Occasional e-publications series Number 1

The South West People's Organisation 1961- 1991: a guide to archival resources and special collections in the Western Cape,

Sarah Sadie Wilcox

University of Cape Town Private Bag Rondebosch 7701 Cape Town

2004 http://www.lib.uct.ac.za UCT Libraries: Occasional e-publications series. Series editors: Dr Colin Darch ([email protected]) Lesley Hart ([email protected])

The People's Organisation 1961-1991: a guide to archival resources and special collections in the Western Cape, South Africa Compiled by Sarah Sadie M. Wilcox, Cape Town, South Africa, November 2001 and Massachusetts, USA, July 2003

ISBN 0-7992-2256-9

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- NoDerivs License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, United States of America.

This document may be freely downloaded from the UCT Libraries Web-site at http://www.lib.uct.ac.za/libpubs.htm. TABLE OF CONTENTS

Introduction vii Foreword ix

University of Cape Town. Manuscripts And Archives Department The Jack and Ray Simons Collection - BC 1081 X

Namibia Box #1. BC 1081 X. Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: : International Conference, 1972. Folder File: Namibia: International Conference, 1972 1 Namibia Box #2. BC 1081 X. Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: Namibia: Law, Lectures, Newspaper Clippings Folder File: Namibia: Law (no date) Namibia: Lectures 1980-1990 5 Folder File: Lectures 1980-1990 6 Folder File: Namibia: Newspaper Clippings 1968-1987 7 Folder File: Namibia: Notes – Jack Simons and Ray Simons (Compiled 1982- 1989) 8 Namibia Box #3. BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: Namibia, Ovamboland & Ovambos, Politics, Sources Folder File: Namibia: Ovamboland & the Ovambos 1957-1972 9 Folder File: Namibia: Ovamboland & the Ovambos, Newspaper Clippings 1968-1972 10 Folder File: Namibia: Politics 1969-1987 11 Folder File: Namibia: Sources 1954-1990. Includes: IDAF publications, UN publications, [Publications on Namibia] 13 Folder File: Namibia: Sources 1971-1983, Booklets 16 Namibia Box #4. BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: Namibia: Sources (cont.) UN Institute for Namibia Women Folder File: Namibia: United Nations Institute for Namibia 1974-1985. Namibia: Women 1980-1982 19 Folder File: Symposium on Namibia, 1984-1985 20 Folder File: Namibia: Women 1980-1982 21 Folder File: Namibia: Source - Draft Publication, no date. Namibia - Africa's Last Colony 22 Folder File: Namibia: Source. The Story of Namibia, by O. Levinson, 1978 23 Folder File: Namibia: Source. Summary of Facts & Figures - 1980s 23 Folder File: Namibia: Source. 1984 Toward Namibian Independence: prospects for development and cooperation 24 Folder File: Namibia: Source 1984 Independence Celebration 24 Namibia Box #5. BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: Namibia: SWAPO Addresses & Statements Publications Folder File: Namibia: SWAPO Publications 1962-1976 [On & by SWAPO] 25 Folder File: SWAPO Women, 1983-1987. Namibia: SWAPO Publications 1980-1991 (On & by SWAPO) 29

iii Folder File: Namibia: SWAPO Publications-booklets 1968-1990 [on & by SWAP0]. Includes: The Massacre at Kassinga 33 Folder File: Namibia: SWAPO 1964-1991. Statements & Addresses 1964- 1986. Correspondence 1972-1991. Correspondence with Ray & Jack Simons, 1972-1991 (mainly between Ray & SWAPO) 35

University of Cape Town. Manuscripts And Archives Department Amy Thornton Collection - BC930

BC 930-32A. South West Africa Folder File #1 40 Folder File #2 53 Folder File #3 54 Folder File #4 55

University of the Western Cape. Robben Island Mayibuye Archives The Brian Bunting Collection - MCH07

Box 119. MCHO7-119 B. Bunting Subject File: 2.30.3 - 2.32: (cont. Namibia) and SWAPO Namibia, SWAPO and from the press Folder File: 2.30.3 SWAPO. Constitution & Position Papers 58 Folder File: 2.30.3 SWAPO. Appeals (1969 & 1976), Memoranda (1973 & 1977) 60 Folder File: 2.30.3 SWAPO. Press Releases & Statements 61 Folder File: 2.30.3 SWAPO. Publications 69 Folder File: 2.30.3 SWAPO. Miscellaneous 73 Box 118. MCH07-118 B. Bunting Subject File: 2.30-2.30.2 (Namibia) Folder File: 2.30.4 International Conference on SWA/Namibia 1966 75 Folder File: 2.30.4 International Conference on SWA/Namibia 1972 76 Folder File: 2.30.5 Fact Papers, Memoranda, Reports and Statements from Various Organisations. Anti- Movement 79 Folder File: 2.30.5 Various Organisations, Fact Papers, etc. 80 Folder File: 2.30.5 Various Organisations, Fact Papers, etc. UN and Namibia, 1977-1983 83 Folder File: 2.30.5 Various Organisations, Fact Papers, etc. Addresses, Memoranda, Reports, Statements, etc. from Church Organisations (2.30.5) 85 Folder File: 2.30.5 Various Organisations, Fact Papers, etc. IDAF (International Defence & Aid Fund) 85 Folder File: 2.30.5 Various Organisations, Fact Papers, etc. Articles, Extracts from Journals (Optima, Objective Justice, Reality) 86 Folder File: 2.30.5 Various Organisations, Fact Papers, etc. From the Press (2.30.7) 92 Folder File: 2.30.5 Various Organisations, Fact Papers, etc. Miscellaneous - Different Papers from Partly Unknown Sources (2.30.8) 94 Folder File: 2.30.5 Various Organisations, Fact Papers, etc. Material on Namibia (Booklets) (2.30) 97 Folder File: 2.30.5 Various Organisations, Fact Papers, etc. Namibia - Serial Publications (2.30) 100

iv University of the Western Cape. Robben Island Mayibuye Archives The International Defence & Aid Fund for (IDAF) Collection

IDAF Box #179 Box Title: SWAPO: 1978-1988 Folder File #1: SWAPO: 1978-1988 105 Folder File #2: SWAPO: 1978-1988 118 IDAF Box #5039 Box Title: SWAPO, before 1979. SWAPO, 1979-1980. Correspondence IDAF with SWAPO, 1967-1974 Folder File: SWAPO, before 1979 131 Folder File: Correspondence IDAF with SWAPO, 1967-1974 139 Folder File: SWAPO, 1979-1980 149 IDAF Box No. IS/A/19, Boxes 57 & 57A Box Title: SWAPO, 1969-1970. SWAPO: Papers for Consultative Conference, Tanzania 1969-1970. International Conference, Brussels, February 1972 Folder File: SWAPO, 1969-1970 151 Folder File: SWAPO: Papers for Consultative Conference, Tanzania 1969/70, International Conference, Brussels, February 1972 158 Index 165


The aim of this catalogue is to provide a reference guide to archival resources and special collections in the Western Cape, South Africa, that house materials pertaining to the national liberation movement in Namibia. The catalogue is specifically focused on materials by and about the South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO), dating from 1960 to1991. My hope is that by making it easier for people to find specific documents, the catalogue will contribute to the larger effort to preserve, make accessible, and pay respect to the work of the many individuals who dedicated their lives to freedom struggle.

I began work on this project in April 2001, under the guidance of Professor Christopher Saunders of the History Department of the University of Cape Town. After conducting preliminary research on the range of archival materials in the Western Cape that were relevant to Namibian history in general, and SWAPO in particular, it soon became clear that there was no existing record of the individual documents in the archives, thus making access to these resources both difficult and time-consuming.

The catalogue begins with the Jack and Ray Simons Collection and the Amy Thornton Collection1 from the Manuscripts and Archives Department at the University of Cape Town (UCT). It also includes the Brian Bunting Collection and the International Defence & Aid Fund (IDAF) for Southern Africa Collection from the Robben Island Mayibuye Archives at the University of Western Cape (UWC). Each of these collections contains a wide variety of primary source material by and about SWAPO in Namibia, ranging from political journals and publications, to transcripts of SWAPO addresses, to statements and press releases, to correspondence and fax communications, to conference papers and reports, to individual newspaper clippings. Most of the materials in these archives are unpublished documents or limited editions.

The catalogue is divided into four separate sections, each section representing a different collection. Each collection is labelled with original call numbers in order that the archival material be organised in the same way in which it is organised at each of the individual repositories. Each citation includes a brief abstract, which provides a detailed description of the document. The index also enables the reader to find a specific subject, person, organisation, author, or journal title. This organisational structure should allow readers to choose which archive will provide the most detailed and useful information about their specific areas of interest.

It should be noted that this catalogue is not intended to be comprehensive. There are many other libraries, special collections, and archival repositories in Southern Africa and abroad that house materials relating to SWAPO. They are beyond the scope of this project. However, if one wishes to investigate these resources, a

1 It is important to note that researchers wishing to consult the Amy Thornton Collection must secure the prior written permission of either Amy Thornton or Professor Colin Bundy. These contact details are available at the Manuscripts and Archives Department at the University of Cape Town. A researcher who is permitted to consult the Collection may quote, publish, or photocopy sections of it as part of his research project, provided that he or she acknowledges the source of the information.

vii good place to start would be the complete archival collections at the Robben Island Mayibuye Centre at the University of Western Cape. Additional collections that house individual documents pertaining to SWAPO include the Mayibuye Periodicals Collection, the South African Press Clippings Collection, the Wolfie Kodesh Collection, the Karel Roskam Collection, the M.D. Naidoo Files, and the Renate Pratt Files. One might also consult the Wallerstein Documents and the South West Africa/Namibia Documents at the UNISA African Studies Library at the University of South Africa in Pretoria.

In Namibia, additional resources by or about SWAPO in Namibia are available at the Archivalia Department at the National Archives of Namibia, , as well as the Nambiana Collection at the Library at the University of Namibia, Windhoek. For a more extensive study, one might also consult various archival collections located outside of Southern Africa, such as the BAB-SWAPO Collection at the Basel Archives in Switzerland, the Namibia Support Committee Archive in Oxford, England, the Northwestern University Collections, African Studies Library, Evanston, IL, USA, and the Yale University Collections at the African Studies Library in New Haven, CT, USA.

As mentioned, I am indebted to Professor Christopher Saunders of the History Department at the University of Cape Town, who supervised this project. A special thanks also goes out to Lesley Hart, Kate Murray, and Yasmin Mohamed at the Manuscripts and Archives Department at the University of Cape Town and Leah Pahlamohlaka and Simphiwe Yako at the Robben Island Mayibuye Archive at the University of Western Cape. I would like to dedicate this work to the courageous individuals who sought to achieve liberation in Namibia and whose voices are recorded in the documents found in these archives. May they not be forgotten.

S. M. W. Cape Town, South Africa November 2001 and Massachusetts, USA July 2003


The Western Cape has long had links with the territory north of what is now known as the .2 From the late 1950s a small group of Namibians, inspired by the freedom movement sweeping tropical Africa at the time, began the struggle to free their country from South African rule, and it was in Cape Town that Toivo ya Toivo launched the Ovamboland People’s Congress, a forerunner of the South West African People’s Organisation (SWAPO).3 For long independence from South Africa seemed an impossible goal. But the armed struggle, fought by SWAPO from 1966, together with ever increasing diplomatic pressure exerted by the international community on South Africa, led eventually to South Africa first conceding the idea of independence for Namibia, and ultimately, independence itself.

Much of the history of SWAPO in those years of struggle remains to be told. During those years, a number of works on SWAPO were published, one a history by SWAPO itself and another a broader work by a prominent member of SWAPO temporarily in academe, Peter Katjavivi.4 Some activists found time to write memoirs.5 After independence, more reflective accounts began to appear, a number of them by outsiders who were close to SWAPO and who then became critical of the organisation because of its bad human rights’ record.6 The finest single scholarly study of SWAPO remains an extraordinary master’s thesis presented to a Canadian university in the early 1990s.7 The founder and president of SWAPO, , has much more recently published a lengthy rejoinder to such critical works, his own book being an uncritical history of his involvement in the organisation from its establishment to independence.8

That no professional historian has yet tackled many aspects of the history of SWAPO is partly because of problems relating to access to relevant sources. If

2 The fullest study of the early 19th century links is in a book based on an M.A. thesis at UCT: B. Lau, Southern and Central Namibia in Jonker Afrikaner’s Time (Windhoek, 1987). 3 There are many accounts of this. One is in S. Nujoma, Where Others Wavered (London, 2001). 4 SWAPO, To be Born a Nation (London, 1981); P. Katjavivi, History of Resistance in Namibia (Oxford, 1988). Other early histories of SWAPO were written by German academics: F. Ansprenger, Die Swapo (Berlin, 1984) and A. Harneit-Sievers, SWAPO of Namibia (1985). 5 E.g. D. Mercer, ed., Breaking Contract. The Story of Vinnia Ndadi (Vancouver, 1974; London, 1990); J. Ya-Otto, Battlefront Namibia (London, 1982); A. Shipanga, In Search of Freedom (London, 1989); H. Shityuwete, Never Follow the Wolf (London, 1990). Cf. T. Eriksen, with R. Moorsom, The Political . An Annotated Critical Bibliography. (2nd ed., Uddevalla, 1985). 6 C. Leys and J. Saul, eds., Namibia's Liberation Struggle: the Two-edged Sword (London; 1994); S. Groth, Namibia: the Wall of Silence (Wuppertal, 1995). 7 L. Dobell, Swapo’s Struggle for Namibia (Basel, 1998). She completed her thesis at Queen’s University under Colin Leys, in 1992. 8 Nujoma, Where Others Wavered. See C. Saunders, `Liberation and Democracy: A Critical Reading of Sam Nujoma’s “Autobiography”’, in H. Melber, ed., Re-Examining Liberation in Namibia. Political Cultures since Independence (Uppsala, 2003).

ix there is indeed a SWAPO archive in Windhoek, no scholar has been given permission to use it. Until recently, the papers collected by Katjavivi, which contain much about the diplomatic activity of SWAPO in the 1970s, were difficult to access.9 The voluminous papers of the United Nations Institute for Namibia, now housed in the University of Namibia Library, remain largely untouched by scholars. And there is much material on SWAPO elsewhere. One place to look is the Western Cape.

Sarah Wilcox’s guide is not comprehensive,10 but it illustrates the wealth of primary material on SWAPO available in Cape Town. Jack and Ray Simons were scholar activists with a long interest in Namibia; in the 1950s they met Toivo and other Namibians in Cape Town.11 Soon after returning to South Africa from decades of exile, they attended Namibia’s independence celebrations in Windhoek in March 1990. Brian Bunting, another Communist Party activist long interested in Namibia, also returned to Cape Town from exile at the beginning of the 1990s and left his papers to the University of the Western Cape (UWC). Thanks to Andre Odendaal, founder and first director of the Mayibuye Centre at UWC, the voluminous and valuable papers of the International Defence and Aid Fund were moved from the United Kingdom to the Centre, and this guide lists SWAPO material in that collection. Together with other collections, such as the Richard Moorsom collection of Namibian ephemera in the UCT library, 12 the material listed in this Guide constitutes a valuable body of material of great interest to scholars concerned with the recent . Publication of this Guide should stimulate contact between historians and other scholars at UCT and UWC and those at the University of Namibia, and help to spread knowledge of the existence of the material it lists, thereby encouraging research on Namibian topics in the Western Cape.13

Christopher Saunders Department of Historical Studies, UCT

9 They were housed at Yale University until they were returned to Windhoek. Before being returned, they were microfilmed and the microfilm is available via the Co-Operative Africana Microfilm Project, Chicago. 10 Since Wilcox completed this guide, further material has been deposited in the Simons collection at UCT. There is Namibia material in, for example, the African National Congress papers in the Mayibuye Archives. 11 Ray Alexander-Simons’s memoir, which recounts the couple’s involvement with Namibia, is to be published in 2004. 12 At the beginning of 2004 this large collection was still being catalogued. Richard Moorsom had been a activist scholar in Britain before working for the Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit after independence. He then settled in Wellington, New Zealand, from where his collection was sent to UCT. 13 There has been a long history of such research, from the time when Brigitte Lau did pioneering work on Namibia while based in Cape Town (see footnote 1 above), through the more recent work of Patricia Hayes at UWC and others. Wolfgang Werner and Tilman Dedering both completed Ph.Ds at UCT which were subsequently published: W. Werner, No One will become Rich: Economy and Society in the Herero Reserves in Namibia, 1915- 1946 (Basel, 1998); T. Dedering, Hate the Old and Follow the New: Khoekhoe and Missionaries in Early Nineteenth-Century Namibia (Stuttgart, 1997).


Namibia Box #1 BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: Namibia: International Conference, 1972 Folder File: Namibia: International Conference, 1972

Correspondence between Jack Simons and Mishake Muyongo, Acting Vice-President of SWAPO: 1972. 3p. Documents address: - The Namibia International Conference, held from 26-28 May 1972 in Brussels.

No author cited. "Preliminary list of Participating International Organizations at the Namibia International Conference." No publication information available. 1972. 1p. Document addresses: - List includes twenty-two (22) organisations that will be participating in the Namibian International Conference

No author cited. "Preliminary agenda of the Namibia International Conference." No publication information available. 1972. 1p. Document addresses: - List of discussion topics to be addressed at the conference - Conference documents

No author cited. "Timetable, Agenda and Registration Form for the Namibia International Conference." No publication information available. 1972. 1p. Document addresses - Document provides background and logistical information in regard to the conference organisation and structure

No author cited. "Namibia International Conference Background Document on Namibia." No publication information available. 1972. 5p. Document divided into the following sections: - Geographical Situation - Historical Background - Economy of Namibia - Labour Relations - Present Crisis - South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO) of Namibia - Namibia International Conference

Rogaly, Joe. "South-West Africa: The Condition of the People." No publication information available. No date. 8p. Document addresses: - Economic facts and statistics of South West Africa - Unequal distribution of wealth - Unequal access to education - Unequal distribution of land - The developmental expenditure in South West Africa

1 - The Odendaal Report - The Odendaal Commission

South West Africa People's Organisation. Namibia International Conference Newsletter, English Edition. May 1972. 18p. Document divided into the following sections: - Conference News - Mishake Muyongo, SWAPO Acting Vice President, on Mission to the United Nations - Organisation in the United States of America - The Latest News from Namibia - The True Context of the Namibia Struggle - Namibian International Conference - Commission on Action - The Greeting Addressed by the Romanian Delegation to the International Conference for Namibia

First, Ruth. "The : The Implementation of the Odendaal Report." (Paper prepared for the Namibian International Conference, Brussels, May 26-28, 1972.) 10p. Document divided into the following sections: - Background and general principles - The Odendaal Commission - Implementation - Legislation - Land Purchase - Removals of the African Population - Political Rights - 'Development' Financing

Murray, Roger. "Namibia: An Initial Survey of the Pattern of Expropriation of the Mineral Resources in Namibia by the South African Government and Overseas Companies." (Paper prepared for the Namibia International Conference, Brussels, 26-28 May, 1972.) 25p. Document divided into the following sections: - General Significance of the Mining Industry - Details of Mines actually in operation - Details of prospecting activities and rapid exhaustion of reserves - Historical survey of Mining Developments

Bunting, Brian. "Namibia Between the Two World Wars - South Africa, the Mandate and the League of Nations." (Paper prepared for the Namibia International Conference, Brussels, 26-28 May, 1972.) 13 p. Document addresses: - Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations - The South West African Survey of 1967 and the oppression of the indigenous peoples of South West Africa - White economic power and exploitation in South West Africa - The promotion and justification of "separate development" in South West Africa

No author cited. "Namibia and Southern Africa: The Anti-Apartheid Movement." (Paper prepared for the Namibia International Conference, Brussels, 26-28 May 1972.) 10p. Document addresses: - Campaign of support and solidarity with the people of Namibia

Houtart, Francois. "Namibia in the Cone of Southern Africa." (Paper prepared by Francois Houtart, Director of the Centre of Recherches socio-religieuses of Louvain

2 University, for the Namibia International Conference, Brussels, 26-28 May, 1972.) 24p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Different Situations of the Southern Cone of Africa - The Centre Periphery Relationships

Hesse, Chris. "Namibia: The Case Against the South African Government's Proposal for a Plebiscite." (Paper prepared for the Namibia International Conference, Brussels, May 26-28, 1972.) 10p. Document divided into the following sections: - The case against the South African government's proposal for a plebiscite - The political condition for a plebiscite

Vigne, Randolph. "Namibia's Place in the World: Some Strategic Questions." (Paper prepared by Randolph Vigne, Friends of Namibia Committee, London, for the Namibia International Conference, Brussels, May 26-28, 1972.) 12p. Document divided into the following sections: - A Tribute - Population Factors - Size - Composition - Contact with South Africa - Summary - Physical features - Economic effects

Houtart, Fr. and Lemercinier, Gen.. "The Christian Churches in the Struggle for Independence in Namibia." (Paper prepared by Gen. Lemercinier and Fr. Houtart, of the Socio-Religious Research Centre of Louvain, for the Namibia International Conference, Brussels, May 26-28, 1972.) 18p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Africanized Church - The significance of Africanization of the churches - Conclusions

No author cited. "Annexes to the document on the Christian Churches in the struggle for Independence in Namibia." (Paper prepared for the Namibia International Conference, Brussels, May 26-28, 1972.) 10p. 2 copies. Document addresses: - Bishop's statement - Open letter to His Honour the Prime Minister of South Africa - Letter to the Congregation and members of the Evangelical Lutheran Ovambokabango Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in South West Africa. - Open letter to the Honourable, the Prime Minister of South Africa and the Honourable, the Administrator of South West Africa

Rogers, Barbara. "Role of International Monopolies in the Namibian Economy: The Question to Ask." (Paper prepared for the Namibia International Conference, Brussels, May 26-28, 1972.) 24p. Document addresses: - Some general issues relating to foreign economic involvement in Namibia - Double taxation - Plunder - The Kunene River Scheme - South Africa, Namibia and the EEC - Direct pressure on South Africa: Graduated Tariffs

3 - Questions to ask specific countries about their involvement in the Namibian economy, including US, UK, France, Canada, Holland, West , Japan and Denmark - The International Organisation - The UN Security Council - UN Council for Namibia - International Labour Organisation - International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) de Sousa Ferreira, E.. " and the CDM," or "International Capital in Namibia." (Paper prepared for the Namibia International Conference, Brussels, May 26-28, 1972.) 13p. Document divided into the following sections: - International Capital in Southern Africa - The Exploitation of Namibia - The Consolidation Diamond Mines of SWA (CDM) - The Tsumeb Corporation, Ltd.

Starushenko, Gleb. "Perspectives of Struggle for the Liberation of Namibia from the point of view of the International Law." (Paper prepared by Gleb Starushenko, Doctor of Law, Institute of Afrika, Academy of Science, USSR, for the Namibia International Conference, Brussels, May 26-28, 1972.) 4p. Document addresses: - The role of international law in the Namibian liberation movement - The range of possible methods to satisfy the lawful rights and aspirations of the people of Namibia

Appolus-Amathila, Libertin. "The Health System in Namibia (South West Africa)." (Paper prepared by Libertin Appolus-Amathila, M.B., Ch.B. (Warsaw), D. Hut. (London), for the Namibia International Conference, Brussels, May 26-28, 1972.) 9p. Document addresses: - Introduction - Hospitals and Clinics - Health Expenditure - Medical Practitioners - Ambulance Services - Prevention Health Services - Nutrition - Vital Statistics - Conclusion

Zhukov, E.. "Rally Forces in Support of the Fighting People of Namibia." (Paper prepared by Academician E. Zhukov, Vice-Chairman of the Soviet Afro-Asian Solidarity Committee, Head of the Soviet delegation, for the Namibia International Conference, Brussels, May 26-28, 1972.) 8p. Document addresses: - Modern Imperialism and Colonialism in Namibia - The role of the South African administration in Namibia - Bantustan policy in Namibia - The South African illegal occupation of Namibian territory - The role of SWAPO in Namibia - The demands of the Namibian people - The role of international public organisations that support the Namibian people

Garoeb, Moses E. "African Resistance: The Early Days." (Paper prepared for the Namibia International Conference, Brussels, May 26-28, 1972.) 11p. Document addresses:

4 - The History of Colonialism in Southern Africa - Indigenous cultures and the invasion of foreign powers in Southern Africa

First, Ruth. "The Bantustans: The Implementation of the Odendaal Report." (Paper prepared for the Namibia International Conference, Brussels, May 26-28, 1972.) 10p. Document divided into the following sections: - Background and general principles - Implementation

No author cited. "Namibia International Conference Declaration." (Paper prepared for the Namibia International Conference, Brussels, May 26-28, 1972.) 2p. Document addresses: - List of points which address the role of the International Conference in the context of the current stages of the Namibian struggle for national liberation

No author cited. "The Assertion of International Responsibility." (Report of Commission IV, Document No. 31, paper prepared for the International Conference on South West Africa, Oxford, 23-26 March, 1966.) 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - The Political Case for Action - The World Court and the Mandate - Action to Achieve Changes in International Policy - A World Crisis

No author cited. "Commissioners' Terms of Reference: To examine the policy and record of the South African Administration in South West Africa." (Report of Commission I, Document No. 32, paper prepared for the International Conference on South West Africa, Oxford, 23-26 March, 1966.) 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - Economic Conditions - Land and Labour - Social Conditions - Political Repression - Economic and Political viability of South West Africa as an Independent Country - Termination of the Mandate - International Responsibility - Recommendations of Commission I

No author cited. No title. (Report of Commission II, Document No. 33, paper prepared for the International Conference on South West Africa, Oxford, 23-26 March 1966.) 6p. Document addresses: - The nature of relations between South Africa and South West Africa

Namibia Box #2 BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: Namibia: Law, Lectures, Newspaper Clippings Folder File: Namibia: Law (no date) Namibia: Lectures 1980- 1990

Tjiriange Ngarikutuke, Ehrenst. "Rule of Law in Namibia." No date. 15p.

5 Document addresses: - Repressive measures taken by the South African Authorities against the People of Namibia

Seidman, Robert B. "Law and State in Independent Namibia: Lessons from Zimbabwe's First Three Years." No publication information available. No date. 45p. Document divided into the following sections: - Zimbabwe's Independent Years: Radical Rhetoric, Welfare State Reforms, Incremental Change - Welfare State Reforms - Political and Military Restructuring - Economic Institutions - Consequences - Explanations - The Law of Reproduction of Institutions - The Law of Transforming the Bourgeois State - Law and the Creation of a Bureaucratic Bourgeoisie - Solutions: Toward an Adequate State Structure and Legal Order for Independent Namibia - Participation and Decision-Making - Bureaucratic Structures for Innovating - Inhibiting the Growth of a Bureaucratic Bourgeoisie - Controlling Corruption - Ensuring Official Obedience to Law: The Rule of Law and Socialist Legality - Planning Institutional Change - Building Capacity for Changing the Laws - The Party - Conclusion

Segajane S.S., Tlale and Brehme, Professor Dr. G.. "The Political and Legal Significance of the UN Resolution 2145 (XXI) for the Development of the Namibian Liberation Struggle." No publication information available. No date. 16p. Document addresses: - Legal Mandate for South West Africa under Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations - United Nations Resolution 2145 (XXI) and 2248 (S-V)

Namibia Box #2 BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: Namibia: Law, Lectures, Newspaper Clippings Folder File: Lectures 1980-1990

No author cited. "Theories & Practice." No publication information available. No date. 13p. Document divided into the following sections: - Theories & Practice - Centralization & Self-Help - Villagers & Townsmen - Family Houses - Rural Transformation - Extension Services

Tambo, Oliver. "A Legal System for Namibia." (Text of speech delivered by Comrade Oliver Tambo, President of the ANC of S.A., at a seminar on Namibia, held at the UN Institute for Namibia, July 30, 1980.) 10p.

6 Document addresses: - The need for an independent and sovereign Namibia - The social and political implications of the colonial legal system in Namibia and South Africa

Letter from Peter Katjavivi and Richard Moorsom to Ray Simons: 25 December 1985. 4p. Document addresses: - The development of an anthropology on Namibia entitled, "Proposed anthropology: Essays on the history of Namibia" - Includes comprehensive list of R.J.B. Moorsom's publications and other work

Philips, Ian. "Namibia Today and South Africa's Tomorrow." (Text of college lecture, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg.) 21 March 1990. 27p. Document divided into the following sections: - The challenges to democratic forces at the present time - The organization of institutional forms of resistance - The principles and mechanisms of a negotiated settlement in South Africa - What does the implementation of Resolution 435 and related United Nations documents tell us about the politics of the democratic transfer of power? - How does our South African situation shape up under current conditions?

Namibia Box #2 BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Papers Box Title: Namibia: Law, Lectures, Newspaper Clippings Folder File: Namibia: Newspaper Clippings 1968-1987

Newspaper Clipping. "Augustineum Protest Now Taken to Administrator." Windhoek Adv. 22/5/68. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Herero political group behind unrest, says principal: 200 Students Walked Out of S.W.A. College." ST. 9/6/68. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "D-Day at Windhoek's : Hereros face crucial decision." No source available. 25/8/68. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Communists Behind Poem say Irate Parents." Windhoek Adv. 3/9/68. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "A close-up look at the ." Cape Times. 5/9/68. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "S.W.A. Oil Contracts Awarded." Cape Times. 27/9/68. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Farms Bought to Safeguard Basters." Rand Daily Mail. 30/5/69. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Biggest Switch of Land Ever in S.W.A.." Rand Daily Mail. 26/8/69. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "S.A. rule in S.W.A. legal - envoy." Rand Daily Mail. 22/5/70. 1 p.

7 Newspaper Clipping. "Now a Bantustan on Our Border." No source available. 14/9/71. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Namibia: End of an Illusion." Times Review. 3 October 1971. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "The Battle for Namibia." Daily Mail. 6/4/71. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Starvation pay: what can we do?" Herald Mailbag. 29/1/72. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Namibia to be Free- Reagan." TZ. 23/10/81. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Namibia Freedom Unveiled." Zambia Daily Mail. 27/10/81. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Contact Group to sell new peace proposals." Zambia Daily Mail. 26/10/81.1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "US, SA slated." Zambia Daily Mail. 4/4/84. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "SA Wants Bantustan in Namibia - Nujoma." Zambia Daily Mail. 19/4/84. 1p.

Anti-Apartheid stickers. 3 black and white print stickers protesting the Apartheid state. 1 p. Stickers include: - S.A.D.F. = South African Death Force - Resist Army Services - South African Troops Out of Namibia Now! - Apartheid is doomed - Why Fight for a Dying Cause?

Newspaper Clipping. "UNESCO Prepares 'new' Namibians." Zambia Daily Mail. 2/27/84. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Namibia Freedom Depends on Me - Savimbi." Zambia Daily Mail. 2/4/84. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Namibia- Africa steps up struggle." Zambia Daily Mail. 4/12/84. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Namibia talks open." TZ. 29/10/87. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Black rule, never Botha." Zambia Daily Mail. 13/4/87. 1p.

Namibia Box #2 BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: Namibia: Law, Lectures, Newspaper Clippings Folder File: Namibia: Notes - Jack Simons and Ray Simons (Compiled 1982- 1989)

Folder file includes more than one hundred (100) pages of hand-written notes by Jack and Ray Simons on a variety of topics relating to Namibia and compiled between 1982-1989. The folder also includes a spiral ring binder with notes pertaining to the Mazimbu Lectures from November/ December 1982, as well as lectures referring to the National Democratic Revolution from 1987.

8 Namibia Box #3 BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Papers Box Title: Namibia, Ovamboland & Ovambos, Politics, Sources Folder File: Namibia: Ovamboland & the Ovambos 1957-1972

Letter from unidentified Ovambos representative to the United Nations Organisation: 3 August, 1957. 2p. Document addresses: - The educational, political and economical oppression of the Ovambos on the part of the South African Government

Newspaper Clipping. "Cannery strikers sent home." The Argus Africa News Service. Cape Argus. 23/7168. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Ovamboland report." Die Transvaler. 18/10/68. 1p. Document addresses: - Notes on first session of the Ovamboland Legislative Council

Newspaper Clipping. "South African Officer Killed." The New York Times. 7 January 1971. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "South Africa acts to quell striking tribe." By Paul Dold. Christian Science Monitor. 13 January 1972. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Two Ovambo Head-Men Attacked - No Link with Strike Says Commissioner." No source available. 10 January 1972. 1p.

Hayes, Reverend S.T. "The Struggle of Ovambo Workers in South West Africa and the Churches." (Report compiled by the Reverend S.T. Hayes for the Diocese of Damaraland, Windhoek, 24/12/71.) 6p. Document divided into the following sections: - Background - Church Objectives tot he contract system - The Strike (1971) - Negotiations about the strike - Agitators and Intimidation - Possible effects of the strike

Kane-Berman, John. "The Ovambo Strike, Appendix B." (A paper delivered by John Kane-Berman to a meeting of the Progressive Party in Houghton, Johannesburg, February 1972.) 5p. Document addresses: - The government response to the workers strike in Dec. of 1971 involving 13,000 Ovambo contract labourers - The features of the former contract labour system that are still in place and continue to oppress the Ovambo workers and their families - The condition of the compounds - The role of the South African government - The role of the United Nations - The role of foreign investment in South West Africa, with a specific emphasis on the profits made by foreign companies taking advantage of the cheap labour provided by the oppressive system of contract labour.

9 Namibia Box #3 BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: Namibia, Ovamboland & Ovambos, Politics, Sources Folder File: Namibia: Ovamboland & the Ovambos Newspaper Clippings 1968-1972

Newspaper Clipping. "Ovambo Strike Spreads in W.B.." WA. 12/7/68. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Ovambos return to factories." INA. 3/7/68. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "SWA forging rapidly ahead." Cape Times. 16/7/1968. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Vorster agreement does not alter the oppressive system on Ovambos." Sunday News. April 2, 1972. 1 p., 2 copies.

Newspaper Clipping. "Tomorrow When Trains Move Out." Advertiser. 15 December 1971.1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Surprise as 250 Oranjemund Ovambos join SWA strike." Rand Daily Mail. 4/1/72. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Ovamboland police strengthened." Financial Times. 13 January 1972. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "South Africa Flies Extra Policemen to Area of Strike by 13,000 Black Miners." The New York Times. 13 January 1972. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Labour body must go, say Ovambos." Rand Daily Mail. 15/1/72. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Women Quit Town." Rand Daily Mail. 1972. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Copters used in Ovambo patrol." Rand Daily Mail. 1972. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Strike in SWA near solution." Rand Daily Mail. 24/1/72. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Police in Ovambo on alert." Rand Daily Mail. 20/1/72. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Ovambos planning new strike action." Rand Daily Mail. 11/2/72. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Ovambos strike again." TZ. 18/3/72. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "South-West Africa: Race issues simmer in remote trouble spot." The Christian Science Monitor. 1 March 1972. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Police shoot 3 Ovambos." Rand Daily Mail. 2/3/72. 1 p.

Hand-written notes by Ray Simons. No date. 14p. Document addresses: - Summary and response to Rand Daily Mail newspaper article, particularly those addressing Ovamboland worker rights in 1972

10 Namibia Box #3 BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: Namibia, Ovamboland & Ovambos, Politics, Sources Folder File: Namibia: Politics 1969-1987

Kozonguizi, Jariretundu. "Statements Made by Mr. Jariretundu Kozonguizi at the 1050th Meeting of the Fourth Committee." (Statement circulated in accordance with a decision taken by the Fourth Committee at its 1051th meeting.) 1969. 11 p. Document addresses: - The role of the South African government in the "ruthless suppression" of the African people of South West Africa. - The role of the South African Minister of Foreign Affairs in the oppression of the African people of South West Africa - The role of the United Nations in South West African Affairs - The role of the United Nations Trusteeship System & the International Court of Justice

No author cited. "The Part Played by German Colonialism in Namibia." No source available. 16 May 1972. 11 p. Document addresses: - The foundation of German colonialism, 1883 - The role of foreign monopolies, companies and banks which support and encourage the expansion of German colonialism in South West Africa - The role of the South African regime in South West Africa - The development of Bantustans - Early resistance to German rule in South West Africa - The role of World War II in the development of South West Africa - The growth of foreign capital in South West Africa - The mining and diamond industries in South West Africa - The historical relationship between the Germans and the Boer Nationalists - The current situation in South West Africa - The future of South West Africa

No author cited. "Political Commission Report, Brussels, 28/5/1972." No source available. 1972. 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - Background considerations - Political policies - Proposals for political action - Positive action

South West Africa National Union. "The Legal Apparatus of Apartheid." By J. Kozonguizi, President, South West Africa National Union and T. O'Dowd, South African Barrister. No date. 11 p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Political and Constitutional Instruments of S.W.A. and Apartheid - The Structure of the Administration of South West Africa - Economic Apparatus - Africans in Urban Areas - Land Distribution - European Land Settlement - African Land Settlement - Mining

11 - Social Conditions - Local Government - Housing - Inter-marriage - Freedom of Movement - Labour - Legislation - Recruiting Labour - Compulsory Labour - Trade Unions - Education - Educational Services - Education Ordinance 1962 - Structure of Education Administration

The Christian Centre in South West Africa. "Role of Churches in Namibia." Annual Directors Report. January 1977. 7p. Document divided into the following sections: - Communication - Information - Education - Ecumenism - Staff - Finance - General - Conclusion - Appendix

No author cited. "Expose on the role and function of the political foundations of the Federal Republic of Germany." No source available. November 1981. 10p. Document addresses: - The international policies of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) - List of the respective parties and foundations linked to the FRG - The political environment in South West Africa following World War II - The establishment of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) and the principle of Democratic Socialism - The financial position and capacity of FES - The role of the FES as a supporter of progressive movements provided that they are opposed to Soviet Communism - The objectives of FES and the ideological contradictions of the Communist ideology

Namibia Action Campaign. "Editorial." Today. 1967. 9p. Document divided into the following sections: - A Naked Eye - The UN Ad Hoc Committee on SWA Fails - Document includes a map of proposed homeland reserves - Document also includes brief articles entitled "News in Brief” and "Notice to our Readers"

The Committee for the Liberation of Namibia. "Committee for the Liberation of Namibia Statement on Why Africa Should Reject the Western Five Proposals for the Independence of Namibia." (Statement and resolution prepared from a Namibia Solidarity Rally Held at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, East Africa, on Thursday, February 11, 1982.) 4p. Document addresses:

12 - The intensification of the struggle for freedom and independence in Africa - The proposal for one man - two vote system and the role of proportional representation - The future role of the Namibian Constitution - Document also includes a rally flyer

Simons, Jack H.. "Political Parties." (Paper prepared for a seminar on Administrative System and Needs for an Independent Namibia, 10-14 December, 1984.) 8 December 1984. 13p, 4 copies, including 4 pages of hand-written notes. Document divided into the following sections: - Typology of Parties - Parties and political pluralism - Critique of parliamentary government - One-Party states - Nation states and under-development - The Namibia situation - Document includes hand-written notes by Ray Simons

Namibia Action Campaign. "In Memoriam." No publication information available. 1984. 1p. Document addresses: - Obituary of Comrade Olivia Lita and Comrade Festus Haitembo, both of whom were 1983 graduates of UNIN News

Namibia Action Campaign. No title. No publication information available. 30/6/85. 2p. Document divided into the following sections: - Namibia - Natal - C.T. WP Council of Churches

Namibia Action Campaign. "Still Searching. . ." Financial Aid News. 7 August 1987. 1p. Document addresses: - Proposals for the Namibia Draft Constitution

Namibia Box #3 BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: Namibia, Ovamboland & Ovambos, Politics, Sources Folder File: Namibia: Sources 1954-1990 Includes: IDAF publications, UN publications [Publications on Namibia]

World Council of Churches. "Namibia: The Struggle for Liberation." World Council of Churches, Programme to Combat Racism. September 1971. 25p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Impact of History - The Conflict Situation inside Namibia - Land Connects Closely with Labour - The Participants - The Liberation Movements - The Prospects - Appendix I: Resolution 283 (1970), adopted by the UN Security Council at its 1550th meeting on 29 July 1970 Appendix II

13 - United Nations Press Release of World Court Advisory Opinion on Namibia (1971) - Appendix III: Statement by Toivo Harman Ja Toivo - Appendix IV: Open Letter to his Honour the Prime Minister of South Africa - Statement by: The Right Reverend Colin O'Brien Winter, Anglican Bishop of the Diocese of Damaraland, South West Africa, 'A Time to Listen,' Windhoek, 30 June 1971. - Brief Review of Christian Churches in Namibia - Letters from Namibians on Robben Island, as presented by Mr. Sam Nujoma, President of the South West Africa People's Organization of Namibia (SWAPO) at a press conference at St. - Bride's Institute on the 9th December 1970.

The Namibia Support Group. "United States Complicity in Underdevelopment in Namibia: The Tsumeb Corporation." No date. 19p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - The Economic - Social Structure and Political Control - Per Capita- Gross Domestic Products - Per Capita Income - 1956 - The Tsumeb Corporation - Ownership of the Tsumeb Corporation - The Tsumeb Corporation Board of Directors - The Tsumeb Corporation Summary of Financial Data - Conclusion - Appendix 1-6

Hultman, Tami and Kramer, Reed. "Tsumeb: A Profile of United States Contribution to Underdevelopment in Namibia." (A report prepared by Tami Hultman and Reed Kramer and published by the Corporate Information Center of the National Council of Churches in the U.S.A., in co-operation with the Women's Division of the Board of Missions of the United Methodist Church.) May 1972. 17p. Document divided into the following sections: - Part I: The Context - The Geography of Namibia - Namibia's Economy - Social and Political Structure - United States Investment in Namibia - United States Policy towards Namibia - American Metal Climax Corporation (Amax) - Newmont Mining Corporation - Tsumeb's Labour Policies - Some of the More Skilled Jobs Assigned to African at Tsumeb - Wage Cost per Tone of Ore - Tsumeb Contributes to South African Rule - Conclusion

United Nations Council for Namibia. Namibia: A Unique UN Responsibility: Highlights of United Nations Action in Support of Freedom and Independence for Namibia. 1976. 30p. Document divided into the following sections: - Historical Background - The United Nations and Namibia - SWAPO and the liberation struggle - Highlights of United Nations Action in Support of Freedom and Independence for Namibia, 1966-1979 - Activities of the United Nations Council for Namibia

14 - Security Council Resolution 385 (1876) Adopted Unanimously on the 30th January 1976

Southern African News Agency (SANA). SANA Comment. May 1977. 24p. Document divided into the following sections: - Namibia - Economic Affairs - Transkei - Security Police activity and trails - White students - Black students - Political developments - News in brief

Southern African News Agency (SANA). SANA Bulletin. May 1977. 17p. Document divided into the following sections: - Black South Africans and Festac - Killings and Atrocities by South African troops in Namibia - Andrew Young and South African Liberation - Security Police Harass Black Groups - SASO/BPC Nine Appeal Refused - in the Middle - Botswana Revalues Pula

WHAM. "Low Intensity Warfare- A Strategy to Maintain Order and Control in the Southern African Region." WHAMWinning Hearts and Minds: Low Intensity Conflict in South Africa and Namibia. No date. 8p. Document divided into the following sections: - Namibia: South Africa's Testing Ground - South Africa: The State's new strategy - The effect of LIW on community organizations in South Africa and Namibia - The Phenomenon of Low Intensity Conflict and the Church in South Africa and Namibia

United Nations Department of information and publicity. Namibia Bulletin. No. 2181, 1981. 23p. Document divided into the following sections: - Developments in the United Nations - Western Powers veto sanctions against South Africa - Planning Workshop on the Nationhood Programme for Namibia Held in Ethiopia - Panama Declaration and Programme of Action on Namibia - Human rights violations in South Africa and Namibia - Developments Inside Namibia - Western Five resume talks on Namibia with new initiative - Mass rallies in support of SWAPO - Democratic Turnhalle Alliance issues stern warning to South Africa - Reagan's representatives evoke no optimism - Rossing's sales revenue higher than in 1980 - War communiqué and military developments

No author cited. "South Africa Searches for an Internal Settlement." Southern Africa. January, February 1983. 2p. Document addresses: - The role of "constructive engagement" and the explicit contradictions of US foreign policy in Southern Africa - Prime Minister P.W. Botha's proposal for a new internal structure in Namibia

15 Newspaper Clipping. "Namibia: The War Continues." ECC Focus. December 1986. 1p.

International Defence & Aid Fund. Namibia in Struggle: A Pictorial History. (Document issued by the International Defence & Aid Fund for Southern Africa in co-operation with the United Nations Council for Namibia.) 1987. Document addresses: - German Occupation and resistance to colonial rule - Namibia's international status and the South African government's defiance of the United Nations - Daily life under apartheid - Namibia's economy and the position of black workers - South Africa's military occupation in Southern Africa - Suppression of political opposition, detention and political trials - Negotiations for independence - Towards the future- the continuing struggle for freedom

Centro de Estudos Africanos, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane—Maputo, República Popular de Moçambique. Southern Africa: DOSSIER. Code 65.175, April 1990. 30p. Document divided into the following sections: - Notes on Namibia's Transition to Independence - Major legal problems raised by SA during the transition - Strange Registration and Voting patterns - Brief Analysis of the November Election Results - Polling Results in the South of Namibia - Overview over the Economic Situation - Security Situation - The Constitutional Debate and the Alignment of Parties - Fundamental rights

Namibia Box #3 BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Papers Box Title: Namibia, Ovamboland & Ovambos, Politics, Sources Folder File: Namibia: Sources 1971-1983, Booklets

Steenkamp, W.P. Is the South-West African Herero Committing Race Suicide? Cape Town: UnieVolksper BPK, no date of publication available. 39p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Herero and the Herero-land - A Historical Review - The Origin of the Bantu - The German-Herero War - Comparative Birthrate - Causes of Sterility and Unproductively of the Herero - Means and Methods of Abortion - The Remedy

No author cited. South West Africa: An International Responsibility. (Published by Ronald Segal, The Old Manor House, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, on behalf of the International Conference on South West Africa.) No date. 8p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - The German Period - The Mandate System - The United Nations

16 - South African Administration

Courtney, Winifred and Davis, Jennifer. Namibia: U.S. Corporate Involvement. (Published by the Africa Fund, the American Committee on Africa, in cooperation with the Programme to Combat Racism of the World Council of Churches.) March 1972. 32p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - 100 Years of Expropriation - United States Policy on Namibia - The Lopsided Economy - Boom Time in Namibia - The Workers of Namibia - Wages - The U.S. Corporations Examined - The Tsumeb Corporation: U.S. Owned and Run - A "Company Town" - for 5000 Forced Laborers - South Africa, Newmont and Amax: Allies in Oppression - Newmont Mining Corporation - American Metal Climax, Inc. - U.S. Steel - Bethlehem Steel - Nord Resources - Navarro Exploration Company - Phelps Dodge - U.S. Companies in Search for Oil - Brilund Mines - Etosha Petroleum - Diamonds are Forever- Profitable - Tidal Diamonds - A Getty Interest - Namibian Trade with the United States - Fifth Avenue Fashion: Karaful Pelts from Namibia - Pet Food and Rock Lobster - Conclusion

Vigne, Randolph. A dwelling place of our own: The Story of the Namibian nation, revised ed. (Published by the International Defence & Aid Fund.) 1975. 51 p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Namibians: to 1884 - The fatal subdivision: German 'protectorate' 1884, to South African conquest, 1915 - A trust desecrated: South Africa mandate to World War II - 'No dwelling place of our own': United Nations, 1945, to the Windhoek shootings, 1959 - A struggle for freedom and justice: SWAPO, 1958, to the Pretoria trial, 1968 - Control by separation - Beyond legal doubt - The people have said so

No author cited. Time to WAKE UP Mister! (A Guardian Pamphlet published by the proprietors of the Guardian.) No date. 14p. Document addresses: - Role of the Nationalist Party in South West African Affairs - Role of Nazi Germany occupation of South West Africa - Freedom and democracy in South West Africa

No author cited. A Trust Betrayed: Namibia. (United Nations Publications, Office of Public Information.) 1974. 44p.

