THE BEAR FACTS EVERY STUDENT'S CHERISHED COMPANION des motnesarea communtty colhqe Volume 6 Issue 5 an. 8, 1979 Royalty:

Doug Baldus Garnet Bdie A1 Dantzler Cheryl Greiman Bill Ebert Bea VanFossen MpnJohnson Kathleen Wesely John Semprini Tammy Wilson

by Karen Gerber Inside: Homecoming . pg. 2 Social Columns 3 I Jim Morrissey 7 Sports ...... pg. 17-20 Intramurals ...... pg. 16 V.A. Announcementspg. 8 b Students obtain needed break horn daily routine

by Don Opperman

To many students attending our Roone Area Colleze, the word honecoming is synonymous with football qames, a parade, class float building, a dance ABOUT THE BAND and for some, the perfect time for watermelon stealing. This years band is Blackberry Winter. The group consists of Put the Foone campus has six members (five from the Mid- its own unique style as we west and the keyboards from celebrate homecominq during Spain). The band is in the the middle of a cold winter. early stages of national acclair There are definitely no parades after their first album was or floats or any outside chosen "hitWofthe week by snorting events, but low and CASYBOX and RECORD WORLD behold we've got the dance (two leading music industry and a cood basketball qame on magazines). the schedule. GOOD Although their work is HO~.TCOTifiIVGOR FER. 8 GAME EXPECTED compared to Chicago and Todd Rudgren and is in-the pro- Althouqh homecominq is on The basketball game is fessional catagory of Elton Feh. 8 the activities will expected to be a close battle between two excellent ball clubs. John and Alice Cooper, the "kick off" at Ilam on Thursday, bands material !8 "85\,1: (1 Teb. 7 wit% a DeD rally in the The Boone Bears will have their Steely Dan, Kansas, Foreigner, au-litoriua. During the pep paws full when they meet North Paul YcCartney, and Rudgren. rallv skits will be done, there Iowa Area Community College But the band also plays hard will be free food, introduction (NIACC) of Mason City at 7: 30. driving rock,a- good amount of the men and womens' basket- No girls game will be played of commercial, some disco and ball teams, and the king and that night. tunes from the Top 40. queen candidates will be intro- duced. The game will have a little Showtime and dancing is class because of homecoming also. from 10 until 1.

" 2 will Rowdy- Dersons be "escorted" out instead of just thrown out, VO ATTENDANCE TAKEN DAflC3,CBOWNING AFTER THE GAE After the hangover of Thursday' niyht the students will After the game the annual get some relief by knowing that homecoming dance will be held no attendance will be taken on SOP?!. at the Moose Lodge in Boone Friday the 9th. CAhIDIDATES FOR ROYALTIES from the end of the game until Candidates for king and queen 1 a.m. THE BACKBONE OF HOMECOMING are selected about a week ahead The dance is semi-formal of homecominq by the student (not casua1,no jeans or tennis shoes, Althollgh it takes a student body. The So~hmoreclass vras body to make homecoming a chosen as candidates because of with dresses and suits being success, the Student Senate is respect for attending Boone optional) along with free the backbone of it all. Recogni and also they will be leaving admittence to faculty, students, tion of members ares alumni and dates (but you have PRES Bea Van Fossen in the cominq academic year, to pay for the drinks inside). - ' vF-- Vicky Frosnahan Two ballots will be taken, Also during the dance the -- SFC - ~araHilton with the first one consisting TREAS - Douq Raldus of chosing five Sophmore girls king and queen will be crowned and five Sophmore ,guys. The by last year's kingsMike Knox and queen, Karla Olsen Mowrer. REPRESENTATIVES : second poll will be to ehoose one from each of the five can- Cheryl Greiman dj4ates and the highest vote- Kathy Wesely getters will be crowned king Tammy Wilson and queen after the game at Bill Ebert the dance. Kristi Bergman Teresa Ash

ALTERNATES: A1 Dantzler Tim Neiland PAGE 3 ABOUT I By TOWN @abipil Von Boring I had the pleasure of watching the '.:.';drCo. on International Children's Q~~SISL ... sonrd 32y (Sept. 30th) at the Boone State Bank. Dear Gabby Abby , What is a Star Co.?, you may ask. Well that distinction goes to Carolyn I never thought I'd have Sissel, a student here at DMACC, and to resort to writing to you, her partner, Janet Mcquirk. but I just am at my wits end. According to Carolyn, this act has I hope that you can help me. been together for 14 years and got its I don't know whether I am start by performing for the Bahai's coming or going. Please religious activities, of which she is answer fast, as I am a member. The company toured all of desperate! Iowa last year and visited California last summer. A wit Worn Carolyn worked at designing all of the puppets they use and performs the . Dear Witless, puppet art behind a beautifully cur-- tained stage that was designed espec- Boy, if you don't know ially for her stature by John White- the direation you are head- house of Boone. ed, It's a sure bet no one Janet is in charge of the music else does either. Call a , portion of the act. She has a B.A. in self-help group and maybe , Elementary Education and has studied they' 11 answer. music for years. She sings and picks Quitar during their performances and Gabby Abby works as. the moderator, spurring the children's interest and introducting them to all the puppet friends. Star Co. has a theme song that is used for every performance called, Dear Gabby Abby, "We are a Heaven Made of Stars." Your column is full of such good The show has several lovable puppet advice, I finally decided to write in. friends including: You see, there's this leech that enjoys TIBA: A large, furry, and adventure- invading "personal spacew-both mine and some soul who wanted to visit several my friend's. Gabby, please help me-- countries fast! He got so rowdy that I've told him he bothers me, yet he keeps Janet had to stuff something in his doing it. HOW CAN I GET HIM TO STOP??? mouth to keep him quiet enough so that -Leech's Victim she could get her point across. ZUCKER: An itsy-bitsy elephant with I Dear Victim, a huge trunk and large pink ears. He Maybe if this letter is printed had a desire to pretend to be things for all the world to see, he'll quit Let s hope so. that. he wasn't. Janet sang a song to invading your "space. " ' assure him that he was an elephant; but Gabby Abby that was 0.k. too. PERRIE: (short for paranoia) was a nervous little creature that just knew nothing would work out 0.k. for her. She baked us a cake that swelled until it popped. The show had several beautiful mess- KWBG'S ROCK 1590 ages for the children about being 0.k. ' for who they were, that each creature had a special purpose on this earth, Much More Music Radio and ifwe tried, we could have our I heaven right here on earth. Monday Thru Saturday Nights The Star Co. has an exciting new ending in store. Be sure to watch your :ocal newspapers for their appearance 6 Till 10 dates. They'll delight you whether you're 8 or 80. Rock 1390 Plays More Of Your. Music More Of The Time Call The DJ, Make Requests Or DedIca tions, 432-1590 KWBG'S ROCK 1590 Hey Jim, when he said to dissect 1s- On Your AM Radio Dial it, he didn't mean to eat it, too. PAGE 4

