Tea cultivation in pdf sinhala

Continue It was in 1824 that the first tea plant was brought from China by the British and planted in the Royal Botanic Gardens in Peradeniya, Kandy. It is considered to be the first non-commercial tea culture grown in the country. Almost two decades later, in 1867, James Taylor, The Scotsman was given the task of growing tea on just 19 acres of land at loolecondera Estate in Kandy. This is considered to be the first commercial harvest of tea to be grown. With the devastating blight that swept through coffee plantations, coffee cultivators switched to tea as an alternative commercial culture. Taylor earger experimenting with tea, soon set up his own tea factory, probably the first in the country on the veranda of his bungalow in the Loolecondera Estate. Here the were rolled by hand on the tables and the shooting, made on clay stoves over charcoal fires, with wire trays to sell the leaves. The end result was a delicious tea, probably the first commercial cup to be brewed. Taylor later created a basic mechanism for rolling leaves, there were many people to support his tea process, and a year later he sent 23 pounds of tea to London. Taylor continued to develop the tea industry with his innovative thinking until he died in 1892 at the age of fifty-seven. Less common nowadays than in the early days, the sloping slope is cleared of trees and shrubs for planting with tea. Heavy wood, often valuable, is removed, and the remaining cutting is burned, as a result of ash helps fertilize the soil. Preparation In preparation for planting, the land must be surveyed, lining to mark the future position of each bush, drained and holed to get the plants. Proper drainage is vital; the ideal option is a clean drain with a minimum of erosion. Planting Originally grown from seeds, either on site or in a nursery, the tea is being reproduced by a vegetative spread or cutting. The traditional planting scheme, with bushes located in geometric clusters, was frozen in the 1960s by a contour landing that closely follows the hillside line. Trees are planted among the tea to provide partial shade and further control of soil erosion. Early planters ate their fields clean, losing tons of topsoil with each downpour of rain. Today, the only U.S. that can harm the tea is chosen, the rest left to help bind the soil. However, the loss of topsoil remains a problem; how to overcome this is the subject of much controversy, research and experimentation in Sri Lanka's National Institute of Tea Research and elsewhere. Fertilization While the proportion of organically produced collected annually increases to keep up with demand, usually grown teas must also pass Rules of the Tea Council on chemical content. This not only leads to a safer and healthier product, but also helps protect the environment. Pruning tea bushes like vines, vines, and to periodic injuries. The pruning, which begins before the plant matures sufficiently for plucking, is repeated every couple of years after that, causing the bush to grow horizontally rather than vertically. Performed with a special knife, pruning is a strenuous and complex manual operation that resists automation. Human skill is an integral part of this process. The plucking of tea collection, or plucking, as is known in trade, continues all year round, although different regions produce their best teas at different times of the year due to climate change associated with them. Pluckers, mostly women, limit themselves to two tenderest leaves and a bud that grow on the very top of each stem. Rough collection leads to poor-quality tea. Tea Plantation (Dambatenne Estates) at about 1,800 m above sea level in Haputale, Hill Country Ceylon tea logo Tea production is one of the main sources of foreign exchange for Sri Lanka (formerly called Ceylon), and accounts for 2% of GDP, making more than $1.5 billion in 2013 to sri Lanka's economy. It employs more than 1 million people, directly or indirectly, and in 1995 215,338 people worked directly on tea plantations and estates. In addition, the planting of tea by small farmers is a source of employment for thousands of people, while it is also the main means of subsistence for tens of thousands of families. Sri Lanka is the fourth largest tea producer in the world. In 1995 it was the world's leading exporter of tea (rather than producer), with 23% of the world's total exports, but since then it has been surpassed by Kenya. The highest production of 340 million kg was recorded in 2013, while production in 2014 was slightly reduced to 338 million kg. Humidity, cool temperatures and precipitation in the central highlands of the country provide a climate conducive to the production of high-quality tea. On the other hand, tea produced in low-altitude areas such as Matara, Halle and Ratanapura with high rainfall and warm temperatures has high levels of astringent properties. The production of tea biomass is higher in low elevation areas. Such tea is popular in the Middle East. The industry was introduced to the country in 1867 by James Taylor, a British planter who arrived in 1852. The planting of tea in small farmers became popular in the 1970s. The history of the old Ceylon tea tin before the Cinnamon Tea Era was the first crop to receive state sponsorship in India, while the island was under partisan Dutch control. During the administration of the Dutch governor, Iman Willem Falk, cinnamon plantations were established in Colombo, Maradan