17 Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - The Mandate - 1946-1966: Namibia and the United Nations - The Economy - The Labour Situation - A New Six-Year Effort - The Odendaal Commission - 1966 Court Decision: A Turning-Point - 1966 and After: The Mandate Ends - Security Council Action - The Court Opinion of 1971 - A Namibian's View

No author cited. Namibia: Struggles for Freedom. (Published by the Permanent Secretariat of the Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization, Cairo, Egypt.) May 1972. 67p. Document divided into the following sections: - Background Information on Namibia - Economy of Namibia - Labour Relations - The Present Crisis - South-West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO) of Namibia - "The Serious Political Situation in Namibia." By Sam Nujoma, President of SWAPO. Excerpt from his speech at the opening plenary session of the Namibia International Preparatory Conference, Brussels, 14-15 February 1972. - “The Socio-Economic Conditions and Activities of Foreign Economic and other Interests in Namibia." Extracts from the Sixth Report of the UN Council on Namibia presented to the General Assembly 1971. - "Working Class Actions in Namibia." By Solomon Mifima, Representative of SWAPO in Egypt - The Role of Namibia in South Africa's Military Plans - Strategic uses of Caprivi Strip Katima Mululo Airfield - Namibia, An Important Part in South Africa's Military Plans - South Africa Extends Military Actions to the North - The Questions of Namibia, census adopted by the UN Special Committee at its 869th meeting on 27 April 1972 at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. - "The Struggle for Namibia in Various Fields." By Mr. Mishaka Muyongo, acting Vice-President of SWAPO, from his speech at the opening plenary session of the Namibia International Preparatory Conference, 14-15 February 1972. - The Exploitation of African Labour - Job Reservation Act - Divide and Rule and the Present Strike in Namibia - "South Africa's Military Activities in Namibia." Extracts from the Sixth Report on the UN Council on Namibia presented to the General Assembly, 1971.

No author cited. Namibian Extension Unit: A Brief Account of the Distance Education Programme for Namibians. (Published by Namibian Extension Unit, Lusaka, Zambia.) January 1983. 9p. Document divided into the following sections: - Purpose - Administration - Activities So Far - Revised Plan of Operation and Training

18 No author cited. A Principle in Torment: ll. The United Nations and Namibia. (United Nations Publications, Office of Public Information.) 1971. 44p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - The Mandate - 1946-1966: Namibia and the United Nations - The Economy - The Labour Situation - A New Six-Year Effort - The Odendaal Commission - 1966 Court Decision: A Turning-Point - 1966 and After: The Mandate Ends - Security Council Action - A Namibian's View

Namibia Box #4 BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: Namibia: Sources (cont.) UN Institute for Namibia Women Folder File: Namibia: United Nations Institute for Namibia 1974- 1985 Namibia: Women 1980-1982

United Nations Institute for Namibia - Application Form

United Nations Council for Namibia. "Plan for the establishment of the Institute for Namibia, adopted by the United Nations Council for Namibia at its 209th meeting on 27 September 1974." 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - Purpose of Institution - Location and operation of the Institute - Functions of the Institute - Specialist Research and Training - Admission to the Institute - Funding and Cost of the Institute

United Nations Institute for Namibia. "The Namibia Independence Talks, Lusaka 11-13 May 1984." UNIN News -A Bimonthly Publication of the United Nations Institute for Namibia. Vol. 2, no. 6. June 1984. 8p. Document divided into the following sections: - Visitors to UNIN - Meetings and Conferences - Visits by UNIN Staff - Student Affairs - Statistics Students - Staff News - UN Security Council Resolution 435 (1978)

19 Namibia Box #4 BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: Namibia: Sources (cont.) UN Institute for Namibia Women Folder File: Symposium on Namibia, 1984-1985

Simons, H.J.S.. "Community Development in Namibia: Perspectives for National Reconstruction and Development: A Project Sponsored by the UN Institute for Namibia, Lusaka 1984-1985." No publication information available. 31 January 1984. 10p. Document divided into the following sections: - Terms of Reference - Resources - Scope and Content - "Native" Population Groups - Community in Namibia - Racist Laws and Practices - Military Rule - Development Programmes - Document also includes an assessment of the Terms of Reference

Letter between Dr. L.S. Chivuno, Chief Economist, UN Institute for Namibia, H. Geingob, Director, UN Institute for Namibia and Jack Simons: 1984 - 1985. 15p. of letter, including enclosed documents. Documents address: - Objectives of Community Development in Independent Namibia - Community Development in Relation to Urban and Rural Administration - The Status and Role of Women in Community Development - Priority Programs in Community Development - Communities in Namibia - The Colony of South Africa - Racist Laws and Practices - Military Rule - Development programmes - Document includes Special Service Agreement on the Comprehensive Study of Namibia

Simons, H.J.. "Chapter XVII: Community Development in Namibia: Perspectives for National Reconstruction and Development." No publication information available. No date. 3p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - History and Basis - Objectives in Community Development in Independent Namibia - Community Development in Relation to Local Government - The Status and Role of Women in Community Development - Priority Programmes for Community Development - Policy Options on Community Development

Hand-written notes by Jack Simons. “Community Development in Namibia, 1984 -1985.” 8p. Document addresses: - State Council

20 - Direct Rule - Entrenchment of Apartheid - Apartheid in Namibia - Housing - Military Rule - Conscription - P.W. Botha's Offer to Surrender Namibia to the West

Namibia Box #4 BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: Namibia: Sources (cont.) UN Institute for Namibia Women Folder File: Namibia: Women 1980- 1982

Quote on the role of Namibian women. No source available. No date. 1p.

No author cited. "Namibian Refugees in ." Women of the World Journal. Women's International News Gathering Service Article. No date. 1 p. Document addresses: - The recent passage of more than four thousand (4,000) Namibian civilians into Angolan refugee camps - Quotes from various refugees, including personal stories and accounts of the range of atrocities that they have been forced to endure - The Kassinga Massacre - Document also includes article entitled, "Angola's Women - Past and Present"

International Defence & Aid Fund. "Detention and Torture." You Have Struck a Rock. IDAF Publication. 1980. 6p. Document divided into the following sections: - Namibia - Namibia: Kassinga Detainees - Letter from Zimbabwe - Namibia: Relatives in Distress - 55,000 Namibian Refugees - Windhoek Uprisings - REFUGEES

African National Congress. "Paper on Working Women Presented by the ANC Women's Section of the International Conference in Support of the Struggle of the Women in South Africa and Namibia to be Held from the 17th to 19th May, 1982 in the Hall of the European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium." 8p. Document addresses: - What is the Position of Working Women in the Land of Apartheid? - Effects of Apartheid on Working Women in Rural and Urban Areas - Women in trade unions - Employment Inequalities - Unemployment - Influx Control

No author cited. No title. Anti-Apartheid Women's Newsletter. No. 33, August 1987. 1p. Document addresses:

21 - Women's Conference which brought together women from various solidarity organizations, including the SWAPO Women's Solidarity Campaign (SWSC) and the Labour Party Women's Section. - Poem by Ida Jimmy, written on 9 July 1986 Journal Article. "Obituary: 'Meekulu' Putuse Appolus: SWAPO Has Lost A Dependable And Dedicated Fighter." From Women of Africa, Magazine Issued by the Pan-African Women's Organization. Vol. 1, June 1987. 1p.

Namibia Box #4 BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: Namibia: Sources (cont.) UN Institute for Namibia Women Folder File: Namibia: Source - Draft Publication, no date Namibia - Africa's Last Colony

No author cited. Namibia-Africa's Last Colony. No publication information available. No date. 107p. Document divided into the following sections: - CHAPTER 1 - Background - Namibia's People - Poverty in Namibia - International Context - Apartheid and Repression in Namibia - Refugees - CHAPTER 2 - The Economy: Poverty & Wealth - Poverty & Migration Labour - Land, Agriculture & Food - Mining & Minerals - Fishing & the Sea - People & Poverty - Labour Pays & Prices - CHAPTER 3 - Obstacles to Development - Education - Education for an Independent Namibia - Health - Malnutrition - Infectious Diseases - CHAPTER 4 - British Responsibility - Britain & Namibia: Main History Milestones - Diplomatic and political links - British voting record at the UN Security Council - International Law - Protecting Namibian Natural Resources - Economic Links - The position of other Western Nations with regard to international law and economic activity in Namibia - British aid to Namibia

22 Namibia Box #4 BC 1081 Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: Namibia: Sources (cont.) UN Institute for Namibia Women Folder File: Namibia: Source The Story of Namibia, by O. Levinson, 1978

Levinson, Olga. The Story of Namibia: An authoritative and up-to-date study of Namibia, telling in word and picture of its history and development its beauty and its people-and of its unending political struggle. Tafelberg Publishers: Cape Town, 1978. 160p., includes 5p. handwritten notes by unidentified reader. Document divided into the following sections: - - From Transgaviep to Namibia - Explorations from the sea - Overland Explorers & Missionaries - Further Discoveries - England & Germany appear on the scene - The Earliest Inhabitants - The Bergdamas and Ovambos - Hereros, Orlams & Basters - Jonker Afrikaner, God of the World - Maherero, A Chief Indeed - German Settlement and Development - The Nama and Herero Rebellions - The Mandate - UN Pressure - The Odendaal Plan - The Growth of Black Nationalism - The "Big Five" Initiative - Politics, Parties & Personalities - The Administrative General and the Churches - A Sacred Trust - The Thirstland Trekkes - The Black Diamonds - A Fishing Story - Mineral Riches - Diamonds in the Desert - The Etosha Plan & Natural Conservation - Tourism - Art through the Ages - The Ageless Land

Namibia Box #4 BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: Namibia: Sources (cont.) UN Institute for Namibia Women Folder File: Namibia: Source Summary of Facts & Figures - 1980s

No author cited. Namibia -A Summary of Facts and Figures. No publication information available. No date. 37p. Document addresses: - Introduction

23 - Population and Housing - Population Density and Distribution - Education - Mining - Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry - Extensive range of quantitative data tables

Namibia Box #4 BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: Namibia: Sources (cont.) UN Institute for Namibia Women Folder File: Namibia: Source 1984 Toward Namibian Independence: prospects for development and cooperation

Centre d'information et de documentation sur le Mozambique et I'Afrique australe (CIDMAA). Towards Namibian Independence: prospects for development and cooperation. Published by CIDMAA. June 1984. 72p. Document divided into the following sections: - Preface - Chapter One: Namibia Today - Chapter Two: Canadian NGOs and Namibia: Aid and Solidarity - Chapter Three: Beyond Underdevelopment - Chapter Four: Recommendations - Annexes - Bibliography

Namibia Box #4 BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: Namibia: Sources (cont.) UN Institute for Namibia Women Folder File: Namibia: Source 1984 Independence Celebration

The Republic of Namibia: Independence Celebration, 21 March 1990. (Folder containing various documents pertaining to the Republic of Namibia Independence Celebration.) March 1990. 174p. in total. Documents include: - Official Programme: Part I, Namibia Independence Celebrations, 20th-22nd March 1990. - The Cabinet of the Republic of Namibia: Government service appointments. - The Constitution of the Republic of Namibia. - The Republic of Namibia National Flag: Symbolism & Description. - "The New Nation: The Namibian News Magazine," January 1990. - Statistical/ Economic Review: South West Africa/ Namibia, compiled & published by the department of finance, 1989. - "Kleinod in Afrika," Ausgabe, 1989.

24 Namibia Box #5 BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: Namibia: SWAPO Addresses & Statements Publications Folder File: Namibia: SWAPO Publications 1962-1976 [On & by SWAP0]

South West Africa People's Organisation. Solidarity Magazine. Vol. 1, no. 3. September 1962. 17p., 2 copies. Document divided into the following sections: - UN Bantustan - South Africa has Failed to Honour her Pledges, by Sam Nujoma - SWAPO Banking Accounts Frozen while Leaders are Facing Count Action - The African Socialist Solution - SS Storm Troopers Break up Peoples Demonstrations

The Special Campaign Committee for the Release of South West African Political Prisoners (SCCROSWAPP). The Trials of 37 SWAPO Freedom Fighters, Pretoria, 1967-1968. No date. 7p. Document divided into the following sections: - 37 Freedom Fighters - The Anti-Terrorism Act-1967 - Sample Letters Protesting Against the Trial of 37 SWAPO Freedom Fighters - Result of the Illegal Trial

An Appeal to the World by the SCCROSWAPP

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Press Statement made by Sam Nujoma, President, South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) and Albert Muyongo, Vice President, Caprivi African National Union (CANU)." 5 November 1964. 5p. Document addresses: - The unification of SWAPO and CANU - The background history of racial oppression in Namibia - The role of Bantu education - The role of Native Reserves - The military base at - The South African administration and their political involvement in Namibia - The arrest and detainment (for 90 days without trial) of five SWAPO members - The order of restriction issued by the South African Minister of Bantu Administration and Development

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Statement made by Albert Muyongo, Chief Representative of the South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) before the United Nations Special Committee on Colonialism in Lusaka, Republic of Zambia, on the 24th May, 1965." 5p. Document addresses: - The history of colonialism and racial oppression in South West Africa - The German invasion of South West Africa, 1884 - The position of Ethiopia and Liberia in regard to the liberation of South West Africa - The League of Nations Mandate - The political, social and economic situation of the African majority in South West Africa

25 - The role of Bantu Education - The military base at Walvis Bay - The Verwoerd government campaign of terror against South West Africa - Appeal to the UN Special Committee

South West Africa People's Organisation. Namib Today: The Situation of African Workers in South West Africa. 1968. 13p., missing pages. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - "Race" and Power - Disarray of Labour - Trade Unions - Recruitment - A Disintegrating Population - South African Air Base on the Caprivi Strip Completed - Zambians Allege South Africa's Build-up in Caprivi Strip - I See South Africa's Secret Air Base - South West Africa at the Hague - Crisis for Verwoerd - All Hell at United Nations Forecast - Hague Case May Sway Election

South West Africa People's Organisation. Namib Today. Vol. 2, no. XII, XIII, XIV, XV. January, February, March, April, 1968. 28p. Document divided into the following sections: - Editorial - A Letter from Prison - Fear in Windhoek - What Bantustan Means - News in Brief

South West Africa People's Organisation. Namib Today. Vol. 2, no. XVI & XVII, May, June 1968. 13p. Document divided into the following sections: - Editorial - We are Namibians not South Africans - Augustineum Protest Now Taken to Administration - News in Brief

South West Africa People's Organisation. Namib Today. Vol. 2, no. XVIII, XIX, XX, & XXI. July, August, September, October, 1968. 26p. Document divided into the following sections: - Editorial - Namibians on Robben Island - News in Brief

South West Africa People's Organisation. Code of Conduct of SWAPO Youth League. 1981. 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - The Internal Rules of the SWAPO Youth League

South West Africa People's Organisation. The Manifesto of SWAPO Youth to the Namibian People. 1971. 28p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Boer Rule - What Can Be Done? - Bantustans - Tribes and Tribalism

26 - Anti-Guerilla Politics - Watch Enemy Spies - There is a Way Out - The Worker - Peasant - Intelligentsia - Youth and Students - Religious Leaders - Namibian Economy and Exploitation - Exploiting Companies - Board of Directors - Other Investments - Fishing Industries - Agricultural Industry - Ownership

South West Africa People's Organisation. Namibian News. Vol. 3, no. 11-12, Vol. 4, no. 1-2. November 1970 - February 1971. 21 p. Document divided into the following sections: - Editorial - Letter from Namibian on Robben Island - Case History from Inside Namibia - SWAPO at the United Nations - People in the News - SWAPO & the Kunene River Hydro-Electric Scheme - News in Brief

Newspaper Clipping. "4 Vans blown up by SWAPO forces." Rand Daily Mail. 15/3/72.1 p.

The American Committee on Africa. "The Status of the Liberation Struggle in Africa: A Midyear Report from the American Committee on Africa." 1 June 1972. 3p. Document divided into the following sections: - Namibia - Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) - Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde Islands - Mozambique - Angola - South Africa - The United States and the Liberation Struggle - The American Committee on Africa

South West Africa People's Organisation. Namibia News: World Expression of Solidarity for Freedom and Independence in Namibia. Vol. 5, no. 8. August 1972. 10p. Document divided into the following sections: - Excerpts from SWAPO's report on Namibia International Conference - Final Report on the Namibia International Conference - Mr. Nujoma addresses the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) which preceded the summit of the Heads of State, held in Rabat, from 12th-15th June 1972. - President Nujoma addresses the Conference of Foreign Ministers of Non-Aligned Countries on behalf of African Liberation Movements, in Georgetown, Guyana, August 8th-11th, 1972.

27 South West Africa People's Organisation. Namibia News: No Justice in Namibia. Vol. 5, no. 9 & 10. September, October, 1972. 12p. Document divided into the following sections: - Grass-Roots Report from Namibia - An Assessment of the United Nations Initiative on Namibia, 1972. - Namibia's African 'Homelands' - The Multi-National development myth. - Portrait Gallery of Namibian Prisoners

Newspaper Clipping. `SWAPO man was free to leave.' Zambia Daily Mail. 13/8/76. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. `SWAPO Delegate Speaks at UCT.' Varsity. No. 8. May 1976. 1p.

Anti Apartheid Movement Netherlands. Monthly Communiqué, kommunikee: anti apartheid beweging nederland. October 1974. 7p. Document divided into the following sections: - For a United, Independent Namibia - SWAPO Condemns South African Plot - Dutch Favour 'Dialogue' with Vorster Regime in United Nations - Unrest in Mines Increases - Tusca and the African Trade Unions - AABN Organizers International Seminar on Sanctions Policy Against Rhodesia

Newspaper Clipping. "The Fate of SWAPO Dissidents." By Tony Hodges. New Statesman. 19 November 1976. 2p.

Newspaper Clipping. "South Africa's New Black Puritans." By Stanley Uys. New Statesman. 19 November 1976. 2p.

African Bureau Fact Sheet #48. "What is SWAPO?" July/ August 1976. 2p. Document divided into the following sections: - What is SWAPO? - Areas of SWAPO activity within Namibia - External diplomatic activity - Guerrilla action - The dispute within SWAPO - The constitutional proposals made by SWAPO for an independent Namibia

African Bureau Fact Sheet #50. "Who Leads SWAPO?" November/ December 1976. 2p. Document divided into the following sections: - Who leads SWAPO? - Nujoma - Survival qualities - Spy or Leader?

South West Africa People's Organisation. “Editorial Notes: The Namibian Youth.” 1973. 16p. Document divided into the following sections: - A Response to the Current Task of the Struggle - On the Content of the Struggle - The Role of the Youth in the Struggle - 1973: A Year of Great Advance on our Struggle - International Solidarity

28 Namibia Box #5 BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Papers Box Title: Namibia: SWAPO Addresses & Statements Publications Folder File: SWAPO Women, 1983- 1987 Namibia: SWAPO Publications 1980-1991 (On & by SWAP0)

Newspaper Clipping. "SWAPO Women are facing dual struggle." The Herald. 17/ 3/84. 1 p.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Women's Solidarity Campaign." Anti-Apartheid Women's Newsletter. No.33. August 1987. 1 p. Document addresses: - The role of the SWAPO women's solidarity campaign - The role and function of various women's organisations in the fight against Apartheid - Document also includes a poem written by Ida Jimmy, on 9 July 1986

Pan African Women's Organization. "Obituary: `Meekulu' Putuse Appolus I SWAPO Has Lost A Dependable And Dedicated Fighter." Women of Africa: Magazine Issued by the Pan African Women's Organization. Vol.1. June 1987. 1p. Document addresses: - The personal and political history of Comrade Putuse Dwyili Appolus, member of SWAPO Women's Council (SWC).

African National Congress. "Sam Nujoma, SWAPO President." Sechaba: Official Organ of the African National Congress. December 1980. 32p. Document divided into the following sections: - Botha's maneuvers - The Beast is in the Open - Govan Mbeki - Isithwalandwe - The Worker's Struggle - S.A. Workers Demand - Seminar in Grenada - What Happened on December 16? - SACTU Makes History - 1980 - The Year of SACTU

Newspaper Clipping. "SA stirs waves in the [Walvis] bay." No source available. No date. 1p.

Kaukungua, Shapua. "SWAPO's Struggle for Independence: Isolate Totally South Africa's Apartheid Regime." New Perspectives. May 1980. 2p.

African National Congress. "The Beast is in the Open." Sechaba: Official Organ of the African National Congress. December 1980. 3p. Document addresses: - African National Congress message at the International Conference of the Namibian People at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on September 11-13, 1980.

African National Congress. Mayibuye: The Fortnightly Journal of the African National Congress. Mayibuye No. 1. 1981. 8p. Document divided into the following sections: - Forward to Freedom in Namibia: Exclusive Interview with Comrade Hidipo Hamutenya, Assistant Director of the UN Institute for Namibia and Member of the Central Committee &

29 Political Bureau of the South West Africa People's Organization. - King Sabata Speaks Out - Another Blow Against Press Freedom: Statement of African National Congress on the banning of two leading black journalists and the suppression of the press in South Africa. - Obituary: Cde. Ntunja - Profile of a Commander: Raymond Mhlaba - Forward to Freedom in Namibia, Exclusive Interview with Comrade Hidipo Hamutenya - Boycott the Boycott-Breakers - The Apartheid System of Government is Bankrupt

South West Africa People's Organisation. Justice and Reconciliation News. Vol. 2, no. 2181. April 1981. 22p. Document divided into the following sections: - Spotlight on Southern Africa Civil War in Namibia - Women in the Struggle for a Just Society, by Teurai Ropa Nhongo - The Option Not To Fight: Moll, Streele, and Yeats - J/R News, July 1980: Banned and Unbanned - Aspects of Global Justice, El Salvador II: Lord How Long? - Removals and Relocations, Part 2: Qwaqwa the Southern Sotho Homeland - Don't Play with the Springboks: Statement Issued by the Administrative Board of the Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference - Hamba kahle Mandlenkhosi: A Tribute to Bishop Zwane - Statements on the SA situation: The Bishops of England and Wales, and the Zimbabwe J & P Commission - Readers Comments

End Conscription Campaign. "Peace in Namibia: No War in Namibia." (End Conscription Campaign political flyer.) 1984. 2p. Document divided into the following sections: - Young South Africans are dying in an undeclared war in a foreign country - 10, 000 Namibian citizens have been killed - South Africa and the SADF have no right to be in Namibia

Newspaper Clipping. "An influential Namibian political party was withdrawn from a political coalition established with the support of South Africa as an alternative to SWAPO." Zambia Daily Mail. 29/3/84. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "The Price of War." Flashers. 23/4/84. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Survey- Whites back SWAPO talks." No publication information available. 4/10/84. 1 p.

No author cited. "25th Anniversary of Decolonization Declaration: Why Colonialism Has Not Yet Been Totally Abolished?" New Perspectives. 6/85. 2p. Document divided into the following sections: - The situation in 1960 - Declaration on Decolonisation - Developments since 1960 - Present Situation: Struggle for Independence of Namibia, South Africa and Palestine - Intensifying struggle for Decolonisation

30 South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO War Dispatches: Luanda, 16th November 1987." 16 June 1987. 1p. Document addresses: - The role of SWAPO's military wing, the People's Liberation Army of Namibia (PLAN) - Reports from the Namibian battlefront - The current situation in Southern Angola

International Defence & Aid Fund. "Namibia Freedom Talks." Focus on Political Repression in Southern Africa News Bulletin of the International Defence & Aid Fund. No. 79. November, December, 1988. 3p. Document divided into the following sections: - Namibia Freedom Talks - New Laws Against Boycotts - Shifidi Killing: Appeal Heard - Detentions & Trials - Legal Aid Centre in War Zone

Newspaper Clipping. "Namibia at a point of no return." By Venarcious Mwansa. Zambia Daily Mail. 22/4/88. 2p.

South West Africa People's Organisation. SWAPO Election Manifesto: Towards an independent and democratic Namibia: SWAPO's policy positions. No date. 26p.

Document divided into the following sections: - SWAPO's Philosophy of Government - The Namibian State - Foreign Policy - Citizenship - Language Policy - State and Religion - Economic Policies - Science and Technology - Policy on Health - Education and Culture - Policy on Rural Development - Local Government and Housing - Policy on Women - Youth and Students - Labour in Independent Namibia - Armed Forces - The Mass Media - Corruption in Public Life - Policy on Public Finance - Electoral Process

No author cited. Bringing Africa South: The Namibian. Vol.1, no. 156. 15 November 1989. 12p. Document divided into the following sections: - People of Namibia vote for freedom from colonial rule - A Clear SWAPO Majority - DTA will insist on bill of rights - 'SWAPO's victory is our victory' - Namibia's success can influence South Africa - An exultant Windhoek - Swapo yaNamibia ya denga oDTA pomutima mehoololo - SWAPO wen

South West Africa People's Organisation. Namibia Today. Vol.1, no. 20. 15 November 1989. 8p.

31 Document divided into the following sections: - Viva SWAPO! - "No losers in elections" by President Sam Nujoma - Members of the Assembly - On the road to victory - How others fared - How they heard the good news

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Namibia: Long Live a Free Namibia." Umsebenzi. Vol. 4, no. 2. 2nd quarter. 1988. 2p. Document addresses: - The history of colonialism in Southern Africa - The history of SWAPO in Namibia - The mass boycott of South Africa's "puppet government," including the "so-called" Multi-Party Conference - South Africa's Illegal Occupation of Namibia

American Committee on Africa. Action News. No. 27. Fall 1989. 1 p. Document divided into the following sections: - Namibia: Liberating Africa's Last Colony - Vote SWAPO for Freedom - Congregations Target South Africa

African National Congress. "Long Live SWAPO! Forward to Freedom in Namibia!" ANC Newsbriefing. Vol. 13. Week Ending 26/3/89. 2p. 2 copies. Document divided into the following sections: - Quote by SWAPO President Sam Nujoma, interviewed by ANC's Radio Freedom in Addis Ababa - Black Education - South African Native Education Commission (1949-57) Papers - Lestrade, Gerard Paul (1897- 1962) Papers - Moore, Philip (BC 354) Papers - Progressive Education - Moore, Philip (1891-1981) Papers - Smit, Gideon Johannes Jacobus (1905-1976)

African National Congress. "Support SWAPO!" ANC Newsbriefing. Vol. 13. Week Ending 16/4/89. 2p. Document addresses: - Eight (8) point list of SWAPO demands and future goals for an independent Namibia

International Defence & Aid Fund. "Republic of Namibia born: National reconciliation marks independent celebrations." Focus on Political Repression in Southern Africa: News Bulletin of the International Defence & Aid Fund. No. 88. May-June 1990. 2p. Document divided into the following sections: - Consensus - Government - Economy - Republic of Namibia born - Social Issues - Security - Amnesties free prisoners

Newspaper Clipping. No title available. Zambia Daily Mail. 12/10/91. 1p.

32 Namibia Box #5 BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: Namibia: SWAPO Addresses & Statements Publications Folder File: Namibia: SWAPO Publications- booklets 1968-1990 (On & by SWAP0] Includes: The Massacre at Kassinga

Nujoma, Sam. "A Background to the True History of South West Africa." No date.

Toivo ja Toivo, Herman. "South Africa has robbed us of our country." (Statement delivered under oath in the Pretoria Court on February 1, 1968 and subsequently published by the International Defence & Aid Fund.) No date. 10p. Document divided into the following sections: - Toivo Hermann ja Toivo - Background on South West Africa - Statement by the Accused No. 24: Toivo Hermann ja Toivo - The Trial of South West Africans in Pretoria: February 1, 1968 - The Africa Defence & Aid Fund

South West Africa People's Organisation. Namibia Review: Special Issue. January 1968. 17p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Pretoria Outrage, by Sam Nujoma - Statement made by Toivo Herman ja Toivo at SWAPO Freedom Fighters Trial Before the South African Supreme Court in Pretoria, 1 February 1968. - SWAPO Rally Held in Defiance of Police Ban at Walvis Bay to Protest Arrest of Leaders, August 1966 - The Mandate

South West Africa People's Organisation. SWAPO Information on SWAPO: A Historical Profile. July 1978. 32p. Document divided into the following sections: - Loss of Independence and Early Resistance: 1860-1960 - SWAPO 1960-1970: Armed Struggle and Increasing Repression - SWAPO 1971-1977: The Strength that has Caused South Africa to Crumble - Appendix I: Namibia in Brief - Appendix II: SWAPO's Organisational Structure

Friends of the Namibia Committee. "A Letter from Namibian Political Prisoners on Robben Island." No source available. 1970. 1p. Document addresses: - The treatment of Namibian political prisoners on Robben Island - The international pressure on the behalf of the Namibian political prisoners

South West Africa People's Organisation. SWAPO on Namibia Information Pamphlet. 1977. 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - What is SWAPO? - SWAPO Aims and Objectives - SWAPO and the Turnhalle Tribal Conference - SWAPO and Ethnic Elections - The Alternative

33 South West Africa People's Organisation. "Massacre at Kassinga: Climax of Pretoria's All-out Campaign Against the Namibian Resistance." Special Bulletin of the South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO) of Namibia. June 1978. 26p. Document divided into the following sections: - Forward by Sam Nujoma - Introduction - Prelude to the Kassinga Massacre - SWAPO Activists Arrested Under AG26 Proclamation - The Massacre - Kassinga Massacre and the Western Five - Conclusion

South West Africa People's Organisation. Official Programme, Part I : Namibia Independence Celebrations, 20th-22nd March 1990. 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - Tuesday 20 March 1990: Proceedings Before Independence - Wednesday 21 March 1990: Grand March - Thursday 22 March 1990: Departure

International Defence & Aid Fund. "Remember Kassinga and other Papers on Political Prisoners and Detainees." Namibia: Fact Paper on Southern Africa. No. 9. 1981. 52p. Document divided into the following sections: - Political Prisoners and Detainees in Namibia, January, 1981 - The Trial of Markus Kateka Sentenced to Death in Namibia, February, 1981 - Axel Johannes, SWAPO Administrative Secretary Inside Namibia- A Biographical Note, April, 1981 - Rauna Nambinga, SWAPO Member Inside Namibia - A Biographical Note, May, 1981 - Remember Kassinga- Testimony of a Survivor, May, 1981 - Namibian Convicted Political Prisoners - A List of Names and Biographical Details, December, 1980

Ya-Otto, John. The Birth of Resistance: Battlefront Namibia. Book Review. No. 91, 4th Quarter. 1982. 5p. Document divided into the following sections: - Battlefront Namibia - United Front for Peace - Battlefront Namibia: Autobiography by John Ya-Otto

International Defence & Aid Fund. This is Namibia: A Pictorial Introduction. Published by the International Defence & Aid Fund, 1984. 39p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - Population and Geography - Colonialism and Apartheid - The United Nations - Control over Economic Resources - The Labour Force - Worker's Resistance - The Bantustans - Living Conditions - Health - Education and Training - Resistance - Repression - The War - Attacks on Angola - South Africa's Maneuvers

34 - International Negotiations - The Future

Poster: Massacre at Kassinga

Namibia Box #5 BC 1081 X Simons Collection, Other Countries Box Title: Namibia: SWAPO, Addresses & Statements Publications Folder File: Namibia: SWAPO 1964-1991 Statements & Addresses 1964-1986 Correspondence 1972-1991 Correspondence with Ray & Jack Simons, 1972-1991 (Mainly between Ray & SWAPO)

Letter from Mishake Muyongo, Acting Vice-President of SWAPO to Mrs. Ray Simons: 10/3/1972. 1 p. Document addresses: - Namibia International Conference - Suggested paper topics to be presented at the conference including "Human Exploitation" and "The Labour System"

Letter from Sam Nujoma, President of SWAPO to Mrs. Ray Simons: 2 February 1972.1 p. Document addresses: - Paper on Namibian African workers conditions, written by the SWAPO Department of Labour to be presented at the International Conference on Namibia in May 1972.

Letter from Ray Simons to Comrade Peter Nagolo, Chief Information Officer, SWAPO: 18 December 1982. 1p. Document addresses: - Recent speech on Namibian workers struggles

Letter from Ray Simons to Comrade Peter Nagolo: 17/1/83. 1p. Document addresses: - Comrade Nagolo's address on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of MK on 16/12/82 in the Hindu Hall - Books to be reviewed and related to the liberation movement in Namibia.

Letter from Comrade Peter Nangolo to Ray Simons: January 11, 1983. 1p. Document addresses: - Various sources from which facts were obtained that were referred to during Comrade Nagolo's address on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of MK on 16/12/82 in the Hindu Hall.

Letter from Jack & Ray Simons to Hon. Ya Toiva, Minister of Mines: 26 June 1991. 1p. Document addresses: - Brief description of Mr. Elias Kanguatjivi, member of SWAPO and active in the SWAPO student's section

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Press Statement Made by Sam Nujoma, President, South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO) and Albert Muyongo, Vice President, Caprivi African National Union (CANU)." 1964. 5p. Document addresses:

35 - The unification of SWAPO and CANU - The League of Nations Mandate - The economic, political, social and educational exploitation of South West Africans under the South African administration. - The role of Bantu Education - The role of Native Reserves - The Military Base at Walvis Bay - South African attempts to annex South West Africa - South African Imperialist Policies - The South African Government's opposition to SWAPO, including the arrest and detainment of various members of the SWAPO leadership

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Statement Made by Albert Muyongo, Chief Representative of the South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO) before the United Nations Special Committee on Colonialism, in Lusaka, Republic of Zambia, on the 26 of May 1965." 5p. Document addresses: - Appeal to the United Nations Special Committee on Colonialism - Human rights atrocities, violations & the overall denial of basic human rights to African citizens in Southern Rhodesia, Mozambique, Angola, South and South West Africa. - The United Nations Mandate and the failure on the part of the South African government to adhere to the mandate regulations. - Notes on the inherent inequalities of Bantu Education - The development of Military Bases in South West Africa - The Verwoerd Government's "campaign of terror" against African people

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Press Statement Made by Lucas Pohamba, Deputy Chief Representative, South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO), Lusaka, Republic of Zambia, 18 September 1965." 2p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - The Verwoerd regime and the recent military build-up in South West Africa - Police arrest, imprisonment, torture and intimidation against members and supporters of SWAPO

Geingob, Gottfried Hage. A Personal Case History: My Experiences as a Student and as a Teacher. 1966. 6p. Document divided into the following sections: - The administration and faculty of the Augustineum - Teacher-Student relationship - Academic freedom - Purpose of African education - The Teacher and the Parent

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Press Conference Statement by Sam Nujoma, President, South West Africa People's Organization. Press Conference called by MOVEMENT FOR COLONIAL FREEDOM and held at House Commons, London." 15 December 1967. 2p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - The Illegal Trial of SWAPO Freedom Fighters - The Suppression of Communism Act, 1966 - The Anti-Terrorist Bill, 1976

36 South West Africa People's Organisation. "Memorandum Submitted to the United Nations Ad Hoc Committee of Experts on Human Rights by the South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO) in Lusaka, 27 August, 1968." 6p. Document addresses: - Vagrancy Proclamation of 1920 and the role of Pass Laws - The wages of African workers under SWANLA Contract Systems - The role of forcible removal from traditional lands - The township massacre - The Suppression of Communism Act, 1950 - The arrest and detainment of political activists and oppositional figures - The torture of Namibian Political Prisoners in South African Prisons

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Resolutions: The Consultative Congress of the South West Africa People's Organization of Namibia met in Tanga, United Republic of Tanzania, from 26th December, 1969 to 2nd January, 1970." 5p. Document addresses: - SWAPO declaration of resolutions

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Press Statement by the South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) of Namibia, Lusaka, 4th February, 1972." 3p. Document addresses: - The role of the African workers strike, 13 December 1971 - The role of the strike as a response to the intensifying struggle against the South African administration in Namibia - South Africa military presence in Namibia

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Statement Made by Moses M. Garoeb, Administrative Secretary of the South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO) of Namibia to the UN Decolonisation Committee, Lusaka:" 19/4/72. 9p. Document addresses: - Recent acts of aggression against the independent African states of Tanzania and Zambia on the part of the Portuguese and South African regimes - Appeal to the UN Decolonisation Committee for a free and independent Namibia - The African Workers Strike, 13 December 1971 - The mass intimidation of strikers on the part of the South African Administration - The UN Secretary-General's visit to Southern Africa - The intensification of the Armed Struggle

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Press Statement made by Mishake Muyongo, 16th May, 1972." (Press conference called in connection with the Namibia International Conference from 26-28 of May, 1972.) 9p. Document addresses: - The role of the Namibia International Conference - The range of issues and topics to be addressed at the conference - List of local government representatives who extended their patronage to the conference - List of international representatives who plan to attend the Namibia International Conference - Belgian news articles detailing the aims and objectives of the Namibian International Conference - Vorster to Yield to UN on the question of Namibia

37 Letter from Sam Nujoma, President, South West Africa People's Organisation to unidentified UN Representative: No date. 2p. Document addresses: - The visit of the UN Secretary-General to Namibia in March this year in accordance with the Security Council Resolution 309 (1972) - The current negotiations between the UN Secretary-General and the minority white regime in South Africa - SWAPO's political position in comparison to the political stance of the United Nations and the role of the South African administration

South West Africa People's Organisation. "The United Nations Institute for Namibia: A Trojan Horse?" 25 September 1975. 4p. Document addresses: - The role of the UN Namibia Institute - The Institute as compared to a "Trojan Horse" - The alternatives to the UN Namibia Institute - The principles on which the Institute should operate

The MacNeil/ Lehrer Report. "Namibia: A Country Up for Grabs." (Program made possible in part by grants from Public Television Stations, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Exxon Corporation and the Ford Foundation.) Air Date: May 20, 1977. 8p., transcript. Document addresses: - The Diamond Industry in Namibia - Turnhalle Uranium in Namibia - Rio Tinto Zinc - The role of the South African administration in Namibia - Racial politics inside Namibia - The role of SWAPO in Namibia

News Clipping. "Failure of the Geneva Conference on Namibia." No source available. 1981. 1p.

African National Congress. "Constitutional Proposals for Namibia." ANC Fact Paper. 9/11/81. 7p. Document addresses: - A critical assessment of the Western Group's proposals in terms of the development of a new constitution in Namibia

South West Africa People's Organisation. "The Relevance of Marxism-Leninism in the Struggle for National Liberation in Namibia: A Presentation by Mose Tjitendero, SWAPO Representative, at a Seminar on the Relevance of Marxism Leninism to Southern Africa, Lusaka, January 22, 1983." 5p. Document addresses: - Defining and examining Marxism- Leninism in theoretical terms - The role of the armed struggle in Namibia - The "Puppets" of the government seen as much of an enemy of the Namibian people as the colonialists themselves - The rise in international support for the liberation of Namibia

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Address by Comrade Moses Garoeb, Administrative Secretary and Member, Central Committee SWAPO on the Opening of the Seminar on Administration System and Establishment Needs for Independent Namibia at UNIN, Lusaka, 10-14 December 1984." 3p. Document addresses: - The consideration of proposals for the development of a public administration system in an independent Namibia

38 - The position of SWAPO in regard to the transition to an independent Namibia - The long-term solutions for Namibia

United Nations Institute for Namibia. "Administration System and Establishment Needs for Independent Namibia." Project Report, NAM 79/027. December 10-14, 1984. 39p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - Independent Namibia as an Integral System - Inevitability of change from the old to the new Namibia - Organising for effective National Planning in Independent Namibia under the SWAPO government - SWAPO's policy object for Namibia's future development - Basic requirements for an effective national system in Independent Namibia - Organisation for Effective Planning and Plan Implementation for Independent Namibia, Lessons and Experiences, by L.S. Chivuno - Position of National Planning Organisation - Conclusions

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Press Statement, SWAPO Department of Information and Publicity, Lusaka." 1984. 2p. Document addresses: - Ten (10) points addressing the recent developments in Namibia - The future role of SWAPO in Namibia

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Statement at the Meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of SWAPO, Luanda, P.R. Angola, 22-24 January, 1986." 2p. Document addresses: - The current situation in Namibia - The year of general mobilization and decisive action for final victory - The South African attacks on church property and institutions in Namibia - The activities of the People's Liberation Army of Namibia (PLAN) - The rise in international support against the oppression of the African people in Namibia


BC 930- 32A South West Africa Folder File #1

Newspaper Clipping. "S.W.A.—Open Letter to Macmillan." No source available. 11/2/1960.1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "S.A. Aggression in Windhoek Condemned." No source available. 4/2/1960. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Windhoek Riot Inquiry Only Three Days." No source available. 21/1/1960. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "UNO Must Take Over S.W.A." No source available. 21/1/1960. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "S.A. Government Must Get Out." No source available. 14/1/1960. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "South West: UN Must Intervene." No source available. 6/1/1960.1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Row Brewing Over Windhoek Location: Africans Reject Removal Plan." No source available. 26/11/1959.1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "The Women Take Action." No source available. 31/12/1959. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Windhoek Coloureds Want Their Freedom." No source available. 31/12/1959. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Afraid of the Truth: An Interview with Chief Native Commissioner of South West Africa, Mr. Bruwer Blignaut." No source available. 31/12/1959. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "The Police Were Worried." By Brian Bunting. No Source available. 31/12/1959. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Getting Rid of the Agitators." No source available. 31/12/1959. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "First UN Trusteeship, Then Independence." No source available. 31/12/1959. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Oliver Tambo Barred from S.W.A." No source available. 24/12/1959. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Nine Dead in Windhoek." No source available. 17/12/1959.1 p.

40 Newspaper Clipping. "UNO Must Take Over S.W.A." No source available. 17/12/1959. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "How Eric Louw Was Rebuffed at UNO." No source available. 3/12/1959. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Ovambo Message Smuggled to U.N.O." No source available. 16/10/1958. 2p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Ovambos Complain 'We are Treated Like Slaves."' No source available. 20/8/1959. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "'End S.A. Rule Plea to UN Committee." No source available. 21/5/1959. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Tovio Exiled to Ovamboland." No source available. 29/11/1959. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Tovio in Jail in S.W.A." No source available. 8/1/1959. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping: "Counter Attack on SWANU." By Mburumba Kerina. No source available. 8/6/1961. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Naturelle Gevra Wat Vrywillig Wil Trek." No source available. 19/4/1961. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "South-West Africa." No source available. 8/4/1961. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "South West Africans Want Unity." No source available. 13/4/1961. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "SWAPO Leaders Criticized." No source available. 30/3/1961. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Soviet Ships Create Panic in South West Africa." No source available. 2/3/1961. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Windhoek Riot Case." No source available. 2/3/1961. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "S.A. Must Get Out of South West Africa." No source available. 26/1/1961. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Correction- Not O.P.O. But S.W.A.P.O." No source available. 5/1/1961. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "UN Must Act Now on S.W.A." No source available. 29/12/1960. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Why South West Africa Matters." By James Lemkin. No source available. No date. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "South West Africa Debate: Urgent Appeal for Action Now." No source available. 8/12/1960. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "South West Spokesmen Call for UN Intervention, `Our People are Treated Like Slaves."' No source available. 1/12/1960. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Need for Unity in S.W.A." No source available. 1/12/1960. 1p.