%' a 7 --*. ,[lh A 2 C.. 5 ">. . '?' ;" 1- < ., - - '2 ~:" ''< Parking' : Eakh year the. stiff $01: thiS pub- I licati~liis called on to solicit support * "Bear-I Facts" Staff for the --Bear Facts. This support wmes I in the form of the advert-iise&ntsadvertbements you- Tickets ... Co-Editors...... Rick Vogel I see within. To all of these establish- 1 I ...... Diana Uthe menip, we say a most sincere THANK-YOU. Sports Editor...... Bill Hadaway I I What's their use? Intramurals ...... Bill Ebert 1 rhe Staff Photographer...... Larry Swanson Advertising - 11-fter hear in^ rimors aho~~thow Managec...... Steve Danielson ~arlrivlmtic1-ets are i ssllerl an? thc'q Reporters ...... Karen Gerber Reminder : heiqr asl=cr' to write an article ahollt ...... Don Opperman ?heq, T visited Chris "arvlev in be? ...... Mark Folvag The deadline for submitting ofrice to fivld oiit s0.n~ans.\rers. Artist ...... Joe Dawkins entries in the writing contest is Tarl-i-I;.- ticliqts are issl~c*for Contributors...... Jo Schechinger February 19. The contest is open three main violations; ~arli-ivpove2- ...... Jeff Vest l oarkii-n in , j -c 1-ane-, to any student at DIUCC who will ye1 o~ 1inas, enroll at DMACC in the fall of =\7-.d nar1cj.n~in '~andiranncd cl'l~r z~qe~. ~01' iq 1979. The guidelines were printed Tf are thr. saqe boat T '-as in and don't lcnn l-here "he in the December 14, 1978, issue of 'i 7-r 1-.aqe- are, thcy are si~nl-va1 1 the Bear Facts. Guidelines are ].ine,= also available through the local yo1.i. vell.-l ar011nd the -8a-e1~r- English department. inn =IWnas. -or students v;ho thin1< *hat the Letters policy :apitors 2re not dninv thei- ichs Tn? thi~'rthat thev a-e n0f hanqiqrr The "bear ;'acts" encourages students r,lt nq <-'-i!?m ti~~'~t~,IrO" 'I'' ~httallr to to submit lettcxrj to-the-editor. Letten WC~Memo: yono p- ~110101e a-prl?yd ra~nl~s should be placed in the office mailbox yaIre -repi p17eil T-nq I ' to 2' in of 1;z. Person. I.l_qeV -or (~11 q-iartp?'. All letters are to include names and 7 jlreTrise, i'gr tho::? ntli$~~t';"hO st,udent-~;~jor. Unsigned letters will not -npl that, a SPRING thev have '~een -ivel be published. This publicatior will not ticket -ai T~.T~,av aqneal~no71rt ~.Kintletters that are of a lib.?lous he i.1 full ssssin-1 lu:i-nfer n;~t:lre. Editors reserve the ri;ht to edit nl,a,%tsri" yo11 irnlil $ 1il-Pto nl~a3 ato f.50t words.t e Letters should be liin: t~:', QUARTER TTn7-~pa ;P. . .l:i?e attend inp TTEC last yeav) - "1 Spring Quarter 1978 registra- I ?ere ' ere -,t-,d~ytc;-rho +3011rht tion will begin Monday, February 5 LI D~~ CO-I~_~r-oL ,Tr T iithrl-t na~rin~~ at the Boone Campus of Des Moines ,-?rl.rjnr tickets. Tf there is anyone Area Community College and will rjbn t\inks they clan also pet ra7T '4 th T ra~rgtto form VOli continue through Friday, March 2. a. - this, ir In addition Tate registration will ~bafthe schnrl v!il-? 10f let Vol' be held through Friday, March 9. rp is+eT- 'or +be veyt n7i;)~te~and il-1 ~otFLP: yi~ento ' Spring Quarter classes will No,l~ trqq-rrirt~ start on March.5, 1979. After 7rg?1 070 ;j)-ji pther school-. February 5, students are urged to Farl-inn tic -ets serve t~,romajor meet with a counselor to plan their services to the ~chool:lheyhe133 Dear Ed itors, Spring Quarter class schedule. A1 1 co-.trol "berp stlid ent~nark, of Course, Have you ever seen a lonely current students will be assigned h1.t thev a]_sn he1 n maintain the woman hitchhiking as you drive to an advisor to assist them with yar~ci~lp1 of-. "henever the nel: lines School? This morning, like many their class scheduling form. The are put on the ~arlcinplot or nekr other mornings, I trusted a school- Student Service Office is open Mon- a~~haltis 1aid)the money recieved mate who said he'd take me to school. from narlii7.r ticlret fines is 11sed. At 7:35 1 gave up waiting for him day through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to I 5:00 p.m. the Boone Campus, "he only thinr have to sav abovt and told myself I really couldn't at 0f yo11 DMACC. Early registration is narlcinr+ tic1-ets is that those afford to miss another class. avai lab1 e to accepted students, ~rhc:lil-e to va.y the tFiri~s-p0ri~ht Will anyone pick me up? The and $0 so; I+ Allst 'reens the question burns in the back of my a1 lowing ample time securing posi- l~a7ri.n~to tions in classes that may eventually re~tof 117 pay PAP if mind and I am disgusted that I can't at eat?? a71?*f,~19. be closed. thq l-e~iqni~lrro* find a re1 iable person to take me to school on time for my 8:00 class. Spring Quarter 1979 Calendar I've signed up on the school is as follows: carpooling list--1 notice it's been taken down. I got -one call--asking Feb. 5.. .Spr.Qtr.79 Registration if I could drive. If I could 1 Begins would!! I put mini-posters around March 5. .Spr.Qtr. Classes Begin mchooI. Somet imes , when peop le March 9. .Last day to add a class pick me up, they say, "Oh, you're Apri 1 11 .Mid-Term--Spring Quarter the one that put up that poster . .It Apri 1 1 3-Apri 1 16. .Easter Vacation If I could arrange a regular No Classes(Offices closed ride, I'd love it. But I can't 4-1 3) make up the classes and tests I 've Apri 1 17. Classes resume already missed. I cgtmake up May 8....Last day to drop a class those tests and that bothers me--1 Spring Quarter know I could have done well if I May 23.. .Spring Quarter Ends could have had the chance. My 8:00 professor has recommended that I drop her class. I'm thinking A it over . ANYONE INTERESTED IN PUTTING I would like to sincerely thank TOGETHER A FILM FESTIVAL AND/ those who have given- me rides and OR CARTOON FESTIVAL HERE ON askh itchhothers--whyikers? won't they pick up CAMPUS, PLMSE CONTACT LARRY COP patrols Karen Stuart SWANSON / looking for violators LA 2 1 L For Christians Only I Did You Hear I

So ma& Christians live in defeat This power of the Holy Ghost, which because they have never come to know the the disciples and others received, was The One? paver, or authority, which belongs to them the force which enabled them to go out in Christ. The majority of churches teach into the world and bring healing to the that miracles and all supernatural workings sick and work other miracles. I used to of God just somehow disappeared after the think that only certain Bible personali- Apostles were all dead. However, the Bible ties could do this, or possibly a select says'that such manifestations of the power group of people today might have this of God are for ALL those that believe in powqr. &t then I found these words Jesus Christ. So let's examine some of spoken by Jesus, We that believes on the scriptures and see that this power is me, the works that I do shall he do There was a king from actually for Christians today. also; and greater works than these a small, remote island who shall he do; because I go unto my never felt he could do enough In Luke 24:49, Jesus said to his Fathir. " (John 14:12). Jesus said HE for his only son. For the disciples, ?'And behold, I send the pro- THAT ELIEXES shall do these works, and son's 13th birthday the of mise my Father upon you: but tarry that includes me and every other Chris- father said he could have (wait) in the city of Jerusalem, until tian on this earth. The only reason all whatever his heart desired yool be endued with power from on highm. Christians don't function in the super- most and the son asked for a Over in Acts 1:8, we are told what this natural is because they have denied that pair of Mickey 1-louse ears. power is, "Efit you shall receive power, God's pwer is for today. Consequently, His father made a special trip after the Holy Ghost is cane upon you... they are left in ignorance concerning to Anaheim, California and Here we see that this power is in the this aspect of the gospel, for Jesus picked out a pair of personal- Holy Ghost. lbt you might ask how they only leads his follwers - he does not ized ears for his son. knew when they had received the Holy push them. Similarly, his son's 16th Ghost. Acts 2:4 answers this question birthday wish was his heart's for us, "And they were all filled with The Bible is loaded with many power- desire which was a Mickey the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with packed promises for the Christian. Mouse T-shirt. Subsequently other tongues, as the Spirit gave them Actually there are far more do's than his father traveled to the utterance. It there are don'ts In the gospel and all USA to purchase a personalized these things are for Christians today. Mickey Mouse T-shirt. *'And these signs shall follow them that The years went by and by. believe; In my name shall they cast out Soon the son's 21st birthday devils; they shall speak with new approached and the father tongues; they shall take up serpents; wanted this to be the greatest and if they drink any deadly thing, it of all his son's birthdays. shall not hurt then; they shall lay When the son was granted hands on the sick, and they shall the gift he most desired, recover." (Mark 16:17, 18). he pondered for several minutes and finally announced that he wanted more than local radio sLctlo14 t.o play the t~ipc. anything to have the entire 2rclsident Qo\~cj Baldus read all Mickey Mouse outfik. His r rrtcc ;?- co~:-espuh3ence f i-.ornt ti father made haste to the .:r.:it.~ :~FEict.r-., i:oncernin.; r,tate <.:lthe corrtlests ;iie9 i,',ciit:: plali- - 4 DAIRY SWEET[ n.yl? for t kir. c; t ~lc.lcnt.s, Everyone sigr:cd in Year up f~rat least oile cornmittee so that Lunch Specials New the planning could begin. T!! C:rrt ,.ir.:.-on Zetd Chapter of Pili ;?not-her adviser,, ?:! . ::<1. rlc;l thub, Beta ;. . 1istctl ;.!~tt'~~::t.%d~ail:.:,lc COiV:- 70 Hamburges & 2 Ibs. fr1es $6- Presicient Uoui; 13aldus called upor1 petition or: the 2:rst.e lq!l.'e!, ;~ncia each of the s tanciinc, cotrunittees to rj ive Par1iarnc:nt~~ry i.!rocc?durc? t.c!er. .>s.i:; 1.5- ROAST BEEF DINNERS a report. The funtl-raising conuai ttee tablistiec! aL the meutinrj . reported :I;at prof its from the clie~.;e E!r. !iol t hus also acknowledged ;ill HAM DINNERS CHICKEN DINNERS and sausaqe sale netted a profit of of the people who have wcirk*!.: :t:a approximately $350. The prizes for ,-.o-;?:csslon .stand for hi.,:ii :jcb.c,:,~l .,as- hiqhest sales went to Ta~nmyWilson and ketball games to raise nioncy Lv: ,lie Julic Farries. That committee also re- ciiapter . ownerst ported thaL the profit from the bake- The chapl-+.:r was rerni.:~~?~~.I tila'#- sale held in the student 1ounr;e was Marvln almost $30. The public service com!ciP F,.?rlianientary Procedure workshop is to tee reported that the C!?ristina:i fod i:e :liven on J.snuary 27 !,y the Eaqle a Grove FF3L)A ct~nterat 11:OO. hskct ; that the chapter donated toftjo Annolee needy families had been delivereci be- President Douq 3alr:us noted that fore Uhristrms and that the people who I;'ebrmry 11-17 is national *3LA/P!3L Stone received t.hem had been very apprecia- week. He stdted that in the past it tive. rlle publicity committee related has ken tra!Sition for the mayor of that it had been l?usy orderinr~a cas- Boone to sif;n a proclarrla tion at:(< + hat 1i~: would like to see the tradition con- 2216 sette tape by Ed McMahon publicizing East MMlk Easemower FDL arid asking people of the c~m~nit\ tir~uedas well a:; initiating r.ay cam- wirh k:usines= experienze to offer. their pus sctivities to qcnerate interest and services to the chapter. They t&d dl- f;rcate awarc!:e:;s for P!3L. so chacked into finding air time on a The rncct-in.: was adjourned, PAGE 6

