BRINGING UP FATHER By GEORGE McMANUS ■—:-1 HOTEL SEATTLE j U i wo then THE S ,c,N.T I P-CTHE. "Home of Alaskans’* HTTLE PAtRY ‘bAIO \ THAT I (_ OARUtSC* Prices reasonable. European o IP YOU ONLY A^K r T ) plan. Seattle, Wash. 1 J POP? WHAT WANT YOU t ItS A LOUD VOICE _> ■-——k YOU'LL DET IT \



> WORK DONE TO YOUR COM- IP I _ r, jcr.n PLETE (—3 SATISFACTION W. C. JENSEN FORREST BUILDING Phones—Res. 4042. Shop 456 !_ |©J__ li& YOUR ^ L UNUaEU ASSETS—that yp&py-lter, musical Instrument, fur* iiiure,; office fixture or appliance— '■:n I e:‘7UC on 15 between April ^re marketable, for cash, through Wr Uingtdri trnd M'GRAW FINOS THREE YOUNG BOX Philadelphia. ie classified columns of The Empire, TUNNEY WINS Permanent ARTISTS FOR NEW YORK GIANTS i We make and keep a large ■I stock for Immediate delivery, ST. pai l, March 18.—Gene Tin-, the old reliable standard Is no other man in the game NEW YORK, March 18.—Eat quitoJ in y, light hetivyweight cl|pfnpfofi, | -lock FIREPROOF con- so skilled as Moran was in handling1 blow against the Cincinnati Reds i. r utpcTnted Jimmie Ilclaney last crete chimney block, without and developing . the death of Pat Moran and EOmi ni. lit in a i at ten round tight. j | a fault. Concrete Produota When John McGraw took good luck on their pert in findhr. twenty! Mfg. Co. Near Dali Park, Ju- pitchers to the training camp, he a couple of ycung pitchers have f neau, Alaska. Established > CARPENTIER TO FIGHT GENE TIINNEY, raid lie to find at least one placed the New York Giants back aught Twenty Years. PHONE 32. gerd one, ibeeaurs ha had bought j j CORDOVA FIVE in a dominating position in the BASEBALL games concrete products mf\j. all the ones in , . nearly good sight. COMPANY tie ill It is to tel! new what Reports the training camp impossible The following! baseball gaihfa — indicate that lie lias found three ffret the loss of a great loader will 1 ''i MAY were played yesterday':' --“• COME TO youngsters who will be carried with have on the Reds and it is just a New Ycrk Nationals 5; Chicago the team — Wayland Dean, lCrnie uncertain what Dean Maun an 1 Americana 4. Maun and Jdc Bradshaw. JUNEAU TRANSFER THIS SECTION Bradshaw will do whan they have Philadelphia Nationals 4-; Brook- to pitch to enemy batter*. lyn Americana 4. i. COMPANY Moran’s death may tnuun the I Cincinnati 1 : Cleveland 1«.. Moves, Packs of from Wesl uf tho pennant to tlw Kids. The av'I Stores Freigb* Quintet Players .‘lireess of their late was JOHNNIE BUFF and Bag*ap*e. May Challenge S. E. not due to any system of manag ■- mcnt hut to individual genius, and Alaska it will be for STOP Hoopers. impossible anyone GETS DECISION BOUT I to ftep right into his shoes The claimed basketball champion- It might be that tho death of NEWARK. March 18. The twelve, ship of Alaska by the Wrangell Moran will get the Reds even BALTIMORE, March 18.—Johnnie round bout between Jack Delaney High School team is not to be al- stronger together and that they, Ruff, former bantamweight cham- and Jar) ie Clarke ,«f Allentown, lowed to pass by unchallenged b,. be tiro might inspired by desperation pion, got decision last night Pa., was stopped by the referee List local fans, who believe that the to go out and play better than the> ever Benny Schwartz, of Baltimore. night in tlie middlo of tlie eighth Cordova High School quintet is the have The went might under normal condi- bout twelve rounds. round. The boxing inspectors de- equal if not superior to any hoop- tions. <• •iared they were ''dlssai i3lied with eters in the Territory. The latter of With the best pitching staff in} PRESIDENT" COOLIDGE larke's showing.” Prompt Delivery aggregation has carried off the hon- the league, the Reds, would have LADYSMITH COAX ors of the local series for the past been picked as the favorite for the TO TOSS FIRST BALL Loet something? Tou can get I two years and is looking for new pennant by many critics if they bad nek oy using the “Ixiet and Pound Phone 48. worlds to conquer. not lest their leader. Perhaps the WASHINGTON, March IS.—Pres- • ii,irw* •* 'I’fto rlmnir* Feeling that the school boys de- vcteian pitchers wfH work a.- ident Coolidge liar accepted the in- serve all credit for the excellent ■vell fer i nother manager, but th \ Ration to throw the first baseball Headqunnei ? for Ladysmith coat have made and are ■ showing they young pitchers cannot because titer it the opening game of tho Ameri-! Tu" •• Transfer Co Phone 48 adv. entitled to meet all eontenters for championship honors the Cordova BEST EVER Chamber of Commerce has decide ; to give the movement of sending the INSURANCE CO. team to Southeastern Alaska fu r '• r/- ■"> *• o < ■ inoral support. At a special rnoet- . v>* •'> > MUTUAL LIFE 1-ng kohl yesterday afternoon a com- Now oltfcis additional attarctira mittee was appointed, consisting ol ■% .( ’hr ?. Disability Benefit feature* H. I. O’Neill, T. J. Donohoe and Dr,