41 Newspaper Clipping. "Conducted Tour By SWA Chiefs." No source available. 10/11/1960.1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "South West Africa." No source available. 10/11/1960. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Maatskappy word glo in Suidwes geregistreet." No source available. 19/10/1960.1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Theft of a Mandate." Times. 14/9/1960. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "New Move Urged On South West Africa, 'World Court Should Be Asked About Sanctions."' By Neal Ascherson. Observer. 4/9/1960. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Commission Whitewashes Windhoek Administration: December Riots Blamed On Overseas Agitators." No source available. 17/3/1960. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "S.W.A. Leaders Canvas Support in Africa." No source available. 25/2/1960. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "S.W.A. People Demand Freedom." No source available. 6/7/1961. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "African Leaders Tell UN Commission, `Visit S.W.A. Now."' No source available. 29/6/1961. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Hardship in S.W.A." No source available. 18/2/1959. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "SWAPO Call for Unity." No source available. 1/6/1961. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "S.W. Africa Feels Pressure of Outside Opinion: Chance for Liberalism Among German Community." No source available. 1961. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Africans Reject Bantu for S.W.A. Stan Plan: Series of Meetings in Ovamboland." No source available. 3/9/1962. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "'Don't Dag On Us' Congress Warned to UN Team." No source available. 10/5/1962. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "'End Union Rule,' Say African Leaders." No source available. 31/12/1954. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "The Truth About South West Africa: An On-The-Spot Investigation of the Background to the Windhoek Riots." By Brian Bunting. No source available. 31/12/1959. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Present Position of Republic with Regard to S. West Africa, United Nations Proceedings, November 1961." Race Relations News. January 1962. 2p.

Letter from Jariretundu Kozonguizi, President, South West African National Union to Mburumba Kerina, London: 17th September 1962. 3p. Document addresses: - The role of SWANU in South West Africa - The historical relationship between SWANU and SWAPO - The dilemmas and disagreements arising from the possible merger of SWANU and SWAPO - Document also includes hand-written notes of personal correspondence from Jariretundu Kozonguizi to Brian Bunting, in regard to the contents of the letter.

42 Kozonguizi, Jariretundu. "Confidential: Report of the President's Visit to the United Nations, August, 1962." No publication information available. 1962. 8p. Document divided into the following sections: - Caprio-De Alva Mission - Before the African Group 20/7/1962 - Before the Committee XVII - My Position - Positive Action - Kerina Getzen and Unity in South West Africa - Legal Position

Letter from SWAPO to The Editor, Lincoln University: No date. 2p., incomplete document. Document addresses: - SWAPO's disapproval of the "irresponsible" actions taken by Jariretundu Kozonguizi, President, SWANU. - Hostile relationship between SWAPO and SWANU

Letter from Jariretundu Kozoguizi, President, SWANU to The Editor, New Age: 31 August 1962. 2p. Document addresses: - The position of the South West African National Union on the question of national unity.

Letter from Jariretundu Kozoguizi, President, SWANU to Brian Bunting: No date. 5p. Document addresses: - The relationship between SWANU and OPO/ SWAPO - The previous discussions between Jariretundu Kozoguizi and Sam Nujoma in regard to the merger of the OPO and SWANU - The details of the recent conflicts between SWANU and OPO/ SWAPO - The role of the United Nations in SWANU affairs - The role of unity between SWANU and OPO/SWAPO

Letter from Jariretundu Kozoguizi, President General, SWANU and Uaseta UaMbuba, Secretary General, SWANU to The Editor, New Age: No date. 2p. Document addresses: - The Hall Commission response to the disturbance in the Windhoek Location on the nights of 10/11 December, no year cited.

South-West Discussion Group. The South-West Commentator: A Fortnightly Newsletter. Vol.1, no. 1. 15 November 1961. 6p. Document divided into the following sections: - Editorial - Ghanaians Rejoice Over Visit of Queen: Major Crisis Ahead - SWAPO and the European Problem - Uproar in SWAPO: Nepela Under Discussion - Foot and Mouth Hits S.W.A. Economy But Africans Are Hit Even Harder - Five Ovambo Chiefs Denounce Government Second Statement Confuses Issue

South-West Discussion Group. The South-West Commentator: A Forthnightly Newsletter. Vol. 1, no. 2. 29 November 1961. 8p. Document divided into the following sections; - Editorial - SWAPO President Censures Nepela - To All Members of SWAPO in S.W.A. - Police Unleash New Terror on Our People!

43 - LINO Discusses SWA: Committee Recommends Expulsion of S.A. - Petitions Urge UNO Intervention in S.W.A. - Delaying Tactics, by Eric Louw - Independence for Tanganyika on Dec. 8th - Plan New Offensive - lilonga Ya Holomente - Aan Die Redakteur

South-West Discussion Group. The South-West Commentator: A Forthnightly Newsletter. Vol. 2, no. 2. 30 January 1962. 6p. Document divided into the following sections: - Editorial - SWAPO Answers "The Vanguard" - SWAPO Programme to be Assessed - Efimbo La Fika! - Verwoerd May Give Ovambos "Independence" - Aan Die Redakteur

South-West Discussion Group. The South-West Commentator: A Forthnightly Newsletter. Vol. 2, no. 3. 28 February 1962. 6p. Document divided into the following sections: - Editorial: Comment on Chiefs- Council Policy - Ovanaita Ovo Ihava Kala Pamue - Government-Agents to be Paid: Judas Get R4 Per Month - Government Trains Anti-UNO Force: Quisling Chiefs Active - Vast Bantustan Planned for Northern S.W.A.: More Power to Chiefs - Die Pes Versprei. Bantoe-Onderwys Besmet One Skole - Establishment of C.A.C. Postponed- Will Coloureds Choose Freedom? - Chief Kutako Checks Blignaut "Imperialists" Cunning Exposed

South-West Discussion Group. The South-West Commentator: A Forthnightly Newsletter. Vol. 2, no. 4. 28 March 1962. 8p. Document divided into the following sections: - Editorial: Salute the F.L.N. - Ekondjo Lyetu - Ovamboland Pledges Support for SWAPO: Official Tour Huge Success SWAPO at Pafmeca - "The Advertiser" Provokes Government - "Peace" Declared in Algeria: Does this Mean Freedom? - Capital - Tribalism and Feudalism - Population - Organizations - FLN - The War

Letter from Z.A. Shipanga, D. Muya, Simo D. Hatengy and John Cembo to Mr. Kozonguizi: 15/8/1961. 2p. Document addresses: - Critical response to article published in New Age on 10/8/61 entitled. "Unity in S.W.A. Politics." - Political cleavages between SWAPO and SWANU

South West Africa National Union. "South West Africa National Union." By Hitjevi Veii, Propaganda and Organising Secretary, National Headquarters, Windhoek, South West Africa. No date. 3p. Document addresses:

44 - The Background History of the South West Africa National Union - The development of the S.W.A. Student Body, 1952 - The role of Jariretundu Kozonguizi and Herman Tovio in the development of the National Freedom Movement in South West Africa - The role of the SWA National Front, 1958 - The launching of the SWA National Union, August 1959 - Election of the National Executive of SWANU - Background biographical information about Jariretundu Kozonguizi, SWANU President (abroad), Uatja Kaukuetu, SWANU Deputy President (abroad), and John Marcus Muundjua, SWANU Acting Deputy President.

Edited copy of letter from Jariretundu Kozonguizi to Brian Bunting: 8th July 1961. 1p. Document addresses: - Response to attack on SWANU by Mr. Kerina - The relationship between SWAPO and SWANU

Edited copy of letter from Jariretundu Kozonguizi to The Editor, New Age, Cape Town: 7 July 1961. 5p. Document addresses: - Response to "deliberate attack on SWANU" by Mr. Kerina, a.k.a. Erich Getzen in South Africa and Eric William Getzen or Erich Hans in South West Africa. - The relationship between SWAPO and SWANU

Fortune, Ismail, Kerina, Mburumba, Kozonguizi, Jariretundu, Kuhangua, Jacob, Nujoma, Sam, Scott, Michael, Tambo, Oliver, Kooper, Marcus. "An Appeal from South West African Petitioners to the United Nations for United Action." No publication information available. 28 November 1960. 2p. Document addresses: - The role of legal action through the International Court - The role of UN presence in South West Africa - Appeal to the member states of the United Nations, and in particular to the African states, to reach an agreement in opposition to the illegal conduct of South Africa in the administration of South West Africa - Appeal for a consolidated resolution which would call attention to the failure of all past resolutions and attempt to negotiate a settlement. It would also urge the importance of immediate and practical steps to be taken for the speediest possible realization of the goal of self-determination and independence. In addition, it would indicate the role that the United Nations through its Committee on South West Africa and its special agencies and the action of other individual member states could take toward this end.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Memorandum Submitted to African States and other Selected Delegations to the Fifteenth General Assembly (Resumed Session) by the South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) on the necessity for Political Intervention in South West Africa." No date. 21 p. Document divided into the following sections: - Part I: Background to the Crisis - Part II: The South African Government in South West Africa (Brief Comments on European politics in South West Africa) - Views on Incorporation and Federation of South West Africa and South Africa, statement by Van der Wath, Leader of Nationalist Party in SWA

45 - Statement by Dr. H.J. Steyn, Senator from South West Africa to the Union Parliament, 17 June 1959. - Statement by Van der Wath, Leader, Nationalist Party, SWA, 9 March 1960. - Statement by Mr. Von Moltke, Leading German Member, Nationalist Party in SWA, 9 March 1960. - Various newspaper article clippings from Southern Africa and abroad - Part III: The Administration of Law and Apartheid Policies by Terror - The Mobile Force - Various correspondence which refers to the current situation in South West Africa and the role of Europeans in South West African affairs - A Petition from Chief Kutako, Chief Witbooi and S.W.A.P.O. addressed to the Secretary General, dated 22 February 1961. - Part IV: SWAPO's Aims and Objectives for Immediate Future of South West Africa - Part V: Draft Resolution on United Nations Political Intervention in South West Africa - Part VI: General Assembly Resolutions - Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples

Kerina, Mburumba. "A Statement made by Mburumba Kerina at the emergency meeting of the United Nations of South West Africa." No date. 1 p. Document addresses: - The role of South African government in the International Territory of South West Africa - The violent actions of the South African troops in South West Africa - The urgent need for a compulsory judgment of the International Court in regard to this matter - Appeal to the UN Committee on South West Africa

The Ovamboland Peoples' Organisation. "The Ovamboland Peoples' Organisation, P.O. Box 1071, Windhoek, South West Africa." By Sam Nujoma, President of Ovamboland Peoples' Organisation. 17 December 1959. 1p. Document addresses: - The reasons why the Ovambos are not satisfied with the South West African Native Labour Association (SWANLA)

Kutako, Chief Hosea, The Ovamboland People's Organisation and The South West Africa National Union. "Memorandum: Submitted to the Honourable Mr. Justice C.G. Hall, Judge President of the High Court of South West Africa, A Judicial Commissioner Appointed by the Officer Administering- the Government." No date. 22p. Document divided into the following sections: - Petition to oppose the proposed movement to Katutura - The events leading up to the Disturbances in the Old Windhoek Location on 10/12/59. - The attitude of the petitioners to the police shooting

Fighting Talk Committee. "South West Africa and the United Nations." Fighting Talk: A Monthly Journal for Democrats in Southern Africa. Vol.15, no.8. September 1961. 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - From UN Mandate to UN Trusteeship - The International Court - A New Case for the Law - "Get Ready for Self Rule"

46 - UNO Goes to Africa - Verwoerd Defiance - United Nations Authority - Why ANOTHER Election?

Ballinger, Ronald B, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of History, University of Witwatersrand. South-West Africa: The Case Against the Union. Johannesburg: South African Institute of Race Relations, 1961. 57p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Judicial Interpretation of the Mandate - The Course of the Dispute - The Road to Isolation - Appendix I: Article 22 of the League of Nations - Appendix II: The Mandate for South-West Africa - Appendix III: Extract form the Application by Ethiopia Instituting Proceedings at the International Court of Justice - Appendix IV: Extracts from the Application by Ethiopia, November 4, 1960. The Matters on which the Court is asked To Adjudge and Declare

Letter from Victorio D. Carpio, Philippine Ambassador to Mr. Stavropoulos, U.N. Legal Counsel, United Nations, New York: Monday, 10 September 1962. 4p. Document addresses: - The UN Secretariat and South West Africa - The investigation of Mr. Berendsen and Miss Yarrow, members of the United Nations Secretariat - The "alleged joint communique" issued in Pretoria by the South African Government on May 26, 1962

Garoeb, Moses. "A Profile of an Outstanding Young South West African Leader." No publication information available. No date. 2p. Document addresses: - Historical, political, and personal profile of Dr. M.K. Kerina

Letter from Victorio D. Caprio, Philippine Ambassador and Chairman of the Special Committee on South West Africa to the Special Committee for South West Africa, First Session, Conference Room Paper No. 1/72. 26 June 1962. 1p. Document addresses: - The development of joint statement communiqué to be submitted to the UN Special Committee

Kerina, Mburumba K. "A Statement of Accord Regarding the Necessity for Immediate National Unity in South West Africa." No publication information available. 17 August 1962. 3p. Document addresses: - The importance of complete national unity in South West Africa - The Accra SWAPO-SWANU Agreement - The development of a national convention in order to dissolve all existing political parties, form one National Pan-African Revolutionary Party and establish a National Co-ordinating Committee to arrange for a General National Convention for the election of a truly representative Executive Committee of the new party.

Kozonguizi, Jariretundu F. No title. 7 September 1962. 1p. Document addresses: - Response to above-mentioned statement written by Mburumba K. Kerina

47 - Relationship between SWAPO and SWANU political campaigns

Kerina, Mburumba. "Statement made by Mr. Mburumba Kerina before the Committee on South West Africa, at the Ambassador Hotel, Accra, on 22 June 1961." 1961. 2p. Document addresses: - The struggle for liberation in South West Africa and the liberation of every African territory from colonialism - The role of racism in South West African politics - The right to self-determination - The SWAPO Programme - The Angola revolution - The role of the UN Committee on South West Africa

Letter from Moses Garoeb to the Editor, New Age: No date. 1 p. Document addresses: - The academic achievements of Dr. Mburumba K. Kenna

Letter from Dr. Mburumba K. Kerina to "Whom It May Concern": 29 August 1962. 1p. Document addresses: - The Statement of Accord signed by Dr. Mburumba K. Kerina and Jariretundu F. Kozonguizi regarding the necessity for complete national unity in South West Africa.

Kerina, Mburumba K. and Kozonguizi, Jariretundu F.. "A Statement of Accord Regarding the Necessity for Immediate National Unity in South West Africa." No publication information available. 17 August 1962. 3p. Document addresses: - The importance of complete national unity in South West Africa - The Accra SWAPO-SWANU agreement - The development of a national convention in order to dissolve all existing political parties, form one National Pan-African Revolutionary Party and establish a National Co-ordinating Committee to arrange for a General National Convention for the election of a truly representative Executive Committee of the new party.

Kerina, Mburumba, Spokesman, South West Africa People's Organization. "SWAPO and European Politics in South West Africa." No publication information available. 1961. 2p. Document addresses: - The role of racism in South West Africa politics - The role of Japie Basson, representative of the Nationalist Party faction in the South West Africa Legislative Assembly and an independent representative in the Union Parliament from South West Africa - The role of the United National South West Africa Party of Adv. Niehaus - The role of SWAPO in South West Africa politics

No author cited. "Mr. Toivo Herman Ja-Toivo's Imprisonment." No publication information available. 21 September 1959. 6p. Document addresses: - Background history and life experiences of Mr. Toivo Herman Ja-Toivo - Details of Mr. Toivo Herman Ja- Toivo's Imprisonment

Letter from Chief , Chief Samual Witbooi, Sam Nujoma (President of Ovamboland People's Organisation), and Willy Kaukuetu (Vice President of the

48 South West Africa National Union) to the Secretary General, United Nations, New York, NY: 15 December 1959. 2p. Document addresses: - The forced removal of Africans in South West Africa - The African response and refusal to be removed from their homes - The European communities violent response to the refusal and the subsequent escalation of violence against the Africans

Kerina, Dr. M. Kambandi. "Memorandum on the Necessity for Immediate National Unity in South West Africa." No publications information available. 26 July 1962. 6p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - The Question of Unity - Document also includes Conclusions and Recommendations of the Caprio Mission to South and South West Africa

"Statement by Mr. Fanuel Jariretundu Kozonguizi at the 102nd Meeting of the Committee on South West Africa on 1 May 1959." (Circulated to the members of the Committee on South West Africa in accordance with the request made by the Committee at its 102nd meeting.) 1959. 20p. Document addresses: - Detailed account of the deplorable and appalling conditions in South West Africa - The history of South West Africa - The role of the United Nations - The role of the South African government - The establishment of Apartheid policies in South West Africa - Quotes from Mr. Toivo Herman Ja-Toivo in regard to the current situation in South African and South West Africa - Police violent in Hoachanas - Final appeal to the Committee on South West Africa

No author cited. "South West Africa: Progress at Last." No publication information available. No date. 5p. Document addresses: - The historical background of South West Africa - The fight for territory and political control of South West Africa - The legal and historical process by which various foreign countries negotiated and completed for political power and economic control of South West Africa - The document also includes 1 p. of hand-written notes from Mr. Mburumba Kerina to Mr. Brian Bunting. The notes refer to the arrangements to publish the above-mentioned document in the New Age, as well as the plan to have South Africa taken to the International Court of Justice for the illegal occupation of South West Africa.

Letter from Jariretundu Kozonguizi to "Comrades": 18 November 1959. 1p. Document addresses: - The United Nations Fourth Committee on the 14th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the questions of South West Africa - The resolution passed by the General Assembly for further negotiations with the Union Government - The additional resolution to draw the attention of member States to the possibility of legal action against South Africa - The document also includes 1p. of hand-written notes from Jariretundu

49 - Kozonguizi to Brian Bunting. The notes cite additional information about the Report of the 14th Committee and the details of the UN resolutions.

Kozonguizi, Jariretundu. "Dispatch from UN." No date. 6p. Document addresses: - The United Nations Fourth Committee on the 14th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the questions of South West Africa - The debate surrounding the granting of oral hearings to the petitioners - Negotiations regarding the draft resolutions - The role of the UN in regard to the future of South West Africa

Kozonguizi, Jariretundu. "For the Record." 29 October 1959. 3p. Document divided into the following sections: - Remarks made extemporaneously - Reference Book - The Question of Representation - Defensive Measures

Letter from Jacob Kuhangua to The Editor, New Age: 31 April 1961. 2p., incomplete document. Document addresses: - Observations and comments regarding an article that appeared in the New Age dated 30 of March, 1961.

Letter from Jariretundu Kozonguizi to The Editor, New Age: 18 November 1960. 3p. Document addresses: - The Fourth Committee Meeting of the UN - The "Congo Problem" - The current situation in South West Africa - The "China Statements" - Political activism in South Africa

Kozonguizi, Jariretundu. "Statement Made by Mr. Jariretundu Kozonguizi at the 105th Meeting of the Fourth Committee." (Circulated in accordance with a decision taken by the Fourth Committee at its 105th meeting.) No date. 6p. Document addresses: - The position of the South African Minister of External Affairs - Statements made in the People's Republic of China - Assistance received from organizations in other countries - Appeal to the Fourth Committee for UN intervention in South West Africa - South Africa's violation of UN mandate

Letter from Jariretundu Kozonguizi to The Editor, New Age: 14 October 1960. 5p. Document addresses: - Statements made in China and broadcast over Radio Peking - Document includes written transcript of radio statement

Radebe, B. "South West Africa: Test Case for UNO and Africa." No publication information available. February 1961. 14p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Peoples and History of South West - Division and Unity - The Colonizers - Conquest and Genocide - The Mandate - Land Holdings

50 - UN Report - Poverty and Ignorance - The Working People - Bad Conditions - High Profits - South West Africa and UNO - The United Nations Must Act - Decisive Battles

Appolus, Emil R. No title. No publication information available. No date. 3p. Document addresses: - Detailed account of police violence and brutality in Windhoek location, including deadly shootings - The development of several political organisations aimed at combating police violence in South West Africa. These organisations include the Ovamboland People's Organisation and the South West African National Union.

Letter from the Vice President of the South West African National Union to an unidentified recipient: 23 December 1959. 1p. Document addresses: - The refusal of the Africans in the Windhoek location to be moved to Katutura - The Union Government and the harmful effect of forced removals

Kerina, Mburumba. "Statement of Mburumba Kerina of South West Africa at the African Peoples Conference held in Tunis, Tunisia on the 25th to 29th of January, 1960." January 24, 1960. 5p. Document addresses: - The role of the South African administration in South West African affairs - Suggested measures for the future of South West Africa

Kozonguizi, Jariretundu. "Statement Delivered by Jariretundu Kozonguizi, President of the South West African National Union at the 2nd African Peoples Conference on Thursday, January 28th, 1960." January 1960. 2p. Document addresses: - What is the position of South West Africa today?

Newspaper Clipping. "SWAPO Opposed to 'One Party' Plan: Latest Development in S.W.A. Unity Talks." No source available. 27/9/62. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Oil Prospecting in S.W.A." Die Suidwester. 15/10/60. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Katutura kry eersdaags biersaal, sportvelde." Die Suidwester. 26/4/61. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "S.W.A. Leader Speaks from China: Will Address UNO Next Week." No source available. 24/10/60. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "S.W.A. Is U.N. Preparing a Sell-Out?" No source available. 26/4/62. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "'We Will Not Surrender to Apartheid' S.W.A. Rebuff for the Government." No source available. 29/3/62. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Action Wanted." No source available. 18/1/62. 1p.

51 Newspaper Clipping. "Situation in South West Africa is Bad." No Source available. 7/12/61. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Petition to U.N." No source available. 9/11/61.1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "African Beaten Up in Windhoek Street." No source available. 01/11/61. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Stop ill-treatment of S.W. Africans." No source available. 5/10/61. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "S.W.A. Violence Trial Ends." No source available. 21/9/61. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Young Man `Sold or Murdered' S.W.A. Chiefs Appeal to United Nations." No source available. 14/9/61. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "New Party in S.W.A." No source available. 7/9/61. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "S.W.A. Danger to World Peace." No source available. 24/8/61.1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Who is to Blame for S.W.A Disunity." No source available. 6/10/61. 2p.

Newspaper Clipping. "SWAPO Chairman." No source available. 3/8/61. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "No Peace In South West." No source available. 3/8/61. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Republikeinse Walvisbaai se Britse verlede." Die Suidwester. 8/7/61.1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Is U.N. Letting Us Down Again?" No source available. 20/7/61. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Waiting for U.N. Committee: In Maun Last Week." No source available. 20/7/61. 1p., includes photographs.

Newspaper Clipping. "Traveled 12 Days to Meet Committee that Never Arrived." No source available. 20/7/61. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "'Committee Must Visit S.W.A.,' Cables Lutuli." No source available. 20/7/61. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Will U.N. Commission Call Verwoerd's Bluff? S.W.A. Challenge to World Body." No source available. 13/7/61. 2p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Non-white Leaders Held in S.W. Africa: Few left to denounce Verwoerd." By Stanley Uys. Observer. 4/6/61. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "S.W.A. Achilles Heal of the Republic: African Leaders Give Evidence to U.N. Committee." No source available. 22/6/61.1 p., includes photographs.

Newspaper Clipping. "Given 24 Lashes By Ovambo Chiefs: Accused Evidence in Court." No source available. 6/9/62. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "South West Africa Agreement." No source available. 6/9/62. 1 p.

52 Newspaper Clipping. "Diamond Deposit Under Salt Bed in S.W. Africa." No source available. 25 March 1962. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Unite and Fight for S.W.A. Freedom." No source available. 16/8/62. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Move to Unite all S.W.A. Parties." No source available. 9/8/62. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "SWANU Leader Arrested." No source available. 26/7/62. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "U.N. Must Act in South West Africa." No source available. 26/7/62.1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Shocked By Caprio." No source available. 31/5/62. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Betrayal of a Mandate." No source available. 31/5/62. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "SWANU Leader Calls For Sanctions." No source available. 17/5/62. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "We Want One Man One Vote for S.W.A.: Congress Leaders See U.N. Team." No source available. 17/5/62. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "South West Africa at a Glance." No source available. 17/5/62. 1 p.

BC 930- 32A South West Africa Folder File #2

Newspaper Clipping. "Visit S.W.A. by May, Slim Tells New Inquiry Team." Argus. 9/3/62. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "UN's No.2 committee will soon be on its way to S.W.A." By H.G. Lawrence. Argus. 12/3/62.1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Full Text of SWA Resolution." Cape Times. 8/4/61. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "The Rehoboth Basters are S.W.A.'s problem people." By R.D. Steyn. Cape Argus. 13 August 1959.1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Urgent Appeal for Action Now." New Age. 8 December 1960. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "S.A. To Be Taken To World Court by Africans: `Drop Segregation in SWA' Demand." Cape Times. 5/11/60.1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Insecure Atmosphere in S.W.A. Elections." Argus. 12/1/61. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Ovambos Complain `We are Treated Like Slaves'." New Age. 20 August 1959. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "South West Africa." F.T. 5/8/60. 1 p.

53 Newspaper Clipping. "This is how Bantu Authorities work in South West Africa: Ja-Toivo, Exiled to Ovamboland, Is Suffering Great Hardship." New Age. 21 January 1960. 1p., includes photographs.

BC 930- 32A South West Africa Folder File #3

Newspaper Clipping. "S.A.- British Crisis Over Refugees." No source available. 22/11/62.1 p., includes photographs.

Newspaper Clipping. "Two Shots in SWA Dispute." No source available. 16/2/63. 1p., includes photographs.

Newspaper Clipping. "Kerina Returning to South West Africa." 22/11/62. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Kerina Expelled From SWAPO." By Sam Nujoma, President South West Africa People's Organisation. No source available. 8/11/62. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "First Banning Order in South West." No source available. 25/10/62. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "S.W.A. Unity Must Come from Below." No source available. 11/10/62. 1p.

South West Africa National Union. Freedom: International Organ of South West Africa National Union. Volume No. 6/7. November-December 1962. 20p. Document divided into the following sections: - The 2nd National Congress of The South West Africa National Union - "Freedom" Interviews SWANU Leader - Jariretundu Kozonguizi: Who is this Man "Dr." Mburumba Kambandi Geizen-Kerina? - South Africa Loses the First Legal Round - United Nations Decides to go into S.W.A. - Unity in S.W. African Liberation Movement - Report of SWANU President's Visit To The United Nations November 1962 - Read and Support Freedom

Newspaper Clipping. "Volte-face" and "Growing Pains of Independence." Race Relations. October 1962. 1p.

Letter from Mburumba Kerina to Mr. Taylor Ostrender, American Metal Climax: 14 December 1960. 1p. Document addresses: - Problems confronted in regards to the petitioning at the United Nations - Appeal for financial assistance

Letter from unidentified author to Brian Bunting: 10 October 1962. 3p. Document addresses: - Mburumba Kerina's resignation from SWAPO - SWAPO's current obstacles before achieving national unity

54 BC 930- 32A South West Africa Folder File #4

In addition to the following references listed below, Folder File #4 also contains a collection of thirty (30) original photographs published in New Age. Photos include Toivo Herman Ja Toivo and Sam Nujoma, among others. Includes twenty (20) additional negatives. Also included is one (1) wire bound notebook with hand-written personal notes and records in reference to current political and social circumstances in South West Africa, no author cited, no date.

Scott, Michael. Shadow Over Africa. London: The Union of Democratic Control, 1950. 24p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Crisis and the Choice, a foreword by Tom Driberg, Member of Parliament - Maldon - Shadow Over Africa: Statement written by Michael Scott and presented to the Fourth - Committee of the United Nations of November 26, 1949. - The Tribes of South West Africa and the United Nations - The Background - Under German Rule - Under the Mandate of the League of Nations - The Referendum - The Tribes Send their Petitioners - Recommendations - The Test of the Trusteeship Principle - The Pass Laws - Labour Conditions - The Meaning of Apartheid

Windhoek Map and Town Plan, 1960.

Dundas, Sir Charles. South West Africa: The Factual Background. Johannesburg: The South African Institute of International Affairs, 1946. 52p. Document divided into the following sections: - Historical - Political - Constitutional - Financial - Economic - Summary

Digest of South African Affairs. The peoples, economy and administration of South West Africa. Fact Paper 26. January 1957. 12p. Document divided into the following sections: - Physical description - Peoples - Agricultural production - Other industries - Administration of justice - Financial - Education - Game sanctuary

55 Union of South Africa. Report of the Commission of Enquiry into the Occurrences in the Windhoek Location on the Night of the 10th to the 19th December, 1959, and into the Direct Clauses Which Led to Those Occurrences. Cape Town: Cape Times Limited, 1960. 11 p., includes translations in both English and . Documents divided into the following sections: - Chapter I: Introduction - Chapter II: The Occurrences in the Windhoek Location on the Night of the 10th to the 11th December, 1959 - Chapter III: The Direct Causes Which Led up to the Occurrences in the Windhoek Location on the Night of the 10 to the 11 December, 1959. - Document also includes four (4) photographs showing various sections of the Location Superintendent's Office after the disturbances.

Kerina, Mburumba. "A Statement on the Necessity for Legal Action on the Case of South West Africa Addressed to the Representatives of the African States to the Fourteenth General Assembly of the United Nations." No publication information. No date. 3p. Document addresses: - The urgent desire for legal action to be taken immediately against the government of South Africa in accordance with the provisions of the Mandate Agreement. - Includes statements made by Judge of the International Court of Justice

United Nations General Assembly, Fourteenth session, Fourth Committee, Agenda item 38. "Question of South West Africa: Draft Resolution of the Fourth Committee, Rapportaur: Mr. Eamonn L. KENNEDY (Ireland)." 5 November 1959. 23p. Document divided into the following sections: - Petitions and Related Communications Concerning Conditions in South West Africa - The Hoachanas Native Reserve - Withdrawal of a Passport from Mr. Hans Johannes Beukes - Status of the Territory of South West Africa - Question of South West Africa - Legal Action to Ensure the Fulfillment of the Obligations Assumed by the Union of South Africa in Respect of the Territory of South West Africa - Report of the Good Offices Committee on South West Africa - Recommendations of the Fourth Committee - Draft Resolution I: Petitions and Related Communications Concerning Conditions in South West Africa - Draft Resolution II: The Hoachanas Native Reserve - Draft Resolution III: Withdrawal of a Passport from Mr. Hans Johannes Beukes - Draft Resolution IV: Status of the Territory of South West Africa - Draft Resolution V: Question of South West Africa - Draft Resolution VI: Legal Action to Ensure the Fulfillment of the Obligations Assumed by the Union of South Africa in Respect of the Territory of South West Africa - Draft Resolution VII: Report of the Good Offices Committee on South West Africa

56 American Committee on Africa, Inc. Africa-U.N. Bulletin. No.17. November 16, 1959. 5p. Document divided into the following sections: - British Cameroons: Plebiscite Postponed in South - South West Africa: Progress at Last

Partial edition of The Windhoek Advertiser Newspaper, dated 23 December 1959.

Partial edition of Allgemeine Zeitung Newspaper, dated 23 Dezember 1959.

Complete edition of Suidwester Newspaper, dated 25 December 1959.


BOX 119 MCH07-119 B. Bunting Subject File: 2.30.3 -- 2.32: (cont. Namibia) and SWAPO Namibia, SWAPO and from the press Folder File: 2.30.3 SWAPO CONSTITUTION & POSITION PAPERS

South West Africa People's Organisation. SWAPO'S ELECTION MANIFESTO: TOWARDS AN INDEPENDENT AND DEMOCRATIC NAMIBIA: SWAPO'S POLICY POSITIONS. July 1989. 24p. Document divided into the following sections: - SWAPO's Philosophy of Government - The Namibian State - Foreign Policy - Citizenship - Language Policy - State and Religion - Economics Policy - Science and Technology - Policy on Health - Education and Culture - Policy on Rural Development - Local Government and Housing - Policy on Women - Youth and Students - Labour in Independent Namibia - Armed Forces - The Mass Media - Corruption in Public Life - Policy on Public Finance - Electoral Process

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Application of an 'Internationally Acceptable Solution' to Namibia Today." Written by an unidentified "international expert." No date. 15p. Document addresses: - Background - Changes in the Namibian situation - Investment in Northern Namibia by the South African Defence Force - Extension of virtual martial law - Increasing intimidation - Destruction of SWAPO as a functioning political organisation - Fear among other opposition parties - Creation of a "national assembly" - Breakdown of white consensus and development of extremism - Consequences of these changes - Recommendations to meet changes

58 South West Africa People's Organisation. SWAPO: POLITICAL PROGRAM OF THE SOUTH WEST PEOPLE'S ORGANIZATION OF NAMIBIA. (Outline of the SWAPO political program adopted at the meeting of the Central Committee, July 28th - August 1st 1976, Lusaka, Zambia.) 14p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - Present and Future Tasks - SWAPO Foreign Policy - Internal Political Guidelines - Armed Struggle - Economic Reconstruction - Education and Culture - Health and Social Services

South West Africa People's Organisation. "A Discussion Paper on `The Constitution of Independent Namibia' 4th Revise." No date. 14p. Document divided into the following sections: - Summary of Discussion Paper - A Discussion Paper - What a Constitution Should Do - What a Constitution is Not - Tribalist Round Table - Other Constitutions - Particular Situation in Namibia - Essential Principles - Interim Measures: A Constituent Assembly - A Republic - Citizenship - A Presidential System - The Legislature - The Law - The Judiciary - A Constitutional Court - Central and Local Government - Bill of Rights - Complaints Commissioner - Foreign Relations - Constitutional Guarantees

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Position of the Current Diplomatic Initiatives Present at the 31st Session of the O.A.U. Liberation Committee held in Tripoli, Libyan, February 13th to 18th, 1978." February 1978. 6p. Document addresses: - The role of the five major Western powers -- the U.S.A., the U.K., France, the Federal Republic of Germany and Canada-- in South African and Namibian affairs. - South African concessions towards the implementation of Resolution 385 - Shortcomings of South Africa's so-called "concessions" - South African leaders interest in maintaining political power in Namibia - South African leaders express public opposition to SWAPO in Namibia - Article cites specific incidents of intimidation against SWAPO supporters - Arrest and Detainment of SWAPO cadres and supporters - SWAPO will not accept any independence agreement that accommodates South Africa's aggressive claim to Walvis Bay as a part of South Africa

59 - SWAPO will resist imperial rule by any means necessary

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Statement to the Namibia Independence Talks." (Statement addressed to the Central Committee of SWAPO and its allies, Comrade President Doctor Kenneth David Kaunda, President of the Republic of Zambia, Dr. Willem van Niekerk, Administrator General, Head of the South African Delegation and Fellow Namibian Participants, Lusaka, 11th May, 1984.) 3p. Document addresses: - The role of Namibian independence - The importance of implementing the UN Security Council Resolution 435 - The unnecessary cost of war and bloodshed in Southern Africa

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO's Proposal for a Negotiated Settlement in Namibia." 24 July 1977. 5p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - Territorial Integrity of Namibia - Withdrawal of Armed Forces - Free Elections - Unimpeded Progress to Genuine Independence - Respect and Preservation of the Public Property of Namibia - Respect for Sovereignty of Independent Namibia - Withdrawal Mechanics - Withdrawal of Armed Forces - Elections - UN Peace Keeping Force - Size of the UN Peace-Keeping Force

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release - Namibia: Registration 'Fraud or Human Errors.' " 12 July 1989. 1 p. Document addresses: - Reports of irregularities in the voter registration process throughout Namibia

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release - Short-Comings in the Implementation of Resolution 435." July 1989. 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - July 1989 - The UN plan and the demobilisation of Koevoet - Intimidation and the role of the UNTAG civilian police - Size of 'existing police force' - The non-demobilisation of SWATF and 'a transfer of power'

BOX 119 MCH07-119 B. Bunting Subject File: 2.30.3 -- 2.32: (cont. Namibia) and SWAPO Namibia, SWAPO and from the press Folder File: 2.30.3 SWAPO APPEALS (1969 & 1976), MEMORANDA (1973 & 1977)

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release - An Appeal: The Trial in Windhoek." 14 July 1969. 2p. Document addresses:

60 - Appeal for the immediate release of all SWAPO political prisoners who were illegally detained, sentenced and imprisoned under the "so-called" Terrorism Act.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release - Free Namibian Political Prisoners!" 1976. 2p. Document divided into the following sections: - Six Namibian Freedom Fighters are awaiting trial on charges under South Africa's 'Terrorism Act' - "Détente" Death Sentence - SWAPO the Target - Free all Namibian political prisoners

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Flyer- Free Muchimba and Shikongo." 1976. 2p. Document addresses: - An appeal to the illegal death sentences imposed at the trial of Aaron Muchimba & Hendrik Shikongo

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release -A Memorandum on the Political Developments in Namibia from May to October, 1973." 1973. 10p. Document addresses: - Specific accounts of illegal arrests, including detentions without trial, 1973 - Mobilisation of the SWAPO Youth League, 1973 - Public accounts of SWAPO political activity and the role of the SADF - Political torture and public flogging - Appendix 1- Names given by SWAPO Youth League in Namibia of 58 people arrested, detained and wounded in Ovamboland and Windhoek

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release - Memorandum from SWAPO Department of Information to Governments, National, and International Organisations, 11th January 1977: South Africa's Prescription for an Escalation in Warfare in Namibia and Southern Africa as a Whole." January 1977. 2p. Document divided into the following sections: - The present proposals - The new proposals - The political and administrative formula - Stratagems and Spoils - Resulting escalation of the conflict

BOX 119 MCH07-119 B. Bunting Subject File: 2.30.3 -- 2.32: (cont. Namibia) and SWAPO Namibia, SWAPO and from the press Folder File: 2.30.3 SWAPO PRESS RELEASES & STATEMENTS

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release - For Immediate Release 8/77/68 - The Following is the Text of the Declaration of the South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) of Namibia Central Committee Adopted at its Meeting Held from 21-24 September 1977." 26 September 1977. 3p. Document addresses:

61 - Notes from the annual meeting of the Central Committee of SWAPO of Namibia held in Lubango, Southern Angola, from 21-24 September 1977. - The Central Committee review of the overall political, military and diplomatic situation pertaining to Namibia in particular and the whole of Southern Africa in general, including strategies and tactics of the Organisation vis-a-vis the speedy liberation of Namibia. - The opening session was attended by the President of the People's Republic of Angola, Comrade Agostinho Neto, and the President of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, Comrade Luis Cabral. Representatives of the Soviet Union and Cuba also delivered speeches.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Declaration of the Central Committee of the South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) of Namibia adopted by its Second Annual Meeting held at Gebela, People's Republic of Angola, 4th -7th January, 1979." 2p. Document addresses: - The comprehensive analysis of the current phase of the struggle of the Namibian people, under the leadership of SWAPO - The meeting was attended by a high-ranking delegation of MPLA-Workers led by Antonio Ndalu Franca, Member of Political Bureau of MPLA- Workers' Party who delivered a special message from Comrade Dr. Angostinho Neto, President of MPLA-Workers' Party and of the People's Republic of Angola.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Declaration of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Central Committee of SWAPO at Camabatela, P.R., Angola, from the 17th to 19th August 1979." 3p. Document addresses: - The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Central Committee of SWAPO met at Camabatela, People's Republic of Angola from 17th to 19th August 1979. - The meeting reviewed, analysed and adopted new strategies and tactics to oppose South African rule in Namibia - The meeting was attended by Comrade David Meroro, the National Chairman, and addressed by Comrade Sam Nujoma, President of SWAPO in the presence of high level delegation from MPLA-WP and government of the People's Republic of Angola.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release - The Last Kick of a Dying Horse." No date. 3p. Document addresses: - The significance of the massive propaganda campaign against SWAPO, launched by the South African government as the latest offensive in Namibia.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release - A Day of Solidarity with the People of Namibia." 26 August 1969. 2p. Document addresses: - The history of resistance in Namibia - Commemorates the launch of SWAPO's armed struggle - Also commemorates the Namibian history of resistance and fight for freedom, and those early gallant fighters who several generations ago took up the first arms against foreign domination.

62 South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release - Statement made by Mr. Sam Nujoma, President of the South West People's Organisation of Namibia (SWAPO), presented at a press conference at St. Bride's Institution on the 9th of December 1970." 1970. 4p. Document addresses: - Latest developments inside the country - Letter from Robben Island written by an unidentified Namibian political prisoner. - Letter addresses: - Labour and Diet - Visitors to the Island - Medical Treatment - Detention without Trial - Conclusion & Annex - Also includes appeal to members of the press to spread the knowledge about inhumane suffering which has been imposed upon the Namibian people by the South African regime

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Namibia Day: A Day of Solidarity with the People of Namibia." 26/08/71. 2p. Document addresses: - Namibia Day—The commemoration of the Namibian history of resistance and fight for freedom - The history of resistance in Namibia - The General Assembly Resolution 2145 (XXL) of 1966 which revoked South Africa's mandate over Namibia - Open protests in Ovamboland against South African rule in Namibia

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release - Massive Strike in Namibia." By Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative in Britain. Wednesday, 5th January 1972. 3p. Document addresses: - Nation-wide strikes against the South African occupation of Namibia - Background information and political context of the strikes - Detailed description of the strikes, including newspaper accounts - Political implications of the strikes

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release -Press Statement." By Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative in Britain. 13/4/1972. 1p. Document addresses: - Current situation in Northern Namibia (Ovamboland) - Emergency Regulations - Political arrests, detainment and torture

South West Africa People's Organisation. "New Terror in Namibia." 18/9/1972. 1 p. Document addresses: - Nine Namibian workers face possible death sentences when their trial opens in Windhoek in Namibia on Tuesday, 19 September 1972 - Appeal to the international community and the United Nations to protest the inhuman treatment of Namibian citizens under the illegal occupation of South Africa.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release- Press Release." By Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative in Britain. 21/2/73. 1p.

