
Disks in Class 0 protostars: The Resolved Massive Disk in FIRS 1

Melissa Enoch (UC Berkeley)

Stuartt Corder (ALMA/NRAO), Gaspard Duchêne (UC Berkeley), Mike Dunham (UT Austin)

Spitzer CARMA Bolocam

Monday, December 14, 2009 Project working on with... Based on c2d, bolocam surveys, follow up on a large census of cores & protostars in per, ser, oph Enoch et al. 2008 The mass distribution of lifetime of presteller cores in ,PrestellarcoresinPerseus,Serpens,andOphiuchus Serpens, and 17

Fig. 13.— Combined prestellar core mass distribution (CMD), with power law and lognormal fits. The prestellar sample is composed of all starless cores from Perseus, Serpens, and Ophiuchus, and the 50% mass completeness limit (dotted line) is defined by the completeness limit for average-sized cores in Perseus. Recent measurements of the stellar IMF for M ! 0.5M (α = 2.3 to 2.8) are similar to the Monday, December best-fit14, 2009 CMD power law slope (α = 2.3 0.4). IMF fits from Chabrier (2005) (lognormal) and! Kroupa− (2002) (three-component− power law) are shown as thick gray lines for− reference.± The shaded histogram indicates how the mass distribution changes if a small fraction of cores (15%, based on the six “unbound” cores from Figure 12) with M<1M are excluded from the prestellar sample. One of papers in mario’s list should have had a red! et al. Was lucky to have the king of assign a total uncertainty of 0.4 to our best fit slope, the CMD slightly (i.e. the true slope would be steeper cores’ insight whenon alsoour taking analysis into account of formal the fitting starless errors. We cores...than the MF, observed lifetime slope). Instrumental selection effects fit a lognormal distribution to M>0.3M , finding a are discussed further in Paper I. best-fit width σ =0.30 0.03 and characteristic! mass To be completely consistent, we should exclude ± M0 =1.0 0.1M . Although the lognormal function is the “unbound” cores from Figure 12 (those with ± !2 quite a good fit (˜χ =0.5), the reliability of the turnover Mdust/Mvir < 0.5) from our prestellar CMD. This rep- in the prestellar CMD is highly questionable given that resents 6 out of the 40 cores that have measured virial the completeness limit in Perseus coincides closely with masses in Perseus, all 6 of which have Mdust < 1M . the turnover mass. The prestellar CMD can also be fit by We do not have virial masses for cores in Serpens! or a broken power law with α = 4.3 1.1 for M>2.5M Ophiuchus, but we can randomly remove a similar frac- and α = 1.7 0.3 for M<−2.5M± , although the un-! tion of sources with M<1M from each cloud sam- certainties− are± large. ! ple (2 sources from Serpens, 4! from Ophiuchus, and an Given that source detection is based on peak intensity, additional 4 from Perseus). The shaded histogram in we may be incomplete to sources with very large sizes Figure 13 indicates how the mass distribution is altered and low surface density even in the higher mass bins when these 16 “unbound” cores are excluded from the (M>0.8M ). Completeness varies with size similarly sample. Our derived CMD slope is not affected, as nearly to M R2,! thus the fraction of (possibly) missed sources all of the starless cores below the “gravitationally bound” should∝ decrease with increasing mass.11 The effect of line in Figure 12 have masses below our completeness missing such low surface brightness cores, if they exist limit, and even at low masses the CMD is not signifi- and could be considered prestellar, would be to flatten cantly changed. There may also be some concern over the use of a sin- 11 Unless M R2 intrinsically for starless cores, in which case ∝ gle dust temperature TD = 10 K for all cores. To test a constant incompleteness fraction would apply over all mass bins. the validity of this assumption, we use the kinetic tem- Class 0 disks

‣ Goals: – When does the disk form? Andrews & Williams 2007 – Typical mass? – What does the inner envelope look like?

‣ Previous work – Evidence for disks in a few Class 0 sources (Chandler et al. 95, Looney et al. 03, Jorgensen et al. 07)

‣ Need: – Representative sample of Class 0 protostars – Broadband SED, tracer of MIR flux – High resolution images at optically thin wavelengths

Monday, December 14, 2009 That established... Like I said, this is follow up in a sense, looking deeper at subset populations from large sample. Increase toward younger times (Andrews & Williams 2007) vs. Start small (theory)? When form = do all class 0 have disks? Envelope structure important as well, need both together. Some measurements, but vary quite a bit, mostly “famous” sources (Jes exception). Rep sample - from collapse to Mstar=Menv. Can constrain models with.... [SHOWN BY JES] Class 0 disks

‣ Goals: – When does the disk form? Andrews & Williams 2007 – Typical mass? – What does the inner envelope look like?

‣ Previous work – Evidence for disks in a few Class 0 sources (Chandler et al. 95, Looney et al. 03, Jorgensen et al. 07)

‣ Need: – Representative sample of Class 0 protostars – Broadband SED, tracer of MIR flux c2d, IRS spectra – High resolution images at optically thin wavelengths CARMA maps

Monday, December 14, 2009 For Sample: census of embedded protostars

Enoch et al. 2009

‣ Spitzer IRAC/MIPS + Bolocam 1.1 mm ‣ ~40 Class 0 sources surveys (“Cores to Disks”; Evans et al. 2003) - Tbol < 70 K - ~20 sq deg in Per, Ser, Oph - Menv ~ 0.2 - 10 Msun - Lbol ~ 0.2 - 10 Lsun - Menv limit ~ 0.1-0.2 Msun

Monday, December 14, 2009 The sample is from census.... Complete to Menv & Lint limits. 40 class 0, defined by Phil’s Tbol, having T<70K Selected sample that do not have mid-IR spectra and/or high resolution millimeter maps. Disk and Envelope Structure in Class 0 Protostars: I. The resolved massiveThe Resolved Massive disk Disk in in FIRS Serpens 1 FIRS 1 13 (Enoch, Corder, Dunham & Duchêne, ApJ in press: astro-ph/0910.2715)

Monday, December 14, 2009 Fig. 4.— Three color Spitzer image (8 µm blue, 24 µm green, 70 µm red) of Serpens FIRS 1, with CARMA 230 GHz continuum contours Modeling &overlaid. testing The direction completed of the radio jet for (Rodr´ıguez 1 source et al. 1989; Curiel(brightest) et al. 1993) is shown again here; it lines up fairly well with extended 8 µm emission (blue), which is likely scattered light from the outflow cavity. The 8 µm source to the south is a more evolved YSO (Harvey To serve aset al.proof 2007). of feasibility of method. Direction of cm jet from.... – 27 –

CARMA 230 GHz map

Short baseline data All data Long baseline data Fig. 3.— CARMA 230 GHz maps of Serpens FIRS 1 for short baseline data only (D,E configurations;only (E,D panel array) A), all data (panel(B,C,D,E B), and long array) baseline dataonly only (B,C (B,C configurations; array) panel C). Contours in panel B are (2,4...10,20...70) times the 1σ rms of 6.7 mJy beam−1, for a synthesized beam of 0.94"" 0.89"" (shown, lower right). Contours in panels A and C × Monday,start December at 4σ and 14, 2009 6σ, respectively. A linear scale of 500 AU is indicated in panel (B); note the Notechange pick in up scale dif inerent each structures panel. The with direction diferent of configurations. the 3.6 cm jet ( Rodr´ıguez Envelope, etresolve al. 1989; out Curiel someet al. env, 1993) disk. is also shown for reference. Binary?? – 28 –

– 26 – CARMA 1mm visibilities

Spitzer IRS spectrum

Fig. 4.— CARMA 230 GHz visibility amplitude versus uv-distance for Serpens FIRS 1. Observations in the B, C, D, and E CARMA antenna configurations provide uv-coverage from 4.5 kλ to 500 kλ. The expected value in the case of zero signal, or amplitude bias, is shown with a dotted line and is typically small (less than 0.1 Jy).