and Cinnamon in 1767. Britain's first governor, Frederick North, banned private cinnamon, thereby ensuring a monopoly on the cinnamon plantation for the East India Company. However, the economic downturn in the 1830s England and other European countries have touched on cinnamon plantations on Ceylon. This led to their write-off by William Colbrook in 1833. Finding cinnamon unprofitable, the British turned to coffee. Hemileia vastatrix, or coffee , which led to the fall in and the transition to the tea industry By the early 1800s Ceylonians already knew about coffee. In the 1870s, coffee plantations were devastated by a fungal disease called Hemileia vastatrix or coffee rust, better known as coffee disease or coffee decay. The death of the coffee industry marked the end of an era when most of the island's plantations were devoted to the production of coffee beans. Planters experimented with cocoa and cinchona as alternative crops, but not because of the infestation of Helopeltis antonii, citation is necessary, so that in the 1870s almost all remaining coffee planters in Ceylon switched to the production and cultivation of tea. The James Taylor Tea Plantation Foundation in Kandy, Sri Lanka in the 1860s In 1824, the tea plant was hung (smuggled) to Ceylon by the British from China and planted in the Royal Botanic Gardens in Peradia for non-commercial purposes. Further experimental tea plants were brought from Assam and Kolkata in India to Peradia in 1839 through the East India Company and in the following years. In 1839, the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce was established, followed by the Ceylon Planters Association in 1854. In 1867, James Taylor celebrated the birth of the tea industry in Ceylon by starting a tea plantation at the Luleconda estate (Pronounced Lul- Ka(n)dura in Singala- කර) in Kandy in 1867. He was only 17 years old when he came to Loolcandra, Sri Lanka. The original tea plantation was only 19 acres (76,890 m2). In 1872, Taylor started a fully equipped tea factory on the Loolkandura estate and this year the first sale of Loolecondra (Loolkandura) tea was made in Kandy. In 1873, the first batch of Ceylon tea arrived in London, weighing about 23 pounds (10 kg). Sir Arthur Conan Doyle noted the creation of tea plantations: ... Ceylon's tea fields are as true a monument to courage as the lion at Waterloo. Soon enough, the plantations surrounding Lawland, including Hope, Rookwood and Muloya in the east and Le Wallon and Stellenberg in the south, began to switch to tea and were among the first tea estates to be established on the island. The total population of Sri Lanka was 2,584,780 according to the 1871 census. 1871 Demographic distribution and population in plantation areas are given below: 15 Kandy District, heart of tea production in Sri Lanka 1871 demographic distribution District Common population No. estates Population real estate % population on kandi district estates 625 81 476 31.53 Badulla District 129000 130 15 555 12.06 Matale District 71 724 111 13 052 18.2 Ke District 10 5 287 40 3790 3.6 Sabaragamuva 92 277 3 3 227 3.5 Nuwara Elia District 36 184 21 308 0.0 85 Kurunegala District 207,885 21 2,393 1.15 Matara District 143,379 11 1,072 0.75 Total 1,044,168 996 x123.6 The growth and history of commercial production of Henry Randolph Trafford, one of the pioneers of tea cultivation in Ceylon in the 1880s, the production of tea at Ceylon increased dramatically in the 1880s and by 1888 the area of growing more than the area of coffee, almost 400,000 acres (1619 km2) in 1899. The only Ceylon planter who decided to make tea at an early stage was Charles Henry de Soys. British figures such as Henry Randolph Trafford arrived at Ceylon and bought coffee estates in places like Poyston, near Cundy, in 1880, which was the centre of Ceylon's coffee culture at the time. Although Trafford knew little about coffee, he had considerable knowledge of tea cultivation and is considered one of the pioneers of tea planters in Ceylon. By 1883, Trafford was the manager of numerous estates in the area that were moving into the production of tea. By the late 1880s, almost all of the coffee plantations on Ceylon had been converted into tea. Similarly, coffee shops are rapidly turning into tea factories in order to meet the growing demand. Tea processing technology developed rapidly in the 1880s, following from the production of the first Sirocco tea dry by Samuel Cleland Davidson in 1877 and the production of the first tea rolling machine by John Walker and Co. in 1880 - the basic technologies that made the commercial production of tea a reality. This realization was confirmed in 1884 by the construction of the Central Tea Factory in Faceland Estate (Pedro) in Nuwara Elia. As tea production developed, new plants were built on Ceylon and innovative methods of mechanization from England were introduced. Marshall, Sons and Co Gainsborough in Lincolnshire, The Tangyes Machine Company of Birmingham and Davidson and Co. from Belfast have set up new tea factories with equipment, a function they continue to perform to this day. Early planters in Loolecondera tea were increasingly being sold at auction as its popularity grew. The first public auction of Colombo was held on the territory of M/s Somerville and Company Limited on July 30, 1883 under the auspices of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce. A million packets of tea were sold at the World Chicago Fair