63 Document addresses: - Prime Minister Vorster’s racist interpretation of the UN Charter - Vorster’s continued attempts to establish a facade behind which he can continue to strengthen South Africa's illegal presence in Namibia - SWAPO's rejection of any further talks between South Africa and the UN during the recent debate in the Security Council

South West Africa People's Organisation. Edited copy of "SWAPO Press Release: Widespread Riots Greet South Africa's Attempt to Set up Illegal Advisory Council for Namibia." By Brian Bunting. 8 March 1973. 1 p. Document addresses: - Reports of widespread opposition and political protest to South Africa's illegal occupation of Namibia

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release: Build-up of Tension Over Vorster's Visit to Namibia Today." 23 March 1973. 2p. Document addresses: - Prime Minister Vorster's visit to the "so-called" Advisory Council in Windhoek - Recent hardening of white attitudes in Namibia, especially within the business community - Political rally in Windhoek on Sunday 18/3/1973 protesting the establishment of the "Advisory Council." Largest political rally in many years, among the speakers was Mr. David H. Meroro, SWAPO National Chairman.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release - Copy of comments on the annual report of the South West Africa Company, as produced in Namibia News, Vol. 6, Nos. 9-10." 12/11/1973. 5p. Document addresses: - Comments and editing notes marked on the article entitled, "The South West Africa Company -- Increased Profits for One of Namibia's Oldest Exploiting Companies," published in the Namibia News, Vol.6, No. 910 September/ October, 1973.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release-- Press Statement." By Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative in Britain. 22 April 1974. 1p. Document addresses: - Recent contract between the South African government and a West German company, the Essener Steinkohlen Elektrizitaet (STEAL) -- a subsidiary of the giant coal-mining group Ruhr Kohle -- to establish a uranium enrichment plant in South Africa. - The development of the plant has serious international implications.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release - National Unity and National Disunity." (Statement issued by Axel Johannes, SWAPO Secretary, in Windhoek, Namibia. The text of the statement was issued in Lusaka, New York, Stockholm, and London on 23 December 1974.) 4p. Document addresses: - An analytical assessment of the political relationship between SWAPO and the National Convention - A critical assessment of the National Convention and the role of national "dis-unity"

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release - SWAPO Press Statement made at a Press Conference held at the Grand Hotel, Windhoek, Namibia

64 on Friday, 17 January 1975, at 10.00 hours." (Statement issued by Axel J. Johannes, National Organiser and Secretary of SWAPO of Namibia and published by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of SWAPO of Namibia, simultaneously in Namibia and abroad, 17 January 1975.) 5p. Document divided into the following sections: - SWAPO Looks to the Future - The National Convention - Real National Unity - On Conditions for Any Talks - Mr. Vorster’s New Year Message - On the Future of the White Community - On the United Nations - SWAPO Warns of a Sell-Out

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release - Press Conference Given by Mr. Moses Garoeb, SWAPO Administrative Secretary on 12 August 1975." 3p. Document Addresses: - De-briefing on the recent military advances made by PLAN (Peoples Liberation Army of Namibia), the military wing of SWAPO, covering a period of four months—April, May, June and July 1975.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release - Fraudulent Talks Continue in Namibia while South African Forces Conduct Reign of Terror." By Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative in the UK and Western Europe. 10 September 1975. 2p. Document Addresses: - Current efforts of the South African regime, through the fraudulent constitutional talks going on in Windhoek, to mislead international opinion about the nature of its intentions in Namibia. - Current activities of the South African regime in Namibia - SWAPO leadership and South Africa's Terrorism Act - The death of at least five innocent Namibian civilians, each of whom were killed by the South African military forces in Namibia - South Africa's invasion of Angola continues - South Africa's so-called "formula for withdrawal" in Namibia

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release - Statement made by Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative in the UK and Western Europe, on the occasion of the Namibia Day Commemoration in London, 23 September 1975." 5p. Document addresses: - Statement which summarises current political developments in Namibia, emphasising the strength of Namibian resistance to the South African regime. - Appeal for total isolation of the South African regime and its "agents and puppets" in Namibia, including delegates from the "tribal talks" recently held in Namibia. - Namibia Day Commemoration - The launching of the SWAPO women's tour in the United Kingdom and Western Europe. - Security Council Meeting in May - Since May: fraudulence redoubled - "A gathering of puppets" - South African diplomacy aims to sell Bantustans - SWAPO leadership is arrested - Increased international aggression - SWAPO guerrillas attack

65 - What SWAPO wants from the international community

South West Africa People's Organisation. Edited copy of "SWAPO Press Release -Further Evidence of West German Collaboration with South Africa Regime." By Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative in Britain. 3 October 1975. 2p. Document addresses: - Evidence of collaboration between South Africa and West Germany - In the past few months SWAPO has made representations both to the government of West Germany and to NATO Secretary-General Joseph Luns concerning the relationship between South Africa and NATO on the one hand, and West German's increasing economic and military involvement in South Africa on the other. - The evidence of General Rall's visit to South Africa and Namibia points to West Germany's role as the advance guard for the South African drive to foster close economic and military relations with Europe. - Namibia under the illegal and highly militarised South African occupation is highly vulnerable to West German and NATO economic and military interests.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Press Release: SWAPO Condemns South African Intervention in Angola." By Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative in Britain. 18 November 1975. 2p. Document addresses: - South Africa's illegal invasion of Angola from its military bases inside Namibia - Role of "puppet" constitutional talks and the South African "constitutional initiative" in Namibia - SWAPO leadership held under South Africa's Terrorism Act

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release: SWAPO Warns of 'Imminent Stark Tragedy' Resulting from South African Aggression in Angola." 28 November 1975. 1p. Document addresses: - South Africa's military build-up in Angola

South West Africa People's Organisation. Edited copy of "SWAPO Press Release: SWAPO Denounces Press Allegations Against Zambia as ‘Outrage Against African Unity.’” By Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative. 4 December 1975. 1p. Document addresses: - SWAPO's denouncement of a series of reports that appeared in the Western press stating that Zambia and South Africa are colluding to suppress SWAPO and to commit aggression in Angola. - SWAPO show of support for Zambian comrades despite the political rhetoric of the Western press.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release: SWAPO Exposes South African Moves to Annex Angolan Territory." By Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative. 2 January 1976. 1 p. Document addresses: - South African attempts to annex an area of Angolan territory

South West Africa People's Organisation. Edited copy of "SWAPO Press Release: British Refusal to Cancel RTZ Contract for Namibian Uranium SWAPO Warns Government on Urgent Need for Reconsideration." By Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative. 19 May 1976. 3p. Document addresses:

66 - The relationship between the Rossing uranium mine, the United Nations and the International Court of Justice - The role of South African administration and their interest in exploiting Namibian uranium for the purpose of building nuclear weapons - SWAPO appeal to the British Government to reconsider the implications of its uranium mining contract with Rio Tinto Zinc.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release: Message Given to the Portuguese Socialist Party Congress, 30th October -1 st November 1976, in Lisbon, by Peter Katjavivi, SWAPO Secretary for Publicity and Information," No date. 1 p. Document addresses: - SWAPO salutes the Socialist party of Portugal - The struggle in Namibia in relation to the people's revolution in Angola

South West Africa People's Organisation. Edited copy of "SWAPO Press Release: SWAPO Condemns and Rejects the Proposed Puppet Regime in Namibia." By Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative. 13 August 1976. 1p. Document addresses: - Quotes regarding the proposed scheme of South Africa whose aim is to turn Namibia into a confederation of mini-states

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release: For Immediate Release: The South African Turnhalle Conspiracy: Prescription for an Imposed Illegal Government." 8 April 1977. 4p. Document addresses: - In London today (8th April), SWAPO is releasing the enclosed detailed comment on the South African proposals for a so-called interim government in Namibia - The illegal, undemocratic, racist and colonialist nature of South Africa's occupation of Namibia

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release: Press Statement Delivered by D.T. Tjongarero at an Impromptu Press Conference in Windhoek on 17/6/1977 at 8.30 PM: `SWAPO Response to the Five Powers."' 18 June 1977. 4p. Document addresses: - A critical assessment of the relationship between South Africa, her Western Allies, and the permanent members of the Security Council - Questions regarding the Security Council Resolution 385 - SWAPO's response to the West's attempts to negotiate outside of the UN

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release: SWAPO Rejects South African Administrator General." 8 July 1977. 2p. Document addresses: - SWAPO's opposition to the South African government's announcement regarding their appointment of an Administrator General for Namibia.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Statement at the Conclusion of Talks in Luanda." By Sam Nujoma, President of SWAPO. 12 July 1978. 2p. Document addresses: - Outcome of talks between SWAPO and the representatives of the Five Western Members of the UN Security Council (Canada, Federal Republic of Germany, France, United Kingdom, and United States of America).

67 South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release: SWAPO Press Release 9th May." 9 May 1979. 2p. Document addresses: - Mass detention of SWAPO supporters since April 27, 1979 - The role of the AG 26, which was introduced by the South African Administrator General on 18 April 1978, and extended his dictatorial powers, providing for the detention of any person regarded as a threat to the regime. According to this legal procedure, people detained in this way may be held indefinitely and have no recourse to the courts. - List of 54 SWAPO supporters who are currently being detained by South African forces - Saturday 5th May 1979 raid on SWAPO Headquarters in Windhoek

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release: Press Release." 25 July 1979. 1p. Document addresses: - Request from the office of SWAPO Representatives in Western Europe to send a team of lawyers from the International Commission of Jurists and Amnesty International to Namibia.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release: News Brief: Political Repression in Namibia at its Height." 25 July 1979. 2p. Document addresses: - New "Security Measures" and Detention Centres - Identity Documents, Martial Law and the AG 26 - Reports on Conditions of Detention - Increased South African Military Activity and Atrocities - Resistance

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release: Declaration of the First ExtraOrdinary Meeting of the SWAPO Central Committee held at Ndalatando, People's Republic of Angola, 17-19 July, 1980." 21/7/1980. 3p. Document addresses: - The Central Committee met in its first Extra-Ordinary session to review, and to analyse the critical political situation, and to adopt appropriate measures to deal with the situation. - Issues discussed include: South Africa's recent installation of the so-called Ministerial Council in Windhoek in preparation for a UDI in Namibia; the escalation of military suppression and organised terror against innocent Namibian civilian population; the intensified acts of aggression against the independent African states, particularly the recent invasion of the People's Republic of Angola; the continual refusal to implement the Security Council Resolution 435 (1978); and the treacherous activities of some counterrevolutionary elements within the organisation.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Statement Delivered by Sam Nujoma, President of SWAPO, to the Closing Session of the Pre-Implementation Meeting, Geneva, January 14th, 1981." 14 January 1981. 2p. Document addresses: - Namibian Independence - United Nations Transition Assistance Group (UNTAG) - The role and responsibility of the United Nations Security Council

68 South West Africa People's Organisation. Edited copy of "SWAPO Press Statement." 3/8/1982. 4p. Document addresses: - SWAPO's view on recent developments in Namibia - Role of the Western Five contact group - Issue of mistrust between SWAPO leadership and Western Five contact group

South West Africa People's Organisation. Edited copy of "SWAPO Press Release: British Theft of Namibian Uranium Continues." 5/2/1983. 1p. Document addresses: - British interest in Namibian uranium - Role of the United Nations Council in regard to the protection of Namibia's natural resources

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Text of Statement from SWAPO Department of Information & Publicity in Luanda." 10/01/1984. 2p. Document addresses: - Political propaganda on the part of the South African government - SWAPO’s position in regard to the proposed talks with UN representatives

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release: Press Conference by Comrade Andimba Toivo Ja Toivo." 18 May 1984. 2p. Document addresses: - The role of the UN Security Council Resolution 539 (1983) - The breakdown of Lusaka talks regarding a cease-fire in terms of the UN Security Council Resolution 539 - The so-called "Western Plan" for and the role of the Western Five "Contact Group" - Britain's political and economic interest in South Africa and Namibia

BOX 119 MCH07-119 B. Bunting Subject File: 2.30.3 -- 2.32: (cont. Namibia) and SWAPO Namibia, SWAPO and from the press Folder File: 2.30.3 SWAPO PUBLICATIONS

NAMIBIA. Vol.1, no.1. 1977. 14p. Document divided into the following sections: - Perspectives - Guest Editorials, by William Eteki M'Boumoua, Administrative Secretary General, Organisation of African Unity and by Martti Ahtissari, United Nations Commissioner for Namibia - Vorster Traps the West - The role of the Five Western members of the UN Security Council - Speaking of Friends - Tribute to Sean McBride, former UN Commissioner for Namibia

69 - Welcome to Mr. Martti Ahtisaari, newly appointed UN Commissioner for Namibia - The Centre of Combat - The impact of PLAN (People's Liberation Army of Namibia) - Forum on Anti-Imperialist Power

NAMIBIA NEWS. Vol.1, no.1. February 1968. 13p. Document divided into the following sections: - Editorial and the Sentences - The Illegal trial of 37 SWAPO Freedom Fighters, from August 7 September 11, 1967 - SWAPO Program - Basic Aims - Political Aims - Economic Aims - Agriculture - Education - Social Security - Health - Culture - Law - The Times Editorial - "What sort of Tyranny?" - SWAPO Leader Speaks - Statement by Mr. Toivo Herman ja Toivo to the Supreme Court, February 1, 1967 in response to the charges of terrorism under the Terrorism Act. - A word of thanks and an appeal - Expression of gratitude and appeal to the international community - News in Brief - Southern African newspaper clippings with reference to Namibian affairs

NAMIBIA NEWS. Vol.1, no.3. May 1968. 8p. Document divided into the following sections: - Editorial - The role of the United Nations in Namibia - The Fragmentation of Namibia - South Africa and the "Development of Self Government for Native Nations in South West Africa Bill" - News in Brief - Southern African newspaper clippings with reference to Namibian affairs - Reactions to the Namibian issues in the United Nations

NAMIBIA NEWS: Special Issue dedicated to TOBIAS HAINYEKO, Former Commander-in-Chief of SWAPO Liberation Forces, who was killed on 18th May, 1967. Vol.1, no.6-7. August-September, 1968. 19p. Document divided into the following sections: - Looking Back - The 26th August - Labour Conditions - Namibian Mine - Katutura Move - Press Release - News in Brief

NAMIBIA NEWS: Herman Toivo Ja Tovio, one of our imprisoned fighters. Vol.1, no.8-9. October-December, 1968. 13p.

70 Document divided into the following sections: - The End of the Appeal - Memorandum Issued by the London Office of the South West People's Organisation (SWAPO), on the Implementation of the Self-Government for Native Nations in South West Africa Act in Ovamboland. - Why Namibia? - Justice South African Style - Deepening Fight for Namibia's Freedom, by Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative in Britain - News in Brief

NAMIBIA NEWS: Special Report from the Consultative Congress in Tanga, Tanzania: SWAPO Guerrillas. Vol.3, no.1-3. January-March, 1970. 18p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Consultative Congress in a Historical Perspective - From the Communiqué - Tanga Regional Commissioner Opens the Congress - The 1970s - A Decisive Decade, by Sam Nujoma, SWAPO President - Resolutions Adopted - Tanga Regional Commissioner Closed the Congress - A Biography of Mishek Muyongo - New Faces in New Positions - Inside Namibia - Police Brutality, by Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative in Britain - Heads of State Speak Out - Forced Removals in Action - News in Brief - Stop Press

NAMIBIA NEWS. Vol.3, no. 4-6. April-June 1970. 13p. Document divided into the following sections: - Profit and Poverty in Namibia - R1000 Reward Offered for the Capture of SWAPO Leader - Excerpts from a Statement Made by Mr. G.H. Geingob, SWAPO - Representative to the United Nations and the Americas, before the - United Nations Fourth Committee on 16/10/1969 - Press Statement, 8/6/70 - News in Brief

NAMIBIA NEWS: Special Issue Dedicated to Chief Hosea Kutako, the Father of Namibian Nationalism. Vol.3, no.7-10. July-October 1970. 10p. Document divided into the following sections: - Hosea Kutako - Namibia and the UN in Retrospect - Britain Versus Namibia, by a Special Correspondent - The 26th of August -- A Day of Re-Dedication and Solidarity with the Namibian People in their - Struggle against the South African Facist Occupation of Namibia - Namibia Day - President Gamal Abdel Nasser - The Labour Party Conference -- Blackpool - SWAPO and Independent Africa in Uganda - In Lagos - Willy Mukasa Meets the Freedom Fighters - Secret UK Deal with Illegal Regime

71 - An Appeal

NAMIBIA NEWS: The Guerrilla War Continues. Vol.4, no.3-10. March-October 1971. 20p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Guerrilla War Continues - Inside Namibia - Barclays Bank Join Hands with the Illegal Administration - Namibia and the International Court of Justice - Statement by SWAPO - The World Court Decides - The Reaction inside Namibia - Protests by Churchmen - Open Letter to His Honour the Prime Minister of South Africa - An Appeal

NAMIBIA NEWS: Men in Chains at the Beginning of the 20th Century: Namibia is Still in Chains. Vol.3 no.11, 12. Vol.4, no.1,2. November 1970- February 1971. 21 p. Document divided into the following sections: - Editorial - Letter from Namibians on Robben Island - Case Histories from inside Namibia - SWAPO at the United Nations - People in the News - SWAPO and the Kunene River Hydro-electric scheme - News in brief

NAMIBIA NEWS: SWAPO Guerrillas hit at SA forces. Vol.8, no. 9-12. September/ December 1975. 12p. Document divided into the following sections: - Editorial: Reaffirming our goal - Turnhalle tribal circus eclipsed by SWAPO constitutional proposals - Mass arrests in Namibia - Prisoners tortured - Chairman escapes arrest to tell UN of torture and assault - SWAPO asks: Whose side are the Western Powers on? - NATO collaborates with SA - Cold reception for puppet 'delegation' - Successful UK start to SWAPO Women's Tour

NAMIBIA NEWS: Namibians build wall of unity. Vol.9, no.12. December 1976.12p. Document divided into the following sections: - Namibians forge unity - The South joins SWAPO - NAPDO in 'common struggle' - SWAPO's New Political Programme - Free SWAPO patriots -- NO to hangings! - In solidarity with Soweto. . . - Namibian school revolt - Returned exiles are tools of SA plot - War Communiqué - Medical solidarity campaign launched in UK

NAMIBIA NEWS: Latest from Namibia. (Supplement to Vol.6, no.3-4.) 2p. Document addresses: - Vorster's Advisory Council Totally Rejected by the Namibian People - SWAPO Leader Voices Open Rejection or Vorster's Proposal - White Countermoves

72 - Municipal Offices Burnt - Slap in the face for Vorster - Leaders stand Firm - The United Nations Council for Namibia Shows its Solidarity

NAMIBIANEWS: Caetano yesterday, Vorster tomorrow: SWAPO mobilises for Independence. Vol.7, no.6&7. June/ July 1974. 16p. Document divided into the following sections: - Editorial - SWAPO briefs UN Human Rights Group: Massacres unearthed - Namibian dies on Robben Island - When Flogging is made to equal Justice - SWAPO men in detention - Nationalists fall out over Namibian budget - WHO admits Namibia as associate member - Namibian Women in the struggle - Emergency call for the women of Namibia - Oppenheimer on Workers' Rewards: Owner of one-third of Namibia's wealth says, 'Desperate poverty is better than having nothing.' - Youth Act on Namibia - Youth League Officials Sentenced - 'One Namibia, One Nation'-- Kamati charged

BOX 119 MCH07-119 B. Bunting Subject File: 2.30.3 -- 2.32: (cont. Namibia) and SWAPO Namibia, SWAPO and from the press Folder File: 2.30.3 SWAPO MISCELLANEOUS

South West Africa People's Organisation. "U.S. State Department Documents on Southern Africa Leaked to the American Press -- May-June 1981." No date. 28p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - Information leaked to the American press during May and June 1981 - The extent to which the United States administration is willing to go along with the South African regime in subverting Resolution 435 (1978), the United Nations plan for elections in Namibia.

No author cited. "One Namibia One Nation: SWAPO leaders on trial." No source available. No date. 3 p. Document divided into the following sections: - Witnesses accuse tortures - SWAPO men resolute - One Nation, One Namibia -- our objective - We Urge Expulsion - Hell of Isolation - Meroro's anguish - We urge prosecution of torturers

73 Letter between Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative in the U.K. and Western Europe and Lady Tweedsmuir, Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London: 15th November 1973. 1p. Document addresses: - Illegal occupation of Namibia in defiance of the United Nations resolutions and the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice - Role of international support for Namibian independence

South West Africa People's Organisation. Edited copy of "SWAPO Press Release -- Note of Protests to the Government of the Netherlands Against the Violation of United Nations Council Decree No.1 on Namibia's Natural Resources by Dutch Companies, from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Representative for Western Europe." 14 November 1978. 1p. Document addresses: - SWAPO protests to the government of the Netherlands against the collaboration between Dutch companies and South Africa in reference to the use of uranium from Namibia. - Role of the United Nations Council in regard to the protection of Namibia's natural resources

South West Africa People's Organisation. "List of SWAPO members killed on 8th April 1978 in Windhoek." April 1978. 1p. Document addresses: - List of SWAPO members arrested in Windhoek 8th-9th April 1978, SWAPO arrested in , and SWAPO members arrested in Grootfontein. - In addition, the document cites SWAPO members and supporters arrested under "South West African Emergency Law" 24th April 1978.

Letter from Comrade Richard Kapelwa, Deputy Secretary for Defence, Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of SWAPO to Comrade Leonard Chaka, Regional Chairman, Eastern Region, Namibia: 2/10/1980. 2p. Document addresses: - The first extraordinary meeting of the Central Committee of SWAPO in July 1980s and the expulsion of Mishake Muyongo - The expulsion of Mishake Muyongo

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Comment: October 1980." No date. 1p. Document addresses: - Direct talks with the South African regime - SWAPO's recognition as the sole and authentic representative of the Namibian people

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release - To all Friends and Comrades." By Shapua Kaukungua. 1 June 1982. 1p. Document addresses: - Introduction of Comrade Jacob Hannai, Deputy Chief Representative of SWAPO in the United Kingdom and for Western Europe

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release - Letter from SWAPO President Cde. Sam Nujoma to the United Nations Secretary General." 5 January 1984. 1 p. Document addresses: - SWAPO's position with regard to the People's Republic of Angola

74 - SWAPO's position with regard to cease-fire between itself and the South African government

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release - Text of Telex Sent from Luanda on July 16th 1979, Message from SWAPO President Sam Nujoma." July 16th 1979. 1 p. Document addresses: - The grave and explosive situation in Namibia due to increased acts of police brutality (and genocidal atrocities) involving random mass arrests, detention, torture and widespread killings of Namibian patriots especially members and supporters of SWAPO by racist South Africa.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Report on the Lusaka Talks." 18/5/84. 1p. Document addresses: - The role of diplomatic talks between SWAPO representatives and the South African government - The role of the so-called multi-party conference - The lack of compromise achieved during the negotiation process

BOX 118 MCH07-118 B. Bunting Subject File: 2.30-2.30.2 (Namibia) Folder File: 2.30.4 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SWA/ NAMIBIA 1966

No author cited. "International Conference on South West Africa, Oxford 23-26 March, 1966." No publication information available. 23- 26 March 1966. 14p. Document divided into the following sections: - Report of Commission I : Commissioners Terms of Reference - Economic Conditions - Land and Labour - Social Conditions - Political Repression - Economic and Political viability of South West Africa as an Independent Country - Termination of the Mandate - International Responsibility - Recommendations of Commission I - Appendix to Commission 1 Findings - Report of Commission 2 - Report of Commission 3: Commissions' Terms of Reference - Origins and Background - The Crisis for the International Community - Reports of Commission IV: The Assertion of International Responsibility - Introduction - Political Case for Action - Action to achieve changes in International Policy - A World Crisis

Southern African News Features. "South West Africa: Background to the International Conference to be held in Oxford, March 23-26." March 1966. 9p. Document divided into the following sections: - Geography

75 - Population - The People - The Nama - The Berg-Damara - The Ovambo - The Bushmen - The Rehobothers - The Coloured People - South West Africa Today - The Police Zone - Administration - Labour - Inside the Police Zone - The Pass Laws - Education - Trade Unions - Organizations - Intimidation - League of Nations - United Nations - The Coming Conference

No author cited. "International Conference on South West Africa: Formal Acceptances: CONFIDENTIAL." No publication information available. No date. 1p. Document divided into the following sections: - Formal Acceptances - Governments - Trade union Federations (National) - United Nations

South West Africa: An International Responsibility. (Published by Ronald Segal, The Old Manor House, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, on behalf of the International Conference on South West Africa.) No date. 8p., 2 copies. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - The German Period - The Mandate System - The United Nations - South African Administration - The Future

BOX 118 MCH07-118 B. Bunting Subject File: 2.30-2.30.2 (Namibia) Folder File: 2.30.4 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SWA/ NAMIBIA 1972

No author cited. "Aims and Objectives of the Namibia International Conference, Brussels, February 1972." No publication available. February 1972. 1p. Document addresses: - The aims and objectives of the Namibia International Conference - The role of the international community in the liberation of Namibia

No author cited. "Namibia International Conference: List of Participants." Brussels. May 26-28, 1972. 14p.

76 Document addresses: - List of participants includes representatives from the following countries: Algeria, Angola, Argentine, Belgium, Botswana, Brazil, Britain, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, Canaries, Ceylon, Chad, Chile, Congo, Czechoslovakia, Dahomey, Denmark, Egypt, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, China, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Guyana, Hungary, India, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Ivory Coast, Japan, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Poland, Romania, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, U.S.A., USSR, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Zimbabwe - Document also includes a list of International Organisations participating in the conference

No author cited. "Namibian International Conference: Action Commission." Brussels. 26-28 May 1972. 2p. Document divided into the following sections: - Conclusions - Action Proposals

No author cited. "Namibia International Conference: Economic Commission." Brussels. May 26-28, 1972. 5p. Document divided into the following sections: - Conclusions - Action Proposals: International Labour Organisation - World Trade Unions - Organisation of African Unity - National Non-governmental Action Groups - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trades - European Economic Community - International Civil Aviation Organisation - South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation - Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organisation - United Nations

No author cited. "Namibian International Conference: Political Commission." Brussels, May 26-28, 1972. 5p. Document divided into the following sections: - Considerations - Recommendations

No author cited. "Namibia International Conference: An Urgent Appeal by the Namibia International Conference to the EEC." Brussels, 26-28 May 1972. 1 p. Document addresses: - Document includes four points of appeal

Letter from the International Preparatory Secretariat, for the Namibia International Conference to unidentified recipient, Brussels: June 1972. 1p. Document addresses: - Letter refers to the resolutions and final declaration and appeal from the Namibia International Conference, as well as the list of participants, and additional contact addresses and information.

No author cited. "Namibia International Conference: Declaration." Brussels, 26-28 May 1972. 2p. Document addresses:

77 - Statement of justification for the forthcoming Conference in regard to the present situation of Namibia and the role of the international community

No author cited. "Namibia International Preparatory Conference: Press Release." Brussels. 14-15 February 1972. 2p. Document addresses: - The deliberations of the International Preparatory Conference on Namibia on 14-15 February 1972 - A brief summary of current political situation inside Namibia as presented by Sam Nujoma - The international significance of the International Conference on Namibia, scheduled to take place from the 26- 28 of May 1972 - The need for world wide-support and popular participation on the part of the international community

No author cited. "Namibia International Preparatory Conference: Appeal." Brussels. 14-15 February 1972. 2p. Document addresses: - The role of the international community in the struggle of national liberation and independence in Namibia - The oppressive policies of the South African regime and the illegal occupation of Namibia - The urgent need for expressions of support and solidarity with the people of Namibia on the part of the international community - List of various means by which the international community can express their support for the Namibian people - Appeal to all governments, governmental bodies, national and international organisations to participate fully in the Namibia International Conference

Nujoma, Sam. "Speech by Sam Nujoma, President of the South West Africa People's Organisation SWAPO of Namibia, International Conference Held in Brussels from 26-28 May 1972." 3p. Document addresses: - Expression of gratitude towards all those Heads of States and Governments who consented their patronage to the Conference - The role of South African regime in regard to the illegal occupation of Namibia - Namibia's struggle for national independence in a global context - The role of SWAPO in Namibia

Hesse, Chris. "Namibia International Conference: Namibia: The Case Against the South African Government's Proposal for a Plebiscite." Brussels, May 26-28, 1972. 10p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Case Against the South African Government's Proposal for a Plebiscite - The Political Conditions for a Plebiscite

First, Ruth. "Namibia International Conference: The Bantustans: The Implementation of the Odendaal Report." Brussels, May 26-28, 1972. 10p. Document divided into the following sections: - Background and General Principles - Implementation j

78 Nujoma, Sam. "Namibia International Conference: Closing Speech by Mr. Sam Nujoma, President of SWAPO.” 28 May 1972. 2p. Document addresses: - Summary of the basic aims and objectives of the Conference - Statement of gratitude toward all of the distinguished ministers, government representatives, organisations, groups and individuals who have supported the Conference and the struggle for national independence in Namibia.

No author cited. “Namibia 1884-1984, 100 Years of Foreign Occupation, 100 Years of Struggle.” Statement Issued by the International Conference on Namibia. 10-13 September 1984.1 p.

The Anti-Apartheid Movement. "Human Rights and the Struggle Against Apartheid: One-day Conference: Saturday 19 October 1968." 1968. 6p. Document addresses: - Document consists of an article entitled, "Human Rights and Apartheid Policy in Namibia (South West Africa)," by the London Representative of the South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO).

No author cited. "Repression and Resistance in Southern Africa." (Conference Paper prepared with the assistance of the International Defence & Aid Fund Research and Information Department.) February 1980. 9p. Document addresses: - A one-day conference on Saturday 9 February at the Westminster Cathedral Conference Centre. - Conference organised on the behalf of Southern Africa - the imprisoned society


The Anti-Apartheid Movement. "South West Africa Press Conference: International Court Judgement." 16 July 1966. 1p. Document addresses: - The judgement of the International Court of Justice in the case brought by Ethiopia and Liberia against South Africa on the issue of South West Africa.

The Anti-Apartheid Movement. "Press Statement on South West Africa Judgement." 19 July 1966. 1 p. Document addresses: - The South West Africa case and the International Court of Justice - The role of the international community

The Anti-Apartheid Movement. "South West Africa: Summary of History." No date. 3p. Document addresses: - Timeline of South West African history and colonial rule

79 The Anti-Apartheid Movement. "Summary of the Antecedents and Implications of the Judgement of the International Court of Justice in the South West Africa Case." By lain MacGibbon, Department of Public International Law, University of Edinburgh. 14 July 1966. 5p., 2 copies. Document divided into the following sections: - Background - Subject Matter of the proceedings - Implications of the Judgement

The Anti-Apartheid Movement. "Britain & Namibia: A Time to Change Course: A Memorandum by the Anti-Apartheid Movement." 28 February 1983. 3p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - Background - Current Situation - The Future

The Anti-Apartheid Movement, Friends of Namibia, National Union of Students, Operation Omega and The South West Africa People's Organisation. "Namibian Karakul - An International Slave Trade." November 1972. 6p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Cosy World of Swakara - Economic Development and Colonialism - The Conditions of African Farm Workers - Farmer Reaction to the Strikes - The International Perspective The Anti-Apartheid Movement, Friends of Namibia, National Union of Students, Operation Omega and The South West Africa People's Organisation. "Slave Labour in Namibia Means Vast Profits from Karakul Industry."

BOX 118 MCH07-118 B. Bunting Subject File: 2.30-2.30.2 (Namibia) Folder File: 2.30.5 VARIOUS ORGANISATIONS, FACT PAPERS, ETC.

Christian Centre in Namibia. "Report on the Registration and Election Campaign in Namibia, 1978." 28 November 1978. 14p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - Practices and Intimidation experienced during the registration of voters and during pre-election period in Ovambo and Kavango - Non 'homeland' areas

The Namibia Action Campaign. "Memorandum: The Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs." 26 March 1974. 2p. Document addresses: - The forcible exclusion of Africans from their own territory and the history of racial oppression in South West Africa - The illegal occupation of Namibia by South African forces - Appeal for the immediate withdrawal of South Africa from Namibia - Call to the British government to oppose Apartheid rule, to accept the Opinion of the International Court of Justice and the Resolutions of the U.N. terminating the Mandate, to

80 request South Africa to withdraw from Namibia immediately, and to support independence for all Namibian people. - A list of suggested actions that could be taken by the British government to further oppose South African rule in Namibia and reverse its present reprehensible role of collaborator with a racist regime.

Namibia Action Campaign. "Press Statement." 28 March 1974. 2p. Document Addresses: - The launching of the Namibia Action Campaign, March 27, 1974 - The call for the immediate withdrawal of South African forces from Namibia - The current status of South Africa's Mandate to administer Namibia - Document also includes "A short List of Essential Reading on Namibia: Resource List."

Namibia Support Committee. "*URGENT*URGENT*URGENT* -- SWAPO Members Arrested in Namibia - A Call to Activists." 11 June 1984. 2p. Document addresses: - South African forces raided a barbecue party in Windhoek on Saturday 9 June and arrested 37 people under martial law proclamation AG9, which allows for indefinite detention without trial. - The barbecue had been organised to give people a chance to celebrate the release of 54 Kassinga detainees' six years after their kidnap from a refugee camp in Angola. - Many of SWAPO leadership inside Namibia were arrested during the raid. - The document also includes a list of all the people arrested during the raids on June 9, 1984.

National Unity of Democratic Organisation of the Nama and . No title, speech transcript. No date. 10p. Document addresses: - The role of the National Unity of Democratic Organisations, an umbrella organisation that serves as a United Front of nine regional and national political movements in Namibia. - The illegal occupation and exploitation of Namibia by South African forces - The rejection of Bantustans - The non-negotiable ideals of "One Namibia -One Nation." - The importance of establishing a democratically elected national government, constitutionally elected by ALL Namibians regardless of colour, race, and origin. The document notes that, "no one, neither the South African regime, nor SWAPO, nor the United Nations alone has the right to decide the future of our people, only we, the Namibian people have the right to decide our own future." - South Africa's policy of "divide and rule" and the social and economic consequences of this policy - Call to all Namibians to increase their responsibility in the struggle for independence, rather than to look to revenge as a solution to the current problem. - The importance and significance of leading the youth and students in the struggle for an independent Namibia - The refusal on the part of the African majority to allow a minority organisation (with most of its support concentrated in

81 just one region of Namibia) to call themselves the sole representatives of the Namibian people. - The role of African leaders and statesmen - The role of "tribalism" - The struggle for national unity of all Namibians - Appeal to the British government to support the Namibian people - Message to Mr. Vorster and the South African government

Kapuuo, Chief Clemens, Karuaihe, Johannes P., Kuhlmann, Ernst. "JOINT STATEMENT in view of current developments by Chief , President of the NATIONAL UNITY of DEMOCRATIC ORGANISATIONS, Johannes P. Karuaihe, Member of the HERERO CHIEF’S COUNCIL, Ernst Kuhlmann, Member of the NAMA CHIEF’S COUNCIL." (Issued simultaneously in Windhoek- NAMIBIA, Bonn-Federal Republic of Germany, London-Great Britain and New York-United States of America, on the 10th day of March, 1975.) 7p. Document addresses: - The basic and fundamental principles of the National Unity of Democratic Organisations, the Herero Chief's Council and the Nama Chief's Council. - The Non-negotiable terms of obtaining independence - Clarification of accusations raised against these above listed organisations by one of the minority political parties in exile (SWAPO). - South Africa's reign of terror in Namibia, including the policy of "divide and rule" - Acknowledgement that SWAPO's contribution in exile has been very valuable, but clear expression of opposition to the belief that SWAPO is the sole representative of the Namibian people. - Demand that the collection of funds by SWAPO for and on behalf of the Namibian people must come to an end at once - Question posed: Why has the Organisation of African Unity to this day ignored our existence?

Southern Africa - the imprisoned society. "Political Prisoners, Detainees and Police Repression in Namibia." (A publication organised in part by the Anti-Apartheid Movement, AUEW (TASS) Kitson Committee, International Defence and Aid Fund, among other organisers and individual sponsors. Prepared by Roger Murray, Friends of Namibia Committee.) May 1974. 7p. Document divided into the following sections: - Background - Security Laws - Police Powers - The Robben Island Prisoners - Recent Arrests and Detentions - The 1973 Arrests - The 1974 Arrests - Ill-treatment of Detainees by the Police

Southern Africa Feature Service. "South West Africa: Odendaal Deferred." No publication information available. No date. 3p. Document addresses: - South Africa's illegal occupation of Namibia - The Odendaal Commission recommendations and the development of Namibian Bantustans - Opposition to the Odendaal Commission by Liberia and Ethiopia - The Odendaal Commission development plan and the increasingly severe gap between Black and White citizens.

82 - The role of Dr. Vorster in developing and instituting new economic development schemes based on racist policies.

The Special Campaign Committee for the Release of South West African Political Prisoners (SCCROSWAPP). "The Trial of 37 SWAPO Freedom Fighters, Pretoria, 1967- 1968." Document divided into the following section: - Background to the Trial - Court Proceedings - Police Brutality - Reactions to the Trial - What is Terrorism? - Thirty-Seven Freedom Fighters - The Anti-Terrorism Act, 1967 - Sample Letters Protesting Against the Trial of 37 SWAPO Freedom Fighters - Result of the Illegal Trial - An Appeal to the World by the Special Campaign Committee for the Release of - South West African Political Prisoners

BOX 118 MCH07-118 B. Bunting Subject File: 2.30-2.30.2 (Namibia) Folder File: 2.30.5 VARIOUS ORGANISATIONS, FACT PAPERS, ETC. UN AND NAMIBIA, 1977-1983

United Nations Information Centre. "New United Nations Commissioner for Namibia Takes up Duties." (For Use of Information Media - Not for Official Record.) 24 February 1977. 2p. Document addresses: - The new United Nations Commissioner for Namibia, Martti Ahtisaari succeeds Sean MacBride, who served three times as Commissioner for Namibia, from 1 January 1974 to 31 December 1976. - Biographical Information or Mr. Martti Ahtisaari - The message of welcome sent to Mr. Martti Ahtisaari - The message by the President of the Council for Namibia, Mr. Kamana, to the outgoing Commissioner, Mr. McBride

United Nations Information Centre. "Security Council Resolutions on the Question of Namibia Adopted 27 July 1978." (For use of Information Media - Not an Official Record.) 31 July 1978. 4p. Document addresses: - The UN Security Council's consideration of the question of Namibia and the adoption of two resolutions requesting the Secretary-General to 1/ appoint a Special Representative for Namibia in order to ensue the early independence of Namibia through free elections under the supervision and control of the United Nations and 2/ assure the reintegration of Walvis Bay into Namibian territory - Resolution 431 (1978) on the appointment of a Special Representative was adopted by a vote of 13 in favour to none against, with two abstentions (Czechoslovakia, Soviet Union). - Resolution 432 (1978) concerning Walvis Bay was adopted unanimously.

83 - The document also includes the operative paragraphs of resolution 431 regarding the proposal for the settlement of the Namibia situation and of resolution 432 relating to the territorial integrity and unity of Namibia. - The document also includes statements made by 25 speakers, among them the Foreign Ministers of the Western Council Members, the President of the Council for Namibia, the Representative of the Nigerian Head of Government and the permanent Representatives to the United Nations.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "A Further Report of the Secretary General of the United Nations Concerning the Implementation of Resolutions 435 (1978) and 439 (1978) Concerning the Question of Namibia." No publication information available. No date. 4p. Document addresses: - Twenty-four individual points in regard to the implementation of the new Security Resolutions. Each point outlines the discussion and negotiation process between Mr. Botha and various representatives of the South African government and the Secretary- General of the United Nations.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Press Communiqué by the National Executive Committee of SWAPO Central Committee." Luanda, 28 November 1980. 1p. Document addresses: - The re-iteration of SWAPO's position regarding the envisaged meeting on the implementation of U.N. Security Council Resolutions 435 and 439 (1978).

Letter from various organisations and political parties to the United Nations Secretary General Mr. Javier Perez De Cuellar on the occasion of his visit to Namibia: August, 1983. 2 p. Document addresses: - Letter to the United Nations Secretary General from the Executive Committee, Council of Churches in Namibia in regard to the implementation of Resolution 435. - Presentation to the U.N. Secretary General by the SWAPO Delegation on the 25 August 1983 in Windhoek, Namibia in regard to SWAPO's willingness and preparedness to engage in direct talks with the aim of facilitating the implementation of Resolution 435. - Letter Submitted to the U.N. Secretary General in Luanda, People's Republic of Angola, August 26, 1983.

United Nations Security Council. "Further Report of the Secretary-General Concerning the Implementation of Security Council Resolutions 435 (1978) and 439 (1978) Concerning the Question of Namibia." 29 August 1983. 7p. Document addresses: - Detailed analysis of UN Security Council's assessment of the situation in Namibia - UN Security Council's conclusion and proposed response to the situation in Namibia


The United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. "Press Release: Bishop Winter and the Anglican Diocese of Damaraland (South West Africa)." 9 March 1972. 3p. Document addresses: - The exclusion of Bishop Colin Winter of Damaraland from South West Africa - Details on the remaining ten Anglican missionaries in South West Africa - Document also includes a "Statement on Present Situation in Ovamboland" in regard to the role of the Anglican church - Document also includes a "Statement on Reverend Olavi Nailenge," “Archdeacon of Odibo," as well as a "Statement of Present Situation in Ovamboland" written by The Rt. Reverend Colin O'Brien Winter, Bishop of Damaraland.

BOX 118 MCH07-118 B. Bunting Subject File: 2.30-2.30.2 (Namibia) Folder File: 2.30.5 VARIOUS ORGANISATIONS, FACT PAPERS, ETC. IDAF (INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE & AID FUND)

International Defence & Aid Fund For Southern Africa. "Political Trials and Detentions in Namibia." 2 September, 1974. 3p. Document divided into the following sections: - Background - SWAPO Youth Leaders Imprisoned - January 1974 Arrests

International Defence & Aid Fund For Southern Africa. "Political Prisoners and Detainees in Namibia." (Background Information prepared by the Research and Information Department of the International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa.) January 1981. 12p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - Categories of Prisoners - Information about Prisoners - Relevant South African Legislation in Force in Namibia - Convicted Political Prisoners - Detainees - Women in Prison and Detention - Torture and Assault - Banning and Restriction Orders - Prisoners of War - The Kassinga Detainees

85 International Defence & Aid Fund For Southern Africa. "Axes Johannes: SWAPO Administrative Secretary inside Namibia: A Biographical Note." (Prepared by the Research and Information Department of the International Defence & Aid Fund for Southern Africa.) February 1981. 7p. Document addresses: - Detailed account of the political life of Axel Johannes, SWAPO's Administrative Secretary inside Namibia - Document specifically addresses Axel Johannes's arrest, imprisonment and subsequent torture - Document also includes a 1979 interview with Anti-Apartheid News which addresses why, in the light of his long history of detention and torture, has Axel Johannes continued to live and work for SWAPO inside Namibia.

International Defence & Aid Fund For Southern Africa. "Rauna Nambinga: SWAPO member inside Namibia: A Biographical Note." (Prepared by the Research and Information Department of the International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa.) April 1981. 6p. Document addresses: - Detailed account of the political life of Rauna Nambinga, SWAPO member and supporter - Document specifically addresses Rauna Nambinga's arrest(s), interrogation and torture by the South African security police stationed in Namibia


Alun, Robert. "Namibian Economy and Foreign Companies: Economic Collaboration in South African Occupied Namibia." Action on Namibia: Bulletin of Namibian Support Committee. March/ April 1979. 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - Mining - Agriculture - Fishing - Banking - The Effects of Foreign Investment - Effects of Foreign capital on the economic structure - Conclusion

Kaluenja, Homateni. "The role of information media in the Namibian Revolution." Democratic Journalist. January 1970. 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - Information in the Colonial Struggle is the Most Effective Way to Combat Colonialism - Ovamboland Region - Okanango Region - Central Region - Hereroland - Central Region - Damaraland - Southern Region

86 - Namaland - Southern Region - Rehobotgebiet - Kaprivi Strip - Hearing Information - How Hearing Information Spread - Style of Writing - A New Form of Press Emerges - Summary

Ndadi, Vinnia Helau. "Vinnia Helau Ndadi, Namibian Journalist and Writer: Stowaway." No source. No publication information available. 8p. Document addresses: - Background information on Vinnia Helau Ndadi - Reprinted chapter from Vinnia Helau Ndadi's book "Breaking Contract," printed by LSM Information Centre, Oakland, USA.

Kahana, Shafashike. "." No source. No publication information available. No date. 6p. Document addresses: - White Colonial Press - Policy Change - Colonial Radio - SWAPO Information Service - Printed Material - Role in the Namibian Liberation Struggle - Ultimate Aim

International Defence & Aid Fund. Focus. 29 July- August 1980. 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - A Namibian Patriot - Death List Discovered - British Mercenaries - Conscription Soon - Raids into Angola - Detainees Visited - Herman Toivo Ja Tovio

"Inside Namibia." Namibia Bulletin, UN. July 1977. 8p. Document divided into the following sections: - South Africa's military machine - its implications for the militarisation of Namibia - The rising cost of defence - Manpower strains - "Armed to the teeth" - Landward Defence - Air Defence - Maritime Defence - Probable SADF Brigade and Battalion Headquarters, Northern Namibia, 1977

"Programme: Special Feature." Namibia News. September 1976. 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - Workers - Conditions - SWAPO's Present and Future Tasks - SWAPO's Policy on International Affairs - Turnhalle's phoney freedom - New pro-SA propaganda body in Namibia

87 - Extracts from SWAPO Constitution

"South Africa's Plans for Water and Power Development in Namibia." Namibia News. January/ February 1973. 4p. Document addresses: - The project for the construction of a hydroelectric power complex, based on a generating station at Ruacana Falls on the Kunene River, was one of the most significant proposals of the official Odendaal Commission, which reported in 1964. - The general shortage of water in Namibia - The role of SWAWEK, a private company in Namibia with the express aim of implementing the Kunene scheme outlined by the Odendaal Commission. - Journal clipping also includes two additional articles entitled, "President Senghor adds his voice to the Namibian Campaign" and "Latest News Regarding the SWAKARA Campaign."

"Namibian Rural Proletariat: The Socio-Economic Status of the Rural Namibian Proletariat." Namibia Today. 5/6/80. 21 p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - Historical, Social and Agricultural Background - 1.2 The Inhabitants of the Territory - 1.3 Population on European owned Farms and Role in Agriculture - 1.4 Types of Agriculture within the White Farming Region - 1.5 Farming Economy - 2.0 Farming Management and Working Regulations - 2.1 Daily and Seasonal Work - 2.2 Working Hours - 2.3 Organization and Management - 2.4 Numbers of Farm Labourers - Types and Categories of Labourers - 3.1 Regular Labourers - 3.2 Casual Labourers - 3.3 Domestic Servants - 4.0 Recruitment of Farm Labourers and their Stability - 4.1 General Origin of Farm Labourers - 4.2 How Farmers recruit Labourers - 4.3 How Farmers retain their Labourers - 5.0 Material Conditions of Farm Labourers - 5.1 Wages in cash - 5.2 Wages in kind: Rations - 5.3 Living Conditions of Labourers - 5.4 Stockkeeping - 5.5 Consumption and Expenditure - 5.6 Farm Labourers' Possessions, private Means of Income and Exchange of Goods - 6.0 Social Life, Communication and Mobility - 6.1 Social Life - 6.2 Ways of Communication - 6.3 Mobility - 6.4 Passes - 6.5 School Education - 6.6 Farm Labourer's Attitudes toward Life on Farms. In Town and Reserves - 7.0 Treatment of Labourers by the Farmer, and Employer, Worker Relationship - 7.1 Language Used

88 - 7.2 Employer - Worker Relationship in regard to Efficiency - 7.3 The "Bass" as seen by Farm Labourers - 7.4 Ethnic Stereotypes and Preference - 7.5 Why some Farmers prefer ethnically mixed Working Teams - Conclusion

"News and Views." Justice. October - December 1971. 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - Namibia's Church Leaders Back International Court Ruling; Ask South Africa to Withdraw its Illegal Administration - Statement to Lutheran Congregations - Text of Letter to Prime Minister of South Africa - Herero Chief Comments on World Court Opinion on Namibia - Promises No Longer Satisfy Africans

"Historic Ruling of World Court: South Africa's Illegal Occupation of Namibia Must Cease." Justice. October- December, 1971. 20p. Document divided into the following sections: - Composition of Court - States Furnish Information - Dossier of Documents and Introductory Note from UN - South Africa's Application To Appoint Judge ad hoc Rejected - Court Refuses Plebiscite Proposal - Competence of Court - Propriety of Court's Giving Decision - Details of Arguments on Judge Ad Hoc - Analysis of Security Council's Question - Characteristics of League of Nations Mandate for South West Africa (Namibia) - Mandatory accountability to International Organs - Notion of Annexation Rejected - Mandatory Powers to Derive No Benefits - UN Charter Confirms and Expands Principle of Sacred Trust - Ultimate Objective of Sacred Trust is Self-Determination and Independence - Situation After Demise of League and Birth of UN - UN Charter Preserves Rights of All People - Transfer of Supervision and Accountability to UN - Developments in UN Prior to Termination of Mandate - General Assembly is Legally Qualified to Exercise Supervisory Functions of League - League's Demise Does Not Terminate Mandates - South Africa Recognised Its Obligations Under Mandate After Dissolution of League - South Africa Also Recognises Competence of General Assembly - Mandate Survives League's Demise, Court Holds - Summation of South Africa's Position - To Retain Rights and Deny Obligations of Mandate Is Not Justified, Court Decides - Inadmissible Claims to Title - South Africa Rejects UN Supervision System - General Assembly Terminates Mandate; Security Council Declares Continued Occupation of Namibia to be Illegal - South Africa and France Object that General Assembly Acted Ultra Vires - Failure of South Africa to Fulfil Objectives under Mandate Leads to Its Termination by General Assembly - South Africa Disavows Mandate

89 - Right of Termination on Account of Breach Must be Presumed to Exist - Revocability of Mandate for. Namibia is Envisaged under Mandate System - Failure of South Africa to Submit to Supervision Cannot be Disputed - If Mandate Lapsed, South Africa's Authority Would Equally Have Lapsed - Security Council Has Necessary Legal Authority to Take Action - Court Concludes Security Council Decision Is Adopted in Conformity with UN Charter, and is Binding on UN Member States - UN Member States Should Comply with a Security Council Decision Including Those Voting Against - Court Holds South Africa Under Obligation To Withdraw Its Administration from Namibia - Member States Obliged to Abstain From all Treaty Relations with South Africa concerning Namibia - Non-Member States Should Act According to UN Resolutions Concerning Namibia - Document also includes statement of Security Council Resolution 278 (1970)

"Apartheid in Namibia: A Study by the International Commission of Jurists." Objective Justice. January/ February/ March, 1974. 8p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction by Niall MacDermot, Secretary-General, International Commission of Jurists - The legal status of Namibia - The apartheid policy - The pass laws - Contact labour system - Education - The Bantustan "homelands" policy - Recent events in Namibia - Summary

"Foreign Economic Exploitation in Namibia." Objective Justice. April/ May/ June, 1974. 11 p. Document in poor condition due to water damage. Document addresses: - Experts from the most recent report of the United Nations Council for Namibia to the General Assembly

"Foreign Exploitation of Labour and Mineral Resources in- Namibia." (Excerpts from the report of the United Nations Special Committee on decolonialization to the General Assembly.) Objective Justice. Vol. 8, no. 3. Autumn, 1976. 8p. Document divided into the following sections: - Exploitation of Mineral Wealth - Other forms of solidarity action - Diamonds - Base Metals - Exploitation of Uranium - Exploitation of Labour - Migrant labour system - Non-contract labour - Wages - Document also includes the first page of an article entitled, "Student Movements in South Africa."