vi^b.; Thirty candidates for the fresh- ward A. Radio. It is also expected that a | ltumely, former editor of I man baseball team to liberal guarantee will be received reported Clyde the New York Mail, convicted of coach. from the towns in which the cham- Engle, freshman violation of the espionage act, has pionship games are staged.—(Cor- been refused by President Coolidgo. dova Times.) VERNON CLUB WANTS tv&n Jones Coal—irs clean, re- jacobs hdlds* his old LIKELY PITCHERS quires no screening. —adv TEAMMATES TO SHUTOUT FOR 1924 SEASON Watch Kim Go After It i Let'him drink an ne wants. It OAKLAND, March 18. — Three SAN BERNARDINO, Cal., March SAGE TEA DANDY will do him good as our milk Is major league pitchers, two of whom 18.—Elmer Jacobs pitching for the absolutely pure and fresh. There were former stars in the Class AA j is better last Sunday after- 1 nothing for children or rank, will become the property of noon, defeated the Seattle Indian. TO DARKEN HAIR grown-ups either, tc-r that mat- the Vernon club within the next I 7 to 0. j ter. Let us leave you a quart or three .weeks was the claim j made; two each morning. 6ur cows have today by E. R. Maier, boss of! It’s Grandmother's To j Recipe Bring beer free from tuborculosis for BEZDEK DECLARES i the Back Color Tigers. Bring and four years. PLACE OF COACH Maicr is well pleased with every j Lustre To Hair ! department of his ball club except, You can turn gray, faded hair! Juneau Dairy IS ON THE BENCH !the twirling corps. He realizes; into beautifully dark and lustroia-j PHONE 146. the is weak in that almost over night If a squad you’ll get '■■■■■ ■ jthat de-j rn um m PITTSBURGH, March 18.—Tak- j partment. bottle of ‘‘Wyeth's Rage and Sulphur ing issue with recent statement? For some time he has been ne- Compound” at any drug store. Mil- lions of of Prerident Angcll o-f Yale Uni- gotiatlng with a major league club,! bottles of Hi is old famous Tea versity, Dr. John M. Thomas, presi- and conditions fiave reached a stage Rage Recipe, Improved by the PROSPERITY IS 1 HERE dent of Pennsylvania State Col- whereby he has been promised the addition of other ingredients, are sold lege, declared that the place of the men. annually, says a well known because it coach was on the 'bench giving It will be necessary to obtain j druggist here, darkens! directions. waivers on the players, but it is ths hair so naturally and evenly j that no one can “I believe in college athletics.' believed that can be accomplished. tell it has been f 1 naid Dr. Thomas, “as the value is Every member of the Vernon applied. *» tremendous. I do not believe the squad has been signed, a new Those whose hair is turning gray ruggestion of the president of Yale Coast League record for getting the or becoming faded have a surprise S ! awaiting them, because after one or to keep coaches off the bench dur- players signed up. B ing contests kindly to college two applications the gray hair van- in ishes and locks become luxur- sports. COINS NEW WORD. your More and more people in Juneau are realizing the Bezdeck asserted that the coach iantly dark and beautiful. ! BERLIN, March 18.—A cartoon- This is the age of youth. Gray- value of the < 1 knows more about the personnel classified columns of the EMPIRE. [ ff X- Irt in Berlin not since unattractive folks aren’t of the team, more about their faults long created haired, in hie pictures a family of profiteers wanted around, so get busy with and good qualities, than a leader If you have anything to sell, and want to do it and named them ‘‘Raffkes.’’ B*'- Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Com- quickly, among the players and thus is in < diamoned, overfed and overdressed. and be de >. use our CLASSIFIED COLUMNS! a pocition to obtain the results more pound tonight you’ll They bring beneficial to the players. I he pictures their doings, and the lighted with your dark, handsomt .RESULTS almost r f music halls were net slow to take hair and your youthful appearance immediately. I up the idea. Then a play was writ- within a few days Remember we also — state- I ten about the “Raffkes,” and duly (Advertisement' print letterheads, billheads, Lenient LARGE OUT ■ Spruce SQUAD — ments, business FOR POSITIONS ON envelopes, calling cards, cards, Hemlock Brick pamphlets, or in fact any kind of work. i YALE BALL TEAM job hi Fire Gay

NEW HAVEN, Conn., March 18. j; Iron Bark Lime —About fifty candidates for the *f Oak ";H w., Yale varsity baseball team have re- Hay j ported to Coach Joe Wood and in Shingles Grain the group are many veterans of las1 year’s team and of the 1922 nine Co. Boat Lumber The men have been going througi Empire Printing light batting practice and limber ing-up exercise. Capt. Charlie PHONE 374 O’Hearn ie out with the squad. jv JUNEAU LUMBER .... MILLS <( Among the men who have re- | ported, besides O'Hearn, are Neale I---—-1 1— 1' V‘—- --- ■ -Ml —/

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