in 1893. That same year, tea netted a record price of 36.15 pounds per pound at London tea auctions. The Ceylon Tea Merchants Association was established in 1894, and today almost all tea produced in Sri Lanka is produced through this association and the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce. In 1896, Colombo Brokers was formed and in 1915 Thomas Amarasuria became the first Ceylon to be appointed Chairman of the Planters Association. In 1925, the Tea Research Institute was established at Ceylon to conduct research on maximizing yields and production methods. By 1927, the country's tea production had exceeded 100,000 metric tons (110,231 short tons), almost entirely for export. The 1934 law prohibited the export of low-quality tea. The Ceylon Tea Propaganda Council was formed in 1932. In 1938, the Institute of Tea Research began work on vegetative propaganda at the St. Coombs estate in Talawakel, and by 1940 it had developed biological control (the parasitic wasp Macrosentus homonae) to suppress the Chai Tortricks caterpillar, which threatened tea culture. In 1941, the first Ceylon Tea Broking House, M/s Pieris and Abeywardena, was founded, and in 1944 the Ceylon Estate Employers Federation was founded. On October 1, 1951, an export duty on tea was introduced, and in 1955 the first clonal tea fields began to be cultivated. In 1958, the State Plantation Corporation was founded, and on June 1, 1959, Ad Valorem Tax was introduced for tea sold at Colombo auctions. The Kandi tea processing plant displays equipment Dating back to the 1850s, by the 1960s, sri Lanka's total tea production and export exceeded 200,000 metric tons (220,462 short tons) and 200,000 hectares (772 sq m), respectively, and in 1965 Sri Lanka became the world's largest exporter of tea. Instant Teas was introduced in 1963 and the first International Tea Convention was held in 1966 to mark the 100th anniversary of Sri Lanka's tea industry. Between 1971 and 1972, the Sri Lankan government nationalized estates owned by Sri Lankan and British companies, and in 1975 nationalized Rupee and Sterling. Land reform in Sri Lanka meant that no cultivator was allowed to own more than 50 acres (202,343 m2) for any purpose. In 1976, the Tea Council of Sri Lanka was established, as well as other bodies such as the Janata Real Estate Development Council (JEDB), the State Plantation of Sri Lanka (SLSPC) and the Tea Small Holding Development Authority (TSHDA) to oversee the estates thus appropriated by the State. In 1976, the export of tea bags began. In 1980, Sri Lanka was the official supplier of tea at the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow, in 1982 at the 12th Commonwealth Games in Brisbane and again in 1987 at Expo 88 in Australia. In 1981, the country began importing tea for mixing and re-exporting, and in 1982 began producing and exporting green tea. In 1983, the CTC tea method was introduced. In 1992, the industry celebrated its 125th anniversary with an international convention in Colombo. On 21 December 1992, the export duty and ad Valorem tax were abolished, and the Tea Research Council was established for further research into tea production. In 1992-1993, many of the state tea estates that were nationalized in the early 1970s were privatized mainly by Indian conglomerates. The industry suffered heavy losses under state control, and the government decided to return the plantations to private management, selling off the remaining 23 state plantations. By 1996, Sri Lanka's tea production had exceeded 250,000 metric tons (275,578 short tons), and by 2000 had grown to more than 300,000 metric tons (330,693 short tons). In 2001, Forbes and Walker Ltd. launched the country's first online tea sales at Colombo Tea Auctions. The Tea Museum was founded in Kandi and the Sri Lanka Tea Association was established in 2002. According to Plantation Industry Minister Lakshman Kiriella, the Tea Association of Sri Lanka intends to transform the 135-year-old industry into a truly global force and contribute to a greater role for the private sector in the development of strategy, implementation and plantation industries. The association, which works with those who preceded it in Sri Lanka, represents tea producers, traders, exporters, small farmers, private factory owners and brokers, and is financed mainly through the Asian Development Bank. Labour women, directly or indirectly harvesting tea leaves, more than a million Sri Lankans are employed in the tea industry. A large proportion of the labour force was made up of young women and the minimum age of workers was twelve years. As tea plantations grew in Sri Lanka and required a lot of manpower, finding a large workforce was a challenge for planters. The Singai people were reluctant to work on plantations. Indian Tamils were brought to Sri Lanka at the beginning of coffee plantations. Indian Tamil immigration has steadily increased, with 55,000 new immigrants by 1855. By the end of the coffee era there were about 100,000 in Sri Lanka. In 1904, the Ceylon Planters Association established the Ceylon Labour Commission in Tiruhirappalli (formerly Tricinopoli) in India, run by a tea planter named Norman Rowsell. The main purpose of the office was to acquire cheap Tamil labour for Ceylon tea plantations. Girls usually follow their mothers, grandmothers and older sisters on plantations, and women are expected to perform most of their household chores. They live in a dwelling