Gj3 " Hoc Set Down Aufht I RASS FIELD to LET, Containing 3 Acres, Admission, Is
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1 THE TBBSDAliB MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1901. FOB Sales bri 3urttou. Preliminary Notice. of business. They arc SALE BY AUOTION OF and cute cashiers—they HOWSON & RE AY BARNARD CASTLE A TBESDALE FARMERS' WEDDING AND BIRTHDAY ULLY-LICENSED P U B LI C-HO Ugi, tors, and big dealers. AUCTION MART Co., LTD PRESENTS, F 60 ACRRS of LEASEHOLD LAND Teesdale is a moment Have now on view a Splendid Show of NEW MILLINERY, MANTLES, Farm Building! and 8tabling, situate at orthodox life, so to speakl ALSO PRESENTATION GOODS, JOHN BATNBRIDGH!, Kirkby Stephen ; and HOCSE, BOWBANK, LUNEDALE, in the j'J GEORGE TARN BAINBRIDGE. Darlington, foot once more in Newl —TBY— Riding of Yorkshire, abiut 1^ Mile from MidtL JACKETS, DRESS MATERIALS, Boys', Youths', and Men's READY- AUCTIONEERS, in-Teeedale and Mickleton Railway Stations. doffed, and you then meef bale at tbe WATERLOO INN, BARNARD CAST^I and calculating trader, 3K NEXT FORTNIGHTLY SALE wdl be held KENNEDY'S, 27, GALGATE. MADE CLOTHING, CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, LACE 4 o'clock, on THURSDAY, 27TH JUNE, 1901, |wj sixth meet, success has ci T on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5th, 1901, when GEO. TARN B4.I8BRIDGE, AUCTIONEER, '1 WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, 4e„ there will be forward tbe uiual large supplies of office of Mr Edward Clarl For further particulan apply to DAIRY COWS, FAT and STORE CATTLE, and were spent at Barnard [ CLEANED AND BBPAISSD. CURTAINS, and many'Noveltie^for the Present Season. MESSRS. W. A W. J. WATSOS, 8HEEP. fgf Antique Silver, China, War Med all, 4o„ Solicitors, Barnard Css^l much feeling, he referred Sale at 10-30 a.m. for Cowi, Store Cattle, aod Store Parch aeed for Oaah. 6! Per Cent yet tender-hearted John I DISCOI|NT FOR CASH, AT Sheep; 11-15 a.m. fcr Fat Cattle and Fat Sheep. •—in all respects the pats Provision for Cattle over-night, previout to Sale, MUSIC HALL, BARNARD CASUj THE NOTED SHOP FOB WEDDING RINGS, at 1/- each. gentleman—and to Mr i TEESDALE HOUSE, BARNARD CASTLE. All communications to he addrested to OHN PARKINSON AND'SON. favour^, was Mr Clark's companid JOHN E. THOMPSON (Secretary), J instructions from Mr Thos. Hunter, 5_." son of a late respected ci %M\ aim JFountu man, Stanley House, Montalbo Terrace, .l Victoria Road, Darlington, t many features of the gt] BARNARD CASTLE COUNTY COURT, declining bousekeepior, will Sell by AueuVf rpAKEN UP, at Spital, WEDDBR HOGG, tar on Religious announcements. t were piteously sublime FRIDAY, MAY 31ST, 1901, all his Excellent, kl 17th Jdne, 1901. L far hook.—Apply to JOBR TaLuiraiu, Bowes, EDWARD TARN & SON, made, aod Superior HOUSEHOLD APp-.J originators have departed] Darlington. TTTESLEYAN CHURCH, BARNARD CASTLE. HE following are the-, last days on which Sum- WIN DROSS PPRAISERS, ESTATE, HOUSE A AGRI MENTS, as follows: have crossed the seas. J monies may be issued with a certainty of being CULTURAL AUCTIONEERS. Yaluationt for W —StWDAT, June 2nd, 1901.