Fig. 2.— Spitzer IRS spectrum of Serpens FIRS 1, using the Low Res 7.4 14.5 µm Monday, December 14, 2009 − (SL1), Hi Res 9.9 19.6 µm (SH), and Hi Res 18.7 37.2 µm (LH) modules. Binned data − − Really get more information from(∆λ visibilities1 µm) are over-plotted than map. as diamonds; Lots error of barsemission represent at the intermediate, variation within each ∼ maybe point like out at >200 bin.klam.... Binned fluxes are used in the model fitting and given in Table 1. Other new data is IRS spectrum. Binned points used in model fit. Radiative Transfer Models (RADMC; Dullemond & Dominik 2004)

‣ SED is sensitive to: – Rout, Rcent – Inclination, outflow opening angle

‣ 1mm visibilities are Ro Rc sensitive to: – Mdisk, Rdisk – (Rout, Rcent)

‣ Set by 1mm/Spitzer photometry: 2 x Ang – Menv, Lstar

Monday, December 14, 2009 Model - RADMC, env of infalling rotating spheroid, w/ outflow & disk SED & 1mm almost orthogonal constraints Serpens FIRS 1: best-fit model • Rcent ~ 600 AU, outflow full opening angle ~ 20 deg • Disk mass ~ 1.0 Msun, Disk radius ~ 300 AU • Disk-to-Envelope mass ratio ~ 0.13

Monday, December 14, 2009 Blue=just envelope 500/6000 fits a bit better, but hard to fit intermed uv dist Of course, a range of params works HIGH MASS. Higher than would expect for young source, unless high env infall rate and/ or very rapid rotation in initial core. iha3 sour a 0 with (Class L483 panel, left lower the In symbols. blue with h e rage ntelwrrgtpnl R 4(ls sou I (Class 54 IRS panel, right lower the In triangle. red the h ls ore icse eewr bevda . mm 1.1 850 at at observed been observed have whereas sources were GHz) I here and (345 0 discussed mm the Class ob- GHz). 0.8 sources exactly were (270 and I at sources GHz) Class 0 observed (230 the Class mm not The 1.3 were SMA. at sources served the I at wavelengths and same 0 Class The h eie opc n igeds ue costesample the across fluxes compare now single-dish can and continuum we compact section from derived previous the the from masses resuts the disk With and envelope Determining 4.3. 9. Fig. prot embedded of evolution mass The al.: et Jørgensen K. J. 10 tp r eurd ohteevlp n ikcnrbt to contribute disk and envelope the both required: are steps 9). sour (Fig. each directly of compared are fluxes scales the angular correction similar this at With envelope. the for eie pcrlsoeo . rmta ae,ie,ls ste less i.e., paper, that from 2.5 of slope spectral derived aiu otiuinfo h neoeo h . minter- the mm quantify k 1.1 50 can the at on we flux envelope ferometric results the interferomet from above and contribution the single-dish maximum with the However, both beams. in emission observed ie ogrta 0k ba on 40 estimated than fluxes longer source point lines di 0 Class this the take interpolate To we JCMT. the on SCUBA with aestertoo h ikadevlp mass envelope and disk the of ratio the panels h pe aesso h aiso h nefrmtradsi and interferometer the of ratios the show panels upper The Monday, December14,2009 COMPLEMENTARY STUDIES Average massJes ~0.05bothClass0/ClassI If calculateinsame way.... Estimate Mdisk fromthe1mmfluxat50klam. Subtractoutfixed%fromenvelope. oetmt h asso ohcmoet,afwmore few a components, both of masses the estimate To measurements