Afternoon Interview mindedness. I would say modern music is probably the hardest for me to appreciate. There's just so much that society misses out on in the area of great music. By that With Abbottini, I mean stuff that's been around for decades and will be here for a long time to come. Or stage performance: (live theatre) is something everyont By JA. Schechinger needs to appreciate. Whether or enjoy interaction with people. not the music of today is of great This is my personal tribute These. aspecks may have driven social worth will be seen only with to a teacher that succeeded in me out of accounting. Further- time, I wonder if it will weather leaving a positive impression on more, I enjoy interacting with the sands of time... me. I took Social Issues on the young people and that's why I'll give you an example; when freshman level because of all the people underestimate my years Elvis Presley died there was a rave remarks I got from acquain- and think I'm only 29 years old. constant stream of front page news tences on "that Abbott." As it My family background was and films and specials for over turned out, those were no farming and an oil station two weeks. At about that same time exaggerations. business. There's no college I hope through this inter- educations in my immediate family. we heard of the death of Bing view to help those students who I have a brother who is diamet- Crosby in one article on page 8 are unaccustomed to Clair Abbott, rically opposite of myself and is of the Tribune. Now, that's to gain a clearer understanding very skilled and interested in sad, Bing had a beautiful voice of the man behind the image. automotives. I really don't and he contributed a lot of nice Q: What inspired you to go know about this. songs. All I can say is I think into Sociology? Q: What decided for you the kids are being sold a bill of A: During my wdergraduate type of class format or teaching goods. Not just in this era; at Buena Vista, undoubtedly one process that you use? What Music from the early 50's on has of the most outstanding professors, advantages does it have over had it's share of over-night a Dr. L. W. Swanson, was the major pop-quizzes or essay tests? sensations. Elvis had a few factor. Also, I just enjoy the A: By far, essay is the most really nice songs, but nothing study of any discipline in Human valid form of testing. I prefer next to Bing's talent. There's Relations, expecially Philosophy true-false, matching, and multiple .more to life than pornography, and Sociology. I'm most inter- choice because more information l'oud music, and profanity. ested in anything to do with the can be covered and they show what Fir. Abbott went on to des- humanbeing. I'd say, too, that information the students didn't cribe a film his 12-year-old my maternal grandfather (a self- grasp during the quarter. granddaughter had wanted to see taught intellectual, well read I started giving quizzes for the third time. I won' t in S,wedish and English) may have with a warning only because the mention the title, but it was . had some impact on me. Even as students wouldn' t participate ahother very good example a small boy, I was very keen on or read assigned material and I how sensationalism is being used by the movie industry in a com- reading and-broadening the scope use quizzes as a guide for' students petitive spirit at the expense of knowledge. to show what they need to know. Also, I came from a very of good, clean entertainment. Q: What would you suggest small high school. I got a ' I try to show, too, that cramming is a bad habit. Each. day's notes to anyone interested in giving great amount of encouragement the field of Sociology a try? from the superintendant there, should be reviewed, A: It's a broad discipline back during the Depression.. He Q: As a student in your contacted my parents and sug- classes, I enjoyed the open dis- that can be used in just about gested furthering my education. cussion you allowed. Tell me, every occupation, the reason Well, we couldn't afford college, do you take notes or ever use as being no day goes by that we don't with so I went into a business school reference, the information your interract other humans and for accounting. students give to you? that's what Sociology is all about. I Q: What do you hope to Another thing, like to use A: The participating students social group situations (class leave behind in the minds of your help others to see different points programs). This technique has students and colleagues? What of view that may not have been great relevance in life, The type of \..ark do you want to make thought about and also stimulate concepts of Sociology can be in this world? thinking in others. I especially easily related in every aspect A: My major interest is to enjoy classes with a large spread of life and this alone can make try to imprint or give incite in ages because the older students the study or discipline interestin( for students in interrelating have a lot of input and are able to teach. ' with society. to reinforce the younqer students - Q: In your opinion, Clair, The world is a stage where ,311 to watch for a tendenEy toward what makes a good student? What are actors playing the roles for gullibility. In return the younger do you watch for? which they have been cast. I students can help the 'others to better understand current social A: A good student is one wish to teach my students a that shows up for class and buys greater appreciation for culture changes and also help older students relate better to the the text before mid-term, because with greater knowledge Q: Then, what makes a good people would have a better younger generation. teacher? Q: In your field you seem to opportunity to grasp the signi- A: Gee, several things, but ficance of world travel or never grow stale. What devices do you use or what avenues do you most importantly is one who is historical lhdmarks. I hope this: (1) Dedicated to the they all gain an education and take other than the Fro Gazette (Vail paper to gleen profession (2) Well educated (3) learn how to live-a life. 7 Interested in sharing knowledge. Q: If you had it to do all topic matter for discussion? over again, what would you have A: Above all, a teacher must Q: Do you have any closing become? Tell me, didn't you keep upgrading his/herself in edu- remarks? have a grand urge to become a cation. I read all the new books A: Yes, just this little dishwasher? and am constantly deleting the quote I found in the Fros Town A: I guess it was predestined obsolete material, And f mean read Gazette everything! There is constant that I would become a teacher or "There is more to being a work with human relations. I social change going on. It's very difficult to stay away from closed- good teacher than the knowledge have extrovert tendencies and of a subject," PAGE FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE Arts & Sciences Wt nter, 1978-79 NOTE: A1 1 instructors are request- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1979 ed to follow this schedule. Any Ronday-Wednesday-Friday classes deviations should be approved (or more, including Monday-Tuesday- through the appropriate department Thursday-Friday classes) that begin director. ~nstructorsshould con- at the followina times will have

sul t department directors if their the fol lowinau exam schedule: classes' don't appear to be recog- CLASS TIME EXAM TIME nized in this schedule. 9 am .....,...... 8 - 10 am MOND~~Y,FEBRUARY 26, 1979 11 am ...... 10 - 12 noon 'Monday-Wednesdav-Fridav classes 1 & 1:30 pm ...... 12 - 2 pm (or &re, incl &ing ~Gday-fuesday- 3:lOpm ...... 2 - 4 pm Thursday-Friday classes) that beg1 n Classes that meet after 3:10 pm at the following class times will will have final exams on the last have the followinq- exam schedule: night of class. See schedule CLASS TIME EXAM TIME be1ow : 8 am...... 8 -10 am M-W.. ..night classes will hold 10 am ...... 10 -12 coon regular classes on Feb. 26 12 noon, 12:10...12 - 2 pm and give finals on Feb. 28 2 & 2:10 pm ...... 2 - 4 pm T-T.. ..night classes will hold finals on Feb. 27 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1979 M...... night classes will hold Tuesday-Thursdav classes that besin finals on Feb. 26 at the-following class times wili T....,.night classes will hold have the followinq- exam schedule: finals on Feb. 27 CLASS TIME , EXAM TIME W...... night classes will hold I A Common Winter Scene: 7:30,8 & 9 am..... 8 .10 am finals on Feb. 28 I 9:30 & 10 am ...... 10 - 12 noon TH.. ...night classes will hold finals on Feb. 22. I S...... Saturday classes will hold finals on Feb. 24

