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Report 2021, No. 5 News Agency on Conservative Europe Report 2021, No. 5. Report on conservative and right wing Europe 5th March 2021 GERMANY 1. (translated, original by Fabian Schmidt-Ahmad, 25.02.2021) Departure of Fabio de Masi The crack in the left The Left Party in the German Bundestag loses its financial policy spokesman and deputy parliamentary group leader. Fabio de Masi, who has been a member of parliament since 2017, has announced that he will withdraw from politics and no longer want to run for a mandate. What he reveals in his farewell letter says a lot about a party that claims to know the "real conditions" of society and always suspects the "cultural superstructure" to be in others. “There is a tendency in various political spectrums and especially in social media to only debate politics about morals and attitudes. I think this is a step backwards, ”criticized de Masi. Anyone who takes a “correct attitude” as a yardstick “is actually trying to prevent the argument with rational arguments”, it continues. "Such a culture of debate has nothing to do 2 with enlightenment, but is an expression of an elitist claim to truth, such as the church served in the Middle Ages." The “white man” is none other than the worker It is not the disappointment of a politician being sidelined - as if the Left Party had so many financial experts to show for it - but the expression of a long-simmering conflict among the left. The traditional left saw itself as rooted in the working class, belonging to this milieu. “Parties in the tradition of the labor movement have always been realistic. They knew the reality of life for people who lived from their hands, ”writes de Masi accordingly. With this milieu, however, the new identitary left cannot do anything. Shrill interest groups let off steam here, which despite all the supposed colourfulness have one thing in common - they all don't feel that way with work. Or in de Masi's cautious words: “Identity is important in life. But it must not lead to the fact that only differences instead of similarities between people are emphasized and only 'woke' academics in inner cities feel addressed. " But these interest groups have one thing in common. It is their common enemy, the "white man", whose skin must serve as a canvas for all the evils of this world. And who should finance a comfortable life for them as atonement and repentance. But ultimately this “white man” onto whom all the hatred is projected is nothing other than the worker who is exploited by the - now “woken” - capitalist. With the difference that he leaves part of the booty to the identitarian left. Deal with big tech Against this background, when de Masi names "the regulation of the financial power of the large digital corporations" his most important concern, he is also describing the reason for his political end. Big Tech has already paid the ransom, and the left is satisfied with the deal. Their international is the jet set, their solidarity goes to the disenfranchised of this world, insofar as functionaries are to be distributed. Your class consciousness is the good conscience and enemy of anyone who attacks it. In this respect, de Masi and other representatives of the traditional left should be careful and withhold advice: “The art of politics consists in connecting with the reality of life and the language of those people who fear for control over their lives. The political left must not neglect the basic human need for security - in a comprehensive sense. "Lefts have been led to the scaffold by other lefts for less criticism. 3 2. (translated, original by, 25.02.2021) Raid with 850 officers Berlin Senator for the Interior Bans Islamist Association BERLIN. The Berlin Senator for the Interior Andreas Geisel (SPD) banned and dissolved the Islamist association “Jama`atu Berlin” alias “Tauhid Berlin” on Thursday. “This is a further and clear signal to all religious extremists. We are consistently fighting the roots of terror, ”said Geisel. The measure is a further building block in the resolute fight against violent extremism. The organization, which is the successor to an association that was banned in 2017, supports the acts of the terrorist militia “Islamic State” (IS) and promotes their views. In addition, she advocates armed jihad, including suicide bombings and the beheading of the French teacher Samuel Paty by an Islamist in autumn 2020, Geisel said during a press conference on Thursday morning. In the early hours of the morning, around 850 police officers searched apartments in Berlin and Brandenburg in order to secure the association's assets and evidence. IS governor gets ten and a half years in prison “Jama`atu Berlin” alias “Tauhid Berlin” therefore comprised a group of women and a group of men. These met in private apartments and parks. They distributed their propaganda to the public via the internet and handouts. On Wednesday, the Higher Regional Court in Celle sentenced the alleged chief ideologist and governor of IS in Germany , "Abu Walaa", to ten and a half years in prison. He and three co- defendants are said to have radicalized several people and sent them to war zones in the Middle East. In April 2020, Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) banned the Islamic terrorist organization Hezbollah in Germany. He justified the step at that time with the calls of the Shiite group to annihilate Israel. (ag) 4 3. (translated, original by Max Roland, 27.02.2021) MOBILIZATION IN THE SUPER ELECTION YEAR 2021 Antifa and Co .: The disinhibited radical left on the way to terrorism For years the radical left has been becoming more militant and aggressive. The eternal ignorance and acceptance among political decision-makers gives the movement a boost. In the super election year of 2021, left-wing violence threatens to take on a dimension that has not existed since the German autumn. When Manuela Schwesig took office as Federal Minister for Family Affairs in 2013, she wanted to change a lot. The department for family, senior citizens, women and youth is also dedicated to combating extremism - in this area the SPD politician dared to break completely with the politics of her predecessor. The funds for combating left-wing radicalism have been canceled without replacement. Instead, the focus was explicitly and one-sidedly shifted to the right. The minister even sacrificed an extremism clause: those receiving funding no longer had to commit to the basic democratic order, because, according to critics, this would hinder the work against right-wing extremism. Left-wing extremism, according to Schwesig, is actually an "exaggerated problem". A statement that fits the widespread assumption that left-wing extremists are basically harmless, or at least not nearly as bad as their right-wing counterparts. Left-wing radicals basically represent humane and justifiable goals such as justice, while right-wing radicals are evil and sly. "Left-wing extremists set fire to cars, right-wing extremists set fire to foreigners," is a frequently quoted sentence. And since left-wing extremists mainly act against “the right”, that's half as bad. When the American right-wing extremist Richard Spencer was punched in the face in front of the cameras in 2017, there was an open discussion on both sides of the Atlantic about whether this violence would not be completely okay - #PunchaNazi (hit a Nazi) was trending on Twitter and became an oath of disclosure for those, reject political violence not in principle, but based on origin. The German Antifa is also often played down because it is doing such important work “on site” against the allegedly omnipresent brown threat. And the few "individual cases" have nothing to do with the movement as such, after all, the Antifa is not a registered association. Documentation by the youth magazine Vice shows what this “important work” can look like in concrete terms. "We met a man who deliberately ambushes neo-Nazis and beats them up," headlines the journalists of the left-leaning media company. "You don't have to be two meters 5 tall to hit Nazis, there are weapons for that," explains the hooded violent criminal. For three minutes he talks about his motivation and justification for the attacks on alleged 'Nazis', without delineating this group of people more precisely. “When they are in the hospital, when they no longer have a job, then they cannot do their political work during that time. (...) If you've been pissed off three times, if your car has been torched twice (...) then you don't feel like that shit anymore ”. That was "always the strategy of the anti-fascist movement". In Berlin you don't have to go far, you see posters of the Antifa, On which violence is not only called in clear slogans, drawings show burning police cars. It's all half wild, they don't mean it that way. Figures show how little people are sensitized to the potential for violence and danger on the left: In 2016, 46% of Germans rated the risk of left-wing extremism as "low"; in 2020, 47% were of the opinion that left-wing extremism was not underestimated. Meanwhile, the number of annual left-wing extremist crimes grew by around 50% from 2014 to 2019, and by another 29% from 2019 to 2020 - and not in secret. Letters of confession are published, freely accessible to all, on websites such as "Indymedia", where left-wing extremists openly boast about their actions. In contrast to the right-wing extremism of the AfD, which is always looked for with a magnifying glass, which is supposed to be hidden in people's heads, left- wing extremism is completely open to recognition.
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