arXiv:0909.3386v1 env and disk as well as fluxes interferometer and Single-dish [astro-ph.SR] 18 Sep 2009 σ orsodneto Correspondence eta tr–ad npriua,wa vltoaytime-s evolutionary what particular, in and, – central we hoeia tde n miia cee,bsd fo based, schemes, empirical and and studies star theoretical understandi tween and theoretical disk Our the envelopes. of of growth dissipation and the formation the onto determine disk t protoplanetary from low- the accreted of through is envelope evolution material how scale the is larger of objects stellar studies young in mass problem fundamental The Introduction 1. ml,o h pcrleeg itiuin rclr ro i on or colors or distributions energy be spectral coupling the the on on ample, relied typically has YSOs of evolution the etmaue,eg,o h crto ae.Tems common most The rates. accretion the of e.g., measures, rect sta h omrei oeta .%o hi uioiyat their of 0.5% than 350 more than emit protosta longer former I wavelengths and the 0 that Class embedded is the between distinction used etta hyhv crtdls hnhl fterfia mass final their of half than less accreted have they that flect edo Send I h aseouino neoe,dss n tr rmth from and disks, envelopes, of evolution mass The II. etme 1 2009 21, September srnm Astrophysics & Astronomy pe ii oisds as(0.001 mass disk its to limit upper e .Jørgensen K. Jes RSC umliee ra uvyo o-asprotostar low-mass of survey Array Submillimeter A PROSAC: h icmtla ikot h eta star. central the onto disk circumstellar the asadeouinr tg fteyugselrojcs Th objects. stellar young the of stage evolutionary and mass meddpootla tgs ihms ftemtra fro material the of most with stages, protostellar embedded nteCas0saead2–0 nteCasIsae o h Cla the For stage. s I star-disk-envelope Class the in the mass in total 20–60% the of and 70–98% stage contain 0 Class the in to stage 0 Class rpitoln eso:Spebr2,2009 21, September version: online Preprint 4 3 2 1 otertclmdl o h vlto fyugselrobj stellar young of evolution the for models theoretical to ssnl-ihcniumosrain,w aedvlpda developed have we observations, continuum single-dish as n ik,adfo htetmtdtermse.FrteClas the For masses. their estimated that from and disks, and asso h eta tr.I h te ore h ik ar disks the sources other the In source stars. these central of the Four of Array. masses Submillimeter the with observed eouin(yial 2 (typically resolution Conclusions. Results. Methods. Aims. Context. e words. Key sup star. rotationally central the necessarily onto not are disks these (although eni h eie ikmse o bet ihnbt evolu both within objects for masses disk derived the in seen edt vrsiaeteds assrltv otestellar the to relative masses disk the overestimate to tend ff rn eussto requests print avr-mtsna etrfrAtohsc,6 adnSt Garden 60 Astrophysics, for Center Harvard-Smithsonian a-lnkIsiu ¨rEtaersrsh hsk Gies Physik, f¨ur Extraterrestrische Institut Max-Planck ednOsraoy ednUiest,P o 53 NL-230 9513, Box PO University, Leiden Observatory, Leiden readrIsiu ¨rAtooi,Uiest fBonn, of University f¨ur Astronomie, Argelander-Institut ecntantemse fteevlps ik,adcentral and disks, envelopes, the of masses the constrain We Jørgensen et ohCas0adIpootr r uruddb ik ihtyp with disks by surrounded are protostars I and 0 Class Both h e usinaoterypootla vlto shwm how is evolution protostellar early about question key The λ apeo 0Cas0adIpootr a enosre ncon in observed been has protostars I and 0 Class 20 of sample A λ rmJresne l 20a sn the using (2007a) al. et Jørgensen from [email protected] : tr omto icmtla atr–paeaysystems planetary – matter circumstellar – formation star: sn oeta bu %o h enve- the of 4% about than more no as h eut ru nfvro itr nwihcircumstella which in picture a of favor in argue results The ! 1 e .Jørgensen K. Jes : 0 wn .vnDishoeck van F. Ewine , . 1 "" M ihteSbilmtrAry sn ealdds radiati dust detailed Using Array. Submillimeter the with ) # nteCasIsae yial,tedsshv assta ar that masses have disks the Typically, stage. I Class the in aucitn.ms no. manuscript µ .Ti ntr stogtt re- to thought is turn in This m. ff ihe .Hogerheijde R. Michiel rneit account into erence M al. (left) ! rmteSAosrain ihtebu triangle. blue the with observations SMA the from ) A&A, inpress(astro-ph:0909.3386) n ikmass disk and 2 , 3 udVisser Ruud , pthan ep otd n ail rcs aeilacee rmtelarg the from accreted material process rapidly and ported) ebcsrse1 54 acig Germany Garching, 85748 1, senbachstrasse assi h aeCasIstage. I Class late the in masses cstruhteerypootla stages. protostellar early the through ects gof ng scnrssteevlp as hc erae hrl fro sharply decreases which mass, envelope the contrasts is u e ¨gl7,511Bn,Germany Bonn, 53121 H¨ugel 71, dem Auf akdb pial hc neoeadoto emission. outflow and envelope thick optically by masked e h min neoeacee notecnrlsa.Theor star. central the onto accreted envelope ambient the m cales µ ex- r the se,cnrigta hs bet r aei hi evolut their in late are objects these that confirming ystem, c ihn eetditreoerco igeds emissio dish single or interferometric detected no with rce se- ABSTRACT ndi- stages rmwr o ietnln h otnu msinfo th from emission continuum the disentangling for framework ewt neoeol msin e icsini et ss is text) in discussion see emission; envelope-only with ce ce geds flux ngle-dish ore ntesml HCO sample the in sources I s m er hwsgso elra oain aigi osbet det to possible it making rotation, Keplerian of signs show s the inr tgs oeiec sfudfracreainbetwe correlation a for found is evidence No stages. tionary he etM-2 abig,M 23,USA 02138, MA Cambridge, MS-42, reet ly . rs - ALie,TeNetherlands The Leiden, RA 0 sIsucsfrwihKpeinrtto sse,tecentra the seen, is rotation Keplerian which for sources I ss 2 Jresne l,2007a). al., et (Jørgensen to found disks the in ≈ wavelengths millimeter at emission uum equations these In t5 k 50 at S for: solved be easily 850 at flux peak single-dish lope igeds ekflxosre t11m yteinterferomete the by mm 1.1 at observed flux peak single-dish 850 at flux envelope the with equations two the write can S h nefrmtri odfis siaeo h culcomp ( actual infalling the the of with estimate associated first not good flux measuremen a direct is the interferometer that the enough small is generally bution for discussion above the from etknit con ee ssonaoeteevlp masse envelope the above shown as here: account into taken be pte aaa . o24 to 2.2 at data Spitzer (right) n hlpC Myers C. Philip and , tr fasml flwms rtsasadcmaeteresu the compare and protostars low-mass of sample a of stars S oehrwt tla assifre rmKpeinrotat Keplerian from inferred masses stellar with Together r dust using data continuum interpreting By sources. I Class eovdln as(e loBic ta. 07 omne al et Lommen 2007; al., et Brinch also (see masse maps their line estimate resolved and emission the fro to contributions disks the and disentangle envelopes we models, transfer tive utaon apeo 0Cas0adIlwms protostars, HCO low-mass tracer, I gas and dense a 0 of analyze Class observations we 20 as well paper, of as this sample emission a In of around disk. frac- observations dust a what interferometric in and and up outflows single-dish ended protostellar (so-far) the has of h c tion action being mass the is core fraction by initial what star, away the central of addr the onto fraction by accreted what been context as evolutionary such indiv proper questions place ing their disk, can in stellar, stages protostars the pivotal ual these of during measurements protost masses Direct embedded envelope exist. the through stages o matter constraints lar the hard of few evolution but actual 2000), 1993, al., Andr´e et (e.g., 2 ye .Bourke L. Tyler , 50k env 2 15 2 te sacee rmtelresaemlclrcod thr cloud, molecular large-scale the from accreted is atter lp assa ucino oreblmti temperatures bolometric source of function as masses elope rtpaeaydss–rdaietransfer radiative – disks protoplanetary : . o ob ofsdwt h nrrdslope, infrared the with confused be to Not odrv neoemse,afwadtoa e additional few a masses, envelope derive To "" clmse faot0.05 about of masses ical rmteosrain fteCas0sucsi u sample our in sources 0 Class the of observations the from 5 n ikflxa . mm, 1.1 at flux disk and , λ ik r omderydrn h rtselrevolution protostellar the during early formed are disks r = = ls ore r hw ihrdsmosadCasI Class and symbols red with shown are sources 0 Class . λ iuma sbmliee aeegh thg angular high at wavelengths (sub)millimeter at tinuum o hsdsuso eaotteuprlmtto limit upper the adopt we discussion this For . S S (left) etase oeso h nefrmti aa swell as data, interferometric the of models transfer ve disk disk –0 ftecrepnigevlp masses envelope corresponding the of 1–10% e (1 + n h nefrmtrflux interferometer the and . c 1 4 · / + ai .Wilner J. David , 0 α S – ieeiso a utemr been furthermore has emission line 3–2 4 . env 85) µ steseta index spectral the is ostars m. M α c # + lhuhsgicn cte is scatter significant although , stefato fteevlp 850 envelope the of fraction the is ls hog I through 0 Class e S env p S = µ disk .Uigti pe ii,we limit, upper this Using m. 4 1 aeLommen Dave , . .W oeta hscontri- this that note We 5. stoukon htcan that unknowns two as rsaeenvelope scale er n m o hog the through ion ∝ ∼ tclmodels etical envelopes e r 1 ntedisk the en riethe ermine 2 (right) α − ! M c + 1 IR fteds contin- dust the of . # 5 –,frthe for 3–2, esrdfo the from measured , S 2009 ESO stars l envelope. ) nthe in ough lts n h lower the and ff s arried o in ion the m 2 the n adia- from csne to need ects , )i shown is n) ess- and onwith hown id- el- as s. ., c = 0 µ by t µ . (3) (2) act m, 04 be m s r . Serpens Class 0 sample

