Sanitary Steam Laundry National Provincial Bank of England Limited
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I • THE TEESDALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1918 The Urban Council. THIS AND BACH SUCCEEDING WEEK Teesdale Man's Career. I THOBNGATE FOOTBRIDGE THREATENED: DURINff THE SEASON TOWN LIGHTING. PATRIOTIC WORK OF MR J. H, BQi •I the monthly meeting, on Thursdey night I week, Mr 0. Hedley (obalrman) presided, and IN CALIFORNIA. there were also present the RAT. H. W. H. News is to hand of the movements of u Birch em ud Messrs H. Walker, F. J. Wilson, i Bowron, son of the late Mr Henry Boaw*j R. Arrowsmttb, J. Qay, W. Hodgson, a J. of Mrs Mary Bowron, of Ootherstone, «?l Smith. J, I. Deweon (oletk), J. H. Veitoh1 Intends making SPECIAL SHOWS of New Spring Goods. undertaken fine patriotic work la » • (assistant olerk), O. J. G. Martin (tntpeotor), | California, as purchasing member of the SOUTH DURHAI end L. Simpson (surveyor).—A further £1,000 Provisions Export Commission. Mr has to be offered to the inhabitants in war has been in oonferenoe with the Q_, kooda-The Chelrman Intimated that it was Associated Ralsen Company and other" BBtablished 1854. -. possible the Ounnctl might lose its ohamber, [ fruit corporations with regard to prod the batldiog having been commandeered by I of this and other commodities. His dmi " the military-The Olerk: But the Oonnoil to look sf tor the interests of the COBJMIL has got priority.- [We understand that a in the west, and all purchases to be raSjl Na 3,268. Ohamber has been seoared In the building behalf of tbe Allied Government are tl immediately north of the Clerk's efflos.] made through him. Mr Bowron is one JI managers of Joseph Travers and Bon. r ' rflEDLEY, S8B" Works Committee Matters. of London, a firm that has been in < Member of the Most Worshipful Company The report of this eommlttee showed the for 249 years, and which ranks with tail. (•* of Plumbers, London). height of the reservoir to be 16 feet 8 Inches, of England as one of the oldest Icstitutwl and, with reference to the recent frost, a great this country. It is the largest w2 |7, CALCATE, IARHARD CASTLE, number of pipes had burst, though the &JLE,2STJLttD CASTLE. grocery eompany in the world. In l0 r* j -Bt'r, Falatcr, "aperhangar, Cltttrltlw plumbers had the work well in baud. Outside view out west, Mr Bowron said: " Jo« burst pipes were being hammered up.—As to same way as man-power and oapachil tad Central Coatractor. the proposed effl'Utl.m of brigades with the sufficient applloants come forward, it being making the munitions of eaoh eoeiLi understood that about 800 square yards was iBJLJablSTAJEUD CASTLE National Fire Brigades' Union, It was agreed nation have been organised, so raniij ltArJ Work carried out In all the latest to take no aotloo.—The water waste reported required tor sohool ebildren. The Olerk was resources be organised to the fullest ex J principles. instructed to communicate the remarks of the at the last meeting had been stopped. we are to aobieve the desired result Rath*, tVavatortee, Water-closets, etc lospector to Mr Singer, so that he might bring know that in this and in every other « Hand, Foroe, and Lift Pumps. Sanitary Commlttea Affairs. the same to the notioe of the Allotment SANITARY STEAM LAUNDRY great oountry of yours will give their t Tbe quarterly report of the Medioal Holders' Assooiatioo."—It wss finally agreed PROPRIETOR A. STEELE. Europe the help so greatly needed." Offloer oisdoaed the faet that the popula that the Olerk and Chairman take the initiative I a*A Fittings, Incandeaoent Lights and all tlon was estimated at 4,041. The deaths in convening a public meeting, this being the JSnos. Household Ironmongery, Lamps, Lamp registered numbered 15, S of these being desire of the existing allotment holders. Is the Only Steam Laundry in Barnard Castle & District Big Audience Crests the Allied Pureta liters, Btovea, Portable Boilers, eraivanW resist*red "on*," making 13, whioh gave a rate The Commercial Olnb Chambers et ^Netting, Galvanised Roofiog, Lamp Oils, of 11*63 per 1000. Th« births registered were I High-class Work in all its Branches. were inadequate to aoeommodate the ai 9, giving a rate of 8'90 per thousand. Of representative Fresoo business and ^flSUTaW aim Dl Ut BRAK0US8, ADD infections diseases 4 oases of measles, 1 Greta Bridge Police Special Attention given to Household Work. sional men who gathered at the regiljTT paTTaUW BOOM SBXT ON APPUOaTIOK. Qerman measles, 2 diphtheria, and 1 pulmonary luncheon to hear the address of lit | -rienoed Men sent to any part of town or tuberculosis had been notified. One death Court. Vans Collect and Deliver in Home District. who was almost overcome with the L sjantry, and all Orders punctually under IS months bad occurred. In the monthly that greeted him from the 150 men attended to. report no In fee t ions diseases had been notified, BREWSTER SESSIONS. Enthusiattle applause greeted the One ease of tuberculosis of the lungs at a WEDNESDAY.