2 Behavior Genetics Association The purpose of the Behavior Genetics Association is to promote the scientific study of the interrelationship of genetic mechanisms and behavior, both human and animal; to encourage and aid the education and training of research workers in the field of behavior genetics; and to aid in the dissemination and interpretation to the general public of knowledge concerning the interrelationship of genetics and behavior, and its implications for health and human development and education. For additional information about the Behavior Genetics Association, please contact the Secretary, Valerie Knopik (valerie_knopik@brown.edu) or visit the website (www.bga.org). EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Position 2012-2013 2013-2014 President Eric Turkheimer Carol Prescott President-Elect Carol Prescott Paul Lichtenstein Past President Michael Pogue-Geile Eric Turkheimer Secretary Arpana Agrawal Valerie Knopik Treasurer Soo Rhee Soo Rhee Member-at-Large Marleen de Moor Marleen de Moor Member-at-Large Benjamin Neale Benjamin Neale Member-at-Large Tim Bates Matthew Keller 2013 MEETING INFORMATION The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association is being held at Campus Saint Charles Aix Marseille University. Scientific sessions will occur throughout the day June 29 – July 2. The Opening Reception will be in the Garden in front of Amphi Mathématiques Physique (Building 9) from 18:00 to 21:00 on Friday, June 28. The Conference Banquet and Awards Ceremony will be held Monday, July 1 at Fort Ganteaume, beginning with cocktails at 18:30. A Festschrift for Professor Norman Henderson will be held on Tuesday, July 2 in Amphi Mathématiques Physique. Local Hosts: Michèle Carlier and Pierre Roubertoux We thank the following generous contributors to the 2013 student bursaries: Anonymous o Jenae Neiderhiser o Sally Manson Anderson o Michael Pogue-Geile o Timothy Bates o Chandra Reynolds o Norman Henderson o Michael Stallings o Kelly Klump o James R.
Correlation Not Causation: the Relationship Between Personality Traits and Political Ideologies
Correlation not Causation: The Relationship between Personality Traits and Political Ideologies Brad Verhulst Virginia Commonwealth University Lindon J. Eaves Virginia Commonwealth University Peter K. Hatemi The Pennsylvania State University and University of Sydney The assumption in the personality and politics literature is that a person’s personality motivates them to develop certain political attitudes later in life. This assumption is founded on the simple correlation between the two constructs and the observation that personality traits are genetically influenced and develop in infancy, whereas political preferences develop later in life. Work in psychology, behavioral genetics, and recently political science, however, has demonstrated that political preferences also develop in childhood and are equally influenced by genetic factors. These findings cast doubt on the assumed causal relationship between personality and politics. Here we test the causal relationship between personality traits and political attitudes using a direction of causation structural model on a genetically informative sample. The results suggest that personality traits do not cause people to develop political attitudes; rather, the correlation between the two is a function of an innate common underlying genetic factor. he field of political science is witnessing a re- political attitudes has been found to be largely a function naissance in the exploration of the relationship of latent shared genetic influences (Eaves and Eysenck T between personality traits and political prefer- 1974; Verhulst, Hatemi, and Martin 2010). These find- ences (Gerber et al. 2010; Jost et al. 2003; Mondak and ings cast doubt on the critical foundations necessary for Halperin 2008; Mondak et al. 2010). The belief that per- the assumed causal structure expounded throughout the sonality traits are innate, genetically influenced, and de- extant literature (e.g., Gerber et al.