—Morning, 10-30 j T A DRAWING ROOM. — 4ft, 6in. rosewood served in time for hearing at the above-mentioned the sinews of the Nortl Evening, 6-30. Preacher, REV, GEO. OYSTON, B.A. Probate and Legacy Duties. Appointed Auctioneers inlaid with 5 bevelled plates and brackets; toUjT OST, CHILD'S OVERCOAT, Light Green Fancy Oourt:—Woodland, Luce, and Baldi-r, Thursday, Meet yet disclose grit and! 15, MARKET PLACE, under tbe Law of Distress. PROMPT SETTLEMENTS. wood occasional table, inlaid; 5ft. rosewood ., Cloth, lined wool. Left in 3rd Class Carriage 30th May ; Foreign and; Teesdale, Thursday, 30;h L CROWN HOUSE, VICTORIA TERRACE mantel, iclaid, with 6 bevelled plates aod I all honesty and integrity at Barnard Cattle, in the 5-40 Train from Middleton- REE CHRISTIAN (UNITARIAN) CHURCH, May ; Gainford, Staindrop. and CockSeld, Friday, FOB THE BARNARD CASTLE solid rosewood suite, inlaid, covered in tapsttnl are well assured that in-Taeadale, on Saturday, 26th Ma;. Reward will be Newgate, Barnard Cattle.—SUNDAY EVENING 31st May; Bowes and Low Part of Yorkshire, F velvet, comprising settee, 2 easy, 4 small, given to anyone returning aame to Mas PIPER, Fair- NEXT, June 2nd, at 6-30 Preacher, MR A. Saturday, 1st June; Barnard Castle and Startforth, ESTABLISHED 1876. p.m., BEST . occasional chairs; walnut window table, valvtj " A moral, sensible, andl field, Barnard Ceitle. OROMACE, Middleibro'. Tuesday, 4th June. A JOHN PARKINSON, carpet to room, 2 tkin rugt, brats kerb, art i Will not affront us, and HARRY C. WATSON, Registrar. AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, brass fire screen, bevelled olae centre, hand-rj ALL - STREET CONGREGATIONAL Newgate, 21st May, 1901. Situations Facant. ENTRAL SALE ROOMS. Farm Stock Sales piano, in walnut case, by Waddington ; music • CHURCH. — SUNDAY NEXT, June 2nd, mantel board, 5 pairt handsome vases, band Unearthing; A| H1901. Morning Service at 10-30; Evening, at 6-30. CYCLES C conducted. Certificated Bailiff under the Agri ANTED, APPRENTICE to Tailoring.—Apply H. C. ADDISON, culture Holdingi Act. and gilded; 15 valuable Japanese and other^ As the work of erectin Preaeher, RE?. R. L. HUNTER (Pattor). All Seatt meets, oak spirit cruet, 2 pain superior pictig FOR dries, Cothenton. PASSENGERS BOOKED to America, Australia, Boom at Barnard Castle w Free. All cordially invited. Hymn Bookt provided No. 9, HORSE MARKET, MIDDLETON-IN- good frames ; butt of Victory, etc. NEW OR SECOND-HAND. Africa, New Zealand, etc, forViti tort.—Whorl ton, Service at 2-30. TEESDALE, SITTING ROOM.—Mahogany overmantel, not wanting evidences tlj ANTED, an ERRAND BOY.—Apply to J. CHARGES REASONABLE. S now tbowing all the NEW DESIGNS for Spring plates; eight-days' marble timepiece, 2 Bank and Thorngate ar BADCOCK A SON, Barnard Cattle. ADDRESS HORSE MARKET, BABNABD CASTLE. W NEWGATE CHURCH, BARNARD CASTLE. and Summer Wear, in DRESSES, HOUSEHOLD pheasants, mahogany centre table, 2 i parts of Barnard Casl I LAMPS, BELLS, couches, in hair; base rooking chair, easy t DRAPERY, HATs (bothTrimmed and Untrimmed), BAGS, ANTHONY STEELE, which is being examinee ANTED an Experienced SERVANT—MRS. J. EIMITTVE METHODIST SABBATH CHIFFONS, FLOWERS and FEATHERS, OIL, Ac. leather; 6 obairt, io leather ; 4 vases, pau ( bearings and other antiq A. Dixon, 3, Park Terraee, Barnard Cattle. w SCHOOL ANNIVEESART, FRILLINGS, LACE and SILK SCARVES, all of AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, ESTATE, HOUSE under tbade; gipsy table, bamboo flower . great age and respectafi Choice Patterns. The New Patent PULLEY BELT. INSURANCE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION walnut writing desk, S pictures, 2 Brussels carpoj ENERAL SERVANT WANTED.