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), an anti-LGBTQ hate group, ishelping the professor argue that he should be entitled to violate Shanee’s nondiscrimination policy, which enumerates protections on the basis of gender identity.

Philosophy professor Nicholas Meriwether’s suit is a response to warning letter being placed in his personnel file this summer — discipline for repeatedly refusing to respect a transgender student in his class during the spring semester. He insists that he shouldn’t have to address students according to their genderidentity because he believes that “gender is fixed” and “that it cannot be changed, regardless of an individual’s feelings or desires.” ADF makes clear early in the complaint that this is an attempt to completely disregard the legitimacy of transgender identities. They brazenly assert that “the concept of gender identity is entirely subjective and fluid,” that “the number of potential genderidentities is infinite (with overone hundred different options currently available),” and that “the number of potential pronouns has likewise multiplied in recent years.” It further claims that “some sources say” a person’s gender identity can be “affected by mood swings” or “change depending on which friend you’re with.”

The Blue Wave Swept Many Of The GOP’s Anti-Gay Bigots Out To Sea

Republican Dana Rohrabacher, who was first elected to Congress in 1988, lost his re-election bid last week to Democrat Harley Rouda.

Dana Rohrabacher, the 15-term Republican incumbent washed away by Democratic challenger Harley Rouda when the blue wave came ashore in Southern California’s 48th Congressional District last week, isn’t your average homophobic extremist. He is, in fact, an architect of the decades-long battle against LGBTQ rights and a politician, among many others, whose bigotry is partly responsible for the deaths of thousands of people from AIDS. He was among a trio of California right-wing Republican congressmen ― including Bob Dornan and William Dannemeyer ― who demonized people with AIDS in that era, Now, after 30 years, thisbigot hasfinally been booted. 81 And he’s not the only one. In Minnesota, Rep. Jason Lewis, a Republican who equated gay couples with rapists, lost his House seat to Democrat Angie Craig ― the first lesbian mom elected to Congress.

There has been much discussion in the aftermath of last week’s midterms about the rainbow wave, a record number of LGBTQ candidates elected in races across the country ― over 150 at last count. But on the other side of the coin, many ardent homophobes and anti-gay candidates were taken down too.

In another case of poetic justice, openly bisexual California Democrat Katie Hill defeated Republican House member Steve Knight, who supported Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage in California, and voted against banning “ex-gay” therapy during his time in the California Senate. In Georgia’s now-famous 6th Congressional District, short-lived GOP incumbent Karen Handel, who said last year while running in a special election against Democrat Jon Ossoff that she didn’t support allowing adoption by gay and lesbian couples, was beaten by African-American Democrat and gun reform advocate Lucy McBath.

Texas GOP Rep. Pete Sessions, who claimed the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida ― the site of a 2016 gun massacre ― wasn’t actually a gay club (and who voted anti-gay every chance he got in hismore than 20 yearsin Congress, garnering a score of zero every year from the Human Rights Campaign) was defeated by African- American civil rights lawyer Colin Allred.

In a huge upset in Oklahoma, Republican Steve Russell, who in 2016 introduced a bill that would have provided religious exemptions to President Barack Obama’s executive order banning anti-LGBTQ discrimination among federal contractors, lost to Kendra Horn, the first Democrat to win the state’s 5th Congressional District in 44 years.

Former CIA analyst Elissa Slotkin took down Republican Rep. Mike Bishop in Michigan. He voted last year to deny transgender service members medically necessary transition-related health care and was an ardent opponent of marriage equality, seeking religious exemptions.

In fact, the list of GOP House members opposed to marriage equality who came crashing down last week goes on and on: Dave Brat and Barbara Comstock in Virginia, Iowa’s Rod Blum, Illinois’ Randy Hultgren, Mike Coffman in Colorado and Keith Rothfus in Pennsylvania.

In races that have yet to be called but where Democrats seem likely to prevail, GOP marriage equality opponents include New York’s Claudia Tenney, New Jersey’s Tom MacArthur and Utah’s Mia Love, who even sent out anti-gay emails during the campaign attacking her opponent’s support of marriage equality.

In the Senate, GOP marriage equality opponent Dean Heller went down in Nevada against Jacky Rosen. And in Arizona, Martha McSally, anotherequality opponent, lost in the fight for the open seat to replace marriage equality opponent Jeff Flake ― to openly bisexual Democratic candidate Kyrsten Sinema.

Far-right Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who once compared homosexuality to polygamy, was stopped from taking the governor’s seat and continuing the Kansas GOP’s anti-LGBTQ agenda. Democrat Laura Kelly flipped the state and has already vowed to reinstate protections for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender government employees, which were rescinded in 2015 by then-Gov. Sam Brownback.

In Wisconsin, anti-LGBTQ Republican Scott Walker lost his governorship to Tony Evers, after nearly eight years, in a major win for equality. Democrat Gretchen Whitmer flipped Michigan in its governor’s race, preventing Republican Attorney General Bill Schuette ― who rejected the Michigan Civil Rights Commission’s expansion of state law to protect LGBTQ people ― from continuing GOP Gov. Rick Snyder’s hostile agenda.