Nicholas Gordon Martin Table of Contents Birmingham and Beyond by Lindon Eaves Nicholas Gordon Martin by Georgia Chenevix-Trench Nick Martin’s History of the Genetics of Human DZ Twinning by Dorret Boomsma The Genetics of Biochemical Phenotypes by John B Whitfield Nick Martin and the Boulder Workshops by John K Hewitt Nick Martin and the Extended Twin Model by Hermine H Maes Statistical Power and the Classical Twin Design by Pak Sham, Shaun Purcell, Stacey Cherny, Mike Neale, Ben Neale Gene Discovery Using Twins by David Duffy, Rick Sturm, Gu Zhu, Stuart Macgregor Nick Martin by Nathan Gillespie It's in the bloody genes! by David Evans Curly Questions by Sarah Medland The Genetics of Reading and Language by Michelle Luciano and Tim Bates The Genetics of Endometriosis by Grant Montgomery Migraine, Human Genetics and a Passion for Science by Dale R Nyholt Musings on Visscher et al. (2006) by Peter Visscher Genetics of Depression: sample size, sample size, sample size by Enda Byrne, Anjali K Henders, Ian B Hickie, Christel Middeldorp, Naomi R Wray Genetic Risk Prediction of Supreme Cognitive Ability: An Exceptional Case Study by Meike Bartels and Danielle Posthuma Nick Martin as a Mentor- A Perspective by Matthew C Keller Twin Cohorts by Jaakko Kaprio, Dorret Boomsma Human Sexuality by Karin Verweij and Brendan Zietsch SNP-based Heritability- A Commentary on Yang et al. (2010) by Jian Yang The Barbarians are at the Gate! by Pete Hatemi Do People with Lower IQ Have Weaker Taste Perception? A Hidden Supplementary Table in “Is the Association Between Sweet and Bitter Perception due to Genetic Variation? by Daniel Hwang Sociopolitical Attitudes Through the Lens of Behavioral Genetics: Contributions from Dr.
Psychology 2016 sagepublishing.com SAGE • Psychology • 2016 mailing code: DM D16B005 Psychology | 2016 Welcome... Welcome to the SAGE 2016 Psychology catalogue which showcases our latest, as well as our bestselling titles to date. SAGE’s Psychology list has always been, and always will be, diverse: our authors and editors are from widespread international markets, representative of multiple research perspectives and many of them are stars of the fi eld from across the globe. The critical orientation of our textbook publishing caters to the fi rst year undergraduate as well as the loftiest postgraduate student. The 2016 Psychology list sees the release of some quality new titles or new editions of existing titles. We’re delighted to announce the publication of the 3rd edition of Keenan et al’s Introduction to Child Development (p. 7), and a new addition to our series Revisiting the Classic Studies – Brain and Behaviour from Kolb & Whishaw (p 2). Other highlights this season include the brand new Introducing Health Psychology by Ansiman (p 8) and adding to our growing list in cognitive psychology, a new title from Sterling Essential Cognitive Psychology (p 4). Through a constant dialogue with lecturers, we understand the challenges you face today within Higher Education and we aim to provide a wide range of high-quality resources that will meet your needs and your students’ needs. As such, you will fi nd most of our textbooks have a range of online and offl ine learning features that allow students at different levels and with different learning styles to interact with the subject, using the same resource.
Outline of human intelligence The following outline is provided as an overview of and 2 Emergence and evolution topical guide to human intelligence: Human intelligence – in the human species, the mental • Noogenesis capacities to learn, understand, and reason, including the capacities to comprehend ideas, plan, problem solve, and use language to communicate. 3 Augmented with technology • Humanistic intelligence 1 Traits and aspects 1.1 In groups 4 Capacities • Collective intelligence Main article: Outline of thought • Group intelligence Cognition and mental processing 1.2 In individuals • Association • Abstract thought • Attention • Creativity • Belief • Emotional intelligence • Concept formation • Fluid and crystallized intelligence • Conception • Knowledge • Creativity • Learning • Emotion • Malleability of intelligence • Language • Memory • • Working memory Imagination • Moral intelligence • Intellectual giftedness • Problem solving • Introspection • Reaction time • Memory • Reasoning • Metamemory • Risk intelligence • Pattern recognition • Social intelligence • Metacognition • Communication • Mental imagery • Spatial intelligence • Perception • Spiritual intelligence • Reasoning • Understanding • Abductive reasoning • Verbal intelligence • Deductive reasoning • Visual processing • Inductive reasoning 1 2 8 FIELDS THAT STUDY HUMAN INTELLIGENCE • Volition 8 Fields that study human intelli- • Action gence • Problem solving • Cognitive epidemiology • Evolution of human intelligence 5 Types of people, by intelligence • Heritability of
Genetics Perspective on Schizotypy and Antisaccades