90 Wellington, J.H.. "South West Africa: the facts about the disputed territory." Optima. March, 1965. 5p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Inhabitants - The Home Areas - The Proposed Homelands - The Homelands' Constitutions - The Five-Year Plan - The Kunene and Ovamboland Scheme - The Five-Year Programme

No author cited. "South West Africa its problems & prospects." Optima. Vol. 25, no.3. 1976. 24p. Document addresses: - A general history of South West Africa

Dahlmann, Kurt. No title. Perspective. May 1967. 4p. Document addresses: - Ethnic diversity in South West Africa and the historical relationship between different population groups

"/Ai-//Gams Declaration: Milestone in Namibian Struggle." Register. November, 1966. 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - /Ai-//Gams Declaration - Kassinga Day - Corpus Christi Procession - Rallies Throughout Namibia - Sanctions: Nothing to Lose

"'Nothing to Hide' in South West Africa." Report from South Africa. (A Monthly review published by the Department of Information, South African Embassy, London.) 1967. 7p. Document addresses: - South Africa's role in South West Africa - South African government claims they have “nothing to hide" - South African government invites diplomatic missions to visit South West Africa to view South Africa's "achievements" in the territory in the economic, social and political spheres against the background of the land, its people and their history. - Document also includes article entitled, "Ovambos Opt for Independence"

Hayes, S.. "A Brief Look at South West Africa." Reality. July, 1971. 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - German Atmosphere - Moral Anarchy - Document also includes article entitled, "Book Review: A New South African Church History."

"The Operations Area." (Report published in Register: The Journal of the Committee on South African War Resistance, published in London.) No date. 3p. Document divided into the following sections: - Recces - 32 Battalion - SWA Specialists - 44 Battalion - Koevoet - Special Task Force

91 - Koevoet on Trial - Billy Paddock Released

BOX 118 MCH07-118 B. Bunting Subject File: 2.30-2.30.2 (Namibia) Folder File: 2.30.5 VARIOUS ORGANISATIONS, FACT PAPERS, ETC. FROM THE PRESS (2.30.7)

Newspaper Clipping. "Principles for a constitution for an independent Namibia." Africa Now. February 1982.1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "US oil giants will pull out of Namibia." African Development. April 1975. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Less like a province, more like a colony." African Development. January 1974. 2p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Namibian Workers Call for Support." Anti-Apartheid News. April 1987. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "SA has broken labour pact - strike leader." Anti-Apartheid News. September 1972. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Blacks unite in Namibia: SWAPO leader on trial." Anti-Apartheid News. April 1975.1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Namibia." Cape Times 15/1/83. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Petition from Ovamboland." Assembly Debates. 23 February 1965. 4p., 2 copies.

Newspaper Clipping. "Namibia: Behind the Façade." Focus on Liberation. No date. 2p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Interview with Comrade SAM NUJOMA." Mayibuye. No.8, page 5. August, Year of the Spear. 2p. Document addresses: - Document includes additional article entitled, "What is to be done? S.A. I.C. Elections (Extracts from a statement by the National Executive Committee of the ANC broadcast over Radio Freedom)" and "Year of the Spear Isandhlwana remembered."

Newspaper Clipping. "Namibia and the Rio Tinto Zinc Corporation Limited." Namibia News. May/ June 1973. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "The South West Africa Company-increased profits for one of Namibia's oldest exploiting companies." Namibia News. September/October 1973. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Kapuuo calls for SWA to be split." Namibia News. March/ April 1975. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Year of Unity." Namibia Today. Vol.1, no.3. 1977. 2p. Document addresses:

92 - Document also includes additional article entitled, "60 Years of Solidarity."

Newspaper Clipping. "Germany's tentacles in Namibia." New African. October 1980. 2p.

Newspaper Clipping. "With the Afghan guerrillas." New African. October 1980. 1 p., incomplete article.

Newspaper Clipping. "We Will Not Be Suppressed: New Africa asked SWAPO president Sam Nujoma during the recent Geneva talks to give his views on a demilitarised zone." New African. January 1980. 1 p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Namibia: Guide to the Exploiters." Peace News. 25 February 1972. 2p.

Newspaper Clipping. "A trim, neat look in SWA." Perspective. June 1966. 1p.

No author cited. "The Week In Brief." Press Digest. No. 33. 1 September, 1966. 4p., includes various clippings. Document divided into the following sections: - Terrorists Invade S.W.A. - Police Halt Infiltrators - Invaders Will Die - Full Opposition Support - Possible SWAPO Links - Co-operation With Neighbours Required - Also Lesson For U.S.A. - Vorster Must be Heeded - South Africa is Determined - Preparing for Trouble - The Judgement on S.W.A.

Various untitled fax clippings. No dates. 2p. Documents address: - Foreign Minister Pik Botha's position in regard to renegotiating United Nations proposals for the independence of South West Africa (Namibia). - SWAPO Boycott of Constitutional Talks.

No author cited. "Five-year plan for progress in South-West Africa." No publication information. No date. 1p., incomplete document.

African National Congress. "South West Africa in Human Rights Year." Sechaba: Official Organ of the African National Congress. March 1968. 1 p. Document divided into the following sections: - "Mandate" Ignored - "All Human Beings are Born Free and Equal in Dignity and Rights" - Entry and Residence - Labour - Land Distribution - Education - Welfare - Political Power - Nuremberg Trial for South Africa Urged

"Proclamation AG 26." UN Namibia Bulletin. September 1978. Document addresses: - Arrests under Proclamation AG 26

93 Various incomplete papers six to eight (6-8) are also included at the end section of this file. In most cases, no title, no source or publication information is available and document dates are unclear.


No author cited. "Announcing the publication of The Case for South West Africa." No publication information. No date. 1p.

Letter from Chief Hosea Kutako, Nat. Leader to The Secretary General, United Nations, New York: 27 April 1967. 1p. Document addresses: - The current position of the indigenous population as compared to slavery - Role of Bantu Homelands - Lack of UN initiative in South West Africa - Deliberate delay in negotiations aimed at allowing South Africa to maintain trade relations at the expense of the indigenous people of South West Africa

Letter from Chief Hosea Kutako, Nat. Leader to the Secretary General, United Nations, New York: 27 April 1967. 1p. Document addresses: - The so-called Native Reserves - The spread of Foot and Mouth Disease in Ovamboland - The role of Pass Laws - The complete lack of rights of Non-white citizens in South West Africa

Kozonguizi, Jariretundu. "After the Saltsjobaden Conference. CIRCULAR." No publication information available. No date. 5p. Document addresses: - Clarification of Kozonguizi's position in regard to his resignation from the SWANU, as well as his position in respect to the SWANU External Council. - Detailed analysis of the various miscommunications and disagreements among the leaders of SWANU, with direct reference to the role of the SWANU External Council

No author cited. "British Companies and Namibia." No publication information. No date. 2p. Document addresses: - The domination of Namibia's economy on the part of foreign controlled multi-national corporations. - More than half of Namibia's Gross National Product is controlled by foreign investors, most of which are British - Finance, Banking and Insurance - Fuel and Construction

94 - Engineering and Equipment - Mining and related - Shipping, Freightage and Transport/ Storage - General

Friends of Namibia Committee. "Fight for a Free Namibia: A Public Meeting will be held on Thursday, February 10, 1972, at 7:30pm at University of London Union (Room3e), Malet St., London WC1." February, 1972. 2p. Document addresses: - Main speaker at meeting is Misheke Muyongo, Acting Vice President, South West Africa People's Organisation - The meeting received support from the following organisations: African Bureau, Anti-Apartheid Movement, Committee for Freedom in Mozambique, Angola and Guiné, Liberation, National Union of Students, Union of Liberal Students, United Nations Student Association, Young Communist League, Young Liberals. - Document also includes a chronological list of recent developments of the largest general strike to occur in Southern Africa

No author cited. "Joint Press Statement by the Front Line States, Nigeria and the OAU at the Conclusion of the PreImplementation Meeting on Namibia." No publication information available. 1981. 2p. Document addresses: - Details of the Geneva meeting on January 7-14th, 1981. - The direct participants to this meeting were South Africa and SWAPO, under the Chairmanship of the United Nations - The main purpose of the Geneva meeting was to agree on the implementation of the United Nations Plan on the independence of Namibia in accordance with Security Council Resolution 435 (1973). This included an agreement for a date on a cease-fire, and date for the emplacement of UNTAG. - The failure of the Geneva meeting and the subsequent statement made by Nigeria and the OAU citing that "we are left with no other alternative but to support the escalation and intensification of the armed struggle being waged by SWAPO."

No author cited. "CONFIDENTIAL PRELIMINARY WORKING PAPER: Monitoring and the Establishment of a Demilitarised Zone." No publication information available. 1/10/79. 5p. Document divided into the following sections: - Monitoring SWAPO bases - Demilitarised Zone - Definition - UNTAG Monitoring Operations in the Zone - Return of Exiles

No author cited. "Namibian Political Prisoners: Conditions of Detention." No publication information available. December 1978. 4p. Document Addresses: - Report concerning the conditions of detention and severe forms of torture to which several SWAPO officials were forced to undergo during 1978. - Report makes specific reference to the detention and torture of Axel Johannes, SWAPO's administrative Secretary.

No author cited. "Report from a Visitor to Namibia: December, 1978." No publication information available. 1978. 5p.

95 Document divided into the following sections: - Themes of the election campaign - The Registration Drive - for the Election - Post-Election Developments

No author cited. "Some Facts About: South West Africa, Namibia, Diocese of Damaraland." No publication information available. 1 December 1971. 3p. Document divided into the following sections: - Independence - Size - Capital - Population - Men Working Outside the Territory - Graduates - Anglicans - Geography - Rainfall - Chief Tribes - Chief Exports - Farming - Resources - Education - Communications - Christianity - Background to Today's Situation - Dangers - Money - Police

Wood, Richard. "Statement by Richard Wood, Assistant Bishop of Damaraland (Namibia): The Namibian Elections 4th December, 1978." No publication information available. 1 December, 1978. 5p. Document addresses: - South African government has decided that an election shall take place in Namibia on the 4th of December 1978. It maintains that the election will be "free" and will take place in circumstances of "calm objectivity." - The attitude of the in regard to the election - The dangers faced if the Ovambo people refuse to vote

African Defence & Aid Fund. "Canadian Investment in Oppression." No publication information available. October 1973. 2p. Document addresses: - The role of Petroleum Prospecting - Document also includes articles entitled, "South Africa's Plans for Water and Power Development in Namibia," "Facts about Namibia: The Ovambo Strike," and "Voices from Namibia: Quotations from letters and petitions received since February, 1972, or produced at the Windhoek trial of strikers."

Newspaper Clipping. "'Torture' Booklet Banning, a Deliberate Cover-up: Authors." Windhoek Advertiser. 24th January 1978. 1p.

No author cited. "Who is BOSS in Namibia?" Four-page supplement. No publication information available. No date. 4p. Document addresses: - The direct collaboration between South Africa's Bureau of State Security (BOSS) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in response to the current crisis in Namibia

96 - Role of Dirk Mudge, SWA Nationalist Party member of the Legislative Assembly - The role of political traitors, with reference to the role of Chief Kapuuo - The role of Anti-SWAPO activism - Document also includes an article entitled, "Security Council Triple Veto: Playing's Game" which depicts Kissinger's role in South West Africa, as well as the role of Western military involvement in SWA.

No author cited. "Namibia: The Rossing File." Political Flyer. No publication information available. 14/3/80. 1 p. Document addresses: - The role of the British government in importing 7,200 tons of uranium from Namibia and the secret contracts with South Africa's administration in Namibia that are direct violations of international laws.

BOX 118 MCH07-118 B. Bunting Subject File: 2.30-2.30.2 (Namibia) Folder File: 2.30.5 VARIOUS ORGANISATIONS, FACT PAPERS, ETC. MATERIAL ON NAMIBIA (BOOKLETS) (2.30)

Vigne, Randolph. A Dwelling Place of our Own: The Story of the Namibian Nation. London: International Defence & Aid Fund, 1973. 51p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Namibians: to 1884 - The fatal subdivision: German 'protectorate' 1884, to South African conquest, 1915 - A trust desecrated: South African mandate for World War II - 'No dwelling place of our own': United Nations, 1945, to Windhoek shootings, 1959 - A struggle for freedom and justice: SWAPO, 1958, to the Pretoria trial, 1968 - Control by separation - Beyond Legal Doubt - 'The people have said so' - References - Chronological table of events - Reading List - Index

No author cited. A Principle in Torment: III. The United Nations and Namibia. New York: United Nations, 1971. 44p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - The Mandate - 1946-1966: Namibia and the United Nations - The Economy - The Labour Situation - A New Six-Year Effort - The Odendaal Commission - 1966 Court Decision: A Turning-Point - 1966 and After: The Mandate Ends

97 - Security Council Action - A Namibian's View

Roberts, Alun. The Rossing File: The Inside Story of Britain's Secret Contract for Namibian Uranium. London: Namibia Support Committee, The Campaign Against the Namibian Uranium Contracts (CANUC), 1980. 68 p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction by Sean MacBride - The Issues - Rio Tinto-Zinc (RTZ) - Namibia - The United Nations Decree No.l - Enter RTZ - Signing the Contracts - Namibia's Response: SWAPO - RTZ Exposed - Energy Connection - South Africa - The Rossing Mine - Workers' Voice - Summary - Chronology - References

No author cited. South West Africa: The Land, Its Peoples and Their Future. Pretoria: Department of Information, no date. 104p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - The Blueprint for S.W.A. - The Peoples - The Land - The Precious Asset: Water - Economic Development - Health, Education and Training

Imishue, R.W. South West Africa: An International Problem. London: The Institute of Race Relations Publication, 1965. 80p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Establishment of the Mandate - The Administration of the Trust under the League of Nations - South West Africa and Union-German Relations - From the League to the United Nations - South West Africa and the United Nations 1946-53 - South West Africa and the United Nations 1953-61 - A : From 1960

Hall, Richard, ed. South-West Africa (Namibia): Proposals for Action. London: The Africa Bureau, 1970. 48p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Present Situation - The Background - The Country - The International Court of Justice and Namibia - The Protagonists - New Initiatives for the 1970s - Proposals for Action

No author cited. Ovamboland. Pretoria, Department of Information: 1967. 8p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - Policy Statement by Minister - Ovambo Reaction

98 No author cited. Mandate in Trust: The problem of South West Africa, 1960. London: The Africa 1960 Committee, 1960. 31 p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - The Country and the People - The Attitude of South Africa - The Administration: A De Facto Annexation - Domestic Politics of South West Africa - The International Status of South West Africa - The Commonwealth Responsibility - Conclusions

Mockford, Julian. South-West Africa and the International Court. London: The Diplomatic Press and Publishing Co., 1950. 16p. Document divided into the following sections: - Chapter I: "Between the Desert and the UnSown" - Chapter II: From German to Union Administration - Chapter III: The People - Chapter IV: Pastoral Pursuits - Chapter V: Extent and Appearance - Chapter VI: At the Sign of the Deaf Adder

Horrell, Muriel. South-West Africa. Johannesburg: South African Institute of Race Relations, 1967. 94p. Document divided into the following sections: - International aspects of the South-West African situation - South Africa's general policy in administering South-West Africa - Geographical Features - Government and Administration - The administration of the affairs of indigenous groups - Appointment of land - Proposals by the Odendaal Commission for local self-government - The economy of the territory - Progress with development work - Politics of the indigenous and Coloured groups - Terrorism - Present Attitudes in South-West Africa

No author cited. Namibia: A Statement by the National Executive Committee of the Labour Party. No publication information available. No date. 20p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - Historical Background - Political and Economic Background - International Court and the United Nations - Proposal - Trade and Investment - Proposal - Conclusion

No author cited. "Desert Deadlock." South West Africa: Supplement to Financial Mail. 2 March 1973. 68p. Document divided into the following sections: - Foreword - Political prospects - The dispute - The South Westers

99 - Pretoria's role - Homeland prospects - Infrastructure building - The economy - Labour in chains - Mining: the main prop - Fishing's future - Farming in the desert

No author cited. South West Africa: A Progress Report Special Survey. London: Published by the Director of Information, South African Embassy, July 1970. 16p. Document divided into the following sections: - A Fascinating Variety of Peoples - Response to awakening political aspirations - A dynamic and flexible policy - The road to self-government - Post-war economic surge - Towards new horizons of prosperity - Upward curve in education - Expansion in health services

No author cited. TURNHALLE: South Africa's neo-colonial solution for Namibia: A Traitors' Government. London: Published by the Namibia Support Committee, 1977. 10p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - Vorster's Plans for Namibia - Background to the Turnhalle - The Turnhalle so far - The Bantustan strategy - Tribal in-fighting ' - Tribal Backing for South African army - The military build-up - Promoting the Turnhalle - Namibia's struggle for liberation

Van Wyk, The Hon. Mr. Justice J.T.. The United Nations, South West Africa and the Law. Cape Town: The University of Cape Town, September 1968. 30p. Document divided into the following sections: - The United Nations, South West Africa and the Law - Annexure A: Article 22 of the Covenant of the League - Annexure B: Mandate for - Annexure C: Charter of the United Nations

BOX 118 MCH07-118 B. Bunting Subject File: 2.30-2.30.2 (Namibia) Folder File: 2.30.5 VARIOUS ORGANISATIONS, FACT PAPERS, ETC. NAMIBIA- SERIAL PUBLICATIONS (2.30)

International Defence & Aid Fund. "Namibia: The Elusive Settlement: Update on negotiations since 1981." International Defence & Aid Fund briefing paper on Southern Africa. No. 6. November 1982. 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - Round of Talks - New Proposals

100 - Revised Proposals - Package Deal - Consultations - SA's Delaying Tactics - Constitutional Proposals - Namibia at the United Nations - Pretoria's Military Strategy - Namibia's 'Internal Settlement'

No author cited. "Foreign Companies in Namibia." An Action on Namibia Occasional Paper No. 2. No date. 20p. Document addresses: - List of Western Firms in Namibia

African Bureau. "Namibia (South West Africa)." African Bureau, Fact Sheet No. 3. No date. 2p. Document divided into the following sections: - United Nations - South Africa - The Odendaal Plan - The Namibians - The Economy - The Caprivi Strip

African Bureau. "Namibia's 'Homelands."' African Bureau, Fact Sheet No. 23. October 1972. 2p. Document divided into the following sections: - Namibia's Homelands - Not Economically Viable - Large Scale Removals - Political Rights - Water Requirements - Recent Developments

African Bureau. "Namibia: Escher Visit and After." African Bureau, Fact Sheet No. 25. February 1973. 2p. Document divided into the following sections: - SA's Proposals - UN Decision - Namibian Reactions

African Bureau. "Namibia's Economy." African Bureau, Fact Sheet No. 51. May/ June 1977. 2p. Document divided into the following sections: - Contract Labour or Starvation - Neglected Sector - Power Station Plans Halted

African Bureau. "The Namibian Institute." Fact Sheet No. 53. January/ February 1978. 2p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Namibian Institute - Membership of the Senate

African Bureau. "Namibia's Economy: The Options." Fact Sheet No. 55. May/ June 1978. 2p., 2 copies. Document divided into the following sections: - Mineral Hopes - SWAPO's Proposed Political Economy

101 African Bureau. "Namibia's Political Economy." Fact Sheet No. 69. September/ October 1982. 2p. Document divided into the following sections: - Namibia's Political Economy

Africa 1964. No. 7. 3 April 1964. 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - Tshombe-Right-LeftLeft - Guns and/ or Cloves - PAC's Personality - Morocco: No Heads Off? - The Odendaal Report - Libya Forced to Look Two Ways - SA Skips Zeus Olympius

International Defence & Aid Fund. "Namibia: Settlement Negotiations." International Defence & Aid Fund briefing paper on Southern Africa. No.12. July 1984. 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - Pretoria's Record of Obstruction - Disengagement in Southern Angola - Bypassing the United Nations - In the Spirit of Turnhalle - SWAPO and the Liberation Struggle

International Defence & Aid Fund. "Namibia: The Constitutional Fraud." International Defence & Aid Fund briefing paper on Southern Africa. No. 2. July 1981. 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - A review of recent legal and administrative changes introduced under South African occupation - Apartheid Policies 1964-1977 - The "Homelands" Policy Implemented - The Turnhalle Constitution - Cosmetic Legal Changes - Chronology 1977- 1981

International Defence & Aid Fund. "All Options and None: The Constitutional Talks in Namibia." International Defence & Aid Fund Fact Paper on Southern Africa. No.3. August 1976. 16p. Document divided into the following sections: - Background to the Talks - Pretoria's Dilemma - The Proceedings So Far - Protégés of Pretoria - Building the "Homelands" - South Africa Digs In - Conclusion

File includes twenty (20) serial copies of International Newsbriefing on Namibia: An Action on Namibia Publication. The newsletters span from 1986 - 1989. Twenty-one (21) serial copies of Namibia News Briefing: An Action on Namibia Publication. The News Briefings span from 1984-1986. In addition, file also houses three (3) copies of Gemini News Service from 1975 and 1980.

No author cited. “Perspective South West Africa Supplement.” October 1964. 8p. Document divided into the following sections: - Windhoek Welcomes Tourists and Settlers, Commerce and Industry - "Safari" Let's Go - The Luxury Fur of South West Africa

102 - Consolidated Diamond Mines of South West Africa Limited - Specialists in S.W.A. Persian Lamb Skins and broadtails of all colours

No author cited. "Negotiations on SWA Continue." South African Forum Position Paper. Vol. 3, No.19. September 1980. 4p. Document addresses: - Negotiations on SWA Continue

No author cited. "South-West Africa: The Strike." South African Outlook. February 1972. 36p. Document divided into the following sections: - Outlook on the Month: A Matter of Legitimacy - S.W.A. -An Open Letter - Epistle to the Namibians - Dialogue with the Prime Minister - I - Dialogue with the Prime Minister - II - The Ovambo Strike - The Trial at Windhoek - Reflections - For the Record, cont.

Southern Africa News Features. "South-West Africa." Fact Paper No. s/12/66. 15 July 1966. 9p. Document divided into the following sections: - History - German Occupation - South African Mandate - Mandate Crossed - Apartheid Extended - Dual Economy - Products - Exports and Imports - Mining - Mine Owners - Fishing - Per Capita Income - United Nations and South West Africa - World Court - Popular Resistance - Importance of South-West Africa Issue - Possibility of Sanctions - Importance to United Nations

Southern Africa News Features. Edited copy of "South West Africa: Verwoerd's Reluctant Colony." Fact Paper No. s/13/66. 3 August 1966. 4p. Document addresses: - South West Africa's history and political economy

Southern Africa News Features. "Conference on South West Africa Ends in Oxford." Fact Paper No. N/23/66. 28 March 1966. 2p. Document addresses: - The International Conference on South West Africa - The role of the South Africa's involvement in South West African affairs - The exploitation in natural resources in South West Africa on the part of foreign investors

No author cited. "Namibia: Britain's Secret Diplomacy." X-Ray on Current Affairs in Southern Africa. Vol.1, No.13. August 1971. 6p.

103 Document divided into the following sections: - The Likely Line-Up in the Security Council - Does a Plesbiscite Offer a Way Out? - Herero Chief's Verdict on Court's Decision - The World Court and Namibia - A Brief History of the Court's Decisions - Behind the News Blockade of Namibia - Britain's Proposed Deal with Mr. Ian Smith's rebel regime

The United Nations Office of Public Information. "Trial and Sentencing of Namibians in South Africa." The United Nations and Namibia. Publications Feature No. 8. March 1969. 19p., 2 copies. Document divided into the following sections: - Statement by Mr. Toivo - Statement by Mr. Tuhadeleni - Resolutions of General Assembly and Security Council


IDAF Box #179 Box Title: SWAPO : 1978- 1988 Folder File #1: SWAPO : 1978- 1988

Letter from Sam Nujoma, President, SWAPO to Canon L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund, cc. Shapua Kaukungwa, SWAPO, London office: 11 July 1981. 1 p. Document addresses: - IDAF fund raising campaign

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe to Canon Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund: 15/6/1981. 1p. Document addresses: - Meeting between South African Foreign Minister, R.F. Botha and C. Crocker, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs.

Edited copy of letter from Canon L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Sam Nujoma, President, SWAPO: 18 June 1981. 1 p. Document addresses: - Youth refugees leaving Namibia - IDAF's efforts to provide financial funds to SWAPO.

Edited copy of letter from Jean Ridout, Secretary to Canon L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund and Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe: 18 June 1981.1 p. Document addresses: - Recent correspondence between Canon L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund and Mr. Sam Nujoma, President, SWAPO

Letter from Shapua Kaukunga, Chief representative for Western Europe to the International Defence & Aid Fund: 19 May 1981. 1 p. Document addresses: - Funding for the International Conference in Solidarity with the Struggle of the People of Namibia

International Conference in Solidarity with the Struggle of the People of NAMIBIA. "Audited Accounts of the International Conference on Namibia." 7 May 1981. 7p. Document addresses: - Account details of the International Conference in Solidarity with the Struggle of the People of NAMIBIA, including funds and expenditures

Letter from Shapua Kaukunga, Chief Representative for Western Europe to Ms. Joan Darling, International Defence & Aid Fund: 11/5/1981. 1p. Document addresses:

105 - Costs of accommodation for Cde. Peter Mueshihange, Secretary for International Relations, SWAPO, during his four day stay in London

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe to Canon L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund: 12/3/1981. 1p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - Endorsement of the application from the Namibia Support Committee for funding from the International Defence & Aid Fund.

Correspondence between Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe and Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund: February 1981. 4p., including receipt of travel voucher from Zambia Airlines. Document addresses: - Travel details and cost of accommodations for SWAPO officials who visited London in December, 1980.

Correspondence between Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe and Rev. Canon J. Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund: December 1980. 4p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - SWAPO delegation's visit to Ireland and the U.K. from the 8-13 December 1980, including a follow-up report. - Request for a return ticket for Cde Peter Katjavivi, who was scheduled to attend a SWAPO Central Committee meeting in Luanda from 25-28 December 1980. - Request for additional funding to support a medical check-up and treatment of Cde Axel Johannes, who was brutally tortured by S.A. police in March 1980. - Receipt of letter from Rev. Canon J. Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund regarding the recent approval of additional funds to SWAPO

Incomplete draft of letter from L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund to Peter Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative: 30 December 1980.1 p. Document addresses: - Forthcoming press conference in St. Paul's Chapter House

Letter from Peter Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative to Canon Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund: 17 December 1980. 2p. Document addresses: - SWAPO visit to Ireland and the U.K - SWAPO delegation meeting with the Foreign Secretary, Lord Carrington and his Junior Minister, Mr. Richard Luce - SWAPO delegation consultations with various political leaders and organisations in Ireland and the U.K.. - The role of Western governments in the struggle for Namibia liberation

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund to Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe: December 1981. 2p. Document addresses: - Receipt of IDAF financial grant

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund to The Manager, White House Hotel, London: 12 December 1980. 1p. Document addresses:

106 - Confirmation of payment of the hotel account

Draft copy of "Visit by Sam Nujoma, President of SWAPO, to London, December 1980.” (Namibia Briefing for Canon Collins, prepared by DEFA. Not for publication.) 5p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Background - The Central Issue - Military Occupation - SWAPO and the Liberation Struggle - International Negotiations - South Africa's "Internal Settlement" - South Africa's Regional Strategy

International Defence & Aid Fund. "Mr. Sam Nujoma, President of SWAPO, now to be represented by senior SWAPO delegation on visit to London on 9 and 10 December." December, no year. 1p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - SWAPO top-level delegation visit to London, in replacement of SWAPO President Sam Nujoma - The proposed schedule of events for the SWAPO delegation's visit to London - SWAPO delegates include Mr. Moses Garoeb (Administrative Secretary and member of the National Executive Committee of SWAPO Central Committee), Mr. (member of SWAPO Central Committee and Director of the United Nations Institute for Namibia in Lusaka), and Mr. Axel Johannes (Administrative Secretary of SWAPO inside Namibia, and member of the National Executive Committee).

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund to Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative: 9 December 1980. 1p. Document addresses: - Remaining expenditure of IDAF financial grant issued to SWAPO - Appointment of Peter Manning to SWAPO's Information Officer of Western Europe Post - Meeting of Administrative Committee of 4 December 1980

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund to The Manager, White House Hotel, London: 8 December 1980. 1p. Document addresses: - Confirmation of payment of the hotel account of Mr. M. Garoeb and Mr. H. Geingob

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Press Statement: For Immediate Release." 5 December 1980. 1 p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - SWAPO top-level delegation to visit London in replacement of SWAPO President Sam Nujoma - Current role of South African regime in Namibian political affairs - Role of United Nations Resolution 435 - The proposed schedule of events for the SWAPO delegation in London

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative to Phyllis Altman, Secretary General, International Defence & Aid Fund: 11 November 1980. 1 p. Document addresses:

107 - Remaining expenditure of IDAF financial grant issued to SWAPO - Appointment of Peter Manning to SWAPO's Information Officer of Western Europe Post - Request to grant Peter Manning a permanent monthly allowance issued by IDAF

Letter from Sam Nujoma, President of SWAPO to Rev. Canon John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund: 28 October 1980. 2p. Document addresses: - Expression of appreciation and gratitude on behalf of the Central Committee of SWAPO for the participation and positive contribution of the IDAF representative at the ICN conference in Paris, September 11, 12 and 13, 1980. - Request for IDAF financial aid to support a SWAPO delegation visit to New York in order to attend the meeting of the Security Council to discuss Chapter Vll of the Charter and encourage the immediate implementation of Resolution 435 (1978).

Letter from Sam Nujoma, President, SWAPO to Rev. Canon John Collins, President International Defence & Aid Fund: 27 October 1980. 1p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - Expression of appreciation and gratitude for the participation and positive contribution of the IDAF representative at the Annual Conference in London - Request for IDAF financial aid to support a SWAPO educational and social activities inside Namibia

Letter from Toine Eggenhuizen, Secretary of International Preparatory Committee to Reverend Canon L. J. Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund: 29 August 1980. 3p. Document addresses: - Request to Reverend Canon L.J. Collins to be one of the Vice-Presidents of the International Conference in Solidarity with the Struggle of the People of Namibia from 11-13 September, 1980 at the headquarters of UNESCO, Paris, France. - Letter includes two (2) page document entitled, "International Conference: Report on Developments," written by Toine Eggenhuizen, Secretary, International Preparatory Committee. - Document addresses the conference agenda, the conference documentation, and the rules of procedure.

Draft copy of letter from L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Sam Nujoma, President, SWAPO: 31 July 1980. 1p. Document addresses: - Recent request for additional IDAF financial aid to support SWAPO in Namibia - Approval of request probable, but dependent on future donations to IDAF

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund to The Manager, Hotel President, London: 10 July 1980. 1p. Document addresses: - Confirmation of the booking made by SWAPO for the stay of Rev. Karuaera and Rev. Tjirimule at the hotel from 5-10 July 1980.

108 Commander Neto (Xietu), João Luís, First Deputy Minister of Defence, Member of the Political Bureau of the MPLA Workers Party, and Chief of the FAPLA General Staff. "Press Release: Angolan Ministry of Defence Communiqué, 7/7/80." (Document was onpassed via Mozambique, Angola and Guiné Information Centre, London.) 7 July 1980. 2p. Document addresses: - The military actions carried out by the FAPLA Troops (Regular Angolan Army) to expel the South African invaders from Angolan soil - FAPLA counter-offensive advances against South African troops in Angola

Angolan Embassy in Brussels. "Press Release: Statement by the Angolan Embassy in Brussels." (Document was onpassed via Mozambique, Angola and Guiné Information Centre, London.) No date. 2p. Document addresses: - The gravity of the continued presence of South African troops in southern Angola - South African defiance of the UN Security Council Resolution of 26 June, which condemned the invasion and called for the immediate withdrawal of South African troops from Angola. - The augmenting need for the implementation of UN resolution 435 (for the proposed demilitarised zone along the Namibia/ Angola border, under UN control, as a first step towards free elections for the independence of Namibia) and for an end to the delaying tactics of South Africa undertaken with the complicity of its Western Allies.

Edited copy of letter from Sam Nujoma, President, SWAPO to The Secretary General, Defence & Aid Fund, London: 8 June 1980. 1p. Document addresses: - Invitation to participate in the World Conference in Solidarity with the Struggle of the People of Namibia in Paris, France on September 11,12,13 and 14, 1980. - Appeal for financial contribution

Letter from Sam Nujoma, President, SWAPO to Canon Collins, President, Defence & Aid Fund, London: 8 June 1980. 3p. Document addresses: - Summary outline of current situation in and with regard to Namibia - Political Situation - Diplomatic Situation - Armed Struggle

Letter from L. John Collins to Peter Katjivivi, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick, Coventry: 14 May 1980. 1p. Document addresses: - IDAF strategy with regard to Zimbabwe - The role of freedom in Southern Africa as a whole

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe to Canon Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund, London, cc.SWAPO President Cde. Sam Nujoma, Luanda: 8 May 1980. 2p. Document addresses: - Announcement of the upcoming World Conference in Solidarity with the Struggle of the People of Namibia due to take place in Paris, France on September 11,12,13 and 14, 1980.

109 - Appeal for financial contribution toward the upcoming conference - Expression of gratitude on behalf of SWAPO of Namibia for the humanitarian financial assistance which IDAF has contributed towards the struggle for national liberation in Namibia - Letter includes one (1) page document entitled, "Preparatory Budget for Administrative costs of SWAPO London Office for two months in 1980."

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick, Coventry to Canon L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 25 April 1980. 33p. Document addresses: - The Methodist Episcopal Church conference being held in the United States, and being attended by Rev. B. G. Karuaera, SWAPO Executive member. - Enclosed copy of paper to be reviewed for comment - Letter includes thirty-two (32) page document entitled, "The Role of the Churches in the Liberation Struggle in Namibia: From Colonising Agent to a Force for Change." (The paper was presented in part submission for the degree of M.A. in Sociology. Not to be quoted without permission of the author.) December 1979.

Edited copy of letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative to Phyllis Altman, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 16/5/1980. 1 p. Document addresses: - Expression of gratitude for IDAF's contribution towards the hotel costs of the SWAPO delegation led by the Vice President Comrade M. Muyongo in May 1980. - Upcoming visit of SWAPO President, Sam Nujoma to London from 29 May- 1 June 1980. - Request of IDAF to assist SWAPO in paying the hotel expenses of President Nujoma's delegation for three days

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Representative for Western Europe to Comrades and Friends: 25/4/1980. 1 p. Document addresses: - Invitation to SWAPO benefit dance on Saturday 3 May 1980.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Benefit Dance" Leaflet. Saturday, 3 May 1980. 1p. Document addresses: - Tickets available from Namibia Support Committee - Proceeds donated to SWAPO medical aid - Music includes the Misty in Rotts, Split Rivitt and Mutiny, dancers include the Explosives and singers include the SWAPO Singers.

Letter from SWAPO representative to Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Representative for Western Europe: 29 January 1980. 5p. Document addresses: - Camera Project aimed to counter the South African propaganda about the war in Angola and Namibia and pictorally depict the atrocities committed by South African troops in Namibia and southern Africa. - Includes information about cost of project, as well as general background and historical context

110 Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Brian Wood, Secretary, Namibia Support Committee, London: 16 November 1979.1p. Document addresses: - Rejection of appeal for financial aid for the Educational Assistance to Namibian Refugees - Video-Cassette System

Letter between Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund and Mr. Peter H. Katjavivi, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick, Coventry: October, November 1979. 2p. Document addresses: - Peter H. Katjavivi's decision to step down from his position as SWAPO's Head of the Department for Information and Publicity, due to his poor health and subsequent medical recommendations.

Letter from L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Peter Katjivivi. London: 9 November 1979. 1p. Document addresses: - Postponement of "evening get-together."

Letter from Brian Wood, Secretary, Namibia Support Committee to Canon L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 8 October 1979. 1p. Document addresses: - Appeal to assist with the funding of the Educational Assistance to Namibian Refugees-Video-Cassette System Project.

Edited copy of letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund to Canon L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund: 4 October 1979. 2p. Document addresses: - Miscommunication regarding hotel bills for the SWAPO delegation visiting London

Edited copy of letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Representative for Western Europe to Canon Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 6/9/79. 3p. Document addresses: - Appeal for financial assistance for the hotel bills for the SWAPO delegation visiting London

Edited copy of letter from SWAPO Representative [Linekela H. Kaleuga] to the Namibia Support Committee, London: 25/9/1979. 1 p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - Appeal for English textbooks and audio-visual aids to educate Namibian refugees whom are eager to learn the truths of their own history and to contribute to a just and free society in Namibia.

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Representative for Western Europe to Canon Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 13/9/1979. 1p. Document addresses: - Appeal for IDAF financial assistance in the court case against SWAPO's occupation of the SWAPO London office premises. - Additional appeal for IDAF financial assistance in covering the hotel expenses of the SWAPO delegation due in London on September 17, 1979

111 Katjavivi, Peter. "Reply by Peter Katjavivi, SWAPO Secretary for Information and Publicity, to South African Anti-SWAPO Propaganda." No publication information available. 2 August 1979. 1p. Document addresses: - South African regime's attempt to divide and damage SWAPO leadership

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund to Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Representative for Western Europe: 30 July 1979. 1p. Document addresses: - Receipt of cheque of maintenance for Peter Katjavivi.

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Representative for Western Europe to Mr. Neil MacDermot, Secretary General, International Commission of Jurists, Geneva: 1 August 1979. 1 p. Document addresses: - The mass arrest and detention of thousands of Namibian civilians - The arrest of SWAPO leadership in Namibia, who were recently held under the provisions of AG26 (1978) for nearly three months - The extension of martial law - The doubling of South Africa's troop strength in Namibia - The general upsurge of human rights abuses and atrocities against the Namibian people. - SWAPO President, Sam Nujoma's appeal to the international community

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Representative for Western Europe to Malcolm Smart, International Secretariat, Amnesty International, London: 25 July 1979. 1p. Document addresses: - The mass arrest and detention of thousands of Namibian civilians - The arrest of SWAPO leadership in Namibia, who were recently held under the provisions of AG26 (1978) for nearly three months - The extension of martial law - The doubling of South Africa's troop strength in Namibia - The general upsurge of human rights abuses and atrocities against the Namibian people. - SWAPO President, Sam Nujoma's appeal to the international community

Letter from C.B. Shaningua, Head of Education & Support Department to The Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 5 June 1979. 2p. Document addresses: - The Educational and Cultural Association of Namibia (ECAN) - The aims and objectives of ECAN - The forgotten history of cultural resistance in Namibia and the protect of Namibian culture against the domination of western cultural domination. - The role of the Educational Programme, developed in 1978 - The relationship between the Educational Programme and the SWAPO Department of Education and Culture

Kaukungua, Shapua. "Report to Namibia Support Committee by Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO representative, after visit to southern Angola, 12/7/1979." No publication information available. 2p.

112 Document divided into the following sections: - Intensification of war inside Namibia - Refugees - Detainees inside Namibia - Tsumeb

Letter from Martha Mamozai, Third World Women's Study Group, Berlin to Friends and Comrades: 11 July 1979. 1p. Document addresses: - The precarious political situation in Namibia - The systematic detention and imprisonment of leading SWAPO members beginning on 27 April 1979 - Appeal for increased letters of protest and initiation of further activities in support of SWAPO in Namibia

Namibia Support Committee Health Collective. "Kassinga Emergency Relief Appeal." No publication information available. No date. 1p. Document addresses: - South African attack on refugee transit camp at Kassinga - South African regime responsible for the murder of over 600 innocent Namibians and Angolans - Mass graves described by The Guardian on 10/5/78 - Surviving refugees are in urgent need of assistance - Need for additional nurses at the refugee centres and clinics in Southern Angola and Zambia

Correspondence between Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund and Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Representative for Western Europe: April- May 1979. 3p. Document addresses: - Cde. Muyongo's pending hotel bill

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Speech delivered by Peter Katjavivi, SWAPO Secretary for Publicity and Information, at launching of 'The Waters of Namibia,' 15/2/1979.” 2p. Document addresses: - Thanks and acknowledgements to various contributors - The history of exploitation in Namibia - The condition of the Namibian workers - The role of a genuine, free and fair election, conducted in accordance with UN Resolution 435. - South West Africa People's Organisation.

South West Africa People’s Organisation. SWAPO of Namibia: Information and Comments. Vol.i, no.3. September- October 1979. 38p. Document divided into the following sections: - Pretoria's Expanding Military Strategy - Dutch Government Funds Shipanga D - Declaration of SWAPO's Central Committee - War Communiqué - South African Aggression Against Front Line States - Further Steps Towards "Internal Settlement"

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Comment: October 1979." No publication information available. October 1979. 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Military Situation - "Disappearances" - The Revised Western Plan

113 - Ease the Tax Burden on the Wealthy Multinationals by Making the Poor Pay - Latest Moves in the "Constitutional" Game

Letter from Mr. H. Trolle, Secretary to the Embassy, The Royal Swedish Embassy to L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 27 March, 1979. 1p. Document addresses: - Statement of gratitude in regard to recent lunch party - Reference to a letter recently received from Mr. Potlako Leballo, President of PAC

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Representative to Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund: 13 March 1979. 1 p. Document addresses: - Statement of gratitude on behalf of SWAPO for a cheque donated to Comrade Martha Ford in order to cover the costs of her stay in the United Kingdom (UK). - Statement of gratitude on behalf of SWAPO for the monthly allowance - Reference to telex statement sent from Luanda and referring to South Africa's raid on Angola

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Representative: 6 March 1979. 1p. Document addresses: - Enclosed cheque for Martha Ford towards the costs of her stay in the United Kingdom (UK)

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. John Ya- Otto, Lusaka, Zambia: 30 January 1979. 1 p. Document addresses: - Invitation to attend the launch of the latest IDAF publication entitled "Workers of Namibia" - The launch takes place in London on the week commencing 15 February 1979.

No author cited. "List of SWAPO Detainees." No publication information available. 30/1/79. 2p. Document addresses: - List of twenty-nine (29) SWAPO detainees, including the name of each detainee, the place of arrest, their position in SWAPO, the date of their arrest, and their occupation. - List of additional ten (10) SWAPO members who are wanted by the police, but still at large

Shipanga, Andreas. "An Address to the Royal Institute of International Affairs: On the record and attributable." No publication information available. July 10, 1978. 12p. Document addresses: - The future of Namibia seen as a critical factor in the relationship of black states with Western countries - The role of the United Nations in the struggle for national independence - The role of SWAPO in the struggle for national independence - The release of Namibian political prisoners inside Namibia, in South African prisons and in the Zambian detention camps - The role of the Western powers - The role of South Africa in Namibian affairs - The future of Namibia and the Namibian people

114 Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, Secretary for Information and Publicity, SWAPO to Canon John Collins, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund: 4 September 1978. 2p. Document addresses: - Request to receive a copy of the photographic exhibition which documents the liberation struggle in Namibia - Document also includes request for additional copies of videotapes, particularly those that deal with Namibia, but also those focused on any other topic that might be considered useful in educating the general public about the history of people's resistance in southern Africa.