—Btfore Mr J. Smith (ohairmao), I ment that no matter what the Qersaan house in Thorogate bed been notified, and Mr M. J. Dixon and Dr. Welford. Steam Laundry Works; NEWGATE, BARNARD CASTLE invented the Allies had overcome, air I DENTAL 8U8CERT. related a clever story told of ( the Iospeotor had been asked to look into the Licensing; Business. [ sanitary eondition of the property and the Pershing who was furnished with an aoV Supt. John Haw, of Riohmond, announcing CLAKKSON BARKER'S SPACE. and a military chauffeur. The chatles! -SB. JOmPwiSEMAN, question of overorowding. During the month that Inspector Bland was Indisposed, read the 10, 8ALGATE, of December 5 deaths and 3 births had been late in keeping an appointment, and 1 following report: I have the honour to submit Amerloan general remonstrated with Us] registered, no death oocurrlng under IS months. to you my annual report with referenoe to the Two Seasonable Veterinary Preparations. BARMARB OASTLE, —The Inspeotor subsequently reported that said: " Here my man yon are two ah lioensed houses in the above distriot. There late: this will never do." The drlTst i the house in Thorogate was muoh too small are 24 fully lioensed houses in the division, Barker's Harker's HOURS: 0 a.m. to 7 p.m. for the family, but was very olean, and tbe " Well well call it square, you are two < being the same number as last year,, to a late." windows were kept open. population oi 5.053 persons, as oomputed at tbe POULTRY SPICE. LICE POWDER. Thorngata Footbridge and Heavy Floods. census in 1911, giving an average of 210*18 Breen, Rope ft Twine Works, persons to eaoh lioensed house. Four licensed Suooessful Conoert at Egglettont, This subjeot had been discussed at a meet bouse have been transferred during the year, lng of the Sanitary Committee, when it was namely, the Travellers' Rest, Hope; the Pool For the Destruction of Lice, etc., on Cattle, | II, CALCATE, BARNARD CASTLE. reported that recent floods were wearing A very suooessful conoert wss held h j Inn, Bowbank ; the Dun Cow, Newsham ; and Horses and Poultry away the ground near tbe foundations of the the Royal Star Inn, Startforth; against six Egglestone school-room on Saturday rjlguj D,eltr la all kinds off limhu, Mats, s\sa] bridge, and % wall ahonld be erected on the The ohair wss taken by the Rev. £ 0. fit transferred the previous year. One Innkeeper - foreshore as a protection, The Olerk had been has been proceeded against during the year, Vloar, who said It wss a pleasure to ate | farmers Brushes a speciality. requested to look into tbe matter, and ascer the charge being dismissed, sgainst none Guaranteed to be three times as strong with them. The large eudienoe wens tain what had previously been deolded proceeded against the previous year, The Satisfied users say .— , ! to a very pleasant evening, being prhi regard log the proposed wall.—Tbe Inspeotor whole of the coasts have been frequently " If y bene began to lay almost immediately after giving as Tobacco Powder. to hear Mr F. Ferry, humorist, aod Mil J THE SPIEBLLA •aid he went down and under the bridge, and visited and supervised by the police, about your piee." . 3-r Onions, oomedian, from Newcastle [tl found that the soil was washed away np to 1,480 visits having been paid.—Mr Dixsn: • 1 need it last year, and don't think I can do better the kindness and generosity of Mi' the concrete block.—The Olerk : If the bridge thie." who brought down the house on eioh c Very satisfactory.-The Chairman : 1.480 visits Trial Packets, 6d.; Large 8lze, 1/-. 9(1., 2/-, 3/6. JORSET AGENCYj goes we shall have to bear the whole cost — have been paid to tbe inns by the police, and and Mr A, Morton, from WoodI tnd, wit ] Mr WHson : I move that the Surveyor take this 1B one of the lowest records we have had very few. oompeers as a oomndUa li f 12, HORSE-MARKET, BARNARD CASTLE. the plan to a local oontraotor, and get an in this court for years. There are very tew Only from C. CLARKS0N HARKER, M.P.8., 24, Horse Market, Barnard Castle. distriot, fell none short. Mr 0. estimate of the oost—Carried. ohanges in the licensed houses, and they are (Successor to Messrs 3. Born and Iron ) from Woodland, was highly appr.elited,! Resident Co:eetlere : Street Lighting. tbe same in number.—Supt. Haw: The same Mr J. Waller's pianoforte solo isi i It was stated that Mr Jaokson was proceed' number exactly as last year, and there is a aooompaniment to the oomedUni IliISS HILDA M.