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Terug Skool Toe Lees ons en adverteer aanlyn - www.stellalander.co.za - like 7KH1X6KRS 95<%85* .8580$1 7HO )D[ 7HO )D[ 0DUNHW6WUHHW 3DOPJDWH6KRSSLQJ&HQWUH 32%R[9U\EXUJ +RRIVWUDDW .XUXPDQ )R[EDJV LQVWRFN $OOVL]HVDYDLODEOHIRU JLUOV ER\V /(66(66 Vrou van deposito beroof Stellalander-Vryburg – Die polisie hier ondersoek `n saak van gewapende roof nadat `n vrou helder oor dag van `n aansienlike bedrag kontant beroof is. Die voorval het op Vrydag (12 Januarie) om 15:30 plaasgevind. Dit word beweer dat die vrou die kontant by die bank getrek het en onderweg was na `n motorhandelaar om glo `n deposito te betaal. Buite die motorhandelaar het `n wit Audi met drie insittende mans langs haar hul verskyning gemaak en `n vuurwapen op haar gerig. Die mans het haar beveel om die sak met kontant vir hulle te gee. Hulle het dit gevat en op die vlug geslaan. Niemand is tydens die voorval beseer nie. Teen Auditdruktyd Bureau of Circulationsis niemand nog in verband of South Africa met die transparencysaak in you canhegtenis see geneem nie. Accurate. Believable. Consistent Audit Bureau of Circulations of South Africa transparency you can see Accurate. Believable. Consistent Gestig 1888 Tel: 053 927 3907/3747; Faks: 053 927 1044; POSBUS 443, MOLOPOWEG 33, VRYBURG www.stellalander.co.za E-POS: [email protected] 17 JANUARIE 2018 R2-00 VAT INCL Terug skool toe Skoolklokke, roetine, boeke en pouses kondig vanjaar op Woensdag (17 Januarie) die nuwe skool jaar aan. Dit is een van die dae in die jaar wat almal met gemengde gevoelens laat. Mammas en pappas sien hul Graad eentjies met `n knop in die keel af op die eerste dag van skool, terwyl dié nuwelinge opgewonde jil en nie kan wag om klas toe te gaan of met hul nuwe maatjies te speel nie. Graad Agt leerders pak ook vanjaar `n nuwe skool aan, terwyl matrikulante uitsien na die laaste jaar van hul skoolloopbaan. Skattige Miané Muller (6) van Leeudoringstad is een van die Graad Een leerders wat vanjaar die “grootskool” met geesdrif sal aanpak. Saam met haar is kleinsus, Mianke Muller (4). .DURR2FKVHELHGDDQ¶Q 3LHW7KHURQ 9HLOLQJVNRPSOHNV9U\EXUJ $$1%2'7RS%RQVPDUDV$DQWHHOGLHUHZDDURQGHU 2RS9HUVH 'UDJWLJH9HUVH .RHLHHQ.DOZHUV 1$95$( :LNXV%\OVPD $ILH=HUYDV .DURR2FKVH PAGE 2 STELLALANDER 17 JANUARY 2018 Housing delivery time frames adressed Listeriosis outbreak worsens Some of the developers which attended the meeting. Stellalander-Vryburg - The Listeriosis death toll had risen to 61 from 36 in early December 2017. This follows Minister of Health, Aaron recorded from October 2017 to date Motsoaledi’s announcement in a press Communicable Diseases Control Manager in conference on Monday (8 January). the province, Oleteng Mokate, said two deaths Listeriosis is a food-borne disease caused occurred in the Bojanala District, one in Brits by the bacterium Listeria found in soil, water and one in the Moses Kotane sub-district. and infected animals. Mokate said they have noticed that people According to Communicable Diseases with weaker immune systems are more Control Manager in the Northern Cape, susceptible to infection, people with HIV, Gloria Hottie, the outbreak has spread to the the elderly, pregnant women and