emb7 18:29 emb11/17 emb1 emb5

RA emb8 emb6 = FIRS 1 emb4 emb15 18:30

01:20 01:00 Declination 00:30

Monday, December 14, 2009 Start with Serpens sample, 7 sources, have most of CARMA data, preliminary models. Serpens Class 0 sample

• Mdisk/Menv ~ 10% • Median Mdisk ~ 0.1 Msun

Monday, December 14, 2009 Only one with no disk, even in “complete” sample Menv limit 0.1 Summary

‣ Radiative trasfer models w/ IRS spectra + millimeter interferometry constrain Class 0 disk & envelope structure

‣ Massive resolved disk in Serpens FIRS 1 (M~1 Msun, R~300 AU) - May require high rotation or envelope infall rates Andrews & Williams 2007 ? ‣ Preliminary results for Serpens sample: disk-to-envelope mass ratios ~10%

‣ Disks are relatively massive at very early times?


Monday, December 14, 2009 Use SED to get envelope params, w/ those, disk mass is robustly constrained. Need very good uv coverage. Obviously need larger sample to draw any general conclusions Notable exceptions - FIRS 1, bolo 15 (large disk/env mass ratio). median mass ~0.1, mean ~0.25 Dust props, mostly long wavelength Monday, December 14, 2009 Power law envelope model

• Only 0.1 Msun disk required, but doesn’t reproduce MIR spectrum

Monday, December 14, 2009 If really don’t like large disks early on, may be able to get around it.... Lesson from this depends on point of view. Prev results (looney et al) - can fit vis w/o disk. Yes, but doesn’t fit sed. NEED TO FIT BOTH If you don’t like the large disk there are some ways around it beam rmteA 0 aae Rg ta.20) h m os s0.0 is noise rms The 2000). al. et (Raga dataset 504 AC the from J beam mJy –10 = . mmp,teflxdniisfo h C53dtstwere dataset spectra. 563 source AC of the analysis from the densities in flux used the maps, mm 6.9 0 aae eemr sfli dniyn h ore nth in sources the identifying AC in the useful from more maps were the dataset While D-array). 504 in observations mm 6.9 (1993). al. et Curiel otws.Eaiain fteCENcmoet showed source components CLEAN central t toward the The extrusion of an 2001. has Examinations and in northwest. detected observations clearly was the 1) (source from region 1 ih onr WM=2 = FWHM corner: right ,2 ,ad8tms06mybeam mJy 0.6 times 8 and 4, 2, 1, ( i.1—Uiomwih aso h . mcnium( continuum mm 6.9 the of maps Uniform-weight 1.— Fig. tours .4mybeam mJy 0.04 s002mybeam mJy 0.012 is h otmrgtcorner. right bottom the a fte62c otnu rmteA 0 aae.Tersnoi rms The dataset. 504 AC the from continuum cm 6.2 the of Map n ..=–5 = P.A. and eebr h m os s02mybeam mJy 0.2 is noise rms The December. a a etrdwt h sa yteie emsoni h bo the in shown beam synthesized usual the with restored Map ) iue1 Figure oadteSresSM1rgo rmteosrain n200 in observations the from region 1 SMM Serpens the toward ) − ◦ 1 uflwkosaelbldfloigtecneto sdby used convention the following labeled are knots Outflow . h yteie emi WM=0 = FWHM is beam synthesized The . − 1 a h otu eesae1 ,4 ,ad1 ie .4mJy 0.04 times 16 and 8, 4, 2, 1, are levels contour The . ◦ .( hw h . mcniummpo h SMM the of map continuum mm 6.9 the shows − 1 b h yteie emi WM=0 = FWHM is beam synthesized The . a etrdwt 1 a with restored Map ) − 1 h otu eesae1 ,4 ,ad1 times 16 and 8, 4, 2, 1, are levels contour The . hncontours Thin "" . 5 .RESULTS 3. × 1 "" . − n ..=–45 = P.A. and 5 1 h . msucsaelabeled. are sources mm 6.9 The . a fte35c continuum cm 3.5 the of Map : ""