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative in UK to Rev. Canon Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund: 6 September, 1977. 1p. Document addresses: - Possibility of establishing regular IDAF assistance for SWAPO in London, including calculated costs of SWAPO monthly budget - Statement of gratitude for the previous IDAF donations towards the maintenance and hotel bills of the SWAPO Delegation, as well as the donation towards Shapua Kaukungua's new flat

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative to unidentified "friend': 20 June 1974. 1p. Document addresses: - Invitation to join the annual commemoration of Namibia Day - Document includes a detailed description of the history of Namibia Day, as well as information regarding the events scheduled for this year's Namibia Day celebration.

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Peter Manning, Acting Chief Representative, SWAPO: 13 December 1989.1 p. Document addresses: - Statement of the Dutch Anti-Apartheid Movement

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Foreign Mission and Representatives." No publication information available. No date. 5p. Document addresses: - List of SWAPO foreign missions and representatives divided by country - List includes the addresses and contact details of each mission and/or representative

Fax from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to President Nujoma, the Central Committee and all members of SWAPO: 7 November 1989. 1p. Document addresses: - Statement of support from Chairman Archbishop Huddleston, Council of Trustees, and the Director and staff of the International Defence & Aid Fund in regard to the upcoming elections.

Letter from Glenys Kinnock to unidentified "friend": 19 October 1989. 1p. Document addresses: - Appeal for increased support for SWAPO of Namibia in the upcoming elections

115 South West Africa People's Organisation. "Letter from Peter Manning, Acting Chief Representative, SWAPO of Namibia." Published by SWAPO of Namibia. October 1989. 2p. Document divided into the following sections: - Namibian people finally have freedom in their grasp - That is why SWAPO needs you to contribute to its election funds - Every penny given to SWAPO goes towards the election campaign - Appeal to give generously and give now - Help to make democracy a reality in Namibia

Receipt of "Hire Agreement Regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974: Fixed Term Rental Plan." 12 October 1989. 1 p. Document addresses: - Facsimile transceiver from Kalle Infotec hired by the International Defence & Aid Fund for a period of twenty-four (24) months

Fax from SWAPO to International Defence & Aid Fund: 3 October 1989. 1p. Document addresses: - Reference to missing pages of the "project Namibian" paper

Fax from Horst Afua to Shapua Kaukungua: 3/10/89. 1 p. Document addresses: - Funding Application - VDO Froese

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 13 June 1989. 5p. Document addresses: - Refusal to support SWAPO's request for election machinery, but reference to additional foundations and/or organisations that might be willing support the request - Document includes SWAPO's letter requesting election machinery - Document also includes statement entitled, "SWAPO Request to the International Defence & Aid Fund (IDAF) for Communication and Information Equipment," including a list of necessary equipment and materials

South West Africa People's Organisation and the Namibia Emergency Campaign. Political Flyer. "Rally: Sam Nujoma: SWAPO President." April 19, no year cited. 1p. Document addresses: - Rally to support free and fair elections in Namibia - Victory to SWAPO

Letter from Deputy Director to Heads of Department: 14 April 1989. 1 p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - Lord Gifford's Statement regarding the Sunday Telegraph's Article from April 9, 1989

Letter between Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Foundation and Shapua Kaukungwa, Chief Representative, SWAPO: March 1989. 2p. Document addresses: - Cheque for aid grant to SWAPO - Receipt for both the aid grant, medical expenses for Cde Nauyala and expenses related to Cde Angula

116 Fax from Afua Boaten, International Defence & Aid Fund to Dr. Ehrenst Tjiriange: 6 March 1989. 12p. Document addresses: - Copies of eleven (11) individual newspaper clippings, each of which is referring to the escalation of violence and political repression in Southern Africa.

Fax from Afua Boaten, International Defence & Aid Fund to Dr. Ehrenst Tjiriange: 6 March 1989. 2p. Document addresses: - The Kavango Shootings on 4 March 1989

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Confidential Message from SWAPO (UN)." 20/1/85. 1p. Document addresses: - The five permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations are proposing to cut the UNTAG military component from the original 7,000 to 4,500 men only, thus threatening the UN Resolution 435. - The political discrepancies between the views of the UN Secretary General and Non-aligned Countries on the one hand and the five permanent members of the Security Council on the other - The emergency meeting of the African group at the United Nations

Letter from AI Cook, Deputy Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO of Namibia: 10 January 1989. 1p. Document addresses: - Health assistance for SWAPO Secretary of Labour, Jason Angula

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 9 January 1989. 1p. Document addresses: - Cheque for the various expenses affecting the recent release of Cde Jason Angula - Cheque for the medical needs of Cde Kapuka

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Namibia's Economic Prospects Brighten Up: An Economic Policy Position Document of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of SWAPO, 28 November 1988, Luanda, People's Republic of Angola." No date. 12p. Document divided into the following sections: - The Mining Sector - Land Reform Policy - Policy on Fisheries - Namibia's Contrived Dependence on South Africa

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 15 November 1988. 1p. Document addresses: - The Munich Reinsurance Company of South Africa, now operating in Windhoek, Namibia

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 4 February 1988. 1p. Document addresses: - Statement of financial support in regard to the visit of members of the youth of SWAPO and NANSO to Britain

117 Letter from Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO to Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund: 20 January 1988.1 p. Document addresses: - Statement of gratitude in regard to the financial support made available to the SWAPO and NANSO youth groups during their trip to Britain - Details of the political and educational activities that the youth groups will take part in during their trip to Britain.

Fax from David, NSC to Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 19 January 1988. 1p. Document addresses: - Reference to the SWAPO tour to Canada - Contact details of CIDMAA, Centre d'Information et de Documentation sur le Mozambique et l'Afrique Australe.

Fax from Helao Shityuwete, Consultant, International Defence & Aid Fund to Helao Ndadi, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 88/09/29. 1 p. Document addresses: - Reprint of book entitled, Breaking Contract

IDAF Box #179 Box Title: SWAPO : 1978- 1988 Folder File #2: SWAPO: 1978-1988

South West Africa People's Organisation. No title. No publication information. No date. 1p. Document addresses: - The courageous resistance to White rule in southern Africa on the part of the Namibian people

Letter from AI Cook, Office Manager, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO: 18 August 1987. 1p. Document addresses: - Grant approved for SWAPO informational work

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Sam Nujoma, President, SWAPO: 26 June 1987. 2p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - Response to the request for financial assistance for the following causes: - The internal mobilising campaign - The extension of church and private schools in Namibia - Financial relief to families who are deprived of an income due to the fact that the breadwinner of the family is involved in political issues - Aid to former prisoners who cannot find employment.

Letter from Sam Nujoma, President, SWAPO to The Rt. Rev. Arcbishop Trevor Huddleston, Chairman of Trustees, International Defence & Aid Fund for Southern Africa: 17 March 1987. 6p. Document addresses: - SWAPO's appeal for increased financial aid for the following causes:

118 - The internal mobilising campaign - The extension of church and private schools in Namibia - Financial relief to families who are deprived of an income due to the fact that the breadwinner of the family is involved in political issues - Aid to former prisoners who cannot find employment. - Document also includes "SWAPO Budget for Year 1987, " which addresses the emergency mobilising funds inside Namibia and relief funds for the deprived families in Namibia. - In addition, document also includes a two (2) page form entitled "Authorisation of Payment."

Letter from Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO to Afua Boaten, Secretary, Aid Sub-Committee: 14 April 1987. 1p. Document addresses: - Costs incurred for medical and dental treatment

Letter from Afua Boaten, Secretary, Aid Sub-Committee to Mr. Charles S. Landau, Dental Surgeon: 11 March 1987. 1 p. Document addresses: - Costs incurred for medical and dental treatment

Letter from Mrs. Afua Boaten, Secretary, Aid Sub-Committee to Mr. Landau, Dental Surgeon: 21 January 1987.1 p. Document addresses: - Costs incurred for the recent medical and dental treatment

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Shapua Kaugungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 12 December 1986.1 p. Document addresses: - Reference to letter from Chairman Archbishop Huddleston to SWAPO President Sam Nujoma

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Shapua Kaukingua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 21 August 1986. 2p. Document addresses: - Request for financial aid to SWAPO officials requiring medical attention - Possibility of extending grant to provide aid to all Namibians requiring such aid

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO to Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund: 5 August 1986. 1p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - Request to provide twenty-seven (27) copies of the video cassette of the rally in Namibia on the 27 July to be distributed to all the SWAPO foreign missions and P.H.Q. - Request for additional funds to cover SWAPO officials who might be in need of medical checkups or treatment

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Shapua Kaugungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 23 April 1986. 1 p. Document addresses: - Reference to letter dated 7 April 1986 - Reference to an enclosed cheque for the amount of 2,500 pounds

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Sam Nujoma, President, SWAPO: 14 April 1986. 1p.

119 Document addresses: - Invitation to President Nujoma to speak in London on the evening of Friday May 9

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Shapua Kaugungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 19 March 1986. 3p. Document addresses: - Reference to letter received from the Namibia Trade Union in Windhoek - Document includes a copy of the letter received from the Namibia Trade Union, dated 7 March 1986

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Hidipo Hamutenya, Secretary for Information & Publicity, SWAPO: 7 April 1986.1 p. Document addresses: - Statement of support for financial grant for SWAPO information equipment and materials.

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Hidipo Hamutenya, Secretary for Information and Publicity, SWAPO: 25 February 1986. 1 p. Document addresses: - Receipt of application dated 18 February 1986.

Letter from Hidipo Hamutenya, SWAPO Secretary for Information & Publicity to Mr. Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defense & Aid Fund: 18 February 1986.1p. Document addresses: - Request for SWAPO information equipment and materials

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative to Barry Feinberg, International Defence & Aid Fund: 28 January 1985. 1 p. Document addresses: - Request for SWAPO information equipment and materials

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 21 January 1986. 1p. Document addresses: - Brief reference to trial that is shortly to commence in Namibia, no further details available

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative for UK and Western Europe to Mr. Horst Kleinschmidt, International Defence & Aid Fund: 10 January 1986. 1p. Document addresses: - The trial of seven (7) Namibians charged with "furthering the aims of Communism" and "participation in terrorist activities" scheduled to take place on 4 February 1986. - SWAPO's call to stop the trial and secure the release both of the seven accused and the large number of state witnesses, most of whom have been held incommunicado and in solitary confinement for many months. In addition, many of the accused, as well as the state witnesses have been subjected to various forms of torture in an attempt to extract "confessions" to be presented at the trial. - Appeal to protest the trial in a picket of the South African Embassy at 6pm on 4 February, the day the trial is scheduled to begin - Appeal for increased pressure on the British government to end its recognition of the illegal judicial system in Namibia

120 Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 17 December 1985. 7p. Document addresses: - Statement of approval for additional funding for the recently released political prisoners in Namibia - Document includes a copy of a letter received from the Rev. B.G. Karuaera, dated 26 November 1985 - Document also includes a copy of a letter from Shapua Kaugungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO to Mr. Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund: 22 November 1985. The letter refers to the twenty-two (22) SWAPO members that have recently been released from serving terms of imprisonment. - In addition, document includes a list of the names and background of the twenty-two (22) SWAPO members released from prison on 14 November 1985.

Letter from Horst Kleinschmdt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund, to Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 6 December 1985. 2p. Document addresses: - Reference to a letter from Peter H. Katjavivi to Mr. Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund: 3 May 1985. The letter refers to the murder of Mr. Meroro and Mr. Tjivikua, with specific reference to the role of the South African authorities and their attempt to cover-up the killings. - Appeal to IDAF for financial support to hire a lawyer to defend the case. - Document includes a copy of the above-mentioned letter from Peter H. Katjavivi to Mr. Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund: 3 May 1985.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Celebrate with SWAPO: Namibia's Women's Day." (Political flyer released by SWAPO Women's Council and SWAPO Women's Solidarity Campaign.) Saturday, 7 December, no year cited. 2p. Document addresses: - Evening of entertainment and speakers on behalf of SWAPO of Namibia

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 27 November 1985. 1 p. Document addresses: - Reference to the funds needed to support the needs of Ida Jimmy, recently released from prison and those of Lazarus Guiteb, who was released in May of this year.

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Peggy, Programme II: 21 June 1985. 3p. Document addresses: - The second instalment towards the welfare needs of recently released Namibian prisoners living in Windhoek and in the north of Namibia.

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative for Western Europe, SWAPO: 21 June 1985. 1p. Document addresses: - Enclosed cheque for welfare purposes, no further details available

121 Letter from M. Th. K. de Vries, General Secretary, Wild Geese Foundation to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative for Western Europe, SWAPO of Namibia: 24 May 1985.1 p. Document addresses: - Request from SWAPO former detainees

Letter from Afua Boaten, Secretary, Aid Sub-Committee, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 29 March 1985.1 p. Document addresses: - Denial of request for assistance on behalf of Jacob Hannai, given that the request does not fall within the mandate of IDAF funding

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 19 March 1985.1 p. Document addresses: - Approval of emergency request for financial support towards ex-prisoners and detainees in Namibia - Approval of emergency request for financial support towards the needs of families whose income generators were forced to leave the country.

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 18 March 1985. 1 p. Document addresses: - Request for financial assistance towards the costs of SWAPO's 30th Anniversary campaign

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 18 March 1985. 1p. Document addresses: - Request for video tapes, including Onyeka records and books to Luanda

Letter from Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative for Western Europe, SWAPO to Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund: 25 January 1985. 2p. Document addresses: - Expression of gratitude and receipt of funds for IDAF donation towards humanitarian emergency aid to the Namibian people currently living under the illegal occupation of apartheid in South Africa.

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 19 December 1984. 1p. Document addresses: - Reference to cheque donated to aid the detainees released from Marienthal in 1984.

Letter from Afua Boaten, Personal Assistant to the Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 14 December 1984. 1p. Document addresses: - Receipt of Axel Johannes' letter dated 4 December 1984. - Document includes copy of the above-mentioned letter which refers to the need for books relevant to the history of Namibia - Document also includes a two-page bank statement entitled, "Authorisation of Payment"

122 Letter from Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative for Western Europe, SWAPO to Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund: 22 October 1984. 5p. Document addresses: - SWAPO Request to IDAF for Humanitarian Aid for Namibian Ex-Detainees and Political Prisoners

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 4 October 1984. 1p. Document addresses: - Welfare assistance in terms of the Memorandum submitted to IDAF for the 1984 period

Letter from Sam Nujoma, President, SWAPO to The Rt. Rev. Archbishop Trevor Huddleston, President, International Defence & Aid Fund: 14 June 1984. 6p. Document addresses: - The arrest and detainment of thirty-six (36) SWAPO members on 9 June 1984. - Document includes Annex 1: List of Names of Detainees - Document also includes Annex II: List of Names of SWAPO Members Released from Mariental Concentration Camp

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Budget for Year 1984." No publication information available. 7 February 1984. 7p. Document divided into the following sections: - Legal Aid Costs - Emergency Relief in Namibia - Namibian Political Prisoners on Robben Island and indhoek - Visits to Robben Island - Study Grants for the Prisoners - Needs for families of Prisoners on Robben Island - Needs for families of Prisoners/ Detainees in Windhoek and other parties in Namibia - Treatment and medicine for Political Prisoners in Namibia and on Robben Island - Aid for Re-Settlement of Ex-Robben Island Prisoners - Aid for People Banned for Political Activities - Budget total

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Director, International Defense & Aid Fund to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 27 July 1984. 1 p. Document addresses: - Statement of approval in reference to the SWAPO application for internal aid

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Press Release." London. 14 June 1984. 1 p. Document addresses: - The arrest and detention of thirty -seven (37) SWAPO leaders near Windhoek on Saturday, 9 June 1984

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Finance and Administrative Officer to Mr. Jacob Hannai, Deputy Chief Representative, SWAPO: 23 May 1984. 1p. Document addresses: - Meeting with SWAPO founder Mr. Ya Toivo - IDAF donation towards humanitarian needs in Namibia

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Finance Administrative Officer to Mr. Jacob Hannai, Deputy Chief Representative, SWAPO: 22 May 1984. 1 p. Document addresses:

123 - Funding for SWAPO delegation visit to London

Fax from SWAPO Information Dept., Lusaka to Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 18/5/84. 1 p. Document addresses: - Report on the Lusaka Talks

Letter from Jacob Hannai, Deputy Chief Representative for Western Europe to Mrs. Phyllis Altman, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund: 2 May 1984.1 p. Document addresses: - Expression of gratitude for attending wedding between Mariam N. Haulyondjaba and Jacob Hannai on 19 April 1984.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Disappearances." No publication information available. 1980. 1p., incomplete document. Document addresses: - Quotes from SWAPO Press Conference, Luanda, 15/4/80 in regard to the recent disappearances of a number of SWAPO leaders, supporters and sympathisers. - List of five (5) names of individuals reported abducted by SA troops

Letter from Phyllis Altman, Director to Mr. Sam Nujoma, President, SWAPO: 4 April 1984. 1p. Document addresses: - Invitation to attend a meeting of the Trustees held on 13 April 1984.

Letter from Alun R. Roberts, researcher to Ms. Phyllis Altman, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund: 31 March 1984. 2p. Document addresses: - Statement of gratitude for IDAF's willingness to provide financial assistance toward the legal expenditure for any individual detained under proclamation AG 9 of the South African forces. - Document also includes additional letter of support from four (4) other individuals who have received support from IDAF

Letter from Horst Kleinschmidt, Finance & Administrative Officer, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 28 March 1984. 1p. Document addresses: - Enclosed cheque for previously discussed funding agreement, no further details available

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Namibia -- What happens to persons captured by the South African security forces?" No publication information available. 1981. 6p. Document addresses: - Collection of press reports that make reference to the capture and kidnapping of SWAPO guerrillas by South African forces over the past two (2) years - Document includes a list of "SWAPO guerrillas reported captured" - Document also includes an additional list of "Angolans reported captured"

Ling, Margaret. "Notes taken at press conference given by Alun Roberts." London. 26/3/84. 4p. Document addresses:

124 - Statement made by Alun Roberts in reference to his various arrests and subsequent detentions - Proof of collaboration between the officers from the Windhoek police station and the security officials of the Rossing uranium mine

Letter from Phyllis Altman, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Peter H. Katjavivi, St. Anthony's College, Oxford: 15 March 1984. 1 p. Document addresses: - Statement of gratitude for providing a copy of a conversation with Toivo Herman ja Toivo - Reference to possible IDAF funding, to be reviewed at a later date

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, St. Anthony's College, Oxford to Mrs. Phyllis Altman, Secretary General, International Defence & Aid Fund: 10 March 1984. 1 p. Document addresses: - Reference to a copy of a conversation with Toivo Herman ja Toivo - Appeal for additional IDAF funding to support his wife and child

Katjavivi, Peter H.. "Memorandum from Peter H. Katjavivi." No publication information available. 12 March 1984. 3p. Document addresses: - Conversation with Herman Toivo Ya Toivo, 4 March 1984 in reference to ja Toivo's release from prison

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe to Phyllis Altman, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund: 28 February 1984. 1 p. Document addresses: - Enclosed telex message for IDAF President from SWAPO President Comrade Nujoma - Also enclosed is the Windhoek Observers newspaper clippings

Letter from Sam Nujoma, President, SWAPO to The Right Reverend, Arch-Bishop Trevor Huddleston, President of Internal Defence & Aid Fund: 20 February 1984.1 p. Document addresses: - Request to IDAF to assist SWAPO with funding for the Educational (School) Project inside the country. - The school is aimed at providing an alternative educational programme in opposition to the Bantu education system which is based on an unfair, racially-segregated teaching curriculum for Black students.

Letter from Sam Nujoma, President, SWAPO to The Right Reverend, Arch-Bishop Trevor Huddleston, President of Internal Defence & Aid Fund: 20 February 1984. 1p. Document addresses: - Statement of congratulations on election as President of the International Defence & Aid Fund - Appeal for IDAF funding to be used inside Namibia to alleviate the acute hunger and epidemic situation as a result of successive drought

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe to Phyllis Altman, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund: 7 February 1984.1 p. Document addresses: - Reference to SWAPO budget for 1984

125 - Request for financial support for projects inside Namibia, such as legal defence, emergency relief for the Namibian political prisoners and detainees, the needs of families and relatives of prisoners and detainees both in Namibia and South Africa. - A special fund request was also made for the re-settlement of ex-Robben Island prisoners as well as assisting the Namibians who are permanently banned from their homes, due to their involvement in political activities.

Newspaper Clipping. "Letters to the Editor: Hearing Church's Voice in Namibia, From the Bishop of Namibia and the Dean of Windhoek." Times. 20/1/84. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Clerics and Namibia, from Sir Trevor Lloyd-Hughes." Times. 5/1/84. 1p.

Newspaper Clipping. "Blind to the Real Namibia." No source available. 7/11/83. 1p.

Letter between Phyllis Altman, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund and Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe: 13 December 1983. 3p. Document addresses: - Reference to recent IDAF funding, no further details available

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe to Mrs. Phyllis Altman, International Defence & Aid Fund: 5 September 1983. 1 p. Document addresses: - Invitation to attend a public political rally hosted by SWAPO and marking the 17th Anniversary of the armed liberation struggle in Namibia

Nujoma, Sam. Copy of "Letter Submitted to the U.N. Secretary- General in Luanda, P.R.A. August 26, 1983." 26 August 1983. 1 p. Document addresses: - Statement of gratitude and appreciation for the efforts made by the U.N. Secretary General in Luanda, P.R.A. in fulfilling his side of the U.N. mandate in accordance with the United Nations Security Council Resolution 532.

South West Africa People's Organisation. Copy of "Presentation to the U.N. Secretary-General by the SWAPO Delegation on the 25th August 1983 in Windhoek, Namibia." No publication information available. No date. 2p. Document addresses: - United Nations responsibilities in Namibia - The role of the UN Mandate - The role of the international community - Specific examples of political and social oppression in Namibia that the United Nations must address

Copy of Letter from the Executive Committee, Council of Churches in Namibia to Mr. Javier Perez de Cuellar, United Nations Secretary General: No date available. 2p. Document addresses: - The upcoming visit of Mr. Javier Perez de Cuellar to Namibia - Specific matters of urgent concern in Namibia - The importance of supporting the implementation of United Nations Resolution 435 in Namibia

Permanent South African Mission to the United Nations. "Press Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Information, Mr. R.F. Botha, at the Conclusion of the Discussions with the Secretary General of the United Nations (Cape Town - 24 August 1983)." 24 August 1983. 3p.

126 Document addresses: - Negotiations and discussions between the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Information, Mr. R.F. Botha and the Secretary-General of the United Nations during his visit to Southern Africa, August 1983. - Document includes details of outstanding issues including UNTAG, Status Agreement, Electoral System and Detainees

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Memo." No publication information available. 27 July 1983. 2p. Document addresses: - Literature request from SWAPO - Document includes SWAPO Treasury invoice

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative for Western Europe to Horst Kleinschmidt, International Defence & Aid Fund: 22/7/1983. 1 p. Document addresses: - Lack of accessible literature in Angola and Zambia - Literature request from SWAPO

Letter from Phyllis Altman, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 26 July 1983. 2p. Document addresses: - Refusal of request to fund airplane ticket for Moses Garoeb in order that he attend the Internal Semia Seminar on Public Administration on the 28 July 1983. - Brief reference to the upcoming World Council of Churches Conference in Toronto, Canada

Copy of Letter from Phyllis Altman, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Ms. Pendukeni Kaulinge, SWAPO: 16 June 1983.1 p. Document addresses: - Reference to possible funding for Namibian refugees

Two (2) Copies of SWAPO Treasury Invoices

Fax from Sam Nujoma, President, SWAPO to Secretary, Defence & Aid Fund: 2/4/83. 2p. Document addresses: - Request for IDAF funds to assist with three airplane tickets for SWAPO comrades to travel from London to Luanda - Document includes one (1) page of hand-written notes in response to the above mentioned request

Bills from Bupa Medical Centre, London. 25/3/83. 3p.

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO to M.E. Levett, Managing Director, M.L.I.: 8 March 1983. 2p. Document addresses: - Enclosed invoice in reference to the supply and installation of security roofing

No author cited. "Transcript of Notes Made by PMA of Meeting with Shapua Kaukungua and Lucas Pohamba on Monday, 7 February 1983." No publication information available. February 1983. 1p. Document addresses: - Notes on the needs of the 65,000 refugees in Angola

Letter from Phyllis Altman, Director, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe: 21 January 1983. 1p.

127 Document addresses: - Reimbursement of expenses incurred during the visit of the President of SWAPO, including medical expenses and the cost of text books - Document includes SWAPO Treasury invoice

Letter from Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe to Phyllis Altman, International Defence & Aid Fund: 22 December 1982. 1p. Document addresses: - Financial Request for Namibian Ex-Robben Island Prisoners - Document includes three (3) SWAPO Treasury invoices

International Defence & Aid Fund. "Private & Confidential Memo: To all Trustees." No publication information available. No date. 4p. Document addresses: - Request from SWAPO dated 23 July 1982 for aid to refugees in Angola and Zambia - Copies of letters from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO representative, to Canon Collins, and a copy of Canon Collins reply

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe to Phyllis Altman, International Defence & Aid Fund: 1 September 1982. 2p. Document addresses: - Receipt of most recent cheque from IDAF, no further details available - Reference to recent Namibia Day Celebration on Thursday, 26 August 1982 - Document includes SWAPO Treasury invoice

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe to Phyllis Altman, International Defence & Aid Fund: 11/8/1982. 2p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - List of the names and addresses of Namibian ex-Robben Island prisoners, some of whom served prison sentences for up to eight (8) years.

Four (4) Copies of SWAPO Treasury Invoices

Letter from M.E. Levett to Mr. Kaukungua, SWAPO of Namibia: 6/7/82. 1p. Document addresses: - Quote for costs of a security alarm system

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Position Paper Submitted to the Western Five, 10 June, 1982, Luanda." No publication information available. June 1982. 9p. Document divided into the following sections: - Introduction - The Electoral System - The "Impartiality" Question - The Size of UNTAG Military and Civilian Components - Composition of the Military Component - The Civilian Component - Deployment of the Military Component - DMZ and Confinement of SWAPO Forces - Implementation of the Plan

Letter from Ignatius M. Mufalali, Chief Representative, SWAPO to "Friends of the South West Africa People's Organisation": 7 October 1982.1 p. Document addresses:

128 - New mailing address for the SWAPO Office in Algiers, Algeria

South West Africa People's Organisation. "War Communique." No publication information available. 17 April 1982. 2p. Document addresses: - The military confrontation between the People's Liberation Army of Namibia (PLAN) and the South African troops on 15 April 1982.

Letter between Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund and Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe: March 1982. 7p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - Request for medical books for the Teaching Project for SWAPO Department of Health and Social Welfare - Document includes a list of the urgently needed books for teaching and references, including price list

Six (6) Copies of SWAPO Treasury Invoices

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe to Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund: 18 March 1982. 1p. Document addresses: - Appeal to IDAF for assistance with maintenance costs for the three (3) SWAPO comrades who had been visiting Britain - Appeal to IDAF for assistance with the SWAPO Womens' Council Typing Project at Kwanza Sul

Bill from Instructa, London. 11 March 1982.1 p.

Hand-written letter from George Mubuyaeta, member of SWAPO Permanent Mission in Cuba to the Treasurer and the Director of the International Defence & Aid Fund: 26/1/82. 1 p. Document addresses: - Appeal for funds to purchase two books, Encyclopaedia of the Third World by George Thomas Kurian and Labour Consciousness and the Contract Labour Workers in Namibia by Richard Moorsom.

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe: 23 November 1981. 1p. Document addresses: - Dinner in Honour of Canon L. John Collins

No author cited. "Principles Concerning the Constituent Assembly and the Constitution for an Independent Namibia." No publication information available. No date. 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - Part I : Constituent Assembly - Principles for a Constitution for an Independent Namibia - Part II : Additional Doc. From Five 26 October 1981

South West Africa People's Organisation. "CONFIDENTIAL: Report on the Meeting with the Representatives of the Five Western Countries." Luanda. 26 October 1981. 2p. Document addresses:

129 - Detailed record of statement made by Dr. Haas, a "Senior Official" of the "Contact Group," during meeting with SWAPO delegation headed by SWAPO President Sam Nujoma - The meeting was hosted at the Ministry of Foreign Relations and was attended by SWAPO comrades Kaveke Katamila, Aaron H. Shihepo, Kapuka Nauyala (Secretary of the delegation), Kondja Kampala and Gaylord Shiweda "Kakafa."

South West Africa People's Organisation. "SWAPO Statement During the Meeting with the Representatives of the Five Western Countries," Luanda. 26 October 1981. 3p. Document addresses: - The critical role of the Five Western Governments in the commitment of the United Nations to implement Security Council Resolution 435 (1978) - The extent of South Africa's illegal occupation of Namibia - Statement in reference to SWAPO's readiness to sign a cease-fire with South Africa given the appropriate circumstances

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe: 7 October 1981. 1 p. Document addresses: - The case against Nicholas Winterton - Reference to SWAPO's appeal for IDAF funding to cover the legal costs of the case

Letter from Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe to Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid: 1 October 1981. 1p. Document addresses: - The case against Nicholas Winterton for the insulting statements he made against President Sam Nujoma in the Windhoek Advertiser on 21 November 1980. - Appeal for IDAF funding to cover the legal costs of the case

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe: 15 November 1981. 1p. Document addresses: - Approval of IDAF funding for the repairs and alterations to the new SWAPO premises in London

Letter from Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe to Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid: 3/9/1981. 3p. Document addresses: - Appeal for IDAF funding towards the repairs and alterations of the new SWAPO premises in London - Document includes a two (2) page document citing the estimated costs of the repairs and alterations

South West Africa People's Organisation. The Combatant: The Monthly Organ of the People's Liberation Army of Namibia (PLAN). Vol. 3, no.1. August 1981. 39p. Document divided into the following sections: - EDITORIAL - 15 Years at war with racist South Africa - THE COMBATANT is 24 months old

130 - NEWS FROM HOME - We must fight to win, by President Nujoma - Heroes of August 26 at Robben Island - Militarization of Namibia - How it came - War News from the South African controlled mass media - Namibians demonstrate against youth detention - Literacy loses magnetism among Blacks - INTERNATIONAL - Frantic plans for total war - South Africa plans to use nuclear weapons - Fascists invade Angola - Brief about development in South Africa - NEWS FROM THE BATTLEFIELD - Combat Report - Interview with PLAN special unit field commander - READERS'CORNER - PLAN is undaunted - Namibia to get its "own flag and National Anthem" -- What it means - Mind conditioning of soldiers - MASSES RISE IN ARMS - Towards Eruption - POEMS - August 26 - A bullet discharged

IDAF Box 5039 Box Title: SWAPO, before 1979 SWAPO, 1979-1980 Correspondence IDAF with SWAPO, 1967-1974 Folder File: SWAPO, before 1979

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Namibia: Persons Known to be in Detention on 14 October 1975." No publication information available. 1975. 2p. Document addresses: - List of twenty-six (26) persons known to be in detention, including details of their political involvement with SWAPO and/or SWANU

Hand-written notes, no author cited. "Trials Coming Up in Namibia." No publication information available. No date. 3p. Document divided into the following sections: - Trials coming up in Namibia - The case of Guiteb, Lazarus - The case of Kaakunga, Othniel - The case of the Augustineum Students

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Namibia: People Believed to have been detained and later released or awaiting trial or sentenced." No publication information available. No date. 2p. Document addresses: - List of more than eighty (80) people believed to have been detained and later released or awaiting trial or sentenced - Document includes information about arrest if available

131 Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for the UK and Western Europe to Ms. Phyllis Ottman, Defence & Aid Fund: 29 June 1977. 1 p. Document addresses: - Special request for financial assistance inside Namibia

Draft copy of letter from L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund to SWAPO President Sam Nujoma: 29 June 1977. 2p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - Message of welcome to comrade Shapua Kaukungwa, SWAPO's new Representative in the U.K. and Western Europe who replaced Peter Katjavivi - Inquiry in regard to IDAF funding to provide defence for the court case of Namibian people who have been arrested on political grounds

Letter from Sam Nujoma, SWAPO President to Reverend Canon Collins, President of the Defence & Aid Fund, London: 22 June 1977. 1p. Document addresses: - The introduction of comrade Shapua Kaukungwa, SWAPO's new Representative in the U.K. and Western Europe who replaced Peter Katjavivi. - Reference to acute financial problems inside the country, including the lack of funding for transport, office equipment and stationary, etc.

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, Secretary for Information and Publicity to Phyllis Altman, International Defence & Aid Fund: 6 July 1977.1 p. Document addresses: - The establishment of a legal aid fund for the defence of SWAPO members and supporters who are arrested for minor offences

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, Secretary for Information and Publicity, SWAPO to Phyllis Altman, International Defence & Aid Fund: 6 July 1977. 1p. Document addresses: - Appeal for personal allowance to cover the basic costs of living for Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Representative for Western Europe

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Secretary for Publicity and Information to Canon L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 12 July 1977. 1p. Document addresses: - The forthcoming trials of two SWAPO leaders - The legal action being taken against the South African government agents who are involved in harassing innocent Namibian people - The initiative of the Five Western Powers

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Peter Katajavivi, SWAPO, London: 19 July 1977.1 p. Document addresses: - Cheque for previously discussed project, no further information available

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Department of Legal Affairs." No publication information available. No date. 1p. Document addresses: - The formation of a SWAPO Legal Aid Committee

132 Letter from SWAPO President Sam Nujoma to Canon L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 29 July 1977. 1p. Document addresses: - Receipt of letter of 4 July 1977. - Reference made to Shapua Kaukungwa, SWAPO's new representative, to increased IDAF funding inside Namibia and to the question of legal aid to the prosecuted colleagues inside the country.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Press Release: For Immediate Release: South African Thugs on the Rampage in Namibia." (Issued by Peter Katjavivi, SWAPO Secretary for Information and Publicity, while in London.) 7 March 1978. 1p. Document addresses: - Details of violence aimed at SWAPO leaders, members and supporters on the part of the South African police

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, Secretary of Information and Publicity, SWAPO to The President of the United Nations Human Rights Commission, Geneva: 3 March 1978. 1p. Document addresses: - The widespread and increasingly systematic use of torture in Namibia by the armed forces of the South African Occupation Regime

Letter from Henry Brown to Peter Katjavivi, Secretary for Information and Publicity, SWAPO: 7 October 1977. 1 p. Document addresses: - Shop Boycott and related matters

Letter from Lorentz & Bone to Messrs Simanowitz & Brown, London: 20 September 1977. 2p. Document addresses: - The case of David Meroro and the Shop Boycott

Hand-written letter from Henry Brown to Peter Katjivivi, SWAPO Representative: 24 October 1977. 1 p. Document addresses: - Request for urgent assistance in regard to the murder of Chief Elijas - Request for the issuing of statements in reference to the murder

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Secretary for Information and Publicity to Phyllis Altman, Secretary General, Defence & Aid Fund, London: 20 October 1977. 1p. Document addresses: - The arrival of Axel Johannes, SWAPO Administrative Secretary, in Windhoek last week - Reference to the David Meroro Shop Boycott and related matters

Draft copy of letter from L. John Collins, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Sam Nujoma, SWAPO: 1 June 1978. 1p. Document addresses: - Receipt of photos and pictures which were passed on to the SWAPO information department - Reference to the funding of legal actions inside Namibia

Letter from Sam Nujoma, President, SWAPO to Rev. Canon Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 19 May 1978. 1 p.

133 Document addresses: - Receipt of the IDAF contribution to the cause of legal aid and the defence of persecuted SWAPO members inside Namibia as well as funding for the assistance of families of Namibians who have been killed, imprisoned, detained or arrested by the South African police. - The affects of the arbitrary and sweeping powers assumed by the South African racist "Administrator-General" under the so-called emergency regulation AG 26. - Appeal for additional financial aid to cover the costs of the legal and defence cases inside Namibia

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund to Dr. Ngarikutuke Tjiriange, Secretary for Legal Affairs, SWAPO: 23 May 1978. 1 p. Document addresses: - Receipt of letter of 7 April 1978 - Request to meet in person to discuss contents of the letter in further detail

Letter from Dr. Ngarikutuke Tjiriange, Secretary for Legal Affairs, SWAPO to Canon L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund: 7 April 1978. 2p. Document addresses: - Request for IDAF funding to aid Namibian patriots who are currently being held in South African prisons

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Press Release: For Immediate Release." 6 April 1978. 1 p. Document addresses: - The mass arrest and detention of over forty (40) SWAPO members and supporters following the assassination of Chief Clemens Kapuuo

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Press Release: For Immediate Release: South Africa Hits Out in Fear." 20 April 1978. 1p. Document addresses: - South Africa's decision to grant new powers of detention and arrest to their Administrator General in Namibia, Judge Steyn

Letter from Peter Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative to Mrs. Phyllis Altman, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 31 May 1976. 1p. Document addresses: - The case of David Meroro

Letter from H.J. Brown to Peter Katjivivi, SWAPO Representative: 24 May 1976. 4p. Document addresses: - The case of David Meroro and the Shop Boycott - Document includes various bills from Simanowitz & Brown Solicitors

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Discussion Paper on the Constitution of Independent Namibia." No publication information available. No date. p.12. Document divided into the following sections: - Summary - A Discussion Paper - What a Constitution should do - What a Constitution is not - Tribalist Round Table - Other Constitutions - Particular situation of Namibia - Essential Principals

134 - Interim Measures: A Constituent Assembly - A Republic - Citizenship - A Presidential System - The Legislature - The Law - The Judiciary - A Constitutional Court - Public Service - Central and Local Government - Bill of Rights - Complaints Commissioner - Foreign Relations - Constitutional Guarantees

Tjongarero, D.J.K. "The Turnhalle and Its Immediate Strategies." (For Internal Distribution and Discussion Only - Highly Confidential.) 16 August 1976. 2p. Document divided into the following sections: - Circumventing a Referendum - The Interim Government - What will follow after the Interim Government - South African Police and Army

Letter from H.J. Brown to the Rt. Rev. Bishop Richard Wood, London: 26 October 1976. 1p. Document addresses: - and Eenahna Camps

Letter from the Rt. Rev. Bishop Richard Woods to Canon J. Collins, Defence & Aid, London: 3 November 1976. 1p. Document addresses: - Oshakati and Eenahna Camps

Newspaper Clipping. "SWAPO to fight back." By John Borrell, Lusaka. No source cited. 10 December, no year. 1p.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Memorandum sent by Namibian Church Leaders to the Representatives of the USA, Britain, France, Canada and the Federal Republic of West Germany on 9 May 1977." (This memorandum has been circulated at the UN Conference on Namibia and Zimbabwe currently in process in Maputo.) 9 May 1977. 3p. Document addresses: - The role of the churches in the struggle for an independent Namibia - The political situation in northern Namibia - The recent increase in support and sympathy towards SWAPO - The role of the Turnhalle representatives

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Press Release: Statement Delivered by Peter Katjavivi, SWAPO Secretary for Information and Publicity at a Press Conference Held at Vienna Airport, Wednesday 18th May at 3pm." 18 May 1977. 8p. Document divided into the following sections: - Elections - International Involvement - Campaign Process - Transfer of Power - Control - 50.000:1 - South Africa's Election Board

135 - Political Prisoners - Independent Authority

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Reply of SWAPO of Namibia to the note from Representatives of Five Western Members of the U.N. Security Council." Lusaka, Namibia. 27 May 1977. 4p. Document addresses: - The position of SWAPO regarding a negotiated settlement of the Namibian issue - International involvement in the elections - The transfer of power

South West Africa People's Organisation. "PLAN Activities in the Northern Region from mid-March to April 1977." No publication information available. 1977. 4p. Document addresses: - Chronological list of detonated mines and ambushes in the Northern Region in 1977

Letter from Phyllis Altman to David [no surname cited] : 20 May 1977. 1p. Document addresses: - Brief reference to various IDAF funding initiatives, no further information available

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Press Statement: For Immediate Release: SWAPO Military Offensive." 21 June 1977. 1p. Document addresses: - SWAPO discloses details of recent developments in the offensive against South African occupying forces in Namibia

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Press Statement Delivered by D.T. Tjongarero at an Impromptu Press Conference in Windhoek on 17/6/77 at 8:30pm." 18 June 1977. 3p. Document addresses: - SWAPO Response to the Western Five Powers

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Press Statement: For Immediate Release: SWAPO Rejects South African Administrator General." 8 July 1977. 1p. Document addresses: - The appointment of Justice Marthinus Steyn to the position of South African Administrator General

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Press Statement: For Immediate Release: No Elections Under South African Control." 28 June 1977. 3p. Document addresses: - The current negotiations in regard to the possibility of holding free and fair elections in Namibia - The role of the South African administration in the negotiation process - The role of the five Western members in the negotiation process - The role of the United Nations in the negotiation process - The position of SWAPO in regard to the negotiation process

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, Secretary for Information and Publicity, SWAPO to Canon L. John Collins, International Defence 8 Aid Fund, London: 10 March 1978. 1p. Document addresses: - Letter of gratitude for IDAF in terms of the various forms of support and encouragement that they have provided to SWAPO membership over the past years.

136 Letter from Barbara Carter, Secretary to the Reverend David Mason to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua: 4 August 1977. 1 p. Document addresses: - Response to wedding invitation on the behalf of Reverend Mason

Letter from David Mason to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua: 15 August 1977. 1p. Document addresses: - Reference to the upcoming reception on Namibia Day at Zambia House - Response to wedding invitation and note of congratulations

Letter from The Rev David Mason, Director to The Rt Rev Bishop Richard Wood, The African Bureau, London: 12 November 1976. 1p. Document addresses: - Oshakati and Eenahna Camps

Letter from David Mason to Canon Collins: 18 November 1976. 1p. Document addresses: - Recent contact with Richard Wood of the African Bureau

Letter from David Mason to Mr. Peter Katjavivi, London: 3 March 1977. 1p. Document addresses: - Invitation to meet and talk in leisure

Letter from unidentified author to Phyllis [no surname cited] : 19 November 1976. 1p. Document addresses: - Future correspondence between IDAF, SWAPO and the African Bureau - Reference to Focus interviews

Letter from David Mason to Mr. Randolph Vigne: 2 June 1977.1 p. Document addresses: - Expression of gratitude for arranging the recent luncheon - Reference to various discussions that took place during the luncheon, with a specific emphasis on an intensive conversation between David Mason and Shapua Kaukungua. - Safe accommodations in London

Letter from David Mason to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative in Britain and Western Europe: 1 June 1977. 1p. Document addresses: - Reference to various discussions that took place during a recent luncheon in Simpsons with Randolph Vigne - Reference to memo regarding the situation in Namibia - Request to keep in touch and arrange a future meeting with IDAF President Canon John Collins

Letter from David Mason to Rt Rev Trevor Huddleston: 20 May 1977. 1p. Document addresses: - Request on behalf of Canon Collins to meet in person and discuss the delicate matter of Mr. XXXX, the former SWAPO member who is in prison in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.

Letter from Wilfrid Grenville-Grey, Chief Executive/ Personal Assistant to Canon L. John Collins to Mr. S. Kaukngua, SWAPO, London: 18 May 1978. 1p. Document addresses: - Rent payment for the SWAPO office in London

137 - Request to provide additional information about the new tenancy agreement for the remaining part of 1978

Letter from Wilfrid Grenville-Grey, Chief Executive/ Personal Assistant to Mr. P. Mueshihange, SWAPO, Department of Foreign Affairs, Lusaka, Zambia: 10 August 1978. 1p. Document addresses: - Expression of regret that it is not possible to provide a personal allowance for Peter Manning

Hand-written letter from Phyllis [no surname cited] to Wilfrid [no surname cited] : 16/5/78. 1p. Document addresses: - Reference to SWAPO's rent situation and the agreement to pay for the rent in situations of particular difficulty, but not necessarily on a regular basis

Letter from I.R. Findlay, Financial Controller to The Manager, International Defence & Aid Fund for Southern Africa: 15 May 1978. 1 p. Document addresses: - Payment of costs for SWAPO rent

Letter to Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Representative in Western Europe from Wilfrid Grenville-Grey, Chief Executive/ Personal Assistant to Canon L. John Collins: 31 May 1978. 1 p. Document addresses: - Reference to current rent situation in regard to the SWAPO premises in London

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Text of joint declaration of delegations from the Five Western Members of the United Nations Security Council and the South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) in Namibia, Meeting in Luanda, People's Republic of Angola, Released on 12 July 1978." 1p. Document addresses: - The agreement to proceed to the United Nations Security Council, thus providing a means by which to secure an internationally acceptable settlement on the question of Namibian independence.

Letter from Wilfrid Grenville-Grey, Chief Executive/ Personal Assistant to Peter Mueshihange, SWAPO Secretary for International Relations: 3 August 1978. 1p. Document addresses: - Reference to current phase of the struggle for national independence in Namibia - Request for a personal allowance for Comrade Peter Manning in order that he may assist Shapua Kaukungua in the SWAPO London office

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Pretoria's Smear Campaign Against SWAPO." Political pamphlet published by SWAPO Department of Information and Publicity, Lusaka, Zambia. No date. 2p. Document addresses: - The role of the South African administration in Namibia - List of the necessary conditions for there to be free and fair elections in Namibia - The future role of SWAPO in Namibia - The role of political propaganda aimed to undermine SWAPO's campaign in Namibia, including the practice of counterfeiting genuine SWAPO documents and publications. - The Pro-SWA Foundation and the Turnhalle conference

138 Invitation to Reverend David Mason to attend the wedding of Naufika Taukuheke & Shapua Kaukungua on Saturday, 13 August, no year. 1 p.