children, Northern Cape province as well, with six especially neonates, as was the case with the Listeriosis cases and two resulting deaths two deaths in the Northern Cape. Hottie urges people to cook their food thoroughly and wash raw vegetables and fruits before consumption. She also said 9/$.)217(,1 people should wash their hands after making Stellalander-Mahikeng - In an effort use of the toilet and working in the garden. to fast-track quality housing delivery within the Northwest province, the MEC for local Government and Human 7KHUHDUH326KHHSDQG+RUVHV81' MEC for local Government and Human Settlements, Galaletsang Gaolaolwe DWWKHSRXQGWKDWKDYHWREH 1RRUGNDDS Settlements, Galaletsang Gaolaolwe and Head of Department Mr Phihadu FROOHFWHGE\WKHRZQHUV,IWKH Motoko believes that constant meetings with the Head of the Department, DQLPDOVDUHQRWFROOHFWHGLWZLOO 6WHHQZHUNH with developers will ensure proper EHVROGRQ-DQXDU\DW 6WHOOD Mr Phihadu Motoko during a recent monitoring of housing projects of DSXEOLFDXFWLRQ7KHUHDUH meeting. underperforming contractors. +RUVHVDWWKHSRXQGWKDWKDYHWR <ŽŽƉŬůĞŝƐƚĞŶĞĚŝƌĞŬǀĂŶ This follows a recent meeting with EHFROOHFWHGE\WKHRZQHUV,IWKH ĚŝĞ&ĂďƌŝĞŬ 58+$0$35(6%<7(5,$1 service providers to identify possible DQLPDOVDUHQRWFROOHFWHGLWZLOO &+85&+ problems and provide solution to expedite ^ĞŵŝĨĂĐĞZϮϯϱϬͲϬϬƉĞƌϭϬϬϬ completions. EHVROGRQ-DQXDU\DWD WůĞŝƐƚĞƌƐƚĞŶĞ ZϮϬϬϬͲϬϬƉĞƌϭϬϬϬ When presenting statistics of the project SXEOLFDXFWLRQ Ǥ implementation, Motoko pleaded with 7KHDXFWLRQZLOOWDNHSODFHDW dƌĂŶƐƉŽƌƚŽƉŶĂǀƌĂĞ͘ contractors to accelerate the remaining 9ODNIRQWHLQIDUP9U\EXUJ ǡDz houses and slabs across the province. GLVWULFWDW ^ĞŵĞŶƚƐƚĞŶĞŽŽŬďĞƐŬŝŬďĂĂƌ͘ Ǧ Ǥdz ͕͖͖͗͘͘Ǥ Motoko said technical sessions with )RUDQ\HQTXLULHVFRQWDFW Ǥ contractors will continue without fail *HUKDUGRU dĞůŶƌ͗ϬϱϯϵϴϯϬϭϯϲ Ǥ to assist developers to complete their ͲŵĂŝů͗ŶŬƐƚĞĞŶǁĞƌŬĞΛůĂŶƟĐ͘ŶĞƚ Ǩ projects within agreed period stipulated in WKHRႈFH their contracts. In closing MEC Gaolaolwe assured contractors that the departments is committed to pay invoices within a short period of time provided all required documents are submitted. DR GF HEYNS 63(6,$/,6&+,585* <ĞŶŶŝƐŐĞǁŝŶŐΕ<ůŝŶŝĞŬĞŐĞŚŽƵ ƚĞsƌLJďƵƌŐWƌŝǀĂĂƚ,ŽƐƉŝƚĂĂů͘ ĂƚƵŵ͗ ͻϮϲ:ĂŶƵĂƌŝĞϮϬϭϴ ŝĞŶƐƚĞ͗ <ŽŶƐƵůƚĂƐŝĞƐ͕'ĂƐƚƌŽƐŬŽƉŝĞƐ͕ <ŽůŽŶŽƐŬŽƉŝĞƐ͕KƉĞƌĂƐŝĞƐ͘ 'ĞƐŬĞĚƵůĞĞƌĚĞKƉĞƌĂƐŝĞƐ͘ ĨƐƉƉƌĂŬĞ͗ ϬϱϭϰϰϰϲϮϱϴͬϵ ǁǁǁ͘ĚƌŐĞŐLJŽĨƌĞŚĞLJŶƐ͘ĐŽ͘njĂ 17 JANUARIE 2018 STELLALANDER BLADSY 3 Sowat R100 000 se meubels gevind Verskeie eenhede van die Vryburg polisie het gesamentlik inligting opgevolg Goedere onder andere beddens, hangkaste en televisies ter waarde van sowat en beslag gelê op gesteelde goedere van sowat R100 000. Hier is lede van R100 000 is op Dinsdag (9 Januarie) terug gekry. Inligting is deur verskeie eenhede van die polisie wat onder leiding van Lt Kol Vernon Dettmer en speurhoof, Lt Kol die Vryburg polisie ontvang en opgevolg. Twee personeellede van `n meubelwinkel, Reuben Masire, by die opvolg betrokke was. (Foto: Magda Stols) asook `n medepligtige is in hegtenis geneem nadat nege huise in Huhudi deursoek is. Employees arrested Stellalander-Vryburg - An intelligence- led operation comprising of the Vryburg POP, Vryburg Visible policing and the Vryburg K9-unit