arXiv:0910.2284v1. [astro-ph.GA] 13 Oct 2009 Monday, December14,2009 − iclrba hw in shown beam circular 5 tutr fSM1hsbe cesbeol ihrdoin- radio with only accessible been has 1 SMM 2000). of al. et structure Larsson 1995; al. et White 1996; al. et Curiel efrmti bevtos mgso etmtrcontinu centimeter of Images observations. terferometric eldawl-olmtdbplrjtsoigalreproper large a showing jet bipolar well-collimated a vealed source 0 al. Class (Rodr´ıguez 1984; et a jet/outflow is bipolar al. 1 a SMM et with 2007). associated (Harvey al. and et 1 deeply Enoch SMM 1993; most al. is and et Casali them luminous among most object The e embedded 1999). (Davis Hodapp outflows 1999; molecular al. and objects Herbig-Haro several avye l 07adrfrne hri) h lu oeco core cloud The therein). references and 2007 al. et Harvey n on igecmatsuc uruddb nenvelope an by surrounded source continuum compact of millimeter single the a in 1 found SMM and imaged (1999) al. et heijde dynamica a indicating protostar, of central the from away tion harbor also core 1998; The 2007). Sargent al. & et o Winston (Testi some 2007; protostars al. and et young objects, Harvey stellar extremely young are low-mass them of cluster a tains nteSM1region. activi 1 star-forming SMM the the discuss in we 4 Section In imaging. uum t than higher is mul- stars The pre-main-sequence 1991). young belo Mayor of stars & tiplicity of (Duquennoy majority the systems because multiple-star multiplicity, the is structure. tion complicated a has 1 SMM by driven outflow ular aai eto .I eto erpr h eut ftecon the of results the report we 3 Section In 2. Section in data w interest- understood an be can as that sys- considered protostar et isolated been (Looney multiple an has of resolution be example 1 angular ing SMM to high Serpens found a 2000). forma- usually with al. an imaged star are 16293–2422 when of 4A, IRAS tems as stage IRAS such early 1333 protostars, the NGC bright in fact, implie In which form tion. 2007), systems al. multiple et (Duchˆene that stars main-sequence of oy edsrb u ai otnu bevtosadarch and observations Observa- continuum Very radio Astronomy our the Radio describe with We National tory. continuum the mm of (VLA) 6.9 Array the Large in region 1 SMM Serpens sensitivity. i high to a necessary is it near- Therefore, the 2000). as Howev al. such et simple. complexity, (Larsson and of excess indications massive, some bright, were relatively there is it because iaetesrcueo M ihahg nua eouina resolution angular high a with 1 SMM of structure the tigate nentoa etrfrAtohsc,KraAtooyan Astronomy Korea Astrophysics, for Center International 1 h otu eesare levels contour The . ∼ ∼ eas fteeteeyhg xicin h ml scale small the extinction, high extremely the of Because h epn akcodi erysa-omn ein(see region star-forming nearby a is cloud dark Serpens The n fteitrsigise ntesuyo trforma- star of study the in issues interesting the of One nti ae,w rsn h eut forosrain ft of observations our of results the present we paper, this In "" . 9 31 0y Rd´ge ta.18;Cre ta.19) Hoger- 1993). al. et Curiel 1989; al. et (Rodr´ıguez yr 60 otnu saot8 about is continuum hnSM1.SM1i rbbyapooiaysse ihaproj a with system protobinary headings: a Subject st probably young is another 1 yet SMM is 1a. 1b SMM SMM than m that implies the which and region, previously, this known suggestin jet spectra bipolar positive the steep of have source driving to found were sources M ◦ × " . h epn M einwsosre nte69m otnu w continuum mm 6.9 the in observed was region 1 SMM Serpens The oehid ta.(99 lofudta h molec- the that found also (1999) al. et Hogerheijde . hncontours Thin 0 "" . "" . 4adP.A. and 24 51 hc con- thick M × LILCT FTHE OF ULTIPLICITY 0 .INTRODUCTION 1. ttom "" . he 09 42 se S:idvda SresSM1 S:srcue—sas for stars: — structure ISM: — 1) SMM (Serpens individual ISM: 1 e : M 2 " h el on ore M b oiinlycicdswit coincides positionally 1b, SMM source, found newly The . l 19)is (1999) al. H the of those with as h oiino h ilmtrsuc ie yHgrejee Hogerheijde by given source millimeter the of position The 1 within to uflwai n soitdwt h uflwko .Suc 1 direction Source northeast-southwest E. the knot in outflow elongated the be to with seems t associated close and located 2) axis (source outflow source tha unresolved shows an it is overinterpreted, extrusion be not should map resolution” oreare ihta fte35c orewti 0 mm within 6.9 source cm the 3.5 of the position of peak that the with 1, agrees source source For 2004. in vations it see the To than 1 smaller 1. (Fig. beam source beam restoring a synthesized from with usual made separated was well map a is clearly, extrusion this that WM=0 = FWHM beam beam rmte20 n 04dtst obnd h m os s0.0 is noise rms The combined. datasets 2004 and 2001 the from o orsod o50A tadsac f20pc. 260 of distance a at AU 500 to corresponds tom otusaefrngtv ees hw ntebto ih c right bottom the in Shown levels. negative for are contours h yteie em WM=0 = FWHM beam: synthesized the bevtosi 04Mrh h m os s00 J beam mJy 0.09 is noise rms The March. 2004 in observations fte35c ore hw nFg 1 Fig. in shown sources cm 3.5 the of otu eesae1 ,4 ,ad1 ie . J beam mJy 0.3 times 16 and 8, 4, 2, ( 1, labeled. are levels are t contour sources toward mm continuum 6.9 mm 6.9 The the region. of 1 maps SMM Natural-weight 2.— Fig. iue2 Figure − − 1 1 hw ntebto ih onri h yteie beam: synthesized mJy the 0.15 is times corner 32 and right 16, bottom 8, the 4, in 2, Shown 1, are . levels contour The . P ROTOSTAR "" . a !! 88 ∼ hw h . mcniummpfo h obser- the from map continuum mm 6.9 the shows Rd´ge ta.18;Msael ta.2006). al. et Moscadelli 1989; al. et (Rodr´ıguez × 2 !! . eto h . msuc oiin h rea- The position. source mm 6.9 the of west 2 0 "" . pc cec nttt,Deudeo88 uen,Daeje Yuseong, 838, Daedukdaero Institute, Science Space d 5adPA 15 = P.A. and 75 S ERPENS mre- um 1989; [email protected]. 2 nves- gto ng age l M mo- n Hmsr rsn nteregion the in present masers OH and O ABSTRACT ival ties tin- hat nd ell IR er, he n- INHO d s s f t 1 M R 1 SMM "" . C msinfo ut h togroe M a sthe is 1a, SMM one, stronger The dust. from emission g b 69 sdi h -ra ofiuaino 04Mrh2.Tephase- were The 27. was antennas March center 2004 twenty-six tracking on configuration and C-array config- 22, the in D-array December used the 2001 in on used uration were antennas Twenty-three mm). h tnadQbn otnu oe(33Gzor GHz (43.3 mode continuum Q-band standard the aaae ic h u f01+6 aisbten02 and th 0.25 in between listed varies not 0410+769 is of observations flux our the of Since b time database. calibration, the flux around 0410+769 of purpose flux quasar the its for the for observed Jy observations, was 0.65 76.03) C-array of (4C density the flux In Database a gave Density 1851+005. amplitude Flux observa- the Calibrator our of VLA of Jy, Comparison the day 1.18 a to to within according 30.26) measured tions (4C density flux 1331+305 the quasar is the which of density flux the extragalac nearby (G33.50+0.20). the 1851+005 observing source tic by determined was phase The u pcr,w nlzdsvrlVAdtst fteX-band the of or datasets GHz VLA (8.5 several continuum analyzed we spectra, uum data. D-array the da of C-array the that of with scale S consistent flux of is the densities Therefore, flux 1%. within resulting agreed The 1 dataset. C-array the D-arr 1 of shortest the that the SMM comparison, make of this to scale limited In densities was flux tracks. dataset flux The observing total two observations. the the D-array from comparing to the 1851+005 by in of C-array checked density the found was flux of as the Jy, scale much setting flux 0.65 is by the 1851+065 calibrated of and coul was flux it 0410+769, data The month, than calibration. a stable about the more of for scale used time be variability not a with Jy 0.55 bevtosmd n20 coe 7(bu . rbfr our before yr A-array 1.2 (about the 27 from October data 2000 on includes made which ob observations NRAO 563, the of AC dataset project the serving analyzed also we densities, flux the densiti flux the consis- However, is (2000). us al. by et produced Raga map of cm that 3.5 with The tent 1. 9, June May 1998 and on 30, made in- May observations 504 A-array AC the from project data observing cludes NRAO The procedure. followi imaged standard and a calibrated were data The System. Archive or GHz ih er eoe(uile l 93.Teeoe omeasu to Therefore, seen 1993). were al. what et than (Curiel weaker before much years are eight sources outflow the of s ftednemlclrgstae ytemillimeter the by traced gas molecular dense the of ass HOI .Wiedtiso hs“super- this of details While ). la bet M bsest els epyembedded deeply less be to seems 1b SMM object. ellar b ◦ h epn M einwsosre sn L in VLA using observed was region 1 SMM Serpens The nteDaryosrain,teflxwsclbae ysetti by calibrated was flux the observations, D-array the In nodrt netgt h oresrcueadtecontin- the and structure source the investigate to order In × . h tagtln ertebot- the near line straight The . ce eaaino 0 AU. 500 of separation ected 0 "" . VAE BY EVEALED λ 4adPA 26 = P.A. and 54 . m bevtosrtivdfo h ROData NRAO the from retrieved observations cm) 6.2 = t naglrrslto faot0 about of resolution angular an ith lssigns Plus a a rmthe from Map ) α mation .OBSERVATIONS 2. ..Acia Data Archival 2.1. 2000 M − λ ILLIMETER !! . oapa nteAtohsclJournal Astrophysical the in appear To ◦ 1 h rgts i-Rsuc in source mid-IR brightest the h swell as 1 . m n -adcnium(4.9 continuum C-band and cm) 3.5 = Position : 18 = .( Dashed . − re is orner b 1 mJy 5 Map ) the o . The . h the t 29 he m t 49 I MAGING s . 65, uv n3538 ot Korea; South 305-348, on egha h aeas same the as length δ 2000 !! . 01 = .Two 6. ◦ 15 λ ! 6.9 = 20 MM !! . ng ng ay es ut re 6. ta d e - - . Monday, December14,2009 – 29 – Disk wellconstrained byvis. Chisq -notperfectly constrained.Example= Rout

