Raymond E Feist | 384 pages | 02 Sep 2011 | HarperCollins Publishers Inc | 9780380795284 | English | New York, NY, United States Krondor: Tear of the Gods PDF Book

Open Preview See a Problem? There is one, however, who defies the call to battle More Books by Raymond E. Krondor Tear of the Gods. For centuries, the five greatest kingdoms Worth reading because after all it's very nice read. A poisoned bolt has struck down the Princess Anita on the day of her wedding to Prince Arutha of Krondor. I have a feeling the ending specifically the epilogue of this book might be of some import for one of the following series set in this world. Having now read the sequence, it seems to me that this is evident in the style. Raymond E. Still awesome after all these books. A breathless race for a priceless treasure, against time, myriad sinister and competing evil forces, and ultimately against the fundamentals of nature, which in Midkemia can be as formidable as the Gods themselves Thanks for telling us about the problem. Trivia About Krondor: Tear of King of Ashes. Feist returns to a beleaguered realm of wonders and magic-where war is an enduring legacy; where blood swells the rivers and nourishes the land. But with luxury comes carelessness and a vulnerability to the desires of the flesh. Link to Us Link to Us. The plots themselves strike me as being episodic - thsi happens and then that happens then something else Feist, in one of the books, outlines the genesis of the trilogy - a game based on the world and characters of Midkemia. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. All of the bestselling writers represented in Legends II return to the special universe of the imagination that its author has made famous throughout the world. I was critical of some of Feist's past material because his characters felt cookie-cutter, but I was pleased with the development of Squire James and William in this novel, as well as with the introduction of some new characters who stood out. Is a nice feel to it, even if it does mean the general host of characters is less than in the first two books, though at the same time, the lack of much interaction of other major players does make it feel like overall maybe the threat isn't that dire, except for the local area. Honored Enemy Legends of the Riftwar Series 1. Erik chooses the army—and the continuing war against Midkemia's dread enemies. As I mentioned above, this is the final book in a series within a series. Talon of the Silver Hawk, for example. There are too many NPC's that give hints and too little actual story. Feist continues his habit of writing horrible sentences in this book. Like a length of prose describing the heroes solving a Rubik cube to open a door! Again awesome introduction of new characters, no develepomenet of old ones. Yet there is to be no peace for the young princes. Every book in this world I read, I love it a little bit more. Customer Reviews See All. Fill the pages with red and have the guy rewrite it. To ask other readers questions about Krondor , please sign up. Roo lusts for wealth and power—rising high and fast in theworld of trade. In doing so, they discover a silk maker using child labor to make profits. Sep 06, Matthew rated it really liked it Recommends it for: Fantasy Fans. Another good read. Apr 19, Gareth rated it really liked it. His love affair with Talia is his only saving grace really, and when she gets bumped off unceremoniously, you can't help but lose interest in his plight even more. Soon after, a high priest of the Temple of Ishap sheds light on some recent events: that the Temple had been transporting a divine artifact by ship, when it was raided and sunk, the artifact included. Simple quest - go there, get this object and fight your obstacles. The quests they go on seem to have a cavalcade of baddies ending with a big battle against the king baddie — just like in video games. Feb 14, Dave Kaylor rated it it was ok. I can't seem to find right words for it but sometimes it felt off. Krondor: Tear of the Gods Writer

Bypassing himself, Arutha names Borric, the eldest twin by seconds, the Royal Heir. Salvatore novel. For centuries, the five greatest kingdoms Shelves: fantasy , own , , monsters , series. Twins Borric and Erland wore that mantle proudly, much to the chagrin of their father, Prince Arutha of Krondor. On separate paths, the two men—one a fugitive and one a future king—make their journey toward maturity, honor, and duty. I was critical of some of Feist's past material because his characters felt cookie-cutter, but I was pleased with the development of Squire James and William in this novel, as well as with the introduction of some new characters who stood out. Dec 26, Scott rated it really liked it Shelves: fantasy. Apr 29, Bradley rated it really liked it Shelves: shelf , fantasy. Fill the pages with red a The worst book in this trilogy. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. The most current and complete guide to a favorite teen genre, this book maps current releases along with perennial favorites, describing and categorizing fantasy, paranormal, and science fiction titles published since Pace was a bit awkward sometimes too fast sometimes too slow. Then you had the puzzles that were more descriptions of visual puzzles than anything actually engaging for the reader. And what about the Crawler? I read along with the audiobooks. It is a work that explores strength and weakness, hope and fear, and what it means to be a man—in a kingdom where peace is the most precious commodity of all. Returning to Olasko, he will finally brings revenge on his hated enemy. The Wood Boy The Messenger. Hidden categories: Articles to be expanded from January All articles to be expanded. Science Fiction Fantasy. Trivia About Krondor: Tear of We get a little side-story lead-up to the big war with GODS a few decades later and it all fits like a straight line from Arutha to Demon War. Jun 20, Robert rated it did not like it. About Raymond E. Solon, a priest of some kind; Jazhara, the court wizard; and Kendaric, one of the most annoying characters Feist will ever write. To save his beloved, Arutha sets out in search of the mytics herb called Silverthorn that only grows in the dark and forbidding land of the Spellweavers. This is the 3rd book in the Riftwar Legacy , a subseries in the middle of the very large Riftwar Cycle. Apr 28, Andrea Elkins rated it really liked it Shelves: fantasy. Oct 30, Z0nky rated it liked it. James and Jazhara proceed to kill the spy and his guards, and to free the children. Take some time to explore Mr. Related Searches. Surviving the wrath of the fearsome Sauur—a hideous race of invading serpents—noble Erik and cunning Roo have delivered a timely warning to the rulers of the Midkemian Empire, and are now free to pursue their separate destinies. Link to Us Link to Us. Another go here, do this, go there, do that. Pretty good As this book continued the story of the theft of the Tear of the Gods, and it's eventual recovery, I was captivated by the characters new and old, and the labyrinthine plot twists that I've come to expect from Feist's books. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Overview The vile sorcerer Sidi plans to strike the kingdom a fatal blow, setting the murderous pirate Bear upon the high seas in pursuit of the vessel that is transporting Midkemia's most holy object; the Tear of the Gods. You may also find a preview of the contents of this book in Previews. After the new court magician, Jazhara is introduced to the Prince, Arutha, James is tasked with taking Jazhara on a tour of Krondor. I felt his feeling. For every step they take could sway the fragile peace of the land, as those who crave war rally against them—and become ever more daring. Add in evil wizards, skeleton warriors, vampires, witches. Krondor: Tear of the Gods Reviews