known as lines, a series of linearly attached houses with one or two rooms. This housing system and environmental sanitation tend to be poor for workers in the plantation sector. In one barracks line usually there are rooms from 6 to 12 or 24. Workplaces often have no windows and Ventilation. Between 6 and 11 members of the Church can often live in the same room together. There have been recent attempts to improve living conditions, although much can be desired. According to research by Christian Aid, women workers in Tamil plantations are at particular risk of discrimination and victimization. Plantation workers in Sri Lanka were some concerned about women's rights, with about 85 groups of women in the neighbourhood forming throughout the country to teach them gender, leadership and violence against women. The tea plantation is structured in the social hierarchy, and women, who often make up 75%-85% of the industry's workforce, are at the lowest levels of social strata and powerless. Wages are usually very low. In Nuwara Elia in 2005, women were paid only 7 rupees per kilogram (equivalent to 4 pence, or 7 cents) for collecting at least 16 kg of tea leaves daily, which is the minimum daily average wage of 115 rupees. Men who work on tea plantations usually cut down trees or control machinery. They tend to pay more per day and finish work hours early. Due to the strong low wages, the industrial action took place in 2006. Wages in the tea sector have been increased, with the average daily wage now significantly higher at 378 rupees for men and 261 for women in some places. However, studies have shown that poverty remains a serious problem, and although the tea industry employs a large number of poor people, employment has not been able to reduce poverty, as workers are often uneducated and unskilled. Plantation poverty rates are consistently higher than the national average, and although overall has declined over the past 30 years, it is now concentrated in rural areas. Poverty in the real estate sector is reported to be on the rise, with about one in three suffering from poverty, from 30 per cent in 2002 to 32 per cent in 2006/07. Similarly, Nuwara Elia showed a significant increase in worker poverty from 2002 to 2006/07 from 22.6 per cent in 2002 to 33.8 per cent in 2006/07. Employment is not safe in the tea sector. As in other industries, job security is at risk. In Sri Lanka, more than 50,000 private sector workers are expected to lose their jobs in 2009 due to the recession. In May 2020, Care2 launched a petition claiming that some tea workers in Sri Lanka earn just 10c a day, which is a horrific violation of the human rights of workers who are mostly women that they were largely unprotected during the pandemic that COVID-19 - which can escape due to cramped living conditions - also used as an excuse to shut down the freedom of speech that the police were granted arrest anyone who is critical of the government on social media or elsewhere. In its first week, the petition has gathered more than 30,000 signatures. Cultivation and processing More than 188,175 hectares (727 sq m) or about 4% of the country's territory is covered by tea plantations. The crop is best grown at high altitudes of more than 2,100 m (6,890 feet), and plants require annual rainfall of more than 100-125 cm (39-49 cm). In Sri Lanka, women waiting to pay for their tea bags full of freshly harvested tea leaves grow tea using a contour planting method, where tea bushes are planted in a queue in coordination with the contours of the ground, usually on the slopes. For commercial production, flash or leaf growth on the side branches and stems of the bush are used. Typically, the two top leaves and the tip of the bud, which have the most desired taste and aroma, are expertly plucked, usually by women. Sri Lanka is one of the few countries where each tea leaf is harvested by hand rather than mechanization; If machines have been used, a significant amount of coarse leaves and branches can be mixed in, adding volume but no flavor to the tea. With experience, women acquire the ability to quickly pluck and set a daily target of 15 to 20 kg (33 to 44 pounds) of tea leaves, which will be weighed and then transported to a nearby tea plant. Tea plants in Sri Lanka require constant education and attention. An important part of the process is taking care of soils with regular use of fertilizers. Young plants regularly cut 10-15 cm (4-6 inches) off the ground to stimulate lateral growth and are very often trimmed with a special knife. The tea mills, which house most tea estates in Sri Lanka, are crucial to the final quality and value of the tea produced. After plucking, the tea is very quickly taken to the barn for weighing and control under close supervision, and then the teas are brought to the plant. The tea factory in Sri Lanka is usually a multi-storey building located on a tea estate to minimize the cost and time between plucking and processing tea. Tea leaves are taken on the upper floors of factories where they are spread in gutters, a process known as withering that removes excess weight in the leaf. Once wilted, the tea leaves are rolled, twisted and parted, which serves as a catalyst for the enzymes in the leaves to react with oxygen in the air, especially for the production of black tea. The leaves are folded into round brass or wooden beaten tables and placed in a rotating open cylinder on top. After rolling, the leaf