—Apply Mat 2ND JUNE, 1901. GLOVE8, Etc., alio a Choice Atsort-nent of MEN'S J. G. WELFORD, AGENT. rugs, mantel board, mahogany stand table, ij, On the front of an arches! TIES, COLLARS, Etc. j \ brats fireironi, cinder pan, coal vase, gate, a low dwelling! G SMITH, Commercial Hotel, Galgate, Barnard Certificated Bailiff under the Agricultural Holdings SPECIAL 8ERMON AT 10 30 A.M., BY Agent for Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Wool Clothing. mahogany oheffonier, 2 gilded overinuitTI windows, on the west sid REV. THOS. GRANGER (Pastor). jADIES* AND GfENT.'S TAILOE. Aot. mahogany-framed chairs, bair-stuffed; ms-jJ Sales of Farming Stock, Agricultural Produce, Im folding table ; folding chair, 2 oleographs, 3 atjl stone inscribed " Bicardd ANTED, a Good SERVANT, not under 20.— CHILDREN'S SERVICE AT 2-15 P.M. INSPECTION INVITED! plement!, etc., conducted in any part of the country, irons, five-fold screen, butler's tray and Karl characters. On the fq Apply, MRS MILBVXH, 20, Galgate, Barnard Choice Monologues by Scholars, %ctaHty-WINDSOR TROCSEB BREECHES w P.S.—WANTED, an APPRENTICE for the Settlements prompt. mahogany stand tables, umbrella ttand. passage in this house, thl SACBED MUSICAL SERVICE OF PRAISE (Patent No. 1,279). Millinery and Fancy Drapery Business. Also valuations for Probate and Legacy Duties, on PASSAGE, STAIRS, AND LANDING.—3ft. solid aj shields, the bearings on AT 6-30 P.M.—PROGRAMME: Strictly Moderate Terms. and umbrella ttand, with bevelled glass ; obliterated ; but the oil ANTED, APPRENTICE for the DRESS Opening Hymn—No. 28 ; Prayer—Rev. 4Fhoi. scraper, 7 mats, tapestry stair carpets, brsa^ MABKET PLACE, BARNARD CASTLE. Furniture, in large or small quantities, Warehoused of Brunskill, an anciei MAKING. — Miss YOOTG, 69, Galgate, Granger ; Hymn—No. 331; Sdripture—ltt Psalm— NOTIOE! NOTICE! NOTICE! Brussels landing carpet, flower stand aod bust. W for any period. Barnard Cattle. Dora P. Elliott; Anthem—Let 1 God Arise; Sacred BEDROOMS —4ft. solid walnut bedroom sails, i family. In the interioj BE-OPENING OF PREMISES, No. 8, GALGATE, Song—The Lord is Love—Miss Dora Tallentyre ; THE Consignments for Sale received at any time. robe, with bevelled centre plate ; dressing its..] three fragments have Recitation—No Seots in Heaven—Mist M.J. Raine: BARNARD CASTLE. Offices: bevelled plate and jewel drawer; washsuuc •• if united, would read, " I ITT ANTED, immediately, IMPROVERS and Solo—O, Rest in the Lord (Elijah}—Mr E. D W APPRENTICEAPPF- S to the DRESSMAKING,— BAENAED CASTLE SANITARY Steele's Sale Boomt, Newgate, Barnard Castle. marble slab and tiled back ; 3 chain, towel i J a' (T e p'picie—tur Dk Berry; Recitation — Only a Copper—Miss geJ J, pedestal, double chamber service, all-brass } Apply B, JimuoK, Startforth. B. STODDART A wainscot closets, in tbe irj Taylor; Quartette and Soprano Solo—At pants the JOSEPH ADDISON, bedstead, with pluth and sateen hanging!; EGS mott respectfully to call the attention of the Hart; Hymn—No. 305; Address—Rev. T. Granger; wire mattrets, hair mattress, Brussels carpet a:: j are curiously emblazons Public to the fact that, having removed from AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, ANTED, at May-day, an Experienced GENERAL Anthem—Hit Name it Excellent; Scripture— 12th B brass kerb and fi-eirons, fire screen, 5 pieta birds, foliage, animals, Barnard Cattle Moor, Be has entered upon the Is prepared to undertake FARM STOCK.