In another boost, openly lesbian civil rights attorney Dana Nessel, who fought Snyder to overturn the state’s same -sex marriage ban in a case among those that eventually prevailed at the U.S. Supreme Court in the 2015 Obergefell ruling ― was elected Michigan’s new attorney general.) 82 And in the open governor’s race in Maine, Democrat Janet Mills flipped the state, ensuring right-wing extremist Gov. Paul LePage’s horrifically anti-LGBTQ agenda won’t continue under Shawn Moody, who similarly opposed marriage equality.

In many state legislatures, the blue wave washed away the hate last week. In Texas, where anti-LGBTQ Republicans in recent years introduced more than a dozen bills harmful to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people each session, Democrats flipped 12 House seats, in the biggest shift since 2010. In an upset, Ron Simmons, who authored an infamous anti-transgender “bathroom” bill ― which died in the Texas House last se ssion but which conservatives vowed to bring back next year ― was defeated by Michelle Beckley.

There are more ― and I’m sure there are still others about whom I haven’t yet become aware. Just a couple of years ago, many queer activists and LGBTQ leaders would have grudgingly denied that these enemies of equality, several of whom they’ve fought for a decade or more, could have been defeated.

But the 2018 midterms showed that when progressives work together and organize with enormous drive, the possibilities are endless.

Victoria's Secret exec apologizes for comments about not casting transgender models

Victoria's Secret chief marketing officer is apologizing after he made comments explaining why transgender models shouldn't be cast in the lingerie company's annual fashion show.

In an interview with Vogue Thursday, Ed Razek said he didn't think the show should include "transsexuals" because "the show is a fantasy."

"If you’re asking if we’ve considered putting a transgender model in the show or looked at putting a plus-size model in the show, we have," he added. "We attempted to do a television special for plus-sizes (in 2000). No one had any interest in it, still don’t.

In a statement shared to the company's Twitter Saturday, the exec apologized for his comments, writing they "came across as offensive." "To be clear, we absolutely would cast a transgender model in our show. We've had transgender models come to castings... And like many others, they didn't make it," the statement read. "But it was never about gender. I admire and respect their journey to embrace who they really are."

A banner year for LGBT candidates got ev en stronger with Kyrsten Sinema’s Senate win Female candidates made historic gains in the 2018 midterm elections. And another demographic group also made historic gains: LGBTQ candidates. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D) was declared the winner in her Arizona Senate race on Tuesday, a victory that put an exclamation point on those gains.

“The high-profile wins in Arizona, Kansas and Wisconsin this cycle make clear that an LGBTQ candidate who listens to voters and prioritizes theirissues can win elected office anywhere — blue state or red state,” Elliot Imse, of the LGBTQ Victory Fund, toldThe Fix. The fund is an organization focused on electing openly LGBTQ candidates. “That is a significant evolution in American politics.”

Sinema, the first openly bisexual person elected to Congress, made history again nearly a week after the election when she became the first woman elected to the U.S. Senate from Arizona. She’sonlythe second openly LGBT person elected to the Senate, joining Tammy Baldwin, a Democrat from Wisconsin and a lesbian, who won her second term.

Sharice Davids, a lesbian, won a seat in Kansas. She and Deb Haaland (D-N.M.) are the first Native American women elected to Congress

Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) became the first openly gay man elected governor in the United States. He will lead a state that wasonce deemed the “hate state” after a 1992 law legalizing discrimination against 83 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender residents sparked international backlash and boycotts.

If Gina Ortiz Jones, who is in a close race in Texas against Rep. Will Hurd (R), becomes the first openly LGBTQ person elected to Congress from this state, that would bring the total number of openly LGBT members of Congress to 11. Regardless of the outcome of her race, this will be the first time that number has been in the double digits.

The LGBTQ community also saw winsat the state level and isawaiting resultsfrom other races, but to many activists, the message was clear. Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign, said the wins were a rejection of the Trump administration.

It isn’t shocking given the current political climate that more gay politicians are headed to Washington.

Gay Americans have previously expressed frustration with the Trump administration and its polices and proposals, including a Health and Human Services Department proposal to require that people identify with the sex they were assigned at birth, not the one with which they identify, and Trump’s declared ban on transgender people serving in the military. Members of the LGBT community have repeatedly felt slighted by Trump after he failed to acknowledge LGBT Pride Month, World AIDS Day and other events that were marked by previous administrations. And several LGBT-rights organizations fear that an executive orderTrump signed that is popular with conservative Christians could open the doors for more discrimination against gay Americans. But these members shouldn’t focus merely on LGBT-rights issues, said activist Keith Boykin, who served in President Bill Clinton’s administration.

“LGBTQ elected officials should focus on the same issues that got them elected. For most of them, that’s bread-and-butter issue s like health care, jobs and education. That doesn’t mean they should avoid LGBT issues, but they should focus on all issues that affect their constituents,” Boykin said.

While the gay community has made gains in cultural acceptance — most Americans today support same- sex marriage — activists argue that there is more to be done, including fighting to make sexual orientation a federally protected class against discrimination. Even if those issues aren’t the main focus of new lawmakers, the fact that gay Americans will now be more represented in Congress means these issues will probably have better odds of being addressed. 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 r be em ec e D in ss m i as M J

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