particles are brought to the table, where they begin to oxidize in the surrounding heat and humidity. Controlling temperature, humidity and duration of oxidation requires a lot of attention, and deviation in the process can spoil the final product. As the oxidation continues, the color of the leaf changes from green to bright copper color. Once the oxidation is complete, the fermented sheet is inserted into the fire chamber to denaturate the enzyme, preventing further chemical reactions. The shooting process also promotes taste. Again temperature regulation plays an important role in the final quality of the tea, and at the end the leaves will appear firm and dark. Graded Tea Classification (order by size in Sri Lanka) then occurs as tea particles are sorted into different shapes and sizes, sifting them through the grids. Artificial preservatives are not added at any stage of the production process, and substandard tea, which initially does not meet the standards, is rejected regardless of quantity and cost. Finally, the teas are weighed and packed in tea chests or paper bags, and then carefully examined. The tea is then sent to a local auction and transported to tea brokerage companies. At the export stage, the Sri Lankan Tea Council will test and respond to each batch. The tea is then packaged and shipped around the world. Growing the Plantation areas of the workers Main areas of tea cultivation are Kandi and Nuwara Elia in the Central Province, Badullah, Bandaravela and Haputale in the provinces of Uwa, Galle, Matara and Mulkirigala in the southern province, and Ratnapura and Kegalle in Sabaragamuva province. There are six main growing regions: Nuwara Elia, Dimbula, Kandi, Uda Pusselava, Uwa and the southern province. Nuwara Elia is an oval-shaped plateau at an altitude of 6,240 feet (1,902 m). It is said that Nuvara Elia tea has a unique taste. Dimbula was one of the first areas to be planted in the 1870s. The height of 3,500 to 5,000 feet (1067 to 1,524 m) determines this landing area. The determining factors of taste are the southwest monsoon rain and cold weather from January to March. Eight districts of Dimbula: Hutton/Wild, Bogavantawawa, Uppot/Maskelia, Patana/Kotagala, Nanu Oya/Lindula/Talawakele, Agarapathan, Punduluoya and Rambod. Kandi is famous for medium-sized tea. The first tea plantations were created here. The tea plantations are located at altitudes of 2,000 to 4,000 feet (610 to 1219 m). Pussellawa/Hevaketa and Matale are the two main areas of the region. Hotel Uda Pussellawa is located between Nuwara Elia and Uwa Province. The northwestern monsoons dominate this region. On the plantations near Nuwara-Elia there is a wide selection of pink teas. The two districts are Maturata and Ragala/Halgranoya. Alas teas have a special taste and are widely used for blends. The height of the tea plantations ranges from 3,000 to 5,000 feet (914 to 1,524 m). As a large area, Uwa has a number of neighbourhoods, Malvatte/Velimad, Passara/Lunugala, Madulshima, Ella/Namunukula, Bandaravela/Punagala, Haputale and Kosland/Haldumullah. Low- growth tea mainly comes from southern Sri Lanka. These teas are grown from sea level up to 2,000 feet (610 m), and thrive in fertile soils and warm conditions. These areas are divided into four main areas: Ratnapura/Balangoda, Denia, Matara and Halle. High-growth tea thrives above 1,200m (3,937ft) altitude, warm climate and sloping terrain. Thus, this type is common in the Central Highlands. Medium-growth tea is in the range of 600-1200 m (1,969-3,937 feet) of high-altitude range. Different types of tea are mixed to get the desired taste and color. The province of Uwa, as well as Nuwara Elia, Dimbuala and Dikoya, are medium-sized tea areas. Low-growth tea is stronger and less delicate in taste and is produced in the areas of Halle, Matara and Ratnapur. Registered tea production by elevation Registered tea production in hectares and total square miles by elevation category in Sri Lanka, 1959–2000:[15] Year High altitude hectares Medium altitude hectares Low altitude hectares Total hectares Total square miles 1959 74,581 66,711 46,101 187,393 723.5 1960 79,586 69,482 48,113 197,181 761.3 1961 76,557 97,521 63,644 237,722 917.8 1962 76,707 97,857 64,661 239,225 923.7 1963 76,157 95,691 65,862 237,710 917.8 1964 81,538 92,281 65,759 239,578 925.0 1965 87,345 92,806 60,365 240,516 928.6 1966 87,514 93,305 60,563 241,382 932.0 1967 87,520 93,872 60,945 242,337 935.7 1968 81,144 99,359 61,292 241,795 933.6 1969 81,092 98,675 61,616 241,383 932.0 1970 77,549 98,624 65,625 241,798 933.6 1971 77,936 98,624 65,625 242,185 935.1 Year High altitude hectares Medium altitude hectares Low altitude hectares Total hectares Total square miles 1972 77,639 98,252 65,968 241,859 933.8 1973 77,793 98,165 66,343 242,301 935.5 1974 77,693 97,875 66,622 242,190 935.1 1975 79,337 98,446 64,099 241,882 933.9 1976 79,877 94,338 66,363 240,578 928.9 1977 79,653 94,835 67,523 242,011 934.4 1978 79,628 95,591 68,023 243,242 939.2 1979 78,614 97,084 68,401 244,099 942.5 1980 78,786 96,950 68,969 244,705 944.8 1981 78,621 96,853 69,444 244,918 945.6 1982 77,769 96,644 67,728 242,141 934.9 1983 71,959 90,272 67,834 230,065 888.3 1984 74,157 90,203 63,514 227,874 879.8 Year High altitude hectares Medium altitude hectares Low altitude hectares Total hectares Total square miles 1985 74,706 89,175 67,769 231,650 894.4 1986 73,206 85,216 64,483 222,905 860.6 1987 72,773 84,445 64,280 221,498 855.2 