IDAF Box 5039 Box Title: SWAPO, before 1979 SWAPO, 1979-1980 Correspondence IDAF with SWAPO, 1967-1974 Folder File: Correspondence IDAF with SWAPO, 1967-1974

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative to unidentified recipient: No date. 2p., incomplete document. Document addresses: - Reference to Namibia Day Commemoration - Document includes enclosed statement issued on the Namibia Day Commemoration

No author cited. No title. No publication information available. No date. 2p., 2 copies. Document divided into the following sections: - Application to Court - Marienthal Camp

Katjavivi, Peter H. "Report on Circumstances Surrounding the Return to Namibia by Jariretundu Kozonguizi: Private & Confidential." 24 March 1976. 1p., poor printing quality. Document addresses: - Jariretundu Kozoguizi's departure and subsequent return to Namibia

AI-Shawaf, Aiza. No title. (Statement sent to SWAPO in Namibia from Sister Aiza AL-Shawar in Harlem, New York City.) 10 May 1976. 1 p. Document addresses: - The attempt of two dangerous agents, Appolos and Kozonguizi, to divide the SWAPO leadership - The importance of exposing these agents before they participate in a sham constitutional conference in regard to the future of an independent Namibia.

Letter from Othniel Riundja Ali Kaakunga to The Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 26 February 1976. 1 p. Document addresses: - Request to receive information regarding the current situation in Namibia and the role of the South West Africa People's Organisation

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative to Ms. Phyllis Altman, International Defence & Aid Fund: 28 January 1976. 1p. Document addresses: - Request for IDAF funding to cover the costs and expenses of hiring two persons to visit Namibia and give advice and recommendations to the SWAPO leadership in terms of the rebuilding and restructuring of the organisation from within.

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative to Ms. Phyllis Altman, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 28 January 1976. 2p.

139 Document addresses: - Request for IDAF funding to meet the costs of the forthcoming trial of six (6) SWAPO members

Letter from Jenny [no surname cited] for Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative to Ms. Phyllis Altman, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 25 November 1975. 1p. Document addresses: - Information regarding the date of the forthcoming trial of six (6) SWAPO members, including details of the charges made against the accused

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative to Ms. Phyllis Altman, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 20 November 1975. 1p. Document addresses: - Medical condition of David Meroro, SWAPO National Chairman - Appeal for IDAF funding to cover Meroro's forthcoming medical treatment

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative to Ms. Phyllis Altman, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 13 November 1975. 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - Visit of Namibian Prisoners' Relatives to Robben Island - Immediate Relief for Namibians Removed from Border Areas - Needs of Namibian Refugees in Zambia

Newspaper Clipping. "American lawyer sees SWA detainees." Rand Daily Mail. 21/11/75. 1 p.

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative to Ms. Rica Hodgson, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 8 October 1975. 2p. Document addresses: - Request for IDAF funding to supplement previous payment to the lawyers who were involved in work on the Ovamboland elections case - Request for IDAF funding to pay for bills owed to Michael Lazarus, an attorney from Johannesburg - Request for IDAF funding for additional expenses related to the future of political defence for the trials of Namibian people

Letter from unidentified author to Canon L. John Collins, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 29 September 1975. 1 p., missing pages. Document addresses: - Statement of clarification in regard to recent misunderstanding which appeared to have arisen during a recent visit to Namibian church leaders in Stockholm - Reference to anti-Defence & Aid Fund statements made by Mr. Joel Carlson in Stockholm - Reference to the position of SWAPO leadership in regard to these statements

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative to Ms. Phyllis Altman, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 15 May 1975. 3p. Document divided into the following sections: - Shooting in Windhoek - Intimidation during January election in Ovamboland - Immediate action urgently required

140 Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative to Ms. Phyllis Altman, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 10 February 1975. 1p. Document addresses: - Reference to SWAPO planning meeting to be held in London from 17 February 1975

Hand-written letter from unidentified author to Phyllis [no surname cited] : 7/12/1974. 1 p. Document addresses: - Travel arrangements for upcoming trip to Cape Town

No author cited. "CONFIDENTIAL: Fourth Report: Windhoek, Ondangwa, Pereira D'Eca, 30 October 3 November, 1974." No publication information available. 6 November 1974. 16p. Document divided into the following sections: - Summary - Refugees - Angola - Military - SWAPO in Ovambo - Meroro Case - Communications - National Convention - General Political Situation - Kremer: German Position - Itinerary and Movements - Suggestions for Further Political Action

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Activities on the Home Front." No publication information available. No date. 9p. Document divided into the following sections: - Activities on the Home Front - More Bantustan elections planned - What South Africa is plotting to achieve in Namibia - Dependents of our political prisoners - Visits - Costs of retaining courier/ special counsel for eighteen months, from 1 March 1975 - Welfare of dependents of political prisoners - Visits to our men on Robben Island by their families - Conditions in Zambia - Immediate Requirements for Namibians in Zambia - Immediate Assistance to SWAPO

Letter from Martin Ennals, Amnesty International, International Secretariat to Canon John Collins, Christian Action, London: 4 December 1974. 1p. Document addresses: - Reference to enclosed copy of letter from Bishop Wood

Letter from Richard J. Wood, Bishop Suffragan, The Diocese of Damaraland to Mr. Martin Ennals: 21 November 1974. 1p. Document addresses: - The possibility of challenging the accounts rendered by Stern and Barnard for the defence of people in Namibia charged on political grounds - Reference to the Defence & Aid Fund, defined by the South African government as an "illegal organisation."

Letter from Sam Nujoma, President of SWAPO to The Chairman, Defence & Aid Fund, London: 2 October 1974. 1 p., 2 copies.

141 Document addresses: - Appeal to IDAF to fund an air ticket for a SWAPO courier who will be undertaking a mission in Southern Angola in order to make contact with a SWAPO representative in Angola.

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative to Ms. Phyllis Altman, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 31 August 1974. 2p. Document addresses: - Summary of forthcoming travel expenses

Hand-written letter from Namibian political prisoners in Remand and Central Prisons, Lusaka to International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 18/8/1974. 1p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - Letter from twelve (12) political prisoners detained in Zambia. - Prisoner list includes Frans Mabuku, Ndapopina Elias, Matias Maliki, D.J.A. Matengu, Edward Simasiku, Vilalis Ankama, Tobias Job, Cristof lpito, Hendrew Toivo, L.B. Shoopola, Kaufilua Nepilils and Phillip Haita. - Background summary of arrests and detentions - Request for financial aid to cover the costs of hiring a lawyer to appeal the case in High Court - Copies of document, including various draft editions

No author cited. "Security." No publication information available. 1973. 13p. Document divided into the following sections: - SWAPO youth leaders' trial - Katurura events - Press Restrictions - Ovambo detentions and trials - Ovambo Floggings - Appeals

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative to Canon John Collins, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 8 July 1974. 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - Attendance of observer from London - Treatment of detainees - Political significance of the trial - Observers - Costs - Other detainees

Letter from George H. Aldrich, United States Representative to Mr. Peter Katjavivi, South West Africa People's Organisation: 29 March 1974.1 p. Document addresses: - Reference to documents pertaining to the Diplomatic Conference on Humanitarian Law, Geneva, Switzerland

Jansen, J,C,H., Acting Attorney-General for South West Africa. "In the Supreme Court of South Africa (South West Africa Division) In the case of The State versus Estrieel Taapopi and Joseph Kashes." No publication information available. No date. 3p. Document addresses: - Presentation of the facts to be addressed during the case of Estrieel Taapopi and Joseph Kashes

Letter from H.J. Van Biljon & Co. to Messrs, Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights under Law, Washington D.C.: 6 March 1974. 2p. Document addresses:

142 - Taapopi & Others - David Meroro & Others

Copy of letter from President, International Defence & Aid Fund to Peter Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative: 18 February 1974. 1 p. Document addresses: - Response to a recent letter received from Peter Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative, expressing gratitude for IDAF support and continued interest in the struggle for Namibian freedom and independence.

Letter from Peter Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative to Canon L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 9 January, no year. 1p. Document addresses: - Expression of gratitude for IDAF support and continued interest in the struggle for Namibian freedom and independence.

Letter from Peter Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative to Mrs. Phyllis Altman, Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 9 January 1974. 1 p. Document addresses: - Reference to arrangements for hiring an attorney for the appeal, no additional information available

South West Africa People's Organisation. "A Memorandum on the Political Developments in Namibia from May to October, 1973." No publication information available. 1973. 10p. Document addresses: - General summary of political developments in Namibia, including specific incidents of violent intimidation and public floggings - Document includes newspaper accounts of the incidents

Newspaper Clipping. "Rise up and Kill Whites in S.W.A. Mass Meeting Told State." W.A. 12/10/73. 1p.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Trials in Namibia." 5 October 1973. 2p. Document addresses: - Violent clashes between the South African army and police on one side and Namibian people on the other - Document includes list of Namibian people arrested and detained without a trial following the conflict

Letter from Anne Graham for Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative in Britain to Mrs. P. Altman, General Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 31 May 1973.1 p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - Need for legal aid to cover the costs of defence for recently arrested Namibians

Damaraland, Colin. "Confidential Report to the Rev. Canon John Collins." No publication information available. 2 May 1973. 1p. Document addresses: - Reference to recent trip to the United States aimed at educating the public about the current situation in Namibian and gathering support from the American people - Document includes suggestions in regard to the trip, as well as the role of the international community in terms of the liberation of Namibia

143 Letter from Peter Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative in Britain to Canon L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 15/9/72. 2p. Document addresses: - Expression of gratitude for recent IDAF funding - Document includes details of the future funding stipulations

No author cited. "PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL: Interim Report: Namibia." 2 August 1972. 3p. Document addresses: - Update on recent funding initiatives, with a specific emphasis on the role of funding for dependants of political detainees

Letter from unidentified author to John (no additional information available): 2 August 1972. 1p. Document addresses: - Weekly update on recent developments in regard to Namibia

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative in Britain to Canon L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 26/6/72. 3p. Document addresses: - Appeal for emergency financial aid for the SWAPO office in London - Document includes monthly budget

Katjavivi, Peter H. "Report." No publication information available. 16/3/72. 2p. Document addresses: - The trial of the twelve (12) Namibians arrested at the outset of the current strikes in Namibia

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative in Britain to Canon L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 18/3/72. 1 p. Document addresses: - Report on workers strikes

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative in Britain to Canon L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 16/3/72. 1 p. Document addresses: - Report on meeting with United Nations General Secretary, Dr. Kurt Walsheim in Geneva

Folder includes two (2) incomplete letters, lacking in substantive citation information

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, Secretary for Economic and Legal Affairs, SWAPO Representative in Britain to His Excellency E.O. Ogbu, The Ambassador of Nigeria to the United Nations, Vice-Chairman of the United Nations Trust Fund for South Africa, United Nations, New York: 15/1/72. 2p. Document addresses: - Reference to SWAPO's legal entitlement to assistance from the United Nations Trust Fund via the International Defence & Aid Fund. - Summary of current situation in Namibia

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative in Britain to Canon L. John Collins: 12/9/71. 1 p. Document addresses: - Update on the upcoming Namibia International Conference

144 Toivo, Toivo Herman Ja. "Statement by Accused No. 24: Toivo Herman Ja Toivo During the Trial of South West Africans in Pretoria." No publication information available. No date. 7p. Document addresses: - Statement of defence during the trial of South West Africans in Pretoria - The role of the South African administration in Namibian affairs - The judgement of the World Court - The role of SWAPO in the national struggle for liberation - The critical importance of achieving national freedom and independence from South African rule

No author cited. "List of political detainees and their families to whom Christmas cards, etc . . . . can be sent." No publication information available. No date. 2p. Document addresses: - List of twelve (12) political detainees and their families, including details regarding their dependants, as well as their address and contact information

Nujoma, Sam. "PRESS STATEMENT by Sam Nujoma, President of the South West Africa People's Organisation of Namibia (SWAPO) presented at a press conference at St. Bride's Institute 9 December 1970." December, 1970. 4p., 2 copies. Document divided into the following sections: - Labour & Diet - Visits - Medical Treatment - Detention without Trial - Conclusion - Annex

Letter from Phyllis [no surname cited] to Canon Collins: 24 June 1970. 1 p. Document addresses: - Reference to recent allegations made against the International Defence & Aid Fund on the part of the AFRICA BUREAU and in regard to the eight (8) South Africans on trial.

Letter from Sam Nujoma, President to Mr. Sverker C. Astrom, Chairman of the Committee of Trustees of the United Nations Trust Fund for South Africa, United Nations, New York: 20/4/70. 1 p. Document addresses: - Clarification of letter from Reverend G. Michael Scott dated 9 February 1970

Letter from Sam Nujoma, President to Canon L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 16/4/70. 1p. Document addresses: - Statement of appreciation for the IDAF funding donation in March, 1970

Letter from Kaleb Tjipahura, Lazarus Sakala, Gersan Veii and Joseph Shityuwete to The Chairman, Council for Namibia, United Nation Headquarters, New York: 2 August 1970. 1p., 2 copies, including hand-written draft edition. Document addresses: - Petition to protest the illegal arrest, detention, torture and imprisonment of thirty-eight (38) Namibians by the South African government

Letter from H.J. Pictet, Secretary General, International Committee of the Red Cross to Phyllis Altman, General Secretary: 9 May 1969. 2p.

145 Document addresses: - The illegal arrest and imprisonment of Mr. Desmond Francis, a South African citizen now resident in Zambia who was detained by the Rhodesian government while entering into Rhodesia [Zimbabwe] with a legal South African passport to ascertain train times for his mother and sister who had visited him from South Africa. - During his 421 days in solitary confinement he managed to make contact with a number of South West African political prisoners who had also been awaiting trial to no avail. - Francis' report on the circumstances surrounding the arrest of the South West African political prisoners and the extreme conditions that they were subjected to while awaiting their trial - The lack of information that had been made available to the public in regard to the whereabouts or wellbeing of the South West African prisoners. - Francis' appeal to the International Committee of the Red Cross for aid in regard to the future of the South West African political prisoners.

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative in Britain to Canon L. John Collins, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 11/1/69. 1 p. Document addresses: - Request to obtain any information or documents pertaining to the Pretoria Trial.

Letter from George M. Houser to Canon L. John Collins, Christian Action: 4 June 1968. 1 p. Document addresses: - Reference to enclosed letter from Sam Nujoma

Letter from George M. Houser to Canon L. John Collins, Christian Action: 8 May 1968. 1 p. Document addresses: - Reference to enclosed letter from Sam Nujoma - Statement confirming Sam Nujoma's honesty and integrity

Letter from Sam Nujoma to The Director, American Committee on Africa: 19 May 1968. 1p. Document addresses: - Reference to letter forged by the South African government in an effort to discredit and blackmail the receiver of the letter in order that the Vorster regime be able to accuse him of having contact with a terrorist Organisation (SWAPO) and possibly close his business.

Letter from unidentified author, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania to Mr. George M. Houser, Executive Director, American Committee on Africa: 3 May 1968. 1p., missing pages. Document addresses: - Series of forged letters aimed at creating misunderstanding and causing conflict between SWAPO leadership and supporters

Letter from Sam Nujoma, President, South West Africa People's Organisation to Mrs. S. Bunting, Secretary, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 16 February 1968. 1p. Document addresses: - Expression of gratitude towards IDAF for financing the legal defence of SWAPO Freedom Fighters in Pretoria High Court

146 - Appeal for additional aid for the court expenses for the legal defence of twelve (12) more members of SWAPO who were recently detained by the South African Defence Force.

Letter from Phyllis Altman to Canon Collins: 28/11/67. 1p. Document addresses: - Attempt to find contact information for families who qualify for IDAF assistance

Letter from L. John Collins to Mr. Sam Nujoma, President, South West Africa People's Organisation, Lusaka, Zambia: 26 October 1967. 1p. Document addresses: - Expression of sadness in response to the death of Mr. Efraim Kamati Kaporo - Reference to investigation into the surrounding circumstances which led to his death

Letter from Sam Nujoma, President, South West Africa People's Organisation to Rev. Collins, The International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 19 October 1967. 1p. Document addresses: - Expression of sadness in response to the death of Mr. Efraim Kamati Kaporo - Reference to reliable sources that have confirmed the fact that Mr. Efraim Kamati Kaporo died as a result of police beating and torture. - Additional reference to unconfirmed report that one of the thirty-six (36) Freedom Fighters who was arrested in September 1966 was believed to have died after suffering from a bullet wound in the neck. - The role of the South African police in carrying out systematic acts of torture and murder against the Namibian people

Letter from Phyllis Altman, Organising Secretary to Mr. Sam Nujoma, Dar-es Salaam, Tanzania: 13 October 1967. 1p. Document addresses: - Request to receive a duplicate list of the families of political prisoners who are in need of financial support and assistance

Hand-written letter from Eleanor Lewin to John [no surname cited] : 7 September 1967. 1p. Document addresses: - Enclosed letter and personal correspondence

Letter from Phyllis Altman, Organising Secretary, Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. S. Nujoma, President, SWAPO: 24 August 1967. 1 p. Document addresses: - Request to send additional information about the families of political prisoners who are in need of financial support and assistance, including the age and gender of the children in the families and their approximate educational needs.

Letter from Phyllis Altman, Organising Secretary, Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. S. Nujoma, President, SWAPO: 21 August 1967.1 p. Document addresses: - Receipt of letter dated 5 August 1967 - Request for more information in regard to recent letter correspondence

Viviera, Jack. "Defence and Aid Send 84000 for Terrorists." From Die Beeld, Cape Town. 13 August 1967. 1p.

147 Document addresses: - The role of the Defence & Aid Fund (in association with the Anti-Apartheid Movement) in funding the defence of the thirty-seven (37) Africans charged under the South African Terrorist Act. - The possible declaration of the Defence & Aid Fund as an unlawful organisation

Letter from Sam Nujoma, President, South West Africa People's Organisation to The International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 5 August 1967. 2p. Document divided into the following sections: - Families of those under detention - Families of those in Exile

Letter (and cable) between Mr. Sam Nujoma, President, SWAPO and Mr. John Collins, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: July 1967. 7p. of various correspondence. Document addresses: - Secret communications regarding the recent arrest of 37 SWAPO Freedom Fighters

Letter from Stephanie Grant, Amnesty International to Mrs. Phyllis Altman, International Defence & Aid Fund: 30 June 1967. 1p. Document addresses: - Question of legal aid to the 37 SWAPO members who appeared in court under "incitement to violence" changes

Letter from Sam Nujoma, President, South West Africa People's Organisation to Reverent L.J. Canon Collins, London: 29 June 1967. 1p. Document addresses: - Receipt of recent cheque from IDAF donation - Reference to the current political situation in Namibia - The arrest and detention of more than fifty (50) members of SWAPO under the Suppression of Communism Act and the 180 day clause. - The thirty-seven (37) members of SWAPO committed for trial without a jury in the Supreme Court in Pretoria on August 7, 1967 - List of top SWAPO officials arrested and detained - Possible death sentence to be imposed against the leaders and members of SWAPO under the new General Amendment Law, Amendment Act known as the Terrorism Act - Appeal to the Christian Action and International Defence & Aid Fund to provide legal defence for the SWAPO detainees

No author cited. "In Re the State Versus Eliaser Tuhadelini & Others in Account with J. Carlson." No publication information available. 7 March 1968. 2p. Document addresses: - Accumulated court costs between March 1967- February 1968

South West Africa People's Organisation. "The Trial of 9." No publication information available. No date. 1p., handwritten document. Document addresses: - List of the names of the nine (9) SWAPO members who are currently on trial

Wein. R.W., Attorney General of the Province. "In Die Hooggeregshof Van Suid-Afrika (Transvaal Provinsiale Afdeling)." No publication information available. No date. 11 p., document includes both English and Afrikaans.

148 Document divided into the following sections: - List of the names of the 37 accused - Main Charge - First Alternative Charge - Second Alternative Charge

IDAF Box 5039 Box Title: SWAPO, before 1979 SWAPO, 1979-1980 Correspondence IDAF with SWAPO, 1967-1974 Folder File: SWAPO, 1979-1980

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe to Canon Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 6/11/79. 1p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - Appeal for SWAPO emergency relief for 1979 - Proposal includes funding for visits to Robben Island, study grants for prisoners, needs of the families of the prisoners and needs of families of detainees held under AG26.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Emergency Relief in Namibia." No publication information available. 1979. 6p., 3 copies. Document divided into the following sections: - Prisoners held on Robben Island - What is required? - Costs - Visits to Robben Island - Study grants for the prisoners - Needs of the families of the prisoners - Detainees held in terms of Proclamation AG26 - Total

United Nations Council for Namibia. "Letter dated 8 May 1979 from the President of the United Nations Council for Namibia to the Secretary-General." General Assembly, Thirty-third session, Agenda Item #27, Question of Namibia. 17 May 1979. 7p. 2 copies. Document addresses: - Reference to an enclosed communication containing lists of the leaders of the South West Africa People's Organisation recently arrested and detained by the illegal South African administration in Namibia, with the request that it be circulated as an official document of the General Assembly and Security Council. - List of Namibians imprisoned by South Africa, including details in regard to the names of the accused, the length of each sentence, the year of each sentence, and the place of detention. - Lists contains fifty-seven (57) SWAPO members in total, all of which were arrested because of their political activities in Namibia - Document includes a list of one hundred and thirty (130) prisoners of war from Angola, thought to be held at Mariental Concentration Camp.

149 South West Africa People's Organisation. "Extract from a press statement on the situation in Namibia given by SWAPO at a press conference in London, 8 August, 1979." August 1979. 3p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - The arrest and detention of more than five thousand (5,000) Namibians - The brutalities, atrocities, murders, and general harassment being committed against the Namibian people by the South African occupational regime - The Western initiative

Dumeni, Bishop K., "Statement by Bishop K. Dumeni of Eloc." Namibia Today. 29 October 1979. 2p. Document addresses: - The current situation inside Namibia - The role of the Churches

Johannes, Axel. "Statement of Axel Johannes, Administrative Secretary of SWAPO on his redetention and the torture he was subjected to." No publication information available. No date. 3p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - Detailed account of the recurrent arrests, detention and torture of Axel Johannes, Administrative Secretary of SWAPO

Kauluma, Right Reverend James Hamupanda. "Namibia the church in war and occupation." October 1978. 3p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - Detailed account of Bishop Kauluma's visit to northern Namibia where the South African Defence Force was concentrated, with a focus on the extreme forms of violence and intimidation employed by the South African authorities in Namibia.

Episcopal Churchman for South Africa For A Free Southern Africa. "Namibian Churchman Detained by South African Army." No publication information available. 21 August 1979. 1p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - The arrest and detention of the Venerable Philip Shilongo, Archdeacon of Odibo, senior Anglican priest in Namibia

Episcopal Churchman for South Africa For A Free Southern Africa. "Namibian Detainees on Hunger Strike." No publication information available. 29 August 1979. 1 p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - Hunger strike organised by Namibians held in incommunicado detention by the South African occupational regime in the International Territory of Namibia.

Episcopal Churchman for South Africa For A Free Southern Africa. "Text of Letter from the Council of Churches in Namibia to the Administrator General of South West Africa, Professor Gerrit Viljoen." No publication information available. 16 August 1978. 1p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - The appointment of Gerrit Viljoen by the Pretoria regime to rule the International Territory of Namibia - South Africa's continued defiance of the unlawful authority of the United Nations. - Statement of response to Viljoen's letter dated 11 May 1979

150 Kauluma, James H. "A Brief Report on Namibia General Situation Delivered by L.W.F. Geneva Consultation, 29 October 1979." No publication information available. October 1979. 2p. Document addresses: - The current situation inside Namibia - The position of the Council of the Churches inside Namibia

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Chief Representative for Western Europe to Rev. Canon Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 24/2/80. 1p. Document addresses: - Receipt of IDAF cheque for five-thousand (5,000) pounds for SWAPO welfare services provided to the Namibian people - Expression of surprise and disappointment on the receipt of only five-thousand (5,000) pounds, as this sum only met a very small proportion of the needs outlined in the project that was presented to IDAF by the SWAPO London office on 6 November 1979. - Brief summary of the current welfare needs of the Namibian people - Document includes xeroxed copy of receipt of cheque

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, Chief Representative, SWAPO: 21 March 1980. 1p. Document addresses: - Reference to enclosed cheque for IDAF funding

IDAF Box No. IS/A/19 Boxes 57 & 57A Box Title: SWAPO, 1969- 1970 SWAPO: Papers for Consultative Conference, Tanzania 1969- 1970 International Conference, Brussels, February 1972 Folder File: SWAPO, 1969- 1970

De Beer, David. "1978 Annual Report: Namibia publicity work in the Netherlands." No publication information available. January 1979. 5p. Document divided into the following sections: - Speaking Engagement and Group Work - The Bishops' Lenten Appeal - Amnesty International - Action Namibia - The Programme to Combat Racism - Working with schools - Discussion group - General comments on group work - Media - Articles, magazines and brochures - Radio, TV and film - Other campaigns and actions - KLM stewardesses - Dutch postal giro-cheques and Namibia - Shell shareholers' meeting - Manpower for possible U.N. elections in Namibia - Namibia and the Dutch Army

151 - Namibian Uranium in the Netherlands - "Spies" to Namibia - Other activities and contacts - Namibian visitors to the Netherlands - Fundraising projects - Contacts - Foreign Travel - Conclusions

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary, to Mr. Peter Manning, SWAPO: 1 November 1978. 2p., including enclosed document. Document addresses: - Copy of account from Simanowitz & Brown in connection with unpaid bills from Tabernacle Street premises - Document includes enclosed bill from Simanowitz & Brown

Katjavivi, P.H.. "Draft Proposal: Suggested SWAPO Newspaper." SWAPO Information and Publicity. No date. 4p. Document divided into the following sections: - Size and Format - Objectives - Languages - Content - Technical Support - Manpower Needs

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, Secretary for Information and Publicity, SWAPO, London to Canon John Collins, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 4 September 1978. 1p. Document addresses: - Request for a display copy of the IDAF Photography Exhibition on the liberation struggle in Namibia - Request for copies of video tapes pertaining to the liberation movements in Southern Africa and specifically dealing with the struggle in Namibia

Letter from Wilfrid Grenville-Grey, Chief Executive/ Personal Assistant to Canon L. John Collins to Mr. P. Mueshihange, SWAPO, Department of Foreign Affairs: 10 August 1978. 1p. Document addresses: - Statement of regret that it will not be possible to provide a personal allowance for Peter Manning at the SWAPO office in London

Letter from Maurice Andrew & Partners to Christopher Beer Esq., Regional Director, International University Exchange Fund, International Development Centre, London: 19 July 1978. 1 p. Document addresses: - Funding program for SWAPO Education and Information Centre

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary to Messrs. Maurice Andrew and Partners, London: 14 July 1978. 1p. Document addresses: - Funding program for SWAPO Education and Information

Letter from Maud Henry, Treasury Department to Mr. Peter Manning, London: 21 July 1978. 1p. Document addresses:

152 - Enclosed cheque for air fares for Mr. Peter Manning and Ms. Murray-Hudson

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Text of Joint Declaration from the Five Western Members of the United Nations Security Council and the South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) of Namibia, Meeting in Luanda, People's Republic of Angola, Released on 12 July 1978." Luanda. 12 July 1978. 1p. Document addresses: - Agreement to proceed to the United Nations Security Council, thus opening the way to an internationally acceptable settlement on the questions of Namibian independence.

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Representative to Phyllis Altman, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 5 May 1978. 1 p. Document addresses: - SWAPO delegation visit to London from 14-15 May 1978 - Invitation to the International Defence & Aid Fund to send representatives to a meeting between SWAPO and solidarity committees, organisations and labour unions in order to discuss the current political developments in Namibia.

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary to Mr. Kaukungua, South West Africa People's Organisation, London: 31 March 1978. 1 p. Document addresses: - Reference to overdue rent and telephone bills

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Secretary for Information & Publicity to Canon L. John Collins, International Defence & Aid Fund: 10 March 1978. 1 p. Document addresses: - Letter of gratitude and appreciation for all of the help and encouragement provided by IDAF staff members over the past years

Letter from L. John Collins to Peter Katjavivi, SWAPO: 22 February 1978. 3p., including enclosed documents. Document addresses: - Apologies for missing the recent celebration for Peter Katjavivi - Document includes similar copy of letter addressed to Randolph Vinge - Document also includes letter of invitation for the celebration for Peter Katjavivi, hosted by the Namibia Support Committee

Letter from L. John Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund to Mr. Sam Nujoma, President, SWAPO, Dar es-Salaam: 12 January 1978.1 p. Document addresses: - Announcement of recent change in IDAF staff - The appointment of Mr. Wilfred Grenville-Grey to Personal Assistant to the President and Senior Executive Officer.

Letter from Sam Nujoma, President, SWAPO to Rev. Canon Collins, President, International Defence & Aid Fund: 15 December 1977. 2p. Document addresses: - Appeal for IDAF funding for the SWAPO office in London - Summary of the current situation in regard to the struggle for national liberation in Namibia, including the role of international support

Letter from Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO Representative to Phyllis Altman, Secretary General, International Defence & Aid Fund: 3 November 1977. 1p. Document addresses:

153 - Receipt of IDAF cheques for November allowance, as well as rent of flat and additional office expenses

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary to Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, SWAPO, London: 2 November 1977. 1p. Document addresses: - Reference to enclosed cheque to pay for rent and other expenses

Namibia Support Committee. "Trial of Victor Nkandi." No publication information available. 19 September 1977. 1p. Document addresses: - The illegal trial of Victor Nkandi, due to take place in Windhoek on 27 September 1977 - Appeal to all solidarity groups and sympathizers to oppose the case by helping to publicize this issue

Letter from David Simmons, Secretary, Namibia Support Committee to Dr. David Owen, Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London: 15 September 1977. 1 p. Document addresses: - The illegal trial of Victor Nkandi, charged with the assassination of Chief Elifas in August 1975 and due to take place in Windhoek on 27 September 1977. - Background of the case - The significance of the case in terms of Namibia's future independence

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary to Mr. Peter Katjavivi, Secretary for Information and Publicity, SWAPO, London: 12 August 1977. 12p., including attached document. Document addresses: - Expression of regret that IDAF will not be able to fund the costs of a publication project on Namibia - Document includes copy of letter from Mr. Peter Katjavivi, dated 13 July 1977 and detailing the request to IDAF to support the publication of a definitive and analytical reference book on Namibia and on the Namibian people's history of resistance. - Document also includes an "Estimated Budget" for the project, as well as a seven (7) page "Table of Contents."

Invitation to Phyllis Altman requesting that she attend a SWAPO reception on the occasion of the 11th Anniversary of Namibia Day. 8 August 1977. 2p., including letter of receipt for the invitation. Document addresses: - Reception to be held at the Zambian High Commission, Zambia House. - Includes screening of the new film "Namibia Armed"

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary to David Simmons, Acting Secretary, Namibia Support Committee, London: 6 April 1977. 2p., including invitation to attend reception. Document addresses: - Response to request to attend the reception for Mr. Shapua Kaukungua, the new SWAPO representative in the U.K. and Western Europe on Tuesday, 19 April 1977.

South West Africa People's Organisation. No title. February 1977. 5p., including attached documents.

154 Document addresses: - Invitation to attend a meeting regarding the current situation in Namibia - Reference to the South African organised "Turnhalls tribal talks," including the role of the Namibian people's opposition to the talks - Document includes bibliographical notes on leading members of the American Methodist Episcopal Church in Namibia and active supporters of the liberation struggle - Document also includes a Press Release in regard to the meeting, dated 17 February 1977

Letter from Phyllis Altman to The Manager, White House Hotel, London: 17 February 1977.1 p. Document addresses: - Statement from the International Defence & Aid Fund offering to pay for all costs incurred during the recent visit of the Rev. B.G. Karuaera, the Rev. E.S. Tjirimuje, Mr. B. Amathils and Mr. M. Muyongo.

Namibia Support Committee. "Press Conference." No date. 1p. Document addresses: - Press conference to be held to launch the medical kits for SWAPO

No author cited. Hand-written notes entitled, "Contents of file: South West Africa Trial of 37." No publication information. No date. 4p. Document addresses: - Chronological list of events pertaining the trial of the SWAPO 37 - Document includes one (1) page list entitled, "List of signatories of the letter to the South African Ambassador regarding the banning order served upon Mrs. Helen Joseph and Mrs. Lillian Ngoyi."

Fax from Sam Nujoma to Canon Collins, International Defence & Aid Fund. 23 June 1976.1 p. Document addresses: - Air ticket for Peter H. Katjavivi

Namibia Support Committee. "Mushimba-Shikongo Death Sentences." 2 August 1976. 5p. Document addresses: - Brief description of enclosed appeal - A four (4) page appeal against the death sentences passed on 12 May 1976 at the end of a three-month trial for alleged offences under the South African "Terrorism Act."

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Text of a Cable." 18 August 1976.1 p. Document addresses: - SWAPO statement condemning the efforts being made by the South African government, through its agents, to get Herman Toivo Ya Toivo and other Namibian political prisoners to support the setting up of a provisional government in Namibia.

Namibia Support Committee. "Don't Let Vorster Hang These SWAPO Leaders!" Political Flyer. 1976. 1 p. Document addresses: - The illegal trial of Mushimba and Shikongo, sentenced to death because they are members of SWAPO

155 Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary to Mrs. T. Shezi, London: 24 March 1976. 1p. Document addresses: - Reference to enclosed cheque

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary to Mr. Peter Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative, London and to Ms. Silvia Romennann, Germany: 24 March 1976. 2p. Document addresses: - Reference to request for official SWAPO statements and information regarding the political future of SWAPO

Letter from Phyllis Altman to Canon Collins: 18 March 1976.1 p. Document addresses: - Donations towards "Operation Namibia" on the part of various individuals and organisations who support the struggle for national independence in Namibia

Katjavivi, Peter. H. "SWAPO Press Statement." 27 January 1976. 1 p. Document addresses: - South Africa's alleged withdrawal from Angola - The Kunene hydro-electric project - The United Nations Security Council - South African troops in Namibia - The South African occupation of Namibia

Letter from Jenny Morgan, Namibia Support Committee to Canon Collins, London: 29 January 1976. 3p., including enclosed documents. Document addresses: - Public demonstration in protest of the illegal arrest of six (6) Namibians, all of them members of SWAPO and against the continuing South African occupation of Namibia. - Document includes political flyer issued by the Namibia Support Committee, explaining the details of the upcoming trials - Document also includes list of signatures, no further details available

United Nations Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. "NGO Human Rights Day Meeting." 24 November 1975. 4p. Document addresses: - Invitation to attend and participate in a Human Rights Meeting aimed at focusing attention on human rights issues and helping further objectives towards promoting fundamental human rights. - Document includes hand-written copy of schedule for Prisoners Week - Document also includes statement in regard to the British Campaign for the Release of Indonesian Political Prisoners

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary to Mr. Peter Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative, London: 9 October 1975. 1 p. Document addresses: - Reference to enclosed cheque - Receipt of letter of 8 October 1975, addressed to Rica Hodgson

Katjavivi, Peter H. "Further Evidence of West German Collaboration with South African Regime." 2 October 1975. 2p. Document addresses:

156 - The role of West Germany in Namibian internal affairs - The collaboration between the West German administration and the South African regime

Letter from Peter Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative in the UK to Secretary General, International Defence & Aid Fund: 28 October 1975. 2p. Document addresses: - SWAPO Calendar, published in English, French and German

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Press Conference." 8 August 1975. 1 p. Document addresses: - Press conference addressing the recent advances in SWAPO's guerrilla struggle

Letter from Phyllis Altman, General Secretary to Mr. Peter Katjavivi, London Representative, SWAPO: 7 July 1975. 1p. Document addresses: - Namibian slide show

Letter from Jo Morris, Executive Secretary, Namibia Support Committee to "Friend": 7 May 1975.1 p. Document addresses: - Proposal for a tour of Britain by two Namibian women who are closely involved in the struggle for national liberation

Namibia Support Committee. "Embargoed Midnight 30 April 1975." 29 April 1975. 3p. Document addresses: - SWAPO condemns the vicious shooting attack by South African occupying forces on Namibian workers in Windhoek - Detailed description of the shootings - Expression of support and solidarity with SWAPO and with the Namibian people - Document also includes a Press Statement issued by SWAPO in regard to the attack

South West Africa People's Organisation. No title. No publication information available. 14 February 1975.1 p. Document addresses: - Invitation to request the presence for Phyllis Altman at a SWAPO reception held on Thursday, 19 February 1975 at the home of His Excellency Mr. L.M. Mpotokwane, High Commissioner for Botswana, to meet visiting SWAPO officials.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Press Statement: SWAPO Welcomes British Support." 28 February 1975. 2p., including newspaper clipping. Document addresses: - SWAPO statement welcoming the recent support given by Mr. James Callaghan on behalf of the British government and the British people - Document includes newspaper clipping entitled, "Disorder as Front Crumbles," published in the Windhoek Advertiser on 24 February 1975.

Friends of Namibia Seminar Committee. "Friends of Namibia - Seminar 1975." No publication information available. No date. 2p., 2 copies. Document addresses: - Invitation to participate in a Seminar which will address questions pertaining to Namibian independence and the future of Namibia

157 Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative to Ms. Phyllis Altman, International Defence & Aid Fund: 17 January 1975. 2p. Document addresses: - Biographical note on John Otto

Letter from H.O.B. Winter to The Presidential Committee, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 10 January 1975. 1 p. Document addresses: - Statement of gratitude for the generous support and assistance of Canon Collins - The present work of the Namibia Peace Centre

IDAF Box No. IS/A/19 Boxes 57 & 57A Box Title: SWAPO, 1969- 1970 SWAPO: Papers for Consultative Conference, Tanzania 1969-1970 International Conference, Brussels, February 1972 Folder File: SWAPO: Papers for Consultative Conference, Tanzania 1969-1970 International Conference, Brussels, February 1972

British Committee on Namibia. "Minutes of Meeting of British Committee on Namibia." 21 September 1972. 1p. Document divided into the following sections: - Present - Apologies for Absence - Namibia at the UN - Follow-up to the Brussels Conference - Situation Within Namibia - The date of the next meeting

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Proposed Programme for the NIC Standing Committee." September 1972. 2p. Document addresses: - Request to intensify the follow-up of the work of the Standing Committee from the Brussels Conference - List of "counter-strategy" proposals for the Standing Committee in terms of the tour of Western Europe programme envisaged for the period covering September 1972 to the end of October 1972.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Report Back Meeting of Preparatory Support Committee Namibia International Conference." 4 August 1972.1 p. Document divided into the following sections: - Agenda - Report on Namibia International Conference - Subsequent developments and action taken to implement Conference decisions - Discussion on follow-up action within UK - Any other business

British Group on Namibia. "Minutes of the Meeting of the British Group on Namibia - 31/8/72." 3p. Document divided into the following sections: - Chairman

158 - Apologies for Absence - Present - Latest Developments in Namibia Issue - Conference Follow-Up --Implementation - BCC - NUS Action Group - British Communist Party - Operation Omega - Friends of Namibia - Africa Bureau - Bishop Winter - Discussion

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Report on the Namibia International Conference Presented by SWAPO to the Meeting of the UK Group - House of Commons, 3/8/1972, 6:30pm." 5p. Document divided into the following sections: - Conference Achievements - Conference Follow-Up - Document also includes a two (2) page document produced by the Council of Ministries of the OAU entitled, "Resolution on Namibia."

No author cited. "Namibia International Conference." Brussels. 26- 28 May 1972. 14p. Document divided into the following sections: - Declaration - Political Commission - Considerations - Political Policies - Proposals for Political Action - Positive Action - Legal Commission - Economic Commission - Conclusions - Action Proposals - World Trade Unions - Organisation of African Unity - National Non-Governmental Action Groups - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trades - European Economic Community - International Civil Aviation Organisation - South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation - Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organisation - United Nations - Action Commission - Conclusions - Action Proposals - An Urgent Appeal of the Namibia International Conference to the EEC

Letter from Peter H. Katjavivi, SWAPO Representative in Britain to Rica [no surname cited] : 18 April 1972. 13p., including enclosed documents. Document addresses: - Enclosed invitation for the Namibia International Conference, to be held in Brussels from 26-28 May 1972. - Enclosed documents include conference invitation, accommodation information, conference schedule of events, time table, agenda, reception, registration form and information regarding Visa requirements.

159 Preparatory Support Committee for Namibia International Conference. "Minutes of Meeting of Preparatory Support Committee for Namibia International Conference (Brussels, 26-28 May 1972) held on Friday, 14 April 1972 at the Anti-Apartheid Movement offices, 89 Charlotte Street, London." 2p. Document divided into the following sections: - Present - Apologies - Progress Report - Joint Action - Composition of UK Delegation - Any Other Business

Preparatory Support Committee for Namibia International Conference. "Agenda." 14 April 1972. 1 p. Document addresses: - Points to be addressed at the next meeting of the Preparatory Support Committee for Namibia International Conference

Letter from D. Janssens, for the Secretariat, Namibia International Conference to Canon L.J. Collins, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 29 March 1972. 1p. Document addresses: - Request to send IDAF representative to attend the Namibia International Conference being held in Brussels from 26-28 May 1972 - Proposal to organise a small meeting for the international organisations supporting the conference - Brief list of main points to be discussed at the meeting

Letter from R. Rousseaux, Treasurer of the International Preparatory Secretariat, Namibia International Conference to Rev. Collins, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 15/3/1972. 1 p. Document addresses: - Expression of gratitude for the IDAF donation toward the Namibia International Conference

Preparatory Support Committee for Namibia International Conference. "Namibia International Preparatory Conference." 14 February 1972. 2p. Document divided into the following sections: - Meeting of Heads of Delegation: 14 February 11-00 - Chairmanship and Praesidium - Agenda and Procedure

No author cited. "Namibia International Preparatory Conference: Press Release." Brussels. 14-15 February 1972. 2p. Document addresses: - The deliberations of the International Preparatory Conference on Namibia on 14-15 February 1972 - A brief summary of the current political situation inside Namibia as presented by Sam Nujoma - The international significance of the International Conference on Namibia, scheduled to take place from 26-28 May 1972 - The need for world wide support and popular participation on the part of the international community

No author cited. "Namibia International Preparatory Conference: Appeal." Brussels. 14-15 February 1972. 2p. Document addresses: - The role of the international community in the struggle of national liberation and independence in Namibia

160 - The oppressive policies of the South African regime and the illegal occupation of Namibia - The urgent need for expressions of support and solidarity with the people of Namibia on the part of the international community - List of various means by which the international community can express their support for the Namibian people - Appeal to all governments, governmental bodies, national and international organisations to participate fully in the Namibia International Conference

No author cited. "Namibia International Preparatory Conference: Proposals for a Political Commission." Brussels. 14-15 February 1972. 1p. Document addresses: - List of discussion topics for the political commission to address at the Namibia International Conference

No author cited. "Namibia International Preparatory Conference: Financial and Technical Commissions." Brussels. 14-15 February 1972. 1p. Document divided into the following sections: - Budget - Secretaries - Hall - Equipment of Secretariat - Transport - Accommodation

Van Der Leenen, A., Janssens, D.. "Namibia International Preparatory Conference: Report by Executive Secretary of Belgian National Committee." Brussels. 14-15 February 1972. 2p. Document addresses: - The first contact between the South West Africa People's Organisation and the Belgium National Committee in December 1970. - The subsequent developments in regard to the conference, including a list of Belgium organisations which have agreed to support the conference

No author cited. "Namibia International Preparatory Conference: Draft Budget for Namibia International Conference and Preparatory Stages." Brussels, 14-15 February 1972. 2p. Document divided into the following sections: - Total Budget - Other Expenses - Stationary - Telephone, post, etc. - Transport - Translations - Salaries - Equipment - SWAPO Reps.' Travel - Lodging and Basic Needs of 2 SWAPO Reps. - Supplementary Expenses - Main Conference - Total

No author cited. "Namibia International Conference: Conference Internationale Sur La Namibie: Internationale Konferentie Over Namibia." 6 March 1972. 28p., including enclosed documents. Document addresses:

161 - Reference to enclosed documents from the International Preparatory Conference, Brussels, 14-15 February 1972 - Enclosed documents include the following: - Report of the Namibia International Preparatory Conference - Aims and Objectives of the Namibia International Conference - Namibia International Preparatory Conference Appeal - Namibia International Preparatory Conference Press Release - Namibia International Preparatory Conference List of Participants - Members of Belgian National Committee For the Preparation of the Namibia International Conference - Namibia International Preparatory Conference: Speech of Mr. Sam Nujoma, President of the South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) of Namibia at the Opening Plenary Session - Namibia International Preparatory Conference: Address of Mr. Mishake Muyongo, Acting Vice President of the South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) of Namibia, delivered at the opening plenary session of the Namibia International Preparatory Conference on 14 February 1972. - Namibia International Preparatory Conference: Background on Namibia - Press Conference Statement by Mishake Muyongo, Acting Vice-President of the South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) of Namibia

No author cited. "Fight for a Free Namibia." 7 February 1972. 2p. Document addresses: - Public meeting scheduled for Thursday, 10 February 1972 in order to discuss the upcoming strike - List of organisations supporting the meeting - Document includes map and brief summary overleaf to provide background information on the strike

Letter from Belgian National Committee and Ewald Katjivena (Member of SWAPO National Executive) to Rev. L.J. Collins, International Defence & Aid Fund, London: 19/1/1972. 7p., including enclosed documents Document addresses: - Invitation to the Namibia International Preparatory Conference on 14-15 February 1972 - Enclosed documents include the following: - List of member organisations who currently support the Belgian National Committee for the Namibia International Conference - Information form regarding accommodation and meals during the Namibian International Preparatory Conference - SWAPO statement of appeal to all freedom and justice-loving people to demonstrate their solidarity with the people of Namibia in their struggle to attain their right to self-determination and national independence.

