Raymond E. Feist | 368 pages | 18 Oct 2011 | HarperCollins Publishers | 9780006483595 | English | London, United Kingdom Conclave of Shadows Series by Raymond E. Feist

Kaspar turned to see Tomas standing in the doorway. Until we find the vessel housing his soul, he will keep coming back. I Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows him to work with Kaspar on tracking Varen down. I think Varen depleted his resources in these two attacks. This new struggle has only just begun. We have learned a bitter lesson; we have grown complacent in Book 3) defense of our home. We will never make that mistake again. Come, let us make plans. A group of five magicians wearing black robes returned the greeting. You are a welcome sight to these old eyes. The room was large, but relatively empty save for the rift machine and the five men who waited around it. The room was all of stone, and cold for this hot Book 3), but it was well lit by oil lamps set in sconces on the Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows. This piqued their interest. If I may prevail upon you to gather as many of your brethren as you can, I would like to address them all. I am certain that when the news of this thing has spread, every member will be in attendance. Come, let us find you some quarters and let you rest. How soon would you wish to speak? One thing the magician had discovered since being charged with transporting the Talnoy to Kelewan was that it Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows to any language. They led Magnus and the Talnoy through the heart of the city of magicians. The Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows building covered an entire island, much as Stardock dominated the island upon which it stood. This one, however, dwarfed its imitator and was truly ancient, while Stardock was less than a century old. No one knew more about rift-magic than Pug, and Magnus carried a set of messages from his father to various members of the assembly detailing what he knew, what he surmised, what Book 3) suspected and what he feared. Still, the Talnoy was away from his home and Varen was, if not stopped, then at least slowed considerably. But the last thing his father had said to Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows before he departed troubled him deeply. Nakor swore as he bumped his head against the ceiling of the cave. It had taken him nearly a week to find it, using the information Kaspar had provided him. He ducked under the low overhang, torch in one hand, walking staff in the other. It was Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows compared to the instantaneous jumps made from point to Book 3) point, but it was dangerous to attempt traveling in this way to unknown destinations, as the sphere could easily land the Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows inside solid rock. He had found the village the Kingdom traders had used as their base of operations in the northern regions of the Eastlands, and after spending some gold and asking the right questions, he had located the cave. Nakor looked at the devastation the grave-robbers had left behind them and balanced the torch between a pair of large rocks to light the cavern. Porcelain jars with unreadable writing upon them were now tiny shards, and clay tablets had also been smashed. Nakor sighed. Pug came to stand beside his friend. He knelt and picked up a clay shard. Pug held up his hand Book 3) light sprang forth, bathing the rear of the cavern. Then he began to bang on the stones with his walking stick. Pug knelt and examined something in Book 3) corner. But he never made any mention of it in his papers, to me, or to his daughter. Nakor retrieved his torch and they headed down into the tunnel. They had walked about a mile when the floor began to Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows off. The cavern floor stretched out in a huge circle, and on it, lined up neatly as if in waiting, stood line after line, row after row of Talnoy. Without their generosity I might be flipping burgers. So, Steve A. Thanks to Ralph Askren for the fine map work. Special thanks this time around to a group of people who have provided me with seemingly endless support and friendship through personal craziness: Andy Abramson, Richard Spahl, and Kim and Ray McKewon. In many different ways you have Book 3) made life resonant and interesting. Your friendships have made me a far richer man than I deserve. I also, once again, thank Jonathan Matson. Thanks to my mother, for being there. Lastly, and most deeply, to my children for their love and beauty; they drive me crazy while keeping me alive. Feist lives in Southern California. To receive notice of author events and new books by Raymond E. Feist, sign up at www. Also by Raymond E. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text Book 3) this e-book on-screen. No part of Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows text may be reproduced, transmitted, down-loaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books. Net Share this book with friends. Other author's books: Silverthorn. Add comment. Books similar to Exile's Return (Conclave of Shadows, #3)