1988 72,901 84,227 64,555 221,683 855.9 1989 73,110 84,062 64,938 222,110 857.6 1990 73,138 83,223 65,397 221,758 856.2 1991 73,331 82,467 65,893 221,691 856.0 1992 74,141 85,510 62,185 221,836 856.5 1994 51,443 56,155 79,711 187,309 723.2 1995 51,443 56,155 79,711 187,309 723.2 1996 52,272 56,863 79,836 188,971 729.6 1997 51,444 58,155 79,711 730.9 730.9 51 444 58 155 79 711 189 310 730.9 2000 52 272 56 863 79 836 188 971 729.6 Infrastructure Railways Emergence in Sri Lanka transported tea directly to ports for export After the introduction of tea, The Sri Lankan economy had evolved from a traditional economy into a plantation economy. In the days of the Kandian kingdom, politicians do not build roads for reasons of strategic defense. Therefore, when the plantations began, there was very little infrastructure in the hilly country. The transport of products to the port of Colombo is a serious problem. The Government of Sri Lanka has therefore implemented a large-scale programme to develop roads, railways and cities in plantation areas. Governor Sir Edward Barnes initiated the construction of roads. During his reign, Captain Dawson, Major Skinner and other members of the Public Works Department completed the construction of the Colombo-Kandy Road. The truck carrying tea from the estate's roads was enough to solve the transport problem. Finding enough carts was difficult, and it was a slow environment. The Ceylon Planters Association was founded in 1854 to protest against the government's cuts to motorway spending. This association lobbied the government to build and maintain roads. Although construction of the first railway line began in 1858, the line did not open until 1865 due to these protests. The railway was originally known as the Ceylon Government Railways. The main line was built from Colombo to Ambapus, 54 km (34 miles) to the east. The railway was originally built to transport coffee and tea from the hilly country to Colombo for export. For many years, the transport of such goods has been the main source of income on the line. The first train was on December 27, 1864. The line was officially opened to traffic on October 2, 1865. The main line was expanded in stages with the service of Kandi in 1867, in Nawalapitia in 1874, in Nanu Oya in 1885, in Bandaravela in 1894 and in Badull in 1924. Other lines were completed in due course to link the country: the Matala line in 1880, the coastline in 1895, the Northern Line in 1905, the Mannar line in 1914, the Kelani Valley line in 1919, the Puttalam line in 1926 and the Batticaloa and Trincomali lines in 1928. Railway lines have contributed to the development of the country, which has not developed so far. Today, instead of transporting tea to ports, the railways mainly carry passengers, especially passengers to and from Colombo. Ceylon black tea products Ceylon black tea is one of the country's specialties. It has a crunchy citrus flavor and is used both unmixed and blended. It is grown on numerous estates, which vary in height and taste. Ceylon green tea Ceylon green tea Ceylon green tea mostly Assam tea broth. It is grown in Idalgashinna in the Uw province. Ceylon green tea tends to have a fuller body body more spicy, rather malty, nutty taste, characteristic of tea, originating from the stocks of Assamese seeds. The names of the tea variety of most Ceylon green teas reflect the traditional Chinese range of green tea, such as densely rolled powder tea, or more open teas with Chinese names such as Chun me. In general, green teas from Sri Lanka have their own features at this time - they tend to darken both in dry and infused leaf, and their taste is richer. As market preferences changed, Ceylon green tea producers began to use more of the original Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese and Brazilian seed base, which produces a very light and sparkling bright yellow color and a more subtle, sweet taste that most of the world market associates with green teas. Currently, Sri Lanka remains a very small producer of green tea and its green tea, as in India and Kenya, remain an acquired flavor. Most of the green tea produced in Sri Lanka is exported to North Africa and the Middle East markets. Ceylon Silver's Ceylon White Tea Tip Tea Ceylon White Tea, also known as Silver Tips is highly prized, and the prices per kilogram are significantly higher than other teas. The tea was first grown in Nuwara Elia near Adam's Peak between 2200-2500 meters (7,218-8,202 feet). Tea is grown, harvested and folded by hand with dried and dried leaves in the sun. It has a thin, very light liqueur with notes of pine and honey and a golden copper infusion. Virgin White Tea is also grown at the Handunugoda tea estate near Halle in southern Sri Lanka. The international market and price of the Tea Plantation near Nuwara Elia in the mid-height area of the Tea Plantation near Haputale in the high-altitude tea picker district of Sri Lanka Sri Lankan tea continued to have international success in the 2000s (decade). In 2001, despite falling tea prices in all major tea-exporting countries and increasing competition, Sri Lanka maintained its position as the world's leading tea exporter, selling a record 294 million kilograms (648.16 million pounds) in 2001, compared with 288 million kilograms (634.93 million pounds) in 2000. Global tea production in 2001 increased by 3.7% to 3.022 million tonnes (3.331 million short tonnes), but in Sri Lanka tea exports rose