Fig. 5.— Reduced χ2 contours resulting from fitting the observed SED and 230 GHz CARMA visibilities to the grid of envelope and disk models. Models have been run for the full

parameter ranges shown; the model grid resolution corresponds to the axis labels (e.g. Rcent values of 50, 100, 200, 300...1000 AU), but theχ ˜2 distribution has been smoothed for a better visual representation. Contours from fits to the both the SED (magenta) and visibilities (cyan, tick marks indicate downhill direction) are shown, although envelope parameters (panels A-C) are primarily constrained by the SED, while disk parameters (panel D) are constrained by the millimeter visibilities. In panels (A)-(C) the χ2 distribution is collapsed along the parameters not plotted. The lowest contour shown is˜χ2 = 8. Implications for disk formation

• Disk growth via centrifugal balance (Terebey et al. 1984)

➡ For t~105 yr, requires rapid initial rotation rate (4x10-13 s-1)

• Disk growth via accretion from the envelope (Shu 1977)

➡ Can accumulate 1Msun in 105 years ➡ Low viscosity disk or higher infall rate?

Monday, December 14, 2009 Growth of disk via centrifugal support - for age of 1e5 yrs, has to have very rapid initial rotation (4e-13/s, typical -14 to -13). Or, older. Radiative transfer modeling • RADMC (Dullemond & Dominik 2004) – 2D Monte Carlo radiative transfer and ray tracing • Envelope parameterized according to Ulrich (1967); see also Crapsi et al. (2008)



PL = -1 DISK PLH = 2/7

Monday, December 14, 2009 Use spectral & spatial obs to constrain models & get at structure. For infalling, rotating envelope, but replace dependence on dM/dt w/ rho_1000 0 values set by total mass. Den pile-up at Rcent Disk PL in surf den w/ radius, and scale height (flaring). Can change envelope to pl, whatever Model parameters

Monday, December 14, 2009 Some parameters held fixed, like..... Some testing to see if afect answers, some (lum) just have to characterize how afects... Monday, December 14, 2009 IRS Spectra: Serpens Class 0 protostars

Monday, December 14, 2009 Serpens sources CARMA maps: Serpens Class 0 protostars

Ser-emb 7 Ser-emb 4 Ser-emb 11 &17

Ser-emb 5 Ser-emb 1 Ser-emb 15

Monday, December 14, 2009 CARMA 1.3 mm Ser-emb 15 visibilities

Ser-emb 4 (bolo 28)

Ser-emb 5

Ser-emb 17 Ser-emb 1 (bolo 15)

Monday, December 14, 2009 HAVE DATA FOR 8 SERPENS SOURCES SO FAR. Note uv coverage Spitzer images (7,24,70 micron) with CARMA 1.3mm contours. Visibilities = amplitude as a function of uv-distance or baseline. Tell you more than images. Another resolved, less resolved, unresolved with extended envelope, disk only? Relationship between Tbol & “age”

Enoch et al. 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009 Based on number counts Ser-Bolo 23

Monday, December 14, 2009 First source. Both pretty low inclination. Larger outflow angle. Serpens Class 0 sources

S,V S 3mm (ND) S 3mm (MD) S,V S,V S,V S,V 3mm Prev 3mm (MD) 3mm S,V 3mm

V 3mm 3mm (ND) S,V 3mm • S=spectra (IRS), V=visibilities (CARMA), Prev=existing data, 3mm=3mm flux (CARMA)

