Hi, I don't represent any organisation. I am simply an Australian since birth who cannot stay quiet in regards to the Adani mine proposal.

I almost have no words for this folly...... if judged by merit, this project should never have been started!

Ok, straight to it...... WATER,WATER,WATER!!!

It's the lifeblood of our country, which every Aussie knows, and yet our Government seem quite happy to dish it out...... for FREE...... in UNLIMITED supply...... for 60 YEARS to the Adani mine!

Farmers in the region have already been warned that their bores will drop and the ground water quality will be affected, they can't actually say how much?!

OK, lets examine that statement...... we are talking about poisoning the water table or if you like the Galilee Basin which overlaps the so by default your now poisoning both. That great underwater sea that keeps our water clean filtered and usable makes up 22% of our country's landmass, it's just underground...... if it wasn't this is what you would see.

So if we poison the water table we then poison everything that relies on it.

Springs, creeks, , , , nature as a whole, in fact there's almost nothing in Australia that doesn't rely on water!

Are we really ready to risk all that for Fossil fuels that are half way out the door!!

As I read somewhere recently, "That egg can't be unscrambled"


Ok, so upsides to Adani...... there are none!

Apart from a few short term jobs during construction and even less during operation there is literally nothing in this for the country!!! We are just helping big corporations make a quick buck before they bugger off and leave us with the mess, which is inevitable given the pace of which the largest users of are shifting away from it!

And make no mistake this is a mess that won't be able to be fixed!!!

OK, i'm gonna touch on global responsibility now.

Australia is the biggest exporter of coal & gas......

Now here in Australia we are lucky in our air quality so far...... not so everywhere, for world wide more than 2 million people die each year from respiratory illness directly linked to pollution! How can we in good conscience keep fuelling this madness, when solution's are not just possible, but economically better, with renewable's being less costly from start to finish than an already up and running fossil fuel power ...... and they are just getting started. they will keep getting cheaper and less costly the more they are taken up!

Jobs...... it's true as we move from a fossil fuel world to a renewable one there will be job losses in some sectors, but much more are being opened up than lost.

I would like to site the example we have right here in my home state of South Australia where in Pt. Augusta they closed down the old coal power plant...... it seemed like it would be the death of the town, but an investor came along prepared to build a Solar Thermal Power Plant in the town, (after all the linking infrustructure is already there) and only required a contract to sell power to the government for a cheaper price than fossil fuels could supply! Long story short terms where reached and now the town can re-purpose a lot of the workers breathing life back into the town, only now it's with clean energy likely to last forever...... and I even heard that as a result of the needs of the plant, we will be manufacturing the Mirrors needed for this technology and looking to sell in Australia and overseas!

I believe that is an example of what can be done...... lets not be afraid of change but embrace it.

The Australia I Love, My Country...... Well I always pictured my country showing the rest of the world how it's done, not saddening my heart by lagging behind almost every 1st world!!

I could go on but I feel it isn't necessary......

For my money "the Water issue Cannot be bypassed as the single biggest reason this mine cannot go forward" or the true cost of this folly will be borne by more future generations than i care to count!

We should all remember...... we are just caretakers of this planet for future generations...... and we MUST start acting like it NOW!! A Citizen of Earth ( and proud Aussie)