His mind continued to wander as he relived events from his childhood, then the downfall of his reign. A young woman whose name he could not recall appeared before him, walking slowly for a minute, then vanished. Who was she? Then he remembered. The daughter of a merchant, a girl he had found fair but whom his father had forbidden Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows to see. He wished he could remember her name. He stumbled along, several times falling to his knees, only to rise once more on will alone. Minutes, hours, days passed, he had no way of Book 3) which. His mind was turning in on itself as he felt his life begin to wane. He blinked, aware that the day was fading Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows he was now in a small gully, heading downward. Then he heard it. A bird call. Slightly more than the peep of a sparrow, but a bird call. Kaspar forced himself out of his lethargy and blinked. He tried to clear his swimming vision, and then he heard the call again. Cocking his head, Book 3) listened, and then a third call came. He staggered toward the sound, mindless of the treacherous footing. He fell, but caught himself on the walls of the deepening gully. Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows grass appeared beneath his feet and his mind seized on this Book 3) fact: if there was grass, there must be water below. He looked around and could see no sign of it, but he could see a stand of trees ahead. He pushed himself forward until he had no strength left, and fell to his knees and then onto his face. He lay panting, face down on the grass; and he could feel the moisture of the blades against his face. Weakly, he dug at the grass and his fingers clawed up the loose earth. Below it he felt Book 3). With his last shred of will he pulled himself to his knees and drew his sword. The odd thought came to him that should his old swordmaster see him use a blade this way he would be up for a beating, but he ignored the whimsical thought and plunged the blade into the soil. He dug. He used the blade as a gardener would a spade and he dug. He ripped and pulled with the last of his strength and forced Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows hole into the ground with near-hysterical purpose, tearing the dirt aside as rapidly as a badger digging a burrow. Then he smelled it. The damp smell was Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows by a hint of gleaming moisture on the blade. He plunged his hand into the hole and felt mud. He tossed aside the sword and dug with bare hands, and then plunged his fingers into water. It was muddy and tasted of clay, but he could lie on his stomach and pull up a meager handful at a time. He filled his cupped hand, raised it to parched lips and drank. At some point he rubbed some water on his neck and face, but over and over he raised his cupped hand to drink. He had no idea how many times he did this but eventually he collapsed, his head striking the ground as his eyes rolled up into his head and consciousness fled. The bird scratched at the seeds, as if sensing danger nearby. Kaspar had recovered from his ordeal enough to pull himself into Book 3) shade that morning, leaving it only to drink what he could dredge up from his impromptu well. The water came harder each time, and he knew this little reservoir would soon be exhausted. He had decided near mid-afternoon to venture deeper into the gully, to see where Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows led, and to find another place to dig for water. Near sundown he had found Book 3) tree. He had no name for it, but it bore a tough-skinned fruit. He had cut several down and discovered that once the Book 3) was cut with a blade, the meat was edible. It was also pulpy and tough, and the flavor was nothing to delight a hedonist, but he was desperate. He ate a few bites, despite being consumed by hunger, and waited. He ate several before cramps gripped him. They might not be poisonous, but they were tough on the stomach. Or perhaps three days without food had caused his stomach Book 3) act more tenderly. Kaspar had always possessed a healthy appetite and had never known hunger more pressing than skipping a midday meal because of Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows hunt or sailing off the coast. The laugh died as he realized they would all likely be dead by now. The bird came nearer. Kaspar had placed seeds in a line leading to a snare he had fashioned from the materials Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows hand. Painfully he had woven tough fibers pulled from the bulb of a strange-looking cactus; it was a trick shown him by his Keshian guide. He had ripped off the end of the bud and yanked hard, producing a sharp tip attached to a long fiber. He had struggled, but in the end he had produced a line twice the length of his arm. His hands and arms were covered in Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows and puncture wounds, testament to his determination to fashion a snare from the thorn-covered branches of the local plants. It took every ounce of will for Kaspar to remain silent and motionless as the bird approached his snare. He had already started a small fire, which was now banked and waiting to be fanned back into flame, and his mouth positively watered in anticipation of roast Book 3). The bird ignored him as it worried at the seed, attempting to break though the tough outer husk and get to the softer inner kernel. As Kaspar watched the bird finished the tiny morsel and moved to the next seed. For an instant, Kaspar hesitated as a pang of doubt seized him. He felt an almost overwhelming fear that somehow the bird would escape and he would slowly starve Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows death in this isolated place. Genuine doubt almost paralyzed him to the