Who Contemplate I A Bit Of A Swim: A Word Of Warning. Photography By If IIO call: 432-4!i50 Larry R. Suurnson v w PAGE 8 .-i I- 1 WE'D UKEm REtaA5ecmRACT CERTAINLY, - WISNf=CQ

Veterans Representatives

NEWS RELEASES Being Moved To VA Office d Veteran's representative on (e.g. financial hardship, or un- helpful if you would provide phone campus program is being discon- explained delinquent payments) or numbers or addresses where a stu- tinued in Iowa on January 28, that appear particularly diffi - dent could be reached when the 1979, due to decl ining enrol lments cult to solve, referred to John college official phones in your in the education benefits pro- Powell (formerly assigned as a inquiries. gram. vet. rep.) He will be available We most certainly must thank Veterans having payment in- by phone to expedite the solution. John PoweTl for the excellent quiries and concerns should con- Though sometimes perceived as assistance he has given to the tact Sandi Johnson, Office Assis- a compl icati ng factor, we must Boone Campus. It has been very tant, Boone Campus, DMACC (VA). continue to abide the student helpful to the veterans. hte will we will rely on telephone contacts right to Privacy criteria set UP look forward to continued assis- from here and it is VA's hope to in law. For the most part inqui- tance with VA & John to elirrinate make th!s change in our representam rles by schools on behalf of their payment delays and prompt resolu- tives as non-djsruptive for you as Students may be answered to proper tion of any problems which may possible. The VA Office Assistant school officials, but in some cases occur. We appreciate cooperation wi-!1 be assisting veterans on cam- the answer to your inquiries might from all veterans and veteran pus, hand1 ing inquiries under the have to be made directly to the dependents as in the past. same system with unusual problems veteran involved. It would be .-.u.-- John Deere Sales, Service and nothing 1 dE7ERP25 N rv AC 45 SEW LS Az7ER 5EPT. 5 '94C Bx* ARE CENERA,Lb ELG 3-5 FOR VA LOAY5 FOR JOMES &emn, Brooks Equipment Inc. .and Nhmtana Street

/ Contact neer'eet VA office [chick your phone book] or + 1 a docel veterans group. I Merit Baking Company


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v 6 >k 2. ..<3Y" ..* J 2 &.,,..,,*, ,,, ,,..,,, ., PAGE 9 Wce Memo SPRING QUARTER Spring Quarter 1979 Boone Campus, DMACC evening school will Feelin' offer Group Processes course. Group Processes is scheduled for Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 10:OO p.m., beginning March 6. Group Processes is an analysis of the factors which influence inter- actions between members of groups. Such topics as sensitivity to Fine others, channels for interaction, roles and role playing, problem solving, leadership and socio- metric analysis will be explored Editors' Note: through lectures, discussions, The following is the first in a Editor's note and class activities. Prerequi- three-part series sent to us by Peggy site for Group Processes is Rooney, nurse for DbIACC, whose office THANKS ! SOCI:101 Introduction to Sociology is on the Ankeny carnpus. To the two kind accounting students, or consent of instructor. Betty and Angela, who helped us with Registration for Group Pro- some typing. cesses will begin February 5 at the Boone Campus, DMACC, Student Services Off ice for the Spring OK, all you "over 25's" out there---get ready $0figure how old you really are compared to what it says on your birth Quarter. Office hours are Monday certificate. through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 You do this using the handy-dandy Health Hazard p.m. Special evening registration Appraisal. presented here today. Designed by Dr. Keith 1 OfficeMemo will be held Monday, March 5s Tues- Sehnert, M.D., it's a kind of scientific fortune-telling that I day, March 6; Wednesday, March 7; opens a window to your future by superimposing your life and Thursday, March 8 from 6:30 to style, family history, and medical examination data on 8:00 p.m. insurance actuarial tables for your age, sex, and race. (Now, I 1 Economics to ask you, if insurance companies don't know what makes for long life. W~Odoes?) If the facts are unpleasant, the Appraisal tells you how to be Offered modifi; and vastly improve them. It makes you your own best doctor. , conomicswieoere This score card allows you to compare your current age with on Monday evenings Spring Quarter your medical age and stimulate your thinking about self-help 1979 at the Boone Campus of Des and preventive medicine. It is not appropriate for those under Moines Area Comnuni ty College. 25 years old or persons known to have coronary heart disease, This course will begin on March 5. cancer, emphysema, cirrhosis of the liver, or any similar Registration for Economics I may established disease. The results should not be considered a crystal ball. (Some be completed in the Student Ser- folks defy statistics and by the usual odds should have been vice Office at the Boone Campus, Service dead years ago.) You will, however, find it challenging and DMACC after February 5. educational. And if, for you it is upsetting, hopefully you'll be This course is an introduc- motivated to change your life style for the better. ti0n to basic economic analysis Ready? GO! with its main emphasis on national Rules: economic problems of unemployment If uncertain leave blank, place scores (in parenthesis) on and inflation. It includes a lines provided, total columns and subtract lower number from study of the concepts of scarcity, the higher to find total for each section. opportunity cost, the free market The test consists of three parts. Part one is given below. Fill system, and planned economy. It out and save results to be ad&u .-;a;g ;.qrts two and three to also deals with the ma~r~e~~n~mi~ follow in the next issues issues of income distri button, government intervention in the market system, the trade-off bet- Personal Uiiswrj + - ween equity and efficiency in the Bob E. Person 1. Weight. Ideal weight at age 20 was,. If economic planning and determi nation current weight is more than 20 Ibs. over of national output, employment and 432-1786 that, score (+6) for each 20 Ibs. If same as income. age 20, or less gain than 10 Ibs. (-3). -- Interested persons may call 2. Blood pressure. Under 40 yrs., if above 901l/2 West Third i i or write the Boohe Campus, DMACC 130/80 (+ 12). --I Student Service Office for addi- 3. Cholesterol. Under 40 yrs., if above 220 tional registration information. Boone, Iowa 50036 (-I-6); over 40 yrs., if above 250 (+6). --, / 4. Heart murmur. Not an "innocent" type (+24). -- 1 --/A * 5. Pneumonia. If bacterial pneumonia more - than three times in life (i-6). For Lunch Or 6. Heart murmur with history of rheumatic fever (+48). G5il#&herts Anytime 7. Asthma (+6). 8. Rectal polyps (+6). 'Pi2 YOU Want 9. Diabetes. Adult onset type (+18). 10. Depressions. Severe. frequent (+12). 11. Regular medical checkup. Complete (-12); partial (-6). An Offer YOU The Best 12. Regular dental checkup (-3). Can't Refuse .Personal History Total I Follow the next issues of the Cludcle for the rest of the Appraisal and explanations of the results. 1512 Ssuth Marshall Peggy Rooney, Campus Nurse 2 432-5573 > Who will be the next King and Queen

BLACKBERRY WINTER Homecoming Band PAGE Physical i ducation. 9s.d Recrr; atior!. (3) Eo influencc>s tc spea:. G?. I hzve my mind made up when I start zoc:f:-- thi.r.g . (4) Yes, GT..iiCC was advmta.;-~ous,but l'ni tired of school. Jeff' Vest