AN IMAGING (BEHAVIOUR-) GENETICS PERSPECTIVE ON SCHIZOTYPY AND ANTISACCADES Dissertation der Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Christine-Johanna Macare 6th June 2016 First Supervisor/Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ettinger Second Supervisor/Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Dan Rujescu Third Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Peter Falkai Examination committee: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ettinger Prof. Dr. Stefan Glasauer Prof. Dr. Herman Müller Prof. Dr. Stefan Duschek Date dissertation sumitted: 14th November 2014 Date of defense: 30th April 2015 Date change requirement accepted: 6th June 2016 2 Acknowledgements This work would not have been possible without the support I was privileged to receive. I am thankful … … to Prof. Maximilan Reiser for supervising the research facilities in which the studies were conducted. … to my thesis advisory committee, i.e. Prof. Ulrich Ettinger, Prof. Dan Rujescu, Prof. Norbert Müller and Prof. Heiner Deubel for supervising, guiding and supporting my work and to the Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences for their support. … to Prof. Ulrich Ettinger for his day-to-day supervision and his support as well as to our co- authors in particular Prof. Timothy Bates, Prof. Nicholas Martin and Prof. Dan Rujescu for feedback. … to the former Biological Psychology work force at the Department of Psychiatry at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich, specifically to Dr. Anna Costa, Dr. Désirée Aichert and to Nicola Woestmann for mental support and practical day-to-day help. “Thank you” to Ute Coates for helping with the scanning and to Prof. Thomas Meindl for providing access to the scanning facilities. … to Dr. Tianye Jia, Dr. Gabriel Robert and Dr.
This Thesis Has Been Submitted in Fulfilment of the Requirements for a Postgraduate Degree (E.G
This thesis has been submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for a postgraduate degree (e.g. PhD, MPhil, DClinPsychol) at the University of Edinburgh. Please note the following terms and conditions of use: • This work is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, which are retained by the thesis author, unless otherwise stated. • A copy can be downloaded for personal non-commercial research or study, without prior permission or charge. • This thesis cannot be reproduced or quoted extensively from without first obtaining permission in writing from the author. • The content must not be changed in any way or sold commercially in any format or medium without the formal permission of the author. • When referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding institution and date of the thesis must be given. Origins and structure of social and political attitudes: Insights from personality system theory and behavioural genetics Gary J. Lewis, M.Sc. A thesis submitted in fulfilment of requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to The University of Edinburgh August 2011 1 Declaration I hereby declare that this thesis is of my own composition, and that it contains no material previously submitted for the award of any other degree. The work reported in this thesis has been executed by myself, except where due acknowledgement is made in the text. ……………………………………………….. Gary J. Lewis 2 For Billy 3 Acknowledgements I would like to thank a number of people who have been inspirations in various ways during the period in which the work presented in this thesis was undertaken.
Psychology Final Honours Dissertation Suggested Topics 2018/2019
PSYCHOLOGY FINAL HONOURS DISSERTATION SUGGESTED TOPICS 2018/2019 Signing up for Projects This list is designed to help you match your interests with a potential supervisor. You do not need to register your choices formally until Friday 27th April , but it is helpful to have this list now, to enable you to talk to potential supervisors and agree on a project choice before the start of the next academic year. Contact details of each supervisor are given to allow you to email or arrange meetings. Students may work together in pairs on any project, and are encouraged to do so, but only in exceptional circumstances should this number be exceeded. In recent years, almost 40% of projects have been based on the student's own idea rather than a staff member. However, as with literature reviews, make sure you are choosing a topic which a staff member is willing to supervise. If the supervisor is out of the department, e.g. a clinical or educational psychologist, then you must have a member of staff agreeing to act as internal supervisor when you register the project at the beginning of semester 1. You should submit your choices by ranking your preference of supervisors from 1-8, by 5pm on Friday 27th April using a dedicated webform (the link will be distributed after the dissertation information meeting). Dr David Carmel Psychology 4 Course Organiser March 2018 Available supervisors and maximum numbers of students Dr Bonnie Auyeung – 6 Dr Steve Loughnan – 8 Dr Thomas Bak – 6 Dr Sarah MacPherson – 8 Dr Kasia Banas – 4 Dr Rob McIntosh - 8 Prof Tim