point of losing the bird. The fowl tossed the seed in the air and it landed just far enough from where Kaspar had placed his snare that he felt sure it would escape. However, when he yanked his line the trap fell exactly where he had judged it would land. The bird fluttered and squawked as it tried to escape the thorny cage. Kaspar endured punctures from the iron-like points as he lifted the small cage to reach under and seize the bird. He quickly wrung its neck and even before he had returned to the fire he was plucking its feathers. Using the tip of his sword to gut the bird proved Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows messy prospect. He wished now he had Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows the dagger instead of using it to warn off the nomad chieftain. Finally the bird was dressed and spitted and he was turning it over a fire. Book 3) could hardly contain himself waiting for the bird to cook. As the minutes dragged on, the cramps in his stomach were from anticipation more than anything else. Throughout his life Kaspar had developed a strong self-discipline, but not eating undercooked bird was the toughest test he could remember. But he knew the dangers of eating undercooked fowl. One bout of food poisoning as a young man left an indelible memory. Finally he judged the bird finished, and with disregard for burned lips and tongue he set to with a frenzy. All too quickly he was finished, having eaten every shred of meat and the tiny bit of fat the scrawny thing had possessed. It was the best meal he could recall, but it merely whetted his appetite. He stood up and looked around, as if he might spy another bird waiting to be snatched up and eaten. Then he saw the boy. He looked to Book 3) no more than seven or eight years of age. He wore homespun and sandals, both caked with dust. He had as handsome Book 3) face as Kaspar had ever seen on a child and a serious expression. He was dark blond and he studied Kaspar with wide, pale blue eyes. Kaspar remained motionless for what seemed minutes, and then the boy turned and Book 3). Kaspar took out after him a half-moment later, but he was weak from hunger and deprivation. His only goad was fear that Book 3) boy Book 3) alert his father or the men of his village and while Kaspar feared no man living, he knew he was too weak to give much account of himself if faced by more than one man. Kaspar labored to keep the boy in sight, Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows soon the child had vanished down a gully and between some rocks. Book 3) followed Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows well as he could, but after only a few minutes of climbing where he had seen the boy Book 3), he stopped as dizziness gripped him. His stomach grumbled and he belched as he sat down. He patted his middle and in a moment of giddiness laughed at how he must look. It had only been, what? Six or seven days since he had been captured in his citadel in Olasko, but he could feel his ribs already. Near starvation had taken its toll. He forced himself to be calm and then stood up and looked around for signs. He was perhaps as gifted a tracker as any man born to nobility in the eastern kingdoms. Kaspar had few vanities, but his skill at tracking and hunting were not among them; he was as good as he thought he was. Exile's Return (Conclave of Shadows Series #3) by Raymond E. Feist, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®

Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. NOOK Book. Home 1 Books 2. Read an excerpt of this book! Add to Wishlist. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Members save with free shipping everyday! See details. Banished to a distant land, Kaspar begins a journey that will take him halfway around the world. Reduced to the role of farm-hand, then common laborer, the former ruler endures dangers and horrors beyond his imagination as he struggles to return home. But fate, or some dark agency, has more in store for the man who was once tyrant of Olasko. As he travels, he is chosen to play a part in a much larger Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows, a struggle between good and evil ages in the making. Dark powers are again in motion, and Kaspar discovers the herald of a threat not seen across the land since the legendary Riftwar and Serpentwar: A dark empire in a distant realm seeks entrance Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows Midkemia and Kaspar has unwittingly discovered the key. Product Details About the Author. About the Author. Raymond E. The Firemane Saga is his first all-new epic fantasy series. He lives in San Diego, California. Related Searches. View Product. Feist returns to beleaguered Midkemia and its capital, Krondor, in At the Gates of Darkness, the second volume in his enthralling City Exiles Return (Conclave of Shadows Dragons Rain Wilds Chronicles 3. Continuing the enthralling Book 3) she began in her acclaimed Dragon Keeper and Dragon Honored Enemy Legends of the Riftwar Series 1. Wounded and disheartened, the Mauraders set out for the shelter of a frontier For centuries, the five greatest kingdoms The vile sorcerer Sidi plans to strike the Book 3) a fatal blow, setting the murderous The vile sorcerer Sidi plans to strike the kingdom a fatal blow, setting the murderous pirate Book 3) upon the high seas in pursuit of the vessel that is transporting Midkemia's most holy object; the Tear of the Gods. From this HarperCollins Publishers. Riftwar Cycle: Conclave of Shadows Series3.