(1) Sprinc: Quarter of '79. (2) I'm going to Ora.1 Roberts Uni.versit~i in! Oklahorna as a Euririeis major. (thls major is subject to cllznge.) ( 3 ) no thin^: in particular influencen Ee herc (4) CI';A.CC pave me the basis for ~ducaticr? at a cheaper ost. The Roone Campus of DIUCC Becky Galbraith doesn't have a year book. It is the feelings of my partner and (1) Winter '79 AA in Liberal Arts myself that those people leaving with Corresponding Secretary these hallowed halls come this (2) I plan to transfer to Drake quarter or next Spring, should (3) No particular influences have the opportunity to make (4) Most advantageous! The their mark in the world. The secretarial program will help best place to start is at college with a job. I like a smaller WE'RE GOING JO So, for the sake of those students college. DMACC provided the leaving; those teachers who want necessary courses and was SCHOOL UNDER to remember particular folks; and closer to home. for reference to those present THE G.I. BILL students, here is our contribution: We interviewed several people Lora Lal~ton and asked them these five questions: - (1) 3ight after lunch... but (1) When are you graduating or seriously folks, 3~rin~ Wart~r. when are you quitting? (2) Just survivinp the summer. (3) Thp music and drama departzents. (2) What are your plans for the (4) r.~.ACC helped to fill the yap near future? between exit from hiph school, zqd entrance to ? university. (3) Who or what influenced you ALVICi : To avoid overstudyin?, don't the most at DMCC? .pen your book. 3y thp way, l ' m a student lounp~aajor, with two ainors (4) In your opinion, was attending in pinball and pool. DPUCC to your advantage, when

considering further education 2r_J-iar, Jon-; s or your job future? (1) Snrinv ~uarter I plan to p~lta job so?e~h?re Ooug Baldus (2) in Central lowa. ltavin,: the chances to be in the (1) Spring '79 (3) (2) Attend U.N.1 in fall plays an6 the nusicals. (3) No influences; predecided in (4,) aoonr Junior .,vas close to honle end. had the aroprarri i was intcyrvtoa jn, Business Administration 3ecreatiofl. (4) DMACC was good because I could Get j nvolv-,? L!. .?xtrcicurriCL . go to school and have a job, VIC : I., t Good activities, and have fun, : too. Good transition and found .. easier than expected. ygu can out of your r3ucation. ADVICE: I could plug Phi Beta Lambda as a good organization. Also, student center is nice. Luck (2) Bonita Porcella l'm roinr to stu35 Ilnmentarv ducation. ( ) ,,,YS: LF! (1) Spring '79 as Elementary Ed (4)3 1 lined Soon? J.C. Major in Special Education 'cncausc its closc to Graduates! (2 Moving to UNI and finishing hone. B.A. there with a Teachers need ~1~1~1: jeware of I nglic;, ~2 a;rr s.I so many hours in 5 years time to be recertified. Eventually, I Carolyn 5issel From The will go for my masters and study (1) I will be quittinp after summers until then. \&,interQuarter of this year. (3) No particular influences (2) 1 hope to work with the Trotter and had already decided on Brothers Puppet Company in Pansas. my field before this. Enjoyed Bear I will eventually transfer tc English, particularly because four-year universitv as a -c2k -,o- . of the instructors. (3) Jo Keyer, the art teacher. , Y (4) DFIACC-benifitted personally inspiration as to vrhat type ?f tehcher A 4-year university right away I'd like tc be. would have been hard to face. ( 2KACC didn't really aid me for E job, The good grade point will be but it did give me confidence so I Facts good for leverage in further can attend a university. education grades and on a job application. It's given me Bev Sla~le more confidence that I can succeed in bigger schools. (1) Spring of '79. ADVICE: Not really---I don't have (2) I'm uncertain, but I'd like to attend any advice. Buena Vista College and stu6y l-iealth, Staff PAGE 12 And Now, Your Responsibility

The Des Moines Area Community College 2. Financial assistance has been cal- Art I1 3 credits B has establ i shed 1eve1 s of academic per- culated for full -time enrol lment. English I 3 credits A formance which are to be considered the 3. Student receives fall quarter grades: Spring Quarter minimum levels of performance for satis- 1. Student again registers full -time factory progress and compl etion of edu- Science I 3 credits A (12 credit hours): cational programs of the college. Math I 3 credits C Science I I I 3 credits Students have primary responsi bi 1i ty Art I 3 credits D Math I11 3 credits for their academic progress. Any ,English I *3 credits W Art I11 3 credits questions about academic status should English I1 3 credits be directed to the Registrar's Office. Winter Quarter TO RECEIVE FINANCIAL AID, A STUDENT 1. Student wants to reqister- full-time IS REQUIRED TO MEET SATISFACTORY PRO- (12 cr, hrs.) GRESS REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH BY DMACC - Science I1 3 credits Bear Varieties : FINANCIAL AID COMMITTEE. FINANCIAL AID Math I1 3 credits WILL BE TERMINATED OR REDUCED IF SATIS- Art I1 3 credits FACTORY PROGRESS IS NOT MAINTAINED. English I 3 credits Bears On Broadway SATISFACTORY PROGRESS: THE FINANCIAL AID OFFICE WILL AWARD 2. This student can register full-time AID FOR THE PRESENT QUARTER BASED ON (12 credits) again, but--financial aid By Karen Gerber THE NUMBER OF SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED has been reduced from a full to 3/4 time award, due to the three credits that did The Bear Varieties,Boone DMACC1s CREDITS FOR THE QUARTER PREVIOUSLY delightful musical review,FOR THE FIRST ENROLLED. not meet satisfactory progress require- ments in fall quarter. TIME EVER, will be "HELD OVER". Since Successful completion of credits will last yearthere was a usual "standing room be evaluated according to the following *Students may appeal all terminations of onlyl'crowd of 700people,it was decided criteria: that this year there would be two perL- 1. Present quarter defined as the aid to the Financial Aid Advisory Comm- i ttee in writing within 10 days of the formances.Jan Betten,Carol Renae Hamman, quarter in which the student is enroll- and a few students have been doing the ed. date of their Financial Aid termination 1etter. choreography for the show.Steve Hope, 2. Successful completion of credits the directorpis working with the choir defined as: (a) full-time enrollment of as well. (How did that step go?) 12 or more quarter hour credits for fall Therefore-- This student would receive a Charge The sets were done by the Theatre winter, and spring; 8 or more quarter 3. Productions class,with help from Jan hour credits in summer for Arts and Slip authorizing aid for 3/4 time (i.e. 9-71 credit hours). BettensAlex Sucre,Don Sires,Mortesa Afshar Science; 12 or more quarter hours in and bev Arthur. summer for Career Education students. Dave Willet will run the lights, (b) Previous quarterly grade point But-- and Bev Arthur Will be on the followspot. average required for financial aid as 4. This student must then pay for three credit hours: (a) to be a full -time There will be solos performed by: fol 1ows : Roxanne Rathert,Bette Bushore,Lora T.awton, --2.0 GPA for all Arts & Sciences student; (b) to reestablish eligibility for full-time financial aid. Rena'Roy,Jeff Vest,Jim McNeil1,and Mike --2.0 GPA for all Associate of Hope. Also, there will be O3cos between Appl i ed Science degree programs Then-- acts,by Julie Davis,Mike Hope,Bette --1 .5 GPA for a1 1 diploma programs 5. Student receives winter quarter Bushore,and Steve Hope. 3. Financial Aid for enrollment less grades : This show has had a lot of work put than full-time (e.g. 11 quarter hours) Science I1 3 credits A into it.Mark YOUR ca1endar:February 166 will be pro-rated according to the Math I1 3 credits B 17,7:30P.M. BE THERE! fol lowing formula: !I a. 3/4 time (9-11 quarter hours) 3/A full-time Financial Aid Award b. $ time (6-8 quarter hours) half of full-time Financial Aid I Award Great Way c. less than half-time (1-5 quarter hours) Federal and state programs not eligible--only privatelagency aid To Continue possible. 4. Financial Aid will not be grant- Learning ed for I, Q, or W grades. If a student receives one of these grades and this If you've completed 2 years at an accredited a1 ters that student's status to less college, the Army can help you keep moving than full -time enrollment, the stud- in the direction you want to go. ent's financial aid will be altered proportionately (e.g. , student regist- You can pursue your education in your ers for 12 credits but completes 9 off-duty bours. And the Army will pay up to ( ) tampus View Apartments credits, financial aid will change from 75 percent of tuition for approved. . courses full-time award to three-fourths of taken on or off the post. (\ Acrou from Campus full -time award). The Army offers training in medicine, 5. Non attendance as reported to the intelligence, electronics and many other Registrar's Office at midterm can en- areas related to your field of study. ' danger a student's financial aid for that quarter and the followinq-. quarter. Look into it. Your college credits may EXAMPLE already have earned YOU hiaher startina wesistersfull-time (12 cr. hrs.): Science I 3 credits - forisfornratiiaad~. Math I 3 credits Contact: Dutch Eyman Art I 3 credits Phase 4324452. I English I 3 credits Call Collect: 232-1334, in Ames Mgt. Kris Ounterman Total Credits Valentine PUZZLE