resulted in the arrest of two furniture store employees and an accomplice. The arrest was made on Tuesday (9 January) for burglary and possession of suspected stolen property respectively. The team followed up information of suspected stolen furniture from a furniture store in Vryburg. Nine different houses in Huhudi were searched upon which furniture, including flat screen televisions, beds, fridges and washing machines were confiscated. The estimated recovered value of the furniture is approximately R 100 000. The furniture is expected to be stolen over a period of time and reported during October 2017. On the night of 23 December, the warehouse of this furniture store was set alight and nearly R 500 000 of furniture were destroyed in the fire. Two of the suspects are employees of the furniture store, whiles the accomplice is an alleged tavern owner from Huhudi. The suspects appeared in Vryburg Magistrate court on Thursday (11 January) and all three received bail of R 800. The cases are remanded to Friday (26 February) and 18 March respectively. Kleinhoewe moord veroordeel Stellalander-Jan Kempdorp - Drie verdagtes tussen die ouderdomme van 23 -en -26-jaaroud is verlede week in hegtenis geneem nadat Attie Jooste) in sy huis buite Jan Kempdorp hier, oorval en met ‘n skerp voorwerp in die bors gesteek is. Die mans het op Dinsdag (9 Januarie) in die plaaslike landdroshof verskyn. Dit volg nadat die voorval op Saterdagaand (6 Januarie) plaasgevind het. Sy lyk is die volgende dag in sy huis gevind. Sy bakkie is later verlate langs die pad naby die dorp aangetref. Die verdagtes is op Maandag (8 Januarie) in verband met sy moord in hegtenis geneem. Volgens woordvoerder van die polisie, Lt Kol Dimakatso Mooi, is van die items wat van die kleinhoewe vermis word, in die verdagtes se besit gevind. Die Departement van Landbou, Grondhervorming en Landelike Ontwikkeling in die Noord-Kaap hier, het dié moord ten sterkste veroordeel. PAGE 4 STELLALANDER 17 JANUARY 2018 Safer festive season operations Stellalander-Vryburg - 662 suspects were nabbed for different crimes between Friday and Sunday (15-17 December). The arrests that are mostly generators of offenses. It was during the operation that More suspects held contact crimes include 61 for driving under eight suspected undocumented persons were Stellalander-Vryburg - As we approached another phase of the festive season, the the influence of alcohol, 178 for possession taken in for processing. police in the province have strengthened the fight against criminality. of drugs, 108 The police also seized 3031745 milliliters This became evident when a total of motor vehicles and parts, 13 firearms, 114 for dealing of liquor including concoctions and closed 150 suspects were nabbed for various ammunition, 48 dangerous weapons, in liquor down 16 illegal liquor outlets (shebeens). offenses during a crime intelligence- 8390005 milliliters of liquor, without a The police also fined 117 persons for driven operations held between Friday and 10860.187 gram of dagga and license liquor-related offenses including drinking in Monday (8-11 December). as well as various other drugs. and 18 public,
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