to a record $658 million from $595 million a year earlier. However, Sri Lanka, as the world's largest exporter of tea, is now well behind India and China in terms of output. In 2003, the Sri Lankan government sought to protect the country's tea industry worth about $700 million during the Iraq War in 2003. The war in Iraq caused panic, especially among small tea producers in Sri Lanka (69% of the production), which demanded that the government bail them out. buys up to 15% of Sri Lankan tea, and a third of this tea will enter the country illegally illegally small boats from Dubai as well as to neighboring countries such as Iran. Exporters called on the Government to help them with concessional bank loans, and some tea factory owners in Sri Lanka demanded a moratorium on electricity payments. Prices fell in Colombo as a result of the crisis. Plantation Minister Lakshman Kiriella replied that tea promoters will receive diplomatic messages on Sri Lankan missions abroad to give an additional boost to the island's green gold. $15 million was allocated to promote Sri Lankan brands in international markets during the Iraq War. Later, in 2003, the island experienced severe flooding in Sri Lanka's lower tea areas. However, production continued to increase slightly by 1.3 per cent to 309,000 tonnes (340,614 short tonnes) in 2004, when the harvest recovered. Kenya overtook Sri Lanka as the largest exporter of tea with an 8.9 percent increase in exports for the year totaling almost 293,000 tons (322,977 short tons). In 2004, the actual production of tea in Kenya increased by more than 11 per cent to 328,000 tons (361,558 short tons) as a result of a good harvest season, wealth and improved processing capacity. Sri Lanka's tea industry continued to grow in 2007 and 2008. Tea production reached a record 318.47 million kilograms (702.1 million pounds) in 2008, in addition to the 305.2 million kilograms (672.9 million pounds) produced in 2007. In 2008, export revenue fell to a record $1.23 billion for the full year at a cost of $1.02 billion in 2007. However, the industry, like many others around the world, suffered from the global financial crisis in 2008 and beyond. In March 2009, the Sri Lanka Tea Council reported that in January 2009, sales abroad fell by 30 percent. The decline in tea production was felt not only by Sri Lanka, but also by all major tea-producing countries. Total tea exports fell 25 percent to 17.76 million pounds (39.2 million pounds), while tea sales fell to 6.9 billion rupees ($61.37 million) in January, down from 9.8 billion rupees in the same period a year earlier. Prices collapsed to an average of $2.65 per kilogram ($1.20/pound) from record highs of $4.26 per kilogram ($1.93/lb) that were between January and September 2008. Drought was also one of the factors contributing to the 2009 crisis in Sri Lanka, as was the case in India. Sri Lanka's industry suffered the most, although with a drop of 8.7 million kg (19.2 million pounds) produced in January 2009. Sri Lanka's main tea destination The most important foreign markets for Sri Lankan tea are the countries of the former Soviet CIS bloc, the United Arab Emirates, Russia, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Great Britain, Egypt, Libya and Japan. The most important foreign markets for Sri Lankan tea in terms of millions of kilograms and millions of pounds imported. Figures were recorded in 2000: 15 bags of tea ready to ship Total Exports Country Million Kilograms Million Pounds Percentage of the total number of CIS countries 57.6 127.0 20 UAE 48.1 106.0 16.7 Russia 16.7 46.1 101.6 16.01 Syria 21.5 47.4 7.47 Turkey 20.3 44.8 7.05 Iran 12.5 27.6 27.6 27 6 6 4.34 Saudi Arabia 11.4 25.1 3.96 Iraq 11.1 24.5 3.85 UK 10.2 22.5 3.54 Egypt 10.2 1 22 .3 3.51 Libya 10.0 22.0 3.47 Japan 8.3 18.3 2.88 Germany 5.0 11.0 1.74 Other 23.7 52.2 8.23 Total 288 634.9 100 Branding and classification of Ceylon tea is divided into three groups: High or Upcountry (Udarata), Middle Country (Medarata), and Low Country (Pahatha rata) tea based on the geography of the land on which it is grown. Tea produced in Sri Lanka is carried on packages of Lion Logo, indicating that the tea was produced in Sri Lanka. The use of the Lion logo is closely monitored by the Tea Council of Sri Lanka, which is the governing body of sri Lanka's tea industry. If a tea producer wishes to use the Lion logo on the packaging, it must apply for permission from the tea board, which performs a rigorous verification procedure that allows the manufacturer to use the logo along with the slogan Clean Ceylon tea packed in Sri Lanka on the tea packaging. The gradation names used in Sri Lanka to classify his teas are by no means an indicator of its quality, but indicate its size and appearance. Basically, there are two categories. They are Leaf classes and less broken classes. The varieties of leaves belong to the size and appearance of tea, which were produced during the colonial era of Sri Lanka (which are still in use), and the other refers to the modern style of tea and appearance. Find the full list of Premium Ceylon tea exporters in Sri Lanka Export Council Exporting Catalog of Institutions and Research Kandi Tea Museum Ceylon Tea Museum Sri Lanka Tea Council opened the Tea Museum in Hantana, Kandy in 2001. Although exhibits are not plentiful they provide valuable insight into how the tea was made in the early days. The old technique, some of which were created more than