PWIE REVIEW: The hidden words may be found Oliver's Story forwards, backwards, hori zonta l l y, By Jo Schechinger vertical ly, or diagonal ly. Find the following: Copyright - 1978 - Valentine, Love, Heart, Cupid, Paramount Productions - Crush, Puppy Love, Infatuation, adapted from original screen- Roses, play by Erich Segal. Red, Sweetheart, Honey, Saint, Be Mine, Flowers, Candy, Kisses, Rona Barrett is famous for Hugs, Going Steady, Locket, her harsh judgments of the Holly- Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Lover, Baby, wood crowd; but her comments in &I;!'; Courtship, regard to Ms. Bergen's (re:"a Marriage, February, Affection, complete waste of Ms. Bergen's J :,I.* - Always And Forever, Sonnet, Pink, talenttt) performance in Oliver's POWER" ' 1 Lace, Doi ly, Story spurred me to blow the 14, Sweet Nothings, Debonaire, $2.50 and see the Flick. Album Revie Suave, Anniversary, and Heart Throb. Besides, I have to admit I was taken up by the original story by Elizabeth , (2 readings and 3 viewings); so I was curious as to how the Stuart' f bereaved' had weathered being single again. Neil Larson's All of the above put to - gether, made me a prime candi- date for a ticket to the movies, Jungle Fever AWAPPXCCERCJZPXNIS The story was supposed to be ZLSRUOUSNOQRICSTVW a follow up to Love Story, but Do you remember the group Full ORWXPARNMANDURXRBE failed in the realism department. Moon? (No?!! Where have you been? ) BCEAPRCWROAPGSMJBE Oliver's Story begins with a Well, Neil Larson played keyboards HJEAYJODSBIWKGHNIT funeral on a grassy knoll and composed fine songs for them, TFTGLSMPTDCTTAOTCN (originally, his wife died in the and 1'11 say it's about time he got LWHSOIAITIGCITIWMO winter), Another problem cropped back on vinyl. His melodies are MSERVALNERIANOBEDT up when two out of the three catchy and they really shine. And IFALEYAKDTVFSTYWSH parents of the couple were you can dance to this music, too, WMRANZIBOFGSBWGNBI different actors for the sequil; if you so choose (No; just because ECTMDOTSADOARCSCPN which made identification quite it has the word llFevertl in the title MZWSGTHLTHIRBWLHJG difficult. doesn't mean it's disco. Funky, KAHOCLWSBWNBEEOLGS The image Ms. Bergen was Latin-y, yes... numb and mechanical, INLKUSHDSBGCYVVCFB suppose to portray was that of no. ) I might add that it's all in- DNCUPQCAENSPBCEOAT a self-assured, business woman strumental, too,.. So if you're the HIFHIGIVALTSONTRZX with very liberal attitudes, kind of'.per;son who gets bored with- PVBAXNREBVEWLOSTER but through a predictable script out a singer caterwauling at you, IECRTUSHOGAEDINGST and unnatural character develop- this one isn't for you. ARDYMUKIYNDLFGLARS ment, she came off as a callous NSCARIADFRYDECARAM and overly dominant force. The TARIZFXTRMZOBNUTYO audience had a tough time mce Memo FRNECCIPIX14RLTUVR accepting such a female as some- UYOFNTHBEOEFUIRIST one Oliver could be attracted to. GIRLFRIENDNDAYOFNC My impression is that Oliver's Darkroom AHROISTMDASMRYTRCE Storyis a patched-together play TUEWLOVIEGAVYMBOET to sell an idea off the success IOMEAPANRTRIDAUGEI of a previous winner. Techniques ONARHONEYPEABRRTRE Sequels seldom can overcome Included in the evening college NAOSNTRXPSIYTRLULV this impression and it is schedule at the Boone Canpus, Des HEARTTHROBMSNIARAS movies like Oliver's Story 24oines Area Community College, is YEOUXRIHEAHRFARFCA that reinforces this belief. Photography Techniques course which CSASMEANDIONLGFYEM will meet on Tuesday and Thursday EMIRKEHOPEANDEHVIS evenings from 7: 00 to 3: 00 p.m. GOROTDAWFUDLCFARIE Photographic Techniques course will BETSARETHAOTIUWILN begin on Tuesday, llarcll 6. OTREDBYCSOIMSEVRYT This course is designed for KISSESMROOLOURMOTH students who have mastered the basic ERCTDGLDNMYESHETOL photographic principles and nrocesses. DMAEIUDMNTGIRLDSLI Topics will include photographic lighting KENYOHUREVOLOCKETS anJ filtration, camera systems, advanced HADLSOTLTDMESTYAWN darkrooru techniques and print finishing EVYERKOWACTHWJDHRD and display. Photographic Techniques 4 I prerequisite is Principles of Photography or permission of the instructor. 'fr. Bob Person is the Photographic Techniques Instructor. Interested Did You Know ... persons should contact the Student Service Office at the Goone Campus, DZiACC for registration. Class registration for There is a great group,Midnight Mayhem, Spring Quarter begins February 5 at the playing at Gates Hall in Nevada on Boone Canpus, DlfACC. Classes besin February 24 from'9-12 p.m. BE THERE::: r !larch 5. DMACC ProducesProAthlete i, J~MO-, By Rick Vogel

"It was something Ifelt I "Coach Smith was trying to "The time that Ispent in just had to do," said Jim Morri- recruit me out of high school Boone was enjoyable and Ihave ssey while talking to the BEAR but at that time I wasn't sure of made alot of friends.1 think what Iwanted.'I learned. from FACTS. "IIve dreamed of becoming that someday 1'11 be playing a professional athlete, so when pro scouts, Bill Clark of Cincin- either with. some of them or aqa- the opportunity came Icouldn't nati in particular, in the sumner inst them,E!e'n+ that come here turn it down. I look forward to of 1978, that Boone was a fine love baseball and want to play. playing baseball in the Philadel- baseball-oriented Junior College, I'm not the first to sign, and I phia Phillies organftati~n.~ "Iknew ifIcame to Boone Iwould won't be: the last to sign from Several Nor league teams gain additional exposure to the Boone Junior College.1 'm 1ook- had expressed interest in Morris- pro ranks .%o after some, thought ing forward to the future. sey but the Phillies made the Idecided to attend- school here. first move by sending area scout, "Iknew that Cincinnati was I Ken Elam,to Boone on Dec. 13. interested ,in me and was told by Become Ken Elam's job was to present a Cincinnati scout that I.would A Morrissey with an appealing offer. pr0ba~1.vbe drafted.kI think I Elam spent the better part of t50 would've had a good chance in the College Campus Dealer days trying to convince the @ 2, draft if Iwouldn't have signed 190-pound native of Syracuse, with Philadelphia. 'I Sell Brand Name New York, to sign. "Iwill begin my pro career M~rrisseysaid no to Elam in mid-Parch. -9.n Clearwater, Flo- Stereo Components the first time around,but later rida.: After Spring training I he began to have second thoughts wi11 be ajslgned to-aminor leagtte' At Lowest Prices about the decision,and, while at team, probably Helena of the, Pio- his current home in Sioux Falls, neer League, a raokie 1eague ' 1a- . High Profits South Dakota,over the Christmas cated in Montana." break, Morrissey decided to give "Iwas signed as a catcher pro ball his best shot. and Iknow that Bob Boone,who is Jim Morrissey is your athlete playing in Philadelphia right naw, No Investment Required in the 'true sense. He was an all- is one of the finest.zt'l1 . - state quarterback at Bishop Tudden take a lot of hard work to play High School in Syracuse, New York, up in,Majors, but I'm confident For Details Contact: and also obtained a1 1-state honors Ican -make it guess only in Sioux Falls, South Dakota,in time will tell. thing fs FAD Components, Inc. both Basketball and American for sure,! believe in my heart Legion Baseball. that I the rlsht decjsfon,w 65 Passaic Ave. Because of his talent in foot- ball, Morrissey,one year ago was P.O. Box 689 the second string yarterback on the University of Nebraska fresh- Fairf ield, New Jersey 02006 man squad. Morrissey went on to state, Ilene Orlowsky "The Nebraska coaches were think- ing of making me a defensive back Phone 20 1-227-6800. and I feel Icould have gained a i starting position by the fall of 1979 but Irealized that 1 wanted to play baseball , SO I came to Graduating This Boone. "

