Asian Review of Social Sciences ISSN: 2249-6319 Vol.8 No.2, 2019, pp. 145-149 © The Research Publication, Emerging Demographic Transition in India S. Sunitha Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Nesamony Memorial Christian College, Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, India E-Mail:
[email protected] Abstract - Demographics of India is remarkably diverse. India country clinic was opened in Bombay (now Mumbai) in is the second most populous country in the world with more 1925. The Mysore Government opened the first public birth than one sixth of the world population. The stock of any control clinic in 1930. In 1932, the All India Women’s population changes with time. There are three components of conference recommended the opening of birth control population changes which are fertility, mortality and clinics. In 1938, the National Planning Committee under migration. Socio economic phenomena of population development and their impact and differentials like the Chairmanship of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru strongly urbanization, infant mortality rate, migration and causes of supported family planning in the interest of social, death are important to understand the population economic and family happiness. The state should establish a characteristics. It is observed that the growth of population policy to encourage these. The Bhore Committee depends on birth rate and death rates in India. During first recommended the provision of birth control services in phase birth rate as well as death rate was high. In the fourth 1946. India is the first country in the world to formulate a phase birth rate and death rates are decline. It was also found national official family planning programme in 1952, which that life expectancy at birth had been gradually increased in was later expanded to encompass maternal and child health, India.