Monday, December 14, 2009 Try to do all Class 0 in the cloud. Few had spectra in archive already. Few class I for good measure. When got 3mm data w/ carma (lower res, for mult), found most of mass (at least compact) was assoc w/ one sometimes.... In case of Bolo 24, had picked the wrong one, only have vis. Didn’t do 1mm obs if not det at 3mm (maybe just no disk, but still have to quantify env) o elho oeua rniin osri h hmsr in chemistry the ( constrain denser transitions the 325 molecular the of cold wealth In outer, a thick. the dow optically of chemistry become envelope the and to the regions sensitive inside are deeply lines probe on these not based since did studies lines interferometric excitation previous lower First, reasons: of the ber both al- of up, cores. variations protostellar opened radial of structure has the chemical window and of new physical/dynamical studies a detailed however, for 2004), lowing al. et (Ho fteevlp.Scn,sneteds otnu u clswith as scales flux frequency continuum dust the since Second, envelope. the of utoaiylw h ieosrain r icse in discussed the are observations of compact line slope The law. the the opacity and dust masses, of their disks, estimates central the simple from emission with discussed are servations n icse in discussed presented are and strategy, ob- im- calibration sample, important and reduction, the to settings, pointers including served few details, a observational with The results plications. the present and of observations the overview of an details the of describe to purpose is The paper warranted. this is here described effort however, systematic whole, the a as protostars embedded deeply state- the general about ments and comparisons al. statistical et Takakuwa 2006; make To al. et 2007b). Palau 2004, 2006; al. et 2005a; Lee al. 2004; et al. Jørgensen et Kuan 2005; al. envelopes, et protostellar (Chandler outflows of and structure disks, chemical aspects and different physical on the focused of that SMA the with protostars dis- vidual to disk. possible circumstellar and it envelope make the and from emission scales the these entangle to down emission from resolve the observations distribution SMA Typical on temperature scales. relies larger and on regions density observations these the from of emission extrapolation line the of ( interpretation beam single-dish a in diluted heavily are K 100 above the time, increases temperature same the where envelopes the the At of disks. regions innermost protostellar in dust the probe to suited oprdt yia igeds emszso 10 of sizes beam single-dish typical to compared 480 evsa trigpitfrasre ffcsdppr htwill impor- an that as papers serve will focused and of detail in series topics a specific for more describe point starting a as serves oe,adfcsn ntednmcladceia mato the of impact Finally, chemical outflows. and protostellar dynamical the on focusing protostellar and the cores, of aspects different probing for are useful species particularly molecular which addressing and maps observed all ing h M sielfrsuiso hs ne ein o num- a for regions inner these of studies for ideal is SMA The ubro eetppr aepeetdsuiso indi- of studies presented have papers recent of number A Monday, December14,2009 outflows, etc,and keplerianmotioninClassI. Stillbrightestmostfamous sources.... Very similarprogram withSMA,butdon’thave SEDinfo.Alsohavelinesto trace arXiv:0909.3386v1 [astro-ph.SR] 18 Sep 2009 orsodneto Correspondence eta tr–ad npriua,wa vltoaytime-s evolutionary what particular, in and, – star central we hoeia tde n miia cee,bsd fo based, schemes, empirical and and studies star theoretical understandi tween and theoretical disk Our the envelopes. of of growth dissipation and the formation the onto determine disk t protoplanetary from low- the accreted of through is envelope evolution material how scale the is larger of objects stellar studies young in mass problem fundamental The Introduction 1. ml,o h pcrleeg itiuin rclr ro i on or colors or distributions energy be spectral coupling the the on on ample, relied typically has YSOs of evolution the etmaue,eg,o h crto ae.Tems common most The rates. accretion the of e.g., measures, rect sta h omrei oeta .%o hi uioiyat luminosity their of 0.5% than 350 more than emit protosta longer former I wavelengths and the 0 that Class embedded is the between distinction used etta hyhv crtdls hnhl fterfia mass final their of half than less accreted have they that flect  edo Send I h aseouino neoe,dss n tr rmth from stars and disks, envelopes, of evolution mass The II. etme 1 2009 21, September srnm Astrophysics & Astronomy 10  e .Jørgensen K. Jes RSC umliee ra uvyo o-asprotostar low-mass of survey Array Submillimeter A PROSAC: 2 h icmtla ikot h eta star. central the onto disk circumstellar the asadeouinr tg fteyugselrojcs Th objects. stellar young the of stage evolutionary and mass meddpootla tgs ihms ftemtra fro material the of most with stages, protostellar embedded nteCas0saead2–0 nteCasIsae o h Cla the For stage. s I star-disk-envelope Class the in the mass in total 20–60% the of and 70–98% stage contain 0 Class the in to stage 0 Class rpitoln eso:Spebr2,2009 21, September version: online Preprint 4 3 2 1 otertclmdl o h vlto fyugselrobj stellar young of evolution the for models theoretical to ssnl-ihcniumosrain,w aedvlpda developed have we observations, continuum single-dish as n ik,adfo htetmtdtermse.FrteClas the For masses. their estimated that from and disks, and asso h eta tr.I h te ore h ik ar disks the sources other the In source stars. these central of the Four of Array. masses Submillimeter the with observed eouin(yial 2 (typically resolution Conclusions. Results. Methods. Aims. Context. e words. Key sup star. rotationally central the necessarily onto not are disks these (although eni h eie ikmse o bet ihnbt evolu both within objects for masses disk derived the in seen edt vrsiaeteds assrltv otestellar the to relative masses disk the overestimate to tend 7 hsposition. this 14C Recent L1448C. L1448C(N) 15 M...... 15 03 62 6 21. sltd325 250 140 Isolated 220 Isolated 220 220 15.9 02 +68 10.0 Perseus 34 +07 Perseus Perseus 10.0 06.20 03 39 +26 20 00.90 08.0 37 13 +31 19 29.85 27 31.0 18 13 +31 37.0 53.90 14 39 +31 04 12.00 29 L1157 03 10.50 29 B335 03 55.70 L483 28 03 MM...... L1527 4B L1157 IRAS 4A B335...... IRAS FIR...... 2A L483 IRAS IRS...... L1527 ...... 4B IRAS 1333 NGC ...... 4A IRAS 1333 NGC ...... 2A IRAS 1333 NGC ff rsepr umliee bevtosaewell are observations submillimeter steeper, or Y rn eussto requests print avr-mtsna etrfrAtohsc,6 adnSt Garden 60 Astrophysics, for Center Harvard-Smithsonian a-lnkIsiu ¨rEtaersrsh hsk Gies Physik, f¨ur Extraterrestrische Institut Max-Planck ednOsraoy ednUiest,P o 53 NL-230 9513, Box PO University, Leiden Observatory, Leiden readrIsiu ¨rAtooi,Uiest fBonn, of University f¨ur Astronomie, Argelander-Institut x 10 b a Note.— .In 2. cuaepstosfo t o20ad35Gzcniumosrain ie nTbe9. Table in given observations continuum GHz 345 and 230 to fits from positions Accurate eest h nw orefo ihaglrrslto ilmtrosrain,otnrfre oa 14 Mor MM L1448 as to referred often observations, millimeter resolution angular high from source known the to Refers ecntantemse fteevlps ik,adcentral and disks, envelopes, the of masses the constrain We 8 Jørgensen et al. A&A, inpress(astro-ph:0909.3386) Jørgensen etal. cm ohCas0adIpootr r uruddb ik ihtyp with disks by surrounded are protostars I and 0 Class Both h e usinaoterypootla vlto shwm how is evolution protostellar early about question key The apeo 0Cas0adIpootr a enosre ncon in observed been has protostars I and 0 Class 20 of sample A ulNm hr Name Short Name Full nt frgtacninaehus iue,adscns n nt fdciainaedges rmnts n arcseconds. and arcminutes, degrees, are declination of units and seconds, and minutes, hours, are ascension right of Units [email protected] : À tr omto icmtla atr–paeaysystems planetary – matter circumstellar – formation star: x b h eut ru nfvro itr nwihcircumstella which in picture a of favor in argue results The 3 ...... L480 53.0+04 50Pres220 Perseus 05.0 44 +30 38.80 25 03 L1448 ...... ,terslso h otnu ob- continuum the of results the 3, n amr( warmer and ) ! 1 x e .Jørgensen K. Jes : 0 Spitzer wn .vnDishoeck van F. Ewine , . 1 ocue h ae.Ti paper This paper. the concludes 5 "" M ihteSbilmtrAry sn ealdds radiati dust detailed Using Array. Submillimeter the with ) Source # nteCasIsae yial,tedsshv assta ar that masses have disks the Typically, stage. I Class the in aucitn.ms no. manuscript bevtos(øgne ta.20)fidascn ore(ntesm CB oe bu 8 about core) SCUBA same the (in source second a find 2006) al. et (Jørgensen observations µ .Ti ntr stogtt re- to thought is turn in This m.  ihe .Hogerheijde R. Michiel 50 Y Y 0 )material K) 100 6 H win- GHz 365 00 Y 2 20 , 3 x udVisser Ruud , 00 < JØ ,show- 4, .Third, ). 2 otd n ail rcs aeilacee rmtelarg the from accreted material process rapidly and ported) ebcsrse1 54 acig Germany Garching, 85748 1, senbachstrasse ø 00 GNE TAL. ET RGENSEN assi h aeCasIstage. I Class late the in masses apeo Sources of Sample cstruhteerypootla stages. protostellar early the through ects gof ng scnrssteevlp as hc erae hrl fro sharply decreases which mass, envelope the contrasts is u e ¨gl7,511Bn,Germany Bonn, 53121 H¨ugel 71, dem Auf akdb pial hc neoeadoto emission. outflow and envelope thick optically by masked e h min neoeacee notecnrlsa.Theor star. central the onto accreted envelope ambient the m cales ex- r se,cnrigta hs bet r aei hi evolut their in late are objects these that confirming ystem, size ABSTRACT ndi- stages rmwr o ietnln h otnu msinfo th from emission continuum the disentangling for framework ore ntesml HCO sample the in sources I s hwsgso elra oain aigi osbet det to possible it making rotation, Keplerian of signs show s the inr tgs oeiec sfudfracreainbetwe correlation a for found is evidence No stages. tionary he etM-2 abig,M 23,USA 02138, MA Cambridge, MS-42, reet ly rs TABLE - (J2000.0) ALie,TeNetherlands The Leiden, RA 0 sIsucsfrwihKpeinrtto sse,tecentra the seen, is rotation Keplerian which for sources I ss 2 n hlpC Myers C. Philip and , tr fasml flwms rtsasadcmaeteresu the compare and protostars low-mass of sample a of stars oehrwt tla assifre rmKpeinrotat Keplerian from inferred masses stellar with Together r dust using data continuum interpreting By sources. I Class eovdln as(e loBic ta. 07 omne al et Lommen 2007; al., et Brinch also (see masse maps their line estimate resolved and emission the fro to contributions disks the and disentangle envelopes we models, transfer tive utaon apeo 0Cas0adIlwms protostars, HCO low-mass tracer, I gas and dense a 0 of analyze Class observations we 20 as well paper, of as this sample emission a In of around disk. frac- observations dust a what interferometric in and and up outflows single-dish ended protostellar (so-far) the has of h c tion action being mass the is core fraction by initial what star, away the central of addr the onto fraction by accreted what been context as evolutionary such indiv proper questions place ing their disk, can in stellar, stages protostars the pivotal ual these of during measurements protost masses Direct embedded envelope exist. the through stages o matter constraints lar the hard of few evolution but actual 2000), 1993, al., Andr´e et (e.g., 2