No author cited. "Namibia International Conference - Bruxelles." No publication information available. September 1971. 9p. Document divided into the following sections - Preparatory Secretariat - Convenor - Patrons - Sponsoring Committee - Organisers - Host Organisations

162 - Outline for Proposed Structure and Functions - Proposed Objective - Procedure - Provisional List of Host Organisations: Belgian National Organisations - The Background to the Namibian Struggle - Advisory Opinion of International Court of Justice - South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) of Namibia

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Resolutions: The Consultative Congress of the South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) of Namibia met in Tanga, United Republic of Tanzania, from 26 December, 1969 to 2 January 1970 and adopted the following resolutions." Department of Information & Publicity, South West Africa People's Organisation. No date. 6p. Document addresses: - The political demands of SWAPO and the resolutions set forth in terms of the struggle for national freedom and independence in Namibia

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Communique Issued by the South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) of Namibia following its Consultative Congress." No publication information available. No date. 2p. Document addresses: - Detailed description of the meeting of the Consultative Congress of the South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) of Namibia in Tanga from 26 December 1969 - 2 January 1970 - Strategic review of all the activities of the Party since the launching of the armed struggle in Namibia, with a specific emphasis on the political and military problems which pertain to the struggle for liberation of Namibia. - Lists of international representatives who attended the Opening Session of the Congress - Review of the Party's foreign policy with respect to such international organisations as the United Nations, the OAU, as well as other national liberation movements in Africa and abroad. - Discussion of the political, military and economic role of the Western Powers - The Constitution of SWAPO - The plight of Namibian refugees - The development of armed struggle in the country side, including the progress made since the beginning of the armed struggle and the experience gained by the freedom fighters - Expression of gratitude to Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere, President of Tanzania and Comrade Waziri Juma, Regional Secretary of TANU for their firm support and solidarity in the struggle for national independence, as well as the people of Tanga for their generous hospitality.

South West Africa People's Organisation. "Speech made by Sam Nujoma, President of SWAPO, to the Consultative Conference of SWAPO held in Tanga (Tanzania) from 26 to 31 December 1969." No publication information available. No date. 5p. Document addresses: - Opening statement to the Consultative Congress of the South West Africa People's Organisation - Statement of gratitude to Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere, President of Tanzania, the government, TANU, the Afro-Shirazi Party and to the People of Tanzania for the

163 long-standing support for the liberation struggle not only in Namibia, but in the whole of Southern Africa. - Statement of gratitude to all those African states and to the OAU whose support of the liberation struggle has been unwavering - The current phase of the struggle in Namibia - The struggle against imperialism in the international context - The role of armed struggle in the fight for national liberation - The launch of the armed struggle in Namibia and the response of the South African government - The role of African freedom fighters in securing liberation and independence from colonial oppression on the African continent - Appeal to the Consultative Congress to address these issues and to oppose colonial imperialism in Africa in the new decade


Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 4 102, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 117, Accra SWAPO-SWANU agreement, 48 127, 128, 131, 138, 141, 142, 149, Action Commission, 77, 159 153, 156 Action Namibia, 151 —FAPLA, 109 Action News, 32 —Ministry of Defence Communiqué, Action on Namibia, 86, 101, 102 109 Action Proposals, 77, 159 Angula, Jason, 117 Addis Ababa, 18, 32 Ankama, Vitalis, 142 Africa Bureau, 28, 95, 98, 101, 102, 137, Anti-Apartheid Movement, 2, 79, 80, 82, 145, 159 95, 148 —Africa Bureau Fact Sheet, 28 —Netherlands, 28, 115 Africa Fund, 17 Apartheid, 2, 8, 11, 16, 21, 22, 28, 29, African Land Settlement, 11 30, 34, 46, 49, 51, 55, 79, 80, 82, 86, African National Congress (ANC), 21, 29, 90, 92, 95, 102, 103, 122, 148 30, 32, 38 Appolos, 139 African People's Conference, 51 Appolus, Emil R., 51 African Resistance, 4 Appolus, ‘Meekulu’ Putuse, 22, 29 African Socialist Solution, 25 Appolus-Amathila, Libertin, 4 African Workers Strike, 37 Argentina, 77 Africa-U.N. Bulletin, 57 Armed Forces, 31, 58, 60 Afrikaans, 56, 148 Armed Struggle, 33, 37, 38, 59, 62, 95, Afro-Asian People’s Solidarity 109, 163, 164 Organization (AAPSO), Cairo, Egypt, Arrests, 25, 33, 36, 37, 59, 61, 63, 72, 18 75, 86, 112, 114, 123, 125, 131, 134, Afro-Shirazi Party, 163 142, 145, 146, 148, 150, 156 Afua, Horst, 116 Art, 23 AG 9 Proclamation, 81, 124 Ascherson, Neal, 42 AG 26 Proclamation (1978), 34, 112, Astrom, Sverker C., 145 134, 149 Atrocities, 15, 36, 68 Agriculture, 22, 24, 55, 70, 86, 88, 96, 100 Ahtisaari, Martti, 69, 70, 83 Ballinger, Ronald B, 47 AI-Shawaf, Aiza, 139 Banking, 25, 86, 94 Aldrich, George H., 142 Bantu Administration, 25 Algeria, 44, 77, 129 Bantu Education, 25, 26, 36, 125 Altman, Phyllis, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, Bantustans, 2, 4, 5, 8, 11, 25, 26, 34, 44, 112, 113, 114, 124, 125, 126, 127, 65, 78, 81, 82, 90, 100, 141 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 136, —Bantustan policy, 4 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 147, —‘Development’ Financing, 2 148, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, Basson, Japie, 48 157, 158 Baster people, 7, 23, 53 Amathils, B., 155 Beeld, 147 American Committee on Africa (ACOA), Beer, Christopher, 152 17, 27, 32, 57, 146 Belgian National Committee, 161, 162 American Metal Climax, Inc. (AMAX), 14, Belgium, 21, 77, 161 17, 54 Berendsen, Mr., 47 American Methodist Episcopal Church in Bergdama people, 23, 76 Namibia, 155 Bethlehem Steel, 17 Amnesty International, 68, 112, 141, 148, Beukes, Hans Johannes, 56 151 Bill of Rights, 59, 135 ANC Newsbriefing, 32 Black Nationalism, 23 Angola, 21, 27, 31, 34, 36, 39, 48, 62, Blignaut, Bruwer, 40 65, 66, 67, 68, 74, 77, 81, 84, 87, 95, Boaten, Afua, 117, 119, 122

165 Boer Nationalists, 11 Centro de Estudos Africanos, Boer Rule, 26 Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Borrell, John, 135 Maputo, 16 Botha, P.W., 8, 15, 29, 84, 93, 105, 126, Ceylon, 77 127 Chad, 77 Botswana, 15, 77, 157 Chaka, Leonard, 74 Boycotts, 30, 31, 32, 93, 133, 134 Chile, 77 Brazil, 77 China, 50, 51, 77 Brehme, G., 6 Chivuno, L. S., 20, 39 Brian Bunting Collection, 58 Christian Action, 141, 146, 148 Brilund Mines, 17 Christian Centre in South West Africa, 12 Britain. See United Kingdom Christian Science Monitor, 9, 10 British Campaign for the Release of Christianity, 96 Indonesian Political Prisoners, 156 Churches, 3, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 84, British Committee on Namibia, 158 89, 91, 110, 126, 135, 150 British Communist Party, 159 —Leaders, 89, 135, 140 British Group on Namibia, 158 —Organisations, 85 Brown, Henry J., 134, 135 Citizenship, 31, 58, 59, 135 Brussels, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 18, 21, 76, 77, Collins, Canon L. John, 105, 106, 107, 78, 109, 151, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162 108, 109, 110, 111, 114, 115, 128, Bulgaria, 77 129, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, Bunting, Brian, 2, 40, 42, 43, 45, 49, 50, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 54, 58, 60, 61, 64, 69, 73, 75, 76, 79, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 80, 83, 85, 86, 92, 94, 97, 100 155, 156, 158, 160, 162 Bunting, S., 146 Colonial Oppression, 164 BUPA Medical Centre, 127 Colonialism, 4, 5, 11, 25, 30, 32, 34, 36, Bureau of State Security (BOSS), 96 48, 80, 86 Bushmen people, 76 Coloured people, 76, 99 Combatant, 130 Commerce, 102 Cabral, Luís, 62 Committee for the Liberation of Namibia, Callaghan, James, 157 12 Camera Project, 110 Communism Act (1966), 36 Cameroon, 77 Complaints Commissioner, 59, 135 Campaign Against Namibian Uranium Congo, 50, 77 Contracts (CANUC), 98 Conscription, 21, 30, 87 Canada, 4, 59, 67, 77, 118, 127, 135 Constitution, 13, 24, 58, 59, 88, 102, —NGOs, 24 129, 134, 163 , 77 —Constituent Assembly, 59, 129, 135 Cape Argus, 9, 53 —Constitutional Court, 59, 135 Cape Times, 7, 10, 53, 56, 92 —Guarantees, 59, 135 Cape Town, 16, 23, 45, 56, 100, 126, —Initiative, 66 141, 147 —Proposals, 38, 101 Cape Verde Islands, 27 —Talks, 65, 66, 93, 102 Caprio, Victorio D., 47 Construction, 94 Caprivi African National Union (CANU), Constructive Engagement, 15 25, 35 Contract Labour System, 9 Caprivi Strip, 7, 18, 25, 26, 35, 87, 101 Cook, Al, 117, 118 Carlson, Joel, 140, 148 Council of Churches, 126, 151 Carter, Barbara, 137 —Corporate Information Centre, 14 Cembo, John, 44 Counter-revolutionary Elements, 68 Central Region, 86 Courtney, Winifred, 17 Centre d’Information et de Crocker, Chester, 105 Documentation sur le Mozambique et Cuba, 62, 129 I’Afrique Australe (CIDMAA), 24, 118 Culture, 31, 58, 59, 70, 112 Centre de Recherches socio-religieuses Czechoslovakia, 77, 83 de l'Université Catholique de Louvain, 3 Dahomey, 77 Damaraland, 9, 14, 85, 86, 96, 141

166 Dar es Salaam, 137, 146, 147, 153 Egypt, 18, 77 Darling, Joan, 105 El Salvador, 30 Davis, Jennifer, 17 Elections, 16, 26, 31, 33, 35, 45, 47, 48, De Beer, David, 151 53, 60, 69, 73, 80, 83, 92, 96, 109, De Cuellar, Javier Perez, 84, 126 113, 115, 116, 125, 135, 136, 138, De Vries, M. Th. K., 122 140, 141, 151 Defence, 16, 17, 21, 31, 32, 33, 34, 58, —Campaigns, 96, 116 74, 79, 82, 85, 86, 87, 96, 97, 100, —Electoral System, 127, 128 102, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, —Post-Election Developments, 96 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, Elias, Ndapopina, 142 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, Elijas, Chief, 133, 154 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, Emergency Relief, 113, 123, 126, 149 133, 134, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, Employment Inequalities, 21 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, End Conscription Campaign (ECC), 30 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 155, —ECC Focus, 16 157, 158, 160, 162 English language, 2, 56, 111, 148, 157 Democratic Journalist, 86 Ennals, Martin, 141 Democratic Socialism, 12 Episcopal Churchman for South Africa Democratic Turnhalle Alliance (DTA), 15 For A Free Southern Africa, 150 Denmark, 4, 77 Essener Steinkohlen AG (STEAL), 64 Detainees, 21, 34, 61, 68, 81, 82, 85, 87, Ethiopia, 15, 18, 25, 47, 77, 79, 82 113, 114, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, Etosha Petroleum, 17 131, 134, 140, 142, 143, 144, 145, Etosha Plan, 23 146, 147, 148, 149, 150 European Economic Community, 77, 159 Detention, 16, 21, 25, 31, 36, 37, 59, 61, Evangelical Lutheran Ovambokabango 63, 68, 73, 75, 81, 82, 85, 86, 95, 112, Church, 3 113, 114, 123, 125, 131, 134, 142, Exile, 95, 148 145, 148, 149, 150 Exploitation, 2, 36, 81, 103, 113 Development, 2, 6, 20, 22, 23, 25, 31, Exports, 96, 103 51, 58, 70, 80, 88, 92, 96, 98 Exxon Corporation, 38 —Developmental Expenditure, 1 Diamonds, 17, 23, 90 —Diamond Mines, 4, 103 Fact Papers, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86, 92, 94, Digest of South African Affairs, 55 97, 100 Diplomatic Conference on Humanitarian Farming. See Agriculture. Law, 142 Feinberg, Barry, 120 Direct Rule, 21 Feudalism, 44 Dold, Paul, 9 Fighting Talk, 46 Driberg, Tom, 55 Finance, 12, 31, 58, 94, 123, 124 Dumeni, Bishop K., 150 —Financial Aid, 108, 111, 118, 119, Dundas, Sir Charles, 55 134, 142, 144 Financial Aid News, 13 Financial Times, 10 Economic Commission, 77, 159 Findlay, I.R., 138 Economy, 1, 3, 14, 17, 18, 19, 22, 27, Finland, 77 32, 43, 86, 88, 97, 101, 102, 103 First, Ruth, 2, 5, 78 —Conditions, 5, 18, 75 Fishing, 22, 23, 24, 27, 86, 100, 103 —Economic Power of Whites, 2 Flashers, 30 —Facts And Statistics, 1 Focus, 31, 32, 87, 92, 137 —Resources, 34 Foot and Mouth Disease, 94 —Policy, 58 Forced Labour, 17 Education, 12, 18, 22, 24, 31, 32, 34, 36, Forced Removals, 37, 51 55, 58, 59, 70, 76, 88, 90, 93, 96, 98, Ford, Martha, 114 100, 112, 113, 152 Foreign Capital, 86 —Unequal access to, 1 Foreign Investment, 9, 86 Educational (School) Project, 125 Foreign Relations, 59, 130, 135 Educational and Cultural Association of Fortune, Ismail, 45 Namibia (ECAN), 112 Franca, António Ndalu, 62 Eenahna Camp, 135, 137 France, 4, 59, 67, 77, 89, 108, 109, 135 Eggenhuizen, Toine, 108 Francis, Desmond, 146

167 Freedom Fighters, 25, 33, 36, 61, 70, 71, Herero people, 7, 16, 23, 81, 82, 89, 104 83, 146, 147, 148, 163, 164 Hereroland, 86 Freedom of Movement, 12 Hesse, Chris, 3, 78 Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), 12 Hoachanas (place), 49, 56 Friends of Namibia, 3, 33, 82, 95, 157, Hodges, Tony, 28 159 Hodgson, Rica, 140, 156 —Committee, 3, 82, 95 Homelands, 12, 28, 91, 94, 101, 102 —Seminar Committee, 157 Horrell, Muriel, 99 Front de Libération Nationale (FLN), 44 Hospitals and Clinics, 4 Fuel, 94 Houser, George M., 146 Fundraising projects, 152 Housing, 12, 21, 24, 31, 58 Houtart, François, 2 Huddleston, Rt. Rev. Archbishop Trevor, Garoeb, Moses E., 4, 37, 38, 47, 48, 65, 115, 118, 119, 123, 125, 137 107, 127 Hultman, Tami, 14 Geingob, Gottfried Hage, 20, 36, 71, 107 Human Rights, 36, 37, 73, 79, 93, 112, Gemini News Service, 102 156 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade —violations (South Africa and (GATT), 4 Namibia), 15 General Amendment Law, 148 Hungary, 77 Geneva, 38, 68, 93, 95, 112, 133, 142, 144, 151 Germany, 4, 12, 17, 23, 59, 66, 67, 77, Imishue, R. W., 98 82, 93, 135, 156, 157 Imperialism, 4, 164 —Federal Republic (FRG), 12 Imports, 103 —German colonialism, 11 Income (Per Capita), 14, 103 —Nazi occupation, 17 Independence, 3, 12, 14, 16, 19, 24, 27, Getzen, Erich (pseud.) See Kerina, 29, 30, 33, 34, 40, 44, 46, 54, 60, 68, Mburumba Kambandi 73, 89, 91, 96 Global Justice, 30 —Agreement, 59 Graham, Anne, 143 —Celebration, 24 Grant, Stephanie, 148 India, 77 Grenville-Grey, Wilfrid, 137, 138, 152, Indigenous cultures, 5 153 Industry, 2, 11, 27, 38, 55, 80, 102 Gross Domestic Product (GDP, Per Infectious Diseases, 22 Capita), 14 Influx Control, 21 Guerrilla warfare, 28, 65, 71, 72, 93, 124 Information Media, 86 Guiné-Bissau, 27, 62, 77, 95, 109 Infrastructure, 100 Guinea, 27, 62, 77 Insurance, 94 Guiteb, Lazarus, 121, 131 Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Guyana, 27, 77 Organisation (IMCO), 77, 159 Interim Government, 135 Inter-marriage, 12 H.J. Van Biljon & Co., 142 Internal Mobilising Campaign, 118, 119 Haas, Dr., 130 Internal Settlement, 15, 101, 107, 113 Hainyeko, Tobias, 70 International Civil Aviation Organisation Haita, Phillip, 142 (ICAO), 4, 77, 159 Haitembo, Festus, 13 International Committee of the Red Hall, Mr. Justice C. G., 46 Cross (ICRC), 145, 146 Hall, Richard, 98 International Community, 63, 66, 70, 76, Hamutenya, Hidipo, 29, 30, 120 78, 79, 112, 126, 143, 160, 161 Hannai, Jacob, 74, 122, 123, 124 International Conference in Solidarity Hatengy, Simo D., 44 with the Struggle of the People of Haulyondjaba, Mariam N., 124 Namibia, 108 Hayes, Rev. S.T., 9 International Conference in Support of Health, 4, 22, 31, 34, 58, 59, 70, 98, 100, the Struggle of the Women in South 111, 113, 117, 129 Africa and Namibia, 21 —Expenditure, 4 International Conference on South West Henry, Maud, 152 Africa, 103 Herald, 8, 29

168 International Court of Justice, 5, 11, 14, Kaakunga, Othniel Riundja Ali, 131, 139 42, 45, 46, 47, 49, 53, 56, 67, 72, 74, Kahana, Shafashike, 87 79, 80, 89, 98, 99, 103, 104, 145, 163 Kalle Infotec (company), 116 International Defence & Aid Fund (IDAF), Kaluenja, Homateni, 86 16, 17, 21, 31, 32, 33, 34, 85, 86, 87, Kampala, Kondja, 130 97, 100, 102, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, Kane-Berman, John, 9 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, Kanguatjivi, Elias, 35 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, Kapelwa, Richard, 74 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 132, Kaporo, Efraim Kamati, 147 133, 134, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, Kapuuo, Chief Clemens, 82, 97, 134 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, Karuaera, B. G., 110, 121, 155 151, 153, 155, 157, 158, 160 Kashes, Joseph, 142 —Donation, 122, 123, 148, 160 Kassinga, 21, 33, 34, 35, 81, 85, 91, 113 —Financial Grant, 106, 107, 108 —Kassinga Massacre, 21, 34 —Funding, 122, 125, 126, 130, 132, Katamila, Kaveke, 130 133, 134, 136, 139, 140, 144, 145, Kateka, Markus, 34 151, 153 Katima Mululo Airfield, 18 —Photography Exhibition, 152 Katjavivi, Peter H., 7, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, —Research and Information 71, 74, 106, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, Department, 79, 85, 86 115, 121, 125, 132, 133, 134, 135, International Development Centre, 152 136, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, International Labour Organisation (ILO), 144, 146, 152, 153, 154, 156, 157, 4, 77 158, 159 International Law, 97 Katjivena, Ewald, 162 International Negotiations, 35, 107 Katutura township, 37, 46, 51, 70, 142 International Newsbriefing on Namibia, —Massacre, 37 102 Kaukuetu, Uatja, 45 International University Exchange Fund Kaukungua, Shapua, 29, 74, 105, 106, (IUEF), 152 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, Intimidation, 9, 36, 37, 58, 59, 60, 76, 80, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 140, 143, 150 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, Investment and Investors, 14, 58, 94, 96, 129, 130, 132, 133, 137, 138, 139, 99, 103 149, 151, 153, 154 Ipito, Cristof, 142 Kaulinge, Pendukeni, 127 Iraq, 77 Kauluma, James Hamupanda., 150, 151 Ireland, 56, 77, 106 Kaunda, Kenneth David, 60 Italy, 77 Kavango, 80, 117 Ivory Coast, 77 Kennedy, Eamonn L., 56 Kerina, Mburumba Kambandi, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 56 Jack and Ray Simons Collection, 1 Kinnock, Glenys, 115 Jansen, J. C. H., 142 Kissinger, Henry, 97 Janssens, D., 160, 161 Kleinschmidt, Horst, 115, 116, 117, 118, Japan, 4, 77 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 127 Jimmy, Ida, 22, 29, 121 Koevoet, 60, 91, 92 Job Reservation Act, 18 Kooper, Marcus, 45 Job, Tobias, 142 Kozonguizi, Jariretundu, 11, 42, 43, 44, Johannes, Axel J., 34, 64, 65, 86, 95, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 54, 94, 139 106, 107, 122, 133, 150 Kramer, Reed, 14 Johannesburg, 9, 47, 55, 99, 140 Kuhangua, Jacob, 50 Joint Action, 160 Kunene, 3, 27, 72, 88, 91, 156 Joseph, Helen, 155 Kunene River, 3, 27, 72, 88 Judiciary, 59, 135 Kurian, George Thomas, 129 Juma, Waziri, 163 Kutako, Chief Hosea, 44, 46, 48, 71, 94 Justice, 28, 30, 46, 71, 73, 89, 90 Justice and Peace Commission (Zimbabwe), 30 Labour, 1, 4, 10, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 22, Justice and Reconciliation News, 30 26, 31, 34, 35, 46, 55, 58, 63, 70, 71, 76, 77, 80, 90, 93, 97, 100, 101, 117, 129, 145

169 Labour Party —National Executive Committee, 99 Mabuku, Frans, 142 —Women’s Section, 22 McBride, Sean, 69, 83, 98 Labour Relations, 1, 18 MacDermot, Neil, 112 Labourers, 88, 89 McNair, Sir Arnold, 56 Land, 2, 5, 7, 11, 13, 21, 22, 23, 50, 75, MacNeil-Lehrer Report, 38 93, 98, 117 Mali, 77 —and Labour, 5, 75 Maliki, Matias, 142 —Distribution, 1, 11, 93 Malnutrition, 22 —Purchase, 2 Mamozai, Martha, 113 —Settlement (by Europeans), 11 Mandate, 2, 5, 6, 16, 18, 19, 23, 25, 33, Landau, Charles S., 119 36, 42, 46, 47, 50, 53, 55, 56, 75, 76, Language Policy, 31, 58 80, 81, 89, 90, 93, 97, 98, 99, 100, Law, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 22, 46, 59, 68, 70, 74, 103, 126 80, 100, 135 Manning, Peter, 107, 108, 115, 116, 138, Lawrence, H. G., 53 152, 153 Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Maputo, 16, 135 under Law, 142 Marienthal Concentration Camp, 123, Lazarus, Michael, 140 139, 149 League of Nations, 2, 6, 25, 36, 47, 55, Martial Law, 58, 81, 112 76, 89, 98 Marxism-Leninism, 38 Leballo, Potlako, 114 Mason, David, 137, 139 Lebanon, 77 Mass Graves, 113 Lectures, 5, 6, 7, 8 Mass Media, 31, 58, 87 Legislation, 2, 12, 85 Massacres, 73 Legislature, 59, 135 Matengu, D. J. A., 142 Lemercinier, Geneviéve, 3 Maurice Andrew & Partners, 152 Lesotho, 77 Mauritania, 77 Lestrade, Gerard Paul, 32 Mayibuye, 29, 92 Levett, M. E., 127, 128 Mbeki, Govan, 29 Levinson, Olga, 23 M’Boumoua, William Eteki, 69 Lewin, Eleanor, 147 Mbuha, Uaseta (Barney), 43 Liberation Movements, 13, 27 Medical Practitioners, 4 Liberia, 25, 77, 79, 82 Medical Solidarity Campaign, 72 Libya, 77, 102 Meroro, David H., 62, 64, 73, 121, 133, Ling, Margaret, 124 134, 140, 141, 143 Lita, Olivia, 13 Mhlaba, Raymond, 30 Local Government, 12, 20, 31, 58, 59, Migration, 22 135 Military, 6, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 25, 26, 31, London, 3, 4, 36, 42, 55, 64, 65, 67, 71, 36, 37, 62, 65, 66, 68, 87, 97, 100, 74, 79, 82, 91, 97, 98, 99, 100, 105, 101, 107, 109, 113, 117, 128, 129, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 136, 141, 163 114, 115, 120, 123, 124, 127, 129, Minerals, 2, 22, 23, 90, 101 130, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, Mining, 2, 11, 14, 17, 22, 24, 86, 95, 100, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 103, 117 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, Missionaries, 23 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, Mockford, Julian, 99 160, 162 Monthly Communiqué, 28 Lorentz & Bone, 133 Moore, Philip, 32 Louw, Eric, 41, 44 Moorsom, Richard, 7, 129 Low Intensity Warfare, 15 Morgan, Jenny, 156 Luanda, 31, 39, 67, 69, 75, 84, 106, 109, Morocco, 77, 102 114, 117, 122, 124, 126, 127, 128, Morris, Jo, 157 129, 130, 138, 153 Mozambique, 24, 27, 36, 77, 95, 109 Lubango, 62 MPLA, 62, 109 Luns, Joseph, 66 Mpotokwane, L. M., 157 Lusaka, 18, 19, 20, 36, 37, 38, 39, 59, Mubuyaeta, George, 129 60, 64, 69, 75, 107, 114, 124, 135, Muchimba, Aaron, 61 136, 138, 142, 147 Mudge, Dirk, 97 Mueshihange, Peter, 106, 138, 152

170 Mufalali, Ignatius M., 128 Nepilils, Kaufilua, 142 Mukasa, Willy, 71 Netherlands, 74, 77, 151, 152 Munich Reinsurance Co., 117 —Dutch companies, 74 Murray, Roger, 2 Neto, Agostinho, 62 Murray-Hudson, Ms., 153 Neto, João Luís «Xietu», 109 Mushimba, Aaron, 155 New Age, 43, 44, 45, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, Muundjua, John Marcus, 45 55 Muya, D., 44 New Perspectives, 29, 30 Muyongo, Albert, 25, 35, 36 New Statesman, 28 Muyongo, Mishake, 1, 2, 35, 37, 71, 74, New York, 9, 10, 47, 49, 64, 82, 94, 97, 95, 110, 155, 162 108, 139, 144, 145 Mwansa, Venarcious, 31 New York Times, 9, 10 New Zealand, 77 News in Brief, 12, 26, 27, 70, 71 Nailenge, Olavi, 85 Ngoyi, Lillian, 155 Nama people, 23, 76, 81, 82 Nhongo, Teurai Ropa, 30 Namaland, 87 Niger, 77 Nambinga, Rauna, 34, 86 Nigeria, 77, 95, 144 Namib Today, 12, 26 Nkandi, Victor, 154 Namibia Bulletin, 87 Nord Resources Corp., 17 Namibia Day Commemoration, 139 North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Namibia International Conference(s), 1, (NATO), 66, 72 2, 3, 4, 5, 27, 35, 37, 76, 77, 78, 79, Ntunja, Samson Senzangakhona 144, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162. (Ngcaphephe), 30 Namibia International Preparatory Nuclear Weapons, 67, 131 Conference (February 1972), 18, 78, Nujoma, Sam, 14, 18, 25, 29, 32, 33, 34, 160, 161, 162 35, 36, 38, 43, 46, 48, 54, 55, 62, 63, Namibia News, 64, 70, 71, 72, 73, 87, 67, 68, 71, 74, 75, 78, 79, 93, 105, 88, 92, 102 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 116, 118, Namibia Peace Centre, 158 119, 123, 124, 125, 127, 130, 132, Namibia Support Committee, 98, 100, 133, 141, 145, 146, 147, 148, 153, 153, 154, 155, 156 155, 160, 162, 163 Namibia Support Group, 14 Nutrition, 4 Namibia Today, 88 Nyerere, Julius K., 163 Namibia Trade Union, 120 Namibia: Africa’s Last Colony, 22 Namibian, 24, 28, 31, 58, 96, 101 Observer, 42, 52 Namibian Extension Unit, 18 Odendaal Commission, 2, 18, 19, 82, 88, Namibian National Students 97, 99 Organization (NANSO), 117, 118 —Odendaal Plan, 23, 101 Nangolo, Peter, 35 —Odendaal Report, 2, 5, 78, 102 Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 71 Ogbu. E.O., 144 National Convention, 47, 48, 64, 65, 141 Oil, 7, 17, 51 National Democratic Revolution, 8 Okavango Region, 86 National Freedom Movement in South Operation Namibia, 156 West Africa, 45 Operation Omega, 80, 159 National Non-Governmental Action Oppenheimer, Harry, 73 Groups, 77, 159 Organisation of African Unity (OAU), 27, National Pan-African Revolutionary 69, 77, 82, 95, 159, 163, 164 Party, 47, 48 —Liberation Committee, 59 National Union of Students (NUS) Orlams people, 23 —Action Group, 159 Oshakati Camp, 135, 137 Nationalist Party, 17, 45, 46, 48, 97 Ostrender, Taylor, 54 Native Reserves, 25, 36, 94 Ovambo people, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 23, Natural Resources, 22, 69, 74, 103 41, 43, 44, 46, 52, 53, 76, 80, 91, 96, Nauyala, Kapuka, 130 98, 103, 141, 142 Navarro Exploration Co., 17 —Strike, 9, 10, 96, 103 Ndadi, Vinnia Helau, 87 —Workers, 9 Ndalatando (Angola), 68 Negotiation Process, 75, 84, 136

171 Ovamboland, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 41, 42, Public Property, 60 44, 46, 48, 54, 61, 63, 71, 85, 91, 92, Public Service, 135 94, 98, 140 —Legislative Council, 9 —Region, 86 Race Relations, 42, 54 Ovamboland Peoples’ Organisation Race Relations News, 42 (OPO), 43, 46, 51 Racial politics, 38 Owen, David, 154 Racist Laws and Practices, 20 Oxford, 5, 75, 103, 125 Radebe, B., 50 Radio Peking, 50 Rand Daily Mail, 7, 10, 27, 140 Pakistan, 77 Rebellion, 23 Palestine, 30, 77 Reconstruction, 20, 59 Pan African Women's Organisation Red Cross. See International Committee (PAWO), 29 of the Red Cross Pan Africanist Congress (PAC), 102, 114 Refugees, 21, 22, 54, 81, 105, 111, 113, Paris, 29, 108, 109 127, 128, 140, 141, 163 Partido Socialista de Portugal (PS), 67 —Refugees in Angola, 21 Pass Laws, 37, 55, 76, 94 Registration Drive, 96 People’s Liberation Army of Namibia Rehoboth (place), 87 (PLAN), 31, 39 Rehoboth Basters (people), 76 Phelps Dodge Mining Co., 17 Relocations, 30 Philips, Ian, 7 Removals, 2, 30, 71, 101. See also Photographs, 52, 54, 55, 56 Forced Removals Pictet, H. J., 145 Repression, 22, 33, 34, 79, 82 PLAN. See Peoples Liberation Army of Resistance, 33, 34, 68, 79, 91, 103 Namibia. Restriction Orders, 85 Pohamba, Lucas, 127 Rhodesia. See Zimbabwe Poland, 77 Ridout, Jean, 105 Police, 10, 15, 33, 36, 40, 43, 46, 49, 51, Rio Tinto Zinc (RTZ), 38, 67, 92, 98 60, 71, 75, 76, 82, 83, 86, 93, 96, 106, Robben Island, 26, 27, 33, 63, 72, 73, 114, 125, 133, 134, 135, 143, 147 82, 123, 126, 128, 131, 140, 141, 149 Political Commission Report (1972), 11 —Letters from Namibians on, 14 Political Prisoners, 28, 32, 33, 34, 37, 61, —Mayibuye Archives, 58, 105 72, 82, 83, 85, 95, 114, 118, 119, 121, —Namibian Political Prisoners on, 33 122, 123, 126, 128, 136, 140, 141, Roberts, Alun R., 86, 98, 124 142, 146, 147, 149, 155, 156 Rogaly, Joe, 1 Political Repression, 5, 31, 32, 68, 75 Rogers, Barbara, 3 Political Rights, 2, 101 Romania, 77 Population, 2, 3, 20, 24, 26, 34, 44, 76, Romennann, Ms. Silvia, 156 88, 96 Rossing Uranium Ltd, 15, 67, 97, 98, 125 —civilian population, 68 Rousseaux, R., 160 Poverty, 22, 51, 71 Rural Administration, 20 Presidential System, 59, 135 Rural Transformation, 6 Press, 14, 25, 30, 35, 36, 37, 39, 58, 60, Rwanda, 77 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 81, 84, 85, 87, 93, 95, 99, 106, 109, 123, 124, 126, Sakala, Lazarus, 145 133, 134, 135, 136, 142, 145, 150, Sanctions, 28, 42, 53, 91, 103 155, 156, 157, 160, 162 School Revolt (1976), 72 Press Statements, 63, 64, 67, 107 Science, 4, 9, 10, 31, 58 Pretoria, 17, 25, 33, 34, 47, 83, 97, 98, Scott, Michael, 45, 55, 145 100, 101, 102, 113, 138, 145, 146, Sechaba, 29, 93 148, 150 Security, 4, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 32, Prisoners. See Political Prisoners 38, 60, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 82, 83, 84, Prisons (Remand and Central), 142 89, 90, 95, 97, 98, 104, 108, 109, 117, Progressive Party, 9 126, 130, 136, 138, 142, 149, 153, Propaganda Campaign, 62 156 Proposals for Political Action, 159 Segajane, S. S., 6 Pro-SWA Foundation, 138 Segal, Ronald, 16, 76

172 Seidman, Robert B., 6 South African Native Education Senegal, 77 Commission, 32 Settlers, 102 Southeast Atlantic Fisheries Shaningua, C. B., 112 Organisation (SEAFO), 77, 159 Shezi, T., 156 South West Africa National Front, 45 Shihepo, Aaron H., 130 South West Africa National Union. See Shikongo, Hendrik, 61, 155 SWANU Shilongo, Philip, 150 South West Africa People’s Shipanga, Andreas, 114 Organisation. See SWAPO Shipanga, Z.A., 44 South West African Native Labour Shipping, 95 Association (SWANLA), 37 Shityuwete, Helao, 118 South West African Water and Electricity Shityuwete, Joseph, 145 Corp. (SWAWEK), 88 Shiweda, Gaylord, 130 South-West Commentator, 43, 44 Shoopola, L. B., 142 South-West Discussion Group, 43, 44 Sierra Leone, 77 Southern Africa, 2, 4, 5, 15, 16, 30, 32, Simanowitz & Brown (Solicitors), 133, 34, 37, 38, 46, 60, 61, 62, 73, 79, 82, 134, 152 85, 86, 95, 100, 102, 103, 105, 107, Simasiku, Edward, 142 109, 115, 117, 118, 127, 138, 139, Simmons, David, 154 150, 152, 164 Simons, Jack, 1, 8, 13, 20, 35 Southern Africa News Bulletin, 31 Simons, Ray, 7, 8, 10, 13, 35 Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Smit, Gideon Johannes Jacobus, 32 Conference, 30 Social Conditions, 5, 12, 75 Southern African News Agency (SANA), Social Security, 70 15 Social Services, 59 Southern African News Features, 75 Solitary Confinement, 120, 146 Southern Region, 86, 87 Somalia, 77 Southern Sotho Homeland, 30 South Africa, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, Soviet Afro-Asian Solidarity Committee, 17, 18, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 4 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 45, 49, 50, 54, 56, Soviet Communism, 12 59, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, Soweto, 72 72, 74, 75, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 87, 88, Special Campaign Committee for the 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, Release of South West African 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 107, 109, Political Prisoners (SCCROSWAPP), 112, 114, 117, 122, 126, 130, 131, 25, 83 134, 135, 141, 142, 144, 146, 149, Starushenko, Gleb, 4 150, 156 Starvation, 8, 101 —Administration in Namibia, 4, 5, 17, State Council, 20 25, 36, 37, 38, 51, 67, 76, 136, 138, Steenkamp, W. P., 16 145, 149 Steyn, H. J., 46 —Concessions, 59 Steyn, Justice Marthinus, 134, 136 —Embassy, 91, 100, 120 Steyn, R. D., 53 —Government, 3, 9, 11, 16, 36, 46, Stockholm, 64, 140 49, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 69, 74, 75, 78, Strikes, 9, 10, 18, 37, 63, 92, 95, 103, 81, 82, 84, 91, 96, 107, 112, 113, 132, 144, 150, 162 141, 145, 146, 155, 157, 161, 164 Students, 7, 19, 27, 31, 58, 80, 95, 131 —Illegal occupation of Namibia, 4, 62, Sudan, 77 63, 81, 133, 136, 145, 150, Sunday News, 10 —Imperialist Policies, 36 Suppression of Communism Act (1950), —Minister of Foreign Affairs, 11 36, 37, 148 —Verwoerd's campaign of terror, 26 Swakara Campaign (Karakul Pelts), 88 South African Defence Force (SADF), SWANU (South West Africa National 15, 30, 46, 61, 68, 80, 81, 87, 100, Union) (SWANU), 11, 41, 42, 43, 44, 109, 110, 124, 129, 143, 147, 156 45, 47, 48, 51, 53, 54, 94, 131 South African Forum Position Paper, 103 —International Organ, 54 South African Institute of International SWAPO (South West African People’s Affairs (SAIIA), 55 Organisation), 1, 2, 4, 14, 15, 17, 18, South African Institute of Race Relations 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, (SAIRR), 47, 98, 99 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44,

173 45, 46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 54, 58, 59, 60, Toronto, 127 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, Torture, 21, 36, 37, 61, 63, 72, 73, 75, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 95, 96, 120, 133, 145, 147, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 92, 93, 95, 97, 98, 150 101, 102, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, Tourism, 23, 102 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, Trade Unions, 12, 21, 26, 28, 76, 77, 159 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, Transkei, 15 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, Transvaler, 9 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, Treasury Invoices, 127, 128, 129 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, Trials, 25, 31, 85, 131, 143 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, —'Trial of 37', 25, 83, 155 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, Tribalism, 26, 44 159, 161, 162, 163 —Tribalist Round Table, 59, 134 —Central Committee, 30, 60 Trolle, H., 114 —Consultative Congress, 37, 71, 163, Tshombe, Moise Kapenda (1919- 164 1969),102 —Department of Information & Tsumeb Corp., 4, 14, 17 Publicity, 69 Tuhadelini, Eliaser, 104, 148 —Education and Information Centre, Tunisia, 51, 77 152 Turnhalle, 15, 33, 38, 67, 72, 87, 100, —Information Service, 87 102, 135, 138, 155 —Legal Aid Committee, 132 Turnhalle Uranium, 38 —National Executive Committee, 84 —Political Bureau, 30, 117 —Women’s Council, 121, 129 Uganda, 71 —Women’s Solidarity Campaign, 121 Umsebenzi, 32 —Youth League, 61 Unemployment, 21 Sweden, 77 UNESCO, 8, 29, 108 Switzerland, 77, 142 UNIN News, 19 Syria, 77 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), 62, 77, 83 Union Parliament, 46, 48 Taapopi, Estrieel, 142 United Kingdom, 22, 23, 30, 59, 63, 64, Tambo, Oliver, 6, 40, 45 66, 69, 71, 74, 77, 80, 82, 98, 103, Tanga, 37, 71, 163 104, 106, 117, 118, 129, 132, 135, TANU (Tanzania African National Union), 137, 143, 144, 146, 154, 157, 159 163 —aid to Namibia, 22 Tanzania, 37, 71, 77, 137, 146, 147, 151, United Methodist Church. Board of 158, 163 Missions. Women’s Division,14 Tariffs, 3, 4, 77, 159 United Nations (UN, UNO), 2, 6, 7, 9, 11, Taukuheke, Naufika, 139 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28, Technology, 31, 58 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, Terrorism and Terrorists, 25, 26, 36, 43, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 63, 65, 67, 46, 61, 63, 65, 66, 68, 70, 82, 83, 93, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 81, 83, 99, 120, 146, 147, 155 84, 90, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, —legislation, 25, 36, 61, 65, 66, 70, 101, 102, 103, 104, 107, 114, 117, 83, 148, 155 126, 127, 130, 136, 138, 144, 145, Times, 8, 42, 70, 126 149, 150, 153, 156, 159, 163 Times Review, 8 —Council for Namibia, 14, 16, 18, 19, Tjipahura, Kaleb, 145 69, 145, 149 Tjiriange, Ngarikutuke, 5, 117, 134 —General Assembly. Resolution 2145 Tjirimuje, E. S., 155 (XXL) (1966), 6, 63; Resolution 2248 Tjivikua, Mr., 121 (SV) (1967), 6 Tjongarero, D. J. K., 135 —Human Rights Commission, 133 Tjongarero, D. T., 67, 136 —Information Centre, 83 Today, 7, 24, 31, 58, 64, 76, 92, 96, 150 —Institute for Namibia, 6, 19, 20, 21, Togo, 77 22, 23, 24, 101 Toivo ya Toivo, Andimba Herman, 33, —Security Council, 4, 13, 15, 18, 19, 41, 45, 48, 49, 55, 69, 70, 87, 123, 22, 38, 60, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 83, 84, 125, 142, 145, 155 89, 90, 95, 97, 98, 104, 108, 109, 117,

174 136, 138, 149, 153, 156; Resolution Viviera, Jack, 147 283 (1970), 13; Resolution 309 von Moltke, Mr., 46 (1972), 38; Resolution 385 (1976), 15, Vorster, Balthazar Johannes, 10, 28, 37, 59, 67; Resolution 431 (1978), 83; 64, 69, 72, 73, 82, 83, 93, 100, 146, Resolution 432 (1978), 83; Resolution 155 435 (1978), 7, 19, 60, 68, 73, 84, 95, Voter Registration, 60 107, 108, 109, 113, 117, 126, 130; Resolution 439 (1978), 84; Resolution 532 (1983), 126; Resolution 539 Wages, 17, 88, 90 (1983), 69 —of African workers, 37 —Special Committee, 18, 26, 47 Waldheim, Kurt, 144 —Trust Fund for South Africa, 144, Walvis Bay, 25, 26, 33, 36, 59, 83 145 War Dispatches, 31, 72, 113, 129 United Nations Association of Great War Zone, 31 Britain and Northern Ireland, 156 Warfare, 61 United NationsTransition Assistance Washington D.C., 142 Group (UNTAG), 60, 68, 95, 117, 127, Water, 88, 96, 98, 101 128 Wealth, Unequal Distribution of, 1 —Civilian Police, 60 Wein, R. W., 148 United Society for the Propagation of the Welfare Services, 151 Gospel, 85 Welfare State Reforms, 6 United States, 2, 14, 17, 27, 59, 67, 73, Western Europe, 65, 68, 74, 105, 106, 77, 82, 87, 93, 110, 135, 142, 143 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, —Administration, 73 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, —Corporations, 17 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 137, 138, —Foreign Policy in Southern Africa, 149, 151, 154, 158 15 Western Powers, 22, 15, 72, 59, 114, —Investment in Namibia, 14 163 —Namibian Trade with, 17 —Five, 12, 15, 34, 67, 69, 128, 132, —Policy towards Namibia, 14 136, 138, 153 —Press, 73 Westminster Cathedral Conference University of Cape Town (UCT), 1, 40, Centre., 79 100 Windhoek, 7, 9, 14, 17, 21, 26, 31, 40, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 12 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 74, 81, 82, University of London, 95 84, 96, 97, 102, 103, 117, 120, 121, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 7 123, 125, 126, 133, 136, 140, 141, University of the Western Cape, 58, 105 154, 157 University of the Witwatersrand, 47 —Uprisings, 21 University of Warwick, 109, 110, 111 Windhoek Advertiser, 10, 44, 57, 96, Uranium, 64, 66, 67, 69, 74, 90, 97, 98, 130, 157 125, 152 Winter, Colin O’Brien, 14, 85, 143, 159 —Enrichment, 64 Winter, H. O. B., 158 —Mines, 67, 125 Winterton, Nicholas, 130 US Steel Corp., 17 Witbooi, Chief Samuel, 46, 48 Uys, Stanley, 28, 52 Women, 10, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31, 40, 58, 65, 72, 73, 85, 113, 121, 157 van der Leenen, A., 161 Women of Africa, 22 van der Wath, 45, 46 Women of the World Journal, 21 van Niekerk, Willem, 60 Women’s International News Gathering van Wyk, J. T., 100 Service, 21 Varsity, 28 Women’s Solidarity Campaign (SWSC), Veii, Gersan, 145 22, 29 Verwoerd, Hendrik, 26, 36, 44, 47, 52, Wood, Brian, 111 103 Wood, Richard, 96, 135, 137, 141 Vietnam, 77 Worker’s Resistance, 34 Vigne, Randolph, 3, 17, 97, 137, 153 World Conference in Solidarity with the Viljoen, Gerrit, 150 Struggle of the People of Namibia, Violence, 49, 51, 117, 133, 148, 150 109

175 World Council of Churches, 13, 17 —Conference, 127 —Programme to Combat Racism, 13, Zambia, 8, 18, 25, 28, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 17, 151 59, 60, 66, 106, 113, 114, 127, 128, Ya-Otto, John, 34, 158 137, 138, 140, 141, 142, 146, 147, Yarrow, Miss, 47 154 Young, Andrew, 15 Zambia Daily Mail, 8, 28, 30, 31, 32 Youth, 26, 27, 28, 31, 58, 61, 73, 81, 85, Zhukov, E., 4 105, 117, 118, 131, 142 Zimbabwe, 6, 21, 27, 30, 77, 109, 135 Yugoslavia, 77 Zwane, Bishop, 30