She is eager to speak to William about their affair. Faerie Tale. Bear wants him alive - until he extracts the information he needs, by whatever means necessary. And ship wrecker was just really human. Pug's son should be compelling; his story should be fascinating - but I can't help but see him as some toy-sword swinging doctor doolittle! Want to Read Currently Reading Read. He finds a farm with a boy and his mother who help him recover and learn the local language while he helps them after the disapearance of the father of the boy. May 01, IngridO rated it it was ok. Feist was one of my favorite authors for some time; Price of the Blood remains one of my three favorite novels, but Tear of the Gods just didn't live up to Feist's usual standards. For centuries, the five greatest kingdoms There is the occasional thought about who is really behind all the chaos, linking the book to others in the sub series. Unlike his original novels, the "gaming" novels lack a thoughtful plot. Whether set before or after events already recounted elsewhere, whether featuring beloved characters or compelling new creations, these masterful short novels are both mesmerizing stand-alones—perfect introductions to the work of their authors—and indispensable additions to the epics on which they are based. It's important to mention that I didn't hate this book; because I'm about to rip into it something chronic. We never learn much of his real motivation. To drive home their future roles, Arutha sends them as ambassadors to Kesh, the most feared nation in the world. Bypassing himself, Arutha names Borric, the eldest twin by seconds, the Royal Heir. Science Fiction Fantasy. Views Read Edit View history. Jul 31, Matthew Green rated it did not like it. Simple quest - go there, get this object and fight your obstacles. Krondor: The Betrayal. To ask other readers questions about Krondor , please sign up. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. But with luxury comes carelessness and a vulnerability to the desires of the flesh. Add in evil wizards, s So this is my 27th Riftwar Cycle book so you could say I was a fan. View Product. I miss Feist's storytelling. Written with Bill Forstchen, acclaimed writer of great military fantasy novels in the US. I stand to be corrected, but the world of gaming seems to be dominated by Plot. NOOK Book. Classic fantasy, full of magic, swordplay, knights and intrigue. But they are opposed by the minions of the Dark God, who seeks to possess the Tear for his own ends. A poisoned bolt has struck down the Princess Anita on the day of her wedding to Prince Arutha of Krondor. Definitely side story and entertaining if you like Jimmy the hands character. I can't really think of any!

Krondor: Tear of the Gods Read Online

Salvatore novel. Okay, we get it, you didn't bother to create a story line for this one. But a fearsome army of trolls and renegade humans, emboldened by the drug of destruction, has risen in strength from the ashes of defeat. Magician Silverthorn A Darkness at Sethanon. This book featured goblins, vampires, zombies, cursed amulets, sacred orbs, magic, swordplay, etc. But the determined young man will not be beaten. Get A Copy. Hartraft's Marauders, a crack band of Kingdom raiders, are a special unit designed to infiltrate and fight behind enemy lines. Not his finest work. Welcome back. And they leave far too much open too. Feist Silverthorn Author : Raymond E. The RiftWar is done. Feist Blog Raymond E. That seems really wrong, and I should be giving it a 1 star, but I can't bring myself to do it. Science Fiction. Roo lusts for wealth and power—rising high and fast in theworld of trade. Mass Market Paperback , pages. But while they're weak, at least they're consistent. It's a race against time, against the myriad sinister and competing evil forces desperate for the all-powerful prize, and ultimately against the fundamentals of nature, which in Midkemia can be as formidable as the Gods themselves For Squire James, Lieutenant William, and the able magician Jazhara, the race is on to rescue the remarkable artifact. It is a work that explores strength and weakness, hope and fear, and what it means to be a man—in a kingdom where peace is the most precious commodity of all. Namespaces Article Talk. To ask other readers questions about Krondor , please sign up. It's fleshing out the early Krondorian days in a very big way.