ye .Bourke L. Tyler , te sacee rmtelresaemlclrcod thr cloud, molecular large-scale the from accreted is atter rtpaeaydss–rdaietransfer radiative – disks protoplanetary : onigCenter Pointing clmse faot0.05 about of masses ical 1 neoe rsokdgsi h uflw) als2 Tables outflows). the in gas shocked or envelopes bet ihlmnste esta 30 2002, ( than less nearby al. with of objects et consisted (Jørgensen sample line That protostars and 2004c). continuum low-mass submillimeter toward of emission survey single-dish large 99 hre ta.20,20;Ease l 05,truhlon- through 2005), al. et Evans 2002; 2000, al. al. et et Shirley (Huard 1999; telescopes great single-dish in studied (sub)millimeter been using has detail likewise which B335, above object 0 the Class added the we to this To wavelengths. aper- addition mm through 3 in at extensively observations synthesis ture that, studied been objects have seven survey, single-dish of se- subset we study a this lected For sources). northern predominantly (i.e., Kea ALMA) eventual protostars. (and low-mass SMA of future observations planning for reference tant al .I h pedxw rvd re ecito fthe of observations. description previous brief from a object in provide each incorporated we of be Appendix characteristics will in the summarized In that is objects 1. lines Table of the sample full of The papers. subset forthcoming a 2004; Jørgensen for 2005a; obtained 2004b, al. en- their Scho et with Jørgensen associated (e.g., emission extended velopes be ra- the can continuum which address objects, and to the line used of Detailed each for 2005). exist al. models transfer et diative Evans (Shirley 2002; transfer radiative al. line et and dust al. detailed al. et using (Harvey and et wavelengths 2001), near-IR at (Wilner 2003b), al. observations et Harvey synthesis 2000; aperture wavelength ger a nteevlps,SOadS wihaelkl hc tracers), shock likely CH are (which and SO and SiO envelopes), the in gas ieteosre pcrlsetups. spectral observed the rize fteevlpsadteascae uflw oehrwt mo- with together outflows C associated CS, freezeout), the lecular and structure envelopes physical the the CO of of at of aspects suite different core full (probing a each lines include isotopic observed of the lines at observations The while wavelengths. GHz) continuum 230 both and providing (345 mm time 1.3 and same 0.8 at lines of range ik r omderydrn h rtselrevolution protostellar the during early formed are disks r h ore bevdi hspormwr eetdfo a from selected were program this in observed sources The eslce he pcrlstp e orecvrn wide a covering source per setups spectral three selected We iuma sbmliee aeegh thg angular high at wavelengths (sub)millimeter at tinuum ire l 04,adi diinsnl-ihmp aebeen have maps single-dish addition in and 2004), al. et ¨ier etase oeso h nefrmti aa swell as data, interferometric the of models transfer ve .OSRAIN N AAREDUCTION DATA AND OBSERVATIONS 2. 3 HadH and OH À –0 ftecrepnigevlp masses envelope corresponding the of 1–10% e (J2000.0) 43 88Ioae 200 Isolated 38.8 39 04 a 4  + ai .Wilner J. David , – ieeiso a utemr been furthermore has emission line 3–2 4 2 M O(hc rc ihrhtmtra nteinner the in material hot either trace (which CO # lhuhsgicn cte is scatter significant although , 2.2. ls hog I through 0 Class e 34 Association ,adH and S, 2.1. pcrlSetups Spectral 4 aeLommen Dave , Sample rsaeenvelope scale er m o hog the through ion 13 ∼ tclmodels etical envelopes e CO 1 ntedisk the en riethe ermine ! M c + L #

+ –,frthe for 3–2, S 2009 ESO stars l nthe in 00 ough l iil rmMauna from visible all , tpclypoigdense probing (typically Distance ot of south lts (pc) d s arried o in ion the m 2 the n adia- from , < ess- and id- el- as s. ., 0 c ls 0 Class pc) 400 Y summa- 4 o.659 Vol.