20 Problemi International No. 2 2018 Problemi (Vol. LVI, Nos. 11–12/2018) ISSN 0555–2419 Problemi International (No. 2/2018) Edited by Simon Hajdini Copyedited by Eric Powell Editor-in-chief Alenka Zupančič
[email protected] Managing Editor Mladen Dolar
[email protected] Editorial Board Miran Božovič, Mladen Dolar, Simon Hajdini, Peter Klepec, Zdravko Kobe, Dragana Kršić, Gregor Moder, Tadej Troha, Alenka Zupančič, Slavoj Žižek. International Advisory Board Bernard Baas (Strasbourg), Alain Badiou (Paris), Rey Chow (Durham), Joan Copjec (Providence), Fredric Jameson (Durham), Catherine Malabou (Kingston, Paris), Robert Pfaller (Vienna), Eric L. Santner (Chicago), Thomas Wallgren (Helsinki). Publisher Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo / Society for Theoretical Psychoanalysis Igriška ulica 2 1000 Ljubljana SI – Slovenia EU www.problemi.si Cover Design: AOOA Layout: Klemen Ulčakar Problemi International is distributed free of charge. Table of Contents Slavoj Žižek Ibi Rhodus, Ibi Saltus!. 5 Jean-Pierre Dupuy Nuclear Deterrence and the Metaphysics of Time. 25 Zdravko Kobe Reason Reborn: Pietistic Motifs in Kant’s Moral Philosophy. 57 Jean-Michel Rabaté Laughing with Kafka after Promethean Shame . .89 Lidija Šumah Reason Inclined: Zones of Indifference in Schiller and Kant. .119 Yuval Kremnitzer Inside, The Real: Moses Mendelssohn’s Speculative Realism. .143 Aleš Bunta Self-Evidence Derailed: Descartes’s Cogito and its Anticipations. 165 Todd McGowan The Absent Universal: From the Master Signifier to the Missing Signifier. 195 Jure Simoniti A Certain Logic of Professing Love. 215 Rachel Aumiller Twice Two: Hegel’s Comic Redoubling of Being and Nothing. 253 Benjamin Noys “Freudful Mistakes”: On Forgetting and On Forgetting Psychoanalysis. 279 Abstracts . 297 Notes on Contributors .