For many years BUENA VISTA COLLEGE has been providing the services which serve the needs of Community College graduates who wish to transfer to a four-year collqe. We are a leader in attracting Community College graduates because we offer


FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Photography By Rick Vogel Jim Mohsey, when For more idermotlon contoe* asked why he signed, Admissions miar stated, 66I9ve got to give n PAGE 1s des mo;nes area , cornmunitq colleqe I BOONE CAMPUS 1125 HANcocK DRIVE BOON€. IOWA 50036 DMACC BOOKSTORE Boone Community College to Visit New York City Book Bags & Back Packs A News Release From Jan Betten Reported By Karen Gerber Memo New T-shirts Boone Campus will take its Padr - second trip to' New York City for the purpose of observation of Broadway Watches - Mugs Theatre. I The Choir went last year, and i most members felt that much was I gained in the area of musical pre- Special Shelf Of T-Sirb sentation. This knowledge helped these choir members to prepare for 10 Percen* Off On All T-shirts & Jackees their annual variety show, the "Bear Varieties". The trip will cost approximately $225 per person, which includes: airfare, hotel, al I transfers, a bus tour of New York City, and one meal at Mama Leone1s. Mama Leone's is one of New York City Is best known restaurants. Jan Betten says, "The lasagne me1 ts in Home Office Boone your mouth . . . .'I - A Chorus Line, Marvin'Haml ichls hit musical, will be seen by the touring group. They will also be required to go to Radio City Music Hall and another musical of their in- dividual choice. Anyone interested in going on the tour, please see Jan Betten IMMED IATELY. Thank You! t \hen I walked into choir this COUPON SPECIAL quarter, I heard talk of the ":,ear B Varieties." Since I was new to this scllool fall quarter I knew notllirifi of Buy 1 Ranchburger E the annual variety show. I wondered why the choir nenbers were so excited and nervo~is. :?ow, I understand. Lrnder tile directiorl of 1-lr . Steven Get One Free. ilope, with much help from jan Betten, the chior has 1ea;ne.d t~lrenty-two son23 aurl much choregrapliy, (that beans the novenent or dam% steps .) The choir nenbers have worked hard, concentrate(:, - E and in~proved. I thtnl. we have a great show that has had a lot of hard work put into it. I've been proud to be a part of this I production. I've enjoyed the excitnent ? and anticipation. I hope our fellow @ E students will support us Ly beinp in the audience. Cone see us February 16t!i and 17th at 7: 30 p.m. S Elizabeth Gerber LA 7 w

This Ad Must Be Presented At ;

HL'~Joe Time Of Order For Downtown Boone +e t' This Special. > 4m1 This Page is Sponsored By Hardee's In The Interest HARDEE'S Of DMACC intramural & Campus Reeraation Prqrams

Intramural Activities

,,ud~;sir. i.-.+.rz.:srsl i:;s:tetk. 9 1 1 bj Bill Ebert 1:. ov,,-r it i::: t.:,.:= ;'or 'ji~ii~y,ii. tiere is a' schecul.;~of' tb::.A .: -G,-.... t2 5 t, 1 . ke plriyed. I'ea-ri 81 - 2 ill Lbert Teqn!n ~2 - ib.?rt? ?ni ,.= Intramural Basketball ~e-2~.7 j - JJ!'.Q "esz ~4 - JePf ~chut? Te?? 35 - 11 L3ntzler The intr-iirur .l k Lsketb?ll season Tesrr fi6 - ri? -TI?'rs3~ to ? close tki 7 1-st .eelr. In ii.en's acti3n, Team :4 cspt43ined 'cj- XarK dhenson def~atedTe~xel ci>te lined 3y :elcy learson 64-4b. Ltsd- in4 tne wlr,riers .ere La123 rearson ~ithLO, ;rjcin tg.,pe 24, 2r.d ill Hsds~ay12 ;)oints. lne lo~erswere led 5y Jokn Zuf';~ t~lth16 and Can zztt fl ~d i j p3ints. Tu?s., Jm. LJ- 8:45 1 vs. 5 8:45 6 vs. 4 In ane ?f tre 7,re exciting ,%~es 9:33 5 v.7, 3 of tne year, re?+- AC czpt9lnee cy Pudse 3ss-w~senJefe3 ted Tesx 5j cap52ined by Tix Sne~rzon;C-57. The 3r~ehid plenty ~f sct ;on ~;nd scorinz, w ltk rudze ras~nc.-~nlt~d- ing the :;lnriers xith ~jpoints, ;n?j' ition., J.29. 23- 8:45 1 vs. 3 ;f,all~s18, 3rd ?!qrl~heain~sonhad 14. 5:45 4 vs, 2 Team 94 ~2sled by Larnell .t'.intd by Zeff 3. Team ~2-KellyHarper. .' achutt. - PAGE 17 CZ* ,- :/> * - * Bear ~ ~ sSoris~ ReportAi 7 ~

by Sports Editor B~UHadawav Photography by Larry Swanson Grand Setback

The 3ear; starred out on ~7 {our note, on retdrning form the holida~r v~tcc.tionneriod. The Bear; dropped 7 90-83 contest to Clinton in the on- peninq ro:lnd of the Crcndview invit- ation21 held on Jpn, 62.7 in De; Fioincc, riC-rvin Jhite ;rc?*?:hed 0 rebounds znd cl;o rec~chcdhic, 3verzge of 34 ~oinc; -n o~ting. ,teve Leeper cane lln .~ith s x:-on high of 9 rebounds and ;; noinks. .Steve co-~i~entecl, This ha- 2een one of my better acmes zo f<-r, considering tnz ankle nrobler~?I hsve hzd -0 Ec7r.


li'ile Sr;~.ndvier~ia~~itaLionz.1,turned ~1-l.k to :;e .ine< 7 ;lor:--k invit;. Lion ::nv kc.,,-n need -; to '7c::. Ir, the loserfs , . ,- '-,r?ckct .:;I - I e . -:~?.?fcr&d one o:f their i!or,;t dci'e;lt:: so 5s- Grandview invitational with 24 ;;;-)i; .-,csr -on st the il.nci; of ceutcr: White ;.illt? .i;r the .;ore o5 '.O.?-65. Cnl~,i one 3e?r, iL:.rvin Jliii:e rcriciind cio:l'i2lc championship point avg. nlGilre7. :, hitkin? 9- ..3fr.3~the feild It - and L Free tl?roil: for c to.t~?.l02 20 ?oink:, , L)?.nt~lerqu;:bi2ed -'-Ire.>c)~~nd:; Impei-ialLanes to le~idt.?ct cateqory. The 2mrs :iere ice cold frora the field, ,::!?oo-kinq. 39-5 co!-ng;?red to 59':: :For r.'enterville. 313 We 3RDe

The Gr?.ndvie~;: invita-tionsl 170 proved to bc? ;>.?.dluck for 5ilul 3il:;i;eil re~ilo .-uffered a broken !irir-,-k in the 09 ening qcnc aqainst Clinton.

