Illinois State Board of Education 100 North First Street • Springfield, Illinois 62777-0001 Gery J. Chico Christopher A. Koch, Ed.D. Chairman State Superintendent of Education DATE: May 28,2014 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable John 1. Cullerton, Senate President The Honorable Christine Radogno, Senate Minority Leader The Honorable Michael J. Madigan, Speaker ofthe House The Honorable Jim Durkin, House Minority Leader FROM: Christopher A. Koch, Ed. D. C L -hpJ<.- tiel. State Superintendent of EducatIon SUBJECT: Illinois Task Force on Civic Education Report The Illinois Task Force on Civic Education Report delineates findings and recommendations pursuant to Public Act 98-0301. The Illinois Task Force on Civic Education explains that responsible citizens are informed and thoughtful, participate in their communities, act politically, and have moral and civic virtues. Included in the report are findings on civic education in Illinois, civic education in other jurisdictions, and best practices in civic education. Specific recommendations included in the report are: • require a civic education in the high school; • revise Illinois Social Studies Standards; • require a service learning project in middle and high school; • align licensure and certification requirements for pre-service teachers with best practices; • provide access to professional development aligned to best practices; • involve students in the election process; and • extend the task force to gather public input through public hearings. This report is transmitted on behalf of the Chair of the Task Force, Shawn Healy, Civic Learning and Engagement Scholar for the Robert R. McCormick Foundation. For additional copies of this report or for more specific information, please contact Sarah McCusker at 217/524-4832 or
[email protected].