a century ago, has been lovingly restored to working order. The first exhibition that welcomes visitors is the Ruston and Hornsby diesel engine, as well as other liquid fuel engines located in the engine room on the ground floor of the museum. Food for tea estates was also received by water turbines. The Rolling Room Museum offers a look at the development of production technologies, with its collection of rollers. Here is a handmade exhibit of a little giant tea roller. Tea Research Institute Tea Research Ordinance was passed by Parliament in 1925 and the Tea Research Institute was founded. It is currently the only national body in the country that creates and distributes new new and technologies related to the processing and cultivation of tea. Since the early 1970s, two researchers from the National Dental Research Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, have conducted a series of research projects in which they have organized a longitudinal research team of large numbers of Tamil tea workers who worked at Dunsinane and Harrow Tea Estates, 80 kilometers (50 miles) from Kandy. This landmark study was made possible because the population of tea workers is known to have never used any conventional oral hygiene measures, thereby providing some insight into the natural history of periodontal disease in humans. Among the international organizations that operate in Sri Lanka are the Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade, Certified and Ethical Tea Partnership. The Association of Small Organic Farmers (SOFA) is a local organic farming organization. See also Dilma James Taylor (Ceylon) George Steuart Group (Steuarts Tea, 1835 Steuarts Ceylon) Loolecondera Thomas Lipton Handunugoda Tea Estate Orange Field Tea Factory Links - Sri Lanka Export Development Council, 2014, Industry Opportunity Report: Tea Sector, Archive 2015-09-24 at Wayback Machine - Central Bank of Sri Lanka, 2014, Annual Report, Archive 2015-08-03 at Wayback Way Machine - TED Case Studies - Ceylon Tea. American University, Washington, D.C. Archive from the original 2015-02-23. Received 2013-11-27. Sri Lanka is leading tea sales. Bbc. 1 February 2002. Archive from the original on May 3, 2008. Received on April 28, 2008. Tea tour of Sri Lanka. Tea Association usa. August 11-17, 2003. Archive from the original 2011-04-17. Received 2008-04-05. The role of tea in the development of Sri Lanka. The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for the Asia-Pacific Region. Archive from the original 2008-10-06. Help in Sri Lanka's tea industry in south Asia. BBC News. 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March 17, 2009. Archive from the original on May 4, 2009. Received on April 25, 2009. - b c d e f g h Tea production process. Ceylon Black Tea. Archive from the original on February 18, 2009. Received on April 25, 2009. Tea areas. pureceylontea.com. Sri Lanka Tea Council. Archive from the original 2009-05-06. Received 2009-04-23. a b c d e f Tea growing areas in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Black Tea. Archive from the original on April 11, 2009. Received on April 25, 2009. Abhaywardhana, H.A.P. (2004). Kandurata Of The Rule (in Sinhal). Sri Lanka Central Bank. page 140. ISBN 978-955-575-092-9. The great roadman is arriving. sundaytimes.lk.The Sunday Times. January 14, 2007. Archive from the original on September 18, 2010. Received 2009-04-23. a b Rajapaksa, Sirisena (2001). Sri Lankan Dumria Gamangamanaya (in Sinhal) (1st place). Author of the Publication. page 25. ISBN 955-97395-0-6. Ratnasinghe, Aryadasa (January 3, 1999). A historic journey in 1864. The Sunday Times. Archive from the original on May 9, 2008. Received 2009-04-23. a b c Sri Lanka is leading the sale of tea. Bbc. 1 February 2002. Archive from the original on May 2, 2004. Received on April 25, 2009. - b c d e f Sri Lanka is moving towards protecting the tea industry. Bbc. 19 February 2003. Received on April 24, 2009. b c d World tea production reaches new highs. Food and agriculture organization. July 14, 2005. Archive from the original on April 28, 2018. Received on April 25, 2009. a b c d e f Food for Srilanka. Ahrafid (Sri Lanka). December 12, 2018. Archive from the original on December 15, 2018. Received on December 12, 2018. Date December 2018 bot-medic - b c Dry spell affects the world production of tea. India's economic times. March 30, 2009. Archive from the original on April 2, 2009. Received on April 25, 2009. Lion logo. Sri Lankan teaboard. Archive from the original on April 27, 2009. Received on April 21, 2009. Foreign importers/packers are not allowed to use the Lion logo on their tea packs, even if the packages contain pure Ceylon tea. Pure Ceylon tea. Sri Lankan teaboard. Archive from the original on April 27, 2009. Received on April 21, 2009. Who We Archive 2017-04-27 at Wayback Machine, Tea Research Institute - Sri Lanka, Extracted April 2017 - Le, H, et al. Natural History of Periodontal Diseases in Humans. J Wedge Perio 1986;13:431-440. Further reading by George Thornton Pett (1899). Directory teamaker. Time Ceylon Steam Press, Colombo. External External There is a media in the Commons related to tea plantations in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka's official Tea Council website Introduction about Ceylon Tea Taylor, Lipton and the birth of Ceylon tea are extracted from tea cultivation in sri lanka sinhala pdf

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