(Elinton) Saturdays Until Midnight Zg Et re ~f t? L I c, johnson 5-20 0 5 5 ' 0 ,f gordon 8- 3 0 5 i ' 5 rrhite 8- 5 €?-lo '0 2 ?1, dqnt zler 4-6 0-"I S ~1 8 2. johnson 3- LO 0-7 4 5 6 leeper 6-i4 0 9 2 - 2

(Centerville1 fg ft reb nE tn c. johnson -6 0 3 3 -3 qordon 3-: 1 3-4 3 2 9 11hite 9-92-3 7 3 20 1 .. 724 Stow Street dsnt ~ler 3- 0 0 ,4 3 6 Boone, lowa 50036 n. johnson 4-12 0- I 2 0 8 leeper 2-9 2-2 3 3 ro Hawkeye Bancorporation A ~cpistcrrdm~dding~anpuy MEMBER FDIC

- -a "l. 1) -1 * . PAGE 18 Bears win three, one ( HOLIDAY pointers in a row S LAUNDAREnE

1 Large Washer ,ifter the kine out Dznt-lcr ?n?r- The Bears had nothing to lose 2nd 0-ched the chrritv .briqp 2nd npttcd everything to gain, in their unset tllc rree thro;,r aiving tile Ue~r- 2 victory over the Creston spar tan^ edge thnt '$7; to hold 113 sd the on Jed. Jan. 10. The Bears hzd ;;pcrtq2ns de:;nerstion ha1 F collrt :;70k pr~iouslylost twice to the Spartans 2ell short of the :n?rk, lcclvi*? ths Open 8 0.m. to 10 p.m. in i3 matter of a weeks time. The Oears ~jith2 99-3t; victory. first meeting carne in the Eoone invit- ational during the championshin game, the second 10;s occured less than a neek leter on the Spcrtans home court. 8 0.m. *O 6 pame fg ft re5 122 tl. c. johnson 3-7 0 3 5 0 gordon 4- !3 5-5 2 4 ,9 m. rahite 13-23 5-17 2 5 3 CI dmt-ler ~4-223-6 -2 L 3 LAUNDARETTE The conte~twas ;. ,,ee .;-iYa1 battle rn. rern,:ining in the requlation tine. The Jpsrtans rolled off LO ,ecor,d- Ero;~the cloc!: ~eioret~~rning STATE BANK & TRUq the 5211 hxck over to the 3~~s. 716 8th Street Boone, Iowa . Uoone then went for a la.~tshot

:.tternnt, t3z.t -,.,c-3 --.I -..I D:i-nk?ler' r, sl10.k From ,the k0i3 05 the key roll in cllci out,!~li:lg the game into ~xtr-2minuter:. Boone State Bank IrSD The clock w;;s set for 5 minutes 2nd the period !a?.::; ;tarted with 2 jxr8 Sall. The Spartan:.; pulled away froin the Be3rs 3:r t:.lo noint:; vith just 'L.0 second,=to ?lc?-y,v!ith that the 3ea.r; stzged their lait ecf0r.t , in !.!hict~ ,';1Dcn.ti:ler drove l.~s.::;eliile,xith '; MEMBER F.D.1.C. necond reni2iiiing 2nd smk a short i jurnner and picking up 2r-1 extra, free L'~nr0L.a. ~t kh3t time 2he Spartan2 called tixe out to incresse the presxre on D.mtzler .

Score board shows tie score, one second ,remainingas A1 Dantzler Coach says Myron takes a tumble sinks winning free throw "Turn the Page" PAGE 19 Bears Overcome Mosely

The 3ears \*]oiI their second gsne F4'laqvi!1 '.ihite faired ;!ell ?.gainst in a-row and it loolced like a P5ocle\,i, cominq ul, wit:.^ :LO rei;ound.c, duplicate 05 tlie Crestoi? gane. This (2nd 23 l.?oin-ks, 1.1 iX>n-kxler grzbbed ..' ,' wcs the Zirst time the 3ears ht>,d J. L rel~ol-lnd:j2nd punned in 22 noink:; defeated Zll;?~:~orthfor tso ye?.rr, ?.nd on the evening, ilKosle;r i:; one 05 the it tasted pretty :;;?reet. The Se,zrs to~~ghcr?1?.:rer:: ve ' ire faced all 17e;ir, jumped out to an e;irl!;l lecd, xhic:? 2nd could be concidered one of the dwindled through out the first Ser-t.r)3.1 around plciyers in the ~ti?te. period. Trailing the entire second coa~nent+?clcoach L?rr:; liugher,. period until Andre Gordon sunk a short jumper :.~ith:;econd.-: rernainino; to wrap up the victory. Some credit needs -to 3e given to Dlarvin .il?ite, who deflected the inbound na:;? by, the ball fell into Gordon' hands :j~i>otoo?< the ho~orof islinninq

7;;rpp j-;.~ ; ro-Ji*:the ';i.:-'k !~J,::\,~ .- 1-Lo c,,._<.. :: ;:he 1;l::;tthree outing5 .F~~-k;!(., :, , . ...- ,. . C~ienoi:at c1eci:;io:ls , , , ><.\.>, .. : . -,.. .,. .-.I? ca -;ei11 the 13st three q ->,,.-, ,".,:, , T~.;_!::! t~~joof -the g,?rne.? (c-loii>q i.:-Atoolr.?.-l i:ne. Ti?e no:;t rece3.t .ric-k~--.. . c:o.?ing in the Ft. Dodce n;lrn~?? ...< -i? ,i;,lci>,.z::.trs. ~nin:~?tesh2d to o.3~ .,..,,.-c: ,::,, in order for the 2etz.rr. to COT a-2 pr; k(~--'9 .'.-30,

. . ~-7,- ..;. a. ,.,r: :'rite 11:cl the hok h,~:,ndfor !- ' -. .o .-:t:, .r,:, nurnying in 3.1 12oint5, , ,.- .., ,., I- -. -,_, .-,-.,-~~nc;on ; 5-25 Zro.,7 the :Field ;!; .-. - 0 , - I . : l ~ - ,112 line. D;lntr ler s1i;lrcd re3omcliLlg-. honor ; :.~ith !bite, both White {Blsod) -r oA1inc9, -11-0chin~ndin ?9 ?or --, 3. -7 . , . ; Lni-1.7 Johnrjoi; -il :O h:?.d a C. lrle rr;:m~ ;;t noint qir - 7 ?i co.?i;7? -17 hits 2 of 34 points The Co10nial House I Home Cooked FooQ &-Pastries - - Andre Gordon 821 Keeler St. Sam Mo:;le?: k1~3:; ~hn;Li;i<.i OLI~pla OUR MOTTO: oi-I the court, co'?i?r ..I-, !.;S.k:? 1-2- rebounds 2nd -24 ;>oink:; OCI the eveni CUEMSUNESS biosley a native 02 ft, Dodge Is. mz SaaDfooo first tez-n zll-2tz.t~honors in hiqh .~chool,but did not parkicinate in the SERVICE shrine game. I+~;oslcyspent mo:;t of the :light contolling the boards md imt:in- id~,tingthe offense vitn his Chuck & Bette Wilson qre3.t leaninp ~~.billty.

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According to hezd cozch Larry Hughes, "Injuries have been the number one problem for the 3ears this season. Injuries have troubled the 3ears from the stsrt with .-ndre Gordon suffering hack problems for the first three weeks of the season.

Other players being hampered by injuries include most recent victim John Semprini, who spranged his ankle in the Sio?lx Empire game on Jan. 20. Semprini hzs given much needed board power from off the bench. ,John is one of our key substitutes, and his loss will be ;I temporary set bzcl:. said cosch Iiughes.

Steve Leeper Sophomore Nevada, IA.

The nost serioils injury ,so :Ex for "'3eLL. 5cz.r~occured in the Cliilton g;:!ne of the Zrc..ndiri?:r invit,=.tion-1. F.::sl 3ilsten the fres'n~;.~?hor!rsrd fro3 ilennison Iz. !h~ho aver,-qcci 7.8 re:3o!lnd c. ?me, third o?-,:co on the sra;.d, si.?.ffered 7 broke:> hone in his avrist rihen i?e fell to the h?rci;\iood. CO;:C~I :iuq!les nointed o?.lt, :Ye 've h?.d to ch~nqeour defense 1:~ith tile loss Paul Bilsten of -Zilsten, ;?nd our rebo:~nclin@dent. has suffered ;?. set ?' The chlnge Out For Season describxl. inclildes the I.1se of 2 some defense, one of r.rnic!> coz.c'n :iugizes does not like to 1.1s~-7 lot.

:-,lhen ;.sked if !~clikcd tile 'ie;s~s current record? COF-ch Ii1~ghesreplied, I z.m riuite satisfied with oi~rrccord, John Semprini 1.&recould e2sily be e 4-9 bzll cln5.!! Th.=it s 3 very true st~teinentconcidering the 3ecrs have 1:10n -2hree o-? .t:-iier Sophomore Dayton, IA. 13s.k Eo1.1r games b$ one point decisions.

Steve Leeper h2s 2.1~0been nlagued Ye1ve lmd to zdjust considersbly by injuries throughout the season. with the loss of Pz1~1, and we zre doing Suffering a spranged ankle in pre- just thzt ~.tthis tine we're just st- season practice snd re-injuring the zrting to jell 2s a tern. ' There is same ankle several times. Steve plenty of time left for the Senrs, nissed the J2n. 20 contesk with a leq 2s they will he half way through injury. Leeper 2s performed well from thier sezson at halftime in the both the starting and substitution role. Clarinda game. Coach iiughes commented, it night now Steve does z great job of coming off the bench and putting a spark into the team. ':